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Program Fechas Detalles sobre el programa Costo Estado Website

EXPLO Pre-College for Rising Grades 10-

Session 1: June 25 – July
EXPLO Pre-College 12. Tiene clases ingenieria, business, $7,350 Massachusetts https://explo.org/pre-college-program
psicologia y musica. Y deportes y clubes.

Pre-College Program. High School Honors.

Academic Immersion (AIM). Summer
Dependiendo el
Explore two subjects of your choice and
Depende del programa- programa alrededor
experience college life
Boston University Los mismos fluctuan de $8,056 Massachusetts https://www.bu.edu/summer/files/2022/01/2022-Pre-College-Programs-Brochure.
Focus intensively on psychology, medicine,
entre 2 a 6 semanas inclueyendo room
or creative writing, while living on a college
and board y comidas
& High School Honors Online. Research in
Science & Engineering (RISE)

Sunday, June 25 to
Friday, July 7, 2023 OR Pre-College Leadership Program. Programa 3 weeks $7,038. 4
Brown University Providence, Rhode Island https://precollege.brown.edu/programs/leadership-institute
Sunday, July 16 to altamentente competitivo. weeks $8,011
Friday, July 28, 2023

5-week Programs June

25 - July 28, 2023
4-week Programs June
25 – July 21, 2023 Fluctua entre
2-week Programs - $10,000 y $11,000.
Choate Rosemary Summer Program (boarding school) Wallingford, CT https://www.choate.edu/summer/
Session I June 25 - July Dependiendo del
7, 2023 programa.
2-week Programs -
Session II July 9 - July
21, 2023

Cornell University no
va a tener summer
Cornell University https://sce.cornell.edu/precollege
program presencial en
el 2023 pero si online.

Summer High School: College Prep &
Session I Begins May 22 $6950 pero depende
Georgetown University Summer College - No hay ingenieria ni Washington, DC https://summer.gwu.edu/summer-2023-dates
SUMMER SESSIONS del programa
Session II Begins Jul. 3

Accelerate Pre-College Programs are

designed for talented high school students in
Depende del programa the U.S. and around the world who want to
Northeastern University unos son mas largos que give themselves an edge. Innovative $6495 (aprox) Massachusetts https://precollegeprograms.northeastern.edu/faq/
otros. programs led by Northeastern’s
internationally acclaimed faculty. Tiene
ingenieria y entrepreneurship


Phillips Exeter Academy July 3 – Aug 4, 2023 boarding school asi que hay mucho college $9,957 New Hampshire https://www.exeter.edu/exeter-summer
prep, y clases generales)

1-week Session: Sunday,

July 16 – Friday, July 21,
2-week Session I:
Sunday, July 2 – Friday,
July 14, 2023
2-week Session II:
Sunday, July 16 – Friday,
July 28, 2023
2-week Session III: Fluctua entre 3
Summer College – On Campus (hay
Syracuse University Sunday, July 30 – Friday, semanas $5,785 y 6 New York https://precollege.syr.edu/programs-courses/summer-college-residential/summer-c
ingenieria, business y psicologia)
Aug. 11, 2023 semanas $10,280
3-week Session: Sunday,
July 16 – Friday, Aug. 4,
4-week Session: Sunday,
July 2 – Friday, July 28,
6-week Session: Sunday,
July 2 – Friday, Aug. 11,

Five-Week Programs-
Taft School Liberal Studies (hay de todo un poco) $9,100 Connecticut https://www.taftschool.org/summer/apply/request-information
June 24 -July 28

Depende el
programa. Por
Pre-College Programs offer ambitious high ejemplo el de
school students the opportunity to learn ingenieria son
Dependiendo el
from renowned faculty and experience a $5,500 Session 1: https://universitycollege.tufts.edu/high-school?
Tufts Univesity programa fluctuan entre Massachusetts
rigorous academic environment at a leading July 9 - July 21, utm_medium=301&utm_source=precollege.tufts.edu
junio y julio
higher education institution. Tiene business, 2023
engineering and social sciences.
Session 2: July 23 -
August 4, 2023

Tengo entendido que a los nenes no le interesa Northwestern pero me avisan si quieren que busque la informacion.

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