MGKVP Sessertation

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National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)
Singrauli , UP
Dissertation Submitted as part fulfillment of the
Master Degree in M.A. IRPM
Session: 2022-23

Under the Guidance of : Submitted by:

Dr. Sanjay Singh Abhishek Kumar Singh

Assistant Professor M.A (I.R.P.M)
Department of Social Work Roll No – 100649001
M.G.K.V.P Varanasi (U.P)
Dr. Sanjay Singh Department of Social Work
Assistant Professor Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith
Varanasi - 221005


I feel pleasure in forwarding the dissertation entitled to Study of "Employee

Welfare & Working Condition of Organized Labour in NTPC
SINGRAULI" Submitted by Mr.Abhishek Kumar Singh for the Dissertation
Submitted as part fulfillment of the Master Degree in M.A. IRPM from
Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi.
I certify that Mr.Abhishek Kumar Singh has carried out the
dissertation work under my Direct Supervision and guidance.
Date: -

Dr. Sanjay Singh
Assistant Professor
Department of Social Work
Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith
Varanasi - 221002
The successful completion of Project Report require efforts
of several intellectual minds. Working with NTPC Singrauli has
been a great learning experience for which I would like to extend
my sincere and heartfelt obligation towards all the personages who
have helped me in this endeavor.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my Project

guide, MR. SANJAY SINGH Assistant Professor Department
of Social Work Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith Varanasi
for providing me his valuable guidance and useful suggestions,
which helped me in completing the Project on time. Also instead
of his busy schedule, always guided me in the right direction to
move ahead and also helped me to understand different concept.

Finally, I thank all those who have helped me in the

success of my dissertation Project. They have added a lot to
my knowledge.

Thanking You


declare that I am a regular student of M.A. IRPM. (IV th
Semester) for the session 2022-23 in Dept. of Social
Work, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi.

I have carried out the study on ' Employee Welfare &

Working Condition of Organized Labour In
Singrauli , U.P ' To the best of knowledge this work is
original collection in this field.


M.A. IRPM. (IV th Semester)
Date : Department of Social Work
Place : VARANASI Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith
In spite of theoretical knowledge gained through classroom study, a
person’sknowledge is incomplete if not subjected to practical exposure of real
corporate world and the challenges and problems that one has to face at the
actual workplace. In this context the study has been taken to make
the person aware of happening of the real business world. The project entitled.
' Employee Welfare & Working Condition of Organized Labour
In Singrauli , U.P ' with the special reference to NTPC has been done in
SONEBHADRA as a summer training part of M.A(I.R.P.M) program and it
helped me in understanding about the policies and procedures of a company
and how these should be formulated together so that they solve the real
purpose. It also gives me a chance to have an interaction with people at real
whoare working at different positions with different authorities andresponsibil
ities. The study was made to formulate a manual by collecting relevant
information about the contents with the help of questionnaire survey and face
to face interaction with HR MANAGERS & HR OFFICERS as well as the
valuable information & suggestion provided by the members of NTPC itself
(people from different departments). Secondary data was
collectedfrom the other manuals provided by HR department & website of the
company and other. The final outcome of the study is various aspects
of employee engagement, which will help them in knowing how they can
engage their employee in a better way and can satisfy.


Employee Retention & Welfare are two important parameters of this
research study.
Employee retention is a process in which the employees are
encouraged to remain with the organization for the maximum period
or until the completion of the project. Employee retention is beneficial for
the organization as well as the employee. E m p l o y e e s   t o d a y   a r e
different. They are not the ones who don’t have good
opportunities in hand. As soon as they feel dissatisfied with the
current employer or the job, they switch over to the next job. It is
the responsibility of the employer to r e t a i n   t h e i r   b e s t
employees.Employees comprise the most vital assets of th
e company. In a workplace where employees are not able to use their full
potential and not heard and valued, they are likely to leave because of
stress and frustration. In at r a n s p a r e n t   e n v i r o n m e n t   w h i l e
e m p l o y e e s   g e t   a   s e n s e   o f   a c h i e v e m e n t   a n d  belongingn
ess from a healthy work environment, the company is benefited with a
stronger, reliable workforce harboring bright new ideas for its growth.
Employee turnover is one of the largest though widely unknown costs an
organization faces. The expenditure on recruitment & training in case of
filling up for an employee who has resigned adds up as extra costs for the
organization. Moreover, the productivity loss for the period when the position
was vacant is also considerable.
Employee turnover costs companies 30 to 50% of the annual salary of
entry-level employees, 150% of middle-level employees, and up to 400%
for upper level, specialized employees.
Any method of controlling attrition/turnover or increasing retention should be
based on a good understanding of the factors leading to attrition. The factors
may sometimes be very simple and could be revealed by an examination of
the statistical data.

From this list we can clearly see that all the major plant locations are in
outskirts of city which is on an average 30-40km away from city. Hence there
are no f a c i l i t i e s a v a i l a b l e i n t h a t a r e a s o t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y of a r r a n g i n g
a l l f a c i l i t i e s l i k e accommodation, hospital, education facilities, recreation facilities
etc. is on company. To make employees work in such a locationthe
companymust provide all facilities in addition to lucrative packages. Attrition rate and

Retention rate o f e m p l o y e e s i s g r e a t l y a f f e c t e d b y t h e k i n d of k i n d o f
f a c i l i t i e s p r o v i d e d i n township.
Hence seeing importance of welfare facilities in controlling attr
i t i o n   r a t e   a n d maximizing employee retention of company my research
was focused on to measure employee satisfaction with facilities provided in the
township and find the loopholes between
facilities provided and expected by employees and to provide suggestion tof i l l
those loopholes and to increase employee satisfaction to suggest measu
r e s   t o overcome the loopholes.

 To know the effectiveness of welfare facilities provided in township.

 To study the satisfaction level of employees with respect to their

w e l f a r e i n  NTPC S i n g r a u l i .

 To find the loopholes between facilities provided and expected by employees.

 To provide suggestions to fill those loopholes and to increa
s e   e m p l o y e e satisfaction.

Electricity sector inIndia

ional electric grid in India has an installed capacity of
399.467GW as of 31 March 2022.Duringthe fiscal year (FY)
2019–20, the gross electricity generated by utilities in India
was 1,383.5 TWh.Thegross electricity consumption in
FY2019was 1,208kWh per capita.Theper capita
espite Indiahavingalowelectricitytariff.

India has a surplus power generation capacity but lacks

adequate fuel supply, transmission and distribution
infrastructure. The average plant
mof 85%.India's electricity sector is dominated by fossil
fuels, in particular coal,whichproducedaboutthree-

ntin April 2022as compared to April 2021and growth of
2.25per cent as compared to March2022.
Total power generation has also increased in April 2022to
1,36,565MU from 1,33,584MU in March 2022.
The Company – An Overview
NTPC Limited is the largest
power generating company
of India. A public sector
company, it
was incorporated on 7
Nov.1975 to accelerate power develop
ment in the country as a whollyowned
company of the Government of
India. At present, Government of India holds 89.5% of the total equity
shares of the company and the balance 10.5% is held by FIIs,
Domestic Banks, Public and others. Within a span of 32 years, NTPC
has emerged as a truly national power company, with power
generating facilities in all the major regions
of thecountry. NTPC is emerging as a diversified power major with presence i
n the entire valuechain of the power generation business. Apart from
power generation, which is the m a i n
stay of the company, NTPC has already ventured into cons
u l t a n c y ,   p o w e r   trading, ash utilization and coal mining.
NTPC ranked 317 thin the 2009, Forbes Global 2000’ ranking of the World’s
biggest companies.The total installed capacity of the company is
31’704MW {including JVs} with 15coal based and 7 gas based stations,
located across the country. In addition under JVs,3 stations are coal based and
another station uses naphtha / LNG as fuel. By 2017, the power generation
portfolio is expected to have a diversifiedfuel mix with coal based
capacity of 53000 MW, 10000 MW through gas, 9000 Through
Hydrogeneration, about 2000 MW from nuclear sources and around
1000MW from Renewable Energy Sources
(RES)N T P C   h a s   a d o p t e d   a   m u l t i p r o n g e d   g r o w t h   s t r a t e g y   w h
i c h   i n c l u d e s   c a p a c i t y addition through green field project,
expansion of existing stations, joint ventures, subsidiaries and takeover
stations. NTPC has been operating its plants at high efficiency levels. Althoug
h the companyh a s   1 7 . 7 5 %   o f   t h e   t o t a l   n a t i o n a l   c a p a c i t y ,   i t   c o
n t r i b u t e s   2 7 . 4 0 %   o f   t o t a l   p o w e r   generation due to its focus on high
efficiency. In October 2004, NTPC launched its Initial Public Offering (IPO)
consisting of 5.25%as fresh issue and 5.25% as offer for sale by Government
of India. NTPC thus became a listed company in November 2004 with the
Government holding 89.5% of the equity share capital. In February 2010, the
Shareholding of Government of India was reduced from 89.5% to 84.5%
through Further Public Offer. The rest is held by Institutional Investors
and the Public.

At NTPC, People before Plant Load Factor is the mantra that guides
all HR
related policies. NTPC has been awarded No.1, Best Workplace in India amo
ng largeo r g a n i z a t i o n s a n d t h e b e s t P S U f o r t h e y e a r 2 0 1 0 ,
by the Great Places to
W o r k   Institute, India
Chapter in collaboration with
The Economic Times.
India’s largest power company, NTPC was set up in 
1 9 8 2   t o   a c c e l e r a t e   p o w e r   development in India
 NTPC has already ventured into consultancy, power trading, ash utilization
and coalmining.

 NTPC ranked 317thin the ‘2009, Forbes Global 2000’ ranking of the
World’s biggest companies.

 NTPC is having 05 subsidiaries.
1.NTPC VidutVapar Nigam Ltd 100%
2.NTPC Hydro Ltd 100%.
3.NTPC Electric Supply Co. Ltd 100%.
4.Kanti Bijlee Utpadan Nigam Ltd 51%.
5.Bhartiya Railbejlee Company Ltd. 74%
sector undertaking which is engaged in generation of
electricity and allied activities.The headquarter sof the
company is situated at NewDelhi. NTPC' score function is
the generation and distribution of electricity to State
Electricity Boards in India. It is the largest power company
in India with an electric power generating capacity of
67,907MW.Although the company has approx. 16% of the
total national capacity, it contributes to over 25% of total

Global 2000for 2016.

0list byForbes.NTPC has been bestowed with the ‘India’s
Best Workplaces in Manufacturing2022
he recognition.
Company’s Vision andMission



Core Values:
What Is the 5S System?
The 5S system is a lean manufacturing tool that improves workplace
efficiency and eliminates waste. There are five steps in the system, each
starting with the letter S:
1. Sort 2. Set In Order 3. Shine 4. Standardize 5. Sustain

By providing a systematic framework for organization and cleanliness, 5S

helps facilities avoid lost productivity from delayed work or unplanned

The Steps of 5S
5S was created in Japan, and the original “S” terms were in Japanese, so
English translations for each of the five steps may vary. The basic ideas and
the connections between them are easy to understand, though.

Step Name Japanese term Explanation

1. Sort Seiri (tidiness) Remove unnecessary items from each area
2.Set in Seiton Organize and identify storage for efficient
Order (orderliness) use
3. Shine Clean and inspect each area regularly
4.Standardiz Seiketsu Incorporate 5S into standard operating
e (standardization) procedures
Shitsuke Assign responsibility, track progress, and
5. Sustain
(discipline) continue the cycle
Compensation Strategy of NTPC

The remunerations of employees are fixed through negotiations with

Employee’s Union subjectto the overall guidelines of Department of
Public Enterprises, Government of India.

Pay Scales of Executives

Pay Scale ( Rs. ) Representative Designation
E2 50000-160000 Executive Trainee/Sr. Astt.Engineer
E3 60000-180000  Senior Engineer/Sr. Officer
E4 70000-200000  Deputy Manager
E5 80000-220000  Manager/DCDE /Supdt.
E6 90000-240000  Senior Manager
E7 100000-260000  Deputy General Manager
E8 120000-280000  General Manager
E9 150000-300000  Executive Director

In addition to above accommodation in Company quarter on nominal rent,

other perks &allowances up to 47% of Basic Pay, leave as per Rule, Medical
Treatment/ reimbursement, Subsidized Canteen facilities, Self-Contributory
Superannuation Benefit Fund, Provident Fund, Productivity Incentive,
Performance Related Payment are also admissible as per Companies Rules.

On 31 December 2014, a 15 MW solar PV wascommissioned at

NTPCSingrauli. An8MW
smallhydroCWdischargeplanthasbeen constructed on discharge
canal in2018.

It is the first and the oldest unit of NTPC. NTPC Singrauli Unit 1, the oldest Unit of
NTPC has emerged as the top- performing Unit in the country in the first quarter of the
financial year, as per the data released by Central Electricity Authority (CEA).Three units
(1, 4,5) of 200MW have achieved PLF of 101.96 per cent, 101.85 per cent and 100.35 per
GOVERNING BODIES OF NTPCcent respectively in FY 2021.

Shri Gurdeep Singh
Chairman & Managing Director

Shri Dillip Kumar Patel

Director (HR)

Shri Ramesh Babu V.

Director (Operations)

Shri Ujjwal Kanti Bhattacharya

Director (Projects)

Shri Jaikumar Srinivasan

Director (Finance)

Shri Shivam Srivastava

Director (Fuel)

Shri Ashish Upadhyaya

(SS & FA, Ministry of Power)

Shri Piyush Singh

JS (Thermal)

Shri Jitendra JayantilalTanna

Independent Director

Shri Vivek Gupta

Independent Director

Shri VidyadharVaishampayan
Independent Director

Ms. Sangitha Varier

Independent Director
“Human Resource Management is concerned with the most effective
use of people to achieve organizational and individual goals. It
is a way of managing people at work, so that they give their best
to the organization.”--Ivancevich and Glueck 

“H u m a n   R e s o u r c e   M a n a g e m e n t   i s   t h a t   p a r t   o f   m a n a g e
m e n t   p r o g r e s s   w h i c h   i s  primarily concerned with the human
constituents of the organization.”-F.E.L. Brech.

Human Resource Management is a process of bringing pe
ople and organizationtogether so that the goal of each are met. It
is that part of management process which is concerned with the
management of human resource in an organization. It tries to
secure the best from people by winning their wholehearted

In short
Itm a y   b e   d e f i n e d   a s   t h e   a r t   o f   p r o c u r i n g ,   d e v e l o p i n g   a
n d   m a i n t a i n i n g   c o m p e t e n t workforce to achieve the goal of an
organization in an effective and efficient manner.


Changes in the socio- economic and political conditions

are bound to bring about changes in the environment within the
organization. The personnel managers of today may find themselves
obsolete because of the rapidly changing business environment, and
therefore they should constantly update their knowledge and
skills by looking at the organization’s need and objectives. Some of
the important challenges are:-

1) Vision Penetration:
Evolving the right vision is an entrepreneurial or top mgmt.
function, but its utility increases immensely if it percolates, and is
understood and accepted down the line.
2) Changes in legal environment:
To meet with the increasing changes in the legal environment,
necessary adjustments will have to be made so that greater utilization
of human resources can be achieved.

3) Technological Advances:
In the wake of technological advances new jobs will be created and
many old jobs will become redundant.

4) Computerized Information System:

It will play a revolutionary role in managerial decision making.
It will also have an increasing impact in coordination and at
strategic level.

5) Satisfaction of high level needs:

The workers are becoming much aware of their higher-level
needs. This awareness is likely to intensify further in the
future workforce. Therefore, managers would be required
to evolve appropriate techniques of motivating the
workers getting work  from them.

According to the National Institute of Human Resource

Management {NIPM} the three dimensions of Personnel
Management include:

Human Resource Management {HRM} is a management function

that helps manager
plan, recruit, select, train, develop, remunerate and maintain members 
for an organization. HRM is the latest nomenclature used to
denote personnel management {PM}.

The HR/ Personnel manager must be fair and firm
,   t a c t f u l   a n d   r e s o u r c e f u l , sympathetic, and considerate,
knowledgeable about labour laws, have a broad social outlook,
and have competence and confident.
HR Vision
"To enable our people to be a family of committed world class

'People before PLF (Plant Load Factor)' is the guiding

philosophy behind the entire gamut of HR policies at NTPC.
We are strongly committed to the development and growth of
all our employees as individuals and not just as employees. We
currently employ approximately 26,000 people at NTPC.

Competence building, Commitment building, Culture building and

Systems building are the four building blocks on which our HR
systems are based.

There are four building blocks on which the HR system is based:-
 Competence building
 Commitment building
 Culture building
 System building
The HR department of SSTPS has 10 sections that are
Employee Relation, Employee Services, Employee Development, Pers
onal Relation,Employee Benefit, Employee Development Centre, Corp
orate Social Responsibility,Hindi Cell, Township Administration and Law.

1. Employee Relation Section -
This section of HR sees and supervises
activities pertaining to unions, associations and amicable employee relation sc
enario. Italso coordinates the various participative forums in the plant. This
section also covers various labours laws and statutory provisions under
the law of land. This section also coordinates the C.I.S.F and plant security.

2. Employee   Services   section   -

T h i s   s e c t i o n   o f   H R   s e e s   t h r o u g h   p r o p e r   disbursem
ent of intramural and extramural welfare that is Vanita Samaj, Bal
Bhawan, it also sees various school and colleges of Shaktinagar. 

3. Employee Development -
This section of HR sees through the
performancemanagementsyste m,  the  manpower development  pat
tern  through industrial engineering. It also coordinates the
promotional activity of both executive andn o n -
executive through variousHR initiatives taken for the 
i n t e g r a t e d development of NTPC employees.

4. Employee Benefit-
This section of HR takes care of various employee benefit aspects such
as loan, advances, reimbursement etc.

5. Personal Relation -
This section takes care of media management, the print/electronic
media in SSTPS. 
6. Employee   Development   Centre   -
The EDC takes care of training and
development aspects of employees that covers employee induction
training, training for career development and growth, training for skill up

7. Hindi cell -
The Rashtra Bhasha cell of HR constantly endeavours and works
for the enhancement of reading and writing of employees. It
constant works to motivate employee to day-to-day official works in
Hindi as per as possible.

8. Corporate   Social   Responsibility   -

T h i s   s e c t i o n   H R   t a k e s   c a r e   o f   C S R   initiatives taken by
NTPC in the vicinity of adjoining villages of project that is arranging health
camp, giving various amenities to school of adjoining villages or making
arrangement of drinking water in the adjoining villages of project and
providing sustainable employment opportunities to project effected people.

9. Township Administration-
This section of HR takes care of quarter allotment to employees, the
township security, the administration of shopping complex and
vigilance over the landed properties of NTPC in the area.

10.HR Law
- This section of HR takes care of the judicial aspects starting
froml a b o r   l a w s   i n   t h e   c o u r t s   o f   N T P C ,   l e g a l   v o t i n g   o f   c o n t
r a c t s   a n d   v a r i o u s documents that are used in various HR activities.

Being as a trainee in one of the best public organization
“National Thermal Power Corporation, {NTPC}”;
I found that company’s main target and motto is
to maintain its policy, improvement in the system function by
providing the utmost atmosphere of safety and security of the
lives and good.

The ‘positive attitude’, ‘team spirit’ and ‘Can do 
i t   s p i r i t ’   o f   N T P C   a n d employees of NTPC has made
them to hold and stand in its position and lead in the nation.

 NTPC is an environmentally friendly company, which is havi
ng abundant plantation and greenery.

NTPC is a leading company of India and performing

great role in fulfilling our  country’s energy needs.


 After labours / employees have been hired, trained and remunerated,

they need to be trained and maintained to serve the organization better.
Welfare facilities are designed to take care of the well- being of the
employees – they do not generally result in any monetary benefits to
the employees. Nor are these facilities provided by employers alone.
Government and non- government agencies and trade union too,
contribute towardsemployee’s welfare.

Meaning & Definition

Welfare means faring or doing well. It is a comprehensive term

and refers to the  physical, mental, moral, and emotional well-
being of an individual. Labour welfarealso referred to as betterment work
for employees, related to taking care of the well being of workers by
employers, trade union and govt. and non-government agencies.

‘Labour welfare has two aspects- negative and

positive. On the negative side, labour welfare is concerned with
counteracting the baneful effects of the large-scale industrial system of
production – especially capitalistic, so far as India is concerned – on the
personal / family, and social life of the workers.

On the positive side, it deals with the provision of opportunities for
the worker and his/her family fir a good life as understood in its most
comprehensive sense.

‘Employee welfare defines as “efforts to make life worth living for workmen”.
These efforts have their origin either in some statute formed by the
state or in some local custom or in collective agreement or in the
employer’s own initiative.

 To give expression to philanthropic and paternalistic feelings.

 To win over employee’s loyalty and increase their morale.
 To combat trade unionism and socialist ideas.
 To build up stable labour force, to reduce labour turnover and
 To develop efficiency and productivity among workers.
 To save oneself from heavy taxes on surplus profits.
 To earn goodwill and enhance public image.
 To reduce the threat of further government intervention.
 To make recruitment re effective (because these benefits add to job

Employee welfare means “the efforts to make life worth li
ving for workmen.”
According  to Todd “employee  welfare  means anything  done for 
the  comfort  and improvement, intellectual or social, of the
employees over and above the wages paid which is not a necessity of the

“In India, welfare is of the statutory and the non-statutory kinds. Though
statutory welfare ensures the minimum of facilities and
reasonably good working condition, employers are free to provide,
non-statutory welfare. However, practically all organizations in India
provide non statutory measure in varying degrees.

Why is such organization involved in extensive welfare

measures? These questions can be viewed from the point of view
of workers, the unions, and theemployers. F r o m
the point of view of workers, welfare measures must elimi
n a t e   r i s k   a n d insecurity. This is to ensure their personal safety and
provide them with equipment and atmosphere needed to draw a fair
day’s wage without any feeling of guilt. Given workers economics
constraints, probably due to large families, organizations
should provide facilities such as transport, medical aid, crèches, and
subsidized food required by the workers.

Employee welfare also referred to as betterment work for employees relates

to taking care of the wellbeing of workers by employers, trade unions
and governmental and non-governmental agencies. It is rather difficult
to define the term employee welfare precisely because of the relatively of
the concept. Labour welfare is a term which must necessarily be elastic,
bearing a somewhat different interpretation in one country according to the
differentsocial customs the degree of industrialization and educational level of
the workers. E m p l o y e e   w e l f a r e   h a s   t w o   a s p e c t s -
n e g a t i v e   a n d   p o s i t i v e .   O n   t h e   n e g a t i v e   s i d e employee’s
welfare is concerned with counteracting the baneful effects of
the large scale industrial productions.

In India, welfare is of the statutory and the non-statutory kinds.
Though statutory welfare ensures the minimum of facilities and
reasonably good working condition, employers are free to provide,
non-statutory welfare. However, practically all organizations in India
provide non statutory measure in varying degrees. Why is such
organization involved in extensive welfare measures?  These questions
can be viewed from the point of view of workers, the unions, and the
employers. From the point of view of workers, welfare measures
must eliminate risk and insecurity. This is to ensure their personal
safety and provide them with equipment and atmosphere needed
to draw a fair day’s wage without any feeling of guilt. Given workers
economics constraints, probably due to large families, organizations
should provide facilities such as transport, medical aid, crèches, and
subsidized food required by the workers. 
Principle of Employees Welfare:
Welfare will help to minimize the misunderstanding Employees
welfare is dependent on certain basic principle the following are to be kept
in mind successful implementation of any welfare programs is organization.

 Principle of adequacy of wages.

 Principle of social responsibility of industry.
 Principle of efficiency.
 Principle of patronization.
 Principle of co-ordination and integration.
 Principle of association.
 Principle of responsibility.
 Principle of accountability.
 Principle of timeliness.

Feature of employee welfare The features of employee welfare are: -

 Employee welfare is a comprehensive term including various services,

facilities and amenities provided to employees for their betterment.
 The basic purpose in to improve the lot of the working class.
 Employee welfare measures are also known as fringe benefits and
 Welfare measures may be both voluntary and statutory.
 Employee welfare is a dynamic concept. 
Objectives of employee welfare the objectives of employee welfare are: -
 It helps to improve.
 It improves the loyalty and morale of the employees.
 It reduces labour turnover and absenteeism.
 Welfare measures help to improve the goodwill and public image of the
 It helps to improve industrial relations and industrial peace.
 It helps to improve employee productivity.

The EB section headed by Mr. Aseem Shekhar Singh (Sr. Manager [HR-EB])
looks after the various areas such as Performance Management System
(PMS), Human Resources Development (HRD), Office Administration, Estate
Office & Employee’s Benefits.
This section is divided into two sub sections. One is headed by Mr. Saket Jha
(Time Office) & another is headed by Mr. Rakesh (Separation Cell).
Its functions are manifold. Its function is as under:

1. Joining of an employee- Fresh and on Transfer

Only document verification by HR-EB Department to maintain the
records and files.
2. Employees benefits/ facilities
 Leave travel concession to its employee’s.
 Medical Attendance and Treatment of the employees
 Special disability leave
 Facilities for higher studies
 Reimbursement of membership fees for Professional
 Bodies/Institutes.
 Reimbursement of expenditure on Children's Education.
 Sanction of Merit scholarship to the children of NTPC employees.

3. Employee Advances
 Sanction of House Building Advance.
 Sanction of Conveyance Advance.
 Sanction of Personal Computer Advance.
 Sanction of Furnishing household item Advance.
 Sanction of Multipurpose Advance.
 Sanction of Medical Advance.

4. Incentive Scheme
 Sanction of incentive for promoting Small Family Norm.
 Terminal/Insurance Benefits.
 Ensuring insurance of HBA amount sanctioned to employees.
5. Terminal/Insurance Benefits

 Processing and forwarding of claims under Group Insurance Scheme.

 Processing of Application for Temporary and Permanent withdrawal
from Provident Fund.
 Forwarding of application for the payment of gratuity.
 Processing of applications under NTPC Employee's Family Economic
Rehabilitation Scheme.
 Processing of applications for availing Medical Facilities by the retiring
employee or the spouse of the deceased employee under NTPC
Contributory scheme for post.
 Retirement Medical Facilities.
 Processing of applications for the payment under NTPC Self
Contributory Superannuation Benefits (PENSION) Scheme.
 Processing and forwarding of applications for registration.
 Termination of employees under Service Rules, Conduct Discipline and
Appeal Rules and Standing Orders.
 Ensuring the payment and final settlement to the employees on
6. Superannuation: Farewell of 60+ age employees
Providing them gifts (Gold coin, Certificate ,Shawl ,Travel Bag & sweets.)

There are two broad groups of welfare measures. They are namely:-

 Welfare measures inside the work place.

 Welfare measures outside the work place.

1) Condition of work environment

 Neighbourhood safety and cleanliness.

 Workshop {room} sanitation and cleanliness, 
t e m p e r a t u r e ,   h u m i d i t y , ventilation, lightning.

 Distribution of work hours and provision for rest hours, meal

time and break.

2) Conveniences: -

 Provision of drinking water: - water cooler.

 Canteen Services: - full meal.

3) Workers health services: -

 Factory health centers: -dispensary, ambulance, 
e m e r g e n c y   a i d ,   f a m i l y  planning services.

4) Worker’s recreation: -
 Indoor games: - strenuous games to be avoided during of work.

5) Worker’s Education: -

 Reading room: - library, visual education, literacy classes, adult


6) Women and child welfare: -

 Antennal and postnatal care, maturity aid, crèche and child care.

7) Employment follow- up: -

 Progress of the operative in his/her works his /her

adjustment problems with regard to machine and workload.
1) Housing:-

 Bachelor’s quarters, family residences according to types and rooms.

2) Schools

 Nursery, Primary, Secondary and High school.

3) Health and medical facilities

 Hospitals and dispensary.

4) Other facilities

 Games, clubs, craft- centers.

 Road, lightings, parks, playgrounds.

 Watch and ward security.

 Banks and transport facilities.


In NTPC proper attention is given towards employee’s welfare and

efforts are made for improvement if welfare and social amenities, like
housing, water supply, medical, educational, recreational facilities etc.

 Housing & Township

The total numbers of standard houses as on 31.04.2010 were up

to 1600, which  provides 96% of housing satisfaction.
There is one ET Hostel where ETs are kept for training in the nearby
EDC (Employment Development Centre). One Urja
Bhavan&o n e   V I P   G u e s t   H o u s e   i s   a l s o   t h e r e .   F o r   e m p l o y e e s  
t h e r e   a r e   g o v t   q u a r t e r s   a n d depending upon designation are
divided into a, b, c, d types. The lowest designation employees getting a
types and so on till d type in ascending order.

Water Supply
The total population of NTPC has been covered under the water supply
arrangement up to 31.04. 2010.In regard to availability of water there
is 100% satisfaction to the employees in the company.

Educational Facilities
The Company has established three schools inside the residential township
namelyKendriya Vidyalaya , St. Joshep  school,DAVschools
, Sharshavati  shishu  mandir.Other schools running in this area are
also supplementing the educational facilities. The no. of school going
children is 25512 and buses were available for them. Students from cities
like Shaktinagar and small towns such as S i n g r a u l i , Bina , and
Anpara, come to study in these 3 schools.

Medical Facilities
The Company is having dispensaries and having 01 hospital. All the
dispensaries are well equipped with doctors and trained manpower and
ambulance to attend an emergency besides giving service on the round the
clock basis.

Recreational Facilities
In NTPC, adequate recreational facilities for the employees and their family
member have been developing
There are two clubs inside the boundary: VRC known as Vidyut Nagar
recreation center and NTPC CLUB. There are two gyms with the latest
machines. Also the club and VRC have swimming pools, libraries, cafeterias,
swings and other recreational features. NTPC S i n g r a u l i has two shopping
centers which caters to the need of employees and their families as well as
other  people, and the Silver Jubilee Park (formerly known as Central Park), a
fountain park in front of new market and numerous small parks for children
and employees for recreation. It also has a helipad for landing of small
helicopter (though not well maintained). There is a MAHARANA PRATAP
sports stadium inside the campus which is equipped with floodlights for
day/night domestic tournaments. The township has well paved roads and also
recently company provided Tata sky connection at home for all employees

Ladies Club

Ladies Club is a social organization of ladies of NTPC is also

actively participating in the field of social work. Masala Udyog and
Handloom Training Centre are run with the help of ladies’ club.
E m p l o y e e ’ s   D e v e l o p m e n t   i n   NT P C   c o n t i n u e s   t o   b e   a   f o c u s   a r e a   w i t h   f o
l l o w i n g objectives:

Training & Development.

 NTPC subscribes to the belief that efficiency, effectiveness and success of theorganizatio
n, depends largely on the skills, abilities and commitment of the employees who
constitute the most important asset of the organization . Our Training Policy envisages a
minimum of 7 man days of training per employee per year. We have developed our own
comprehensive training infrastructure.
Knowledge Management in NTPC
To meet our ultimate objective of becoming a learning organization, an
integratedK n o w l e d g e   M a n a g e m e n t   S y s t e m   h a s   b e e n   d e v e l o p e d , 
w h i c h   f a c i l i t a t e s   t a c i t knowledge in the form of learning and
experiences of employees to be captured and summarized for future reference.

Seeking Feedback

We actively seek and encourage employee feedback to 
e n s u r e   t h a t   o u r   H R   interventions and practicesremain relevant and
meaningful. Weregularly conduct Employee Satisfaction and Organizational Climate

Total Strength in NTPC

The manpower strength of the company (excluding apprentices under the Apprentices
Act, 1961) as on31.April.2011; is 1223 including all executives and workmen.

We believe in the philosophy of 'Grow your own timber'. Our 'Executive
Trainee ‘scheme was introduced in 1977 with the objective of raising a cadre
of home-grown professionals. First Division Graduate Engineers/
Post graduates are hired throughn a t i o n w i d e   o p e n   c o m p e t i t i v e   e x a m i n a t i o n s   a n
d   c a m p u s   r e c r u i t m e n t s .   H i r i n g   i s followed by 52 weeks of fully paid induction
Research is a term stand for “A careful investigation or
enquiry especially through search for new fact in any
branch of knowledge”.

Research Methodology is way to systematically solve the

research problem. In it we study the various steps that
are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his
research problem along with logic behind them. We
also need to understand the assumption underlying
various techniques and procedures will be applicable to
certain problems and other will not. So it is necessary for us to 
design methodology for the problem as it differs from problem
. So, research methodology is not only methods research but
also logic behind the methods we use in context of
our research study and explain why we are using
a particular method or technique and why we are not
using others so that research results are capable of being
evaluated. Marketing research is the systematic design,
collection, analysis and reporting of data and findings relevant
to specific marketing situation facing the company. An
effective marketing research involves following five steps in a
sequential manner.

 Defining the research objective.

 Developing research plan.

 Collecting the information.

 Analyse the information.

 Present the findings.


Objective is the main theme of in which is my
j o b i s b a s e d . R e s e a r c h i s a g o o d  planning of facilities
and welfare measure of procedure to compete in the market.
The objective of the project should be very precise; it should
neither be very broad nor be very narrow.
The major objective of the study undertaken was to recognize
the effectiveness of welfare facilities provided in township.
To study the satisfaction level of employees with respect to
their welfare in NTPC Singrauli.


The research plan is the main body, or you can call the
blueprint in which we carry the research. The research plans
consist of data sources, research approaches, research
instruments, sampling plan and contact methods . The
identification ofresearch plan is based on research
methods the available data sources, the urgency of thedecisio
n and the cost of obtaining the data. The most common
method of
generating primary data is through survey. So, our research is 
alsoquestionnaire based survey
and our research design is survey research to clarify and
diagnosing the situation, discovering new ideas.
A.Primary Data: -
Primary data are the data gathered for the specifi
c   r e s e a r c h   p r o j e c t   a n d   a r e directly taken from the very
source of information.

R e s p o n s e s o f E m p l o y e e s t h r o u g h
P e r s o n a l I n t e r v i e w   w i t h t h e
Employees of NTPC.

B.Secondary Data: -
Secondary data are the data, which already exists and
were collected for some other purpose or for similar
previous studies. Secondary data were proved to be
instrumental in structuring the questions to be asked for
collecting primary data.
 Various books on Human resources.
 Website of NTPC,
 NTPC documentand magazines.
 J o u r n a l s .
Primary data can be collected in several different ways
these methods ofcollecting primary data are called research
approaches. Research approaches are of followingtypes: -

 Observational research
 Focus group research 
 Survey research
 Experimental research.
 Behavioural data research
 Exploratory research

F o r   t h i s   p r o j e c t   t h e survey research m e t h o d   w a s a d o
p t e d ,   a n d   a s u r v e y   w a s conducted in which
employees were interviewed and made to fill
questionnaireto know how far employees are satisfied of

The two main research instruments in collecting primary data

A) Personnel Interview
It is one of the important sources to collect primary data.
Through personnel interview interviewer can ask question
according to research requirement. Data which is collect by
personnel interview is more reliable than other sources.

B) Questionnaire
Questionnaires consist of a set of questionspresented
to the respondent for
their a n s w e r .   B e c a u s e   o f   i t s   f l e x i b i l i t y   t h e   q u e s t i
o n n a i r e   i s   b y   f a r   t h e   m o s t   c o m m o n instrument used to
gather primary data. Questionnaire needs to be carefully
developedandtested before they are actually used on a
large scale. The questionnaire for the research was framed
in a clear manner such that it enables the respondents to
understand and answer the question easily.
The questionnaire was designed in such a way that the
questions are short and simple and is arranged in a logical


a) Open ended questionnaire
It consists of open-ended questions that allow the respondent
to answer in their o w n w o r d s .   S u c h   q u e s t i o n n a i r e s
reveal more because they do not constraint
respondent’s answers. But they are difficult to analyse and
require lot of time.
b) Close ended questionnaire
This questionnaire consists of questions that pre-
specified all the possibleanswers, tabulation and
interpretation of such Questionnaires are easier as comparedto
open ended questionnaire. The questionnaire chosen for
the purpose of research was close ended questionnaire.
contains statement pertaining to each area i.e.,hospitals,
residential accommodation, children’s education, sports
etc and is used to measure employee satisfaction with
various facilities. The scale used to evaluate question is
Likert- 5-point scale
where “1” stands for “strongly disagree” and “5” stands for
Questionnaire consists of a few statements that
expresses either a favourable or an unfavourable attitude
towards the given object to which the respondent is asked
to react. The respondent indicates his agreement or
disagreement with each statement in the instrument. Each
response is given a numerical score, indicating its
favourablenessor unfavourableness, and the score is totalled to
measure the respondent’s attitude. In other words, the
overall score represents the respondent’s position on the
continuum of favourable
unfavourableness towards an issue. In total question
naire contains 38questions.
The process of sampling involves procedures to use a small
number of items or parts of the whole population to make
conclusions regarding the whole population. The purpose of
sampling is to enable researchers to estimate some unknown
characteristics of the population. Our sample design is based
on theconvenience samplingbecause we use to obtain the data
from those unit or people who are most convenientlyavailable.
Sampling plan calls for three decisions.

a ) S a m p l e p o p u l a t i o n : -It is segment to Executive class

employees of NTPC.
b ) S a m p l i n g f r a m e : -Since the manpower of NTPC
S i n g r a u l i is 1200(approx.) of different grades, so the sample
frame is obtained accordingly.
c ) S a m p l i n g   u n i t : -The sample unit consists of all Employees
at Executives level of NTPC S i n g r a u l i .
d ) S a m p l e   s i z e : -Large sample gives more reliable results than
small samples. However, it is not necessary to sample the
entire population or even a substantial portion to achieve
reliable result. After considering time constraint and cost
effectiveness for the project total 100 people are surveyed.

Area of study: The area of study was confined toNTPC

Singrauli.Address: National capital power station Singrauli, Vidyut
Distt.Shaktinagar, sonebhadra-231222 U.P.
The present study on “Employee Welfare” has been c
o n d u c t e d   i n   S i n g r a u l i   S u p e r   Thermal Power Project’ of
‘National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.’. The work is
limited to the study of the scheme of “Employee Welfare” in
achieving its desired objectives in the project. Relevant data
have been collected and analysed and
then broad generalizations were made. The conclusions are based on 
the arguments thathave been derived from analysis of such
data and the aim has been to consider the scheme in all its
essential manifestations.

To conduct any research adoption of a scientific method is a

prerequisite. In practice it is difficult to collect information from all
the employees. So, the sample of respondents was decided through
stratified – random sampling. The sample size of 100
proportionately represents the different grades of Executives.

I personally found some of the limitations while completing my
training and project report from this organization.
The busy schedule of concerned executives who were guiding us in
the making of the project. Some of the times it was not very
easy for me to get the exact and accurate material for my
project report.
1.The Confidential documents are not accessible
2.Lack of time for the employees to respond
3.Some employees shown unwillingness to answer the questionnaire
4.Some respondents were influenced if there may be any consequences from
the Management or their colleagues
5.Couldn’t cover all the departments because they were spread into many
6.Employees are on Leave.

As described in the methodology workers are provided with the

questions and the answers have been suitable tablet for the
studies separately the table are marked properly to indicate its
content there are questions which have not been answer by
responded the total number of responded is reduce for the
purpose in the case and rest in consider negative to the question.

1.    Are you satisfi ed with the overall working en-

vironment & conditions?



Chart Title







1.    Do you feel safe and secure at your workplace?



1. Are you satisfied with the overall working environment&conditions?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
2. Do you feel safe and secure at your workplace?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
3. Are you provided with the necessary tools and equipment to perform your
job effectively?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
4. Do you receive regular training and development opportunities to enhance
your skills?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
5. Are you given clear job responsibilities and expectations?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
6. Is there open and effective communication between management and
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
7. Are you satisfied with the work-life balance provided by the organization?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________

8. Are you aware of the facilities that must be provided to you under law ?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
9. Are you fairly compensated for your work?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
10. Are you provided with opportunities for career growth and
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
11. Is there a mechanism in place to address and resolve workplace
conflicts or grievances?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
12. Are you encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions for
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
13. Are there sufficient breaks and rest periods during your workday?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
14. Do you have access to adequate healthcare benefits?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
15. Is the workload manageable within regular working hours?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
16. Are you satisfied with the level of recognition and appreciation
received for your work?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
17. Does the organization provide a clean and hygienic work
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
18. Is there a system in place to ensure fair and unbiased performance
]a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
19. Are you provided with opportunities for skill development and
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
20. Does the organization have policies in place to prevent discrimination
and harassment?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
21. Do the artificial light successfully cover all the darkness were no
natural light reached?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
22. Are there any adequate measures to manage work-related stress?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
23. Is there proper arrangement of clean drinking water?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
24. Do the management ask your opinion toward improving your
working condition?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
25. Is there a fair system for promotion and career growth within the
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
26. Does the organization provide opportunities for collaboration and
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
27. Is the safety management of the industry efficient enough to avoid
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
28. Are you satisfied with the organization's policies on work hours and
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
29. Is there a provision for safety against dust, fume, explosive substances
other dangerous gases etc?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___________
30. Do the trade union take active part in solving problem?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Other: ___

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