Mathematics Today August 2023
Mathematics Today August 2023
Mathematics Today August 2023
~ ay
VOLUME 41 NO.8 August 2023
Compe t i t ion Ed ge
Gear Up for JEE 2024 9
JEE Work OulS 16
10 Best Problems for l EE Advanced
Beat th e TIme Trap
Unique caleer In Demand "
Maths In Focus 47
Subject Forma l 1 Yea. 2Ytar, )Yu., rngoroome/ly
.- "'lot io ...
Brain Teaser 55
IHi'IIIkIaI U 4t1· nlO/· {11ft/.
. .....0 . ~ ..,
" io l .~I ..1 {I1S01· f l .SOI· t H (I(II.
Quantitative Aptitude
GK Corner "
C.. I0. .I3M ~"".
' PlryliD.ONmi>,,,•.,1agy
. Plryloa,O>om.. '..,. a.101"" ....a " 1I1'Di!liUl u",,· t U OOI-
You Ask We Answer
Quiz Club "
- ---
C..",., . MlOjaIiae. "' • • 10_ UIOW· f520C11· UllJOl.
Challenging Problems 68
. ,.".iD,OMmi>t..,. JroI.,"' ....b,
..Io'·DilIY' Cl ass l '
UlOOI· {Utili· t11001-
/Id01O .............. '.p*" __ loI q _ . ~ ....b . ..I . ., ,.... Are you ready for Olympiads?
Concept Map
St1\d D.DIM.O " , _ of MTG I Nmllog Mtd ~ (I') ltd.
Tr/golI(lmtftk FunctIOns
I'ayfMnIS t.hould t.. rna'" d~KlIy 10 , MTG I Mming M~dla (PJ ltd. CBSE wa rm·up! 83
Plot No. 99. s.<10I 44, 6"'''9'''''' ! nOn (Hary......) l6I~ar IneqwiltH!s / Petmu~1JOru ilIId ( £I/I1bmalJOll5
w. _IIOI"""""*,,M1f~.tpOI'It
Mon thly Test Driv@ 91
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CBSE warm·up! 71
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JnWOfJ~ TrigcJtr(lmtftk FunctIOns
(a) •
X=( 411+ 1)2' , y = (2m+ 1) 2" • 6. lhe most general solution of the equations
(,) (b e)(d b) 2.
(b+c)(d +b) (,) (b)
(a - d)(b - a) (d)(d - al(c - a)
(a - c)(e - b) (b - e)(d - b) (e) (d) none of these
acos4l+ h 9
3. If cos e= a + b cos ~ , then tan 2" is equal to 8. For each real number x such that - 1 < x < I , let
(,) J(aa+h
-b) ""(9/2) (b) (~)
a- b
A (x) be the matrix (I-x rt [ 1
and Z= I +)"
+ x)'
4. A set of values o f x, satisfying the equation 9. If A and B are square matrices of the same orde r
and A is non-singular, lhen fo r a positive integer
COS2 (~px)+cos2 (~(/x )=1 form an arithmetic II, (A-I BA l" is equal to
progression with common d iffe rence (a) A-II BIl A" (b) A"B't A-"
2 (cl A - I 8" A (d) II(A- 1 BA l
p+ q
p- q
10. lfA = [i .
-, -i]
i and B = _ I [I -I]I ' then A8 equals
(e) (d ) None of thcse
p+q (a) 48 (b) 128B (e) -128B (d) - 64'
then k =
"I lab 'I
pb=kc a h,
qa b , a
19. L,. sin-
tan- 1(.[,;) -
!!. (b)
is equal to
tan-I(..r,;:;() - .!!.
(,) 0 (b) Il be (,) (d) (Hb+c 4 4
(d) none oflhese
12. Let A, B be a square matrix such that AB = 0 and B
20. Equation of the plane such that foot of altitude
is non singular, then
drawn from (- I , I, 1) to the plane has the coordinate
(a) tAl must be zero but A may he non zero
(3, -2, -I), is
(b) A must be zero matrix
(a) x+ y+z=O (b) 4x-3y-2z::20
(c) nothing can be said in general about A
(c) 3x +y-z::8 (d) 4x+3y-z=7
(d) None of these
21. If b, c are the sides of a triangle ABC, then
13. A = 1(lljlmll1l and l l ij = ;2 - p.
then A is necessari ly
fa +
Jb - .fc
is always
(,) a unit matrix (b) symmetric matrix
(a) ncgative (b) positive
(c ) skew sym metric ma trix
(cl non-negativc (d) non-positive
(d) zero matrix
CiC C- i2 B ciA , \\'herei=~, is equal to __ . for \.. hich sin 2x - 2 sinx + S = 4 ~ (silu - 1)2 = 0
iB c-i2C
~ s hu = I :::) x = (ll1 + l)~
3 1. TI,e probability that an archer hils the target when and sin!>, = l or cosy = 0 ~ (2m + 1)-
it is wi ndy is equal to 2/5. When it is not windy his 2. (a) : AsasiIl2x+ bcos2x = c 2
probability of hilling the target is 7/10. On any shot the Then divide by cos!x both side and using identity
probability of gust of wind is 3/ 10. The probability that 2
I + tan x = scclx. we get
there is no gust of wind on the occasion when he missed a tan1x + b = cO + tan 2x)
the target, is equal to 7t)", where Ais equals to _ _ _ .
2 3 :::) tan 2 x = ( C- b)
32. r (x - l)(x -I )(x - I)(x" - I). I
x~'t « x _ l )( x2 _1 ))2 ls cqua to __ .
Similarly, Ian;';: (db--(dI)
33. fix ) = [sin x] + [cos x ]. x E 10, 2n:j, where [.]
denotes the greatest integer function . Tot al number of (12 tan 2 y «(I - d)(C - (I )
points wherej(x) is non -differentiable is equal to __ . b2 tan 2 x (b - c)(d - b)
34 . If j Sinx .cos x . cos2x ,cOS4x ' COS8x dx is equal to 1 _ (a<OS~ + b)
1 a + bcos cjl
- "iCOS16x+c, then A equals _ _ _ . 3.
8. (, ) , A(,)=A(!21.)
a=SS ' b= - Ss' c=- 85
' nlU S, equation of plane is 29x - 27y - 22 z = 85.
17. (e) : Given line passes through P(J, 2, 4) and this
i+xy l[ I
point also lies on the given plane.
Thus, required line will be of the form
(l - x)(l - y) _( ;:~ ) 1 x -I y - 2 z - 4
, =-;;;-= - ,,-
Any point on the given line is
A(x )A(y) = A(,) (- r1 + I, 3rl + 2, r1 + 4),
9. (el : (KI BA)2 = (A- 18A)(A- 18A) = A-1B(AKL )BA If rl = I, this point becomes P - (O, 5, 5).
=A- 1BlBA =K I 8 zA Let Q{a, b, c) be the reflection of'P' in the given plane,
(A- 18A)3 = (A- 18 2 A) (A-IBA) =A - I B2(AA- 1)BA then ~+ b+5 + , +5 =7
= A-I 8 2JBA = A- 18 l A and so on . 2 2 2 tI b - 5 c- 5
::::) (A-IBA)"=K1B"A l.e.• a+b +c =4and 1=1=1=1.. (say)
::'I:::f;1: ::a' +b' +<' -3ab,)
2eos ( X;Z ) ,Sin(X;
18, (b) : sinx - sinz
eosz - cosx 2sin( x;z } Sin(X; Z)
rb pc qa
= cot (_
x_;_z )= cot(y) [',' x,j; z arc in A.P I
=pq,I:: :I=> k= pq'
b,a 19, (e) : Sin
.-I(j; - ~)
J r(r+ l) = tan
-I( j; - ~)
I+ Jr(r - 1)
12. (b): A·8 = 0 ::::) A·B·8- L = 0.8- 1
::::) A·I=O::::) A=O
= ~>n-I(,[;~ )= I (I,n-1 ,[;-I,n-I,[,:I) r r+ I- 1 1 I
25. (a) : (r+I) != (r +l)! =;! - (r+ 1)!
r=1 ...;r(r + I) r=1
= tan -1 J,; = _ ( _ I _ _ 2. ) = _(V( , ) _ V(, - l ))
(r+ 1)! r!
20. (b) : Clearl y. the direction ra tios of normal 10 the
plane are 4, -3, -2 I - ' - = - (V(,,) - V(O))= I- - ' -
Thus equation of plane will be 4x - 3y - 2z = d ~= I(r+ I )! (n+ 1)!
It will necessarily pass th rough (3, -2,-1)
i.e.,J: 12+6+2=20 26. (I ): (l2+x)ln + (l2+x)117 =~xln
Thus the equation of plane is 4x - 3y - 2z '" 20. x 12 3
21. (b) : Clearly. 11 + b > c (12 + x)(l2 + x) 117 = 64 · 4 · x xln = 28 ..(&0
= (,[;,+.Jbi' - 2,J;;i,>(,f;)' :) 12 +x=x(28)7/S:) x=~
= ('[;'+.Jbi'>(,f;)' = ,[;,+.Jb>,f; 127
So, total number o( real values of x is I .
= '[;'+.Jb - ,f;>0 27. (56) : We have,,l.l+ tlx+ 12=0 .. .(i)
22. (a): Lei 1 = lan- 1 f rx ax r+bx+IS=O
xl + (tl +b)x+ 36", 0
... (ii)
= X - 13 0-
Jx -f ~ · ~·xdx Ad ding (i) & (ii), we get
I+x 2.Jx
:zx2 + (tl + b)x + 27 = 0 ... (iv)
=X· I,n- 1j; - ~f j; <Ix
2 l +x
Subtracting (iii) (rom (iv), we get
r-9= O :) x=3,-3 .
. j; , Thus, common positive root is 3.
Now, putting x = 1 ::::) 2j;clx = dt
9+ 12+3a=O :) a=-7
i.e., dx = 2t dl, , ..c ge t
and9+3b+ IS=0 :) b=-8
1 =N " tan- I rx - ! J- '
2 l+t
-2 2t dl tlb= 56
28. (9) : I;z+ 3 - 4;1:5 I;zl + 13 -4il = Izl + 5:59
- I j; f, 2+ 1- 1
=xlan x- I+Tdt 29. (226) : l et 5, and 52 refuse to be together and 53
= x tan -
I rx - I + 13n- l / +C
and 54 want to be together only.
Total ways when 53 and 54 are selected
= x tan - \ ..r; - ..r; + tan- 1 .r; +c = (sCl + 2C I · SC ,) = 44
23. (e) : We have,r(x) = zeX + ae- x + 2(/ + I To tal ways when 53 and S4 are not selected
= e- X (ze2 x + (2(1 + ( )cf + (I) = (8C~ + 2C I · SC3) = 182
= 2e-
(c +(tI+±)C+ %) = 2e- x +a)( + ±)
(ex eX
TIIUS, to tal ways = .14 + 182 '" 226
30. (4) : Given determinant
= e-12A(e-12(B t C} _ ~2A) _ eiC(c-IC _ e1tA + BI)
For fix) to be increasing,r(x) ~ 0 'r/ x E R
::) tr+a;;:: O'v'xE R =:) ,, <::0 + ciB(ei(A t C) _ e-iB)
+5c,G1'c,(H ·W 'e.GJ + 5C
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(3X-- I-)(2X-- I-)=0.
2r+ 1 2r+5
The product of
(d ) ",6 _ 4m~ _ 3m 2 + I = 0
7 24 . The number of 5 cards combinations out of a
(.) (b) 7./2 (e) 7 (d) Ji deck of 52 cards if there is exactly one ace in each
, , combi nation is
(3) 768320 (b) 777320 (e) 778230 (d) 778320
17. J[ tan- 1x] dx + J[cot- 1x] tlx:
o 0 25. If 2 x 22+ 3 x 2) + 4 X 24 + ... + II X 2" = 2"· 10, then
(where [.J represents the greatest integer function) the value of /I is
(a) I - cot 2 (b) I + cot 2 (a) 513 (b) 5 12 (c) 511 (d ) 520
(c) 2(1 + cot 2) (d) 2(1 - cot 2)
3- x', xS:2
18. If C, stands for tiC" the n the sum of the series 26, If j(x)= and if fix) has
{ ,J;ti4- IX - 48~ x>2
(where" is an even positive integer)
a local maximum at x = 2, then greatest value of (I is
[c;l - 2ci +JCi + ",,+HI"(n+I~1 (a) 2013 (b) 2012 (c) 20 11 (d ) 2010
27. If the standard deviation of th e numbers 2, 3, (I and
is equal 10 I I is 3.5, thcn which of thc following is true?
(3) 0 (b) (_ 1),,/2(11 + I) l
(a) 3 (/2 - 26a + 55 :;; 0 (b) 3a - 32a + 84 ::: 0
(c) (_ J)n(II + 2) (d) None of these (c) 3(/2 - 3411 + 91 = 0 (d) 311 2 - 2311 + 44 = 0
= x4 + a~ +
2 + I be concave upward along the (,I fl. IOOO) > fl. IOO!) (b) 1(-1-»1(-1- )
2000 200 I
entire real line ? (c) ft.x - I) > ft.:( - 2) (d ) none of these
(,) " e [O, ~) (bl "e [- 2, ~)
39. lb ree lines px + q)' + r :: 0, qx + r)' + p :: 0 and
«) "e [-2,21 (d)" e (O, ~) rx + p)' + q = 0 arc concurrent, if
dx I (a) p+ q+ r::O
32. If cos(x-a)cos(x-b) A [log,.(J{x))tlog.,g(xl] + c, (b) l + l + , 2 :: pq + qr + rp
then (c) p3 + l + ,-l :: 3pqr
(d) none of these
(a) A = sin (tl - b) (b) fl.xl = SO< (x - b)
(el g(x) = sec (x - a) (d) A = sin(b - a) 40. Consider the points A (a, 0, 0), B(O , b, 0) and
qo, 0, c), where tlbc:$. 0, then
33. Let fix) = (os(ntlx] + 2(xl)). where [. [ represents
greatest integer fu nction. Then (a) the equation of plane ABC is ~ + 1. + ~ = I
(a) fix) is neither odd nor even. " b ,
(b) range afj(x) is I- I . 1]. (b) the area of MBC is ].. Jb 2,1 +,2a 2 +a2b2
(e) fix) = lItx)] for all x. (d) none of these (c) the equation of the plane ABC is ax + b), + cz = I
34 . The value o f iI, for which the pOints A, (d) none of these
n, C with position vectors 2f - J + k, Comprehension Type
j - 3} - 5k, al - 3} + k respectively are the Paragraph for Q. No. 4 1 to 43
Co nsider the quadratic polynom ial
vertices o r a right angled triangle with C= ~ are ft.x) '" x - 4ax + 5a 2 - 6a, (0 E R).
(,) I (b ) 2 «) - I (d) - 2 41. The value of a fo r which roots offix) :: a arc equal
in magnitude and opposite in sign, is
t?x _ (l + 4X)112 (,) 0 (b) I
35. 1( I(x)= In (l _ x 1 ) ro r x:$.O, then/has
(c) 2 Cd ) none of these
(a) an irremovable discontinuity at x = a 42. Number of values of a for which the equation
fix) = 0 has one root equal to zero, is
(b) a removable d iscontinuity at x = 0 and j(O) = .!. (,) 0 (b) I «) 2 (d) 3
43. The largest integral value of ' a' for wh ich range of
(c) a rcmovablediscontinuityat x= Oand 1(0) =- .!.
4 fix) is [- 5, 00) for every real x, is
(d) nonc of thesc (,) I (b) 5 «) 7 (d) 10
-i+7}+5k (d) 7i -j,- k (,) (A) --> (,) ; (8) -+ (p.,) ; (C) -+ (q) ; (D) -+ (q)
----sJ3 (b) (A) --> (, ) ; (8) -+ (q) ; (C) -+ (p.,) ; (D) -+ (q)
48. The shortest distance between Ll and L2 is (e) (A) --> (p.q) ; (0) -+ (,) ; (C) -+ (s) ; (D) -+ (p)
(d) (A) -+ (,) ; (0) -+ (,) ; (C) --> (q) ; (D) -+ (p)
(,) 0 (b).!.?
(e) 41
(d) 17
5Jj -,
5" Match the foll owing
49. The distance of the point (I, 1. 1) from the plane Column· 1 Column· 11
passing through the point (- I , -2. - I ) and whose
(A) lim {x} Sin (x - ~) = (p) -3
nonnal is perpendicular to both LI and L2 is x-t2' (x - 2)·
(,) 2 (b) 7 (e) 13 (d ) 23 lim [2 - xl + [x - 2] - x =
5J3 5Jj 5Jj 5Jj ( 8)
(q) I
first, second and third terms in lX + e x
(A) -+ (q) • (8) -+ (p) • (C) -+ (q). (D) -+ (q)
the expa nsion o f (x2 +~ i,
(b) (A ) -+ (p., ) ; (B) -+ (,) ; (C) -+ (p); (D) -+ (q)
46, th en coefficient of the term (e) (A) -. (p) ; (8) -. (q) ; (C) -+ (,.s); (D) -+ (p)
that docs not contain is x (d) (A) -+ (q) ; ( 8) -+ (p.q) ; (C) -+ (,); (0) -+ (,)
(8) For a positive in tege r fI, if the (q) 15 Numerical Answer Type
!(X)"j(y)=/(XY)+2 (.!.
a term ind epen den t of x. then y I) fo r x, y > O. Then
x +.!.+
..... !1)~ !l.i.1!1.l!1)~ .~~ll)~. ~.(!~ .c.,!!). ~~.••••. ..... ........ possible integral value orj( 112) is _ _ '
x2 _ 1
and Rolle's theorem is not applicable toftx) :. ~
~ x= ~ ~
Now,1=-_I _ -3g ,(x )
<- . -----+
Distance travelled by man is
l+ (g(x))
Now,let 1= oI f(A·)·g(x)·II(x)dx
Also,f(O) = 6 > 0
'"I !(x) -g(x),"(la - x)dx
= ::::) I(x) has one negative real root and other two roots
o are complex.
oc. '1= "J f(x)·g(x).(3/,(x) - 5)dx 13. (d ): I (x) :: X4 e-...
o :=) j'(x):: ule-..-2 _ Ue-..-2
=3/ - 5 "J f(x)'g(x)dx 1 = - 5"J f (x) 'g(x)dx 2x' ,-"(2 - x') = 0
:=) X :: 0, ± J2 -/2 /2
'"oJ f(x)· g(xH,(x)dx I(x) has maxima at x :: ±.fi and minima at x:: 0
Now, A5 = [~:i~5;: ;~:~:] = [~I ~I]= _I 'nle product of roo ts of the equation = -- "-+-'-
3611(211+ 5)
_ e- x ell.
' 0. «). . I'(x) = f (x) ,,,d f (0) = , IS. (.). f(x)= - -
=> f(x)=c g(x)=x'-c ell. +e- x
k= - ~ => I2kl=3 x
= 2e · le-
= - -'- - > O,'r/XER
(ex +e- x )2 (ex +e- x )2
II. (d ): Using LMVT.
I'(<)=f(b) - f(a) => '- 0 :=) l is increasing function for all x in R
b- a c e- l :=) lis one-one.
The point o n the curve is (e - I , In(e - I» l _ e- 2:c
Asx-+ 0:>, I(x)= l+e- 2x -t 1
12. (b ): j(x):4x 3 -33f+72x+6 +
::::) j'(x) "" 12;(2 - 66x + 72 -'-c,-_--,.-'-
e2K _I
=6(2.~-l l x+ 12)=6(2x-3)(x-4) andx-+ _0:>, I(x) = c2x + 1 -t - I
::::) I(x) is increasing in (_DO, 3/2) v (4, DO) and
decreasing in (3/2. 4) Range is (-I , I) =- l is onto.
::::) /(4):256-528+288+6>0 16. (b): y= mx+ J4m 2 - 3 is a tangent to l SI hyperbola
3) 27 297 and it becomes a common tangent if III :: ± I . Hence
::::) f ( '2 =2" - 7+ 108 + 6 > 0
common tangents arc y = ±x + I. The points of contact
, {I;
[(ot- xJ=
Since B is skew-symmetric, 8T = - B.
Given, (A + B) (A - 8)= (A - B) (A + B)
0; x>cotl ~ A2_M+M_~=A2+~_M_~
COl i ~ 2BA=2AB ~ AB=BA
I dx+ J I dx=2 - lanl+cotl=2(1+cot2) Also. (AB)T = (_I)' AB
tan] 0 ~ BTAT = (_ I)k AB ~ _ BA = (_I)k AB
18. (d ): Let us test the choice fo r " = 2 ~ - AB = (- J)~ AB ~ AB = (_J)hl AB
For /I = 2, the series k = odd number
= 2(1!)(l!)(Cl _ 2.C 1 +3·C1)=-4
2! 0 I 1
23. (el : Given, Y = I + xl ",m
Now observe th e t:lble
C hoice V:llue :II II"' 2
Sublrllcting (ii ) fro m (i), we get Now,fix) will be concave upwa rd along the enti re real
-2" + 10", 2 x 22 +(2.1 + 24 + .. . + 2") _ /I X 2"+ I line i fr(x)~O '<t xe R
:::::) _2"+ 10,,,8 + 8(2,,·2_ I ) - 11 x 2"+ I
:::::) _2" .. 1°",2" + '_11
X 2" + I => 12i +6ax+3~ 0 't;fxE R => D~O
=> _2 1°=2_ 211 => 11=513 => 36a2 - 144 S0::::) al _4S 0 ::::) a E (-2,2]
=(a - l)i+6k
27. (b) : Since, S.D. = l.::L_(Lx; J' CA = (21 - ] + k) - (ai - 3] + k) = (2 - ali + 2j
" 11
Now, ~ = 4 +9+0 + 12 1_ (16 +° )' Be ·a = 0 ::::)(a - I)(2 - a) = 0
4 4 4 a = 1,2.
=> 49·4 = 4(134 + a l ) - (256 + 320 + all
:::::) 30
·32a+84=0 35. (d) : lim :,_"_-=-I",-,+-,'"x,-)"_' lim c'=-'_'_-.>:I''+0-4::X
28. (a): Differentiation of sinx - (OSX repeat after fourth x-+o log O - x 2 ) x-+o log(l - x 2 ) 2
- - , -I- x )
order. - x·
116 l'
:.~ = Sin x - cosx=> f(X) = ~ =COSX+Sin x
dx dx
= 1 (")= cos.!!.+Sin~ =~ + ~= J2
4' ,J2J2
. . (!T, Jt(~ )=(!T, }J2)='024 =-4
29. (a. b. c) : If we put x:: tan e, the given equality
becomes tan-I ), = 40.
36. (b,c, d): I : c
ro +c
<lcu b ba+c 0
Applying CJ ~ C) - aC I - C2, we get
2x2x(l _ x 1 )
(I _ X 2 )1 _ 4x 2
Now,)' is infinite if X4 - 6.(2 + I = 0 laa:b 00+,
::::) x2 = 6±~ = 3±2.J2 = (b2 _ ((I) «(la 2 + 2ba + c) = 0
2 if a, b, c are in G.P. or a is a root of a2 + 2bx + c = o.
(I 2+ ./3 37. (a, b, d ) : Let d be the common diffe rence and
30. (b) : Si nce, /; =- ,- ::::)LA >LB
(/", = 2, a" = 31. thc n (II - m )d = 29 => d =
Also, ~= 5in 105° =2+J3 , which is true. II - III
b sinl 5° which is rati onal.
I~ p :1
r(x)::: 6(x + I) - 3(x + 1)2
rex) = 0 ::::) (x + 1)2(2 - x) = 0
39. (a, <) , Thelin" wHi bocan,"mnl if =0
::::) x.=-I,x=2and j"(2)=-9
So, x = 2 is a point of maxima.
:::) p(rq _ pl)_q(q2_ rp )+ r(pq _,.-!):::0
' nlll S, the maximllln value is/(2): 27 _ !! = 3Z.
or p3+qJ+ rJ_3 pqr=0 4 4
AI", r +<[ +~ - 3Po/=(P+q+ ,) Cri' +<[ +? - pq-o/- '1') 45 . (b) , /(O) = , - ~ =~ ./'(0) = 2
4 4
p+q +r=O
":l + q2+ ,.-! - pq - qr _ rp::: 0 only if p ::: q ::: r in this ~ x 2 '" ~
Subnormal at x '" 0 is/(O)/,(O) '"
4 2
case all lhe three lines will be same, x + )' + I = 0.1
46. (e): rex) = 3(x + 1) (2 - x - I) = 3(x + 1) (1 - x)
and/"'(x) = -6x
40. (a , b) : The thrce points lie in the plane ;+t+~= I Now,r(x) = Q:::)x = 1. - I andr'(x) ~ 0 fo r x = -I , 1
= "C" (5)" - r . x- 211 + 2f+~' = "C" (5t -r x6,- 2n = lim2 +[-x ]+ [x]-2-x= lim [-x] +[x]-x
x-+2 x -+2
6r ~ 2n = 0 ~ r= n/ 3 n = 3,6, 9, ..
= "Cp="Cp _1 ~ tl = p + p - I ~
r=p ~
3/1 - 5
-5- =2
11 + 1
11+ 1
P=, (Ol L = lim eX _ ex = lim I _ ex = 1- 0 = 1
cX+e x
=!. .1'-+0
I+c x
.:! 1+0
~ 6tl-10::511+ 5 ~ 1/:: 15
(D) We have, ( I + x + x2)~
= (1 + x (1 + X»4 = 1+ 4C\ x(1 + xl + ~C2 '~ {I + x )2
+ 4C} Xl (I + x») + ~C4 X4 (1 + X )4
= I +4x(l +x) +~ (l +x2+2x)+
~ ( I +:l + 3x +3x ) + X4 (x" + 4.,;' +
6.>? + 4x + l) Practice Part Syllabus! Full Syllabus
Coeffi cient ofx4 = 6+ 12 + 1 = 19
24 Mock Tesls lor
S I. (d) : (A) C\ : x 2 + 1-
2n(x + y) + 11 2 = 0,
Centre : (a, al, radius: a,
c 2 :x2+ 1- 2
2b(x+ y)+ b = 0
Centre: (h, b), radius b
Since C[ and Cz touch each other
=> / (x)II(I) _I I = 2(2x + I) => /(x) = 2(2x + I) = q=.!..2 p=.!.,2 11=4 (from (i) and (ii))
x xl / (I) - 11
P(X > I) - 1 - P(X < I) - I - P(X = 0)
For /(I) =3, /(x) = (2~'(+1) ... (i)
.!!.(2nr)=2nf!!:=2n(....!...- )= ..! ... (ii) [Using(i)]
til n,l ,l
When II :: 2m, r :: 2 m
Hence the expression = sin{2( a - ~+a)} Notin that most boxes are palt 01 a ciustrr. In tllfo uppfI· lelt ccm t r
of t ach mul tiboll clUSlet is a value thai is combintd using a spt(ified
operatioo on its numbers. For txample, ilthat value is 3 lor a two·bo~
= sin (4a - tt) = -sin4Cl = -4 sina cow ( I - 2sin 2a ) ciustfl" and opelalion is multiply, Yllu know that only 1 and 1 can go in
thert. But it Is )'Our joll to dflflmine which numMr goes whele l A few
=H{ ~ )(H~)= 8~ dlKIN may have jusl ant boJt and that Is tIM! numb~1 thai fills thai box.
56 . ( I )~ Asj{- l ) =j{ l ) and Rolle's theorem is not
applicable, then it implies j{x) is either discontinuous
or j'(x)does not exist at atleast one po int in (- I, I ).
g(.\') = 0 at atlcast one value of x in (- I, I). TIlUS k = I
57. ( 104) : The required number of points = 8C2 x I
+ 4C2 X 2 + (BC, x 4Ctl x 2 = 28 + 12 + 32 x 2 = 104.
58. (8): 1= J ex 9+x6+ xJ)(2x6+ 3x3+ 6)1I3c1x
= x 2(X 6 + x 3 + 1)(2x9 + 3x6 +6,,(3) 1f3t1x Rtod~J (en semi II>~, frJp<JfIseJ ot wltWOrn/g.ln Of poJI UI wltl>
compltlf odd.tsI. W/MfI'J'namtwlll> 11lt/, WlluabSt fffdbodt willbf
Put 2x 9 + 3x6 +6x 3 = t, 18 (x 8 + x S + x 2 )tlx = tit ptJbJIJhN/nncl/1SJN.
distinct complex zeroes 2. Each term is of the following form:
5. Find the minimum possible n (2k - l)
perimeter of a triangle with
one vertex at (3, 9), one
anywhere on the y-axis and n (Sk)
one anywhere on the line y = x. 1.:=1
n , 3_
, ,
6. Evaluate : lim L. -,-8 n (2k -l )n (2k)
1I-J"" ,=3 ' +8 = 1.:-1 1.:-1 = (2,,)! _ 1 ("')
7. Inside a square ABeD, points P and Q arc
positioned so Ihal DP II QB and DP = PQ = QB. Of
(,,!)s" n "
(1I!)S" (II!)2" 10""
(a-~r +-~r =~
(el - 7c + 11) 2 - 4(1S - 21 c + sel - el) = 0
:) c4 - 102 + 39c2 -70c + 49 = 0 =0
:) (e 2 _ 5e + 7)2 = 0
This means thllt P lies on a circle centered at o(~.~)
and this happens fo r two distinct values of e whi ch
sum to 5. with radius r =!. Ji
Thus the sum of the possible values of e is 3
2 + 3 + 5 = 10.
·Iberefore. LADPwill be minimized WhC ll DP is tangent
10 Ihis cirde. Now by symmetry 00 makes an angle
5. LeI A be the vertex (3.9). B be the vertex on the
y~axis and C be the vertex on the line)' = x. Also. of 45 0 with the x-axis and has length ! Ii.
let D (-3. 9) be the reflection of A in the y-axis and £(9. 3) 3
Thus. LPDO = 45 0 - L ADP. and so
be the reflection o f A ill the line )' = x. Then AB = BD
and AC = CEo and thus the perimeter of MBC is equal to OP I
sin(LPDO) = sin(45° - LADP) = - = ~ = -
But the shortes t distance between two points is a OD '-.J2
straight line. so
DB+BC+CE <?: DE This implies that 45 0 - LA DP = sin-' G) = 30°. and
=J(9 - (-3ll' +(3 _ 9)' = Ji80 =6,Js So the minimum valuc for LA DP is 45° _30 0 = 150
(bY+O(l - Yl)''']
= [ (x+ l)(b- ti) [computcd:Hy=land y=OI
(b<+l _ o'+l))
I" ( (x+ I)(b - o)
fll(L) = lim --'~_ _ _.L
... -+0 x
As x approaches 0, d enominator and nume rator
approaches O.
Hence, we can use L-hospital's rule.
n2 _ 8
Soiving,wege l J=nx - .- In(L)=' (b<+lln(b) _ a<+lln(O) _ ~)
;~ (x+ l}(b - a) x+ 1
9. We take a point P '" (xo' x5) on the parabola. Then
slope of tangent is :: 2xo
Hence slope of normal is ~
2x, b - a (l Q c aQ
IIJ(L)= -I- III -bb - 1 ~ L= -I - )(b-a)
So equation of normal is : (x - xo) = - 2xo(y - xi)
Solving it with the parabola, we get
, • ,, ,
2 • 5 1 4 9 6 J 4 5 1 9 2 6 J
(-~-xo ) 1 J' 9 4 2 ,
, • ,, ) 1 4
,, , 9 , 2
2 2>:0
, , , , • , , ,,
9 4 2 ) 1 • 9 2 J 4 1
(using the equation of norma) •
7 2 6 5 9 13 4 6 7 2 5 3 7 1 4
• ,, , , ,
J 2 9 • 56 4 1
By applying AM -GM inequality, we gel
• ,,, ,
9 1 , 4 , ) 2
2 4
~~ - or xo+-
ff ( l) 4
2: 1. Finally Amin =-
,, ,
1 4 2 • 9
,, ,•1 J 9
, 2 9 4 J. , , 1 J , 2 9 • 4 1 2
, 1 4 2 ~ 9 3 1 , 4
4 2
, , J
2 3 5 8 1 49
•, , , , ,, • ,,
9 , 14) 1 , 6 5 9 8 4 2 , J 1
,, ,,
2 4 , ,•
13 9
2 4
• ,,
2 ) 1 94
4 1 , J , 2 9
x-.o 0
2 J 4 9 1 • 5
1 • , 2
4 J' , , , , ,•
4 9 5
J , .2
1 J 2
1 4
4 ' J 1 8 5 2 1 1 , 4 8 3 9
LCi l =f,(by+,,(I - y)) dy
sinn cosCl
sinn cosa].
sin" a
. (0) 20 (b) 20
(c) (d) 41
'in~• 2w'~] are such that. AB is a null 9. Eighteen guests have to be seated half on each side
Sin ~
of a long table. Four particular guests desire to sit on
matrix, then wh ich of the following should necessaril y one particular side and three others on the other side.
be an odd integral multiple of ? "2 The number o f siu ing arrangements is
a (b) ~
Let P(x) = tio + al X
«) a-~ (d) a+~
+ a ~ + ... + a"x". If
(,) (~}<9!)' (b) C:}(9!)'
IP(x) 1:5 Ie'"- I - 11 'r/ x ;;:: 0, then the maximum value of (e) 7 x (9!)2 (d) 10!9!
lU I + 2UI + 3el3 + ..... + ntinl is
10. A man walks a d istance or 3 units rrom the origin
(a) - (b) I (el /I (d) e towards the north east (N 450 E) di rect ion. From there
5. "
If the line x cos a + y sin Cl = P is a tangent to the he walks a distance of 4 units towards the north - west
(N 45 0 W) d irection to a point P. Then the position of P
curve xl = al. Then l = in the Argand plane is
~ ~
(,) ~cot2a . cosa (b) ~ (0 \ 2(1- cas a
9 9 (0) e 4 +4; (b) (3 - 4;) e 4
~ ~
«) ~coI2a·cosa (d) ~tan2asln a (c) (4+3i)c 4 (d) (3+4;) c 4
27 27
satisfying ,JI':;i+H =a(x 2 - l) arc P and Q cos 2 a cos 2 !} + sin a cos a sin p cosp
respectively, then P + Q is «(I is arbitrary constant )
=( cos 2 psinll cosa+sin 2 asin pcosp
cos 2 a sinp cosp + sin!l. cosa sin! P)
12. LeI Ipl = ~Ji.lijl = 1 and the angle between sina cosa sin!} cosp + sin 2 a sin 2 fl
p and ij be ~ . I f a parallelogram is fo rmed with = (cosa eosfl cos(a - Pl cosa sinfl cos(a - p»)
adjacent sides ii = P- 3ij and b = 5p + 2ij. the n the sina cosp cos(a - fll sinn sinp cos(a - fl )
length of the shorter diagonal is _ _ _ ' ~ a - fl must bc an odd integral multiple ofn/2.
13. The circle xl + r
+ 2gx + 2/), + , '" 0 is sllch 'I. (b) , IP(I)1 < I"" - II =0 => P(li = 0
that the length o f tangents to il from the points
lal + 2a2 + 3a3 + .. . + lIalll = IP(I)I
(1,0), (2, 0) and (3, 2) are respectively l •..[i and J]..
100. k" I (i) and (ii) arc identical if 2!L = - 2aYI = ay~
cosa sina p
~ - 2p 2 - 2a.cosa 2 4apcosa
I. (d ): The graph of g(x) in the rencetion of I(x) YI '" sin o.' XI = ~'YI~XI = 3 sin2a
\V.r.t the linc y:: X. SO, g(x) is the inverse of j(x).
Lety=j(x)= (x+ 1 )2, X~_ 1
But x~ =ay~=>xf =a2 y~
=> x+ 1= ,fY => x= ,fY- 1 r'(x)=.Jx - 1
64a 3 p 3 cos 3 ct
Also x O?: - I ~ j(x) O?: 0 ~ R (j) '" to, 00)
~ D(fl) = 10,00) " j-l(x) = Fx -I forx O?:O
27sin6 a
4a cos 3Ct 4a ,
2. (b) : O:5x:S; I I2~O:5siny:S; 1/2 => P= 27 sin! a = 27 cot-a· cos a.
~ 0:5y:5n/6
( ~sin y+ ej{ )=Sin-I Sln(y+*) 6. (d ) : f222' . 22~ . 2.l d:( .. ,(;)
2 'i ·dt
If 0 :s; y5 nl6
= f---, pU' t = 2.l in ( i ) ... (ii)
7. «) ~ ±x' !
=> y = 2x + x 2 • y = 2x _ x 2
y f4
=cis!: · (3+ 4i) =(3+4i)C i "'4
=, 4
~ fo~{::~Cxdi ~['2X _xi ))<Ix
II. (2): Put x 2 = sinO: , = sinp , we gel
coso: + COSP = ,,(sino: - sinp)
0 y = " _; ,
~ (o1( a;p)=a ~ 0: - P = 2cot-I(a)
4 ~ 4 ~14 =5
128 sin- l (x 2) - s in-I<T) = 2 (Ol-I(a)
=20 x2t1x=sx2 sq. units
=> _ 1_(2x) _ _ I_(2y)~ = O
8. (e) : By series ,
~ R dx
_ _ 2,12 1 2
12. (5), p.q= , . 1. ,12 = 3
(a _ b)x+cx 1 +(l _ ~)Xl +...!:..x s + ..
ii+b=6p - q
'" lim 6 120 :: L
~--->O ~xs+ ... => la+b f= 36Ipl' +lijl' - 12p·ij
=> tl = b. c = 0, I - !! =0 => (I =6 36'!+1 - 1 2.~ = 25
6 9 3
:. L = ...!:..x~
= 2.. ii - b= - (4p+5tj)
120 2 40
9. (b) : Th e 4 guests Gt. G1 , Gj • G4 can be seated on
a particular side in ' P4 ways.
The 3 guests Gs• G6• G7 can be C I • G2• G). G• ...
seated on the opposite side in
' p} ways.
The othe r II guests ca n be
sealed 0 11 the remaining II Gs• G6• G, ...
Seals in II! ways.
lhe desired number is ' p.)( ~ P3)( II!
A through !: in
the clockwise sense ':L':;'
and multiplying by ! o '
%- ZI =(O - ZI) (- i) ~
/Ill + 111 2 =
2 1anG
- - , - ''''1/1/ 2 =
cos1S+ lan 2
e =; + k~.J ~ 3)! - ~ I)!)
(k (k
sin· e sin· e
(ml - m2ll = (m\ + /112)2 - 4ml "'2 = ~2 + (~11 - ~)
+ (~ -
-'- ) + (-'- - -'-)
41 31 5!
4(tan 2 9 - sin! 9(col e + tan l 9»
sin4 e + ....+ (9~! - 9~!) + (9~! - 9~!)
4(secl 9 _ cos1 9 _ lan 2 9) = ~ + J + !. _(.2.... + .2....) = 3 _ 100 = 3 _ 100
= = 4. 2 2 981 991 99 1 lOO!
e The value of the given series is 3.
15. (3) : 51 = 0 + 0 + 0 + ....... = 0
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Are you ready fOr? 31!it Oct. 30 th Nov & 14th Dec 2023
SYlLABUS- -"·hi'·
Section - 2 ; N~lTbers, Quantification, Numerical Applkatioos, Sets, Relation! and FunctiofS. Secuences and Series. Pe rmutations and (ombinalioos,
Mat hematical Reuoning , Lirritl, Continuity ard Diffmntiability. Probabil ity, Oesoipliw Statistics, Balia of Financial Mal~ fmatiu. Slraist.1 LiI1f!., e ildes.
Section - ) : 11M! syllabus 01 t~is SfCllon will 1M! based on tile syllabus of Quantitative Ap tiKCf.
Section - 4 : Sets, Relations arod func~oos. StqtJe11CfS ar.d Series. Prrmutations and (ombinaliofs, UlTits and Deriyat~ Straight Unes. Odes, PfobabUitV.
Practice Questions
14. Find thepositive intcger 11 so that lim x" - 3" = 108. 18. Statement-I : From a group of8 men and 4 women
.l~J x-3 a team of 5, including atleast o ne woman can be
A I 8. 2 C. 3 D. 4 fo rmed in 736 ways.
15. Five persons entered the lift cabin on the ground Statement-II : Numberof ways of selecting atleast one
floo r of an eight floo r house. Suppose that each of woman (rom III men and /I women is m ~ "e" - mc,...
them independently and with equal probability A. Both Statement-! and Statement-II arc true.
can leave the cabin at any floor beginning wit h the B. Statement -I is true but Statcmcnt-II is fa lsc.
first. then the probability of ail S persons leaving at C. Statement -I is fal se but Statement-II is true.
differc nt floors is D. Both Statemcnt-! and Statement-II arc fa lsc.
7' 19. Two d ice are thrown. The evcnts P, Q and R are as
B. 1J;; c. 'P, fo llows:
P : getting an even number on the firs t die.
ACHIEVERS SECTION Q: gell ing an odd num ber on the fi rst die.
16 Match the following' R : getting the sum of the numbers o n the d ice :5 5.
TIlen, which o f the following is true?
Column II
(Sum of the (i) P and Q are mutually exclusive.
Column I
digits of S) (ii) P and Q are mutually exclusive and exhaustive.
(iii) P:::Q'
(P) The n umber of terms in the A.P., (I) I (iv) P and R arc mutually exclusive.
22,28,34, ... ,6 16 is (v) P', Q' and R are mutually exclusive and
(Q) Thc 33 rd term o f the sequence I , (2)
7.25. 79,,,. is
-" exhaustive.
A. (1), (iv), (v) B. (ii). (iv), (v)
C. (iii), (v) D. (i). (ii) and (iii)
(R) The 7th term of the series (3) 3H _2
I I I 20. lim x+x2 + ... +x" - II
is equal to
- -+- - -+ 1- .. i, .l~1 x -I
" y. 4 2
If x, t are in G.P and 'Ix::: bY::: (4) 100
A 11
if XE [o,~Jand[¥-,~J
Required answer = [ 0, ~] u[~, ?f]
8. ( 0 ): G iven slo pe (III ) = .!.. and the li ne passes
through (3 , -2).
Equation of the line in the slope point form is
llte cquation of the required line is [y- (-2)] = .!. (x- J)
=> 2(y+ 2) :x- 3::::) 2y + 4: x - J::::) x - 2y-7:
= a2+Ir=50 .. (i) 17. (D) : A. Number of subsets of a set A having /I
Als02+4 +6+ Il + b=20 = ll + b:8 ... (ii) elements is 2" (since empty set is a subset of every sets).
It is clear that the two observatio ns are I and 7 Number of non-emp ty set = 2" - 1
which satisfies both (i) and (ii ). B. Minim um number of elements in Au B is II(B) if
II (A)S: II(B).
13. (C) : Since the foci arc o n y-axis, the major axis
C. Number of relations from A :: Number of subset
is along the y-axis. So, equation of the ellipse is of the
of A x B.
xl l
fo rm ""2 + --;- =1.
Number of relations from set A to B = 2 ,,(A)(,,(B ).
b a- 20 18. (8) : Number of required ways = Number of ways
Given that Il = semi-major axis = "2 = to of selecting ( I woman, 4 men) or (2 women, 3 men) or
(3 women, 2 men) o r (4 women, 1 ma n)
and the relation c2 = III -fiZ gives 51 = 102 - b2 i.e.,fiZ = 75
= .IC I x 8 C~ + 4C2 x sC3 + 4C) x 8C 2 + 4C4 x SCI = 736
2 2
Therefore, the equation of the ellipse is .:!.....+ L = I 19. (D ) : P = Getting an even number on the fi rst die
75 = H2, I), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6), (4, I), (4, 2),
."(" _ 3" ,,_1 100
14. (D) : We have, lim - - = 11(3) ~,3~~,4~~,n~,~~ I ~~ n~n~4),
x~3 x- 3
(6,5), (6, 6)1
Therefore, 11(3 ),,- 1 = 108 = 4(27) = 4(3)4-1
Q = Getting an odd number on the flrst die
On comparing, we get /I = 4 = (( I, I), (I, 2), (I, 3), (1 ,4), (I, 5), (I, 6), (3, I ), (3, 2),
15. (A) : Number of ways lhat each person leaves the ~3~~ 4 ~ ~, ~,~ , ~(5, 1 ~(~n~~,(~~,
cabin at different floor = 7ps (5,5), (5, 6)1
Number of demen ts in sample space = 75 R = Gelling the sum of numbers s: 5
Required probability = '"
= 1( 1, I) , (1.2), ( I , 3), ( 1,4), (2, I ), (2, 2), (2 , 3), (3,
I ), (3, 2), (4, 1)1
Now,P n Q=$
16. (A) : (P) The given A.P. is 22, 28, 34, ..., 616, where
P and Q are mutually exclusive event s.
first term. a = 22, common difference. d = 28 - 22 =
So, (i) is true.
6 and last term, I = 616
Also, P u Q = S = P and Q are mutually exhaustive.
Since, I = Il + (/I - J)d So, (i i) is truc.
6 16=22 +(11 - 1)6 = 616 - 22 + 1=11 = II = 100 Now, Q = Getting an odd number on the first die
6 = Q' = Getting an even number on the first die = P
(Q)The given sequence is 1,7,25,79,. P= Q'.
Here, III = 1 = 3 - 2; (11 = 7 = 32 - 2; lI3 = 25 = 33 - 2 SO, (i ii) is true.
... and so o n Now, P n R = ((2, I ), (2, 2), (2, 3), (4, 1)1' ~
a,,=3"-2 ::::) P and R arc not mutually exclusivc.
Thus, a33 = 333 - 2 So, (iv) is fal se.
Now, P' n Q' = $ (.; P"" Q')
(R)The given series is - .!. +.!. - .!. + I - .. P' n Q' f""\ R = ~and P' u Q' u R = S
S 4 2
BuIJY n R = Qn R (... P' = Q)
Here, first term , (/ = 2 and commo n ratio, = 1( 1, I) , ( I, 2), ( I , 3), (I, 4), (3, I ), (3, 2». ~
S P', Q' and R are not mutually cxclus ivc.
,= --= - 2
- 1/8 So, (v) is false.
Fot otM' Uc!HHI5/,ubjecls pJ'/JJ' flfor 10
= 2·
P/lyslcl F()( YCII, Chemistr), Todll)' and Biology To day
Are you ready fOr? 3,'1 Oct, 30 th Nov & 14th Dec 2023
-'''h i
Section - 2 : Nurr.b@rs, Quantificatioo, N ~ [email protected] AppIica liors, Solution~ 01Simultall@Ous lintar Equations,Malricfs, [>lmrminanl5, Appli Cilt~n 01 De,ivati'les.
Inlegratioo, Application olln te~ralions. Oifferenlial £~U3tiOf\S, Probability, Inferential Statistics, Index numbels. Time-based data, Finandal MathematiC!,
Secti on - 3 : The syllabus 01 this SKlion will be bawd on th syllabus of Quantilativt
Section - 4 t.4a!!ic~ Determinants, Appllcatioo 01 Derivatives,lnttglatioo, Application ol lnttgralion. Oiiifrential EGuatJons, l.i!lear PrO!jlammil1s. Probability.
-m;tf§.&@! !.(
I. LeI R be the real line. Let the relations Sand To n ( Note: R deno tes set of real numbers)
R be defi ned by S = ({x. y) : y = x + 1,0 < x < 21. A. R B. R - 1-2,21
T = I(x, y): x - y is an integer). Then c. R- 1-21 D. 1- 2,21.
A. both Sand T arc equi valence relations on R 6. The minimum value offix) = maxl.\·, I + x. 2 - x} is
B. T is an equivalence on R b ut S is no t A. 1/ 2 B. 3/2 C. I D. 0
C. neither S nor T is an equivalence relation on R
D. S is an equivalence relation on R but T is not
If/ (x) = lx- II + Ix- 21 + Ix-3 1, 2 <x< 3, then /is
7. The value of Jo ,Jxx+,Jx~
40-12 dx
4042 - x
is equal to
B- l = ![ 9
2 -8
6 then (ABr l = ?
Both Statement-I and Statement-II are false.
Statement-I is true but Statement -II is false.
Statement-! is false but Statement-II is true.
2 4 4
5. (C) : wehave,f(x)=~
R ecipe for S uccess
tan- (x+2) "You cannot change your future, but you
For Jtx) to be defined, x + 2 ~ 0 => x ~ -2 can change your habits, and surely your
Thus, we can see th atJtx) is defined and co nti nuo us habils will change your future."
fo r all x except x = -2.
Thus, required domain is R - [-21.
- A.f.J AlIdul K.'.m
+ X2 = 5, -Xl + Xl = I, 5x, + 4X2 = 40, Xl = 0, Xl = 0
, [COS2X]'/2
=41 - c05xl;; + 4 - - 2 - 0
We draw the graph of these equations as shown below:
= -4(- I - l l - ~[- I - l l
=8 +" = 12 sq. units
dY f-4 X dx
=> f y+3= 2x2+3 x, <---'i-:>"-t--t--~""""-t-",<,=i'--->x,
=> log(y + 3) = - log(2"? + 3) + log C
=> logl(y + 3) (2K + 3)} '" log C
=> C = (y + 3) (2x' + 3) Here. ABeD is the feasible regio n.
The values of f at the points A, B, C and Dare
10. (A) : ~ +3;' and 7~ - sf, arc perpendicular to each
other. Po ints Value off = hI - Xl
~, -3 : 1
o - I
=~[ ~8 ~7 ~2]
the probability of occurrence of one of them is not
IS. (D) : (AB)- I = B- IA - 1 ; ][ affected by occurrence of the other.
Such even ts arc called independent even ts
Applying row by column multiplication, we get
~ AB -I =1.[2 --40
45+49 -1 8 - 21]=[ 47 - 39/2 ]
19. (C) , (P) K = ~, ~ = 20 = 2'·5
20 K
( ) - 42 16+18 --4 1 17
~ 2 prime fac tors
16. (C) : (1+ A)l= /3+ 3A + 3A2+Al = 1+ 7A
A = /J + C ~ A J = (I:I + C)3 = 8 3 + 3B 2C + 38C2 + C
(Q) K = 1..4 ~=
4 = 21 ~ 1 prime fa ctor
~ A J _B l _3 B2 C= 3BC+C1 =(3B+C)C=0 I I
(R) K = 280' j(= 280 = 2 ·S·7 ~ 3 prime faclo rs
17. (Al : (i) rex) = 9(3r - 4x + I) = 0 ~ x = I, '3
I I ,
Imu= I(~] 'H ~ = =
(S) K = 630' j(= 630 = 2·3-·5·7 ~ 4 prime faClo rs
Now,r(x)= 72
f"(-I) = -2 < 0, i.e., maxi ma occurs at x = -I
and f"() = 2 > O. i.e., minima occurs at x = 1
1=/(-1) = -2 , nd 1= 1( 1) = 2
Cyber Security
(yber Sewrity is the practice of Protecting Systems. netwOlks and programmes fr om digital attacks whether they all! comput e~
mobiles or digital devices. It aims to help you defend and recover your network, devices and programmes from all ty?es of cyber
attacks. With an unprecedented lise in cyber attacks and data breaches in recent yeals, the demand for cyber security professionals
has be<ome quite indispensable. According to the US Bureau of labor Statistics (BLS), the number of cybel security jobs is expected
to increase by 35% between 2021 to 2031 Specialisation in Cyber Security can open up wide range of career opportunities for the
Courses offered and Eligibility Criteria
list of Colleges and Institutes offering
Cyber Security Courses in India
1. Diploma Courses ; Candidates can pursue diploma in
Cyber Security courses at both UG and PG levels. The liT delhi
du ration of UG and PG Diploma courses ranges from
I to 2 years. 11'1' Kanpur
2. Degree Co urses: Candidates can obtain B.Tech or B.Sc.
(Hons) deg ree in Computer Science (CS) and Cyber Security NIELT Delhi
after completing class 12lh. D.Tech degree programmes are
HITS Chenna i
of 4 years '''hill'' in CS and Cyber Security has a 3-year
course duration. Candidates should secure at least 50% marks Amity University
in classes 10 & 12 with Physics, Chemistry, and Maths as core
subjects. Candidates should also qualify for JEE Main/State liT Bangalore
or University level engineering exams.
BITS Pilan i
3. Certificatio n Courses : Certificat ion courses in Cyber
Security arc majorly offered online. It provides an opportunity Jain Online University
for both freshers and graduates to upskill themselves fo r a
better future career and makes the learners ready for job. The Manav Rachna Centre for Distance and
course duration can range from 6 months to 2 rears.
4. M.Tech Cand idates should pOS5eS$ STech/B.ScICSI Online Education
ITfMA deg ree from a ruog nised uni\'Crslty and secure National Forensic Sciences University
50·6(1% marks.
After completing a course In Cyhcr Security, Chief Info rmation Secur ity Officer
candidates seck for Cyber Se<:urity jobs in the {ollowing Vulnera bility Assessors
companies, Security Administrator
Apple Securit y Software d e\'eloper
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Incidt'll\ Rl'spondt'f
Patient Firs! Security Architect
Security Code Auditor
Lockheed Ma rtin
Security Manager
General Motors
Capital One
Forensic Expert
Cisco Secu rit y Anal yst
Intel Secu rit y Enginl'er
Northrop Grumman Security Spe<:lalist
Boeing Security Auditor
Essential Books For All Engineering Entrance Exams
.._ ._-
.. -- - l
II'~ ~-
G EO!!~Y
Detailed theory with High Definition imagesof the given topic is covered under this heading_
Trigonometric Functions
Measure of an Angle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
An gles is the amo unt o f rotation of a given ray from the initial side 10 its terminal sidC! abo ut its vertex.
( Po,Iti..., an&l~l
( fO~2"'70"
'------7 A
8 '-"'-O------>;
L • ~E_-'>C'>
"-"-_~) A
Radian Measure _ _ _ __
Relation between Degree
The angle is said to have a measure of I radian if
it is the angle measures at the centre by an arc of
and Radian Measure _ __
length J unit in a circle.
l Thc relation between di ffere nt sides and angles ofa right angled triangle arc called
: trigonometric ra tios.
lSin P"pcndi, u]"
HypOlcnuse ;cosec
e Hypo"nuse
Perpendicular ;
L' _
" ~{f.".O
lcos 9= ~ : sec 9= Hypotenuse ; lan9_ Perpend ICular , (01 9= Base c e
t___ ___ !:~~t:~~:~ __________ ~~:e________________~a:: ___________ !,_e~~~~~c_u::~ __ Bm B
~~~~::::~lClrk (u tlCUOnJ art POI IU\t
l inO and CQl feO a rt p<»itlv(
1 80· ~ --
III Quadrant IVQllildntlt
Ian 0 and (Oli O art pos it;,,\,. cos 0 and SfC 0 art poml\(
- - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - ___ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___ "
0 ____________________________________________ _
, .
y :: sin x
• i:
y = cosx
" X '"
• r
y = tanx y =cotx
- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - -+ - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --
Trigonometric Identities
The relation involving trigonometric functions, which are true for all values of the tmgles involved are called
trigonometric identities.
:· · · ·. ·........· . ·~i~::~:::::::::::::·····~~·~·O····
. . . .:::::::::~~~:~:::: . . ..:.· ··. . ;-;;~I:::=::::::::· . ···~~~·O·· ....·: : . ·. . ~~·~~~·O·'::::::l
. tan9 I Jsec 2 e _ 1 ;
sin e sin e : ±JI- cos 2 9 + - - - - +- - -2- +- - --
.............,........ .................. ,.... ,•.•-•...J:.:I.+ ~:
... :'.';.",..' ..0;.... ,...-..... ..:I..+. cot e - see 9 cosec 9
............. !
± __I_ - ' ~ ,
: ± vcosec~ 9 - 1 f
cos 9 i ±JI- sin 2 e cos e
J I + tan2 e · cosec 9 .
: i
I ±~ j
l i sin e : J I- COs1 e :
l Ian 0 l ± ~ .± . tan 0
. . v l- sin2 9 : ~ :
........................ .. .......... · .
·±~:~.~:.:.~.~. I. .I
cos9 1
i cot9 ±v l- s in~ 9 ±---- cot 9 ±---
~lp bM _o., ' H _ _ _
-. 1-1·'1 '-
)·..,'· ...' 1
: . oiooI ...· ' . ) • • 'f . ~ [ _I . I !
• <Oti",,".) • • f • • [- I. II
I · .... . . ZJ
...·'t>,q .,W)', .., ....'.,..,
(.R.~)'f ,u..,.,.>l
. -(-1. 11 • ".·,(_. I . · .... .. . ~ (-I. 1 1
• >io(1I ••) . . . , .. . ...... ~ .... • '~..'("' I • • ·"..... ....·. I -I.I]
• a.oI&. t) o ",. O.... t ; u. tI .. ,
... ........ . ,
...··""' W.(.::jr., •.' ... ... ,•.,
• <.m"( 1I.)0 ",,'·,, <>0
. ~<... . ...(e· ' )· Mn(' · '1
• lcoOII . ... • ... (lI ·.) - ';,,(.· .1
· __ ·"::::..7:' _.." ..,,,.,,
• lcoOII .,.,. . ,,,,,,I. t) ' cooCl - t'
· ~_ · _(t_ 'I_'OO( '· ')
• 1...· • • • " ..~l'
• - .. .. (J.- .. ·~ . i
• ",,8. 0 => &. (:t... 1)1111. . ' : ··"(~·;::l'.*"'* {,.? )
· _ e . ...... .. .. _ ~ u.
~ 15 - 1 JIOH15
10 ~ J25 - I015 JS+215 ~JSO - I015 1+15
I J) I
2 J) J)
• JIO - 215
JS - 215
J2S+ I015
15 - 1 ~JSO+ I 015
.n .n .n .n
./2 not defined not defined
3n/2 -I
0 not defi ned
not defined -I
not defined
not defined
2, 0 nol defined not defi ned
)':11 !in-Ix
. ;"- ,
- l Oll"
- or
e I
~ O _,:
Y'" cosec· Ix
y'" sec' IX ,= (oC IX
Domain :R -I- I, II;Range: Domain :R -J- I, 1[; Range: IO.J[I -{~} Domain : R; Range : 10, n[
sin A = sin B = sin C
1 MBC. ab c 2R
2 2 2 2
: Cosine rule : (osA = b +,2 _ a ,cos B = (/2 +,2 _ b ,cosC= (,2 +b _ , 2
2bc 2a( 2(/ b • , c
t.~~j~~~_~I~ ~~~~ ~ ~_~ ~.'.O.S. : _~ ~ _c~~_~,_~ ~_~ ~~~ ~_ ~_~ ~~~ ~ .c.~ ~I_~~~ ~_~ ~_~~s_~~ __ ' - - - - - - - - - '
Area of a Triangle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Lei a, band c are length of sides of a triangle. A, Band C are angles opposite to sides of triangle.
.1 c2 sinA sinB a 2 sin Bsin C b2 sin Csin A
!J. = .!.bcsin A = .!. ca sin 8 = ..!.ab sin C
2 2 2 2sin C 2 sinA 2 sinB
Heron's Formula : .6. = Js(s _ a)(s _ b)(s _ c); where. $ = a + b+ c
6 = abc = rs. where rand R are radii of the incircle and the circumcircle respectively of the triangle.
The circle wh ich touches the side Be and two sides AB and AC produced of a
triangle ABC externally is called the escribed circle oppos ite to the angle A. Its
radius is denoted by r l" Similarly. f2
ci rcles opposite 10 the angles Band C respectively.
Hence. rl' r 1 and r] are called ex-radii of 6ABC and ccnlres of the escribed circles
B (05-
(1(05 -
6 A ABC 2 2
0) fl =~=j t an2=4Rsin2cos2cos2
.:i B B C A bcos - cos -
(ii) f 2 =--=s tan - =4R sin -cos-cos- = 2 2
s- b 2 2 2 2 B
The circle passing through the vertices of the MBC is called the circumcircle and its
radius R is called the drcumradius.
R= _a_ = _ "_ = _,_ = abc
2sinA 2sinB 2sinC 46
The point of intersection of perpendicular drawn from the vertices on the opposite sides
of a triangle is called orthocentre.
The 6. DEF formed by joining the fee l o f the altitudes is called the pedal triangle.
Directioll Q.{1 a"d 2) : Find ",t: wrong term jPl tile 9. If SATURN is coded as TBDFRJ and JUPITER is
given series. coded as BFNRDJR, then how will URANUS be coded ?
I. 150,290.560, 11 20,2 140,4230,8400 (,) FRB)FT (b) SRNKGC
(,) 21 40 (b) 560 «) 11 20 (d) 4230 «) EQCH ST (d) DPNRTP
2. 250,239,216,18 1,1 36,75,4 10. III a cer tain code language. ' PHYSICAL is coded
(,) 239 (b) 181 «) 75 (d) 136 as 'r.,'IQBIDZIT', then in the same code language
'BREAKING' will be coded as
Directioll Q.(3 and 4) : 11le two worth or IIlImbers
otl ll'e rigM of (: :) are related in tl,e 50me way as tile
words 011 ,lie left of (: ;). Identify wllat will come in «) HC0 5L)KB (d) HCOT)FLB
place of blank? I I . If A + B means A is the sisler o fB ;A x B means
3. If 'Drive' is to 'jWMYG: then ' Highway' is to A is the wife ofB, A + B means A is the fa ther of Band
A - U means A is the brother of B. Which of the
(a) pPMMADA (b) qQNNDAD following means ' .... is the daughter of'P'?
(e) pQNSBDA (d) oRMMCBC (a) P xQ+ R +S- T (b) P xQ+ R- T +S
4, If '598' is to '490: then '637' is to .. (c) P x Q + R + T-S (d) P xQ+ R +S+ T
(3) 763 (b) 3 15 (c) 463 (d) 222 12. P is the mother of Q, who is the husband of R 3nd
Directioll Q.(5 alltl6): Four oflilefollowiugfive (Ire S who is the sister of Q, is the daughter ofT Which one
alike irl a cerlai,. way arid $0 form a g rollp. Wllicl, i$ of the following rcl3t ions is/are not true?
tile orle II.nt dOI!$ 'IOt belollg to tllat grollp ? (a) T is the fathe r of Q
(b) S is the d3ughter of P
S. (a) Ursa major (b) Gemini
(c) Taurus (d) Lynxus
(c) R is the d augh t er~in~law ofT
(d) All are correct
6. (a) 374 (b) 132
«) 583 (d) 372 13. Bharat is facing the direction which is 135° to the
clockwise of North. He slarts turning and follows the
Direction Q.(7 alld 8): I" f udl of 'lie f ollowi"g figur fs,
following sequence:
find tile IlIl",butlt Uer wllidl rep/llcu tile sign of'"
31° anticlo ckwise, 43° clockwise, 67° antic1ockwise,
7. 83°clockwise. 109° anticlockwise, 1l3° anti-clockwise,
127 0 clockwise. 14 30 clockwise, 1590 anti -clockwise
in the same order. Which direction is he facing now?
(a) North-West (b) North · East
(c) South (d) Soulh ·West
(a) - 173 (b) 173 (c) 713 (d) 143
Directio,. Q.04 alUl 15): III II.e followillg qUCJtiolls,
tile $},lIIbob @,$, ., # alld [j are u$ed witll tllt!fOliowillg
lIIealli"g as illllstratc,1 below:
'P S Q' means 'p is not smaller than Q:
'p # Q' means ' p is neither greater than nor equal to Q'.
'P • Q' means ' p is not greater than Q'.
(3) 21 (b) 13 (c) 2S (d) 27 ' P @Q' means'j>is neithersmallerthan nor equ3l to Q:
(,) T (h) N (c) X (d) A Wrong term is 136. So, it should be 134.
D r i v ~
Direction Q. (17 to 20); Study tilefollowi'lg illfo rmation
carefully ami an swer 'he qllcsliom gh'ell below;
3. (a): We have. !t6 !t5 !+4!t3 !t2 So,
Eight people - E, F, G, H, I, K, Land M arc sitt ing
i W M Y G
? = 21. Hence, il can be seen here T is d augh ter o f P.
9. (.) ,
_9 ,.
19 e 1 + 9 .. 10 10x2 =20 T
T 20=2+ 0 =2
1= 1 1x 2 = 2
2x2= 4 D
l j
21= 2+ 1=3
18 = 1 + 8=9
3x2 =6
9 x 2 = 18
. l41.
Samurai Sudoku puzzle consinl of fi~e owrlapping sudoku grids. The
N 1<1 II:: I + 4 =: 5 5x 2 =: 10
s1alltlard sudoku rules apply 10 eilCh 9 II 9 grid PlilCe di5lils hom 1 10 9
In each empty 1211 EYflJ row, e~ry column and every 3 II 3 box should
10 = I + 0 = 1 1x 2 = 2 contain one of eilCh digit.
U 21 =2+ 1 =3 3x 2=6 The puzzle has a unique answer,
16 = 1 + 6= 7 7x 2=14 N
, 2
, , , , 2
I 9= 9 9 x 2 = 18 R 1
• 2 1 2
T 20 =2 +0 = 2 2 x 2 = <I D , 1 2
, 6 2 1
• •
• , 1 2
5= 5
18 = I + 8 = 9
5 x 2 = 10
9 X 2 = 18 R
, , 3
, , 2 1 3
• , •
3 1 3 1 1
Simi larly,
U 21 =2 +1 =3 3x 2= 6
, 6
3 2
2 3 1
, 1
2 1
• , 1
• , •• , ,
10. (b) , 1 6 6 1
•• ,
p H Y S I C A l 2 3 1 2
1 9 1
+1 -+ 1 t I +1 1 2
~,. CQtI .~nd IMIt ~JPOII'" ar fdir",..,rgJn <It pall In with <DrrIpIr I~
ttdd~SJ. W!NI&"f'_,,*" lheltll(l/oobittlrtdbodt" ~ ~i'l nerr .llw!.
~ Scitnllst' :
H r ) : : : ;andal Anal)'$!
. N ow SIaI"con· Noida I'II:Ol20-2SS064l, 9111&1119811, 99990-18591
~ Scienllst' :
H r ):::;andal Ana l)'$!
14. (b) : According to the question, 17. (b) : Financia l Analyst G is sitting second to the
right of E,
H @ T :::) H > T ..... (I )
T I F => T < F ..... (2) 18. (d) : K is the professor.
F 6 E => F = E ..... (3) 19, (e): L1W}'<'T J is not silling just opposite to Engineer L
E ' V=>EsV ..... (4) 20, (b) : Engineer L is second to the right of Scientist H,
On combining the st:alements ( I), (2), (3) and (4), we gct ~~
H > T < F= Es V
Yourfavourile MTG Books/Magazines available In
Conclusio ns:
V S f => V:<!: F (Tr ue) UTTAR PRADESH at
NwtJIllook~·A'ig.whF'tl: 9J6&4&7670,9JI9J26795
II. E @ T => E > T (True) 'Amll1Iook Hoi:H .AIi!;.wh Ph: 0511·27Gf991 ; 93311929011, 8919311.a5
II I. H @V => H > V (False) New\'\1IIII1Iook '-"'sllll F~: 210.992. !M~096, 9319397125
IV. T # V => T < V (True) F.... dI Bock DepoI.,tJ ...c.l I'll: D!o32·2461221: 945110S91
A1ah11trtd IIook Cerlrt ,A1 .... blld 1'11:0531·2623466, 2427636: 94 1S27WJ9
So, it is dear thai conclusio n (I), (I I) and (IV) are true.
NlInI N_AGIIICY ·AI...c.l I'll: 05J2,ml 291 ~ 93351$1113, WltI9OO917
15. (d ) : Accordi ng to the question. lAdy. )(s ulrl· BI/l. Ph: 941S28123-t
RaIIi~Md BoakJShDpt·lu~owplI:aI27201i914.761964r091
IV. K @ D :::) K > D (True)
LIniIwsaI Bookse!1ers ·LLdIooo PII: ~ru·26258!M, 2624135, 3919708: 9a3820U66
So, it is clear that conclusion (II) and (IV ) are true. SIOOe::1Bcd;SlO"e·Matt..f1IPltO~5-&'S0961 : 9lS95 1&69l
16. (b) : Using Standard result, Nt. Bcd; """'Y' t.4ewtPb: 0121·2640S«), 4006978: 9921009672
1deII Boc* Qep01' MeMIIPh: 0121-2Q06"8, 266&279: 9337854519
UIIlIBoak PIIIoI ·I,le«U1P11 0121·2641191;9927012549
.N 01IIII SlaI'IlOI!f"I· ~oidI I'II:OI20-255064l, 911181119811, 9999048591
C) I
.mo APTITUDE For Variou s Co mpetitive Exams
L How many numbers from 287 to 803 will contain 2 sold at the expected price. What is the net profit or loss
as one of its digit? in the whole consignment fo r Samriti Enterprises?
(,) 108 (b) 107 (e) 109 (d) 112 (,) 6.5% (b) 8% «) 10% (d) 3.2%
2. A milkman has 3 jars cont ai ning 57 lilres. 129litrcs 7. The value of a precious stone varies directly with
and I n litrcs of pure milk respect ively. A measuring can the square of its weight. It had a value of t' 25000. It
leavcs the same amoun t of milk unmeasured in each jar broke into two pieces whose weights are in the ratio
after a different number of exact measurement of milk in 2 : 3. Find the loss due to breakage (in t').
each jar. What is the volume oflargest such can? (a) 12000 (b) 15000 (c) 9000 (d) 18000
(a) J2 litres (b) 16 litres 8. Ten years ago, the ages of the members of a joint
(el 24 lilres (d) 48lilres fa mily of eight people added up to 23 1 years. Three
years later. one member died at the age of 60 years
3. Fresh Apple contain 80% water by weight while
and a ch ild was born during the same years. After
dried apple contain 20% water by weight. What is
another three years, o ne more member died, again at
the weigh t of dry apples available from 50 kg of fresh
60, and a ch ild was born du ring the same year. The
current a\'erage age of this eight· member joint fami ly is
(a) 12.5 kg (b) 10kg
(e) 15 kg (d) 27.5 kg
(a) 21 years (b) 25 years
4. ~ 1500 were invested for 5 years in scheme A which (c) 24 years (d ) 23 years
offers simple interest at the rate of 14% per annum. The
9. A grocer sells o ne kind of tea at t' 2.70 per kg,
amou nt received after 5 years and some additional
and loses 10% and another at t' 4.50 per kg, and gains
money, is then invested in scheme B, for 2 years, which
12.!. %. How should the two quantities of tea be mixed
offers compound interest (compounded annually) at 2
the rate of 20% per annum. If the compound interest so that the mixture may be sold at t' 3.95 per kg at a
received from scheme B after 2 years is t 1408. what was profit of25%?
the additional money invested in scheme B apart from (0) 7 , 3 (b) IL7 «) 2L4 (d) 13,'
the amount received from scheme A? 10. A can complete a piece of work in 4 days. B takes
(,) ~ 450 (b) ~ 650 «) noo (d) ~ 280
double the lime taken by A, C takes double that of B,
5. A trader has some watches in his stock. He marks and D takes double that of C to complete the same
his watches 20% above the cost price. He sold half the task. They are paired in groups of Iwo each. One pair
stock at marked price. one quarter at a discount of 20% takes two-third the time needed by the second pair to
011 the marked price and rest on discount of 40% on the complete the work. Which is the first pair?
marked price. What is his gain percent? (,) A,8 (b) A. C «) 8, C (d) A, D
(,) 2% (b) 5% «) 3% (d) 8% 11. A train starts travelling from A at 7 A.M. and
6. Samriti Enterprises develops calendars expecting reaches B at 12 noon. Another train start traveling from
to earn a profit o f 40% by selling on the marked price. B at 9 A.M. and reaches A at4 P.M. At what time do the
But d uring trnnsportatioll 8% calendars were got spoiled two trains cross each other?
due to at rn ndom rain but 32% could be sold only at 60% (a) 10:45 a.m. (b) II a.m.
of the cost price. The remaining 60% calendars could be (c) 9:45 a.m. (d) 10:56 a. m.
15. A trader owes a merchant ~ 10028 due in 1 year. 2. (c) : In other wo rds, the largest number which gives
hence the trader wants to settle the account after the same remainder when it will divide 57, 129 and 177
3 months. If the rate of interest is 12% per an num, how is the answer.
much cash should he pay? Let the remainder be x.
(a) ~ 9025 (b) ~ 9200 So, the answer is the HCF of (57 -x), (129 -x) & (177 - x)
(c) ~ 9600 (d) ~ 9500 Now. the HCF should be the factor of their diff~rence
Directions forqllf'stiolls 16 to 10: Answer tI,e qllestions (12 9 -x) - (57 - x) , (177 - x) - (129 -x),
on tile basis of tile illformatioll give" below: (I 77-x)-(57-x)
The following graph shows the demand and product ion i. e. , 72. 48 & 120
(in lakh tonnes) of different companies. By observation , we find that the HCF is 24.
6000 3. (a): When fresh apples become dry apples, some
5000 of the writer content evaporates but the quantity of pulp
remains the same.
A c o
--+- Demand - Production In dry apples water is 20%, so the percentage of pulp
16. What is the ratio of the companies having more will be 80%.
demand than production to those having more Now, 80% of dry apples"" 10 kg
production than demand? Dry apples"" 10 x 100 "" 12.5 kg
(,) 1 ,2 (b) 2,3 (e) 2, I (d ) 3,2 80
1.1 2
7 kmlh 5 kmlh This amou nt after 3 mont hs
-- .
""""" 881,M)
..... 16'''''
8ll ...
"' ~
... r"f ""
8 Nil
....... • .....
II ,,[5 ~
Nil Gu)irat 10
• , " ,
........ -- ....
" l)
.. -
" 1dItsUi ·1 1010760
, Nt Nl 11
, 6U·700
, := , ..
,'~ ; " """" ,.,
"" 11 10
to Nt
,. :Ef1 ,."
..... ___ .,....._.... ~
... _ .. _
"" "
t U"""-..~-.._-trIU __
I. W hat is the rank of India in World Economic (b) The main aim is to provide insurance benefits to
Forum's Global Gender Gap Index 2023? farmers.
(a) 135 th (b) 12ih (c) It is developed by Council of Scientific & Industrial
(c) 12Sth (d ) 120th Research (CSIR) .
2. Which Indian university has been achieved highest (d) All of these are correct.
rank in Asia University Ranki ngs 2023?
7. Which city is the best city to live in this year in the
(a) lamia Millia Islamia
(b) lawaharlal Nehru University 'Global Liveability Index 2023'?
(c) Indian Ins titute of Science (a) Vienna (b) Paris
(d) Indian Ins titute of Technology Bombay (c) Berlin (d) London
3. As per Ins tit ute fo r Economics and Peace (lEP) 8. Which coun try topped in World Econom ic Forum
wh ich country is m ost peacefu l in the wo rld?
(WEFrs Energy Tra nsition Index?
(a) Japan (b) Iceland
(c) Switzerland (d) Greece (a) Australia (b) Argenti na
(c) Germany (d) Denmark
'1. W hich organisatio n has released Wo rld Investment
Repo rt 2023? 9. What is the rank of India in World Economic
(a) WTO (b) W HO Forum's Energy Transition Index 2023?
(c) World Bank (d) UNCTAD
(a) 68 th (b) 67 th (c) 70 th (d) 40 th
S. What is the world competitiveness ran king based on?
(a) Economic performance 10. What is the ra nk of Bengaluru acco rd ing to Global
(b) Government efficiency Startu p Ecosystem Report 2023?
(c) Infras truc ture and business effi ciency (a) 20 th (b) 22 nd (c) 25 th
(d) All of these
6. Select the correct statement regarding Farmers'
M ,iMI§'34-
Distress Index. 1'1 ·0< Iql -6 IPI ·S 1'1 ., 1'1 '9
(a) The index is cu rrently being wo rked out in the Ipi ·S IPI ., Iql .£ 1'1 ·l Iql '<
form of a mobile or desktop application. 00
Y UASK then the mid-point of z]' z2 must lie on (i) and the line
joining ZI' z2 must be perpendicular 10 (i).
feb) 1 fIx)
x- b
(x - a)(x - b)(x -c )
:. :. :1=0
fee) IZ2 Z2 I
1 e i.e. , za - ZtI +tl = 0, wherea=zl-"'-2and tl = zlz! - zlz!
x- e (A viml$iI, U P.)
Putting z = x + iy, Ihe above equal ion red uces 10
A ns. I(x) = _ A_ + _
" _+_c_ a(x+ iy) - (l(x - iy)+d = 0
(x - ti)(x - b)(x - c) (x - a) (x - b) (x - c)
i. e., (a - a)x+i(a +(I)y+d=O
By partial fraclions] I';
(a - a)
i.e., fix) = A{x-b)(x-c)+B(x-a)(x-c) + C(x-a)(x-b) .. ,(0
whose slope = i(ll + a)
Putting x "" (i in equatio n (i), we have
j(tI) = A(tl - b)(a _ c) :) A = lea) Now, (b+~ x (a - a) = _ 1
(a - b)(a - c) i(b - b) ;(ll+ a)
Similarly. pUlling x = b, c in equation (i) respecti vely. we :) (b+b)({/ - i'i)=(b - b)(a+i'i) -=> ba=ba
have B - feb) and C= ~ -=> b(ZI - Zl) = b(ZI - Zl)
(b - a)(b - e) (e - a)(e - b) ... (iii)
-=> bZl +bz1 =bz1 +hZl
Hence, we have O-(X-_-a-,)-,(:"~,,x.c!)-'(x-_---:e) From equations (iil and (iii), we have
bz!+bz, =c,
(e _ b)M _ (e _ a)J.IEL+(b _ ,,) JkL which is the desired resul t.
x- a (x - b) (x - c)
3. P, Q and R are the fee l of the normals drawn to a
(a - b)(b - e)(e - a)
parabola (y - 3)2 '" 8(x - 2). A circle cuts the above
I a J(tI) parabola at points P, Q, Rand S. Then show Ihal
x- a I a a!
Ihis circle always passes through the point (2, 3).
= 1 feb) + 1 2 (Ltllil Siurslr),. }tlllIShcllpur)
b , which is the desired resul t.
x- b Ani . Given equalion of parabola is
J(c) 1 c c (y-J)'=8(x-2)
1 e
x- e Here, vertex o f parabola is (2. 3)
2. bz +bz = c is the equation of a st raight line. If ZI We know that. a circle passes through three co- normal
and 2, be mirror image of each other in this line, points of a parabola always passes th ro ugh the vertex of
then prove tha t bZl + bZl = C • the parabola.
The circle th rough p, Q, Rand S out of which p,
(Nee/tlllI, Macillytl Pmrle511) Q, R are co- normal points, will always passes through
Ans. If Zl and Z2 arc mirror image of each other in the line (2.3) i.e., vertex of parabola.
bZ+bz=c ... (i)
Olympiad provide~a platfoml for OI)'1Tlpiad e)(.Jrns often preselll challenging PilrticipiI!ing in otympiad~ eJO(pose~ children
students to extel.J<~ clemicallyand problems that require<riticalthlnking. to healt~y compet ition, rl1(ltivilting t~em
dl!mOnltra le th ~1 knowltdgl! and skills problem wiving and ilnalytical skills, 10 nrivl! for 1!IICI!lil!ncl! and continua~y
in specifIC subjt<u . fostering intellectual deYIIlopmtnt imptO~ lng t~l!ir perform~n(l!,
~ympjad exams help identify ilnd numll!! Preparing for olymplild eXilms enc:ourilgfl suJdmts SU[(I!SS in olympiad eXilms OOosu iI
exceptional talent in variO\.lS subjects, paving toexph:W1! subjects beyond the .eguia'C\lnicUum, Sl!1f conlidl!nCI! providing a Se<1SI!
c~ ild's
the way for sd101a~h i p, recognition and promoting a deeper understand ing of «(lnCI!~ of ac~ielll!ment and ~iltidating hi5./her
IlIlponun itirs for advanced learning. iJIld fostering a lifelong Ioftfof leilrning. hard work and deditill ion.
Olympiads afl! conducted 1\ National and Olympiad exams stfYll ilU Pa.t l(lp,ltlngln olympiads en~ancu,
Inlernationalll!Yllb, allowing nuckonls Villuable stepping 1101\1! for fulUIl' (~ild'~ !MIr..,1 developmllf\l by ~onlng
to compete wilh p~ hom different competitlveeums, ~lX~ n Naliorwl ~islhl!fllme INnagemenl skills.
backgloond!., cultures ilnd edocational and International entrall(e tem and promoting dil{ipllneand fostering a
s~tems. broodening their horizons. Khclallhip9ilrm. strong work ethic.
It's /mpottant to note thot while olympiad exams offer nUfIlf/OUS benefits. they should be setn os 0 supplemenr to 0 child's holistic
development and hislher portlcipotlon should be bolon ,eel with ocher activities ond ospects of hlslher growth.
I. Two fin ite sets have /It and n clements. The number
of subsets of the !'irst scI is 11 2 more than that of the i 2. Iffi x) = ....2.... =..!.. , then fi nd j{y).
x -I y
second sel. Find the values of til and II.
Z. If /It and M are the least and greatest values of i 3. if /(x) =2tan- 1 x+sin- I (~) ,x> I, then find
fl O) :: cos l (cosO) + sin! (sinO), then find the value
ofM -III. the value of /(5).
i4 . J:ind the number of roots of sin- I x + sin- I (J - x)
3. If z '" x + iy varies, then find the minimum value of
= cos· lx.
I' - "I + I' - 31·
If the quadratic equations x + ax + b = 0 and
+ bx + (l = 0 (n':#. b) have a common root. then
15. )( x=c""
,then find i'
not depend upon x, then find the value of"ez + net 4 . x ... ~ x2 _ '::'"
7. Find the sum of the series 12 + 2.2 2 + 32 + 2.4 2 + 52
18. If ii,;;, ( are non·coplanar and ii + b + ( = ad,
+ 2.6 2 + ..... + 2.20 2 ,
@ ~ K=3
9. (4): x < )' < z, these arc 1 2 7, I 36, I 4 5, 2 3 5
Total:: 3! )( 4:: 24:: 20 + 4
K= 'I
10.(6): Number onto fu nctions from set of 5 elements
a l +lI2+(lJ+(14~ 16. II 2
onto set of 3 elements = 150
As seen in figure, we have " s
2+3 +5+ 6= 16 11 .{9}: The number of ways in which all the leiters
and that means minimum sum of fo ur numbers on a arc in wrong envelopes
face is 16.
=4!(1-..!..+.!. - .!.+ .!.)=4! (.!. - .!.+..!...)=12 - 4+ 1=9
4. ( 3): TIlere are exactly (II - 1) sub sets of S containing 11 21 31 41 2 6 24
two clements havi ng I as least element : exact ly (II - 2) 12. (0)
subsets of S having 2 as least element and so on. 13.{3): 120 is divisible by 211 + I.
Thus, I
(minA)=(l)(II -I)+2(1I - 2)+ ...... +(II - I)(l) r
Number of the form (2" + I), /I E are all odd natural
numbers greater than 1.
11 - 1
= L r(lI - r)= U+IC
Thus we have to fi nd all odd numbers greater than
I dividing 120.
5. (2): No. of /I d igit numbers in which no two These numbers are greater than 3, 5, 15.
consecutive digits are same = 9" Hence, number of divisors = 4.
Number of numbers from 1 to 106 in which no two 14. (5): a +b+c= 21 ~b+C> ll
6 ~a+b+c>2a ~ 2a<2 1 ~tI:s I O.
consecutive digits are same = L 9 = 597870 So 1 ~(/,b,c-s, IO .
The cases when II > b > c are (10, 9, 2), (I0, 8, 3),
Required number = 106 - 597870 = 402130 = 402 128 + 2
(10,7,4), (1 0, 6, 5), (9, 8, 4), (9, 7. 5) and (8, 7, 6).
So, number of cases when a, b, c are all distinct is
6. ( 5 ): II(A} = 3+2- l c2 _ 1 )( 3+2-1(2_ I = 16
7 x 31 = 42.
II(B) = II(C) = 16 The cases when a :: b> c or a > b = care (10, 10, I),
II(A nB) = 3+ I-IC _ )( 3 + I-IC _ = I
I I I I (9,9,3), (8, 8, 5) and (9, 6, 6). So number of cases when
=n(B n C)=n(CnA)
two same and 1 different is 4 x 3!/2! = 12.
II(A rr B rr C)=O
The cases when a :: b = c is (7, 7, 7). The total number of
Requi red number of ways = 3 t 3- I C 3 _ I )( 3t 3-I C3 _ I
ordered triplets = 42+12 + 1 =55.
-(16+ 16 + 16 - 1 -1- 1 -0)
= 100 - (16 + 16 + 16 - 1 - I - I + 0) = 55 = 50 + 5 IS.(8}: The largest number whose perfect squa re can
be made with 15! is 2s 33 5 1 7'
So that number of ways of selecting). will be
7. (I ) : f + 1 = (x + j)(x - j)
(1 +5)( 1 +3)( 1 + 1)(1 + 1)= 96.
b=I,a= c
Number of ways of choosing tI. b, c = 10 = 10 )( 1 xx
K= 1
8. (3l: There are three major ways
aa~~a. a~~a ,nd a~~a
Each major way has six empty spaces. The number of
ways of pUlling letters at these empty spaces must be
non -negative integral solut ions of
XI +X2 + ... +x6=6=6+6- I C 6 _ 1 = IICS
(a) This Quts /ion paper contains· rIVe sroions A. 8, C. 0 and E. Each SKtioo is compulsory. HOLl/pver, thefe iJfe internal choices in some
(b) SeaionA has 18 MCO's and 02 AssPflion·Reason based queslions of , mark each.
(c) 5eaion B has 5 Vel}' Shof/ Ansv.e' (VSAJ./)'Pt quesriOll5 of Z marks each.
(d) Seaion ( has 6 ShoIfAnsWE'r (SA}-rype questions of 3 malks each.
(eJ Seaion 0 has 4 Long MsWl.'r (IA).rype questions of 5 marks each.
(Q Seaion Ehas 3 RJurre based/case based/passage basedlimegliJred units of assessment (4 marks each) with sub parts
OR o , whenx=O
If y=r, prove that - y - -1 -
(d>,)' - -Y=0. SECTION - 0
dx 2 y tlx X This section comprises of long answer type questions
25. If y= tan- Ix, then find~ in terms ofy a!one. (LA) of 5 nlilrks each.
<Ix 32. Find the values of p and q, for which
I- sin l x
This section comprises of short answer type if x<n/2
questions (SA) of 3 marks each. 3cos 2 x •
f(x)= p. if x=n:/2
26. If x = a cos30 and y = (I sin) 0, then find the villuc
q(l - sin ~), if x> n / 2
~ n (n: - 2xt
of dx 2 ilt 9= '6.
is continuous ill x = n/2.
27. Show that the functionftx) = Ix - I I + Ix + II. for all
x E R. is not differentiilble at the points x = - I and 33. If l(x)=~; g(x)= X2+l and ll(x)=2x-3,
x= I. x +1
then find j'lIr' (g'(x))l.
Given the function l(x)=~. Find the points of
discontinuity oCthe composite fun ction y = JUlx)). Oifferentiille lilll -t [.r,;;>
r-; + r-; 'Jh:']
Vl +x2 - v i - x·
28. Discuss the differentiability of - I <x< l ,x~ Ow.r.t. x.
o . X=O l tl
prove that x -),' =(x!!x. _ y ) .
(Ix dx
35. For what value of }" the function defin ed by
(x _ 3)(x 2 +4) 2
).(X +2), if x:5 0
Diffe rentiille w. r.1. x. l(x)= is conlinuous at x = O?
3x 2 +4x+5 { 4x+ 6, if x>O
29. If Y = 2 cos(logx) + 3 sin(logx). Hence check the differelltiilbility offtx) at x = O.
2 (p y dy
then prove that x dx 2 + x dx + y = 0 . OR
Show that the func tion f(x ) defined as follows is
continuous al x = 2, but not differentiilble there:
Differentiate the following fu nctions with respect 3X - ' • O<x<l
to x.
l(x)= 2X2 _ X, l < x:52
(i) tan-, II - .cosx l . _ n <x < n
1 SInX
15x - 4, x>2
(ii) Discus the continuity and defferentiability for = lim !!!!!..=m lim ~=m
the fu nction fix) = Ix - 91, x E R, at x = 9. h->O h h-KI"
(iii) Show thai the function fix) !! :r
at x !! 7 is 4. (c) : Given x~ + = Sxy y
continuous and d ifferent iable. Differcn tiating both sides w,r.t. x, we get
Show that fix) = [cos xl, where [xl is G.I.F, 5X'+5l t=s(xt+Y·1) 4
is neither continuous nor diffe rentiable at
x = O. => -
dd~(l - x)= y _ X4 =::) !2=y - x
.. fix l -x
38. Derivati,'e of y,., fix) w.r.l x (if exists) is denoted by
5, (a) : We have given,y = (sinx + y)ll! ... (i)
!2 or j'(x) and is called the first order derivative ofy.
dx => ~=.!.(sin x+ )'r .~ (Sinx+)')
: : ) !!l(1_ 1-)=~::::)
fix 2y 2y
dx 2)' - 1
and y = e' +cost .'. .1t = el - sin t
Now,!!!..= dy/til = e' - sinl = tCe' - sin t)
6. (a): ~ 'lseC(lan-1 X)I::;:~[sec(sec-l..[l;;i)] tlx (Ix/(/I I l+t cost
-+cos t
dx dx
=.:!.(~)=!.(I+X')~(2X)= ,2,
dx 2 vi+x-
13. (d) ' W' h'''.y~ 10g, (~)
7. (c): y=e IiUlh !!!..=~'~'2X=~ => {/ 2y = _ ~2
!!l.. = ~(e~a"3.r) = etal13x ~(lan 3x) dx x 2 ,? X dx 2 x
dx dx dx 14 , (a): Herc,y=x+c
=elanJx ·sec 2 3x.~(3x) = 3eliU 3.., sec 2 lx. .1t= l +e x =:>!!!:.= _ I -
dx d."I: dy I+e x
8. (d ) : Given y::;: log(c05 C) d 2x (I+e"),O - I{e X ) dx _ ex
On differentiating \V. r.t.:c, we get d/ = (I+e")2 '"dY ={l +ex )3
!2:.=_I_( _ sin eX · eX)= _ ex lan e"'
t1x cose"" 15. (d) :r= IOO ·~ +45 ~ = 14 5~
, 2 ,
9. (b): Let y=x ,f;
( ': tan· IX + cot· IX = ~ ,sec· 1x + coseClx = ~ )
~ y=e ,[; logx 2 2
=> 2yy'=O=:>y'=0 (": y~ O )
On d ifferentiating both sides with respect to x. we gcl 16. (a): As we know.j{x) = cot x is continuous in
!!l::;: e.,J; 10g.( ~ (..Ix log x) R -{lin: II E ZI,
dx dx ': j(x) = cot x = c~sx (since, sin x'" Oat x'" lin fo r /I E Z]
Sln X
::::) 2=x,J; {(IOgx)X i,+fxx!l Therefore,fix) '" cot x is discontinuous on the set
dx 2"x x
{x= tin: 11 E Z).
~ =x.rx (IOg x +~l 17. (c): Since j(x) is continuous at x = 0
:::::> dx 2..Jx..Jx So. lim f(x) = lim f(x) = flO)
i .. _ " ' _
x->O- x ~o'
ydx dx
::::) (~Y - 1)!!l=1
::::) ( I-yY)!!l
=l . ( ~-2
=!~ - -,- .-x ...{4+;+2
.J4+;:+2 ) [','ByRa tionaliz3.tionJ
'2=--,,--- =Iim 4+x - 4 =lim x
dx 1- Y
x-+o x(.J4+;:+2) X-tO x(~+2)
I I. (c): Here,x= a«(l + sinO)::) !!=.=rl(l+cos 9)
de =lim - -I- - = _ I _ =.!.,
and y=aO - cos 9)::::)!2:. ::;:a sine x->o.J4+;:+2 2+2 4
de e e 19. (,), L"x=k.k eZ=>f (k) = lkJ+Jiki =O
2= dy/de =~= 2si n '2 cos '2 =tan ! f( k' ) = 0 + 0 = O.jlk") = 1 + 1 = ,
{/x (/x / d9 a(l+cos 6) 2cos2! 2 Hcncc.j(x) is not continuous at integral paints,
2 Also.j(x) is not differentiable at integral values of x,
and R.H.D. = lim I(x) - f(l) = lim 1(1 +11 ) - f(l) and ~ = cost (3 - 2sin! t)+sin t (- 2 ·2sin l cost)
x-t'· x -I IHO 1+11 - 1 = 3 cos / - 6sinl/ cos/
= lim (1+1/)2 _1 = lim 211+112 = lim (2+ 1,)= 2 d)' dy/dt 3cos t - 6sin1tcosl
h-tO II /,-to Ir "-+0
d;= (Ix/cil - - 3sint+6cos1 t sint
(L.H.D. at x '" I ) '" (R.H.D. at x: I ) '" 2
So,/(x) is differentiable al x '" I andf' (I) '" 2 _ 3cos t .eos21 _ co1t (·: l -sin 2t=2 eos'Jt - l= cos2 tj
22. ': fix) is continuous at x '" 1. 3sint ·cos2t
}~n:- I(x) = f (I) = }!:I\ I(x) ... ( il
=> [<illI . ! =cot~=1
Here.j( l l: II tlx 4
lim [(x)= lim f(l - h) = lim [$aO - h) - 2bJ '" Sa - 2b • OR
x-+I- "-to 10-+0
We have,), =~:;::) y= cl"lX
lim [(x )= lim 1(1+11) = lim [3a(I+/I)+b]=3a+b
x-+'- 11-+0 Ir-+o Differentiating w. r.t. x, we get
From (il, we gel
5a - 2b = II and 3a + b = II . Solving these. we gcl
ex]ogx (xx 2.+ log x)
OR => !!l..=xx{J+ log .y) => !!l.. =y(l + logx)
(Ix tlx
... w
(il LeI y '" Ian (2x + 3) Again differentiating w.r.t. x. we get
!!l.. = ~ (tan(2x+3)}
d (lan (2x+3)I, d(2x+3) til tI I
dx dx d(2x+3) dx ----.l={l +logx).1 + )'x ~
dx 2
= sec (2x+ 3)·2 =2sec (ZX+ 3)
(ii) Lei y = (3x2 + 6x + 5)712 => (1 Y =
1 .!.(<il)2+ l
cix X
[From (ill
dx 2 ycix x
dx dx (P), _.!.(!!l.. )2_l=o
=> tlx! y tlx x
d(3i + 6x + 5)7 ft d(3x 2 + 6x + 5)
25. Wchave,y=tan"lx ... (i)
d(3,y2 + 6x + 5) dx
7 ~
- -I
<il =_'_
= "2 (3x· +6x+5)2 ·(6x+6)
On differentiating bOlh sides w.r.t. x, we get
=2 1 (x+ 1)(3K+6x+5)Sl2
=~ [(I+x2rl ]
Y= lan-I (~,)= lan-l( 1-3<+)'(" ») til)'
23. Given,
1- 6x (3x 2x (lx tlx~_2 d 2 I
= lan-I 3x + lan- 12x = - I(1 +x·) 'dx"( l +x) = - 0 +X2)2 ·2x
. . ""-'X+""-·Y=""-·(::~).ifXY< 1
= - 2Ian)' (Using (ill
1 (I+lan2 y)2
' I I ~-I 1
(3x)(2x)< 1=x· <6" :::)X<±J;,:::)J;,< x< 16
- 2Ian)'
= (sec! )')2
.->0 x
1 x - I+x+l,x> l
Atx = I ,
2x, x> 1
:: lim e-ux =0
(L. H . D. al x = 0) ~ (R. H . D. at x:: 0)
1'0-)= lim /0 - 11 ) - /(1) = lim ~ = o
So, fix ) is not differentiable al x:: 0.
" .... 0 -h " .... 0 -/I
/,0') = Hm 1 0+/0) - f O) L r(x- _- 3-)(""'
x'; -+- ' -)
"-+0 "
2{1 +/r )-2 ety= 3x2+4x+5
=l~o--h-=~~oh =2 ", f'(I - );t:j'(l~)1 Taking logarithm on bOlh sides, we get
~ J is not differentiable at x = 1. logy = .!.Uog(x - 3) + log (x 2 + 4) - log (3x 2 + 4x + 5)].
Alx= - 1, 2
Differentiating both sides w.r.t. x, we gel
/'(- n= Hm
" .... 0
1(- 1- 1,) - 1(-1)
- II
I dy I [ ,
;;'-;;;="1. I I
.1'-3 + xZ+ 4 · 2x- 3xZ+4X+S · (3·2X +'I)
= Hm - 2(-1-1.) - (2) - Hm !!c= -2 ely Y( I 2x 6X+4 )
IJ-+ O "-+0 -II
~ d;="2 ;:)+~ - 3x2 +4x+5
lim ~=O
1'(-1+) = lim 1(-1 +11) - f( - I)
h-fO II " .... 0 II dy I
(X-3 )(.\"2+ 4) 2x [I
dx 2 3.1'2+ 4 .1'+5 x-3 + x2+ 4 - 3x 2 + 4x+S
/'(-I"}'/'(- I ')
::) f is not differentiable at x = - I. 29. We havc,y:: 2 cos (Iogx) + 3 sin (lop)
OR Differentiating W.f.t..Y, we gel
y=Jl/{x)) =/(-'
- )=-- ' _+2
'- ::::) X~= -2Sin (logx)+3cOs(logx)
x+2 Again d iffefentiating W. f.t. x, we gel
j , ,
I - . - - . Then,
dx ,
(ii) LeI y= tan
_, l l-wsx l
I +cosx'
So, j(x) is not conl inuousx = 0 and has a discontinuity
of fi rst kind al x::: O.
32. '.' fix ) is continuous at n/2 .
lim I(x) = lim I(x) = l(nl2) ... (i)
J 2Sin: xl2 }=lan-1 Itan!..1
y =lan-1
1 2cos· x/2 2
x -t1{12-
x -t J(12~
I(x) = 11-+0
lim I (!:-h)
={tan-l(tan~), if tan 1<!: 0
x-t rr. I2- 2
. J- Sinl ( i - ) I' I- cosl /J
tan-l ( -tan ~).if tan ~<o , (n)
= 11m Im - - -
"-to Ir-tO 3sin1 lt
3cos- 2- 11
=- y=
~, if O:5:r<7t
~ =- d;=
(ly ji' ifO <x< 1[
I .
= lim (I-COS/I)(I+cos 2 1t+cos/l)
"-to 3(I - cosll)(l + cos It)
1 -"i, if -1[<X< O
log cos x
y = logsinx
.: log,,(/= 10g b
II d , II
dy (logsin x) dx (log cosx) -Iogcosx J; (logsin x)
= 1x lim 2sin-'i = 1 x 3. = 1 and l( n / 2)=p
dx (logsin x)2 411-+011 2 4 48
-x 4
log (sin xl x _ 1_ (- sin x) - log(cos x ) x _._1_ x cos x 4
(logsin x)2 ~=~=p =- p=~ and q:::4 [From (i)!
OR }d y t,2X [ax]'
and LH.S.=x dx 2 = (tl+bx)2 = (/+bx =R. H.S.
Let y= Ian .. ,(I)
J I+x _JI _xl )..(X 2 +2), if x:S; O
35. Here j(x) =
Substit uting J? = cos 20 in (i), we get { 4x+6, if x> O
y= tan -' ( ~
- JI- cos20
At x:: O.fiO) :: },(02 + 2):: 2}..
L. H. L. = lim j(x) ::lim j(O - 1I)
-, (JI +2(05
29-1 + JI- I+ lsi"! e J ... ~O- h~
dy d(n ) d(1
:. d;;=d;"4 +"dx 2"05_")
:: lim 3(,,2 +2) - 6 = lim(- 31,)=0
h~ - II h-+O
r J'
'>l y' = eX '.!!...(Sillx)+ sinx· .!!...(c")+2.!!...(logsin x)
=e x cosx+e x sinx +2x-1-x(OSX
fix ax
The graph is co ntin uous everywhere. So I(x) is
continuous functio n. But at x = 9, lex) ch3nges its = eX cosx+e x sin x+2cot x
Again, differentiate w.r.t. x, we get
direction suddenly, so/ex) is no t different iable at X = 9.
(iii) We have,/(x) = Xl y" = ex (- sin x)+cosx·e x +excosx+sin x·e"
Continuity at x = 7 +2(_ coscc 2 x)
L. H.L= Lim I(x) = Lim x } = 7} y"=-sin x ·e" +(osx·e x +eosx'e x +sinx ·e" -2eose(2x
x~7 - x~,-
["(x)=2cosx·c x - 2coscc 1x
RH.L = Lim j(x) = Lim x} = 7} ;f(7) = 7l
x~7' x~7+
Total Marks : 80 Series 2: Inverse Trigonometric Functions Time Taken : 60 Min.
Only One Option Correct Type One or More Than One Option(s) Correct Type
I. If xl' x2 , Xl' X4 are the roo ts of x' - xl sin 2« + 7. Let xI' x2, Xl_ x 4 be four non -lero numbers
9. If cos·' x = tan- I x, then (,) (b) ~ (c)!!. (d)
2 4
(,) X': (Fs- I)12
(b) X': (Fs+I)12
Matrix Match Type
(c) sin (cos· 1 xl = (,[s-l)12 16. Match the Column- I with Column-I I and select the
correct answer using the options given below
(d) tan (cos· 1 xl = (JS-l)/2
Column - I Column - II
10. If cos· 1 x - sin-] x '" y. then
(a) x:: 1/2, y '" 11 /6
J(x) : Ib - al:
(b) x = - 112.), = 511/6
(el x= ./3/2 . )'= -n/6
(P) ;Z«cos- I x)2 - (sin- I x)2) (I)
(d) x:-FsIl. y :'nI6 (Q) ~«cos-I x)2+ (sin- I x)2) (2) I
11 . cos
-, ~ . -, ~. "f
~-;:-;; = sin V;:b IS pOSSible 1
(R) ~(COS-I x)3+(sin- 1x)3) (3) 9
(a) a > x > b (b) a < x < b n 8
(e) (l = x = b
(d) (l > b and x takes any value
12. If cos·lx - sin- Ix", sin- l (I - xl, then x equals (b)
(,) I (b) 0 (c) - I (d) 1/2 (c)
. -, I .
13, Sin Ji+sm
_,(fi-JiJ + ..
(d) None of these .
Numerical Answer Type
.-,[ .r.. - ~ l
+sln r-:-.'\ + ..... =
\/11(11 + 1)
17. If a, P arc the values of x satisfying tan-Ix +
Comprehension Type
Paragraph fo r Q. No. 14 and 15
18. ,;n{+n-' ~ -eo,-' ~J} is equal to
;f I
I-x)' 19. If the value of
, .. I 2+r +r
n+ Ian -\ ( x+
I- x)'
Y). if x>O, y>Oand xy> 1 2550 cot S must be
14. Iftan - 12x + lan- 13x:mr + ~, lhenthevalucof x 20. I f l'an- l(x+3) - tan-l (x - 3) = sin- I~, then
;, 4 5
(a) 1/6 (b) 2/3 (el -1/6 (d) -2/3 Ixl is_ _ _ .
raj This Question pdfX!' COn/ains • flW! sections A. B. C. 0 and E. Each section is compulJOrf. HOwe\'et; Ihere afe inlernai choices in some
(b) SeaianA hds 18 MCQ's and 02 Asseflion-Recson based questions of , ffldlk each
(c) Seerion 8 has 5 Vel)' ShOll AnsWl'f (V5A).rype questions of 2 mdlts edch.
(d) Section (has 6 Short AnsWl.'f (SA)-type questions of 3 marks each.
(e) Section 0 has 4 l ongAnswt'{ (LA).rype questJ'oru of 5 marks each.
(I) Section Ehas 3 source based/case baSE'dlpassage basecVimtgrated unilS of aS5t'1SI1Ienl (4 malts each) wilh sub pdlfS
SECTION - A (MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS) 6. T he number of ways of wearing three d iffe rent
rings in four fingers such that at most one ring in
Each question carries I mark.
each finger is
1. If-3x+ 17 < -13, lhcn (a) 4 3 (b) 34
(a) x E (I0, ~ ) (b) x E [IO ,~ ) (c) 4P3 (d) none of these
(e) XE (_oo, 10) (d) XE [- 10, 10) 7. Solution or the inequalities comprising a system in
2. II! (II + 2) is equal to variable x are represented on number lines as given
(a) (II + 3) ! (b) (II + I)! below, lhen
(c) II! + (11 + I)! (d) None of these
-4 3 -3
3. If (II + 2)! = 2550 x II !, then the value of 11 is equal to (a) x E ( - ~ ,-4 [V[ 3, -)
(a) 48 (b) 49 (0) 50 (d ) 51 (b) x E [-3, I[
(0) x E (-~,- 4) v[3 , ~)
4. T he S(!t of all values of x satisfying 2 < 1- ~ S!. is (d) x E [- 4,3)
(a) {x:- l :Sx<3, xE RI 3 3 3 8. The number of ways in which 6 perso ns ca n stand
(b) (x : I :S; x <5,x e RI in a queue, is
(c) {x:- l :sx < 5,xeR} (a) 6P 6 (b) 6'
(d ) None of these (c) 66 (d) both (a) and (b)
S. How many different words can be fo rmed by using 9. If3 - 2x < 9, lhcn x e
all the leUers of the word 'SCHOOJ;? (x) (-3,~) (b) [-3, ~ [
(a) 360 (b) 350 (0) 340 (d ) 359 (0) ( -~, - 3) (d) None of these
(a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) II
In the foUowing questions 19 and 20, a statement of
AS$ertic)n (Al is fo llowed by ;\ statement of Reaso n IV V
17. (b) : We have,4x +3< fix+7. 23. The word RAMANUJAN consists of 9 leiters,
in which letter 'A' is repeated 3 times and letter 'N' is
or 4x - 6x<7 - 3 or - 2x<40r x> - 1
repeated 2 times.
i.e., All real numbers which are greater than -I, are
Number of permutations of the Ictters of thc word
solutio ns of the given inequality. Hence, the solution set
is (-2,0<1). 9! 9x8x7x6x5x4x31
37. (i) We have 5 peoples, then the numbers of distinct Sl'iv Shal.llkO C$:U · .,dc:rt PII . 0131·2459956., 2459955. Llob: M2506J647
Min FrekW,., · ll1dc:rtPII: 0131·2454372, 4054544, 91526369234. 9425313294
photographs of 5 people is sallle as the number of ways
111:.,. SItn· ~Ph: 0131·2531207, 2S40166. 942S31alOJ
of fi lling 5 vacant places with 5 d ifferent elements. Case Trldln . 1r:dor. Fh: 9821259249, 9821620395
:. Total no. of distinct photographs = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 ~ Bode eer... ·lndcre "": 9406666147
Series 2: Trigonometric Functions and Time Taken : 60 Min.
Total Marks : 80
Principle of Mathematical Induction
Only One Option Correct Type (a) b2, Cl, a2 arc in A.P. (b) c,
a2, b2 are in A.P.
(e) b2 - il 2 = il 2 + c? (d) a 2, b2, c? are in A.P.
I. Let A(x) "" ±(liin k x+cos· xl fo r k = 1,2,3, ... Then 6. P(II) : 2" +2< 3", is true for
for all x e R, the value off~( x) - f6(x) is equal to (a) " e N (b) for" > 3, t l e N
(e) 11 > 2, 'r:/ " e N (d) None of these
(a) ~ (b) ~ (el - (d) -'- One or More Than One Option(s) (orrect Type
12 4 12 12
2. Two poles AD of length a metres and CD of length 7. Thevalueof tan2~ +2tan~ equals
a + b (b ;J!: a) metres are erected at the same 8 8
horizontal level with bases at Band D. If BD '" x and (a) tan2 (~) (b) tan~
tan LACB = .!., then
2 (d) None of these
(a) ~ + 2(a + 2b) x - b(n + b) "" 0
(b) >I + 2(a + 2b) x + a(a + b) = 0 8. The solution of the equation
(el f - 211x + b(a + b) = 0 eos 39 = 4eos geos(9+x)eos(9-x) (o < a <~) is
(d) >! - 2(IX + a(a + b) = 0
(a) h+ ~ (b) 2kn
J. Consider the statement: " P(II) : 111_ 11 + 41 is prime": 3
111cn which one of the following is true?
(e) kn-~ (d) None of these
(a) P(S) is fa lse but P(3} is true 3
(b) P(3) is false but peS) is true 9. If 1,.(9) = tan~(l + scc 9 )(1 + sec 29) ... ( I + sec 2" 9),
(el Both P(3) and peS) are fa lse then 2
(d) Both P(3) and p eS) arc true
5. Let sin A = sin( A - C) ,where A, B, C are angles of a 10. If cosA =.::. where A ~ B, then
sinB sinCe-B) cosB y
tria ngle ABC. If the length s of the sides opposite to
(a) (A +BJ
x lanA + y ta n B = ta n - -
these angles arc a, b,' respectively, then x+ y 2
15_ The value o f sec~ +sec~ +sec ~ is 20. If pen) : "2x 42,,+ 1 + 33,,+1 is d ivisible by ;, fo r all
7 7 7 li eN' is tr ue, then the value of}., is _ _ '
(,) 2 (b) 8 (e) 4 (d) 12
SELF CHECK / You are well prepaf!d to tab the challenge 01 final fUm.
You (,jIn $Core good in the final ellilm.
No. of qu estions attemp ted
No. of qu estions corrtet You need to score mOte nut time.
Marks scored in percentage NOT SAnSFACTORYI Revise thoroughly and str~ n gth en your concept$.