105 Ways To Love, Share, Invite

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105 Ways to FOR THE TIMID

Love, Share, Invite 1. Go for a walk with a friend or neighbor.

2. Stop at Kool-Aid stands and sprinkle sunshine.
The list below is collected from several sources and represents only a starting point for coming up with
3. Make conversations with others in line at the store.
things you can do to find more people to talk with. We hope this list provides revelation for you
4. Do an act of service for your friend or neighbor.
individually and opens discussions in your ward calling. If you want to teach more people, you have to
5. Follow all the Apostles and Prophets on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (any other
talk with more people (Elder Ballard). Talk with everyone!
social media). 6. Like, repost, reshare, retweet any of the Apostles and Prophet’s
social media posts. 7. Study the Book of Mormon in public (while riding public transit,
“We are all in this together. With fellow ward members and missionaries, we plan and in a waiting room, at the doctor’s office, during a break at work, etc.).
pray and help one another. Please keep the full-time missionaries in your thoughts and 8. Donate to the ward mission fund.
prayers. Trust them with your family and friends. The Lord trusts them and has called 9. Purchase copies of the Book of Mormon to leave in hotel rooms.
them to teach and bless those who seek Him.” Elder Neil L. Andersen. 10. Pray for your local missionaries and for the missionaries from your ward.
11. Put a missionary’s name on the temple prayer roll.
“Whatever our age, capacity, Church calling, or location, we are as one, called to the work 12. Write to missionaries from your ward or from your family.
to help Him in His harvest of souls until He comes again.” President Henry B. Eyring. 13. Ask a friend to teach you a talent or a skill.
14. Take your neighbors home evening treats.
“There is nothing happening on this earth right now that is more important than that.
15. Send postcards to your friends when you are on trips.
There is nothing of greater consequence. Absolutely nothing. This gathering should
16. Support youth in your ward at school or civic activities.
mean everything to you. This is the mission for which you were sent to earth.” Pres.
17. Invite the missionaries over for dinner and let them practice
Russell M. Nelson
lessons or role play with them. 18. Invite a person who might need an
“Brothers and sisters, the gospel of Jesus Christ has never been needed more than it is invitation over for dinner.
today.” Pres. Russell M. Nelson 19. Attend ward convert baptisms.
20. Include a gospel theme in your social media, such as Facebook.
21. Learn more about what is important in your friend’s life.
“My beloved brothers and sisters, we have spoken today of three simple things—easy 22. Encourage others to prepare to serve full-time missions.
things—that anyone can do. Things you can do! Perhaps you are already doing 23. Do random acts of kindness.
them—even without fully realizing that you are! 24. Have a cheerful countenance.
25. Give your teacher a thank you card and gift.
I invite you to consider ways you can love, share, and invite. As you do so, you will feel
a measure of joy knowing that you are heeding the words of our beloved Savior. 26. Give your friend something from your garden.
What I am urging you to do is not a new program. You have heard these principles 27. Share your passion or hobby with your friend.
before. This is not the “next big thing” the Church is asking you to do. These three things 28. Fast and pray for a stronger testimony concerning missionary work.
are merely an extension of who we already are as disciples of Jesus Christ. 29. Increase your Christmas card list every year with friends.
30. Have a family home evening on missionary work.
No name badge or letter is required. 31. Write about your mission in your life history.
32. Research and read conference talks on missionary work.
No formal calling is needed. 33. Publicly live your religion.
As these three things become a natural part of who we are and how we live, they will 34. Have the missionaries teach your family one of the missionary lessons.
become an automatic, unforced expression of genuine love.” Elder Gary E. Stevenson 35. Sit by someone new at work or school.
36. Get to know your ward mission leader.
37. Sponsor an outdoor movie night (beware of copyright issues!)
38. If you have the skills, give service by offering to play the piano for people at a rest
1. Donate a copy of the scriptures and other church books to local libraries 1. When asked about your weekend by friends, co-workers, etc. mention you attended
2. Post inspiring posts on social media that are gospel principle based and ask an church or went to the temple. 2. Give the Book of Mormon as a gift for a birthday,
inspired question. 3. Join your community’s inter-faith council and/or attend another Christmas, Easter, etc.
religion’s bible study group. 4. Ask a long-distance friend to Zoom with you and your 3. Select a scripture from the Book of Mormon to include in a greeting card to a friend.
local missionaries, introduce them and study a gospel topic like “Faith” together. See 4. Ask Stake Director of Public Affairs to introduce you to leaders of other faiths where
you could ask them what things we could undertake together (e.g. JustServe.org
where it goes.
projects, community/faith breakfasts or gathering). 5. When you come across a scripture
5. Pray with your friends when they are going through a trial. that is particularly meaningful to you during your study of the Book of Mormon or general
6. Become familiar with the background of the Book of Mormon – be able to give a conference, think of a friend or acquaintance who might appreciate the message and
basic explanation in one minute or less. Practice with family and/or friends. share it with him or her.
7. Write a letter to your city, county, and national elected leaders encouraging 6. Learn a favorite scripture from the Book of Mormon in another language. Be
them to vote for family values. 8. Volunteer to work at schools or other civic able to recite it to a friend or acquaintance who speaks that language.
organizations. 7. Let friends or co-workers know how you observe the Sabbath.
9. Invite your friends to church activities. Go to their church activities as well. 8. Invite missionaries to birthday parties or other social events in your home when
10. Join with other churches in celebrating Christian holidays and events. friends or acquaintances or relatives who are not LDS will be present.
9. Invite your friend to get involved in family history. Show them the Family History app.
11. Pray for a missionary experience.
10. Support a cause that reinforces gospel principles.
12. Talk to your friends about the principles for happier living, ask about their religion.
11. Invite the missionaries to have dinner with you in the park or a public place.
13. Invite a friend to dinner or family home evening 12. Offer your home for the missionaries to teach a discussion.
14. Talk about General Conference with your co-workers. Invite them to watch. 13. Volunteer for your ward to sponsor a “MORP” (a modest Prom for high school
15. Get involved in local affairs. students of all faiths); clean music and Church dress standards for all—advertise
16. Write thank you notes to your neighbors. standards ahead; invite other faiths
17. Hold “community” or “neighborhood” events sponsored by the ward but not 14. Hand out pass-along cards and/or copies of the Book of Mormon or invite them to
specifically a Church event so that everyone feels welcome. download the digital copy of the Book of Mormon.
18. Attend a friend’s church. 15. Run for an elected office at school or in the community.
19. Become active in your friend’s activities that involve their children. 16. Pray for guidance about who you could ask to receive the missionary lessons.
20. Have an ice cream social for those living on your street. 17. Sponsor a health and fitness class; provide information about the Word of Wisdom.
18. Invite friends to sacrament meetings when missionaries are speaking.
21. Send welcoming notes to recently baptized members.
19. Ask schoolmates or co-workers about their beliefs.
22. Invite recently baptized members into your home for a meal or FHE. 20. Fast and pray for a mission experience in your life.
23. Help your neighbors with garden or yard work (or shovel snow from their driveway). 21. Doorbell ditch friends and/or neighbors with gospel-themed care packages.
24. Next time you are inviting a member of the church to do 22. By the end of a conversation, make sure they know you are a member of The Church
something, call a friend instead. 25. Leave gospel-related reading of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
material around your office. 23. Invite a friend or acquaintance to a youth/adult fireside or to an institute class.
26. Invite a friend or acquaintance to help with decorating or a 24. Give a friend a Come, Follow Me manual or share an on-line version with them.
set-up at a church activity. 27. Spend more time with your friends 25. Give your friend a church brochure (ask your home ward missionaries for them).
outside of church (If they are a good influence). 26. Share faith-promoting experiences with your friend.
27. Invite a friend to meet the missionaries and learn more about of The Church of
28. Give copies of church magazines to local libraries.
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 28. Give a church book or conference report
29. Write letters to a former neighbor, telling the neighbor how much you magazine to a friend or teacher.
enjoyed their friendship. 30. Use any current event to engage in a 29. Invite a friend to the many activities held at the temple grounds and visitors’ centers.
conversation finding common ground. 30. Give a friend some genealogy research you have done for their family line.
31. Create and agree on a Family Mission Plan. 31. Ask a friend if they want to have all their sins forgiven and be baptized a member of
32. Be active in your school or community. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
32. Tell people you are a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
33. Attend your friend’s church at Christmas, Easter, or any Sunday.
34. Give a friend a Family Home Evening manual.
35. Give subscriptions to church magazines to your friends, past and present (they
don’t even need to know it came from you.)

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