Forensic Anthropology

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Forensic Anthropology

Forensic anthropology is a field of study that examines human skeletal

remains in order to provide information about the deceased. This information
can be used by law enforcement to solve crimes and by researchers to
understand more about the past.

by Tina Sharma
The History of Forensic Anthropology
The Castle of the Dead The Father of American Forensic
In the early 1800s, soldiers in Sangatte, France
discovered a mass grave consisting of mutilated In the early 20th century, Harvard professor
soldiers from the Napoleonic Wars. The Earnest Hooton became the first North
examination of these remains by medical American to specialize in forensic anthropology.
professionals is considered one of the earliest Hooton's research helped establish the field in
examples of forensic anthropology. the United States and was used to identify
remains from the Nuremberg Trials.

Modern Advancements

Advances in DNA and computer technology have allowed researchers to examine human remains in new
ways and have led to important breakthroughs in forensic anthropology.
The Role of Forensic Anthropologists

1 Assist in Criminal Investigations

Forensic anthropologists play an important role in criminal investigations by providing

information about the deceased, such as the manner and cause of death. They may also be
called upon to identify human remains.

2 Provide Expert Testimony

Forensic anthropologists are often asked to provide expert testimony in court cases,
particularly those involving unidentified human remains. They may also be called upon to
help identify the remains of missing persons.

3 Educate Law Enforcement

Forensic anthropologists may provide training to law enforcement personnel on how to

handle and properly document human remains found at crime scenes.
Methods Used for Studying Human Bones

Visual Examination X-rays and CT Scans

Forensic anthropologists use visual examination to X-rays and CT scans can give forensic
identify any features on a bone that may provide anthropologists a closer look at the internal
information about the deceased. structure of a bone and any injuries that may be

Microscopic Examination

Microscopic examination can reveal details about the

structure of a bone and any microscopic injuries.
Determining Age, Sex, and Ancestry of
Human Bones
Age Sex Ancestry
Forensic anthropologists use a Forensic anthropologists look at Forensic anthropologists can
variety of methods to a number of factors to sometimes determine the
determine the age of human determine the sex of human ancestry of human remains by
remains, including analyzing remains, including differences in analyzing skeletal features that
dental development, examining the pelvis, skull, and teeth. differ between different
the skull, and analyzing bone populations.
Solving Crimes With Forensic
The Missing Women of Juarez

Forensic anthropologists have been involved in

the investigation of the disappearance of
hundreds of women in Juarez, Mexico. By
examining skeletal remains found in the desert,
they have been able to identify some of the
victims and provide clues to what happened to

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Leanne Tiernan 9/11

Forensic anthropology played a crucial role in Following the terrorist attacks of 9/11, forensic
solving the murder of British teenager Leanne anthropologists were involved in the
Tiernan. Her remains were found dismembered identification of remains found in the debris of
in a shallow grave, but forensic anthropologists the World Trade Center, as well as the
were able to identify the remains and provide identification of passengers on the hijacked
evidence that led to a conviction. planes.
Ethical Considerations in
Forensic Anthropology
1 Respect for the Dead 2 Consent and Privacy

Forensic anthropologists Forensic anthropologists

need to balance the need for must obtain informed
scientific knowledge with consent from those
respect for the dignity of the providing biological samples
deceased. They must handle for genetic analysis. They
human remains with must also take appropriate
sensitivity and ensure that measures to protect the
their work is conducted in an privacy of individuals whose
ethical manner. biological data they are

3 Collaboration and Transparency

Forensic anthropologists should collaborate with other professionals

in a transparent and open manner. They should also be willing to
share their findings and data with others in the field.

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