CriminalTypes 10003501

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! er
ymuch in the p ri n t ed page has bee n aimed
Wid e o f the ma rk alike of the p revention the deter ,

rence and the reclamation of the p redal felon

, .

It i s intended that this s emi -technical volume shall

help to c all the t ruly reformative turn A l so the .

intention i s that the subj ect matter o f the bo ok shall

at once amplify and re enforce co nclusio ns reached in
The C rime Problem and Stop T hief ! the autho r s ’

p revious publi cati on s .

A distinctively s cientifi c t reatise o n cri me and

criminals i s not essayed by the writer f o r the ve ry

good reason that s uch a t reatise i s not at t hi s mo


ment to any man s hand T hi s becaus e human

, .

so ciety seethes i n the mo st fateful t ran sition al state

o f all time up to thi s time ; becau se huma n ex p res

sion is more complex and varied than du ring any

othe r period of human hi story ; because materi al
values change with constantly changing conditions ;
and be caus e the criminal pi cks his tools a nd plys
them aggr ee ably With the p ressure upon him o f
obj ective influences germane in those c o nditions o f
change .

T he c rass c riminal p res ents no p sychic p roblem .

4 I nt ro du c t io n

i s much as he was i mpelle d much as he was ,

lie ,

when cavemen ca rried club s Having u sually but .

, ,

med ioc re mental equipment and being c rowded out ,

o f the big games of life he has recourse naturally


either to individual fo rce o r to c ro oked cunning,

wit h which to match the throws o f his bette r

eq uipped brothers .

By and la rge the issue with the low grade habit


ual forager i s a very simple one ; in the final anal

y s is,h eleaves society no choice othe r tha n to fight

T here will be isolated and s porad ic excepti ons

to the general rule gi ven ; but a s t o the grand ma
j o r i t o f marauding cri minals they must be met
y , ,

both i n and out of prison with fo rce mo re i pres sive


than that which they employ ; palpa bly so else ,

penal codes might as well be pigeo n holed fo r c o n -

taining meaningless pro sc riptions .

It i s as all would like it when the force c an be

con fined to educative measu res so o rdered fo r sus
t ai ned averages a s to encourage the imp ri soned to

help themselves ; but when they won t help j us t ,

w o n t then steps must be taken which will make it

practically impossible fo r them further to filch from

their fellowmen .

If a thief will have it no other way than t o be a

thief then cont rol of him and not his s ocial r ehab ili
, ,

t a t io n must be the desideratum

, .
I n t rod u c t io n 5

C i rcumstantial felons the r e will be so lon g a s

s ocial circumstan ce makes fo r them Always a c er .

tain percentage will go down under the p res sure of

a closely competitive s oc ial s cheme that r eek s but
little of m oral weaklings and les s of physical

slackers ; but such bear serious relatio n to c riminal

statisti cs in the s ense only that they a re dragged
down to habitual crim e ap p reciably by cri mina l
r ecidivi sts ; by repeating felons who fo rage on society

by choice who make n o bo nes about it who shout

, ,

stout defense of it an d who glo ry in it

, .

With the latter clas s of c riminal s it is up to

Ameri ca to deal and to d o i t n ow D uring recent
, .

decades and within and without prison walls crime

, ,

breeding slack h a s been paid out to them until to

kill ruthlessly means not so much t o them a s would
warts o n thei r hands .

T herefore : refo rmative régimes should function s o

a s t o free such p ri so ners of shackles forged by their
lower selves When refra cto ry units will not co op

er a t e to that end ,the aim o f s ociety must be fo r

deterrenc e that protect s so ciety from them and no ,

apology whatsoever to them f o r the deter rence .

Fo r s ociety habitually to ba re i ts b reast to the

deadly strokes of derailed underdogs j u st becaus e ,

they a re derailed und erdogs i s fo r so ciety to spade


at its o w n grave .
6 I o du c t ion
nt r

Statistic s that involve general c on clusi ons are

avoided herein T hey are because under pre sen t
. ,

opportunity f o r speci fic research they cannot be


made either substantially reliable o r i nclusive At


the best they may mislead At the worst they will


lie .





C H A M OI s —






Cri minal ty p es there are but there is no o n e


c riminal typ e

Clo sely -allied criminou s exp ression i s vastly dif ~

f erent a s t o individual intent T hat will be so be


caus e the u n derlying cau ses f o r like O ff enders a re

dissimi la r and vari able .

The height o f the off ens e usually squares with the

depth o f depravity the whi ch i s no r espect o r o f

facial or other deviatio ns from the Apollo typ e .

Jails would be mo re numerous than churches were ,

natural c riminals surely shadowed forth i n visible

sign s such a s long tape ring fingers ; rodent eyes

o r tho se bead like shifty countersunk and n arrowl y

, ,

S pa ced ; bull neck c onnected with a vertically-lined

back head ; laterally —

extended side-j aw bo nes ; pro

t ru di n g fo re j aw ; the ape s fo rehead marked by


the ape s fuzzy hairline the same fuzzy hai r ext end

ing inward from under the outer edges o f the eye

12 C r i min al Ty pes

so ckets ; eagle s beak o r more commonly the tan

, ,

en t i al flattened nose o f the go rilla with arms like

g , ,

his unusually long and big-boned a s compared with


the rest O f the frame ; thin lips empha sizing a ,

cruelly set mouth o r thi ck lip above a ponderous


j aw ; and ears i n all sizes confo rmation setting and

, ,

contou r opposed to the perfect model


It i s true that the predal felon frequently fea

tures several of such as th e si gn s indicated It i s .

also true that millions of honest f ree men featu re the

s ame sign s and do n o wors e than dissemble a s more
, ,

o r les s do all humans And it i s further t rue that


i n s o far a s emphasis o n such sy mbols is conce rned ,

the bulk o f lawbreakers would p ass unnoticed in a

promi scuou s c rowd .

Still close p a rallel s p revail a s betwee n members


o f classes o f the anti social T hey ply the same


t ools speak the same language a re bo und by and

, ,

large by the same laws o f clan foregather i n the ,

same caves of ea rth a ff ect the same manneri sms and


mental attitude and spend ill gotten gai n fo r i n


t ri n si c ally th e s ame things if over diff erent counte rs ;


but they do n ot yield o f themselves in the s ame

measure t o the p owers o f darkness If they did the .

bulk o f them wo ul d be capital c riminal s instead o f ,

O ff enders agains t p rop ert y .

Usually the p ack are of o n e mind as t o the method

“ ”
of pro cedure els e they w ouldn t pal i t a s o ne


T ype then matches type a s closely a s membe rs o f

Typ al E a rma rks 13

c riminal types match ; yet no two will be a ctuated

by absolutely the s ame motives and n o two will hav e

come by motives to act in absolutely th e sam e way .

The dema rcation may call fo r the mo st c a reful of

resea rch ; bu t it will be there and it will demarcate
, ,

i f only by shading s o slight a s to escape other than

the truly exp ert exami ner .

Glaring cro s s matches o f type evolve n o t i n f re


quently a s fo r example : of two on the s ame j o b

, ,

the one would ride rough sh od and qui ckly over


human life t o what he s eeks The other balks then


a nd ther e at ruthless spilling o f blo od and will

, ,

“ ”
queer th e deal rathe r than be p arty to a killing .

The fi rs t duty of the c riminologi st is to p robe

t o the cardinal causes for a given typ e of criminal .

D oing it he will uncover the fact tha t aside fro m the


congenital thief—w h o thieves as natu rally as hi s

more p olished p rototype mulcts agreeably with m an
struck S tatutes the average c riminal commo nly

con summate s i n e ff e ct to help whi rl the t readmills of

pa ra siti c s po rting mongers He i s the p awn sacri

fi ced in the all comprehensive p redal game

His .

“ ”
the l ay t o go out and get the goods s o mewhere , ,

anyway ; thei rs to induce him to stak e his loot

against odds that are unbeatable at long play He .

takes all o f the chances coming and going ; but sin ce

he i s a generou s and const ant provider nimble fi n ,

ered and witted gentry pass some little o f coin t o

“ ”
grea se hi s going and to stake him f resh from
, ,
14 Cr imi nal Ty pes

du rance fo r having w axed a bit too bold w hile

operating o u t o f the domain of comparative immun
ity I n big cities the bull u sually gets him o nl y


when he bungles .

“ ”
In any ca se it i s E asy c ome easy go with the

criminal both as to the gelt he gets and his punish


ment fo r getting it the way he gets it ; a nd so while ,

plying thei r nefarious to ols all types o f c rimi


n a ls play both ends against the established s ocial

o rder .

The marauding type figure f o r instance that it

, ,

i s cleve r busines s to crack a man o n the c rani um ,

relieve him o f a money satchel co ntaining a small

“ ”
fortune plant the fo rt une then if caught and
, ,

convicted loll around a p rison f o r a few mo nths ;


“ ”
and it i s clever a s seen from the cri minal s point ’

o f view however asinine it may be f rom the view


point o f deterring him .

Right here hides the nigger in the woodpile
the thief i s sentenced merely to se rve time withou t ,

rega rd f o r restitution o f that which he had s tolen .

In m any cases the time served i s little more tha n

“ ”
sleepi n time

the which he j ee ringly dubs it ; and
in no ca se does it c over the question of equity .

Wh at actual red ress ha s a man fo r the lo ss o f

thousands o f dollars in the imprisonment o f a male

facto r no matte r how long hi s te rm o f imp ri son


ment ru ns ?
What the deterrence i n a compa ratively short
Ty p al E a rma rks 15

p riso n t erm tha t leaves the prisoner with a firm g rip

o n his bundle o f loo t ?

What exp ect other than tha t certain types o f

men will gladly dare i ssues w ritten to thei r hands ,

hearts and natu ral predilectio ns ? W hy wouldn t

such go after what they want with murderou s tools ?

How repr es s the crimi nal by bidding fo r him and ,

how deter hi m t hrough laying odds in his favo r that

a re close t o p rohibitive a s against s ociety ?
W here the sense in penal p rocedu re that p uts a

p remium both in and o u t o f p ri son o n the wo n t
, ,

work criminal rounder and bli ster s the itinerant who


does n o wo rs e than hawk harmles s wares ?

Wh y o n the on e hand tempt cupidity and o n the
, , ,

other hand tax ho nesty ? And i f a s an individual

, , ,

y ou will have it that way why feel peeved about it

, ,

shall an automatic be shoved against you r stomach

a s a raucou s voic e bites o ff the command Cough “

up the coin ?
Penal law will se rve the co mmonwealth a s it should
only when it shall have a ssu red restitution in kind
by the thief u p to the reasonabl e limit This a s t o
, .

“ ”
immediate restituti on o f planted l oot not o nly ;
but the s entence should further amerce to a fine o f
the unpaid balance t o be worked o u t usually in

p ri s on by the pri sone r and c redited to the a ccount

o f the party o r p arties he robbed
, , .

If fine in pri son working days we re not congru ou s

with generous j ustic e then the penalty to fu rthe r
16 Cr i mi nal Ty pes

amerce to stated monthly payments by the prisoner

o n p a role to be held reasonably to hi s last by the

S tate o r in lieu thereof to be re apprehended and

, ,

required to pay by compul sion a s stated .

C ases would come up of course whereo f the exact

, ,

lettering o f law of the kind could n o t be executed ;

but such law could and should be f ramed s o as to
embrace the great bulk of p redal O ff enses and still ,

ca rry suffi cient of elasticity to enable committing

magistrates to j udge and dispose wi sely fo r the
common good .

It will be obj ected that such legal p rocedure would

visit hardships o n the families o f o ff enders Un .

questionably that would be s o in i solated instances ,

albeit the bulk o f predal felons do n o t have families ,

and when they do they a re frequently a d rag o n


them .

Again it i s i n the end fo r the best interests o f

, , ,

all concern ed that the State shall bring the la st


p ressure to bea r in o rder to sto p the thief ; par

t i cula rly ma rauding and foragin g thieves
, And .

again the S tat e co ul d furnish work f o r the fa milies


o f p risoners i n oa se s of spe ci al nee d—and s a v e

money .

T hrough it all relative distinction should be made


as between the pu rely C i r cumstantial and habitual

thief Not that social bon bo ns should be tos sed

to the fo rmer ; but that very C lose to even -handed

j ustice should be meted o u t to the latter S o mu ch .
Typ al E a rma rk s

distinctively should be done becaus e b y choice p redal -

felons alway s con stitute the nucl eus o f cri me and

c riminal i ntent in Ameri ca .

Isolated cas es will not be entirely congr uous with .

any general ru le o f p enal law ; bu t con sideration o f

the p eace an d securi ty o f th e gr eat mas s mu st g o .

before emotional p ro cedure whatso ever which c ro sses

the curbing of the gun -hung hound who goe s a ri ding ’

To split hairs o f deterrence over confi rm ed so cial

hyen as i s to f ur nish them with the la st formula from

whi ch to tea r th ings .

At any rat e the m ost effi cient puni shmen t i s na t


u ral puni shment T o make the thi ef p ay in kind is


abs olutely the be st way by which to dis courage the

thief ; and shall he have been made to p ay f or a
“ ”
de ad ho rs e he shall have m a yhap fo r the fi rs t
, , ,

time in his life abso rbed an awakening resp ect fo r


the law o f conseq u ence And having got so fa r may


hap there will be hope fo r him ; but not s o so long ,

a s so ciety p ra cti cally furnishes him gri st to gri nd

“ ”
in such a s subterranean p rotection false sentence , ,

false probato ry extensions and false p ris on régimes


which allow him t o pick an d choos e play up and ,

do w n and under .

Specifically w riting the time t o sta rt restitu


ti on is i n the time o f youth and the o cca sion the , ,

first off ens e T hen when the toll against a lad i s


com a rat ively i n pennies the degradatio n o f t hiev

p ,
18 C r imi nal Types

i ng should be brought home to him in a parole pape r

contingent upon hi s restoration dolla r fo r d olla r
, ,

o f that o f which h e had dep rived anothe r T here .

after raise the impositio n to suit repetition s o long

, ,

a s he i s held subj ect t o p r obation At the reforma


to ry the same rule should hold plus legal interest

, ,

on the obligation — shall he have come up through a

j uvenil e s cho ol o f refo rm after having broken pro

bato ry parole .

M easu re s o f the kind wouldn t cu re all o f thieve ry


since many thieves are bo rn thieves who take to

thieving as ducks t o water ; but they would se rve in
due time t o cause the bulk o f potential thieves t o
consider it mos t ca ref ully before deciding for the
a nti -So cial C hute.

Whatever the typ e o f c rimina l he i s us u all y


motivated cardinally in the selection of a c riminal

ca ree r by a very p ositive di staste fo r actual work .

I f he i s a n itinerant half -baked tradesman he will

, ,

“ ”
take a fi y er here and there at his c raft espe ,

cially wh ile the police a re combining for tho se of

his kidney ; but consecutive concentrated endeavo r


i n a humd rum groove he will not abide And since .

hi s instincti v e impulsions a re those o f the pa rasite ,

and his appetit es tho se which require some little o f

money t o satisfy he takes natu rally t o the tools of

the crook .

What crooked tools he will select will de p end

l a rgely u po n hi s natural fi tnes s t o em p loy them .
20 Cr i min al Ty pes

nothing and to d o i t quickly and since it i s s o ,

ea sily d one thes e days the ma rauding criminal will


be most any typ e of c rimi nal ; but he i s co mmonly

a murderously inclined hi gh wit of hi s class o f ex
- -

c e t i o n a l nerv e and res ou rcefulnes s to the fi rst of

p ,

whi ch he i s commonly helped by such a s heroin and ,

to the second by that spitting devil in spi rpi o u s hands

the automob ile When he i s a low wit and plans

“ ”
a cco rdingly the finest be times get him ; and when

they do he i s a low wit indeed i f he cannot fl ash a n


indestructible alibi W hy not when the testimon y


o f his retainers i s a ccepted at it s fa ce value in o u r

courts o f law ?
The above p artition of the p redal crew i s fa r
from fi nal eithe r a s to selectio n o f tools o r th e man
, ,

ner in which th ey a re employed T here will be .

overlapping and underlapping all along the c riminal

line although the criminal i s c ommonly quite as

nice as another about hi s caste habitually fo re ,

gathers with tho se o f his attainment and aff ects to ,

spurn smaller fry .

B ut bea r it i n mind that no two c ri mi nals are im

elled to criminousnes s by identically the same unde r
lying impulsions .

The moral wea k ling stepped o ff with pyramid ed

peculation g o t caught at it and lacking moral
, ,

stamina to fa ce out squarely a grave mi stake cho se ,

the supp osedly les ser line o f resistan ce t o eas y
mon ey .
Typ al E arma rk s 21

T hi s lad congenitally tainted with light finge rs

, ,

brought up in t he midst o f C riminal suggestion de ,

r i v ed o f the benefit o f influences that might have

counterb alanced literally kicked into the company

o f habitual t hieves finally casts his lot with them


and let s it go at that .

T hat young man inoculated with s everal species


o f the sporting bug and with vi rus that sap s at


once his courage and vitality gets entangled where ,

he can t get clea r j uggles figures and finds his way

, ,

i nto a 6 x 8 cell where being a consummate ego

, ,

centric— s p ite o f the miserable mess he ha s made of

i t —he i ndulges in self pity swears t o hims elf that ,

“ ”
everybo dy gave him the wo rst of it and declares ,

fo r repris al upo n so ciety in general T his i s the .

“ ”
type most likely eithe r to overlap o r underlap ,

depending upon the prison régime and the afte r

parole circumstanc e .

Another engulfed over a hea rtless wench who


rou ses in hi m the demon j ealou sy— through playing

him against t he fellow w ho flashe s real m o ney and
“ ”

fo r whom she adj usts the bas e string o f her bo w

goes desp erat e f o r means with which to match his
“ ” “ ” “ ”
rival s fli ng s

bo rrows
, bundl e a fter bundle
from hi s employer bets all mo stly on the w rong
, ,

“ ”
pon ies is held up then th rown down by the girl
, , ,

and then caves i n and limps into a life of c rime .

Such a s the latter two types a re criminal s by the

legal bo ok but a s a rule they a re not intrinsic c rim
22 Cri mi nal Ty pes

i n als .Rather they are comparatively spineles s mis


fits in a C losely competitive social scheme .

On e who does p redicat e the alloy in man i s the

bo r n b rute w ho wields a blackj ack with unre p ressed
s atisfaction kills ruthlessly without pity o r sub se

quent remorse and comes natu rally by a S o cial


sens e s o blun ted and oblique that he wouldn t walk
a straight line i f he kne w it led t o paradise Partly .

a s a side issue for gain and partly t o as sure appre


c i able immunity from punishment f o r the comm on

c rimes (i f his clas s the likes o f him take o n political


t hu gism and p ractica lly the same thing when the y


“ ”
a ct a s starkers f o r the active agents o f cert ain
labo r unions Nee dles s t o add down -and-o u t ex

p ri ze fighters and would -be pugs o f the prize ring

, ,

constantly recruit the mounting army co rp s o f foot

“ ”
p ads and buz z wagon bandits

T o immigration laws framed and executed a s if

in res po nse t o the dictation of the s p ewed human
spawn o f the univers e is Ameri ca indebted ini tiall y

f o r brigades o f her m ost dangerou s brigands .

Sicilian and Nea p olitan -Italians members respec ,

t iv ely o f the Camorra and M afi a u so pa rticula rly ,

run t o death -dealing c riminality p rosecuted mai nl y


individual against individual o r grou p again st gr ou p

withi n the clan o r clan again st clan o r either o r
, ,

bo th in the form o f blackmail against count ryme n

w ho have made o r are making th ei r p ile some ho n ,

est l , mo re the reverse The law does no t c o p e wi t h

y .
Typal E a rma rks $23

them a nd thei r ox -like blood -brothers in c ri me fro m

the No rt h and E a st o f Ital y becaus e the law go e s ,

about it pi e cemeal Nothing sho rt o f a thorough


governmental ho usecleaning o f such will meet the

i ssue as the government has allowed it t o be p re
s ented by them However they may wa r against ea ch

other they move p ra ctically a s o ne against the


foundations o f American institutions T herefo re .

they must be met with America s co ncent rated p ower ,

con secutively applied P ecking at them he re a p eck

, ,

there a pe ck i s childish compromise with them and

, ,

they kn ow it ; therefo r e they are o f the mo st flip


pant of the genus criminal : the mo re naturally so ,

becau se thei r n ative c ountries played i nto thei r

hands much a s Ameri ca plays i nto them .

Clo se i n the running with the fo reign-bo rn ma

rander i s the mostly second -generation hyphenat e ,

who would st retch the commandment t o all o f earthly

time and retain the ph rasing
— “
I n it thou shalt

d o no manner o f wo rk T hi s u sually low -strata

e rotic intrinsically di rty disea sed all-round t ri ck

, , ,

ster type habitué of pool rooms tinhorn gambling

, ,

dens a nd lowest -d o wn hous es o f p ro stitution is


pe rniciou s becaus e he i s s o all—


p ervading while v er ,

s a t ile in his limited sphere : meaning f o r instance , ,

that h e i s j ust enough O f a card shark t o flank a real

captain at crooked dealing and j ust enough o f a ,

bandit to steer and help plunder such a s an in
ebriated plunger o r t o a s sist in a r oughly -en gineered
24 Cri mi nal Ty pes

hold -u p He wil l aff ec t goo d clothes a nd the like ,


but will usually wea r them i n such p attern colo r , ,

ensemb le and fashion a s t o render him at o nce

, ,

sus p ect to the trained eye E ven in the matter of .

d re ss c riminals example d u ck following duck and

, ,

doing it take o n little habits es p ecially o f using and

, ,

p lacing their hands tha t a re info rming A l so a s

, .

to the p re datory type p articularly the set w olfi sh

, , ,

expression o f countenance i s qu ite li kel y to be a s

“ ”
marked a s i s the p oker face of t he green-cloth
gambler And also hi s sexu al exce sse s will be lin ed

in hi s face a s plainly a s the g eogra p hi c divi sions


between States .

P rolific dupes o f th e p receding ty p e of c riminal

a re potential c riminal s b rewed o ri ginally i n the home
still : mama s o r p ap a s or mam a s and p a p a s self
’ ’
’ ’

indulged pets given money to burn and n u ques

, ,

t io n ed o p portunity to burn it after t he manner o f

the globe-t rotting freelan ce E nough said s ave only .

that c riminals s o fashioned a re usually the mo st

di ffi cult and most tena ciou s o f cri minals ; the fo rmer ,

becaus e they a re u sually the mo s t intelligent ; a nd

the latter f or th e reason that they were home

p rimed u p through the mo s t imp ressionable p eri ods


o f youth and young ma nhood fo r that whi ch they ,

quit e naturally take o n in th e end The i nt ri nsi c , .

good in su ch lads is never enti rely obliterated ; hen c e

they have thei r sober moments —s o sobe r in fact
“ ”
that they c o mmo nly make for the whi te stuff and
Typ al E a rma rks 25

fo rgetfulnes s as well a s f o r ner v e t o go o n with


it And then—flni s !

The mental dud and habitué o f i ni quitou s dens

fetches and ca rries fo r mo re p retentious criminals .

H e will likely be a gr aduated do ck -rat Also the . ,

p assive agent o n whom cert ain c riminals execute

thei r sexually —pervert ed desires ; and also he will be ,

taking hi s kindergarten degree s at picking snatch ,

ing and sneaking S uch crowded ou t derelicts a re


mu ch t o be pitied and little blamed since they are ,

the victim s o f cumulative circumstances wholly u n

fortuitous .

S o on e migh t p ick and p ars e to many times the

length o f thi s chapter not fo rgetting th e meanes t

o f s econda ry , Subterranean cro oks w ho spo r t o n e


o r another badge of auth ority while declari ng them


“ ”
selves in on the divi sio n o f c riminal sp oils When .

“ ”
the di v ision reaches to tho s e who p ull p olitic al
strings we hav e the ul ce rating stage of the cri minou s

s o re in the bo dy p oli tic .

W hile considering the limited list o f cri mi n al typ es

herein adumb rated recall again and again that not

l es s than seventy per cent o f the membe rs of them

a re the r eady dupe s o f tho se w ho utter and shove
thi s o r that mint o f spu ri ous spo rting coin in clu ,

“ ”
sive o f dames o f all va rieties o f thei r variety who ,

u rge them to d o thei r wo rst .

Hund reds of pages could be filled j ust i n follo w


ing o u t to thei r ramifications the holds with which

26 Cr i mi na l T ypes

catch -as -catch -can gamesters alone throw crime

d riven lads M ore often than the reverse spo rting
“ ”

induces the first criminal off ens e ; and still mo re often

the gaming confi r ms the o ff ender It does firstly .

because the gambling ma ni a i s less insisten t and

tenacious only tha n abnormal mating hunger by ,

which it i s commonly aggravated ; secondly f o r the ,

“ ”
rea son that a killing a t gaming see ms so often

to o ff e r the only way o u t ; and thirdly in that a t y ro ,

will as likely beat p rofessional gamblers at their

“ ”
games a s a bush league ba se -ball team the best

o f them all .

And so afte r all the cho sen -p at h o f crimi nals i s
, ,

“ ” “ ” “
fa r fro m rose st rewn B ig and little and les

” “ ”
ser grafting and gambl ing flea s land o n thei r
“ ” “ ”
backs an d bite em ’

T hen a s if t o m ake certain the j ob shall be co m


let ed after the plans o f M ephist o the State stings

p ,

the budding c ri minal to social death through pa rol

ing him time and again f rom pri sons wherein he had
t aken o n n o t enough o f any kind o f skill to make a
decent living with it f o r himself — s ay nothing o f ‘

f or a wife and fa mily Hence naturally if n ot

, ,

p erfo rce he resumes the whirl arou nd the criminal


ci rcl e

Is it then th at the Stat e it sel f is in ap p reciable

, ,

degree resp o nsible f o r its c rimi nals o f all grades and

typ es ? It is be yond p eradventu re It is primarily
, .

a s hereinbe fore stated It i s furth er in allowing

28 Cr imi nal T y pes

“ ” “ ”
he blimped on the bean with a blackj ack thi s o r
that wayfa rer bea rs i ntimate relation to the fol

lowing count It does becau s e p romiscuous chat

ter will hold up any kind of work C oncentration .

i s killed by it ; hence it is not tolerated i n free

life occupations and hence to fi x the habit o f it

in a prisoner i s s eriously to handicap him .

( )2 P aroles a re gove rned commonly by mere co n

duct rather than by m ost material industri al and


a ssociated averages : a fatal retrogression in its elf ,

not balanced by the total of alleged progressive

measu res i nstituted during recent yea rs He i s a .

m ental dud of a self determining criminal i ndeed -

’ “ ”
who won t play up t o that hand and be goo d

o n the surface whi le planning to stall a s t o a ct iv ’

ities cardinal to his so cial rehabilitati on .

( )
3 T he t on e o f amusement and the spirit o f
play ha s been reduced the o n e to the level of the ,

c ru mb grubbi ng dance hall rounder ; the othe r to


match the mode o f the man m auling brute T o o nice -


distinction s need not b e ma de i n either case T hey .

should not in fact be attempted o n any fi eld o f rec

, ,

r e a t i o n where red — blooded la ds f o r eg at her ; bu t such


a s bestial bru tality ca rrying homosexual suggestio n

should be nipped reli giously in the budding else the ,

dep raved I nstin cts of the mino r pe rcentage will be

t aken on gradually by the maj o r p erc entage and i n ,

degree by all .

Just becau se general assembly fo r free play a f

Ty pa l E a rma rk s 29

fo rds abno rmal units the best chance t o imbue thei r

betters with the bad is j ust why the latter sh ould

be most c arefully gua rded by S tate agent s o n ree re

“ ”
ative fields .Th e memo ry of roughn eck sexual
mani festations abides i n the minds o f lads a nd ,

constantly stands athwart of e fforts t o enlist thei r

undivided attention fo r fundamental result s .

Periods of play should be as they are not s o , ,

planned a s t o coincide with f ree life rec reative hours

- .

Al so the p eriods shoul d be capitalized only i n the


s ense of needed exercise b eyond whi ch priso n play


is o n its very face no n refo rmative Nothing sho rt

, ,

of all around i ntensive instru ction p rosecuted i n


a cco rdance with what will be the fr ee life exa ctio ns -

up on the gro s sly igno rant and unskilled will wo rk ,

fo r thei r social recl amation T hey must take up


many lo o se stitches and do i t within a time allow


a nce that i s meagre .

( 4 ) C ama rade rie a s between offi ce rs and inmat es

i s carri ed t o contempt breeding familia rity ; a n d

freely sprinkled cursing charged with foul su gge s


“ ”
tion binds the contempt
, Arraignment of such

manifestati ons may s eem fa r— fetched i f not t r ivial , .

! ery po sitively it i s neither T he reformative ré gime


that suff ers loo se and foul mouthed relati ons b e


tween officers and inm ates cannot by any po ssibility , ,

exp ress a wholly wo rt hwhile purpo se T he moral .

tonus o f the place will be let down appreciabl y ;

g eneral laxnes s wi ll be the rul e ,
30 C ri mi nal Ty p es

“ ”
Aside from the fact that Hello B ill ! relations ,

wrongly expressed c o mmonize and c o rrupt they ,

tempt lad s to make a foil o f them to the end that ,

they may be as lazy and shiftless a s they dare be .

And so since the type o f co rrectional plant in


question w ill rather est ablish than reform all types

o f criminals it i s up to heads o f houses o f co rrection

t o ru n them t rue t o reformative fo rm Thi s s pite .


o f both outside a nd inside p ressure for fallacious

“ ”
methods even though the heads must yield a cheap
, ,

ephemeral and at botto m spu ri ou s po pularity in

, ,

quest o f measu res that strike in and tak e root .

Such measures will not i ssue from mind s ob ssessed

by biologi cal theo ries st retched to the breaking po int

i n favo r o f thei r fu rtherance ; n o r from the brains

o f stubo rnly purblind mo rtals who refuse advanced

tools o f approved tempe r T hey probably will origi


nate with and they cert ai nly will be applied by


the —

middle-o f — road criminologi sts who understand


why to the very dregs i t i s that the perso n given

, , ,

gene rally to loo se spineles s practi ce i s refo rmatively

, ,

less serviceable only than the pe rs on wedded t o r e

st ri c t iv e
, hide-bound single-seeing theo ry
, E ither .

way the c riminologist must strik e the j ustifiable

mean ; shall he allow himsel f t o be ridden by fetichi sm ,

he will surely foo zle essentia lly no matter what the


surfa ce sign s .

Whatever his type the average felon is u sually


a s in gular p roblem and a c om p lex entit A su h

y s c .
Typ al E a rma rk s 31

he must be searched o u t studied observed wh en and

, ,

whe re he I s not obse rving and then presc ri bed for

, .

Hi s exactions in full will n ot be made known at any

o ne place ,at any o n e time to anyone o n earth , ,

th rough any o ne means known to m an When his .

limitation s are m ostly made manifest they a re found ,

to be relatively much the same a s th os e o f the

rand average o f the common herd o f humans
g .

Const rue the criminal as y o u will hi s crying need ,

i s f o r pra ctical help to put o n knowledge and sk il l

with which t o execute hi s so ci al duties He c an well .

be spa red frills th rills and a pletho ra o f patting

, ,

o n the ba ck ; but not un questio nable suggestion and

example if he i s to pull up and win o u t

, .

To s chool him not to lean i s first aid to any type


of c riminal .

To s chool the public t o plumb t o the ca rdinal

causes fo r the like of the late L o s Angeles de , ,

generative ma ni festations i s to info rm the public


a long the lines o f the conclusion o f thi s volume .

It i s als o to disclo se the deviltry directed against ,

“ ”
the y o ung by the camouflaged libertine who deals

in the vicious by -p roduct s o f the spo rting li fe .

Hence the writer bites aga in and again at the


vici ous -b y -p roducts o f sp ort by which he hims elf

, , ,

had been s o ruthlessly dis ci p lined when a unit o f the ,

p rofes sion al spo rting mass From ha v ing been


“ ” ’
done at it he doesn t have t o gues s
, .

L a rge i
c on t e n t o n s le ss av a il t han i n s t an ce s o bs e rv ed.

K ipli ng .

Rudya rd Kipli ng has be en an adj u stable man

among men Hi s evenly balanced mind ha s sized the

stature o f hi s fellows H e has nursed n o crotchet s


by which t o be betray ed into half baked c o nt en -

tio ns . H e h as painted with pat rega rd fo r time ,

place and individuals whether the latte r wore no se

, ,

rings o r roy al purple He ha s n ot debased a bro ad


cultu re in hectic pu rsuit of d ollars He has stuck .

to a staunch last and st riven handsomely .

Since much o f so much mus t have been o u t of

the generou s hand o f Nature o ne could wish Kip ,

ling had studied c ri minals as he ha s studied other

“ ”
men and that his instances observed thereof were

sp read a s he would spread them in print ove r the

globe .

A pen like Kipling s would go fa r to clea r awa y

mental cobwebs spu n about the c riminal mind by


g ourd -
vine p rotagonists during the last three dec
T he C ri mi n al M i nd 33

ades As would he with o u r s ubj ect let us begin at


the beginning :
Whether the biblical account o f the killing o f
Abel by C ai n be taken as inspi red wri ting o r as ,

pu re myth clothed out o f man s imagination i t wa s ’


the firs t c riminal act imaged by human conscious

’ ’
nes s
. Als o Cain s reply
, Am I my brother s

keepe r ? to tho se who sought the mu rdered Abel ,

shadows fo rth fundamentally the attitude of mind o f

the average citizen towards th e felon o f t o-d ay I t .

adumbrates a s well the pred ilection o f the c rimi nal

, , ,

now a s then to hi de the t ruth with a s moke -sc reen



subterfuge ; this cleverly betimes a s i n Cai n s
, ,

cas e throu gh shunting question with questi on

, ,

though the mo re commo n and vulga r metho d is re

so rt to the clumsily covered lie .

Cras s criminals give Ameri c a cause f o r pau se ,

only because Ameri ca either dire ctly o r indi rectly

places crime -weap ons i n thei r hands Along crimi .

nous trails they blaze they usually leave easily -recog

n i zed marks In the main they a re s crambed

br ained imitato rs whom to catch and trip i s no great


cho re .

It is totally di ff e rent a s t o the s elf-determining ,

self -reli a nt mentally keen and resou rceful criminal

, ,

who i s nea rly callous to the eff ects o f c riminousness ,

and who seeks life s zest through matc hing wit s with

agents o f the law .

Crimi nal s o f the latte r cla s s will meet yo u go od

34 C r i mi na l Ty pe s

naturedly i n ethi cal ar gument on your cho sen

ground where th ey will catch you unaware s if y ou
’ ”
do n t watch out .

! o r example you expatiat e on individual so cial


s erv ice a s a duty and on the cumulative bles sings


which would a ccrue therefrom .

“ ” “
Fine ! replies o u r man and adds : B ut how ,

m any a re rendering that kind of service ? H ow many

‘ ’
besides those w h o make a soft living at it and tho se ,

who fi rst gouged and got theirs ?
Y o u decla re that lin e o f argument doesn t cove r

the questio n o f individual responsibility ; that it

doesn t a nswer f o r a thief t o p oint other so cial

slacker s
“ ” “
All ri ght rebuts T hief but why ring all o f
, ,

the s olemn be lls o n th e retailers ? Why not sound

the curfew o n a batch o f the big bandits a nd land ,

them where you land ha rd -pres sed

It s waxing a bit awkward because T hief s que ry


plumbs to the c r ux of the question ; a plumbing he

cunningly elects shall put so ciety on the defensive .

T hat won t do s o y o u switch and let fall you r king


ca rd in challenge to him to square criminous c onduct

with the enacting p redicates of divine law .

If he believes after a fashion i n a Sup reme B eing

, , ,

you have him there to a degr ee ; albeit the belief sel

dom strikes deepe r than fear of far -removed C o n
sequence the sting o f which he is led to dep end upo n

earth -born vi ca rs t o draw .

36 C r i mi nal T ypes

n i shed him with the complete formula fo r anti s ocial -

thoughts and deeds she naturally gets the o ne fro m


his lawless tongu e and the other out o f the muzzle


o f hi s automati c.

N o r does the responsibility of America rest solely

unto herself fo r the thieves and thugs she h as hidden
to her bo som and there nurtu red them with national

pabulum that s ou red on thei r stomachs o r allow ed ,

them to be so nu rtured Th ereof sh e ha s cOmpli


c a t ed the c rime p roblem the wo rld over .

T ime a nd agai n the fo refathers wa rned against

ove rfe eding o f liberty and underw ri ting o f patriot
i sm foreseeing that did they warn in vain it would
, ,

be a question of only a c om paratively few years

when America would lo se her autonomous cha racte r ,

and with the loss h er int rinsically sin gul a r mea ni ng


i n the mat t er o f human progress .

T hat steri le hour probably will not strike Ameri .

cans look u p with faith and strength ; yet they drift

with hyphenates and so cial wolves ; with hyphenate s
wh o constantly pres s fo r grou p expression enci rcled
by the rest ri ctiv e colla r o f creed ; and wi th social
wolves be come s o bold that they utter lobo howls o f
defiance on public thoroughfa res where they are ,

suff ered to sink p oisonous fangs i nt o the very ! itals

o f C onstitutional law .

W ith the fo rmer we have begun to deal by deter

ning to make it ou r busines s to know that the oath
o f allegiance to Ameri c a shall issue from the mouth s
The C ri mi n al Mi nd 37

of aliens who hold mentally in res er ve not a thi ng

that c rosses that oath Thi s p ri ma rily through
, ,

lengthening the p robati on peri od prior t o i ssuance

o f final p apers granting citizenship ; and seconda rily ,

through a n undercu rrent of public opi nion s o st rong

a s ag ainst the conditional patri ot a s to m ak e that ,

opinio n car ry f o r what it should and must .

With s o ci al wolves it is again totally diff erent

It i s totally di ff erent b ecause an ap preciable p er

centage o f them a re the o ff sp ri ng o f Americans who se
ancest ry st rikes back native bo rn fo r seve ral gen

er at i o n s. T h ey have be en mainly the p roduct o f

American l ife and li ving ways and means, .

T rue enough the tussle ha s been and i s with alien


c riminals and undesirables who recently have sieved

i nto America ; but that fact do esn t let Ameri ca
o u t f o r he r o w n brood of so cial ba cksliders ; neither

f o r the manner in which sh e has comp romi sed with

the full bandit crew constantly mounting in num

bers and c onstantly les s rega rdful o f l aw and


o rder .

In p art at lea st the mind of the cri minal who

, ,

op erates i n Ameri ca i s Ame ri can made T here i s


no getting away from th at fact a nd there is noth ,

ing hi dden o r strange about it .

T ake a cas e common to alien criminals and po

t ent i al c riminals : up to la st a ccounts Italy s Cam ,

o r ri st s and M a fi a u si s t s ran to illegal rop e under

indi ff erent hindrance by Italy ; yet they much p refer

38 C ri min al Ty pes

America a s a camping ground W hy ? Why fo r the .

simple reaso n that loose a s is Italy s legal hold ’

upon them t he like gri p o f America i s even less


binding . Fu rthermo re money making

, money -

sp reading and license -breed ing America i s ripest f o r


loot .

In n o civilized count ry o n earth r ight now when , ,

other countries a re i n th e throes of disintegrating

aftermath of the Wo rld Wa r c an an individual , ,

o f hi s o w n voliti on commit capital c r ime and count

, ,

cha nces o f immunity from commensu rate punish

ment in hi s favo r a s h e counts them i n America
, .

T hat being the precis e ca se stripped o f lame ex

cuse and lamer balde rdash why should it be ex ,

t remely di fficult to decla re the functio ning a s to ,

hi s sp ecifi c acts o f th e mind of the capital c ri minal


“ ”
in America ? And by capital we do not mean t o ,

p oint the ruthles s bungle r who employs clumsy

weapons clum sily ; but the plausible brainy c rook , ,
“ ”
wh o cunningly plays em all against rightly ’

o rdered s ocial edi cts which he instinctively


hates .

A ctu ally look into and be yond the eyes o f the

king pin c ri minal while you seek to impress him

with the j u st might of impartially executed law .

N ote ho w a ha rd glint wi ll st ri ke through the eyes ,

even though from ulterio r motives h e t ries to hi de it ,

and pretends to follow you reservedly .

Fa r from be ing the pitiable dunce and du p e he

The C ri min al M ind 39

i s s o commonly rated the by -choice Ameri can crimi


nal o f hi gh grade i s the most dangerous least ex ,

cu s ab le co olly —
, calculating menace to the so cial o rder
the wo rld ha s ever known He i s the mo st dangerou s

because he i s the mo s t resourceful and ha s the,

leas t rega rd fo r human life ; he i s the least ex

c u s able f o r the reason that no count ry has ever

bo rne with hi m and tried t o help him pull up a s ,

Ameri c a has bo rne with him and tried to hel p hi m

pull up ; and he i s flippa n t ly the rest and more , ,

beca use the bids fo r him i n Ame rica are made by

exa ctly thos e who se fi rst business i t should be to
overreach him .

D i d he fail to make the most o f those bids he ,

“ ”
indeed would be the misfit mo ron agreeably wit h
“ ”
alleged s cientifi c C las sification of him Cont ra ri .

wise he plays em all : the j udge ; the p atrolman ;
“ ’

the politi cian ; the s ocial wo rker ; the reformer a c ,

tive and p assive ; p robation O fficers ; the p ri son agent

o f high degree he knows must play up to the merry

g round cult o f refo rmers if he would hold hi s

o ,

j ob ; and i n a pinch in order to bag bigger game

, ,

“ —
he will double cro s s a ny o n e o r all i f he i s sure


he can keep the double— c rossing under cove r .

In s o fa r as he shunt s essenti al human values out

o f hi s mind ,he is a fool since tru e happines s i s not

for th e thief o r thug ; but hi s materi al concept s fit

human nature clo sely enough t o enable him to go
after and get pretty nearly what he wants i n and ,
40 Cri min al Ty pes

ou t p rison while advisedly making us e o f all

of ,

o f the long odds i n his favo r D oing it he fea rs .


on y higher up spoilsmen w ho sacrifice criminal

p awns .

M aybe he could and maybe he cou ldn t ente r a


r oom en vi sage the obj ects therein at a glance then

, ,

step i nto an adj oi ning room and tale o f mo st o f

thos e obj ects P robably y ou couldn t do s o ; but

i f y ou couldn t you wouldn t put it down conclu


s iv el that you had thereby demonst rated your a r

rested ment al develo p ment .

L a rgely be cau se o f such easily misleading tests -

Ameri ca ha s been at meticul ou s p ains to sch o ol the

criminal to believe himself i rresponsible for his illegal
acts ; thi s s eemingly obliviou s o f the fact that the

ma rk o f the true mo ron woul d rightly attach to him ,

did he fail to gri nd all o f such gratuitou s gr i st co m

ing to hi s mill .

If America elects t o clas sify the c ri minal exa ctl y

a s h e would be clas sified ; and then to di spo s e o f

him ex a ctly a s he would be dispos ed o f that s Amer ,

i ca s busines s H is business i s to p romote the call


ing o f f als e tu rn s o n hi m in favor o f easy going a t

hi s cho sen cal ling ; and he attends st ri ctly to busi
n ess without ca re otherwis e fo r what y o u tag hi m

mentally .

Osten sibly as oppo se d to the b usmess he will

“ ”

pl ay any ca rd f o r a c onsiderati on along any line

y o u suggest ; but not for a moment does he los e sig h t
The C rimin al M ind 41

of his cardinal aim whi ch is t o b e a c rook hailed by


crooks .

L a y gentlemen particularly state the ca s e in wo rd s

oppo sed t o those whi ch precede ; but j ust because
they a re lay gentlemen they do not and they cannot , ,

by any p ossibility stat e the ca se a s it is

, .

B eing a real c riminolo gi st presuppo ses long yea rs

o f consec rated study o f and conta ct with criminal s ,

in thei r midst It als o p o stulates a broad culture

. .

inclusive o f the specifi c bearing o f geneti c pa rallels

and the reverse ; and a s a matter of cours e clo se
, ,

study o f such a s the etiology of crime and of indi ,

vidual a n d ra ce p sychology .

Notwithstanding lay gentlemen have written dur


ing recent yea rs most o f the ba si c specifications fo r


the social rehabilitati on by i nstitutional c orrection

, ,

o f the habitual , p redal felo n Result ? L et a par


allel case gi ve answer

B efore t he dis covery o f the anti toxin f o r diph -

theria suppose a criminologi st to have had a strong


humani t a rian lean i ng to be o f active service in the

di scovery and use of that anti toxin Assume fur -

ther that he conned a few chemical paragraphs ,

messed about in ho spitals tinkered at synthesis and


the reverse i n the labo rato ry and w rote copiously ,

f rom his t reasu red not ebo ok : how fa r thi nk you , ,

would h e have gotten in hi s quest ?

T he pa rallel i s n ot p erfect to be sure but it will
, ,

serve to p oi nt these vital fa cts : ( 1) The ninety

42 Crimi nal Ty pes

and nine o f puttering ba sically uninformed ama

, ,

t eu r penologists have b een p rimarily a nuisance and ,

the thousandth has been u seles s in the wo rk ( 2 ) .


Secon darily they have been much mo re than a mere


nuisance i n that they have made it thei r busines s


t o pull down the framewo rk o f rational reformative

r egimes put up by a ctual c riminologi sts ( 3 ) And ,

i n the stead o f that deleted or destroyed they have ,

rung i n either pueri le activities a nd i nactivities o r ,


spo rting-monger activities to the p oint o f o ff ense

against God against N atu re and against the s ocial
, ,

exa ctions upon the criminal .

T he criminal ha s not concern ed himself about the

s o cial exactions upon him H e ha s n o t because he .

i sn t built that way and becaus e h e hasn t had t o


do so T ho se highest up in reformative council s


have obligingly lettered reformative mea sures t o hi s

hand T herefo re he i s alway s o n his toes to ding

ful som e praise of them in i ndiscri minating ears while ,

natu rally condemni ng those h e cannot fool all o f

the time .

S o much in pa r t measure i s o f the c riminal pot

, ,

a s it b oils ; and s o much tells why the criminal stands

p at with commanding cards gratuitou sly d ealt him .

When society shall h ave m a tched his all around play -

i n th e matte r will be time enough fo r so ciety to be


little mental gifts with which he i s enabled t o euch re

the land s combined agents o f the law


In any ca s e relief i s in sight T he bulk o f pre

, .
44 Cri min al Ty pes

ally roots in an aimles s spi ri t o f unrest ; and tha t

when the wheel o f time points the fatal numbe r ,

my riads o f advanced humans yi eld their grip o n

i n s t ri n si c values .

Initial exp ression of the mental e ruption has usu

ally taken the form of choromania a s witness ancient

S pa rta s grand march to co rru pted mo rals vi a the

nude dance ; also Ameri ca s p resent peek -a b o o gyra

’ -

tions remindful alternately o f nothing s o much a s


“ ”
the lumbering clown bea r and monkey o n a stick
- -

One could make be tt er than a crude guess a s to

the p sycholo gi cal sequences involved in the connec
tio n between the semi bestial dance and con comitant

blunting of th e fi ner s ensibilities One could be .


caus e sex charged hysteri a ! dancing unchecked ru ns

, ,

i n the end almost inevitably either to consci o us o r

uncon scious brutality o f o ne o r another fo rm and
degree .

In the beginning the form may but S lightly o ff end


that which is natu ral and the degree may seem to be


a s incons equent ; but the cumulative eff ect o f both

a s suggested and imaged i s to commonize a low level
o f human expression ; and sin ce a lo w level o f human

exp ression demands va ri ed excit ement pyramided ,

the final result will depend up on whether a people do

o r do not put ove rhead check o n that kind o f ex

pression .

At the Jersey City pri z e-fi ght Ameri can s very ,

palpably did j ust the reverse w ho fattened the p u rs e s

The C ri min al M i nd 45

o f p a rasitic pugs and thei r purveyor s there a s

sembled .

As a ma tter o f course such a s cap sheaf crimi nals

, ,

gamblers po ol room sha rks bookmakers race track

, ,

“ ” ’
touts a nd members and ex members of the won t

“ ”
wo rk frat were at the ri ngside drawn as by an ,

i rresi stible magnet to thei r n atural element B ut .

think on rep resentatives o f a natio n s dignity and ’

sanity mi xing with the motley mas s while ent ering ,

int o the spi rit o f the brutalizing abominatio n !

S ave thei r women and say ho w much the minds of

“ ”
hono rables o f that kidney have o n th e c riminal
mind ? E ss entially how much have they taking into ,

a ccount their blood a nd br in gi ng u p and the blood -


and b ringing u p o f t he average c ri minal ? How


about the mind of a pub- li e servant who does not

know a be stial c rime breedin g thing when he sees

i t : o r if he does recognize its ba si c bas eness still

, ,

clamp s mo ral handcu ff s on hi s c o ns cience i n o rd er

to in dulge a natu ral o r acquired p redilectio n fo r
bru ti sh exp ressio n ?
M a y such a n one be held safe eithe r to help frame
o r interpret t he laws o f his land on whic h the o n ,

coming generations o f American youth must guide ?

C ould a ny o f the revered fo refathers have been
“ ”
d ragged to such a s cu rrent boxing exhi bitions
“ ” ’
again ,do n t laugh o ther than in the s ame a s

ch ains ? If they could not have been were they men ,

“ ”
tal mo ral and physi cal h ayseeds of thei r day
46 Cr i mi nal Ty pes

o r do certain of their succes sors fundamentally fl out


thei r o aths o f office through literally flin ging the


m ost pernicious o f suggestion and example int o

the very fa ces of America s budding l ads and
las sies ?
T o what a t bottom more than any o ne o the r c o n
, ,

crete cause wa s the late debacle due if n ot to Ger

, ,

many s bruta lly —

p lanned persistence in making brut
i sh S po rt a pa rt of the commo n and uncommon edu
cati on o f her young males ? If you are inclined to
pa s s the query question cl osely any one o f th ous -

ands of German ex student s and soldiers who se face


bea rs C i catri zed s ca rs o f th e swo rd s edge o r p oint ,

and get your answer .

T he reply of the sport ing mad of Ameri ca would

be that Germany advi s edly fa shioned the minds o f
her lads for alleged defensive wa r with he r enemies ,

real and ima gi nary ; wherea s such a s p rize fightin g

co nserves the all a r ou n d stamina of American youth

to be em ployed in the pu rs u its o f peace an d that it ,

i s meant t o do n o mo re .

Rot that j ust plumb rot ! Rot o f the ki nd no

, ,

thinking man would da re attempt to j ustify on

“ ”
bended knee Priz e fighting i s meant fi rst la st
, ,

and all of the time t o pack the purses o f human


p ara sites ; t o pack purses that a re unpa cked t o beat

the law both God mad e and man -made f rom every

p os sible a n gle T o hold else i s either not to know


the game o r not t o want to know it

, .
The C ri min al M i nd 47

P rize fighting i s wa r in miniature between two men .

It i s mo reove r up t o the p oint o f a killing the mo st

, , ,

“ — ”
merciless of wa r It i s be cause top notch fighters

“ ”
o f the seve ral weights a re rare bird s who a re pr a c
tically unbeatable i n their prime s o long as they h old,

to Nature s law s T hos e who go against the m a re


“ ”
u sually a s go od a s li cked befo re t h ey enter the
“ ”
ring Therefo re the hund reds of ma rked would be


“ ”
cham pee ons who eke out a living s erv ing essen

t i ally a s punchin g bags fo r their physical betters ;

and therefore the fo rmer a re ma rked with such a s
ea r d rums put o u t o f commi s sion ; broken nose s ,

wri sts and hands ; impai red eyesight ; and internal

traumati c wounds that a re f ated to rise up and
curs e them along at about life s middle cou rse ’

P retty picture i n so far a s painted i sn t it with ,


which to stir the ima gi nation and ambitions o f you r

boy ? A nd mark you the vici o u s by -p roduct s o f

u i sm have been but ba rely indicated herein a s

p g ,

fo r instance : a t least o n e thi rd of the sixteen hun

- -

dred thousand dolla rs of gate money of the D emp sey


C a rpentier fight will circulate a s disappearing dol

lars T he bulk o f them will disappea r f rom legi t i

mate lanes o f trade and circulate th rough corrosive

spo rting channels the which ar e a d rag u p on the

general turnove r o f business What s mo re import

ant they will b e placed so a s to furthe r menace the


mo rals of the young And all will be managed


mainly by tho,se who pack smug chuckles ove r the

48 C ri mi nal Types

apish credulity o f legio ns of the self -nominated a u


T his seemingly misplaced diversion i s meant t o

drive it home with the final wo rd tha t spo rt over
, ,

d one at o nce locks arms with the c riminal and under


cuts a t the foundation of the n ational st r ucture .

N o matter what fo rm o f expression the non p ro -

du cer may aff ect ; o r by wha t specious a rgument s

he seeks to establi sh that fo rm o f expression he re ,

mains a non — producing leech .

D id the p rofes sional sporting pug peddle his m e

f a ri ou s wa res after having done an honest day s wo rk ’


it would still be bad en ough ; but he doesn t he never ,

ha s done so and he never will He knows that always

, .

o f the ma ss an app reciable pe rcentage o f sporting

bug bitten individuals can be relied up on to sponso r

hi s spuri ous o ff erings Therefo r e he plays up to

them and down to that whi ch the C reato r expects


of eve ry man .

However that a ctual produce rs have to carry the


d rones of the hum an hive i s by no means the p rime


ingredient of the foul mes s That re sides in spiritual


los s not t o b e calculated in dollars and cents : a

spiritual lo s s which side track s rational thi nking and

d oing while it engenders

, a spi ri t o f unrest men
mi scall delight ”

The c rim inal mind f u nctions exa ctly a s do es that

o f the socially p rominent if not ethically di scr imi

nating woman who i n a late newspaper item de

, , ,
T he C ri min al M ind 49

C la res fo r the blo od spilling at Jersey C ity becau se


“ ”
she thinks it wa s wonde rfully spo rtsmanlike As .

a matter of fact there wasn t a thing sportsma n

“ ’

” ’
like about that brutal battle T here wa sn t if .

fo r none othe r than the reaso n that C arp en tier gave

away nearly twenty pound s to probably th e hard
est boiled two fi st ed fighte r o f his weight the p rize

“ ”
ring a s ever known T hat alone spelled the count
, ,

fo r C arpentier Furthermore the t rue metal o f the


clan ri ngs in C arpentier s contention to th e eff ect

that he broke the thumb of hi s right hand in the fi rst

round . Had he do ne s o he could not have ro cked

D emp sey wit h that hand a s he did i n the sec o nd
, ,

round .

“ ”
A s portsmanlike p ropositio n presumes a fai r
fighting chance fo r either contestant C arpentier .

didn t have a gho st o f a chance Ameri can pugs


knew it though they cannily kept the odds on D emp


sey up so a s to attract the big money f rom over


seas .

C a rp entier flo o red battered bleeding doubled u p

, , ,

i n agony a nd gasping fo r breath symbolized a t once ,

the s piri t of the p ri ze ring and the chance the layman


has when he stakes his money against the unde r

“ ”
ground machinatio ns o f tho se who toil n o t an d
will not toil T hey mu st first att ra ct then o u t

maneuver honest m on ey T hey do and they do i t


whi le p oisoning the national mind .

Finally as rega rds claims even fo r p hysical better

50 Cri mi nal Ty pes

ment acc ruing from brutalizing spo rt : Rot agai n , ,

pu r e rot N ot a thing attaches thereto but which


D ame N ature off ers man gratis and bo untif ully out
o f her outstretched hands .

Have y ou eve r really thought i t all over ? I f

, ,

you h aven t make h aste to do so God will not hold

, .

you guiltles s el se ; fo r in j ust the degree men fail


“ ”
t o realize that they are the mo ral keepers of His
chi ldren they will be held respon sible by Him fo r

th ose o f them that take o n the c ri mi nal mind and

stumble o n with i t t o the so cial disca rd .

While thinking it over watch it out and see the


spo rt ing t hief and thug p ri med for a nefariou s

, ,

busines s in such a s the cigarette soaked gambling -


p oolro om .
52 Cri mi nal T ypes

compared with the persistence o f th e publi c pres s in

successively pyramiding detail o n detail of the nasty
aftermath o f the exp ression of those impulses .

News is news yes ; also nasty news i s na sty news
, , ,

co ncerning which the moral obligation i s upon the

newspape r frater nity n ot to flaunt it time and again , ,

at the top under sp read type caption fo r the edifi


cation o f younglings The write r has been in posi


tio n to know that the bulk of news pape r men do not

relish th e kind o f mental pabulum they feel they
are practically compelled t o serve to a percentage
of thei r patron s E ditors and the like a re usually

staunch fa r s eeing men who realize fully the fateful


suggestion o f the c ri me —
breeding sexually -pe rverting

print they hold themselves obliged t o feature els e ,

be beaten t o it by com petito rs with narrative a part

o f the publi c demand .

Neve rtheles s i t is more than probable that the


sheet which should decline either p rominence to o r ,

reiteratio n of such a s erotic copy w o uld inc rease

, ,

rather than yield its clientele T o believe else were


to believe the mind of the average citizen to be re

du ced to a very low level .

As a matter o f fa ct the average reader lends


but casual eye t o cri me and sex cha rged stu ff He -


turn s f rom th e mere headings thereof in disgust .

Di d he follow thr ough with ar rested attention he ,

would be imp ressed with the carrying power of the

stu ff and take measu res to p rotect hi s kids fro m it
, .
The M o ral Cri mi n al 53

T hat the cas e boils down to imp ressionable e ff ect

up on the babe in e mbry o i s sufficient to give go od

men pause over the publi catio n of such a s p rurient

matter poisonous to the last degree by suggestio n

t o immature minds M oreover t o deprive uns ocial


and anti -social plungers o f a public audience i s ,

o n e of the best ways by whi ch to ext ra ct the tang

from thei r obliquely conceived flings -


T he c riminal feeds o n the pernicious noto riety

given him in the printed p age S o do ma rital globe .

t rotters Hence a common publicity o f dirt O per


ates as a two fold menac e to go od morals

And .

mark you howeve r specious the plea fo r the pub


li cit y the mena ce o f it remains

, .

In any ca se pu r veyo rs o f new s will do well by


up coming lads a nd la ssies, through pressing the


so ft pedal fo r dis sonant tones ; b y passing up youth

poisoning na rrative to those who have a natural
predilection f or that kind o f print T hey will do .

well to do i t over thei r si gnatures and thu s permit ,

the publi c t o get a strangle hold on the few who

would maim budding cha racter fo r a packed
purse . No one looks fo r such a change ; but
until s ome such mea sure is e ff ected gentlemen o f ,

the p ress m ay n o t wash thei r hands o f c rime by

suggestion .

In e ff ect the bulk of the pub lic pres s of America


stand in no better mo ral light than d oes the foul

mouthed go ssi p who goes from hou se t o h ouse ped
54 Cri mi nal Ty pe s

dling filthy wares T h e re i s no diff erence i n principle


between the two and in p ra cti ce only what demar


cates retailing and j obbing T hat n ot only but .

, ,

doing it ove r and over again with but such details ,

deleted a s a self respecting husband would hesitate


t o impart to a self -respecting wife .

“ ”
N o ble sse o blig e L e t thos e on whom moral lead

e r shi i s in part thrust a nd in p art a ssumed go ove r

p , ,

thei r ow n lines and discoura ge the lep rous .

T he drone bum is a d rag o n the public purse but


he baldly dres ses and act s the part makes n o p re ,

tentions makes no ap ologies a nd seldom deals from

, ,

the bottom .

Th e sport -p ara site who se n ame is legion and who

, ,

“ ”
i s the fou r u shing blood brother o f the hand me
-fl - -

o u t perip atetic goes about it di ff erently

, He aff ects .

S pats the las t wrinkle in waistcoats cane and gloves

, , ,

feel s the feel o f silk boast a wardrobe B eau B rum


mel would have envied po ses about in a P a cka rd ,

” ’ “
Six and wouldn t appear o n the st reet o n a bet

unde r a hat a day o u t o f style Also he s p reads .

“ ”
easy money all along the spo rt ing pike from bas e

ball t o the bawd And also the high finance fake
, ,

s ch eme cult o f him alone dra w down a nnually close
to fi v e — hundred million dolla rs
The bill i s paid .

mainly o u t o f lean p urses the stri ngs to which have ,

t o be ti ghtened to the end that parasiti c s p o rting


“ ”
mongers m ay give thei r dupes the laugh .

It is no new thing f o r the p lausible p arasite t o

The M o ral C riminal 55

refuse any p art o f the a ctual s ocial load : meaning ,

o f course ,the sweating and tugging n ecessary to

load that load N o n p roducing knight s o f the gilded

circle have always ridden t he tiring nation to it s

last gas p B ut it remained f o r Anglo S axo n Chri s

tians t o lend unqualified approval to intrinsi c dro ne s ,

“ ”
who elect at t he bes t t o play fo r thei r p ile a nd
make hard wo rking men a nd women foot the bill ; an d
at the w o rst to make every po s sible use at spu rious

sp orting a ctivi ties o f c rooked tools such a s man ipu ,

lation inside information and in the end the con

, , , ,

fi sca t o ry law of averages .

Followers in America o f the C hrist lend t hei r

money not o nly t o the omi nous business but thei r ,

moral suppo rt a s well ; foll owers mind y ou o sten , ,

sib ly o f Him w ho raged at money mad cheats and


who co uldn t abide them that shift labo r t o other
back s.

M a ny there wi ll be t o bri stle over the leads i mmedi

ately p receding ; still s ea rch them out t o the final

throw and i t will be found that at least ninet y per


cent o f them either pull o r aim t o pull di rectly o r

indi rectly at strings o n the rake o ff T his from
“ ”
the college graduated sport who heads fo r the
gaming limelight to the manufactu rer who turn s o ut

the p araphernali a of blood spilling pugs -

M any bitten by the malign ant spo rting bug b e

, ,

lieve the desideratum of life C onsists in ha rdening

oneself t o gi v e a nd take the greatest amount o f
56 Cr i mi nal Ty pe s

physi cal punishment M ark it : to give and take


the greatest amount o f physical puni shment .

Why take the punishment ? Why p ri marily say , ,

the pugs to the end that o n e may take care o f o n e


sel f in case o ne i s t hu ggi shly assaulted ; and second

a r ily
, t o engage at fo rm s o f exercise that conserv e
longevi ty .

C once rning the primary p roposition say a s t o ,

h o w many times in you r a dul t life y ou have been

obliged to put up you r fists i n self defens e ? And a s
t o the secondary contention reco ll ect that any fo r m

o f strenuous exercis e habitually taken o n after t he

plasti c peri od results p ra ctically in a stretching


o f the mu scles and ti ssu es and a feed ing o f them so


st retch ed T hereafter the like of the fo rm o f ex er


cise with the fee ding must be continu ed f o r yea rs

, ,

and gradually graded down to some past middle age ,

els e both muscles and tissues will go flabby under

“ ”
w ri nkling flesh and D o c must do the be st he c a n

i n the case .

A S an example o f how the thing wo rks o u t tak e

thi s : the grand maj o ri ty o f ex -college athletes slough
O ff t oo so on o n the following-u p process named .

Hence th ough they rep res ent the physical c ream o f


c olleges they do not stand o u t in life insuran ce


stati sti cs as by natural right they would had they ,

exerci sed an d t rained to Nature s bidding i nstead


o f to the snap o f the pro fessional s whi

p ; nay had


they n o t t rained at all f o r heart -exhausting com

T he M or al Cr imi nal 57

petition and had j ust breezed along the countryside

, ,

agreeably wit h the modest demands o f the mus cula r

reflexes .

L ads are subj ect these days to all kinds of sport

ing flim fl am not the lea st pernicious of whi ch i s

that they must be banged about the lot i n order to

win physical standing .

Under stress of wholesouled play pur e sport will


pass betimes the line that divides the gentle ma n

athlete and the instinctively brut al battering ram .

I t i s good that some have a bit o f grit ground into

them . Sport must ride lads to a degree els e be ,

robbed o f enthusiasm that makes for wholesome re

“ ”
su lt s ; but the moment the thuggi s h p rofessional
promoter promotes b i d fa rewell t o the fi ner sensi

b ilit i es and to the purp o ses to which pure s p o rt and

sporting should be held for lads .

When a s at present it comes t o the p oint where

, ,

“ ”
habitual pa rasites o f the pug va riety are held
up to the youth of the la nd by governmental hono r
able S as exemplars o f all a lad should be and strive

fo r it i s time to call check ; and if t he gro ssly over


d one sp orting proclivities of men do not strike in ,

“ ”
perhap s the fa ct that the women of th e hono rables
also stand sponso r fo r fi rst driving drones will do so
, .

L ooking at the matte r i n the large what is it ,

i f not morally criminal to babble in one breath about

“ ”
dis armamen t and in the next b reath imbue lads

and las sies with the ideals of the shoul dering hog ,
58 Cri mi nal Types

a nd th e instincts o f the bos s bull ? W here els e than

in the mo ral gutter should a nati on expect t o land ,

which goes out o f its way t o heroize thinly veneered

pa ra sites and plays up t o o u t and o u t cheats of the

same breed ?
The Ame r ican people have their work cu t o u t to
arrest that fo r which they have bidden put up put , ,

down a nd put through ; whi c h i s t o say : to snap


so cial handcuff s o n tho se who advisedly prey upo n

the weak c rotchets and vi cious curves o f thei r kind .

Adding to the germane tens o f thousands of flo u t ed

law s wont do i t ; no r will anything short o f a pu rg
ing o f the social conscience M o reove r the purging

will begi n necessa ri ly at the mother s knee and ex ’


tend through the plastic yea rs .

Ame ri c a heads fo r the shallows be cause sh e to ok

o n the impo ssible t ask of making over habit marked -

grown up s bidden to he r bosom f rom the s c rap he ap s


o f nations N o w she may t ack quickly o r take her


medicin e p res cri bed by past masters at b rute stru ck


quackery .

S o without end we might specify an d elaborate

, , .

T he c r ucial point i s that the public sees capital

menace to the public safety o nly in the a cts o f the
crass est o f felonious off enders : whereas muc h mo re
o f fateful consequence resides in the morally unclean

machinations of tho se w h o practically shove human

pawns to the fi rst lines of cri minal attack .

W ere all imp ri soned petty thi eves in the lhnd

60 C rimi na l Types

nation the gods w ould destroy they fi rst mak e sport ,

ing mad . America i s dangerously close to s po rting
mad . She will come o u t of that p articula r fo rm
o f nerve storm because she will have to do so S he .

will have t o do s o fo r the ve ry good reason that she

cannot much longer p ay the two -fold freight en
tailed ; a two fold freight exp ressed man f o r man

in c onstantly reduced p roduction and an increasing ,

number o f di sappearing dolla rs .

A t a given time the national wealth o f Ameri ca


reduces t o the equivalent o f the numbe r o f dolla rs

Americans have wi sely earned and invested Wisel y .

earned dollars mean big p roductio n and big pr o ,

duction means an average big s p ending and investing

ca pa city T hat i n turn means b ri sk busines s along
, ,

the lines o f legi t imate commerc e and t rade And .

that means nearly unive rsal employment and freely ,

C i rculating money turned over and ove r along tho s e


C ontra ry t o the claim o f the gameste r there i s ,

a va st difference between the w o rking p ower o f t he

dolla r that finds its way into th e indust rial gro ov e ,

and the dollar that helps pack the purse o f a p rosti

tute In the o n e case the moral doll a r will ear n

ever increasing inc rement while contributing to the


gene ral well be ing In the other case the immo ral

dolla r had pa ssed a nd will pas s mainly from the

pocket o f one mulcting pa rasite into t he p ocket o f
an othe r mulcting parasite It had and will because
T he M o r al Crimi n al 61

human parasites p roduce nothing tangibl e in ex

change fo r that whi ch i s dumped into their p alms .

T he mo ney they spend for thei r general upkeep i s

largely turned back into approved channels o f
trade ; but that i s but a fra ction of the grand total .

The bulk of thei r capital is and must be nearly a s

dead to the business world .It i s pra ctically o f
little more us e to going business than is hoarded
money .

E ven so the enacting indictment of the sporting


drone i s n o t a dolla r indictment T he capital brie f


so ciety should hold against him is that he plys

int rinsically criminal tools with whi ch he frequently

“ ”
double cro sses even his fello w c raftsmen
- .

“ ”
Well s ays the imprisoned felon of the stripe

i n questi on what did big and little business men d o

to th e people duri ng the p rogres s of the World Wa r ?

Wh at did they do to ea ch othe r when diving foreign
exchange upheaved home values ? What did they
d o to eve ry body fo r long months aft e r p ri ces should
have d rop ped p retty clos e to thei r no rmal level ?
D id they o r did they n ot play the game as I played
it until consumers got afte r them with buying

strikes and the cry o f stop thief ? D id they o r did


they not ?
“ ”
W ell did they or did they not ? If they di d
, ,

what ha d th ey o n th e im pri soned felon o f the stripe

i n question ? T hat s a live wire i s that question ;


a liv e wi re o f the ki nd c on ce rning which the criminal

62 Cri mi nal T y pes

p resses fo r answe r and he i s entitled to a n answer


that doesn t squirm and doesn t quibble


A s a dealer in th e world s mart c an you return
an honest answer If you canno t hadn t you better ,

take invento ry o f conscience and t ry to understand ,

that the meanest kind of thievery i s that which rai ses

the ante on what sh ould be common commodi ties and
conveniences beyond th e pu rchasing power of the

ave ra ge purse say nothing of the plight of millions


o f un derdogs on whom the la st cu rs e of c riminally

manipulated pri ce level s falls ?

I f you think yours elf immune t o such queries make ,

study o f the ever tightening gri p o f th e p roletaria t


o n t he u se tha t ha s been made of them Start wit h .

the French Revolution and c ome on down to glean

the why o f i t that wo rkers mean to be served a s ,

wel l a s se rving i n the futu re

, .

I t i s t ru e that hos t s o f toilers swallow hook line ,

and sinker o f the c ro oked gamesters cast and do ,

it day i n a n d day out : fatefully to the end that 95 % ,

o f them are but six months removed from the poo r

h o u se at the a ge o f 6 5 i n s o far a s thei r own financial


resou rces a re concerned B ut they now have the


fi st s o f thei r minds doubled t o batter tho se who would

build and ope rate from within a drawn ci rcle the
, ,

like of the baronial toll gate Unlo ck such a s inter .

l o cking thieve ry s ay th ey come out into the open

, ,

and do business with u s man to make like men .

Next let u s hope in o rder o f the wrath o f t he

, ,
The M o r a l Cr imi n al 63

honest toiler will be the meticulously groomed and


b ru shed p arasite ; next whether he ply s deft fingers


backed by unbeatable odds o r a glib tongu e to ,

get a heap fo r nothing .

First o f all to feel the hand o f the worker should

be the bloo d spilling pug-pa rasite ; him w h o suggests

wa r between brothers dulls the finer sensibilities

, ,

lowers bo t h the mental and mo ral tonu s of mankind ,

and cheat s even women i nto believi ng that he can ,

by any p o s sibility be of any ba si c use i n the big


s cheme o f li f e .

M any good people think di ff erently ; many who

w ill not trouble to think a s i t i s n ecessa ry t o think in ,

o rder to cla ssify men and motives Th ey a re there .

fore plasti c clay fo r the cla n p arasite inclu sive o f ,

clever criminals .

C rime ? Why only on criminal s by legal edict


a re the keys o f the tu rnkey turned M y riads o f .

humans who never face a p residing j udge plan and ,

execute mo ral crime that i s much mo re far -reaching

than the average even of capital crime .

Hence b y -choi ce felons fl it sneeri ngly t o and f rom


p ri s on where they have to be pra ctically fo rc e-fed


with mo ral p recept s ; that very largely be caus e they

, ,

know milli ons of free men meaner than they are im ,

mune to legal fo rce feeding for the mean nes s


S o long a s such condition s obtain in America ,

s o long will recidivistic criminals mount there i n

numbe rs ; an d s o long will they j ustif y them selv es
64 C ri mi nal Types

t o themselves and to all who will listen to thei r hal f


baked co ntentions .

I see and app rove the good— I follow the bad ,

says a far -famed poet who s e bold declaratio n of


spineles s principle leaves him spokesman fo r thou

s ands o f m oral weaklings who a re always o n the
fence undecisive a s to which way t o j ump It als o
, .

leaves him open t o the cha rge of angling fo r a cheap ,

dirt distributing noto riety


Another o stensibly an edito r o f a New E ngland


newspaper shad es of the Pilgrims stand by— fla res

a t men o f the clot h who denounce such as t he late

bestia l s candal ena cted at Je rsey C ity He i s co n .

vi nced th at Catholic and Protestant ministers a re

impugning m otives here and blackening ch aracter
there becau se they hav e lost thei r tempers at the dis

i nclinatio n o f the pe o ple to follo w them .

Pa ssing motives impugned by the Infi nite M ind

“ ”

“ ”
and character bla ckened with the devi l s ow n ’

smudge what would the sc ribe hav e vi ca rs o f God


Almighty do ? What the im plication of hi s o w n

monstrou s and most illogi cal libel if not that tho s e

o n whom Ameri c a do es and mu st rely fo r mo ral

guidance should remain a s mentally sha ckled an d
, ,

m o rally blind while blacklegs and backsliders estab


lish s cho ols fo r c rime and write the texts book s f o r


them ?
“ ”
Hardly ! T rue Ameri cans of the p eople fo r
wh om the gentleman as sumes to s p eak wax fatuous , ,
The M o r al Crimi n al 65

not t o say fat headed betimes ; but let us hop e that


they may be relied upon finally to sea rch ou t and

set dow n those who wo ul d yield Ameri can b i rth — righ t
fo r the brew of the base at heart .

If the sp o rting so aked must utter a nd sh ove coun


t e rf ei t mo ral coin they owe it t o common decency not


to aff ect the mantle of the mento r ; they s pecifically

do because p redal p a ra site s bank on being able to

p oint to them a s having said and done the last fool

thi ng T hey further do fo r the reason that they a re

the readies t gulls of the grafting gang they cham

p ion .

M oral thieves are moral mo ron s Count them and


“ ”
get the cut o f the saw o f the P assaic News .

W ebster defines psychology a s The s cience o f
the hum an soul ; specifically the systemati c and s ci

en t ifi c knowledge o f the powers and functions of the

human soul i n so far a s they a re known to conscious


ness ; a treatise o n the human s oul .

M odified by the phra se i n so fa r as they are

kn own to c ons ciousness , that definitio n will do ,

“ ”
albe it we have a rri ved at but li ttle knowledge o f
“ ”
the powers and functions of the human soul and ,

at les s of pres cience th at a ccount s f o r the by -choice

cri minal T hen t o o distinctio n mu st be made as
, ,

be tween the fini te limitations o f the brain o f flesh ,

“ ”
and the infinite reach o f the s oul o f man .

In any ca se let u s not c ough over a t o o ni ce


fitting o f technical terms ; but envisage in the broad , ,

the matter o f mental resea rch and healing .

The mo re materi al p owers of the mind o f the

crimi nal frequently elude the examiner and to ols

which can be t o o systematic T his because the

examine r face s ca rds whi ch the examined i nst in c

t iv ely em p l oy every means a t thei r command to
68 Cri mi nal Ty pes

to i n divi dual a nd racial determination ; attuned a lso , ,

t o hi s ow n defin itions such a s that psychi c contagio n


“ ”
i s t ransfer o f nervous disease by imitation ; and
a ttuned t o the fa ct that the mode o f operating em
ployed with A w a s co the sunny -hearted compar a
, ,

“ ”
t iv ely ingenuous Wop a nxi ous to hel p won t do ’
, ,

a t all with Hungari an Z y n t hn er the s ullen who i s ,

eva sive suspicious and resentful alike o f autho ri ty

, ,

a nd the personal touch becaus e he still bri stles over


hurts vi sited upo n hi m and his by thick -lip pe d H ap s

bu rgs.

M ental s earching o f the latter class o f c ri minal s

usually yields next t o nothi ng that i s specifically o f
c api t al importance ! o r wa n t o f the master-key

to the situation the ope rato r leaves the test ed laugh


ing up thei r sleeves over having fundamentally over

rea ch ed the tester Needl es s t o add the ma ster-key

i s m ostly sh ap ed o f the metal o f fo reign s oil and ,

unl o cks the fa r-removed ci rcumstanc e .

Firs t o ff the really exp er t exa miner will seek to


win t he undivide d attention full confidence a nd

, ,

v olunta ry co ope ration o f hi s man who is t o be led


only by j udi ciou s degrees to the convi ction that the

“ ”
que s tioner i s n ot a m ere c og o f a scientific machin e ,

the pu rpo se o f whi ch i s to ba re the subj ect s soul ’


regardless o f hi s feelings in the matte r .

C all mental research by what name y o u will : stat e

it in esoteri c terms laden with syllables o r so plainly ,

that a recent past master a t making mud pi es can

The P sy chia t ri s t 69

understand and it must still be led a s well a s lead

, ,

ing else mis s the mark

, .

S tamp s o f stigma a re es sentially subversive o f

the end s ought D esi gnate a lad by a di sgraceful

name and you c reat e the strongest o f initial motive


fo r hi m t o earn the name M oreove r such pro .


cedu re i s u sually as senseles s a s harmful since it i s ,

n o t withi n h uman gi ft t o declare the morrow o f the

diseas e free pre adolescent mind

The writer i s .

moved t o st res s thi s pa ragraph becau se he ha s oh ,

se rv ed s o many cases whereof full blown puberty -

has ma rked mental metamorpho sis ; ma rked i t bo th

a s to the p ositive and negative the which will u sually ,

dep end o n the sum o f the subj ect s bri nging u p in ’ -


e lusive o f course o f the sum of his environment ; and

, ,

pa rtly o n hi s intri nsi c moral fibre bo rn at hi s birth , .

And recollect that j uvenile predilections u sually

ma rk the c onfi rm ed c ri minal to be .

In any case t he n egative conclusion should wait


u p on indubitable evidence ; and the p ositive general ,

statement be mostly g uardedly made since the s cales ,

will likely tip to the weight o f influence and that ,

may be i n the lap o f change enti rely beyond the

“ ”
ken o f little man G od alo ne dispo ses alike
, , ,

a s to mi nd and matter Furthermore p re criminal


motivations are never singula r ; hence the single

seeing refo rmer o r investigato r cuts no swath i n
, ,

compl ex c rowdi ng c ri me
, A nd furth e rm o re hi s

conclusions may be absolutely co rrect and his mode ,

70 Crimin al Ty pes

o fap p lying remed ial measures be diamet rically at

va riance with th e c rying exactions o f his subj ect .

T hen again crime i s not a disease in the sense


that it is so lightly p ro claimed C rime m ay ev en t u.

at e mainl y; be cause o f con genital flaw physi c al , ,

mental o r bo t h ; o r it may crop o u t by a cquirement


in spite o f a sound he redity ; but it always issues t o

relative mental di sea se in the sense that habituall y
oblique reasoning be comes master o f the subj ect ,

eithe r tentatively o r fo r good and all ; tentatively

, ,

if the c onstant weight of influence i s preponderantly

in his favo r and pe rmanently under the reverse

circumstance .

M o re tha n that the se rviceable investigato r will


understand how the weight o f influence c a n be turned ,

o n e way o r the other by seeming st raws of e ff ort


o r circumstance Fo r instanc e the mood o f the


m oment mu st be understo od not o nly but a s well , ,

why it i s the mood o f the moment Here p re -n atal .


influenc e may carry in nothi ng mo re tangible than

a loweri ng sky T her e the ma rked fa ce o f the man

bet rays the e rotic neuroti c in the throes of the i m


mediate aftermath o f hi s self indulged spree i n which


s tate o f low vitality he naturally looks o u t upo n an

ugly d rab wo rld Anothe r nu rses a fetich : a ridi cu

, .

lou s fetich to be sure but one of which y o u shall

, ,

not purge his mind with a club o f words ; i ndeed in ,

n o way el s e than th rough patiently building t o hi s

better understanding Per contra looms u p the c ap

The P sy chi a t ri s t 71

sheaf of them all : the parent spoiled ego -centri c -

mouther who is certain su re he could plan a better


world than eve r Almighty God could think of ! ery .

go od encourage him t o build it ; then pick i t t o


pieces p referably wi th t erse pregnant pa rables that

, ,

leave him n ot a stone to stand on D o it often do .


it ad v i sedly and do it thoroughly You will not

, .

thereby win him at once to rational thought but you ,

have better than a fighting chanc e to switch him fo r

it if you a re kindly tactful and do not attempt t o
, ,

stu ff your opp osed views down his throat .

W e are not conce rned here with those doomed

mentally i n state o f embryo s ave that it i s well t o ,

have in mind D r A Ja cobi s Repo rt t o the P ri son
. .

C ongres s of to the e ff ect that N 0 congenital
chroni c thi ckening of the b rain membranes n o ,

fixed changes in the brain substance unles s it be ,

syphiliti c perhap s have ever been cured
, S o much .

i s indisputable fa ct qualified by the w ord cured
, .

With D r Jacobi s further asse r tion many will


, ,

without presumption disagree : ,It i s not necessary
t o res ort to material imp ressions ( in the emb ryoni c
state ) a s the cau se of physical i ntellectual and mo ral ,

an omalies i n the o ff sp ri ng : that theo ry may s afely

be left t o nurses and p oet s .

P a ssing the poet— wh o usually culls and adorn s ,

yet ha s been known to probe and c reat e —while o h

j ec t i n
g strongly fo r the grateful nu rse who o ften
guides to health where the physici an single-handed , ,
72 Cr i minal Ty pes

would have failed i s D r Jacobi s second sweeping

, .

c onclusion u nas sailable ?

What i s the la st power o f the protoplasmi c germ ,

a nd wh at i s the last influenc e from whi ch i t derives

that powe r ? C a n any man answer u n qu ali fi edly ,

a nd if he cannot j us t why exclude the p sychic from


the pos sibilities ? If mo rbidly by psychi c c on

t ag i o n i s admitted why refus e p re n at al imp res

si ons o f p sychi c o ri gi n ?
W e kno w that h ereditary t ransmission i s p ersis
tent a s to physical attributes I t may appea r t o

dro p stit ches here and there though we shall note


mo re o r les s of reversi on t o type if we follow th rough

fa r enough ; but let opinion b e as it may how i s o n e ,

t o check u p va ri atio ns of mood temperamen t and,

di sp osition with phy sical figu res ? As t o the last

three Jimmy the fi rst and Joh nn y the second o f

the same family are antitheti c Why if the physical


i s fi nal ?
H ow by pu rely physical analysis ar e we to a o
, ,

count fo r the fact that the o riginal Clay family

of hors es we re noto ri ously high stru ng and ha rd-

t o s chool to rein : wherea s the M o rgan family were

supremely easy to break a nd groove ? Why wher e ,

the blood line wa s kept pure did th e family tempera


ment p ersi st with few devi ations and even then bre ed
, ,

“ ”
o n again ba ck t o o ri gi nal family manne rs ? Wh y ,

wi th mixture of those breeds mixtu re o f manners ?


W hat made th e int ri nsic diff eren ce i n mental bent

The P sy chi a t ri s t 73

and physical outlook a s be tween W ebste r and

Hayne ? Why wa s the one a stickler f o r centralized
governmental power and the othe r champio n o f the

right s o f indi vidual States a nd why wa s each c ock


sure o f his ground o f contention under the Consti

t u t io n ? In the final analysis did anything o u t o f

physiology decide the question and how did wha t , ,

did decide t ake up it s abode i n the national con


s ci o u s n es s ?

DO hopples employed in e ff ecting change in the

o ri gi nal i nstinctive gai t o f a ma re f rom trot t o

p ace alone account for change o f gait ? If so why

, , ,

when her instinct of motion i s changed mechanically

from the t ro t to the p ace does she t ra nsmit the

latter acquired instinct to her p rogeny to the n ea r


exclusion o f the gai t she wa s bo rn to ? W hy when ,

the hopples a re removed does she not revert t o the


t rot ?
W ay b ack o f Civil W ar days a gentleman horse ,

man o f Rho de Island changed the gait o f the saddle

ho rse o f the lady o f his choice to the pace agreeably ,

with the fastidi ou s t ast e o f th e lady T hen it was .

, ,

“ ”
the pace r made hi s bo w to the ho rs e wo rld T o .

day he speeds better tha n fi f t y fi f t y with trotters


“ ”
through the G rand C i rcuit a nd almo s t surely

t ran smits the in stinct to p ace Hopples n ow a re.

“ ”
em p loyed mainly to preven t b reaking ; i n fa ct ,

p acing champions have been leg free o f them -


Wh at s the answe r if not t ran smitted instinct

, ,
74 C rimimal Types

and wh o i s t o d raw the bo undary line thereof ? If

the instinct to play a base ho rn why not the instinct ,

t o play a base p art ? If the instinct to play a bas e

part why not the instinct to bro od and abno rmally

berate oneself o r flippa n t ly break laws o r froth

, ,

“ ”
ove r fol de rol o r fake the whole human s cheme ?
- -

At any rate the instinctive intent of the habitual


c ri minal i s summed u p in the last phrase o f the p re

ced ing pa ragraph T her efore. we need s must ,

sharpen o u r tools of amendment and repai r ac co rd

i ngly .

Sharpening we shall lea rn o n the o ne hand that

bloviation brands the su rfac e—

sign s el f s eeking ex ,

a min e r ; and o n the other hand that be his lip se rvi ce


never s o fulsome i n favo r o f this o r that man method , ,

o r régime o f refo rm the examined is deali ng from


the bo ttom o f the deck if he does not hearken u nto

“ ”
The stern daughter of the voice o f God .

The subj ect is hea rkening if h e has the gri t t o

“ ”
p as s up gutter guff always circulating in the
criminal c rowd while h e puts fo rth earnest e ff ort s

fo r fundamental averages C ontrariwise

. if he ,

j uggles those averages with hi s mind clamped to the

“ ”
sp orting s chedule of the place he i s faking ; he ,

i s faking even though he cunni ngly stee rs clea r o f


the house disciplinari an Hence the rational regime


o f reform will requi re him to do the o n e while mak ,

ing it p ra ctically impo ssible for him to do the o ther ,

and m ake an ea rly pa role—a s h e n ow does .

76 C rimi nal Ty pes

degr ee and may p rove baldly misleading ; misleading


not o nly a s to hi s latent mental content but a s wel l ,

upon him if negative p ro cedure following the sea rch


causes him t o th ro w up his hands i n dee p seated -

di sgust .

Under restrictive condition s f o r which a bungling


operato r may be prima rily responsible a hy peres ,

thetic mi ght su ff er close to acute s enso ry aphasi a ;

and he who bears the bu rden s o f hebe tude would
p robably fa re no bette r if the clicking o f hi s mind
were clo cked to an a rbit rary tim e allowance .

In any case the fi nal test should revert t o ma


t e r i al practices and p rocesses o f i ntellection whereof


the subj ect had wo rked f rom motive to excel shall ,

the motive hav e b een good bad o r indiff erent

, , .

Pa r ticularly the examiner sh ould bewa re a habit


o f mind tha t sends him fetich stalking : a s fo r i n

stance to establish th e ultimate unconscious sexual

, , ,

ba s e o f ne u r astheni a ; o r a given perc entage o f

mo rons a pplicable i n general to felonious off enders

against the publi c law o r eve n a s constant f o r diff er


ent pris on populations T he danger that lies in


determinati on t o p rove what o n e i s predispo sed t o

prove is n ot easily overestimated ; indeed the test
, ,

should in s uch c ase p as s from t ested t o tester

, , .

When a ma n get s that way a s to any human qu es

tion he is relatively i n the s ame state o f mind a s

the fetichi st wh o fondles milady s sho e to the ex ’


e lusion o f the body and soul o f her p ro vided : the

The P sy chi a t ri s t 77

sho e i s high heeled and buttons S uch a n o ne should


tu rn awhile from the criminal c rowd to ca re free ,


thinking i n the wid e open B efo re resuming his


duties he should furthe r check up with one o f hi s


c raft who planes his blocks to squa re with well bat -

tened conclusions .

While i t i s t ru e that no structu ral change to man s ’

ha nd i s p o ssible in the brain built i n emb ryo i t i s ,

also tru e tha t the p ernicious custo m i s to o v e rde

t ermination o f the damage don e in that state Fo r .

example the fac t that a g iven subj ect may never


hO pe t o master calculus doesn t mean that he m ay


not be st retched t o t he size o f a s erviceable b rea d

winner In lin e with that t ruth t ake o n e o f many
, , ,

extreme cas es tha t have come under the writer s o b ’

se rvation a nd t reatment
,age s ixteen lowest grade imbecile and border

line idio t s o dense tha t i t to ok the writer three weeks


t o establish i n hi s mi nd the di ff erence between righ t

and left W hen so much of mental awakening came

came with i t a piti fully wistful smile o f blowing p ri de .

Another thr ee week s and he could execute o n c o m


mand with few slip s through th e S chool o f the

S oldi er At the end of th ree months he wo rked

regularly and reliably with hi s company in battalion

“ ”
drill through i nt ricat e Successive Formatio ns ;
and within t he yea r h e could t ake hi s company t o

and from any formatio n with whi ch h e had been

taught to fo rm M o re than that he picked u p nicely
78 C r i mi nal Types

at commo n sch ool and made relatively good progress

“ ”
at Sloyd .

S urely all o f that does not come under the hea d


ing of reflex action and if it does what o f it ? ,

If a megacephalic splay footed slab -sided l umbe r

, ,

ing imbecile like R s o close to the idiot a s to give


o ff the latter s p roverbi al s cent

can be ca rried even ,

to the stage of mental and physi cal development R .

“ ”
wa s ca rr ied within the yea r what cannot be done ,

for the mounting million s o f mentally and physically

backward gi rls and boys of America classed as M o r

ons ? How a re we to get th e down to -the -ground -

wo rk of the land done without the aid o f such ?

In any event it i s at once info rming and en c o u r

agi ng t o note that the s chool authorities of New

Yo rk C ity have called check on the nea r mania of
the p eriod to attach negatively overdrawn a dv a lo rem
t ags to such children ; and then when so tagged , ,

p ra ctically to dump them i nto the social disca rd ,

there to hate themselves each other and everybody , , .

Fo r one cardinal thing the named s chool au t ho ri

, ,

ties rightly hold that the humane burden i s upo n

New Yor ii City s teaching staff to dig o u t and de

cide upon ways and means better than those whic h

make so cial pa ri ah s o f unfolding lads and lassies .

T he same authorities fu rther hold rightly that

the benefits a ccruing to such children through mix
ing with the better equipped mass i s in itself a-
, ,

consideration not to be lightly b ru shed aside And .

The P sy chi a t ri s t 79

once more that mental backwa rdness i s in a ppreci


able measure chargeable to false ethods o f educative

ap proa ch and atta ck .

Gentlemen who lie awake o n ight s devising bizarre ’

“ ”
mean s by whi ch alleged criminal mo ro ns can bes t
be cheated of that which the s chool authorities of the
C ity of New York insist New York s m e ntally back
’ ~

wa rd children shall have will do well t o foll ow the


eff ects of the edi ct o f thos e autho ri ties Ce rtainly .

tha t edict won t visit arresting emba rgo upon the

normal mas s o f children and must p rove a boo n to


approximately ten thousand child ren who do n t j ust ’

measur e to arbit rarily -sp aced menta l tap e ; t a p e

whi ch is not and can not be out of the hand of th e
, ,

Almighty and tape which can n ot m easure to full y


unfolded yea rs .

A s applies to either priso n o r public school in

stru ction the c rucial p oints a re : ( 1) T echnical

marks of stigmata are much t o o frequently and much

too loosely attached to budding youth the inevitable ,

e ff ect o f whi ch is t o dep ress and discourage them ,

p articularly out o f the gibe s o f unthinking comrades .

( 2 ) M ore often than not the ma rk s ini tiat e i n the


fallible brai ns of tho s e tri cked into o v er det ermin a

tion th rough p redispo sitio n amounting to nea r ob

session to make the technical cas e ( 3 ) The marks .


as arrived at under p resent conce ptio n of rational

follow u p p ro cesses do n ot ca rry to c omp rehen
- ”

sive measures ( 4 ) The s cholasti c o r refo rm cu rri

80 C r i mi nal Ty p es

c ulu m that i s no t pregnant with influences funda

menta lly germane to the mental mo ral and physical ,

uplift of the last uni t o f the mas s i s eithe r falsely ,

prescri b ed o r pro secuted .

B ecause of hi s rea soning faculty the child more , ,

qui ckly than any other youngling o f the animal king

dom unfolds by imitati on to good suggestion a nd

go od example Hence i f s olely because segregate d


group treatment p racti cally cold blankets th os e tw o -


capital infl uences a s exe rted by the mas s upon the


i ndividual it should be relegated t o the domain where


veiled minds are wedded eithe r t o fanta sies o r to ,

the u seles s function .

Wh eresoever mental dullards a re scho oled th e ,

atmo sphere should be su rcha rged with hope T here .


“ ” ’ “
the wo rd c an t should be held taboo and you can ,

i f y o u will i ssue commonly with the fo rce o f an
unquestionabl e sl ogan N o matter how apparently

hopeles s th e case n o suggestion o f cha racter what


s oever to tha t eff ect should b e ca rried to the sub

, ,

j e ct .

Related test s f o r physi cal reactions may be taken

at very clo se to thei r fa ce value since the responses ,

thereto a re mostly i nvolunta ry and in any in stance , , ,

’ ‘
the subj ect can t j ust figure it out how to beat them .

However acqui red ab ility plus somewhat o f natu ral

, ,

gift o f the p sycho analyst t o trac e sign s to thei r


sou rc e an d inte rtwining must be beyond questi on , .

“ ”
The ph rase plus s omewhat of natural gift i s
The P sy chia t ri s t 81

i nsert ed because the bu rden is at o nce upon the


exami ner to pick a part the mosaic of motive and t o ,

uncove r the counter motives o f the examined T hat .

he will no t do reliably sho rt o f an intuitive fa culty

naturally keen ba cked by a heap of ho rse sen se and
, ,

a broad c ulture ; a c ul ture s o broa d that he c an

vibrate alike with such a s the cheap paddock t out ,

the cra s s ego centri c oversexed hy perest hen i c with


a ch ip o n his shoulder the plain plumb bum a nd


c rowded o u t derelict the congenital vi ctim of hebe


tude with o x -like mind and the sensibilities o f the

mullet a nd the bald criminal cheat o u t all o f the
, ,

time to bri ng the crime tai nted baco n home ove r the
- -

subte rranean route .

A ctuall y t o grade human souls and sound human

hea rt s i s a hea ping o rder that calls fo r catholic

understandin g o f c o mpa rative so ciology ret ro-a c ,

tive a s to trans mitted traits o f cha racter fo r a t least

one-hund red-and -eighty years B ack o f that man .

has n o t yet p robed to impulse fo r human a ction of

the p resent ; but he c a n not be su re tha t reaso ns
i n part fo r p resent given courses o f human c onduct ,

may n o t strik e ba ckward centuri es fa rther than

nine-sco re yea rs .

N o t s o long ago a s wo rld time goes n atural selec

, ,

tion was the vogu e Unde r L ycurgu s a littl e late r


on Sp ar t an youth who we re no t exp ert fo ragers


from the c p mmon h oard were subj ect t o the heaviest


hand of t he State Another short bridge o f yea r s

82 Cr i mi nal Typ es

and Germans who grilled the legi ons o f ! a rus bo asted

that they didn t go to wa r but to annihi lation


Shortly thereafter the d oom of the Roman E mpire

“ ”
was adumbrated p artly by the lounge lizard given -

over to various forms of indefensible conquest not ,

the least o f which led to vitiating sexual excess ; and

partly by establishing ba rbarou s letting o f human

blo od in the national c o n s cio u sn ess a s a form o f

amusement .

F rom then o n mo st of s ocial upheavals car ri ed


the germs of future so cial chaos in thousands of

killings the bulk o f whi ch were bo rn of hectic heart
, ,

les s be stiality and very few if any of which wrought

, , ,

f o r whole -seeing man .

Th rough all wa r over religi ou s c reeds is charge


able more than any other one influence with retarda

, ,

tion o f human progress T herefo re to tra ce the .


backward t rail o f th e pu rblind bigot i s ofttimes the ,

pri ma ry cho re o f the p sycho -analyst .

Instinctive habi tual thievery lash ed into lads even

, ,

unt o death 32 3 B C would necessa rily ca rry with

, . .

tremendous pertinacity ; p roba bly not unto this yea r

of o u r L o rd but po ssibly so It is given t o no man
, .

t o decla re unequivocally that an intrinsic G reek

thief o f t o -day i s not a s t o natural tendency to

thieve more o r less the product o f certain lads whom


the authori ties of an cien t Sparta sped on their t hi ev

ing ways .

W e know c omparatively so little about hereditary

8 44 Cr i mi nal Types

bine against the established so cial order and tea r

thi ngs .

Hence la rgely i t i s that human life in Ameri ca

, ,

i s a t the moment held at a p ri ce less than t he p rimi

tive savage placed upo n it Spu rious leaders o f .

athletics o f o ld Rome go t behind that bad business

with the bone -breaking gladiato r ; and spu riou s
leaders o f athletics a re to day pressing in America -

fo r reversio n to the mu rderou s sporting typ e of

Nero s time through establishing the bloo d-spilling


pug ugly an d h eroizing the low down pa rasital


sport .

Get that to it s ramifications su ch a s that o n the

, ,

o n e hand the average annu al s ala ry o f mini sters o f

the M ethodis t faith ha s j ust been rai sed appr ox i

m ately from 8 00 t o 1100 dolla rs ; and o n the o ther
hand that a won t-wo rk fi st ic brute demands and


“ ”
commands win o r l ose fo r a f ew minutes ,

at cutting slugging a nd punching recognitio n o u t o f


“ ”
the countenance o f an other p arasital pug T hi s .

while publi c school t eachers have to p ress and p res s ,

f o r a living wage given grudgingly , .

Get j u st that much o f anti social play and p res -

su re then wonde r not that the sp o rting-grooved


p redal felon spurn s actual work and that college ,

autho riti e s h ave t o put hopples o n thousand s o f

sp o rt -so aked bucking young broncho s in o rder t o
, ,

align them f o r a smatteri ng of chea p culture .

A s i f all t ha t were n t enou gh would b e bel l

o -
The P sy chi a t ris t 85

wethers o f reform c an not rest until they ha v e well

nigh ruined regi mes of refo rm through su pe rcharg
— “
ing them with s o called spo rting features ”

Right here i s the chan ce for the wholly honest ,

wholly ea rnes t p sycho -analyst t o sco re B etter than


he none should know that legitimate s p ort outraged


i s commonly o n e o f the c a rdinal causes fo r the c o n

fi rmed cri minal ; and t ha t to fu rther i no culate with
“ ”
the s po rting bug a la d al ready ridden by the
viciou s by p roducts o f sport i s directly t o f u rnish

him with formula fo r fu rther pe rversion o f a funda

mentally good instinct H e als o kn o ws that per

version o f the spo rting in stinct frequently ends with

the W as sermann test an d the polluted victim who

i s a menace t o the publi c health .

Prisone r o r freeman rational exercise in the free


ai r he should have ; but Why a fter nea rly two


thousand yea r s o f kneeling at C hristian altars ,

“ ”
should man hold up such a s the two fi st ed c r uel -
, ,

degenerate, human b attering ram a s a cri teri on f o r


his upcoming kiddies to ape ? And i f he will have

“ ” “ ”
it so why babble about disarmament and wa v es

o f c ri me ?

Naught but lo gi cal sequenc e o f a ction piled o n

l o gi cal sequence o f a ctio n explains the pre dal felon
who n ow co me s a sho o t ing at high n oon in America


Abou t that the much touted aftermath o f the Wo rld


W a r ha s had little to do and imbuing l ads with the


instincts o f the bull a very great deal

, .
86 Cri mi na l Ty pes

S trippe d o f cheap verbiage and cheaper buncombe ,

the brutal fact i s that Americ a has bid put up put , ,

down and put through both i n and o u t o f prison

, , ,

a s if she were m otivated to establish the p redal

felon T hat she ha s done primarily through fram

ing the lo osest and mo st a sinine o f immigration law s ,

easily beatable ; and seconda ri ly and again in a nd ,

out o f pris on through ext ra cting near to the last


sting o f consequence f rom th e commis sion o f cri me .

If caught and co rr alled— against which the

chances a re about ten t o on e—the broad day mu r -

de ro u s footpad goes t o p ri son with a contemptuous

sneer in hi s heart fo r rep ression that do esn t rep res s ’

Al so he nurses a smug chuckle over the fa ct tha t


cri minal law the fundamental offic e of whi ch i s t o


p re vent crime do esn t p revent



“ ”
T o the sneer he ha s be en actively helped by

d ream d rugged dilettantes o f lay ext ra ction w ho


base thei r reform ative foibles on the utterly falla

c io u s idea that reformative r egimes should be ordered

t o square with the natural re actions o f habitual

c ri minal rounders .

“ ”
! or the smug chu ckle he i s appreciably i n

debted t o legal agents o f the criminal divi sion o f

the law w ho either th rough false sentence false su s
, ,

pension o f s entenc e o r fals e p robatory exten sions

, ,

have rendered spineles s the least elastic p redicates

o f penal codes .

In free life the gamble r s chan ce j ump s by t he’

The P sy chi a t ri s t 87

square in favor of the criminal in a cco rdance with

the gravity of hi s crime .

T he p romise o f th e ea rly nineties fo r p riso n man

a g emen t ea rnes t ly and honestly dedicated t o a ctual

refo rmative p ro ces ses with in clusive t rades t each


ing featured i s be come a huge j oke to thos e in the


know : a culmination due very la rgely t o grossly

overdrawn compromise wi th the average c ri minal s
instin ctive desi re fo r the low d own spo rting limelight

T herefore the p sychology of the average int ri nsi c

criminal in s o far a s his reactions to intrinsic r e

fo rmative processes are concerned ha s been made ,

to hi s mind And therefo re the p sychoanalyst can


d o his b es t wo rk not by demon strating a rrest of the

so cial sense and a sso ciat e rea ctions o f the c riminal
, ,

since s o much the very fact o f hi s being a c riminal

p resupposes ; but by suggesting practical ways an d
mean s by which the c riminal can be weaned f rom
the breast o f crime .

P alpably a mere techni cist won t subtra ct much


from the bul gi ng p ri son bill He must be a very .

respectable crimin olo gi st as w ell alike from the ,

practical and theoretical standpoints .

M uch left undone fo r the c riminal that must be

done must be done f rom the ground up rather tha n
, ,

from the clouds down When s o much shall have


been done will be time enough to go ai r planing with


esoteri c gas .

Criminology i s the on e scienti fi c fi eld i n whi ch man ,

puff ed up putte rs with un skilled hand and b rain


E ven the a rtisan and mani p ul ato r o f inanimat e

obj ects mu st win his j ourn eyman s card N o such


thing i s demanded o f the criminologist by the publi c ;

hence the public i s seldom t reated to the un v a rni shed
cri minologi cal t ruth .

Commonly the bald c reatures o f po li tical pull ,

co rrectional chiefs need bea r wit h the m t o p rofoun d

employment but an itch t o dabble and the ne rve ,

to flar e thei r farthing candles .

Gentlemen d o not d ream o f reading lessons o f

c raft t o the like of docto rs lawyer s and p rofes sors ;
, ,

but they k eenly reli sh the ide a o f crossing swo rd s

with c rimi nolo g ists albe it the latte r mus t b e s om e

what o f do cto r lawyer and pro fesso r i n o rder t o

, ,

pres cribe fo r what makes and keep s men c riminal .

D espite th e fact that it i s easier t o bungl e at the

bu siness o f remo deling human clay than at any oth e r
activity o n earth ; and that the bungling wo rks s eri
o u s harm t o humanity the tinkerer set s u p hi s mould s

The C ri mi n ologi s t 89

much in the spiri t that a child builds with blocks ,

then t umbles them o v er except f o r this diff erence


the chi ld lea rns a s he go es o u t o f fancy and fail u re ,

while the grown -u p w recker remains ancho red to his

puerile notio n s and notebook .

The machi nery o f a rational ré gime of refo rm

must be ca refull y manipul a ted B alance o f parts

depends upo n a ni ce swing o f correlated p endulums .

D elicate adj ustments encompas s the eve r shifting

mo ods and sus ceptibilities o f a pri son p opul ation ,

i n itself a s a hai r trigger to vibrate t o u nseemly di s

t u rb a n ce o f natu ral checks and impulses A false.

edic t o u t o f the mouth o f authority ofttimes i s suffi

cient to start the pris on po t a b oiling A fool meas


u re directed in favo r o f j ust o ne p ri soner without ,

rega rd f o r how it fit s into the general scheme i n the ,

end may carry to adverse consequence th at aff ects

every prisoner i n the place .

Favoritism that singles o u t th e few t o t he r ela

tive dep rivation o f the many su rely stirs u p the lat

ter and c a n well do s o the fo r mer What is mo re

, .

the h arm done may not c rop out i n ove rt a ct o f

cha ra cter whatso ever ; but i t will b e mos t u n f o r
t u n at ely expres sed in s uch a s listles s wo rk eu
t ailing l owering averages all along the reformative
line .

M ore quickly and mo re meticulously tha n any

other herded grou p o f humans p risoners pick t o

pieces thos e charged with thei r destinies ! ery .

90 Cri minal T ypes

naturally that i s so First because the average


criminal i s pronouncedly ego centric ; and secondly -


f o r the reaso n that the false th rows o f hi s suppo sed

mentors and moulders parallel in his mind his ow n

oblique thinking and d oing and leave him no more ,

to blame fo r what he did to so ciety than they fo r ,

what they do t o him And there is mo re than a dash


o f equity i n the crimi nal s specifi c conclusion

It i s .

up t o the criminolo gi st to work skillfully and co n

si st en t l with skilled to ols
y .

M o reover the decent felon digs much mo re deeply


to false methods than he usually discloses T empted .


sorely to m ake use o f easy means to regai n hi s lib


e rt
y, and not being the dunce he i s falsely tagged ,

he plays up to pa role with the destructive weapon s

so obligingly placed in hi s hands ; but he knows his

exa ctions and that listles s work entailing lowering

averages all along the reformative line does not
meet them .

Particularly and essentially the cri minal furt her ,

knows that the t rue man and c riminologi st cannot

be induced to compromise with him concern ing fun
damen t al questi ons o f right and w rong ; and since
he i s able commonly to e ff ect such comp romise he ,

reserves his actual respect for him against whom ,

f rom ulterio r motive h e m ay feel constrained t o


hurl the bitterest o f anathema .

A t any rate plac e thi s upon the heart o f truth


the p rison p opulation that con siders itself perfectly

92 Cr imi nal Types

certain th at life owes him easy picking and let him

p ick a s he cho oses and chose while he picks .

M ixed in a re many other types o f habitual o f

fenders against the public law about equally di vi ded

“ ”
a s between home brew an d the off s pring o f natural

breeders o f social hyena s whom Americ a ha s been

a t p ains to take to her bo som and nu r se d u ring the
p ast fou r decades .

D one criminally nearly to a turn are all and

, , , ,

d one with a reckless flippan cy in ap p reciable measu re

by ps eudo — criminolo gi sts who could n o t switch t he

i ntegrity of genuine c rimi nologi sts f or the merry

o round p rison
g .

In th e fi rs t place no man i s fi t to deal with the


s ocially derailed in American p rison s who i s n ot ,

familia r with the drift and n atural determination s

of an appreci able percentage o f E uropean immi
grants wh o have s ieved into Americ a during recent
decades .

A wh ole -seeing criminol ogist mu st know wha t i t

means fo r a ma n to be a full fled ged Camorri st o r
M afi a u sis t Als o why the lowe r and lowes t grades o f

such a s Rus sian Slav and M agya r immigrant s a re


so ea sily induced by hyph enates to ride rough shod .

T ru e the mo stly Ameri can -made criminal i s all t oo


c ommon ; yet had n ot Americ a allowed immigrant s

to roo t in her s ocial s oil thei r hangover o f hu rt s ,

clo se co r po ration bigot ry and instin ctive hatred o f


o rga nized social control th e Ameri c an atmos p he re

T he C rimi nologi s t 93

would n o t n ow be cha rged with the spirit to tea r

things .

F rom remote generations o n down i n natural se

qu en ce to the present day the criminologi st mu st

be able to p robe t o the pa rticula r instinctive p re

di spo sitions that motivate special groups t o unso cial
and anti s ocial expression ; and to t ra ce pa rallel

currents that run th rough American life and living

which pull o n the groups for that kind of expressio n .

No t to be c a ught without the po ssible key to the

deviated ca se the right man in place will know such

as hi s Freud and K ra af t — E bing H e must not be


ca rried o ff hi s balance by newly pai red polysyllables


no r bow convi ction to related ideas s o framed as t o

fight each o ther yet avoid pl anting his empiri cal feet

where mental resea rch t reads with unanswerable

p roo f Hi s call thereof i s t o cull knowingly a nd

ap ply with care in acco rdanc e with comp arative

magnitudes .

T o place emphasi s p roperly i s one o f the n i c e

duties o f him who seeks earn estly to s erv e ; and duty
n o les s demands that he shall select sparingly o f u n
p roven hypotheses T his because the mental faddist

i s the mo st lia b le o f all men to b e ridden rather than

riding .

T o p ersist fo r t ruth in the fa ce o f a commo n skep

t ici sm i s at o nce noble and neces sary ; but t o do it ,

o ne must bea r equipment more convi ncing than an
” “
itch t o dabble and t he nerve t o fla re hi s fa rthin g.
94 Cr i mi nal Types

candle . Single seeing brings little of serviceable

gri st t o the refo rm mill Single-t rack doing brings



ole —seeing by a c riminologi st requi res much

more of him than a technically well fed mind H e -

m ay fo r example know generally about the func

, ,

t io n ing o f the human b rain ; but if he j udges falsely

a s to mental overemphasis aff ected by the subj ect
fro m spuri ous motive he will not sco re for the man
, ,

n o r for himself .

Padding o f comparatively slight deviations cu n ,

“ ”
n i ngly employ ed by faking and malingeri ng c rim
i n als i s a co mmon trick which mu st be religiou sly

gua rded against When th e p adding is su p eri nduced


by suggestio n from the mental healer a s the writer ,

ha s known i t t o be hi s subj ect f rom then on usually


takes the short cu t to the abyss Such as p sycho .

analysis employed by other than the m aster o f it

, ,

a s well as o f it s correc t applicatio n to refo rmative

p ro ces ses is a most pern iciou s t o ol
, .

What i s so rely needed o f he ads o f co rrectional

institutions is prepa ration f or the work f rom the

ground up i n the wo rk ; p repa ration that enables

them to see all o f the way and therefo re to pres cri b e,

fo r balanced s chooling under a balanced regime o f

refo rm .

B eyond question the p resent u rge i s unduly t o


capitaliz e c rotchets of human behavio r the which , ,

fa r fro m demarcating the a v era ge of p ris o ners f rom

The C ri min olog is t 95

a very large percentage o f the general mas s o f man

kind actually p redicate them a s slightly emphasized

examples o f that percentage o f the m as s ; a p ri sone r

“ ”
percentage the more clo sely welded to the crotchets
through false bringi ng u p and envi ronment in f ree

life up from the cradle

, .

Aside from pris oners who are congenitally s car red

i n unusual degree cl osely allied parallels a re to be

drawn a s between thous ands o f pris oners and mil

lions o f freemen .

T hi s o n e primes a hair -tri gger temp er rashly ,

expres sed out o f a n unreasoning mind ; als o h e will ,

quit e reliably pile o n somewhat of the temper and

unreaso ni ng and do it knowingly T hi s even a s
, .

to the in cipient epileptic .

T hat o ne c oa rse in fibr e cruel by instinct c o m

, , ,

p a r a t iv ely insensible to pain endu red o r inflicted ,

would crack hi s way to what he wants w i th a blu d

geon .

An ego centri c thi rd cu rsed alike with a smatter


ing o f knowledge o r skill and with coddling by so


c i et
y int o a certain criminal cunning resents the ,

s etting on him o f reformative brakes by tho s e

he has been encouraged t o rate his intellectual
inferi o rs .

A fourth and always a maj o r fourth will make

, ,

reams o f a ffidavits to the eff ect that n o one o r thing

o n earth eve r gave him a show fo r hi s white ally .

B etimes his contentions carry mo re than a kernel

96 Cr imi nal Types

o f t ruth ; but usually he i s j ust a flim—fl am ing li ar m

and slacker who elects to cache tossed donatives

And s o o n and on with bri efs which but shadow

, ,

fort h human nature a s it may be observed where

men fo regathe r .

B y a nd large there i s nothing hidden nothing

, ,

es oteri c about the causes for the nea r-n o rm al c ri mi

nal P rima rily they rest app reciably i n thi ngs that

society eithe r directly o r indirectly en couraged hi m

t o do or leave undone ; a s fo r j ust one exam p le : the
time and pla ce f o r so ciety to have it ou t with t he
swa shbuckling little brute i s in th e prima ry grade a t

publi c school E ven then s ociety m ay be about six


yea rs too late ; but in the average there wi ll have

, ,

been time enough did Ame ri can s follow th rough


under the recommendations o f the great bulk o f

mentors who must i n large mea sure build Ameri ca s
, ,

youth to stand life s stres s .

B ut no t a t all The last and best p rocedure o f


which Ameri cans mak e u se in the ca se o f an espe

“ ”
c i a lly refra cto ry so dubb ed inco rrigible s chool

boy i s to expel him from the public s cho ols ; which i s


t o s ay : to pas s hi mu p t o such a s gutter snip e gang -

s t ers t o complete hi s anti — s ocial education And i f .

the lad land s in a j uve nile school o f refo rm whose

sta ff i s shackled by banal prescriptions and pre
script i o n s o f lay ext raction hop e o f reclaiming him ,

there o r thereafter f o r social usages i s so clos e t o

nil a s t o be negli gible .
The C ri min ologis t 97

T urned loo se upon society from the j uveni le school

when reformatively he i s not even warmed up he ,

qui ckly finds his way t o a refo rmat ory where i f ,

the a ctual criminologi st p resc ribes p ros cribes and , ,

p rosecutes he stands a bare fighting cha nce t o pull


up an d win o u t ; but where if compro mi se i s again


e ff ected with his instinctive p redilection s expressed ,

in the habitual a ct h e i s gro omed to keep k eeper s


agog i n a p ri son o f last resort And if the convi ct .

p rison ca n do n o better than intrust the p ri son ca re

o f hi m to a j unta of convicted felons he will i n all , ,

human p robability o n e day go gun hung and ride


to kill.

S o much i s as one p age o u t of a bulky volume the ,

contents o f which to the la st syllable the crimin olo

, ,

g ist ne eds must have at hi s tongue s end .

Gentlemen hold di ff erently M edical men pa rt i cu


la rly as sert that none but those o f thei r clan a re

fi tted to p rescri be fo r criminals P assing the fa c t .

that the highest -hung fruit o n the refo rm t ree tempts

“ ”
to fa r flu ng reaching by the clan a nd t o reci pr o

c al butte r ing o f bread within the clan the ca rdinal ,

a ssert i on baldly begs the t ruth .

Just like any othe r man a do cto r o f medicine o r

, ,

p sycho -analyst o r alieni st might o r might not make

, ,

a s erviceable cri minologis t T hat will depend upon


his natu ral instin cts hi s instincts acqui red th rough


hi s touch with men a ff ai rs and bo oks hi s gifts a s a

, ,

leader and organize r and es sentially hi s ca p acity

, ,
98 C rimin al Types

t o create and maintain a refo rmative mill that auto

mat i c ally sepa rates wheat and chaff T hereof his

ability to ma rk mental concept and physical altera

ti on i s a po sitive a sset ; yet j ust an asset which will

change to a liability shall he make a fetich o f his

a sse t and wax purblind to bigger things .

Whatever the conclusions o f such as the p sycho

a nalyst a s t o the ultimate cau ses —neve r singular
c aus e a s some assert
— fo r the grand average o f the
imp ri s oned amelio ration o f thei r plight reduce s to

common sen se rather than t o uncommon knowledge

, .

It i s essentially info rming f o r instance if true

, , ,

that the etiology o f the eroti c neuro ses parti cul arly
ha rks ba ck t o pina fo re days ; that the s exual impres
sions o f ea rly childhood are pil ed u p i n th e cella r o f
the b rain there subconsci ou sly t o shape the sexual

manifestations o f the adult life o f the subj ect

unles s he enlists the aid o f the psy cho — an alys t t o
bring the deep -lying layers t o the surface and t o ,

lea d him t o rational thought and a ction It i s


“ ”
es sentially informing be cause i t i s in line with

co ordinate and consanguine contentions which crim

i n olo gi st s have dinned fo r long years into the publi c

c a r t o no t an i ble purp ose
g .

T h e keynote of the dinning has been that even a

budding bi rd — dog will take a lot of breaking o f t ri cks
t aught hi m when he wa s a puppy In puppyhoo d he

m ay be led engagingly t o lead and lo a f ; wherea s i f ,

allowed to hunt f reely to hi s no s e from c ertain o f his

100 C r i mi nal Ty pes

B y the s ame token the criminologist should be the


la st man to discourage ea rn est resea rch fo r better

means by which to unmask the causes for the c rim
inal and hi s crimes .

Th e c rimi nal a nd hi s cri mes root in the main in , ,

bad p ractice be come consecutively wors e p ra cti ce ,

finally fastened to him by the ever— tightening strap s

o f habit . When the refo rm atory gets him he u sually ,

bea rs the marks in mind bo dy and soul o f the pace, ,

that kills .

Palpably then the pri mal duty o f the reforma

, ,

tory i s t o strip fo r reformative a ction with the de

terminatio n to delete every influence from training
tha t is co nducive of the state o f mind the average lad
i s in when he is received by a refo rmato ry T he .

first duty o f the c riminologi st will be to impress the

newly -imp ri soned off ender that he will be held to
lend hi s volunta ry aid in ar resting his spu ri ou s p re
di sp ositions taken on either i n free or fo rmer p ri son


E ndles s variations o f predispo sitions to c ri minal

conduct conf ront the c riminol o gist ; but determina
tion t o be a nd remain at once part ly p redal p arasite ,

and p art ly all a round brutal spo rting bull cap s


them all ; indeed decision to horn in with spurious


spo rt smen and to breeze along a s sporting d rones


i n lowes t down spo rting company inclusive o f the ,

bawd commonly decides fo r the initial criminal a ct

, .

T herefore to lend emphasis t o the s p orting s ched

T he C ri mi n ologi s t 101

ule o f a p ris on is in itself mo st pernici ou s su gges

, ,

tion ; and further to cheat educative measures in

o rder to featu re spo r ting a ctivities subj ects spon

s ors o f that p ro cedure to unanswerable strictu re .

In such in stance it would be found that the ex

ami n ed had never be en purged of his
“ ”
puppy t ri ck s ;
that he stands athwa rt of a gr ea t and grave wo rk .

B ecaus e j udiciously p rescribed and executed ex er

cise in free ai r goes hand in hand wit h reformative
p ro ces ses the criminolo gist will see to it that all

su ffi ci en t o f it is acco rded pri soners Al s o he will


make sure that the p rison field of recreation i s not

deba sed to ground on which su ch a s t he rough

hous e disturber and a gitato r may influen ce the mass
to exp res s the like of his oblique thoughts and a cts .

And als o he will make it very plain that f ree hand


recreatio n in the refo rmative s cheme i s out of the

good hea rts o f the management and i s an i ncidental

thi ng ap art as compared with the social exacti ons


upo n p ri soners t o win c ardinal knowledge and skill .

T he reverse pro cedure has been quite the vo gu e in

many of Ame ri ca s houses of correction T here .

fore this p a ragraph ought to be pri nted in capitals

, .

N othing so o ff ends common sense a s does the

p ri son playhouse in normal times crowded wi th
. ,

ignorant un skilled criminous young men who can

, , ,

put thei r fingers on thei r sp orting dives a s charge

able with th ei r plight as p ri soners Burned i n the

baking by co rrosive spo rts they need above all els e

102 Cr i mi nal Types

t o get quit o f it and to put o n the habit o f i ndustry

, ,

both mental and physi cal .

“ ”
The habit will not he slipped o n C ounte r .

habit taken o n u sually from their first consciou s


thoughts will motivate them to sip of this and that ;


t o pla n f o r vari ety of employment wi thout rega rd

fo r bread winning results and thei r s ocial r ehab ili

t a t i on .

Here a t once th e brakes must be set down hard

, , ,

else thei r p ri son days wil l have been as rolli ng
” “ ”
stones that gather no moss Furt hermore a .

nearly perfect conduct reco rd will n ot a s a general ,

p roposition alter the case i n the least ; in fact the

, ,

lad who cunningly play s up to c onduct and down ,

to fun damental equipment is an int rinsi c fake r and , ,

should n o t be granted a p arole while he fakes .


Nothing sho rt o f the prisoner s consecutive c o n ’


cen t r a t ed endeavo r along industri al and a ssociated

lines ba cked by his will t o adj u st t o the free life


exa ction s upon him will serve either the State o r ,

L ay gentlemen and thei r j o ckeys within pri s on


confin es have f reely p res cribed nostrums o f reform


that a re diametri cally oppo sed to the i ntrinsic m ea n

ing of the p receding pa ragr aph .

Result ? Ask any chief of po lice o f any city i n

Ameri ca D o n ot a sk the d ream dru gged n o r thei r

retainers wh o will s w itch you o ff fo r a ballo oning


after chimera s in the mist swept cl ouds Just recall -


Of B ogy early -day champion telegrapher of

the United States it wa s alleged by thos e o f hi s


c raft : It s B ogy here Bogy there B ogy almos t

, ,

anywher e .

B les sed with an alert incisive brai n nat u rally ,

co ordinated with the quickest o f termi nal reflexes ,

“ ”
B ogy was drawn t o the key when even du p lex
telegraphy w a s a fa r-removed p ossibility Also he .
“ ”
wa s rated an electrician when the E lectri cal W orld
is sued a f o u rp age sh eet dotted with elementa ry dia
grams and analys es vulgar c raftsmen would n ow

p ronoun ce kindergarten stuff .

A s t o natu ral gifts i t i s p robable that T homas


A E di son hadn t a very great deal the edge o n B o gy



hi s contempo rary ; i ndeed if t radition is to be a o ,


ce t ed both when young were afflicted with an over

p , , ,

d ose o f inerti a though E di son e v en the n s pent


much o f hi s time dabbling with electri cal i n st ru

ments .

E dison so the tale run s stuck to the home base

, ,

and t o the dabbli ng until there was bo rn in hi m the


L i nks i n t he Chai n f Crime
o 105

d esire t o do something no other man had done and ,

to serve his fellowmen in the doing In due time the .

“ ”
inerti a gave pla ce t o a power of consecutive co n ,

c en t r a t ed eff ort matched but few times in the annals


o f human endeavor .

E dison finally reached the s t age where he blessed

wo rk and wa s blessed by it ; and to day when c ro w d -

— “
ing close t o fou r s core and ten W o rk i s wo rshi p
- ”-

wi th him and none need expect his app robatio n who


t rains the clo ck eye while measu ring c ommensu rat e


labo r with sa nd that has run .

B ogy struck with an instinctive dista ste fo r buck


li ng t o an d blo cking out result s agreeably with hi s

bulking gi fts and pe riodically by an engulfing wave

of wanderlust wouldn t plant himself a nd take ro ot



“ ” “
He could both send and receive fa ster than any ’

man on eart h H e wa s the best of fellows when


“ ” ’
lush ; but he couldn t control either the soles of
hi s feet o r the feet of hi s brain T herefore t was
, .

B ogy in Ameri ca i n April Canada in July E n g , ,

land in O ctober and Au strali a in D ecember

, .

B ogy the perso ni fication o f the aimles s senseles s

, ,

globe-trotter B ogy distributing hi s p recious b e


longin gs in bits about the globe B ogy sensing not .


the leas t of responsibility unto himself to man o r ,

hi s M aker t o properly exp ress p rincely attributes

, .

B ogy lighting like the butterfly here fo r a sip there

, ,

fo r a sip then making ta n gentially fo r o ther fields


and chea p sweets .

106 C ri mi nal Ty pes

W riting the autho r about B ogy E dis on related ,

I heard a funny o ne about B ogy : One day he

walked into the New Yo rk P roduce exchange and ,

going to the W U booth a sked the loan o f a dol . .

la r from the op erato r B ogy said I am B ogy ; have .

‘ ’
y o u never heard of me ? T he operato r s aid No ’

‘ ‘
W ell s ays B ogy you mu st be a helluv anoper a


t or .

T he last time the writer saw B ogy he wa s down ,

“ ”
and out unblushingly hitting hi s home friends fo r

petty largess e the bulk o f whi ch went fo r lager


beer hi s a rch enemy .

Jus t why did bee r p ois on B ogy s life ? B ecaus e ’

i t nailed him to envi ronment that in sidiously sapped

hi s manhood along with hi s mental and manual skill
, .

He shu ffle d from the subsc riber fo r the las t time a

nerv e shattered derelict
H e h ad cho sen o n e o f .

s c ores o f pikes over which young m en travel at a

pa ce that kills p ride i n worthy work .

It wa s n t in B ogy to take the final leap int o a life
o f c rime He was bigger than that a t hi s littlest

B esides he la cked nerve t o a ccept the gambler s

chance a t the game of p redation Fu rthe r hi s old .


friend s couldn t say o n e nay whos e p urse wa s open

“ ”
to all when a s h e put it he was in luck
, , .

B ut B o gies there are thous ands o f them who , , ,

given but an added dash o f degenerat e devilt ry are ,

d raw n a s n aturally t o criminal shoals a s nee dle t o

magnet ; sh oals many o f which break from a t rea ch
108 C r i mi na l Ty pes

The bitterness o f such meanes t o f wholesale

thi every consists in the fact that i t i s commonly
engi neered to the end tha t the thieves and their r e
t a in er s may flaunt brassy symbol s o f ill -gotten gain
i n the fa ces o f those whose bent backs are about all
that is left them to show fo r their having been the
pri mary p roducers o f those symbols .

T here s a faultles sly clothed and gro omed crook

’ -

whose s oft palm rea ches for what he knows t o be o f

value its w ei ght i n paper : the which he i s about to
exchange obli gi ngly fo r what he knows to be the bulk
o f a life s savi ngs wo n by patient toil against grea t


odd s
D own to the depths along with hi s dupe go the
, ,
“ ”
wife and children of th e poor fi sh T he man and .

hi s mate must retra ce retrench and take up the o ld

, ,

grind at a time when the inevi table toll takes of bo th

spiri t and flesh B ut what s a little thi ng like that

t o hi mwho must have hi s old wine young things and, ,

“ ”
dough with whi ch t o double hi s bets whi le he makes
the grand round s of the sp o rting sentry boxes ? T hi s
thinly veneered mulcting type o f parasite pi rouettes

“ ”
debo nairly over the sp aces o f the movie s creen ,

where h e takes u p his abode in the indisc riminating

hea rt s o f younglings .

“ ”
Watch that bull j owled promotor of th e pug

ugly sport — another typ e o f human cuckoo Get .

“ ”
the ghoulish glint in his eyes a s he s pills verna c
ular of the gutter telling an instinctively fine bu ckra
L i nks i n t he C hai n f Crime
o 109

“ ” “ ” ’
o f a boy what a chump he d be t o go o n playing

the mule a t produ ctive wo rk when he pa cks a ,

d ouble punch wi th which to land him in the midst of
easy Observe the wa r within the lad a s
be tween i nnate decency and i n a sense laudable de
, ,

“ ”
sire fo r the limelight and soft money .

Follo w the lad in the p rize ring six months later .

Note hi s unerring j udgment of distance ; hi s c on

t a i n edn ess and res ourcefulnes s under whirlwind a s
sault ; hi s chlo roforming blow held coolly for the

“ ”
opening he s eek s then delivered lightning-like to

the p a rt of the body o f his adversary he had be en

“ ”
patiently playing fo r ; s ee hi s battered bleeding , ,

and befu ddled foe borne from the ring suppo rted ,

“ ”
by hi s second s ; and then think o n high qualities
o f gamenes s and skill matched by a fine mentality

and pi ston -p ower an d reactio n of mus cle given over , ,

a s an o ccupation t o the spilling o f his brother s

blood fo r a pri ce a ccursed i n the sight of every go od


thing .

’ “ ”
Y o u couldn t mi s s the p ractical side kick of such
“ ” ’
as the professo r pug ; you couldn t from chu rch ,

portal t o the padded cell of a c onvict p ri son He s .

no low -down mixer with mud lark s —n ot he ! Should

you suggest such a thing he d bri stle and bark And


had you the t emeri ty t o propo se introductio n t o hi s

“ ”
sister o f even a pu gi listi c champ eon he d p robably ’

sink hi s mental teeth into you Agreeably with the


so cial car he avoids wa r of wo rd s over his M aker s


110 C ri mi na l T y pe
“ ”
edict : The meek shall i nherit the eath ; b u t by
nature he craves a ction of the kind that left the
Roman amphitheat re a stench in the nost rils o f a
dawning civilization suc h a s the Chris t envi saged .

And so you will find him enthusiastically back o f


“ ”
the kind o f Big B rothering o f B oys that pits mere
bantam s of kids agains t each other i n a b rutal
” “ ”
bout t o a finish .

The covered li e comes easy o f cou rse ; hence the

, ,

bestial business is euphemistically touted a s bo x

ing exhibitions ; boxing mark you that leaves a
, ,

pigmy o f a lad ou t and slash ed stretched senseless

, ,

fa ce do w nw a rd i w it h the blood trickling from hi s

n ose and ears t o the c anva s .

“ ”
P robably i n j ust one g o the lad had taken o n
external mark s that will s eriously handica p him fo r
all of his ea rt hly time ; very po ssibly he had suf
f e red intern al inj u ry that will ri se up along about
the medial line o f life and cu t hi m o ff and surely he

had bee n imbu ed with i nstincts which mo re than all,

other instincts impelled purblind mortals t o rush


for the late shambles a s f o r a barbecue .

S chool lads ruthles sly spill human blood fo r

amu sement and at the same time seek to establish

i n the souls o f men a pea ce that p as set h under

standing ? E very man who thinks beyond the tip
o f his nose knows that the two p ropositi ons a re pre

o st e r o u s l
p y a ntithetic ; that histo ri an s of the futu re
will have s o decla red them ; and that A lmight ly God
112 Cr i min al Type s

leaving the contende rs with hands clasped Such .

serve God in serving man .

At hi s w orst he will sh rink to the stature o f the


political man — o f all work

- -
His part it is t o veer

v otes to sui t his p aymasters What his i n s t ru


ments to hand ? A sk hi m since the p ri nt of a para


graph c a n encompas s but a modicum of his machina

tions .

F rom wa rd heeler to worshipful woman this sub ,

terran ean t ri ckster i s cha rged with selectio n o f t he

tool that will turn th e t ri ck .

T he instrument may take the form o f a c ras s

bid in coin o f the realm fo r such as marshalling o f

thugs to i ntimidate units o f the opp o sition at the
“ ”
polls and to lin e up flo aters ; o r to dig up de

t a ched m atter wri tten o r spoken by an opp onent ,

and s o garni sh and garble it a s to r ob i t of t he

meaning the original spokesman o r writer intended, ,

i t should convey ; o r t o shout from the house t op s

the minute detail s o f a natu ral fault bu ried fo r long,

yea rs under the statute of limitations a nd through ,

the off ender h avi ng t aken o n nobility o f soul afte r

having squa r ed the account in s o fa r a s it coul d

be squared ; o r to p ersist in a campaign o f slander

concerning allegations that had time and again be en
disc redited through due p ro cesses of unquestionable
resea rch ; o r t o stir up antago nisms o f clas s and
c reed tha t p ersist beyond the polls and further clo se

the eyes of single seeing partis ans and bi go ts I n

L i nks i n t he C ha i n f Cr i me
o 113

sho rt t o deal dirt daubed deuces from the bo ttom of


the political deck e en though by so doing he ou t


rages decency and revers es the G reat Pleader Who

, ,

cautioned s o often fo r charity i n human j udgments .

Who does not know the legal tri mmer who se be st

hold i s debasement of the trademark of his c raft ?
The basi c bo nes o f j u ri sp rudence and the ethics of

his profession alike make it mo rally incumbent upo n


a lawyer to see j ustice do n e — n o mo re no less T ru e

, .

the human mind i n all o f its functioning i s fallible .

T here will be honest diff erences o f interp retation a s

to what con stitutes j ustice agreeably wi th legal

lo re w ritten and t raditional ; but there c a n be n o


defen se of the shyster whose p ractice reduces mainly

t o attempts at derailing j ustice ; o f hi m who elect s to
eff ect inequi table exchange or to defeat the aims of

law f ramed to a ssure the commo n peace and secu rity .

B ecause le gi ons of spu rious p ra ctitioners the

country over lend themselves to greas e the going fo r
r ecidi vi sti c c riminals it i s largely that th e latter

take long and desperate chances they would no t dare

othe rwi se Th e reason gi ven also explains in p osi

tive pa rt why the Ameri can ma rauder i s flippan t ly

the most deadly of any of his ilk in the wo rld ; and
why he constantly mounts i nnumbe rs beyond thos e
o f any othe r nation .

T o the barterers o f the beb-a dged : t o those i n

t rusted with the pub-li e safety o n the fi rst lines o f
so cial defense it i s left t o lengthen the long odds
114 Cr imi n al Ty pes

yielded the criminal in hi s pu rsuit o f c rime Shame .

ful and hard t o tell a s i t i s of a body of men the

, ,

grand maj ority o f whom remain faithful t o their

o aths o f office i t i s neve rtheles s tru e that a con

s t a n t ly i ncrea sing percentage of active peace officers

o f cities of t h first class particula rly wink at penal

e ,

off enses n ot only but actually lock arms with felon


i ous off enders in the landing of all kinds o f unlawf u l

loot M oreover it i s by n o means exceptional f o r

p olicemen to hold c ri minou s club over the heads of

certai n o f ex pri soners who given a fai r fighting

“ ”
chanc e probably would have pulled st raight after

p aro le fr o m prison And moreover it has been


cha rged freely betimes established in courts o f l aw

, ,

that mora lly -debau ched C hieftains had impelled

police pawn s to u rge c riminals to greate r activity
i n the ga rnering o f tainted spoils in the divi sion o f ,

“ ”
which king pin grafters declared themselve s in

f o r the lion s share ’


A nd then as if to bind the whole nefari ous busi


ness sel f nominated lay reformers with itch fo r


place a nd p orti on o r fo r specific power and cont rol

, ,

o r f o r a chea popu l a r ity with prisoners or to be

p ,

cited a s bellwethers o f refo rm o r from j ust o rnery ,

ign o ran ce couldn t rest satisfied until they had de


let ed from reformative measu res next to the last o f

di re ctive virtue ; and from the c ommi ssion o f crime ,

d rawn all but the sterile stin g of consequence T hi s .


i n the fi rst instance throu gh s o o rdering edu cat ive

116 Cri mi nal Ty pes

mi racles o f refo rm ; yet had all o f thei r magi c been

combined and used to the height o f its power it
, ,

wouldn t have made so much as a dent i n case ha rd

’ -

ened crime ; it wouldn t becau se nothing less than

all around p reparedness to put o ff c rime will make


a dent in c ri me ; and that s exa ctly wha t ou r friends
have maneuvred to kill i s the ability of singula rly

needy fellows to upstand in their o w n shoes and make

an honest living .

B aseball c rowned King ! B rutalities named t o co n

ceal thei r int rin si c cu rse ! B anal amusements still
adj ust ed to the hands and minds of nearly c o nfi rmed -

so cial slackers ! Pe rqui sites stret ched to the p oint

of p arting comp any with comm on sense ! Favo ritis m
bestowed where it would sup po sedly ca rry fo r the
greates t advert ising p ower in free life ! Gros s c rim
i n als naturally o f the ground ho g type and the

nucleus of crime p racti cally left either to s hi ft f o r


themselves o r smugly passed up to others fo r solu


tion o f thei r pitiable p roblems ! The gauge o f r e

fo rmative eff ort regulated to the degenerate rea o
tions o f instinctive social wolves at the expense o f ,

thei r sore needs ! And all done as if done from the

peak o f the hill o f finite prescience ; i n ve ry fa ct ,

with gratuitous dis regard o f all o f human ex peri

“ ”
ence not seen fro m that hy po t h et ci al hill .

In relation thereto th e c ru cial p oints a re : t ru e


cri minal s think substantially in the same measu res

a s the writer wri tes ; doing it habituals have done
L ink s i n t he C ha i n o f Cri me 117

precisely wha t habituals naturally w ould do in the

circumst an ce whi ch i s t o say : they have ground

gris t bagged to thei r liking and brought to thei r

mi ll and by the same token they have moved a s o n e
, ,

to refus e millings that didn t mate with their ma ’

chin a t i o n s .

Not a whit of fals e suggestion an item of spu riou s ,

method a camouflaged lie an iota of bad example

, , ,

no r a denatu red piece of deviltry ha s been lo st upon ,

any but the lea st intelligent o f lawbreakers ; and

even they must have had veiled minds i ndeed not ,

t o have understo od .

In line wi th ea sy buttering of bread and the going

pres sure fo r banal b y play in pri son life c riminals

and ex cri mi nals alike have outraged truth in o rder


to disc redit men who had wi shed them well and had ,

a cted the part ; but whether in the r file o f the dis

po sses sed o r disp os sessing a ctual criminals have ,

never fo r a moment stepped out of cadence with the

ca rdinal motif which has been to bamboozle the

blinkered : swallow tail criminologi sts preferred b e


cau s e they a re the easiest to gull .

Some have been gulled because a co mprehensive

understanding o f that which builds to gi ven crim
i n als and then to thei r progressively se ri ou s c rimes
, ,

h as been st rangest to thei r stri ving Others have .

been rendered single seeing th rough obsessional u s e


o f the mono cula r lens given ove r t o p roo f of the


p resuppo sition Still others must have hu shed con

l 18 Criminal T y p es

v i c t io n
i n o rder to meet thi s o r that material c o n
sideratio n .

And c ertain o f a ctive wo rkers i n the work must

have ridden as j ockeys to o rders under false colo rs ,

since the inescapable exactions o f refo rmative en

deav or cannot be misread by a ny tyro who will take
a good look .

Hen ce i t comes about that the cri me p roblem wo rk s

o u t substantially like this : multiply the congenital

p redispo sition o f the ave rage c riminal to c ommit

crime by the sum o f the direct a nd indi rect bids

made fo r him t o do s o and yo u a ccount naturally


f o r the present c a rous al o f c rime in the United

States engineered in the main by habitual
, , ,

c riminals .

Pounding o n su ch a s the a ftermath o f the W o rld

W a r a s a cute caus e f o r c rime does n t be gi n t o pick

t o the bone Ameri ca had outfooted the civi li zed


world a t breeding and nu rsing c riminals long before ,

the p ro spect o f a fo reign wa r had seeped into the

national consciou sness .

N o doubt cert ain o f the legions o f ex-c riminals


wh o sieved int o the nati onal fo rces here and ab road

, ,

fo r that wa r were therefo re emboldened to take up


th e swing a round the criminal ci rcle at the comple

tio n o f that service ; but if t ru e that were a mere

fl a sh in the pan a s compa re d with the daily grand

t otal o f c ri me committed i n continental Ameri ca .

I f we a re to catch up with crime and come u p

12 0 C rimi nal Ty pe s

fi nin g home brew habituals a nd kee p ing th em con


fined .

Secondly beg in instruction fo r a co mmon vi rtu e


where children take o n bents fo r thi nking and doing

at matu rity ; which i s to say : at the hea rths and in ,

the public schools o f the land .

S o much being admitted it foll ows with und e

, ,

ni able fo rce that the fi rst lo gi cal step in p oint t o


be taken by Ameri ca should be re establishment o f


mo ral instruction in the public s cho ols .

T hereof Ameri ca wa s steered and steers fo r t he

, ,

ro cks ; f o r Just a s the twig is be nt the tr ee s in
, ,

clin ed .

Chamoi s skin i s softest o f leather made o f the skin


o f the chamoi s .

The chamoi s abides o n the loftiest ri dges o f the

Alp s and Pyrenees Roaming those mountains he

employs unusual keennes s and scop e of vi sio n and ,

displays singula r agility i n leaping from c rag to

c rag on which he lands n on-skid di ng hoofs O ther
, .

wise the little climber s means of defense are n egli


g ib le While
. fl eet o f foot he i s at the, mercy in ,

thei r domain o f long toothed hunters endowed wit h


the great er cunning a nd stamina .

S imiles mi s s th e chamois skin crimin olo gi st solely


by the fact of c riminological stunt s he essays bu t ,

cannot manage Undi smayed by finite limitations


he da res the highest peaks of vi sion f rom which he ,

a ff ects t o t rain all seeing eyes ; springs nimbly from


height to height in the mists o f theo ry ; rates them

purblind mo rtal s who dwell o n the common plan e
below ; and comes croppe rs in attempt to p res cribe
fo r fellow unfortunates who must needs w o rk o u t

life s p roblem s clo s e to the p ra ctical level .

12 1
12 2 Crimi nal Types

A further att ribute o f the chamois ski n i s its -

sp onge like capacity for absorption

It has a .

vo ra cious maw fo r either o il o r water and does its ,

best to combi ne them Here again the p arallel

, ,

persists B e the idea mixtu re o f reform never s o i m


p ossible the mind o f the chamoi s skin c riminolo gist

soak s i t i n while he waxes co cksu r e o f his call to


euchre na t ure with it at t he game o f synthesis .

T hereto hangs a sometime ludi crous sometime ,

t ragic tale It i s ludic rous out of idiosyncrati c c on


c e t i o n s of being and doing which o u t fanta sy fan -

tasy ; and it i s t ragic wh en the barren result is p re

dicted by r eactive laws that can neither be shunted

no r denied M oreover the more biza rre while b e
, ,

deviled the dream stu ff the more certain i s the

, ,

chamoi s skin cri minolo gi s t that it should abide an


a ction pattern i n the brains o f the crime ri dden -


The idea may be that o f an aesthete who is beyond

suspicion o f motive other than t o serve hi s kind yet ,

be cha rged with the most malignant of anti social -

germs T ake a ca se based cardinally o n such an


idea : a s at present p res sed i t i s that it i s the fi rst


duty o f the State to so provide f o r the ca refree

recreation an d amusement o f recidivistic felons a s ,

to wi n thei r unqualified approval o f that p rovi sion .

In other words the c o rrectional salve i s bad medi


cine i f it i s not sprea d t o the instinctive reacti ons

of many -times c onvicted fel ons .

No mat t er what thei r natural and a cquired handi

12 4 Crimi nal Ty pes

that he will n ot suff er the death penalty ? E ssen

t i ally would you if you pictured him in p r i son carry

ing o ff the r ole o f o n e unde r undue dures s backed ,

by would -be be llwethe rs of refo rm who p lay u p to


his dep raved instincts and down to the security o f


the commonwealth ?
C ertainly an agent o f th e law shoul d execute the
law even unto the end else yield his shi eld S till
, , .

guardians of the peace a re n o t supermen but j us t ,

humans swayed with the great bulk of thei r brothers


by impulse t o protect those dea r to and dependent

upon them .

However the gran d maj ori ty o f p ea ce office r s


would consummate unde r thei r oaths i f s o ciety

wouldn t maintai n o dds all along the line so close to


p rohibitive in favo r o f the mu rderous p arasit e S o .

long as that i s done both in and o u t of p ri s on so long

, ,

will tho se in the first line o f public defense fight shy o f

the final alternative ; and s o long will the ratio o f
app rehended murderers go down instead o f up , .

And why not wh en y o u cu t to the heart o f it ?


Why expect a man t o leave the wife to grub fo r go od

kiddies to the end that ps eudo reformers may cha se

chimera s in the clouds while they speed by— choic e


c riminal s fo r the abys s ?

Yet it i s done though in the doing p otential v i c

tims know that one o f the cho sen lays o f the cham
o i s s k in ch arlatan i s to imbu e c ras s criminals wit h

contempt fo r the badge o f autho ri ty ; indeed with ,

C hamois —
S ki n Cr i min olog i s t s 12 5

contempt fo r any vi sible si gn that i s n ot shaped to

the frayed garments of his mind pendant hung w ith

n on reformative pi ffle

The average habitual would earn the moron s

tag s o flipp an t ly atta ched to him did he n o t v o c i f er

ate f o r those who read the refo rm ca rds a s he would

have them read With everything to gain thereby he

pla ns t o gain and with naught to los e sav e that


which he spurns he would be a near dunce indeed

, ,

should he cro s s the bids of him who abets hi s oblique

selection s .

M ake actual s oundings for motives and it is ,

clearly understandable why self determining c rim -

i n als would putter and play ball in p ri son while r e ,

fusing enhanced knowledge and skill In very fact .


ulte ri or designs are inevitably adumbrated in con

st a n t ly loweri ng industri al and a ss oci ated averages .

B ecause t he kind o f getting along in question in

volves fateful comp romise with a certain clas s of
felo ns i t i s that they always co nstitute the nucleus

o f c rime in America Henc e it i s t oo that j ust

, ,

thos e prisons wh ose press agents push it along in

“ ”
p ri nt a s to how mi raculously they get along with

thei r cha rges a re j us t the prisons wherein indus

t ri al and as so ciated averages a re lowest o f the
low .

How could it be othe rwi se when the primal duty

o f a correctional plant is to fix i t firmly i n minds

trained o n the counterv iew that the individual mus t

12 6 Cr imin al Types

shift to get along wit h the State o r be bru shed ,

a side The immediate mandate i s doubly binding a t


a time when the hand o f A narch rests heavily o n the

peoples o f earth albeit that i s but a passing phas e

o f mob hysteria fo r whi ch natural la w s mus t eff ec t


a cure i f man does not

, .

W ith pri son methods it is essentially diff erent .

T hereof it i s mo st unfortunately within the p ower o f

the miscalled and misguided to put the p ri son finish
o n the p redal felon and thus penalize him so plainly

a s to leave him ba rely a fighting chan ce fo r so cial

reinstatement .

The average employe r ca res not a roubl e about

p ropaganda p araded in the limelight by chamois
skin c ri minologists other than that mental gyra

tions have naught t o d o with the hand -tool a nd othe r

p ro cesses o f t raining that a re at once broadly educa
tive He does and must fi rst o f all p rotect his tri al
, ,

balance M o stly he ha s a h eart al so h e has t o


watch o u t fo r the leaks ; and s o the bars o f hi s mind

shut out the unskilled crime tainted rou stabout who

i s p robably a n in stinctive agitato r fo r an unfai r

d ay s work and pay T herefo re the pitiable plight

o f many would b e— decent ex -convicts o n p arole who

go han g up against the ba rs .

T he practical deadlock established as between the ,

deserving f ew and the self— protecting many i s prim ,

a ri ly the fault neithe r o f the employer w ho has been

t he vi cti m of so much of basest in ratitude no r o f

g ,
12 8 Cr i mi nal Types

by hi s lame dashes of p ri son endeavo r plu s a few ,

pats o n hi s back .

T he c ra sh comes when the ex convict t ri es to ma r


ket a modicum of cheap skill taken o n in prison .

A side from the fact that crime free j ou rneyme n -

mechani cs work grud gi ngly with the c rime brand ed -


he has nothing comman ding t o o ff er when and where

p rocesses of elimination follow natural grooves .

T herefo re he i s tu rn ed down agai n and again u ntil

he tu rn s up incorri gibly embittered befo re a commit
ting magistrate with his hea rt d rawn to contempt

fo r pri son -a cqui red c ounterfeit of skill that b rought

him no be tter than gi b es and refusals .

T hinking o n it how criminologi cal punters helped

cha rt his c ri minal course doesn t salve the so cial ’

wounds of the c rowded out derelict no r does it ease


hi s ch roni c grouch against the s ocial stru ctu re ; it

doesn t p rimari ly becau se he i s quite su rely a self

, ,

centered egoist who holds himsel f cheated by

gentlemen who s chooled him a fter his o w n belief

t o the e ff ect that the world owes him eas y

When the pi ckin reduces to the likes o f the
pi ck ou r man sta nds at the pa rting of the ways

with his j aws set B eing what h e i s placed a s he


i s and thinking a s he thinks h e n atu rally envi sages

, ,

su ch as the burglar s outfit as mean s by which he

“ ”
c an squa re him self A s he senses it s ociety has

“ ”
held him up ruthlessly All ri ght then hands u p
, ,
C ha moi s -Sk in C ri mi no logi s t s 12 9

i t i s ; an d be quick about it o r brave the ba rk o f ,

his automatic .

T here he i s the u sual sum of him a s born rais ed

, , , ,

environed a nd in stitutionalized .

W h at s to be done about it ? Since so ciety ha s

had a hand i n th e unmaking o f him at every step o f

hi s ca reer from hi s firs t con scious thought what ha s ,

s ociety to p ropo se that will und o at leas t i n p a rt , ,

“ ”
the ha rm done to him W h at the c riminolo gi cal

“ ”
tyro would ask is the remedy ? ,

Well the re i sn t any one remedy T here i s not


, , .

through fi nite m eans on earth He now p resents .

the complex o f c omplexes a sou red instinctively ,

degenerate despe rate man wh o educes that h e ha s

, ,

“ ”
bee n double c ross ed by so ciety all o f the way a n d

who sma rts under the sting o f so cial anathema ; fo r

“ ”
he too ha s a hea rt though it may be hidden from
, , ,

the common view under crooked curves Above all .


he want s no more o f t os sed donatives with thei r false

promis e of the bon bons o f life to be snat ched out

o f t h e air .He fu rther indul ges s elf pity with the

belief that so ciety aims to keep him outlawed T here .

fo re h e elects to let it go at that — and t h e quicker

trigger finger .

Wh erea s commo n sense co rrectional mea sures ap


plied i n time and p ro secuted along educational lines ,

might well have pointed him for honest money he ,

must n ow be met with the mailed fist Firs t o ff .


there is nothing fo r it but to o pp o se the cumulativ e

13 0 C r i mi nal Ty pes

fo rce the commo nwealth to the vintage a hyena


i zed anti so cial unit w ould brew

- Going about it .

the firs t necessa ry step i s to set the brakes down ha rd

o n spurious guardian s of the peace cold shut poli -

t i ci a n s and p seudo penologists who use him to line


their purses T hen follow up substantially like this


1 ) M ake th e commitment fit him C ommit him .

t o the penal ins titution that squares with his cla ssi
fi c a t i o n a s a criminal B ar him essentially from
, ,

Simon -pure reformato ri es mann ed and equipped to


se rve fi rst -off ending felon s T hat involves the estab


li shmen t o f a centralized clea ri ng bureau of anthro

o met ry to whi ch any m a gi strate in the United
Stat es could refe r for informatio n as t o the back
wa rd trail o f a convicted felon before him fo r s en
tence L ack o f such a bu reau constitutes the weak

es t link in the chain o f Ameri can j uri sprudence .

“ ”
( 2 ) If he i s othe r than an habitual so sen ,

te h eed and having committed him to a pri s on of la st


resort where he belongs hold him there until he

, ,

shall have given fairly-presumptive eviden ce o f hi s

determination to make an honest living To such .

an end hi s sentence must needs be stri ctly i ndet er


minate and hi s parole contingent upon the manne r


in which he reacts t o fundamental refo rmative p ro

ce sses . Pa rticularly hi s trade ma rkings will tell

reliably a s t o whether o r not he is set fo r so cial

rehabilitation If tho se markings pe rsist at the ih

di ff erent p oint o f percentage he is int rinsically ,

13 2 Cri min al T gpes

plainly term it punishment ad v i sedly dev i sed to,

“ ’
b ring i t home to the p redato ry brute that comin
a sh ooti n ’
fo r another s b elongings does not earn

“ ”
him sleepin time i n a prison wherein he ca n i n

dulge spo rting pedilec t io n s fo r him accurs ed ; and

wherein the re i s No ( actually reformative ) work ,

plenty o f cat s and a bum a rgument eve ry minute
, .

S ave fo r ou r addi tion i n p a renthesi s the abov e

quoted phra se i s that o f a m any —

o ff ense criminal w ho
picked and chose while confined i n what he en t hu
“ ”
s i a st i c a ll called s ome j oint and what the cult
y ,

— “
chamoi s skin refe r to a s a model get along r ef o r ,

mat o ry fo r advan ced felons .

“ ”
T he message wa s mailed t o a pal who with , ,

the penman was convicted o f knocking down a


d runken sailo r w it h a slun g shot beating him into


insensibility and st ripping him of hi s money and


“ ”
valuables in f ront of N o 9 Bowery New Yo rk .

C ity .

The wo rds of the mes sage mix to a perfect broth .

Th ey adumbrate instituti onal fa rce made o f the man

dat o ry predicates o f penal law through marking ,

time to the mental meanderings o f chamois skin c ri m -

i n olo gi st s .

( 4 ) So o rder p ri son régimes that they sha ll serv e

the commonwealth and should se r ve the pri soner ;

se r ve the commonwealth by enforcing penal codes

written p rimarily to p revent c rime but which su ch ,

a s the murde rous recidivi st make it necessary to make

C I mmozs-S k ifn C ri min ologi s t s

13 3

rep res sive for the pro tection of society ; and serve
the pris one r th rough a ff o rding him every sane chance
t o fo rge ahead and fac e life squ arely .

In the proces s heaping rep risal should be relig


i o u sly refused as les s defensible than the reverse .

Petty penalties that i s sue against p erfectly natu ral

while harmless ex pres sions a re essentially baneful
, .

T o begin with we have t o unset anti so cial j aws


We may be able to do that big thing if we go about

i t like manly men realizing that everything in life

i s relati v e ; an d that a fellow may have tri cked him

self into crime yet be fa r from a b y choi ce crim

“ ”
inal Po sitively we shall not do s o with a billy

and billingsgat e Neither can we coddle and pad a


ma n to reform ation T hat will ensue up on nothing


les s than his changed habi t of thought and actio n ;

and that will usually i niti ate if a t all o u t o f a c
, '

qui red knowledge and skill from whi ch t o build o r


rebuild s elf -respect .

( )
5 M a n co rrectional institutions throughout
with men whose ch ara cters a re una ssailable w h o ,

ex ample and suggest only t hat which i s ab ove r e

pro a ch who are n aturally fitted to discourage the

o ff ense with out di scoura ging the off ender and who ,

i nstinctively dive deeply fo r compassion ; but who ,

“ ”
cannot be fak ed readily by criminal cunning n o r ,

b rought to a compromise with it .

B etween such men and flippa n t goo d —“

who set s ail fo r untroubled wate rs and the lum p sum ;
13 4 Cri mi na l Types

also between su c h men and soulles s politicians w ho

gamble with dice lo aded with human hearts drive ,

wed ges that t ri fler s and s t ri ck st er s cannot loosen .

( )
6 It will re ay the S tates
p handsomely
, to es ,

t ab li sh criminol ogical s cho ols basically equipped fo r

practical instruction backed by elementa ry courses

i n anthropology and mental therapeutics T he chi efs .

o f sta ff s o f such s chools should be men well ad

v a n c ed in yea rs and o f p roven wo rt h which comp re

hends the p ra ctic e and theory o f a wo rk great and

grave as any to whi ch man l ends hand and brain .

“ ”
T hey should be well advanced in years because ,

o n e must have dealt fi rst hand in their midst f o r the

better pa rt of a life time with t rue criminals ere he

shall have dug to thei r ulteri o r designs and vis
i o n ed their mo re refined c rooks and curv es .

C hoic e of chiefs o f sta ff s should be a r but inci

dental relation to diploma s — medical o r other W hile .

ability to p res cri be fo r a prisone r physically o r t o ,

p robe him psychol ogically is a valuable asset i t

, ,

d oes not by any manner of means p ostulate the

, ,

statu re o f an all— ur
p p o s e cri mi nolo g ist .

F or example : a graduated general pr a ct i ci o ner

and p sychi c expert holds two blocks o f the refo rm
py ra mid ; yet only two neither of which i s the key

blo ck T hat do es not reside in ability to tell o f


the bo nes o f the human frame no r to trace t o sub


c onscious impulsion ; but i n capa city to fit all the

blocks of a deli cately poised structure and make
13 6 Cri mi nal T y pes

What p rison refo rm cries o u t fo r i s co rrectional

heads who c a n build a nd maintain a r egime that will
i nspi re thei r cha rges to do things and to w a! nt to ,

d o them B uilding specializing should be left to


staff specialists ; general management to general

efficiency that compasses the full practical reform a ,

tive field Such heads had of course made it a

, ,

pa rt o f their business t o be able t o box at the least , ,

the specific theo retical compass .

Heads o f depart ments o f the s chools in questi on

shoul d have had no t les s tha n two years o f ex peri
e nce somewhere o n t he firing line o f refo rm ; if more

tha n that all the better , .

The course fo r students should be an intensive

o nb say six months— calculated to file o ff the
rough edges o f the tyro and to clas sify him As i t
, .

i s now be ginners who set in the game o f penology


must pass through the shuttle cock p e ri od o f appr en


t i ceship during which the crimi nal c rew ply the bat

t ledo o r and dis ciplina ry o fficers a re besieged with


banal o ff ens es that a re catching .

Having pas s ed rel atively simpl e final exa mi na

tions graduated students should bea r with them

w ri tten attest s o f that fa ct The p ersonal equation


should c ount app reci ably at such examinations .

E ither palpable o r demo nstrated u n fi t n e s s should

ba r an applicant from refo rm work .

The State c ould well aff o rd t o balance tuition

and maintenance against the time spent by its pupil s
Chamo is-S ki n C ri min o logi s t s 13 7

at elementa ry p repa ration f o r fundamental eu

deav or i n its servi ce .

( )
6 E stablish Houses o f Reception fo r fi r s t -o f

fending and circumstantial felons awaiting trial a nd

transfe r an d o fficer tho se houses i n s o far as may
, ,

be a s to subordinate po sitions with graduate s o f ,

cri minologi cal s chools The hous es should be


o rderly systematic sanita ry hou ses given over to

, , ,

pra cticable w ork body building exe rci ses the sin

gle room system classificatio n o f inmates by roo m


blo ck s a s w ell a s a t recreation by characte r a nd t o


all a round di scipline sufficiently strict t o impress

bud di ng lawbreakers a t onc e with the fa ct th a t the
co st of lawbreaking mount s t o practical c o nfi sc a
tion .

T husly we should hol d o ff the habitual from the

o ccasio nal o ff ender and a ff o rd nea r neophyt es the

chanc e to b ru sh elbows with and s t u dy c rimin als ,


in the making
, .

T hereafter pro spective offi cers in the making


sho u ld b e advanced to such co rrectional institutions

a s the qual ity of them and thei r attainment under

p reliminary in stru ctio n and experience would war ,

rant And thu sly we should have p risons of last


resort manned as they should be with serious

, ,

minded o fficers equipped to serve the State by serv

ing obliquely thinking underdogs

( 7) C reate the o ffi ce of Inspecto r General o f S tate -

Correctional Institutions M ake the po siti on ap

13 8 Cri mi nal Types

o i n t iv eby the G overno r and the incumb e nt o f i t

p ,

a n ex o ffi ci o adviso ry member o f boa rds and commis


sions that a re clas sed under penal and correctional

heads .

T he app ointment should be stri ctly n o n -

partisan ,

a nd the appointee one who had forged hi s way up

from the ground in the work won deserved di st in c

tio n doing it and who therefo re could not be tricked


by high s ounding va gari es surfa ce p racticability

, ,

o r subterranean machinations .

Am ong other things such a man would sea rch o u t


conflicting a ctivities ; compa rative inactivities ; u n

balanc e o f parts ; overlapping p ositions ; o v e rem ~

p h a si ze d and u nderemphasized discipline ; too much

o f horse-play i rratio nally presc ribed ; n o t enough of

recreation to a rational end ; false classification of

inmates i n falsely appointed apartments ; defective

hygiene and sanita tion ; waste o f potential and o f

mat erial whatsoever inclusive of food and its values ;

“ ”
and the cri minol ogi cal faker who shifts to line
his purs e and t o partake o f a cheap noto riety ,

while he blinds the publi c eye with impish plati

tudes .

T he Insp ecto r General would o f cou rse a c t a s , ,

first criminological aid t o the Gove r no r by whom he ,

would be gui ded p ractically He should be a help


not a hindrance to the s aid boards and commissions ,

and should sit with th em o n request i n advis ory

, ,

capa ci ty when rea sonably p ossible Als o specifi c .

14 0 Cri mi nal Ty pe s

thei r ph ra sing o f such a s uncons ci ou s i n t en t be


fore i t will carry to conviction i n full .

In th e final analysis rational refo rm endeavo r


r educes t o the common terms and tread of a work-a

day world .

B ut kernels of c riminol ogi cal thought c an be co n

t a in ed in a thin volume . A bulking book could be
written alone o n when and why p ri son dis cipline takes
o n a cutting edge , and when and why it sheds virtue
and veers to wors e th an u seless rest raint o r r est ri c
ti on .

It will be well i f this chapter s erves t o warn es p e

c i ally again st the W allingfo rd o f re form becaus e :

he i s either a fetich st ruck visiona ry o r an ego


c entri c cheat.

We a re be ri a de n by

ex ces s ro
p p h et s .

Was hing t on S t ar .

Natu re builds some men bigger than any o ffice o r

title Theodore Ro osevelt wa s su ch a man who se

wont it was t o coin cutting saws such a s The ,

shots that hit are t he shots that count .

T aken f o r what it wa s meant to convey that epi ,

gram n eeds no champion ; yet the i mplied negative

o f it may o r may not hold water T hat will depend

upon the ratio of hit s t o misses .

M is sed shots prolong conflict multi ply f at alt ies

, ,

and pile u p huge wa ste o f the materials of wa r .

H ence l argely the staggering toll taken by the

, ,

World Wa r in p riceles s young manhood and o f the ,

going resources of the n ations engaged .

It goes withou t sayin g that a fighting force must

be a n expert fo rce i n the care and us e of the to ols
i t employs ; but that i s of the p rima ry exactions .

The ma ster key to v i ctory alike i n busines s and


battle i s moulded o f leadership ; leadership that


14 1
142 Cri mi nal Ty pes

envisages th e tactical machi ne made up o f units o f

balanced efficiency .

T he Ameri can milita ry system essentially does and

must presuppo se the squad leader t o be a s efficien t
in his d omain a s i s the commanding general in his

Indeed an American army made up o f prime pri


vates a nd the m ore petty leaders might p ound

, ,

through in a pinch even though faultily disposed

, ,

be times by the be starred and b e silv er ed ; wherea s ,

unde r the reverse circumstan ce it would almost c er ,

t ai nly suffer defeat a t the hands o f an evenly

scho oled fo e .

B ut a properly t rained led and serv ed army , ,

would not necessari ly cl ose a given ca se A ssume .

such an army at poi nts o n the field with an inferio r

enemy and the hazard might still be settled by

swivel chair soldiers a s it very nearly wa s in the


Wa r o f the Rebellion ; also very nea rly wa s by

round-table st rategists who insisted that Foch should
keep his general reserves massed where he knew he
could not u se them to advantage a s he had plan nd , ,

to pummel the German divi sions piled up in a close ,

po cket where they were glaringly open to raking


flank fi re .

Fo rtunately t hat is sue wa s settled by the pur


blind German General Staff whi ch w as so obses s ed


by the idea o f the specta cula r captu re o f Pa ri s that ,

it could not see Amiens ; Amiens seen at the time ,

by all o f the Allied leaders a s plainly the obj ective

14 4 Cr i mi nal Ty p es

restrained from going the limit and the ruthless ,

blo od spiller whom fea r of punishment eternal do es


not feaze M onst ro sities o ccu r in all forms o f ani


mal life When the monstrous human st rikes he


must be st ruck a ccordingly .

M oreover before we rea ch final conclusions we

, ,

must know the order and o rderi ng o f our deterrence ;

must know i t up th rough the gamut o f the a pprehen
sion the convi ction a nd the sentence o f lawbreakers
, , ,

a n d then th rough the gamut o f thei r prison a c t iv i


False procedure a s to any one o f the fou r pro

ces ses named will invalidat e any general stat ement
o f negation concerning the effi ci en ce o f punishment

for c rime P rocedu re in Ameri ca ha s been fals e in


every named pa rticula r T herefore th e actual ef


fe et of j u st and nec essary legal punishment fo r

crime cannot have been decla red .

M uch of c rude guesswo rk has be en exploited by

single— s eeing fetichi sts o f o ne o r another kidney ;
but cardinal facts have remained hidden from such ,

fo r t he very go od rea son that to uncover those facts

requires hard digging st rangest t o their striving .

When we shall have caugh t ou r thieves a s surely

a s C anad a catches hers ; then fitted the punishment
to the off ens e ; then fitted the i nstitution t o th e
off ender and the off ende r to the institution will be
, ,

time enough to place stricture on punishment values .

At a time when and in a country wh e re the mu r

, ,
“ ”
Ex c es s P roph et s 14 5

derons fo otpad knows the chances a re three to o ne

against his being brought t o t rial ; ten t o one
against his sentence to li fe impri sonment ; eighty to
o n e that he will not su ff er th e death p enalty ; an d

tha t the all around odds are nea rly p rohibitive a s


against the p ractical application both in and o u t of ,

pri son o f the lea st elastic p redicates o f penal codes


i t i s shee r gratuitous dilettantism to allege that pun

i shmen t o f crime in America do esn t punish .


How c a n legal punishment punish if only about ,

five shots i n the hundre d of i t hit so as t o hurt ?

Here again The shots tha t ( miss ) a re the sh ots
, ,

that c ount ; and that would still be t ru e if c rim
i n als were favo red o nly by so muc h a s the gambler s

throw ; in fact they woul d continu e to j ump a t an


even chance to outmaneuve r agents o f the law Why .

n ot ?
E xh ibit N o 2 o ff ered by a highly -paid co rre

s o n de n t o f a C hicago newspaper is fully a s i n

p ,

“ ”
fo rming a s a re our minister s conclus i ons ’

T here never wa s a time when theft wa s considered

p roper .

F rom 3 2 3 to 3 5 4 B C Spartan youth were mos t

. .

ca refully s cho oled by S tate agents i n promis cuous

sneak thievery Petty thieving by th e lads of G reece

wa s then considered a necessary accomplishment .

M ore than that the boy who came back empty


handed from a fo ra ging expedition , w as brutall y

p unished ,
even unto death ,
14 6 C rimi na l Ty pes

With german e facts of comparatively recent hi s

“ ” ’
tory in mind the co rrespondent probably would n t

have be en guilty of a ssertio n so gro ssly incorrect ;

yet the fa ct remains that lo osest of declaration ha s
fo r long yea rs been employed by a certain clas s o f
writers in furtherance o f impish itch fo r cheap if
, ,

ephemeral prominence .

Furthermore fo r a S tate directly to put limited


s tamp s o f approval o n its young thieves as did the ,

a gents of L ycu rgus would be but one o f many way s


by which t o establish them ; in very t ruth th e i n ,

direct method o f doing so is hands over the mos t

perniciou s and far reaching method

T he most expeditiou s anti s ocial j ob o f the latte r


kind i s done as it i s being d one th e country over i n

the United States ; whi ch i s to say : maim th e crim
inal law until it goes on cru tches and at the same

time o rder p ri son regi mes t o square with the i n st in c

tive reactions o f lawbreakers T hat i s to play bo th

ends against the public security ; and that i s p re

ci sely the condition with which the Ameri can p eople

a re confronted .

T o tal e o ff a summ ary o f associated influen ces

would c rowd a bulking volume Als o it would yield

what m ostly wa sted eff ort yields since Ameri ,

cans have been fully cognizant of the constantly

widening c racks in the national stru cture a s well a s ,

o f th e m anner i n which those openings have been

eff ected
14 8 C ri mi nal Ty pes

fond of s eeing the blo od flow ; but I j ust dat e o n

d raws .

When the f emme de ri ng sh all have wo rmed her

self a bit further into the mysteries of the roped

a rena she will be bally well fed up with draws

“ ”
the maj o rity o f which are c rooked in o rder t o
“ ”
coin ea sy money . Al so she will likely transmi t

t o her brood the instinct to shunt p roducti v e work

and tea r things .

He knows fattened money hogs shoulde r to ba r


the way t o t he money -trough where they pile fat


o n fat .

He know s o f the cheap flin gs o f the charlatan ; o f

th e ru thlessly lawles s rea ch o f the radical labor
leader ; o f the rotten bases from which the b eb adged
a re frequently forc ed t o work ; of the political chi
c an e r
y by which the sting is drawn on the o n e hand

from the edicts of upright j udges : and o n th e other

hand— if much les s f requently yet frequently enough
—written into the edicts o f legal agents whom the
ermin e but d rapes .

H e knows all and more and sundry ; yet he will

, ,

not s o much as step t o the primary and regi ste r his

vote against the nefa ri ous comb ination .

S h all the load be fastened to hi s back he will ,

have non e bu t himself to blame Hundred s o f voices


h ave for long yea rs dinged i nto hi s ea rs the dange r

ahead .

! o r threatened retro gressio n none are mo re re

“ ”
Ex c ess P r ophe t s ’

14 9

sp onsible tha n thos e who have known better but ,

who willy —
, milly fo r a p rice have shunted publi c ,

thought from facing a ctual co nditi ons to an abiding ,

faith in the reverse o f all of human experience .

Hence the drifting with the flood tide o f tho se c o n

di t i o n s ; a nd hence the miserable mix o f the moment .

T ake j ust o n e more gem illustrative of the kind ,

o f s elf contradictory stu ff which the public has pu r


blindly swallowed It i s o u t of the sc rambled brai n


o f o n e who as sumes to see reformatively from the

hill o f ! i s i on .

( 1 ) Pro : If other men li v ing under the same ,

co nditi ons succeed in maintaining their integrity

, ,

wha t excuse c a n the criminal clai m f o r his failu re

t o do the s ame ?

( 2 ) Con : In conclusion the criminal i s a man ,

who se f a culit ies are not well balanced ‘

Just a s the .

twig is bent the tree s inclined



B ro adly speaking the co nclusio n i s co rrect ;

but observ e tha t it fight s the companion question ,

to oth and nail Fi rst o ff th e average man do es


n ot c arry th e handicap o f congenital predi spo si

tion t o thieve a s do most o f i nstinctive thi eves A s
, .

“ ” “ ” “ ”
a twig he wa s n ot bent and inclined that way
, .

“ ” “
S econdly other men ha d not lived unde r the same

conditions s o the po sitive ca se i s at o nce cleared

o f the c ardinal hypothesis And thi rdly since the

criminal of the clas s i ndicated i s a man who se
” “
faculties are not well balan ced ; and since Just

l 50 Cri mi nal Types
’ ”
a s the twig is bent the tree s inclined he ha s a t ,

least two — fold limited excuse fo r his oblique thoughts

and deeds likewis e claim upon o u r commi sera

ti on

E xamples o f the kind given could be multiplied

indefi nitely ; i ndeed it is the exception to come u p on

s oci o -criminologi cal writing that will stand up even ,

under large lens analysis


T houghtless plungers with thei r half -baked opin


ions we have a plenty ; idi o sy n c r a t i cs a re of cours e


, ,

i rrepres sibl e si nce like t h e tru e cri minal
, th ei r

fa culties a re n o t well balanced ; the self seeking -

advertiser never mis ses a throw no matter ho w chea p ;

purse p a cking politi cian s play th e penologi cal game

“ ”
fo r the rake o ff ; hectic emotionali sts be rate thos e
who do not see with eyes blind to the wide open -

machinations o f c ri minal malingerers ; kinde rgarten

p anaceas are s eriously advanc ed as means by which
to stop death dealing bandits ; and a dash o f the

s easoning o f the conglomerate mess i s done by every

dilettante who ha s wo rried through the like o f

Freud s dream stu ff


It wouldn t occu r to a bookkeeper that he could
remove hi s coa t and weld a better j oint than c a n a
blacksmith ; no r t o a l a wyer that he could lay bri ck
t o line with a j ou rneyman mason ; but any man o r
woman who ha s fondled a fetich o f refo rm backed ,

by the most casual knowledge o f and contact wi th


criminals has been co ck su re of call t o draw plan s

15 2 Cri min al Ty pes

up hi s betters and the big wo rk they take ea rnestly


C ont rary to the general understanding p ri son ,

refo rm stands a t inches below the mark se t f or it

decades ago by fitted a nd far seeing men It could .

n o t have been otherwis e under grossly overdone p ro

b a t i o n and s uspensions made binding by most ill


considered sentences to institutions wherein indus

t ri al and auxilia ry averages have bee n cu t t o t he
pattern of habitual fel o ns .

T he remed ies ? E numeration o f the m woul d fill

another big book A f ew basi c ones are struck o ff
, ,

by the w riter in his S top Thi ef ! Agr eeably with the

sp ecific lines o f thi s chap te r t he publi c c an make a

p ri me start a t actually s peeding u p s ocial and

p riso n refo rm th rough s ea rching ou t s elf -allege d

s ocial seers fo r what they a ctually kn ow about t he

game they ess a y to umpire ; as well a s how they came
by knowledge su fficient to do it .

T he cumulative eff ect of little pills o f so cial e ff o rt

c a n help clari fy the reform atmosphe r e ; but when

it does the p ellets are charged wi th the dynami c

altern ativ e o f divine law .

“ ”
E xces s P rophets ! P seudo p rotagonists ! Aye !
And spot the man no matter what hi s station o r

calling wh o lends influence o f kind whats oever to


“ ”
fa sten the minds o f lads and l a ssies on spo rting
non -producers .

E ssentially bea r down hard on him who would


knight the wont -wo rk p ri ncipal o f th a t lowest -do w n

“ ”
Ex cess P rop he t s 15 3

“ ”
abominatio n called the p rize ring ; els e histo ry wi ll
have it America went o u t o f her way to flout a gen
tle Jesus and thereby to dig her ow n thug-planne d

gra ve .

Hyperboli c rot ? Y ou don t be lieve it ? T hen ’

think on it that w hile million s o f men willing to ,

work can t get wo rk the gate receipts of the brutal



a ff ai r about to be pulled o ff as between D emps ey ,

a nd Ca rp entier will aggregate clos e to sixteen hun


dred thousand dolla rs ; and tha t a co ol hal f mil


“ ”
lion o f that sum will go to the principal pugs ,

say nothing of th e aftermath i n such as moving pi c

tu re rights an d vaudeville stunts t o drive t he devilish

business home .

B oast not o f happines s until you rea ch the last

day o f your life C roesus admonished Solon the
, ,

code builder o f ancient At hens .

! o r the condemned I entertai n but little blame ,

and f o r the good but s cant praise echoes a lady , ,

w ho would di rect us f rom the hi ll o f vision ho w t o

reform rather than punish criminals

, .

C asual comparis on dis closes littl e o f kin between

the admonition and decla ration quoted ; yet they
shoot from the same trunk if not from the same

branch B oth flout well be ing and doing Put into


p ractice eithe r would make of life a j uiceless gri nd

, .

T he lady furt her a ffi rms that On e o f o u r chi efest
duties i s t o rehabilitate the criminal int o respect f o r

himself . T he platitude would ca rry more o f
weight were i t unqualified M oreover her declara
, .

ti on fights her a ssert ion since a man s respect fo r

himself p resupp oses j ust pride in a robust manhood .

Condone vi ce and discount vi rtue and y ou lock ,

a rms with the habitual c ri minal He does exactly.

that D enying su ffi cient o f moral motive fo r honest


15 6 Cri mi nal T y pe s

t ive offices are rendered abo rt ive they usually are ,

because o f the purblind meddling o f kindergarten

c riminologi sts .

Fo r the submerged f raction who are held i n pris

o n s o f last reso rt every humane thing should be

done even though they had refus ed the go od office s


o f s o ciety ,both in and o ut o f pris on ; yet must we

fa ce the p ortentous t ruth that an appreciable per
centage o f habitual c riminals s o c onfined a re thos e ,

who had s ounded the full gamut o f institutional life .

R e fo rmato ries al w ays c onfine a positive number o f

graduates o f j uve nile schools o f reform and thou ,

s ands o f ex -refo rmato ry lads go marching o n t o c on

vi ct p ri son s .

W hy ? ! o r o n e cardinal reason because thos e

, ,

who have guided public opi nion i n matters c rimin

olo gical canno t be made t o unde r s tand that life i s

a mo st serious bu siness for these young men The .

maj ority o f them are loaded down with natu ral o r

acqui red han di cap s not the lea st s eri ou s o f which

i s dislike o f and oppo sitio n to consecutive con een

, , ,

t r a t ed endeavo r Hen ce such lads need above all


else t o be subj ected to mental mo ral and physic al ,

educatio n an d t raini ng mo st carefully p res cribed


and p ro secuted T hi s t o the end that they may


build t o sound minds in sound bodies and have i t ,

“ ”
borne in upo n them that Work i s wo rshi p .

Instead the p ressu re of many who merely putter

, , ,

h as been fo r su rface pursuits f o r pri soners ; f o r a c

C ri me a nd t he L ay C ri t i c 15 7

t iv i t i e s
which have the least t o do with refo rmati on .

Re s ult : thousands upon thousands o f such young

men have been pa roled again paroled and onc e mo re
, ,

p aroled from co rrectio nal in stitutions unskilled a s

, ,

t o a le g itimate trade or o ccup ation with the half ,

opened minds o f the thief o r thug with heart s drawn ,

to contempt fo r the social s cheme in p art responsible

f o r thei r plight and f o r cor rectional training whi ch

left them to fight against p rohibitive odds .

Clean a nd uplifting recreative exercises f o r re

e a t in felons should be regulated to meet the re
p g
u i rem e n t s of necessary mental and physi cal re laxa
tion S uch exe rcises should not other than on State

o r holiday occasi ons interfere with the regula r daily


s chedule o f the reformative régim e T hat i s and .


must be relatively drastic The s o cial exactions

, .

u pon i nstinctive recidivi sts leave no choice in the

matter T hey must be broken to both the halter and


t he harnes s of the free life wo rking day .

As t o o cca sional unskilled felons committed u n

, ,

der the indeterminate sentence and its average sho rt

detentio n p eriod nothing less than concent ration

o f t hought and energy on thei r part can spell social

rehabilitati on fo r them In free li f e it takes a young


man f rom five t o seven years t o become a j ou rney

man mechani c About ninety o f the hundred o f re

f o rma t ory i nmates a re mechanically unp re p ared

when received They a re detained les s than fifteen

months on the a v era ge Con side r such cir cu mstan ce s

15 8 C r imi na l Ty pes

“ ” “ ”
and say how many plants they should tend du r
ing the daylight o f thei r priso n day ? In many
case s thei r families require support and they the ,

hand tool o r othe r skill with which to support them

- .

Without the skill they a re reduced at best t o


skin games ; and that s the c rux o f the c rime

question .

An eff usive membe r o f the sterner sex with quill ,

swagger of the c ri minological dilettante cheapens ,

the pages o f a p opula r pe ri odical with the follow

ing : What b rutes were these ( prison ) gua rds o n
wh ose good will the pa role of many pri soners de
p ended ; but what could one expect of those willing
to accept po sitions that degraded thei r incumbe nts
below the convicts over which they lorded it Here ,

you have the Hu go i st i c e cho to the e ff ect that th e


mere badge of autho rit y po stulates de gradati on .

M on strou s libel !
W ith impa rtial and lavish hand the gentleman ,

fu rt her t osses these bon bons to membe rs of the


” “
board of managers fo r pri sons : And who were
these men who sat in delibe ratio n over the destinies
of thou sands ? Were they t rained criminologist s
skilled to decide questions of cri me and puni shment ?
Had they the capacity the knowledge and the ex
, ,

e r ien ce that would fi t them to perf orm so nice a

ta sk o r were they mere politicians blown into high
, ,

places by the winds of favoritism ? And here y o u ,

have s cra mbled thi nkin g a gain Ho w “

. t rai n
16 0 Cr imi nal Types

and sp read broadcast into the hands o f p ris oners .

Self exp res sion f rom c onvictio n matu res the man

and makes the nati on ; but the p ose of protagonis t

imposes grave responsibility H e who a ss umes it

in w riting fo r the public eye o n a subj ect vital to


the secu rity o f the commo nwealth owes it to hi mself ,

and t o his reade rs to employ what soeve r he elects

to be the w eight o f hi s i nfluence again st co ntact o f
extremes ; to writ e well within knowledge observa ,

tion an d experi ence studiously gained and not at all ,

s candalo usly T ho se who w rite and speak otherwis e


a re i n the way o f rather than pointing the way to

, ,

the reformation o f t h e c riminal ! uasi billingsgate


i s quite reliably the cho sen weapon o f the chea p

charlatan .

“ ”
T rain ed c ri minologi sts t o whom o u r voluble

friend so confidently refe rs ma k e f ew general st ate


ment s rega rding th e genesis etiology and suc c es sive

, ,

stages o f crime ; but they a re one i n the co nclusi on

tha t it i s fi rst o f all a most complex so cial science

study not conclusively reducible to a given number


and kind o f p rime fa ctors Notwithstanding gentle


“ ”
men p eck diligently at poverty fo r the roo t o f
“ ”
c rime Were i t so The Jukes the mo st p rolific
, ,

genealogical tree o f pauperi sm o f whi ch we have

reco rd would hardly have pu shed thi rty per c ent o f

its branches u p th rough poverty n ot o nly but a s ,

well th rough the efllu v ia o f licentiousn ess alcoholi sm , ,

and c rim e to th e sunli ht o f wholes ome growth

, g .
C ri me an d t he L ay C ri t i c 16 1

It i s yet tru e that c raving wa nt betimes a ggra

vates the causes o f crime albeit i t do es not com

mo nly initiate criminal a ction From bot h the o b .

ec t iv e and
j subj ective points of view it i s in a ,

la rger deepe r and mo re wide —

, , sp read sense t ru e that ,

the urge and su rge for things fo r which no man

ha s ne ed impel t o felonious conduct
, .

Next to bad blo od—whi ch c ries fo r exp res si on

o ut o f the graveya rds of remote generations —the
ca rrying power o f fals e suggestion and example i s
perhap s the mo st potent force i n unmaking men .

The criminal readily educe s that if a c aptain o f

i ndustry may at one and the same time pick the
nation s po cket and eff ect the ga rb of a lowly Jesus


“ ”
the habitual thief may tell hi s b eads an d thereby
discharge hi s mo ral obligations to s o ciety .

In characte r a count ry is a s good a s its sup


o s edl
p y best and bad a s its worst citizens the i n
, ,

fl u en ce of the former o f whom when employed t o mis


di rect wealth and mi slead autho ri ty i s the most per ,

n ic i o u s menace t o n atio nal cha racter and longevity .

From the st an dpo rn t o f essential values therefo re , ,

the felo n finds it mo re and more puzzling to parse

virtue He observes that mainly from the ranks of

the cultured and wealthy a re recruited ou r greatest

and meanest off enders ; o ff ende rs all of th e time
against mo ral law and a s much of the time as they

dare against legal law a distinction which o u r man

, ,

insists be gs the fundamental question s o f righ t and

16 2 C ri mi na l Ty pes

altru i sm He i s told that a filched doll a r remain s


a filched dolla r still alike when attempt is made to


make i t represent o ne o r another fo rm o f brotherly

love and when employed to ga rn er more fi lched dol

lars H e passes no sleeples s nights over the ethics


o f the question but does c onstrue i t a r esen t able


my ste ry that he shoul d go to pri son and hi s pro to ,

typ e o n t o social p rominenc e .

Philip o f Spain was a bit over zealous fo r t he -

glory o f hi s L ord a nd master It was lame state

c raft and lamest Chri stianity whi ch visited unspeak

able tortu re o n loyal subj ects B ut that were hu .

mane compared with methods by which the bulk o f


a great p eople are condemned to gru bbing colo r ,

less lives Kill a m an s chance to exp res s himself

a s nature intended and con stantly demands of him ,

and a s fo r fullness of living he i s half dead He i s .

als o in t he m ood t o dare the abys s .

It i s well to emulate those who stride over obs tacles

t o wholesome su cces s ; yet in j ustice t d the ho rde

with whom it i s a constant grind to tip the balance

o f mental r each and physi cal stamina with the aver

age o f thei r fellowmen let it be plainly understo od


that they wh o win distinction do it while d rawing on,

God -given gifts .

T here i s no su ch thi n g as real greatness o r actual ,

c riminousnes s by a ccident
, T he instinctive thief

thieves through th e ope ration o f laws as fi xed a s

those which determin e the tide s ; laws expres sed also ,
16 4 C r imi nal Ty pes

though th e public do es not always as yet—the

smudge from the farthing candl es of self -seeking
academi cians And tha t i s t o ignore the perj u red

meanderings of p res s agents who peddle spu ri o u s

wares for a pri ce Of the latter ex p risoners cu n

n in gly thereby take a whack at la w and order while

they cop the coin ”
M o reover lay uplifters en
“ ”

cou rage the c riminal cunning .

It i s b ad enough when those who ought to know

the falla cy and sin of it attempt to substitute false

p rocedu re lo os e methods and maudlin sentiment

, ,

fo r the vigo rous and synthetic if ki ndly education


and training which alone can make good and self

suppo rting lads of lads who i n s t inct iv elv st u m ble .

It i s not fa r from da sta rdly when censure fo r the

dis app ointing result s which follo w is heaped o n ,

the shoulders o f those who make c redi table use

o f tool s quantitatively and qualitatively s o meagre ,

that the States must needs wax a shamed o f

them .

W e give se rious attentio n to the t rite wholly i n ,

j udicious and gros sly fal se allegations against


“ ”
p riso n guards and thei r superi ors i n rank be ,

cause it i s past time to atta ch a dv alo rem tags to

ever recu rri ng petty conside ratio n of a grave p rob

lem ; a p roblem so p rofound that tho se who give to


it the mos t consec rat ed research are surest to put

o n the m antle o f charity and the modest mien ; and a

p roblem with which Americans supinely dri ft c on ,

C ri me a nd t he L ay C ri t i c 16 5

tent to leave pres cri ptions f o r remedial measures to

thos e who could no t box thei r cri mi nological com
passes under either a theo retical o r practical show
down .

In about the same ratio prison gua rds and college


graduates fail to make b road use o f thei r i nst i t u

t i o n al t raining Neith er s o derelict draw inspira
, ,

tion fo r wo rk to the true p erspective o f serv ice T he .

one will see in educatio n but books and t he other ,

in the p ri sone r but deviltry Nevertheles s at c ol .


lege is the place to study book s a nd in priso n the ,

place to study the p risone r T here i s but o n e way


by which one can come actually to know the cri minal ,

and that is to live and wo rk with him .

We rightly accord p raise to those who p oint the

— “
defective equipment of cert ain so called types o f ”

c riminals B y the same token let us dig up better


than sneers for tho se who remodel faulty human clay

and shape i t i nto something like the true image o f
man .

T ho se noisi est and most ill o gi cal find naught i n

the c riminal to challenge othe r than m eans of re
fo rmation whi ch would o rdinari ly co rrect the p rank s
of a headstrong youth S o in free life we induct
, ,

the o ccasio nal c ri mi nal and i n i nstitut i o nal life


e nc ourage him to lo ck arms with the habitual cri mi

nal ; for once started on th e toboggan of crim e the

, ,

former u sually gr avitates to the level o f the lowest

o f hi s cla s s .
166 C rimin al Ty pe s

O f all ills in o r o u t of p ri son with which o u r

, ,

people are a fflicted that of false cl emen cy with c od


dlin g i s the mo st pronounc ed and fa r reaching So .

natu ral laws will have it ; a nd s o therefore the after

, ,

pa role record attests .

While the personal equation in p ri son manage

ment should neve r be negatively considered the re ,

formati on o f the c riminal still resides at his finger

tips . T hat in the final analysis whether o r n o
, ,

“ ”
o u r man likes S teve of the institutio nal staff ;
approves o r dis approves of any pa rt o f the house
régime ; tells the t ruth about all following his re
leas e o r tells o u t -o f Whole cloth stock in trade lies
- -
- -

with which the habitual c riminal i s ever ready to

ass ail the ears o f the supe r emotional -

The last and o nly reliable test of the e fficiency o f

a régime o f reform reduces t o the question o f re
c idiv a t i o n ; whi ch is to say : what p ercentage of the

grand t otal of the pa roled lap se into crime follow

ing pa role a re caught at it and a re r ein c a r c e r at ed
, , ,

either under the o ri gi nal o r new indictment ? As a

matter o f fact we have not and canno t hav e i n

forming data conce rning the abo ve vital point until , ,

w e shall have e stablished an inte rn ational bureau o f

a nthropometry as well a s regulati ons pertaining to

the i ndete r minate sentence which shall in sure rea

son able supervision over and co ntrol of the pa roled
, ,

felon T hen even regiments of habitual repeaters

, ,

“ ” “
will not be caught at it A nd then thos e will re
16 8 Cri mi nal Types

larly complex wo rk o f refo rm C alling false turns


i s simply to give the criminal more rope Playing


up to the c riminal and down the public security i s

, ,

to make bald bid fo r social chaos .

At least said Hippoc rates Father o f M edi


” “ ”
cine to hi s students be sure that you do no harm
, , .

S o mu ch should be demanded of Pharisai c punters

with a p enchant fo r s cu rrilou s s cribbling .

Not o n e in ten thousand digs to the deep mean

ing o f the word dis cipline .

P a rt icularly a s to pri son appli catio n discipline


i s in the mi nds of the grea t maj o rity a s measure s

obj ectively imposed to compel subj ective adj ust
ment to house rules and regulati on s laid down .

Such cont ra cted view covers only s o much o f

p rimary compulsion a s may be n ecessa ry to imbue
refracto ry c ri mi nal s with at least fea rsome res p ect
f o r co rrectional measu res T h erea f ter the aim

should be to enlist the p risoner s voluntary eff ort s

f o r skill and cultu re under his o w n control .

Few p ri soners challenge the mailed fist o f the

State S ave fo r some o f thos e confined in p ri sons

o f last reso rt the bulk o f prisoners buckle t o

, from,

o n e o r another motive , and mak e the be st o f a bad

j ob to an early pa role .

T hey do not mean to take thei r cu e from the

eet hi n
g fra ction that always constitutes the nucleu s
o f real c riminal s i n America A s a rule the latt er

have fi rst o ff to be fo rc e fed to a degree i n order to


170 Cr iminal Types

bri ng home to them the p otency o f the S tate s power ’


If di s cipline visited upon such men i s t o carry

f o r thei r amendment and repai r it must take hee d ,

o f natural and acqui red p redispositions to think and

ac t obliquely .

T rue there come times w

, hen the persistently re
f ra ct o ry course of the uni t leaves him bey ond the
pale o f disciplina ry choice Where in the face o f .

e v ery go od influence and helping hand a pri soner ,

goe s about it advi sedly to sti r up group ma ni festa

tion s against reformative p roces ses there i s noth ,

ing f or it but t o meet him with power beyond his

ow n. M oreover when he insists upon contact o f ex

t remes no apology should be off ered i n the p ro ces s


o f fo rcing him to respect for that power And mo re .

“ ”
over i t i s tentatively insignificant if the respect

i s engendered solely by fear o f the consequen ce A s .

a n indi vidual he persistently cro sses the common

good As an individual he must be met until he i s

brought t o unde rstand that hy en a i zed conduct ,

causeles s except fo r hi s ego cent ri c cu rv es entitles


him t empo rarily to n o more consideration than i s

accor ded the self determining s ocial pariah T hi s

because hi s interests a s compar ed with th e interest s

o f the mass a re fo r the time be ing a s naught
, .

T he cardinal mistak e i n the m atter of handling

instinctive ant i so cial plungers con sists in not tak

ing up disciplina ry stitches with them in time as f o r ,

instance : every reformat o ry in the land con fi nes

172 C r i mi nal Types

Heads o f fi r st — ai d house s o f correction ha v e be en

blamable f o r the named proc edures only in so f a r ,

a s they mus t have yielded o f conviction i n o rde r t o

prosecute banal measures p resc ri bed by thei r su
p eri o r s in rank o f lay extraction ; but be the fact s
thereof a s they may they have imposed first o ff up o n

refo rmato ries the heaping cho re o f causing lads t o

put o ff forms o f exp ression t o which they had b e
come habituated while under the initial c are o f the
S tate .

B y the time reform at ori es get such ego -cent ri c ,

instinctively anti so cial wretchedly brought u p lads


they are bette r than half — strapped to the tobogga n

o f c rime T hroughout the plastic and mo st imp res

si o n ab le o f y ea rs inclusive o f time spent under State


in stru ction they had made p retty nea rly their ow n


pace pretty clo s e to the pace that kills Of s elf


discipline they had learned next to nothing and less ,

o f the law o f consequenc e Accustomed to having


unea rned donatives to ssed them and to force com ,

p romise with thei r obliquely -con ceived and colle e

t iv ely executed fl in gs in p rimary instituti on s they

see no rea so n why they sh ould be denied the o n e ,

o r held up a s to the other in the fi rst refo r matori e s


to whi ch they are com mitted What i s more the .


public purblin d when not indiff e rent to basic causes


and motives fo r thei r continued cri mi nous conduct ,

i s naturally in clined t o thei r vie w T herefore


peri odi cals pay fo r the spurious stu ff o f ex

P ri son D i scipli ne 173

pris oners express ed with the gust o o f inj ured


inno cence .

T he average lay criti c p o rt rays a refo rmato ry

t o the publi c a s a place where magic wands of r e
fo rmation can and shoul d be wielded No matte r .

that a lad had been the terro r o f hi s ward ; then had

been p ractically establi shed by a j uvenile plant
“ ”
a rough shod
, faking shi rking undercutting
, ,

yo un g roughneck : the r ef o rmato ry mu s t blow

‘ “ ”

him t o virtue as N ature blows the mushroom else ,

it i s smugly pronounced passé by tho s e who do not

know and cannot k now o f the i nstinctive rea ctions
o f natural , crime -soaked young felons .

Fu rthermo re gentleme n responsibl e fo r u tterly


false procedu re in j uvenile reform schools a re the ,

readiest to vi sit st ri cture up o n refo rmato ries b e ,

c aus e they do not wo rk refo rmative mi racles i n j ig

time up o n lads with who m the gentlemen themselves
s o miserab ly failed .

B y the s ame token the s am e gentlemen a re in


con sistent while gro ssly unfai r who lash pris on o ffi


c i als because they do not rea ch reformatively tho se

s ame lads passed u p to them vi a the mselves and r e

, ,

f o rma t or i e s .

“ ”
Just a s the twig i s bent the tree s inclined T he


p rimal resp onsibility fo r su ch lads rests with society

a s a whole be ginning with the lamest and most

loo sely executed immigration law s ever framed by

man resulting in a big brood o f the big bro o d of
174 Cr i mi nal Types

anarchi sts a nd semi anarchists who have yet to do


their wo rs t ; so muc h empha sized by execution o f

t he gene ral law s o lax a s to be ludic rous ; the last
clamped down by le g islation desi gned to c atch and
hold the votes o f militantly self centered groups ; -

and all made bi nding by s o o rde ring the activities of

co rrective régimes that they shall square with the

instinctive reacti ons o f p redal felon s .

As i f all o f that with its end les s chain o f pernici


ou s b -
p roducts were n ot enough we n eeds must
y , ,

nationalize he roize and put o n pedestal s th e clan

, ,

p a ra site fo r the youth of the land to emulate fea ,

“ ”
tu ri ng get ri ch quick W allingford and pug-ugly
- -

drone stripes .

At the p res ent moment millions of men and women ,

in Ame ri ca acutely in need of work can t get it ,


Why ? Fundamentally becaus e billions o f dollars

have been shunted from legitimate channels o f
t rade t o spo rting gro oves there t o circulate mainly ,

from pocket t o p ocket o f pa rasites ; and there

t o remain most o f them relatively dead t o i n
, ,

industry .

A d ollar turned over and over in legitimate bu si

ness and constantly growing a s it goes has quite
, ,

s omewhat the edge on the dolla r pas sed t o the gamb

ling cle rk t o th e bookmaker t o other gamblers a nd
, ,

thei r grand a rmy o f henchmen such as fi lle rs in
“ ”
and rac e tra ck touts to p rostitutes and p rostitu

ti o n o f work and the wo rke r : and then back i n bulk

176 C rimin al Ty pes

who stand a ccu rsed o f outraged spo rt ! Ridiculous !

E xpect a spell of any kind o f di scipline to make
up to men a nd lads that of which they had been

and a re being cheated by gro ssly overdone sp ort !

Futile !
T rue it i s that p rison discipline has basically to
, ,

do with serviceable muscles ; but serv iceable muscles

to be used to so cial and productive ends and not to ,

the ends o f the sporting thief who dumps ill -gotten

gain into p alms dirtier than hi s own .

Anothe r check imposed upo n refo rm ation of the

kind of lads in question resides in the State s penny

wise and pound foolish policy o f withholding money
- - -

fo r wo rking tool s germane to the pro cess of thei r

refo rmation ; essentially fo r trade tools and for , ,

appoi ntments and materials t o mat ch th e to ols i n ,

e lusive of the very best of human materi al .

A skelet onized t rade s chool ca n yield but skele

t o ni zed results : whereas exactly the revers e is de

man ded fo r unskilled untaught young felons if they

, ,

a re t o be given a fair chance to make good in free

life T here th ey take with t hem the seri ou s h andi

c ap o f the pri son brand ; and there c rime free me -


ch a n i c s gru dgingly yield them place a nd portion .

The refo re they must be ready to market command

ing skill a n d knowledge else almost inevitably have

rec ou rse to the crook s outfit ’


“ ” “
The poli cy o f the State thereo f i s penny wise -

and p ound fo olish becau se it i s much chea p e r i n
- -
, ,
P riso n D i scipli ne 177

the end t o s chool a lad fo r so cial rehabilitation and


have don e with it than it i s to do it over and over


again and even then leave him less tha nhalf baked

i ndustrially a s i s commonly the cas e

, .

America holds the wo rld s reco rd fo r recidi vi sti c

c riminals . She will continue to hold that record

s o long a s she puts up with the play hous e p ri son -

call the house by what name y o u will and place i t ,

in the p rison chain a s you may .

While thinking o f the hous e and of the wo rk tax ,

payers pa y fo r i t to do p onder very ca refull y thi s


deep-digging decla ration by Ignatius L oyola S J , .

L e t me i nstruct a lad up through hi s seventh yea r ,

’ ”
and I don t care who instructs him after that .

P robably b eyond that whi ch L oyola meant t o

c onvey Ameri ca s elementa ry penologi cal lesso n i s

plai nl y w ritten in his words ; a les son America should

have learned by heart and heeded decades ago It , .

is that she must absolutely must clo se he r doo rs

, ,

and keep them closed t o natu ral breed ers alike o f

criminals and agitato rs against the public p ea ce

and secu rity ; then sea rch out and depo rt such
“ ”
natural breeders who have sieved willy nilly into ,

the land .

C u re s for habitual cri minal s s eldom cu re ; co r

r ec t i on al quackery never Al so when a lad shall
, .

“ ”
have pa s sed the seventh year by s even years and ,

f rom his fi rst cons cious thought had been given ha

bit u ally t o unlawful selection ; and fu rther shall have ,
178 C r imi nal Ty pes

come c ongenitally by p redispositio n fo r such selec ~

ti on the me rry —
, g o -round co rrecti onal plant i s the

la st place o n ea rth wherein amelio ration of his plight

will be eff ect ed Young a s he i s he will elect and

maneuver fo r a c riminal career unles s he is c o n si s


t en t ly subj ected t o s chooling stripped of suggestio n

o f cro o ks and croo k ednes s .

Plenty of play i n the wid e open an impri soned

lad must have Attempt to fit a man s head t o a

lad s shoul ders is i ndefensible erro r ; but the play

“ ”
sh ould be wholesome play pu rged o f the pu g ; it
should be fi xed in hi s mind a s relatively incidental t o
ba sic measu res o f refo rm and it should no t be al

lowed to c ro ss thos e measures .

A s f o r the rest Fo r forms o f gove rnment let
, ,

fo ols contest ; tha t whi ch is best admi nistered i s best ,

“ ”
p rovided : the fo rm o f govern ment runs true t o
the fo rm demanded by the intrin si c social exactions
upon a lad .

Contrariwise attemp t such a s to make farmers


o u t o f young men whose urban life has been decided

by eve ry natu ral ci rcumstan ce i s at once w aste o f


time m ateri al and human p otenti al and to fly i n the

, ,

fac e o f geographi c destiny C ity b red fel ons will


take o n j ust s o much o f farming a s compulsi on

compels or the ulterio r motive dictates and not a
, ,

s troke at it more If you question the above ass er

tion a s k a ny farmer wh o ha s tried o u t the ex —

, p ri s
oner fa rme r who was cit y-bred .
180 Cri mi nal Ty pes

but the salving and saving mus t be done The sc ol d .

ing ha s b een coming to some fo r a long long time ; ,

p articul arly to self — nomi nated lay refo rme rs a nd ,

upli fters ,w ho mostly refor m and u plift! after

the fashi on the frog j umped o u t of the slime coated -

well whi ch i s to say : fa rther down to slime at every


attempted leap to light .

W hile that i s a pity out o f the eff orts o f many


who keenly engage to help it is also seriously repre


hensible ; for he w ho aff ects the role of p ro t agon


i st concerning the mo st co mplex problem given man

to s olve owes it to so ciety to know i ntimately the

o rder o f the cri minal s going ; els e he will find him

self hope lessly enmeshed in a laby ri nth of motive

and counter motive .

It i s also ea sy to write discipli na ry a nd

be times mo st diffi cult to execute them Just the .

same don t cu rse ; don t threaten blu ff o r be bluff ed ;

’ ’

don t lose you r tempe r ; don t make promises unles s

y ou c an fulfill them to the letter ; don t const rue
a s di rected agains t you p ersonally a cts that are ,

aimed at bigge r game ; don t f raternize with priso n
e rs t o the gutter level ; don t heap di s cipline o f a ny

kind o n a lad until he needs must conclud e that y o u


“ “
are down on him and are giving him the wors t

” ’

it ; don t w abble ; don t sh riek ; don t res o rt

unduly to petty impositions fo r petty off enses ; don t

utte r false coi n of suggestion and example ; don t
c ommo nize disci p lin e of cha ra cter whats oeve r else it ,
P ri s o n D i scipline 18 1

wi ll lose its ca rrying p ower ; don t reach lightly fo r ’

tags o f sti gma : they depres s and discourage ; don t
despis e hints dropped to y o u by lads who a re hoping
for better things and who may lead y ou to the co r

rect psychology of the individual case and o f the ,

ma ss ; a nd do n t a ssume that you know it all abou t

crime a nd criminals : no man does no r can give , ,

him a life time to do it .

D o seek to kno w yourself you r man and s o much , ,

of a great big work a s it i s p ossible for you to


know D oing it realize yours will be j ust one opin


ion about it all S co res o f others have w ri tten tha t


which you must abso rb in saving de g ree if you a re ,

t o get a gr ip o n what makes and keeps men criminal .

In short be a ctually a com pa ssionate c r imi n o lo


gi s t with a n open mi nd and not a misinfo rmed o r, ,

h alf -info rmed

or uninformed ego centri c single

t ra ck dilettante who drives ruthlessly along ro ck


st rewn road s over whi ch life students of budding


and budded felons so on enough learn that they must

pick wa rily their way all o f the way .

“ ”
B ut wa rning ! L isten to th e pe rsonal equation

cult and many o f the conclusion s gi ven o ff i n thi s


chapte r by the writer p ostulate him a fit subj ect fo r

the p sycho analyst -
According t o that w recking

crew n othing clings t o the h abitual young felo n


that can t be cast o ff wi th su ch a s ba seball a nd ,

“ ” “ ”
a bit o f laying o n o f h ands b y the crew of -

cou rs e .
18 2 C r i mi na l T y pes
“ ”
T he hand s have been patting and puttering
persistently duri ng the past three decades Result ? .

T he mounting Ame rican A pa ché has no t so muc h

respect fo r law and a gents of the law as eagle fo r ,

spa rrow He rides gun hung kills for the mere


“ ”
blood lust o f killing lies until the cows come home
, ,

and laughs up hi s sleeve betimes over the use he

“ ”
makes and use mad e o f research of him .

Caught and co rralled— against which the chances

a re abo ut ten to o n e—he nestles down in many a
S tate nest where he p ra ctically dictates in a boiled

“ ” “
shirt and does what he sneeringly terms sleepin
, ,

time . T his spite of the written eff usion s o f ex

c riminal s who ru sh to p ri nt wi th grossly overdrawn

statement—fo r a consid e ration

Wri ting and speaking about the class of cri m inals

in question gentlemen aff ect the esoteric They have
, .

it f o r instance that the o ff ende rs are mo stly mo r
, ,

ons , hopelessly o x like mentally by n ature s fling
- ’

in embryo o r the vi ctims o f a rrested mental dev elo p


ment T he refo re gentlemen are moved to hu rl a n


a t hema at tho se who dare th e a ssert i on that a

pp re
“ ”
c i a ble i rresp onsibility applies only t o morons who
had n ot measu red up to ave rage intelligenc e at any
form o f human activity do n ot do so and p robably , ,

cannot do so .

Appa ren tly it does not o ccu r to o u r fri ends tha t


the mind that functions alertly along a ny o ne li ne ,

c an be developed t o function alertly along many

18 4 Cri mi nal Types

and c ollectively f o r , l
il timed
and placed p rison pe r

qu i si t e s and fo r comparative freedom o f choic e in


the matter o f their respons e t o actual refo rmati ve

measu res ; n o r ca st crooked lines and haul in the be
“ ” “ ”
bad ged ; no r enlist the pull and p rotection o f
higher-u p grafte rs and meanest o f seconda ry thi eves ;
n o r s o mi x high soa ri ng mixers o f prison broth th a t

they do n t know which way to tu rn fo r ingredi ent s


and do turn over the seas oning thereof to habitual

c riminal rounders ; n o r lead up to fal se cards ex ,

p osed all th e way from p revention to p arole i n ,

e lusive o f gross st retching of p robato ry extensions .

Real p rison di s ci p line fo r such men mea n s a sharp

t acking o f their minds aw ay from c riminal sho als .

A side from educative a ctivities understood such as ,

t rades and s cholasti c inst ructio n clos ely a nd co n

se cu t iv ely imparted it mean s a taking u p of thei r

loos e a nti s ocial slack mental and p hysical ; p a r


t i cu larly and es sentially o f thei r smug contention


“ ”
t o the e ff ect that society i s an ea sy ma rk fo r all
kinds o f c riminou s flim flam and bunco steeri ng
- -

W ell then what a re the cor p o ral and semi -co r

, ,

p o ral disci p linary tools t o be employed o n the j ob ?

Any tool thi s side o f c ruelty o r bru tality stripp ed

o f r evenge which will b ring it home to habitual b

, y ,

ch oice ma rauders w ho do mu rder f o r diversio n that ,

they cannot dance o n the shoulders o f the S tate .

W hat ? M ake pri so n life fo r such men dully auto

matic compa ratively und er a n i nd ust ri al d ri v e ?
, ,
P ris o n D i scipline 185

Precisely M ake life i n p riso n onerou s enough t o


them so that they wi ll tu rn to honest toil rather ,

than en dure it

Reinstate the mechanism and the spirit o f the hell

holes o f E gypt ? N o t at all ; but reinstate respect
for law and autho rity i n the minds o f such a s death
dealing parasites ; let them know baldly that , ,

comi n a sho otin

fo r hard ea rn ed gelt does no t
’ ~

entitle them to browse else buck i n p rison , .

Fi rst o f all have do ne with the Welfa re L eague

fraud H ave done with t he idea that instinctive


hab itual felons amen able both t o the menace and


machi nations o f many other in stinctive habitual ,

felons whom th ey must s ooner o r later face in free

, ,

life can be t ru sted to p reside over the destinies o f


a priso n population T hat throw i s precarious even


fo r colleges where if those in the know are to b e be

, ,

liev ed it is touted a s doing exactly that which i t


does n ot do .

At any rat e go to the s ubterranean perversely

, ,

s ex charged murderous reco rd for evi dence o n whic h


to condemn the prison Welfare L ea gu e ; but doing

it insist upo n examinatio n o f all of the books o f the
, ,

submerged t enth of p risoners who are cheated by

speciou s c ro ok s and of th e entire afte r—
, parole reco rd
o f the latter .

Then use th e eye s of you r mind clamp down the ,

lid o n banal counterfeits o f reformative processes ,

brea k active agents wh o bungl e with tho s e count e r

18 6 Cr imi na l Types

f eit s f o r a p ri ce and you will help make secondary


p ri sons wha t they should nay must be made viz : , , ,

industrial bee hives wherein would b e social wolves


go bang up against compelling contra st .

“ ”
N ever again ! said a n ex prisoner a s an E nglis h

turnkey good lucked hi m into free ai r f rom one

“ ” -

of E ngland s convict prisons When Ameri can


crimi nals s o exclaim o n being released from America n

“ ”
p risons we shall cea s e to have falsely alleged waves

o f c rime and not before

, .

Rational pris on discipline involves no les s a chore

than t o change the p oint o f view of men become
habitually a law u nto themselves The view p oin t .

will va ry i n acco rdance with the amount and ki nd

o f advers e influence unloaded upon the subj ect in ,

clu s iv e o f his congenital s cars T here will be p a ral.

lels t hat apply to n early all and sharply -defi ned ,

tangent s that ma rk the few Comp arative i nsen si .

bili t y t o p ain bo rne o r inflicted examples in the

, ,

fi rs t instance T he overs exed undersexed and sex u

, ,

ally p e rve rted declare i n the s econd case .

A pri s on population i s never o f o n e mind nor o f ,

the same clay save onl y fo r a common criminal


cama raderi e ever alertly express ed to take ad


vantage o f tho se who think criminologically in single

numbe rs .

Therefo re the man who rushes behind bars with a


c ock su re cure-all fo r c riminality i s at o nc e t o be


pitied and shunned ; and les s than reformatively

18 8 Cr imin al Ty pes

cu t into his soul while he drifts down strea m a de


p endent derelict .

Service is the meaning o f life Se rvi c e begin s .

with self -discipline S elf discipline presu p pos e s r a


t i o n al a rrangement of and adj ustment t o basi c

, ,

values T herefore the es sential pu rp ose o f the p a r


ent State should be t o establi sh o r reestablish basic , ,

values in minds either cheated o f o r swi tched f rom , ,

ba sic values .

T he p ro ces s may not be put up in a neat p arcel

o f p rint It includes all that must be put o ff put

on , amended and repaired Nothing ge rmane i s s o .

small a s to be negligible Nothi ng i s t oo big t o be.

atta cked Abno rmalities befo re all else should re

, ,

c eiv e the st ri ctest o f attention .

E ssentially the kindly helpful well -timed and

, , ,

pla ced wo rd is golden, .

Irrep roa ch able suggestion and example are o f

the very weave o f the m os aic o f cha racter .

Unquestionable squa re dealing serves t o file o f

the ragged edges of resentment bo rn o f re stri ct ed ,

libert y .

Patienc e o f th e ki n d th e good Go d has with u s

all i s due His d erailed child ren
, .

None but the mea su re naturally suited t o t he

man and his off en se will car ry , .

False clemency is crime breeding ; yet puni shment -


that l eaves only the smart o f pain suff ered makes ,

P ri so n D i scipline 18 9

the soul of the recipient of it seethe against the man ,

o r men by whom it was applied

, .

The first duty of the dis ciplinarian i s to make

clea r the ne ces sity fo r and the righteousn ess of the
, ,

co ndi gn measure .

A ppeal to rea son put in wo rds that flow from the

heart is never totally lo st
, .

Not all o f compuls ory dis cipline i s negative and ,

not all o f educative dis cipline can be made purely

volunta ry .

Pain i s Natu re s mento r and monito r T he mo


ment man es says to eliminate all of p ain he miscues ,


The l ong a rm o f disciplin e should reach at one

and the sam e time fo r the s erviceable tool and fo r ,

p re cept to keep the gaze of lads fixed o n the sta r s

and so keep the balance in their minds established

a s b etween the fi nite and the infinite .

Reams could be written a s to what discipline should

d o and leave undone agreeably here with i ndividual

exa ctions and the re wi t h fi rst rega rd fo r the pro


t ect io n o f the ma s s .

It remains with th e disciplinarian neither to c ros s

values no r to c onf ound magn itudes D oing that
, .

he will if he i s wise e xamine a s closely a s h e may

, ,

the sum o f huma n experience ; then rely on plumb

plai n ho rs e sens e .

A s t o p sycho analysi s th e latest wonder wo rk er


p ra ctically t he s ame thing has been c alled by sev eral

190 C rimin al Typ es

names ; but i t has it s positive uses in deeper diving

fo r di sturbing impulses and i n a mo re enlightened

method of passing healing suggestion Pressed to .

the exclusion of palp able exactions easily read and

met it can be rendered a nugatory nuisance
, .

! o r several decades advanced criminologists have


b een delving very close t o the manner in which psy

ch o analyst s delve to day ; indeed
the diff erence i n

the m ode o f operating a s be tween the two i s no t su ffi

cient t o dema rcate them fundamentally B oth aim .

a t change o f habit o f thought an d a ction p ri ma rily ,

through remo v ing obs es sions from and establishing ,

a ctual values i n the mind ; and secondarily th rough

, ,

s o reo rdering the entire envi ronment o f the subj ec t

a s t o reinfo rce the p rima ry p rocess .

However those who look fo r such a s p sych o


analysis to carry the burden of the quiring f o r re

formation a re destined fo r disappointment T hey
, .

a re f o r th e very simple reaso n that an i ndi v idual i s

, ,

a t a given moment the sum o f countles s impressions

, ,

thousands o f which were n o t sufficiently engraved

o n hi s memo ry to abide there ; but which to the las t ,

impression pyramided upon either hi s good o r bad

, , ,

o r doubtful cha ra cter T herefo r e mental res ea rch


mu st b e c omparative a s i s every thing else o n earth ;


a nd therefore the resul ts acc ruing from mental r e


sea rch will be compa rative results as a re all result s


o n eart h .

! ust t he s ame o n e n eed s must dig dee p l y whi le


Wo rt hy t o be a re be l; f or t o t ha t t he mult iply ing

v i lla i n i es o
f N a t ure do s w a rm u on hi m
p .

M a c be t h : A ct I : S ce n e I .

M atter f
th e p receding chapters t ouches the

mental c rotchets o f c riminals with reference to given

courses of conduct by give n types of c rimi nals .

T hough t o do so i s always p recari ou s s omethi ng ,

approa ching general statement must be employed

t o dema rcate di ff erent grades o f lawbreakers ; yet
attempt to classify cri minal s and keep them classi
fi ed must in measu re go by the bo a rds
, , , Hence .

f o r o n e rea son o u r caption reads
, Ps y chology a nd ,

C riminal instead o f Psychology of the Criminal
, .

T here i s n o such thing as p sychology o f t he c ri mi

nal T here is psychology of a given crimi nal under

given ci rcumstances in a given envi ronment after

, ,

a given bringing u p The rest will issue with the


p reponderating weight of influence comprehensive ,

a s relates t o the a ctivities in full f rom birth o f a

g iven subj ect in addition t,o hi s congenital ma rkings .

Th e s chool o f crime diff ers from any othe r s chool

P sy cho log y nd
a- t he C ri mi n a l 193

ing in that the o rder o f p rocedure i s usually ret ro


res siv e instead of p rogressive You r d o ck r a t sneak

g .

thief dreams of the no table moment when he can

ride gun hung with broad day bandits T he tyro
- -

“ ”
a t dealing c ro okedly from a cold deck p ra cti ces

a ssiduously fo r the day when he c an go S outh
“ ”
a nd mark ca rd s while they a re i n play wit h the
best of them : the which means that h e mus t take
with hi m naught o f the rough hewn churl in speech -

and app ro ach since cras s attack would cro s s the


“ ”
high class su cker s fo r whom he casts his lines

Right here it i s pat to interpolat e a ca rdin al clue

a s to why s o many cannot be brought to realizatio n
o f th e ominous menac e o f the cri minal ; and why

“ ”
cri minals of all types get away with it both with ,

out and within p ri son walls .

B aldy put the clu e i s thi s : the average man i s


singed by the always bas e some t ime crooked desire,

to get something fo r nothing ; to get s omethi ng fo r

nothing albei t someone or ones mus t be robbed
, , ,

“ ”
o f the something ; and that th e som ething i s turned
ove r and over in grooves where men are ca rried to
cumulative lo ss then betrayed into selection o f o u t

and -out criminal tools i n attempt t o make go od th e

loss .

T housands of dollars pa s s daily on sea going cra ft -

and co ast to coas t t rains from th e hand s of dupes

- -

who would get s omething for nothing into the h ands ,

o f travelling ca rd sha rks Fo r long yea r s the pull

194 Cr imi na l Ty pes

man -ca r ca rd cro ok has bee n more common than

quackery cure alls ; yet he never lacks ready lay

listen ers p rimed to help mulct fellow passengers an d ,

he never makes empty -h anded exit at a way station .

T hat would be reavers are reaved by profes sional


cheats i s a s i t should be Also it explains in de


g ree why s o many can be bambo ozled into the belief

that imp risoned felons can be deal t something— for
n othing cards tak e them t o a s ocial scheme clo sely

competitive and there win wit h them in play against


playe rs whos e necessary call it i s to read at a glance

the bungling effo rt s o f the i nexpert .

The quotation under the caption o f thi s wri ting i s

aimed against merciles s M a cdo nw a ld by a serg
“ ”

cant in Shakespeare s M acbeth ; M a c do nw a ld wh o

fawned upon King D u ncan to his fa ce then tu rned ,

o n hi s heel and redo ubled his eff o rt s t o dest roy hi s

liege lord .

The quot ation leads the column because it typifies

a p rime fa cto r of the p sychology o f the meanest o f
m ost dest ructive scound rels Ameri ca makes ; mean
est i n intent and most destru ctive becau se they c o m

bine a spuriou s clevern es s at tale telling and w r iting ,

w ith an in sidi ous self -cente red c ri minal cunning

, .

Hence thei r peri odic eff u sions in print given over


to concealment of th e a ctual t ru th o r to biting hands


that had fed them .

In the one instance witness the ex -convi ct s ti rade ,


o stensibly aimed at pri son abuses but actually a ,

196 Cr imin al T ypes

u res in pri son and they do not take from pri son any

bitter pills to peddle .

M uch ha s bee n alleged by ca r ping ego centric ex


“ ”
felons about prison hell holes all but a sp rinkling
, ,

o f whi ch ha s been eithe r absolutely spurious a t base ,

o r gro ssly magnified purpo sely in order to make it

m arketable news fo r print .

A s a matter o f fa ct the wo rst p riso n régi me i n


the United States will help a p ri sone r who seeks help ,

and the best wo n t reach que rulous c rooks obsess ed
with the idea of taking falls out of law and o rder .

What i s more the great bulk o f America s c o rrec

t io n al plants do not run to overdone rest rictions ,

but to underdone discipli ne using the wo rd disci

pline in the broad t o embrace every educative
p roces s .

C ommo nwealths do n o t concur a s to t he scope o f

measu res of refo rm to be employed i n their hou se s
o f c orrection. S ome fondl e the la st fad in over
weening desi re t o make u s e of saving methods .

Others fi ght shy o f a too la rge contention and t ools ,

edged in reverse of the sum o f human ex pe rience .

T o o often the blessed medial line is obliterated i n the

impo s sible s cramble for simple solution of a complex
p roblem ; but nowhere in Ameri ca i s t o be found the
seething p ri son sink o f iniquity w hich the perj u red
p ens o f mercena ry ex p ri soners paint Furt he rmo re

laymen who encourage libel by ex la w b reakers are ,

blamably i gnorant o r worse

, .
P sy cho logy a nd t he C ri mi nal 197

Faults there be plenty o f them about equal a s

, ,

between the p ositive and negative ; faults for which

ex p ri so ners of the M a cdo nw ald stripe are primari ly

responsible in ve ry appreciabl e degree—were all o f

basi c t r uth fully brought out .

A t any rate beware the ex p ri sone r who shifts


and whines and whets his knife fo r the j ugula r o f


autho rity He will wax Hu go i s t i c ally hecti c ove r


the devilish damnation o f s crews otherwi s e named

“ ”

guards ; but he w on t tell that h e had bee n a faki ng


malingering captions trouble breeder f rom hi s firs t


consciou s thought ; that he had never done an honest

stroke of work h e could avoid ; and that hi s pri son
averages th roughout had bee n such a s compulsion
comp elled Never a hand had he turned to hel p

himsel f nor to help othe rs help him M o re to t he

, .

p oint he wa s dog in the mange r to sn arl and snap


a t worthier comrades wh o would partake of u n f o r

bidden reformative fruit .

“ ”
However lamb asting heartless bulls and slash
, ,

“ ”
ing pig sc rew s a re but surface incidents in the

subterranean mind of the ex — convict peddler of al

lege d pri son malpractice He dives much deeper .

than that What he a ctually essays is to draw the


sting of con sequence from the commis sio n of c rime .

Thi s th rough pressing fo r prison activities i nac

, ,

t iv i t i es perquisites and unea rned largesse in o n e o r

, ,

another form which s o c ros s p revention and deter


ren ce a s t o leave them without lo cal habitati on He

, .
198 Cri minal Ty pes

would ride halter — free o f legal res traint ; hence ,

“ ” “
since bulls and s crews a re res p ectively first
and s ec ond -line social s oldiers instinctively hated ,

by haters of the overchecked bridle o f basi c

law any old lie will do which dis credits bulls and

s crews .

A public tha t is mulcted annually in the sum o f

about a half billion dollars by the now y
- - o u —
see i t -

and -now -y o u -don t fraternity ca nnot be expected to


sea rch o u t ulteri o r motives while skimming ove r the

pyrami ded fab ri cat ions of ex p ri soners whose specific

p sychology i s after all ve ry simple o f analysis

, ,

B rutally and i nelegantly put it i s essentially this ,

Wo rk ye ta rriers wo rk ; and dri ll ye tarriers dri ll


and sweat while I d raw y o u i n caricature—fo r a


p ri c e.

The M a c donw ald simile i s apt in s o fa r as it shad,

o w s forth the s elf —

dete rmi ni ng criminal s disloyalty ’

t o the S tate and the foxed c unning he employs to


“ ”
exp ress that disloyalty ; sh adows fo rth mind you , ,

for only the go od God Himself c an know to th e base

cells o f the a ctu al criminal s brain Some assert


t o the cont ra ry ; but observe that where they p re

s c ribe and p ros cribe there c riminal s ri de bo ot ed a nd

spurred ; and there fundamental correctio nal meas

u res go o n cru tches Blovi ati on marks at once the

c ri minal an d tho se wh o measu re the c ri minal with

arbitra rily -spaced tape T herefo re it comes abo ut

that the sneers o f the latter a re added to the sneers

2 00 Cr i mi nal Ty pes

pick themselves up make thei r remorseful bows to


conscience break away fro m cri me and thereafter

, ,

tread hones t p aths T hey a re rat her info rmed than


reformed .

In the other ca se by choice c riminal s— commonly


b re d a nd broken for the pa i t— take a s natu ra lly to

th e caves of earth a s do w olves thei r animal p roto ,

typ es T he instinct to forage upon and tea r a t


thei r kind i s gri mly adumbrated in the gusto with


which they cu t notches in thei r guns .

L ike the wolf they show naught of mercy in b ring


ing down thei r kill the which they u sually es say


only when the od ds for getting the dro p a re py ra

“ ”

mided in thei r favo r Hence again like wolves they

, ,

usually hunt in pai rs o r pa cks E ven so and con .


t r a r y to the commo n idea when fo rced to it they ,

mostly fight li ke co rn ered rats and many di e withou t ,

thought o f incri minating thei r pals ; albeit such

“ ”

mani festation usually ca rri es mo re o f hat red of

government than consideration f o r comrades
, ,

“ — ”
double cros sed daily i n the predal game .

As to off enses committed against them by their

blood brothers in crime Neap olitan and Sicilian

Ita lian cri minals wo rk th roughout under this slog a n

“ ”
If I live I will kill thee If I die I fo rgive th ee
, .

T herefo re it i s s o difficult to bring home to indi

v idu als ,vendetta butch ery within the clan .

In cities of the first class p art icularly where ,

Camo rri sts and M afi au si st s fo regather i n cla n

P sy chology a nd t he C ri mi n al 2 01
“ ”
groups he who squeals on a clan member to a legal

agent almo st certainly is marked fo r death T here

, .

fo re the v ery fi rs t duty o f the S tate should be to


combat with every means i n its power o rganizations

, ,

o f anti so cial wolves whose firs t and last thought is t o
euchre means by whi ch s ocial o rder i s established and
maintained ; for when it get s down to the ma rrow
, ,

Italian ana rchists and semi ana rchists along with -


legions of other foreigners o f thei r kidney operate ,

further from decla rati on substantially like this : He
who do es not defend himself again st agents o f the

law i s a fool
, In othe r words kill then combi ne
, ,

to cove r the killer .

P alpably the only safe cou rse fo r the United


States to pursue with units of the kind i s to sta lk ,

and dep ort them Good citizens they cannot be


made ; they cann ot fo r three governing reasons

, ,

to wit : ( 1 ) It i s t o o late ; heredity and habit have

them hamstrung ( 2 ) T hey haven t the fi rst iota

o f intention o r desire to become good citiz e ns (3) .

T o try to become good citizens afte r having gone

the ana rchisti c gamut either here o r ab road would
, ,

be to court the knife o r automati c a s witnes s s co res ,

o f cu rrent killings motivated by attempts o n the


p art o f former clan membe rs t o strike out fo r them

selves free of clan edicts .

Plu mbing to the p sychology o f a given criminal ,

let not hi s racial instincts es cape ca reful research ,

a s fo r example : L et it not be forgotten in the cas e

2 02 C r imi nal Types

o f the S icilian Italian mu rde rer— the most rampant


and the most flippa nt — that not s o fa r ba ck the

Sicilian — Italian wa s the most pea ceful and law -abid
ing man o n eart h ; indeed the law o f Sicily wa s then

mostly operative in the passed word o f natu ral

noblemen : tending their flocks p runing thei r vines , ,

s owing and harvesting devoutly wo rshi ping thei r


G o d while helping thei r neighbors and knowing next ,

t o naught o f killing until it wa s fo rced upon them by


c onti guou s peoples bent upon st ripping them of thei r

“ ”
Isle of i sle s and the grai n and vintage thereof
, .

T hen followed bri bery by fo reigners o f groups o f

Sicilians ; then bloody rep ri sals that en sue upo n
consanguine dupli city ; and then individual inter
pret at i o n and expre s sion o f o rgani c law with the i n ,

digenous bandit letting hi s brother s blood fo r less ’

than the pri ce o f a fat steer .

S o ala s ! runs human hist o ry ; so in determining

, ,

the psychology o f a given subj ect i n the commissi on

o f a given c ri me i t i s frequently ca rdinal to tra ce

the atavistic p res sure germane in the deed ; and s o ,

in appreciable measu r e all o f human a ction ha rk s


to yesteryears .

Germans start ed o u t by butch ering the dead of the

le gi on s o f ! aru s ; j ust killing didn t satiate thei r ’

blo od lust and they still planned butchery in 1914



w omen and babes includ ed .

Frenchmen frothed to indisc rimi nate mu rde r in

rep ri sal s that mi scarried ; whi ch is t o s ay : thei r
2 04 Cr i mi nal Ty pes

criminal you u sually have one as it were o u t o f

, , ,

Pa ndora s bo x ; o n e to whose ancestry and who se

natu ral instincts and predilection s becaus e o f that

ancest ry and t o whos e brin gi ng u p you needs must

p o ssess the master key else betimes surely mis s u n


derly in g motives .

Unquesti onable observation and expe riment declare

for this guiding p ri nciple : i n o u t breeding o f hu -

mans good t raits o f cha racter from either side

, , ,

ma y o r may not i s sue ; whereas bad instincts nearly

, ,

always car ry in emphasi s from both sides Hence .


a country that rec ruits its citiz enship from the fou r
co rners o f earth mu st if it i s to endure and persist
, ,

fo r human p rogress select of foreign born units


stri ct ly o n t h e basi s o f quali ty N ever mind either .

calculus o r t he alphabet ; en cou rage God fearing -


law abiding ha rd wo rking young men and women


wh o want to root in Ameri can s oil to do so T hen , .

bar every individual who cannot present clean bill s

of health and social cha racter B a r him essenti ally .
, ,

her at the p o rt o f egres s

, .

Fundamentally the immigration question i s no


more complex in s o fa r a s the only ratio nal cou rse


for the United S tates to pursue i s con cern ed than ,

i s breeding o f p ri ze cattle ; it is this : eliminate all

but good — mannered producers who t ransmit reliably
t o the best qualities of thei r breed .

Such had not to be fo rce fed of Ameri can pa -

t r i o t i sm T hey abso rbed it out o f the very Ameri

P sy cholog y a nd t he C r imi n al 2 05

ca n ai r they breathed and they will continue to do


so. L aboring ove r doubtful s and undesirables i s

mostly waste o f ammunitio n in s o far as the int rinsic

aim o f the labo r is conce rned T here i s no mo ral .

obligation upo n Ameri ca to poiso n her blo od lines ; -

quite to the contrary .

Give go od immigrant s chee r then pla ce them where ,

making and owning thei r own nests will enga g e them ,

and they will do the re st T hey may continue to


roll thei r R s o r to sibilat e their S s ; also they will



s oon lea rn to reverence the basic t raditions of the

American fl ag .

S ince c riminal s w ill al w ays be with us fo r the s ame

reason that all seeing Nature revokes in the matter

o f the quality o f a certain percen tage of h er seed

lings huma ne man needs must make the best of the


criminal ; but the humane best does not mean that

criminal s shall be encou raged to breed with thei r
kind cert ai nly not with standard stock ; and it

does not p ostulate waste of time and substance in

impo s sible attempts to carry weaklings beyond thei r
incurable congenital limitation s .

T were futile fo r instance to expect o f th e sc ram

, ,

bled brain o f an epilepti c mo ron that it shall ever ,

function fa r above the ze ro mark of either mental o r

bo dily control and service .

In the p rovince o f the good God He has suff ered ,

man t o make himself ove r f rom the o ri ginally perfect

model into the being who leans and limps and
, , ,
2 06 Cri minal T y p es

stumbles With that whi ch ha s come to be what


might be called the cosmic metabolism o f the human

body germane in intern a t ional o u t breeding the

C reato r probably does not conce rn Himself If man .

“ ”
would pa ce his p aces toward the Wasse rm ann test ,

that likely i s distinctively his material business .

T he Father o f all set the t r u e pac e in stone — st ru ck

p recepts M a n read pa ssed on to dives p o llution
, , ,

and deviltry and— pays !


M a cdo n w alds pay o u t o f pu rs es the st rings o f

which a re tightly d rawn to self centered dis service -

In the end they greet n o friend and eat a t hearts

, ,

bled white of capa city fo r enj oyment T o such .


Solon might well have excl aimed B oast not of hap ,

p i n es s until you reach the last day o f you r lives !

Then we have natu r a l nomads o f this that o r , ,

complex p ersuasion who a re p atly named glob e

t rotters in the pa rlance of the period ; then given

ove r to pursuit o f surfa ce pleasu res and th e j u g
gling of baubles while lending but casual w eight t o

the kind of coinage they coin and next to non e at all


t o cust odial conside rations that should obtai n a s b e

tween the w ealthy and the masses who make wealth .

Humans so d riven usually pay o u t o f tingling ne rves ,

s ouls of un rest that fight a constantly emphasized

ennui a c onscience never fou r squared to challeng

ing duty and a j uiceles s o ld age against which

, ,

they have stored no pleasures of the mind Indi .

v i du als o f the st ripe take naturally as a rul e to , ,

2 08 C r i mi nal Types

man that w o rit wo rk who deal s in degenera cy N ot

- - -
, .

so long ago he had to sneak th rough alleys o r up

, ,

t o sky lofts in order to display hi s devilish wa res to

a few s co re of attendants who couldn t shut out the ’

“ ”
image of the raiding cop T o day this de railer

o f decency d rives hi s stakes i n the heart of a c rowded

community a n d hales reverend seign iors to blood

soaked canvas M oreove r mothers fl ock to bestial

exhibitions that imbue lads with values utte rly false ,

mark them mo re brutally than b ronchos are branded

in the co rral and speed them to useless lives c o m
, ,

mo nly ga rnished with the unspeakable S o much a s .

a syllable o f defense in Holy Writ i s not to be found

o f the drone sp ort ; and s o much as a staunch syl

lable cannot be advanced by him as to why he should

be s uff ered t o c ros s the mental moral and physical
, ,

well being o f unfolding lads and lassies D own deep .

in his soul this all pervasive fake r p ays o u t o f


knowledge o f the fact that the grand maj ority o f

hi s fello w s size h im to his int rinsic wo rth : ba r him
where s elf -respect moves with its eyes o n the
sta rs .

B ut another step down i n natural sequence rea ches

to him who makes no bones about being an o u t and -

o u t thug In his mental purv iew man wa s fi st ed and


framed to no other purp ose tha n f o r individual

selectio n agreeably with hi s b rawn and bent Let .

them that will stri ke i ndirectly w ith such a s statutes

that hamstring equitable exchange o r with long ,
P sy chology a nd t he C ri mi n a l 2 09

di stance law that li cks the leaner purs e B oiled .

t o the bone fo rc e is all o n e in p rinciple s o why do n

, ,

kid gloves in doing you r bit for you rself ? Why not
go after what you want with the like of the mailed
fi st an d let it go at th at ? D o n t a lot of so called

’ -

highb rows do the same and go t o the head o f the
“ ”
s ocial class ? And say ! if there s essential di ff er’

ence between the moral crook who crank s f o r ill

gotten ga i n unde r un due p ro ces s o f law and legis
— “ ”
lation and th e guy who greet s him with a g a s
“ ”
pipe spite of the finest and four wall s that

threaten upon which of the two in the final anal

, ,

y s i s
, rests th e bu rden o f j ustification ? Of course
all o f such trimming will be out of the twi sted brain
o f the crook thug who elects t o be and remain a

c rook -thug ; and o f cours e i n flouting the finer sen


sibi li t i es he p ays in mis sing the fulness o f life they


alon e can round o u t .

S o one mi ght go on to the end of the chapter i n

citatio n o f p rima ry motives fo r the com mi s sion o f
crime in Ameri ca ; but su ffi cient of data is off ered
to emp hasiz e thi s crucial and concrete fact : mo re
than the c rimi nal o f an y other nati on ality the ,

Ameri can ma de c ri mi nal i s a composite

He is .

necess a rily be caus e he d raws on many mo re ra cial


st rai ns than does the lawbr eaker of any other la nd .

H i s blood commonl y cours es to instincts some time


conflicting a s between th e good and the bad but by ,

the very fact o f hi s cashin g i n fo r a criminal career ,

2 10 Cr imi nal Ty pe s

hi s pulse beats insistently to negative strains th at

nag him into the ch oice he makes .

However choice f o r a life of crime would not be


made so li ghtly in Ame ri ca could the c riminal not


bank the re o n odds much heavier in hi s favo r than

like o dds off ered him i n any o ther country ; basi c

odds substa ntially put in these fou r points : ( 1) T he

direct and indirect b ids fo r him a re the most co mmon ,

persistent and inviting

, ( 2 ) H i s chances to get

away with hi s loot and to conve rt it into cash are


by fa r the greatest ( 3 ) If caught and co rralled


“ ”—
a great big i f he kn ows that a s to the meat
o f the sentences t o mo s t o f Ameri ca s p risons the ’

hands o f the lo cal autho riti es are tied ; tied in the

matters o f the essentials of j u st and n ecessa ry d e
ter rence obe dient t o penal predicates and p ro se ou
ti on of educative mea sures that n eeds must function
f o r cons ecrated endeavo r else mis s the reformative

ma rk ( 4 ) Publi c o pini on relative to the mounting


menace of th e criminal i s neithe r fi sh flesh no r , ,

go od red herri ng ; it j ust muddle s along steered ,

by m e ddlesome cults mo st o f the members o f which


to ss about rudderles s o n sea s the shoal s o f whi ch


they do not make seri ou s e ff o rt either to chart o r

avoid . Neve rtheles s they h esitat e not to employ

the axe o r mo re dest ructively prai s e that damns

, , , .

Needles s t o add you r Simon pure pu rse -packer is


the meanest o f s ubterranean det ra cto rs and bunc o

steerers He it i s wh o packs hi s purse indi rectl y
2 12 Cr i min al Types

p redisposition t o expres s unsocial conduct and the,

total of obj ective i nfluence exerted upon him Fo r .

that which he lack s i n character on a certain day ,

d ate and yea r much betimes may be di scounted a s


the quite natu ral result o f cumulative ci rc um stan ce ,

all o f it spiteful ; but that fact does not alter the

ba sic truth stat ed .

And so since Ameri ca went out of her way to


ransack the disca rd o f nations fo r he r p ro spective

citizens ; an d sin ce criminals and potential c riminals
of ea ch national group b o re with them t o America
that by which they were p eculiarly motivated to
criminality in thei r native lands ; and si nce America
ha s been o u t breeding from such stock fo r over t w o

centuries ; and since Ameri c a sneezes at leapi ng

license a s n o othe r n ation sneez es at licens e : it fol
lows p erf b r ce that the p sychology o f the average
Ameri ca n c rimi nal will be singula rly complex .

A tavism kneels neither to brain no r brawn .It will

not be denied ; n ot even th e M endelian law hold s it
wholly s afe D eviations that defy an a lysis will crop

out. The cra ck in character apparently clo ses and

in erges then opens wide a fter the laps e certainly

of si x generations probably from way back o f


any geneal ogi cal t ree yet branched by human


Ce rt ain attributes a re clo se to comm on t o all

of true criminals T hei r impres sionability will

be below p a r ; thei r nervous s ensibilities o x -like ,

P sy cholog y a nd t he C ri mi n al 2 13

leaving them comparati v ely indiff eren t to pain they

inflict o r by which they are a fflicted ; exp ressions o f
their sexual des ires are gros s frequently perverted
, ,

and not uncommonly masochi sti c in on e o r another

degree and fo rm ; thei r mental concepts are pro
n o u n c edly ego centric ; thei r spirituality is such a s

clings t o t he main chance j ust because it i s the main

chance n ot becau se they t reasure it a s the fount

o n whi ch to draw fo r inspi ration to better things ;

thei r wo rd at the best is but a lame du ck ; their

loyalty i s huckstere d from ba rgain counters ; and
thei r honesty o f purp ose i s adumbrated i n the fa ct
that th ey stand many times convicted felons albei t ,

many hands and hea rts h ad again and again tri ed to

steer them clea r of criminal cesspools beginning with ,

their tempest — tos sed pa rents and ending with the


“ ”
spurned s crew : but the masteri ng motive fo r thei r
crimes will usually b e singula r to the individual and ,

t ra ce t o fo rebea rs who ra n thei r c ou rs e on fo reign

soil C o rrectional institutions contain few of the

o ff sp ring of Pilgrim sto ck .

At a ny rate the singula r composite psychology


calls fo r the singul a r —

comp osit e p sychologist ; mean
ing that he must pos sess singul a r skill with whi ch to
unfol d the ca rdinal fl a w s that cau se the high cri m
inal blood pressure o f hi s subj ect a s well a s ability

t o uncover the sum total o f obj ective impulsion that

adds t o that pres sure Shall he allow a fetich t o

sidetrack him from c omp rehen sive research and ,

2 14 Cr imi nal T y pes

lo gi cal recommendations ba sed on such research he ,

will su rely foozle .

B ecause the t w o — fold cho re involved has been i n

t rusted mainly to mental examiners obses sed with
the nea r mania to make the pu rely psychological
ca se regardles s of the comprehensive ca se it i s that
, ,

“ ”
the ve ry w ord psychology is looked at a skance
by many w ho keenly want to see whole .

S earching the psychology o f a given c riminal nec

ess a rily involves diggi ng to underst ructu re from
which he i s impelle d to illegal acts ; pa rticula rly t o ,

the sub con s cfo u s impulses that sway him ; but having
taken cognizance o f thos e impulses remedial meas ,

u res must further p resc ri be f o r him agree ably wit h

the r ole he wil l b e best fitted to a s sume as a re
claimed somal unit .

Palpably therefore hi s all a round scho oling mu st

, ,

be ind ividual to a degree yet comprehend the so cial


exactions that wil l be upon hi m in free li fe .

N o matte r what the p ri son régime under whi ch the

s ubj ect i s schooled it should functio n substantially

a s follows
( a ) A s a distin ctive plant fo r a certain grade of

offenders to a di stincti v e end a s for example : fo r

, ,

di stinctively o ccupational results i f it i s a t rades ,

scholastic milita ry house o f co rrection ; and f o r dis


t in c t iv ely ag ricultu ral results if it i s an agri cultural

plant L ittle i f any crossing o f the con centrated
, ,

idea should obtain .

2 16 Crimin al Ty pe s

pulsion i s the o nly weapon to hand that will make


a ny impression o n certain of self willed s elf cen - -


t ered singul arly refra cto ry pri soners who had be en

, ,

ind u lged in mo ck he roics a nd who devise deviltr y ,

even while they are changing from citizen to p ri so n

ga rb At once i s the time to read to such their

p ri so n lesson p redicated in p enal law If it c an be

, .

done through kindly admonition that ca rrie s f ro m

the heart of the mentor by all manner o f mean s do,

i t s o ; but don t commonize the mento ring in the face

of repetition o f s erious inf r a ctio n of refo rmative

measures by your man else he will spu r n both men

t o r and measu re ; this the rule It re ma in s f o r t he

, .

mento r t o spot and allow fo r t he exce p tional cas e ,

such fo r insta nce a s o n e whereof the off ender had

, ,

known li ttle o ther than kicks and cu ff s out o f life .

W ith such an o ne persevere wi th the soft pe dal


mu ch a s the Chri st would have p ers evered in like

ci rcumstance .

The p oint i s that much to o much o f s o b sister -

stu ff has be en w ritten and spoken about comp ul sion

a s applied to the instinctive and habitual s ocial
wolf ; about hi m who bega n li fe by abusing hi s
mother and who will probably end up i n the electri c

chai r unles s timely action i s taken t o disabuse hi s


mind o f the notion that hi s indi vidual will i s law .

Isn t i t t rue that mos t o f t he wo rth -whi l e thi ngs
men h ave done have been done against grai n that

howled betimes fo r ea sie r going ? If it i s tru e then ,

P sy cholog y a nd t he C ri mi n a l 2 17

h ave done with petty piffle about compelling rep eat

ing felon s who j us t w on t hav e it any other way ;

felon s who figure on foraging on s o ciety by its

leave el se shooting to kill I n any event plan fo r
, .

notable preparednes s throughout the p riso n cu r

ricul um then hold the pris oner

, unde r hi s commit ,

ment paper until he shall have made at least a


mighty good try for him self in agreement with the

plan .

“ ”
( f ) The plan should refuse utterly the going , ,

fad and fallacy to the e ff ect that the p ri son régi me

i s best which i s productive of the least fri ction ; that
mea sures whi ch please amuse and keep recidivi stic
, ,

felon s good n atu red are the ones t o be sought

, .

T rue enough the p ri so n scheme that p roduce s


undue fr i ction i s at o nce suspect B etter fo r ex .


ample a bit to o much than not enough o f amuse


ment and recreation so that they a re fre e of th e


p ru rien t and the pug ; but neither should c ros s edu

cative measure s and b oth should merge a s n early
, ,

as po ssible a s both a re merged under a factory


s chedule in f ree life E s sentially play and amus e


ment sh ould be held stri ctly subordinate to the ca r

dinal aim which i s t o make skilled unskilled hands

and brains The responsibility fo r undu e fri ction


that is sues out o f execution i n line with that aim

should be met squa rely with remedial mea su res ,

whether they hi t inmate or o ffi cer Reform work i s .

that last o f the wo rld s work that should be r e
2 18 Cr i mi nal T y pes

t a r ded by the man who does n o t take seriously a

high call ing .

“ ”
Some sni ff at the high calling ; albeit endeavo r
cannot be at once mo re scientific and awes ome than
raveling the mental twists and remodelling the faulty

clay o f huma ns Because that mighty task i s turned


over i n s o many insta nces t o those whos e co n t ri bu

tions to c o rrection con sist in nothing more tangible
than c ro ss -cutting saws they to oth about it explain s ,

in appreciable degree America s recidi v i stic crim
i n als who hold all reco rds fo r flippan t lawbreaking

( g ) Gone about i n the ri ght w ay it i s po sitively ,

helpful t o appraise law breakers f o r thei r mental ,

moral and phys i cal restrictions each one of which

, ,

cont ributes to the othe r P articula rly a s to bo rder


line mental deviates thei r p rospective social serv ice


wi ll quite reliably res ide in the mann er in which an al

y si s i s made o f thei r handicaps p rovided : ve ry clear
distinction i s declar ed as be tween thei r congenital
li mitations a n d encumbrances of envi ronment and

bringing u p by whi ch thei r so cial sense and s ocial


development were a r rested while they were being ,

clamped to anti s o cial habits o f thought and action


And p rovid ed : negation i s n ot nurtured i n o rde r t o

st rike an average o r to co nfi rm questionable theo ry
, .

B ra sh statement either way relative to the recla ,

mati on o f the average felon should be withh eld ; y et ,

clo se to a life study o f and research pertaining to

, ,

impri soned felons while brushi ng elbows with them

220 C ri mi nal T ypes

individual duty regi stered on his brain ; and he wo n t
blow a t all to the light o f living except by gradual
and well ma rked stages much in the matte r o f time
, , ,

a s he wa s dwarfed in black holes by the po wers o f

darknes s Still he i s of the stuff of which the A l

mighty made Adam M o reove r the E te rnal Father


wo n t sh r ive of blame the man who dons the esoteri c

m antle takes a casual p eek at hi m smugly pro

, ,

n ounc e him an incorri gible moron and p as se s him

“ ”

up to perdition .

Going over the days o f hi s youth and young man

hood rec alli ng the grave s ometime gros s la p se s
, ,

cha rgeable t o him spite of hi s best o f en vi ronm ent


and bringing-u p wha t call has anyone lightl y t o


damn a lad either mentally o r m o rally whos e lot it

, ,

had been to be dep ri ved of di rection while he w as ,

being shouldered i nto moral gutte rs ? Why insist

with s o much o f balderdash about the predestined
c riminal and at the s ame time o rder s ocial u sages

and the execution of p enal law t o hi s hand ; then ,

when he falls plumb backwa rd s o o rder p ris on ,

re ime s that they do with and fo r him j ust tho se

things they ought not do a nd leave either u ndo ne ,

o r half -baked j ust thos e things th ey ought t o do ?


W hy fo r example in response t o the criminal s

, ,

oblique instinct s and intentions featu re such a s ,

bestial pugilism and flatten out such a s t rades teach


ing until it stands but a loo se-j ointed skeleto n of

what it must b e to b e eff ective ? Why place emba rgo
P sy chology a nd t he C r imi n al 221

on p reparedness to ea rn an honest living and at the ,

same time make unblushing bid fo r the murderous


pa rasite ? Why put a premium o n a ctiviti es pu rsu ,

ing whi ch in free life fi rst made a brutal drone -spo rt

o f a lad , then headed hi m fo r bolts a nd ba rs ?
All— su ffi ci e n t o f wholesome play and amusement
the impri soned should have ; but the moment eithe r
engages pri sone rs to the extent of crowding o u t o f
thei r minds the es sential exactio n upon them to c o n
centrate fo r correction o f that responsible fo r their
pli ght a s prisoners that moment it be comes pe r

n i ci o u sly non reformative

Fu rthermo re p riso n

play shoul d be confined to the p eri ods set a side for

play f or all . Nothi ng of the kind could be mo re
subvers ive o f refo rmation than b y play by group s

the howling by members o f which i s plainly heard

by the gene ral population supp osed t o be fully en

gaged at work in the shop s and depa rt ments of the

plac e Aside from bad feeling engendered through

pl aying f av o ri t ie s a t play the inevitable eff ect of


the b y -play is to kill concent ration through switch

ing the mind s t o play o f those who a re at work .

At gymnasti c exercis e fo r special groups noise ,

shoul d be held within bounds exerci se s p res c ribed


fo r the purpo se in hand rather than to amu se and ,

the minds o f the lads fashioned fo r thei r all a round
improvement instead of to the idea that the ex e r

cises a re planned from no higher purpose than

p leasu rable relaxation .
222 Cr i mi nal Typ es

T here will be isolated instances whereof j ust pure

play fo r a time will be best ; but such cases ca n and
should be handled j udi ciously du ring the pe riods set
a side fo r play .

E s sentially and without reserve manifestation s a t ,

play that m ake fo r the brute should be sha rply

checked They are o f the devil s own imposed upon


p coming lads through the medium o f spo rt ing


mongers .

E ven in the Army and N avy o f t he United States ,

where la ds must be trained t o take ca re of them

selves with the last device of indivi dual p owe r j usti ,

fi c a t i o n rests with the military autho ri ties fo r bru

tality i nsep a rable with fi st i c encounters and w r es
tling matches T here a re better ways by which to

co ordi nate eye brain and brawn fo r off ense and de


f en se either in pea ce o r fo r war ; ways that fit the


i n dividual weap on ; ways that confine the thoughts of

th e unit to u se of that weapon fo r wa r ; and ways
th at do not ino culate with the i tch to knock some

’ “ ”
one s blo ck o ff .

Such as fi st i cu fl s has been empl oyed by Uncle S am
t o aid i n rec r uiting then pu rely for the amusement

o f the onlo ok ers No no rmal man does o r could


claim to be edified by seeing human blo od spilled ,

o r by ago nizing with the lad rolling in agony .

Again Uncle S am s s oldiers and s ailors a re the pick

o f t he natio n In bulk they can be tru sted to avoid


t he d ea dlin e o f int rin sicall y brut al ma ni f estati ons .

224 Cr i mi nal Ty pes

t o assume it T hi s if fo r no othe r reason than that


the st rongest o f motives decide s o ffenders fo r denial

o f guilt .Not o nly does the individual lie naturally
c ome easy when pa rt of a pri soner s libe rty i s threat ’

ened ; but cumulative u ntruth mu st be searched o u t

o f testimony motivated by a common cri minal c am

a r a derie .

Gulfs of c ri mi nal p ractice may separate diff erent

grades of prisone rs ; yet when it comes down t o

incriminating evidence o f a serious natu re against

thei r fellow priso ne rs they u sually fight shy and
, ,

that o n o ccasion no t ign obly

, , .

A s to di ff erent off ens es that a re met with i ndiff er

ent imp ositi ons an inmate agent will clasp hands i n

measure with the local authoriti es ; but he usually

s teers clea r o f testi mony that e st abli shes him a

ra t info rmer and v ery p robably ma rks him for


c ondign rep ri sal .

A p ri son popul ation i s bo und by ties whi ch the

“ ”
hardi est o f trusties breaks at his grave peril ;
therefo re when it i s told that a j unta of imprisoned
felons i s given over in equ iv o cably t o suppo rt o f
pe nal law rea ch fo r the salt

In the fi rst plac e no set o f men have legal author


ity t o build t o corrective p ro cedure that runs counter

to the binding pre di cates o f penal law .

Secondly no man ha s call to conclud e that he


c a n devi se safer check s up on the marau ding cri m

i nal than a re tho s e wri tten i nto p en al codes , o u t o f

P sy cho log y an d t he C rimi n al 2 25

the cumulative j udgment and experience of mankind .

Nevertheless the single seeing and idiosyncratic


p ractically have controlled dis cipline i n mo st o f

America s p ri sons duri ng recent decades B esides


they have spec ified fo r overdrawn a ctivities in

es sence banal a nd baldly opposed to actual reforma
tive measures maimed in the p ro cess t o the point o f

p ra ctical di suse .

T ime wa s when ma n ageri c al members o f in st i t u

“ ”
t io n al sta ff s demanded that up fo r pa role p ri s
o ners sh all have sustained s aving trade s and
scholastic averages Now gentlemen mostly have

thei r eyes glued to s porting s chedules an d conduct

reco rds the one of which commonly c ro s s refo rm a

tion ; an d the other o f which are at no time reliable

guides o n which to base th e f ree life intenti ons o f -

intelligent pris oners .

T he result is hodgepodge o f cro ss matched co rre e -

tion little of which es capes knowing condemnation

, ,

and les s of which i s stru ng to the keynote o f refo rm a

tive ha rmony .

T he keynote o f reformative harmony i s struck

in a p ri so n régime that ministers meti culously to
ma rketable knowledge and skill T his unmoved by .

the counte r machination s o f th e minority o f the

mass exp res sed either individually o r collectively ;

indeed collecti v e manifestati ons agains t the like of


i nsistence up on fai rly won ave rages throughout the


system should be met at thei r inceptio n b y the State

226 Criminal Ty pes

with power s o impres sive a s to make repetition o f

such oppositio n highly improba ble Failure thereof .

t o take up disciplinary stitches in time is what ulti ,

mately works mob mischief .

A s a matter o f fact radical resistance to rational


measures seldom i ssues in a co rrectional plant that

i s consistently dedicated to tho se measu res under
a n all around square deal C ont rariwi se that i n

s t i t u t i o n i s alway s ripe fo r di sciplinary lo ot whe rein ,

disruptive p rivileges and perquisites a re heaped upo n

inmates w ho do not ea rn them .

T here i s n o s atisfying such laggards with gra

t u i t o u s large sse . T he mo re yielded to them the ,

mo re they demand Fu rthermore once having


yielded to them way beyond that which should have

been yielded it takes year s to get back t o the no r

m al agai n i f at all .

B asic reformative cogs can be slipped i n a second

o u t o f purblind vision not so to put it within the
, ,

focus o f comp rehen sion : whereas readj ustment r e

solves into a long ha rd pull up hill all of the w ay
, , .

In o ne o f the wri ter s many talks with M r Z R

. . .

B rockway relative to the capital matte r in ques


ti on M r B rockway let fall thi s cryptic conclu si on

, .

“ ’
I ve t ried it o u t every known way and I s ay ,

do n t d o t he
fi f da rn

rs t -
o ol t hin g .

In the light of eventualities it seem s a great pity ,

that M r B ro ckway should have been held up j ust


a s he w a s abo ut t o p erfect balance o f pa rts in a

228 Cr imi nal Types

world with whi ch we have to deal I t i s n o t c o nver


si o n of ev i l men t h a t mu s t b e a i me d a t bu t t he i r c on

t r ol
. A natio n tempted to be b r utal a s Germany
was must be given to understand that the fi rst dis

play o f barbarism in warfare would bring all other

civilized countri es on its ba ck In short nothi ng

but a s olemn international agreement unit edly t o

oppose and to pu n i sh the ruthless making of wa r can

a ssu redly prevent it . The underscori ng i s the
w riter s’

B ea r in mind that a S tate bears relatively the

same relation to the combined States o f the wo rld ,

a s do es the unit of a nation to the mas s of that

nation ; i n very fact i t comes about in Ameri ca that

the State i s a n enla rgement of the i ntern ational

unit— thanks to the melting p ot fallacy ; then
change the wording o f the preceding parag raph t o
agree with the ca se a s put up to Ameri c a by polyg
lot pistol toters who show no mercy And then say

why it i s good to visit the extreme of co rporal pun

i shmen t on a “ ”
barbarou s nation and bad t o ,

“ ”
sho ck physically a n indi v idual bandit wh o care s
not a wisp of st raw a bout anything in the way o f
“ ”
punishment sho rt of physical pain ? S ay it r e ,

fusing a t least the premis e worn threadba re and

stripped o f ballast t o the e ff ect that the inj ured

sensib ilities o f the cruelest of pa r a sit ies a re p ara

m ount over th e common safety and p rogres s ; and
say it realizing that the p ape r quoted now blares
P sy cho log y and t he C r i mi n al 2 29

s olemn t ruth fo r which it bitterly sco red M r B rock .

w ay who neve r went s o far fo r pure rep ression a s


that paper now goes .

The fund a mental p rinciple ge r man e to the under

s cored words in the editorial excerpt gi ven i s p re
c i sely th at which i s s o frequently involved in the

issue between the i ndividual and the State In any .

ca se co rr ection i s spu riou s whi ch does not c arry


t o high grade skill backed by the highest grade of


rec reation amusement and mo ral teaching

, , .

If mercy multiplied c an b e made to eff ect fo r the

main obj ect that were well since A man convinced
, ,

again st hi s will i s ( usually ) o f the same opinion

still ; yet shall the subj ect persist in making use

“ ”
o f the s oft pedal a s a soft thi ng through which
t o dra w out devi ous dete rmined long d ra wn out , ,
- -

devilment the s ooner the State stops his bullish ru sh


fo r the abyss the s ooner he will take a flashlight


photo o f hims elf .

Such in substance ha s been the contention o f

, ,

p racti cal p enolo gists In line with that contention


the pendulum of public opinion must swing back ; it

must fo r th e ve ry good reason that self preserva

tion leaves no othe r choi ce t o th e Ameri can people

o r to a ny other peo ple T hat count ry limp s t o the .

dogs whi ch essays t o hold mu rderou s rounders in

ch eck by aesthesi a T he Almighty fits the puni sh

ment t o the o ff ense M an can d o n o les s and endure


in the image o f his M ake r .

2 30 Cr i min al T y pes

Th e first necessary step i n the regeneration o f a

license mad wo rld i s to put teeth into the restraint

of tho se who seek to make permanent the p resent

cha otic s ocial c onditio ns M oreover the movement

against t he international social m a raude r will n ec e s

s a ri l
y take on intern ational scope and s olida rity .

Pe cking at him here and there driving him fro m ,

thi s to that ba se of operations won t get the wo rld,

a ny where in coming up with him who does not balk

ove r indiscrimi nate u se of the c ru elest of death deal -

ing tools in determi nati on to stand society on its

head .

International cont rol ove r and isolation of the

red handed are the only weapons that will make a

dent i n them T herefore employ th ose weapons be


fo re misled maulers o f la w and o rder engage the

standing armies of the civilized nations of the globe .

Will they n ot ? M aybe not but they do right , ,

n ow, in appreciable measu re in several E u ropean


“ ”
States ; also they go right on boring i n t o th e

heart of things in America fo r which they do not

, ,

a s a rule get so much a s a slap on their mu rderou s


wrists .

Ca rdinal bungling in relation to p resent co s mi c

lawles sness resid ed i n allowing Ru ssia to be taken

by the throat by a few addle brained s o cial hyenas ;


they wh o use an intri nsically fi ne hearted p eo ple as -

a foil fo r dest ru ctivenes s the most h einous eve r

garn i shed by in human gho ul s .
2 32 Cri mi nal Ty pe s

suff ering God i s substantially the psych ology o f


habitual criminals place them where you will As a

, .

distinct cla ss o f humans eac h i s o u t to get some


thing f o r n othing With speci ous and p oli shed


phrases the one class of educated plunderers play


up t o the dumb avari ce o f igno rant underdogs .

T he other class equals o f thei r blood —

, brothers i n
hat re d o f biblical gove rnment usually manifest thei r

cro oked curves in the most di rect way with the indi
v i dual weap on An archisti c agitators seek to strike

th rough the masse s from center t o p eriphery o f the

social ci rcle ; pri min als usually mak e thei r fo rays in
pai rs o r p acks from the f ringes of society ; yet bot h
a re impelled to anti — soci al action by the ever s ame
capital motive whi ch i s to get som ething fo r noth

i ng .

And so n o matter What u mA meri can o r anti


Ameri can st ripe he bea rs ; and no matter in wha t

language he may shri ek for so cial disintegratio n b e
cause he i s of that stripe Ameri ca must meet him

with a fist that knows no relax a tion H e should n ot .

be allowed t o land o n American s oil until h e had

taken unqualified o ath t o suppo rt Ameri can in st it u
tion s T hereafter upon the fi rst evidenc e on hi s

a rt o f back sliding a s rega rds that o ath he shoul d

p ,

be given hi s ticket of l eave an d publi shed to the

police authorities o f the world fo r what he is viz : , .

a m an without a country who doesn t mean t o merge
wi th any but those o f hi s cla ss .
P sy chology and t he C r imi nal 2 33

Adam and E v e were turn ed out o f E den fo r c o m

t t ing mere carn al sin in disobedience o f divine
command America then ha s the hi ghest autho rity
, ,

o n which to pu rge herself o f lawless blood spille rs ; -

ind eed s o much of obligation i s upo n Ameri ca

, ,

j udged ei t her from the spi ritual o r material stand

point .

Americ a cannot if she would do other than pul se

, ,

t o the inte rnational puls e s o long a s she o u t —


t o all o f the C auca sian ra ce s o f mankind H aving .

bred to the cold — blooded f ro m here the hot — headed ,

from there and incorrigi ble enemies o f publi c law


from everyw here she may make the best of it ; but


if sh e really has in reserve common sense su ffi cient

t o doi t she can b reak the strangle hold with which

so cial wreckers seek to place her in C hancery C o n .

t ra r iw i se if she persists i n attemp t to w ash the


wo rld o f it s human barnacles sh e will p as s of a ,

leprou s p oi soning for which there i s no known anti

dote .


While a commo n mode o f operating and th e wast

rel s way of satisfying abno r mal demands o f the

senses usually tag c riminals of di ff eren t types the ,

ultimate p sychology of a given criminal will be his

very own Surfa ce signs may or may n ot di ff eren

t i a t e him appreciably from thousands of those o f

234 Cr imi nal T y pes

hi s particula r grade . In very essenc e o f soul he

will seem to mat ch another a s closely a s hi s facial
lines and moulding dupli cate the lines and moulding
o f sco res o f others ; still a s to the p rime impulses

that impel hi m he will be more o r les s the individual


slave and law unto himself .

In the sense that he himself will not be cognizant

of the su bcons ciou s quicksand that sucks him down ,

the ca se o f a given criminal will p a rallel that of

most all o f criminal s ; but while the underto w may
initiate i n substantially the same subj ective causes
fo r all he will ru n to obj ective empha sis fo r hi s

crimin ousness in ac co rdance with the cardinal in

s t in c t s that d ri ve him. Hence since h e i s j ust like

no other c riminal in every way there will be a deep ,

shading o f diff erence i n the m anner i n which he acts

and reacts a s compared with the a ction and rea ction

of any other criminal .

L ike the time lo cked safe each cri minal h as hi s

“ ”
p articular combination the key to which i t i s up
t o the State to forge —

i f it c an .

“ ”
Whatever his combination be su rp rised if the ,

c onvicted criminal do es not assert stoutly that he

“ ”
wa s not guilty a s convi cted but f ramed , T h en i f .

“ ”
you pin him int o position where h e cannot stall ,

be surp ri sed again i f he fails to rebut with p a r allels

involving m o ral th ieves whos e defense o f wholesale

p ocket picking i s substantially that made by Fal


s taff t o a ccusing Pri nce Henry in King Henry I !


Suspended sentences ; p robation ; dis cha rges ;

quashing o f indi ctments ; bail under bond pending ,

trial fo r ominous c rimes ; and early p arole s from

p ri son houses a re now stretched fa r be yond the p ra e
tice o f p revi ous yea rs .

S chemes fo r lifting s ocial blight from ba ckslider s

have been broadened and quickened notably during
recent d ecades .

C hild ren s court s o f p robation constantly have

ri sen in numbe rs and the gratuitous offices o f ever


inc reasing thou s ands o f laymen and women nobly sec

o n d servic e fo r children haled t o those cou rt s .

From the mode o f o perating most o f Ame ric a s
p ri sons has been deleted all b u t the semblanc e of
rep ression a nd compulsion : and i n thei r stead ,

powers that b e boast o f having capitalized a ct iv i

- -

ties which fit for the sp orting limelight rathe r than ,

f o r saving averages at bread winning wo rk -


After parole eff ort s fo r and supervisio n o v er ex

, ,

p ri soners are va stly mo re inclusive than lik e en


deav o r o f any fo retime M o reo v er , the public a t


2 36
Su ma ry
m 2 37

large ha s been minded t o do its duty : fact adum

b r a t ed i n the vital ci rcumstance that a p ri soner
i s seldom held long i n duress fo r want o f a free life

j ob albe it millions of crime free hands remain idle


In every conceivable way — inclusive o f political

pull chicanery graft and c ri minal pa rticipa tio n
, , ,

that remind of r o t t en ing fruit —the legal paddle ha s

been p added for appli cation to the p redal felon ; the
s ame until he construes criminal law in execution t o

be w ritten agreeably with such interpretation a s hi s

nefari ou s necessities dictate .

S elf —adj udged reformers o f both sexes and of all

stripes baldly p-

alli a t e the chosen occupation of the

thief while him commiserating beyon d the period


placed by the Saviou r .

The patrolman w ho wields hi s nightstick s o as t o

shock the aesthetic sensibilities o f an attacking ma

r a u de r is liable to be broken if the bandit i s o ne

o f th e many who make i rresistible appeal to the

supe r — emoti onal .

A pea ce officer p robably will be condignly dis

ciplin ed shall he have da red in self defens e to
, ,

man — handle a n underworld vote herde r f o r them to


wh om the officer mus t either kowtow or ca sh in .

T he chances that a lawb reaker will be app rehended ,

a re about three to o n e i n hi s favor ; that he will be

c onvicted under the wording of a charge o r charges
brought again st him by legal agents they are about

ten to o n e ; and that he will pay with his life if he

2 38 C rimi nal Ty pes

kills they are s o nebulous as to be nearly negligible


A n escaping pri sone r may count o n the sympathy

o f at least eight of ten of the human mass many o f ,

whom a ctua lly shield him

M ost any old alibi off ered by aids de—

camp of

crooks Wi ll se rve the accused on trial


W rest what he will from whom he will by what

, ,

method he will the p redal felo n is not held to mone


ta ry restitution in so much as a red cent T he .

“ ”
looted c an sweat f o r the loot the thief plants the n ,

employs in another swing around the c ri minal ci rcle .

The lea st ela stic o f the predicates of penal law

a re held at bay in all but a temerous few of Amer
ica s seconda ry p ri sons


Fa r from being the c rowded out derelict he i s -

painted by thos e who are either igno rant o r per

j ured the ex convict u sually can go to wo rk at hon

es t w o rk ii he wills to do so If he is a skilled
, .

wo rkman work almo s t surely will be p rovided fo r


him If he i s unskilled yet o f parts such a s under

c over Fagins cultivate he can al w ays dodge a rt ,

fully and p rofitably a s ski rmishe r for them Hence .


“ ” “
fo r o n e governing reas on dis charged or sen , ,

t ence suspended i s so frequently written over the

faces o f indictments against habitual and c on se cu

tive s coundrels .

Public opinion still makes hair — trigge r response

to lament ove r the la cerated feelings of hea rt les s
kill ers .
2 4-
0 Cr imi nal T ype s

d olla r under rea sonably elastic legal limitations ; a nd

a s to o ff enses against the pers on very much a s civil

courts award damages fo r bodily inj uries .

At the s ame time d rag o u t and set down hard

, ,

tho se who make a busines s o f beating equitable ex

change .

B ow out of reformative management all who

would build cardinally to other than ea rn est con ,

se c u t iv e endeavo r o n the part o f p ri soners fo r oc en

a t i o n a l skill with which to meet the exactions o f the

free li fe working day E s senti ally handcu ff mawk

ish s entimentalists who cannot s ee the public se

c u ri t y fo r oblique imp u ls e t o p ampe r flippan t for

age rs .

Spare imprisoned sin driven lads s o much a s sug


gestion of the like o f pug— cha rged thrills while min


i st e ri n g j ust common s ense and C h ri st -like to thei r

crying needs and p robably the ninet y -and nin e o f

them won t p ack a gun and break fo r money bags


When the exceptional fre ebooter j ust won t play
fai r and j ust will go gun hung fo r plunder i solate

him and keep him is olated D o it both i n and out


o f p ri s on .

T here i s no call upon the commonwealth t o moti

vat e for the commi ssi on of crime through py ramid,

ing upon clemency t hat i s s purn ed .

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