Methods in Behavioural Research Canadian 2nd Edition Cozby Test Bank 1

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The key takeaways are about assessing reliability and validity of measures through various statistical methods like correlation coefficients, Cronbach's alpha, etc. Different types of reliability include test-retest, parallel forms, internal consistency.

Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure, while validity refers to how well a measure assess the construct it intends to. A measure can be reliable but not valid.

Common types of reliability include test-retest reliability, parallel forms reliability, and internal consistency reliability which is assessed through methods like split-half reliability and Cronbach's alpha.

Test Bank for Methods in Behavioural Research Canadian 2nd

Edition Cozby Rawn 1259088464 9781259088469

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) Which of the following values of Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient indicates the
strongest relationship?
A) +0.70 B) -0.72 C) +1.21 D) -0.09
Answer: B

2) Which of the following values of Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient indicates the
weakest relationship?
A) -0.99 B) -0.09 C) +0.23 D) +0.07
Answer: D

3) To assess the reliability of a measure, Amy administers different versions of the same test to the
same individuals at two points in time. This procedure would be an example of reliability.
A) test-retest B) split-half C) alternate forms D) version
Answer: C

4) Which type of reliability assesses reliability using responses at only one point in time?
A) Alternate forms B) Interrater
C) Test-retest D) Internal consistency
Answer: D

5) and reliability measure the same individuals at two different points in time.
A) Alternate forms; item-total B) Test-retest; alternate forms
C) Item-total; split-half D) Split-half; odd-even
Answer: B

6) A reliability coefficient determined by the correlation between scores on half of the items on a
measure with scores on the other half of the measure is an example of reliability.
A) item-total B) test-retest
C) internal consistency D) alternate half
Answer: C

7) A difference between an interval scale and a ratio scale is

A) an interval scale has equal intervals; a ratio scale does not.
B) a ratio scale has an absolute zero point; an interval scale does not.
C) a ratio scale has equal intervals; an interval scale does not.
D) an interval scale has an absolute zero point; a ratio scale does not.
Answer: B

8) Which one of the following is a method for assessing the reliability of a measure?
A) Ask probing questions to see if individuals truly understand what is being asked.
B) Vary the test items from one participant to another to determine the amount of error inherent in
the measure.
C) Use the measure twice on the same person under similar circumstances.
D) Determine whether or not people lie when giving answers to the question.
Answer: C

9) Louie is attentive to customers when his supervisor is present but inattentive when his supervisor is
gone. Louie's behaviour is an example of
A) sensitizing behaviour. B) attentive behaviour.
C) reactivity. D) unobtrusive behaviour.
Answer: C

10) A measure is reactive if the measurement

A) changes the behaviour being studied. B) is unreliable.
C) occurs in a laboratory setting. D) is unobtrusive.
Answer: A

11) Research that examines the relationship between a measure and the criterion behaviour at the same
time is assessing which type of validity?
A) Divergent B) Concurrent C) Face D) Convergent
Answer: B

12) When a scale designed to measure honesty actually measures a person's honesty, the scale is said to
A) consistency. B) construct validity.
C) reactivity. D) reliability.
Answer: B

13) and validity focus on assessing whether the items in a measure actually represent
the meaning of the construct being measured.
A) Concurrent; convergent B) Convergent; predictive
C) Content; convergent D) Face; content
Answer: D

14) When a measure is not related to other variables that it theoretically should not be related to, this
measure is said to have validity.
A) discriminant B) face C) convergent D) reliable
Answer: A

15) Toney is developing a questionnaire to measure an individual's anxiety in new situations. If the
items on the questionnaire are each intended to directly assess the various aspects of the clinical
definition of anxiety, then measure is said to have
A) reactivity. B) content validity.
C) correlational validity. D) convergent validity.
Answer: B

16) Face validity refers to whether or not the measure
A) correlates positively with other measures of the same variable.
B) appears to measure what it is supposed to measure.
C) correlates negatively with other measures of the same variable.
D) yields the same score for the same participant across different circumstances.
Answer: B

17) If a measure is reliable, then you should find a

A) correlation coefficient of zero.
B) low positive correlation coefficient between scores on the measure.
C) low negative correlation coefficient between scores on the measure.
D) high positive correlation coefficient between scores on the measure.
Answer: D

18) You are constructing a test of knowledge of research methods. In doing so, you use your textbook
for this class to devise 100 true-false questions on various aspects of research methods. Without
conducting any research, you can be most certain of which validity of this test?
A) Criterion B) Divergent C) Face D) Construct
Answer: C

19) is an indicator of reliability in which the researcher calculates the correlation of each item
with every other item.
A) Split-half B) Cronbach's alpha
C) Test-retest D) Pearson product-moment coefficient
Answer: B

20) One way to increase the reliability of a measurement scale is to

A) decrease the number of items within the measurement scale.
B) increase the number of items within the measurement scale.
C) calculate a correlation coefficient.
D) be sure there is variability between true score and measurement error.
Answer: B

21) Jack finds his measure of math ability is not related to a person's language skills. This finding
illustrates which type of validity?
A) Predictive B) Face C) Convergent D) Discriminant
Answer: D

22) If research finds that candidates who score high on a medical college admissions test do better in
medical school than those who score low on this test, we would say the test has validity.
A) concurrent B) discriminative C) convergent D) predictive
Answer: D

23) You are developing a measure of skills needed for the successful performance of a job. You include
items the job supervisor feels are relevant for the job. What type of validity would this procedure
best represent?
A) Concurrent B) Face C) Divergent D) Convergent
Answer: B

24) Finding students who have had formal voice training to be more successful in singing auditions than
those who have not would be demonstrating which type of validity?
A) Divergent B) Face C) Convergent D) Concurrent
Answer: D

25) A Human Resources director believes that people who regularly use math as part of their job will
have higher math test scores than people who do not regularly use math professionally. The director
would be most concerned with what type of validity?
A) General B) Concurrent C) Divergent D) Face
Answer: B

26) Judy finds a high correlation between her measure of intimacy and the Zaltzman measure of
intimacy. Judy's finding would be an example of which type of validity?
A) Discriminant B) Face C) Convergent D) Divergent
Answer: C

27) When a measure relates consistently to other measures of the same concept it shows validity.
A) divergent B) internal C) convergent D) face
Answer: C

28) Toby finds that his measure of honesty has a high correlation with Hooper's measure of honesty.
This finding would be an example of validity.
A) discriminant B) convergent C) face D) internal
Answer: B

29) A researcher has devised an Interpersonal Skills Test that consists of a type of ruler that shows a
person's shoe size. This test probably has and .
A) low reliability; high validity B) high reliability; low validity
C) low reliability; low validity D) high reliability; high validity
Answer: B

30) Categorizing automobiles as American-made or Foreign-made would be an example of a(n) _

A) ratio B) nominal C) ordinal D) interval
Answer: B

31) Researchers have identified style of leadership as relationship- or task-oriented. This categorization
of leadership style represents a(n) measurement scale.
A) ratio B) interval C) nominal D) ordinal
Answer: C

32) A food critic rates restaurants according to the quality of food, service, and atmosphere. She assigns
4 forks for excellent, 3 for good, 2 for fair, and 1 fork for poor. This measure is an example of a(n)
A) interval B) nominal C) ordinal D) ratio
Answer: C

33) If you had been asked to rate a new movie on a "thumbs up" scale with 3 thumbs up as
academy-award material, 2 thumbs up as television-quality, and 1 thumb up as straight-to-DVD, you
would be employing a(n) scale of measurement.
A) ordinal B) ratio C) nominal D) interval
Answer: A

34) Scales that measure physical dimensions-such asnumber of items correct, amount of alcohol
consumed, and time to respond-would be an example of a(n) scale.
A) interval B) ordinal C) ratio D) nominal
Answer: C

35) Correlating the total score of the first twenty questions on a test with the total score of the last
twenty questions on a test is an example of what type of reliability?
A) Internal consistency B) Item-total
C) Alternate-forms D) Test-retest
Answer: A

36) Two researchers observe aggressive behaviours displayed by preschool children. One observer
records a large number of aggressive acts displayed within a one-hour period while a second
observer records relatively few aggressive acts. Based on these results, we might conclude that there
A) high reactivity. B) low reactivity.
C) high interrater reliability. D) low interrater reliability.
Answer: D

37) Richard and Jacqueline are movie reviewers for the local newspaper. Both have just watched the
same movie. Both assign the movie 5 out of 5 stars. Based on their ratings, we might conclude that
there is
A) low reactivity. B) high interrater reliability.
C) high reactivity. D) low interrater reliability.
Answer: B

38) Which of the following would not be an example of an interval scale of measurement?
A) Measuring the time it takes to run 100 yards
B) A measure of temperature using the Fahrenheit scale
C) A measure of temperature using the Celsius scale
D) A measure of an individual's introversion
Answer: A

39) Imagine you know the true length of a board to be 24 inches. Measuring the board 10 times with
Instrument A, you find the measures vary from 19 to 28 inches. Using Instrument B, you find the
measures vary from 23 to 25 inches. You can conclude that Instrument A has than Instrument
A) more measurement error B) a greater amount of true score
C) more reliability D) more reactivity
Answer: A

40) The reliability of a test can be assessed by employing techniques that measure individuals at only
one point in time. Which of the following is not one of these techniques?
A) Odd-even B) Item-total C) Alternate forms D) Split-half
Answer: C

41) When you took an I.Q. test last week, your score was 112. This week, taking the same test, your I.Q.
was 96. This I.Q. test appears to lack
A) reliability. B) validity. C) generalizability. D) reactivity.
Answer: A

42) Your car speedometer fluctuates between 15 and 90 miles per hour as you are driving on a freeway
at a constant speed. As a measure of speed, your car speedometer is low in
A) face validity. B) reactivity.
C) measurement error. D) reliability.
Answer: D

43) The more in a measure, the greater the variability of scores in the measure.
A) validity B) reliability
C) measurement error D) true score
Answer: C

44) The more in a measure, the smaller the variability of scores in the measure.
A) validity B) true score
C) reliability D) measurement error
Answer: B

45) When you read about the reliability of a measure, the correlation coefficient is usually called a
A) reliability coefficient. B) reactivity measure.
C) true score. D) measurement error.
Answer: A

46) You have just received a new digital tape measure. When you measure the same board four times,
you find the measure fluctuates from 4 to 8 inches. Your new tape measure can be said to be low in
A) reactivity. B) validity. C) externality. D) reliability.
Answer: D

47) You take your temperature with a thermometer three times over a 20-minute period and observe the
following measurements: 98, 106, and 89 degrees. You should conclude that the of the
thermometer is .
A) reliability; low B) reliability; high C) validity; low D) validity; high
Answer: A

48) A researcher has developed a measure of a person's ability to detect colours. He finds the measure is
not related to a person's spelling ability. This finding would illustrate what type of validity?
A) Face B) Convergent C) Discriminant D) Reliable
Answer: C

49) Any measure can be thought of as comprising two components. These components are
A) situational and response. B) reliability and validity.
C) internal and external. D) true score and error.
Answer: D

50) Which of the following indicators provides information about each individual item's correlation
with other items?
A) Cronbach's alpha and item total correlations
B) Split-half and test-retest
C) Alternate forms and split-half
D) Test-retest and alternate forms
Answer: A

51) To assess the reliability of a measure, one should the measures.

A) calculate the correlation coefficient between scores on
B) directly observe the amount of true score in
C) directly observe the amount of measurement error in
D) systematically study the variables in
Answer: A

52) In alternate forms reliability, different versions of the same test are given to at in time.
A) the same individuals; one point B) different individuals; two points
C) different individuals; one point D) the same individuals; two points
Answer: D

53) The value of Cronbach's alpha is based on an average of
A) the values obtained for test-retest and split half correlations.
B) the correlation between scores on a shortened version and a longer version of the measure.
C) all inter-item correlations coefficients and the number of items in the measure.
D) the scores from tests given to different individuals.
Answer: C

54) Every measured score is thought to have two components. In a score from a reliable measure, which
component should be relatively low?
A) Measurement error B) Reliability
C) True score D) Validity
Answer: A

Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED5

1) B
2) D
3) C
4) D
5) B
6) C
7) B
8) C
9) C
10) A
11) B
12) B
13) D
14) A
15) B
16) B
17) D
18) C
19) B
20) B
21) D
22) D
23) B
24) D
25) B
26) C
27) C
28) B
29) B
30) B
31) C
32) C
33) A
34) C
35) A
36) D
37) B
38) A
39) A
40) C
41) A
42) D
43) C
44) B
45) A
46) D
47) A
48) C
49) D
50) A
Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED5

51) A
52) D
53) C
54) A


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