Advanced Machine Learning Challenge2

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Advanced Machine Learning Challenge

Below is a scored review of your assessment. All questions are shown.

Correct Answer

Partially Correct

Incorrect Answer
21 Gradient of a continuous and differentiable function

Your Answer
is non-zero at a maximum

Correct Answer
is zero at a minimum
is zero at a saddle point
decreases as you get closer to the minimum

No, that's not correct.
22 Which will be suitable NLP method For COVID 19 News Analysis from the online newspaers ?

Your Answer
Machine Transltion

Correct Answer
Sentiment Analysis

23 What are the approaches to Explainability?

Your Answer

Correct Answer

24 In SVM, the dimension of the hyperplane depends upon which one?

Your Answer
All of the above

Correct Answer
The number of features

Sorry, you have selected the wrong answer.
25 Which of the following are true about isolation forest?

Your Answer
Identifies anomalies as the observations with short average path lengths
Isolation forest is built based on ensembles of decision trees.
Isolation forest needs an anomaly Score to have an idea of how anomalous a data point is
Splits the data points by randomly selecting a value between the maximum and the minimum of the
selected features.

Correct Answer
Identifies anomalies as the observations with short average path lengths
Isolation forest is built based on ensembles of decision trees.
Isolation forest needs an anomaly Score to have an idea of how anomalous a data point is
Splits the data points by randomly selecting a value between the maximum and the minimum of the
selected features.

You are correct!
26 Which of the following methods do we use to find the best fit line for data in Linear Regression?

Your Answer
Least Square Error
Maximum Likelihood
Logarithmic Loss

Correct Answer
Least Square Error

No, that's not correct.
27 A _________ is a decision support tool that uses a tree-like graph or model of decisions and their
possible consequences, including chance event outcomes, resource costs, and utility.

Your Answer
Decision tree

Correct Answer
Decision tree

You are correct!
28 Suppose you have fitted a complex regression model on a dataset. Now, you are using Ridge
regression with penalty x. Choose the option which describes bias in best manner.In case of very large
x; bias is low

Your Answer
In case of very large x; bias is high

Correct Answer
In case of very large x; bias is low

Sorry, you have selected the wrong answer.
29 Which of the following are true? Check all that apply

Your Answer
If you do not have any labeled data (or if all your data has label y = 0), then is is still possible to learn
p(x), but it may be harder to evaluate the system or choose a good value of ϵ.
If you are developing an anomaly detection system, there is no way to make use of labeled data to
improve your system.
If you have a large labeled training set with many positive examples and many negative examples, the
anomaly detection algorithm will likely perform just as well as a supervised learning algorithm such as
an SVM.

Correct Answer
If you do not have any labeled data (or if all your data has label y = 0), then is is still possible to learn
p(x), but it may be harder to evaluate the system or choose a good value of ϵ.
When choosing features for an anomaly detection system, it is a good idea to look for features that take
on unusually large or small values for (mainly the) anomalous examples.

Sorry, you have selected the wrong answer.
30 If searching among a large number of hyper parameters,you should try values in grid rather than
random values,so that you can carry out the search more systematically and not rely on chance.

Your Answer

Correct Answer

Correct answer!
31 Which of the following is not an assumption for binary logistic regression?

Your Answer
Independence of observations

Correct Answer
Normally distributed variables

Sorry, you have selected the wrong answer.
32 Code to import PCA in Scikit-Learn.

Your Answer
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

Correct Answer
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

You are correct!
33 Which of the following is true about training and testing error in such case?Suppose you want to apply
AdaBoost algorithm on Data D which has T observations. You set half the data for training and half for
testing initially. Now you want to increase the number of data points for training T1, T2 … Tn where T1
< T2…. Tn-1 < Tn.

Your Answer
The difference between training error and test error decreases as number of observations increases

Correct Answer
The difference between training error and test error decreases as number of observations increases

You are correct!
34 A single document invokes multiple topics.

Your Answer

Correct Answer

35 Unlike multiple regression, logistic regression:

Your Answer
Does not have b weights.

Correct Answer
Predicts a categorical outcome variable.

Sorry, you have selected the wrong answer.
36 The difficulty in recommendation when we have new user, and we cannot make a profile for him, or
when we have a new item, which has not got any rating yet.This is the meaning of Cold-start problem.

Your Answer

Correct Answer

37 The method / metric which is NOT useful to determine the optimal number of clusters in
unsupervised clustering algorithms is

Your Answer
Elbow method

Correct Answer
Scree plot

Sorry, you have selected the wrong answer.
38 The process of learning, recognizing, and extracting these topics across a collection of documents is

Your Answer
Topic Modeling

Correct Answer
Topic Modeling

39 In a neural network, knowing the weight and bias of each neuron is the most important step. If you
can somehow get the correct value of weight and bias for each neuron, you can approximate any
function. What would be the best way to approach this?

Your Answer
Assign random values and pray to God they are correct

Correct Answer
Iteratively check that after assigning a value how far you are from the best values, and slightly change
the assigned values values to make them better

Sorry, you have selected the wrong answer.
40 We use a validation and test set to avoid the bias and variance.

Your Answer

Correct Answer

You're correct!
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