Design and Development Frequency Reconfigurable Bandpass Filter For Wireless Application

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International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems (IJRES)

Vol. 12, No. 3, November 2023, pp. 496∼502

ISSN: 2089-4864, DOI: 10.11591/ijres.v12.i3.pp496-502 ❒ 496

Design and development frequency reconfigurable

bandpass filter for wireless application
Khyati Chavda1 , Ashish Sarvaiya2
1 Departmentof Electronics and Communication, Shantilal Shah Engineering College, Gujarat Technological University,
Ahmedabad, India
2 Department of Electronics and Communication, Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar, India

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: This paper presents a novel reconfigurable bandpass filter with three reconfig-
urable states used for C band wireless applications. The frequency reconfig-
Received Aug 1, 2022
urable is achieved using the combination of a different microstrip coupled res-
Revised Nov 20, 2022 onator structure and switching device as PIN diodes. The open-loop filter struc-
Accepted Jan 4, 2023 ture provides three narrow band states at 5.1, 5.2, and 5.8 GHz. The frequency
reconfiguration is obtained without compromising performances. The compact
Keywords: size of the proposed designed along with the targeted frequency bands at lower
wireless local area network (WLAN) (5.1, 5.2 GHz), and worldwide interoper-
Bandpass filter ability for microwave access (WiMAX) (5.8 GHz) applications. The prototype
Mirostrip coupled resonator is constructed on an RT duroid 5880 substrate and tested for validation in vector
Narrow band width network analyzer (VNA). The designed filter provides excellent selectivity and
Reconfigurable good rejection at desired resonant frequencies.
Wireless communication
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Khyati Chavda
Department of Electronics and Communication, Shantilal Shah Engineering College
Gujarat Technological University
Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India
Email: [email protected]

Reconfigurable filters used in many wireless applications that work at different frequency bands. Re-
configurable filters can operate in different frequencies with the same design and do the same operation as
several filters without increasing overall size making them an attractive choice for portable devices [1]-[4].
There are many techniques for making a bandpass filter smaller and improving its electrical parameters. The
first method is to use a stepped impedance resonator (SIR) and uniform impedance resonator (UIR) for band-
pass filter to improve the selectivity and insertion loss for multi-frequency applications [5]–[9]. The major
benefit of metamaterial is that it makes devices smaller. Using a meta property design for a bandpass filter, it
is small, can be used for many different frequencies, and has good selectivity [10]–[18]. The defected ground
structure (DGS) is a defect built into the ground plane of microwave planar circuits. It is used to make a band-
pass filter. DGS is a new way to improve the different aspects of microwave circuits, such as their narrow
bandwidth, cross-polarization, and low gain [19]-[22]. The filter is made smaller and reconfigurable in three
main ways first: the resonator is reduced in size, second one: the structure is made smaller using the metama-
terial resonator, and third is a reconfigurable component used like PIN diode or varactor diode. There are many
methods for the design filter microstrip and resonator based filters [23], [24] capacitor-loaded resonators, step
impedance resonators (SIR) [5]-[9], DGS based bandpass filter (BPF) [19]-[22], metamaterial based BPF [14],

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[25], [26]. Liu et al. [4] shows a novel tunable liquid crystal (LC) based bandpass filter with tunable bandwidth
using a varactor diode. There is the design of dual bandpass filters using metamaterial unit cells. In that design,
no reconfigurability is possible, but they design split ring resonator based unit cells for multi-frequency oper-
ation. In proposed work designed compact reconfigurable BPF for wireless application. The reconfigurable
filter design uses two-stepped impedance resonators (SIRs) and one uniform impedance resonator (UIR) [6] in
which size is more compared to the proposed work. Chavda and Sarvaiya [11] shows the reconfigurable band
stop filter for a single band using a novel shape hexagonal metamaterial cell but the size of the proposed filter
much more compared to the proposed work. This proposed paper presents a reconfigurable novel bandpass
filter design using a microstrip coupled resonator with a PIN diode. A miniature bandpass filter with excellent
electrical performance is achieved based on a square split ring resonator and X shape series resonator with op-
timization and a specific design method. First, the metamaterial unit cell is studied to obtain a desired resonant
frequency. The proposed BPF is very compact and has good rejection and insertion loss compared to previous
year’s literature.

2.1. Bandpass filter design
A BPF is an essential element of wireless communication systems [1]-[3]. This paper shows a triple
frequency for a single band using different microstrip coupled resonators, as shown in Figure 1, with optimized
filter geometry parameters provided in Table 1. It resonates at two different frequencies, which correspond to
the outer split-ring structures, and the second frequency corresponds to the inner X-shape resonator. Initially,
a single frequency BPF was developed utilizing a single split ring (Figures 1(a) and 1(b)). Similarly, a second
inner ’X’ shape resonator to the initial design for dual frequency functioning is shown in Figure 1(c). The
resonant frequency of the proposed BPF is 5.1, 5.2 and 5.8 GHz, which is useful for IEEE 802.11 wireless
standards. The basic structure of the bandpass filter outer ring designed using a simple square split ring res-
onator (SSRR) attached to the circle shape slotted ring resonator (SRR) to the split of the main square split
ring resonator with two splits. It will be resonant at the desired frequency. Figure 1(a) shows a bandpass filter
design using a square split ring resonator structure. Figure 1(b) shows some modifications, like adding two
circular shape ring resonators across the split of the SRR in the design of conventional SRR. Figure 1(c) shows
the novel structure of the BPF coupled with X shaped resonator. Using this novel shape resonator makes the
design reconfigurable. The Material used for the proposed design is RT duroid 5880 with a height of 1.57 mm,
and tangent loss of 0.02.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1. Different shape resonators (a) SSRR-square split ring BPF, (b) modified design of BPF,
and (c) novel shape of BPF

Table 1. Dimension table for the BPF

Parameter L W L1 WF S1 d1 WL WC R1 R2
Size (mm) 15 15 12 1.3 0.4 0.8 1.4 0.6 2 2.2

Figure 2 shows the novel bandpass filter design operates with 5.11 GHz with a bandwidth of
176.18 MHz. In Figure 2 (a) shows the simulated Figure 2(b) shows fabricated result. The lower cut-off
frequency at -3 dB is 5.09 GHz, and the higher cut-off frequency at -3 dB is 5.20 GHz. The insertion loss of the
proposed BPF is -0.20 dB, and the return loss is -34.39 dB. The different optimized parameter of the novel BPF
shown in Table 1. The length L is 15 mm, and the width W is 15 mm, which is shown in Figure 2. The square
outer ring d1 is 0.8 mm, and the width and length are 12 mm. The feeding length WL=1.4 mm, the width of

Design and development frequency reconfigurable bandpass filter for wireless application (Khyati Chavda)
498 ❒ ISSN: 2089-4864

the feeding line WF=1.3 mm, and split width S1=0.4 mm. The dimension of the inner three ”X” resonators
R1=2 mm, R2=2.2 mm [9]. Figure 2(b) shows the fabricated model for the BPF.
Figure 3 shows the simulated result of the BPF with the center frequency of 5.11 GHz. Simulated
S11 and S21 shows the pass band and insertion loss. Figure 4 shows the measured result of the BPF using
vector network analyzer (VNA) (Agilent 8722ES 50 MHz-40 GHz) with its measurement setup. There is good
agreement between simulated as shown in Figure 4(a) and measured results as shown in Figure 4(b).

(a) (b)
Figure 2. Novel shape BPF (a) simulation of BPF filter for C band and (b) fabricated model for the BPF

Figure 3. Simulated result of BPF

(a) (b)
Figure 4. S11 and S21 parameter of novel BPF (a) simulated S parameter and (b) measured S parameter using

2.2. Reconfigurable BPF

In wireless communication, reconfigurable applications PIN diodes are used like a variable resistor
switch, but a simpler biasing circuit controls their ON/OFF states. The complete reconfigurable switching
function using PIN diode simulation using CST microwave studio is shown in Figure 5. In Figure 5(a) and
Figure 5(b) shows an simulated and equivalent circuit diagram of the PIN diode (BAR 6402). The insertion
loss in the ON state of the equivalent circuit is caused by the low resistance (Rs) (forward-biased). When
a PIN diode is turned off, the equivalent circuit combines the reverse bias resistance (RP) and the total ca-
pacitance (Cp) in reverse biased. These diodes are used to make sure that frequency band reconfiguration is

Int J Reconfigurable Embedded Syst, Vol. 12, No. 3, November 2023: 496–502
Int J Reconfigurable Embedded Syst ISSN: 2089-4864 ❒ 499

done with a high level of reliability. In the proposed design, BAR 6402 diode used with values for diodes
in ON state are L=0.6 nH and Rs=2.1 Ω, whereas for diodes in OFF state are Rp=3 K and Cp=0.17 pF, as
per the data sheet provided by the manufacturer. These PIN diodes used to achieve frequency reconfiguration,
as shown in Table 2.
To design a reconfigurable multi-frequency filter, two PIN diodes (BAR64-02). By applying a proper
dc bias across the PIN diode, the diode is turned ’ON,’ and a direct current (DC) block capacitor and RF choke
prevent damage to the diode. When the ring switch is ’ON,’ the outer ring is activated directly shorted with the
inner resonator (X shape resonator). When the switch is ’OFF,’ there is only the outer SRRR ring resonates. The
description of the different operating modes functioning reconfigurable, BPF: case-1: when both PIN diodes
switches are ”OFF” (see Figure 2(a)), the inner and outer rings resonate at a frequency of 5.11 GHz, as seen
in Figure 3. In case-2: when one PIN diodes switch is ”OFF,” and the other PIN diode is ”ON ” it operates
with 5.2 GHz which is shown in Figure 6. The outer ring is connected with the inner resonator with a single
PIN diode shown in Figure 6(a), and the simulated result is shown in Figure 6(b). In case-3: both PIN diodes
in the ON condition are shown in Figure 7, and the filter resonates at 5.8 GHz, as seen in Figure 7(a) and
simulated result shown in Figure 7(b). Table 3 provides a summary of the different switching performances.
The current distribution at 5.2 GHz confines in the outer ring when both PIN diodes are ”OFF” (case-1),
but at 5.8 GHz, it flows through the inner resonator. This result includes that the outer ring is responsible for
the resonance at 5.2 GHz. Similar to this, the inner X shape resonator shorted with the outer SRR ring causes
resonance at 5.8 GHz.

(a) (b)
Figure 5. Reconfigurable BPF (a) reconfigurable design for the BPF using CST design studio and (b)
equivalent ON and OFF switching configuration for PIN diode

Table 2. Different operating modes for reconfigurable BPF

Operating mode S1 S2 Operating frequency (GHz)
Case-1 OFF OFF 5.11
Case-2 ON OFF 5.2
Case-3 OFF ON 5.8

(a) (b)
Figure 6. Case-2: single PIN diode ON condition for reconfigurable BPF (a) reconfigurable design for the
BPF using CST design studio and (b) simulated S parameter result of BPF at 5.2 GHz

Design and development frequency reconfigurable bandpass filter for wireless application (Khyati Chavda)
500 ❒ ISSN: 2089-4864

(a) (b)
Figure 7. Case-3: single PIN diode ON condition for reconfigurable BPF (a) reconfigurable design for the
BPF using CST Design studio and (b) simulated S parameter result of BPF at 5.8 GHz

Table 3. Different modes of switches for BPF (PIN diode in ”ON /OFF state”)
Operating mode S1 S2 Operating frequency (GHz)
Case-1 OFF OFF 5.11
Case-2 ON OFF 5.2
Case-3 OFF ON 5.8

2.3. Design methodology of the reconfigurable BPF

According to the technical data sheet, the BAR64-02V PIN diode has a forward resistance of
1.35 Ω. To control 9 V connected RF choke is RL875S-222K-RC with a 2.2 mH inductance value and 1 k
resistance connected across the circuit battery supply. The PIN diode is enabled to function in the ON state
by supplying a DC voltage of +9 V. According to the millimeter measurement, the DC forward current flow-
ing in the circuit is 90 mA. According to the ON and OFF condition of the PIN, diode BPF operate with
three different operating modes shown in Figure 8 presents the coupling diagram of the proposed reconfig-
urable BPF in the ON and OFF states of the PIN diodes. As it is observed that the resonator does not couple the
appropriate frequency to the load in the forward biased condition (ON state), whereas, in the reverse biased con-
dition (OFF state), energy is only coupled through the resonator at the frequency for which it is characterized.
In Figure 8 shows the measurement set up for the reconfigurable BPF and Figure 9 show the measured result
with S paprameter.

Figure 8. Measurement set up for the reconfigurable Figure 9. Measurement result of reconfigurable BPF


The proposed reconfigurable BPF was simulated using CST software, and the difference between the
simulated and measured results is shown above. The designed prototype is built and tested in real-time to make
sure it works at RF Microtech Electronics, Baroda (VNA Agilent 8722ES 50 MHz-40 GHz), and at Government
Engineering College (GEC), Bhavnagar. There was minor frequency shifting in fabricated and simulated results

Int J Reconfigurable Embedded Syst, Vol. 12, No. 3, November 2023: 496–502
Int J Reconfigurable Embedded Syst ISSN: 2089-4864 ❒ 501

due to soldering and fabrication loss. The reconfigurable BPF’s most important features are: the BPF is entirely
customizable in the frequency range of 5.1 to 5.9 GHz. The reconfigurable frequency properties of the filter are
completely independent of other functions. The Table 4 shows proposed reconfigurable BPF design is compact
compared to the previous year’s literature.

Table 4. The comparison table of proposed works with previous years’ literature
Ref. Frequency Insertion loss Rejection
Year Band Size of filter BW Reconfigurable
No. (GHz) (dB) (dB)
0.072 20, 16, Yes varactor
[4] 2022 Single 35x20 mm2 72 to 222 MHz 5.2 to 8.7
to 0.222 12, and 4 diodes
[5] 2020 Dual 10x12 mm2 2.8 to 5.3 2.5 GHZ 3.81 25.0 No
2.4, 3.5, 11.6, 4.2, Yes
[6] 2021 Dual 24x20 mm2 1.7 10
and 5.2 and 6.7 GHZ PIN diode
2.44 26.93 Yes
[11] 2022 Single 40x40 cm2 200 MHz 1.8, 2
and 3.65 and 24.06 PIN diode
5.11, 5.2, 176, 182, 0.2, 0.39, 34.39, 21.52, Yes
work (S-Band) 15x15x1.57 mm3
and 5.8 and 182 MHz and 0.39 and 26 PIN diode

The proposed work designed for frequency-reconfigurable BPF has been done for wireless applica-
tions with a single band for three different frequencies (5.1, 5.2, and 5.8 GHz). The main advantage of this
proposed BPF is reduced size with good performance. For frequency reconfigurability, proposed BPF design
using inner, outer and ‘X’ shape resonator connected with PIN diodes with proper biasing. Compared to other
scientific publications, the proposer filter has been found to perform better in size, reducing up to 35%. The
proposed design improves the different electrical parameters like insertion loss and selectivity. A fabricated
filter design has been made to validate the results of the simulations. In future work, the frequency-switching
filter can be designed for multiband wireless applications.

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Khyati Chavda received her B.Tech. degree in electronics & communication at Gov-
ernment Engineering College (GEC), Bhavnagar. She is full-time assistant professor at Electronics
and Communication Department at Shantilal Shah Engineering College, Bhavnagar. She is reserch
scholar at Gujrat Technology University. Her research work mostly integrate with microwave en-
gineering, antenna and wave propagation, electromagnet theory. She has published many papers in
recognized national and international conference proceedings. She can be contacted at email: khy-
[email protected].

Dr. Ashish Sarvaiya received the B.E. degree in electronics and communication en-
gineering from the Sardar Patel University, V.V. Nagar in 2002, the M.E. degree in communication
systems engineering from Gujarat University, Ahmedabad in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree in Dhirubhai
Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DAIICT), Gandhinagar in 2016.
He is research supervisor guide in Gujarat Technological University since 2016. He is working as
an assistant professor in Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar of Electronics and Commu-
nications Engineering Department. His areas of research are microwave engineering, antenna engi-
neering and advanced electromagnetics. He can be contacted at email: aks [email protected] and
[email protected].

Int J Reconfigurable Embedded Syst, Vol. 12, No. 3, November 2023: 496–502

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