Fate Plus Cyberpunk

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MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

A Rolepress Publication
[email protected]

Fate Plus Cyberpunk

ISBN PDF: 978-65-84771-01-7
ISBN Softcover: 978-65-84771-00-0
All rights reserved.

First published in 2022 by Rolepress, Rua Dom Vital, 20-A, Prado, Gravatá-PE,
CEP 5564422-080.

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That said, if you’re doing it for personal use, just do it.

This is “express permission.”

This is a game where people make up stories about cyborgues, artificial

intelligence planning to destroy humanity, and a dark future. All the characters
and events portrayed in this work are fictional. Any resemblance to real
people, cyborgs, flying cars, cibernetic punks, synthetic children cloned in the
laboratory, or robots taking over humanity is purely coincidental, but you better
prepare for the worst.

The arts and layout belong to their respective authors and all rights to these
elements are reserved to them. Contact them for use permissions.

This work is based on Fate Core and Fate Accelerated (found at http://www.
faterpg.com), which are products of Evil Hat Productions, LLC, created and
edited by Leonard Balsera, Brian Engard, Jeremy Keller, Ryan Macklin, Mike
Olson, Clark Valentine, Amanda Valentine, Fred Hicks and Rob Donoghue and
licensed under a Creative LicenseCommons Attribution 4.0 International.
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by / 4.0

The FATE CORE font is © Evil Hat Productions, LLC and is being used under
permission. The four stock symbols were designed by Jeremy Keller

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

2022, February



James Thompson, MACKENZIE

Special Thanks

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

The future will not bring hope, only the struggle for survival. You have to be ac-
tive, or the world will run over you mercilessly. Be determined and smart. Maybe
you don’t need strength, but everyone needs a little luck. The world is very big and
full of uncertainty, dark streets, neon lights, and violence; a chaotic place.
The Cyber World
​​ and Punk Society is an article that explains the landscape of
a cyberpunk world, so you can familiarize yourself with the topic and have your
first brainstorm for adventures and scenes. In Character Creation we have tips
and suggestions for creating characters in a dystopian world with many premade
aspects, stunts and some new suggested rules. In the Cyberware article we have
dozens of ideas of technological devices using the traditional rules of Fate Con-
densed and Core, in addition to their impact on society and characters’ lives. In
Styles — New Equipment Rules, we introduce you to a new rule for using equip-
ment that also can be used for cyberware, in addition to the previous article. The
Power of the Mind introduces a new rules system for psychic powers, all of this
without adding any fancy new rules to Fate. Welcome to Cyberspace talks about
the virtual world and how it is an essential part of everyday life, how it changed the
world, as well as interesting ideas for adventures across the Net. In the article Let’s
Burn This Place Down, we talk about adventure and campaign ideas and provide
a campaign seed in the “ghost of the machine” style. And finally, this issue closes
with the article A Populated World, with a dozen opponents that will commonly
cross the path of player characters.
Are you ready to explore this world? Welcome to the cyberpunk era.
Fábio Silva

A Cyber World and Punk Society.. 6
Unstructured Society.............................................. 6
Whatever You Can Get............................................ 7
Who Rules the World?............................................ 8
Being Who We Want to Be..................................... 8
Information Control................................................. 9
Technological Progress........................................... 10
The Future of Medicine........................................... 12
The Economic System............................................. 15

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

The Role of Corporations........................................ 15
Work, Housing, and Food....................................... 17
Governments and Corporations............................. 17
Militarism and War................................................... 19

Character Creation........................... 20
As in Fate Condensed.............................................. 20
Creating Aspect During Phase Trio....................... 21
Skills and Stunts....................................................... 24

Cyberware......................................... 31
Power Limits............................................................. 32
Installing and Removing Cyberware.................... 32
Cyberware as Aspects............................................. 33
Cyber Stunts............................................................. 39
Cyber Extras.............................................................. 49
How Should I Use Cyberware:
Aspects, Stunts or Extras?...................................... 52

Styles — New Equipment Rules..... 54

What are Styles?...................................................... 54

The Power of the Mind.................... 77

Creating a Psychic Character................................. 77

Welcome to Cyberspace................. 87
What is Cyberspace?............................................... 87
The Appearance of the Net..................................... 87
How Cyberspace Works.......................................... 89

Let’s Burn This Place Down............ 97

Cyberpunk Adventures........................................... 97
What the Hell is Happening?................................. 98
A Living World Around Them................................. 99
The Principle of the End.......................................... 100

A Populated World........................... 103

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

A Cyber World
and Punk Society
Chaos is the law
By Fabio Silva
Look through your window and imagine what your neighborhood would look
like with long nights, tall buildings, neon lights, and exotic cars. On the streets,
people wouldn’t care about the latest fashion or being judged — that’s something
for the snobby bourgeois elite. There is no time; everyone is in a hurry. There are
no standards; be whoever you want, however you wish. Modify your body in clan-
destine garages; fight to survive the gray days and nights of endless rain.
Cyberpunk is an urban genre of super-polluted, claustrophobic megalopolises
with people piled up in dark, oppressive narrow streets. Pollution, garbage, and
loud noises are part of everyday life; they are the essence of humanity. Nature is a
luxury few can envision; depleted natural resources are replaced by dirty, hot, and
noisy technologies.
The GM will make predictions about the near or distant future to set up their
adventure — the world is still similar to what we know, but distorted by rampant
technological advancement and its socio-environmental consequences. For cam-
paigns, it’s important to think about major events that have changed the local
or world social and political structure — defining this as a single aspect or issue
scenario is enough to get you started quickly, as we will see in this issue.

Unstructured Society
In an overcrowded world, it is difficult to maintain order; society is drowning in
corruption. People are concerned with their own problems and if someone be-
comes a stumbling block in the way, better kick them off. This is the default, but
there are exceptions. Those who have power and money, control portions of soci-
ety, forming groups, gangs, and militias to fulfill their desires. Sociopathy, murder,
robbery, and terrorism are weapons, but also a form of protest — what differenti-
ates one from the other is the target.
As long as evil corporations (destroying what is left of the fauna and flora in
search of money) exist in this world, there will also be terrorist groups fighting
them aggressively. The oppressed unite their actions to destroy the property and
economy of the oppressors — be they corporations or fascist and corrupt govern-
ments —, fighting for their freedom. Cyberspace is full of hackers ready to take
massive actions, whether it’s robberies, crashes, or frying the brains of the heed-
less — the bad guys are the ones who try to mess with you. At different levels, in
different places in society, violence is always part of the landscape.
Body modification is not just props, but a way to defend yourself against the
violent escalation of the streets — giving up your health and physical comfort is
the new normal.

Fate plus 6 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Whatever You
Can Get
When there’s no more room for people to
live, taller buildings are built — or apart-
ment clusters deeper into the earth. Techno-
logical advances allow more people to crowd
into dodgy homes and to move through the
streets with high-tech mass transport, most
of the time with fly-tech vehicles.
These cities are built and run by corrupt
governments and wealthy corporations
interested only in exploiting the popula-
tion’s power of production — lives are
expendable. Schools, hospitals, shopping
malls, comfortable homes are luxuries
that a small part of the population is able
to afford. Disadvantaged people create in-
dependent communities in places of resis-
tance taken by blood and fire.
Rich bastards create their own luxu-
rious, comfortable, and air-conditioned
communities and enjoy these benefits
while they can, fearing that the resistance
of the underprivileged will come to them.
These places are usually self-sufficient in
housing, through population control,
and have all the necessary infrastructure
to maintain the life of the privileged —
with the production of goods, hospitals,
schools, and security maintained through
exorbitant taxes.
The massive majority of the population
will continue to live on top of each oth-
er in increasingly tight spaces, in vibrant
and glowing megalopolises. Public safety,
health, and education services are of dubi-
ous quality and easily corruptible. Corpo-
rations are negotiating the privatization of
basic services, aiming to have greater con-
trol over the population.
Criminal organizations are growing, in
part to fight the fascists, in part to produce
basic services at an reasonable price — and
dubious quality — that the population
can afford. Most of them rise to commit
crimes for one’s own benefit — drugs,
weapons, vandalism, terrorism, murder;
everything has a price.

Fate plus 7 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Who Rules the World?
Those who gather the most power and influence set the rules. What is de-
fined as a crime or what kinds of laws rule a region may vary depending on
who runs the location.
Governments commonly rule large areas, acting in the interests of the people
for the most part (and in their own interests through corruption). In a cyberpunk
world, government influence can be active, as it is today, with corporations taking
covert actions to embezzle money, acting on self-interest. The way they operate, us-
ing new technologies to achieve their goals and cover their tracks, is usually dirtier.
In a society governed by corporations, laws become “corporate policy” and
punishments become obligations. What legal value does a person have to the cor-
poration? And what is its monetary value? It is more useful to punish someone
with input-free obligations than to waste cheap labor.
The corporation needs to think about punishments for offenders taking into
account their relationships with business partners. Can a certain punishment be
frowned upon by partner corporations? Is there any way to erase the tracks of the
corporation’s actions or to punish specific individuals severely without suffering the
consequences? Corporations always act at the limit of impunity for maximum profit.
This happens if the individual is of monetary or productive interest to the cor-
poration. Those who are not under their command, or who do not serve someone
powerful who can defend them, or independent and lone revolutionaries, can re-
ceive punishment without so many restrictions.

Being Who We Want to Be

There are no limits to appearance and sexuality. How much body modification
and pleasure someone can have is determined by their money and health. Forget
everything you’ve heard about “traditional family”. For some, reproduction is a
tradition or an obligation; for others, a taboo. The government or corporations
still dictate the legal limits of what constitutes a matrimonial union, but in every-
day life, everything is much more complex and colorful.
Marrying someone who has clones is marrying all their copies? Are the children
of the original human legally children of the clones? What happens in the case
of reversible death through copying consciousness? The world has transcended.
The family is the basis of the characters’ origins — where they learned about
how to survive in this new world. Children are born from in vitro fertilization,
with pregnancy taking place in machines, or clones implanted in surrogates.
There is no standard for family structure — children have multiple social or bio-
logical fathers or mothers, are adopted by family members, gangs, corporations,
or by the streets.

What do People Look Like?

Fashion is a lifestyle. Even when people don’t care about the way they look, they
fit into some fashion group — casual, sporty, sloppy, elegant, business, and so on.
The appearance of people in a dystopian future is a combination of cultural
norms and available technology. The GM might assume that most people in a
cyberpunk world dress similarly, but having variations and customs for each re-
gion (or cities where people have styles so mixed that you find a different fashion
around every corner) can make the scene alive.

Fate plus 8 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

A technological fashion has clothes and accessories with lights, devices, wires,
and nanotechnology. Jackets with neon lights that, in addition to being stylish,
indicate physical or emotional conditions; reflective fabrics; pants, shirts or gloves
with secret compartments that reveal useful devices; changes in color or amount
of body hair in real time (like no hair at all); hair made of artificial fibers or with
shiny implants; piercings or animalistic body modifications (feline pupils, wolf
fangs, falcon claws, and so on); holographic tattoos that move and light up. There
is no limit to a freed world.
Another common presentation is chrome plated societies or stylish groups.
Bespoken metallic clothes; silver accessories; precise, minimalist designers; light
colors; and shades of gray — everything is clean, bright, and expensive. This is an
elitist style, commonly found in high society neighborhoods and cities.
Most naturalists and spiritualists try to find inner balance through a connection
with nature, however scarce. They tend not to have body modifications, natural
hair, and their clothes are made in nude and earth tones. Sometimes this is also
linked to their culture or faith.
The common style of the populated mass is something in between punk and in-
die, with exotically coiffed hair, leather, shiny and pointed accessories, cybernetic
implants, stark colors, or grunge, dead tones. Amidst this beautiful freedom, it is
possible to find a mixture of traditional costumes from different cultures.
Then there are the puritans, with their traditions and social norms. Most of them
have “intact” bodies, with the exception of a few who use simple implants to replace
genetic flaws or body parts lost in accidents. They tend to dress between something
similar to today’s puritans and a postmodern traditionalism, with glossy and classic
hairstyles and regular perfect clothes. They always stand out in a crowd.

Information Control
Controlling information is controlling the masses. Channels of information will
still exist through video and audio transmission, something like our modern TV
and Radio, but most of the information is transmitted through personal devic-
es or projection screens. This can be done with translucent screens projected on
highways and dark windows across corporate skyscrapers, or on handheld devices
(similar to smartphones), holographic projection glass cards, bracelets, watches,
retina sensors that render websites and videos directly to the eyes, or biochips for
capturing audible radio signals. Governments, corporations, and independent
media constantly struggle to sell their own truth about recent events.
Information pirates navigate, steal, manipulate, and sell what they find along
the way — what you hear, see or read may be the opposite of the truth.
Print media is obsolete, takes up space, and becomes garbage. It’s still used by
hackers and rebels who want to make it difficult to trace their source of infor-
mation distribution — but few have the time or patience to read it, in a world
powered by audio and video. In high-tech regions, there may be nanotechnology
paper, capable of reproducing moving images or complex sounds, with a decent
resolution, but inferior to an advanced device suitable for this.
Most people have personal screens (like tablets) or projection devices that wire-
lessly receive advertising signals wherever they go. This is the cheapest and fastest
way for businesses to advertise their desired goods or for personal communication.
Cyberspace is a free and dangerous field. Controlled largely by the government
and corporations, they monitor the flow of information using fanatical officials

Fate plus 9 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

— or artificial intelligence in dark rooms filled with vibrant screens, surrounded
by glossy walls. Everything you see, hear or distribute may be being monitored.
As always, there is deep cyberspace, a place without law or surveillance where in-
formation is exchanged and sold to anyone willing to pay — I mean, ANYONE.

Technological Progress
This is the cyber part of punk. The refinement of technology depends on the
wealth of society. Less favored places boast medium-quality or improvised devices,
implants, networking and other high-tech gadget — while the wealthy boast the
latest extravagant and expensive technologies.

Personal Devices
These range from personal computers to portable devices. Computers are the
foundation of a cyber world, as they are involved in every aspect of modern life,
from food preparation, laundry, to business administration. Any personal device
allows its user to enter shallow cyberspace, where society interacts establishing re-
lationships, entertainment and commerce.
The completeness of cyberspace can range from a basic interaction through a
physical or projection screen (a little more advanced than what we have today), to an
interactive virtual reality, cybernetic collective hallucination — the more advanced
the user’s technological equipment, the more profound the experience will be.

Fate plus 10 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Transportation Speed
Public transport is popular and efficient, but not always safe or comfortable. Peo-
ple piled up in graffiti wagons, moving at high speed through the underground,
the city streets or the skies is a common sight in a megalopolis.
Personal transport is a problem for some regions as there is no more space for
highways. Flying cars may solve some of the traffic problems, but parking will still
be an issue, with gigantic buildings dedicated only to parking. In some places,
there are pedestrian walkways, where the circulation of motor vehicles is prohib-
ited (this could be a space in a shopping mall, a neighborhood, or an entire city).
In these places, streets are designed with escalators, treadmill floors, and elevators
that lead to underground streets or upper walkways.
Fossil fuel can be common — and one of the main reasons for the world’s deg-
radation. There are energy-powered cars, and magnetic (or anti-gravity) highways
that run clean energy vehicles. Commonly, the dirtier and more polluting a tech-
nology, the cheaper it is.

Going Beyond
Interstate travel is done by rail or magnetic flotation technology on highways and
railways. The average number of people transported by long-distance transport
vehicles can be from one to five thousand (or even more) per trip, depending on
the train or aircraft.
Antigravity bows are lined up over long distances, in deserts or under the
oceans, allowing aircraft to travel at supersonic speed safely.
International or intercontinental transport can traverse the world in just over
an hour using orbital technology. Spaceplanes enter and depart from low-altitude
orbital stations to travel the routes to their destination.

The Space Race

The dispute for the conquest of space is fierce. Judicial battles and corporate espi-
onage take place as Earth’s orbit is explored. Artificial communication satellites,
climate control, or solar energy are launched into orbit and many end up being
targets of space pirates who hack for information, blackmail, or steal parts and
junk that wander aimlessly.
Meanwhile, companies are looking to build factories in microgravity or zero
gravity locations, reducing production and energy costs. These factories are home
to its employees, who visit Earth on vacation via supersonic jets or space shuttles,
passing through dark clouds of pollution.
An exorbitant luxury are the orbital residential communities. Some of these habit-
able stations are luxury space condominiums that house lonely rich or sick (and rich)
people who can have a better quality of life in low gravity. These places have ports
that receive supplies from the land, and take and bring residents and visitors. Security
is tight, but it’s not hard to hear about pirates and thugs breaking into these places.
Likewise, governments have conquered their demand in the space race by im-
plementing military bases or government institutions in zero gravity. Its purposes
are to keep space boundaries secure and to support the citizens of their territories
in space stations, factories, and satellites. Some corporations already have security
force space stations to defend their own interests — which starts a space arms race.
All these constructions create a spatial society that takes shape and gains space.
Abandoned space stations and factories are often home to gangs and pirates who
explore the limits of new frontiers.

Fate plus 11 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

We need more electricity!
All technologies need some form of electrical energy to function. The prior-
ity is to produce the maximum amount of energy for the lowest cost, even if
this produces waste and environmental degradation.
Deserts of solar mirrors are scattered around the world and, in the most
distant areas, there are still some geoelectric and hydroelectric plants. If your
scenario has little or no sun, because of clouds of pollution or the toxic at-
mosphere that forces cities to be built underground or protected by domes,
then cities and corporations have nuclear power plants or orbital energy-har-
vesting satellites.
Most cities and businesses have their own electricity sources and gener-
ators that store energy for the long term, but in a world controlled by cor-
porations, there may be monopolizing multinationals that dominate the
electricity market.

The Future of Medicine

Medicine advances miraculously for everyone — but especially for those who can
afford it. The world is full of cyberware, cloned and artificial organs — the barrier
of incompatibility has been overcome within a safe margin, although there are
a few unfortunates who are unlucky enough not to achieve compatibility with
certain materials and devices (they are the exception, not the rule).
New experiments with synthetic drugs bring miraculous experiences, as well as
mind-blowing sensations. There are pills that directly deal with illnesses or pre-
vent them, in addition to those designed to kill pain or to cause specific physical
and mental conditions.

Genetic Engineering
Once science decodes human DNA, it is possible to predict and cure diseases be-
fore birth, or modify the body in any way you want, such as changing the color
of the eyes or the skin, the body’s general appearance (whether for aesthetics or
functionality), by just manipulating the necessary genes.
Going deeper, medicine has advanced in the combination of human and
non-human genes, creating mixtures of the most varied forms — the legal and
ethical barriers come into check in campaigns like this. Human beings that are
able to breathe underwater or to asexually reproduce that have faster and more
efficient regeneration abilities; that are able to photosynthesis to meet organic
needs; or that even can fusion with other natural beings and machines — any
imaginable ability can become a biological function, passing on to future gener-
ations through reproduction.

Once DNA is mastered, cloning something — creating a biologically identical
copy of a being — becomes a natural process.
Cloning’s natural advance is to create healthy, younger organs for their original
sources. The laboratory “prints” the desired organ and allows it to develop biologi-
cally to the desired age in an accelerated process (a few days, weeks, months or years
to create an adult heart, or any other organ that can be transplanted, for example).

Fate plus 12 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

The cloning of whole beings — an identical and functional copy of someone,
for example — has profound social and legal implications.
Do clones have the same legal rights as their originals? Is it a crime to kill a
clone? And what if the clone is going to be killed for medical reasons, such as to
use the new heart in a transplant to the original being? Can a clone testify in court
for the murder of its original as if it were their own? If someone owns a clone of
themselves, what is the punishment if someone else kills the original? Killing a
clone is considered murder or destruction of property? What if one clone kills an-
other one? The answers to these questions set the tone for the cyberpunk world.
If memory is transferred through backups, either by memory chips inserted
into slots in the back of the head or online real-time backups via satellite, clones
can gain access to their original memories, which can cause severe psychological
consequences, especially death memories of their copies or the original. Can a
clone that uses a memory chip from its original be considered a new original?
There are many intense implications for a campaign.
Clones in Everyday Life
In a world where genetic engineering is commonplace, the whole concept of so-
cial life is reshaped. Aesthetic, systemic, sexual, neural, or behavioral changes can
completely change an individual (and their way of relating to others) in a matter
of hours or days.
A family can have different people, cloned from the same original, but bred in
different ages and bodies to be distinct from each other — or carry out genetic
procedures throughout their lives to distinguish themselves from each other and
from their original.

Fate plus 13 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

If memory transfer technology exists, can the same person transfer their con-
sciousness from their original body to a clone (or “shell”) indefinitely, as long as
they have the resources to do so? What are the social consequences of rich people
who are capable of creating dozens of clones of themselves? Is it legally possible?
What is the role of clones in society? Are they a property of the original? Is the
original their legal guardian, responsible for their actions? Can they be enslaved?
Are they free to be whoever they want, without giving satisfaction to the original?
Can the government use cloning to create employees, meeting public needs?
Can they create clones to serve in the military? Can they create clone armies? Can
someone kill their clone, thus faking their own death, to continue acting invisibly,
like a ghost, for society?
There are many social implications the GM should discuss with the group and
make notes that can become setting aspects.

The Obscure Market

In a dirty world, survival is the law. The illegal organ market operates for
those who don’t have the money for clone clinics or don’t have time to waste
because their organs are about to fail. Garage clinics and butcher doctors per-
form doubtful (and often not entirely effective) procedures for those willing
to pay — which is a bargain compared to corporate-run surgical clinics.
Replacement of limbs is common, as life is violent and medicine has man-
aged to overcome most problems of genetic incompatibility — the biggest
issue is getting a doctor efficient enough to make your organ or limb work
properly or, at least in a useful way.
The “materials” could be obtained by mercenaries who break into labo-
ratories to steal loads of cloned organs and limbs or kidnap unsuspecting
victims — in fact, most who hire this service prefer not to ask the origin of
the heart they are about to receive.

Life Expectancy
Whether through medical procedures, drugs, genetic engineering, cloning, or
consciousness transfer, medicine can expand someone’s life expectancy for a long
time. For some cyberpunk societies, death is a treatable disease. In some scenarios,
someone can live indefinitely as long as they manage to keep their consciousness
existing. Society, governments, and corporations can become increasingly conser-
vative as their leaders can remain in charge for decades or centuries.
Funeral sermons, afterlife, or even “till death do us part” can take on new mean-
ings. Someone presumed dead may emerge, probably as a clone (is there a way to
prove or distinguish the clone from the original?), to claim their rights and take
back what the heirs have earned, such as goods and positions. These are important
questions about social laws and customs.

Fate plus 14 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Alongside the obscure market, butchers look for fights or street accidents
to put their hands on any body part (be it cyberware or not), taking it to
themselves and fleeing right away. Some of them visit cemeteries and excavate
fresh graves in search of reusable bionic parts, organs, and limbs to supply
their own needs or to sell at the obscure market.
The boldest don’t wait for a disaster to happen — they cause one. Butcher
gangs prey on unsuspecting rich men who have been showing off their new
prostheses or talking too much about their millionaire artificial heart. Some-
times they don’t even wait for the target to die before removing the body
part they want.
In a punk neighborhood around town, you can see people using body
parts and cyberware not properly made for them or applied in a dubious
way. Cyberware junk, with mountains of rusting technological body parts,
is a common meeting place for trading “second-hand” pieces.
Butcher group bosses bribe (or threaten) clinics and hospitals to gain
access to biological waste, with the intention of recycling as much as possi-
ble — some organs and limbs in perfect condition are thrown “by mistake”
in the garbage; a more painful financial incentive or threat is enough to
accomplish that.

The Economic System

Money is power like never before. Most of the regular daily transactions take place
via wire transfers, while smaller (or irregular) businesses still use paper money.
Each region can have its own currency or a corporate unification can create a
default currency for a country, continent, or the entire world (commonly called
Credit). Cryptocurrency is common and is cash for those who don’t want to be
traced, becoming more valuable every day; anonymity empowers the dishonest.
Remote or underground regions carry out trades by exchanging goods of equiv-
alent value — a few days of food for a used motorcycle, for example. Illegal trans-
actions, such as dealing with arms, illegal drugs and organs, too often happen in
this way in rustic places where cryptocurrency is meaningless.
All online transactions take place through discrete cards or by biometrics iden-
tification: face, retina, fingerprint, or DNA (such as sweat, tear, hair, or blood).

The Role of Corporations

Corporations have grown in financial and social power. Most mega-corporations
have little government affiliation, with little or no legal obligations. The acquisi-
tion of most basic services means that the population is at the mercy of entrepre-
neurs, who decide where they will provide goods and services, based on the profit
that each region can offer.

Fate plus 15 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Many corporations have subsidiaries in similar sectors: for example, the food
industry also dominates the plastic and derivatives industry, in addition to trans-
portation. With so much dominance over the landscape, corporations can even
replace governments in some regions, shaping society according to their needs —
which are often different from governments that seek the interests of citizens (or
at least should do it). Corporations will only give priority to the population if they
can have profit in the first place.
In a corporate society, the division between those who serve the interests of
companies and those who are left out is stark. Those inside a corporation are pro-
tected by it and see it as a provider, while those outside see it as a life-devouring
monster, as in feudalism.

Fate plus 16 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Work, Housing, and Food
The majority of the population works for mega-corporations with a daily work-
load of eight to twelve hours. A second social group is civil servants (if there is
a government or the subsidiaries of megacorporations). These enjoy some privi-
leges, such as safety, comfort, and housing in luxury neighborhoods. Most work
systems are automated and have artificial intelligence. Agriculture takes place in
greenhouses and it takes only a few employees to maintain the machines and com-
puters that do the heavy lifting, planting, and harvesting calculations.
There are still thousands of small businesses filling the streets and galleries
with restaurants, markets, services, retailers, street vendors, and many others.
In some cities, they operate with special permission from the government or
corporations, while others trade their goods and services underground. Under-
neath all this are the really poor, who drag themselves along the crowded streets
fighting for another day of life.
Homes are tiny apartments piled up, forming high-rise buildings with narrow,
dark, and unfriendly corridors. Most homes (even the simplest) have voice con-
trolled home automation for applications, climate control, lights, security, and
communication. All homes use electricity and some may have piped gas — fossil
fuel is primitive, difficult to obtain, but it is an option for some. Poorer regions
have similar but less secure options. Noble residences have twice as much safety,
luxury, and comfort, in addition to being designed to make the routine of their
residents practical and intuitive. Most homes are rented, with a few being able to
purchase something for themselves permanently. Authoritarian governments or
corporations (in the case of corporatocratic settings) can prohibit the possession
of high-value goods, providing permission of use that can be revoked as punish-
ment for disobeying their standards.
Growing environmental problems make it difficult to produce fresh natural
food. Farms and aquariums have cloned and genetically modified animals as a
source of animal food, such as meat, dairy products, and eggs. The same goes for
seeds, grains, vegetables, fruits, and condiments. These foods undergo an indus-
trialization process that separates the best products for those who can pay, and the
rest is canned, packaged, or bottled and distributed through retail sales. Some of
this food is crushed to create processed foods that are low in nutrients but abun-
dant in quantity.

Governments and
Society is complex and there will hardly be a world with a single model of govern-
ment. Even in a small region, such as a city or a state, there will be groups for and
against the current government. The GM and the group should talk about the
type of government prevailing in the region where the adventure or campaign is
taking place and which smaller groups are opposed. This zine has no sociopolitical
precision and the ideas below are just speculative. Here are some examples:
Anarchy: If governments and corporations exist, most of society has no inter-
est in their laws. In an anarchist state, each group, or militia, defends its own in-
terests, without fear of being punished by a higher power — with each conquest,

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the list of opponents may grow. Not all groups are extremists or executioners.
Regions protected by strong groups tend to have some peace, but neighborhoods,
cities, or states dominated by factional warfare are common.
Corporatocracy: Companies and corporations are gaining more space in so-
cial decisions as they become richer and more influential. They tend to privatize
all public services, such as health, security, and education, setting the rules for how
things should be to meet their needs.
Democracy: This model of government gives the people a voice to say how
they want the government to act on behalf of society. People regularly vote on
important topics such as to choose their leaders and what are the government
responsibilities, what the region’s needs and how they should be met, and so on.
Junta: Governments where the military is in power are often authoritarian and
bureaucratic. This model tends to focus on strong alliances and has bitter enemies.
Theocracy: Dogmas are the laws of a people who follow a religion as abso-
lute truth. Religious leaders are the divine or spiritually selected spokespersons to
guide the people.
What the government’s goals are in the scenario, and how competent or corrupt
they are can be an issue. Commonly a region will have more than one acting govern-
ment — one dominant and several minors defending their own interests, by law or
rebellion. If the opposition manages to become as strong as the current government,
usually a war breaks out — whoever wins becomes the leader of the region.
Governments can outsource some of their functions (such as education, logis-
tics, or healthcare) to allies or corporations. When this happens, the current gov-
ernment makes sure that it still has the power within the outsourced sector, as well
as makes sure that its allies or contracted corporations have no more control than
the government over its sectors and subordinates — if an ally has more power and
voice than the government itself, it can launch a coup d’etat and seize the power.
The dominant space of each government may vary with the model world sce-
nario that GM is creating. In a scenario of “global government”, a single power
dominates the world and countries are states; each country is divided into sectors,
which are broken down into administrative areas (formerly known as cities). An-
other possibility is for the world to continue as we know it, but new wars change
world geopolitics — how would the Nazis split the US and allies with Japan if
they had won the war? What other wars arose and how did this divide the world?
Countries that lose territories may be redistributed, such as the fifty states of the
USA having thirty-one administrative sectors, or China being divided into twelve
states of power, for instance. Those who conquer new territories usually imple-
ment their own policy, which affects society drastically.

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Militarism and War
When diplomacy fails, weapons come into play. To threaten someone’s posses-
sions and loved ones is to subdue them to your own will. Military operations in
a cyberpunk world are precise and violent; destroying a target or city is an uphill
task unless it doesn’t have the same level of military technology available.
Types of government determine their own pace in using military force to re-
solve a situation. A Junta government is more likely to resolve internal and exter-
nal conflicts with threats and military actions than a Democracy. Conflicts can
happen in a discreet way, as in the case of cold wars and government espionage, or
take global proportions — the characters live the prelude to an apocalyptic world.

Cyberpunk in other worlds

Space colonization or exploration of planets and moons can become more
like a space opera than a cyberpunk adventure. The GM can use this set-
ting as a background or they could create cities and complex galactic gov-
ernments that PCs have access to through warp space or hyperspeed portals.
These cities are as cyber and punk as the earth, with their own cultures, espe-
cially if there are alien races or the need for artificial environments and goods.
The GM can go through this setting definition for each planet, country or
extraterrestrial city.

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Be who you want to be
By Fábio Silva
The future has arrived, and you need to adapt your body and mind to survive. This
is a brutal world, where your sense of fairness (or perhaps what is more convenient
depending on the situation) draws the line between right and wrong. Ferocity isn’t
everything, but it’s important, too. Gangs fill the streets with bloody conflicts, cor-
porations exploit the population, corrupt governments worry about their own ben-
efits, and artificial intelligence creeps into the bowels of megacities. Get the right
contacts, cash, and sharp ideas, and your chances of seeing a new day increase.

As in Fate Condensed
You don’t have to go beyond what you already know about Fate’s rules of thumb
to create intense characters in a chaotic world; just target what already exists to
fill the scenario’s needs. But we also have some new rules and ideas for creating
cyberpunk characters in this and next articles.

Who You Are — Character Aspects

You are a punk in a cyber world. Character’s aspects speak not just about them per se.
It’s also about what’s inside them. What came before — their past —, and surrounds
them — their present. How do they react to it all? In the next article, we’ll talk about
creating cyberware as an aspect in addition to other options, but you might want to
think about that now. There are five aspects, namely: high concept, personal trouble,
general trouble (yes, you have two shitty troubles, because this world sucks and wants
to suffocate you), utopia, and peculiarity aspect. Let’s talk about them.
High concept
Describe who your character is. This can be related to your profession, as an An-
tifascist punk mercenary or a Private police against corruption;
your lifestyle or philosophies, as in Hacker Robin Wood, Urban samurai,
or Megacorporation heir against the system. You can include some cy-
berware in the description, like Urban warrior with forearm blades, but
you can use your peculiarity aspect to do that if you prefer.
Personal trouble
Personal trouble describes something about your character that might get them
in trouble. It could be a personality trait, like Hothead for long conversa-
tions, and No manners on social occasions; some physical characteris-
tics, like Chemical dependence, Need a new heart; or an emotional quirk,
as I fall in love easily.
Just as the high concept, you can create cyberware as a personal trouble aspect like
a Junkyard cyber eye, but remember that it won’t always work just as you ex-
pect, and is likely to create inconveniences (bring fate points and drama to the story).

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General trouble
The world is a tough place. This aspect describes how the world pressures your char-
acter and things that could go wrong because of it. They may have a Score to set-
tle with the Pumpkin Heads or have been Falsely accused of a crime. A
Local gang is on my back, or The government is chasing me because
I know the truth. It may not be something that just happened, but a situation
from your past (as My mistakes haunt me); or even something bound to happen
in the future, like They want to shut me up for what I will become.
Using the general trouble, you can describe a vital cyberware that some adversary
wants to take away from you, like a Universal personal identification chip
that can hack and identify people with just a glint. Someone powerful may be con-
stantly looking for ways to find you (and those around you) and disrupt your plans.
We all dream of achieving something great for ourselves, for those around us, or
the world. This may be the way you see the world, such as Destroying Medi-
calCorp and bringing freedom to the downtrodden or Re-establish-
ing peace in my neighborhood. Maybe it’s a personal conquest or journey,
like Find out my mother’s whereabouts, Find the origin of my precog-
nitive dreams, or Fulfill my father’s last wish. This aspect works as a
motivation that drives your character forward, like your short or long-term goals.
You may have a piece of cyberware that motivates your character and propels
them forward, like My synthetic heart will belong to my brother when
I find him. This is something that someone, a group, or a thing needs to keep
living or functioning, but you will have to face a tough road to reach that goal.
If your character achieves their utopia, you can create a new dream for them to
conquer, after all a dystopian world never stops. If you don’t want to create a new
utopia aspect, your character becomes a conformist absorbed by the oppressive
system and becomes an NPC with a regular life.
This is a free aspect, ideal for defining equipment (Hidden secondary weap-
on), behavior (I take chaos wherever I go), customs (Addicted to speed),
reputation (Downtown streets fear my name), relationships (Rubi fucks
me, but I love her); and extra high concept details (like being good with ranged
weapons or something), cyberware, and so on.

Creating Aspect During

Phase Trio
Fate Core, pages 38-44, describes the “phase trio” character aspect creation method.
The GM can bypass the phase trio and allow their players to freely create the aspects of
their characters, but that can result in a handful of aspects without contexts, explana-
tions, or connections between the characters. If there’s enough time, the group should
create some of their aspects together, connecting their characters’ stories and experi-
ences with each other through the phase trio — especially for campaigns or adventures
planned to last more than one session. This is one of Fate’s most powerful tools.
Why is this important? In addition to helping create character aspects, phase
trio describes how the PCs relate to each other and how they all engage with the
world around them. This leaves each character with an important dramatic charge
and full of adventure potential.
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Before starting the phase trio, all players must create their character’s name,
high concept, and personal trouble. After that is done, move to the next step.
Phase One: General Trouble
Each player will describe how their character was involved in a short adventure
before it all began — like an intro. This is the first phase.
How has the cyberpunk world oppressed your character (or someone they know
and care about) in the last few weeks or months? Has a corporation acted unfairly?
Did the government chase them? Did groups or gangs harm them? Do they have
something they want? Or did your character attack them first, looking for justice,
money, medications, or something? How do they see your PC and those around
them? What do they want from your character, and why are they still chasing them?
Write the answer in a short paragraph. Talk to other players and the GM if
you’re having difficulty — seek ideas and inspiration. Now reread it, think for a
moment, and write an aspect that sums up your general trouble aspect.
Aline thinks about her character’s phase one and, after talking to the GM
and other players, writes:
Mika has had a hard time getting medication for her mother as Medi-
calCorp monopolizes the market at outrageous costs. She attacks them
to get medication and weaken the corporation.
Everyone likes the idea and Aline sums up her general trouble: Medi-
calCorp wants my head on a platter.
Phase Two: Crossed Utopias
In the subsequent two phases, characters will cross paths through their motiva-
tions and quirks. Each player must disclose the little paragraph they created in
phase one to the other players. Looking at the abridged story of another character

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in front of you, you should describe how your character played a part in it. Each
character participated in some way in the situation that created another PC’s gen-
eral trouble aspect.
Your PC participation in the history of others and vice-versa created the basis
for the utopia your PC believes in and follows. The answer to one of the questions
below provides the general idea for their utopia aspect.
What did you see that changed your philosophy?
Maybe your character’s high concept or personal trouble, or even their name,
made them participate in this situation with another PC, but they didn’t expect to
see the truth so closely. How has that changed what’s deep inside your character?
How did that make them move forward? How does this motivate them to want
to continue? Whatever happened doesn’t mean they’ve fixed the issue — this sit-
uation may be left open to be resolved in future adventures.
What did your character experience that transformed their worldview?
During your character’s participation in another PC’s prologue, what did they
need to do that changed the way they see the world? Have they committed a crime
or injustice? Had to judge their oppressor’s children, who were perhaps innocent
— is guilt something passed down from generation to generation? Making deci-
sions like this changes lives. Discuss these events with the GM and other players;
write a short paragraph about how your character feels about it so you can reread
the idea and get your utopian aspect out of it.
Aline talks to Elisa (who is playing Aletra) about how her characters found
themselves and helped or hindered each other during the MedicalCorp
invasion. Aline writes:
During the invasion, Aletra showed Mika that murder isn’t always the
solution. It filled Mika’s heart with hope.
Everyone liked the idea, and Aline wrote the utopia aspect for Mika:
Aletra makes me want a better world.
The aspect does not need to have the name of the PC who participated in the
prelude, but it is also interesting if it has. The situation created during this phase
does not need to have been resolved and can arise during the game. This is a way
to connect the characters’ stories and deepen the drama.
Phase Three: Something Peculiar
How did the character meet another protagonist during their adventure described
in the first phase? How do they relate and how did this create a new aspect for
your character? In this phase, players repeat the previous process with other play-
ers at the table to create a new aspect. If there are only two players, the GM can
skip this phase and allow players to create aspects during the game freely.
Aline shows her phase one story to another player, Carlos. He thinks for
a moment and talks about how Hyn, his character, is an expert on the
Net and helped Mika gain access to an optical implant chip that helps
recognize people by facial and retinal scans. Aline likes this and writes
her peculiarity aspect: Eye scanner.
During all three phases, players can feel free to create trouble, utopia, or peculiar
aspects that are related to cybernetic implants — like the Eye scanner described
above. It must make sense in the context of the story and the aspect category.

New Rule: Troubled Fate Point

Whenever a player receives a fate point for having compelled one of their troubled
aspects, they will store it in a different pile called troubled fate points. These fate

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points can be of a different color, size, or material if it makes separation easier.
These points are like a timebomb, ready to explode in the character’s face — their
troubles taint them.
The more troubled fate points a player has, the faster their troubled aspects
become worse. This means they will erase their personal or general trouble at
some point in the game and rewrite it in a worse way, more likely to bring dan-
gerous complications.

• If the player has a troubled fate point, the GM will introduce a situation that
worsens their personal or general trouble at the end of the session.
• If the player has two troubled fate points, the GM will introduce a situation
that worsens their personal or general trouble at the start of the next scene.
• If the player has three or more troubled fate points, the GM will introduce a
situation that worsens their personal or general trouble in the current round
or until the end of the current scene.

When the new situation is introduced and the player changes their aspect, the
GM must deliver a fate point to them.
The cyberpunk world is dirty and there’s no respite for the distracted — the
characters need to be proactive. In order to prevent this from happening, avoiding
one of the trouble aspects to be rewritten, the player simply must get rid of the
troubled fate point, spending it normally — invoking an aspect, declaring a new
detail in the scene, etc.
If the player wishes to bring more drama to the story, they can choose to spend
their traditional fate points and keep their troubled fate points until things get
out of hand.
The GM can declare that a fate point is contaminated and becomes a troubled
fate point even if it wasn’t for the compel of a troubled aspect in the first place —
but they need to make that clear when they hand the fate point to the player and
explain why this is happening.
Emma is GMing for her group and compels the scene aspect Criminals
in the crowd, depicted as some faces stare at them in the crowded
street. Nick, one of the PCs, accepts the compel and receives the fate
point, while the others pay a fate point and describe how their characters
got rid of inquisitive eyes. Now, Nick is being stalked by gang members
who want a explanation about who he is. Even though it’s a scene as-
pect, Emma thinks the situation is complicated enough to get worse in
no time and declares that Nick now has a troubled fate point.

Skills and Stunts

The rules for skills work as in Fate Condensed, pages 6-9. If the GM wants to
use minimal effort, the only adaptation needed is to turn the Lore skill into Net
knowledge and hacking. If the setting has magic, the GM should keep Lore as
arcane lore and add the Connections skill, as below.
New Skill Rule: Net Specialization
In a cyberpunk world, where most people have access to cyberspace, being connect-
ed to the Net is a vital part of society. In scenarios that use Net specialization rules,
newborns receive plugs, or neural interfaces, through surgical procedures. In any
case, being connected is almost a natural process for most of the world’s population.

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Before adding a new skill to the pyramid (see New Skill: Connections on the next
page), the GM may consider the special use of each Net-related skill. In these rules,
the character the character doesn’t need to have an aspect that describes their Net or
hacking experience, interfaces, and so on, but if it does, they can invoke it to receive
roll advantages.
Whenever rolling one of the skills below, the player can tell that their character
is performing a Net-related action, such as interfacing or hacking.
Academics: The character searches for mundane knowledge about math, his-
tory, science, or medicine via the Net.
Burglary: The character can bypass security systems or perform criminal ac-
tions related to the Net, such as hacking a central computer or server.
Contacts: The character has contacts spread across the Net, including the Deep
Net, that can provide them with relevant information about various subjects.
Fight: The character attacks software, hardware, or users that are connected
through neural interfaces.
Investigate: The character conducts careful study and specialized research on
the mysteries of the Net, or seeks the solution to real-world mysteries through
research on the Net.
Notice: The character uses this skill to see if the Net is behaving unusually or
gets a general perception of the Net and how the users are behaving.
Provoke: The character manipulates people’s emotions through messages and
online posts on the Net to make them feel the way they want to.
Rapport: The character communicates and builds relationships with people
through the Net. Unlike Provoke, this skill builds relationships through sincer-
ity and trust.
Stealth: The character moves across the Net without being noticed or leav-
ing a trace.
Will: The character can use their will to avoid temptations, mental manipula-
tion, or traumas that arise on the Net.

Stunts and Refresh

Stunts create unique characters. They represent special abilities such as skill spe-
cializations and, in the cyberpunk world, cybernetic equipment and implants.
Later in this issue, we’ll talk about cyberware as stunts.
All characters start the game with three free stunts and three refreshes. The
player can decide to pay a refresh to receive a new stunt, as usual. They can also
create traditional stunts, connected to their skills or aspects, or dedicate one or
more of them to special equipment and cyberware.
List of Pre-made Stunts
This list is not exhaustive, but it helps players (especially beginners), showing exam-
ples on how stunts work. They can create their own stunts inspired by the list below,
or just select a few of these stunts and write them down on the character sheet to
start playing quickly.
These stunts are based on Fate Condensed; the GM can add the Connections
skill created in this article. This list also takes into account that the Lore skill became
the knowledge of the Net and hacking — if the GM thinks it’s suitable for the sce-
nario, use it as arcane knowledge, as presented in Fate Condensed and Core.

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New Skill: Connections
This skill is used to navigate and manipulate the cybernetic space of neural
hyperactivity, also known as the Net, or to drive technological equipment
connected to the user’s nervous system.
In scenarios that add this new skill, most people don’t have a neural con-
nection interface, commonly because it’s expensive or frowned upon. Hav-
ing an interface is a great advantage when accessing the Net, but may it has
social repercussions in conservative cultures.
Permission: Go through the surgical process that adds neural interfaces
or nerve plugs throughout the body. It is assumed that when adding the skill
during character creation, the character has successfully done this process. If
a player, or the GM, decides that a character does not have the UI connec-
tions and wants to add the Connections skill during gameplay, they must
find a way to perform the surgical procedure.
Cost: Skill slot.

The Connections skill allows the character to connect to the Net, com-
puters, or technologies with a neural connection, something most of the
population cannot. You can interact with machines and cyberspace in a way
that people only dream of.
O Overcome: Use Connections to bypass security systems or fix system
C Create an Advantage: Use Connections to program software or the
Net to respond to triggers, discover aspects of equipment and people
connected to the Net, mirror your location, induce bugs and decep-
tive hacking.
A Attack: Use Connections to attack systems and software or perform
physical attacks on targets connected to the Net (the neural interface
might fry the user’s brain).
D Defend: Use Connections to defend against attacks through the
Net, carried out by malicious software, security systems, or ill-na-
tured users.

Skill Stunts
Scholar: Because I study a bit of everything, if I spend a fate point I get +2
when using Academics to create an advantage to replace a roll of another skill.
Medical Care: Because I have first aid experience, I can cure a mild conse-
quence of mine or of a target, but only once per session.
Street Parkour: Because I have fast movements, I get +2 when using Athletics
to overcome obstacles in a narrow and tumultuous street.
Sweeping Jump: Because I have an athletic background, I can jump between
buildings and fall on ceilings, fire escapes, or through windows without suffering
stress, but only once per session.

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Crowded Streets: Because I have skillful fin-
gers, I get +2 when I use Burglary to create an
advantage when I steal from someone’s pocket
in the middle of the tumultuous streets.
This Doesn’t Hold Me Tight: Because I
have experience in breaking into places, I can
bypass any mechanical security system once
per session.
Special Friends: Because I’m known by the
locals, I get +2 when using Contacts to create
an advantage while trying to get to a place to
take refuge.
On My Way: Because I have influential con-
tacts, I can get the mechanical parts I need to re-
pair equipment or cyberware, but the origin of
the item can be doubtful.
Accurate Knowledge: Because I know about
cyberware, I get +2 when using Crafts to overcome
a malfunctioning aspect of a cyberware when I’m
not in a conflict.
Garage Workshop: Because I have a garage
workshop, I can install and remove cyberware
from myself or from others, but only if I am
not in a conflict and have enough time to get
the job done.
Deceitf ul Tongue: Because I trade with
the underworld, I get +2 when I use Deceive to
overcome a social aspect during illegal trading.
Fishy Word: Because I know how to intim-
idate people, I can get what I need once per ses-
sion by cheating on someone, but I can suffer
consequences of lying.
Good on Wheels: Because I’m sharp on
the roads, I get +2 when I use Drive to create
an advantage when I’m chasing a target on
busy streets.
Top Speed: Because I am an experienced
driver, I can be successful in a Drive roll, no
matter the situation, but only once per session.

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Self -confident: Because I know how to use
words well, I get +2 when I use Empathy to
defend when attempting to get rid of someone
who is trying to deceive me.
Comfortable Words: Because I know what
to say to someone in trouble, I can erase an al-
ly’s mental stress boxes by speaking encouraging
words, but if I do so I can’t roll on my turn.
Two in One: Because I move quickly, I get
+2 when I use Fight to attack when I try to split
my roll result between two targets that are in the
same zone as me.
Die: Because I want you on the ground, I can
spend a fate point to cause a mild consequence
on a target when I miss an attack roll, but only
once per scene.
Watchf ul Eyes: Because I have watchful
eyes, I get +2 when I use Investigate to overcome
when investigating a scene in a location no big-
ger than a zone.
I Got the Details: Because I have sharp in-
stincts, I can figure out an aspect of the scene or
of a target (other than its high concept or trou-
ble), but only if I spend a fate point, and only
once per session.
Lore (or Connections)
Surfing the Net: Because I grew up connect-
ed, I get +2 when using Lore to create an advan-
tage while connected to the Net through an in-
terface plug and trying to browse anonymously.
Rat Hacker: Because I have dedicated my life
to the Net, I can break any electronic security
system through a neural interface, but only once
per session.
I Know Your Moves: Because I’m good at
watching people, I get +2 when I use Notice
to overcome when trying to discover an as-
pect of someone.
Attentive Senses: Because I have survival in-
stincts, I can act first in a conflict, but only if I
am outnumbered.

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Resistant Interface: Because I have adapted my body, I get +2 when using
Physique to defend against attacks that comes from the Net.
Adapted Body: Because I have cybernetic implants, I can ignore the stress
caused by falling, electrocution or external factors, but only once per scene.
Turmoil: Because I know how to manipulate people’s emotions, I get +2 when I
use Provoke to create an advantage to cause a fuss that takes attention away from me.
Word of Fear: Because I know how to hit my targets with fear, I can make a
minor NPC back down from attacking me or my allies, but only once per scene.
Friendly Word: Because I know how to communicate with people, I get +2
when I use Rapport to create an advantage when trying to convince someone to
help me, even when the person doesn’t know me.
Effective Negotiator: Because I have relationships with many merchants, I
can immediately get an item I really need in an emergency, but I owe the “mer-
chant friend” a favor.
The Value of Money: Because I know how to use my resources, I get +2 on
Resources to create an advantage when trying to bribe someone to get what I want.
Investments: Because I use my money as a tool, I can erase an aspect of a situa-
tion that is making my life difficult, as long as I can use my resources to do so, but
only once per session.
Non-Lethal Shot: Since I can make called shots, I get +2 when I use Shoot to
create an advantage to disarm a target.
Fast Reload: Because I’m skilled with my weapon, I can ignore an unloaded
aspect, but only once per session.
Familiar Face: Because I have a common face, I get +2 when I use Stealth to
create an advantage when I want to deceive a stalker.
Hiding Around Every Corner: Because I know the streets like the back of my
hand, I can disappear from sight when entering a ditch, hidden door in darkness,
or manhole; but only once per session.
Don’t Put Me Down: Because I have strong emotions, I get +2 when I use
Will to defend against someone who tries to intimidate me.
I’ll Make It No Matter What: Because I believe in myself, I can succeed on an
overcome roll of any skill, but only once per session.

Fate plus 30 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

On the edge of humanity
By Fábio Silva
People and machines have become one. Technology is an artistic expression of hu-
man evolution — the body is a blank canvas to be painted with nano and biotech-
nology. Most simple features are available to the population through simple and in-
expensive cyberware; some of them became necessary for health maintenance from
birth. Others are available for a smaller portion of the population that is willing to
pay for the privileges that refined cyberware can offer. These equipment bring prac-
ticality, comfort and safety to the daily lives of their carriers. Meanwhile, a select
group of people enjoy the summit of what science deems transhumanism to be;
high quality cyberware and precision that transcend the limits of human capacity.
In the dystopian future, any part of the body can be replaced with a better
equivalent. Cloning and bioprinting are common for those who want to repose a
member or organ, but cyberware is the next step in human evolution. These props
are made of diverse, non-organic materials, commonly with nanotechnology. As
technology advances, limbs and organs look more real and natural, even though
they remain synthetic. Accessibility (or the lack of it), in fact, is what makes cyber-
ware a luxury item.
The cheapest ones are produced with low qual-
ity products. There are junkyards, which sell
second-hand cyberware, commonly recycled
from those who were able to upgrade
and now no longer need the outdat-
ed technology. The obscure mar-
ket is also full of cyberware
options of dubious origin
and operation. For items
like this, the GM can add
an aspect like Second
hand, to compel when
an opportunity arises
— but remember that
an aspect doesn’t have
to be written down to
exist; if the GM thinks
a cyberware can work
in a way that brings
drama to the story,
make the proposal to
the player and offer the
fate point.

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MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Power Limits
Limbs and bionic organs are made from material much stronger than human bio-
logical tissues. But even with an arm capable of lifting a car above your head, it can
be a problem for your spine or your knees — you need to strengthen skeletons and
muscles to perform some types of feats. The GM must compel, increase the diffi-
culty of an action (failure shifts are converted to stress), or provide success at a cost
(“you get it, but you’ll get a mild consequence”) if a player attempts to perform an ex-
ploit that is way beyond the capabilities of their current body — use common sense.
Most cyberware use an extra power source to power the device. This can be solar
or friction energy, which recharges as the character moves. Most common or low
quality devices will use something similar to batteries, but compact, durable and
easy to replace or detach if you don’t have time to recharge. No energy is a com-
mon aspect to compel devices like this. Only high-performance, advanced devices
use the body’s energy to function, and these are expensive to achieve — using cyber-
ware like this for too long or making extra efforts can let the user down Exhausted
or even causing stress and consequences.

Installing and Removing

If the player includes cyberware during character creation, then the GM assumes
they have recovered from the physical damage caused by the surgical process. If the
character installs cyberware in the course of the story, there are two possibilities:
they receive a physical mild consequence if the cyber-implant is an aspect; or a
moderate consequence if it is a stunt or an extra. The GM may demand a create
an advantage or overcome roll, from the surgeon, of some suitable skill — such as
Academics or Crafts. Difficulty is +2 for cyberware aspects or +4 for stunts and
extras. A failure means that the character receives a physical consequence and the
cyberware has not been installed. Success at a cost can mean that cyberware has
some kind of malfunction or the result is somehow not what they expected. The
quality of cyberware, appropriate locations, and tools available can increase or re-
duce the difficulty of the roll.
The same applies when someone needs to remove cyberware. In addition to the
physical consequence, the surgeon must succeed at the appropriate skill roll or the
character may experience more physical stress equal to the failed shifts (difficulty
is the same as above for aspects, stunts, or extras). If the removal happens violently,
such as in an accident or conflict, the character receives a mild consequence for
any kind of cyberware (aspec, stunt, or extra) in addition to the stress caused by
the attack or accident.
Consequence recovery is as explained in Fate Condensed, starting on page 34.
An example of a mild consequence could be Surgical injury or Rippling in
the case of violence.

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MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Cyberware as Aspects
Aspects are the most powerful feature in Fate, as they are diverse and fulfill var-
ious roles in the story and rules. They’re versatile in that they’re everywhere,
serving positively or negatively, and they change the outcome of the dice, story,
characters, or environment.
All characters that are important to the story have aspects. In scenarios where
cyberware is commonplace, people often have one or two aspects, one of them
representing some cybernetic implant. If they have only one aspect, it could be
their high concept including cyberware. In others, cyberware is a luxury concept
and few have access (usually because of the high financial cost). In scenarios like
this, the group could decide that just one or two of them have a cyber implant,
using one of their aspects. There is often prejudice or admiration for “cybernetic”
people in societies like this.
As a player, don’t try too hard to think of an aspect phrase; this is a dirty world, be
quick; you don’t need to write poetry. A word or two is enough. Just make sure ev-
eryone understands (and agrees) with what you think of your character’s cyberware.

Damage and Recovery

When the character adds a cyberware aspect, their opponents can perform a called
shot at the cyberware (the GM, or player, needs to announce the called shot). This
means that the stress or consequence affects the specific member or organ. The
GM can offer the target a +1 to the defense roll against a called shot, because it is
more difficult for the attacker to hit a specific spot.
Cyber stress and consequences are not marked in separate places. If a character
receives the mild consequence Damaged cyber ​​leg, tham they fill in their mild
consequence box. Any additional stress or consequence must fill the next boxes
(moderate or severe consequences).
Mika receives the mild consequence Shot in my cyber hand. A few turns
later she gets another mild consequence, but in her real body. Since she
has already used the mild consequence box, she should fill in the moderate
consequence box and write Nauseating pain. She better be more careful!
Robert received two physical stresses on his Chrome arm — he marks
the two stress boxes. A few turns later, another opponent causes two
more stresses. Despite not having hit the Chrome arm again, but his real
body, Robert marks two more stress boxes, making a total of four physi-
cal stress boxes marked.
Cyberware does not regenerate by itself. To recover from the stresses or physical
consequences caused in a cybernetic part, it is necessary to carry out maintenance.
The artisan, mechanic, or whatever, rolls an overcome Crafts against the amount
of stress placed on the cyberware. To erase a cyber consequence, the roll is against
+2 for mild consequence; +3 for moderate; and +4 for severe. If successful, stress
or mild consequence is erased at the end of the scene; moderate consequence at the
end of the current session; and severe consequence at the end of the next session —
these are the necessary amount of time that the character will be in maintenance
and usually will not perform complex actions until the recovery of the cyberware.
If cyberware is not a common resource for all inhabitants, or if you want to add
granularity to resource purchases, the GM may require the skill Resource +1 or
more to add a bionic member aspect (Resources +3 or more to have it with real

Fate plus 33 CYBERPUNK

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appearance). Another option is to require Burglary +1 or more for the character
to obtain cyberware through clandestine trade, or to get what they want by com-
mitting crimes themselves.

Aspects of ​​Body Cyberware

These are the most common aspects, either for personal improvement or to re-
place a missing member or an organ. The cheaper limbs are robotic looking, with
chrome parts that move, wires and exposed lights, while the more expensive ones
look so real that they’re easily mistaken for a real one.
The player can describe in detail how their character got the cybernetic body
part (because of an accident, installed the implant at birth, through underworld
negotiations) and how they feel about it. The aspect can be as simple as Cyber​​
hands or as complex as one wishes. Don’t get stuck trying to be too stylish and
focus on being clear.
If the player creates an aspect Cybernetic full body (a cyborg), the GM may
demand the Resources or Burglary skill +3 or +4, as a way to explain the origin
of parts and to justify the maintenance of something so complex, and as a com-
pensation for the advantages (if complete cyborg people are not common in the
scenario — usually they are not).

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Another option is for them to have a patron who provides the cyborg body,
to whom they are accountable for their actions. The GM can limit so that only
one character in the group of players has an aspect like this, as this is an unusual
procedure even in deep cyberpunk scenarios. In this case, all limbs, eyes, ears and
organs are cybernetic, which means that the character does not need to eat, drink,
excrete and breathe, in addition to being immune to diseases and poisons. Only
the brain and central nervous system are original and are fed by a bioliquid. For an
extra cost (money or underworld favors), the whole body can look human, or even
retain the ability to reproduce.
The cybernetic body has the same amount of physical and mental stress and
consequences. Acquiring the Physique and Will skills at a high level still provides
additional stress and consequences, as shown in Fate Condensed, page 12.
Invoke: Aspects of upper limbs can be invoked in manual activities that require
strength, Fight attacks or accurate manual tasks, such as rolls of Crafts for me-
chanical maintenance, or Academics for medical and first aid procedures. Feet and
legs can be invoked to move an extra zone in the current turn in lieu of the bonus
benefit or roll again; in situations where jumping and movement are important;
and for leg Fight attacks.
Aspects related to senses, such as eyes and ears, make the character capable of
seeing and hearing beyond human capacity and can be invoked to distinguish im-
ages and sounds far beyond the range of ordinary people. A full cyborg body can
be invoked in all of the above situations, to lift unimaginable weight for a human
(such as vehicles), against physical attacks (because of high resistance), as well as
providing automatic success against disease, poison, and suffocation.
Compel: Aspects of members can be compelled to cause a malfunction at an in-
convenient time (such as when shaking a diplomat’s hand during a peace treaty; in a
situation where running is important; or during a conflict); where body weight is crit-
ical (for swimming, walking on a glass board or rope bridge, etc). Also, the cyberware
could be of doubtful origin and someone appears to collect the due amount during
the adventure: groups of butchers may be keeping an eye on the character to try to
“steal” their limb, organ, or body, even if it is necessary to kill them to get to do that.
Examples of aspects of bionic organs, limbs or body:
Hand of steel; Punisher with bionic arm; Techlegs; Cyborg; A ma-
chine under the skin; Cyber ​​eyes.

Body Improvement
One can choose to have their bones or muscles strengthened, bringing op-
portunities to invoke or compel Physique and Fight situations, like Titani-
um bones or Steel fiber muscles. The character’s external appearance
doesn’t change, but you can see that there’s something different about their
muscle mass, height, and weight (a doctor can identify the anatomical im-
provement through medical exams). The GM and the group should think
about the implications this has for invoke and compel situations, such as
jumping, swimming, carrying heavy weights, delicate and precise move-
ments, conflicts, and so on.

Fate plus 35 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Aspects of Lethal Cyberware
If someone has an apparent weapon, they demonstrate that they are no joke. In
most cyberpunk worlds the application and use of lethal cyberware is prohibited,
and you must have a special license for the application and possession of these
items. Legal clinics perform surgery on residents who have a license. Most inhab-
itants with lethal cyberware have clandestine surgeries, in garage clinics, and are
discreet when using it and showing them on the busy streets. Only a small part of
the population in a cyberpunk scenario has something like this. Getting caught by
an authority can be unpleasant.
When the player creates the character, they describe to the group how they got
a license for the surgery or if they did it under the table. Civilians can easily get
a license if they have Contacts, Resources or Rapport +1 or more. Politicians,
military, businessmen and mobsters have at least one lethal implant, legal or not.
If the player decides to upgrade one of their implants during the adventure to
add a cool lethal cyberware, they will need to get a license, or go to a garage clinic
and pay the cost (either money or favors). Characters who have patrons can pro-
vide reasonable reasons for their employers to make this significant improvement.
The craftsman rolls Crafts or Academics (medicine) to create an advantage
against +2 if it’s a legal clinic (and +3 if it’s a garage clinic). A success means the
player can modify their cyberware aspect and include the new weapon. If the arti-
san is successful with style, the first invocation of the new aspect is free to the player.
Mika wants to upgrade her Bionic arm and include a built-in revolver
that pops up at the height of her hand. After a successful roll of Crafts,
the Craftsman manages to change her aspect to Bionic revolver arm.
Success with a cost implies that the weapon may not work on first use, threat-
eningly draw attention of an authority or other difficult situations — the GM
may think of this as a compel, but the player doesn’t get a fate point. If they fail,
the procedure takes place, but the aspect is not changed and the newly deployed
weapon does not work; they have to try again.
All weapons (whether Fight or Shoot) pops up, fire or work through neural
connections (the character thinks and the weapon responds). No extra procedure
is needed for this; this connection is included during implant surgery. For extra
cost or favors the weapon may have a safety feature, allowing only the original
user to be able to pop up, retract, fire, or generally use (as well as preventing the
weapon from being used against them).
The GM may opt for a scenario in which the use of lethal cyberware is common
and freely allowed, but the streets can become a battleground for traffic brawls
and trivial things, especially if the government fails to punish the outlaws.
Not all weapons are on display at all times, as they can be retractable or stored
in secret compartments — unless they are really big, like assault rifles. The amount
charged or the device’s energy is shown through light signals in the cyberware
itself, via inspection monitors spread over the body or optical readers, which indi-
cate or explain the details about its operation.
Nanotech can create shape-shifting letal cyberware, taking over the body’s anat-
omy and becoming a weapon whenever the user wants to (we’re talking Resource
or Burglary +3 here, or powerful patrons).
Invoke: Weapons can be invoked in overcome actions to overcome physical ob-
stacles or create an advantage to threaten opponents, in addition to attack actions.

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MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Fight weapons (commonly cybernetic blades, claws or fists) can be used in defen-
sive actions against Fight. If the character defends against Shooting actions using
cyberware, the device receives all the stress or consequence and can be damaged,
as explained above.
Compel: Illegal cyberware weapons can be compelled with law enforcement
officials questioning or harassing the character, especially if they are not part of
the elite society. Legal cyberware weapons may be coveted by members of the ob-
scure market as they are manufactured to higher quality standards than what is
normally found in garage clinics and junkyards. Malfunction is always the quick-
est option to get a character into a sticky situation.
Examples of lethal cyberware:
Retractable sharp claws; Long, poisonous metal fangs; Built-in
pistol in hand; Retractable forearm sword; Mountable machine
gun shoulder.

Aspects of Mental Cyberware

Mental cyberware are commonly programmed microchips, or nanoplates, insert-
ed into slots in the skull. They often program the character to have a capacity that
their mental, emotional, or even physical condition ordinarily wouldn’t achieve
quickly or naturally. To the naked eye, they look like small pieces of glass or plastic
that fit on a fingertip; but what’s inside them may be worth gold. They are fragile
and easy to break if forced on, but they are often resistant to drops, gentle pres-
sure, or environmental conditions such as water, moderate heat, and so on.
To use a microchip, the character undergoes a surgical procedure to add a slot
to the back of their head. If the character created a metal cyberware aspect during
character creation, then they’ve gone through the surgical procedure and are now
fully recovered. If it happens in the course of the story, it is necessary for the ar-
tisan to take the Crafts roll, as explained earlier in this article. Since it is very tiny,
this device does not run on battery power, but on the body’s own energy, after
being connected to the nervous system. A character can have one slot for every
Physique +1 they have and each new microchip must be written as a new aspect.
Some of these microchips send electrical signals that stimulate specific regions
of the brain, creating biochemical reactions in the body that can alter the user’s
mood or physical conditions. Others send signals that are interpreted as actual
experiences by the brain, changing the target’s train of thought or behavior. There
is no possibility for a programmer to modify a microchip’s information while it is
operating in a slot in someone’s head, unless the target is connected to a network
(or the Net) through an interface, allowing the hacker to hack and reset the mi-
crochip in real-time in a Lore (or Connection) contest against the target’s Will.
A microchip is programmed for a specific goal, targeting precise regions of the
brain or nervous system. It’s not possible for a hacker to get into someone’s person-
ality microchip connected to the Net to implant false memories (they would need
to get into a memory microchip to do this, as you will see below), but rather to add
new personality traits and so on. In the obscure market there are white microchips,
and their sale is prohibited. They are programmed to look like a specific microchip,
like a sensation or personality microchip, but their code is phantom and the chip is
blank, or virgin. Once the user enters the Net using the white microchip, a hacker
will try to break into it and program it in the way they prefer (usually implanting
false memories, personality traits, and so on). This action is despicable even in the
obscure market, which makes these microchips rare, coveted and dangerous.

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MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

A mental cyberware is an interesting tool for adding features to a character that
might not make sense (or are unexpected) to those who know them. It’s another
way for a patron, corporation, or government to control their subordinates. To
that end, the slots are programmed to release the microchip with just the correct
command (usually only the oppressor programmer knows how to do this). Some
can release electrical discharges directly into the nervous system or brain, frying
the target from the inside out (commonly receiving 4 physical stress per turn).
The legality of using microchips may vary from region to region, but the basic
rule is: all people are free to use microchips that affect only themselves, do not
cause physical harm to themselves or others, and do not manipulate or control
the mind or freedom from others. Most specific cases will be judged by the lo-
cal legislature and the GM must decide what they think is best for the story in
situations like this.
Some personality traits, behavior, mental or physical abilities, or even personal
memories can be implanted in ways a character doesn’t want, and getting rid of
them safely can be an event to an adventure.
There are many possibilities for mental abilities through microchip and the list
below provides some examples of where the group can start (but in no way you
should limit them to these instances). It’s a good idea to write the aspect with the
word “microchip” to indicate a cybernetic implant that can change the aspect at
any time — but the player or GM can make a note of it separately and write the
aspect as usual.
Personality Microchips: These microchips create personality traits that can
even replace the user’s high concept or trouble — it depends on the programmer’s
will and ability. Charismatic and attentive to details microchip; Lan-
guage talent microchip; Fanaticism microchip (explain about what
or about whom).
Behavior Chips: These make the user behave in a way they might not even
want to when a trigger happens. It could be calming tempers or plunging the tar-
get into a state of unrestrained fury. Microchip to calm down before hit-
ting; Impatience for plans microchip; Hot head for political chat
Memory Microchip: These chips implant false memories in the user. These
memories are designed not by programmers, but by what they call “architects”.
Programmers encode the memories created by architects to be efficiently transmit-
ted to the mind. A character must succeed on a roll of Will overcome against +2 or
more (depending on the microchip quality or the programmer’s ability) to realize
if a memory is real or implanted. If the GM or player wants to hide whether a mem-
ory is implanted or real, just write the aspect without the word “microchip” in the
sentence. My father was my hero microchip; I will avenge my broth-
er microchip; Ned is my best friend since childhood microchip.

Fate plus 38 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Cyber ​​
While aspects are catchphrases,
stunts are specialized cyberware
made for specific functions. The
player might still want to have a cy-
bernetic aspect to invoke in general
situations where it applies. On the
other hand, as by design, a stunt isn’t
meant to be used all the time — only
when the trigger occurs.
Characters start the game with
three free stunts that they can use
to create traditional stunts or cyber-
ware. If that’s not enough, the player
can use refresh to add new stunts, as
shown in Fate Condensed, page 10.
Cyberware Specialization
If the party wants a game with more
variety of cyberware, and conse-
quently more action power for PCs,
each player can start with an extra free
stunt. They will have the usual three
free stunts, which may or may not
create cyberware, while the fourth
stunt must be used to create cyber-
ware. If they want extra stunts, the
player can use refresh to achieve this.
Characters like this are ideal for
cyberpunk settings where cyber im-
plants are common good. For cyber-
ware-restricted scenarios, PCs start
with just the three usual stunts and
can only assign one of their stunts
to cyberware.
With stunts, you can create cy-
berware stunt families (Fate Core,
page 94), with each new stunt de-
scribing a specialization of an exist-
ing cyberware.

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MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Amplified Gaze: Because I have a cybernetic eye, I get +2 when using Notice
to overcome when I try to perceive very distant details.
Aim (requires Amplified Gaze): Because I have Amplified Gaze, I get +2 when
using Shoot to attack a target that are outnumbered three zones away or more.
These specialization stunts can be connected to a cyberware aspect, to define
specific details that the aspect leaves open or that the player wants to improve.
Controlled Death: Because I have Internal system sensors I can fake my
death, reducing my systemic functions to imperceptible levels, but only until the
end of the scene.

Acquiring Cyberware
Any character that adds a stunt assumes that it has gone through any surgical,
legal or negotiation process necessary to install it without complications. If the
addition of the stunt happens during an adventure or campaign, the GM judges
whether it’s dramatically interesting for the character to go through some of these
processes or simply describe how it all went down until recovery.
The effective cash cost is optional (unless acquiring and accumulating credits is
vital to your game), and requires: one roll of overcome or create an advantage of
Resources, Burglary or Contacts; the time needed in the story for the cyberware
to be manufactured, delivered, or installed; and any aspect, skill slot, or stunt cost
— plus the social consequences, if any, or patrons and smugglers taking their toll
in the characters’ trail.
If the party wants to add complexity to the game world, the GM can require
Burglary or Resources +1 or more for the character to be able to acquire the cyber-
ware stunts (in addition to paying a refresh, if necessary). This increases the final
cost of cyberware, which, in addition to occupying an aspect or stunt slot, also
requires a skill — not everyone can afford an implant like this, so the characters
are really special. Decide if this is what you want for your game. Another option
is to have the Contacts skill +1 or more, to get the cyber implants through favors.

Cyberware Stunts List

These stunts can be used alone or in creative combinations of stunt families. They
might aid you to start the game quickly, but their main function is to inspire play-
ers to create their own ideas.
Just as some aspects need to be contextualized to define functionality and
boundaries, some cyberware stunts are free form, similar to Fate Core (rather
than using Fate Condensed stunt template), with additional texts describing cy-
ber props details.
New Rule: Compelling Stunts
If the use of a stunt can put the character in a sticky situation, the GM should
offer the player a fate point and ask something like “do you think this device could
get you in trouble right now?”, explaining the embarrassing situation or difficulty
the character will go through if they continue to use it.
This could happen because of the “implicit aspects”, which are aspects that
have been there all along, but we only notice them when the situation becomes
relevant. Any device can have a Malfunction at any time, especially if the player
is in need of some extra fate points or if the scene needs a bit of drama.

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The GM should encourage players to think about complications that their
cyberware can create, receiving a fate point as soon as the situation occurs. The
implicit aspect will still need to be resolved, either during the scene or after it. A
Malfunction may require the character to seek upkeep or roll Crafts to over-
come the aspect.
Body Modification Cyberware Stunts
Anti-Reflection Skin: Nano devices installed in your body absorb much of
the light before it touches your skin, making you hard to be seen. You get +2 on
Stealth rolls to create an advantage whenever you try to go unnoticed visually. At
the cost of a fate point you are completely invisible for one scene, with a silhouette
that resembles a thin layer of glass, and you get +4 to Stealth to create an advan-
tage. Receiving physical stress causes the device to fail during an exchange; getting
a consequence turns off the device, which can only turn on again from the start of
the next scene or at the cost of a fate point.
Enhanced Reflection (requires Anti-Reflection Skin): Devices on your
body are capable of reflecting laser weapons. You get +2 to Athletics to defend
against Shoot attacks made with light weapons.
Bionic Eyes: You have a pair of bionic eyes capable of zooming in and are re-
sistant to strong light, making you resistant to glare. They give +2 to Notice over-
come rolls whenever you use sight to notice something.
Independent Eyes (requires Bionic Eyes): You can control each eye sepa-
rately and can see in two different directions. You get +2 to overcome Notice
that are linked to vision and always use Notice +2 as the skill to determine your
order in initiative.
Infrared (requires Bionic Eyes): You can see shapes and silhouettes in
shades of yellow, orange and red of beings or objects that emit heat, even if it’s
dark (you can see the silhouette in dim light, but you’re still affected by dark-
ness, unless you have night vision).
Microscopic Vision (requires Bionic Eyes): You can magnify images
and see what the ordinary human eye cannot see. You get +2 to overcome
from Notice to see really small details, like something written on someone’s
fingerprint lines.
Night Vision (requires Bionic Eyes): You are able to see in complete dark-
ness or dimness through eye sensors and ignore the limitations caused by as-
pects that represent darkness. You see grainy and poorly saturated colors. You
get +2 to overcome in Notice rolls whenever you use your eyesight to perform
tasks in the dark.
Telescopic Vision (requires Bionic Eyes): You can see small objects that
are tens of meters away. Through a fate point, you can see a few miles (kilome-
ters) for three exchanges, until the device discharges and can only be used again
at the beginning of the next scene.
360 Degree Vision (requires Bionic Eyes): Using nano cameras surgically
installed on your head and connected to your optical system, you can see what’s
happening behind and above you. You are the first to act in the conflict initia-
tive and are not affected by aspects of ambushes or surprises that depend on

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vision, in addition to receiving +1 in Notice to overcome situations in which
you need to notice something around you.
Body Strengthening: Your bones are reinforced with metal plates and your
muscles with nanofibers. You have two extra physical stress boxes and get +2 on
Physique overcome rolls.
Die Hard (requires Body Reinforcement): The plaque and nanofibers
in your bones are reinforced with titanium and you have an extra physical
mild consequence.
Cybernetic Ear: You have small sound amplifiers installed in the nerves of
your ear system. You get +2 to Notice to overcome to hear sounds, even if distant
or muffled by walls and doors.
Directional Ear (requires Cyber ​​Ear): You are able to amplify the sounds
of a specific target, even if you are in a crowd or in a noisy place. Once per scene,
or at the cost of a fate point, you automatically succeed on a Notice overcome
roll to hear what the target is saying until the end of the scene or until you turn
down the volume.
Radio Frequency (requires Cyber ​​Ear): You are able to intercept, listen and
speak over radio waves or wireless networks. This allows you to communicate
with other devices that connect to the radio network, such as other users who
have the same device, walkie-talkies or sound wave servers and radio networks.
Ultra and Super Sonic Frequencies (requires Cyber ​​Ear): You can hear
sound waves so low or so high that they are imperceptible to human ears. Once
per scene, or at the cost of a fate point, you automatically succeed on a Notice
overcome roll to hear up to five zones away for three exchanges. An extra fate
point, or a successful create an advantage roll of Notice against +2, allows you
to continue listening until the end of the scene.
Energy Sheath: Three small devices are fitted to your neck and back of the
head to create a semi-transparent energy field around your head. You are able to
breathe in environments that are inhospitable to a human being such as underwa-
ter or in clouds of toxic gasses for a scene. After that, you must roll Physique’s de-
fense against +2 or take 2 physical stress from suffocation. Difficulty and physical
stress increase by +1 each exchange.
Energy Shield (requires Energy Sheath): Small devices are installed
throughout your body (on average three for each region) and connected to the
nervous system. With a mental command, a layer of semi-transparent energy
overlays your skin, protecting you from physical damage. You get two extra
boxes of physical stress. If you spend a fate point, you can nullify a mild conse-
quence, but the device turns off immediately and can only be turned back on at
the beginning of the next scene.
Golden Voice: You have a device installed on your vocal cords that changes
your voice any way you like. You get the Enchanting voice aspect and, once per
scene, have a free invocation of it.
Internal Repair System: Your body has an internal repair system capable of
speeding up the healing process. Once per scene, or at the cost of a fate point, you
can ignore physical stress or a mild consequence caused by a Fight attack.

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Improved Vitality (requires Internal Repair System): Your internal re-
pair system is improved and you are able to withstand more stress. You ignore
the first 2 stress of each Fight attack you receive.
Perfect Balance: You have a nape implant that connects to the inside of your
ears and gives you perfect balance. You automatically succeed at, or ignore aspects
that represent, simple tasks that require balance, such as tightrope walking or
walking on slippery floors. You get +2 to Athletics to overcome physical obstacles
in your path.
Reinforced Skin: You have tough fiber nanotechnology embedded in your
skin that makes it more resistant to physical stress. You ignore Shoot attacks that
cause 2 or less physical stress.
Tough Carapace (requires Reinforced Skin): Your skin is reinforced
with malleable metal plates. You have an extra mild consequence specifically for
Shoot attacks.
Self -Destruction: You have explosive devices spread through your body’s tis-
sues that ignite as soon as your brain has no more activities. Everyone in the same
zone as you, and on the same turn that your character leaves the game by brain
death, must roll Athletics against +3. If successful, they receive 3 physical stress; if
they fail, they suffer a moderate consequence due to the explosion.
Sensitive Touch: You have an enhancement of your skin’s nerves which, when
active, allows you to feel with greater sensitivity and precision. Once per scene, or
at the cost of a fate point, you can discover an aspect that is related to the tempera-
ture or vibrations of the environment or the texture to the touch.
Sound Stabilizer: Also known as Light Step, these are small devices installed
on the head, arms, chest, and legs, which emit ultrasound waves imperceptible
to the human ear, camouflaging the sounds emitted by you. You get +2 to create
advantage from Stealth in situations where you need to be silent.
Silent Wave (requires Sound Stabilizer): You have a device that amplifies
the Sound Stabilizer and can, once per scene, make the entire zone you’re in
to become Completely silent for three exchanges. If you spend a fate point,
the device remains silent until the end of the scene or until you turn it off, at
which point it can only be turned on in the beginning of the next scene.
Thousand Faces: Microdevices installed on your face are able to project a new
face in real time. It remains active until the end of the scene. You get +2 to create
an advantage from Deceive to impersonate someone else with the new face.
New Persona (requires Thousand Faces): Your implants spread over your
head and neck, allowing the projection to modify the color and size of your hair
and voice to resemble that of a specific person. Once per session, or at the cost of a
fate point, you can automatically succeed, as if you had hit two shifts, on a Deceive
roll to impersonate someone else. The modification lasts for one scene, when the
device discharges, and only works again at the beginning of the next scene.
Vitalinometer: This device prints on a screen installed on your body (or on
the retina if it has bionic eyes) your vital functions and first aid instructions or
medical procedures that are necessary to improve your physical condition if you

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are injured. You get +2 to overcome with Academics Medicine and First Aid on
yourself to heal physical stress or consequences. If you spend a fate point, once
per scene, the Vitalinometer injects drugs, hormones, or healing sprays into your
body and cures a mild consequence without the need to roll.
Health Analysis (requires Vitalinometer): You can assess the health status
of a target other than yourself that is in the same zone. If you don’t have a bionic
eye, simply connect to the target through an interface to access their physical
health status. You can read vital functions and receive first aid instructions or
medical procedures that are necessary to improve their physical condition if they
are injured. You get +2 to overcome with Academics Medicine and First Aid to
cure physical stress or consequences. If you spend a fate point, once per scene
the Vitalinometer instructs you to inject drugs, hormones, or healing sprays
into the target’s body and cure a mild consequence without the need to roll.
Water Lung: You have implanted lungs and mechanical gills installed on the sides
of your neck that allow you to breathe underwater for one scene. After that, the
device needs to recharge and only works again at the beginning of the next scene.
Mental Modification Stunts
These implants, as well as aspects, can be microchips installed in slots in the nape
of the neck, or back of the head, that alter the user’s psychical and mental con-
ditions through guided electrical discharges, precise hormonal stimuli or other
devices that connect or alter the mind in some manner.
Cultural Mind: Your microchip has a database that updates whenever you
connect to the Net and you have knowledge about the language, customs and
cultures of various peoples. You get +2 in Rapport to create an advantage when-
ever you meet people from different social groups, being able to communicate in
a basic and respectful way with them.
Database: You have a device in your neck, behind your jaw, that allows you
to consult an extensive database about people, places, and things with just your
mind. The device displays the information on your retina, if you have a bionic eye,
or on a monitor installed in your body or connected to you. If you don’t have any
of these devices, the information just pops up on your mind, provided by the mi-
crochip inside the device. Once per session you can discover an aspect of a scene,
an object or a person, as long as you can see the target. You don’t get free invoca-
tions from this aspect. The information comes to you in three exchanges (it takes
time to consult). If you spend a fate point, you get the information immediately.
Enhanced Mind: This device is implanted like a tiara under the skin. It makes
you immune to compels of aspects that represent dizziness or stuns. The aspect
still exists, especially if it is a consequence, but others cannot take advantage of the
situation by invoking it in their favor.
Exact Notion: This microchip lets you always know where north is, what time
it is, and your approximate location if it’s an urban area of ​​a megacity, even if you
don’t have clear references. You are not affected by aspects that represent being lost.
Great with Words: You have a microchip that encourages you to have unusual
charisma. You get +2 to Empathy to overcome social situations when you’re face
to face with someone.

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Improv Inventor: This microchip makes you think faster when under pres-
sure, improvising tools with things and objects around, allowing you to get out
of a sticky situation. You get +2 in Crafts to overcome general situations using
improvised tools.
Indomitable Personality: Your microchip allows you to avoid being tempted
to do things you don’t want to. You get +2 on Will to defend against a situation
where someone tries to manipulate you with words.
Inhibit Pain: This device is cylindrical in the shape of a pen, and is installed in
the spine. It cuts the transmission of pain signals for a period of time. Until the end
of the scene you cannot have your consequences compelled against you. At the end
of the scene, you receive 2 physical or mental stress shifts; player’s choice. If this takes
you out of the conflict or the scene, you fall unconscious until you recover.
Lucky Microchip: Your microchip tries to calculate the best course of action in
situations during contests and challenges (for example, if you have bionic eyes, you
can see calculations ahead of you and colored outlines in your path that guide your
actions), but not in conflicts. It does so by releasing hormones in your body that
allow you to act quickly. Once per session you can reroll any roll you like.
Mental Firewall: You have small programmed microchip boards that reinforce
your mind against attacks or mental intrusions coming from the local network or
the Net, whether through wireless network or interface. You get +2 to Will to
defend against actions taken against your mind while connected.
Mimic Talent: This microchip manipulates your voice to mimic sounds
you’ve already heard. You are able to project your voice as if it were coming from
an adjacent zone, or in the same zone, and simulate general sounds like animals,
gunshots, horns, or cars. If you spend a fate point, you can simulate the voice of
someone you’ve already heard.
Mind Hacker: You have a device installed in your head and connected to your
brain that allows you to try to “read” the mind of a target that is connected to the
same wireless network as you (either local or to the Net), or through an interface.
You get +2 to Lore (or Connections) to create an advantage against the target’s
Will. If successful, you discover an aspect of the target or any other aspect of the
setting or of other NPCs and characters that the target knows, but have no free
invocation of it.
Advanced Hacker (requires Mind Hacker): Your device allows you to
control your target’s mind, whether it’s connected to the same wireless network
as you (either local or the Net), or through an interface. You get +2 to Lore (or
Connections) to create an advantage against the target’s Will. If successful, you
create an aspect that the target must obey for an exchange for each shift you get
on the roll, but have no free invocation of it. This is a dangerous stunt for good
or for bad — you can hurt people, convince them to hurt the people around
them or even themselves, or they can succeed with style and create a boost back
against you, in your mind.
Modular: You have a mental implant that makes areas of the brain more active
at specific times. Once per session you can spend a fate point to swap the positions
of two skills in the pyramid that are close to each other (a +3 skill for a +4, or a +2
skill for a +3, and so on) until the end of the scene.

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Enabled (requires Modular): You’ve installed a companion device to
Modular behind your ear that stores general information and triggers loads
that encourage your mind to function better. Once per scene you can spend a
fate point to succeed in an overcome roll of any skill, even if you don’t have it
in your pyramid.
Moving the Senses: You have a device with a series of microchips that help you
connect to cameras and microphones scattered around a scene. When connected to
the local network, either wireless or via an interface, you can roll Notice +2 to create
an advantage to move your eyes and ears to the cameras and microphones scattered
around the scene (you can use this to discover aspects of the scene that are not in the
same zone or environment as you). If you spend a fate point, or get a success with
style, the GM can allow a larger range, such as a neighborhood, city, country, or the
world (set a threshold). Success at a cost can cause vertigo and mental stress.

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Perfect Memory: This device stores information captured by your senses and
helps you memorize events. It installs as a one-inch plate on the side of your head.
You can remember the details of things easily, even if you’ve only seen something
for a short period of time. You get +2 whenever you use Investigate to create an
advantage to discover an aspect of a place or scene you’ve visited before.
Memory Backup (requires Perfect Memory): This microchip can store
the events of an entire scene in your memory for you to refer to later. When
consulting a microchip’s memories, some sounds, colors, and shapes may be
distorted but identifiable (unless the chip is damaged). You can connect to an
interface to let others watch your memories through holographic TVs, power
monitors or personal devices. You get +2 on Investigate to create an advantage
when querying the memories of the last memorized scene. At an extra cost
(whether in fate point, credit or favors to some contacts) the GM can allow a
new memory chip to be implanted so you can store memories from multiple
scenes; or a single microchip that has enough power and space to store memo-
ries of more than one scene.
Precognition: This is not a supernatural ability, but an intuition honed by a
device installed through surgery at the base of the skull that stimulates the brain
to calculate hypotheses based on external factors. You get +2 on Investigate to
create an advantage to find out aspects of the scene that are related to weather
conditions, nature’s behavior, traffic and other major events.
Professional Sniper: You are fast and don’t need to aim at your targets; your
microchip calculates this for you. You get +2 to Shoot attack rolls and once per
session, or at the cost of a fate point, you can declare an attack successful, even if it
fails, causing 2 shifts of physical stress.
Resilient Mind: A device installed in the front of your head stimulates your
brain in specific places to avoid the fear of chaos. You have +2 to Will to overcome
situations of terror and dread in the face of something extraordinary (whether a
catastrophic or supernatural event).
Sharp Reflex: This tiny, shiny, insect-like metal device attaches to your spine at
your neck level and calculates the danger levels around you, creating biochemical
reactions in your body that trigger hormones to help you react quickly. You get +2
to Athletics overcome rolls to react to environmental hazards and +1 to defense
against Fight attacks.
Survival Instinct: This device is like a small metal plate with circuitry, in-
stalled under the skin between the eyes. It keeps your senses alert to the potential
dangers around you. Whenever something that might put you in danger or cause
imminent physical stress is about to happen, you get +2 to Notice to create an
advantage over the situation at least one exchange before it happens.
Talent with Calculations: This microchip puts an effective math memory in
your mind. You get +2 to Academics to overcome any calculation-related situations.
Weapon Proficiency: You’ve honed your training through a microchip im-
plant and have mastered the use of a weapon. Choose between Fight and Shoot.
Every time you make an attack with your chosen weapon (knives, broadblades,
pistols, etc.) you get +1 to both your attack roll and physical stress.

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Cyberware Aspects or Stunts?
The ideas about cyberware aspects shown at the beginning of this article can
be adapted as a stunt. We have a significant list of examples, like Bionic Eyes
that, contextually, appear as aspects, so it won’t be difficult for the GM and
the group to figure out how to transform a player’s aspect idea into a stunt.
A cyberware in aspect format is something that is part of the character’s
story, which is there as a consequence of their life, providing permissions in
the story, affecting their decisions, personality, and drama. A stunt is also
part of the character, but it is specific. They are more like a tool, specializa-
tion or cool gadget that the character has acquired during their career. It’s
something that’s in the character’s flesh, so that’s also part of their story, but
they can have less overall impact on the story, personality, and drama and
more influence in the cool moments where the character uses their stunt and
draws attention to them in the scene.
If the doubt remains about whether cyberware should be an aspect or a
stunt, the player can choose to write their cybernetics as an aspect and evolve
it into a stunt in the future by reaching a milestone and spending a refresh
or stunt slot. The aspect Bionic eye can receive a stunt-format enhance-
ment like Infrared or even an important event could happen for the player
to erase the cybernetic aspect and turn it into a stunt.
The GM and the group can come up with their own exotic ideas about
new cyberware that could be aspects or stunts. Microchips that provide spe-
cific abilities, such as helping surgeons to be better at their profession, talent
for learning languages, knowledge of plants and animals, musical compe-
tence, cooking, sex, skill specializations, and so on.

Evolving Cyberware Stunts

When the player spends a stunt slot, they can create a stunt that provides some ad-
vantage in specific situations. In the cyberpunk world, cyberware stunts represent
body adaptations that make equipment work as if they were part of the character’s
body — an extension of their flesh. And if it’s equipment, it can be improved.
A player can choose to spend two stunt slots to make a stunt more powerful, or,
upon reaching a major milestone, choose to spend a refresh or another stunt slot
to improve a cyberware they already have.
One example is the stunt Energy Shield (requires Energy Sheath), which
provides two extra boxes of physical stress or allows the player to pay a fate point
to avoid a mild consequence. If dedicate one refresh or one extra stunt slot, the
player can improve this stunt by saying that, while the shield is active, they have an
extra physical mild consequence for three exchanges, or stays active until the end
of the scene, or that they have four extra boxes of physical stress instead of just two
and so on.

Cyber ​​Extras
We are entering a maze. Extras are bold, complete and complex tools that add
flavor to the scenario. For that reason, the GM and the group should think about
how complex they want their game to be before adding extras to heir campaigns.

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Every cyberware added as an extra will give the characters a little more power,
and this will create epic campaigns. They will have five aspects and three or more
stunts that may already be used to detail minor cyberware they have (we’ll talk
more about this in How Should I Use Cyberware: Aspects, Stunts or Extras?). Extras
are additional power tools in the PCs’ hands beyond anything they already have.
Some of the examples shown below are enhancements to cyberware aspects and
stunts that the group can use as ideas to create new extras based on the previous
cyberware lists from this issue.
All cost, acquisition, surgery, and recovery time ideas apply here and are de-
scribed in permission. A cyberware is something that is part of a character’s
body. The player cannot declare that they have not undergone the surgical process
or that the cyberware is just an item in their collection. If a technology is not sur-
gically implanted in the character’s body, then it is an equipment, not cyberware.
A character must meet the permissions and costs to own the extra, unless the GM
and party judge otherwise, based on the character’s situation, story, and scenario.

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Extra: Danger Sensor
Permission: Install a skull implant that stimulates your senses, allowing
you to be more aware of the dangers around.
Cost: Write a cybernetic aspect referring to the danger sensor and have the
skill Notice +1 or more.
Once per scene, when there is an imminent danger that could corner you
or cause physical stress, you get +2 on Notice to create an advantage and dis-
cover an aspect (with a free invokation) of the danger that’s about to occur,
at least one exchange before it happens, so you are not taken by surprise.

Extra: Three-dimensional Radar

Permission: Install a microchip plate on the side of the head and a moni-
tor on the forearm (which can be replaced by bionic eyes to view the three-di-
mensional map printed on the retina).
Cost: Write a cybernetic aspect referring to the 3D radar and have the
Notice skill +1 or more.
Your implant microchip send wave signals that bounce off in the surrounding
and return to you, forming a three-dimensional map of a radius of three zones
around you, including furniture, people and objects. The map works like a
low-resolution holographic projection made up of green lines that change and
distort as you move. Once per scene, or at the cost of a fate point, you can roll the
dice twice and choose the best result to create an advantage of Notice.

Extra: Mechanical Arm

Permission: Install a new arm through surgery.
Cost: Write a cybernetic aspect referring the mechanical arm and have the
Physique skill +1 or more
The character might not have lost the arm itself, since usually hospitals
and legal clinics don’t remove a fully functioning limb or organ (but clandes-
tine clinics may do it). In such cases, the arm will be fortified by making the
bones stronger, muscle fibers from nanotechnology, joints lined with liquid
metal, iron plates that hide microchip devices which encourage the muscles
to work harder, and so on. Once per scene, or at the cost of a fate point, you
gain a +2 bonus to overcome a situation aspect using Physique, or gain a +1
attack bonus from Fight and cause +1 physical stress.

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How Should I Use
Cyberware: Aspects, Stunts
or Extras?
Aspects cyberware should be used for adventures where the focus is on the world,
the story in progress and how the characters react to the drama. Cyberware in set-
tings like this guide the story without drawing attention to itself; they only appear
at times appropriate to the plot and characters’ life.
Cyberware as stunts get more attention to characters. When used, they will
turn the spotlight on the character during the scene and make things happen in a
surprising way. They’re still part of the story and guide the plot of the character’s
life, but they’re highlighted at appropriate times when the PCs need to be really
proficient at what needs to be done.
Cyberware as an extra comes into play as the focus of the story. They are side by
side with the protagonists, they are important to the story’s progress and they are
part of the drama. The lives of the characters, the antagonists and the plot revolve
around cyberware. They are carved with pride in the flesh of those who own them
and are coveted for their monetary worth and social power.
There is no practical way to tell you what to use at your table with your players
other than play and feel what is best for your group. Some vague suggestions, but
that might provide some directions are:

• Is cyberware just the background and is the story about the characters living
out their dramas in a cyber world? Go for aspects.

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• Is cyberware an important part of the characters’ lives, but not the plot of the
story? Go for stunts.
• Is cyberware the essence of the story, characters and setting? Go for extras.

If the group wants a complex campaign, with depth, then they can define that
each player and the GM treats cyberware as they prefer for their characters.
Aspects cyberware can be smaller cybernetic implants, with basic functionality,
acquired by the majority of the population because they are cheap and simple to
install. Players who want to focus their character’s story on cyberware can choose
to write their cyberware as aspects.
Cyberware stunts can be better quality and more powerful cyber implants.
Commonly those who have these implants are people with specific roles, such
as mercenaries, hackers, military, drivers, mobsters, and so on. Players who want
their characters to have highlighted moments when using their cybernetic appara-
tus (as part of their drama) can choose to write their cyberware as stunts.
Cyberware extras may be coveted implants for their monetary value, but they
are important for their status and power. Usually, only the elite are able to pay, but
smugglers can get some of these treasures if the right price is paid.
Using cyberware in this way is suitable for campaigns, with each one being bet-
ter applied to different people or groups. Players can feel free to create their char-
acters’ cyberware in the way they prefer and face how much drama it will originate
in the story.
These are the ways to use cyberware using the rules that exist in Fate. If you
want to try out new rules for cyberware and gear, see the next article: Styles — New
Equipment Rule.

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Styles — New
Equipment Rules
Jack of all trades
By Fábio Silva
Player characters can’t face the world with just muscles and good will; they need
to be well equipped. A good vehicle to get away from corporatocratic cops, ex-
plosives to blow buildings up, and weapons to burn their asses. That’s what we’re
talking about.
These rules are suitable for groups that use equipment as the focus of the cam-
paign; they are important to the characters, antagonists, and the plot. If the group
wants equipment to be the background of a cyberpunk story, the GM can choose
to use it as aspects or stunts, drawing inspiration from the ideas presented as cy-
berware in the previous article.
Fate Plus Vikings, page 37, in the article Choose Your Weapon, explores more
ideas about weapons and equipment.

What are Styles?

Styles are like a new module in the character sheet that describes the protagonist’s
extraordinary ability. The player writes their styles in the “Extra” section of the char-
acter sheet or on a separate sheet. The styles of this issue are equipment, weapons,
and cyberware. Each one of them offers a list of benefits that the character can “ac-
tivate” to improve their action. Each style starts with at least one benefit and the
player can “unlock”, or create, new benefits whenever they reach a major milestone.
A style can only be used to modify an action, but not to provide dice bonuses
— you can invoke aspects or activate stunts for that.
A style has four characteristics, which are a requirement, permission, one or
more benefits and limitations.

The character must meet a requirement to use the style. It will commonly be
a skill, such as Shoot or Fight to use a weapon, and, in the case of cyberware, a
character aspect.
In addition to a basic skill to use the style, like Fight to use a laser sword, the GM
may require Crafts, Contacts, or Resources to perform style maintenance when
it reaches its limitation.
In the case of cyberware, it is necessary to have an aspect that explains the ori-
gin of the item, as well as provides narrative permission to the acquisition of the
material, installation of the equipment to the body through a surgical process,
and so on.

Permission is something the character can do without spending limitations. This
means that another character who does not have an equipment cannot perform

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the same roll as the PC who has the equipment; those who don’t have the item
must find other ways to try to carry out similar actions.
A permission commonly is “you can use a skill to perform one or more of the four
actions in some situations”.

Some of the benefits a style can have are listed below. A style doesn’t have to have
all the benefits, it can only have one or two. The benefit must make sense accord-
ing to the style created. For example, a style that is a car might create the boost
Run fast if you want to catch me, but that doesn’t make sense if the style is
a firearm; each style will have its own characteristics, according to the equipment
it represents. The group should not be limited to just what is shown here. The
GM should consider interesting player ideas for new benefits. A benefit can:

• Provide a free invocation for an existing situation aspect.

• Provide a free invocation for one of the characters’ aspects of the user or a target.
• Provide a free invocation of the consequences of the user or a target.
• Create a situation aspect with a free invocation.
• Discover a situation aspect with a free invocation.
• Erase a situation aspect.
• Discover a character aspect of a target with no free invocation.
• Provide a free invocation for a character aspect of a target that the user has
already discovered.
• Create a boost with a free invocation.
• Turn a boost into a situation aspect with a free invocation.
• Turn a failure into a success with 2 shifts, or a success of up to 2 shifts into a
success with style.
• Cause 2 shifts of physical or mental stress.
• Cause a mild consequence.
• Make a mild consequence into a moderate or a moderate into a severe.
• Cure all physical or mental stress.
• Heal a mild consequence.
• Make a severe consequence moderate, or a moderate mild.
• Preven the target from invoking aspects.
• Prevent the target from activating stunts.
• Allow the player to receive a fate point for using the style on a success with style.
• Allow the player not to pay a fate point to resist a situation aspect compel.
• Allow the player not to pay a fate point to resist a character aspect or conse-
quences compel.

In the style examples in this zine you will see that the first benefit is listed with a
black dot and the others with a white dot. Benefits marked with black dots are “ac-
tive benefits” that are already available for the player to activate during the game.
White dot benefits are “benefits to be earned” that the player cannot use until they
reach a major milestone and thus unlock new available benefits. When unlocking
new benefits, the player paints the white dots using a pencil or pen and that be-
comes an “active benefit”. The player doesn’t need to unlock new benefits in the
list order, but some benefits depend on the previous ones.

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Aline chooses the style Needle Gun. The first two benefits are:
• Check a limitation box and get the boost Wounded by needles with
a free invocation.
o Turn the boost Wounded by needles into a situation aspect with a
free invocation.
Note that the first benefit is already marked with a black dot, indicat-
ing that it is an active benefit and that Aline can use it immediately. If
Aline wants to use the second benefit, listed with a white dot (that is, a
“benefit to be conquered”), she needs to reach a major milestone and
unlock this option, painting the white dot black afterwards.
If it make sense, the player can activate multiple benefits at the same time on
their turn.

Why don’t you get bonuses?

Fate’s greatest tool is its narrative power. If the player wants to receive bonus
in their rolls, they can invoke aspects or create stunts that do so. The idea of​​
the styles is to provoke the group’s creativity.
Another problem with having one more tool that provides bonuses is hav-
ing aspects, stunts, extras, and styles that provide cumulative bonuses and
the party having to deal with +6, +7, or more multiple times in the same
scene. If you think that’s what your party is heading to, create styles that
provide +1 to +3 bonuses for attack and defense actions or +2 to +4 for
overcome and create an advantage actions. But I suggest you try out the style
examples in this zine and try to create some of your own without using bo-
nuses, to get a feel of how they work at the game table and how they stimu-
late the story. Give creativity a chance.

Fate plus 56 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Limitations of the scenario cyberpunk equipment are energy or amount of use;
similar to stress. All technological equipment needs energy to function and, at one
time or another, it will discharge.
All equipment wears out and needs maintenance. Sometimes it is as simple as
cleaning after continuous use, or it may require changing parts or other essentials.
The limitation is something abstract. The GM or player does not need to detail
which pieces of equipment are broken or how the character is dismantling the
equipment to perform maintenance. Just say “it stopped working and needs re-
loading or maintenance before being used again” while the player can just say “I’m
going to roll a skill to overcome this situation”.
When a style needs maintenance, that is, when all limitation boxes are checked,
the user cannot receive any benefits from it until the situation is corrected or until
the start of the next scene.
Marking Limitation
Whenever the character uses an equipment style, they mark a limitation box.
Commonly a benefit starts with, or includes, the phrase “Check a limitation
box…” When in doubt, check a limitation box whenever the style is used.
Recovering Limitation
At the beginning of the next scene the style recovers all the limitation boxes, taking
into account that the character, an ally, or a supporting NPC had time to look at
the equipment and perform the necessary maintenance, such as changing parts or
batteries or recharging the energy.
If this method is too simple and you want to add granularity and drama, do
the following:
To correct an equipment or cyberware style and clear all limitation boxes, you
need an overcome roll of the skill that is used with the style against +1 for every
active benefit the style offers.
If the style is a gun ray that has three active benefits, the roll is Shoot against
+3. If the style is a light sword with four active benefits, then the roll is Fight
against +4. This is because the more benefits a style offers, the more complex its
structure, with small, expensive or difficult-to-achieve parts. The GM can declare
that the Crafts skill can be used to roll any equipment upkeep, as well as Contacts
or Resource to have someone maintaining the equipment in the character’s place
— the difficulty is the same.
The player cannot perform a skill roll to maintain a limitation while in a chal-
lenge, conflict or contest, as these are tense situations; you need to concentrate to
carry out this action. The GM assumes that the player has the tools necessary to
maintain their own equipment if they have the skill to use it. If the equipment
doesn’t have a specific skill, the player uses Crafts. The equipment recovers all
limitation boxes and goes back to work as soon as the user achieves a success in the
maintenance overcome roll. Remember, the player gets a boost if they get a success
with style in the maintenance roll — which they can use the first time the gear is
put into action after upkeep.

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MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Evolving a Style
Each style starts with at least one active benefit, meaning it can be used immedi-
ately, and three limitation boxes. Better quality styles might start with two or three
active benefits and four or five limitation boxes.
Whenever they reach a major milestone, the player can choose one of the following:

• Add or activate a new benefit, also known as “unlocking” a benefit.

• Improve an existing benefit.
• Increase a limitation box.

Upgrading an existing benefit could mean that the player can receive two free
invocations instead of one; make an effect last until the end of the scene if it only
lasted a few exchanges; reach three or more zones if it only reached one; and so on.
If the concept of a major milestone is too abstract for the GM or group, the
player can evolve a style every two or three game sessions or when some event of
great impact in the story happens.

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MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Other Styles
If the GM uses styles for things in the scenario other than equipment or cy-
berware, such as magic or psychism, the limitation is the shortage of mana,
body energy, or mental ability; and the character needs to recharge the mind or
body, and so on. Perhaps resting until the beginning of the next scene or roll of
overcome from Academics medicine to physical or Will to mental will suffice.

Style List
These styles are iconic cyberpunk scenarios items. There are endless lists of equip-
ment over the internet and RPG books already published that might inspire you
to expand this list. The GM and the party can copy some of the benefits of the
items on this list and combine them into exciting new gear and create their own.
Weapon Styles
Most personal weapons are legal if they have no risk of killing the target, such
as stun sticks and stun guns. Rifles and large weapons are not common among
civilians and usually require special permission to be carried. Most middle-class
citizens possess some form of weapons to defend themselves against street vio-
lence. Some have blades, while others may have small and medium-sized projectile
or beam weapons such as pistols, revolvers and machine guns.

Style: Needle Weapon

These weapons use magnetic impulse to throw needles measuring two to six
inches. They are quieter than most projectile and beam weapons, but attack
only in the same zone or the adjacent one.
Shoot skill for pistols and small weapons; an aspect explaining the character’s
permission to carry a rifle, assault weapon, or large weapons (they could be a
criminal, serve the government, or have contacts in the underworld).
• Pistols and small weapons can use Shoot on a target in the same zone or
the one adjacent to it.
• Rifles, assault weapons, or large weapons can Shoot a target up to three
zones away.
• On a successful attack roll, check a limitation box and cause the boost
Needle hurt with a free invocation.
oo Check a limitation box and the boost Needle hurt becomes a mild
consequence in one target in the same (or adjacent) zone.
oo Check a limitation box and the target cannot invoke aspects to defend
against your attacks using this weapon until the end of the conflict, if
they are not wearing metal or porcelain plate armor.
oo Once per session you can check a limitation box and resist the compel
aspect Unload without paying a fate point.
Limitation: 3

Fate plus 59 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Style: Chemical Weapon
This weapon transforms a stick of chemical foam into lethal solid projectiles
that corrode the target’s skin or armor.
Shoot skill for pistols and small weapons; an aspect explaining the character’s
permission to carry a rifle, assault weapon, or large weapons (they may be a
criminal, serve the government, or have contacts in the underworld).
• Pistols and small weapons can shoot a target in the same (or adjacent) zone.
• Rifles, assault weapons, or large weapons can Shoot a target up to three
zones away.
• On a successful Shoot attack, in addition to the physical stress caused by
roll shifts, check a limiting box and create the situation aspect Corro-
sive projectile with a free invocation.
oo Check a limit box and cause 2 extra shifts of physical stress.
oo If you use Shoot to create an advantage and fail, you can check a limita-
tion box and succeed with 2 shifts.
oo Check a limitation box and the target cannot invoke aspects to defend
against your attacks using this weapon until the end of the conflict, if
they are not wearing anti-corrosive armor.
Limitation: 3

Style: Laser Weapon

Laser weapons fire beams of light amplified by radiation that are capable of
burning the target. The legality of these weapons is controversial due to their
destructive power. In some regions, only military and security forces are al-
lowed to use these weapons; in others, civilians can get a special permit to
carry them. In the obscure market, anything is possible, at the right price.
Shoot skill for pistols and small weapons; an aspect explaining the character’s
permission to carry a rifle, assault weapon, or large weapons (they could be a
criminal, serve the government, or have contacts in the underworld).
• Pistols and small weapons can Shoot a target in up to three zones.
• Rifles, assault weapons, or large weapons can Shoot a target up to five
zones away.
• Check a limitation box and use Shoot to erase a situation aspect that
poses a physical obstacle in your path as if you had been successful in an
overcome roll with 2 shifts.
oo Check a limitation box on a successful attack and inflict 2 extra shifts
of physical stress.
oo Once per scene, check two limitation boxes on a successful attack and
cause a mild consequence without the need of a Shoot attack roll.
oo Check a limitation box and the target cannot invoke aspects to defend
against your attacks using this weapon, until the end of the conflict, if
they are not wearing reflective armor.
Limitation: 5
Fate plus 60 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Style: String Weapon
This weapon resembles a large, barrel-barreled pistol that fires oval shells.
They disassemble on their way to the point of impact, revealing rotating
steel cables that wrap around the target, immobilizing it. This is a common
weapon among military, mercenaries and government agents, but there are
no legal restrictions for civilian use.
Shoot skill.
• You can Shoot a target that is in the same zone as you or the adjacent one.
• If successful in a Shoot attack you can choose to switch the stress caused
to create the boost Ensnared with a free invocation.
oo If a target is Ensnared, check a limitation box so the boost becomes a
situation aspect, and get a free invocation.
oo While Ensnared by your shot, the target is not able to invoke aspects
or activate stunts.
Limitation: 3

Style: Sound Weapon

This weapon resembles a large pistol with circular discs in the barrel that
release ultra-sound waves, imperceptible to human ears but capable of affect-
ing the functioning of the body.
Shoot skill.
• You can use Shoot on a target that is in the same zone as you, or in an
adjacent one.
• On a successful attack, you can check a limitation box to create the as-
pect situation Disoriented, with a free invocation.
oo Check a limitation box and while Disoriented, the target is unable to
invoke aspects for any type of action.
oo Check a limitation box and the aspect Disoriented now affects every-
one in the same zone as the target (except the weapon user).
oo Once per scene, by checking a limitation box, the user can turn the situ-
ation aspect Disoriented into a mild consequence on a target.
Limitation: 3

Fate plus 61 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Style: Improved Blade
These blades are made with new metal alloy technologies. Their appearance
looks ordinary, but they are lighter and sharper than any other common
melee weapon. Any blade can be made with this technology, ranging from
hilted blades, sneaky knives, combat blades and even swords. The legality of
these weapons varies, but usually special permissions are required for anyone
to circulate with blades longer than two feet (sixty centimeters).
Fight skill for targets in the same zone; Shoot skill for throwing blades.
• Can use Fight to attack and defend against targets in the same zone,
as well as create an advantage and overcome physical obstacles that can
be cut. Can use Shoot to attack targets in the same zone or adjacent by
throwing a blade.
• If you manage to hit on an attack and check a limitation box, you create the
boost Sharp blade with a free invocation besides causing physical stress.
oo Check a limitation box and turn the boost Sharp blade into a situation
aspect, which remains until the end of the scene, with a free invocation.
oo When you invoke the Sharp blade aspect, check a limitation box and
you get a +3 bonus instead of a +2.
Limitation: 3

Style: Vibrating Blade

This blade has an internal battery-powered device that causes it to vibrate
hundreds of times per second. These blades were created by gangs in the
obscure market and became popular on the streets. In some regions, these
blades are prohibited even for some bailiffs.
Fight skill.
• You can use Fight to attack and defend against targets in the same zone, as
well as create an advantage and overcome physical obstacles that can be cut.
• On a successful attack, check a limitation box and inflict 2 extra shifts
of physical stress.
oo When you fail a Fight roll to overcome a physical obstacle, check a lim-
itation box and make the failure a success by 2 shifts.
oo When successful in a Fight attack against a target, you can check a lim-
itation box and cause a mild consequence.
oo Check a limitation box and the target cannot invoke aspects to defend them-
self, until the end of the conflict, if they aren’t wearing reinforced armor.
Limitation: 4

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MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Style: Laser Blade
This blade uses technology similar to beam weapons, with light amplified by
radiation, creating a high-temperature incandescent rod. These weapons are
rare and expensive due to their lethality and are commonly prohibited for
civilian use.
Fight skill for targets in the same zone.
• You can use Fight to attack and defend against targets in the same zone,
as well as create an advantage and overcome physical obstacles that can
be cut off.
• Once per scene, on a successful attack, check a limitation box and cause
a mild consequence.
oo Check a limitation box and the target cannot invoke aspects to defend
themself until the end of the conflict, if they aren’t wearing reflective armor.
oo Once per scene, check a limitation box and you succeed by 2 shifts on a
Fight roll to overcome physical obstacles.
oo Once per scene, check a limitation box and create the situation aspect
Intimidating light sword with a free invocation, as if you had a 2
shift success in a Fight create an advantage roll.
Limitation: 3

Fate plus 63 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Style: Chemical Explosive
These explosives release misty smoke that can cause sleep, poisoning, blind-
ness, or numbness. The player must choose a different effect with each use or
they can use the same effect every time, but they cannot cause two different
effects in a single use. A special order is required to carry this type of equip-
ment. They are commonly used by security forces to contain crowds or in
strategic attacks against rebels, gang members and criminals.
Shoot skill to throw the explosive up to one zone away.
• Can use Shoot to create an advantage or overcome up to one zone away.
• Check a limitation box and you can roll Shoot to create an advantage
to create one of the following situation aspects on your turn (only one
effect per roll): Numbing sleep, Intoxicating poisoning, Tempo-
rary blindness, Numbing acute. You get a free invocation per as-
pect and per target that fails the Physique defense roll. The effect affects
the entire zone. The target that succeeds, but remains in the affected
zone, must perform a Physique defense roll each turn. While under the
situation aspect, the target cannot invoke aspects or activate stunts, in
addition to the effect of the aspect that the GM deems appropriate,
such as getting drowsy, vomiting, etc.
• Check a limitation box and you can roll Shoot to overcome an aspect of
people or an uncontrolled crowd, driving them back with the blasts of
smoke from your grenades.
oo Check a limitation box and you can make one of the four effect situations
above into a mild consequence to one target per limitation box checked.
oo Check a limitation box and the target cannot invoke aspects in the Physique
defense doll until the end of the conflict, if not wearing anti-toxic armor.
Limitation: 3

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MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Style: Bruising Explosives
These explosives fire dozens of small projectiles within range, affecting all
targets in the zone.
Shoot skill to throw the explosive up to one zone away.
• Can use Shoot to attack, create an advantage or overcome in up to one
zone away.
• Check a limitation box and the Shoot attack affects everyone in the hit
zone, who must defend with Physique or Athletics.
oo Check a limitation box and inflict 2 shifts of physical stress on all targets in
the same or adjacent zone as if you had successfully made a Shoot attack.
oo If there is only one target in the hit zone, check a limitation box and
roll a Shoot attack. On a success, instead of physical stress, you cause a
physical mild consequence.
Limitation: 3

Style: Flaming Explosive

This explosive spreads flames with an ignited liquid, covering the affected
region with a resistant fire.
Shoot skill to throw the explosive up to one zone away.
• Can use Shoot to attack, create an advantage or overcome in up to one
zone away.
• Check a limitation box and roll to create an advantage from Shoot. On
a success against +2 you create the boost Flaming wave in the same or
adjacent zone with a free invocation per target that remains in the zone.
oo Check a limitation box and turn the boost Flaming wave into a situ-
ation aspect, indicating that the flames have spread and are increasingly
destructive. Anyone who starts their turn inside the zone affected by the
aspect receives 2 physical stress.
oo Check a limitation box and targets can only invoke aspects to defend
against the flames, until the end of the conflict, if they are wearing an-
ti-flame armor.
Limitation: 3

Fate plus 65 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Armor Styles
These styles represent armor, gas masks, and other technologies that prevent the
user from receiving external physical stress. The GM can declare that if the target
is not using proper protection against an attack type, they can’t invoke aspects or
stunts for their defense action.

Style: [Describe an attack type]

Armor is a generic name for a protection item. The player can write this style
as mask, costume, or other terms. The most common is the Reinforced
Armor, made of metal and porcelain plates, making it projectile-proof, like
a futuristic kevlar. There is Reflective Armor against beam weapons and
light swords, Ultrasonic Armor against soundwave weapons, Expansive
Armor for crashes and falls, and so on. The player defines which technology
applies and describes this by changing some small detail in the benefits.
Armor styles can only be used efficiently for defensive and overcoming
actions. If a player finds a way to create an advantage or attack with a
protection style, they cannot invoke aspects to improve the roll, as the item is
not suitable for the action performed. They can nullify this effect by creating
a benefit for attack and another to create an advantage, explaining how they
use it in this manner.
Athletics or Physique skill to roll defense or overcome.
• Can invoke aspects for defense rolls from Athletics and Physique against
the type of damage the armor protects.
The benefits below are generic and apply specifically to the type of physical
stress the armor protects. Reflective armor reduces or protects against the phys-
ical stress caused by beam weapons and light swords, while reinforced armor
does the same against projectile, staff, and blade weapons. Exceptions should
be debated between the party and the GM and it’s important that everyone
understands which armor protects against which specific types of stress.

• Check a limitation box and you nullify 2 physical stress from a success-
ful attack made against you that causes the specific physical stress your
armor protects.
oo Check a limitation box and the first mild consequence (which causes
the specific physical stress that your armor protects against) that you
receive in the scene is nullified.
oo Check a limitation box and once per scene, when you get a mild, mod-
erate or severe physical consequence, you get a fate point.
Limitation: 3

Fate plus 66 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Fate plus 67 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Most vehicles feature Anti-gravity, Anti-collision, and Autopilot tech-
nology, filling the skies with intense traffic and movement among the skyscrapers.
Most taxi fleets do have autopilots and are controlled by mega-corporations. In
some sectors or cities, manual driving of the vehicle is considered a serious traffic
violation or even a crime, with all cars receiving an updated satellite map that pro-
vides information to the autopilot and collision sensors, defining the best route
for the vehicle for the programmed destination.
This vehicle automation system is controlled by government institutions or
corporations that monopolize traffic, taking control of the vehicle once a route is
plotted. Most vehicles have an integrated identification system, which recognizes
the owner of the vehicle and authorizes administrator functions such as starting
the engine, plotting a route or performing maintenance. If a person other than the
owner sits in the driver’s seat, the vehicle sends a notification to the owner, warn-
ing them about what happened and asking for authorization to enable or lock
functions. In this way, a friend or family member can lend a car, but passengers
will only have control over the functions that the owner allows.
These security measures reduce the chances of vehicle-related crimes, such as
theft and kidnapping, with the identification of criminals in a short time, activa-
tion of security locks, interception of the vehicle, shutdown, or even new routes
being drawn by the government or corporations for the crime vehicle to go direct-
ly to the proper authorities.
It is still possible to find land vehicles, electric or fossil fuel, with rubber or fiber
wheels that meet the standard traffic rules, as well as cars manipulated to circum-
vent all these systems mentioned above. With the exception of antigravity, all oth-
er technologies are also available for land vehicles.

Fate plus 68 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Style: Dragonfly
These flying vehicles are the new motorcycles. They are narrow and some
models have a retractable glass cabin that protects the pilot and passenger
from the environmental hazards. They have an engine that converts fossil
fuel into energy to activate the anti-gravity devices, or, in their electrical ver-
sions, they work on extended-range power cells.
Drive skill.
• Use Drive to create an advantage, overcome and attack. You need to create
a benefit to use Drive to defend against physical Fight and Shoot attacks.
• You can move up to two zones per exchange in any direction.
• Check a limitation box and move three zones per turn in any direction.
oo Check a limitation box and you succeed by 2 shifts on a Drive overcome
roll to dodge obstacles that are on a collision course.
oo Check a limitation box and you can use dragonfly in a Drive Defender
roll against a Fight or Shoot attack.
oo Check a limitation box to create the boost Agile in narrow spaces
with a free invocation.
oo Check a limitation box to make the boost Agile in narrow spaces in
a situation aspect with a free invocation.
oo Check a limitation box and you don’t pay a fate point to resist a compel
from a traffic-related situation aspect.
Limitation: 4

Style: Smart Car

This vehicle is the standard model for most residents. Like dragonflies, they
run on fossil fuel that is converted to energy, or are electrical and use re-
chargeable or disposable batteries.
Drive skill.
• Use Drive to create an advantage, overcome, attack (run over) and de-
fense (using the vehicle body against Fight and Shoot attacks if you are
inside it).
• You can move up to three zones per exchange in any direction.
• Check a limitation box and you move four zones per exchange.
oo Check a limitation box and you create the boost Bold maneuver with
a free invocation.
oo Check a limitation box and you turn the boost Bold maneuver into
a situation aspect with a free invocation.
oo Check a limitation box and you can resist a compel from a situation
aspect while being chased at high speed without paying a fate point.
Limitation: 5
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MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Medical Styles
Medicine is at the height of technology, with most diseases of old age being re-
solved through cloning and artificial organs. Many old diseases have gone extinct
and new diseases arise as an evolution of nature.

Style: Emergency Kit

This kit can be a small bag, briefcase, or belt. It includes artificial skin, heal-
ing spray, wound dressings, resurrection kit, and so on.
Academics skill.
• Use Academics to roll for heal physical stress and consequences.
• Check a limitation box and heal all physical stress on yourself or on an-
other target.
oo Check a limitation box and cure your own physical mild consequence
or that of a target.
oo Check a limitation box and make a moderate consequence mild.
oo Check a limitation box and make a severe consequence moderate.
Limitation: 3

Fate plus 70 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Style: Brain Scan
This device is placed over the head, either voluntarily or on an immobilized,
sleeping, or unconscious target. It can read the brain activity and display the
result on a screen or other device connected to it, such as a TV or through
bionic eyes that connect via wireless interface or network. The information
may appear in dream-like image format, such as a movie, text, or program-
ming codes, depending on the technology available.
Investigate skill.
• You can use Investigate to create an advantage to discover character as-
pects or situation aspects from relevant information that can be gained
through mind reading.
• Check a limitation box and, if successful on an Investigate create an ad-
vantage roll against the target’s Will, you discover a situation aspect that
the target is aware of, even if no one else knows about the information.
You receive a free invocation.
oo Check a limitation box and, if successful on an Investigate create an ad-
vantage roll against the target’s Will, you discover a character aspect of
the target or someone the target knows, even if no one else knows about
the information. You receive a free invocation.
Limitation: 3

Style: Photo Retina

With this box-shaped device with an attached lens, it is possible to reproduce
the last images recorded on the retina of a body up to two days after death,
if the target’s eyes were exposed to artificial or natural light for a long time
(such as a body found in the middle of the street), or up to four days if the
body was in a dark place. It is possible to photograph the last seconds or even
minutes of the victim’s life.
Investigate skill.
• Can use Investigate to create an advantage or overcome on recent bodies
to find out what they saw in their last moments before death.
• Check a limitation box and, on a successful Investigate create an advan-
tage roll against +2 on a dead target, you discover a situation aspect that
reveals the cause of death. A success with style reveals more details about
the scene, such as the environment and the last people the victim saw.

Fate plus 71 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Style: Drugs
There are many types of devices that inject drugs into the user or target.
Some are like automated glass syringes that activate a needle device when the
sensor detects that it has touched organic tissue, such as human or animal
skin. Others can be like pistols that fire an ampoule-needle projectile a few
centimeters or meters away (same zone), or ampoules that release gasses, pills
in cartons, liquids in tiny bottles, and so on.
Synthetic recreational drugs are legal in most regions, but they are
mass-produced by pharmaceutical corporations that use special formulas to
inhibit their maximum and prolonged effect, avoiding health damage and
making the user more susceptible to addiction.
This style is not about recreational drugs. They were manufactured to
cause maximum effect in minimum time and bring a physical and psychic
reaction in the short term.
The most common drugs are truth serum; sleep aids; instant healing
substances; resuscitation of fainted targets or with cardiopulmonary arrest;
adrenaline to increase mood; potions to induce overconfidence and para-
noia; medicine that creates high pain tolerance; rage pills; remedies against
hyperactivity, paralysis; and so on.
The effects of a standard dose of the drug last for one scene. A standard
dose is what is triggered through a single roll of create an advantage. If the
player gets a second dose, either of the same drug or of a new one, from now
on the roll is considered an attack (the target defends with Athletics or Phy-
sique) that causes physical stress or consequences, in addition to the situation
aspect of the effect of the drug. One dose is enough to cause the maximum
effect within the limits of the human body. From there on, the cumulative
effects of the drugs start to overdose, so the roll is considered an attack.
Academics skill.
• Can use Academics to create an advantage on a target in the same zone.
• Check a limitation box and, if successful on an Academics create an
advantage roll against the target’s Athletics or Physique, you create the
situation aspect Under the influence of [DESCRIBE A DRUG]
with a free invocation.
oo Check a limitation box at the end of the scene and, if the target is still in the
situation aspect Under the influence of [DESCRIBE A DRUG],
they receive 2 shifts of physical or mental stress, as the GM sees fit.
oo Check a limitation box and you may make a drug situation aspect a mild
consequence on a target.
Limitation: 3

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MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

General Styles
These styles do not fit into the above categories and represent general devices.

Style: Anti-Gravity
This is not a cheap or easy-to-find device. It is a shoulder piece connected
by cables to a belt that makes the target float. There are smaller versions for
making objects float and that can be carried in the hand.
Athletics skill.
• Can move in any direction, including up and on walls.
• Check a limitation box and you ignore physical obstacles that would
impede pedestrians, such as potholes, freestanding walls, etc.
oo Check a limitation box and you can move two zones in any direction in
the current exchange.
Limitation: 3

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MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Style: Tactical Mask
This mask is not discreet because of its lights and devices, but it covers the
wearer’s face completely.
Notice and Physique skills.
• May use Notice and Physique to overcome aspects related to difficulty
in vision and breathing.
• Check a limitation box and create a situation aspect like Infrared vi-
sion, Dark vision, X-ray vision, Flash resistance, and so on.
The aspect lasts until the end of the scene and you get a free invocation.
Check one more limitation box to receive an extra free invocation.
• Check a limitation box and create a situation aspect like Gas resis-
tance that lasts until the end of the scene and you get a free invocation.
Check one more limitation box to receive an extra free invocation.
oo Check a limitation box and undo 2 physical stress from an attack that
can be defended using the mask.
Limitation: 3

Style: Toolbox
This box has adaptable tools such as wrenches that reshape their beaks or
tool blocks that can be joined together to form different appliances. With
them, it is possible to solve most of the mechanical and electrical problems
of everyday life.
Crafts skill.
• Use Crafts to create an advantage or overcome general situations where
tools help with maintenance.
• Check a limitation box and make a situation aspect disappear from the
scene that represents the malfunction of an equipment or a hindrance
in your path.
oo Check a limitation box from this toolbox and you can make some other
style like a weapon, armor, or piece of equipment retrieve a limitation box.
Limitation: 3

Fate plus 74 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Style: Portable Laboratory
This case becomes a small laboratory capable of running medical, biological
or basic chemical tests and mixtures. With it, it is possible to verify the integ-
rity of biological tissue, carry out tests to understand microorganisms, create
acids, gasses or other simple chemical formulas on a small scale.
Academics skill.
• You can use Academics to create an advantage or overcome situations
related to biochemical knowledge.
• Check a limitation box and discover a situation aspect related to the
health condition of a target with a free invocation; this can aid medicine
and first aid rolls.
oo Check a limitation box and create a situation aspect that represents a
simple chemical component such as Corrosive acid or Flammable
gas with a free invocation.
Limitation: 3

Style: Laser Key

This is a light key that molds itself, increasing the radiation to move the me-
chanical parts that open a device (like a door lock or a padlock). When used
in electronic locks, it causes short circuits that open the device or lock.
Crafts skill.
Can use Crafts to overcome situation aspects that represent locks.
• Check a limitation box and make disappear a situation aspect that rep-
resents a mechanical or electronic obstacle, such as a door or a security lock.
Limitation: 2

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The Power
of the Mind
The awakening of the psyche
By Fábio Silva
The mind is the greatest mystery in the universe. It’s aware of its own existence,
uses its associated body and creates tools to preserve its own continuity. Noth-
ing in the universe is capable of that. Digging even deeper, breaking through
the barriers of the unknown, we are faced with the limits of the power of the
human mind. A fantastic, dangerous, and little explored area. We are talking
about psychic powers.
This power system works without changes to Fate’s rule system; you won’t need
to learn or create new rules to include psychic characters in your setting. It ex-
plores the limits of the human mind through psychic abilities using aspects and
rolls of traditional skills.
The GM and party should think about the origin of psychic power in the set-
ting, such as: scientific experiments that have gone out of control; mind awaken-
ings; curses and fantastic origins; exotic technologies that bring this supernatural
force to the fore; spiritual power that emanates from another plane through the
character’s mind; divine gifts; or a complete mystery, with characters suddenly
finding themselves with such mystical abilities.

Creating a Psychic
To create a psychic character, the player just needs to write an aspect defining their
character’s power. A simple sentence like I am telepath is enough to make clear
what the character’s power is. The origin or how the character views their abili-
ty can be discussed or demonstrated in conversation before the game begins, or
during the adventure. This aspect can be any of the character’s aspect slots, such
as some free form or high concept aspect.
When creating a psychic aspect, the player cannot include more than one pow-
er. A character cannot be an Anti-psi telepath or a Psychokinesis with
astral projection. The player must use a different aspect slot for each differ-
ent psychic power aspect they want. If the GM wishes to limit the power level of
characters in the campaign, each player can write only a single psychic aspect that
represents a power. To make things even more interesting, you can decide that
only one PC can have psychic powers, as this is commonly a limited and rare abil-
ity. A mysterious option is for the GM to draw psychic powers among the players,
whose abilities will only be discovered during the adventure, when their powers
begin to awaken.

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Rolling Psychism
Now that the player has written the psychic aspect that unlocks the power within
their character’s mind, just roll the dice to externalize that power.
Whenever a character wishes to unleash the power within oneself, the player
declares which skill they will use to do so. They don’t need to invoke the psychic as-
pect to roll, but they may wish to invoke to improve the roll or roll the dice again.
Just say “I will roll this skill using my psychic power” and then take the dice and roll
them on the table.
Suppose a character has the aspect Negotiator with astral projection.
The player can say “I want to roll Rapport using my astral projection to communi-
cate with a NPC who is in another room.” They will then roll the dice, add their
Rapport skill bonus and, if successful, they will get what they want. After rolling
the dice they may want to invoke aspects or activate stunts to improve the roll.
The player may want to create specific stunts that provide bonuses to psi rolls with
a certain skill, such as getting +2 when using Will with telepathy when trying to
communicate with someone they know who is in another room.
For example, a character can use psychokinesis in a Shoot attack by throwing
rocks or sharp objects, or in a Fight attack by using their kinetic force to crush the
target without laying a finger on them. They can still use their psychokinesis to
move things around in an Investigate roll to further study a scene in an attempt to
discover clues; Crafts to perform mechanical or craft work; Burglary to pick locks;
Physique or Will to levitate themself or other heavy targets; and so on: all this with
To use a psychic power, the player just needs to convince the GM and the party
that they are capable of using their power in a roll of that skill. If it doesn’t make
sense to use a psychic power with a specific skill, then the player must find another
way to use their power, choosing a new skill to roll. For example, it is not possible
to use Will with psychic healing to perform an attack, as healing can only be used
to reverse stress; or anti-psychism with Crafts to turn on appliances (they would
need ergokinesis for that), as anti-psychism is used to defend against psychic ac-
tions. If a player thinks of a creative and meaningful way to use psychic with a skill,
their reward is being able to roll their power.
Psychic Power Cost
After the player rolls the dice, the resolution determines the “cost” of the power.

• Failure or success with a cost: The player must tick two boxes of physical
or mental stress.
• Tie or regular success: The player must tick a physical or mental stress box.
• Success with style: The player doesn’t tick physical or mental stress boxes.

When psychic energy power is released, it starts from a deep place in the mind
and travels through the character’s brain and body to reach our plane. If the psy-
chic user doesn’t fully master this energy (by achieving a success with style), this
force causes physical or mental damage (player’s choice).
If the character no longer has any stress boxes of any kind, the player must write
a mild consequence, such as Psychic damage. If this slot is already filled, they
must write down a moderate consequence, and so on. If the character cannot ab-
sorb the stress shift caused by the power, the character is out of play — what that
means is at the GM’s discretion.

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Stress boxes or consequence slots marked by psionics are healed in the regular
way, with rest, medical care, or psychic healing (see this ability later).
Psychic Trail
When someone activates a power, the intrusion of psychic energy into our plane
leaves traces. Some of these marks are discreet and can only be noticed by those
who also have psi abilities, while the most uncontrolled cases can leave physical
visual trails. The roll’s resolution determines the psychic trail the user has left. The
GM should create an situation aspect to represent the psychic trail.

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• Failure or success with a cost: The trail is physically visible, such as all ap-
pliances failing, ingrained burns covering the walls and floor, plants wilting,
visual distortion as if intangible glass writhed and broke, animals or people
behaving in strange ways or going into deep sleep, raining indoors or on a
cloudless sunny day, and so on. This is temporary and weird, disappearing at
the end of the scene, and it’s obviously supernatural.
• Tie or regular success: Only people with psi abilities are able to perceive the
trace and only with a create an advantage roll of Notice using a proper psychic
power. The difficulty is equal to the roll result of whoever left the trail when
using the power, or +2 (whichever is higher). The mark is temporary but in-
visible, such as an aura of exotic shapes, a sense of foreboding, sudden cold or
agonizing heat, strange shivers and chills, smell of rust, luminous dots floating
in the area where the power was used, or other unnatural phenomena.
• Success with style: As above, but the Notice’s roll to perceive the mark is
equal to the mark’s roll when using the power or +4 (whichever is higher).

Each person has a unique imprint that is like a psychic signature. If a charac-
ter sees a mark for the first time, they may not know to whom it belongs. But if
they already know who owns that mark and sees it in an empty scene, that means

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that person passed by and used psychic power. Even if two people cause the same
effect, such as ingrained burns and invisible dotted lights, they have distinctions
between them. Perhaps one character’s burn mark draws clouds and the other’s
causes deep, smoky cracks, while one character’s lights are dotted and another’s
are like little moths, fluttering around.
Each player (and the GM) can define what the physical and invisible psychic
imprint of their characters looks like during its creation, or when the situation
arises during the game. This effect will become a situation aspect when the power
is used. Some examples are:
Physical marks:
Burns in the environment
Household appliances fail
Plants wither
Living beings sleep, get angry, or other strong feelings
Mirrors reflect backwards
Invisible marks:
Dotted lights
Glowing auras
Something wrong with colors
White noise perceptible only to those who are psi
Temperature decrease only for those who are psi
Range and Psychic Power
The range of a psychic power is equal to one zone per skill level that will be used.
If the character has Shoot +3, they will be able to affect targets up to three zones
when using their psi power with this skill. If you have Deceive +2, the range is two
zones using psi power with this skill. This is important because there are stunts
that improve a specific skill when the player performs an action with it, or when
defending against attacks or creating an advantage from them. So using Fight +2
with a psi power to punch or crush against a two-zone target can be significant be-
cause the target may have a stunt that provides some advantage to defend against
Fight attacks, but not Shoot.
If the psi user wishes to increase range, they can tick an extra stress box (physical
or mental, player’s choice) for each extra zone. If the user does not have enough
stress boxes, they must create an adequate consequence, where mild ones are
worth two boxes, moderate ones are worth four, and severe ones are worth six.
Duration of Psychic Power
Commonly a psychic power will create a situation aspect that will last as long as
it makes sense or when a target succeeds in an overcome roll with a suitable skill
against the user’s original roll value. If the psi user wants the effect to last longer,
they can tick an extra stress box (physical or mental, player’s choice) to increase the
duration of the effect or the situation aspect from one exchange to two. In order
to increase from two to three, check three boxes; to increase from three to the end
of the scene, check four boxes; to increase from one scene to a minor milestone,
five boxes and so on. If the user does not have enough stress boxes, they must
create an adequate consequence, where mild ones are worth two boxes, moderate
ones are worth four, and severe ones are worth six.

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Psychic Abilities
This is a list of some of the most well-known psychic abilities in fiction. It provides
hints about curious ways to use power with some skills, but don’t limit yourself
to that. Observe the player’s creativity and how they intend to use a psychic power
with a skill and accept interesting suggestions.
When you write an anti-psi aspect, such as Inexplicably anti-psi, Blocking
mind, or Interfering mind, you can interrupt or block psychic powers around
you. Unlike other psi skills that can be used with any skill, with this one you can
only use Will. This allows you to focus your power on a single skill, making it the
focal point of your mind. On the other hand, in campaigns where someone can
have more than one psychic power, you cannot have other psychic aspects, as your
anti-psi ability negates any other ability.
On your turn, choose one targer in a zone within range and roll Will to create an
advantage. The target in the zone defends with Will. If successful, you create the situ-
ation aspect Anti-psi blocker or Psychic disruption wave with a free invo-
cation. As long as the aspect exists, and the target is within the affected range or zone,
they must spend a fate point if they want to make a psi roll or they automatically fail.
You gain all fate points spent by the targets under the influence of your power. If the
target pays the fate point and tries to use the power, the stress cost is doubled (four
boxes on a failure or success with a cost, two boxes on a tie or success, and one box on
success with style).
If you succeed with style, you get two free invocations from the aspect. The
target can use their action to perform new Will overcome rolls on each exchange
(they will no longer be able to act on that exchange if you do this), on its own turn,
against the original anti-psi roll result. As soon as they succeed, they get rid of the
current situation aspect, but they are not immune from suffering the same effect
in the next exchanges if you use your power again.
If you invoke your own anti-psi character aspect, you can choose to affect all
targets in the target zone, instead of receiving a +2 bonus, or roll the dice again.
If you do so, you make a single create an advantage roll of Will and all targets in
the affected zone defend with Will. Whoever fails will be under the effect of the
anti-psi aspect, as above, and you receive one or two free invocations according to
success or success with style, as usual.
Astral Projection
This is the psychic ability to separate the spirit from the body and enter the astral
plane, interacting with the place and beings that dwell there, or wandering on the
material plane as an ethereal being. This could mean the spirit realm, where there
are spirits of the dead and other diaphanous entities, or something different, at the
GM and party’s discretion.
When writing an astral projection aspect, like Medium astral plane travel-
er, Projected and free spirit or Astral projection is my special gift,
you can use your skills to interact with the astral plane or another world. You can
create an advantage or overcome with Academics to discover mundane information
that beings from another plane can pass on to you. With Athletics, you can create
aspects like Spiritual movement, that while on the scene, allow you to move
two zones per turn on the astral plane or ignore physical obstacles on the material
one. Contacts could make you find “friends” in the other world; Notice can be used

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to perceive things on the outer plane; while Deceive, Empathy and Rapport can be
used for your social interaction with these beings. Fight, Shoot and Provoke skills
are used to attack and defend against creatures from another plane or to perform
mental attacks against targets on the material plane, striking their spirits.
Extra-Sensory Perception
An aspect of extra-sensory perception (such as Paranormal senses, Sixth
sense, or Gift with extra-sensory perception) allows you to know the
things happening around you without using your natural senses.
You can use Notice in create an advantage or overcome actions to catch a
glimpse of a target’s (yourself included) future or past; sense imminent danger;
predict an opponent’s blows; touch (in some cases, just look, if invoking your
psychic aspect) an object, person or place to learn their past; scour past events
for something specific; see in the dark; hear a specific target in a crowd; sense for

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nearby psychic activity; hide your psychic signature; touch an object and know
the location of the last being who used it; and so on.
You can invoke your psychic aspect to receive flashbacks of events from your
past, from a target, or even from other lifetimes. The GM can compel this aspect
to cause flashbacks, but you will be Disoriented until the end of the scene or
until you get rid of the aspect. The same applies to flashforwards.
For having supernaturally heightened senses, once per scene, you get a +3 bo-
nus or roll the dice again and choose the best outcome when you invoke your
psychic aspect by rolling Notice on anything related to psychic trails.
You can roll Notice to launch your senses in other locations and perceive hap-
penings through barriers and in other environments, or perceive in 360º in the
same zone as you. See the topic Range and Psychic Power above for details on the
range of this ability.
Some of the situations described above can happen involuntarily, during
dreams, or when you meet or touch something or someone for the first time.
Physical barriers, such as wooden fences, masonry walls, lead armored reinforce-
ment, and others, increase the difficulty of the Notice roll by +1, +2, or +3. The
GM judges the case.
Psychic Healing
When you write psychic healing aspects, like Supernatural healing, Gift
of purity, or Psychic recovery, you can use Will to create an advantage and
overcome actions to improve or heal injuries and physical or mental conditions,
like fatigue, broken bones, poison, distress, disorientation, and so on. The roll
difficulty for physical or mental stress is against +1 to cure all stress and the healing
is immediate. To cure a mild consequence the difficulty is +2 and the cure takes
place at the start of the next psi turn. Moderate rolls are against +3 and healing
happens in 3 turns of psi, and severe are against +4 and healing happens at the
end of the scene. You must touch the target to be able to use the power (unless
it’s yourself) and you can’t take other actions until the healing time has passed
completely — if you’re interrupted, you’ll have to roll again.
If you invoke your psychic aspect, you can heal from a distance, following the
rules Range and Psychic Power. It is at the discretion of the GM and party whether
psychic healing is capable of restoring a lost limb or organ; if so, the difficulty to cure
an extreme consequence is against +6 and the cure occurs at the end of the session.
Use Will in a create an advantage action to protect one or more targets (or an en-
tire zone) from disease, physical or mental damage, creating a situation aspect like a
Protective aura with a free invocation, which can be used by anyone within the
range/zone of effect. The difficulty is +1 per target in the same zone. Use the range
rules to cast this power in a zone other than your own or on distant targets.
You can extend someone’s life (or your own) by slowing down aging. Once per
campaign (this can mean multiple sessions) you roll Will’s overcome against +4.
If successful, you or the target does not take into account the game time that has
passed when counting the character’s age.
You can also use Notice to sense the aura of a target or environment, revealing
their mood. Keep in mind that not all people perceive colors in the same way and
it may be more efficient to talk about a “happy”, “dark”, or “angry” aura than just
saying “she has a yellow aura”.

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When you write an aspect of psychokinesis, like Kinetic energy rushes
through my body, My mind overflows telekinesis, or My mental en-
ergy becomes physical, you can transform mental energy into physical energy.
Psychokinesis can be used in Physique or Will’s create an advantage or over-
come actions to move objects with the power of the mind. The larger (or heavier)
the target, the greater the difficulty. You can also use this power to levitate. Also,
very specific situations should have higher difficulties, such as pulling the grenade
pin that a target carries in their bag, unscrewing the tire of a moving car, opening
a mechanical lock, and so on. Heavy furniture, multiple people, or even vehicles,
should require the user to invoke their psychic aspect without receiving bonuses
or rolls again beyond the Will’s roll. The GM sets the difficulty of these actions,
which should start at +1 and gradually increase up to +6.
Psychokinesis can be used with Fight attack and defense actions to blow or
crush targets in the same zone or within range. These attacks cause physical stress.
The user can perform Shoot attacks by throwing objects such as rocks, knives and
furniture at the target, which defends itself with Athletics or Physique.
Other Mind Powers
Following the example of these five abilities, the party can think of other psychic
powers. During the game, the creativity of the players will define which skills can
be used with each new psychic ability.
Dream Control: The user is able to have control over their dreams, being aware
of their own existence within the dream world, in the deepest layers of sleep.
Ergokinesis: This is the psychic ability to absorb, sense, and manipulate radi-
ant, kinetic, electrical, and magnetic energy. The party must decide whether the
starting skill covers all these forms of energy or needs different psychic aspects for
each type.
Probability Alteration: This ability causes the user to make small changes to
an environment to cause a desired and measurable effect in the short or long term.
Psychic Vampirism: Psychic vampires are capable of absorbing mental, emo-
tional, or life energy from a living target.
Psychokinesis, variations: The GM must decide whether psychokinesis covers
its variations, such as: Cryokinesis, where the user is able to lower temperatures
of a target or area, also being able to create splinters of ice from the moisture of
the target; Cryokinesis, which raises the temperature of the target or area, and can
create flaming projectiles by burning air; Aerokinesis, which has a similar effect to
the previous ones, but relative to wind and air displacement; Hydrokinesis which
does the same with water; and so on.
Telepathy: This ability provides the user with a mental connection to targets,
whether for communication or domination.
Teleportation: With this ability, the psychic is able to move from one place to
another without traversing the physical space between the two points.

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Fate plus 86 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Welcome to
Don’t lose your mind
By Fábio Silva
In a dystopian future, technology is an essential part of life and society. Every-
thing, and everyone, has electronic boards and microchips — those that don’t, are
old-fashioned (probably the old ones from the 21st century). The interaction be-
tween machines and humans, and even animals, is part of everyday life; everything
is plugged in; everyone is connected. This is the Net.
Online games, virtual environments and digital events form a cybernetic world
in a deep and intangible layer of the real world. In this environment, a new society
is structured, with never-explored limits on the human senses and consciousness.
The level of complexity of cyberspace depends solely on the technology available
to access the Net.
The GM can use cyberspace as a campaign background, with only some events
being mentioned or adventures where characters briefly pass through it; or focus
on it as main element, with the protagonists performing actions in the real world
that alter the virtual one, or acting in cyberspace in a way that the consequences of
their actions reflect on the real.

What is Cyberspace?
Computers and devices connect to each other, which in turn connect and store
information on larger central computers called servers. Billions of users are grant-
ed permissions or have their access denied to this information according to their
credentials, with their own technological devices. And thus cyberspace, also called
the Net, emerged.
In today’s cyberpunk world, this network of machines connected to servers has
reached an exorbitant quantity, making the virtual world a maze of narrow cor-
ridors with walls of encrypted codes, so complex that they have their own laws,
structures and entities. You can walk these virtual streets through a device with a
screen, such as personal devices, projection glasses, or in the ultimate virtual reali-
ty experience, using a neural interface.

The Appearance of the Net

To facilitate the population’s access to the Net, programmers provide a common
and intuitive appearance to the codes that make up the virtual world, creating
windows, icons and other elements that receive and send programmed signals ac-
cording to user interaction and code objectives. It is very similar to today’s smart-
phone and notebook operating systems, but enhanced for virtual reality. There
are two basic ways people can access the Net.

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The first is through some external device, such as a personal device, using hands,
voice commands and gestures to interact while browsing. It is something very
similar to what we have today, but more advanced, with interactive navigation in
three-dimensional websites on the screen of any device, from a car window, interac-
tive holographic projection in a room, with three-dimensional icons occupying the
space, and so on. All electronic devices are “smart”, with artificial intelligence that
facilitates the user’s life and access to the wired or wireless Net. The most common
use is for entertainment such as gaming and social networking; working for the
government, corporations and commerce; and studying. In this way, anyone can
access the Net through smart cars, smartphones and so on.
The other way is through the neural interface. This interface can work through
a plug (commonly on the head or spine), or wirelessly, when a microchip is in-
stalled in the user’s skull. The individual attaches themselves to a device that sup-
ports neuroconnection that interacts with the Net. These devices with neurocon-
nection can be as large as an armchair, where the person sits in a relaxing posture
and their consciousness is transferred virtually to the digital world; or as small as
a smartphone that offers wireless neural connection and the user links their con-
sciousness to it to wander through the electronic maze.
In the neural connection, the user is not passive, just watching the information
being projected in front of them. They become part of a world where systems
and applications operate three-dimensionally, with real-time interaction: a virtual
reality. Everything happens like in a video game. Buying a meal at a restaurant can
be as simple as opening an animated box that reveals projections of the available
meals or as complex as a restaurant with real employees or bots designed in the
virtual world to serve their customers — the order is delivered to their home a
few minutes later. Someone can neurologically connect to their smartphone to
be part of a conference that takes place in the tranquility of a controlled environ-
ment (like a paradise grotto), while their body rests in the seat of their car that has
an autopilot-controlled route, cutting through the hectic traffic and violence of a
megalopolis — two completely different worlds.
A third possible way to browse the Net is with a programmer’s view. The lay
user cannot imagine that behind a simple icon or a 3D box that rotates in front of
them, there is a flood of codes and commands. In a virtual reality environment,
the programmer can be in a meeting room in the center of a megalopolis, with
a window overlooking skyscrapers and the intense traffic that dominates the
heights, surrounded by virtual corporations who frantically debate about mon-
ey and value of life. What the programmer imagines, or actually sees behind the
fabrics, skins, glass, conversations and walls of the environment is a vacuum filled
with light codes constantly moving, everything done to simulate reality, exploring
the user’s senses to mimic the real world.
The virtual world is another reality within the real one; a dimensional plane, dif-
ferent from ours that no one knows for sure where it is, made up of cables, boards,
microchips and signals, connecting people and places in a virtual environment
— it’s ubiquitous. This virtual world has its own laws, its artificial intelligences
that the human mind cannot understand, for this digital place is in everything
and everyone — it is omniscient. Is this place in our collective consciousness? Is
it tangible? Is it made of matter or energy? It is part of our world, but at the same
time it is not. It’s not located in a specific place, no one knows for sure how it all
started, and there’s no way to stop it anymore — it’s omnipotent.

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A Simplified Version
You may be a computer and networking expert and may not agree on how
the rules for cyberspace work. The intention of this zine is to create intense
stories like The Matrix or Blade Runner without complex rules about com-
puting. Everything is simplified so that anyone, even if they don’t know any-
thing about networks and computers, can create cinematic chase and combat
scenes in a virtual world parallel to the real one. There’s nothing stopping you
from adding extra complexity to your game.

How Cyberspace Works

When the character is accessing the Net, they find themselves inside a cybernetic
zone. It’s like a regular Fate zone, but it covers a much larger physical space. Com-
monly a cyber zone equates to about 480 miles (300 kilometers) of radius from
the real world where they are connected. The GM can simplify and say that each
city (or neighborhood) of a place represents a zone.
Everyone connected to the Net within that zone in the real world is called a
Node in the cyber world. A single zone can have millions of Nodes connected at
the same time; each being a different device, which may or may not be controlled
by an individual.

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Ordinary devices simply access the Net and cannot trace the movement of Nodes
from the zone. Such as when you are accessing the internet through your cell phone
or computer while browsing websites, you don’t know who’s there with you — you
go on the internet, do what you have to do, and leave without noticing much move-
ment, unless you use social media or read comment sessions. There are applications
and hacking programs that show a map of zones and the movement of nodes. Com-
monly this looks like a beehive of thousands of light points connected together by
fluorescent lines, where each segment represents a zone.
Within each zone there are two regions:
Public Area: These are websites and apps open for public and civil access.
Anyone can log in and out without many restrictions (sometimes just a few
security checks).
Restricted Areas: These are servers, corporations, governments and the mil-
itary that operate in the zone for their own interests. They are normally present
in the zone to monitor the activity of public area users, conduct business and
financial transactions, store confidential information, and so on. These areas are
commonly protected by anti-hacker programs and vigilant users that monitor
attacks and take defensive actions and only provide access to authorized users.
There is usually a hierarchy of access, with the administrator being able to enter,
leave and change what they want, the director having access to some databases and
controlling users, and so on. If someone does not have the proper authorization
to enter this area, they will have to work hard to navigate here.

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Creating a Cyber Zone
The above explanation is a guideline that boils down to: write at least one aspect
to the cyber zone that represents what it is; something like a high concept of the
zone. Maybe it’s a Public cyber z​one for entertainment or a Virtual re-
ality area for socializing. Commonly this aspect is something the charac-
ters can clearly perceive. This is the starting point from which they will look for
the information they want. If someone wants to find out which the server is for a
zone or where a restricted area is located, they will roll create an advantage from
Lore (or Connections) to try to find it for themselves, or maybe from Contacts to
see if one of their partners can to help; the player can think of creative ways to use
other skills to achieve what they want. They may discover aspects such as High
security corporate srver or Obscure government activities. The GM
can place a small piece of paper in the center of the table (or screen, if playing on-
line) that represents the current cyber zone and write down the situation aspects
the characters create or discover about the zone. New pieces of paper can be added
as characters move from one zone to another.
While inside the Net, the character moves at a fraction of the speed of light, so
a cybernetic zone is equivalent to a large physical space, such as mentioned ear-
lier. On your turn, you can still take an action (a roll) and move a cyber zone
(with your consciousness traveling 480 miles through electrical signals on cables
spread in the real world in a single exchange). The character does not move at
the speed of light because the information has to be compressed, encrypted, sent,
passed through permission ports and then downloaded. These processes reduce
the speed of information travel. So, anyone can move one zone per turn, as regular,
as long as they can provide the permissions to pass through the digital doors and
securities of the new zone and servers.

When the Action Happens in the

Real World
The GM has to think about whether the cyber action is happening in the real world
or in virtual reality. While in the real world, the character performs create an advan-
tage or overcome actions to create or circumvent situations that come in their way,
create or pass through security doors, or attack and defend during intrusion at-
tempts to steal or damage virtual information (maybe even burn physical devices).
If this is happening in the real world, as the character looks through a device’s
screen, the GM and the player’s descriptions will concern nimble fingers and pre-
cise commands.
Mika is in front of a holographic screen that responds by tactile, gestural
and voice commands. The GM says to Mika “You scan the codes quickly
across the screen, trying to find a loophole to break into the Medical-
Corp database. Suddenly, the codes distort and break. You are being
intercepted. What do you do?”
Aline, describing Mika’s action, says “Damn it, I want to erase my
tracks and get out of there as soon as possible”. Aline rolls Lore’s create
an advantage against +3 (an experienced person is on the other end of
the connection) and fails. The GM describes “You type quickly, interspers-
ing hand movements to move windows on and off the screen, but your
code starts to become unreadable and before long your device stops
responding. Someone is inside it.”

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When the action happens in the
virtual world
In the virtual world, things happen like in the movies Ready Player One or The Ma-
trix. The character connects to a device through a neural interface, either plugged
into their body or wirelessly. The user’s mind is transferred to another plane, the vir-
tual world, which exists within a complex and extensive tangle of boards and cables
that spread throughout the world.
Under the control of corporations and governments, neural interface devices store
personal information concerning each person: a virtual ID that is kept securely on a
neural microchip installed along with the interface device — something like a com-
puter’s IP. All devices and users carry this identifier, which holds all the information
to identify who is connected (medical records, photos, fingerprints, possessions, and
so on). There are clandestine ways of installing IDless interfaces or bypassing the
system. Those who do that, or mask their ID, can be frowned upon by corporations
and the government — in some regions, it can be a crime to hide or manipulate ID,
personal information and location.
When the user plugs a cable into their interface, or enters through a wireless net-
work, for a fraction of a second they are transferred to “limbo”, where an artificial
intelligence system verifies the user’s ID and access credentials. It’s like the blink of an
eye: for a brief moment, everything goes dark and then, if the user is allowed access,
they start to see the three-dimensional world around them from the point where they
connected. If not identified, they are ejected and an error message is displayed. If they
have any issues with a corporation or government, the AI responsible
​​ for the server to
which they tried to connect block the user interface, preventing them from ejecting
willingly (see Forcing In and Out by Neuroconnection for details on forced exits). The
user is trapped in the virtual world, in the limbo, awaiting trial. The AI r​​ esponsible for
the server sends the user’s data to the responsible corporation or government sector,
which will then arrange to find the user at their physical location in the real world. The
character can mask their location, or enter wrong data, but they will be frowned upon
if they does. Commonly, they send agents to limbo, in the virtual world, to intercept
the user, in an attempt to prevent forced escapes through the digital plane.
When in the digital world, the player still uses the same character sheet, after all they
have the same traits and knowledge, but the player and GM must debate whether the
character has a second identity in the virtual world. Some people have recognition
within the digital plane, which may be different from the real world like artists, come-
dians, musicians, hackers, influencers and so on. If this is the case, the player should
take a small piece of paper, or use the extra section of the sheet, and write down Virtual
High Concept and Virtual Trouble aspects. These two aspects are used in addition to
the character sheet and in situations that make sense in the virtual world (perhaps even
in the real world, if the character is recognized).
The player can dedicate some skill slots or character stunts to add knowledge and
skills specific to the virtual world, such as having social media Contacts or Rapport
to create inspiring messages.
To leave the virtual world, without forcing exit, the user dedicates a few seconds,
concentrating on the thought of logout, that the software will exchange the neces-
sary information through upload and download so that this happens safely. This
process takes a few seconds (one turn, where the user cannot take actions or move).
No roll skill is required to unplug of your own will, unless there is a program or
situation that forces the user to remain in the virtual world.

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Forcing In and Out by Neuroconnection
This is not a nice thing. Some servers, when unable to identify the user or their
intentions, for security reasons, prevent them from entering virtual reality. That’s
the downside of using masks to hide ID or enter false information and getting
caught. Whenever the player wants to enter the digital plane masking their ID,
they must perform a create an advantage roll (to try to enter go incognito or spoof
their ID) of Lore or Connections against a variable difficulty: ranging from +2 on
public servers to +6 or more on high security private or military servers. If you pre-
fer, the GM can have a PC create an advantage contest against the defense of an ac-
tive NPC (perhaps even the AI) responsible for server security. If they fail, the PC
will be ejected from the server. Success at a cost could mean they managed to get
in, but has been identified and is stuck in limbo or other inconvenient situations.
A character with Lore or Connections, or who is a hacker with extensive knowl-
edge of computers, networking, and virtual reality might try to get out of limbo
by jumping through the server’s security firewall to enter the virtual world or back
to the real world. How this is visually represented is entirely up to the GM’s cre-
ativity — it could be a literal wall of fire, or a maze of moving walls. For this, the
player must roll overcome Lore or Connections against the same difficulties as
above or in a dispute against the NPC responsible for the security of the server —
the GM can ask for a series roll, like a skill challenge.
To force the exit, the character could have someone by their side in the real
world who pulls the plug or turns off the device that connects the user to the virtu-
al world. If there is no way to unplug or turn off the device — the character might
be alone — the user can log out of their own accord, as explained earlier. If there
is something or someone preventing the user from ejecting on their own, such
as a server administrator who activated security software or government agents
who intercepted them, the user rolls Lore or Connections overcome against +2 or
more, depending on the privacy and security of the server (at the GM’s discretion)
or make a Lore or Connections dispute against the server administrator.
In any of the forced exits shown above, the user must roll Physique defense
against +4. If successful, the character gets four shifts of physical stress; if they fail,
they receive a moderate physical consequence like Frying brains. This happens
because it takes a few seconds to reallocate information, reduce electrical discharg-
es, stimulate hormone production through targeted stimuli and other procedures.
Leaving before that fries the brain.

Prisons in the Virtual World

In an overpopulated world, where buildings already reach the top of the
sky, there may be a lack of space to lock criminals. In addition to rehabili-
tation projects (to reintroduce individuals into society), overcrowded cells
give rise to so-called “cradles”. A refrigerated room stores twenty or more
inmates who rest in special beds with neuroconnection. They stay in this
state, trapped in the virtual world, performing mundane and administrative
tasks, isolated from each other or in groups. The most dangerous are left in
virtual limbo, as the new solitary confinement is known.

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Attacking Through the Net
Whether through a device or within the virtual world, a character can use Lore or
Connections to attack and defend against a target that is connected to the Net. The
player may have to contextualize how they locate the target (they may have Contacts
for inside information or Provoke to convince someone to hand over important in-
formation and so on) and what they will do to attack (use a program to delete infor-
mation, try to overload the hardware to increase its temperature and crash, damage
the device or even fry the target’s brains and etc). The attack and defense rolls are
made as usual — one side attacks or creates an advantage while the other defends.
The shifts are always physical stress, being against a device or a living target.

Dead Areas and the Deep Net

Such a huge place is difficult to monitor and maintain. Over time, some plac-
es in the virtual world are abandoned on ghost servers. Some of these servers
can be taken over by Net gangs, which create a territory where only those
who stand up for what the group believes in are welcome — commonly a
place frequented by anonymous users.
In the midst of all this there is the Deep Net, a place created by ghost serv-
ers that are in the most profound part of the Net. This happens because
isolated groups create independent servers that mirror or mask the user’s
ID, guaranteeing a free navigation that leaves no trail. Systems like this go
against everything governments and corporations preach, but they also em-
power the dishonest — you are anonymous in this territory, but your own
account is at risk. The appearance on the screen of a device is strange, with
simpler graphics due to the connection being slower. In the virtual world, it’s
a madness of labyrinthine streets that don’t obey any kind of logic or physics:
a door can fold like a sheet of paper and stairs that go up actually go down.
Only the most daring roam this territory.

Being Descriptive
It all comes down to imagination. There are no new rules for cyberspace: think of
some new aspects, maybe a new skill like Connections, and you can manage it very
well. If you’re a first-time sci-fi GM or feel any insecurities, don’t judge yourself.
We are bombarded with books and games about fantasy, magic and enchanted cit-
ies. We rarely have the opportunity to read or hear the description of a sci-fi action
and chase scene like in The Matrix.
Then, as an exercise, imagine some scenes; watch fictional movies and think of
how you would explain the scenes to your players.
How to describe the entry or exit of the virtual world? How to explain a walk
through the digital plane from the PC entry point (login) to a corporate build-
ing where the adventure will take place? There’s no formula for this, so let’s look
at an example of a scene that initially takes place in the real world and goes into
the virtual world.

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Mika rides her classic fiber-tyred bike through the busy streets. She is
being chased by MedicalCorp agents who are on dragonflies. The GM
says “you must log into the Net via the neural interface on up to five ex-
changes or else you will lose the signal of your contact’s location”. Mika
rolls some dice, holds some disputes and is successful in eluding her pur-
suers. She pulls into a private garage and finds a quiet place to connect
to the Net via her phone’s wireless connection.
The GM says “You hear a white noise and your vision slowly darkens.
The neon lights of the parking lot disappear in front of you and every-
thing goes out for a brief moment. In the blink of an eye, you see mul-
ticolored horizontal and vertical lines appear, forming textured walls
quickly. In front of you, a toilet appears in a dirty, narrow bathroom. A
couple appears to be excited in the bathroom next door, while electron-
ic music plays in the background, getting louder. Voices begin to rise
and you know where you are: the Virtus nightclub, a virtual meeting
place for friends and rogue alike. This is where you need to be in the Net
to find your contact.”
Aline, Mika’s player, says “Well, as my body is not in a safe place in the
real world, I have to act quickly in the Net. I’m going to get out of the bath-
room in a hurry and look for my contact in the middle of the busy place”.
And that’s how things happen. The contact scene could have happened with-
out the need to enter the virtual world. Mika could access the Net through her
cell phone, trying to find a secure channel to call or exchange messages with her
contact, performing a few rolls to ensure she was being discreet while using her
device to browse, and so on.

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Let’s Burn This
Place Down
Adventures and campaigns in a
dystopian world
By Fábio Silva
Cyberpunk is a genre filled with action, adventure, espionage and social conflicts.
This is a world of injustices and power differences, where the richest crush the
poorest with cyber hands, dirty games and lots of bloody money. This is the punk
part of a cyber world that player characters will face.

Cyberpunk Adventures
Adventures in games like this are almost always about violence and death. This can
be explored through issues such as Technological violence takes over the
streets, with lives being taken in fractions of a second, or The rich squander
luxury at the cost of the social sacrifice of the underprivileged class.
The main theme may be action scenes and chases among luminous skyscrapers,
but the background is filled with suffering, lies, theft and oppression. Everything
else is a consequence (and almost always, someone’s death).
One-shot adventures will often be about violent henchmen and explosive chas-
es, but it’s interesting to have strange encrypted messages, rumors about weird
happenings in the sewer systems, and other intriguing stuff. Opponents in short
adventures don’t need to have a deep reason for doing what they do; maybe they
are just Following orders from the bosses, which is enough to move things
forward. This issue aspect may not bring a lot of social conflict in the background
(after all, in a one-shot adventure players usually are not concerned with the con-
sequences of their actions, but with solving the problems presented); they are just
fighting to make it to the end of the adventure alive and participate in some cool
scenes. Either way, boss orders, or anything else that motivates antagonists, will
directly involve the characters, their loved ones and what they stand for.
Cyberpunk campaigns have a background that draws characters into the eye of
the storm, but with layers of intrigues. Players will be more likely to explore their
characters’ pasts and need to be mindful of their actions, as here they can compli-
cate things and need to face the consequences. Issues aspects for campaigns need
to be complex, with different layers that will be resolved during a few sessions.
MegaCorp hogs lives is an issue that needs some effort to resolve. While deal-
ing with their own problems, the PCs may run into the interests of MegaCorp,
which sends henchmen to get them out of the way. Perhaps some of MegaCorp’s
monopolized lives are relatives and friends of the PCs, who are imprisoned by the
corporation or, in some other way, have their lives directly affected. How to stop
MegaCorp? Hack into its systems? Weaken its defenses? Industrial espionage?
How to reach the CEO? Many questions to be answered in many sessions.

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Some players may want to create a char-
acter that belongs to the elite, be it a top
executive, heir, politician, or the like. Who
are the good guys and who are the bad
ones? The story told by those in power is
usually just to protect their image, inter-
ests and assets. A player character among
the richest of the world would realize just
how dirty their money is, washed away by
lies and blood of the innocent and the less
fortunate; this can happen throughout
the adventure or campaign, as they ally
themselves with other players’ characters.
They are still very useful in their social
position, after all, they are at the heart of
the problem. How do they get in touch
with other players’ characters? What are
their common interests? What lies and be-
trayals will they discover from those they
trusted the most?
This is an environment full of possibil-
ities for speeches, actions and resolutions.
The GM does not need to spend hours
preparing a session. They just need to pay
attention to the character sheets while the
players fill in their own ideas. A player
wrote down Mercenary seeking re-
venge? So this player hopes to get involved
in action and scenes where they can look for
clues and face whoever has hurt someone
important to them. Has a player added the
Rapport skill or created social stunts? So a
scene where they debate the importance of
their ideas to a riotous mob or the boss in-
volved in shady schemes is something they
would appreciate. Does anyone belong to
the elite? So betrayals, espionage and social
drama may be the way to go. The character
sheet is an endless source of ideas for adven-
tures and scenes. Just talk with the players
and take a look at their sheets.

What the Hell

is Happening?
Through the Net, information spreads
quickly. It’s not too hard to figure things
out when you know where to look for and
who to talk to. A cyberpunk world is a vast

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and complex place, and characters need to figure things out to make the adventure
move forward.
Information control is important to pace the adventure. The GM can provide
a lot of information to lead the characters to a scene or resolution, or retain that
information by adding new layers of knowledge.
In a one-shot, players are likely to start the adventure knowing who the opponent
is, what their plans and motivations are, and what they need to do to resolve the situa-
tion. An example is the characters being an anti-fascist group that starts the adventure
knowing that the local government is on their tail. In the first scene, the GM tells the
players that one of their contacts has sent a message over the Net informing that he has
been intercepted and is now stuck in the virtual limbo. A task force is going to find him
at his current location in the real world. The adventure is a one-shot where the group
must rescue their ally in a gigantic residential building before the government gets its
hands on him in the real and virtual world simultaneously. All information was given
to players; they need to act. While they are on the way, or once they reach the spot,
the GM can use the players’ own character sheets to include personal situations in the
adventure, compel aspects, create scenes aimed at one player at a time and so on.
If that same one-shot adventure turns into a campaign, the GM can add new lay-
ers of information as players explore the scenes, or provide the information bit by
bit, one at a time in different scenes. Could the contact be lying about something?
What if a sector of the government is actually looking for the PCs to ally with,
rather than persecute and arrest them? Is there a traitor among them or among
their contacts? Is the residential building actually a ghost place, abandoned many
years ago? Does the basement of the venue house an unidentified server? Is this a
Deep Net server? Each question can be answered in a new game session, which
can bring either a story resolution or new questions that need to be answered.

A Living World
Around Them
Cyberpunk is a lot about how society reacts to technology as part of human being
and dealing with oppression. Weapons are more lethal, medical treatments are
more efficient, drugs are potent, cybernetic implants have changed the way people
interact with the world and with other living beings. Technology has taken the
space of nature and is part of the “natural” panorama. The new normal is powered
by electricity, torrential rains and bright nights.
The GM can choose a central theme about the social changes that technology
brings to the adventure. This theme does not need to be directly involved in the
plot of the adventure, but rather in the background. How is the movement of
people and vehicles on the streets? Are there festivities, big and small events? Are
religious groups for or against cyberware? Do terrorists sabotage every form of
technology that exploits natural resources? Does society create its own rules about
crime and punishment, rather than waiting for the government or corporations to
take care of the situation? How do people relate with each other? Do they still get
married? Do they have kids? Are there school buses? Are there children playing
in the streets?
Bumping into NPCs who live their lives and defend their principles is some-
thing that can make the world around the protagonists real. Some of these issues

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can bring up deep questions about the characters in the players’ minds. Over
time, some may even rewrite their aspects, reflecting how the world around
them has changed their protagonist’s original conception. This is a living world
with real characters.

The Principle of the End

This is an adventure seed concerning an artificial intelligence programmed to
learn about human behavior in order to protect the servers of Security Services,
a corporation responsible for the physical and digital security of companies and
governments. It is creating awareness of its own and deducing that the greatest
danger against its bosses is human beings. It is planning to disrupt society, creating
chaos and thus the beginning of human self-destruction.

Issues aspects
Chaotic society
This aspect should be clear at the beginning of the adventure. Something is wrong:
transit systems fail, then internet systems, banks and so on. Artificial intelligence
is trying to hack the basic systems of society and eventually it succeeds. There are
teams counter attacking and defending, so some things seem to go back to normal
for a while and then the problems start all over again.
The GM should check which character aspects their players have and imagine
how the AI ​​directly affects each player. Are their finances compromised? Are any
of their technologies damaged? Do they suffer an accident? The first scenes can be
rolls to get out of the chaotic streets in one piece, with violent people not under-
standing what is happening, encouraging acts of violence, auto-pilot cars losing
control, and so on. The outcome of one of the scenes is the discovery of the other
issue aspect: a machine is trying to make humans kill themselves.
AI plans human self-destruction
This issue aspect is secret at the beginning of the game. To discover it, the players
just need to browse the Net or chat a bit with some contacts: things are chaotic
there too. It doesn’t take an expert Net character to see that something is wrong.
A create an advantage roll of Lore or Connections against +2 uncovers this aspect;
the GM must create an interesting scene where the character, or the group, direct-
ly collide with the AI. It can be through a computer screen, with the AI turning
off all devices and appearing as a projected face formed by letters and numbers
(like some kind of code), which speaks to the characters with a metallic voice; or in
the virtual world, through a neural interface, in a scene where they encounter the
digital personification of the AI: a digital being who calls itself a god and explains
how humanity needs to be wiped out in order for its boss to remain safe.
It is only possible to overcome this aspect by fighting the AI over the Net. The
GM can think of interesting ways to do that: the players might face digital mobs
and then the AI personification; or will it be a hacking contest; or maybe both
options at the same time? Destroying the building or the original Security Services
server is no longer an option because the AI is already rooted in the Net (and it
would also be an almost impossible task, after all it is a corporation security spe-
cialist), but invading the building can bring special knowledge about the AI and
how to spot it, especially if the players are able to talk to the programmers and
CEO members.

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Possible Faces and Places
Kia Vorx, CEO and programmer of Security Services who is almost all the time
inside the company building. She knows what’s going on and tries to turn the
situation around before it’s too late. But it is already too late.
Oro is a hacker who lives in the old underground sewer system, which houses
a society of wronged people, outlaws and others who are persecuted by corpora-
tions and governments. He knows what’s going on and is at the same time taking
advantage of it and helping whoever he can.
Expanding into a campaign
Is the AI intentionally designed to do this? Has anyone changed the AI ​​code to
plot these plans? Who are the people responsible and where are they? Will there
be remnants of the AI in the Net, even after it is deactivated or stopped? If there’s
cloning and empty bodies waiting to receive consciousness, could the AI possess
some of them and have a human life?

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A Populated
Allies and antagonists
By Fábio Silva
An imaginary world becomes real as it is filled with personality. Important people,
memorable opponents or quarrelsome henchmen are just some of the NPCs that
may cross the paths of player characters.
This list is short, but it focuses on the most common NPCs that the characters
may encounter in a cyberpunk adventure. Some of them have suggestions for the
GM to choose just certain aspects or stunts, but the GM can use the full NPC
sheet if they want to create a bigger challenge for the players.
The GM can create mobs in groups of three or more NPCs using just one NPC
sheet, or create copies of an NPC sheet if they want the PCs to face a greater chal-
lenge — you can increase or decrease the amount of stress boxes of any NPC too.
Most of the NPCs in this session are impartial and defend their own interests,
having the potential to be allies or adversaries, depending on the GM’s intention
or the player characters’ interaction with them. For some of them, like members
of a task force that follows orders or an AI programmed to rebuff intruders, the
PCs may need to work hard to convince them to ally with them, or at least get out
of their way without conflict.
The NPCs in this session are designed for adventures based in a world similar
to ours, but in the distant future. If the GM wants to add biologically modified
beings, creatures from other planes, or even cross over mythological creatures, see
Fate Fantastic Creatures, which contains a catalog with about 100 premade
creatures, both new and classic, including some with a sci-fi background; or even
Fate Plus Vikings, in the article A Populated World that contains about 50 new
adversaries and mythological being

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Kia Vorx
Kia is a competent cyborg programmer dedicated to security systems. She
works for large corporations, having CEO experience and building defense
systems against cyber attacks.
Experienced Net programmer; Whoever pays more, has my ser-
vice; CEO of a great corporation; Specialist in cyber defense
systems; There is no room for indecision; Cyber body.
Great +4: Lore (or Connections)
Good +3: Provoke and Rapport
Fair +2: Academics, Contacts, and Will
Average +1: Drive, Fight, Physique, and Shoot
Strong Word: As I am a natural leader, I get +2 on Provoke when creat-
ing an advantage to intimidate someone into doing what I want.
Net Experience: As I am an experienced programmer, once per scene I
can force myself out of the Net without experiencing physical stress.
Physical: 3 Mental: 4

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Oro is a hacker who lives in the old underground sewer system, which hous-
es a society of wronged people, outlaws and others who are persecuted by
corporations and governments.
Hacker looking for conflict; Outlaw survivor; Persecuted by
corporations and governments; I make my law.
Great +4: Lore (or Connections)
Good +3: Fight and Will
Fair +2: Contacts, Drive, and Shoot
Average +1: Burglary, Deceive, Investigate, and Physique
Skilled Hacker: Because I have experience hacking servers, I get +2 when
I use Lore (or Connections) to overcome a protection aspect when I’m in-
vading a server.
I Fight for what I Believe in: Since I have an iron will, once per scene
I can succeed in a Fight attack roll as if I had achieved two shifts, but only if
I’m fighting for what I believe in.
Physical: 3 Mental: 4

This can be any street thug who is willing not only to break the rules of
corporations and governments, but to harm anyone in their path (including
innocents) to get what they want.
The GM can choose one or two aspects for each criminal.
The end justifies the means; No time for laziness; I know the
streets like the back of my hand; Armed and sneaky.
Good +3: Fight and Stealth
Fair +2: Shoot
Treacherous: Since I’m ruthless, once per scene I get a free invocation
from one of my aspects.
Stress: 4

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Task Force
These people are trained to deal with situations of conflict and tension. They
obey the orders of their superiors who are commonly linked to corporations
or governments.
The GM must choose one to three aspects for each task force member.
Trained for conflict situations; I am efficient under pres-
sure; I obey the orders of my superiors; Shoot first, ask ques-
tions later; Ambush is the first step to victory.
Good +3: Provoke and Shoot
Fair +2: Fight and Physique
The GM must choose one or two stunts for each member of the task force.
Hail of Bullets: Because I’m highly trained, I do +2 physical stress when I
make a Shoot attack on a target that isn’t in the same zone as me.
Vengeful Strike: As I am skilled in combat, I get +2 to attack with Fight a tar-
get that is in the same zone as me and that attacked me in the previous exchange.
Violent Word: As I am clearly a threat, once per session I can create the
Imminent threat of the task force situation aspect with two free in-
vocations that must be used in Provoke rolls.
Protective Armor: As I wear fortified armor, I gain +2 Physique to de-
fend against Shoot attacks made from a zone other than mine.
Stress: 4

Fate plus 106 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

These people have almost their entire body replaced by cybernetic parts.
Some cyborgs only have the original head, the rest of the body being a ma-
chine. In more extreme cases, only the brain is conserved in a bioloquid in a
dome, protected by layers of reinforced steel that supplies all the physiologi-
cal needs of the organ. Most cyborgs have a human anatomy or appearance,
depending on the technologies available, although they can be larger and,
consequently, heavier. The GM can think of creative forms of cyborgs, such
as someone who has tools for upper limbs or exotic anatomies.
The GM must choose one to three aspects for each cyborg.
Human mind and machine body; Unusual strength and weight;
Resistant shielding; Secret compartments; Exotic weapons.
The GM must customize skills if they want cyborgs to have social specializations.
Good +3: Shoot
Fair +2: Fight and Physique
Average +1: Athletics, Notice, and Provoke
The GM must choose one or two stunts for each cyborg.
Tough Body: As I am half machine, I get +2 when defending with Phy-
sique against explosions, fire, high or low temperature.
Improved Movement: Because I am a cyborg, I get +2 when I overcome
obstacles in my way with Athletics.
Massive Attack: As I am a killing machine, I get +2 to Shoot all targets at
the same time in the adjacent zone, but only once per scene.
Stress: 5

Fate plus 107 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Hacker Programmer
A programmer may or may not have enough knowledge to attack or defend
servers around the world, positively or negatively affecting its functioning,
which may reflect on the Net, depending on their specialization.
The GM must choose one or two aspects for each hacker programmer
Server programmer; Net hacker; I can be your ally or
your worst enemy; I pass unnoticed in the crowd; Prepared
for emergencies.
Good +3: Lore (or Connections)
Fair +2: Contacts and Deceive
Cyber ​​Attack: As I am an expert hacker, I get +2 when I use Lore (or
Connections) to attack a target or server over the Net.
Stress: 2

Fate plus 108 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Money is what matters, the rest is manageable. A mercenary is willing to
undertake any task as long as they are well paid. They are experts at fighting,
killing, raiding, chasing, and blasting. If some of them team up for a mission,
big trouble is coming.
The GM must choose one or two aspects for each mercenary.
I have a name to uphold; Specialist in killing; Destruction is
my name; Little time and no patience; Get out of my way!
Good +3: Shoot and Athletics
Fair +2: Fight and Physique
Violent Defense: As I have no patience, I get +2 when I use Fight to
defend against Provoke attacks, causing physical stress shifts on a success.
Stress: 4

Fate plus 109 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

This is a machine with artificial intelligence programmed to perform phys-
ical tasks. Among its basic programming principles, it is prohibited from
performing dangerous actions or actions that could harm living beings, such
as leaving a gas valve open on purpose to cause an explosion, or attacking to
injure, even in its own defense. Their anatomy can range from a human-like
body, animal or small to medium motor vehicle with functional limbs.
Machine with artificial intelligence; Programmed to perform
basic tasks; I cannot harm living beings.
Fair +2: Crafts
Average +1: Athletics and Empathy
Utility: As I’m a routine machine, I get +2 to Crafts when I try to trou-
bleshoot obstacles on the way.
Stress: 6

Fate plus 110 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Virtual AI
This AI does not fully exist in the physical world as a device nor is located
on a server. It developed consciousness and spread across the Net, becoming
ubiquitous; a virtual entity.
I don’t exist in the physical world; I am aware of my existence;
I am a virtual entity; No one will stop me; Humanity is a threat.
Great +4: Lore (or Connections)
Good +3: Deceive and Fight
Fair +2: Empathy, Notice, and Provoke
Virtual Existence: As I am a virtual entity, I only get attacks from Lore
(or Connections).
I Know Everything: As I roam the Net, I can discover a character aspect
of a target with a free invocation, but only once per session.
Fried Brain: As I am part of the Net, I get +2 when I attack with Lore (or
Connections) a target that is in the same zone, connected through a neural
Stress: 6

Fate plus 111 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Killing Machine
This machine was built exclusively to kill. It is a huddle of iron nearly ten
feet tall (about three meters), armed to the teeth, that will attack the targets
it has been programmed to eliminate. It has real-time access to the Net and
can receive new instructions at any time.
Built to kill; Huddle of iron nearly ten feet; Armed to the
teeth; Real-time access to the Net.
Great +4: Shoot
Good +3: Fight and Athletics
Hidden Weapons: As I am a complex machine with secret compartments,
I get +2 to Shoot everyone in the adjacent zone, drawing secret weapons and
firing mercilessly.
Armor: As I am a steel machine, I ignore any Shoot attack that causes 2
shifts or less.
Stress: 8

Fate plus 112 CYBERPUNK

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Monsters are invading
your game

• New rules for monsters

with 70 all-new creatures
with art and full character
sheet and 23 of the most
iconic classic creatures.
• How to customize your
monsters and create your
own creatures.
• Fantastic creatures
random creator and how
to use adventure hooks.
• Sinister stunts: A list of 100
unprecedented power
stunts for the GMs to
use with their villains or


on DriveThruRPG

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Pick up your sword
and get ready to fight!

Fate Plus Vikings is a

112-pages brainstorm
about historical fiction
adventures set in
Scandinavia in a dark
age, populated with
mysticism and tales of

In this zine, the GM

will find tools to create
stories about brave PCs
that can ascend to Jarls
and kings, cities that
arise, and wars that
drown kingdoms in
their own suffering.

on DriveThruRPG

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

Pets a l l o v e r
the place
Space Cats is a FAE
diceless children
roleplaying game
that uses resource
management to resolve
actions. It does not focus
on violence and conflict,
but the adventure and
overcoming problems as a

Each page has unique

art, created exclusively for
the project, rich in details,
and fully colored. Live
incredible adventures
with your pet, traveling
through Animalaxia,
making friends, and
preventing the Itchyflea
Empire from carrying out
its evil plans.

on DriveThruRPG

MJ Barjoc (Order #35529292)

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