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Entrepreneurship & Startups Course Code: 4300021


Competency-focused Outcome-based Green Curriculum-2021 (COGC-2021)


Course Title: Entrepreneurship & Start-ups

(Course Code: 4300021)

Diploma programmer in which this course is offered Semester in which offered

All Branches of Diploma Engineering 5th Semester


Entrepreneurs have significant impact on our country’s current developing economy. The
social expectations towards engineering professionals are certainly emerging as job creators
especially with the thrust given to “Make in India” and “Vocal for Local” campaigns. Startup
India is a well-known flagship initiative of the Government of India, intended to catalyze
startup culture and build a strong and inclusive ecosystem for innovation and
entrepreneurship. The last 6 years have witnessed tremendous growth of start-ups i.e. from
733 in 2016-17 to 14000 in 2021-22. This course focuses on the basic roles, skills and
functions of entrepreneurship with special attention to startup. The course is directed to
help students to enhance capabilities in the field of managing the given task as well as to
understand peripheral influencing aspects for starting a new business. It will certainly help
students to think in a direction to establish a small industry /start-up and develop /validate
it using fundamental know how.


The purpose of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified
competency through various teaching learning experiences:
 Establish a small enterprise /start-up validate it and make it scalable.


The practical exercises, the underpinning knowledge and the relevant soft skills associated with the
identified competency are to be developed in the student for the achievement of the following COs:

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of
the following topics:
1) Understanding the dynamic role of entrepreneurship and Startups by Acquiring
Entrepreneurial spirit and resourcefulness, quality, competency, and motivation
2) Identify a Business Idea and implement it
3) Select suitable Management practices like leadership and Ownership, resource institutes
4) Overview of Support Agencies and Incubators
5) Building Project Proposal & knowing CSR , Ethics, Ex-Im, & Exit strategies


Teaching Scheme Total Credits Examination Scheme

(In Hours) (L+T+P/2) Theory Marks Practical Total Marks
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Entrepreneurship & Startups Course Code: 4300021

3 0 0 3 30* 70 0 0 100
(*): Out of 30 marks under the theory CA, 10 marks are for assessment of the micro-project to
facilitate integration of COs and the remaining 20 marks is the average of 2 tests to be taken
during the semester for the assessing the attainment of the cognitive domain UOs required for the
attainment of the COs.
Legends: L-Lecture; T – Tutorial/Teacher Guided Theory Practice; P - Practical; C – Credit, CA -
Continuous Assessment; ESE - End Semester Examination.


The entrepreneurial or start-up journey begins by readying for your future dream from college
projects and pursuing the same beyond college hours also. It is encouraged to go through COs and
identify traits and search for various state and national agencies for your entrepreneurship / start-
up journey and convert the same into successful product in market.

The following practical outcomes (SPrOs) are the sub-components of the Course Outcomes (COs).
Some of the SPrOs marked ‘*’ are compulsory, as they are crucial for that particular CO at the
‘Precision Level’ of Dave’s Taxonomy related to ‘Psychomotor Domain’.
i. Though the course does not contain any Practical work, a few Practical Exercises can be designed
and offered by the respective course teacher to develop the industry relevant skills/outcomes to
match the COs. The below table is only a suggestive list.

ii. The following are some sample ‘Process’ and ‘Product’ related skills (more may be added/deleted
depending on the course) that occur in the above listed Practical Exercises of this course required
which are embedded in the COs and ultimately the competency.
Sr. No. Sample Performance Indicators for the PrOs Weightage in %
1 Entrepreneur Traits and Behavior Modelling 30
2 Various State and Central Entrepreneurship 30
Promotional Schemes and Start-up Policies
3 Business Model for a Startup and study of Unicorns* 40
Total 100


The following sample Affective Domain Outcomes (ADOs) are embedded in many of the above-
mentioned COs and PrOs. More could be added to fulfill the development of this course

a. Work as a leader/a team member (while doing a micro-project).

b. Model behavioral practices of an entrepreneur while planning for an enterprise
c. Practice ethics and consider methods/ processes that reduce waste and/or possibly conserve
environment in designing a new business till it’s commercialization.

The ADOs are best developed through the laboratory/field-based exercises. Moreover, the level of
achievement of the ADOs according to Krathwohl’s ‘Affective Domain Taxonomy’ should gradually
increase as planned below:

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i. ‘Valuing Level’ in 1st year-Planning

ii. ‘Organization Level’ in 2nd year-Model Development
iii. ‘Characterization Level’ in 3rd year-Make it Scalable


The major underpinning theory is given below based on the higher level UOs of Revised Bloom’s
taxonomy that are formulated for development of the COs and competency. If required, more such
UOs could be included by the course teacher to focus on attainment of COs and competency.

Major LearningOutcomes
Unit Topics and Sub-topics
(in cognitive domain)
1) Introduction 1a) Define Entrepreneurship 1. Definition, Traits of an entrepreneur,
to 1b) Discuss characteristics and 2. Functions of Entrepreneurship - Job
Entrepreneu functions of entrepreneurship. Creation, Innovation, Inspiration,
rship and 1c) Identify different types of Economic Development
Entrepreneurships 3. Types of Entrepreneurship
Start – Ups
1d) Compare the concepts 4. Motivation for Intrapreneurship
entrepreneurand intrapreneur 5. Types of Business Structures,
and find out the motivation 6. Similarities and differences between
entrepreneurs and managers.
behind it
7. 7-M Resources
1e) Distinguish between
8. Micro, Small, Medium Enterprise/
entrepreneur and managers
MSME - Industry Registration Process
1f) Identify 7-M Resources
9. Startup India, Standup India and SSIP
1g) Know MSME & Startup India,
Gujarat & Startup registration process
standup India, SSIP and its
registration process for both.

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2) Business 2a) Finding Ideas and making an 1. Discovering ideas and visualizing the
Ideas and activity map business with Activity map
1.1 Idea Generation
their 1.2 Product Identification
implement 2b) Develop the plans forcreating 2. Business Plan- The Marketing Plan and
ation (Idea and starting the business Financial Plan/ Sources of Capital
to Start-up) 3. Business opportunity identification and
2c) To identify business using the
ideation canvas and the business
4. Market research
model canvas
4.1.1. Questionnaire design
4.1.2. Sampling
2d) To know market research 4.1.3. Market survey
related terms 4.1.4. Data analysis & interpretation
5. Marketing Mix (4Ps- product,price,
2e) To know market mix related promotion place)
terms 5.1.1. Identifying the target market
5.1.2. Competition evaluation and
2f) Learn Product related Strategy adoption
terminologies 5.1.3. Market Segmentation
5.1.4. Marketing, Advertising and
2g) Emphasize on Innovation Branding
5.1.5. Digital Marketing
2h) Explain concept of Risk and 5.1.6. B2B, E-commerce and GeM
SWOT 6. Product Terms- PLC, Mortality Curve
and New product Development Steps,
Inventory, Supply Chain Management
7. Importance and concept of Innovation,
Sources and Process
8. Risk analysis and mitigation by SWOT
3) Management 3a) Explain the concept and 1. Industry, Commerce and Business
Practices differences between industry, 2. Types of ownership in the
commerce and business. organization -Definition,
3b) Describe various types of Characteristics, Merits &Demerits
ownerships in the organization. 3. Different Leadership Models
3c) Explain different types of 4. Functions of Management- Merits &
leadership models. Demerits
3d) Analyze the nature and 4.1 Planning
importance of various functions of 4.2 Company’s Organization Structure
management 4.3 Directing
3e) Discuss Financial organization 4.4 Controlling
4.5 Staffing- Recruitment and
management of talent.
3f) Distinguish
5. Financial organization and management
management and administration
6. Differences between Management
and Administration

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4) Support 4a) Identify support agencies and 1. State & National Level Support
Agencies and current promotional schemes for agencies and Current Promotional
Incubators enterprise and startups Schemes for new Enterprise
2. Start-up Incubation and modalities
4b) Advocacy to investor 3. Communication of Ideas to potential
investors – Investor Pitch
4c) To Explain various Legal Issues 4. Legal Issues
4.1. Contracts
4.2. Copyrights
4.3. Insurance
4.4. IPR
4.5. Licensing
4.6. Patents
4.7. Trade Secrets
4.8. Trademarks
5) Project 5a) To work on the development 1. Project Planning
Proposal & of a project proposal i. Project planning and report
Exit strategies ii. Feasibility study
5b) Describe social responsibility iii. Project cost estimation
and relate with economic iv. Breakeven point,
Performance. v. Return on investment and Return
on sales
5c) Explain managerialethics 2. Corporate Social Responsibilities and
Economic performance
5d) To know Ex-Im Policies 3. Business Ethics
4. Ex-Im policies
5e) Identify suitable strategies of 5. Succession and harvesting strategy
succession and harvesting 6. Bankruptcy and avoidance


Distribution of Theory Marks

Unit Unit Teaching
R U A Total
No. Title Hours
Level Level Level Marks
Introduction to
I Entrepreneurship and Start – 08 4 6 2 12
Business Ideas and their
II implementation (Idea to 08 6 4 4 14
III Management Practices 12 6 8 8 22
IV Support Agencies and 08 4 4 4 12
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Project Proposal & Exit
V 06 2 4 4 10
Total 42 22 26 22 70

Legends: R=Remember, U=Understand, A=Apply and above (Revised Bloom’s taxonomy)

Note: This specification table provides general guidelines to assist students for their learning and to
teachers to teach and question paper designers/setters to formulate test items/questions to assess
the attainment of the UOs. The actual distribution of marks at different taxonomy levels (of R, U and
A) in the question paper may slightly vary from above table.


Other than the classroom learning, following are the suggested student-related co-curricular
activities which can be undertaken to accelerate the attainment of the various outcomes in this
course. Students should make a portfolio i.e. perform at least FIVE from following list of activities
individually or in group (not more than 2). They should prepare reports of about 2-5 pages for each
activity and collect/ record physical evidence for their portfolio which may be useful for their
placement interviews:

i. Develop two products from household waste (attach photographs).

ii. Download product development and innovative films from internet.
iii. Prepare a collage for “Traits of successful entrepreneurs.”/ “Motivation & Charms of
iv. Invite entrepreneurs, industry officials, bankers for interaction. Interview at least four
entrepreneurs or businessman and identify
v. Identify your hobbies and interests and convert them into business idea.
vi. Mock Business Model- Choose a product and design a unique selling preposition, brand
name, logo, advertisement (print, radio, and television), jingle, packaging, and labeling
for it.
vii. Develop your own website. Share your strengths and weakness on it. Declare your time
bound goals and monitor them on the website.
viii. Choose any product/ advertisement and analyze its good and bad points/ cost sheet/
supply chain etc. (individuals should select different ads)
ix. Compare schemes for entrepreneurship promotion of any bank.
x. Visit industrial exhibitions, trade fairs and observe nitty-gritty of business. Get news of
Vibrant Gujarat Events. (Upcoming in Jan 2024)
xi. Open a savings account and build your own capital.
xii. Arrange a visit to a Mall, observe products, supply chain management and prepare
xiii. Organize industrial visit and suggest modifications for process improvement. Conduct a
market survey for a product /project before visit. In the visit collect data on machinery
specifications, price, output/hour, power consumption, manpower requirement, wages,
raw material requirement, specification, price, competitor’s product price, features,
dealer commissions, marketing mix etc. Make a detailed report at the end of the visit.
xiv. Select a social cause, set objectives, plan and work for its accomplishment. Find details
about some famous NGOs
xv. Present Own Dream Start-up story as Seminar OR Analyze 2 products from Shark Tank

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These are sample strategies, which the teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the various
outcomes in this course:
a) Massive open online courses (MOOCs) may be used to teach various topics/subtopics.
b) Guide student(s) in undertaking micro-projects.
c) ‘L’ in section No. 4 means different types of teaching methods that is to be employed by
teachers to develop the outcomes.
d) Show animation/ video related to course content.
e) Various Apps related to subject topics/ sub-topics
f) Other Common instructions as under
1) Instructors should emphasize more on exemplary and deductive learning.
2) Students should learn to recognize, create, shape opportunities, and lead
teams forproviding economic-social value to society.
3) Business simulations should be used to enhance behavioral traits of
successfulintrapreneurs and entrepreneurs amongst students.
4) Emphasis should be on creating entrepreneurial society rather than only
setting upof enterprise.
5) They must be encouraged to surf on net and collect as much
information aspossible.
6) Each student should complete minimum ten activities from the
suggested list.Minimum possible guidance should be given for the
suggested activities.
7) Students should be promoted to use creative ideas, pool their own
resources, finishtheir presentation, communication and team skills.
8) Alumni should be frequently invited for experience sharing,
guiding andrewarding students.
9) Display must be arranged for models, collages, business plans and
othercontributions so that they motivate others.
10) You may show video/animation film / presentation slides to demonstrate
variousmanagement functions, traits of entrepreneur etc.
11) Arrange a visit to nearby venture capital firm.
12) Give 1 Mini project and 1project report for future business to all the students.
13) The following pedagogical tools will be used to teach this course:
a) Lectures and Discussions
b) Role Playing
c) Assignments and Presentations
d) Case Analysis
e) Quiz on Management and Entrepreneurship
g) Mimic/ narrate examples from world’s leading businessmen among the
h) Guide students on how to address issues on environment and sustainability


Only one micro-project is planned to be undertaken by a student that needs to be assigned to

him/her in the beginning of the semester. In the first four semesters, the micro-projects are group-
based (group of 3 to 5). However, in the fifth and sixth semesters, the number of students in the
group should not exceed three.

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The micro-project could be industry application based, internet-based, workshop-based, laboratory-

based or field-based. Each micro-project should encompass two or more COs which are in fact, an
integration of PrOs, UOs and ADOs. Each student will have to maintain a dated work diary consisting
of individual contributions in the project work and give a seminar presentation of it before
submission. The duration of the guidance for micro project should be about 6-8 (six to eight)
student engagement hours during the theory/ course. The students ought to submit micro-project
by the end of the semester to develop the industry-oriented COs.
A suggestive list of micro-projects/ practical exercise is given here. This has to match the competency
and the COs. Similar micro-projects could be added by the concerned course teacher:
(It can be a Seminar with bound /hand written notes/ ppts of individual students OR a product/
service portfolio)

1) Entrepreneur Traits and Behavior Modelling

2) Various State and Central Entrepreneurship Promotional Schemes and Start-up Policies
3) Business Model for a Startup and study of Unicorns
4) Make your own Product / Service portfolio/ Proposal with USP, logo, advertisement (print, radio,
and television), jingle,packaging, labeling and branding for it.


Sr. Title of Book Author Publication with place,

No year and ISBN
1 Entrepreneurship in Coulter PHI 2nd Edition
2 Entrepreneurship E. Gordon & K. Himalaya
Development Natarajan
3 Entrepreneurship Robert D. Hisrich & McGraw Hill Education;
Mathew J. Manimala ISBN 978-1259001635
4 Entrepreneurial S S Khanka S Chand & Company;
Development ISBN: 978-8121918015
5 Entrepreneurship A. K. Singh Jain Book Agency
Development and (JBA) publishes, New Delhi
6 Entrepreneurship S K Kataria and Sons;
Development& Management R.K. Singal
ISBN: 978-8189757007
7 Small Scale Industries and Vasant Desai Himalaya 2008
8 Entrepreneurship Roy Rajeev Oxford University Press;
ISBN: 978-0198072638
9 Industrial Engineering and O.P.Khanna Dhanpat Rai and Sons,
Management Delhi
10 Industrial Organization and Tara Chand NemChand and
Management Brothers; Roorkee
11 Industrial Management and V. K. Sharma. Scientific Publishers,
Entrepreneurship New Delhi
12 Entrepreneurship Poornima M Charantimath Pearson Education;
Developmentand Small ISBN: 978-8131759196
Business Enterprise
13 Entrepreneurship S Anil kumar NEW AGE Intern. Pvt Ltd;
Development ISBN: 978-8122414349

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14 The Startup Owner’s Steve Blank and Bob K & S Ranch

Manual: The Step-by-Step Dorf ISBN – 978-0984999392
Guide for Building a Great
15 The Lean Startup: How Eric Ries Penguin UK
Today’s Entrepreneurs Use ISBN – 978-0670921607
Continuous Innovation to
Create Radically Successful
16 Demand: Creating What Adrian J. Slywotzky with Headline Book Publishing
People Love Before They Karl Weber ISBN – 978-0755388974
Know They Want It
17 The Innovator’s Dilemma: The Clayton M. Christensen Harvardbusiness ISBN: 978-
Revolutionary Book That Will 142219602
Change the Way You Do
18 How to write a business plan, Brian Finch 2nd edition, 2007, Kogan
Page India Pvt. Ltd.
Advance Reading
19 HBR - Creating business plan - 20-minute manager series,
20 HBR – Creating business plan - Expert solution to everyday
challenges, 2007.


[A] List of Software/Learning Websites:

Topic Key Word Link
1 MoCI
2 MSME 2) https://www.msmex.in/learn/government-
1) https://www.startupindia.gov.in/
Start-up, Stand-up India & 2) https://www.standupmitra.in
SSIP Gujarat 3) https://udyamimitra.in/page/standup-india-loans
4) https://www.ssipgujarat.in/
4 Make in India https://www.makeinindia.com/
Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan
5 https://indiancc.mygov.in › uploads › 2021/08
Vocal for Local
6 Skill India https://skillindia.gov.in
7 MSDE https://www.msde.gov.in/
8 Vibrant Gujarat https://www.vibrantgujarat.com/
9 NABARD www.nabard.com
10 PAN
11 I-hub https://ihubgujarat.in
12 GSTIN https://reg.gst.gov.in/registration
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13 IEC Code https://www.dgft.gov.in/CP

14 Mudra https://www.mudra.org.in/
15 Export-Import http://niryatbandhu.iift.ac.in/exim/
16 NSIC https://www.nsic.co.in/
https://ic.gujarat.gov.in/dic -contact.aspx -District
17 DIC
Industries Centre
18 EDI https://www.ediindia.org/
19 CED https://ced.gujarat.gov.in/home
20 NIESBUD https://www.niesbud.nic.in/
21 Start-up Talky
22 Invest India https://www.investindia.gov.in/startup-india-hub
24 Action for India programs.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIutLQ4dfW_wIV
25 Indian Chamber of Commerce https://www.indianchamber.org/
26 FICCI https://www.ficci.in/api/home
27 GCCI https://www.gujaratchamber.org/

[B] Some Films (To be seen on Sundays/holidays by students on their own, not to be
shown in polytechnics in any case)

i. Any Body Can Dance (2013)

ii. Corporate (2006)
iii. Do Duni Char (2010)
iv. Guru (2007)
v. Oh My God (2013)
vi. Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999)
vii. The Pursuit of Happiness (2006)
viii. Rocket Singh (2010)
ix. Start-up.com (2001)
x. The Social Network (2010)
xi. Wall Street (1987)
xii. Band Baja Barat (2010)
xiii. You’ve Got Mail (1998)
xiv. Steve Jobs (2015)
xv. Chef (2014)
xvi. “Office Space (1999)
xvii. Erin Brockovich (2000)
xviii. The Founder (2016)


Semester V Entrepreneurship & Startups

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(Course Code: 4300021)

Competency PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7
& Course Outcomes Basic & Problem Design Engineering Engineering Project Life-long
Discipline Analysis Tools, practices for Managem learning
specific / Experiment society, ent
knowledge develo ation & sustainability
pment Testing &
of environment
Use concepts of management optimally to establish a small
enterprise or start-up, validate it and make it scalable.
the dynamic role of
and Startups by
Acquiring 3 1 2 - - 2 2
Entrepreneurial spirit
and resourcefulness,
quality, competency,
and motivation
CO2- Identify a
Business Idea and 3 2 2 1 1 3 3
implement it
CO3-Select suitable
practices like
3 - 1 1 2 2 3
leadership and
Ownership, resource
CO4- Overview of
Support Agencies 2 3 2 2 1 2 2
and Incubators
CO5- Building
Project Proposal &
knowing CSR , Ethics, 3 2 2W 1 1 3 3
Ex-Im, & Exit
Legend: ‘3’ for high, ‘2’ for medium, ‘1’ for low and ‘-’ for no correlation of each CO with PO.


GTU Resource Persons
No Name and Designation Institute Contact No. Email
1. Mr. Ujjval V Buch (MBA) G.P.Ahmedabad 9825346922 [email protected]
2. Dr. Satya Acharya EDI, Bhat. 7600050606 [email protected]

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