Guidelines For Technical Report Writing

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Guidelines for Technical Report

1. Title page

2. Introduction

3. Theory

4. Measurement Methods

5. Analysis and Results

6. Discussion and Conclusions

7. References

8. Appendices

Title Page:

This should include the title of the lab, course number, names of all members of the lab group, and
the date on which the lab was performed. Please make this a separate page.


This should briefly state in your own words what you are trying to accomplish and why you are
performing the experiment. Do not simply copy or paraphrase the lab handout.

Give a synopsis of what you did, why you did it, and major principles you employed to do it.


This should explain the relevant theory that describes the physical principle of the lab. Equations
should be properly numbered (in parentheses on the right margin), and all variables should be
explained in the text.

Prove you know the concepts behind what you used. Do it briefly, concisely and correctly. You must
do a little reading on the topic and put things into your own words.

Measurement Methods :

This should explain the measurement techniques, equipment used, and procedures to be employed
in the lab.

During the lab, be sure to make a note of problems with the equipment, if appropriate and include
this information in your final report.

DO NOT re-write the lab handout. DO NOT write a list of steps. In a technical report, you summarize
what you did in prose format.

Give enough detail that a competent person could re-do exactly what you did and obtain the same
results. Make sure you mention all components used and how they were used.
Analysis and Results:

This section should summarize and display the results of the experiment primarily in the form of
graphs. Describe the results clearly and concisely. Do you see expected trends? Figures should be
numbered and have a caption below the figure. Use tables if appropriate. Tables should be numbered,
and have a title above. Cite equations from previous sections as necessary.

Figure axes should be properly labelled, with proper units. If you are going to comment on how two
results compare then they need to be plotted on the same graph. Do not include graphs of each
individual trial. Combine them into composite figures for easy comparison.

Introduce and discuss all tables and figures within text – do not just throw them in. Use proper units
and significant figures

Discussion and Conclusion:

This should examine whether the lab satisfied the stated purpose, and explain what you have observed
and learned. Try to explain any differences that you observed between theory (or accepted
experimental data) and experimental results. What are the implications of your results? How could
they be used in the future? What different methods could you use in the future? What parameters
were more important in design, less important? Why?


If you used information from external sources (i.e., other than the lab manual or your own work), be
sure to cite these references using appropriate bibliographic style. Quoting references without a
proper citation is plagiarism.


The raw data from the lab should be included in an Appendix. Sample Calculations can be included in
an appendix. Data tables that are not crucial to the discussion in the lab of the results but may be
helpful to the reader as a reference can be included as an appendix. The use of appendices helps to
unclutter the lab report.

More Info on Graphics:

Readers will not know the purpose of a graphic until you tell them. NEVER include a graphic without
mentioning it in the text. This includes stuff in an Appendix. Place the graphic as close as possible to
its discussion in the text.

Avoiding Plagiarism:

It can be difficult when you have collected information from a variety of sources to avoid representing
someone else’s words or ideas as your own. Some examples of plagiarism:

 Copying a phrase, sentence or passage from a source and not giving credit to the original
 Summarizing or paraphrasing someone else’s ideas without acknowledging the source;
 Allowing someone else to write significant portions of your document for you without
admitting the help;
 Forgetting to place quotations around another writer’s words;
 Copy/pasting figures, tables, equations without citation;
 Using values from books without citing the source.

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