Conspiracy, Deprivation of Rights, Destruction of Records Indictment

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United States District Court



Aug 16 2023

Mark B. Busby





18 U.S.C. § 241 – Conspiracy Against Rights (one count)

18 U.S.C. § 242 – Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law (seven counts)
18 U.S.C. § 1519 – Destruction, Alteration, and Falsification of Records in Federal
Investigations (one count)

A true bill.

/s/ Foreperson of the Grand Jury


Filed in open court this __________

16th day of


Brittany Sims, Clerk

__________________________Bail, $ _____________
Hon. Magistrate Judge Lisa J. Cisneros

United States Attorney FILED
3 Aug 16 2023
4 Mark B. Busby





12 Plaintiff, ) VIOLATIONS:
) 18 U.S.C. § 241 – Conspiracy Against Rights;
13 v. ) 18 U.S.C. § 242 – Deprivation of Rights Under
) Color of Law;
14 MORTEZA AMIRI, ) 18 U.S.C. § 1519 – Destruction, Alteration, and
ERIC ALLEN ROMBOUGH, and ) Falsification of Records in Federal Investigations
16 Defendants. )
17 )

19 The Grand Jury charges:

20 Introductory Allegations
21 At all times relevant to this Indictment, except where otherwise stated:
22 1. The Antioch Police Department (“APD”) was the police department for the city of
23 Antioch, located in the Northern District of California. The APD and its officers were charged with the

24 duty of enforcing the Constitution and laws of the State of California in accordance with the

25 Constitution and laws of the United States. APD formed the Problem-Oriented Policing (POP) team in

26 approximately July 2020 and disbanded it in approximately October 2021.

27 2. Defendant Morteza AMIRI was employed as a police officer with APD beginning in
28 approximately November 2017. In 2018, AMIRI was partnered with police service dog (K9) “Purcy”

1 and assigned to APD’s Canine Unit. Between approximately March 2019 and November 2021, AMIRI

2 deployed K9 Purcy to bite at least 28 subjects in and around Antioch. In early 2022, APD temporarily

3 suspended K9 Purcy and removed AMIRI from the Canine Unit.

4 3. Defendant Eric Allen ROMBOUGH was employed as a police officer with APD

5 beginning in approximately February 2017. ROMBOUGH also held assignments on APD’s SWAT

6 team, Gang Unit, and Problem-Oriented Policing (POP) team. ROMBOUGH served as an operator of

7 the 40mm less lethal launcher in each of these assignments. In less than one year between November

8 2020 and August 2021, ROMBOUGH deployed the 40mm less lethal launcher to shoot at least eleven

9 subjects in and around Antioch. In early 2022, ROMBOUGH resigned from the Gang Unit and the

10 SWAT team.

11 4. Devon Christopher WENGER was employed as a police officer with APD beginning in

12 approximately July 2018.

13 APD Policies and Training

14 5. APD disseminated a Policy Manual for which all its employees, including APD officers,

15 were responsible for knowing and understanding the policies and procedures contained within. APD’s

16 Policy Manual contained policies on Use of Force (Policy 300), which identified in relevant part, among

17 other things:

18 a. Duty to intercede (300.2.1): “Any officer present and observing another law

19 enforcement officer or an employee using force that is clearly beyond that which is necessary, as

20 determined by an objectively reasonable officer under the circumstances, shall, when in a

21 position to do so, intercede to prevent the use of unreasonable force”;

22 b. Duty to report excessive force (300.2.3): “Any officer who observes a law

23 enforcement officer or an employee use force that potentially exceeds what the officer

24 reasonably believes to be necessary shall promptly report these observations to a supervisor as

25 soon as feasible”, effective no later than January 2021;

26 c. De-escalation requirement (300.3.1): “Officers shall, when feasible and while

27 considering officer and public safety, employ de-escalation techniques to decrease the likelihood

28 of the need to use force during an incident and to increase the likelihood of voluntary compliance

1 and/or peaceful resolution”, effective no later than January 2021;

2 d. Factors used to determine the reasonableness of force (300.3.2);

3 e. Reporting the use of force (300.5): “Any use of force by a member of this

4 department shall be documented promptly, completely and accurately in an appropriate report,

5 depending on the nature of the incident.”

6 6. APD’s Policy Manual also contained policies on specific applications of force, including

7 Canines (Policy 311), applicable to police canines, and Kinetic Energy Projectile Guidelines (Policy

8 302.9), applicable to the 40mm less lethal launcher.

9 7. APD’s Policy Manual also contained policies on Personal Communication Devices

10 (Policy 701), which identified in relevant part, among other things:

11 a. Personally owned PCD (701.5): “Members may carry a personally owned PCD

12 while on-duty, subject to the following conditions and limitations: … (d) The device should not

13 be used for work-related purposes except in exigent circumstances (e.g., unavailability of radio

14 communications). … (e) The device shall not be utilized to record or disclose any business-

15 related information, including photographs, video or the recording or transmittal of any

16 information or material obtained or made accessible as a result of employment with the

17 Department”.

18 8. AMIRI and other APD officers received K9 training while assigned to APD’s Canine

19 Unit. For example, AMIRI reported receiving over hundreds of hours of K9 basic and maintenance

20 training courses between 2018 and 2021. Such training covered APD policies and proper deployment,

21 i.e., when it is appropriate to deploy a police canine, and relevant legal standards.

22 9. AMIRI, ROMBOUGH, WENGER, and other APD officers received 40mm less lethal

23 training and qualification while employed at APD. This training covered relevant APD policies,

24 nomenclature and munitions, recommended target areas, announcements, documentation, and other

25 topics. Among other things, the training advised APD officers that certain areas of the body are

26 “potentially lethal” when targeted by the 40mm less lethal launcher, including the head, neck, portions

27 of the chest, groin area, and portions of the back and lower back.


1 The Scheme to Violate Civil Rights

2 10. While employed at APD, Defendants AMIRI, ROMBOUGH, and WENGER

3 (“Defendants”) conspired and agreed together and with each other, and with others known and unknown

4 to the Grand Jury, to injure, oppress, threaten, and intimidate residents of Antioch, California and the

5 Northern District of California in the free exercise and enjoyment of rights secured to them by the

6 Constitution or laws of the United States, that is, to be free from the use of unreasonable force by a law

7 enforcement officer.

8 Manner and Means

9 Agreement and Encouragement

10 11. As part of the scheme to violate civil rights, Defendants communicated with one another

11 and with others known and unknown to the Grand Jury about their actual and intended uses of force,

12 including about specific violent acts that constituted excessive uses of force by a police officer against

13 individuals in and around Antioch.

14 12. As a further part of the scheme, Defendants agreed with one another and with others

15 known and unknown to the Grand Jury to carry out such violent acts against individuals in and around

16 Antioch even where the force was excessive, knowing that certain of their actions were excessive uses

17 of force by a police officer, including in the communications identified in this Indictment.

18 Collecting Trophies and Touting Deployments

19 13. As part of the scheme to violate civil rights, Defendants communicated with each other

20 and with others known and unknown to the Grand Jury after specific deployments of excessive force and

21 touted their applications of force, including in the communications identified in this Indictment.

22 14. As a further part of the scheme, after each canine deployment of K9 Purcy, AMIRI

23 captured photographs and videos of each subject’s injuries from the corresponding dog bite. While APD

24 required official documentation of injuries from such uses of force, AMIRI captured additional

25 photographs and shared them on his personal cell phone with individuals and officers not involved with

26 the incident, contrary to APD policy. For example, following a deployment of K9 Purcy to bite a

27 subject on December 19, 2019, AMIRI stated: “I’m gonna take more gory pics. gory pics are for

28 personal stuff. cleaned up pics for the case 😂😂”.

1 15. After each bite, AMIRI also messaged multiple recipients from his personal cell phone,

2 including in some instances ROMBOUGH and WENGER, about the bite, often with a consecutive

3 number memorializing the number of dog bites he had accumulated up to that point (for instance, “bite

4 #1”, “#2”, “just got #3”, “#4 on fire rn.. lol”, “#5 this morning”, “Purcy #6”, etc., through “#28”) along

5 with photographs and/or videos of each subject’s injuries, contrary to APD policy.

6 16. As a further part of the scheme, after ROMBOUGH’s deployment of the 40mm less

7 lethal launcher, he likewise secured photographs of the subject’s injuries. While APD again required

8 official documentation of such injuries, ROMBOUGH shared photographs of the injuries on his

9 personal cell phone with officers who were not otherwise involved with the incident and other

10 individuals in and around Antioch, contrary to APD policy.

11 17. ROMBOUGH also collected the spent 40mm munitions following each deployment and,

12 instead of disposing or processing them, kept them for himself. ROMBOUGH collected the spent

13 munitions to create a display; specifically, he told others at APD that he was collecting munitions for

14 “the mantle” and creating a trophy “flag,” that is, in which the munitions were used among the stars and

15 stripes to commemorate his 40mm deployments.

16 18. As a further part of the scheme, Defendants deployed uses of force as “punishment” to

17 subjects beyond any punishment appropriately imposed by the criminal justice system, and/or made

18 repeated reference to or suggestion of “violating civil rights”, including in the communications

19 identified in this Indictment.

20 Concealments to Further Perpetuate the Scheme

21 19. As a further part of the scheme, Defendants also concealed and hid, and caused to be

22 concealed and hidden, the acts done and the purpose of the acts done in furtherance of the scheme,

23 including to further perpetuate the scheme. These concealments included:

24 a. After each of their involvement in incidents involving uses of force, Defendants

25 authored police reports containing false and misleading statements to suggest that the force they

26 used was necessary or justifiable. In truth and in fact, and as Defendants well knew, Defendants

27 willfully used excessive force in numerous incidents, including those identified in this

28 Indictment.

1 b. Upon learning of each other’s participation in incidents involving violent acts that

2 constituted excessive uses of force, including as identified in this Indictment, Defendants

3 declined to intercede and/or report the incidents to APD superiors, including as required by APD

4 policies. Instead, Defendants encouraged one another to continue the scheme to deprive the

5 individuals in and around Antioch of their constitutional rights.

6 Agreement to Use Force

7 20. Beginning in or about 2019, Defendants discussed with one another their plans and

8 intentions to deploy force against, and inflict harm upon, individuals in and around Antioch, including

9 through excessive uses of force. Such communications include those set forth below and elsewhere in

10 this Indictment.

11 21. For instance, AMIRI and ROMBOUGH exchanged the following messages on February

12 12, 2019 about “fuck[ing] some people up” and “hopefully get[ing] [AMIRI] a bite”:

13 ROMBOUGH: Yeah buddy we gonna fuck some people up […]

I’ll roll with u and Percy […]
14 Didn’t know if
You were already there
AMIRI: LOL! no i was planning on enjoying the day off but
16 fuck them for fucking with [an officer]

17 ROMBOUGH: Me too and exactly I’m gonna fuck someone up and

hopefully get you a bite
AMIRI: exactly! blood for blood
ROMBOUGH: Liked “exactly! blood for blood”
22. As an additional example, AMIRI, ROMBOUGH, and WENGER exchanged the
following messages on April 21, 2019 about an individual in Antioch:
WENGER: Please find this guys and fuck him in the ass
WENGER: [IMG_0897, a screenshot of identification records]
25 He’s the fuck face that ran. Wants are 108 and 2800 1

26 AMIRI: ill bite em


28 1
See Cal. Vehicle Code § 10851 (theft of a vehicle); 2800 (disobeying a peace officer).

1 23. As an additional example, AMIRI and ROMBOUGH exchanged the following

2 messages on December 27, 2019 about an individual in Antioch:

3 AMIRI: wtf happened?!

4 ROMBOUGH: lol with what?

5 AMIRI: [an officer]

6 ROMBOUGH: Oh lol 83 2 with a vehicle on fire, found the suspect

7 and had a gun on him

8 AMIRI: he beat his ass?

9 ROMBOUGH: I don't think so

Just dumped him
11 You and i would have broke him lol

12 ROMBOUGH: Hell yeah and got bit

13 24. As an additional example, AMIRI and ROMBOUGH exchanged the following

14 messages on February 24, 2020 about individuals in and around Antioch:

15 AMIRI: sorry for the delay bro. had a mess on sycamore i was
cleaning. copy just read it all
ROMBOUGH: Lol what did you get?
17 Gorillas

18 AMIRI: basically 😑😑😑😑😑😑

Dog bite
AMIRI: no they didn’t push it that far. bunch of gorillas
21 surrounding us and taunting a fight since we were
hooking [a subject]. they were all pussies and didn’t do
22 shit. i wish they did

23 ROMBOUGH: I can shoot a few on Sunday

I better be riding with you turd

25 25. As an additional example, AMIRI and ROMBOUGH exchanged the following

26 messages on March 21, 2020 about an individual in Antioch:


28 2
Police Code 11-83 refers to a traffic accident.

1 AMIRI: surprised you didn’t use force on the bank burglar!

2 ROMBOUGH: We didn’t get him

I couldn’t bro he gave up
AMIRI: would it have been a bite if i was there or did he
4 immediately coward up?

5 ROMBOUGH: He sprawled out but if you were there we would have

gotten u a bite
AMIRI: 😑😑😑😑😑😑
7 they need to request me back on patrol since we are
code red and y’all could use me
8 I’m so annoyed

9 26. As an additional example, AMIRI and ROMBOUGH exchanged the following

10 messages on November 26, 2021, about an individual in Antioch:

11 ROMBOUGH: Nice stop on the “211” 3 turd

12 AMIRI: thanks bro. throat bite

13 ROMBOUGH: Lmao fucking perfect

14 AMIRI: don’t share

[Photograph from body-worn camera video]
16 I won’t
Going for the jugular
AMIRI: imagine fat ass purcy on your fucking throat 😂😂
ROMBOUGH: That’s perfect I love it
AMIRI: i shit myself when i saw that. i thought he was gonna
20 kill her

21 ROMBOUGH: Oh well one less gorilla pro-curating

[Image of smiling gorilla with lips making kissing face]
AMIRI: lmao!
ROMBOUGH: Stay safe bro.

25 //

26 //


28 3
California Penal Code 211 prohibits robbery.

1 i took an SUV since he can’t fit in my car and i don’t
have a door pop for this car so he opened my door and
2 sent purcy in for a bite

3 [IMG_6207] [IMG_6213]

4 Officer-2: Lol nice

5 d. At about 8:17 a.m., AMIRI sent Officer-3, a police officer from a neighboring

6 police department, “Purcy #6 …” and a photograph from the incident, and stated the following:

7 AMIRI: this one was different... i had a lateral ride along (my
roommate) and i was driving someone else’s car so my
8 door pop wasn’t matched up... sooo i had my ride along
open my door 😂😂
i did not mention that in the report
Officer-3: Wow lol
AMIRI: hey we made it work lo 😂😂
Officer-3: Nice good job
13 What cut the dogs face?

14 AMIRI: that’s a piece of the suspect’s flesh lol

15 30. Shortly thereafter, at about 9:14 a.m., AMIRI exchanged the following messages with his

16 roommate, Officer-1, remarking that the incident was a “weak ass 69” and “stretch of a 69” in reference

17 to California Penal Code 69 (resisting an officer) and explaining how he would get out of “go[ing] to

18 court for the bite”:

19 AMIRI: bro that’s was badass. Thanks for your help. You got to
see purcy in action lol. That was a weak ass 69 but the
20 bosses were cool with it. Detectives already called
PRCS and got him a 45 day violation and we are gonna
21 leave it at that so i don’t have to go to court for the bite.
Officer-1: Hahaha anytime !! That was cool..I wanted to help but
23 you know how that goes lol….that’s good saves you
hella shit having to go through
AMIRI: right! yea it wasn’t even really a fight and more of just
25 a resisting and making it a stretch of a 69 lol. I’m sure if
he started kicking my ass you’d jump in

27 31. Following this incident, AMIRI authored a police report that differed from the

28 description AMIRI privately provided to others in his text messages, including that the report made no

1 ROMBOUGH: Fuck I just want to punch the shit out of someone lol

2 AMIRI: do it bro

3 ROMBOUGH: Don’t have my road dog out here

4 AMIRI: the guy i bit today was proned out. no fucks given. you
don’t take us on a high speed and rob people and gun
5 point and crash into cars during a footbail and just give
up... bite on
ROMBOUGH: Lol agreed
AMIRI: I hate not having you on the streets with me
ROMBOUGH: i know bro. not even the same
c. The next day, on December 20, 2019 at about 8:57 a.m., AMIRI exchanged text
messages with Officer-6, a police officer at a neighboring police department. AMIRI sent
photographs and a video, requesting he “don’t share the video lol” and referring to the bite as
“the real punishment compared to the soft DA” (District Attorney):
AMIRI: #10
14 armed robbery with a pursuit to a foot bail to a bite

15 Officer-6: Nice work! Damn Purcy likes going for the armpit,
looks so painful lol
AMIRI: haha yea idk what’s with the armpit bites lol
17 IMG_8597.MOV
don’t share the video.. lol
Officer-6: I don’t share anything lol not even the pics bro! It’s
19 good that even though the laws don’t keep them in jail
they still get fucked up by the dog
AMIRI: haha i know right. i feel like this is the real punishment
21 compared to the soft DA

22 34. Following this incident, AMIRI authored a police report that differed from the

23 description AMIRI privately provided to others in his text messages.


25 May 6, 2020: AMIRI Deploys Canine to Bite X.B. [20-3380]

26 35. On May 6, 2020, APD officers, including AMIRI and ROMBOUGH, planned an

27 operation to arrest wanted individuals in Antioch, including X.B. At about 8:35 a.m., AMIRI and

28 Officer-5 exchanged the following messages:

1 AMIRI: yea [X.B.] was trying to take it down last night

2 Officer-5: [X.B.] needs to get his ass whooped too

3 AMIRI: they are planning an [X.B.] ass whooping today

4 Officer-5: Lol good

5 36. AMIRI and ROMBOUGH rode together during this operation, as they described in text

6 messages at about 10:19 a.m.:

7 ROMBOUGH: Riding with u turd

8 AMIRI: Loved “Riding with u turd”

9 37. At about 11:20 a.m., AMIRI’s K9 Purcy bit X.B. and ROMBOUGH assisted with

10 X.B.’s arrest. After the arrest, AMIRI sent numerous individuals photographs, a video, and/or a

11 description of the bite. At about 1:38 pm AMIRI and WENGER exchanged the following text

12 messages:

13 WENGER: Pics of [X.B.] please my dude!!! That bitch […] has

talked so much shit to me! Thank you for biting that
14 piece of shit!

15 AMIRI: [IMG_1072; IMG_1067; IMG_1070; IMG_1066;

WENGER: You’re my hero
38. The next day, on May 7, 2020 at about 6:50 am, AMIRI wrote to ROMBOUGH “bro
yesterday was sooooo fun”. ROMBOUGH “liked” AMIRI’s message. They then exchanged the
following messages at about 7:10 am:
AMIRI: can’t believe [X.B.].... his bitch ass is still at county
21 tell your wifey to have him discharged

22 ROMBOUGH: Lmao fuck that hopefully he dies

23 39. On May 11, 2020, AMIRI sent a video excerpt showing K9 Purcy’s bite of X.B. to

24 ROMBOUGH. ROMBOUGH responded “Lol love it”.


26 August 23, 2020: AMIRI Deploys Canine to Bite D.R. [20-7084]

27 40. On August 21, 2020 at about 11:23 p.m., AMIRI and WENGER assisted Agency-1 with

28 the pursuit of a subject. AMIRI deployed K9 Purcy to bite the subject. About an hour later, at about

1 12:35 a.m., AMIRI exchanged the following text messages with WENGER:

2 AMIRI: if [Agency-1] didn’t have all those body cams and that
was us… we would have fucked him up more. He
3 didn’t get what he deserved

4 WENGER: I agree
That’s why I don’t like body cams
AMIRI: Emphasized “That’s why I don’t like body cams”
41. WENGER later sent the following messages at about 6:25 p.m. on August 22, 2020:
WENGER: We need to get into something tonight bro!! Lets go 3
8 nights in a row dog bite!!!

9 AMIRI: Emphasized "We need to get into something tonight

bro!! Lets go 3 nights in a row dog bite!!!"
WENGER: Lets get faggot ass [a lieutenant] something to stress out
11 about lol

12 42. At about 6:50 p.m., APD officers—including AMIRI and WENGER—conducted a

13 vehicle stop of another subject in Antioch, in which the subject was pulled from the vehicle and taken to

14 the ground. At about 7:06 p.m., AMIRI sent the following text message to WENGER, followed by a

15 photograph of the subject with injuries several hours later: “hahaha. [the subject] style”.

16 43. The next day, on August 23, 2020, officers from a neighboring agency Agency-2 initiated

17 a traffic stop of a vehicle containing a subject, later identified as D.R., that led them on a chase to a

18 transient encampment. After D.R. entered the encampment, the officers formed a perimeter. At about
19 7:25 p.m., AMIRI was dispatched to assist with apprehending D.R., known to him as a “car thief.” K9

20 Purcy located D.R. in a tent and bit him in the back, injuring him.

21 44. After the incident, AMIRI sent numerous individuals photographs, a video, and/or a

22 description of the bite.

23 a. At about 8:47 p.m. that day, AMIRI sent WENGER multiple images of D.R. and

24 his injuries, including the following:





1 AMIRI: Loved “Fuck the mother fucking yes”

2 WENGER: Bite some nerds and crush some dweebs bro!

3 AMIRI: hell yea bro. ill find some shit. ill write it. just come
over and crush some skulls alongside purcy. ill handle
4 the rest lol

5 c. The day following the arrest of D.R. at about 1:12 p.m., AMIRI sent images of

6 D.R.’s injuries to ROMBOUGH during the following text message exchange:

7 AMIRI: nice gun arrest turd


9 AMIRI: you beat his ass?

Emphasized “you beat his ass?”
AMIRI: what about an ass whoopin?
12 [IMG_2619; IMG_2617; IMG_2615]

13 ROMBOUGH: Brah lol

14 AMIRI: Laughed at “Brah lol”

15 Hahaha

16 45. Following this incident, AMIRI authored a police report that differed from the

17 description AMIRI privately provided to others in his text messages.

19 October 8, 2020: AMIRI Assaults M.Z.

20 46. On October 8, 2020 at about 6:41 a.m., AMIRI messaged ROMBOUGH, “tell [Agency-

21 3] to keep their cams off”.

22 47. Later that day at about 8:06 p.m., AMIRI sent text messages on his personal cell phone

23 to on-duty APD officers about M.Z., a transient individual in Antioch. AMIRI wrote the following to

24 the on-duty officers in a group text, including WENGER, Officer-7, and Officer-8, accompanied with

25 photographs of M.Z.:

26 AMIRI: [M.Z.]

27 anyone that finds him gets code. 4 this fucker stole my

28 4
APD officers referred to “code” in this context as buying a fellow officer a beverage or meal.

1 mail and was trying to open accounts under my name.

2 48. Among responses in the group text, WENGER responded at about 8:12 p.m.:

3 WENGER: Lets beat his fucking ass bro!

I'm down after work morty
49. WENGER immediately then directly text messaged AMIRI:
WENGER: I’m serious bro, let’s beat that dudes ass after work
AMIRI: !!!!
50. At about 9:48 p.m., Officer-7 and Officer-8 located M.Z. in Antioch, who was riding a
bicycle in a parking lot. Minutes later, AMIRI arrived in a police car and exited it, confronting M.Z. by
shoving him against the wall in a parking lot, pressing a baton against his chest while holding another
object or weapon in his other hand, and threatening to kill him.
51. At about 10:12 p.m., AMIRI sent the following message to the same group text:
AMIRI: [Officer-7] and [Officer-8] won the bounty on [M.Z.]
52. Following this incident, AMIRI failed to author any police report about the encounter.
53. Several months later, on January 25, 2021, AMIRI exchanged the following messages
with Officer-9, an officer at a neighboring police department:
AMIRI: who arrested [M.Z]? […]
17 that fucker stole my mail

18 Officer-9: […] Ohhhh

19 AMIRI: few months ago. i tracked him down and dragged him
to the back of a car to “discuss” the matter
Officer-9: Yikes
“Officer [Officer-9] how long did you know Officer
22 Amiri and in the course of your friendship did you ever
know him to act under color of authority ”
AMIRI: lol putting a pistol in someone’s mouth and telling them
24 to stop stealing isn’t illegal... it’s an act of public
service to prevent further victims of crimes

26 //

27 //

28 //

1 ROMBOUGH’s Uses of Force, Including 40mm Deployments and Communications about Them

2 54. On October 10, 2020, ROMBOUGH described violating civil rights to other APD

3 officers in relation to his police work and use of the 40mm less lethal launcher, including Officer-1,

4 Officer-10, Officer-11, and others:

5 Officer-11: You guys have a game plan?

6 ROMBOUGH: Violate rights forty people and catch turds

7 55. On November 11, 2020, ROMBOUGH again referenced the violation of civil rights in

8 messages to other APD officers, including Officer-1, Officer-10, Officer-12, and others:

9 Officer-10: I’m on my way in now, what’re you guys up to?

10 ROMBOUGH: Violating civil rights


12 February 9, 2021: ROMBOUGH Deploys 40mm Less Lethal Launcher at R.C. [21-1103]

13 56. On February 8, 2021, AMIRI and ROMBOUGH exchanged the following messages

14 about deploying the 40mm less lethal launcher in upcoming operations:

15 AMIRI: Jk see u in the am homie […]

we gotta arrest errrbody
ROMBOUGH: Yup fuck them including [an individual]
AMIRI: [Wife] says she will purchase you a box of cookies if
18 you 40 him

19 ROMBOUGH: Done I’ll 40 a few people this week

20 AMIRI: lmao good […]

she wanted to encourage you to 40 him but then the
21 crowd threw her off 😂😂
22 ROMBOUGH: lol I’ll send her a pic

23 57. The next day, on February 9, 2021 at about 6:30 a.m., APD officers executed a search

24 warrant at a residence in Antioch. While inside the residence, ROMBOUGH and Officer-4 identified

25 R.C. outside a sliding door. ROMBOUGH deployed the 40mm less lethal launcher at R.C., injuring

26 him in the lower back area. ROMBOUGH and other APD officers had previously received instruction

27 during annual training that this area was a “potentially lethal” area of the body to avoid deploying the

28 40mm.

1 58. After the incident at about 8:48 a.m., ROMBOUGH sent numerous individuals

2 photographs of the injury, including Officer-13, stating “And another one got 40d”. At about 8:54 a.m.,

3 ROMBOUGH exchanged the following messages with Officer-13:

4 Officer-13: Good job on that one!

5 ROMBOUGH: Bro so much fun

6 59. One day later, on February 10, 2021 after conducting another operation in Antioch in

7 which APD officers did not deploy a canine or 40mm less lethal launcher, AMIRI and ROMBOUGH

8 exchanged the following messages:

9 ROMBOUGH: I’m so mad bro

Fuck this please don’t use a 40 shit
AMIRI: he deserved a 40.
11 why didn’t they let me dog bite him? fucker threw a
ROMBOUGH: Tell me about it
13 I’m so fucking pissed off

14 AMIRI: Questioned “why didn’t they let me dog bite him?

fucker threw a gun”
ROMBOUGH: I didn’t know man. Probably didn’t like the optics.
16 […]
I seriously want to beat his black ass.

18 60. The next month, ROMBOUGH had multiple conversations about making progress on a

19 trophy “flag”, that is, in which he collected spent 40mm munitions and would use them among the stars

20 and stripes of the flag to commemorate his 40mm deployments on individuals in and around Antioch.

21 For instance, on March 5, 2021, ROMBOUGH exchanged messages with Officer-13 about events the

22 prior day in which ROMBOUGH “had the forty” and someone “almost got plugged”, stating “It’s been

23 fun”:

24 Officer-13: We just have to find a way to finish your flag!!!

25 ROMBOUGH: I know challenge accepted.

26 61. Likewise, following his 40mm deployments on two subjects on the same day, March 31,

27 2021, ROMBOUGH exchanged messages with Officer-14, who served as law enforcement with

28 another agency, about “taking down a second [] suspect and he got 40d too”:

1 Officer-14: 🤣🤣
That 40 flag is coming along!! Murica!!
ROMBOUGH: Liked “That 40 flag is coming along!! Murica!!”

4 May 5, 2021: ROMBOUGH Deploys 40mm Less Lethal Launcher at L.R. [21-3574]

5 62. On April 14, 2021 at about 10:47 a.m., ROMBOUGH and AMIRI exchanged the

6 following messages:

7 ROMBOUGH: This training 5 makes me want to smoke someone

8 AMIRI: lmao
typical rambo
ROMBOUGH: Maybe tomorrow lol
10 Or at least 40d

11 63. Several weeks later, on May 5, 2021 at about 10:22 a.m., APD officers—including

12 ROMBOUGH—responded to a report that transients were living inside a privately-owned unit. While

13 responding, ROMBOUGH and Officer-10 located L.R. and another female individual laying on a bed

14 inside a room. ROMBOUGH deployed the 40mm less lethal launcher at L.R., injuring L.R. in the chest

15 and knocking him off the bed. ROMBOUGH and other APD officers had previously received

16 instruction during annual training that this area was a “potentially lethal” area of the body to avoid

17 deploying the 40mm.

18 64. Following this incident, ROMBOUGH authored a police report that differed from the

19 accounts that other APD officers later provided. ROMBOUGH later stated that he deployed the 40mm

20 less lethal launcher because L.R. was refusing commands and pretending to be asleep while a liquor

21 bottle was next to him.

22 65. At about 1:40 p.m. that day, AMIRI sent a video captured from Instagram captioned

23 “Officer damages private property while executing a search warrant” of an unknown uniformed police

24 officer looking around, then repeatedly slamming a door into the side of a car parked inside of a private

25 garage to ROMBOUGH, with the message “you 😂😂” at about 1:41 p.m.; ROMBOUGH responded

26 “Lmao”.

28 APD records indicate that ROMBOUGH completed five hours of training this day on “Arrest
and Control” and two hours on “Wellness Presentation”.

1 66. AMIRI also sent the same video to Officer-1, and their exchange followed:

2 AMIRI: why do i think of rombough when i see this? 😂😂

3 [video]

4 Officer-1: Bro a 100% 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

He 40’d another person today
6 deserved?

7 Officer-1: No 😂😂
8 AMIRI: jesus lol

9 Officer-1: Bro we just shook our heads like wtf .. we assisted

patrol on a 602 6
11 no way lol
did he at least sit on the dude?
Officer-1: It was stupid I know the patrol guys really didn’t want
13 any paper work out of it

14 67. Despite AMIRI’s conversation with Officer-1 about L.R. not “deserving” getting shot by

15 ROMBOUGH with a 40mm less lethal launcher, the next day, on May 6, 2021 at about 1:56 p.m.,

16 AMIRI sent ROMBOUGH a screenshot of another conversation containing a photograph of the two

17 officers and AMIRI’s subsequent commentary about “true love”, excerpted as follows:










28 6
California Penal Code 602 prohibits trespassing, a misdemeanor offense.

68. Less than two weeks later, on May 14, 2021, in reference to the potential deployment of
the 40mm less lethal launcher at another individual, ROMBOUGH stated “Lmao add him to the
69. The next month, ROMBOUGH and AMIRI exchanged the following messages on June
13, 2021, referencing “dog bite and 40 deployment”:
ROMBOUGH: You working?
AMIRI: yea
8 40 mins until the weekend

9 ROMBOUGH: It’s your Friday right?

Copy until u come in on Tuesday
AMIRI: lol yea
ROMBOUGH: Yeh buddy dog bite and 40 deployment
AMIRI: Loved “Yeh buddy dog bite and 40 deployment”


15 August 24, 2021: ROMBOUGH Deploys 40mm Less Lethal Launcher at J.W. [21-6399]

16 70. On July 27, 2021, AMIRI sent ROMBOUGH a screenshot of an email from APD

17 leadership stating “the new BWC [body-worn camera] and MVAR policies are effective immediately,

18 and the use of these devices should start at the beginning of the next scheduled shift.” The next day,
19 ROMBOUGH stated “Yeah over it bro” and “Can’t wait to retire”. AMIRI responded, “over it lmao”.

20 71. On August 5, 2021, AMIRI and ROMBOUGH exchanged the following messages:

21 AMIRI: but do me a solid. don’t face me and record my coo

sniffs on bwc. it will open the door for defense to
22 criticize the alert. my angle doesn’t get it all [. . .]

23 ROMBOUGH: I got you. I’ll

Position myself a little diff next time. I didn’t want you
24 to get ran over by him. I was gonna smoke him

25 72. On August 24, 2021, at about 6:08 a.m., APD officers—including ROMBOUGH and

26 AMIRI—executed a search warrant at a residence in Antioch, captured on body-worn camera. Multiple

27 individuals exited the residence after officers made announcements. Officers then entered the residence,

28 locating J.W. inside a locked bedroom holding a video game controller while sitting on an air mattress,


7 Officer-15: Black tip tattoo�


9 77. On September 20, 2021, Officer-12, a Sergeant, wrote the following to ROMBOUGH

10 about authoring a police report:

11 Officer-12: You write that he didn’t comply but he clearly had his
hands up at first. You need to describe way better what
12 happened. He was ordered to put his hands on his head.
He didn’t do this. What did he do instead? (Leaned to
13 his right. Arm appeared to be reaching behind bed once
[Officer-4] grabbed him)

15 78. Following this incident, ROMBOUGH authored a police report that differed from the

16 accounts that other APD officers later provided.


18 August 31, 2021: ROMBOUGH Deploys 40mm Less Lethal Launcher at S.S. [21-7391]
19 79. On August 31, 2021, at about 2:50 p.m., APD officers—including ROMBOUGH,

20 AMIRI, Officer-10, and Officer-15—conducted a traffic enforcement stop of S.S. in Antioch. During

21 the encounter, which was captured on body-worn camera, at least five APD officers surrounded S.S.’s

22 vehicle and AMIRI called out “If you do not comply, you will be 40’d or bit by the dog.” As officers

23 called out commands, S.S. exited his vehicle with his hands raised, turned around and backed toward the

24 officers, and placed his hands on his head. As Officer-10 took S.S.’s hands, Officer-10 brought S.S. to

25 the ground; ROMBOUGH immediately approached and deployed the 40mm less lethal launcher at S.S.,

26 injuring him.

27 80. ROMBOUGH later reported that this deployment of the 40mm, as captured on body-

28 worn camera, was within “1 feet to 3 feet” of S.S.

1 AMIRI: you get 4 tubs yesterday, make some arrests then 40
someone today?? who the fuck are you?? i love this
2 wenger 😂😂
3 WENGER: #Newyearnewme
Hahah jk
4 Just trying to get on swat bro! [. . .]

5 Laughed at “you get 4 tubs yesterday, make some

arrests then 40 someone today?? who the fuck are
6 you?? i love this wenger 😂😂”
7 AMIRI: Loved “Just trying to get on swat bro!” [. . .]

8 WENGER: You’re my hero bro, I miss you dawg!

9 88. The next month, AMIRI and ROMBOUGH exchanged the following messages on

10 November 24, 2021:

11 AMIRI: i miss you

you haven’t 40d anymore lately
ROMBOUGH: I know reducing liability
13 So
I can leave
AMIRI: Laughed at “I know reducing liability”

16 COUNT ONE: (18 U.S.C. § 241 – Conspiracy Against Rights)

17 89. Paragraphs 1 through 88 of this Indictment are re-alleged and incorporated herein.

18 90. Beginning on a date unknown, but no later than approximately February 2019 and

19 continuing through approximately March 2022, in the Northern District of California, the defendants,


22 did knowingly and willfully conspire and agree together and with each other, and with others known and

23 unknown to the Grand Jury, to injure, oppress, threaten, and intimidate residents of Antioch, California

24 and the Northern District of California in the free exercise and enjoyment of rights secured to them by

25 the Constitution or laws of the United States, to be free from the use of unreasonable force by a law

26 enforcement officer, all in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 241.

27 //

28 //

1 COUNT NINE: (18 U.S.C. § 1519 – Destruction, Alteration, and Falsification of Records in
Federal Investigations)

3 93. Paragraphs 1 through 31 of this Indictment are re-alleged and incorporated as if fully set

4 forth here.

5 94. On or about July 24, 2019, in the Northern District of California, the defendant,


7 did knowingly alter, destroy, mutilate, conceal, cover up, falsify, and make a false entry in any record,

8 document, and tangible object, to wit, the Antioch Police Department incident report regarding the arrest

9 of A.A., with the intent to impede, obstruct, and influence the investigation and proper administration of

10 any matter within the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, an agency of the United States,

11 and in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, in violation of Title 18, United States

12 Code, Section 1519.


14 DATED: August 16, 2023 A TRUE BILL.


16 /s/
17 San Francisco, California

19 United States Attorney

Assistant United States Attorneys







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