Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning For CFD: October 2022

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning For CFD

Technical Report · October 2022

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Ideen Sadrehaghighi
CFD Open Series


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CFD Open Series / Patch 2.60

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
and Deep Learning For CFD

Edited & Adapted by: Ideen Sadrehaghighi






1 Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in CFD ........................................................ 11

1.1 Background............................................................................................................................................................ 11
1.2 Machine Learning................................................................................................................................................ 11
1.2.1 Creating Your First Machine Learning Model (Apples & Oranges) .................................... 13 Supervised Learning ................................................................................................ 13
1.2.2 Collect Training Data ......................................................................................................... 13
1.2.3 Training the Classifier ........................................................................................................ 14
1.2.4 Make Predictions ............................................................................................................... 14
1.2.5 Warming Up: Quadratic Equation ..................................................................................... 15
1.3 Difference Between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning ................................................. 16
1.4 Deep Learning ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
1.5 Types of Problems and Tasks......................................................................................................................... 18
1.5.1 Supervised Learning........................................................................................................... 18
1.5.2 Unsupervised Learning ...................................................................................................... 18
1.5.3 Reinforcement Learning .................................................................................................... 18
1.6 List of Common Machine Learning Algorithms ...................................................................................... 19
1.6.1 Linear Regression............................................................................................................... 19
1.6.2 Logistic Regression ............................................................................................................ 20
1.6.3 Decision Tree ..................................................................................................................... 20
1.7 Machine Learning & Fluid Dynamics .......................................................................................................... 21
1.7.1 Motivation and Objectives ................................................................................................ 21
1.7.2 Accelerating the Poisson Equation .................................................................................... 22

1.7.3 References ......................................................................................................................... 22

1.7.4 Case Study - Applying Machine Learning to Study Fluid Mechanics ................................. 23 Abstract ................................................................................................................... 23 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 23 Physics Informed Machine Learning for Fluid Mechanics ....................................... 24 The Problem ....................................................................................................... 25 The Data ............................................................................................................. 26 The Architecture ................................................................................................. 27 The Loss Function ............................................................................................... 28 The Optimization Algorithm ............................................................................... 29 Parting Thoughts ..................................................................................................... 30 References ............................................................................................................... 31
1.8 Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) and Turbulence Issues ............................................................ 37
1.8.1 References ......................................................................................................................... 38
1.9 Design and Optimization Issue ...................................................................................................................... 39
1.9.1 Accomplishments .............................................................................................................. 39

2 Artificial Neutral Networks (ANNs) .................................................................................... 41

2.1 Preliminaries......................................................................................................................................................... 41
2.2 Types of Neutral Networks ............................................................................................................................. 42
2.2.1 Perceptron ......................................................................................................................... 42
2.2.2 Feed Forward Network ...................................................................................................... 42
2.2.3 Multi-Layer Perceptron ..................................................................................................... 42
2.2.4 Radial Basis Networks........................................................................................................ 42
2.2.5 Convolutional Neural Networks ........................................................................................ 43
2.2.6 Recurrent Neural Networks ............................................................................................... 44
2.2.7 Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINN) ....................................................................... 44
2.2.8 Case Study - Prediction & Comparison of the Maximal Wall Shear Stress (MWSS) for
Carotid Artery Bifurcation................................................................................................................. 45
2.3 Machine Learning & Fluid Dynamics .......................................................................................................... 46
2.4 Field Inversion and Machine Learning in Support of Data Driven Environment ..................... 46
2.5 Kernel of the Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) .................................................................................. 46
2.5.1 The POD as Linear Artificial Neural Network (LANN) ........................................................ 47 POD and Nonlinear ANN.......................................................................................... 48
2.6 Overview of ANNs in Turbulence Applications ...................................................................................... 49
2.7 The Future of ANNs for Fluids Modelling ................................................................................................. 50

3 Case Studies for Artificial Neutral Networks (ANN) & Physics Informed Neutral
Network (PINN) ................................................................................................................................... 52
3.1 Case Study 1 - 2D High-Lift Aerodynamic Optimization using Neural Networks ................... 52
3.1.1 Discussion and Background ............................................................................................... 52
3.1.2 Agile AI-Enhanced Design Process ..................................................................................... 54
3.1.3 Summary ............................................................................................................................ 55
3.1.4 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 56
3.2 Case Study 2 - Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) Trained Through Deep Reinforcement
Learning Discover Control Strategies For Active Flow Control ................................................................... 57
3.2.1 Introduction and Literature Survey ................................................................................... 57

3.2.2 Simulation Environment .................................................................................................... 59

3.2.3 Network and Reinforcement Learning Framework ........................................................... 62
3.2.4 Results for Drag Reduction Through Active Flow Control ................................................. 64
3.2.5 Analysis of the Control Strategy Results ............................................................................ 66
3.2.6 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 67
3.3 Case Study 3 - Solving Partial Differential Equations by a Supervised Learning Technique,
Applied for the Reaction–Diffusion Equation ...................................................................................................... 69
3.3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 69
3.3.2 Related Work and Literature Survey ................................................................................. 69
3.3.3 Physics ............................................................................................................................... 70 Reaction–Diffusion Equation ................................................................................... 70 Analytical Solution ................................................................................................... 71 Finite Difference Method ........................................................................................ 72 Deep Learning Solver............................................................................................... 72 Deep Learning Architecture .................................................................................... 73 Kernel ...................................................................................................................... 73
3.3.4 Results ............................................................................................................................... 74
3.3.5 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 76
3.3.6 References ......................................................................................................................... 78
3.4 Case Study 4 – Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) for Fluid Mechanics: A Review
3.4.1 Abstract ............................................................................................................................. 80
3.4.2 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 80
3.4.3 PINN ................................................................................................................................... 81 PINNs: Basic Concepts ............................................................................................. 81 Recent Advances of PINNs ...................................................................................... 83
3.4.4 Case Study for 3D Incompressible Flows ........................................................................... 83 Problem Setup ......................................................................................................... 84 Implementation of PINNs ........................................................................................ 85 Inference Results ..................................................................................................... 86
3.4.5 Case Study for Compressible Flows................................................................................ 87 Problem Setup ......................................................................................................... 88 Inference Results ..................................................................................................... 89
3.4.6 Case Study for Biomedical Flows ....................................................................................... 90 PINNs ....................................................................................................................... 90 Problem Setup ......................................................................................................... 91 Inference Results ..................................................................................................... 92
3.4.7 Summary ............................................................................................................................ 92
3.4.8 References ......................................................................................................................... 93
3.5 Case Study 5 - Physics Informed Machine Learning (PINN) - A Review ..................................... 96
3.5.1 How to Embed Physics in ML ........................................................................................... 100 Observational Biases ............................................................................................. 100 Inductive Biases ..................................................................................................... 100 Learning Bias.......................................................................................................... 102
3.5.2 Hybrid Approaches .......................................................................................................... 104
3.5.3 Connections to Kernel Methods ...................................................................................... 105
3.5.4 Connections to Classical Numerical Methods ................................................................. 105
3.5.5 Merits of Physics Informed Learning ............................................................................... 106

3.5.6 Incomplete Models and Imperfect Data ......................................................................... 106

3.5.7 Strong Generalization in Small Data Regime ................................................................... 106
3.5.8 Understanding Deep Learning ......................................................................................... 106
3.5.9 Tackling High Dimensionality........................................................................................... 107
3.5.10 Uncertainty Quantification .............................................................................................. 107
3.5.11 Applications Highlights .................................................................................................... 108
3.5.12 Some Examples ................................................................................................................ 108 Flow Over an Espresso Cup ................................................................................... 108 Physics Informed Deep Learning for 4D Flow MRI ................................................ 108 Uncovering Edge Plasma Dynamics Via Deep Learning From Partial Observations
110 Studying Transitions Between Metastable States of a Distribution...................... 110 Thermodynamically Consistent PINNs .................................................................. 111 Application to Quantum Chemistry....................................................................... 111 Application to Material Sciences ........................................................................... 112 Application to Molecular Simulations ................................................................... 112 Application to Geophysics. .................................................................................... 113
3.5.13 Software .......................................................................................................................... 113 Which Model, Framework, Algorithm To Use? ..................................................... 114
3.5.14 Current Limitations .......................................................................................................... 115 Multiscale and Multi-Physics Problems................................................................. 115
3.5.15 New Algorithms and Computational Frameworks .......................................................... 115
3.5.16 Data Generation & Benchmarks ...................................................................................... 116
3.5.17 New Mathematics ........................................................................................................... 116
3.5.18 Outlook ............................................................................................................................ 117
3.5.19 Future Directions ............................................................................................................. 118 Digital Twins .......................................................................................................... 118 Data and Model Transformations, Fusion And Interpretability ............................ 118 Searching For Intrinsic Variables And Emergent, Useful Representations ........... 119
3.5.20 References ....................................................................................................................... 119
3.6 Case Study 6 - Classification of Machine Learning (ML) Frameworks for Data-Driven
Thermal Fluid Models ................................................................................................................................................. 130
3.6.1 Machine Learning (ML) for Thermal Fluid Simulation ..................................................... 130
3.6.2 Thermal Fluid Data .......................................................................................................... 131
3.6.3 Machine Learning Frameworks for Data-Driven Thermal Fluid Models ......................... 132
3.6.4 Criteria for Classifying ML Frameworks for Thermal Fluid Simulation ............................ 132 Criterion 1- Is PDE Involved in Thermal Fluid Simulation? .................................... 133 Criterion 2 - Is the Form of PDEs Given? ............................................................... 133 Criterion 3 - Is the PDE Involved in the Training of Closure Relations?................. 133 Criterion 4 - Is a Scale Separation Assumption Required for the Model
Development? ........................................................................................................................... 133 Type-I : Physics-Separated Machine Learning (PSML) .......................................... 133 Element 1.......................................................................................................... 134 Element 2.......................................................................................................... 134 Element 3.......................................................................................................... 134 Element 4.......................................................................................................... 134 Element 5.......................................................................................................... 135 Element 6.......................................................................................................... 135
6 Element 7.......................................................................................................... 135 Type-II: Physics-Evaluated Machine Learning (PEML) .......................................... 135 Type III - Physics-Integrated Machine Learning (PIML) ......................................... 136 Type IV - Physics-Recovered Machine Learning (PRML) ....................................... 136 Type V - Physics-Discovered Machine Learning (PDML) ....................................... 136 Knowledge and Data Requirements for ML Frameworks in Thermal Fluid
Simulation 136 Case Study 1.1 - Heat Conduction Investigation by Type I ML Framework .......... 138 Problem Formulation ....................................................................................... 138 Manufacturing IET Data.................................................................................... 139 Manufacturing SET Data ................................................................................... 139 Implementation of the Heat Conduction by Type I ML Frameworks .............. 140 CNN-Based Thermal Conductivity Model ......................................................... 140 Closing Remarks ............................................................................................... 141
3.7 Case Study 7 - On Deep-learning-based Geometric Filtering in Aerodynamic Shape
Optimization ................................................................................................................................................................... 143
3.7.1 I. Introduction & Literature Survey.................................................................................. 143
3.7.2 II. Deep-learning-based Geometric ................................................................................. 144 Filtering A. Wasserstein GAN for Airfoils............................................................... 144 B. Geometric Filtering Model ................................................................................ 146
3.7.3 III. Aerodynamic Shape Design Optimization .................................................................. 148 A. Gradient-based Optimization Framework ........................................................ 148 B. Airfoil Shape Design Optimization..................................................................... 149 C. Aircraft Wing Shape Design Optimization ......................................................... 152
3.7.4 IV. Applications of Deep-learning-based Geometric Filtering ......................................... 155 A. Geometric validity constraint in aerodynamic shape optimization .................. 155 B. Geometric dimension reduction for aerodynamic modeling ............................ 157
3.7.5 V. Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 158
3.7.6 VI. Bibliography................................................................................................................ 160 References ............................................................................................................. 160

List of Tables
Table 1.2.1 Data Considered ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Table 2.2.1 Results of Different Methods ................................................................................................................ 45
Table 3.3.1 Accuracy Analyze Based On Changing Coefficients ..................................................................... 76
Table 3.4.1 Case study of PINNs for incompressible flows: details of the 2D2C observation ........... 85
Table 3.5.1 Major software libraries specifically designed for physics- informed ............................. 113
Table 3.6.1 Criteria for the ML Framework Classification - (Courtesy of Chang & Dinh) ................ 133
Table 3.6.2 Parameter Sets for the Thermal Conductivity Model - (Courtesy of Chang & Dinh) .. 138
Table 3.6.3 Summary of IET Training and Validating Data Sets - (Courtesy of Chang & Dinh) ..... 139
Table 3.6.4 Summary of SET Training Datasets - (Courtesy of Chang & Dinh) .................................... 140
Table 3.7.1 Bounds of key parameters of flight missions considered ...................................................... 149
Table 3.7.2 Airfoil shape design optimization problem statement ........................................................... 149

List of Figures
Figure 1.1.1 Scope of Artificial Intelligence - Courtesy of Hackerearth Blog............................................ 11
Figure 1.2.1 Research in artificial intelligence (AI) Source: [1] ..................................................................... 12
Figure 1.2.2 Machine Learning Programming ....................................................................................................... 13

Figure 1.2.3 Decision Tree Classifier ......................................................................................................................... 14

Figure 1.4.1 Schematics of AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning........................................................ 17
Figure 1.5.1 A Learning Machine Uses Inputs From a Sample Generator and Observations from a
System to Generate an Approximation of its Output (Credit: Cherkassky & Mulier (2007)) ................ 18
Figure 1.6.1 Linear Regression .................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 1.6.2 Decision Tree ............................................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 1.7.1 Schematic of the five stages of machine learning on an example of reduced-order
modeling. In this case, the goal is to learn a low dimensional coordinate system z = f1(x ; θ1) from . 25
Figure 1.8.1 Sample results from the work by Kochkov et al. [56], where the instantaneous
vorticity field is shown for (top) the simulation with original resolution, (middle) low-resolution
data based on the ML model and (bottom) low-resolution data based on a simulation with the same
coarse resolution. Four different time steps are shown, and some key vortical structures are
highlighted with yellow squares. Reprinted from Ref. [56], with permission of the publisher (United
States National Academy of Sciences) .......................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 2.1.1 Artificial Neural Network (ANN) ....................................................................................................... 41
Figure 2.2.1 Perceptron .................................................................................................................................................. 42
Figure 2.2.2 Multi-Layer Perceptron Architecture .............................................................................................. 42
Figure 2.2.3 Radial Basis Function ............................................................................................................................. 43
Figure 2.2.4 Convolutional Neural Networks ........................................................................................................ 43
Figure 2.2.5 Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) .................................................................................................. 44
Figure 2.2.6 Physics-informed neural networks for solving Navier–Stokes equations ....................... 44
Figure 2.2.7 Maximal Wall Shear Stress (MWSS) Value for Carotid Artery Bifurcation ...................... 45
Figure 2.4.1 Calibration Cases for off Line Data ................................................................................................... 46
Figure 2.5.1 Network Diagram for a feed-forward NN with three inputs and one output ................ 46
Figure 2.5.2 Comparison of linear POD (top) and Neural Networks (bottom) ....................................... 48
Figure 2.6.1 Skin Friction Coefficient for Onera M6 match to within 2% ................................................. 49
Figure 2.6.2 Contour plots for a backward facing step. Note that the training of the ML surrogate
did not include data for the shown step height......................................................................................................... 50
Figure 3.1.1 Agile AI-Enhanced Design Space Capture and Smart Surfing................................................ 53
Figure 3.1.2 Illustration of AI-Enhanced Design Process ................................................................................. 53
Figure 3.1.3 Edge Geometry and Definition of Flap and Slat High-Lift Rigging ....................................... 54
Figure 3.2.1 Unsteady Non-Dimensional Pressure Wake Behind the Cylinder after Flow
Initialization without Active Control. The Location of the Velocity Probes is Indicated by the Black
Dots While The Location of the Control Jets is Indicated by the Red Dot ...................................................... 60
Figure 3.2.2 Illustration of the Robustness of the Learning Process ........................................................... 64
Figure 3.2.3 Time-Resolved Value of the Drag Coefficient CD in the case without (baseline curve)
and with (controlled curve) Active Flow Control, and Corresponding Normalized Mass Flow Rate of
the Control Jet 1 (Q*1 inset) .............................................................................................................................................. 65
Figure 3.2.4 Comparison of representative snapshots of the velocity magnitude in the case
without actuation (top), and with active flow control (bottom). The bottom figure corresponds to
the established pseudo-periodic modified regime, which is attained after the initial transient
control. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 3.3.1 Schematic Diagram of the Network Architecture....................................................................... 73
Figure 3.3.2 The contour of the concentration conducted by the analytical solution. ( D = O(10−8) ,
R = O(10−4)) .............................................................................................................................................................................. 74
Figure 3.3.3 The contour of the concentration conducted by the analytical solution. ( D = O(10−8) ,
R = O(10−6)) .............................................................................................................................................................................. 75
Figure 3.3.4 2D Comparison of Deep Learning With FDM Solver In Different Times........................... 75
Figure 3.3.5 3D Comparison of Deep Learning with Analytical Solution ................................................... 77

Figure 3.4.1 Schematic of a physics-informed neural network (PINN). A fully-connected neural

network, with time and space coordinates (t, x) as inputs, is used to approximate the multi-physics
solutions ˆ u = [u, v, p, φ]. The derivatives of ˆ u with respect to the inputs are calculated using
automatic differentiation (AD) and then used to formulate the residuals of the governing equations
in the loss function, that is generally composed of multiple terms weighted by different coefficients.
The parameters of the neural network θ and the unknown PDE parameters λ can be learned
simultaneously by minimizing the loss function ...................................................................................................... 82
Figure 3.4.2 Case study of PINNs for incompressible flows: illustration of simulating the 3D wake
flow over a circular cylinder. a Iso-surface of the vorticity (x-component) in the whole domain
color-coded by the streamwise velocity. The cube with blue edges represents the computational
domain in this case. b Velocity and pressure fields in the domain. The simulation was performed by
the CFD solver Nektar, which is based on the spectral/hp element method [2]......................................... 84
Figure 3.4.3 Case study of PINNs for incompressible flows: problem setup for 3D flow
reconstruction from 2D2C observations. a Case 1: two x-planes (x = 1.5, 7.5), one y-plane (y = 0) and
two z-planes (z = 4.0, 9.0) are observed. b Case 2: two x-planes (x = 1.5, 7.5), one y-plane (y = 0) and
one z-plane (z = 6.4) are observed. c Case 3: one x-plane (x = 1.5), one y-plane (y = 0) and one z-
plane (z = 6.4) are observed. Note that for the cross-planes, only the projected vectors are
measured. The goal is to infer the 3D flow in the investigated domain using PINNs from these 2D2C
observations ............................................................................................................................................................................ 85
Figure 3.4.4 Case study of PINNs for incompressible flows: relative L2-norm errors of velocities and
pressure for different flow reconstruction setups. These three cases correspond to those shown in
Figure 3.4.3. The errors are computed over the entire investigated domain............................................... 87
Figure 3.4.5 Case study of PINNs for incompressible flows: inference result of PINNs for Case 2. a
Iso-surfaces of vorticity magnitude (top) and pressure (bottom) at t = 8.0 from CFD data. b Iso-
surfaces of vorticity magnitude (top) and pressure (bottom) at t = 8.0 inferred by PINNs. c Point
measurement (x = 3, y = 0, z = 6.4) of velocity (u, v) against time. In this case, the 3D flow is inferred
by PINNs from four cross-planes .................................................................................................................................... 88
Figure 3.4.6 Case study of PINNs for compressible flows. Left: the density obtained by using CFD
simulation with the inlet flow condition (11). Middle: Distributions of the residual points (blue ∗
points), the data points for the density gradient (red +points) and the data points for the inflow
conditions (magenta ◦ points). Right: training loss vs. number of epochs .................................................... 89
Figure 3.4.7 Case study of PINNs for compressible flows. Comparison between the PINN solutions
and the CFD solutions. Top: pressure p, Bottom: velocity component u........................................................ 90
Figure 3.4.8 Case study for 2Dflowpast a thrombus with phase-dependent permeability. a the
inlet flowu(t, y) (denoted by φ = 1) enters the channel from the left side. A two-layer thrombus is
present at the bottom wall with a fibrin-clotted core φ = −1 and permeable shell φ = 0. Their
permeabilities are set as 0.001 and 1. b Four types of sampling points. Initial points (_), inner points
(_), boundary points (_), and point measurements (_) are sampled accordingly in the spatial-
temporal domain. (Figure adapted from [14]).......................................................................................................... 91
Figure 3.4.9 Inference results for 2D flow past a thrombus with phase dependent permeability. a
History of training losses (Loss PDE, Loss IC, Loss BC, and Loss Data) and b inferred relation
function κ = f (φ). c φpred and vpred are plotted against their absolute error at t = 0.78. We draw
10,000 data points from 30 snapshots (t ∈ [0.03, 0.93]) as the training data to infer the
permeability. Inferred permeability values are 0.0011 and 1.0003 compared to the true values of
0.001 and 1.0. (Figure adapted from [14]) ................................................................................................................. 92
Figure 3.5.1 Physics-inspired neural network architectures. a | Predicting molecular properties
with covariant compositional networks204. The architecture is based on graph neural networks 19
and is constructed by decomposing into a hierarchy of sub- graphs (middle) and forming a neural
network in which each ‘neuron’ corresponds to one of the sub graphs and receives inputs from
other neurons that correspond to smaller sub- graphs (right). The middle panel shows how this can

equivalently be thought of as an algorithm in which each vertex receives and aggregates messages
from its neighbors. Also depicted on the left are the molecular graphs for C18H9N3OSSe and
C22H15NSeSi from the Harvard Clean Energy Project (HCEP) data set205 with their corresponding
adjacency matrices. b | A neural network with the Lax–Oleinik formula represented in the
architecture. f is the solution of the Hamilton–Jacobi partial differential equations, x and t are the
spatial and temporal variables, L is a convex and Lipschitz activation function, ai _R and ui _R n are
the neural network parameters, and m is the number of neurons. Panel a is adapted with
permission from ref.204, AIP Publishing. Panel b image courtesy of J. Darbon and T. Meng, Brown
University............................................................................................................................................................................... 101
Figure 3.5.2 inferring the 3D flow over an espresso cup based using the Tomo-BOs imaging
system and physics-informed neural networks (PiNNs). a | Six cameras are aligned around an
espresso cup, recording the distortion of the dot- patterns in the panels placed in the background,
where the distortion is caused by the density variation of the airflow above the espresso cup. The
image data are acquired and processed with LaVision’s Tomographic BOS software (DaVis 10.1.1).
.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 109
Figure 3.5.3 Physics-informed filtering of in-vivo 4D-flow magnetic resonance imaging data of
blood flow in a porcine descending aorta. Physics- informed neural network (PINN) models can be
used to de- noise and reconstruct clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data of blood velocity,
while constraining this reconstruction to respect the underlying physical laws of momentum and
mass conservation, as described by the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. Moreover, a
trained PINN model has the potential to aid the automatic segmentation of the arterial wall
geometry and to infer important biomarkers such as blood pressure and wall shear stresses. a |
Snapshot of in- vivo 4D- flow MRI measurements. .............................................................................................. 110
Figure 3.5.4 Uncovering edge plasma dynamics. One of the most intensely studied aspects of
magnetic confinement fusion is edge plasma behavior, which is critical to reactor performance and
operation. The drift- reduced Braginskii two- fluid theory has for decades been widely used to
model edge plasmas, with varying success. Using a 3D magnetized two- fluid model, physics-
informed neural networks (PINNs) can be used to accurately reconstruct141 the unknown turbulent
electric field (middle panel) and underlying electric potential (right panel), directly from partial
observations of the plasma’s electron density and temperature from a single test discharge (left
panel). The top row shows the reference target solution,................................................................................. 111
Figure 3.5.5 Transitions between metastable states. Results obtained from studying transitions
between metastable states of a distribution in a 144- dimensional Allen–Cahn type system. The top
part of the figure shows the two metastable states. The lower part of the figure shows, from left to
right, a learned sample path with the characteristic nucleation pathway for a transition between the
two metastable states. Here, q is the committor function. Figure courtesy of G. M. Rotskoff, Stanford
University, and E. Vanden- Eijnden, Courant Institute. ...................................................................................... 112
Figure 3.6.1 Workflow of Employing ML methods for Developing Thermal fluid closures –
(Courtesy of Chang & Dinh)............................................................................................................................................ 131
Figure 3.6.2 Hierarchy of Thermal Fluid Data - (Courtesy of Chang & Dinh)........................................ 132
Figure 3.6.3 Overview of Type I ML Framework with a Scale Separation Assumption - (Courtesy of
Chang & Dinh) ...................................................................................................................................................................... 134
Figure 3.6.4 Domain of Various ML Frameworks where L, M, and H Denote Low, Medium, and
High - (Courtesy of Chang & Dinh) .............................................................................................................................. 137
Figure 3.6.5 Schematic of integral effects tests (IETs) for measuring Temperature fields -
(Courtesy of Chang & Dinh)............................................................................................................................................ 139
Figure 3.6.6 Schematic of Separate Effects Tests (SETs) for Measuring Thermal Conductivity as
the Function of Sample’s Mean Temperature - (Courtesy of Chang & Dinh)............................................. 139
Figure 3.6.7 Architecture of CNN-Based Thermal Conductivity (adopted after LeCun) .................. 141
Figure 3.7.1 No mode collapse is reported in WGAN ...................................................................................... 145

Figure 3.7.2 Abnormal airfoils generated by perturbing FFD control points ....................................... 147
Figure 3.7.3 Investigation of CNN hyperparameters in the training of airfoil filtering models .... 148
Figure 3.7.4 FFD control points and the CFD mesh for airfoil design....................................................... 150
Figure 3.7.5 Optimized airfoils for different flight8missions subject to different area constraints
.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 151
Figure 3.7.6 Scores evaluated by the geometric filtering model ................................................................ 152
Figure 3.7.7 Nine sectional airfoils are monitored in the CRM optimization ........................................ 153
Figure 3.7.8 Eight sectional airfoils are monitored in the BWB optimization ...................................... 153
Figure 3.7.9 Geometric filtering constraint with Svalidity > 1:0 does not filter out the optimal shapes
in the CRM design ............................................................................................................................................................... 154
Figure 3.7.10 Geometric filtering constraint with Svalidity > 1:0 does not filter out the optimal
shapes in the BWB design ............................................................................................................................................... 154
Figure 3.7.11 Gradient-based optimization starting from a circle fails due to too much geometric
abnormality........................................................................................................................................................................... 156
Figure 3.7.12 The deep-learning-based filtering constraint ensures the success of gradient-based
optimization from a circle ............................................................................................................................................... 156
Figure 3.7.13 Dominant global mode shapes for the BWB optimization ................................................ 158
Figure 3.7.14 Dominant global mode shapes for the CRM wing and tail optimization ..................... 158
Figure 3.7.15 Flowchart of the airfoil GAN model proposed by Li et al. [4] .......................................... 159

1 Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in CFD

1.1 Background
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the broadest way to think about advanced, computer intelligence. In
1956 at the Dartmouth Artificial Intelligence Conference, the technology was described as such:
"Every aspect of learning or
any other feature of (a) Machine
intelligence can in principle Learning
be so precisely described
that a machine can be made
to simulate it." AI can refer to
anything from a computer
program playing a game of (b) Neural
chess, to a voice-recognition Networks
system like Amazon's Alexa
interpreting and responding to
speech. IBM's Deep Blue, which
beat chess grand master Garry Artificial (c) Deep
Kasparov at the game in 1996, Learning
or Google DeepMind's Alpha Intelegence
Go, are examples of AI.
According to HackerEarth Blog, Figure 1.1.1 Scope of Artificial Intelligence - Courtesy of
AI can be classified into the Hackerearth Blog
following (see Figure 1.1.1) :
• Machine Learning
• Neural Networks
• Deep Learning
Other definitions provided by [Kontos]1, which defines A.I. as a single and consolidated discipline it
might be better to consider as a set of different technologies that are easier to define individually.
This set can include data mining, question answering, self-aware systems, pattern recognition,
knowledge representation, automatic reasoning, deep learning, expert systems, information extraction,
text mining, natural language processing, problem solving, intelligent agents, logic programming,
machine learning, artificial neural networks, artificial vision, computational discovery, computational
creativity. Therefore artificial ``Self-aware'' or ``conscious'' systems are the products of one of these
technologies. Vargas et al.2 describes the Deep Learning (DL) as an emerging area of Machine
Learning (ML) research. It comprises multiple hidden layers of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN).
The deep learning methodology applies nonlinear transformations and model abstractions of high
level in large databases. The following (Figure 1.2.1) indicates the various area of Artificial
Intelligence with relevant subject shown in red ellipse.

1.2 Machine Learning

Before we pay tribute to the field of machine learning in CFD, it best to go briefly of what is machine
learning itself. Machine learning is a type of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that provides computers
with the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the
development of computer programs that can change when exposed to new data. In the past decade,

1 John Kontos, “Artificial Intelligence, Machine Consciousness and Explanation”, Academia Letters preprint, 2012.
2 Vargas, R., Mosavi, A., & Ruiz, R. (2017). Deep learning: a review.

Figure 1.2.1 Research in artificial intelligence (AI) Source: [1]

machine learning has given us self-driving cars, practical speech recognition, effective web search,
and a vastly improved understanding of the human genome. Machine learning is so pervasive today
that you probably use it dozens of times a day without knowing it. The process of machine learning
is similar to that of data mining. Both systems search through data to look for patterns. However,
instead of extracting data for human comprehension as is the case in data mining applications
machine learning uses that data to detect patterns in data and adjust program actions
accordingly. Machine learning algorithms are often categorized as being supervised or un-
supervised and reinforcement learning. Supervised algorithms can apply what has been learned
in the past to new data. Un-supervised algorithms can draw inferences from datasets. Facebook's
News Feed uses machine learning to personalize each member's feed. If a member frequently stops
scrolling in order to read or "like" a particular friend's posts, the News Feed will start to show more
of that friend's activity earlier in the feed. Behind the scenes, the software is simply using statistical
analysis and predictive analytics to identify patterns in the user's data and use to patterns to
populate the News will be included in the data set and the News Feed will adjust accordingly. Google
and Amazon are other heavy users of Machine Learning. In essence, Machine learning (ML) is an
algorithms that process and extract information from data. They facilitate automation of tasks
and augment human domain knowledge. They are linked to learning processes and are
categorized as supervised, semi-supervised, or unsupervised (Brunton, Noack, &
Koumoutsakos, 2020). Reinforcement learning is a third, large branch of machine learning research,
in which an agent learns to make control decisions to interact with an environment for some high

level objection3. Examples include learning how to play games4, such as chess. (Brunton, 2021)5.
1.2.1 Creating Your First Machine Learning Model (Apples & Oranges)
Source :
In ML, instead of defining the rules and expressing them in a programming language, answers
(typically called labels) are provided with the data (see Figure 1.2.2). The machine will conclude
the rules that determine the relationship between the labels and the data. The data and labels are
used to create ML Algorithms,
typically called models. Using this
model, when the machine gets new
data, it predicts or correctly labels
them. If we train the model to discern
between apples and oranges, the
model can predict whether it is an
apple or an orange when new data is Figure 1.2.2 Machine Learning Programming
presented. The problem sounds easy,
but it is impossible to solve without ML. You'd need to write tons of rules to tell the difference
between apples and oranges. With a new problem, you need to restart the process. There are many
aspects of the fruit that we can collect data on, including color, weight, texture, and shape. For our
purposes, we'll pick only two simple ones as data: weight and texture. In this article, we will explain
how to create a simple ML algorithm that discerns between an apple and an orange. To discern
between an apple and an orange, we create an algorithm that can figure out the rules so we don't
have to write them by hand. And for that, we're going to train what's called a classifier. You can think
of a classified as a function. It takes some data as input and assigns a label to it as output. The
technique of automatically writing the classifier is called supervised learning.

Collect Train Make

Training Data Classifier Prediction Supervised Learning

In supervised learning, the training data will have expert labels that should be predicted or modeled
with the machine learning algorithm (Brunton, 2021)4. These output labels may be discrete, such as
a categorical label of a “dog” or a “cat” given an input image, in which case the task is one of
classification. If the labels are continuous, such as the average value of lift or drag given a specified airfoil
geometry, then the task is one of regression. To use supervised learning, we follow a simple
procedure with a few standard steps. The first step is to collect training data. These are essentially
examples of the problem we want to solve. Step two is to use these examples to train a classifier. Once
we have a trained classifier, the next step is to make predictions and classify a new fruit.
1.2.2 Collect Training Data
To collect training data, assume we head out to an orchard and collect some data. We look at different

3 Sutton, R.S., Barto, A.G.: Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, vol. 1. MIT Press, Cambridge (1998)
4 Mnih, V., Kavukcuoglu, K., Silver, D., et al.: Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning. Nature
518, 529 (2015)
5 arXiv:2110.02083 [physics. flu-dyn]

apples and oranges and write down their descriptive

measurements in a table. In ML, these measurements are called Weight Texture Label
features. To keep things simple, we've used only two types of 155 rough Orange
data – how much each fruit weighs in grams and its texture, 180 rough Orenge
which can be bumpy or smooth. Each row in our training data 135 smooth apple
depicts an example. It describes one piece of fruit. The last 110 smooth apple
column is known as the label. It identifies what type of fruit is
in each row, and in this case, there are only two possibilities – Table 1.2.1 Data Considered
apples or oranges. The more training data you have, the better
a classifier you create. (see Table 1.2.1).
1.2.3 Training the Classifier
With the dataset prepared, the next step is to set up our training data and code it. Before we set up
our training data, ensure the scikit-learn package is loaded. Scikit-learn provides a range of
supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms via a consistent interface in Python. Now let's write
down our training data in code. We will use two variables – features and labels.
features = [[155, “rough”], [180, “rough”],[135, “smooth”],[110, “smooth”]]
labels = ["orange", "orange", "apple", "apple"]
In the preceding code, the features contain the first two columns, and labels contain the last. Since
scikit-learn works best with integers, we're going to change the variable types of all features to
integers instead of strings – using
0 for rough and 1 for smooth. We
will do the same for our labels –
using 0 for apple and 1 for orange.
The next step involves using these
example features to train a
classifier. The type of classifier
we will use is called a decision
tree. There are many different
classifiers, but for simplicity, you
think of a classified as a box of
rules. Before we use our classifier,
we must import the decision tree
into the environment. Then on the
next line in our script, we will Figure 1.2.3 Decision Tree Classifier
create the classifier. (Figure
1.2.4 Make Predictions
We have a trained classifier. Let's test it and use it to classify a new fruit. The input to the classifier is
the feature for a new example. Let's say the fruit we want to classify is 150 grams and bumpy. Let's
see if our ML algorithm can make such a prediction:
print (clf.predict(X = [[150, 0]]))
It works! The output is what we expected: 1 (orange). If everything worked for you, then
congratulations! You have completed your first ML project in Python. You can create a new classifier
for a new problem just by changing the training data. Fortunately, with the abundance of open source
libraries and resources available today, programming with ML has become more comfortable and
accessible to a rising number of users every day. Once you have a basic understanding of ML software
programs and algorithms, you can scale your project using AI-based development boards. Decide on
a hardware platform based on your application, and you are ready to go for real-world deployment.

1.2.5 Warming Up: Quadratic Equation

Consider a prototypical problem of finding roots of quadratic equation, ax2 + bx + c = 0,

−b ± √b 2 − 4ac
rL , rR =
Eq. 1.2.1
We would like to learn the Eq. 1.2.1
(a, b, c) → (rL , r R )
Eq. 1.2.2
without relying on the knowledge of the underlying processes (Gyrya, Shashkov, Skurikhin, &
Tokareva, 2019)6. For example, the relationship Eq. 1.2.2 may represent a physical process for
which some observations are available but the analytical relation Eq. 1.2.1 has not yet been
established. The prototypical problem of finding roots of a quadratic equation was selected as a proxy
for the following reasons that are relevant to many complex practical problems:
• It is a fairly simple problem that is familiar to everyone who would be reading this paper. Yet,
it is good representative a wide class of approximation problem in scientific computing.
• Finding solution involves different arithmetic operations some of which could be difficult to
model by machine learning techniques. For example, division and taking of a square root
represent a challenge for neural networks to capture exactly using activation functions.
• There are situations when a particular form of analytic expression/algorithm may exhibit
loss of accuracy. For example, the analytic expression Eq. 1.2.1 for the larger root is
numerically inaccurate when b is much larger than 4ac.
• The roots of quadratic equation under certain condition exhibit some non-trivial behavior.
There are several branches in the solution: if a = 0, the quadratic equation becomes a linear
equation, which has one root – this is a qualitative change from one regime to a different one;
depending on the discriminant the number of roots as well as the nature of the roots changes
(real vs. complex).
• Probably, the most significant challenge from the standpoint of ML is that there is a small
range of input parameters for which output values are increasingly large (corresponding to
small values of a).
We will now explain what we mean by learning the relation Eq. 1.2.2. Assume we are provided a
number of observations (training set):

(ai , bi , c i ) → (rLi , rRi ) , i = 1, 2, , , , , , , N

Eq. 1.2.3
where (riL; riR) satisfy Eq. 1.2.1 exactly. From the training data Eq. 1.2.3 we will try to predict the
relation Eq. 1.2.2 on a new previously unseen data (aj; bj; cj):

j j j j
(aj , b j , c j ) → (r̅L , r̅R ) ≈ (rL , rR ) , j = N + 1, , , , , , , , N + K
Eq. 1.2.4
The goal is to minimize mismatches between the estimates (˜rjL; ˜rjR) and the testing data (rjL; rjR)

6Gyrya, V., Shashkov, M., Skurikhin, A., & Tokareva, S. (2019). Machine learning approaches for the solution of
the Riemann problem in fluid dynamics: a case study. Journal of Computational Physics.

j j 2 j j 2
Cost = ∑(rL − r̅L ) + ∑(rR − r̅R )
j j
Eq. 1.2.5
Since the testing data is not available during the training process the minimization is performed on
the training set with the idea that the training and the testing set are selected from the same pool.
The above setup is the typical ML setup. In this work our goal was to compare the performance of
several existing ML approaches for the case of a quadratic equation.

1.3 Difference Between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a computer program that does something smart. It can be a pile of
statements or a complex statistical model. Usually, when a computer program designed by AI
researchers actually succeeds at something; like winning at chess many people say it's "not really
intelligent", because the algorithms internals are well understood. So you could say that true AI is
whatever computers can't do yet. Machine learning, as others here have said, is a subset of AI. In
short, Machine learning is a science that involves development of self-learning algorithms.
These algorithms are more generic in nature that it can be applied to various domain related
problems. Machine learning uses statistics (mostly inferential statistics) to develop self-learning
algorithms. Artificial Intelligence is a science to develop a system or software to mimic human
to respond and behave in a circumstance. As field with extremely broad scope, AI has defined its
goal into multiple chunks. Later each chuck has become a separate field of study to solve its problem.
The "learning" part of Machine Learning means that ML algorithms attempt to optimize along a
certain dimension; i.e. they usually try to minimize error or maximize the likelihood of their
predictions being true. How does one minimize error? Well, one way is to build a framework that
multiplies inputs in order to make guesses as to the inputs' nature. Different outputs/guesses are the
product of the inputs and the algorithm. Usually, the initial guesses are quite wrong, and if you are
lucky enough to have ground-truth labels pertaining to the input, you can measure how wrong your
guesses are by contrasting them with the truth, and then use that error to modify your algorithm.
That's what Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) do. They keep on measuring the error and modifying
their parameters until they can't achieve any less error. They are, in short, an optimization algorithm.
If you tune them right, they minimize their error by guessing and guessing and guessing again.
Another point of view expressed by (Pandey, Schumacher, & Sreenivasan, 2020)7 is that while ML is
sometimes regarded as a subset of AI, there are some differences in usage. AI mimics natural
intelligence to solve complex problems and enables decision making; efficiency is not its main
driver, and it is an intelligence capability which we want to build into all machines. Machine
learning, on the other hand, is about improving and maximizing performance by means of self-
learning algorithms. Both of them require large databases from which to learn: the more the high-
quality data that becomes available, the better the results, hence the close connection of AI and ML
to Big Data.

7 Pandey, S., Schumacher, J., & Sreenivasan, K. R. (2020). A perspective on machine learning in turbulent flows.
Journal of Turbulence.

1.4 Deep Learning

Using Machine Learning to build data-driven models in fluid mechanics is usually achieved by
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The situation is commonly refer to as Deep learning. It is also
important to realize that machine learning is not an automatic or turn-key procedure for extracting
models from data. Instead, it requires expert human guidance at every stage of the process, from
deciding on the problem, to collecting and curating data that might inform the model, (Brunton,
2021)8. The ANNs are inspired by our understanding of the biology of our brains all those
interconnections between the neurons (Copeland, 2010)9. But, unlike a biological brain where any
neuron can connect to any other neuron within a certain physical distance, these artificial neural
networks have discrete layers, connections, and directions of data propagation. You might, for
example, take an image, chop it up into a bunch of tiles that are inputted into the first layer of the
neural network. In the first layer individual neurons, then passes the data to a second layer. The
second layer of neurons does its task, and so on, until the final layer and the final output is produced.
Each neuron assigns a weighting to its input; how correct or incorrect it is relative to the task being
performed. The final output is then determined by the total of those weightings. So think of our stop
sign example. Attributes of a stop sign image are chopped up and “examined” by the neurons its
octagonal shape, its fire-engine red color, its distinctive letters, its traffic-sign size, and its motion or
lack thereof. The neural network’s task is to conclude whether this is a stop sign or not. It comes up
with a “probability vector,” really a
highly educated guess, based on the
weighting. In our example the system
might be 86% confident the image is a
stop sign, 7% confident it’s a speed Learning
limit sign, and 5% it’s a kite stuck in a
tree ,and so on and the network
architecture then tells the neural
network whether it is right or not. In Machine
short, Deep Learning is a technique Lerning
for implementing Machine
Learning. Deep Learning has enabled Artifical
many practical applications of Machine Inteligence
Learning and by extension the overall
field of AI as perceived in Figure
1.4.1. Deep Learning breaks down
tasks in ways that makes all kinds of
machine assists seem possible, even Figure 1.4.1 Schematics of AI, Machine Learning and Deep
likely. Driverless cars, better Learning
preventive healthcare, even better
movie recommendations, are all here today or on the horizon. Today, image recognition by machines
trained via deep learning in some scenarios is better than humans, and that ranges from cats to
identifying indicators for cancer in blood and tumors in MRI scans. Google’s AlphaGo learned the
game, and trained for its Go match it tuned its neural network by playing against itself over and over
and over. As a starting point, users are encouraged to the applicability of a Deep Neural Network
(DNN) approach to simulate one-dimensional non-relativistic fluid dynamics, as presented by

8 arXiv:2110.02083 [physics. flu-dyn]

9 Copeland, M. (2010). What’s the Difference Between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep

(Taradiy et al.)10.

1.5 Types of Problems and Tasks

Machine learning tasks are typically classified into three broad categories, depending on the nature
of the learning "signal" or "feedback" available to a learning system. These are:
1.5.1 Supervised Learning
This algorithm consist of a target/outcome variable (or dependent variable) which is to be predicted
from a given set of predictors (independent variables). Using these set of variables, we generate a
function that map inputs to desired
outputs. The training process
continues until the model achieves a
desired level of accuracy on the
training data. Examples of Supervised
Learning: Regression, Decision Tree,
Random Forest, KNN, Logistic
Regression etc.11
Supervised learning implies the
availability of corrective information to
the learning machine. In its simplest
and most common form, this implies
labeled training data, with labels Figure 1.5.1 A Learning Machine Uses Inputs From a
corresponding to the output of the ML. Sample Generator and Observations from a System to
Minimization of the cost function, Generate an Approximation of its Output (Credit:
which implicitly depends on the Cherkassky & Mulier (2007))
training data, will determine the
unknown parameters of the LM. In this context, supervised learning dates back to the regression and
interpolation methods proposed centuries ago (Figure 1.5.1). A commonly employed loss function
is :
L(y, φ(x, y, w) = ‖y − φ(x, y, w)‖2
Eq. 1.5.1
Alternative loss functions may reflect different constraints on the learning machine such as sparsity.
The choice of the approximation function reflects prior knowledge about the data and the choice
between linear and nonlinear methods directly bears on the computational cost associated with the
learning methods12.
1.5.2 Unsupervised Learning
In this algorithm, we do not have any target or outcome variable to predict/estimate. It is used for
clustering population in different groups, which is widely used for segmenting customers in different
groups for specific intervention. Examples of Unsupervised Learning: A priori algorithm, K-means.
1.5.3 Reinforcement Learning
Using this algorithm, the machine is trained to make specific decisions. It works this way: the machine
is exposed to an environment where it trains itself continually using trial and error. This machine
learns from past experience and tries to capture the best possible knowledge to make accurate

10 Kirill Taradiy, Kai Zhou, Jan Steinheimer, Roman V. Poberezhnyuk, Volodymyr Vovchenko, and Horst
Stoecker, “Machine learning based approach to fluid dynamics”, arXiv:2106.02841v1 [physics .comp-ph], 2021.
11 Sunil, Ray, “Essentials of Machine learning Algorithms (with Python and R codes)”, August 2015.
12 Steven L. Brunton, Bernd R. Noack, and Petros Koumoutsakos, “Machine Learning for Fluid Mechanics”,

Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics , January 2020.


business decisions. Example of Reinforcement Learning: Markov Decision Process13.

1.6 List of Common Machine Learning Algorithms

Here is the list of commonly used machine learning algorithms. These algorithms can be applied to
almost any data problem where we explain a little bit of the first four.
• Linear Regression
• Logistic Regression
• Decision Tree
• Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)
• Support Vector Machine (SVM)
• Naive Bayes
• K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
• K-Means
• Random Forest
• Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms
• Gradient Boost
1.6.1 Linear Regression
It is used to estimate real values (cost of houses, number of calls, total sales etc.) based on continuous
variable(s). Here, we establish relationship between independent and dependent variables by fitting
a best line. This best fit line is known as regression line and represented by a linear equation Y = a ⋆
X + b. The best way to understand linear regression is to relive this experience of childhood. Let us
say, you ask a child in fifth grade to arrange people in his class by increasing order of weight, without
asking them their weights! What do you think the child will do? He / she would likely look (visually
analyze) at the height and build of people and arrange them using a combination of these visible
parameters. This is linear regression in real life! The child has actually figured out that height and
build would be correlated to the weight by a relationship, which looks like the equation above. In this
equation, Y-Dependent Variable, a-Slope, X-Independent variable and b-Intercept.
These coefficients a and b are derived
based on minimizing the sum of
squared difference of distance
between data points and regression
line. Look at the below example. Here
we have identified the best fit line
having linear equation y = 0.2811 x
+13.9 (see Figure 1.6.1). Now using
this equation, we can find the weight,
knowing the height of a person.
Linear Regression is of mainly two
types: Simple Linear Regression and
Multiple Linear Regression. Simple
Linear Regression is characterized
by one independent variable. And,
Multiple Linear Regression(as the
name suggests) is characterized by
multiple (more than 1) independent Figure 1.6.1 Linear Regression
variables. While finding best fit line,

13 same as previous.

you can fit a polynomial or curvilinear regression. And these are known as polynomial or curvilinear
1.6.2 Logistic Regression
Don’t get confused by its name! It is a classification not a regression algorithm. It is used to estimate
discrete values ( Binary values like 0/1, yes/no, true/false ) based on given set of independent
variable(s). In simple words, it predicts the probability of occurrence of an event by fitting data to a
logit function. Hence, it is also known as logistic regression. Since, it predicts the probability,
its output values lies between 0 and 1 (as expected). Again, let us try and understand this through a
simple example. Let’s say your friend gives you a puzzle to solve. There are only 2 outcome scenarios
; either you solve it or you don’t. Now imagine, that you are being given wide range of puzzles/
quizzes in an attempt to understand which subjects you are good at. The outcome to this study would
be something like this ; if you are given a trigonometry based tenth grade problem, you are 70%
likely to solve it. On the other hand, if it is grade fifth history question, the probability of getting an
answer is only 30%. This is what Logistic Regression provides you. Coming to the math, the log odds
of the outcome is modeled as a linear combination of the predictor variables odds = p/(1 - p) =
probability of event occurrence / probability of not event occurrence. ln(odds) = ln(p/(1 - p)),
logit(p) = ln(p/(1 - p)). Above, p is the probability of presence of the characteristic of interest. It
chooses parameters that maximize the likelihood of observing the sample values rather than
that minimize the sum of squared errors (like in ordinary regression). Now, you may ask, why take a
log? For the sake of simplicity, let’s just say that this is one of the best mathematical way to replicate
a step function. It can go in more details, but that will beat the purpose of this article.
1.6.3 Decision Tree
This is favorite algorithm and used
it quite frequently. It is a type of
supervised learning algorithm that
is mostly set for classification
problems15. Surprisingly, it works
for both categorical and
continuous dependent variables.
In this algorithm, we split the
population into two or more
homogeneous sets. This is done
based on most significant
attributes/ independent variables
to make as distinct groups as
possible. In the image above, you
can see that population is
classified into four different
groups based on
multiple attributes to identify
Figure 1.6.2 Decision Tree
‘if they will play or not’. To split
the population into different
heterogeneous groups, it uses various techniques (Figure 1.6.2).

14 Sunil, Ray, “Essentials of Machine learning Algorithms (with Python and R codes)”, August 2015.
15 Sunil, Ray, “Essentials of Machine learning Algorithms (with Python and R codes)”, August 2015.

1.7 Machine Learning & Fluid Dynamics

According to editorial by (Brunton et al.)[8], machine learning (i.e., modern data-driven optimization
and applied regression) is a rapidly growing field of research that is having a profound impact across
many fields of science and engineering. In the past decade, machine learning has become a critical
complement to existing experimental, computational, and theoretical aspects of fluid dynamics. In
this short article, we are excited to introduce this special issue highlighting a number of promising
avenues of ongoing research to integrate machine learning and data-driven techniques in the field of
fluid dynamics. We will also attempt to provide a broader perspective, outlining recent successes,
opportunities, and open challenges, while balancing optimism and skepticism.
Continuing from the same source; in the field of fluid dynamics, there is an interesting parallel
between the rise of machine learning in recent years and the rise of computational science decades
earlier. Neither approach fundamentally changes the scientific questions being asked nor the higher-
level objectives. Rather, both approaches provide sophisticated tools for analysis based on emerging
technologies, enabling the community to address scientific questions at a greater scale and a broader
scope than was previously possible. In the early years of computational fluid dynamics, there were
voices of both extreme skepticism and open-ended optimism that these new approaches would
supplant existing techniques. In reality, computational techniques have provided another valuable
perspective for scientific inquiry, complementing more traditional approaches. It is therefore
reasonable to believe that machine learning and data-intensive analysis will have a similar impact,
complementing other well-established techniques to expand our collective capabilities.
The use of machine-learning and data-science inspired approaches should be encouraged to solve
problems in fluid dynamics, especially those that are difficult to solve with traditional methods. Many
goals in fluid dynamics, such as analysis, modeling, sensing, estimation, design optimization, and
control, may be posed as optimization problems. These problems are challenging because fluids are
nonlinear and multiscale in space and time, resulting in high-dimensional and non-convex
optimization landscapes. Fortunately, machine learning is improving our ability to tackle these
traditionally intractable optimization problems. In addition to the critical tasks of benchmarking and
validating new approaches with canonical problems, we must strive to use these emerging
techniques to go beyond what is possible with existing techniques to reveal physical insights or
improve analytical capabilities.
1.7.1 Motivation and Objectives
Flow control has been a fundamental concept in fluid mechanics research in this century. We develop
flow modeling and optimization techniques using biologically inspired algorithms such as Artificial
Neural Networks (ANN) and evolution strategies. The applications presented herein encompass a
variety of problems such as cylinder drag minimization, neural net modeling of the near wall
structures, enhanced jet mixing, and parameter optimization in turbine blade film cooling. The
unifying concept is the utilization of automated processes for the solution of these problems, devised
from machine learning algorithms. The results presented herein encompass a wide variety of
problems such as drag minimization, neural net modeling of the near wall structures, enhanced jet
mixing, and parameter optimization in turbine blade film cooling. a challenging problem that, when
solved, could lead to drastically improved designs. We envision neural network approaches as an
effective way of developing such models and incorporating them in feedback control algorithms. In
We present some preliminary results from the application of (ANN) as a method to construct low
order models, describing the near wall dynamics in turbulent flows. Neural Networks are viewed as
a general procedure of model formation encompassing schemes such as the Proper Orthogonal
Decomposition (POD).

1.7.2 Accelerating the Poisson Equation

According to (Vinuesa & Brunton, 2021)16, it is possible to accelerate CFD calculation by solving the
Poisson equation by means of deep learning, as proposed by several research groups in various
areas [1,2]. The Poisson equation is frequently used in operator-splitting methods to discretize the
Navier–Stokes equations [3], where first the velocity field is advected, and the resulting field u* does
not satisfy the continuity equation (i.e. for incompressible flows, u* does not satisfy divergence free
condition). The second step involves a correction to ensure that u* is divergence free, leading to the
following Poisson equation:
∆t 2
∇ p = −∇ ∙ u∗
Eq. 1.7.1
where ∆t is the simulation time step, ρ is the fluid density, and p is the pressure. Solving this equation
is typically the most computationally expensive step of the numerical solver. Therefore, devising
alternative strategies to solve it more efficiently is an area of great promise. Ajuria et al. [2] proposed
using a convolutional neural network (CNN) coupled with a CFD code to solve Eq. 1.7.1 in
incompressible cases and tested it in a plume configuration. Their results indicate that it is possible
to outperform the traditional Jacobi solver with good accuracy at low Richardson numbers Ri; the
Richardson number measures the ratio between the buoyancy and the shear in the flow. However,
the accuracy degrades at higher Ri, motivating the authors to develop a hybrid CNN-CFD approach.
Fully-convolutional neural networks were also used to solve the Poisson problem by decomposing
the original problem into a homogeneous Poisson problem plus four inhomogeneous Laplace
subproblems [92]. This decomposition resulted in errors below 10%, which motivates using this
approach as a first guess in iterative algorithms, potentially reducing computational cost. These
approaches may also be used to accelerate simulations of lower fidelity that rely on turbulence
models, which will be discussed in the next section.
Numerical simulations can also be accelerated by decreasing the size of the computational domain
needed to retain physical properties of the system. For example, artificially producing turbulent
inflow conditions or far-field pressure gradients can significantly reduce the size of a computational
domain. Fukami et al. [6] developed a time dependent inflow generator for wall-bounded turbulence
simulations using a convolutional autoencoder with an MLP. They tested their method in a turbulent
channel flow at Reτ = 180, which is the friction Reynolds number based on channel half height and
friction velocity, and they maintained turbulence for an interval long enough to obtain converged
turbulence statistics. This is a promising research direction due to the fact that current inflow
generation methods show limitations in terms of generality of the inflow conditions, for instance at
various flow geometries and Reynolds numbers. A second approach to reduce the computational
domain in external flows is to devise a strategy to set the right pressure-gradient distribution without
having to simulate the far field. This was addressed by Morita et al. [7] through Bayesian optimization
based on Gaussian-process regression, achieving excellent results when imposing concrete pressure-
gradient conditions on a turbulent boundary layer.
1.7.3 References
[1] T. Shan, W. Tang, X. Dang, M. Li, F. Yang, S. Xu, and J. Wu. Study on a Poisson’s equation solver
based on deep learning technique. 2017 IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems
Symposium (EDAPS), pages 1–3, 2017.
[2] Z. Zhang, L. Zhang, Z. Sun, N. Erickson, R. From, and J. Fan. Solving Poisson’s equation using deep
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1.7.4 Case Study - Applying Machine Learning to Study Fluid Mechanics

Author : Steven L. Brunton
Affiliation : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195,
United States
Citation : Brunton, S.L. (2022). Applying Machine Learning to Study Fluid Mechanics. ArXiv,
License : article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which
permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you
give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons
license, and indicate if changes were made. To view a copy of this license,
visit Abstract
This paper provides a short overview of how to use machine learning to build data-driven models in
fluid mechanics [Brunton, 2022]. The process of machine learning is broken down into five stages:
(1) formulating a problem to model,
(2) collecting and curating training data to inform the model,
(3) choosing an architecture with which to represent the model,
(4) designing a loss function to assess the performance of the model, and
(5) selecting and implementing an optimization algorithm to train the model.
At each stage, we discuss how prior physical knowledge may be embedding into the process, with
specific examples from the field of fluid mechanics.
Keywords : Machine learning, fluid mechanics, physics-informed machine learning, neural networks,
deep learning Introduction
The field of fluid mechanics is rich with data and rife with problems, which is to say that it is a perfect
playground for machine learning. Machine learning is the art of building models from data using
optimization and regression algorithms. Many of the challenges in fluid mechanics may be posed as
optimization problems, such designing a wing to maximize lift while minimizing drag at cruise
velocities, estimating a flow field from limited measurements, controlling turbulence for mixing
enhancement in a chemical plant or drag reduction behind a vehicle, among myriad others. These

optimization tasks fit well with machine learning algorithms, which are designed to handle nonlinear
and high-dimensional problems. In fact, machine learning and fluid mechanics both tend to rely on
the same assumption that there are patterns that can be exploited, even in high-dimensional systems
[1]. Often, the machine learning algorithm will model some aspect of the fluid, such as the lift profile
given a particular airfoil geometry, providing a surrogate that may be optimized over. Machine
learning may also be used to directly solve the fluid optimization task, such as designing a machine
learning model to manipulate the behavior of the fluid for some engineering objective with active
control [2-4].
In either case, it is important to realize that machine learning is not an automatic or turn-key
procedure for extracting models from data. Instead, it requires expert human guidance at every stage
of the process, from deciding on the problem, to collecting and curating data that might inform the
model, to selecting the machine learning architecture best capable of representing or modeling the
data, to designing custom loss functions to quantify performance and guide the optimization, to
implementing specific optimization algorithms to train the machine learning model to minimize the
loss function over the data. A better name for machine learning might be “expert humans teaching
machines how to learn a model to fit some data,” although this is not as catchy. Particularly skilled
(or lucky!) experts may design a learner or a learning framework that is capable of learning a variety
of tasks, generalizing beyond the training data, and mimicking other aspects of intelligence. However,
such artificial intelligence is rare, even more so than human intelligence. The majority of machine
learning models are just that, models, which should fit directly into the decades old practice of model-
based design, optimization, and control [5].
With its unprecedented success on many challenging problems in computer vision and natural
language processing, machine learning is rapidly entering the physical sciences, and fluid mechanics
is no exception. The simultaneous promise, and over-promise, of machine learning is causing many
researchers to have a healthy mixture of optimism and skepticism. In both cases, there is a strong
desire to understand the uses and limitations of machine learning, as well as best practices for how
to incorporate it into existing research and development workflows. It is also important to realize
that while it is now relatively simple to train a machine learning model for a well-defined task, it is
still quite difficult to create a new model that outperforms traditional numerical algorithms and
physics-based models. Incorporating partially known physics into the machine learning pipeline well
tend to improve model generalization and improve interpretability and explain ability, which are key
elements of modern machine learning [6,7]. Physics Informed Machine Learning for Fluid Mechanics

Applied machine learning may be separated into a few canonical steps, each of which provides an
opportunity to embed prior physical knowledge:
(1) choosing the problem to model or the question to answer;
(2) choosing and curating the data used to train the model;
(3) deciding on a machine learning architecture to best represent or model this data;
(4) designing loss functions to quantify performance and to guide the learning process; and
(5) implementing an optimization algorithm to train the model to minimize the loss function over the
training data.
See Figure 1.7.1Error! Reference source not found. for a schematic of this process on the example
of reduced-order modeling. This organization of steps is only approximate, and there are
considerable overlaps and tight interconnections between each stage. For example, choosing the
problem to model and choosing the data to inform this model are two closely related decisions.
Similarly, designing a custom loss function and implementing an optimization algorithm to minimize
this loss function are tightly coupled. In most modern machine learning workflows, it is common to
iteratively revisit earlier stages based on the outcome at later stages, so that the machine learning

researcher is constantly asking new questions and revising the data, the architecture, the loss
functions, and the optimization algorithm to improve performance. Here, we discuss these canonical
stages of machine learning, investigate how to incorporate physics, and review examples in the field
of fluid mechanics. This discussion is largely meant to be a high-level overview, and many more
details can be found in recent reviews [5, 8–10].

Figure 1.7.1 Schematic of the five stages of machine learning on an example of reduced-order
modeling. In this case, the goal is to learn a low dimensional coordinate system z = f 1(x ; θ1) from
data in a high-dimensional representation x, along with a dynamical system model θz = f2(z; θ2)
for how the state z evolves in time. Finally, this latent state derivative z. must be able to approximate
the high dimensional derivative x. through the decoder x. ≈ f3(z. ; θ3). The loss function
L(θ ; X) defines how well the model performs, averaged over the data X. Finally, the parameters
θ = {θ1; θ2; θ3} are found through optimization. The Problem

Data science is the art of asking and answering questions with data. The sub-field of machine learning
is concerned with leveraging historical data to build models that may be deployed to automatically
answer these questions, ideally in real-time, given new data. It is critical to select the right system to
model, motivated by a problem that is both important and tractable. Choosing a problem involves
deciding on input data that will be readily available in the future, and output data that will represent
the desired output, or prediction, of the model. The output data should be determinable from the
inputs, and the functional relationship between these is precisely what the machine learning model
will be trained to capture.
The nature of the problem, specifically what outputs will be modeled given what inputs, determines
the large classes of machine learning algorithms: supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement
learning. In supervised learning, the training data will have expert labels that should be predicted or
modeled with the machine learning algorithm. These output labels may be discrete, such as a
categorical label of a ‘dog’ or a ‘cat’ given an input image, in which case the task is one of classification.
If the labels are continuous, such as the average value of lift or drag given a specified airfoil geometry,
then the task is one of regression. In unsupervised learning, there are no expert labels, and structure
must be extracted from the input data alone; thus, this is often referred to as data mining, and
constitutes a particularly challenging field of machine learning. Again, if the structure in the data is

assumed to be discrete, then the task is clustering. After the clusters are identified and characterized,
these groupings may be used as proxy labels to then classify new data. If the structure in the data is
assumed to be continuously varying, then the task is typically thought of as an embedding or
dimensionality reduction task. Principal component analysis (PCA) or proper orthogonal
decomposition (POD) may be thought of as unsupervised learning tasks that seek a continuous
embedding of reduced dimension [11]. Reinforcement learning is a third, large branch of machine
learning research, in which an agent learns to make control decisions to interact with an environment
for some high level objection [12]. Examples include learning how to play games [13,14], such as
chess and go.
Embedding physics: Deciding on what phenomena to model with machine learning is often
inherently related to the underlying physics. Although classical machine learning has been largely
applied to “static” tasks, such as image classification and the placement of advertisements,
increasingly it is possible to apply these techniques to model physical systems that evolve in time
according to some rules or physics. For example, we may formulate a learning problem to find and
represent a conserved quantity, such as a Hamiltonian, purely from data [15]. Alternatively, the
machine learning task may be to model time-series data as a differential equation, with the learning
algorithm representing the dynamical system [16–20]. Similarly, the task may involve learning a
coordinate transformation where these dynamics become simplified in some physical way; i.e.,
coordinate transformations to linearize or diagonalize/decouple dynamics [21–28].
Examples in fluid mechanics: There are many physical modeling tasks in fluid mechanics that are
benefiting from machine learning [5,9]. A large field of study focuses on formulating turbulence
closure modeling as a machine learning problem [8,29], such as learning models for the Reynolds
stresses [30, 31] or sub-grid scale turbulence [32,33]. Designing useful input features is also an
important way that prior physical knowledge is incorporated into turbulence closure modeling [34–
36]. Similarly, machine learning has recently been focused on the problem of improving
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solvers [37–40]. Other important problems in fluid mechanics
that benefit from machine learning include super-resolution [41,42], robust modal decompositions
[1,43,44], network and cluster modeling [45-47], control [4, 48] and reinforcement learning [49, 50],
and design of experiments in cyber physical systems [51]. Aerodynamics is a large related field with
significant data-driven advances [52]. The very nature of these problems embeds the learning
process into a larger physics-based framework, so that the models are more physically relevant by
construction. The Data

Data is the lifeblood of machine learning, and our ability to build effective models relies on what data
is available or may be collected. As discussed earlier, choosing data to inform a model is closely
related to choosing what to model in the first place, and therefore this stage cannot be strictly
separated from the choice of a problem above. The quality and quantity of data directly affects the
resulting machine learning model. Many machine learning architectures, such as deep neural
networks, are essentially sophisticated interpolation engines, and so having a diversity of training
data is essential to these models being useful on unseen data. For example, modern deep
convolutional neural networks rose to prominence with their unprecedented classification accuracy
[53] on the ImageNet data base [54], which contains over 14 million labeled images with over 20;
000 categories, providing a sufficiently large and rich set of examples for training. This pairing of a
vast labeled data set with a novel deep learning architecture is widely regarded as the beginning of
the modern era of deep learning [55].
Embedding physics: The training data provides several opportunities to embed prior physical
knowledge. If a system is known to exhibit a symmetry, such translational or rotational invariance,
then it is possible to augment and enrich the training data with shifted or rotated examples. More
generally, it is often assumed that with an abundance of training data, these physical invariances will

automatically be learned by a sufficiently expressive architecture. However, this approach tends to

require considerable resources, both to collect and curate the data, as well as to train increasingly
large models, making it more appropriate for industrial scale, rather than academic scale, research.
In contrast, it is also possible to use physical intuition to craft new features from the training data,
for example by applying a coordinate transformation that may simplify the representation or
training. Physical data often comes from multiple sources with different fidelity, such as from
numerical simulations, laboratory experiments, and in-flight tests. This is an important area of
research for flight testing and unsteady aerodynamics [52], and recently physics informed neural
networks have been used with multi fidelity data to approximate PDEs [56].
Examples in fluid mechanics: Fluids data is notoriously vast and high-dimensional, with individual
flow fields often requiring millions (or more!) degrees of freedom to characterize. Moreover, these
flow fields typically evolve in time, resulting in a time series of multiple snapshots. Although vast in
the spatial and/or temporal dimensions, data is often rather sparse in parameter space, as it is
expensive to numerically or experimentally investigate multiple geometries, Reynolds numbers, etc.
Thus there are many algorithms designed for both rich and sparse data. Other considerations involve
exciting transients and observing how the system evolves when it is away from its natural state. In
many other cases, fluids data might be quite limited, for example given by time-series data from a
few pressure measurements on the surface of an airfoil, or from force recordings on an experimental
turbine. The Architecture

Once a problem has been identified, and data is collected and curated, it is necessary to choose an
architecture with which to represent the machine learning model. Typically, a machine learning
model is a function that maps inputs to outputs

y = f(x ; θ)
Eq. 1.7.2
and this function is generally represented within a specified family of functions parameterized by
values in θ. For example, a linear regression model would model outputs as a linear function of the
inputs, with θ parameterizing this linear map, or matrix. Neural networks have emerged as a
particularly powerful and flexible class of models to represent functional relationships between data,
and they have been shown to be able to approximate arbitrarily complex functions with sufficient
data and depth [57,58]. There is a tremendous variety of potential neural network architectures [11],
limited only by the imagination of the human designer. The most common architecture is a simple
feedforward network, in which data enters through an input layer and maps sequentially through a
number of computational layers until an output layer. Each layer consists of nodes, where data from
nodes in the previous layer are combined in a weighted sum and processed through an activation
function, which is typically nonlinear. In this way, neural networks are fundamentally compositional
in nature. The parameters θ determine the network weights for how data is passed from one layer to
the next, i.e. the weighted connectivity matrices for how nodes are connected in adjacent layers. The
overarching network topology (i.e., how many layers, how large, what type of activation functions,
etc.) is specified by the architect or determined in a meta-optimization, thus determining the family
of functions that may be approximated by that class of network. Then, the network weights for the
specific architecture are optimized over the data to minimize a given loss function; these stages are
described next.
It is important to note that not all machine learning architectures are neural networks, although they
are one of the most powerful and expressive modern architectures, powered by increasingly big data
and high performance computing. Before the success of deep convolutional networks on the
ImageNet dataset, neural networks were not even mentioned in the list of top ten machine learning
algorithms [59]. Random forests [60] and support vector machines [61] are two other leading

architectures for supervised learning. Bayesian methods are also widely used, especially for
dynamical systems [62]. Genetic programming has also been widely used to learn human
interpretable, yet flexible representations of data for modeling [16,63-65] and control [4]. In
addition, standard linear regression and generalized linear regression are still widely used for
modeling time-series data, especially in fluids. The dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) [1,17,66]
employs linear regression with a low-rank constraint in the optimization to find dominant
spatiotemporal coherent structures that evolve linearly in time. The sparse identification of nonlinear
dynamics (SINDy) [18] algorithm employs generalized linear regression, with either a sparsity
promoting loss function [67] or a sparse optimization algorithm [18, 68], to identify a differential
equation model with as few model terms as are necessary to fit the data.
Embedding physics: Choosing a machine learning architecture with which to model the training
data is one of the most intriguing opportunities to embed physical knowledge into the learning
process. Among the simplest choices are convolutional networks for translationally invariant
systems, and recurrent networks, such as long-short-time memory (LSTM) networks [20] or
reservoir computing [19,69], for systems that evolve in time. LSTMs have recently been used to
predict aeroelastic responses across a range of Mach numbers [70]. More generally, equivariant
networks seek to encode various symmetries by construction, which should improve accuracy and
reduce data requirements for physical systems [71–74]. Autoencoder networks enforce the physical
notion that there should be low-dimensional structure, even for high-dimensional data, by imposing
an information bottleneck, given by a constriction of the number of nodes in one or more layers of
the network. Such networks uncover nonlinear manifolds where the data is compactly represented,
generalizing the linear dimensionality reduction obtained by PCA and POD.
It is also possible to embed physics more directly into the architecture, for example by incorporating
Hamiltonian [75, 76] or Lagrangian [77, 78] structure. There are numerous successful examples of
physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) [79–83], which solve supervised learning problems
while being constrained to satisfy a governing physical law. Graph neural networks have also shown
the ability to learn generalizable physics in a range of challenging domains [64, 84,85]. Deep operator
networks [86] are able to learn continuous operators, such as governing partial differential
equations, from relatively limited training data.
Examples in fluid mechanics: There are numerous examples of custom neural network
architectures being used to enforce physical solutions for applications in fluid mechanics. The work
of Ling et al. [30] designed a custom neural network layer that enforced Galilean invariance in the
Reynolds stress tensors that they were modeling. Related Reynolds stress models have been
developed using the SINDy sparse modeling approach [87-89]. Hybrid models that combine linear
system identification and nonlinear neural networks have been used to model complex aeroelastic
systems [90]. The hidden fluid mechanics (HFM) approach is a physics-informed neural network
strategy that encodes the Navier-Stokes equations while being flexible to the boundary conditions
and geometry of the problem, enabling impressive physically quantifiable flow field estimations from
limited data [91]. Sparse sensing has also been used to recover pressure distributions around airfoils
[92]. The Fourier neural operator is a novel operator network that performs super-resolution
upscaling and simulation modeling tasks [93]. Equivariant convolutional networks have been
designed and applied to enforce symmetries in high-dimensional complex systems from fluid
dynamics [73]. Physical invariances have also been incorporated into neural networks for sub grid-
scale scalar flux modeling [94]. Lee and Carlberg [95] recently showed how to incorporate deep
convolutional autoencoder networks into the broader reduced-order modeling framework [96–98],
taking advantage of the superior dimensionality reduction capabilities of deep autoencoders. The Loss Function

The loss function is how we quantify how well the model is performing, often on a variety of tasks.
For example, the L2 error between the model output and the true output, averaged over the input

data, is a common term in the loss function. In addition, other terms may be added to regularize the
optimization (e.g., the L1 or L2 norm of the parameters θ to promote parsimony and prevent
overfitting). Thus, the loss function typically balances multiple competing objectives, such as model
performance and model complexity. The loss function may also incorporate terms used to promote
a specific behavior across different sub-networks in a neural network architecture. Importantly, the
loss function will provide valuable information used to approximate gradients required to optimize
the parameters.
Embedding physics: Most of the physics-informed architectures described above involve custom
loss functions to promote the efficient training of accurate models. It is also possible to incorporate
physical priors, such as sparsity, by adding L1 or L0 regularizing loss terms on the parameters in θ. In
fact, parsimony has been a central theme in physical modeling for century, where it is believed that
balancing model complexity with descriptive capability is essential in developing models that
generalize. The sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics algorithm [18] learns dynamical systems
models with as few terms from a library of candidate terms as are needed to describe the training
data. There are several formulations involving different loss terms and optimization algorithms that
promote additional physical notions, such as stability [99] and energy conservation [100]. Stability
promoting loss functions based on notions of Lyapunov stability have also been incorporated into
autoencoders, with impressive results on fluid systems [101].
Examples in fluid mechanics: Sparse nonlinear modeling has been used extensively in fluid
mechanics, adding sparsity-promoting loss terms to learn parsimonious models that prevent
overfitting and generalize to new scenarios. SINDy has been used to generate reduced-order models
for how dominant coherent structures evolve in a flow for a range of configurations [100,102-105].
These models have also been extended to develop compact closure models [87–89]. Recently, the
physical notion of boundedness of solutions, which is a fundamental concept in reduced-order
models of fluids [106], has been incorporated into the SINDy modeling framework as a novel loss
function. Other physical loss functions may be added, such as adding the divergence of a flow field as
a loss term to promote solutions that are incompressible [107]. The Optimization Algorithm

Ultimately, machine learning models are trained using optimization algorithms to find the
parameters, that best fit the training data. Typically, these optimization problems are both high
dimensional and non-convex, leading to extremely challenging optimization landscapes with many
local minima. While there are powerful and generic techniques for convex optimization problems
[108, 109], there are few generic guarantees for convergence or global optimality in nonconvex
optimization. Modern deep neural networks have particularly high-dimensional parameters, and
require large training data sets, which necessitate stochastic gradient descent algorithms.
In a sense, the optimization algorithm is the engine powering machine learning, and as such, it is
often abstracted from the decision process. However, developing advanced optimization algorithms
is the focus of intense research efforts. It is also often necessary to explicitly consider the optimization
algorithm when designing a new architecture or incorporating a novel loss term.
Embedding physics: There are several ways that the optimization algorithm may be customized or
modified to incorporate prior physical knowledge. One approach is to explicitly add constraints to
the optimization, for example that certain coefficients must be non-negative, or that other coefficients
must satisfy a specified algebraic relationship with each other. Depending on the given machine
learning architecture, it may be possible to enforce energy conservation [100] or stability constraints
[99] in this way. Another approach involves employing custom optimization algorithms required to
minimize the physically motivated loss functions above, which are often non-convex. In this way, the
line between loss function and optimization algorithm are often blurred, as they are typically tightly
coupled. For example, promoting sparsity with the L0 norm is non-convex, and several relaxed
optimization formulations have been developed to approximately solve this problem. The sparse

relaxed regularized regression (SR3) optimization framework [68] has been developed specifically
to handle challenging non-convex loss terms that arise in physically motivated problems.
Examples in fluid mechanics: Loiseau [100] showed that it is possible to enforce energy
conservation for incompressible fluid flows directly by imposing skew-symmetry constraints on the
quadratic terms of a sparse generalized linear regression (i.e. SINDy) model. These constraints
manifest as equality constraints on the sparse coefficients θ of the SINDy model. Because the standard
SINDy optimization procedure is based on a sequentially thresholder least-squares procedure, it is
possible to enforce these equality constraints at every stage of the regression, using the Karush–
Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions. The SR3 optimization package [68] was developed to generalize and
extend these constrained optimization problems to more challenging constraints, and to more
generic optimization problems. This is only one of many examples of custom optimization algorithms
being developed to train machine learning models with novel loss functions or architectures. Parting Thoughts

This brief paper has attempted to provide a high level overview of the various stages of machine
learning, how physics can be incorporated at each stage, and how these techniques are being applied
today in fluid mechanics. Machine learning for physical systems requires careful consideration in
each of these steps, as every stage provides an opportunity to incorporate prior knowledge about the
physics. A working definition of physics is the part of a model that generalizes, and this is one of the
central goals of machine learning models for physical systems. It is also important to note that
machine learning is fundamentally a collaborative effort, as it is nearly impossible to master every
stage of this process.
The nature of this topic is mercurial, as new innovations are being introduced every day that improve
our capabilities and challenge our previous assumptions. Much of this work has deliberately
oversimplified the process of machine learning and the field of fluid mechanics. Machine learning is
largely concerned with fitting functions from data, and so it is important to pick the right functions
to fit. The inputs to the function are the variables and parameters that we have access to or control
over, and the outputs are quantities of interest that we would like to accurately and efficiently
approximate in the future. It is a fruitful exercise to revisit classically important problems where
progress was limited by our ability to represent complex functions. For example , Ling et al. [30] had
great success revisiting the classical Reynolds stress models of Pope [110] with powerful modern
techniques. More fundamentally, machine learning is about asking and answering questions with
data. We can’t forget why we are asking these questions in the first place: because we are curious,
and there is value in knowing the answer.
Any omission or oversight was the result of either ignorance, forgetfulness, hastiness, or lack of
imagination on my part. These notes are not meant to be exhaustive, but rather to provide a few
concrete examples from the literature to guide researchers getting started in this field. This field is
growing at an incredible rate, and these examples provide a tiny glimpse into a much larger effort. I
have tried to sample from what I consider some of the most relevant and accessible literature. However,
a disproportionate number of references are to work by my close collaborators, as this is the work I am
most familiar with. If I have missed any important references or connections, or mis-characterized any
works cited here, please let me know and I’ll try to incorporate corrections in future versions of these
SLB acknowledges many valuable discussions and perspectives gained from collaborators and
coauthors Petros Koumoutsakos, J. Nathan Kutz, Jean-Christophe Loiseau, and Bernd Noack.
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1.8 Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) and Turbulence Issues

Direct numerical simulation (DNS) is a high-fidelity approach where the governing Navier–Stokes
equations are discretized and integrated in time with enough degrees of freedom (# of Cells) to
resolve all flow structures (Vinuesa & Brunton, 2021)17. Turbulent flows exhibit a pronounced multi-
scale character, with vorticial structures across a range of sizes and energetic content. This
complexity requires fine meshes and accurate computational methods to avoid distorting the
underlying physics with numerical artifacts. With properly designed DNS, it is possible to obtain a
representation of the flow field with the highest level of detail among CFD methods. However, the

Figure 1.8.1 Sample results from the work by Kochkov et al. [56], where the instantaneous vorticity
field is shown for (top) the simulation with original resolution, (middle) low-resolution data based on
the ML model and (bottom) low-resolution data based on a simulation with the same coarse resolution.
Four different time steps are shown, and some key vortical structures are highlighted with yellow
squares. Reprinted from Ref. [56], with permission of the publisher (United States National Academy of

fine computational meshes required to resolve the smallest scales lead to exceedingly high
computational costs, which increase with the Reynolds number [1].
A number of machine learning approaches have been developed recently to improve the efficiency of
DNS. Bar-Sinai et al. [2] proposed a technique based on deep learning to estimate spatial derivatives
in low-resolution grids, outperforming standard finite-difference methods. A similar approach was
developed by Stevens and Colonius [3] to improve the results of fifth-order finite-difference schemes
in the context of shock-capturing simulations. Other strategies to improve the performance of PDE
solvers in coarser meshes have been developed by Li et al. [4-6]. Recently, Kochkov et al. [7]

17 arXiv:2110.02085v1 [physics.flu-dyn]

considered the two-dimensional Kolmogorov flow [8], which maintains fluctuations via a forcing
term. They leveraged deep learning to develop a correction between fine and coarse resolution
simulations, obtaining excellent agreement with reference simulations in meshes from 8 to 10 times
coarser in each dimension, as shown in Figure 1.8.1. These results promise to significantly reduce
the computational cost of relevant fluid simulations, including weather [9], climate [10], engineering
[11], and astrophysics [12].
Jeon and Kim [13] proposed to use a deep neural network to simulate the well-known finite-volume
discretization scheme [14] employed in fluid simulations. They tested their method with reactive
flows, obtaining excellent agreement with reference high-resolution data at one tenth the
computational cost. However, they also documented errors with respect to the reference solution
which increased with time. Another deep-learning approach, based on a fully-convolutional/long-
short-term-memory (LSTM) network, was proposed by Stevens and Colonius [15] to improve the
accuracy of finite-difference/finite-volume methods. Recent developments in CFD for
turbomachinery, with emphasis in turbulence, which make use of machine learning techniques to
augment prediction accuracy, speed up prediction times, analyze and manage uncertainty and
reconcile simulations with available data [16].
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1.9 Design and Optimization Issue

Another key issue in the effort to reduce time to market of new engineering designs is the
optimization of the design parameters in an efficient manner. The design cycle usually involves
multi-objective and multi-disciplinary optimization problems, requiring the iterative solution of
empirical formulas, the appropriate integration of numerical simulations, and the incorporation of
physical understanding of the various aspects of the problem. At the same time, the optimization
cycle of the physical problem must take into consideration financial and manufacturing constraints.
In flow related problems, this optimization cycle has benefited from advances in optimization theory
which usually aim at tackling the most costly aspects of the optimization problem such as the solution
of the Navier-Stokes equations. Powerful techniques such as the adjoint procedure have been
implemented successfully in the design cycle of aircrafts. However, such optimization strategies are
usually based on the efficient calculation of gradients of functions relating the quantity to be
optimized to the parameters of the problem. Such gradients are not always readily available as often
the optimization cycle would involve empirical formulas and cost functions that are difficult to
express analytically in terms of the optimization problem. Moreover, gradient based algorithms are
usually converging to local extrema. Therefore, the result strongly depends on the initial selection of
Evolution strategies (Rechenberg, I., 1973)18 are optimization techniques that avoid the problems
associated with the use of gradients as they require only the calculation of the cost function at each
point in the parameter space. They operate based on natural principles of evolution such as mutation,
recombination, and selection. These operations are adapted so that the algorithm automatically
develops and attempts to optimize a model landscape relating the cost function to its parameters.
Compared with gradient based techniques, their convergence rate is usually much lower, thus
requiring large numbers of iterations that could be unrealistic for some problems of engineering
interest. On the other hand, they are highly parallel algorithms that efficiently exploit today's
powerful parallel computer architectures and they are more likely than gradient based algorithms to
identify a global optimum. This latter aspect makes them attractive in many engineering applications
where the fitness landscape cannot be assumed unimodal.
1.9.1 Accomplishments
Data methods are certainly not new in the fluids community. Computational fluid dynamics has
capitalized on Machine Learning efforts with dimensionality-reduction techniques such as proper
orthogonal decomposition or dynamic mode decomposition, which compute interpretable low-rank
modes and subspaces that characterize spatial-temporal flow data19. Proper Orthogonal
Decomposition (POD) and Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) are based on the singular value
decomposition which is ubiquitous in the dimensionality reduction of physical systems. When
coupled with Galerkin projection, POD reduction forms the mathematical basis of reduced-order

18 Rechenberg, I., “Evolutions strategie: Optimierung technischer systeme nach prinzipien der biologischen
evolution”. Fromann-Holzboog, Stuttgart, 1973.
19 Holmes, P., Lumley, J. & Berkooz, G., ”Turbulence, Coherent Structures, Dynamical Systems and Symmetry”,

Cambridge University Press, 1998.


modelling, which provides an enabling strategy for computing high-dimensional discretization of

complex flows20. The success of dimensionality reduction in fluids is enabled by
• Significant performance gains in computational speed and memory,
• Generation of physically interpretable spatial and/or spatial-temporal modes that dominate
the physics.
Thus computations are enabled and critical physical intuition gained. Such success is tempered by
two well-known failings of POD/DMD based reductions:
• Their inability to capture transient, intermittent and/or multi-scale phenomenon without
significant tuning,
• Their inability to capture invariances due to translation, rotation and/or scaling.
ANNs are almost diametrically opposed in their pros and cons. Specifically, ANNs are well suited for
extracting multi-scale features as the ANN decomposition shares many similarities with wavelet
decompositions, which are the computational work horse of multi-resolution analysis. Moreover,
translations, rotations and other invariances are known to be easily handled in the ANN architecture.
These performance gains are tempered by the tremendous computational cost of building a ANN
from a large training set and the inability of ANN to produce easily interpretable physical modes
and/or features.

20 Benner,
P., Gugercin, S. & Willcox, K., “ A survey of projection-based model reduction methods for parametric
dynamical systems”, SIAM Rev. 57, 483–531, 2015.

2 Artificial Neutral Networks (ANNs)

2.1 Preliminaries
Computational model used in machine learning, computer science and other research disciplines,
which is based on a large collection of connected simple units called artificial neurons, loosely
analogous to axons in a biological brain. Connections between neurons carry an activation signal of
varying strength. If the combined incoming signals are strong enough, the neuron becomes activated
and the signal travels to other neurons connected to it. Such systems can be trained from examples,
rather than explicitly programmed, and excel in areas where the solution or feature detection is
difficult to express in a traditional computer
program. Like other machine learning
methods, neural
networks have been used to solve a wide
variety of tasks, like computer vision and
speech recognition, that are difficult to solve
using ordinary rule-based programming.
Typically, neurons are connected in layers, and
signals travel from the first (input), to the last
(output) layer. Modern neural network projects
typically have a few thousand to a few million
neural units and millions of connections; their
computing power is similar to a worm brain,
several orders of magnitude simpler than a
human brain. The signals and state of artificial
neurons are real numbers, typically between 0 Figure 2.1.1 Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
and 1. There may be a threshold function or
limiting function on each connection and on the unit itself, such that the signal must surpass the limit
before propagating. Back propagation is the use of forward stimulation to modify connection weights,
and is sometimes done to train the network using known correct outputs. However, the success is
unpredictable: after training, some systems are good at solving problems while others are not.
Training typically requires several thousand cycles of interaction, (see Figure 2.1.1).
The goal of the neural network is to solve problems in the same way that a human would, although
several neural network categories are more abstract. New brain research often stimulates new
patterns in neural networks. One new approach is use of connections which span further to connect
processing layers rather than adjacent neurons. Other research being explored with the different
types of signal over time that axons propagate, such as deep learning, interpolates greater complexity
than a set of Boolean variables being simply on or off. Newer types of network are more free flowing
in terms of stimulation and inhibition, with connections interacting in more chaotic and complex
ways. Dynamic neural networks are the most advanced, in that they dynamically can, based on rules,
form new connections and even new neural units while disabling others. Historically, the use of
neural network models marked a directional shift in the late 1980s from high-level (symbolic)
artificial intelligence, characterized by expert systems with knowledge embodied in if-then rules, to
low-level (sub-symbolic) machine learning, characterized by knowledge embodied in the parameters
of a cognitive model with some dynamical system. A simple example provided below demonstrates
a better explanation.

2.2 Types of Neutral Networks

2.2.1 Perceptron
The Perceptron is the most basic and oldest
form of neural networks (Pavan Vadapalli)21. It
consists of just 1 neuron which takes the input
and applies activation function on it to produce
a binary output. It doesn’t contain any hidden
layers and can only be used for binary
classification tasks. The neuron does the
processing of addition of input values with their
weights. The resulted sum is then passed to the
activation function to produce a binary output.
(see Figure 2.2.1).
2.2.2 Feed Forward Network Figure 2.2.1 Perceptron
The Feed Forward (FF) networks consist of
multiple neurons and hidden layers which are connected to each other. These are called “feed-
forward” because the data flow in the forward direction only, and there is no backward propagation
(Figure 2.1.1). Hidden layers might not be necessarily present in the network depending upon the
application. More the number of layers more can be the customization of the weights. And hence,
more will be the ability of the network to learn. Weights are not updated as there is no
backpropagation. The output of multiplication of weights with the inputs is fed to the activation
function which acts as a threshold value.
2.2.3 Multi-Layer Perceptron
The main shortcoming of the Feed Forward networks was its inability to learn with backpropagation.
Multi-layer Perceptron’s are
the neural networks which
incorporate multiple hidden
layers and activation functions
(see Figure 2.2.2). The
learning takes place in a
Supervised manner where the
weights are updated by the
means of Gradient Descent.
Multi-layer Perceptron is bi-
directional, i.e., Forward
propagation of the inputs, and
the backward propagation of the
weight updates. The activation
functions can be changes with
respect to the type of target. Figure 2.2.2 Multi-Layer Perceptron Architecture
These are also called dense
networks because all the
neurons in a layer are connected to all the neurons in the next layer. They are used in Deep Learning
based applications but are generally slow due to their complex structure.
2.2.4 Radial Basis Networks
Radial Basis Networks (RBN) use a completely different way to predict the targets. It consists of

21 Pavan Vadapalli Director of Engineering @ upGrad, 2020.


an input layer, a layer with RBF neurons and an output. The RBF neurons store the actual classes for
each of the training data instances. The RBN are different from the usual Multilayer perceptron
because of the Radial Function used as an
activation function.
When the new data is fed into the neural
network, the RBF neurons compare the
Euclidian distance of the feature values
with the actual classes stored in the
neurons. This is similar to finding which
cluster to does the particular instance
belong. The class where the distance is
minimum is assigned as the predicted class.
The RBNs are used mostly in function
approximation applications like Power
Restoration systems. (Figure 2.2.3).
2.2.5 Convolutional Neural Networks
When it comes to image classification, the
most used neural networks are
Convolution Neural Networks (CNN). Figure 2.2.3 Radial Basis Function
CNN contain multiple convolution layers
which are responsible for the extraction of important features from the image (Figure 2.2.4). The
earlier layers are responsible for low-level details and the later layers are responsible for more high-
level features. The Convolution operation uses a custom matrix, also called as filters, to convolute
over the input image and produce maps. These filters are initialized randomly and then are updated
via backpropagation. One example of such a filter is the Canny Edge Detector, which is used to find
the edges in any image.

Figure 2.2.4 Convolutional Neural Networks

After the convolution layer, there is a pooling layer which is responsible for the aggregation of the
maps produced from the convolutional layer. It can be Max Pooling, Min Pooling, etc. For
regularization, CNNs also include an option for adding dropout layers which drop or make certain
neurons inactive to reduce overfitting and quicker convergence. CNNs use ReLU (Rectified Linear
Unit) as activation functions in the hidden layers. As the last layer, the CNNs have a fully connected
dense layer and the activation function mostly as Softmax for classification, and mostly ReLU for

2.2.6 Recurrent Neural Networks

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) come into picture
when there’s a need for predictions using sequential data
(Figure 2.2.5). Sequential data can be a sequence of
images, words, etc. The RNN have a similar structure to
that of a Feed-Forward Network, except that the layers
also receive a time-delayed input of the previous
instance prediction. This instance prediction is stored in
the RNN cell which is a second input for every prediction.
However, the main disadvantage of RNN is the Vanishing
Gradient problem which makes it very difficult to
remember earlier layers’ weights.
2.2.7 Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINN)
Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) are a type
of universal function approximators that can embed the Figure 2.2.5 Recurrent Neural
knowledge of any physical laws that govern a given data- Networks (RNN)
set in the learning process, and can be described by
(PDEs)22 (Figure 2.2.6). They overcome the low data availability of some biological and engineering
systems that makes most state-of-the-art machine learning techniques lack robustness, rendering
them ineffective in these scenarios. The prior knowledge of general physical laws acts in the training
of neural networks (NNs) as a regularization agent that limits the space of admissible solutions,
increasing the correctness of the function approximation. This way, embedding this prior
information into a neural network results in enhancing the information content of the available data,
facilitating the learning algorithm to capture the right solution and to generalize well even with a low
amount of training

Figure 2.2.6 Physics-informed neural networks for solving Navier–Stokes equations

22 Wikipedia

2.2.8 Case Study - Prediction & Comparison of the Maximal Wall Shear Stress (MWSS) for Carotid
Artery Bifurcation
Steady state simulations for 1886 geometries were undertaken and MWSS values were calculated for
each of them. This dataset was used for training and testing following data mining algorithms; k-
nearest neighbors, linear regression, neural network: multilayer perceptron, random forest and
support vector machine. The results are based on Relative Root Mean Square (RMSE):

fi = desired value (target)

∑ni=1(fi − f̂i )2
RMSE = n , { f̂i = predicted value (predicted using dataminig algorithm)
∑i=1(fi − f̄i )2
f̄i = average value (average value of MWS for all 1886 samples)

0 ≤ RMSE ≤ 1 Model RMSE

Eq. 2.2.1 K-Nearest Neighbors 0.760
Visualization of the global importance of features
used for modeling MWSS. The horizontal axis of Linear Regression 0.748
each diagram denotes the values of particular Neural Network 0.140
feature and the vertical axis denotes the Random Forest 1.127
respective average contribution value for that
Support Vector Machin 0.612
particular feature value. The application of the
model explanation methodology results in
quantitatively describing how much features and Table 2.2.1 Results of Different Methods
their individual values, on average, influence the
target prediction values of the model. Visualization of the global importance of features used for
modeling MWSS. The horizontal axis of each diagram denotes the values of particular feature and the
vertical axis denotes the respective average contribution value for that particular feature value. The
application of the model explanation methodology results in quantitatively describing how much
features and their individual values, on average, influence the target prediction values of the model.

Figure 2.2.7 Maximal Wall Shear Stress (MWSS) Value for Carotid Artery Bifurcation

Table 2.2.1 and Figure 2.2.7).


2.3 Machine Learning & Fluid Dynamics

According to editorial by (Brunton et al.)[8], machine learning (i.e., modern data-driven optimization
and applied regression) is a rapidly growing field of research that is having a profound impact across
many fields of science and engineering. In the past decade, machine learning.

2.4 Field Inversion and Machine Learning in Support of Data Driven Environment
A machine learning technique such as an
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) can
adequately describe by its field inversion on
data driven context. The Calibration Cases
(offline data) where few configuration data
(DNS or Experimental data) such as the one
showing in Figure 2.4.1. The Prediction
cases (Machine Learning with no data) has
similar configuration with different; (1) Twist,
(2) Sweep angles, and (3) Airfoil shape23. The
challenge in predictive modeling, however, is
to extract an optimal model form that is Figure 2.4.1 Calibration Cases for off Line Data
sufficiently accurate. Constructing such a
model and demonstrating its predictive
capabilities for a class of problems is the objective.

2.5 Kernel of the Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)

The functional relationship b(η), where η = [η1, η2, , , , ηM]T are input features derived from mean-
field variables that will be available during the predictive solution process. The functional
relationship must be developed by considering the output of a number of inverse problems
representative of the modeling deficiencies relevant to the predictive problem. Further, as explained
below, elements of the feature vector η are chosen to be locally non-dimensional quantities. The
standard NN algorithm operates by constructing linear combinations of inputs and transforming

Figure 2.5.1 Network Diagram for a feed-forward NN with three inputs and one output

23Heng Xiao, “Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Predictive Turbulence Modeling: Status, Perspectives,
and Case Studies”, Machine Learning Technologies and Their Applications to Scientific and Engineering
Domains Workshop, August 17, 2016.

them through nonlinear activation functions (Singh, Medida, & Duraisamy, 2016)24. The process is
repeated once for each hidden layer (marked blue in Figure 2.5.1) in the network, until the output
layer is reached. Figure 2.5.1 presents a sample ANN where a Network diagram for a feed-forward
NN with three inputs, two hidden layers, and one output. For this sample network, the values of the
hidden nodes z1,1 through z1,H1 would be constructed as

z1,i = a1 (∑ wi,j ηi )
Eq. 2.5.1
where a1 and w1i,j are the activation function and weights associated with the first hidden layer,
respectively. Similarly, the second layer of hidden nodes is constructed a


z2,j = a2 (∑ wi,j2 z1,i )

Eq. 2.5.2
Finally, the output is

y ≈ f(η) = a3 (∑ wi,j3 z2,i )

Eq. 2.5.3
Given training data, error back-propagation algorithms25 are used to find wnij . Once the weights are
found, computing the output depends only on the number of hidden nodes, and not on the volume of
the training data. Hyper-parameters of the NN method include the number of hidden layers, the
number of nodes in each hidden layer, and the forms of the activation functions. Typically, 3 layers
and about 100 nodes were employed with a sigmoid activation function.
2.5.1 The POD as Linear Artificial Neural Network (LANN)
A model reduction can be accomplished by projecting the model equations, i.e. the Navier-Stokes
equations, on a properly selected lower dimensional phase subspace. A reasonable choice for a
proper selection criterion for the base of this manifold is the maximization of the energy content of
the projection26. This can be done by applying the Karhunen-Loeve decomposition to a data set that
is representative of the dynamics of the system that we wish to approximate. This operation is called
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD)27. The linear POD is an approximation of the flow vector
v by a finite expansion of orthonormal functions φn such that:

24 Singh, A. P., Medida, S., & Duraisamy, K. (2016). Machine Learning-augmented Predictive Modeling of
Turbulent Separated. arXiv:1608.03990v3 [cs.CE].
25 Zhang, Z. J. and Duraisamy, K., “Machine Learning Methods for Data-Driven Turbulence Modeling,” 22nd AIAA

Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA Aviation, (AIAA 2015-2460), Dallas, TX, Jun 2015.
26 S. Muller , M. Milano and P. Koumoutsakos, “Application of machine learning algorithms to flow modeling and

optimization”, Center for Turbulence Research Annual Research Briefs 1999.

27 Berkooz, G., Holmes, P. & Lumley, J. L. “The proper orthogonal decomposition in the analysis of turbulent

flows”,Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech. 25, 539-575, 1993.


v = V + ∑ an (t)φn (x)
Eq. 2.5.4
where V is the time averaged flow, φn is the set of the first n eigenvectors of the covariance matrix C
= E [(vi−V )(vj −V )]; when this representation for v is substituted in the Navier Stokes equations, the
original PDE model is transformed in an ODE model, composed by n equations. The POD can be
expressed as a multi-layer feed-forward neural network. Such a network is defined by the number of
layers, the specification of the output function for the neurons in each layer, and the weight matrices
for each layer. [Baldi and Hornik]28 have shown that training a linear neural network structure to
perform an identity mapping on a set of vectors is equivalent to obtaining the POD of this set of
vectors. A neural network performing the linear POD can be specified as a 2 layer linear network:

x = W1 v
v̂ = W2 x
Eq. 2.5.5
where ^v is the reconstructed field, v is the original flow field, having N components, x is the reduced
order representation of the field, having n components, and W1 and W2 are the network weight
matrices, of sizes N x n and n x N respectively. Non-linearity can be introduced by a simple extension
to this basic network:

x = W2 tanh(W1 v)
v̂ = W4 tanh(W3 x)
Eq. 2.5.6
This corresponds to a neural network
model with 4 layers: the first one,
with an m x N weight matrix W1,
nonlinear; the second one, with an n x
m weight matrix W2, linear; the third
one, also nonlinear, with an m x n
weight matrix W3, and the last one,
linear with an N x m weight matrix
W4. However, the resulting system of
ODEs is more involved as compared
to the one resulting from the
application of the linear POD. POD and Nonlinear ANN
A simple comparison of POD and
nonlinear ANN is provided by the
reconstruction of the velocity field in
the stochastically forced Burger's
Figure 2.5.2 Comparison of linear POD (top) and Neural
equation a classical 1D model for
Networks (bottom)
turbulent flow [Chambers]29. The

28 Baldi, P. & Hornik, K., “ Neural networks and principal component analysis: Learning from examples without
local minima”. Neural Networks. 2, 53-58, 1989.
29 Chambers, D. H., Adrian R. J., Moin, P. & Stewart, S.,”Karhunen-Loeve expansion of Burgers model of turbulence”.

Phys Fluids. 31, 2573-2582, 1998.


linear POD was used to obtain a set of 256 linear Eigen functions using 10000 snapshots extracted
from a simulation. Using the first 7 Eigen functions it is possible to reconstruct the original flow field,
keeping the 90 percent of the energy. A nonlinear neural network was trained on the same data set
to perform the identity mapping: this network is composed by 256 inputs and 4 layers having
respectively 64 nonlinear neurons, 7 linear neurons, 64 nonlinear neurons, and 256 linear neurons.
For validation purposes, a data set of 1000 snapshots, not used in the training phase, was used. In
Figure 2.5.2 it is possible to appreciate the reconstruction performances of both the approaches;
the proposed nonlinear ANN clearly outperforms the linear POD (top) using a velocity field in Burgers

2.6 Overview of ANNs in Turbulence Applications

Turbulent flows generally exhibit multi-scale (spatial and temporal) physics that are high
dimensional with rotational and translational intermittent structures also present. Such data provide
an opportunity for ANN to make an impact in the modelling and analysis of turbulent flow fields.
(Ling, J., Kurzawski, A. & Templeton, J., 2016)30 have proposed using ANNs for Reynolds Averaged
Navier Stokes (RANS) models which are widely used because of their computational tractability in
modelling the rich set of dynamics induced by turbulent flows. In this highlighted body of work, the
specific aim is to use ANNs to build an improved representation of the Reynolds stress anisotropy
tensor from high-fidelity simulation data. Remarkably, despite the widespread success of ANNs at
providing high-quality predictions in complex problems, there have been only limited attempts to
apply deep learning techniques to turbulence. Thus far, these attempts have been limited to a couple
hidden layers. Figure 2.6.1 shows Skin Friction Coefficient for Onera M6 wing to be matched within

True Machine Learning

Figure 2.6.1 Skin Friction Coefficient for Onera M6 match to within 2%

Other researchers such as (Romit Maulik et al.)32, tried using an open source module (TensorFlow),
within the OpenFOAM. It outline the development of a data science module within OpenFOAM which
allows for the in-situ deployment of trained deep learning architectures for general-purpose

30 Ling, J., Kurzawski, A. & Templeton, J. “Reynolds averaged turbulence modelling using deep neural networks
with embedded invariance”, J. Fluid Mech 807, 155–166, 2016.
31 Karthik Duraisamy, “A Framework for Turbulence Modeling using Big Data”, NASA Aeronautics Research

Mission Directorate (ARMD) LEARN/Seedling Technical Seminar January 13-15, 2015.

32 Maulik, R., Sharma, H., Patel, S., Lusch, B., & Jennings, E. (2020). Deploying deep learning in OpenFOAM with

TensorFlow. ArXiv, abs/2012.00900.


predictive tasks. This is constructed with the TensorFlow C API and is integrated into OpenFOAM as

Figure 2.6.2 Contour plots for a backward facing step. Note that the training of the ML surrogate did
not include data for the shown step height.

an application that may be linked at run time. In this experiment, the different geometries are all
backward facing steps with varying step heights (ℎ). Once trained, the steady-state eddy-viscosity
emulator may be used at the start of the simulation (by observing the initial conditions) following
which solely the pressure and velocity equations need to be solved to convergence. We outline
results from one such experiment (backward steps), where the geometry is ‘unseen’, in Figure 2.6.2.

2.7 The Future of ANNs for Fluids Modelling

ANNs will almost certainly have a transformative impact on modelling high dimensional complex
systems such as turbulent flows. The successes with many complex data sets will compel researchers
to utilize this rapidly emerging data analysis tool for improving predictive capabilities. ANNs
represent a paradigm shift for the community. Whereas many innovations have often been inspired
from expert-in-the-loop intuition and physically interpretable models, ANNs have challenged these
traditional notions by building prediction engines that simply outperform competing methods
without providing clear evidence of why they are doing so. To some extent, the application of ANNs
to turbulent flows will bring awareness to the fluids community of the two cultures of statistics and
data science. These two outlooks are centered around the concepts of machine learning and
statistical learning. The former focuses on prediction (ANNs) while the latter is concerned with
inference of interpretable models from data (POD/DMD reductions). Although both methodologies
have achieved significant success across many areas of big data analytics, the physical and
engineering sciences have primarily focused on interpretable methods. Despite its successes,
significant challenges remain for ANNs. Simple questions remains:
1. How many layers are necessary for a given data set?
2. How many nodes at each layer are needed?
3. How big must my data set be to properly train the network?
4. What guarantees exist that the mathematical architecture can produce a good predictor of
the data?

5. What is my uncertainty and/or statistical confidence in the ANN output?

6. Can I actually predict data well outside of my training data?
7. Can I guarantee that I am not overfitting my data with such a large network?
And the list goes on. These questions remain central to addressing the long-term viability of ANNs.
The good news is that such topics are currently being intensely investigated by academic researchers
and industry (Google, Facebook, etc.) alike. Undoubtedly, the next decade will witness significant
progress in addressing these issues. From a practical standpoint, the work of determine the number
of layers and nodes based upon prediction success, i.e. more layers and more nodes do not improve
performance. Additionally, cross-validation is imperative to suppress overfitting. As a general rule,
one should never trust results of a ANN unless rigorous cross-validation has been performed. Cross-
validation plays the same critical role as a convergence study of a numerical scheme. Given the
computational maturity of ANNs and how readily available they are, it is perhaps time for part of the
turbulence modelling community to adopt what has become an important and highly successful part
of the machine learning culture: challenge data sets.

3 Case Studies for Artificial Neutral Networks (ANN) & Physics

Informed Neutral Network (PINN)
3.1 Case Study 1 - 2D High-Lift Aerodynamic Optimization using Neural Networks
Citation : Greenman, R. (1998). Two-dimensional high-lift aerodynamic optimization using neural
Artificial neural networks (ANN) were successfully used to minimize the amount of data required to
completely define the aerodynamics of a three-element airfoil33. The ability of the neural nets to
accurately predict the aerodynamic coefficients (lift, drag, and moment coefficients), for any high-lift
flap deflection, gap, and overlap, was demonstrated for both computational and experimental
training data sets. Multiple input, single output networks were trained using the NASA Ames
variation of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for each of the aerodynamic coefficients. The
computational data set was generated using a 2D incompressible Navier-Stokes algorithm with the
Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model. In high-lift aerodynamics, both experimentally and
computationally, it is difficult to predict the maximum lift, and at which angle of attack it occurs. In
order to accurately predict the maximum lift in the computational data set, a maximum lift criteria
was needed. The "pressure difference rule," which states that there exists a certain pressure
difference between the peak suction pressure and the pressure at the trailing edge of the element at
the maximum lift condition, was applied to all three elements. In this study it was found that only the
pressure difference on the slat element was needed to predict maximum lift. The neural nets were
trained with only three different values of each of the parameters stated at various angles of attack.
The entire computational data set was thus sparse and yet by using only 55 - 70% of the computed
data, the trained neural networks predicted the aerodynamic coefficients within an acceptable
accuracy defined to be the experimental error.
A high-lift optimization study was conducted by using neural nets that are trained with
computational data. Artificial neural networks have been successfully integrated with a gradient
based optimizer to minimize the amount of data required to completely define the design space of a
three-element airfoil. This design process successfully optimized flap deflection, gap, overlap, and
angle of attack to maximize lift. Once the neural nets were trained and integrated with the optimizer,
minimal additional computer resources are required to perform optimization runs with different
initial conditions and parameters. Neural networks "within the process" reduced the amount of
computational time and resources needed in high-lift rigging optimization.
3.1.1 Discussion and Background
Artificial neural networks are a collection (or network) of simple computational devices which are
modeled after the architecture of biological nervous systems. The ability of neural networks to
accurately learn and predict nonlinear multiple input and output relationships makes them a
promising technique in modeling nonlinear aerodynamic data. CFD in conjunction with Artificial
Neural Networks (ANN) and optimization, may help reduce the time and resources needed to
accurately define the optimal aerodynamics of an aircraft. Essentially, the neural networks will
reduce the amount of data required to define the aerodynamic characteristics of an aircraft while the
optimizer will allow the design space to be easily searched for extreme as. Figure 3.1.1 shows a
visual depiction of the agile artificial intelligence (AI) enhanced design space capture and smart
surfing process that is developed.
The design space data source is represented by black dots. In this study, computational fluid
dynamics will be used to generate the data. The entire design space analyzed is shown in the figure

33Roxana M. Greenman, “Two-Dimensional High-Lift Aerodynamic Optimization Using Neural Networks”, Ames
Research Center, Moffett Field, California, NASA / TM- 1998-112233.

with a carpet map. The neural network will be able to capture the design space with the small amount
of data that is generated. Next, the optimizer will be able to locate extreme as in the design space by
using the captured design space to calculate the path that must be followed to reach a maxima. The
agile artificial intelligence (AI) design space capture and surfing process is shown in Figure 3.1.1.

Figure 3.1.1 Agile AI-Enhanced Design Space Capture and Smart Surfing

Recently, neural networks have been applied to a wide range of problems in the aerospace industry.
For example, neural networks have been used in aerodynamic performance optimization of rotor
blade design34. The study demonstrated that for several rotor blade designs, neural networks were
advantageous in reducing the time required for the optimization. [Failer and Schreck]35 successfully
used neural networks to
predict real-time three-
dimensional unsteady
separated flow fields and
aerodynamic coefficients
of a pitching wing. It has
also been demonstrated
that neural networks are
capable of predicting
measured data with
sufficient accuracy to
enable identification of
instrumentation system
degradation. [Steck and Figure 3.1.2 Illustration of AI-Enhanced Design Process
Rokhsaz]36 demonstrated

34 LaMarsh, W. J.; Walsh, J. L.; and Rogers, J. L.:, “Aerodynamic Performance Optimization of a Rotor Blade Using
a Neural Network as the Analysis”. AIAA Paper 92-4837, Sept. 1992.
35 Failer, W. E.; and Schreck, S. J., “Real-Time Prediction of Unsteady Aerodynamics: Application for Aircraft

Control and Maneuverability Enhancement”. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 6, no. 6, Nov. 1995.
36 Steck, J. E.; and Rokhsaz, K.: “Some Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Modeling of Nonlinear

Aerodynamics and Flight Dynamics”. AIAA Paper 97-0338, Jan. 1997.


that neural networks can be successfully trained to predict aerodynamic forces with sufficient
accuracy or design and modeling. [Rai and Madavan]37 demonstrated the feasibility of applying
neural networks to aerodynamic design of turbomachinery airfoils.
3.1.2 Agile AI-Enhanced Design Process
Here, we describes a process which allows CFD to impact high-lift design. This process has three
1. generation of the training database using CFD;
2. training of the neural networks;
3. integration of the trained neural networks with an optimizer to capture and surf (search) the
high-lift design space (refer to Figure 3.1.2).
In this reading, an incompressible 2D Navier-Stokes solver is used to compute the flow field about
the three-element airfoil shown in Figure 3.1.3. The selected airfoil is a cross-section of the Flap-
Edge model that was tested in
the 7- by 10-Foot Wind
Tunnel No. 1 at the NASA
Ames Research Center.
Extensive wind-tunnel
investigations have been
carried out for the Flap-Edge
geometry shown in Figure
3.1.3. The model is a three-
element un-swept wing
consisting of a 12%c LB-546
slat, NACA 632-215 Mod B
main element and a 30%c
Fowler flap where c is chord
and is equal to c = 30.0 inches
for the un-deflected (clean, all
high-lift components stowed)
airfoil section. the CFD
database for this flap
optimization problem, there
are two different slat
deflection settings, six and
twenty-six degrees, and for
each, 27 different flap
riggings (refer to Figure
3.1.3-b) are computed for
ten different angles of attack. Figure 3.1.3 Edge Geometry and Definition of Flap and Slat High-Lift
[for details see Greenman]38. Rigging
The neural networks are
trained by using the flap riggings and angles of attack as the inputs and the aerodynamic forces as
the outputs. The neural networks are defined to be successfully trained to predict the aerodynamic
coefficients when given a set of inputs that are not in the training set, the outputs are predicted within

37 Rai, M. M.; and Madavan, N. K.: “Application of Artificial Neural Networks to the Design of Turbomachinery
Airfoils”. AIAA Paper 98-1003, Jan. 1998.
38 Roxana M. Greenman, “Two-Dimensional High-Lift Aerodynamic Optimization Using Neural Networks”, Ames

Research Center, Moffett Field, California, NASA / TM- 1998-112233.


the experimental error. Finally, the trained neural networks are integrated with the optimizer to
allow the design space to be easily searched for points of interest. It will be shown that this agile,
artificial intelligence enhanced design process minimizes the cost and time required to accurately
optimize the high lift flap rigging.
3.1.3 Summary
Multiple input, single output networks were trained using the NASA Ames variation of the Levenberg-
Marquardt algorithm. The neural networks were first trained with wind tunnel experimental data of
the three-element airfoil to test the validity of the neural networks. The networks did accurately
predict the lift coefficients of the individual main and flap elements. However, there was noticeable
error in predicting the slat lift coefficient. The prediction error is most likely caused by the sparse
training data since there were only five different used to train the neural networks. This results from
the fact that the errors are also summed and amplify in the prediction of the total lift coefficient.
Computational data is next used to train the neural networks to test if computational data can be
used to train the neural networks. The neural networks were used to create a computational data
base which may be used to impact design. Solutions were obtained by solving the two-dimensional
Reynolds-averaged incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The flow field was assumed to be fully
turbulent and the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model been used. The computational data set had to
be pre-processed to reduce the prediction error at or beyond maximum lift. In high-lift aerodynamics,
both experimentally and computationally, it is difficult to predict the maximum lift, and at which
angle of attack it occurs. In order to predict maximum lift and the angle of attack where it occurs, a
maximum lift criteria was needed. The pressure difference rule, which states that there exists a
certain pressure difference between the peak suction pressure and the pressure at the trailing edge
of the element at the maximum lift condition, was applied to all three elements. For this configuration,
it was found that only the pressure difference on the slat element was needed to predict maximum
lift. By applying the pressure difference rule, the prediction errors of the neural networks were
The amount of data that is required to train the neural networks was reduced to allow computational
fluid dynamics to impact the design phase. Different subsets of the training methods were created by
removing entire configurations from the six-degree-deflected slat training set. The mean and
standard deviations of the root-mean-square prediction errors were calculated to compare the
different methods of training. Even though the entire computational data set was sparse, it was
reduced to only 70% of the entire data. It was found that the trained neural networks predicted the
aerodynamic coefficients within an acceptable accuracy defined to be the experimental error. The
aerodynamic data had to be represented in a nonlinear fashion so that the neural networks could
learn and predict accurately. By carefully choosing the training subset, the computational data set
was even further reduced to contain only 52% of the configurations.
These trained neural networks also predicted the aerodynamic coefficients within the acceptable
error. Thus, the computational data required to accurately represent the flow field of a multi-element
airfoil was reduced to allow computational fluid dynamics to be a usable tool for design. This same
procedure was followed in the twenty-six-degree-deflected slat computational data. This data set had
higher deflected flaps which were actually out of the normal flight envelope. The same trends were
found except that the prediction error was much higher in this training set than the previous one.
This was caused by the fact that the flow field was severely separated with the higher deflected flaps.
Thus, the training data representing the flow field was noisy which leads to prediction errors. The
computational design space needs to be easily searched for areas of interest such as maximums or
optimal points. An optimization study to search the design space was conducted by using neural
networks that were trained with computational data.
Artificial neural networks have been successfully integrated with a gradient based optimizer to
minimize the amount of data required to completely define the design space of a three-element

airfoil. The accuracy of the neural networks' prediction was tested for both the initial and modified
configurations by generating the grid and computing the INS2D-UP solution. The high-lift flap
aerodynamics were optimized for a three-element airfoil by maximizing the lift coefficient. The
design variables were flap deflection, gap, and overlap.
3.1.4 Conclusion
Overall, the neural networks were trained successfully to predict the high-lift aerodynamics of a
multi-element airfoil. The neural networks were also able to predict the aerodynamics successfully
when only 52-70% of the entire computational data set was used to train. The neural networks were
integrated with an optimizer thus allowing a quick way to search the design space for points of
interest. Optimization with neural networks reduced the turnaround time, CPU time, and cost of
multiple optimization runs. Therefore, neural networks are an excellent tool to allow computational
fluid dynamics to impact the design space. For a complete study of ANN in design and optimization
environments, reader encourage to consult the [Rai et al.]39 and [Timnak et al.]40 beside current

39 Man Mohan Rai, Nateri K. Madavan, and Frank W. Huber, “Improving the Unsteady Aerodynamic
Performance of Transonic Turbines Using Neural Networks”, NASA/TM-1999-208791.
40 N. Timnak, A. Jahangiriana and S.A. Seyyedsalehi, “An optimum neural network for evolutionary

aerodynamic shape design”, Scientia Iranica B (2017) 24(5), 2490-2500.


3.2 Case Study 2 - Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) Trained Through Deep
Reinforcement Learning Discover Control Strategies For Active Flow Control
Citation : Rabault, J., Kuchta, M., Jensen, A., Réglade, U., & Cerardi, N. (2019). Artificial neural networks
trained through deep reinforcement learning discover control strategies for active flow control. Journal
of Fluid Mechanics, 865, 281-302. doi:10.1017/jfm.2019.62
We present the first application of an Artificial Neural Network (ANNs) trained through a Deep
Reinforcement Learning agent to perform active flow control41. It is shown that, in a 2D simulation
of the Kármán vortex street at moderate Reynolds number (Re = 100), our Artificial Neural Network
is able to learn an active control strategy from experimenting with the mass flow rates of two jets on
the sides of a cylinder. By interacting with the unsteady wake, the Artificial Neural Network
successfully stabilizes the vortex alley and reduces drag by about 8%. This is performed while using
small mass flow rates for the actuation, on the order of 0.5% of the mass flow rate intersecting the
cylinder cross section once a new pseudo-periodic shedding regime is found. This opens the way to
a new class of methods for performing active flow control.
3.2.1 Introduction and Literature Survey
Drag reduction and flow control are techniques of critical interest for the industry [Brunton &
Noack]42. For example, 20% of all energy losses on modern heavy duty vehicles are due to
aerodynamic drag, and drag is naturally the main source of energy losses for an airplane. Drag is also
a phenomenon that penalizes animals, and Nature shows examples of drag mitigation techniques. It
is for example thought that structures of the skin of fast-swimming sharks interact with the turbulent
boundary layer around the animal, and reduce drag by as much as 9% [Dean & Bhushan]43. This is
therefore a proof-of-existence that flow control can be achieved with benefits, and is worth aiming
for. In the past, much research has been carried towards so-called passive drag reduction methods,
for example using Micro Vortex Generators for passive control of transition to turbulence. While it
should be underlined that this technique is very different from the one used by sharks (preventing
transition to turbulence by energizing the linear boundary layer, contra reducing the drag of a fully
turbulent boundary layer), benefits in terms of reduced drag can also be achieved. Another way to
obtain drag reduction is by applying an active control to the flow. A number of techniques can be
used in active drag control and have been proven effective in several experiments, a typical example
being to use small jets.
Interestingly, it has been shown that effective separation control can be achieved with even quite
weak actuation, as long as it is used in an efficient way [Schoppa & Hussain]44. This underlines the
need to develop techniques that can effectively control a complex actuation input into a flow, in order
to reduce drag. Unfortunately, designing active flow control strategies is a complex endeavor [Duriez
et al]45. Given a set of point measurements of the flow pressure or velocity around an object, there is
no easy way to find a strategy to use this information in order to perform active control and reduce
drag. The high dimensionality and computational cost of the solution domain (set by the complexity

41 Jean Rabault, Miroslav Kuchta, Atle Jensen, Ulysse Reglade and Nicolas Cerardi, “Artificial Neural Networks
Trained Through Deep Reinforcement Learning Discover Control Strategies For Active Flow Control”, Journal of
Fluid Mechanics, April 2019.
42 Brunton, Steven L & Noack, Bernd R 2015 Closed-loop turbulence control: progress and challenges. Applied

Mechanics Reviews 67 (5), 050801.

43 Dean, Brian & Bhushan, Bharat Shark-skin surfaces for fluid-drag reduction in turbulent flow: a review.

Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences, 2010.

44 Schoppa, Wade & Hussain, Fazle 1998 A large-scale control strategy for drag reduction in turbulent

boundary layers. Physics of Fluids 10 (5), 1049–1051.

45 Duriez, Thomas, Brunton, Steven L & Noack, Bernd R 2016 Machine Learning Control-Taming Nonlinear

Dynamics and Turbulence. Springer.


and non-linearity inherent to Fluid Mechanics) mean that analytical solutions, and real-time
predictive simulations (that would decide which control to use by simulating several control
scenarios in real time) seem out of reach. Despite the considerable efforts put into the theory of flow
control, and the use of a variety of analytical and semi-analytical techniques [Barbagallo et al.]46;
[Sipp & Schmid]47, bottom-up approaches based on an analysis of the flow equations face
considerable difficulties when attempting to design flow control techniques.
A consequence of these challenges is the simplicity of the control strategies used in most published
works about active flow control, which traditionally focus on either harmonic or constant control
input [Schoppa & Hussain]48. Therefore, there is a need to develop efficient control methods, that
perform complex active control and take full advantage of actuation possibilities. Indeed, it seems
that, as of today, the actuation possibilities are large, but only simplistic (and probably suboptimal)
control strategies are implemented. To the knowledge of the authors, only few published examples
of successful complex active control strategies are available with respect to the importance and
extent of the field [Pastoor et al.]49; [Gautier et al]50 ; [Li et al.]51 ; [Erdmann et al.]52 ; [Guéniat et al.]53.
In the present work, we aim at introducing for the first time Deep Neural Networks and
Reinforcement Learning to the field of active flow control. Deep Neural Networks are
revolutionizing large fields of research, such as image analysis [Krizhevsky et al.] 54, speech
recognition, and optimal control. Those methods have surpassed previous algorithms in all these
examples, including methods such as genetic programming, in terms of complexity of the tasks
learned and learning speed. It has been speculated that Deep Neural Networks will bring advances
also to fluid mechanics [Kutz]55, but until this day those have been limited to a few applications, such
as the definition of reduced order models [Wang et al.]56, the effective control of swimmers, or
performing Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). As Deep Neural Networks, together with the
Reinforcement Learning framework, have allowed recent breakthroughs in the optimal control of
complex dynamic systems [Lillicrap et al.]57; [Schulman et al.]58, it is natural to attempt to use them

46 Barbagallo, Alexandre, Dergham, Gregory, Sipp, Denis, Schmid, Peter J & Robinet, Jeanchristophe 2012 Closed-
loop control of unsteadiness over a rounded backward-facing step. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 703.
47 Sipp, Denis & Schmid, Peter J 2016 Linear closed-loop control of fluid instabilities and noise-induced

perturbations: A review of approaches and tools. Applied Mechanics Reviews 68 (2), 020801.
48 Schoppa, Wade & Hussain, Fazle 1998 A large-scale control strategy for drag reduction in turbulent boundary

layers. Physics of Fluids 10 (5), 1049–1051.

49 Pastoor, Mark, Henning, Lars, Noack, Bernd R, King, Rudibert & Tadmor, Gilead 2008 Feedback shear layer

control for bluff body drag reduction. Journal of fluid mechanics 608, 161–196.
50 Gautier, Nicolas, Aider, J-L, Duriez, Thomas, Noack, Br, Segond, Marc & Abel, Markus,“ Closed-loop separation

control using machine learning. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2015.

51 Li, Ruiying, Noack, Bernd R., Cordier, Laurent, Borée, Jacques & Harambat, Fabien 2017 Drag reduction of a

car model by linear genetic programming control. Experiments in Fluids 58 (8), 103.
52 Erdmann, Ralf, Pätzold, Andreas, Engert, Marcus, Peltzer, Inken & Nitsche, Wolfgang 2011 On active control

of laminar–turbulent transition on two-dimensional wings. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of

London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 369 (1940), 1382–1395.
53 Guéniat, Florimond, Mathelin, Lionel & Hussaini, M Yousuff 2016 A statistical learning strategy for closed-loop

control of fluid flows. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 30 (6), 497–510.
54 Krizhevsky, Alex, Sutskever, Ilya & Hinton, Geoffrey E 2012 Image net classification with deep convolutional

neural networks. In Advances in neural information processing systems, pp. 1097–1105.

55 Kutz, J. Nathan 2017 Deep learning in fluid dynamics. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 814, 1–4.
56 Wang, Z, Xiao, D, Fang, F, Govindan, R, Pain, Cc & Guo, Y 2018 Model identification of reduced order fluid

dynamics systems using deep learning. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 86 (4), 255–268.
57 Lillicrap, Timothy P, Hunt, Jonathan J, Pritzel, Alexander, Heess, Nicolas, Erez, Tom, Tassa, Yuval, Silver, David

& Wierstra, Daan 2015 Continuous control with deep reinforcement learning. preprint arXiv:1509.02971
58 Schulman, John, Levine, Sergey, Moritz, Philipp, Jordan, Michael I. & Abbeel, Pieter 2015 Trust region policy

optimization. CoRR abs/1502.05477, arXiv: 1502.05477.


for optimal flow control.

Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are the attempt to reproduce in machines some of the features
that are believed to be at the origin of the intelligent thinking of the brain (LeCun et al., 2015). The
key idea consists in performing computations using a network of simple processing units, called
neurons. The output value of each neuron is obtained by applying a transfer function on the weighted
sum of its inputs. When performing supervised learning an algorithm, such as stochastic gradient
descent, is then used for tuning the neurons weights so as to minimize a cost function on a training
set. Given the success of this training algorithm, ANNs can in theory solve any problem since they are
universal approximations: a large enough feed-forward neural network using a nonlinear activation
function can fit arbitrarily well any function, and the Recurrent Neural Network paradigm is even
turning complete. Therefore, virtually any problem or phenomenon that can be represented by a
function could be a field of experimentation with ANNs.
However, the problem of designing the ANNs, and designing the algorithms that train and use them,
is still the object of active research. While the case of supervised learning (i.e., when the solution is
known and the ANN should simply be trained at reproducing it, such as image labeling or PIV) is now
mostly solved owing to the advance of Deep Neural Networks and Deep Convolutional Networks (He
et al., 2016), the case of reinforcement learning (when an agent tries to lean through the feedback of
a reward function) is still the focus of much attention [Mnih et al.] 59; [Gu et al.]60; [Schulman et al]61.
In the case of reinforcement learning, an agent (controlled by the ANN) interacts with an
environment through 3 channels of exchange of information in a closed-loop fashion. First, the agent
is given access at each time step to an observation ot of the state st of the environment. The
environment can be any stochastic process, and the observation is only a noisy, partial description of
the environment. Second, the agent performs an action, at, that influences the time evolution of the
Finally, the agent receives a reward rt depending on the state of the environment following the action.
The reinforcement learning framework consists in finding strategies to learn from experimenting
with the environment, in order to discover control sequences a(t = 1, , , , , T) that maximize the reward.
The environment can be any system that provides the interface (ot, at, rt), either it is an Atari game
emulator, a robot acting in the physical world that should perform a specific task, or a fluid mechanics
system whose drag should be minimized in our case.
In the present work, we apply for the first time the Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL, i.e.
Reinforcement Learning performed on a deep ANN) paradigm to an active flow control problem.
We use a Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) method together with a Fully Connected Artificial
Neural Network (FCANN) to control two synthetic jets located on the sides of a cylinder immersed
in a constant flow in a 2D simulation. The geometry is chosen owing to its simplicity, the low
computational cost associated with resolving a 2D unsteady wake at moderate Re number, and the
simultaneous presence of the causes that make active flow control challenging (time dependence,
non-linearity, high dimensionality). The PPO agent manages to control the jets and to interact with
the unsteady wake to reduce the drag. We choose to release all our code as Open Source, to help
trigger interest in those methods and facilitate further developments. In the following, we first
present the simulation environment, before giving details about the network and reinforcement
framework, and finally we offer an overview of the results obtained.
3.2.2 Simulation Environment

59 Mnih, Volodymyr, Kavukcuoglu, Koray, Silver, David, Graves, Alex, Antonoglou, Ioannis, Wierstra, Daan &
Riedmiller, Martin 2013 Playing atari with deep reinforcement learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.5602 .
60 Gu, Shixiang, Lillicrap, Timothy, Sutskever, Ilya & Levine, Sergey 2016 Continuous deep q-learningwith

model-based acceleration. In International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 2829–2838.

61 Schulman, John, Wolski, Filip, Dhariwal, Prafulla, Radford, Alec & Klimov, Oleg 2017 Proximal policy

optimization algorithms. arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.06347 .


The PPO agent performs active flow control in a 2D simulation environment. In the following, all
quantities are considered non-dimensionalized. The geometry of the simulation, adapted from the
2D test case of well-known benchmarks [Schäfer et al]62, consists of a cylinder of non-dimensional
diameter D = 1 immersed in a box of total non-dimensional length L = 22 (along the X-axis) and height
H = 4.1 (along Y-axis). The origin of the coordinate system is in the center of the cylinder. Similarly
to the benchmark of the cylinder is slightly off the centerline of the domain (a shift of 0.05 in the Y
direction is used), in order to help trigger the vortex shedding. The inflow profile (on the left wall of
the domain) is parabolic, following the formula (cf. 2D-2 test case in [Schäfer et al.]63):

H 2
6 [( ) − y 2 ]
U(y) =
Eq. 3.2.1
where (U(y), V(y) = 0) is the non-dimensionalized velocity vector. Using this velocity profile, the
mean velocity magnitude is Ū = 2U(0)/3 = 1. A no-slip boundary condition is imposed on the top and

Figure 3.2.1 Unsteady Non-Dimensional Pressure Wake Behind the Cylinder after Flow Initialization
without Active Control. The Location of the Velocity Probes is Indicated by the Black Dots While The
Location of the Control Jets is Indicated by the Red Dot

bottom walls and on the solid walls of the cylinder. An outflow boundary condition is imposed on the
right wall of the domain. The configuration of the simulation is visible in Figure 3.2.1.
The Reynolds number based on the mean velocity magnitude and cylinder diameter (Re = UD/ν, with
ν the kinematic viscosity) is set to Re = 100. Computations are performed on an unstructured mesh
generated with Gmsh. The mesh is refined around the cylinder and is composed of 9262 triangular
elements. A non-dimensional, constant numerical time step dt = 5.10-3 is used. The total
instantaneous drag on the cylinder C is computed following:

FD = ∫(σ. n) ex dS
Eq. 3.2.2
where _ is the Cauchy stress tensor, n is the unit vector normal to the outer cylinder surface, and ex =
(1. 0). In the following, the drag is normalized into the drag coefficient:

62 Schäfer, M., Turek, S., Durst, F., Krause, E. & Rannacher, R. 1996 Benchmark Computations of Laminar Flow
Around a Cylinder, pp. 547–566. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag.
63 See Previous.

CD =
(1/2)ρU̅ 2D
Eq. 3.2.3
where ρ = 1 is the non-dimensional volumetric mass density of the fluid. Similarly, the lift force FL

FL = ∫(σ. n) ey dS
Eq. 3.2.4
lift coefficient CL are defined as
CL =
(1/2)ρU̅ 2D
Eq. 3.2.5
where ey = (0, 1). In the interest of short solution time, the governing Navier-Stokes equations are
solved in a segregated manner. More precisely, the Incremental Pressure Correction Scheme (IPCS
method with an explicit treatment of the nonlinear term is used. More details are available in
([Rabault]64, Appendix B). Spatial discretization then relies on the finite element method
implemented within the FEniCS framework. We remark that both the mesh density and the Reynolds
number could easily be increased in a later study, but are kept low here as it allows for fast training
on a laptop which is the primary aim of our proof-of-concept demonstration.
In addition, two jets (1 and 2) normal to the cylinder wall are implemented on the sides of the
cylinder, at angles θ1 = 90 and θ2 = 270 degrees relatively to the flow direction. The jets are controlled
through their non-dimensional mass flow rates, Qi, i = 1; 2, and are set through a parabolic-like
velocity profile going to zero at the edges of the jet, (see [Rabault]65, Appendix B) for the details. The
jet widths are set to 10 degree. Choosing jets normal to the cylinder wall, located at the top and
bottom extremities of the cylinder, means that all drag reduction observed will be the result of
indirect flow control, rather than direct injection of momentum. In addition, the control is set up in
such a way that the total mass flow rate injected by the jets is zero, i.e. Q1 + Q2 = 0. This synthetic jets
condition is chosen as it is more realistic than a case when mass is added or subtracted from the flow,
and makes the numerical scheme more stable specially with respects to the boundary conditions of
the problem. In addition, it makes sure that the drag reduction observed is the result of actual flow
control, rather than some sort of propulsion phenomenon. In the following, the injected mass flow
rates are normalized following:

Q∗i = ; Q ref = ∫ ρU(y)dy
Q ref
Eq. 3.2.6
where Qref is the reference mass flow rate intercepting the cylinder. During learning, we impose that
∣Q∣< 0.06. This helps in the learning process by preventing non-physically large actuation, and
prevents problems in the numeric of the simulation by enforcing the CFL condition close to the
actuation jets.

64 Jean Rabault, Miroslav Kuchta, Atle Jensen, Ulysse Reglade and Nicolas Cerardi, “Artificial Neural Networks
Trained Through Deep Reinforcement Learning Discover Control Strategies For Active Flow Control”, Journal of
Fluid Mechanics, April 2019.
65 See Previous.

Finally, information is extracted from the simulation and provided to the PPO agent. A total of 151
velocity probes, which report the local value of the horizontal and vertical components of the velocity
field, are located in several locations in the neighborhood of the cylinder and in its wake (see Figure
3.2.1). This means that the network gets detailed information about the flow configuration, which is
our objective as this article focuses on finding the best possible control strategy of the vortex
shedding pattern. A different question would be to assess the ability of the network to perform
control with a partial observation of the system. To illustrate that this is possible with adequate
training, we provide some results with an input layer reduced to 11 and 5 probes in (see [Rabault]66,
Appendix E) but further parameter space study and sensitivity analysis is out of the scope of the
present paper and is let to future work.
An unsteady wake develops behind the cylinder, which is in good agreement with what is expected
at this Reynolds number. A simple benchmark of the simulation was performed by observing the
pressure fluctuations, drag coefficient and Strouhal number St = f D/Ū , where f is the vortex
shedding frequency. The mean value of CD in the case without actuation (around 3.205) is within 1%
of what is reported in the benchmark of [Schäfer et al.]67, which validates our simulations, and similar
agreement is found for St (typical value of around 0.30) . In addition, we also performed tests on
refined meshes, going up to around 30000 triangular elements, and found that the mean drag varied
by less than 1 % following mesh refinement. A pressure field snapshot of the fully developed
unsteady wake is presented in Figure 3.2.1.
3.2.3 Network and Reinforcement Learning Framework
As stated in the introduction, Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) sees the fluid mechanic simulation
as yet-another environment to interact with through 3 simple channels: the observation ot (here, an
array of point measurements of velocity obtained from the simulation), the action at (here, the active
control of the jets, imposed on the simulation by the learning agent), and the reward rt (here, the
time-averaged drag coefficient provided by the environment, penalized by the mean lift coefficient
magnitude; see further in this section). Based on this limited information, DRL trains an ANN to find
closed-loop control strategies deciding at from ot at each time step, so as to maximize r t. Our DRL
agent uses the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO, Schulman et al.]68) method for performing
PPO is a reinforcement learning algorithm that belongs to the family of policy gradient methods. This
method was chosen for several reasons. In particular, it is less complex mathematically and faster
than concurring Trust Region Policy Optimization methods (TRPO), and requires little to no meta
parameter tuning. It is also better adapted to continuous control problems than Deep Q Learning
(DQN) and its variations. From the point of view of the fluid mechanist, the PPO agent acts as a black
box (though details about its internals are available in and the referred literature). A brief
introduction to the PPO method is provided in ([Rabault]69, Appendix C).
The PPO method is episode-based, which means that it learns from performing active control for a
limited amount of time before analyzing the results obtained and resuming learning with a new
episode. In our case, the simulation is first performed with no active control until a well-developed
unsteady wake is obtained, and the corresponding state is saved and used as a start for each
subsequent learning episode. The instantaneous reward function, rt, is computed following:

66 See Previous.
67 Schäfer, M., Turek, S., Durst, F., Krause, E. & Rannacher, R. 1996 Benchmark Computations of Laminar Flow
Around a Cylinder, pp. 547–566. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag.
68 Schulman, John, Wolski, Filip, Dhariwal, Prafulla, Radford, Alec & Klimov, Oleg 2017 Proximal policy

optimization algorithms. arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.06347 .

69 Jean Rabault, Miroslav Kuchta, Atle Jensen, Ulysse Reglade and Nicolas Cerardi, “Artificial Neural Networks

Trained Through Deep Reinforcement Learning Discover Control Strategies For Active Flow Control”, Journal of
Fluid Mechanics, April 2019.

rt = − 〈CD 〉T − 0.2|〈CL 〉T |
Eq. 3.2.7
where < . >T indicates the sliding average back in time over a duration corresponding to one vortex
shedding cycle. The ANN tries to maximize this function rt, i.e. to make it as little negative as possible
therefore minimizing drag and mean lift (to take into account long-term dynamics, an actualized
reward is actually used during gradient descent; (see the Appendix C in [Rabault]70, for more details).
This specific reward function has several advantages compared with using the plain instantaneous
drag coefficient. Firstly, using values averaged over one vortex shedding cycle leads to less variability
in the value of the reward function, which was found to improve learning speed and stability.
Secondly, the use of a penalization term based on the lift coefficient is necessary to prevent the
network from ’cheating’. Indeed, in the absence of this penalization, the ANN manages to find a way
to modify the configuration of the flow in such a way that a larger drag reduction is obtained (up to
around 18 % drag reduction, depending on the simulation configuration used), but at the cost of a
large induced lift which is damageable in most practical applications.
The ANN used is relatively simple, being composed of two dense layers of 512 fully connected
neurons, plus the layers required to acquire data from the probes, and generate data for the 2 jets.
This network configuration was found empirically through trial and error, as is usually done with
ANNs. Results obtained with smaller networks are less good, as their modeling ability is not sufficient
in regards to the complexity of the flow configuration obtained. Larger networks are also less
successful, as they are harder to train. In total, our network has slightly over 300000 weights. For
more details, readers are referred to the code implementation (see the [Rabault]71 Appendix A).
At first, no learning could be obtained from the PPO agent interacting with the simulation
environment. The reason for this was the difficulty for the PPO agent to learn the necessity to set
time-correlated, continuous control signals, as the PPO first tries purely random control and must
observe some improvement on the reward function for performing learning. Therefore, we
implemented two tricks to help the PPO agent learn control strategies:
• The control value provided by the network is kept constant for a duration of 50 numerical
time steps, corresponding to around 7.5 % of the vortex shedding period. This means, in
practice, that the PPO agent is allowed to interact with the simulation and update its control
only each 50 time steps.
• The control is made continuous in time to avoid jumps in the pressure and velocity due to the
use of an incompressible solver. For this, the control at each time step in the simulation is
obtained for each jet as cs+1 = cs + α(a - cs), where cs is the control of the jet considered at the
previous numerical time step, cs+1 is the new control, a is the action set by the PPO agent for
the current 50 time steps, and α = 0.1 is a numerical parameter.
Using those technical tricks, and choosing an episode duration Tmax = 20.0 (which spans around 6.5
vortex shedding periods, and corresponds to 4000 numerical time steps, i.e. 80 actions by the
network), the PPO agent is able to learn a control strategy after typically about 200 epochs
corresponding to 1300 vortex shedding periods or 16000 sampled actions, which requires around
24 hours of training on a modern desktop using one single core. This training time could be reduced
easily by at least a factor of 10, using more cores to parallelize the data sampling from the epochs
which is a fully parallel process. Fine tuning the policy can take a bit longer time, and up to around
350 epochs can be necessary to obtain a fully stabilized control strategy. A training has also been
performed going up to over 1000 episodes to confirm that no more changes were obtained if the

70See Previous.
71Jean Rabault, Miroslav Kuchta, Atle Jensen, Ulysse Reglade and Nicolas Cerardi, “Artificial Neural Networks
Trained Through Deep Reinforcement Learning Discover Control Strategies For Active Flow Control”, Journal of
Fluid Mechanics, April 2019.

network is let to train for a significantly longer time. Most of the computation time is spent in the
flow simulation. This setup with simple, quick simulations makes experimentation and reproduction
of our results easy, while being enough for a proof-of-concept in the context of a first application of
Reinforcement Learning to active flow control and providing an interesting control strategy for
further analysis.
The drag values reported are obtained at each training epoch (including exploration noise), for 10
different trainings using the same meta parameters, but different values of the random seed. Robust
learning takes place within 200 epochs, with fine converged strategy requiring a few more epochs to
stabilize. The drag reduction is slightly less than what is reported in the rest of the text, as these
results include the random exploration noise and are computed over the second half of the training
epochs, where some of the transient in the drag value is still present during training.
3.2.4 Results for Drag Reduction Through Active Flow Control
Robust learning is obtained by applying the methodology presented in the previous section. This is
illustrated by Figure 3.2.2 72, which presents the averaged learning curve and the confidence
interval corresponding to 10 different trainings performed using different seeds for the random
number generator. In this
figure, the drag presented is
obtained by averaging the
drag coefficient obtained on
the second half of each
training epoch. This
averaging is performed to
smooth the effect of both
vortex shedding, and drag
fluctuations due to the
exploration. While it may
include part of the initial
transition from the
undisturbed vortex shedding
to the controlled case, it is a
good relative indicator of
policy convergence.
Estimating at each epoch the
asymptotic quality of the fully Figure 3.2.2 Illustration of the Robustness of the Learning Process
established control regime
would be too expansive, which is the reason why we resort to this averaged value. Using different
random seeds results in different trainings, as random data are used in the exploration noise and for
the random sampling of the replay memory used during stochastic gradient descent. All other
parameters are kept constant. The data presented indicate that learning takes place consistently in
around 200 epochs, with fine convergence and tuning requiring up to around 400 epochs.

72Illustration of the robustness of the learning process. The drag values reported are obtained at each
epoch (including exploration noise), for 10 different trainings using the same meta parameters, but different
values of the random seed. Robust learning takes place within 200 epochs, with fine converged strategy
requiring a few more epochs to stabilize. The drag reduction is slightly less than what is reported in the rest
of the text, as these results include the random exploration noise and are computed over the second half of
the training epochs, where some of the transient in the drag value is still present during training.

Due to the presence of exploration noise and the averaging being performed on a time window
including some of the transition in the flow configuration from free shedding to active control, the
quality of the drag reduction reported in this figure is slightly less than in the case of deterministic
control in the pseudo periodic actively controlled regime (i.e. when a modified stable vortex shedding
is obtained with the most likely action of the optimal policy being picked up at each time step
implying that, in the case of deterministic control, no exploration noise is present), which is as
expected. The final drag reduction value obtained in the deterministic mode (not shown to not
overload the figure) is also consistent across the runs.
Therefore, it is clear that the ANN is able to consistently reduce drag by applying active flow control
following training through the DRL/PPO algorithm, and that the learning is both stable and robust.
All results presented further in both this section and the next one are obtained using deterministic
prediction, and therefore exploration noise is not present in the following figures and results. The
time series for the drag coefficient obtained using the active flow control strategy discovered through
training in the first run, compared with the baseline simulation (no active control, i.e. Q1 = Q2 = 0), is
presented in Figure 3.2.3 together with the corresponding control signal (inset). Similar results and
control Laws are obtained for all training runs, and the results presented in Figure 3.2.3 are
therefore representative of
the learning obtained with all
10 realizations. In the case
without actuation (baseline),
the drag coefficient CD varies
periodically at twice the
vortex shedding frequency, as
should be expected. The
mean value for the drag
coefficient is < CD >≈ 3.205,
and the amplitude of the
fluctuations of the drag
coefficient is around 0.034.
By contrast, the mean value
for the drag coefficient in the
case with active flow control
is around < C’D > ≈ 2.95, which
represents a drag reduction
of around 8%.
To put this drag reduction Figure 3.2.3 Time-Resolved Value of the Drag Coefficient CD in the
into perspective, we estimate case without (baseline curve) and with (controlled curve) Active Flow
the drag obtained in the Control, and Corresponding Normalized Mass Flow Rate of the Control
hypothetical case where no Jet 1 (Q*1 inset)
vortex shedding is present.
For this, we perform a simulation with the upper half domain and a symmetric boundary condition
on the lower boundary (which cuts the cylinder through its equator). More details about this
simulation are presented in Appendix D of [Rabault]73. The steady-state drag obtained on a full
cylinder in the case without vortex shedding is then CDs = 2.93 (see Appendix D) of [Rabault]74, which
means that the active control is able to suppress around 93% of the drag increase observed in the
baseline without control compared with the hypothetical reference case where the flow would be
kept completely stable.

73 See Previous.
74 See Previous.

In addition to this reduction in drag, the fluctuations of the drag coefficient are reduced to around
0:0016 by the active control, i.e. a factor of around 20 compared with the baseline. Similarly,
fluctuations in lift are reduced, though by a more modest factor of around 5.7. Finally, a Fourier
analysis of the drag coefficients obtained shows that the actuation slightly modifies the characteristic
frequency of the system. The actively controlled system has a shedding frequency around 3.5% lower
than the baseline. Several interesting points are visible from the active control signal imposed by the
ANN presented in Figure 3.2.3. Firstly, the active flow control is composed of two phases. In the first
one, the ANN changes the configuration of the flow by performing a relatively large transient
actuation (non-dimensional time ranging from 0 to around 11). This changes the flow configuration,
and sets the system in a state in which less drag is generated. Following this transient actuation, a
second regime is reached in which a smaller actuation amplitude is used. The actuation in this new
regime is pseudo-periodic. Therefore, it appears that the ANN has found a way to both set the flow in
a modified configuration in which less drag is present, and keep it in this modified configuration at a
relatively small cost. In a separate simulation, the small actuation present in the pseudo-periodic
regime once the initial actuation has taken place was suppressed. This led to a rapid collapse of the
modified flow regime, and the original base flow configuration was recovered. As a consequence, it
appears that the modified flow configuration is unstable, though only small corrections are needed
to keep the system in its neighborhood.
Secondly, it is striking to observe that the ANN resorts to quite small actuations. The peak value for
the norm of the non-dimensional control mass flow rate Q*1 , which is reached during the transient
active control regime, is only around 0.02, i.e. a factor 3 smaller than the maximum value allowed
during training. Once the pseudo-periodic regime is established, the peak value of the actuation is
reduced to around 0.006. This is an illustration of the sensitivity of the Navier-Stokes
equations to small perturbations, and a proof that this property of the equations can be exploited to
actively control the flow configuration, if forcing is applied in an appropriate manner.
3.2.5 Analysis of the Control Strategy Results
The ANN trained through DRL learns a control strategy by using a trial-and-error method.
Understanding which strategy an ANN decides to use from the analysis of its weights is known to be
challenging, even on simple image analysis tasks. Indeed, the strategy of the network is encoded in
the complex combination of the weights of all its neurons. A number of properties of each individual
network, such as the variations in architecture, make systematic analysis challenging [Rauber et
al.]75. Through the combination of the neuron weights, the network builds its own internal
representation of how the flow in a given state will be affected by actuation, and how this will affect
the reward value. This is a sort of private, ’encrypted’ model obtained through experience and
interaction with the flow.
Therefore, it appears challenging to directly analyze the control strategy from the trained network,
which should be considered rather as a black box in this regard. Instead, we can look at macroscopic
flow features and how the active control modifies them. This pinpoints the effect of the actuation on
the flow and separation happening in the wake. Representative snapshots of the flow configuration
in the baseline case (no actuation), and in the controlled case when the pseudo-periodic regime is
reached (i.e., after the initial large transient actuation), are presented in Figure 3.2.4. As visible in
Figure 3.2.4, the active control leads to a modification of the 2D flow configuration. In particular,
the Kármán alley is altered in the case with active control and the velocity fluctuations induced by
the vortexes are globally less strong, and less active close to the upper and lower walls.

75Rauber, Paulo E, Fadel, Samuel G, Falcao, Alexandre X & Telea, Alexandru C 2017 Visualizing the hidden
activity of artificial neural networks. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 23 (1), 101–110.

Figure 3.2.4 Comparison of representative snapshots of the velocity magnitude in the case without
actuation (top), and with active flow control (bottom). The bottom figure corresponds to the established
pseudo-periodic modified regime, which is attained after the initial transient control.

More strikingly, the extent of the recirculation area is dramatically increased. Defining the
recirculation area as the region in the downstream neighborhood of the cylinder where the
horizontal component of the velocity is negative, we observe a 130% increase in the recirculation
area, averaged over the pseudo-period. The recirculation area in the active control case represents
103% of what is obtained in the hypothetical stable configuration of Appendix D of ([Rabault]76, (so,
the recirculation area is slightly larger in the controlled case than in the hypothetical stable case,
though the difference is so small that it may be due to a side effect such as slightly larger separation
close to the jets, rather than a true change in the extent of the developed wake), while the
recirculation area in the baseline configuration with vortex shedding is only 44% of this same stable
configuration value. This is, similarly to what was observed for CD, an illustration of the efficiency of
the control strategy at reducing the effect of vortex shedding. To go into more details, we look at the
mean and the Standard Deviation (STD) of the flow velocity magnitude and pressure, averaged over
a large number of vortex shedding periods (in the case with active flow control, we consider the
pseudo-periodic regime).
3.2.6 Conclusion
We show for the first time that the Deep Reinforcement Learning paradigm (DRL, and more
specifically the Proximal Policy Optimization algorithm, PPO) can discover an active flow control
strategy for synthetic jets on a cylinder, and control the configuration of the 2D Kármán vortex street.
From the point of view of the ANN and DRL, this is just yet-another-environment to interact with. The
discovery of the control strategy takes place through the optimization of a reward function, here
defined from the fluctuations of the drag and lift components experienced by the cylinder. A drag
reduction of up to around 8 % is observed. In order to reduce drag, the ANN decides to increase the
area of the separated region, which in turn induces a lower pressure drop behind the cylinder, and
therefore lower drag. This brings the flow into a configuration that presents some similarities with
what would be obtained from boat-tailing.

76Jean Rabault, Miroslav Kuchta, Atle Jensen, Ulysse Reglade and Nicolas Cerardi, “Artificial Neural Networks
Trained Through Deep Reinforcement Learning Discover Control Strategies For Active Flow Control”, Journal of
Fluid Mechanics, April 2019.

The value of the drag coefficient and extent of the recirculation bubble when control is turned on are
very close to what is obtained by simulating the flow around a half cylinder using a symmetric
boundary condition at the lower wall, which allows to estimate the drag expected around a cylinder
at comparable Reynolds number if no vortex shedding was present. This implies that the active
control is able to effectively cancel the detrimental effect of vortex shedding on drag. The learning
obtained is remarkable, as little meta parameter tuning was necessary, and training takes place in
about one day on a laptop. In addition, we have resorted to strong regularization of the output of the
DRL agent through under sampling of the simulation and imposing a continuous control for helping
the learning process. It could be expected that relaxing those constraints, i.e. giving more freedom to
the network, could lead to even more efficient strategies.
These results are potentially of considerable importance for Fluid Mechanics, as they provide a proof
that DRL can be used to solve the high dimensionality, analytically intractable problem of active flow
control. The ANN and DRL approach has a number of strengths which make it an appealing
methodology. In particular, ANNs allow for an efficient global approximation of strongly nonlinear
functions, and they can be trained through direct experimentation of the DRL agent with the flow
which makes it in theory easily applicable to both simulations and experiments without changes in
the DRL methodology. In addition, once trained, the ANN requires only few calculations to compute
the control at each time step. In the present case when two hidden layers of width 512 are used, most
of the computational cost comes from a matrix multiplication, where the size of the matrices to
multiply is [512, 512]. This is much less computationally expensive than the underlying problem.
Finally, we are able to show that learning takes place in a timely manner, requiring a reasonable
number of vortex shedding periods to obtain a converged strategy.
This work opens a number of research directions, including applying the DRL methodology to more
complex simulations, for example more realistic 3D LES/DNS on large computer clusters, or even
applying such an approach directly to a real world experiment. In addition, a number of interesting
questions arise from the use of ANNs and DRL. For example, can some form of transfer learning be
used between simulations and the real world if the simulations are realistic enough (i.e., can one train
an ANN in a simulation, and then use it in the real world)? The use of DRL for active flow control may
provide a technique to finally take advantage of advanced, complex flow actuation possibilities, such
as those allowed by complex jet actuator arrays.

3.3 Case Study 3 - Solving Partial Differential Equations by a Supervised Learning

Technique, Applied for the Reaction–Diffusion Equation
Authors : Behzad Zakeri, Morteza Khashehchi, Sanaz Samsam, Atoosa Tayebi, Atefeh Rezaei
Appearance: Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
Citation : Zakeri, B., Khashehchi, M., Samsam, S. et al. Solving partial differential equations by a
supervised learning technique, applied for the reaction–diffusion equation. SN Appl. Sci. 1, 1589 (2019).
Deep learning is a crucial point of valuable intelligence resources to deal with complicated
mathematical problems [Zakeri et al.]77. The effectiveness of deep learning in solving differential
equations has been considered over the past few years. Supervision of the learning process requires
significant information to be marked in order to train the network. Nevertheless, this approach could
not be a helpful strategy in case of unknown differential equations that we have no identified data. In
order to address this problem, a new method for solving differential equations will be introduced in
this paper using only the boundary and initial conditions. As an efficient method, inadequate
monitoring can provide an ideal bed to fix boundary and initial value issues. For verification of the
proposed method, a reaction–diffusion equation was performed. This equation has a variety of
applications in engineering and science.
3.3.1 Introduction
Reaction–diffusion equation (RDE) is one of the well-known partial differential equations (PDEs) in
engineering sciences as well as chemistry and finance [12]. RDE, by considering the simultaneous
diffusion and dissipation of a property in the system gives an accurate model to predict the value of
that property in the space-time domain. Coefficients, variables, boundary conditions type and
dimensions of the RDE are highly dependent on the case which is studying, and based on the way that
they are chosen, proper technique must be taken. All techniques aim to represent a precise solution
(C(x, t)) of the RDE which describe diffusive property concentration in each time and position [21].
Although there are numerous numerical and analytical techniques to solve PDEs with different
conditions, there is no global method which can handle all kinds of PDEs.
In recent years, by the explosive increment in available data, several heuristic approaches which all
rely on the Machine Learning (ML) have been introduced for solving linear and non-linear PDEs [1,
2]. In all of them, models, by the utility of available data set tries to discovery the governing rule
between initial/boundary conditions and the solution. Nevertheless, data-driven models can
adequately learn the physics of the PDEs, but it requires the solution of the PDE before the solving
process, which is not available in most cases.
In this work, weakly supervised learning was utilized to solve the one-dimensional RDE with
constant coefficients and Dirichlet boundary condition. The benefit of this technique is that the
network is trained whit only the boundary condition without providing any solution before the
solving process. For the validation purpose, the analytical solution of the corresponding problem has
been provided by taking advantage of Danckwert’s transform. Also, the dimensional analysis method
was used to assess the function of the neural network in solving pure reaction and pure diffusion
without any training process.
3.3.2 Related Work and Literature Survey
The present study is a connection between artificial intelligence and dynamical systems, which each
of them has been conducted in a variety of research studies. The former subject is researched by data
scientists and AI developers. The main objective of weakly supervised learning is to provide a general

77Behzad Zakeri, Morteza Khashehchi, Sanaz Samsam, Atoosa Tayebi, Atefeh Rezaei, “Solving Partial
Differential Equations By A Supervised Learning Technique, Applied For The Reaction–Diffusion Equation”,
Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.

platform technique for learning algorithms to be able to learn at the training stage with minimal
initial marked data. The latter topic is aiming for a reliable method for solving PDEs. The use of
various mathematical techniques for the estimation of the solution of PDEs is one of the essential
aspects of this work.
Changing traditional numerical methods to alternative meshless approaches, such as machine
learning, has become increasingly popular in recent years. Particularly in the event of problems with
complex mathematical formulation, machine learning schemes are replaced by classical models [11].
[Oquab et al.] have used a weakly supervised convolutional neural network to identify objects in
image processing to reduce the number of input labelled images. This method was a general concept
and has been used in various applications, such as automated identification, medical image analysis
and differential equation resolution [3, 8, 18]. [Sharma et al] trained an encoder–decoder U-Net
architecture, which was a completely convoluted neural network to solve a steady-state two-
dimensional heat equation on a regular square.
For this reason, weakly supervised learning techniques have been used to describe the proper
convolutional kernel and loss function to train the network only by using the boundary conditions of
the PDE, rather than having a large number of marked data sets [17]. [Han et al.] have introduced a
new approach to use deep learning to solve high-dimensional PDEs. In the form of backward
stochastic differential equations (BSDEs), they reformulate the PDEs and then use deep learning to
approximate the gradient of the solution. Though their method is effective in dealing with high-
dimensional situations, this method’s limitations justify looking for the comprehensive approach to
resolving linear and low-dimensional PDEs [6, 19].
Then again, customary numerical strategies, for example, FDM and FVM, have been broadly created
to handle various sorts of scientific issues which portrayal of a precise answer for them is not
available [12]. For example, for the above case of the utilization of the response dispersion condition
in sulfate assault, [Zuo et al.] have utilized the limited contrast technique to discover the fixation
dissemination of sulfate particles in concrete. Additionally, expanded looks into have led on the use
of AI in various designing fields, for example, handling with violent streams and control theory [5, 10,
3.3.3 Physics Reaction–Diffusion Equation
For explaining 1-D RDE, a primary line has been considered as a domain with Dirichlet boundary
condition at the parts of the bargains. By doling out the self-assertive consistent to the dissemination
coefficients, we are able to control the part of the fabric on the transport phenomena. Too, the
response coefficient indicated the impact of the interaction between the diffusive substance and
medium. In this recreation, a high concentration connected to the boundaries, and the point is
modelling the engendering of that substance among the space. The general form of the RDE in one-
dimensional space is shown in Eq. 3.3.1, including the initial/boundary conditions , and we want to
determine C(x, t), the concentration field in arbitrary time.

∂C ∂2 C
= D 2 − RC B. C. C(0 < x < L, 0) = 0 and C(0, t) = C(L, t) = C0
∂t ∂x
Eq. 3.3.1
where D, R > 0 are the diffusion coefficient and reaction rate between specified material and domain
respectively. The analytical procedures are not accessible in most cases. Be that as it may, by
expecting the straight line as space and Dirichlet boundary condition, the expository arrangement of
the RDE is appeared in taking after. Since convergence analysis within the neural networks is an
impossible task [14], this arrangement plays a critical part within the approval of profound learning
comes about.
71 Analytical Solution

For the utility of Danckwert’s method to represent the analytical solution and by considering Eq.
3.3.1 with constant coefficients (D and R), firstly, the equation must be solved without any source
term (reaction term). Consequently, Eq. 3.3.1 reform to the Eq. 3.3.2 as follows:

∂C1 ∂2 C1
=D 2
∂t ∂x
Eq. 3.3.2
where C1 represents the solution of the RDE without any reactive term. Let us attempt to find a
nontrivial solution of (Eq. 3.3.2) satisfying the boundary conditions (Eq. 3.3.1) using separation of
C1 (x, t) = X(x)T(t)
Eq. 3.3.3
Substituting C1(x, t) back into Eq. 3.3.2 one obtains:

1 T ′ (t) X ′′ (x)
= = −λ2
D T(t) X(x)
Eq. 3.3.4
where λ is an arbitrary positive coefficient. The solution of the corresponding ODEs of Eq. 3.3.4 are:

T(t) = e−λ
Eq. 3.3.5

X(x) = Asin(𝜆𝑥) + Bcos(λx)

Eq. 3.3.6
leading to a of Eq. 3.3.2 of the form:

C1 (x, t) = [Asin(λx) + Bcos(λx)]e−λ
Eq. 3.3.7
where A and B are constants of integration. Since Eq. 3.3.2 is a linear equation, the most general
solution is obtained by summing solutions of type Eq. 3.3.7, so that we have:

C1 (x, t) = ∑ [A𝛼 sin(λ𝛼 x) + B𝛼 cos(λ𝛼 x)]e−λ𝛼
Eq. 3.3.8
where Aα , Bα , and λα are determined by the initial and boundary conditions for any particular
problem. The boundary conditions Eq. 3.3.1 demand that:

A α = 0 , λ𝛼 =
Eq. 3.3.9
By utility of Fourier series, the final solution of the Eq. 3.3.2 have been extracted as the following

4C0 1 −D(2n + 1)2 π2 t (2n + 1)πx
C1 (x, t) = ∑ exp ( ) cos
π 2n + 1 L2 L
Eq. 3.3.10
Based on the Danckwert’s transform [9], the solution of the Eq. 3.3.1 can be calculated by the
following integral transform:


C(x, t) = k ∫ C1 e−kt dt ′ + C1 e−kt
Eq. 3.3.11
Finally, after the integration, the final solution of the 1-D RDE (Eq. 3.3.1) can be shown as follow:

−4C0 𝑡 𝑡
C(x, t) = ∑ ⟨𝑎𝑛 cos(ω𝑛 x) {kΨ𝑛 [exp ( ) − 1] + exp ( )} k⟩ + C0
π Ψ𝑛 Ψ𝑛
Eq. 3.3.12
where an , ωn and ψn are represented as follows:

(−1)n (2n + 1)π 4L2

an = , ωn = , Ψn =
(2n + 1)′ 2L −De (2n + 1)2 π2 − 4kL2
Eq. 3.3.13 Finite Difference Method

The finite-difference is considered as a powerful numerical strategy which is utilized to compute the
precise solution of the PDEs in arbitrary domains. In this strategy, governing physical equations and
space both discretized, and all equations solve iteratively on the discrete space. Considering the
discretization of the domain 16 and time 17, the discretized shape of RDE for position m and time n
would be:
n+1 n n n
Cm − Cm Cm−1 − 2nm + Cm+1 n
= −D 2
− RCm
∆t ∆x
xL − x0 t∞ − t0
= ∆x , = ∆t
m n
Eq. 3.3.14
where Cnm is the concentration in time n and position m, also indices 0, L and ∞ represent the
boundaries in time and positions, ends of the domain and last time step respectively. With solving
the Eq. 3.3.14 iteratively, the value of the C in each time and position converge to the correct value. Deep Learning Solver

The point of this work is utilizing the deep neural network to solve the RDE with as it was utilizing
boundary and initial conditions, without knowing the numerical or analytical solution or indeed
having any labelled information. For this reason, the differential form of the equation has been
decoded into a physical-informed loss function. This method makes a difference for us to discover
the solution of the PDE without utilizing supervision within the frame of information. To define the
initial and boundary conditions of the problem into the deep neural network, we utilized a n × m

matrix which its columns and rows represent the positions and time steps respectively. All of the
matrix components for the input matrix are zero except the primary and final columns which their
values represent to the boundary condition values (which in this case is C0). Moreover, in this matrix
each row demonstrates the concentration distribution in a specified time-frame. Deep Learning Architecture

A fully convolutional encoder–decoder organize within the shape of U-Net engineering has been
utilized in this consider, as [Ronneberger et al.] have utilized this design for biomedical picture
segmentation. The most reason for choosing a fully convolutional design among other structures is
the adaptability of this structure to fathom issues at different scales. The arrange contains a few
encoding convolutional and translating pooling layers which spare the input matrix estimate amid
the learning handle. At last, the output matrix gives the solution of the PDE within the discretized
space-time space. The schematic structure of the network has appeared in Figure 3.3.1. As it
appears in Figure 3.3.1, each encoding layer has been connected to the corresponding decoder layer
utilizing Fusion link. The reason for the utility of fusion link is to pass the boundary values of the

Figure 3.3.1 Schematic Diagram of the Network Architecture

input to the output layers, and by this procedure, the network is not constrained to memorize the
structure of the input in its bottleneck layers. The number of layers in our design is self-assertive,
and it is conceivable to include layers into the network as much as essential. Kernel
To make an intelligent network that can solve the equation in any time and position, it is necessary
to define the governing rule in that equation in a simple way for the neural network. It is similar to
the method that FDM use for solving the discretized equation. In fact, by discretization of a continues
equation and transferring that equation into the algebraic form we can observe the governing rule
for every point in space and time. By reforming the Eq. 3.3.14, we can find the state of an arbitrary
point in the space-time domain based on its neighbors as shown in:

n+1 n n n n n
) − RCm
Cm = Cm + B(Cm−1 − 2Cm + Cm+1 ∆t
Eq. 3.3.15
And B defined as follow:
∆x 2
Eq. 3.3.16
For transferring the relation among variables into the neural network, Eq. 3.3.15 have been decoded
into the 3 × 3convolutional kernel as follow:

−a −b −c
[0 1 0]
0 0 0
Eq. 3.3.17
a → Bc → Bb → (1 − 2B − R∆t)
Eq. 3.3.18
Discussed Kernel has been convolved into the across the input matrix, and the output matrix after
normalization was used to calculate the Loss function:

∑(Conv2D(Kernel, Output)ij )
Eq. 3.3.19
By minimizing the Eq. 3.3.19, the deep neural network tries to make its’ solution closer to the real
values which can be found in Eq. 3.3.15 and changing in boundary and initial conditions train the
network for solving any type of problems governed by reaction–diffusion physics.
3.3.4 Results
In this section, the solutions of the RDE
which have been conducted by
analytical and Deep Learning methods
analyze and compare with previously
validated solutions. The solution of the
proposed equation has been
represented by taking advantage of the
numerical method (FDM) for
determining the concentration of the
sulfate ion in concrete. To have better
judgment, boundary and initial
condition of the demonstrated solution
in this section have been chosen
precisely similar to the [Zuo et al.]. As it
was raised in the deep learning section,
the output of the U-Net network for
specific input is a matrix which its Figure 3.3.2 The contour of the concentration conducted
columns and rows represent the by the analytical solution. ( D = O(10−8) , R = O(10−4))
position and time, and the value of each
element demonstrates the
concentration in ith time and jth position. On the other hand, the proposed analytical solution in Sect.

3.2 gives the continues field of solution.

Figure 3.2.1 and Figure 3.3.3
illustrate the contour of the analytical
solution of the proposed equation.
Looking at Figure 3.3.2 in more detail,
the concentration diffusion along the
time axis is apparent. Both the left and
right edges of the demonstrated
illustration represent the boundary
conditions of the problem within this
case are the same and equal to ( C0 ). By
moving through the y-axis (Time-axis)
of the contour, the propagation of the
concentration advance, although this
phenomenon is less visible in this image
and more evident in Figure 3.3.3,
because of the way the coefficients have
Figure 3.3.3 shows the contours of the Figure 3.3.3 The contour of the concentration conducted
RDE solution with different coefficients by the analytical solution. ( D = O(10−8) , R = O(10−6))
compares to Figure 3.3.2. Reaction and
Diffusion coefficients have chosen in a
way that after some time, the diffusion process fills all the domain rather than Figure 3.3.2. In both
Figure 3.3.2 and Figure 3.3.3, the reaction and diffusion process plays a significant role, and none
of them cannot be neglected. One of the demanding features of Figure 3.3.3 is the bell shape of the
iso-contours of the concentration. The reason for this shape is the nature of the propagation in such
cases which behave such as waves.
Although the wave base
solution of such systems is
much developed for semi-
infinite domains with pure
diffusion, the nature of the
wave behavior of the RDE is
evident in Figure 3.3.3.
Several cases of wave
solution of such systems can
be found in the mathematical
literature of diffusion
phenomena [4, 7, 16].
Figure 3.3.4 compares the
deep learning solution with
finite difference method
comes about in terms of
concentration propagation
along with space at various
times. With looking more
accurately to Figure 3.3.4,
we watch that deep learning
Figure 3.3.4 2D Comparison of Deep Learning With FDM Solver In
comes about to have high Different Times
consistency with FDM comes

about. However, it seems that deep learning cannot accurately forecast the concentrations values in
primary timesteps such as 1s. Many reasons can be named for the lack of deep learning in predicting
the correct values in primary time-steps, but the most critical and compelling reason is the high
gradient in this space-time.
In Figure 3.3.5, 3D results of the reaction–diffusion solutions conducted by deep learning and
analytical solution have been demonstrated. To have a better perspective of the physics of the
reaction–diffusion process, the proportion of the reaction rate and diffusion coefficient have chosen
meticulously. The proportion of reaction and diffusion coefficient can determine the physics of the
system among pure diffusion, pure reaction, and simultaneous reaction–diffusion. In fact, by
choosing the correct range of coefficient, the role of the arbitrary term in the equation( reaction or
diffusion) can outweigh the other term.
For this reason, a dimensionless coefficient has been characterized which offer assistance us to
calculate the right extent of response and dissemination coefficients to have all three state of the
arrangement in our computation. Damköhler number is an important dimensionless parameter in
chemical engineering which clarifies the role of diffusion, reaction or simultaneous reaction–
diffusion phenomena in transport phenomena and define as follow:

Rate of Reaction
Da =
Diffusion Rate
Eq. 3.3.20
In our model Eq. 3.3.1, Damköhler number is defined as:

Da =
Eq. 3.3.21
This number represents the states of reaction–diffusion in
different states where Da ≅ 1 , Da ≫ 1 , and Da ≪ 1 mean the
physics of Reaction–Diffusion, pure Reaction, and pure
Diffusion respectively. The Mean Square Error (MSE) index
has been utilized to calculate the deep learning faults in
predicting the correct values of the equation. It has been
observed that the final value of the concentration in space-
time is dependent on the reaction and diffusion coefficients.
However, this dependency is not as much as affect the
accuracy of the final results in a way that they become
unreliable. To have a quantitative assessment of deep learning
solution, we assumed one of the coefficients constant, and by
changing the other coefficient MSE value has been computed, Table 3.3.1 Accuracy Analyze
and the result of this analysis is reported in Table 3.3.1. Based On Changing Coefficients
3.3.5 Conclusion
In this paper, the capability of weakly supervised learning in comprehending the transient one-
dimensional reaction–diffusion equation has been studied. Also, an analytical solution for the RDE
based on the separation of variable technique and the utility of Danchwert’s transform has proposed.
It appeared that the results conducted by deep learning method have grate consistency with
analytical and numerical results. Moreover, it was observed that the values of the reaction and
diffusion coefficients could cause the miss estimation by deep learning. Although these noises were
not in such a level that manipulates our results in this case, it could be the source of destructive faults
in other problems like BSDEs. Finally, it is worth emphasizing that weakly supervised learning, cloud

successfully tackle the lack of sufficient labelled data to learn the physics of the governing equations.
Furthermore, this method can be considered for complex problems with limited labelled data and
complex governing equation.

Figure 3.3.5 3D Comparison of Deep Learning with Analytical Solution


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3.4 Case Study 4 – Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) for Fluid Mechanics:
A Review
Authors : Shengze Cai1 · Zhiping Mao2 · Zhicheng Wang3 · Minglang Yin4,5 · George Em Karniadakis1,4
Affiliations : 1 Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, USA
2 School of Mathematical Sciences Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
3 Laboratory of Ocean Energy Utilization of Ministry of Education, Dalian University of

Technology, China
4 School of Engineering, Brown University, Providence, USA
5 Center for Biomedical Engineering, Brown University, Providence, USA

Citation : arXiv:2105.09506v1 [physics.flu-dyn]

Source :
Adapted from : The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and Springer-Verlag GmbH
Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021 (Invited Review)
Reproduction Mode : Slight Format Changes
3.4.1 Abstract
Despite the significant progress over the last 50 years in simulating flow problems using numerical
discretization of the Navier–Stokes equations (NSE), we still cannot incorporate seamlessly noisy
data into existing algorithms, mesh-generation is complex, and we cannot tackle high-dimensional
problems governed by parametrized NSE. Moreover, solving inverse flow problems is often
prohibitively expensive and requires complex and expensive formulations and new computer codes.
Here, we review flow physics-informed learning, integrating seamlessly data and mathematical
models, and implement them using physics-informed neural networks (PINNs). We demonstrate the
effectiveness of PINNs for inverse problems related to three-dimensional wake flows, supersonic
flows, and biomedical flows.
Keywords Physics-informed learning · PINNs · Inverse problems · Supersonic flows · Biomedical
3.4.2 Introduction
In the last 50 years there has been a tremendous progress in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in
solving numerically the incompressible and compressible Navier–Stokes equations (NSE) using finite
elements, spectral, and even meshless methods [1–4]. Yet, for real-world applications, we still cannot
incorporate seamlessly (multi-fidelity) data into existing algorithms, and for industrial-complexity
problems the mesh generation is time consuming and still an art. Moreover, solving inverse
problems, e.g., for unknown boundary conditions or conductivities [5], etc., is often prohibitively
expensive and requires different formulations and new computer codes. Finally, computer programs
such as OpenFOAM [6] have more than 100,000 lines of code, making it almost impossible to maintain
and update them from one generation to the next.
Physics-informed learning [7], introduced in a series of papers by Karniadakis’s group both for
Gaussian-process regression [8,9] and physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) [10], can
seamlessly integrate multifidly/multimodality experimental data with the various Navier–Stokes
formulations for incompressible flows [11,12] as well as compressible flows [13] and biomedical
flows [14]. PINNs use automatic differentiation to represent all the differential operators and hence
there is no explicit need for a mesh generation. Instead, the Navier–Stokes equations and any other
kinematic or thermodynamic constraints can be directly incorporated in the loss function of the
neural network (NN) by penalizing deviations from the target values (e.g., zero residuals for the
conservation laws) and are properly weighted with any given data, e.g., partial measurements of the
surface pressure.
PINNs are not meant to be a replacement of the existing CFD codes, and in fact the current generation
of PINNs is not as accurate or as efficient as high-order CFD codes [2] for solving the standard forward

problems. This limitation is associated with the minimization of the loss function, which is a high-
dimensional non-convex function, a limitation which is a grand challenge of all neural networks for
even commercial machine learning. However, PINNs perform much more accurately and more
efficiently than any CFD solver if any scattered partial spatial-temporal data are available for the flow
problem under consideration. Moreover, the forward and inverse PINN formulations are identical so
there is no need for expensive data assimilation schemes that have stalled progress especially for
optimization and design applications of flow problems in the past.
In this paper we first review the basic principles of PINNs and recent extensions using domain
decomposition for multi-physics and multiscale flow problems. We then present new results for a
three-dimensional (3D) wake formed in incompressible flow behind a circular cylinder. We also
show results for a two-dimensional (2D) supersonic flow past a blunt body, and finally we infer
material parameters in simulating thrombus deformation in a biomedical flow.
3.4.3 PINN
In this section we first review the basic PINN concept and subsequently discuss more recent
advancements in incompressible, compressible and biomedical flows. PINNs: Basic Concepts

We consider a parametrized partial differential equation (PDE) system given by:

f(𝐱 , t, û, ∂𝐱 û, ∂t û, , , , , , 𝛌) x ∈ Ω , t ∈ [o, T]

û(𝐱 ,0) = g 0 (𝐱) 𝐱 ∈ Ω , and û(𝐱, t) = g Γ (𝐱) 𝐱 ∈ ∂Ω , t ∈ [o, T]
Eq. 3.4.1
where x ∈ Rd is the spatial coordinate and t is the time; f denotes the residual of the PDE, containing
the differential operators (i.e., [∂x ˆu, ∂t ˆu, . . . ]); λ = [λ1, λ2, . . . ] are the PDE parameters; ˆu(x, t) is the
solution of the PDE with initial condition g0(x) and boundary condition gΓ(t) (which can be Dirichlet,
Neumann or mixed boundary condition); Ω and ∂Ω represent the spatial domain and the boundary,
respectively. In the context of the vanilla PINNs [15], a fully-connected feed-forward neural network,
which is composed of multiple hidden layers, is used to approximate the solution of the PDE ˆu by
taking the space and time coordinates (x, t) as inputs, as shown in the blue panel in Figure 3.4.1.
Let the hidden variable of the kth hidden layer be denoted by zk , then the neural network can be
expressed as
𝐳 0 = (𝐱 , t)
𝐳 k = σ(𝐖 𝐤 𝐳 𝐤−𝟏 + 𝐛𝐤 ) 1≤k≤ L−1
k k k−1 k
𝐳 =𝐖 𝐳 +𝐛 k≤ L
Eq. 3.4.2
where the output of the last layer is used to approximate the true solution, namely ˆu ≈ zL . Wk and
bk denote the weight matrix and bias vector of the kth layer; σ(·) is a nonlinear activation function. All
the trainable model parameters, i.e., weights and biases, are denoted by θ in this paper. In PINNs,
solving a PDE system (denoted by Eq. 3.4.1) is converted into an optimization problem by iteratively
updating θ with the goal to minimize the loss function L:

L = ω1 LPDE + ω2 LDATA + ω3 LIC + ω4 LBC

Eq. 3.4.3
where ω1−4 are the weighting coefficients for different loss terms. The first term LPDE in Eq. 3.4.3
penalizes the residual of the governing equations. The other terms are imposed to satisfy the model
predictions for the measurements Ldata, the initial condition LIC, and the boundary condition LBC,
respectively. In general, the mean square error (MSE), taking the L2-norm of the sampling points, is
employed to compute the losses in Eq. 3.4.3. The sampling points are defined as a data set {xi , ti }Ni=1,

where the number of points (denoted by N) for different loss terms can be different. Generally, we
use the ADAM optimizer [16], an adaptive algorithm for gradient-based first-order optimization, to
optimize the model parameters θ.
Remark 1 We note that the definition of the loss function shown in Eq. 3.4.3 is problem-dependent,
hence some terms may disappear for different types of the problem. For example, when we solve a
forward problem in fluid mechanics with the known parameters (˘) and the initial/boundary
conditions of the PDEs, the data loss Ldata is not necessarily required. However, in the cases where the
model parameters or the initial/boundary conditions are unknown (namely, inverse problems), the
data measurements should be taken into account in order to make the optimization problem
solvable. We also note that the PINN framework can be employed to solve an “over-determined”
system, e.g., well-posed in a classical sense with initial and boundary conditions known and
additionally some measurements inside the domain or at boundaries (e.g., pressure measurements).
One of the key procedures to construct the PDE loss in Eq. 3.4.3 is the computation of partial
derivatives, which is addressed by using automatic differentiation (AD). Relying on the combination
of the derivatives for a sequence of operations by using the chain rule, AD calculates the derivatives
of the outputs with respect to the network inputs directly in the computational graph. The

Figure 3.4.1 Schematic of a physics-informed neural network (PINN). A fully-connected neural network,
with time and space coordinates (t, x) as inputs, is used to approximate the multi-physics solutions ˆ u =
[u, v, p, φ]. The derivatives of ˆ u with respect to the inputs are calculated using automatic differentiation
(AD) and then used to formulate the residuals of the governing equations in the loss function, that is
generally composed of multiple terms weighted by different coefficients. The parameters of the neural
network θ and the unknown PDE parameters λ can be learned simultaneously by minimizing the loss
computation of partial derivatives can be calculated with an explicit expression, hence avoiding
introducing discretization and truncation errors as in conventional numerical methods. However, as
the PDE and its derivatives are parameterized by neural networks in PINNs, we note that there may
exist generalization error and optimization error depending on the training data and the optimizer,
respectively [17]. At the present time, ADhas been implemented in various deep learning frameworks
[18,19], which makes it convenient for the development of PINNs.
A schematic of PINNs is shown in Figure 3.4.1, where the key elements (e.g., neural network, AD,
loss function) are indicated in different colors. Here, we consider a multi-physics problem, where the
solutions include the velocity (u, v), pressure p and a scalar field φ, which are coupled in a PDE system

f. The schematic in Figure 3.4.1 represents most of the typical problems in fluid mechanics. For
instance, the PDEs considered here can be the Boussinesq approximation of the Navier–Stokes
equations, where φ is the temperature. Following the paradigm in Figure 3.4.1 we will describe the
governing equations, the loss function and the neural network configurations of PINNs case-by-case
in the rest of this paper. Recent Advances of PINNs

First proposed in Refs. [20,21], see also Ref. [15], PINNs have attracted a lot of attention in the
scientific computing community as well as the fluid mechanics community. Here, we review some
related works regarding the methodology and the application to fluid mechanics. Beneficial due to
the high flexibility and the expressive ability in function approximation, PINNs have been extended
to solve various classes of PDEs, e.g., integrodifferential equations [22], fractional equations [22],
surfaces PDEs [23] and stochastic differential equations [24]. A variational formulation of PINNs
based on the Galerkin method (hp-VPINN) was proposed to deal with PDEs with non-smooth
solutions [25]. In addition, the variational hp-VPINN considered domain decomposition, and similar
pointwise versions were also studied in CPINN [26] and XPINN [27].
A general parallel implementation of PINNs with domain decomposition for flow problems is
presented in [28]; the NVIDIA library SimNet [29] is also a very efficient implementation of PINNs.
Another important extension is the uncertainty quantification for the PDE solutions inferred by
neural networks [30–34]. This has been studied by using the Bayesian framework [34]. Moreover,
some other researches on PINNs focused on the development of the neural network architecture and
the training, e.g., using multi-fidelity framework [35], adaptive activation functions [36] and dynamic
weights of the loss function [37], hard constraints [38] and CNN-based network architectures [39],
which can improve the performance of PINNs on different problems. On the theoretical side, some
recent works [17,40–42] have provided more guarantees and insights into the convergence of PINNs.
In particular, the authors in Refs. [17] and [40] both state that the approximation to the PDE solution
by PINNs converges as the number of training data increases.
It is also reported in Refs. [40,41] that the upper bound of the generalization error of PINNs can be
quantified, which is dependent on the training error, the number of training samples and some
constants from the stability estimate. These analyses have covered a wide range of linear PDEs with
concrete examples in both forward and inverse problems.
The development of the methodology has inspired a number of applications in other fields, especially
in fluid mechanics where the flow phenomena can be described by the NSE. In Ref. [15], the vanilla
PINN was proposed to infer the unknown parameters (e.g., the coefficient of the convection term) in
the NS equations based on velocity measurements for the 2D flow over a cylinder. Following this
work, PINNs were then applied to various flows [10–14, 43–50], covering the applications on
compressible flows [13], biomedical flows [14,43,51], turbulent convection flows [49], free boundary
and Stefan problems [48], etc.
The main attractive advantage of PINNs in solving fluid mechanics problems is that a unified
framework (shown in Figure 3.4.1) can be used for both forward and inverse problems. Compared
to the traditional CFD solvers, PINNs are superior at integrating the data (observations of the flow
quantities) and physics (governing equations). A promising application is on the flow visualization
technology [12,52], where the flow fields can be easily inferred from the observations such as
concentration fields and images. On the contrary, such inverse problems are difficult for conventional
CFD solvers. More relevant works on mechanics in general can be found in references: [53] for
turbulent flow, [54] for phase-field fracture model, and [55] for inferring modulus in a
nonhomogeneous material.
3.4.4 Case Study for 3D Incompressible Flows
In this section, we demonstrate the effectiveness of PINNs for solving inverse problems in
incompressible flows. In particular, we apply PINNs to reconstruct the 3Dflowfields based on a few

two-dimensional and two-component (2D2C) velocity observations. The proposed algorithm is able
to infer the full velocity and pressure fields very accurately with limited data, which is promising for
diagnosis of complex flows when only 2D measurements (e.g., planar particle image velocimetry) are
available. Problem Setup

We consider the 3D wake flow past a stationary cylinder at Reynolds number Re = 200 in this section.
In order to evaluate the performance of PINNs, we generate the reference solution numerically by
using the spectral/hp element method [2]. The computational domain is defined as _: [−7.5, 28.5] ×
[−20, 20] × [0, 12.5], where the coordinates are non-dimensionalized by the diameter of the cylinder.
The center of the cylinder is located at (x, y) = (0, 0). We assume that the velocity (u = 1) is uniform
at the inflow boundary where x = −7.5. A periodic boundary condition is used at the lateral
boundaries where y = ±20, and the zero-pressure is prescribed at the outlet where x = 28.5. Moreover,
the no-slip boundary condition is imposed on the cylinder surface. The governing equations in this
case study are the dimensionless incompressible Navier–Stokes equations with Re = 200. Under this
configuration, the wake flow over the cylinder is 3D and unsteady. The simulation is performed until
the vortex shedding flow becomes stable. At the end, the time-dependent data are collected for PINN
training and evaluation.

a b

Figure 3.4.2 Case study of PINNs for incompressible flows: illustration of simulating the 3D wake flow
over a circular cylinder. a Iso-surface of the vorticity (x-component) in the whole domain color-coded by
the streamwise velocity. The cube with blue edges represents the computational domain in this case. b
Velocity and pressure fields in the domain. The simulation was performed by the CFD solver Nektar,
which is based on the spectral/hp element method [2]

The simulation results of the 3D flow are shown in Figure 3.4.2, where Figure 3.4.2a shows the
iso-surface of streamwise vorticity (ωx = −0.3) color-coded with the streamwise velocity u. In this
section, we are interested in the 3D flow reconstruction problem from limited data, and we only focus
on a subdomain in the wake flow, namely Ωs : [1.5, 7.5] × [−3, 3] ×[4, 9], which is represented by a
cube with blue edges in Figure 3.4.2a. The contours of the three velocity components and pressure
field are shown in Figure 3.4.2b. An Eulerian mesh with 61×61×26 grid points is used for plotting.
To demonstrate the unsteadiness of the motion, we consider 50 snapshots with ∆t = 0.2, which cover
about two periods of the vortex shedding cycle. Here, we aim to apply PINNs for reconstructing the
3D flow field from the velocity observations of a few 2D planes. As illustrated in Figure 3.4.3, three
different “experimental” setups are considered in this paper:

– Case 1: two x-planes (x = 1.5, 7.5), one y-plane (y = 0) and two z-planes (z = 4.0, 9.0) are observed.
– Case 2: two x-planes (x = 1.5, 7.5), one y-plane (y = 0) and one z-plane (z = 6.4) are observed.
– Case 3: one x-plane (x = 1.5), one y-plane (y = 0) and one z-plane (z = 6.4) are observed.

Figure 3.4.3 Case study of PINNs for incompressible flows: problem setup for 3D flow reconstruction
from 2D2C observations. a Case 1: two x-planes (x = 1.5, 7.5), one y-plane (y = 0) and two z-planes (z = 4.0,
9.0) are observed. b Case 2: two x-planes (x = 1.5, 7.5), one y-plane (y = 0) and one z-plane (z = 6.4) are
observed. c Case 3: one x-plane (x = 1.5), one y-plane (y = 0) and one z-plane (z = 6.4) are observed. Note
that for the cross-planes, only the projected vectors are measured. The goal is to infer the 3D flow in the
investigated domain using PINNs from these 2D2C observations

We note that for these cross-planes,

only the projected vectors (two
components) are considered known.
For example, the velocities (u, v) can
be observed on the z-plane, while the
orthogonal component (w) is
unknown. The purpose of doing this
is to mimic the planar particle image Table 3.4.1 Case study of PINNs for incompressible flows:
velocimetry in real experiments. details of the 2D2C observation
Moreover, the resolutions of these
2D2C observations are different, which can be found in Table 3.4.1. Implementation of PINNs

Given the observation data on the cross-planes, we train a PINNs model to approximate the flow
fields over the space-time domain. The PINN in this section take (x, t) = (x, y, z, t) as inputs and outputs
the velocity and pressure (u, v, w, p). The loss function in PINN can be defined as:

Eq. 3.4.4
1 i 2
LDATA = ∑‖u (𝐱 DATA , t iDATA ) − uiDATA ‖2 +
1 i 2
∑‖v (𝐱 DATA , t iDATA ) − vDATA
‖2 +

1 i 2
∑‖w (𝐱 DATA , t iDATA ) − wDATA
Eq. 3.4.5
𝑁𝑓 4
1 2
LPDE = ∑ ∑‖f 𝑖 (𝐱 fi , t if )‖2 where
𝑖 j
∂𝐮 1
f1,2,3 = + 𝐮 ∙ ∇𝐮 + ∇p − ∇2 𝐮 , f4 = ∇. 𝐮
∂t Re
Eq. 3.4.6
The data loss Ldata is composed of three components, and the number of training data (namely Nu, Nv
and Nw) depends on the number of observed planes, the data resolution of each plane as well as the
number of snapshots. On the other hand, the residual points for LPDE can be randomly selected, and
here we sample Nf = 3 × 106 points over the investigated space and time domain Ωs . Note that in this
study, the boundary and initial conditions are not required unlike the classical setting. Moreover, no
information about the pressure is given. The weighting coefficients for the loss terms are all equal to
1. A fully-connected neural network with 8 hidden layers and 200 neurons per layer is employed.
The activation function of each neuron is σ = sin(·). We apply the ADAM optimizer with mini-batch
for network training, where a batch size of N = 104 is used for both data and residual points. The
network is trained for 150 epochs with learning rates 1×10−3, 5×10−4 and 1×10−4 for every 50 epochs.
After training, the velocity and pressure fields are evaluated on the Eulerian grid for comparison and
visualization. Inference Results

For a quantitative assessment, we first define the relative L2-norm error as the evaluation metric, which
is expressed as:
‖VCFD − V 2
ϵV = × 100%
Eq. 3.4.7
where V ∈ {u, v, w, p}; VCFD and ˆV account for the CFD data and the output of PINNs, respectively, ∥ ·
∥2 denotes the L2-norm. We compute the errors in the investigated time domain, which are shown in
Figure 3.4.4. It can be seen from the plots that PINNs can infer the 3D flow very accurately for Case
1 and Case 2; using 5 planes (Case 1) is slightly better than using 4 planes (Case 2). When only 3
cross-planes are available (Case 3), the errors become much larger. However, the result of Case 3 is
still acceptable as we are able to infer the main flow features with high accuracy (the error of the
streamwise velocity is mostly less than 2%). We note that the errors of w-velocity are larger than
the other components since the w-velocity magnitude is relatively small. Moreover, we observe
larger discrepancy for the initial and final time instants, which can be attributed to the lack of training
data for computing derivatives at t < 0 and t > 10. This generally happens in the cases when the initial
condition is not provided in the unsteady case [12].
To visualize more details, we emphasize the result of Case 2 and demonstrate the iso-surface of
vorticity magnitude and iso-surfaces of pressure at t = 8.0 in Figure 3.4.5 where Figure 3.4.5a
shows the reference CFD data and Figure 3.4.5b shows the result inferred by PINNs. The vorticity
value is |ω| = 1.2 and the color represents the streamwise velocity component.

Figure 3.4.4 Case study of PINNs for incompressible flows: relative L 2-norm errors of velocities and
pressure for different flow reconstruction setups. These three cases correspond to those shown in Figure
3.4.3. The errors are computed over the entire investigated domain

It can be seen that the PINNs inference result (inferred from a few 2D2C observations) is very
consistent with the CFD simulation. In addition, the velocities (u, v) at a single point (x = 3, y = 0, z =
6.4) against time are plotted in Figure 3.4.5c, where we can find that PINNs can capture the
unsteadiness of vortex shedding flow very accurately.
3.4.5 Case Study for Compressible Flows
PINNs have also been used in simulating high-speed flows [13]. In this section, we consider the
following 2D steady compressible Euler equations:

∇. f(𝐔) = 0 , x ∈ Ω ⊂ ℝ2 where 𝐔 = [ρ, ρu, ρv, ρE]T , f = (G1 , G2 )

Eq. 3.4.8
with G1(U) = [ρu, p + ρu2, ρuv, pu + ρuE], G2(U) =[ρv , ρuv, p + ρv2, pv + ρvE]. Here, ρ is the density,
p is the pressure, [u, v] are the velocity components, and E is the total energy. We use the additional
equation of state, which describes the relation of the pressure and energy, to close the above Euler
equations. For instance, we consider the equation of state for a polytropic gas given by

p = (γ − 1) (ρE − ρ‖𝐮‖𝟐 )
Eq. 3.4.9
where γ is the adiabatic index and u = (u, v). We shall employ the PINNs to solve the inverse problem
of the compressible Euler Eq. 3.4.8. In particular, we shall infer the density, pressure and velocity
fields by using PINNs based on the information of density gradients, limited data of pressure
(pressure on the surface of the body), inflow conditions and global physical constrains.

Figure 3.4.5 Case study of PINNs for incompressible flows: inference result of PINNs for Case 2. a Iso-
surfaces of vorticity magnitude (top) and pressure (bottom) at t = 8.0 from CFD data. b Iso-surfaces of
vorticity magnitude (top) and pressure (bottom) at t = 8.0 inferred by PINNs. c Point measurement (x = 3,
y = 0, z = 6.4) of velocity (u, v) against time. In this case, the 3D flow is inferred by PINNs from four cross-
planes Problem Setup

We consider a 2D bow shock wave problem. For traditional CFD simulations, it is crucial that the
boundary conditions, which play an important role, are properly implemented. However, for the
shock wave problem in high-speed flows, the boundary conditions in real experiments are usually
not known and can only be estimated approximately. In the present work, instead of using most of
the boundary conditions required by the traditional CFD simulation, we solve the Euler Eq. 3.4.8
using PINNs based on the data of density gradients ∇ρ motivated by the Schlieren photography
available experimentally; additionally, we use limited data of the surface pressure obtained by
pressure sensors as well as the global constrains (mass, momentum and energy). We also use the
inflow conditions here. Note that unlike the one dimensional case, where the density gradient in the
whole computational domain is used in Ref. [13], here we only use the density gradients in a sub-
domain D of the computational domain Ω, i.e., D ⊂ Ω. By combining the mathematical model and the
given data, we have the weighted loss function of PINN given by

Loss = LossPDE + LossConstrain + LossDATA where

LossPDE = ω1 Loss∇f(𝐔)

LossConstrain = ω2 (Lossmass + Lossmomentum + Lossenergy )

LossDATA = ω3 Loss + ω4 Lossinflow + ω5 Lossp∗ + ω6 Lossn.𝐮
Eq. 3.4.10
here Loss∇· f (U) corresponds to the Eq. 3.4.8, LossMass, LossMomentum and LossEnergy correspond to the
total mass, momentum and energy, Loss∇ρ|D corresponds to the data of density gradients in the sub-
domain D ⊂ Ω, Lossinflow corresponds to the inlet flow conditions, Lossp∗ corresponds to the data of
pressure on the body surface, Lossn·u corresponds to the velocity condition on the body surface. The
number of residual points for the equation is about 7000, the number of data points for the density
gradients is about 3000, the number of data points for the pressure on the surface is 40, the number
of data points for the inlet flow conditions is about 800. The number of points for the last term is 31. Inference Results

To demonstrate the effectiveness of PINNs for compressible flows ,we consider the bow shock
problem with the following inlet flow conditions

M∞ = 4 , p∞ = 101253.6 Pa , ρ∞ = 1.225 3
u∞ = 1360.6963 , v∞ = 0 , T∞ = 288 K
Eq. 3.4.11
The data points for the pressure are located on the surface of the body. By using the above inflow
conditions and CFD code, we can obtain the steady state flow. We show the density computed by CFD
in the left plot of Figure 3.4.6. We employ a 6 × 60 (6 hidden layers) neural network and train it by
using layer-wise adaptive tanh activate function [36] and the Adam optimizer with the learning rate

Figure 3.4.6 Case study of PINNs for compressible flows. Left: the density obtained by using CFD
simulation with the inlet flow condition (11). Middle: Distributions of the residual points (blue ∗ points),
the data points for the density gradient (red +points) and the data points for the inflow conditions
(magenta ◦ points). Right: training loss vs. number of epochs
being 6 × 10−4 for 3×105 epochs. Here, we also use the technique of dynamic weights [11,37]. The
history of the training loss is shown in the right plot of Figure 3.4.6. The results of the PINN
solutions for the pressure and velocity (u) are shown in Figure 3.4.7. Observe that the PINN
solutions are in good agreement with the CFD data. This indicates that we can reconstruct the flow
fields for high-speed flows using some other available knowledge.

3.4.6 Case Study for Biomedical Flows

In addition to the aforementioned flow examples, PINNs have also been used in biomedical flows
[14]. In this section, we consider inferring material properties of a thrombus in arterial flow
described by the Navier–Stokes and Cahn–Hilliard equations, which characterize the mechanical
interaction between thrombus and the surrounding flow. The PDE system is written as:

∂𝐮 (1 − ϕ)𝐮
+ 𝐮. ∇𝐮 + ∇p = ∇. (𝛔vis + 𝛔coh ) − μ , ∇. 𝐮 = 0
∂t 2kϕ
+ 𝐮. ∇ϕ = τ ∇ω , ω = ∆ϕ + γg(ϕ)
Eq. 3.4.12
g(φ) is the derivative of the double-well potential (φ2 −1)2/4h2. Variables, i.e., u(x, t), p(x, t) σ(x, t),
and φ(x, t), represent the velocity, pressure, stress, and phase field. Viscous and cohesive stresses are
defined as:

𝛔vis = μ∇2 𝐮 ,
𝛔coh = λ∇. (∇ϕ ⊗ ϕ)
Eq. 3.4.13
In particular, we set the density ρ
= 1, viscosity μ = 0.1, λ =
4.2428×10−5, τ = 10−6, and the
interface length h = 0.05. We
impose a Dirichlet boundary
condition for the velocity at inlet
Γi as u = g, (x, t) ∈ Γi × (0, T ). A
Neumann-type boundary
condition, ∂/∂n = 0 for x ∈ Γw ∪ Γi
∪ Γ0 is set for φ and ω at all
boundaries. A more detailed
description of the governing
equations can be found in Refs.
[14,56]. PINNs
We construct two fully-connected
neural networks, NetU and NetW,
where the former predicts u, v, p,
and φ and the latter predicts the
intermediate variable, ω. It is
preferable to write the governing
equation as a system of PDEs
since computing the fourth-order
partial derivative on φ is
decomposed into computing Figure 3.4.7 Case study of PINNs for compressible flows.
second-order partial derivations Comparison between the PINN solutions and the CFD solutions.
on φ and ω. Both networks have Top: pressure p, Bottom: velocity component u
20 neurons per layer and 9

hidden layers. The total loss L is a linear combination of losses from data, initial and boundary
condition, and PDE residuals:

L = ω1 LPDE + ω2 LIC + ω3 LBC + ω4 LDATA

Eq. 3.4.14
where each term is written as:

LPDE (θ, 𝛌, XPDE ) = ∑ ‖f(𝐱, ∂𝐱 û, ∂t û, , , , , , 𝛌)‖22
LBC (θ, 𝛌, XBC ) = ∑ B(û, 𝐱)22
|XBC |
LIC (θ, 𝛌, XIC ) = ∑ ‖û − uto ‖22
|XIC |
LDATA (θ, 𝛌, XDATA ) = ∑ ‖û − uDATA ‖22
Eq. 3.4.15
We set ωi as the weights of each term and randomly sample points as the training sets XPDE, XBC, and
XIC from the inner spatial-temporal domain, boundaries, and initial snapshot, respectively. In
particular, we have point measurements, Xdata, as the known data for minimizing the data loss; |·|
indicates the size of the set. Finally, the optimal θ and λ = [κ] are obtained by minimizing the total
loss L(θ, λ) iteratively until the loss satisfies the stopping criteria. Problem Setup

Herein, we consider a 2D permeable thrombus in a channel with a flow coming from the left (Figure
3.4.8). The thrombus has two layers, representing an idealized scenario where a fibrin clot is coated
by a permeable shell (consisting of loosely packed and partially-activated platelets) [56–58]. We aim
at inferring the unknown permeability for each constituent and velocity field based on the
measurable phase field data, Xdata. We draw 1,000 points from an initial snapshot (t0 (*), 10,000 inner

Figure 3.4.8 Case study for 2Dflowpast a thrombus with phase-dependent permeability. a the inlet
flowu(t, y) (denoted by φ = 1) enters the channel from the left side. A two-layer thrombus is present at the
bottom wall with a fibrin-clotted core φ = −1 and permeable shell φ = 0. Their permeabilities are set as
0.001 and 1. b Four types of sampling points. Initial points (_), inner points (_), boundary points (_), and
point measurements (_) are sampled accordingly in the spatial-temporal domain. (Figure adapted from

points from the inner spatial-temporal domain (*), and 1,000 points at boundaries (*) to estimate the
total loss at each training epoch (shown in Figure 3.4.8b). In our setup shown in Figure 3.4.8a the
core permeability is κ = 0.001 (φ = −1) with a permeable outer shell as κ = 1 (φ = 0). The phase field
variable φ is expressed as a function of κ, namely κ(φ) = eaφ +b. a and b are model parameters to be
optimized in the PINN model with their true value as 6.90 and 0.0. The form of the relation function
is not unique as long as the permeability value matches the true value at φ = 1 and 0. Inference Results

We present the history of different losses over the total 300,000 epochs in Figure 3.4.9a. Although
the PDE residual has the largest error, each term has a value lower than 10−2, indicating a
convergence at the final epoch.
Figure 3.4.9b plots the
predicted relation function; the
optimized parameters, a and b,
have a value at 7.1 and 0.0003,
resulting in a well-matched
prediction for permeability at the
core and shell. In Figure 3.4.9c,
we qualitatively compare the
predicted field φpred and vpred
along with their absolute error at
t = 0.78; both fields exhibit an
agreement with the reference
data whereas the errors for the
phase field are mainly distributed
in and around the outlet layer and
its interface. Overall, the results
indicate that our model can
accurately infer the hidden
velocity field and the unknown
PDE parameters only based on
the sampled data in phase field.
3.4.7 Summary
PINNs offer a new approach to
simulating realistic fluid flows, Figure 3.4.9 Inference results for 2D flow past a thrombus with
where some data are available phase dependent permeability. a History of training losses (Loss
from multimodality PDE, Loss IC, Loss BC, and Loss Data) and b inferred relation
function κ = f (φ). c φpred and vpred are plotted against their
measurements whereas the
absolute error at t = 0.78. We draw 10,000 data points from 30
boundary conditions or initial snapshots (t ∈ [0.03, 0.93]) as the training data to infer the
conditions may be unknown. permeability. Inferred permeability values are 0.0011 and 1.0003
While this is perhaps the compared to the true values of 0.001 and 1.0. (Figure adapted
prevailing scenario in practice, from [14])
existing CFD solvers cannot
handle such ill-posed problems and hence one can think of INNs for fluid problems as a
complementary approach to the plethora of existing numerical methods for CFD for idealized
There are several opportunities for further research, e.g., using PINNs for active flow control to
replace expensive experiments and time-consuming large-scale simulations as in Ref. [59], or predict
fast the flow at a new high Reynolds number using transfer learning techniques assuming we have
available solutions at lower Reynolds numbers. Moreover, a new area for exploration could be the

development of closure models for unresolved flow dynamics at very high Reynolds number using
the automatic data assimilation method provided by PINNs. Computing flow problems at scale
requires efficient multi-GPU implementations in the spirit of data parallel [29] or a hybrid data
parallel and model parallel paradigms as in Ref. [28]. The parallel speed up obtained for flow
simulations so far is very good, suggesting that PINNs can be used in the near future for industrial
complexity problems at scale that CFD methods cannot tackle.
Acknowledgements The research of the second author (ZM) was supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (Grant 12171404). The last author (GEK) would like to acknowledge
support by the Alexander von Humboldt fellowship.
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3.5 Case Study 5 - Physics Informed Machine Learning (PINN) - A Review

Citation : Karniadakis, G.E., Kevrekidis, I.G., Lu, L. et al. Physics-informed machine learning. Nat Rev
Phys 3, 422–440 (2021).
Original Appearance : Nature Reviews | Physics
Adaptation Mode : Slight modification due to formatting
Title : Physics Informed Machine Learning (A Review)
Despite great progress in simulating multi physics problems using the numerical discretization of
partial differential equations (PDEs), one still cannot seamlessly incorporate noisy data into existing
algorithms, mesh generation remains complex, and high- dimensional problems governed by
parameterized PDEs cannot be tackled [Karniadakis et al., 2021]. Moreover, solving inverse
problems with hidden physics is often prohibitively expensive and requires different formulations
and elaborate computer codes. Machine learning has emerged as a promising alternative, but training
deep neural networks requires big data, not always available for scientific problems. Instead, such
networks can be trained from additional information obtained by enforcing the physical laws (for
example, at random points in the continuous space-time domain). Such physics informed learning
integrates (noisy) data and mathematical models, and implements them through neural networks or
other kernel based regression networks. Moreover, it may be possible to design specialized network
architectures that automatically satisfy some of the physical invariants for better accuracy, faster
training and improved generalization. Here, we review some of the prevailing trends in embedding
physics into machine learning, present some of the current capabilities and limitations and discuss
diverse applications of physics- informed learning both for forward and inverse problems, including
discovering hidden physics and tackling high- dimensional problems.
Key Points
➢ Physics informed machine learning integrates seamlessly data and mathematical physics
models, even in partially understood, uncertain and high- dimensional contexts.
➢ Kernel based or neural network- based regression methods offer effective, simple and
meshless implementations.
➢ Physics informed neural networks are effective and efficient for ill posed and inverse
problems, and combined with domain decomposition are scalable to large problems.
➢ Operator regression, search for new intrinsic variables and representations, and equivariant
neural network architectures with built- in physical constraints are promising areas of future
➢ There is a need for developing new frameworks and standardized benchmarks as well as new
mathematics for scalable, robust and rigorous next- generation physics- informed learning
Modelling and forecasting the dynamics of multi-physics and multiscale systems remains an open
scientific problem. Take for instance the Earth system, a uniquely complex system whose dynamics
are intricately governed by the interaction of physical, chemical and biological processes taking place
on spatiotemporal scales that span17 orders of magnitude1. In the past 50 years, there has been
tremendous progress in understanding multiscale physics in diverse applications, from geophysics
to biophysics, by numerically solving partial differential equations (PDEs) using finite differences,
finite elements, spectral and even meshless methods. Despite relentless progress, modelling and
predicting the evolution of nonlinear multiscale systems with inhomogeneous cascades- of- scales by
using classical analytical or computational tools inevitably faces severe challenges and introduces
prohibitive cost and multiple sources of uncertainty. Moreover, solving inverse problems (for
inferring material properties in functional materials or discovering missing physics in reactive
transport, for example) is often prohibitively expensive and requires complex formulations, new

algorithms and elaborate computer codes. Most importantly, solving real- life physical problems with
missing, gappy or noisy boundary conditions through traditional approaches is currently impossible.
This is where and why observational data play a crucial role. With the prospect of more than a trillion
sensors in the next decade, including airborne, seaborne and satellite remote sensing, a wealth of
multi- fidelity observations is ready to be explored through data- driven methods.
However, despite the volume, velocity and variety of available (collected or generated) data streams,
in many real cases it is still not possible to seamlessly incorporate such multi- fidelity data into
existing physical models.
Mathematical (and practical) data- assimilation efforts have been blossoming; yet the wealth and the
spatiotemporal heterogeneity of available data, along with the lack of universally acceptable models,
underscores the need for a transformative approach. This is where machine learning (ML) has come
into play. It can explore massive design spaces, identify multi- dimensional correlations and manage
ill- posed problems. It can, for instance, help to detect climate extremes or statistically predict
dynamic variables such as precipitation or vegetation productivity2,3. Deep learning approaches, in
particular, naturally provide tools for automatically extracting features from massive amounts of
multi- fidelity observational data that are currently available and characterized by unprecedented
spatial and temporal coverage4. They can also help to link these features with existing approximate
models and exploit them in building new predictive tools. Even for biophysical and biomedical
modelling, this synergistic integration between ML tools and multiscale and multi physics models has
been recently advocated5.
A common current theme across scientific domains is that the ability to collect and create
observational data far outpaces the ability to assimilate it sensibly, let alone understand it4 (Box 1).

Box 1
The figure below schematically illustrates three possible categories of physical problems and
associated available data. In the small data regime, it is assumed that one knows all the physics,
and data are provided for the initial and boundary conditions as well as the coefficients of a partial
differential equation. The ubiquitous regime in applications is the middle one, where one knows
some data and some physics, possibly missing some parameter values or even an entire term in
the partial differential equation, for example, reactions in an advection–diffusion–reaction
system. Finally, there is the regime with big data, where one may not know any of the physics,
and where a data- driven approach may be most effective, for example, using operator regression
methods to discover new physics. Physics- informed machine learning can seamlessly integrate
data and the governing physical laws, including models with partially missing physics, in a unified
way. This can be expressed compactly using automatic differentiation and neural networks7 that
are designed to produce predictions that respect the underlying physical principles.

Despite their towering empirical promise and some preliminary success6, most ML approaches
currently are unable to extract interpretable information and knowledge from this data deluge.

Moreover, purely data- driven models may fit observations very well, but predictions may be
physically inconsistent or implausible, owing to extrapolation or observational biases that may lead
to poor generalization performance. Therefore, there is a pressing need for integrating fundamental
physical laws and domain knowledge by ‘teaching’ ML models about governing physical rules, which
can, in turn, provide ‘informative priors’ that is, strong theoretical constraints and inductive biases
on top of the observational ones.
To this end, physics- informed learning is needed, hereby defined as the process by which prior
knowledge stemming from our observational, empirical, physical or mathematical understanding of
the world can be leveraged to improve the performance of a learning algorithm. A recent example
reflecting this new learning philosophy is the family of ‘physics informed neural networks’
(PINNs)7. This is a class of deep learning algorithms that can seamlessly integrate data and abstract
mathematical operators, including PDEs with or without missing physics (Boxes 2,3). The leading
motivation for developing these algorithms is that such prior knowledge or constraints can yield
more interpretable ML methods that remain robust in the presence of imperfect data (such as
missing or noisy values, outliers and so on) and can provide accurate and physically consistent
predictions, even for extrapolatory/generalization tasks.
Despite numerous public databases, the volume of useful experimental data for complex physical
systems is limited. The specific data- driven approach to the predictive modelling of such systems
depends crucially on the amount of data available and on the complexity of the system itself, as
illustrated in Box 1. The classical paradigm is shown on the left side of the figure in Box 1, where it
is assumed that the only data available are the boundary conditions and initial conditions whereas
the specific governing PDEs and associated parameters are precisely known. On the other extreme
(on the right side of the figure), a lot of data may be available, for instance, in the form of time series,
but the governing physical law (the underlying PDE) may not be known at the continuum level7-9. For
the majority of real applications, the most interesting category is sketched in the center of the figure,
where it is assumed that the physics is partially known (that is, the conservation law, but not the
constitutive relationship) but several scattered measurements (of a primary or auxiliary state) are
available that can be used to infer parameters and even missing functional terms in the PDE while
simultaneously recovering the solution.
It is clear that this middle category is the most general case, and in fact it is representative of the
other two categories, if the measurements are too few or too many. This ‘mixed’ case may lead to
much more complex scenarios, where the solution of the PDEs is a stochastic process due to
stochastic excitation or an uncertain material property. Hence, stochastic PDEs can be used to
represent these stochastic solutions and uncertainties. Finally, there are many problems involving
long- range spatiotemporal interactions, such as turbulence, visco-elasto-plastic materials or other
anomalous transport processes, where non local or fractional calculus and fractional PDEs may be
the appropriate mathematical language to adequately describe such phenomena as they exhibit a rich
expressivity not unlike that of deep neural networks (DNNs).
Over the past two decades, efforts to account for uncertainty quantification in computer simulations
have led to highly parameterized formulations that may include hundreds of uncertain parameters
for complex problems, often rendering such computations infeasible in practice. Typically, computer
codes at the national labs and even open- source programs such as OpenFOAM10 or LAMMPS11 have
more than 100,000 lines of code, making it almost impossible to maintain and update them from one
generation to the next. We believe that it is possible to overcome these fundamental and practical
problems using physics informed learning, seamlessly integrating data and mathematical models,
and implementing them using PINNs or other nonlinear regression based physics informed
networks (PINs) (Box 2).
In this Review, we first describe how to embed physics in ML and how different physics can provide
guidance to developing new neural network (NN) architectures. We then present some of the new
capabilities of physics informed learning machines and highlight relevant applications. This is a very

Box 2
Making a learning algorithm physics- informed amounts to introducing appropriate
observational, inductive or learning biases that can steer the learning process towards
identifying physically consistent solutions (see the figure).
• Observational biases can be introduced directly through data that embody the underlying
physics or carefully crafted data augmentation procedures. Training a machine learning (ML)
system on such data allows it to learn functions, vector fields and operators that reflect the
physical structure of the data.
• Inductive biases correspond to prior assumptions that can be incorporated by tailored
interventions to an ML model architecture, such that the predictions sought are guaranteed to
implicitly satisfy a set of given physical laws, typically expressed in the form of certain
mathematical constraints. One would argue that this is the most principled way of making a
learning algorithm physics- informed, as it allows for the underlying physical constraints to be
strictly satisfied. However, such approaches can be limited to accounting for relatively simple
symmetry groups (such as translations, permutations, reflections, rotations and so on) that are
known a priori, and may often lead to complex implementations that are difficult to scale.
• Learning biases can be introduced by appropriate choice of loss functions, constraints and
inference algorithms that can modulate the training phase of an ML model to explicitly favor
convergence towards solutions that adhere to the underlying physics.
By using and tuning such soft penalty constraints, the underlying physical laws can only be
approximately satisfied; however, this provides a very flexible platform for introducing a broad
class of physics- based biases that can be expressed in the form of integral, differential or even
fractional equations.
These different modes of biasing a learning algorithm towards physically consistent solutions
are not mutually exclusive and can be effectively combined to yield a very broad class of hybrid
approaches for building physics- informed learning machines.

fast moving field, so at the end we provide an outlook, including some thoughts on current

limitations. A taxonomy of several existing physics- based methods integrated with ML can also be
found in ref.12.
3.5.1 How to Embed Physics in ML
No predictive models can be constructed without assumptions, and, as a consequence, no
generalization performance can be expected by ML models without appropriate biases. Specific to
physics informed learning, there are currently three pathways that can be followed separately or in
tandem to accelerate training and enhance generalization of ML models by embedding physics in
them (Box 2). Observational Biases

Observational data are perhaps the foundation of the recent success of ML. They are also conceptually
the simplest mode of introducing biases in ML. Given sufficient data to cover the input domain of a
learning task, ML methods have demonstrated remarkable power in achieving accurate interpolation
between the dots, even for high- dimensional tasks. For physical systems in particular, thanks to the
rapid development of sensor networks, it is now possible to exploit a wealth of variable fidelity
observations and monitor the evolution of complex phenomena across several spatial and temporal
scales. These observational data ought to reflect the underlying physical principles that dictate their
generation, and, in principle, can be used as a weak mechanism for embedding these principles into
an ML model during its training phase. Examples include NNs proposed in refs13–16.
However, especially for over parameterized deep learning models, a large volume of data is typically
necessary to reinforce these biases and generate predictions that respect certain symmetries and
conservation laws. In this case, an immediate difficulty relates to the cost of data acquisition, which
for many applications in the physical and engineering sciences could be prohibitively large, as
observational data may be generated via expensive experiments or large scale computational models. Inductive Biases

Another school of thought pertains to efforts focused on designing specialized NN architectures that
implicitly embed any prior knowledge and inductive biases associated with a given predictive task.
Without a doubt, the most celebrated example in this category are convolutional NNs17, which have
revolutionized the field of computer vision by craftily respecting invariance along the groups of
symmetries and distributed pattern representations found in natural images 18. Additional
representative examples include graph neural networks (GNNs)19, equivariant networks20, kernel
methods such as Gaussian processes21–26, and more general PINs27, with kernels that are directly
induced by the physical principles that govern a given task. Convolutional networks can be
generalized to respect more symmetry groups, including rotations, reflections and more general
gauge symmetry transformations19,20. This enables the development of a very general class of NN
architectures on manifolds that depend only on the intrinsic geometry, leading to very effective
models for computer vision tasks involving medical images28, climate pattern segmentation20 and
Translation invariant representations can also be constructed via wavelet based scattering
transforms, which are stable to deformations and preserve high- frequency information29. Another
example includes covariant NNs30, tailored to conform with the rotation and translation invariances
present in many body systems (Figure 3.5.1a). A similar example is the equivariant transformer
networks31, a family of differentiable mappings that improve the robustness of models for predefined
continuous transformation groups. Despite their remarkable effectiveness, such approaches are
currently limited to tasks that are characterized by relatively simple and well defined physics or
symmetry groups, and often require craftsmanship and elaborate implementations. Moreover, their
extension to more complex tasks is challenging, as the underlying invariances or conservation laws
that characterize many physical systems are often poorly understood or hard to implicitly encode in
a neural architecture.

Figure 3.5.1 Physics-inspired neural network architectures. a | Predicting molecular properties

with covariant compositional networks204. The architecture is based on graph neural networks 19 and is
constructed by decomposing into a hierarchy of sub- graphs (middle) and forming a neural network in
which each ‘neuron’ corresponds to one of the sub graphs and receives inputs from other neurons that
correspond to smaller sub- graphs (right). The middle panel shows how this can equivalently be thought
of as an algorithm in which each vertex receives and aggregates messages from its neighbors. Also
depicted on the left are the molecular graphs for C18H9N3OSSe and C22H15NSeSi from the Harvard
Clean Energy Project (HCEP) data set205 with their corresponding adjacency matrices. b | A neural
network with the Lax–Oleinik formula represented in the architecture. f is the solution of the Hamilton–
Jacobi partial differential equations, x and t are the spatial and temporal variables, L is a convex and
Lipschitz activation function, ai _R and ui _R n are the neural network parameters, and m is the number
of neurons. Panel a is adapted with permission from ref.204, AIP Publishing. Panel b image courtesy of J.
Darbon and T. Meng, Brown University.

Generalized convolutions are not the only building blocks for designing architectures with strong
implicit biases. For example, anti-symmetry under the exchange of input variables can be obtained
in NNs by using the determinant of a matrix- valued function32.
Reference33 proposed to combine a physics- based model of bond- order potential with an NN and
divide structural parameters into local and global parts to predict interatomic potential energy
surface in large- scale atomistic modelling. In another work34, an invariant tensor basis was used to
embedded Galilean invariance into the network architecture, which significantly improved the NN

prediction accuracy in turbulence modelling. For the problem of identifying Hamiltonian systems,
networks are designed to preserve the simplistic structure of the underlying Hamiltonian system 35.
For example, ref.36 modified an auto encoder to represent a Koopman operator for identifying
coordinate transformations that recast nonlinear dynamics into approximately linear ones.
Specifically for solving differential equations using NNs, architectures can be modified to satisfy
exactly the required initial conditions37, Dirichlet boundary conditions37,38, Neumann boundary
conditions39,40, Robin boundary conditions41, periodic boundary conditions42,43 and interface
conditions41. In addition, if some features of the PDE solutions are known a priori, it is also possible
to encode them in network architectures, for example, multiscale features44,45, even/odd symmetries
and energy conservation46, high frequencies47 and so on.
For a specific example, we refer to the recent work in ref.48, which proposed new connections
between NN architectures and viscosity solutions to certain Hamilton–Jacobi PDEs (HJ- PDEs). The
two- layer architecture depicted in Figure 3.5.1b defines

x − ui
f(x, t) ∶= min
⏟ [tL ( ) + ai ]
Eq. 3.5.1
which is reminiscent of the celebrated Lax–Oleinik formula. Here, x and t are the spatial and temporal
variables, L is a convex and Lipschitz activation function, ai ∊R and ui ∊Rn are the NN parameters, and
m is the number of neurons. It is shown in ref.48 that f is the viscosity solution to the following HJ-PDE

(x , t) + H[∇x f(x , t)] = 0 , x ∈ Rn , t ∈ (0, ∞)
f(x ,0) = J(x) , x ∈ Rn
Eq. 3.5.2
where both the Hamiltonian H and the initial data J are explicitly obtained by the parameters and the
activation functions of the networks. The Hamiltonian H must be convex, but the initial data J are not.
Note that the results of ref.48 do not rely on universal approximation theorems established for NNs.
Rather, the NNs in ref.48 show that the physics contained in certain classes of HJ-PDEs can be naturally
encoded by specific NN architectures without any numerical approximation in high dimensions. Learning Bias

Yet another school of thought approaches the problem of endowing an NN with prior knowledge
from a different angle. Instead of designing a specialized architecture that implicitly enforces this
knowledge, current efforts aim to impose such constraints in a soft manner by appropriately
penalizing the loss function of conventional NN approximations. This approach can be viewed as a
specific use- case of multi task learning, in which a learning algorithm is simultaneously constrained
to fit the observed data, and to yield predictions that approximately satisfy a given set of physical
constraints (for example, conservation of mass, momentum, monotonicity and so on). Representative
examples include the deep Galerkin method49 and PINNs and their variants7,37,50–52. The framework
of PINNs is further explained in Box 3, as it accurately reflects the key advantages and limitations of
enforcing physics via soft penalty constraints.
The flexibility of soft penalty constraints allows one to incorporate more general instantiations of
domain- specific knowledge into ML models. For example, ref.53 presented a statistically constrained
generative adversarial network (GAN) by enforcing constraints of covariance from the training data,
which results in an improved ML based emulator to capture the statistics of the training data
generated by solving fully resolved PDEs. Other examples include models tailored to learn contact-
induced discontinuities in robotics54, physics- informed auto- encoders55, which use an additional

soft constraint to preserve the Lyapunov stability, and InvNet56, which is capable of encoding
invariances by soft constraints in the loss function.
Box 3
Physics informed neural networks (PINNs)7 seamlessly integrate the information from both the
measurements and partial differential equations (PDEs) by embedding the PDEs into the loss
function of a neural network using automatic differentiation. The PDEs could be integer- order
PDEs7, integrodifferential equations154, fractional PDEs103 or stochastic PDEs42,102. Here, we
present the PINN algorithm for solving forward problems using the example of the viscous
Burgers’ equation
∂u ∂u ∂2 u
+u =υ 2
∂t ∂x ∂x
Eq. 3.5.3
with a suitable initial condition and Dirichlet boundary conditions. In the figure, the left (physics-
uninformed) network represents the surrogate of the PDE solution u(x , t), while the right
(physics-informed) network describes the Eq. 3.5.3 residual. The loss function includes a
supervised loss of data measurements of u from the initial and boundary conditions and an
unsupervised loss of PDE:
ℒ = wdata ℒdata + wPDE ℒPDE
Eq. 3.5.4
ℒdata = ∑ [u(xi , t i ) − ui ]
1 ∂u ∂u ∂2 u
ℒdata = ∑ + u − υ 2ቤ
NPDE ∂t ∂x ∂x x t
j=1 j j

Here {xi, ti} and {xj, tj} are two sets of points sampled at the initial/boundary locations and in the
entire domain, respectively, and ui are values of u at (xi, ti); wdata and wPDE are the weights used to
balance the interplay between the two loss terms. These weights can be user- defined or tuned
automatically, and play an important role in improving the trainability of PINNs76,173. The
network is trained by minimizing the loss via gradient- based optimizers, such as Adam196 and L-
BFGS206, until the loss is smaller than a threshold ε. The PINN algorithm is shown below, and more
details about PINNs and a recommended Python library DeepXDE can be found in ref.154.
Algorithm 1: The PINN algorithm.
Construct a neural network (NN) u(x, t; θ) with θ the set of trainable weights w and biases b, and
σ denotes a nonlinear activation function. Specify the measurement data {xi, ti, ui} for u and the
residual points {xj, tj} for the PDE. Specify the loss L in Eq. 3.5.4 by summing the weighted losses
of the data and PDE. Train the NN to find the best parameters θ* by minimizing the loss L.

Further extensions include convolutional and recurrent architectures, and probabilistic

formulations51,52,57. For example, ref.52 includes a Bayesian framework that allows for uncertainty
quantification of the predicted quantities of interest in complex PDE dynamical systems.
Note that solutions obtained via optimization with such soft penalty constraints and regularization
can be viewed as equivalent to the maximum a posteriori estimate of a Bayesian formulation

Box 3 - Continued

stemming from physics- based likelihood assumptions. Alternatively, a fully Bayesian treatment
using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods or variational inference approximations can be used to
quantify the uncertainty arising from noisy and gappy data, as discussed below.
3.5.2 Hybrid Approaches
The aforementioned principles of physics informed ML have their own advantages and limitations.
Hence, it would be ideal to use these different principles together, and indeed different hybrid
approaches have been proposed. For example, non- dimensionalization can recover characteristic
properties of a system, and thus it is beneficial to introduce physics bias via appropriate non-
dimensional parameters, such as Reynolds, Froude or Mach numbers. Several methods have been
proposed to learn operators that describe physical phenomena13,15,58,59. For example, DeepONets13
have been demonstrated as a powerful tool to learn nonlinear operators in a supervised data- driven
What is more exciting is that by combining DeepONets with physics encoded by PINNs, it is possible
to accomplish real- time accurate predictions with extrapolation in multi-physics applications such
as electro- convection60 and hypersonics61. However, when a low- fidelity model is available, a multi-
fidelity strategy62 can be developed to facilitate the learning of a complex system. For example, ref.63
combines observational and learning biases through the use of large eddy simulation data and
constrained NN training methods to construct closures for lower fidelity Reynolds- averaged Navier–
Stokes models of turbulent fluid flow.
Additional representative user cases include the multi fidelity NN used in ref. 64 to extract material
properties from instrumented indentation data, the PINs in ref.65 used to discover constitutive laws
of non- Newtonian fluids from rheological data, and the coarse graining strategies proposed in ref.66.
Even if it is not possible to encode the low fidelity model into the learning directly, the low fidelity

model can be used through data augmentation that is, generating a large amount of low fidelity data
via inexpensive low- fidelity models, which could be simplified mathematical models or existing
computer codes, such as ref.64.
Other representative examples include FermiNets32 and graph neural operator methods58. It is also
possible to enforce the physics to an NN by embedding a network into a traditional numerical method
(such as finite element). This approach was applied to solve problems in many different fields,
including nonlinear dynamical systems67, computational mechanics to model constitutive
relations68,69, subsurface mechanics70–72, stochastic inversion73 and more74,75.
3.5.3 Connections to Kernel Methods
Many of the presented NN- based techniques have a close asymptotic connection to kernel methods,
which can be exploited to produce new insight and understanding. For example, as demonstrated in
refs76,77, the training dynamics of PINNs can be understood as a kernel regression method as the
width of the network goes to infinity. More generally, NN methods can be rigorously interpreted as
kernel methods in which the underlying warping kernel is also learned from data 78,79. Warping
kernels are a special kind of kernels that were initially introduced to model non- stationary spatial
structures in geostatistics80 and have been also used to interpret residual NN models27,80.
Furthermore, PINNs can be viewed as solving PDEs in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space spanned
by a feature map (parametrized by the initial layers of the network), where the latter is also learned
from data. Further connections can be made by studying the intimate connection between statistical
inference techniques and numerical approximation.
Existing works have explored these connections in the context of solving PDEs and inverse
problems81, optimal recovery82 and Bayesian numerical analysis83–88. Connections between kernel
methods and NNs can be established even for large and complicated architectures, such as attention-
based transformers89, whereas operator valued kernel methods90 could offer a viable path of
analyzing and interpreting deep learning tools for learning nonlinear operators. In summary,
analyzing NN models through the lens of kernel methods could have considerable benefits, as kernel
methods are often interpretable and have strong theoretical foundations, which can subsequently
help us to understand when and why deep learning methods may fail or succeed.
3.5.4 Connections to Classical Numerical Methods
Classical numerical algorithms, such as Runge–Kutta methods and finite- element methods, have
been the main workhorses for studying and simulating physical systems in silico. Interestingly, many
modern deep learning models can be viewed and analyzed by observing an obvious correspondence
and specific connections to many of these classical algorithms. In particular, several architectures
that have had tremendous success in practice are analogous to established strategies in numerical
analysis. Convolutional NNs, for example, are analogous to finite different stencils in translationally
equivariant PDE discretizations91,92 and share the same structures as the multigrid method93; residual
NNs (ResNets, networks with skip connections)94 are analogous to the basic forward Euler
discretization of autonomous ordinary differential equations95–98; inspection of simple Runge–Kutta
schemes (such as an RK4) immediately brings forth the analogy with recurrent NN architectures (and
even with Krylov- type matrix- free linear algebra methods such as the generalized minimal residual
method)95,99. Moreover, the representation of DNNs with the ReLU activation function is equivalent
to the continuous piecewise linear functions from the linear finite element method100.
Such analogies can provide insights and guidance for cross- fertilization, and pave the way for new
‘mathematics- informed’ meta- learning architectures. For example, ref.7 proposed a discrete- time
NN method for solving PDEs that is inspired by an implicit Runge–Kutta integrator: using up to 500
latent stages, this NN method can allow very large time- steps and lead to solutions of high accuracy.

3.5.5 Merits of Physics Informed Learning

There are already many publications on physics informed ML across different disciplines for specific
applications. For example, different extensions of PINNs cover conservation laws101 as well as
stochastic and fractional PDEs for random phenomena and for anomalous transport102,103.
Combining domain decomposition with PINNs provides more flexibility in multiscale problems,
while the formulations are relatively simple to implement in parallel since each subdomain may be
represented by a different NN, assigned to a different GPU with very small communication
cost101,104,105. Collectively, the results from these works demonstrate that PINNs are particularly
effective in solving ill- posed and inverse problems, whereas for forward, well- posed problems that
do not require any data assimilation the existing numerical grid based solvers currently outperform
PINNs. In the following, we discuss in more detail for which scenarios the use of PINNs may be
advantageous and highlight these advantages in some prototypical applications.
3.5.6 Incomplete Models and Imperfect Data
As shown in Box 1, physics- informed learning can easily combine both information from physics
and scattered noisy data, even when both are imperfect. Recent research106 demonstrated that it is
possible to find meaningful solutions even when, because of smoothness or regularity inherent in the
PINN formulation, the problem is not perfectly well posed. Examples include forward and inverse
problems, where no initial or boundary conditions are specified or where some of the parameters in
the PDEs are unknown scenarios in which classical numerical methods may fail. When dealing with
imperfect models and data, it is beneficial to integrate the Bayesian approach with physics informed
learning for uncertainty quantification, such as Bayesian PINNs (B-PINNs)107. Moreover, compared
with the traditional numerical methods, physics- informed learning is mesh- free, without
computationally expensive mesh generation, and thus can easily handle irregular and moving-
domain problems108. Lastly, the code is also easier to implement by using existing open- source deep
learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch.
3.5.7 Strong Generalization in Small Data Regime
Deep learning usually requires a large amount of data for training, and in many physical problems it
is difficult to obtain the necessary data at high accuracy. In these situations, physics- informed
learning has the advantage of strong generalization in the small data regime. By enforcing or
embedding physics, deep learning models are effectively constrained on a lower- dimensional
manifold, and thus can be trained with a small amount of data. To enforce the physics, one can embed
the physical principles into the network architecture, use physics as soft penalty constraints or use
data augmentation as discussed previously. In addition, physics- informed learning is capable of
extrapolation, not only interpolation: that is, it can perform spatial extrapolation in boundary value
3.5.8 Understanding Deep Learning
In addition to enhancing the trainability and generalization of ML models, physical principles are also
being used to provide theoretical insight and elucidate the inner mechanisms behind the surprising
effectiveness of deep learning. For example, in refs109–112, the authors use the jamming transition of
granular media to understand the double- descent phenomenon of deep learning in the over-
parameterized regime. Shallow NNs can also be viewed as interacting particle systems and hence can
be analyzed in the probability measure space with mean field theory, instead of the high- dimensional
parameter space113.
Another work114 rigorously constructed an exact mapping from the variational renormalization
group to deep learning architectures based on restricted Boltzmann machines. Inspired by the
successful density matrix renormalization group algorithm developed in physics, ref.115 proposed a
framework for applying quantum- inspired tensor networks to multi class supervised learning tasks,
which introduces considerable savings in computational cost. Reference116 studied the landscape of

deep networks from a statistical physics viewpoint, establishing an intuitive connection between NNs
and the spin- glass models. In parallel, information propagation in wide DNNs has been studied based
on dynamical systems theory117,118, providing an analysis of how network initialization determines
the propagation of an input signal through the network, hence identifying a set of hyper parameters
and activation functions known as the ‘edge of chaos’ that ensure information propagation in deep
3.5.9 Tackling High Dimensionality
Deep learning has been very successful in solving high dimensional problems, such as image
classification with fine resolution, language modelling, and high- dimensional PDEs. One reason for
this success is that DNNs can break the curse of dimensionality under the condition that the target
function is a hierarchical composition of local functions119,120. For example, in ref.121 the authors
reformulated general high- dimensional parabolic PDEs using backward stochastic differential
equations, approximating the gradient of the solution with DNNs, and then designing the loss based
on the discretized stochastic integral and the given terminal condition. In practice, this approach was
used to solve high- dimensional Black–Scholes, Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman and Allen–Cahn equations.
GANs122 have also proven to be fairly successful in generating samples from high- dimensional
distributions in tasks such as image or text generation123–125. As for their application to physical
problems, in ref.102 the authors used GANs to quantify parametric uncertainty in high- dimensional
stochastic differential equations, and in ref.126 GANs were used to learn parameters in high-
dimensional stochastic dynamics.
These examples show the capability of GANs in modelling high- dimensional probability distributions
in physical problems. Finally, in refs127,128 it was demonstrated that even for operator regression and
applications to PDEs, deep operator networks (DeepONets) can tackle the curse of dimensionality
associated with the input space.
3.5.10 Uncertainty Quantification
Forecasting reliably the evolution of multiscale and Multi-physics systems requires uncertainty
quantification. This important issue has received a lot of attention in the past 20 years, augmenting
traditional computational methods with stochastic formulations to tackle uncertainty due to the
boundary conditions or material properties129–131. For physics- informed learning models, there are
at least three sources of uncertainty: uncertainty due to the physics, uncertainty due to the data, and
uncertainty due to the learning models.
The first source of uncertainty refers to stochastic physical systems, which are usually described by
stochastic PDEs (SPDEs) or stochastic ordinary differential equations (SODEs). The parametric
uncertainty arising from the randomness of parameters lies in this category.
In ref.132 the authors demonstrate the use of NNs as a projection function of the input that can recover
a low- dimensional nonlinear manifold, and present results for a problem on uncertainty propagation
in an SPDE with uncertain diffusion coefficient. In the same spirit, in ref.133 the authors use a physics-
informed loss function, that is, the expectation of the energy functional of the PDE over the stochastic
variables , to train an NN parameterizing the solution of an elliptic SPDE. In ref.51, a conditional
convolutional generative model is used to predict the density of a solution, with a physics- informed
probabilistic loss function so that no labels are required in the training data. Notably, as a model
designed to learn distributions, GANs offer a powerful approach to solving stochastic PDEs in high
The physics informed GANs in refs.102,134 represent the first such attempts. Leveraging data collected
from simultaneous reads at a limited number of sensors for the multiple stochastic processes,
physics- informed GANs are able to solve a wide range of problems ranging from forward to inverse
problems using the same framework. Also, the results so far show the capability of GANs, if properly
formulated, to tackle the curse of dimensionality for problems with high stochastic dimensionality.
The second source of uncertainty, in general, refers to aleatoric uncertainty arising from the noise in

data and epistemic uncertainty arising from the gaps in data. Such uncertainty can be well tackled in
the Bayesian framework.
If the physics informed learning model is based on Gaussian process regression, then it is
straightforward to quantify uncertainty and exploit it for active learning and resolution refinement
studies in PDEs23,135, or even design better experiments136.
Another approach was proposed in ref.107 using B-PINNs. The authors of ref.107 showed that B- PINNs
can provide reasonable uncertainty bounds, which are of the same order as the error and increase as
the size of noise in data increases, but how to set the prior for B-PINNs in a systematic way is still an
open question.
The third source of uncertainty refers to the limitation of the learning models ; for example, the
approximation, training and generalization errors of NNs and is usually hard to rigorously quantify.
In ref.137, a convolutional encoder–decoder NN is used to map the source term and the domain
geometry of a PDE to the solution as well as the uncertainty, trained by a probabilistic supervised
learning procedure with training data coming from finite- element methods.
Notably, a first attempt to quantify the combined uncertainty from learning was given in ref.138, using
the dropout method of ref.139 and, due to physical randomness, using arbitrary polynomial chaos. An
extension to time- dependent systems and long- time integration was reported in ref.42: it tackled the
parametric uncertainty using dynamic and bi- orthogonal modal decomposition of the stochastic
PDE, which are effective methods for long- term integration of stochastic systems.
3.5.11 Applications Highlights
In this section, we discuss some of the capabilities of physics informed learning through diverse
applications. Our emphasis is on inverse and ill- posed problems, which are either difficult or
impossible to solve with conventional approaches. We also present several ongoing efforts on
developing open- source software for scientific ML.
3.5.12 Some Examples Flow Over an Espresso Cup
In the first example, we discuss how to extract quantitative information on the 3D velocity and
pressure fields above an espresso coffee cup140. The input data is based on a video of temperature
gradient (Figure 3.5.2). This is an example of the ‘hidden fluid mechanics’ introduced In ref.106. It is
an ill posed inverse problem as no boundary conditions or any other information are provided.
Specifically, 3D visualizations obtained using tomographic background oriented Schlieren (Tomo-
BOS) imaging that measures density or temperature are used as input to a PINN, which seamlessly
integrates the visualization data and the flow and passive scalar governing equations, to infer the
latent quantities. Here, the physical assumption is that of the Boussinesq approximation, which is
valid if the density variation is relatively small. The PINN uses the space and time coordinates as
inputs and infers the velocity and pressure fields; it is trained by minimizing a loss function including
a data mismatch of temperature and the residuals of the conservation laws (mass, momentum and
energy). Independent experimental results from particle image velocimetry have verified that the
Tomo-BOS/PINN approach is able to provide continuous, high- resolution and accurate 3D flow
fields. Physics Informed Deep Learning for 4D Flow MRI

Next, we discuss the use of PINNs in biophysics using real magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data.
Because it is non- invasive and proves a range of structural and physiological contrasts, MRI has
become an indispensable tool for quantitative in vivo assessment of blood flow and vascular function
in clinical scenarios involving patients with cardiac and vascular disease. However, MRI
measurements are often limited by the very coarse resolution and may be heavily corrupted by noise,

Figure 3.5.2 inferring the 3D flow over an espresso cup based using the Tomo-BOs imaging
system and physics-informed neural networks (PiNNs). a | Six cameras are aligned around an
espresso cup, recording the distortion of the dot- patterns in the panels placed in the background, where
the distortion is caused by the density variation of the airflow above the espresso cup. The image data are
acquired and processed with LaVision’s Tomographic BOS software (DaVis 10.1.1).
b | 3D temperature field derived from the refractive index field and reconstructed based on the 2D
images from all six cameras. c | Physics- informed neural network (PINN) inference of the 3D velocity
field (left) and pressure field (right) from the temperature data. The Tomo BOS experiment was
performed by F. Fuest, Y. J. Jeon and C. Gray from LaVision. The PINN inference and visualization were
performed by S. Cai and C. Li at Brown University. Image courtesy of S. Cai and C. Li, Brown University.

leading to tedious and empirical workflows for reconstructing vascular topologies and associated
flow conditions.
Recent developments on physics- informed deep learning can greatly enhance the resolution and
information content of current MRI technologies, with a focus on 4D-flow MRI. Specifically, it is
possible to construct DNNs that are constrained by the Navier–Stokes equations in order to
effectively de-noise MRI data and yield physically consistent reconstructions of the underlying
velocity and pressure fields that ensure conservation of mass and momentum at an arbitrarily high
spatial and temporal resolution. Moreover, the filtered velocity fields can be used to identify regions
of no-slip flow, from which one can reconstruct the location and motion of the arterial wall and infer
important quantities of interest such as wall shear stresses, kinetic energy and dissipation (Figure
3.5.3). Taken together, these methods can considerably advance the capabilities of MRI technologies
in research and clinical scenarios. However, there are potential pitfalls related to the robustness of

Figure 3.5.3 Physics-informed filtering of in-vivo 4D-flow magnetic resonance imaging data of blood
flow in a porcine descending aorta. Physics- informed neural network (PINN) models can be used to de-
noise and reconstruct clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data of blood velocity, while constraining
this reconstruction to respect the underlying physical laws of momentum and mass conservation, as
described by the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. Moreover, a trained PINN model has the
potential to aid the automatic segmentation of the arterial wall geometry and to infer important biomarkers
such as blood pressure and wall shear stresses. a | Snapshot of in- vivo 4D- flow MRI measurements.
b–d | A PINN reconstruction of the velocity field (panel b), pressure (panel c), arterial wall surface geometry
and wall shear stresses (panel d). The 4D- flow MRI data were acquired by E. Hwuang and W. Witschey at
the University of Pennsylvania. The PINN inference and visualization were performed by S. Wang, G. Kissas
and P. Perdikaris at the University of Pennsylvania.

PINNs, especially in the presence of high signal- to- noise ratio in the MRI measurements and complex
patterns in the underlying flow (for example, due to boundary layers, high vorticity regions, transient
turbulent bursts through a stenosis, tortuous branched vessels and so on). That said, under
physiological conditions, blood flow is laminar, a regime under which current PINN models usually
remain effective. Uncovering Edge Plasma Dynamics Via Deep Learning From Partial Observations
Predicting turbulent transport on the edge of magnetic confinement fusion devices is a longstanding
goal spanning several decades, currently presenting significant uncertainties in the particle and
energy confinement of fusion power plants. In ref.141 it was demonstrated that PINNs can accurately
learn turbulent field dynamics consistent with the two fluid theory from just partial observations of
a synthetic plasma, for plasma diagnosis and model validation in challenging thermonuclear
environments. Figure 3.5.4 displays the turbulent radial electric field learned by PINNs from partial
observations of a 3D synthetic plasma’s electron density and temperature141. Studying Transitions Between Metastable States of a Distribution

Next, we discuss how physics informed learning can be creatively used to tackle high- dimensional
problems. In ref.142, the authors proposed to use physics informed learning to study transitions
between two metastable states of a high- dimensional probability distribution. In particular, an NN
was used to represent the committer function, trained with a physics- informed loss function defined
as the variational formula for the committer function combined with a soft penalty on the boundary
conditions. Moreover, adaptive importance sampling was used to sample rare events that dominate
the loss function, which reduces the asymptotic variance of the solution and improves generalization.
Results for a probability distribution in a 144 dimensional Allen–Cahn type system are illustrated in
Figure 3.5.5.
Although these computational results suggest that this approach is effective for high- dimensional
problems, the application of the method to more complicated systems and the selection of the NN
architecture in adapting it to a given system remain challenging.

Figure 3.5.4 Uncovering edge plasma dynamics. One of the most intensely studied aspects of magnetic
confinement fusion is edge plasma behavior, which is critical to reactor performance and operation. The
drift- reduced Braginskii two- fluid theory has for decades been widely used to model edge plasmas, with
varying success. Using a 3D magnetized two- fluid model, physics- informed neural networks (PINNs) can
be used to accurately reconstruct141 the unknown turbulent electric field (middle panel) and underlying
electric potential (right panel), directly from partial observations of the plasma’s electron density and
temperature from a single test discharge (left panel). The top row shows the reference target solution,
while the bottom row depicts the PINN model’s prediction. These 2D synthetic measurements of electron
density and temperature over the duration of a single plasma discharge constitute the only physical
dynamics observed by the PINNs from the 3D collisional plasma exhibiting blob- like filaments. ϕ, electric
potential; Er, electric field; ne, electron density; Te, electron temperature. Figure courtesy of A. Matthews,
MIT. Thermodynamically Consistent PINNs

The physics regularization generally pursued in PINNs admits an interpretation as a least- squares
residual of point evaluations using an NN basis. For hyperbolic problems involving shocks, where
point evaluation of the solution is ill- defined, it is natural to consider alternative physics stabilization
requiring reduced regularity. The control volume PINN (cvPINN) pursued by ref. 143 generalizes
traditional finite- volume schemes to deep learning settings. In addition to offering increased
accuracy due to reduced regularity requirements, connections to traditional finite- volume schemes
allow natural adaptation of total variation diminishing limiters and recovery of entropy solutions.
This framework has allowed the estimation of black- box equations of state for shock hydrodynamics
models appropriate for materials such as metals. For scenarios such as phase transitions at extreme
pressures and temperatures, DNNs provide an ideal means of addressing unknown model form,
whereas the finite- volume structure provided by cvPINNs allows enforcement of thermodynamic
consistency. Application to Quantum Chemistry

In some other applications, researchers have also used the physics to design specific new
architectures together with the principles of physics informed learning. For example, in ref.32, a
fermionic NN (FermiNet) was proposed for the abolition calculation of the solution of the many-
electron Schrödinger equation. FermiNet is a hybrid approach for embedding physics. First, to
parameterize the wavefunction, the NN has a specialized architecture that obeys Fermi–Dirac
statistics: that is, it is anti- symmetric under the exchange of input electron states and the boundary
conditions (decay at infinity). Second, the training of FermiNet is also physics- informed: that is, the
loss function is set as the variational form of the energy expectation value, with the gradient
estimated by the Monte Carlo method. Although the application of NNs leads to eliminating the basis-
set extrapolation, which is a common source of error in computational quantum chemistry, the

performance of NNs, in general, depends on many factors, including the architectures and
optimization algorithms, which require further systematic investigation.

Figure 3.5.5 Transitions between metastable states. Results obtained from studying transitions
between metastable states of a distribution in a 144- dimensional Allen–Cahn type system. The top part of
the figure shows the two metastable states. The lower part of the figure shows, from left to right, a learned
sample path with the characteristic nucleation pathway for a transition between the two metastable states.
Here, q is the committor function. Figure courtesy of G. M. Rotskoff, Stanford University, and E. Vanden-
Eijnden, Courant Institute. Application to Material Sciences

In applications to materials, from the characterization of the material properties to the non-
destructive evaluation of their strength, physics- informed learning can play an important role as the
underlying problems are typically ill- posed and of inverse type. In ref.144, the authors introduced an
optimized PINN trained to identify and precisely characterize a surface breaking crack in a metal
plate. The PINN was supervised with realistic ultrasonic surface acoustic wave data acquired at a
frequency of 5 MHz and physically informed by the acoustic wave equation, with the unknown wave
speed function represented as an NN. A key element in training was the use of adaptive activation
functions, which introduced new trainable hyper parameters and substantially accelerated
convergence even in the presence of significant noise in the data. An alternative approach to
introducing physics into ML is through a multi- fidelity framework as in ref.64 for extracting
mechanical properties of 3D- printed materials via instrumented indentation. By solving the inverse
problem of depth- sensing indentation, the authors could determine the elastoplastic properties of
3D- printed titanium and nickel alloys. In this framework, a composite NN consisting of two ResNets
was used. One is a low fidelity ResNet that uses synthetic data (a lot of finite element simulations)
and the other is a high fidelity ResNet that uses as input the sparse experimental data and the output
of the low fidelity data. The objective was to discover the nonlinear correlation function between the
low- and high- fidelity data, and subsequently predict the modulus of elasticity and yield stress at
high fidelity. The results reported in ref.64 show impressive performance of the multi fidelity
framework, reducing the inference error for the yield stress from over 100% with existing techniques
to lower than 5% with the multi fidelity framework. Application to Molecular Simulations

In ref.145, an NN architecture was proposed to represent the potential energy surfaces for molecular
dynamics simulations, where the translational, rotational and permutational symmetry of the
molecular system is preserved with proper pre- processing. Such an NN representation could be
further improved in deep potential molecular dynamics (DeePMD)146. With traditional artificially
designed potential energy functions replaced by the NN trained with data from ab initio simulations,
DeePMD achieves an ab initio level of accuracy at a cost that scales linearly with the system size. In

ref.147, the limit of molecular dynamics simulations was pushed with ab initio accuracy to simulating
more than 1- ns- long trajectories of over 100 million atoms per day, using a highly optimized code
for DeePMD on the Summit supercomputer. Before this work, molecular dynamics simulations with
ab initio accuracy were performed in systems with up to 1 million atoms147,148. Application to Geophysics.

Physics informed learning has also been applied to various geophysical inverse problems. The work
in ref.71 estimates subsurface properties, such as rock permeability and porosity, from seismic data
by coupling NNs with full- waveform inversion, subsurface flow processes and rock physics models.
Furthermore, in ref.149, it was demonstrated that by combining DNNs and numerical PDE solvers as
we discussed in the section on hybrid approaches, physics- informed learning is capable of solving a
wide class of seismic inversion problems, such as velocity estimation, fault rupture imaging,
earthquake location and source–time function retrieval.
3.5.13 Software
To implement PINNs efficiently, it is advantageous to build new algorithms based on the current ML
libraries, such as TensorFlow150, PyTorch151, Keras152 and JAX153. Several software libraries specifically
designed for physics-informed ML have been developed and are contributing to the rapid
development of the field (Table 3.5.1). At the present time, some of the actively developed libraries
include DeepXDE154, SimNet155, PyDEns156, NeuroDiffEq157, NeuralPDE158, SciANN159 and ADCME160.
Because Python is the dominant programming language for ML, it is more convenient to use Python
for physics- informed ML, and thus most of these libraries are written in Python, except the
NeuralPDE158 and ADCME160, which are written in Julia.
All these libraries use the automatic differentiation mechanism provided in other software’s such as
TensorFlow150. Some of these libraries (such as DeepXDE154 and SimNet155) can be used as a solver,
that is, users only need to define the problem and then the solver will deal with all the underlying
details and solve the problem, whereas some (such as SciANN159 and ADCME160) only work as a

Table 3.5.1 Major software libraries specifically designed for physics- informed
machine learning

wrapper, meaning they wrap low- level functions of other libraries (such as TensorFlow) into
relatively high level functions for easier implementation of physics informed learning and users still
need to implement all the steps to solve the problem.

Software packages such as GPyTorch161 and Neural Tangents162 also enable the study of NNs and
PINNs through the lens of kernel methods. This viewpoint has produced new understanding of the
training dynamics of PINNs, subsequently motivating the design of new effective architectures and
training algorithms76,77.
DeepXDE not only solves integer order ODEs and PDEs, but it can also solve integra differential
equations and fractional PDEs. DeepXDE supports complex domain geometries via the technique of
constructive solid geometry, and enables the user code to stay compact, resembling closely the
mathematical formulation. DeepXDE is also well- structured and highly configurable, since all its
components are loosely coupled. We note that in addition to being used as a research tool for solving
problems in computational science and engineering, DeepXDE can also be used as an educational tool
in diverse courses. Although DeepXDE is suitable for education and research, SimNet155 developed by
Nvidia is specifically optimized for Nvidia GPUs for large scale engineering problems.
In PINNs (Box 3), one needs to compute the derivatives of the network outputs with respect to the
network inputs. One can compute the derivatives using automatic differentiation provided by ML
packages such as TensorFlow150. For example, ∂U/∂t -can be computed using TensorFlow as
tf.gradients (U, t), and second order derivatives can be computed by applying tf.gradients twice.
DeepXDE provides a more convenient way to compute higher order derivatives, for example using
dde.grad.hessian to compute the Hessian matrix. Moreover, there are two extra advantages to using
dde.grad.hessian: first, it is lazy evaluation, meaning it will only compute an element in the Hessian
matrix until that element is needed, rather than computing the whole Hessian matrix.
Second, it memorizes all the gradients that have already been computed to avoid duplicate
computation, even if the user calls the function multiple times in different parts of the code. These
two features could speed up the computation in problems where one needs to compute the gradients
many times, for example in a system of coupled PDEs. Most of these libraries (such as DeepXDE and
SimNet) use physics as the soft penalty constraints (Box 3), and ADCME embeds DNNs in standard
scientific numerical schemes (such as Runge–Kutta methods for ODEs, and the finite- difference,
finite element and finite- volume methods for PDEs) to solve inverse problems. ADCME was recently
extended to support implicit schemes and nonlinear constraints163,164. To enable truly large- scale
scientific computations on large meshes, support for MPI based domain decomposition methods is
also available and was demonstrated to scale very well on complex problems165. Which Model, Framework, Algorithm To Use?

With a growing collection of methodologies and software tools, a series of questions naturally arises:
given a physical system and/or governing law and some observational data, which ML framework
should one use? Which training algorithm to choose? How many training samples to consider?
Although at present there are no rule- of- thumb strategies for answering these questions, and some
degree of experience is required to set up a physics- informed ML model properly, meta- learning
techniques166-168 could automate this process in the future. The choices intimately depend on the
specific task that needs to be tackled. In terms of providing a high- level taxonomy, we note that
PINNs are typically used to infer a deterministic function that is compatible with an underlying
physical law when a limited number of observations is available (either initial/boundary conditions
or other measurements).
The underlying architecture of a PINNs model is determined by the nature of a given problem: multi-
layer perceptron architectures are generally applicable but do not encode any specialized inductive
biases, convolutional NN architectures are suitable for gridded 2D domains, Fourier feature networks
are suitable for PDEs whose solution exhibits high frequencies or periodic boundaries, and recurrent
architectures are suitable for non Markovian and time- discrete problems. Moreover, probabilistic
variants of PINNs can also be used to infer stochastic processes that can allow capturing
epistemic/model uncertainty (via Bayesian inference or frequentist ensembles) or aleatoric
uncertainty (via generative models such as variational auto encoders and GANs).

However, the DeepONet framework can be used to infer an operator (instead of a function). In
DeepONet, the choice of the underlying architecture can also vary depending on the nature of
available data, such as scattered sensor measurements (multi-layer perceptron), images
(convolutional NNs) or time series (recurrent NNs). In all the aforementioned cases, the required
sample complexity is typically not known a priori and is generally determined by: the strength of
inductive biases used in the architecture; the compatibility between the observed data, and the
underlying physical law used as regularization; and the complexity of the underlying function or
operator to be approximated.
3.5.14 Current Limitations Multiscale and Multi-Physics Problems
Despite the recent success of physics- informed learning across a range of applications, multiscale
and multi physics problems require further developments. For example, fully connected NNs have
difficulty learning high- frequency functions, a phenomenon referred to in the literature as the ‘F-
principle’169 or ‘spectral bias’170. Additional work171,172 rigorously proved the existence of frequency
bias in DNNs and derived convergence rates of training as a function of target frequency. Moreover,
high frequency features in the target solution generally result in steep gradients, and thus PINN
models often struggle to penalize accurately the PDE residuals45. As a consequence, for multiscale
problems, the networks struggle to learn high- frequency components and often may fail to train76,173.
To address the challenge of learning high frequency components, one needs to develop new
techniques to aid the network learning, such as domain decomposition105, Fourier features174 and
multiscale DNN45175.
However, learning multi-physics simultaneously could be computationally expensive. To address this
issue, one may first learn each physics separately and then couple them together. In the method of
DeepM&M for the problems of electro- convection60 and hypersonics61, several DeepONets were first
trained for each field separately and subsequently learned the coupled solutions through either a
parallel or a serial DeepM&M architecture using supervised learning based on additional data for a
specific multi-physics problem. It is also possible to learn the physics at a coarse scale by using the
fine- scale simulation data only in small domains176.
Currently in NN based ML methods, the physics informed loss functions are mainly defined in a
pointwise way. Although NNs with such loss functions can be successful in some high dimensional
problems, they may also fail in some special low dimensional cases, such as the diffusion equation
with non- smooth conductivity/permeability177.
3.5.15 New Algorithms and Computational Frameworks
Physics informed ML models often involve training large scale NNs with complicated loss functions,
which generally consist of multiple terms and thus are highly non convex optimization problems 178.
The terms in the loss function may compete with each other during training. Consequently, the
training process may not be robust and sufficiently stable, and thus convergence to the global
minimum cannot be guaranteed179.
To resolve this issue, one needs to develop more robust NN architectures and training algorithms for
diverse applications. For example, refs76,77,173 have identified two fundamental weaknesses of PINNs,
relating spectral bias170 to a discrepancy in the convergence rate of different components in a PINN
loss function. The latter is manifested by training instabilities leading to vanishing back propagated
gradients. As discussed in these refs76,77,173, these pathologies can be mitigated by designing
appropriate model architectures and new training algorithms for PINNs. Also, ref. 104 used the weak
form of the PDE and hp- refinement via decomposition to enhance the approximation capability of
Other examples include adaptively modifying the activation functions180 or sampling the data points
and the residual evaluation points during training181, which accelerate convergence and improve the

performance of physics informed models. Moreover, the design of effective NN architectures is

currently done empirically by users, which could be very time consuming.
However, emerging meta learning techniques can be used to automate this search166–168. What is
interesting here is that the architecture may be changing as the bifurcation parameters of the system
(such as the Reynolds number) increase. The training and optimization of deep learning models is
expensive, and it is crucial to speed up the learning, for instance through transfer learning via
DeepONets as in the example of crack propagation reported in ref.182. In addition, scalable and
parallel training algorithms should be developed by using hardware like GPUs and tensor processing
units, using both data- parallel and model- parallel algorithms.
Unlike classic classification or regression tasks, where the first order derivative is required for
gradient descent, physics- informed ML usually involves higher order derivatives. Currently, their
efficient evaluation is not well supported in popular software frameworks such as TensorFlow and
PyTorch. An ML software library that is more efficient for computing high- order derivatives (for
example, via Taylor mode automatic differentiation)183,184 could greatly reduce the computational
cost and boost the application of physics- informed ML across different disciplines. In addition to
integer order derivatives, other operators such as integral operators and even fractional order
derivatives103 are very useful in physics informed learning.
3.5.16 Data Generation & Benchmarks
In the ML community dealing with imaging, speech and natural language processing problems, the
use of standard benchmarks is very common in order to assess algorithm improvement,
reproducibility of results, and expected computational cost. The UCI Machine Learning Repository185,
which was created over three decades ago, is a collection of databases and data generators that are
often used to compare the relative performance of new algorithms. Currently, they also include
experimental data sets in the physical sciences, for example noise generated by an aero foil, ocean
temperature and current measurements related to El Niño, and hydrodynamic resistance related to
different yacht designs.
These data sets are useful and are intended for data driven modelling in ML, but in principle they can
also be used for benchmarking physics- informed ML methods, assuming that proper parameterized
physical models can be explicitly included in the databases. However, in many different applications
in physics and chemistry, full field data are required, which cannot be obtained experimentally (for
example in density- functional theory and molecular dynamics simulation or in direct numerical
simulations of turbulence), and which tax computational resources heavily both in terms of time and
memory. Hence, careful consideration should be given to how to make these data publicly available,
how to curate such valuable data, and how to include the physical models and all parameters required
for the generation of these databases.
In addition, it will take a concerted effort by researchers to design meaningful benchmarks that test
accuracy and speed up of the new proposed physics informed algorithms, which is a non-trivial task.
Indeed, even for the aforementioned imaging and other established ML applications, there are still
new developments on refining existing benchmarks and metrics, especially if software and hardware
considerations are also factored in such evaluations (for example, an in- depth analysis for image
recognition)186. In physical systems, these difficulties are exacerbated by the fact that the aim is to
predict dynamics, and it will be complicated, for example, to determine how to capture or identify
bifurcations in dynamical systems and chaotic states. However, new metrics such as the valid- time
prediction introduced in ref.187 may be appropriate and offer a promising direction to follow.
3.5.17 New Mathematics
Despite the empirical success of physics-informed learning models, little is known about the
theoretical foundation of such constrained NNs. A new theory is required to rigorously analyses the
capabilities and limitations of physics informed learning (for example, the learning capacity of NNs).
More specifically, a fundamental question is: can a network find solutions to PDE via gradient- based

optimization? To answer this question, one should analyze the total error in deep learning, which
can be decomposed into three types of errors: approximation error (can a network approximate a
solution to PDE with any accuracy?), optimization error (can one attain zero or very small training
loss?) and generalization error (does smaller training error mean more accurate predicted
It is important to analyses the well posed-ness of the problem and the stability and convergence in
terms of these errors. In particular, if the operator to be solved is (possibly partially) learned by the
data themselves, establishing how well posed any problem involving this operator is becomes an
exciting mathematical challenge. The challenge is exacerbated when the initial/boundary/internal
conditions are provided themselves as (possibly uncertain) data. This well-posedness issue must be
analyzed mathematically, aided by ML computational exploration.
The first mathematical analysis for PINNs in solving forward problems appeared in ref.188, where the
Hölder regularization was introduced to control generalization error. Specifically, ref.188 analyzed the
second order linear elliptic and parabolic type PDEs and proved the consistency of results.
References189,190 used quadrature points in the formulation of the loss and provided an abstract error
estimate for both forward and inverse problems.
However, no convergence results were reported, as the use of quadrature points does not quantify
the generalization error. In subsequent work, ref.191 studied linear PDEs and proposed an abstract
error estimates framework for analyzing both PINNs7 and variational PINNs104,192. Based on the
compactness assumptions and the norm equivalence relations, sufficient conditions for convergence
to the underlying PDE solution were obtained. The generalization error was handled by the
Rademacher complexity. For the continuous loss formulation, refs49,193–195 derived some error
estimates based on the continuous loss formulations of PINNs.
Although known error bounds involved with continuous norms (from PDE literature) may serve as
error bounds for (continuous) PINNs, data samples have to be taken into account to quantify the
generalization error.
In general, NNs are trained by gradient- based optimization methods, and a new theory should be
developed to better understand their training dynamics (gradient descent, stochastic gradient
descent, Adam196 and so on).
In ref.197, over parameterized two layer networks were analyzed, and it was proved that the
convergence of gradient descent for second order linear PDEs, but the boundary conditions were not
included in the analysis. In ref.76, the neural tangent kernel theory198 was extended to PINNs, and it
was shown that the training dynamics of PINNs sometimes can be regarded as a kernel regression as
the width of network goes to infinity.
It is also helpful to understand the training process of networks by visualizing the landscape of loss
function of different formulations (strong form, weak form and so on). Furthermore, more methods
are being rapidly developed nowadays, and thus it is also important to understand the equivalence
between models and the equivalence between different loss functions with different norms.
Analyzing the physics- informed ML models based on rigorous theory calls for a fruitful synergy
between deep learning, optimization, numerical analysis and PDE theory that not only has the
potential to lead to more robust and effective training algorithms, but also to build a solid foundation
for this new generation of computational methods.
3.5.18 Outlook
Physics informed learning integrates data and mathematical models seamlessly even in noisy and
high dimensional contexts, and can solve general inverse problems very effectively. Here, we have
summarized some of the key concepts in Boxes 1–3 and provided references to frameworks and
open- source software for the interested reader to have a head start in exploring physics informed
learning. We also discussed current capabilities and limitations and highlighted diverse applications
from fluid dynamics to biophysics, plasma physics, transition between metastable states and other

applications in materials. Next, we present possible new directions for applications of physics-
informed learning machines as well as research directions that will contribute to their faster training,
more accurate predictions, and better interpretability for diverse physics applications and beyond.
Although there have been tools like Tensor Board to visualize the model graph, track the variables
and metrics, and so on, for physical problems, extended requirements may include incorporating
multiple physics and complicated geometry domain into the learning algorithm, visualizing the
solution field (even high dimensional ones), as in traditional computing platforms such as FEniCS199,
OpenFOAM10 and others. A user friendly, graph based ML development environment that can
address the above issues could help more practitioners to develop physics- informed ML algorithms
for applications to a wide range of diverse physical problems.
3.5.19 Future Directions Digital Twins
‘Digital twins’, a concept first put forth by General Electric to describe the digital copy of an engine
manufactured in their factories, are now becoming a reality in a number of industries. By assimilating
real measurements to calibrate computational models, a digital twin aims to replicate the behavior
of a living or non- living physical entity in silico. Before these emerging technologies can be translated
into practice, a series of fundamental questions need to be addressed. First, observational data can
be scarce and noisy, are often characterized by vastly heterogeneous data modalities (images, time
series, lab tests, historical data, clinical records and so on), and may not be directly available for
certain quantities of interest.
Second, physics based computational models heavily rely on tedious pre-processing and calibration
procedures (such as mesh generation or calibration of initial and boundary conditions) that typically
have a considerable cost, hampering their use in real- time decision making settings. Moreover,
physical models of many complex natural systems are, at best, ‘partially’ known as conservation laws,
and do not provide a closed system of equations unless appropriate constitutive laws are postulated.
Thanks to its natural capability of blending physical models and data as well as the use of automatic
differentiation that removes the need for mesh generation, physics- informed learning is well placed
to become an enabling catalyst in the emerging era of digital twins. Data and Model Transformations, Fusion And Interpretability

As the interactions between physics based modelling and ML intensify, one will encounter with
increasing frequency situations in which different researchers arrive at different data driven models
of the same phenomenon, even if they use the same training data (or equally informative data,
observed through different sensors). For example, two research groups using the same or equivalent
alternative data may end up having differently trained networks (differently learned latent spaces,
differently learned operators) even though their predictions are practically indistinguishable on the
training set. Recognizing that there is often no unique physical interpretation of an observed
phenomenon, here we foresee the importance of building ML based transformations between
predictive models, models at different fidelities, and theories, that are one-to-one (transformable,
‘dual’, calibratable) to each other in a verifiable manner.
Researchers are increasingly discovering such transformations (for example from nonlinear
dynamics to the corresponding Koopman model; from a Poisson system to the corresponding
Hamiltonian one; from Nesterov iterations to their corresponding ODEs) in a data driven manner.
Such transformations will allow data and models to be systematically fused.
Transformations between the ML latent space features and the physically interpretable observables,
or ML learned operators and closed- form equations, will obviously bolster the interpretability of the
ML model.
Ultimately, one needs to test how far these transformations generalize: for what range of
observations an ML model can be mapped to a different ML model, or to a physical model, and what
the generalization limit is, beyond which they cannot be transformed or calibrated to each other.
119 Searching For Intrinsic Variables And Emergent, Useful Representations

Most of the current physics informed ML methods follow this paradigm: first define a set of (humanly
interpretable) observables/variables; then collect data; formulate the physics completely or
incompletely using a ‘reasonable’ dictionary of operators based on the chosen observables; and
finally apply the learning algorithm of choice. An emerging paradigm fueled by advances in ML is to
use observations and learning methods to automatically determine good/intrinsic variables and to
also find useful or informative physical model formulations. Stepping beyond principal component
analysis, manifold learning techniques (from ISO MAP to t- SNE and diffusion maps) and their deep
learning counterparts of generative models and (possibly variational) auto encoders are used to
embed raw observations in reduced, mathematically useful latent spaces, in which evolution rules
can be learned.
Remarkably, these useful representations can go beyond embedding the relevant features, the
dependent variables in a PDE. For spatiotemporally disordered data, one can also create ML driven
emergent spaces200,201 in terms of ML learned independent variables: emergent ‘spacetimes’ in which
the model operators will be learned.
The DARPA Shredder Challenge202 of 2011 recreated space by effectively solving puzzles: documents
shredded using a variety of paper shredding techniques. Today, disorganized spatiotemporal
observations can be embedded in informative ‘independent variable’ emergent spaces.
For example, evolution operators in the form of PDEs or SODEs will then be learned in terms of these
new, emergent space even possibly time independent variables; there is a direct analogy here with
the discussion of emergent space time in modern physics203.
Such new paradigms could play a critical role in design optimization or in building a digital twin for
complicated systems, even systems of systems, where humans can hardly write down a neat physical
formulation in closed form. Moreover, instead of collecting data from experiments first and then
performing the learning algorithm, it becomes important to integrate both in an active learning
framework. In this way, a judicious selection of new and informative data can be aided by exploiting
the geometry of latent space of the learning algorithms, while the algorithms can gradually improve
the choice of latent space descriptors, as well as the mathematical formulation governing the physics,
so as to yield realistic predictions as the experiments go on.
Ultimately, the main element we see changing is what we mean by ‘understanding’. Up to now,
understanding meant that, say, each term in a PDE had a physical or mechanistic interpretation
operated on some physically meaningful observables (dependent variables) and also operated in
terms of some physically meaningful space/time (independent) variables. Now, it becomes possible
to make accurate predictions without understanding’ this type of mechanistic understanding and ‘is
something that may be redefined in the process.
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We thank H. Owhadi (Caltech) for his insightful comments on the connections between NNs and kernel
methods. G.E.K. acknowledges support from the DOE PhILMs project (no. DE- SC0019453) and
OSD/AFOSR MURI grant FA9550-20-1-0358. I.G.K. acknowledges support from DARPA (PAI and ATLAS
programmers) as well as an AFOSR MURI grant through UCSB. P.P. acknowledges support from the
DARPA PAI program (grant HR00111890034), the US Department of Energy (grant DE- SC0019116),
the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (grant FA9550-20-1-0060), and DOE- ARPA (grant 1256545).
Author Contributions
Authors are listed in alphabetical order. G.E.K. supervised the project. All authors contributed equally to
writing the paper.
Competing Interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Peer review Information
Nature Reviews Physics thanks the anonymous reviewers for their contribution to the peer review of this
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3.6 Case Study 6 - Classification of Machine Learning (ML) Frameworks for Data-
Driven Thermal Fluid Models
Authors : Chih-Wei Chang and Nam T. Dinh
Affiliations : Department of Nuclear Engineering North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
Title of Paper : Classification of Machine Learning Frameworks for Data-Driven Thermal Fluid Models
Citation : (Chang & Dinh, 2019)
Bibliography : Chang , C.-W., & Dinh, N. T. (2019). Classification of Machine Learning Frameworks for
Data-Driven Thermal Fluid Models. arXiv:1801.06621 [physics.flu-dyn]

We focus on data-driven Thermal Fluid Simulation (TFS), specifically on their development using
Machine Learning (ML). Five ML frameworks are introduced by (Chang & Dinh, 2019) including
1 Physics-Separated ML (PSML or Type-I ),
2 Physics-Evaluated ML (PEML or Type-II),
3 Physics-Integrated ML (PIML or Type-III),
4 Physics-Recovered ML (PRML or Type-IV),
5 Physics-Discovered ML (PDML or Type-V).
The frameworks vary in their performance for different applications depending on the level of
knowledge of governing physics, source, type, amount and quality of available data for training.
Notably, outlined for the first time in this investigation, Type-III models present stringent
requirements on modeling, substantial computing resources for training, and high potential in
extracting value from “big data” in thermal fluid research. The current investigation demonstrates
and explores ML frameworks example such as the heat diffusion equation with a nonlinear
conductivity model, formulated by convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and feed forward
neural networks (FNNs). To illustrate the applications of Type-I, Type-II, Type-III, and Type-V
ML. The results indicate a preference for Type-II ML under deficient data support. Type-III ML can
effectively utilize field data, potentially generating more robust predictions than Type-I and Type-II
ML. CNN-based closures exhibit more predictability than FNN-based closures, but CNN-based
closures require more training data to obtain accurate predictions. Second, we illustrate how to
employ Type-I ML and Type-II ML frameworks for data-driven turbulence modeling using reference
works. Third, we demonstrate Type-I ML by building a deep FNN-based slip closure for two-phase
flow modeling. The results show that deep FNN-based closures exhibit a bounded error in the
prediction domain.
3.6.1 Machine Learning (ML) for Thermal Fluid Simulation
Machine learning (ML) can be used to develop closure models by learning from the available,
relevant, and adequately evaluated data78 with nonparametric models. While the concept of ML is not
new, the past decade has witnessed a significant growth of capability and interest in machine learning
thanking advances in algorithms, computing power, affordable memory, and abundance of data.
There is a wide range of applications of machine learning in different areas of engineering practice.
In a narrow context of the present study, the machine learning is defined as the capability to create
effective surrogates for a massive amount of data from measurements and simulations. Figure 3.6.1
depicts a workflow of employing ML for developing thermal fluid closures. The objective is to
construct a function to represent the unknown model that correlates inputs and targets. Since the
supervised learning is interested, inputs and targets are essential that can be obtained from ARAED.

78Thermal fluid simulations involve conservation equations with various degrees of averaging from the first
principle based on distinct hypotheses. The underlying physics of the conservation equations should be
consistent with the experiment or simulation where the Available, Relevant, and Adequately Evaluated Data
(ARAED) are obtained.

ML-based Thermal
fluid closures
ML (X) ≈ Y

Inputs Targets
X = {x1,…,xn}, Y = {y1,…,yn},
k =1,2,…,n k =1,2,…,n


Figure 3.6.1 Workflow of Employing ML methods for Developing Thermal fluid closures –
(Courtesy of Chang & Dinh)

The X denotes the flow feature space as inputs. The Y presents the response space as targets that are
associated with flow features. The subscript k denotes the kth measurement at a certain location.
After collecting all relevant datasets, ML models are generalized by a set of nonlinear functions with
hyper parameters to represent a thermal fluid closure. Based on different ML methods, various
algorithms are employed to seek an optimal solution that allows a ML-based model to fit the observed
data. Based on distinct learning purposes, Invalid source specified.79 classified ML methods into
five tribes including symbolists, evolutionary, analogizes, connectionists, and Bayesians. [Ling &
Templeton]80 evaluated the predictability of various ML algorithms for predicting the averaged
Navier-Stoke uncertainty in a high Reynolds region.
3.6.2 Thermal Fluid Data
Figure 3.6.2 provides an overall characterization of thermal fluid data by data type, data source, and
data quality. The global data are system conditions and integrated variables such as system pressure,
mass flow rate, pressure drop, and total heat input. The local data are time series data at specific
locations. The field data are measurements of field variables resolved in space and in time.
Traditionally, experiments are a primary source of data, including so-called integral effect tests
(IETs) and separate effect tests (SETs). As the name suggests, SETs and IETs are designed to
investigate isolated phenomena and complex (tightly coupled) phenomena, respectively.
Increasingly, appropriately validated numerical simulations become a credible source of data. This
includes high-fidelity numerical simulations (e.g., DNS, and other CFD methods), as well as system-
level simulation using computer models in parameter domains that are extensively calibrated and
validated. It is noted that datasets vary by their quality regarding the quantity and uncertainty. The
amount of data affects the performance of inverse modeling since sufficient data can reduce the
model parameter uncertainty in the domain of interest. Within a narrow context of ML for thermal
fluid simulation, the data quality can be characterized by the amount of relevant and adequately

79Domingos P., The Master Algorithm, Basic Books, 2015.

80Ling J., Templeton J., Evaluation of machine learning algorithms for prediction of regions of high Reynolds
averaged Navier Stokes uncertainty, Physics of Fluids, 2015.

evaluated data (i.e., data quantity) and associated uncertainty (including measurement uncertainty
and other biases, e.g., scaling, processing).

Global Data

Type Local Data

Field Data
Thermal Fluid Experiment
Data Source SET

Figure 3.6.2 Hierarchy of Thermal Fluid Data - (Courtesy of Chang & Dinh)

3.6.3 Machine Learning Frameworks for Data-Driven Thermal Fluid Models

As evident from the preceding discussion, the time is ripe for applying ML methods to assist
developments of data-driven thermal fluid models. There is a large variety of ways to embed ML in
the models. The three major factors are knowledge of physics (overall model form), available data,
and machine learning techniques. It is necessary to incorporate knowledge of underlying physics
whenever such knowledge is available and trustworthy into ML-based models. The benefits of so
doing are wide-ranging, from preventing models from generating unphysical results to narrowing
the search space by reducing the dimension of problems. Here, the focus is placed on the use of neural
networks, specifically deep learning (or multilayer neural networks), which has recently emerged as
capable and universal approximate. Notably, their hierarchical structures deem appropriate for
describing complex models that involve multiple scales. The objectives is to develop a system to
characterize different approaches to use ML to aid developments of data-driven models in thermal-
fluid simulation to help navigate an inter-disciplinary domain (of thermal-fluid simulation, data-
driven modeling, and deep learning). The technical approach stems from literature analysis,
implementation, and investigation of major types of ML frameworks on synthetic examples.
3.6.4 Criteria for Classifying ML Frameworks for Thermal Fluid Simulation
Each framework has its distinct goal and approach to leverage data. Since we classify five
frameworks, we build the classification system based on four conditions. First, we examine whether
solutions are converged meaning that solutions conserve the mass-momentum-energy balance in a
control volume. Second, we check if the framework focuses on developing fluid closures. Third, we
distinguish Type-III ML from other frameworks because it inherently ensures data-model
consistency. Finally, the last condition is about the separation of scales. Accounting for all four
conditions, we categorize five distinct types of ML frameworks for thermal fluid simulation based on
the following four criteria:
133 Criterion 1- Is PDE Involved in Thermal Fluid Simulation?

The first criterion examines whether conservation equations are involved in thermal fluid
simulation. Type-V ML relies on ML to discover the underlying physics directly from data and to
deliver equivalent surrogates of governing equations. Type-V ML is an extreme case when there is
no prior knowledge, and we must purely depend on the observed data. By this criterion, we can
distinguish Type-V ML from other four ML frameworks. Criterion 2 - Is the Form of PDEs Given?
The second criterion inspects if the form of conservation models is known. Type-IV ML does not
make biases on selecting physics models; instead, it recovers the exact form of conservation models
based on data. Therefore, we can distinguish Type-IV ML from Type-I, Type-II, and Type-III ML. Criterion 3 - Is the PDE Involved in the Training of Closure Relations?
PDEs are involved in Type-I, Type-II, and Type-III ML. Therefore, the goal is to develop closure
models in nonparametric forms to close conservation equations. Criterion 3 checks whether
conservation equations are involved in the training of ML-based closures. Traditionally, the
assumptions of scale separation and physics decomposition are essential to develop closure models.
The former allows us to set up SETs for various scales while the latter decomposes closure relations
into different physics within the same scale. However, in many thermal fluid processes, the physics
(physical mechanisms) is tightly coupled. Type-III ML avoids these two assumptions by training
closure models that are embedded in PDEs. By this criterion, we can distinguish Type III ML from
Type I and Type II ML. Criterion 4 - Is a Scale Separation Assumption Required for the Model Development?
This criterion tests whether the model development requires the separation of scales. This
hypothesis isolates closure relations from conservation equations so that the models can be
separately built and calibrated by SETs. The scale separation is essential for Type-I ML because it
only relies on data to construct closure models. However, the data by SETs may have been distorted,
while IETs are designed to capture (a selected set of) multi-physics phenomena. Table 3.6.1
summarizes the criteria to classify the five distinct types of ML frameworks for thermal fluid
Type Type Type Type Ty
Classification I II III IV pe
Is PDE involved in thermal fluid simulation? Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Is the form of PDEs given? Yes Yes Yes No No
Is the PDE involved in the training of closure relations? No No Yes No No
Is a scale separation assumption required for the Yes No No No No
model development?

Table 3.6.1 Criteria for the ML Framework Classification - (Courtesy of Chang & Dinh) Type-I : Physics-Separated Machine Learning (PSML)

Type-I ML or so-called physics-separated ML (PSML) aims at developing closure models by using
SET data. Type-I ML assumes that conservation equations and closure relations are scale separable,

Figure 3.6.3 Overview of Type I ML Framework with a Scale Separation Assumption - (Courtesy of
Chang & Dinh)

for which the models are local. Type-I ML requires a thorough understanding of the system so that
SETs can be designed to support model developments. We can apply ML-based closures to assimilate
data to achieve data-driven thermal fluid simulation. Figure 3.6.3 depicts the architecture of Type-
I ML framework, and it is forward data-driven modeling. The procedure includes the following
elements: Element 1
Assume a scale separation is achievable such that closure models can be built from SETs. From either
high-fidelity simulations or experiments, collect training data, (xk, yk). Element 2
Preprocess data from element 1 to ensure that data from multi-sources have the same dimension and
manipulation such as the selection of averaging methods. Additionally, consider normalizing data so
that we can approximately equalize the importance for each data source. For large datasets, employ
principal component analysis can be helpful to reduce the dimension of data. Element 3
Compute flow features or system characteristics, X, as training inputs for element 5. Element 4
Calculate the corresponding outputs (Y) of the desired closures from data as training targets that can
supervise ML algorithms to learn from data.
135 Element 5
Utilize ML algorithms to build a correlation between inputs and targets. After the training, output the
ML-based closure model, ML(X), to element 6. Element 6
Constrain the ML-based closure, g(ML(X)), to satisfy model assumptions and to ensure the
smoothness of model outputs since it needs to be solved with PDEs. It is noted that this element is
not essential if assumptions are not applicable. Element 7
Implement the ML-based closure into conservation equations, and solve PDEs for predictions with
the embedded ML-based closure that is iteratively queried.
Type-I ML satisfies the criteria from Table 3.6.1 except the third criterion. The quality of SET data
largely controls the performance of closure models obtained by Type-I ML. While the experimental
uncertainty in each SET may be controlled and reduced, the process uncertainty (dominated by
design assumptions) is irreducible. We refer that PDEs and closure relations are decoupled in Type-
I ML. It can cause model biases between conservation equations and closure relations. It is noted that
inferring model parameters from data belong to inverse problems which are ill-posed. For ML
models, a small change in inputs can result in large uncertainty in outputs. While implementing ML
based closures in PDEs, the uncertainty can lead to a discontinuity that fails numerical simulation.
For more practices related to Type-I ML, readers are referred to [Ma et al.]81-82, [Parish &
Duraisamy]83, [Zhang & Duraisamy]84, among numerous others. Type-II: Physics-Evaluated Machine Learning (PEML)
Type-II ML or so-called physics-evaluated machine learning (PEML) focuses on reducing the
uncertainty for conservation equations. It requires prior knowledge on selecting closure models to
predict thermal fluid behaviors. Type-II ML utilizes high-fidelity data to inform low-fidelity
simulation. Comparing to high-fidelity models, ROMs can efficiently solve engineering design
problems within an affordable time frame. However, ROMs may produce significant uncertainty in
predictions. Type-II ML can improve the uncertainty of low-fidelity simulation by reference data.
Since the physics of thermal fluids is nonlinear, ML algorithms are employed to capture the
underlying correlation behind high-dimensional data. The framework requires training inputs such
as flow features that represent the mean flow properties. Training targets are the responses that
correspond to input flow features. Type-II ML satisfies the first two criteria in Figure 3.6.3. We
refer that PDEs and closure relations are loosely coupled in Type-II ML because PDEs are only used
for calculating input flow features. The framework provides a one-step solution to improve low-
fidelity simulation. Model uncertainty is not accumulated in Type-II ML because numerical solvers
do not interact with ML models. However, Type-II ML exists an open question about what the
magnitude of initial errors can be before it is too late to bring a prior solution to a reference solution.
For more detailed examples of Type-II ML, readers are referred to [Ling & Templeton]85, [Ling, et

81 Ma M., Lu J., Tryggvason G., Using statistical learning to close two-fluid multiphase flow equations for a simple
bubbly system, Physics of Fluids, 27 (2015).
82 Tryggvason G., Ma M., Lu J., DNS–Assisted Modeling of Bubbly Flows in Vertical Channels, Nuclear Science and

Engineering, 184 (2016) 312-320.

83 Parish E.J., Duraisamy K., A paradigm for data-driven predictive modeling using field inversion and machine

learning, Journal of Computational Physics, 305 (2016) 758-774.

84 Zhang Z.J., Duraisamy K., “Machine Learning Methods for Data-Driven Turbulence Modeling”, American

Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2015.

85 Ling J., Templeton J., Evaluation of machine learning algorithms for prediction of regions of high Reynolds

averaged Navier Stokes uncertainty, Physics of Fluids, 27 (2015) 085103.


al.]86, [Wu et al.]87, and [Zhu & Dinh]88. Type III - Physics-Integrated Machine Learning (PIML)
To the best knowledge of the authors, Type-III ML or so-called physics-integrated ML (PIML) is
introduced and developed for the first time in this work. Type-III ML aims at developing closure
relations to close thermal fluid models without a scale separation assumption. Closure models are
embedded and trained in system dynamics. Training data can be obtained from SETs and IETs.
Notably, Type-III ML can lead the paradigm shift of using ML in thermal fluid simulation because it
allows the direct use of field data from IETs. Inputs for Type-III ML do not directly come from
observations; instead, they are solutions of PDEs. Type-III ML satisfies most criteria in Table 3.6.1
except for the fourth criterion. We refer that PDEs and closure relations are tightly coupled in Type-
III ML. It is a challenging problem. Such tightly coupled multiscale problems require that numerical
solutions (of the governing PDE system) are realized (hence evolving datasets for training) whenever
ML algorithms tune model parameters. Therefore, Type-III ML is computationally expensive. The
research on Type-III ML methodology promises a high-potential impact in complex thermal fluid
problems where the separation of scales or physics decomposition may involve significant errors. Type IV - Physics-Recovered Machine Learning (PRML)
Type-IV ML or so-called physics-recovered ML (PRML) aims at recovering the exact form of PDEs. It
requires no assumption about the form of governing equations. Instead, the framework requires to
construct a candidate library that includes components of governing equations such as time
derivative, advection, diffusion, and higher order terms. Type-IV ML only satisfies the first criterion
in Table 3.6.1. The challenge of Type-IV ML can be the recovery of closure relations in thermal fluid
models. Closure models are usually complex, and they are hard to be represented by each derivative
term. Therefore, it is an open question about how to apply Type-IV ML for complex flow system such
as turbulence modeling. For more practices related to Type-IV ML, readers are referred to [Brunton
et al.]89. Type V - Physics-Discovered Machine Learning (PDML)
Type-V ML or so-called physics-discovered ML (PDML) is the extreme case. Type-V ML is used for
either condition. First, it assumes no prior knowledge of physics. Second, it assumes existing models
and modeling tools are not trustworthy or not applicable for thermal fluid systems under
consideration. More generally, Type-V ML is “equation-free” and instrumental in the search for a new
modeling paradigm for complex thermal-fluid systems. Type-V ML does not involve conservation
equations nor satisfy any criterion in Table 3.6.1. Instead, it wholly relies on data to discover the
effective predictive models. However, such situation rarely occurs because there are usually physics
principles or hypotheses that can be postulated to reduce the dimension of problems. For the
discussion related to Type-V ML, readers are referred to [Mills et al. ]90 and [Hanna et al.]91. Knowledge and Data Requirements for ML Frameworks in Thermal Fluid Simulation

86 Ling J., Jones R., Templeton J., Machine learning strategies for systems with invariance properties, Journal of
Computational Physics, 318 (2016) 22-35.
87 Wu J.-L., Wang J.-X., Xiao H., Ling J., Physics-informed machine learning for predictive turbulence modeling: A

priori assessment of prediction confidence, (2016).

88 Zhu Y., Dinh N.T., A Data-Driven Approach for Turbulence Modeling, in: NURETH-17, American Nuclear Society,

Xi'an, China, 2017.

89 Brunton S.L., Proctor J.L., Kutz J.N., Discovering governing equations from data by sparse identification of

nonlinear dynamical systems, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113 (2016) 3932–3937.
90 Mills K., Spanner M., Tamblyn I., Deep learning and the Schrödinger equation, (2017).
91 Hanna B.N., Dinh N.T., Youngblood R.W., Bolotnov I.A., Coarse-Grid Computational Fluid Dynamics (CG-CFD)

Error Prediction using Machine Learning, under review, (2017).


In the present context of ML, knowledge refers to a body of theoretical and empirical evidence that
is available and trustworthy for understanding and description of physical mechanisms that underlie
thermal fluid processes under consideration. This knowledge can guide selecting model forms,
including conservation equations and corresponding closure relations, designing experiments, and
performing high-fidelity simulations. The data requirements refer to characteristics of the body of
data (e.g., types, amount, quality) needed to enable thermal fluid simulation with the required
accuracy. In other words, the required data must be sufficient to complement the “knowledge” for
building closure models and recovering/discovering the physics. The form of PDEs are known for
Type I, Type II, Type III ML, and the focus is to build closure relations. In traditional modeling
approaches, closure models are local, relating a group of (local) source terms (i.e., sub-grid-scale
interactions) to a group of (local) flow features. Even when in engineering literature, source terms
are expressed regarding global parameters (like flow rate, system pressure), they are used as
surrogates for local-valued parameters (through the assumptions that equate global and local
Type - I ML build closure relations independently from PDEs, but it requires a thorough or assumed
understanding of the physics that is essential to set up SETs for acquiring data. Globally measured
data or locally measured data (using point instruments) are very small amount of data. In such case,
complicated ML-based closures are not necessarily the best choice. Therefore, among the
frameworks, Type - I ML exhibits a minimal data requirement with a maximal knowledge
Type-II ML assumes prior knowledge of
physics that guide the selection of
closure relations for thermal fluid
simulation. However, the use of prior
models yields uncertainty in thermal
fluid analyses. This uncertainty (or
error) can be inferred by comparing the
model prediction to reference solutions
from high-fidelity simulations, high-
resolution experiments as well as data
obtained in IETs that include multi-
physics phenomena. Correspondingly,
Type-II ML requires larger data
quantities but less knowledge than
Type-I ML.
Type-III ML trains closure relations that
are embedded in conservation equations
without invoking a scale separation
Figure 3.6.4 Domain of Various ML Frameworks where L,
assumption. IET data can be directly
M, and H Denote Low, Medium, and High - (Courtesy of
adapted into simulation by applying Chang & Dinh)
Type-III ML. While the term ML is broad,
in the present work ML refers to the use
of non-parametric models or even narrower, use of DNNs. This means no prior knowledge of model
forms of closure relations. Thus, Type-III ML requires less knowledge than Type-II ML (which “best-
estimated” closure models on the basis of past data). Consequently, Type-III ML requires a large body
of data to represent models than that of Type-II ML. Type-IV ML intends not to make any bias on
selecting conservation equations; instead, it recovers the exact PDE form from data. It assumes less
prior knowledge but requires more extensive training data than the previous three frameworks.
Type-V ML is an extreme case that makes no assumption about prior knowledge or reference
solutions for thermal fluid systems under consideration. The aim is to apply ML methods to learn

from data, and to establish a data-driven predictive capability. For thermal fluid simulation, it means
discovering the effective model form of conservation equations and closure relations. Accordingly,
among the frameworks, Type-V ML is the most stringent with respect to data requirements (types,
quantity, and quality). Figure 3.6.4 depicts the domain of ML frameworks regarding prior
knowledge and data requirements Case Study 1.1 - Heat Conduction Investigation by Type I ML Framework
The heat conduction case study is formulated to demonstrate how to employ Type I, Type II, and
Type III ML to build ML-based thermal conductivity and to compare results by each framework.
[Chanda et al.] used ANN with genetic algorithm92 to solve inverse modeling for heat conduction
problems. In this work, Deep Learning (DL)93 is selected as the ML methodology in this task.
Principally, any neural network (NN) with more than two layers (one hidden layer with an output
layer) is considered as to be [DL]94. [Hornik]95 proved that multilayer NNs are universal
approximators, and it can capture the properties of any measurable information. This capability
makes DL attractive for the closure development in thermal fluid simulation. Notably, we implement
NN-based thermal conductivity by FNNs and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to evaluate
the performance of closure relations by distinct NNs. Problem Formulation
We formulate the synthetic task using a 2D (two-dimensional) heat conduction model given by where
k(T) is nonlinear thermal conductivity. To generate training data, shows a temperature-dependent
model for k(T) where c, σ, and μ are constant parameters. Table 3.6.2 gives two parameter sets
(baseline and prior sets) to generate data. While demonstrating ML frameworks, k(T) becomes NN-
based thermal conductivity.

∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T c (T−μ)2
[k(t) ] + [k(t) ] = 0 , k(t) = e 2σ2
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y σ√2π
Eq. 3.6.1
Data Set c (W/m) σ (K) μ (K)
Baseline set for producing synthetic data 7.2x104 300 1200
Prior set for producing inputs required by Type II ML 7.2x104 600 2100

Table 3.6.2 Parameter Sets for the Thermal Conductivity Model - (Courtesy of Chang & Dinh)

Two numerical experiments are designed to emulate IETs and SETs for manufacturing synthetic data
by solving using parameters sets in Table 3.6.2. IETs provide field data, for instance, 2D
temperature fields by an infrared camera. SETs offer global data such as a 1D measurement by
thermocouples. Synthetic data are used for training and validating NN-based thermal conductivity.

92 Hanna B.N., Dinh N.T., Youngblood R.W., Bolotnov I.A., Coarse-Grid Computational Fluid Dynamics (CG-CFD)
Error Prediction using Machine Learning, under review, (2017).
93 LeCun Y., Bengio Y., Hinton G., Deep learning, Nature, 521 (2015) 436-444.
94 Heaton J., Artificial Intelligence for Humans, Volume 3: Deep Learning and Neural Networks, Heaton Research,

Inc., Chesterfield, MO, 2015.

95 Hornik K., Stinchcombe M., White H., Multilayer Feedforward Networks are Universal Approximators, Neural

Networks, 2 (1989) 359-366


Type I ML can only use SET data because of a scale

separation assumption. Type II ML can only use SET
data because the goal is to improve the prior thermal
conductivity by the baseline. Type III and Type V ML
use field data. We compare Type I and Type II ML using
training data from SETs. Then Type III and Type V ML
are compared by field data from IETs. Manufacturing IET Data
IETs are measurements of temperature fields.
Synthetic IET data are generated by Eq. 3.6.1 with the
baseline set in Table 3.6.2. Figure 3.6.5 illustrates
the layout of IET experiments with four constant
boundary temperatures. We change Twest for various Figure 3.6.5 Schematic of integral effects
observations and fix the boundary temperature tests (IETs) for measuring Temperature
(1300K) at the east side. The Tnorth and Tsouth are linearly fields - (Courtesy of Chang & Dinh)
dependent on the west boundary condition. We

Data Set Data Quantity Temperature Range at Twest Description

T1 11 observations [1000K, 1100K] Training data set
T2 100 observations [1000K, 1100K] Training data set
T3 1000 observations [1000K, 1100K] Training data set
P1 1000 observations [1000K, 1100K] Validating data set
P2 1000 observations [900K, 1000K] Validating data set
P3 1000 observations [800K, 900K] Validating data set

Table 3.6.3 Summary of IET Training and Validating Data Sets - (Courtesy of Chang & Dinh)

prepare three training datasets by including distinct data quantities and three validating datasets by
changing Twest. Table 3.6.3 gives the metadata of each training or validating dataset. All
observations are uniformly sampled within a given temperature range. Manufacturing SET Data
SETs are global measurements by
thermocouples. Figure 3.6.6 depicts
the layout of SETs for obtaining mean
temperature and heat conductivity
data. A heater is on top of the sample
to maintain a constant temperature
(TH). Thermal insulations are
installed on the outside surface. The
coolant at the bottom removes the
heat with a constant heat transfer
coefficient. Eq. 3.6.2 calculates
temperature profiles within the
sample using parameter sets in Table
3.6.3. Eq. 3.6.2 also calculates the Figure 3.6.6 Schematic of Separate Effects Tests (SETs) for
observed heat conductivity (kobs), and Measuring Thermal Conductivity as the Function of Sample’s
the mean temperature is obtained by Mean Temperature - (Courtesy of Chang & Dinh)
arithmetic averaging TH and TC.

∂ ∂T TH − TC
[k(t) ] = 0 , k obs = h(TC − Tcoolant )
∂x ∂x H
Eq. 3.6.2
We generate two training datasets with two coolant temperatures to explore the effect by different
data qualities shows the metadata of SET datasets. A large temperature gradient across the testing
sample increases the nonlinearity of temperature profiles. For each training set, we uniformly sample
41 TH from Eq. 3.6.3 to keep mean temperatures in SETs within the same range as IETs.

(HH,max , HH,min ) = (2TIET,max − Tcoolant , 2TIET,min − Tcoolant )

Eq. 3.6.3
Data Set Data Quantity Data Quality Tcoolant(K) Description
S1 41 Observations Low 800 Training dataset
S2 41 Observations High 900 Training dataset

Table 3.6.4 Summary of SET Training Datasets - (Courtesy of Chang & Dinh) Implementation of the Heat Conduction by Type I ML Frameworks

We present Type-I ML in Algorithm 1. SET data are generated by Eq. 3.6.2 with the baseline set in
Table 3.6.4. Inputs and targets are temperatures and thermal conductivities. After the training,
FNN-based thermal conductivity is implemented in Eq. 3.6.1 for predictions. For additional
information, or how to construct the type II, III, IV, V algorithm, please consult the work by [Chang
and Dinh]96 .

Algorithm 1 - Type I ML for 2D Heat Conduction Problem with Dirichlet B.C.

Input Training Input (Tbaseline, elemnt 3), and training targets (kbaseline, element 4 in) from
SETs (element 1)
Output Temperature fields for predictions (element 7)
1 for all epochs < maximum_epoch do (element 5)
2 // Build a conductivity model using FNNs
3 K(T) ← FNN(T)
4 for all inputs (T) baseline , kbaseline Tk) ∈ training datasets do
5 Update hyperparameters for each layer in FNNs
6 Implement ()kT into Eq. (1) (element 7)
7 Solve with Dirichlet boundaries for predictions (element 7) CNN-Based Thermal Conductivity Model

Figure 3.6.7 depicts the architecture97 of CNN-based thermal conductivity that includes three
convolutional layers and three fully connected layers. We use the [ReLU]98 activation for layers in
CNNs to accelerate the training. Inputs are temperature fields. After the first convolutional layer,

96 Chih-Wei Chang and Nam T. Dinh, “Classification of Machine Learning Frameworks for Data-Driven Thermal
Fluid Models”, North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC 27695-7909.
97 Lecun Y., Bottou L., Bengio Y., Haffner P., Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition,

Proceedings of the IEEE, 86 (1998) 2278-2324.

98 Nair V., Hinton G.E., Rectified linear units improve restricted Boltzmann machines, 2010, pp. 807–814.

eight feature maps are generated, and each feature map detects the patterns from temperature fields.
The second convolutional layer takes inputs from the previous layer, and it outputs 12 feature maps.
The third convolutional layer receives inputs from the previous layer, and it delivers 24 feature maps
to fully connected layers. Finally, we obtain thermal conductivity fields from CNN’s outputs.
Learning is an optimization process, and we need to define a cost function based on distinct
types of data to inform ML algorithms to tune NN hyper parameters. Eq. 3.6.4 defines the cost
function where N, yi,data, and yi,model are the total number of training data, ith training data, and ith
model solution. To prevent overfitting, we add a regularization term in Eq. 3.6.4 where i, and NL
denote the ith layer and total layer number. λ is the regularization strength, and W is the matrix of
total weights in ith layer. We implement NN-based thermal conductivity using Tensor flow99 which
is the DL framework developed by Google. Weights and biases of NNs are tuned based on data using
[Adam]100 algorithm.
1 2
E= ∑(yi,model − yi,data ) + ∑ λi ‖Wi ‖2
i=1 i=1
Eq. 3.6.4

Figure 3.6.7 Architecture of CNN-Based Thermal Conductivity (adopted after LeCun) Closing Remarks

The present study is motivated by the growing interest and development of machine learning models
in thermal fluid simulation. The trend is powered by the advent of data-intensive research methods,
such as modern thermo-fluid experiments and high-fidelity numerical simulations, affordable
computing (data processing) power and memory, and progress in machine learning methods,
particularly in deep learning using multilayer neural networks. We introduced a classification of
machine learning frameworks for thermal fluid simulation, including five types. The selection of the
optimal ML framework is problem-dependent, and to a substantial extent, depends on characteristics
of supporting data, including data source, data type, data quantity, and quality. Although examples of
Type I and Type II models existed in the literature, their developments are still in infancy. While
technically straightforward, both Type I and Type II models are limited to systems whose governing
physics are open to “divide-to-conquer”.

99 Abadi M., Agarwal A., Barham P., Brevdo E., Chen Z., Citro C., Corrado G.S., Davis A., Dean J., Devin M., others,
Tensor flow: Large-scale machine learning on heterogeneous distributed systems, (2016).
100 Kingma D.P., Ba J., Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization, (2014).

In Type III, PDEs are involved in the training of machine-learning models, thus alleviating the
requirements on the scale separation assumption, and potentially reducing the necessity on the
physics decomposition. Correspondingly, Type III models present more stringent requirements on
modeling and substantially higher computing resources for training. Based on insights from the case
study performed, Type III ML has the highest potential in extracting the value from “big data” in
thermal fluid research, while ensuring data-model consistency. There are technical challenges that
need to be addressed before Type III models deliver their promises in practical thermal fluid
simulation, namely,
➢ Complex interactions of ML-based closures with a system of PDEs (including discontinuity in
hyperbolic systems);
➢ Effect of the non-local character of ML-based models on PDE solution methods; and
➢ Implementation and effect of multiple closure models, particularly in multiphase and thermal

3.7 Case Study 7 - On Deep-learning-based Geometric Filtering in Aerodynamic

Shape Optimization
Authors : Jichao Li , Mengqi Zhang
Affiliations : National University of Singapore, Singapore 117575, Republic of Singapore
Citation : Jichao Li, Mengqi Zhang, On deep-learning-based geometric filtering in aerodynamic shape
optimization, Aerospace Science and Technology, Volume 112, 2021, 106603, ISSN 1270-9638,
Geometric filtering based on deep-learning models has been shown to be effective to shrink the
design space and improve the efficiency of aerodynamic shape optimization. However, since the
deep-learning models are trained by existing airfoils, it is criticized that geometric filtering would
prevent optimization from finding innovative aerodynamic shapes. This work is conducted to
address the concern. By performing 216 airfoil design optimization and several wing design
optimization of a conventional wing-body-tail configuration and a blended-wing-body configuration,
we find that using the geometric filtering with a lower bound of ∼ 0.7 does not exclude innovative
aerodynamic shapes that maximize cruise efficiency. The results strengthen the confidence of
applying deep-learning-based geometric filtering in aerodynamic shape optimization. Then, two
applications of geometric filtering in aerodynamic shape optimization are showcased: the geometric
validity constraint and global modal shape derivation. The former is shown to enable aerodynamic
shape optimization in a large design space, and the latter provides an efficient parameterization
approach to aerodynamic modeling of three-dimensional aircraft configurations.
3.7.1 I. Introduction & Literature Survey
Aircraft shape design increasingly relies on numerical optimization [1–3]. Since suitable geometric
freedom is not known in advance, a large design space with hundreds of design variables [3] is usually
used to fully tap the potential of aerodynamic shape optimization. This generally leads to a geometric
design space that is much larger than required [4]. Consequently, many domains in the design space
correspond to abnormal aerodynamic shapes that bring an unnecessary difficulty to aircraft design.
Thus, it is of great interest to define a compact geometric design space in aircraft design. Dimension
reduction of the shape design variables is a popular choice to obtain a compact design space. With
fewer design variables being used, the design space becomes more concise. Robinson and Keane [5]
used the singular value decomposition (SVD) to extract modal shapes from a family of supercritical
airfoils and found that fewer design variables based on the modal shapes were required to eliminate
the shock wave in airfoil design. Poole et al. [6], Masters et al. [7], Li et al. [8] and Kedward et al. [9]
further investigated the SVD-based modal parameterization method using the airfoil database of the
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Allen et al. [10] showed the application of airfoil
modes in wing shape optimization. Viswanath et al. [11] presented a dimension reduction method
called generative topographic mapping based on nonlinear latent variable models and applied the
method to a 30-dimensional airfoil problem. Using the gradient of spatial samples, the active
subspace method (ASM) [12] provides another approach to dimension reduction of the design
variables. Li et al. [13] reduced the 220 shape design variables to four ASM modes in a wing design
shape optimization problem and found surrogate-based optimization in the reduced design space
achieved a better solution than that solved in the original design space. Recently, deep-learning
techniques have been used to extract low-dimensional latent variables from a high-dimensional
aerodynamic shape design space. Chen et al. [14] applied the generative adversarial networks (GAN)
to construct airfoil shape representations and achieved better optimization results by using GAN
mode shapes than other parameterization methods. Du et al. [15] coupled B-spline with GAN to drive
BSplineGAN modes for airfoil design. A common criticism of the dimension reduction approach, no
matter which method is used to derive modal shapes, is that the suitable number of modes to use is

not known priory. Using insufficient modes, the performance of aerodynamic shape optimization
may be significantly reduced. Using too many modes loses the compactness of the design space.
Another approach to establishing a compact design space is to use validity functions that filter out
abnormal aerodynamic shapes. This approach does not reduce the number of design variables but
alternatively shrinks the design space using computationally cheap models. Kedward et al. [16]
proposed a constraint on curve derivatives to ensure smooth shapes in aerodynamic shape design,
which improved both the optimization convergence rate and the optimization result in Aerodynamic
Design Optimization Discussion Group (ADODG) Case 1. Bons et al. [17] used a curvature constraint in
the design optimization of the Aerion AS2 supersonic business jet to improve the shape smoothness
for ease of manufacture. Li et al. [8] defined a series of marginal functions between the dominant
airfoil modes and higher-order modes derived from the UIUC airfoils, and the functions successfully
excluded abnormal airfoils from the design space. However, suitable bounds of the curvature-based
constraints are usually not known in advance, and there was no guarantee that the margin-based
validity functions [8] did not filter out realistic airfoils. The desired validity model should be an
accurate discriminator of geometric abnormalities. Benefiting from the strong learning capability of
deep-learning models, Li et al. [4] developed such a validity model using the convolutional neural
networks (CNN). The model provided validity scores on geometric abnormalities by checking airfoils
and wing sectional shapes. Nevertheless, the CNN-based validity function may not cover the desired
design space of geometric innovation beyond the UIUC airfoils, because the CNN model is trained via
the airfoil GAN model, which is pre-trained by UIUC airfoils. Even worse, if modal collapse occurs in
the GAN model, the geometric filtering model may exclude conventional airfoil shapes. Thus, the
deep-learning-based filtering model [4] faces criticism: Does the geometric filtering model prevent
finding the optimal designs with innovative aerodynamic shapes? This work aims to address the
concern on the deep-learning-based geometric filtering and showcase the appealing benefits of
applying it in aerodynamic shape optimization. First, we analyze the mode collapse issue in the airfoil
GAN model and propose to use the Wasserstein GAN in the generation of realistic airfoils. In order to
avoid over-fitting, a large number of training airfoils are generated to train the CNN-based
discriminative model for geometric filtering. Then, to investigate whether the optimal designs are
excluded by the filtering model, we perform a series of airfoil design optimizations based on different
flight missions of commercial aircraft. More persuasively, such investigations are performed in the
aerodynamic shape optimization of a wing-body-tail configuration, the Common Research Model
(CRM), and a blended-wing-body (BWB) configuration. After analyzing the results, we perform
aerodynamic shape optimization of a unit circle to highlight the necessity of geometric filtering in a
large high-dimensional design space. Moreover, global wing modes of the CRM and BWB
configurations are derived to showcase the utility of deep-learning-based geometric filtering in
three-dimensional aircraft modeling.
3.7.2 II. Deep-learning-based Geometric Filtering A. Wasserstein GAN for Airfoils
To train the geometric filtering model, a large number of airfoils, both realistic and abnormal ones,
are required. However, about 1600 airfoils can be found from publicly accessible databases
worldwide, which may be much less than required, and some of them cannot be used due to missing
data [18]. GAN can produce similar synthetic versions of the real dataset by adversarial training a
generative model and a discriminative model. Via minimizing the distance between distributions of
the training data and the synthetic data, GAN models have been successfully used in the generation
of realistic and even hyper-realistic synthetic images and voices [19]. In the aerospace field, various
GAN models have been used in airfoil parameterization [15] and shape optimization [4]. To generate
a large number of realistic airfoils for the training of the geometric filtering model, we use GAN with
a CNN-based generative model, which has been shown to be robust in producing smooth airfoil
shapes [4]. The details of this model are explained in the appendix.

One major concern with GAN is the mode collapse issue. When a GAN model encounters mode
collapse, the synthetic airfoils are distributed in a small domain and cannot represent the design
space spanned by the training airfoils.
Using static metrics like the inception score and the maximum mean discrepancy, Li et al. [4] showed
that the model collapse issue was alleviated by normalizing the input data. Nevertheless, such an
issue may still exist. To intuitively show whether there is a mode collapse, we make a comparison of
the spatial distributions of training airfoils and synthetic airfoils. Since each airfoil is represented by
hundreds of points, it is noisy and difficult to compare within the high-dimensional data. We adopt
the airfoil mode method [8] to represent these airfoils and alternatively compare the coefficient

Figure 3.7.1 No mode collapse is reported in WGAN


distributions of dominant airfoil modes. For an arbitrary airfoil y, the mode coefficients c can be
computed using the orthogonal mode basis Φ, i.e., c = ΦT y.
We generate 5000 synthetic airfoils using the GAN model of Li et al. [4], and as shown in Figure
3.7.1, their mode coefficients are compared with those of UIUC airfoils. In the diagonal sub-figures,
the coefficients of the six dominant modes are compared by using one-dimensional probability
distribution curves. Significant distribution differences are reported in the first, second, and fifth
modes. In the lower triangle sub-figures, to have a more intuitive comparison, UIUC airfoils (black
dots) and GAN synthetic airfoils (red dots) are marked based on their mode coefficients in the
corresponding two-dimensional planes. Although the airfoil GAN model presented by Li et al. [4] does
not show significant mode collapse, there are still some domains that cannot be captured by the GAN
model, which may be regarded as a slight mode collapse issue.
To overcome the issue, we use the Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) proposed by Arjovsky et al. [20] to train
the synthetic airfoil generator. In WGAN, the Wasserstein distance is used as the metric among
distributions of the real dataset (Pr ) and the generated samples (Pg). Based on the Kantorovich-
Rubinstein duality, the Wasserstein distance can be defined as

W(Pr , Pg ) = ⏟ (𝔼x~pr [f(x)] − 𝔼x~pg [f(x)])
K |f|
L≤ K
Eq. 3.7.1
where sup is the least upper bound and E represents the expected value. f is a K-Lipschitz continuous
function and is implemented by the discriminator in WGAN. Thus, the discriminator is not directly
used as a discriminative model to tell whether a sample comes from the real data or the generated
data. Instead, it is trained to learn a K-Lipschitz continuous function that estimates the Wasserstein
distance between real and generated samples. We use the same CNN-based generator and
discriminator as in the GAN model [4] to train the WGAN model, and the same 1407 UIUC airfoils are
used as the training data of the WGAN model. To enforce the Lipschitz constraint on the
discriminator, the gradient penalty approach proposed by Gulrajani et al. [21] is used. As shown in
Figure 3.7.1, WGAN airfoils are distributed in all domains of UIUC airfoils. This implies that the
airfoil WGAN model accurately captures the underlying distribution of UIUC airfoils and does not
suffer from mode collapse. Besides, the WGAN model exhibits an exploration capability. Some WGAN
airfoils are distributed in the adjacent domains with no UIUC airfoils. The feature may help to enable
the geometric filtering model to contain innovative shapes. We use WGAN to generate realistic
training airfoils for the geometric filtering model. B. Geometric Filtering Model

A large number of abnormal airfoils are required to train the geometric filtering model. Inspired by
the abnormal sampling results in a large design space [8], we generate abnormal airfoils by using the
Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) method. The free-form deformation (FFD) [22] method is used for
airfoil shape deformation. Since there is a large number of samples to generate, a Python script is
written to perform this process automatically. First, the FFD control box for each baseline airfoil is
generated. The bounds of each FFD control points are defined as 20% of the local thickness. Then, for
each baseline airfoil, 30 sample airfoils are generated using LHS. In the end, 42,210 sample airfoils
are generated in total. As shown in Figure 3.7.2, most of the sample airfoils can be visually identified
to be abnormal.

Figure 3.7.2 Abnormal airfoils generated by perturbing FFD control points

We seek to construct a filtering model to automatically detect geometric abnormality for airfoil-like
shapes. One important application of the geometric filtering model is high-fidelity aerodynamic
shape optimization in order to constrain the search domain of the optimizer. Thus, it is important to
have a fast and accurate evaluation of geometric abnormalities. Commonly-used methods include
nearest neighbors, decision trees, random forest, neural networks, and so on. The nearest neighbors
method may be too costly due to a large number of training data. To maintain the capability of being
used in gradient-based optimization, the model should be differentiable. Thus, tree-based methods
such as the decision tree and random forest are not suitable. In this work, we merely investigate
models based on neural networks because the gradient can be accurately evaluated by automatic
differentiation. Two kinds of neural networks, multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and CNN, are
investigated. Neural networks are trained by minimizing the loss function.
In the training of neural networks, the loss functions get smaller as a sign of accuracy improvement.
We investigate two typical loss functions, the binary cross-entropy (BCE) and the mean absolute
error (MSE). The loss functions are defined as

1 1
fBCE = − ∑ yi log(ŷ𝑖 ) + (1 − yi )log(1 − ŷ𝑖 ) , fMSE = ∑(y𝑖 − ŷi )2
i=1 i=1
Eq. 3.7.2
where yi and ˆyi are the original score (label) and predicted score of the ith airfoil. Each realistic airfoil
(WGAN airfoil) is labeled as 1.0. Abnormal airfoils are labeled to be 0.0 and -1.0 for models trained
with fBCE and fMSE, respectively.
We investigate MLP models with different layers and numbers of neurons. However, we find that the
prediction accuracy is rather low whatever hyperparameters are used. The results imply that it is
unsuitable to use MLP to detect geometric abnormality of airfoils. A possible reason may be that it is
difficult for MLP networks to learn the underlying features of airfoils. CNN is effective in extracting
airfoil geometric features [4]. We use a CNN model with four convolutional layers to extract the
underlying features step by step. The stride step is two in each convolutional layer to realize the

down sampling process. The filter size (nsize) and the number of filters (nfilter) in each layer are
important hyperparameters in CNN.
We investigate the influence of the two hyperparameters in the training of the geometric filtering
model. The training processes with different hyperparameters and loss functions are shown in
Figure 3.7.3. Sub-figures in the first and second rows are CNN models trained using fMSE and fBCE,
respectively. Sub-figures in different columns are models with different nfilter. In each sub-figure, the
models with different nsize are distinguished by line colors, and the solid and dashed lines represent
the loss functions in the training and testing datasets, respectively. The accuracy of the CNN models
increases with the rise of nsize and nfilter, and there is no sign of over-fitting. The training of CNN
models with both loss functions tends to be unstable when a large nsize or nfilter is used. We find that
CNN models using the BCE function cannot provide validity scores with a smooth transition from
realistic airfoils to abnormal airfoils. This feature makes BCE-based CNN models unsuitable as a
constraint in gradient-based aerodynamic shape optimization. Based on the results, we use the CNN
model with nsize = 5 and nfilter = 64 trained by the MSE loss function in this work.

Figure 3.7.3 Investigation of CNN hyperparameters in the training of airfoil filtering models

3.7.3 III. Aerodynamic Shape Design Optimization A. Gradient-based Optimization Framework
We use the MACH-Aero framework101 to investigate possible shape deformations in aerodynamic
design optimization of commercial aircraft. This framework has shown to be robust in many state-
of-the-art aerodynamic shape design optimization work [23–26] including the ADODG standard
cases [3, 27, 28]. A summary of relevant work can be found in [29]. The sequential least squares
programming (SLSQP) algorithm implemented in pyOptSparse [30, 31] is used as the optimizer.


ADflow [32, 33], which is an open-source finite-volume structured multi-block computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) code, is used to solve the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with a
Spalart–Allmaras turbulence model [34]. The adjoint solver [35] embedded in ADflow is used to
compute the gradient. The analytic inverse-distance method implemented in IDWarp102 is used to
automatically deform the volume mesh. FFD [22] is used as the parameterization method for
aerodynamic shapes. In this section, the filtering model is used to check the optimized shapes, so it is
not coupled with the optimization framework. B. Airfoil Shape Design Optimization

A series of airfoil design
optimization problems are
defined based on the ADODG
Case 2 and various flight missions
of commercial aircraft. The key
parameter bounds of the
missions considered are shown Table 3.7.1 Bounds of key parameters of flight missions
in Table 3.7.1. Several
assumptions based on industrial
practice are used to transfer the aircraft design problem to an airfoil design problem:
1) The wings provide 87% lift;
2) The lift constraint from wing design to airfoil design: Cl =1.1x CL/cos2 Λ , where Λ is the wing sweep
3) The operating Mach number for airfoil design is M = Mcruise x cos Λ.
For an arbitrary mission, the lift constraint for wing design is

0.87 × mass × g × 0.5

CL =
1 2
ρU S
Eq. 3.7.3
where g is the gravitational acceleration; ρ, U, S are the air density, cruise speed, and wing area. ρ
and g are
functions of
the altitude; U
is a function of
the altitude
(H) and Mach
number (M),
which is
defined by the
ICAO Standard
We use the
wing area and
wing sweep
angle of the
CRM aircraft to
compute M Table 3.7.2 Airfoil shape design optimization problem statement
and Cl .


We consider 6 x 4 x 3 = 72 flight missions, which are evenly distributed in the Mach-altitude-mass

space with bounds defined in Table 3.7.1. Airfoil design optimization is performed to minimize the
drag coefficient. Since the choice of starting point does not affect the optimized shape in airfoil design
[8, 27, 36], we use the same baseline, the RAE2822 airfoil, in all airfoil design cases. The FFD control
points, the baseline airfoil, and the CFD mesh are shown in Figure 3.7.4. In addition to the lift
constraint, a pitching moment constraint is involved. An area constraint is specified to ensure enough
space for the wing structure and fuel tanks. Different airfoil areas are required for different wing
sections. In the CRM wing, the areas decrease from 1.17 x ARAE2822 to 0.80 xARAE2822 from the wing root
to the wing tip, where ARAE2822 is the area of the RAE2822 baseline airfoil. We consider three area
constraints with s = 0.8, s = 1.0, and s = 1.2 to investigate various area demands. Thus, 216 airfoil
design problems are considered in total. The details of airfoil design optimization are described in
Table 3.7.2.

Figure 3.7.4 FFD control points and the CFD mesh for airfoil design

The optimized airfoils are shown in Figure 3.7.5. Due to the large number of airfoils, it is difficult
to show all details in one figure. So we provide all the optimized airfoils, including the initial and
optimized aerodynamic coefficients, in Mendeley Data [37]. Different optimal airfoil shapes are
desired in different flight missions. When operated in missions with high Mach numbers, the upper
surface of the airfoil tends to be flat to reduce the strength of shock waves, which makes the
optimized airfoils similar to supercritical airfoils. This phenomenon becomes more obvious with the
increase of the flight altitude, where a larger Cl is required due to the decrease of the air density and
sound speed. The increase of aircraft mass leads to a direct increase in the lift constraint. When the
mass equals to 220000 kg and H = 12000 m, the optimized airfoils become sunken at the lower
surface near the leading edge to provide more lift without violating the pitching moment constraint.
This character is different from typical supercritical airfoils, which tend to generate more lift by

Figure 3.7.5 Optimized airfoils for different flight8missions subject to different area constraints

increasing trailing edge camber. The choice herein may be due to the strict pitching moment

constraint and a lack of constraints for low-speed performance [18].

The optimized airfoils for different missions show rich shape variations and geometric innovations.
We evaluate these airfoils using the geometric filtering model, and the validity scores are shown in
Figure 3.7.6. The score distribution of optimized airfoils is a bit different from that of UIUC airfoils.
There is a sharp decrease in the number of optimized airfoils with Svalidity > 1.15. Nevertheless,
optimized airfoils are inside the scope of UIUC airfoil scores. The smallest score of optimized airfoils
is 0.74, which is clearly different from the scores of abnormal airfoils (-1.3 < Svalidity < 0.0).
Three optimized airfoils with the smallest scores are shown in Figure 3.7.6. The airfoils are
optimized at missions with H = 12 000 m and show the same innovative character in the leading edge.
This implies that the innovative character would reduce the geometric validity score. Nevertheless,
using the lower bound of UIUC airfoil scores as the constraint does not prevent aerodynamic shape
optimization from finding these innovative airfoils.

Figure 3.7.6 Scores evaluated by the geometric filtering model C. Aircraft Wing Shape Design Optimization

The airfoil design problems discussed in the previous section are defined using industrial
simplifications, so they may not truly reflect the shape deformations in aircraft wing design
optimization. To investigate whether the deep-learning-based model would filter out innovative
wing shapes, we consider two wing design optimization problems based on the CRM aircraft [38] and
a BWB configuration [23], respectively. The optimization is performed to improve cruise efficiency
at M = 0.85 and H = 10670 m by minimizing the drag subject to a lift constraint (C conL ). For the CRM
aircraft, the lift constraint is chosen as CconL = 0.500 by referring to the AIAA Aerodynamic Design
Optimization Discussion Group Case 5. For the BWB aircraft, due to the increase of the wing area, a
much smaller lift coefficient is required. By assuming a payload of 800,000 lbs, we use a lift constraint
CconL = 0.20056 in the BWB design. A pitching moment constraint (CM = 0.0) is used in the
optimization of both aircraft. Volume constraints are involved to make the optimized aircraft have
the same wing volume as the initial baseline. Besides, two kinds of thickness constraints, a loose
thickness constraint and a strict thickness constraint, are investigated. Loose thickness constraints
allow the wing thicknesses to decrease to a level not smaller than 25% of the baseline thicknesses.
This choice can gain a significant drag reduction in the transonic regime, but the optimized design
may sacrifice too much low-speed aerodynamic performance [18]. So, we also investigate strict
thickness constraints where the thicknesses are not allowed to decrease in the optimization. The
FFD control points of the two aircraft configurations are shown in Figure 3.7.7 and Figure 3.7.8,
respectively. Sectional airfoils distributed across the wing span are monitored to investigate the
concern on geometric filtering.

Figure 3.7.7 Nine sectional airfoils are monitored in the CRM optimization

Figure 3.7.8 Eight sectional airfoils are monitored in the BWB optimization

The optimization results of the CRM aircraft are shown in Figure 3.7.9. Both optimized designs are

Figure 3.7.9 Geometric filtering constraint with Svalidity > 1:0 does not filter out the optimal shapes in
the CRM design

Figure 3.7.10 Geometric filtering constraint with Svalidity > 1:0 does not filter out the optimal shapes in
the BWB design

almost shock-free with the drag coefficient significantly reduced from the baseline value (C D =
0.0353). The monitored sectional airfoils are shown in Figure 3.7.9 as well, which are arranged
along the horizontal axis based on the validity scores evaluated by the deep-learning filtering model.
Using the loose thickness constraints leads to more geometric freedom in design optimization, and
the optimized shapes tend to have smaller validity scores. Nevertheless, all wing sectional airfoils in
both optimized CRM configurations achieve scores larger than 1.0. Thus, the deep-learning
geometric filtering constraint will not filter out the optimal shapes in the CRM design optimization.
As shown in Figure 3.7.10, two kinds of thickness constraints in the BWB design lead to a significant
difference in the optimized shapes. Nevertheless, both optimized aircraft are shock-free and lead to
significant drag reductions from the baseline value (CD = 0.0128). Validity scores of wing sectional
airfoils are all larger than 1.0 as well. Similarly to the CRM design optimization, using deep-learning
geometric filtering constraint with Svalidity > 1.0 does not filter out these optimal designs.
3.7.4 IV. Applications of Deep-learning-based Geometric Filtering
Multiple tests in Section III show that the deep learning model developed in Section II does not filter
out optimal solutions in aerodynamic shape optimization. The results encourage the use of the
filtering model to address geometric abnormality issues in aerodynamic shape optimization. In this
section, two promising applications based on the model are showcased. A. Geometric validity constraint in aerodynamic shape optimization

Conventional geometric parameterization methods, for example, the FFD method, usually lead to
high-dimensional design spaces. Part of the design space corresponds to abnormal aerodynamic
shapes with poor aerodynamic performance, which do not contribute to aerodynamic design but
bring a significant difficulty to aerodynamic analyses. For surrogate-based optimization methods, Li
et al. [4] have shown that using the deep-learning-based geometric filtering model as a validity
constraint can significantly improve optimization efficiency in both airfoil and wing shape design.
The geometric abnormality issue may not cause too much concern in the aerodynamic design
community since gradient-based optimization using the adjoint method is much less sensitive to the
curse of dimensionality than surrogate-based optimization. However, we find that gradient-based
optimization would also be problematic if a large domain in the design space is associated with
geometric abnormalities. Shape design optimization of a bluff body is one of the cases.
In the work of He et al. [27], it was shown that an adaptive FFD method had to be involved to optimize
starting from a circular shape. At the beginning of the optimization, the adaptive method defined a
simple design space with four geometric design variables so that the circle was quickly modified to
an airfoil-like shape by reducing the thickness.
Then the optimization restarted from the airfoil-like shape and the adaptive method switched to a
dense design space by adding more control points. However, if a dense FFD control box was used at
the beginning, the optimization convergence cannot be achieved [27] even through a robust CFD
solver was used [32]. This implies that the geometric issue is an obstacle for the robust gradient-
based aerodynamic design optimization method as well.
To showcase the issue, we revisit the optimization problem in He et al. [27]. An optimization from a
unit circle is performed using the MACH-Aero framework to minimize the drag coefficient with M =
0.734 and H = 11740 m. The circular shape is parameterized by a dense FFD box with 30 control
points. As shown in Figure 3.7.11, the optimization fails after 20 CFD evaluations due to failures in
CFD analyses of abnormal shapes. These CFD failures are marked as red crosses in Figure 3.7.11
and the corresponding CFD meshes in these iterations are shown. It can be seen that the optimizer
tends to decrease the thickness of the middle part to reduce the drag. This leads to geometric
abnormality and brings difficulties to the deformation of CFD meshes. Although a robust inverse

Figure 3.7.11 Gradient-based optimization starting from a circle fails due to too much geometric

distance mesh deformation method [39] is used, it is difficult to ensure the mesh quality in this
The deformed “dumbbell” shapes can be easily identified as abnormal by the deep-learning-based
geometric filtering model. We use the geometric validity function as an inequality constraint (Svalidity
> 0.7) in the optimization and perform the gradient-based optimization from the unit circle. An area
constraint is imposed to ensure the optimized shape with the same area as the RAE2822 airfoil. A lift
constraint with Cl = 0.824 and a pitching moment constraint with Cm ≥ -0.092 are used. As shown in
Figure 3.7.12, the optimization gradually converges to a supercritical airfoil merely using 200 CFD
evaluations. Inequality constraints are not necessarily satisfied in the line searching process of
SLSQP. Thus, directly using the geometric validity function as an inequality constraint cannot ensure

Figure 3.7.12 The deep-learning-based filtering constraint ensures the success of gradient-based
optimization from a circle

that “dumbbell” shapes are always avoided during the optimization. To address this issue, we add a
judgment before calling the CFD evaluation module. When the validity score of the updated shape is
smaller than 0.0, Cd is enforced to a large value, i.e., Cd = 1.0 - Svalidity, without the need of performing
CFD simulations. This circumstance merely occurs in the early part of optimization, when the drag is
large. For simplification, lift and pitching moment constraints are imposed after the drag is
significantly reduced, and before wards, there is no need to estimate Cl or Cm. This approach is not
generic, and a modified gradient-based optimization algorithm is on-demand to take full advantage
of geometric filtering. Nevertheless, the result shows that deep-learning-based geometric filtering
makes gradient-based optimization manage to handle such a challenging case. B. Geometric dimension reduction for aerodynamic modeling

In addition to being used as a geometric validity constraint, the filtering model can be used to derive
global mode shapes to construct a compact parameterization for wing-based configurations. The
fundamental idea in this context is the deep-learning-based optimal sampling method [40], which
combines the GAN airfoil model, the CNN-based filtering model, and an optimization process. First,
sectional airfoils distributed in different positions are chosen to represent the wing (or tail) shape.
Randomly generated GAN synthetic airfoils are used as the initial sectional shapes.
Then, to make the wing samples satisfy required geometric constraints and ensure the sampling
sparsity, an optimization is performed to find the nearest feasible sample wing shape by minimizing
the displacement of the wing sectional airfoils. Besides the geometric constraints, the optimization is
also subject to the deep-learning-based geometric validity constraints to ensure that the optimized
sample wing shapes are realistic. Thus, this sampling method merely selects samples from the
feasible domain of the high-dimensional design space.
The optimal sampling method ensures both the sparsity and feasibility of samples, which are a good
representation of the desired domain of the high-dimensional design space. We use SVD to derive
global mode shapes from the samples. Assuming that m samples are generated, we assemble them
in a snapshot matrix

a11 − a1baseline a12 − a1baseline … a1m − a1baseline

𝐀 = a2 − a2 a22 − abaseline
2 … am2 − a2

⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮
[an − abaseline
n an − abaseline
n … an − abaseline
n ]
Eq. 3.7.4
where abaselinei is ith deformable coordinate (z for the CRM and y for the BWB) of the baseline wing.
Performing SVD on A, we obtain
Eq. 3.7.5
where columns in U correspond to global mode shapes of the wing. The global mode shapes have
been used in a wing design optimization problem [40, 41], and the compact design space defined by
global wing modes makes the adjoint solver unnecessary in high-dimensional wing design. For the
CRM and BWB aircraft considered in this work, we generate 200 samples to derive global wing
modes. The dominant global wing modes for both configurations are shown in Figure 3.7.14 and
Figure 3.7.13. The first modes bend the wing sections in a non-parallel manner. Different from local
section-based modal shapes, global modal shapes can lead to intersectional deformations. So, the
global modal shapes may improve the efficiency of aerodynamic shape parameterization. Its
application in aerodynamic modeling of three-dimensional wing-based configurations is worth
looking forward to.

Figure 3.7.14 Dominant global mode shapes for the CRM wing and tail optimization

3.7.5 V. Conclusions
This work addresses the
concern of applying the deep-
learning-based geometric
filtering model in aerodynamic
shape design optimization. The
WGAN model is proposed to
generate synthetic airfoils.
Different types of neural
networks are investigated in
the training of the geometric
validity model. To show
whether innovative optimal
designs would be filtered out by
the validity model, various
airfoil and wing shape design
optimizations are performed.
Airfoil design optimizations are
based on 72 flight missions of
commercial aircraft and three
area constraints. Wing design
optimization of two aircraft
configurations, the
conventional CRM wing-body-
tail and an innovative BWB, are
The proposed WGAN-based Figure 3.7.13 Dominant global mode shapes for the BWB
generative model addresses the optimization

model collapse issue that occurs in the airfoil GAN model. WGAN synthetic airfoils are not only a good
representation of the training airfoils but also are distributed in domains that few training airfoils
exist. Thus, the WGAN model has an extrapolation capability, and the synthetic airfoils convey more
geometric information than the airfoils by which the model is trained. For the geometric validity
model, we find that a CNN-based discriminator trained with the MSE loss function is preferable. This
choice results in a smooth and accurate discriminative model for geometric abnormalities. The
validity scores of the 216 optimal airfoils are all greater than 0.7 and inside the scope of the UIUC
airfoil scores. The wing sectional airfoils in the optimized CRM and BWB earn higher validity scores
no matter loose or strict thickness constraints are used. Using a suitable validity constraint, say Svalidity
> 0.7, does not prevent the optimizer from finding the optimal designs. These results imply that
innovative shapes with preferable aerodynamic performance are inside the recognition scope of the
deep-learning-based geometric filtering model, which eases the concern on geometric filtering.
Using the deep-learning geometric filtering model can improve the performance of aerodynamic
shape optimization and aerodynamic modeling. Two promising applications of the model are
showcased. First, being used as a geometric validity constraint, the model makes gradient-based
optimization manage to tackle challenging optimization problems with many geometric
abnormalities. Second, the filtering model is used to derive global wing modes, which provides a
compact parameterization of three-dimensional aircraft configurations. The deep-learning-based
geometric filtering provides a fast and reliable approach to the judgment of aerodynamic shape
quality, and further researches are recommended to investigate the pros and cons of relevant
For each training (UIUC) airfoil, a uniform x-y format with N = 251 points is used, and the x
coordinates are set to

1 2π(i − 1)
xi = (cos + 1) i = 1,2, , , , , ,251
2 250
Eq. 3.7.6
Then, the training airfoils are archived by recording corresponding 251 y coordinates in a vector
format. The airfoil GAN model proposed by [4], as shown in Figure 3.7.15, is explained as follows.
GAN is composed of a discriminative model (D) and a generative model (G). D in the airfoil GAN model
uses a fully connected layer to perceive the input information. Then, a down sampling process is

Figure 3.7.15 Flowchart of the airfoil GAN model proposed by Li et al. [4]

followed, where four convolution layers are used to extract the underlying features. These features
are connected to a critic neuron, which distinguishes whether an input is from the training data or
synthetic data of the generative model. G is trained simultaneously to generate synthetic data using
noisy inputs. The noisy input is reshaped and then up sampled by four transposed convolution layers.
The output of the last transposed convolution layer in G corresponds to the 251 y coordinates of an
We acknowledge the Tier 2 grant from the Ministry of Education, Singapore (R-265-000-661-112). The
computational resources of the National Supercomputing Centre, Singapore ( are
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