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PAP Certification of Psychology Specialists Primer, page 1

Psychological Association of the Philippines


Contents 1. Objectives and guiding principles 2. Implementing guidelines 3. Certification of Assessment Psychologists 4. Certification of Clinical Psychologists 5. Certification of Counseling Psychologists 6. Certification of Developmental Psychologists 7. Certification of Educational Psychologists 8. Certification of Industrial/Organizational Psychologists 9. Certification of Social Psychologists 10. Acknowledgements

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PAP Certification of Psychology Specialists Primer, page 2

CERTIFICATION OF PSYCHOLOGY SPECIALISTS The discipline of psychology continues to grow in the Philippines, and the number of professionals claiming credentials as practicing psychologists has increased significantly over the past decades. With this growth come opportunities and problems, which can be best addressed by the proper recognition of psychology professionals and the proper regulation of psychology practice by the community of Philippine psychologists. The certification of Philippine psychologists shall address the following important objectives: (1) To define of the scope of the various specialty areas in Philippine psychology: Assessment Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, and Social Psychology, To recognize the competencies of the different psychologists in the Philippines, To promote and to support the continuous professional development of Philippine psychologists in the different specialty areas, including of teachers of psychology in higher education, To monitor the professional practice of psychologists in the various specialty areas, especially as regards the observance of proper ethical principles in the practice of psychology, To provide protection to the recipients of psychological services through the dissemination of information on the scope, standards, and ethical principles of psychological services in the various specialty areas and on their rights as clients of psychologists, To create a mechanism to support the above objectives including, but not limited to the following: processes for screening and certification of psychologists, a public registry of certified psychologists, system for continuing professional education, system for investigating violations of professional standards and ethical principles, advocacy and information campaigns on the profession of psychology and its various specialty areas, among others.

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The Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) institutes this certification process for psychologists as a strategy for the promotion and stimulation of growth in the discipline in the Philippines. Certification is meant to encourage active engagement and discourse in the field. As such, the requirements are meant to strike a reasonable balance between inclusion (mandating the minimum for entry) and distinction (requiring scholarly output for renewal). Entry level requirements are therefore more lenient than the requirements for continuing certification. To encourage and support psychologists applying for continuing certification, however, regular training programs may be designed by each specialty area to ensure that applicants are able to meet the requirements for renewing and maintaining certification standing.

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Implementing Guidelines General Guidelines: 1. Only members of the PAP may apply for certification. The membership of any applicant will be checked against current PAP membership records. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that he/she is updated with his membership dues. 2. A psychologist may apply for certification in any one or more of the seven areas of certification. Separate application documents must be submitted for each area of certification (as different committees will evaluate the documents for each area.) 3. The validity of a certification is for three years, and may be renewed for every three years. The validity of the certification will be from June of the year of approval to May three years from said year of approval. 4. To renew a certification, a certified psychologist must submit a completed renewal application form and provide supporting documents for applications for renewal, to show evidence of compliance with the renewal requirements. 5. Each first time application is assessed a standard application fee of P1,000. A separate application fee will have to be paid for each area of certification being applied for. Each renewal application is assessed a standard renewal fee of P500. These application fees are assessed whether or not the application is approved. 6. The PAP Board of Directors shall adjust the application fees when and if it so decides, provided they consult the current certified psychologists, and give advance notice of at least three months before the new fees take effect. 7. First time applications and renewal applications will be evaluated by a committee of certified psychology specialists. A separate committee will be designated for each area of specialization. During the first year of implementation the committee will be composed of past presidents of the PAP and other senior psychologists with national reputation for outstanding work in the specific areas of specialization. 8. Every year, the application period for first time applicants will be from January 2 to February 28. The evaluation will be done during the months of March to May, with the results being published not later than May 31 of every year. 9. Every year, the application period for renewal of certifications will be from March 1 to April 30. The evaluation of the renewal applications will be done during the month of May, with the results being published not later than May 31 of every year. 10. The Registry of Certified Psychology Specialists will be published by the PAP and will be available to all parties who request for the Registry. The Registry shall list the name and primary affiliation of the certified psychology specialists with the valid dates of their certification. The list shall not include detailed addresses or contact information of the certified psychology specialists, unless the certified psychology specialist gives his/her consent for such inclusion.

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Specific guidelines for application requirements 1. Each application should include the completed application form, the required supporting documents, and a completed checklist of application requirements. Two copies of all these documents should be submitted, with each set filed in one long Manila folder. The applicants surname and initials (e.g., SANTOS, M. A.) should be printed on the ear of each folder. The two folders should be placed in a long brown Manila envelope, with the applicants surname and initials printed on the upper right hand corner of the envelope, and the area of specialization being applied for printed on the upper left hand corner of the same envelope. 2. When the criteria specify educational background requirements, a certified true copy of the transcript of records or diploma for degree program being presented as part of the credentials, should be submitted. 2.1. When the criteria require particular graduate level courses, the transcript of records should be submitted, with a copy of the course description, and if possible, the course syllabus used in the course. 2.2. When the criteria require that the graduate thesis be on a particular set of topics, the title and extended abstract of the thesis should be submitted. 3. When the criteria specify professional experience requirements, certificates of employment for all relevant professional experience being submitted as part of the credentials should be submitted. 3.1. The certificate of employment issued by the employer should include the job description for each position, with inclusive dates of appointment. 3.2. Whenever possible, performance appraisal reports should be included. 3.3. In case the applicant is self-employed (e.g., in private practice), the applicant should provide evidence for their professional activities (e.g., inclusive dates of professional engagement, case reports, technical reports, contracts, SEC or DTI registration, and certification by an active PAP Fellow, etc.) 3.4. NOTE: Only the professional experience relevant to the criteria should be indicated. The applicant does not have to submit documents on other professional experience not related to the area of specialization being applied for. 4. When the criteria specify research and publication requirements, copies of the relevant outputs should be provided. 4.1. For published research, a full copy of the publication should be submitted (if original is not available, please provide a good photocopy of the original). 4.2. For unpublished research, a full copy of the final research report should be submitted, with a letter of acceptance from agency that funded the research project. 4.3. For confidential research projects, an abstract of the final report should be submitted, with a letter of acceptance from the agency that funded the research project. 5. All applicants are required to provide an NBI Clearance and a certification from their current employer that the applicant has no record of administrative or disciplinary cases related to the performance of their job functions as psychologists. If not employed, a sworn declaration that the applicant has no record of any administrative or disciplinary case related to his or her practice of the profession shall be required.

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Certification of Assessment Psychologists Definition Assessment psychologists are trained in the process of evaluating behavior and/or characteristics of individuals or groups by integrating information from multiple data sources (i.e., tests, interviews, behavioral observations, surveys, and other techniques) to derive an indepth understanding of an individual. Assessment psychologists employ various data-gathering methods/ instruments that measure ability, aptitude, achievement, attitudes, motivations, interests, personality, and mental health. They have specialized training not just in the use of tests but also in a problem-solving process that involves identifying the questions to be addressed, choosing appropriate methods for gathering and evaluating information about an individual or group, and arriving at informed and sound decisions. These decisions are relevant for purposes of selection, placement, and training in the context of employment; diagnostic support and intervention planning in clinical/counseling practice; development of potentials and self-growth in the context of education and vocation/career decision-making; and tracking of psychological characteristics over time. Competencies The assessment psychologists core competence is the appropriate selection, administration, and scoring of assessment instruments; interviewing; analysis, interpretation, and integration of gathered information; formulation of sound answers/decisions pertaining to the questions to be addressed; and communication of assessment results in a way that is meaningful and useful to the client. Using this core competence, certified assessment psychologists are qualified to perform the following functions in these contexts: 1. Employment: (a) Use appropriate tests in the screening, selection, and promotion of personnel in business and industry, government, academe, non-government institutions, religious organizations, medical facilities, and other institutions to determine the fit between an individual and work; (b) Design, in partnership with human resource development personnel in client organizations, assessment programs that require the use of psychological instruments in combination with other assessment instruments such as interviews, simulation exercises, etc; (c) Use appropriate tests to evaluate personnel development needs and contribute input to training, succession and career planning. 2. Clinical and Counseling Support: Respond to referrals from fellow professionals from related or other disciplines (i.e., psychiatrists, clinical and counseling psychologists, guidance counselors, lawyers, etc.), and the general public for the assessment of individuals that will form the basis of diagnosis/input for counseling or therapy, legal action (i.e., marital annulment proceedings, etc.), or, in the case of self-referrals, personal insight and growth. 3. Education: Conduct an appraisal of a childs / students intellectual, emotional, and interpersonal functioning to address developmental challenges and opportunities in the school setting, in partnership with parents, teachers, guidance counselors, educational therapists, and other concerned referring parties.

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4. Vocation/Career Decision-making: Evaluate the aptitudes, attitudes, motivations, interests, and work preferences of individuals preparing for college, entry into the workforce, a career shift, or a life transition. 5. Provide other forms of consultancy services related to assessment including, but not limited to, developing and validating tests, teaching and conducting seminar-workshops, conducting research, tracking individual and group performance, assisting HRD and OD specialists in programs that require the use of psychological instruments, participating in managerial assessment activities using other methodologies such as the assessment center technology, etc. 6. Supervise and evaluate psychometricians. Requirements 1. Active Associate or Fellow of the Psychological Association of the Philippines 2. Educational Requirements: A Master of Arts or PhD in psychology with major / specialization in any of the following: clinical psychology, counseling psychology, child and family psychology, psychological measurement, educational psychology, cognitive psychology, industrial psychology, developmental psychology, or social psychology. Masters and doctoral degrees must have been completed in an accredited (FAAP, NQAAHE, or international accreditation, or CHED Center of Excellence) graduate program in psychology. Has taken three or more graduate level courses in psychological assessment, such as, but not limited to Psychometric Theories / Psychological Measurement Clinical Assessment Projective Tests Intelligence / Individual Tests (Objective) Personality Assessment Rorschach Test Neuropsychological Assessment Educational Assessment 3. Professional Work Experience At least 100 hours of supervised practicum, internship or training in psychological assessment (e.g., administration, scoring or interpretation of psychological tests, or writing up industrial or clinical reports) At least 3 years (minimum of 20 hours/week) of work in psychological assessment (as cited in the Competencies section) in clinical, educational, or industrial setting. Evidence for such work should be documented in the form of psychological reports, peerevaluated research reports, reports and materials of consultancy projects, psychological instruments developed, and other outputs that fall within the various sub-areas of assessment psychology. The evidence should show consistent work over at least a three-year period. assessment services, including the performance of

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NOTE: The following do NOT count as sufficient work experience: Teaching psychological assessment subjects Administration and scoring of simple tests and reporting of test results without analysis and narrative report Certification for use of a particular test obtained from an independent test distributor/vendor 4. Alternative to Educational Requirements: In the first year of granting certification, those who do not meet the education requirements but have extensive professional experience may use at least 5 years of work in any of the assessment-related functions cited in the Competencies section in place of educational qualifications. Evidence for such work should be documented in the form of psychological reports, peer-evaluated research reports, reports and materials of consultancy projects, psychological instruments developed, and other outputs that fall within the various sub-areas of assessment psychology. The evidence should show consistent work over at least a five-year period. 5. Must have attended within the past three years prior to the date of application conferences, seminars, and continuing professional education workshops in psychology organized by agencies recognized by the PAP. 6. Has not been convicted of any civil, criminal, or administrative offense, or of ethical violation related to the professional practice of psychology. Applicants who meet all the above requirements shall be granted an initial certification that will be valid for three years. To renew this certification, the applicant should comply with requirements for continuing professional education which will be specified in future guidelines.

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Certification of Clinical Psychologists Definition Clinical psychology is the scientific study of mental health, personality and everyday adjustment. It is the branch of psychology engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of psychological problems, i.e., mental, emotional and or behavioral problems. It is a specialty that involves the application of psychology for the purpose of understanding, preventing, and addressing psychologically-based distress or dysfunction. Competencies Through their practice, clinical psychologists are qualified to undertake the following functions: A. Assess individuals toward diagnosing the nature and causes of mental, emotional, and or behavioral problems, and understanding how these psychological problems manifest in their current levels of functioning using various clinical tools such as but is not limited to interviewing, observation, and psychological evaluation. Conduct therapeutic interventions directed at identifying the emotional conflicts, personality disturbance, and skills deficits underlying a persons distress and/or dysfunction, and facilitate the healing process, using various theoretical orientations, modalities and techniques relevant and appropriate to the needs of the person. Supervise or train students (in practicum or internship programs) and novice practitioners (training and actual work supervision programs) in their conduct of assessment and psychotherapeutic interventions. Provide consultancy services in different settings (e.g., hospitals, schools, nongovernmental organizations, communities, mental health facilities) that require clinical psychological services. Conduct research in the area of clinical psychology to help improve and enrich the current practice of Clinical Psychology in the Philippines.


C. D. E.

Requirements Applicants for certification as clinical psychologist must comply with all of the following requirements: 1. Active Associate or Fellow of the Psychological Association of the Philippines. 2. Educational Requirements: A. At least a Master of Arts (MA) in Psychology, with major or specialization in Counseling, Clinical Psychology, Family Life and Child Development, obtained from an accredited (FAAP, NQAAHE, or international accreditation, or CHED Center of Excellence) graduate program in psychology. B. Has taken the following graduate level courses or their equivalents Abnormal Psychology or Psychopathology Introduction to Psychotherapy Group Therapy Projective Tests Intelligence / Individual Tests

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3. Clinical Work Experience: A. At least 100 hours of supervised practicum, internship or training relating to any of the above mentioned competencies such as in psychological assessment (e.g., administration, scoring or interpretation of psychological tests, or writing up clinical reports), psychotherapy, and research. B. For those with PhD, at least 3 years (minimum of 20 hours/week) and for those with MA, at least 5 years (minimum of 20 hours/week) of work in a clinical setting, doing psychological assessment, psychotherapy, consultancy, and or research in clinical psychology. Evidence for such work should be documented in the form of (a) psychological reports, (b) therapy reports, (c) reports and materials of consultancy projects, and other outputs that fall within the various subareas of clinical psychology. The evidence should show consistent work over at least a three-year and five-year period for Phd and MA degree holders, respectively. 4. In the first year of granting certification, those who do not meet the education requirements but have extensive professional experience may use at least 10 years of work in any of the clinical psychology related functions cited in the Competencies section in place of educational qualifications. Evidence for such work should be documented in the form of psychological reports, therapy reports, peer-evaluated research reports, reports and materials of consultancy projects, and other outputs that fall within the various sub-areas of clinical psychology. The evidence should show consistent work over at least a ten-year period. 5. Must have attended within the past three years prior to the date of application conferences, seminars, and continuing professional education workshops in psychology organized by agencies recognized by the PAP. 6. Has not been convicted of any civil, criminal, or administrative offense, or of ethical violation related to the professional practice of psychology.

Applicants who meet all the above requirements shall be granted an initial certification that will be valid for three years. To renew this certification, the applicant should comply with requirements for continuing professional education which will be specified in future guidelines.

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Certification of Counseling Psychologists Definition Counseling psychology as a psychological specialty facilitates personal and interpersonal functioning across the life span with a focus on emotional, social, vocational, educational, health-related, developmental, and organizational concerns. Through the integration of theory, research, and practice, and with a sensitivity to multicultural issues, this specialty encompasses a broad range of practices that help people improve their well-being, alleviate distress and maladjustment, resolve crises, and increase their ability to live more highly functioning lives. Counseling psychology is unique in its attention both to normal developmental issues and to problems associated with physical, emotional, and mental disorders. Populations served by Counseling Psychologists include persons of all ages and cultural backgrounds. Examples of those populations would include late adolescents or adults with career/educational concerns and children or adults facing severe personal difficulties. Competencies Counseling Psychologists participate in a range of activities including teaching, research, psychotherapeutic and counseling practice, career development, assessment, supervision, and consultation. They employ a variety of methods closely tied to theory to help individuals, groups, and organizations function optimally as well as to remediate dysfunction. Interventions may be either brief or long-term; they are often problem-specific and goal-directed. These activities are guided by a philosophy that values individual differences and diversity and a focus on prevention, development, and adjustment across the life span, including vocational concerns. In particular, certified counseling psychologists are qualified to perform the following functions: Counsel individuals, groups, or families to help them understand problems, define goals, and develop realistic action plans. Collect information about individuals or clients, using interviews, case histories, observational techniques, and other assessment methods. Develop therapeutic and treatment plans based on clients' interests, abilities, and needs. Consult with other professionals to discuss therapies, treatments, counseling resources, or techniques, & to share occupational information. Analyze data such as interview notes, test results, and reference manuals in order to identify symptoms, and to diagnose the nature of clients' problems. Advise clients on how they could be helped by counseling. Evaluate the results of counseling methods to determine the reliability and validity of treatments. Provide consulting services to schools, social service agencies, and businesses. Refer clients to specialists or to other institutions for non-counseling treatment of problems. Select, administer, and interpret psychological tests to assess intelligence, aptitudes, abilities, or interests.

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Requirements 1. Active Associate or Fellow of the Psychological Association of the Philippines 2. Educational Requirements: A Master of Arts or PhD in psychology with major / specialization in any of the following: counseling psychology or clinical psychology. Masters and doctoral degrees must have been completed in an accredited (FAAP, NQAAHE, or international accreditation, or CHED Center of Excellence) graduate program in psychology. Has completed the following graduate level courses or their equivalents: Advanced Theories of Personality Two courses on counseling interventions for individuals (e.g. Counseling Techniques) Group Process or Group Counseling Psychological Assessment 3. Professional Work Experience At least 100 hours of supervised practicum, internship or training in different counseling functions At least 3 years (minimum of 20 hours/week) of work in counseling (as cited in the Competencies section) in clinical, educational, industrial or other settings. Evidence for such work should be documented in the form of psychological reports, peer-evaluated research reports, reports and materials of consultancy projects, and other outputs that fall within the various sub-areas of assessment psychology. The evidence should show consistent work over at least a three-year period. 4. In the first year of granting certification, those who do not meet the education requirements but have extensive professional experience may use at least 10 years of work in any of the counseling psychology related functions cited in the Competencies section in place of educational qualifications. Evidence for such work should be documented in the form of psychological reports, counseling reports, peer-evaluated research reports, reports and materials of consultancy projects, and other outputs that fall within the various sub-areas of counseling psychology. The evidence should show consistent work over at least a ten-year period. 5. Must have attended within the past three years prior to the date of application conferences, seminars, and continuing professional education workshops in psychology organized by agencies recognized by the PAP. 6. Has not been convicted of any civil, criminal, or administrative offense, or of ethical violation related to the professional practice of psychology. Applicants who meet all the above requirements shall be granted an initial certification that will be valid for three years. To renew this certification, the applicant should comply with requirements for continuing professional education which will be specified in future guidelines.

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Certification of Developmental Psychologists Definition Developmental Psychology is the sub-discipline in Psychology that is concerned with the nature of human development or change (in the cognitive, social, emotional, behavioral, physical aspects) throughout the life span. Developmental psychologists possess specialized knowledge of the developmental characteristics, issues, and processes governing specific periods of life such as infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Moreover, they understand how broader contextual factorssuch as family, peers, culture, and societyinfluence and are influenced by individual development. Developmental psychologists expand and apply their knowledge of human development as researchers. They also act as teachers or consultants in educational, medical, and legal settings, and other institutions that are involved in child, youth, adult, and family development. Competencies Through their research and in their practice, developmental psychologists: o describe, test hypotheses, and develop theories of key developmental processes throughout the life span; o clarify the role of developmental processes in various behaviors and outcomes (e.g., learning and achievement, relationships, emotional well-being, aggression); o teach basic and advanced level courses pertaining to human developmental characteristics, issues, and processes, and how these affect and are affected by contextual factors; o assess whether particular behaviors or characteristics are normative or non-normative, given an individuals stage in the life span; o evaluate whether environments, programs, or practices support or impede healthy development; o design or recommend age-appropriate interventions to promote positive outcomes; o make appropriate referrals to other psychology specialists (e.g., counseling or clinical psychologists, educational psychologists) in cases when the required skills are beyond the competencies of the certified developmental psychologist Certification Requirements As a primarily academic discipline, developmental psychologists are expected to contribute to knowledge and theory-building in human development. Hence, the criteria for certification assign a heavier weight to academic and research credentials, relative to applied or professional experience. 1. Active Associate or Fellow of the Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) 2. Educational Requirements: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Developmental Psychology, or in Human Development or closely allied disciplines (i.e., Family Life and Child Development; Behavioral Development). The degree must have been obtained from an accredited (FAAP, NQAAHE, or international accreditation, or CHED Center of Excellence) graduate program in psychology.

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OR Master of Arts (MA) in Developmental Psychology, or in Human Development or related disciplines (i.e., Family Life and Child Development; Behavioral Development; Family Psychology; Educational Psychology; Counseling Psychology) obtained from an accredited (FAAP, NQAAHE, CHED, or International Accreditation) graduate program in psychology. In his or her MA program, the candidate must have completed the following: o at least 3 units of an advanced-level course in Developmental Psychology or Human Development o at least 9 units of specialized courses on a specific period in the life span (i.e., infancy, child, adolescent, or adult development), and/or a specific aspect of development (i.e., cognitive, social, emotional, behavioral, physical) o at least 6 units of graduate-level Methods courses o a thesis or culminating project on a topic in the area of Developmental Psychology 3. Professional Work Experience: None required 4. Alternative to Educational Requirements: In special and meritorious cases, psychologists whose original training may not be in Developmental Psychology but are active in research, publication, and practice in areas that are pertinent to Developmental Psychology may apply (if they are interested in being certified as a Developmental Psychologist). The Certification Committee will discuss and decide on such cases. 5. Must have attended within the past three years prior to the date of application conferences, seminars, and continuing professional education workshops in psychology organized by agencies recognized by the PAP. 6. Has not been convicted of any civil, criminal, or administrative offense, or of ethical violation related to the professional practice of psychology. Applicants who meet all the above requirements shall be granted an initial certification that will be valid for three years. To renew this certification, the applicant should comply with requirements for continuing professional education which will be specified in future guidelines.

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Certification of Educational Psychologists Definition Educational psychologists are trained psychologists with interest in research, teaching, or practice in educational settings at all levels. The work of educational psychologists is concerned with theory, methodology, and applications to a broad spectrum of teaching, training, and learning issues. Educational psychologists play an important role in developing our understanding of the different factors that relate to student learning, teaching, classroom and school processes, curriculum and instruction, among others. They also serve an important function of developing, monitoring, and assessing various processes and outcomes in schools and other educational programs. Competencies Certified educational psychologists are qualified to undertake the following functions: 1. Conduct basic and applied research regarding psychological processes related to teaching, curriculum and instruction, learning and achievement, assessment of student learning and achievement, teacher development, factors that affect the aforementioned processes including cognitive, motivational, developmental, family, social, cultural, and individual difference factors, among others. 2. Design/conceptualize, develop, monitor and evaluate intervention programs and other programs related to some aspect of the educational process that will result in changes in teaching, learning, curriculum and instruction, assessment, supervision, teacher development, and other educational processes. 3. Develop, validate, and conduct research on psychological tests for use in the educational setting and/or in relation to different education processes. 4. Provide other forms of consultancy services regarding psychological processes related to teaching, curriculum and instruction, learning and achievement, assessment of student learning and achievement, teacher development, factors that affect the aforementioned processes including cognitive, motivational, developmental, family, social, cultural, and individual difference factors, among others. 5. Make appropriate referrals to other psychology specialists (e.g., developmental psychologists, clinical psychologists, industrial-organizational psychologists) in cases when professional requirements are beyond the specified competencies of the certified educational psychologist. Requirements Applicants for certification as educational psychologist must comply with all of the following requirements: 1. Active Associate or Fellow of the Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP).

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2. Educational Requirements: Has at least a masters degree in psychology with major/specialization in educational psychology, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, psychological measurement, counseling psychology, or social psychology. The masters degree must have been based in part on (a) at least three graduate level courses that apply or relate psychology to educational concerns, or (b) the completion of a graduate level thesis related to applying psychological principles to a problem related to education. The masters degree must have been completed in an accredited (FAAP, NQAAHE, or international accreditation, or CHED Center of Excellence) graduate program in psychology. 3. Professional Experience Requirements: Has at least three years of work developing educational psychological theory using psychological methods and implementing psychology-based applications to teaching, training, and learning issues. Evidence for such work should be documented in the form of (a) refereed research papers/publications, (b) peer-evaluated research reports, (c) reports and materials of consultancy projects, and other outputs that fall within the various subareas of educational psychology. The evidence should show consistent work over at least a three year period. 4. Alternative to Educational Requirements: In the first year of granting certification, those who do not meet the education requirements but have extensive professional experience may use at least five years of work in any of the educational psychology related functions cited in the Competencies section in place of the educational qualifications. Evidence for such work should be documented in the form of research publications, consultancy reports, program materials and evaluation reports, and other outputs that fall within the various sub-areas of educational psychology. 5. Must have attended within the past three years prior to the date of application conferences, seminars, and continuing professional education workshops in psychology organized by agencies recognized by the PAP. 6. Has not been convicted of any ethical violation related to the professional practice of psychology, or of any criminal or administrative offense. Applicants who meet all the above requirements shall be granted an initial certification that will be valid for three years. To renew this certification, the applicant should comply with requirements for continuing professional education which will be specified in future guidelines.

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CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR INDUSTRIAL-ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGISTS Definition Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychologists are trained psychologists who apply psychological theories, research methods, and intervention strategies to people and groups in work and nonwork organizations. I/O psychologists play an important role in making organizations more productive and ensuring physically and psychologically productive and healthy lives for workers. I/O psychologists are consultants and in-house psychologists who develop scientific knowledge and apply it to innovations or solution of human behavior issues at work; or scientists who derive principles of individual, group, and organizational behavior through research; or teachers who train in the research and application of Industrial-Organizational Psychology; or any combination of these above roles. Competencies Certified IO psychologists are qualified to undertake the following functions: 1. Conduct basic and applied research regarding psychological processes in organizations including: assessment of employee attitudes, training needs analysis, evaluation of programs, organization diagnosis, among others. 2. Administer, design/conceptualize, develop, monitor and evaluate human resource management systems such as workforce planning, job analysis, recruitment, selection, training and development, performance and rewards management, labor relations, talent and career management in order to align them to the needs and directions of organization. 3. Develop, validate, and conduct research on psychological tests for use in assessing employees or diagnosing organizations 4. Provide other forms of consultancy services to improve the performance of individuals, groups and organizations such as employee coaching, training, or team development, and organization development interventions. 5. Make appropriate referrals to other psychology specialists (e.g., developmental psychologists, clinical psychologists, educational psychologists) in cases when professional requirements are beyond the specified competencies of the certified IO psychologist. Requirements 1. An active Associate or Fellow of the Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP). 2. Educational Requirements: Minimum of a Master of Arts in Psychology completed in an accredited (FAAP, NQAAHE, or international accreditation, or CHED Center of Excellence) graduate program in psychology. The masters degree must have included the following graduate courses: Industrial Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Human Resource Development, Organizational Development, Psychometrics/Psychological Testing, Group Dynamics or Group Process,

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and Research Methods. In addition, the thesis topic is under the general areas of: a) psychological and social influences on work behavior, b) understanding human performance in the work place, c) optimizing human resources, and d) understanding organizational climate and processes OR Specialized training beyond the MA/MS Industrial or I/O Psychology such as, (a) enrollment in and/or completion of a Doctoral in Psychology in a relevant sub-area of psychology, (b) completion of graduate courses on topics related to Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology with a dissertation on a topic classifiable under the general area of Industrial-Organizational Psychology. 3. Professional Practice Requirement (as is appropriate in the specialization) Has been working in the Human Resources or Organization Development Department (or any of its subdivisions such as, Recruitment, Training, Benefits & Compensation, et al.) or has been working as Consultant/Trainer (freelance or with an organization) for any type of organization for at least 3 years. OR Has been teaching Industrial or I/O Psychology, Organizational Development, Training and Development, or other I/O Psychology courses in the undergraduate level for at least 2 semesters, or has been teaching Industrial or I/O Psychology, Organizational Development, Training and Development, or other I/O Psychology courses in the graduate level for at least six semesters, OR Has been conducting basic (for academics) or applied (for practitioners) research on Industrial or I/O Psychology, Organizational Development, Training and Development, or other I/O Psychology topics for at least three years. 4. Alternative to Educational Requirements: In the first year of granting certification, those who do not meet the education requirements but have extensive professional experience may use at least five years of work in any of the I/O psychology related functions cited in the Competencies section in place of the educational qualifications. Evidence for such work should be documented in the form of research publications, consultancy reports, program materials and evaluation reports, and other outputs that fall within the various sub-areas of IO psychology. 5. Must have attended within the past three years prior to the date of application conferences, seminars, and continuing professional education workshops in psychology organized by agencies recognized by the PAP. 6. Has not been convicted of any civil, criminal, or administrative offense, or of ethical violation related to the professional practice of I/O psychology. Must be teaching/practicing I/O Psychology with strict implementation of professional ethics. Thus, must submit at least one recommendation letter from his/her direct superior detailing quality of work output and work ethics. Applicants who meet all the above requirements shall be granted an initial certification that will be valid for three years. To renew this certification, the applicant should comply with requirements for continuing professional education which will be specified in future guidelines.

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CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGISTS Definition Social Psychology is that branch of psychology that studies social cognition, affect, and behavior. It focuses on the individual within a group and how the presence of others (real or imagined) affects that individual. Social Psychologists study a broad spectrum of interests ranging from how an individual perceives ones self to how that individual is influenced by others perception of him/her. Specific topics of study include attribution, attitude and attitude change, stereotyping, prejudice, aggression, interpersonal attraction, helping, group formation and processes, and conflict management. Competencies Through their research and in their practice, social psychologists find their expertise useful in universities as teachers and researchers various industries and community organizations (e.g., NGOs, GOs) as consultants doing, among others, policy review, training / intervention design and implementation, contract research, attitude assessment, proposal-writing and fund-seeking for applied projects, and evaluation research. Requirements 1. Active Associate or Fellow of the Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP). 2. Educational Requirements: Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology in an accredited (FAAP, NQAAHE, or international accreditation, or CHED Center of Excellence) graduate program in psychology with a dissertation on a topic classifiable under the general area of Social Psychology; OR Master of Arts in Psychology in an accredited (FAAP, NQAAHE, or international accreditation, or CHED Center of Excellence) graduate program in psychology with a thesis topic under the general area of Social Psychology AND with completed units in all of the following: a. at least 12 units of graduate-level Social Psychology content areas, such as but not limited to Group Process or Group Dynamics Psychology of Attitude Advanced Social Psychology Applied Social Psychology Social Issues Social Influence Social Interaction Social Cognition Inter-group Relations and Conflict b. at least 6 units of graduate-level Methods courses

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4. Professional Experience Requirements: None required 5. Alternative to Educational Requirements: In special and meritorious cases, psychologists whose original training may not be in social psychology but are active in research and publication in topics classifiable under social psychology and are interested in certification as a social psychologist may apply. The Certification Committee will meet to discuss and decide on such cases. 6. Must have attended within the past three years prior to the date of application conferences, seminars, and continuing professional education workshops in psychology organized by agencies recognized by the PAP. 7. Has not been convicted of any civil, criminal, or administrative offense, or of ethical violation related to the professional practice of psychology.

Applicants who meet all the above requirements shall be granted an initial certification that will be valid for three years. To renew this certification, the applicant should comply with requirements for continuing professional education which will be specified in future guidelines.

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Acknowledgements The Board of Directors of the Psychological Association of the Philippines thanks the following individuals who contributed towards the completion of these certification guidelines as members of the Ad Hoc Committee on Certification of Psychology Specialists: Imelda V. G. Villar, Chair Liane P. Alampay Lucila O. Bance Allan B. I. Bernardo Natividad A. Dayan Anna Guerrero Regina Hechanova Melissa Macapagal Isabel Melgar Ferdinand Pingul Glody T. Reyes Ma. Caridad Tarroja

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