Nature Vol. 259 January 29 1976: Small Mammals: Their Productiv'ity

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Nature Vol.

259 January 29 1976 349

measurements of plant growth, taken species and the influence of environ- in the IBP series. No-one, least of all
both in the laboratory and the field , and mental stresses upon photosynthesis and the editors and contributors, would
it is obvious that no single volume could the use which is made of photosyn- claim that all there is to be known
attempt to cover this material in any thates. about small mammals has been fully
detail. This book does, however, set the P erhaps the moflt important contri- researched and documented but this
scene for the more detailed reports, bution which this book makes is that it does not mean that the present work
which have either preceded it or may brings together reviews, most of which has had too short a gestation period .
now be anticipated. It is therefore are extensive and well written, on a Its birth is timely, its development has
aimed at the general biologist and pre- wide range of subjects from whole eco- been satisfactory and its information
sents a glimpse of the full spectrum of systems, through whole plant physiology content is something on which to
IBP work, but at the same time the to subcellular biochemica.l ones. In reflect. For the first time we are pro-
fact that many papers contain pre- doing this it may encourage workers vided, within the covers of one book,
viously unpublished results will make it in one field to become more aware of with an overview of developments in
appeal to research workers in the im- developments in related areas and to the global study of small mammals.
mediate field of productivity. apply this knowledge to their own prob- Theory, practice, results and hypo-
The first two parts of the book (out lems. Since the communication of ideas thesis, as related to small mammal pro-
of a total of seven) are concerned with seems to be one of the greatest ductivity and population dynamics, all
data accumulated on the primary pro- have their place.
duction of terrestrial and aquatic eco- The contributors seem to have ex-
systems. Some of the individual papers perienced difficulty in defining the
within these parts are very broad, for upper size limits of a small mammal
example about 35 pages each on the but 5 to 6 kg is among the highest
productivity of forests , grazing lands figures quoted ; bobcats (Lynx ruf us)
and tundra, respectively. Such summa- can therefore be considered as repre-
ries must have been very difficult to senting a large 'small mammal'
write but more effort to avoid a paro- (chapter 8). Among the small mam-
chial approach could have been made, mals, however, most information
especially by Kira, whose paper on derives from rodents and it is not sur-
fores,ts is illustrated almost entirely by prising that much of the text is devoted
examples from Japan. The paper on to this group of animals. Needless to
grazing lands hy Caldwell pays particu- say gaps in our knowledge of small
lar attention to the relative importance mammals are referred to on both a
of the C4 pathway of photosynthesis in taxonomic (For example, bats) and
these hahitats and provides a useful geographical (For example, the tropics)
synthesis of this subject. scale.
Although about a third of the earth's The ecological implications of being
Cocoa tree shown in bas relief on a a small mammal are highlighted in the
surface is technically arid (potential Mayan stone tablet (1.3 x 1.3 cm) of the
evapotranspiration exceeding precipita- Late Classic Period (AD 600-900, from introduction and the importance of
tion), this is not reflected in the volume El Tajin, Veracruz, now at lnstituto these animals as consumers within
of literature relating to these situations. Nacional de A ntropologia e Historia natural and man-modified eC0systems
Jalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. Taken from is clearly indicated . This theme is
The inclusion of a chapter on primary Diseases of Cocoa by C. A. Thorold. Pp.
production in deserts is therefore par- viii + 423. (Clarendon: Oxford , 1975.) returned to later, particularly in
ticularly welcome, especially the section £11.00 . chapters 10--13, in which the role of
dealing with the contribution of lichens small mammals in arctic . temperate,
to the energv input of such ecosystems. tropical, and eurasi:an desert systems
Tf the surface area of the earth occu- stumbling blocks to the general ad- is reviewed. Tt is also referred to in
pied by an ecosystem is the grounds for vancement of science, this book must chapter 14, in which control measures
justifying its inclusion in this volume, be considered a valuable contribution. for small mammals which are either
then the agricultural ecosystems of the Indeed, if JB~ had achieved no more agricultural pests or disease veotors are
world certainly deserve a place. A chap- than the bringing together of ecologists, str~ssed.
ter bv Loomis and Gerakis is given over physiologists and biochemists, then it To studv the status and role of a
to this subject. They concentrate on would still have been worthwhile. small mammal ponulation within any
crop adaptations and show how the The price of this book precludes a ecosvstem i:t is not only necessary to
photosynthetic characteristics for which very wide market, outside the better- have a clear idea of the aims of the
selection has been made in domesticated endowed libraries, and this is unfortu- studv but also some idea of the methods
plants varies with latitude. C4 species nate because many of the contributions to be used in achieving the obiective.
being little used in latitudes higher than would have been very useful to research The second part of the introduction
40° . workers and students alike. provides a theoretical treatment of pro-
P. D. Moore ductivity investfoations and as such
Aquatic ecosystems, both freshwater
and marine. are discussed at some provides a useful background to chap-
length and the contribution to produc- Small Mammals : Their Productiv'ity ters 2~9. Earlv chapters cover aspects
tivity by macrophytes and microphytes and Population Dynamics, (Inter- such as population density estimation
is considered. The figure derived for national Biological Programme 5.) and methods of age determination.
the global production of marine micro- Edited by F . B. Golley, K. Petrusewicz Demographic patterns are reviewed on
phytes in these chapters (31 X 10• t and L. Ryskowski. Pp. xxv+451. a worldwid,e scale and the role of dis-
carbon yr- 1 ) is in close agreement with (Cambridge University: Cambridge, persal in population regulation is dis-
previously published figures. London, New York and Melbourne, cussed. Chapter 6 provides evidence of
The second half of the book turns September 1975.) £12. the vafue of morpho-physiological in-
from the study of whole ecosystems to dices as predictors of the present and
more physiological aspects of the be- NINE years of collaboration by small future state of population processes,
haviour of J,i ght in plant canopies, mammal biologists from twenty-seven particularly those concerned with
photosynthetic studies of individual countries led to this volume, number 5 population fluctuations. The three rol-

© 1976 Nature Publishing Group

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