Rogue Necrotech

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an ancestry by Brian Yaksha; art by Thomas Novosel.

Death is a luxury few ever truly appreciate.

Humanity desires only to reign eternal,
foolishly unaware that cessation brings a
stillness those caught in perpetual thought
lust for. A Rogue Necrotech is one such
immortal being, forever shackled to the
mortal world and forced to witness and to
suffer the indignities of linear time by way of forbidden artifice.
Monstrous of visage, shackled to hominid desires dulled only by age.

Unstoppable – You heal d4 HP per round, unless damaged

with fire, acid, or radiation. You cannot Rest, you must
instead consume HD equal to your level in nanite-infused blood
each day. You cannot heal by other means, nor benefit from food
or drink. You may ‘sleep’ – your conscious in the null of
Horrific – Enemies suffer Disadvantage on all Morale
tests when in combat against you. All Reaction rolls made while
you are present and clearly seen for what you are, also suffer
Disadvantage. You are nightmarish to the mortal observer.

Barbed Skeleton Onyx Skull Painted Shendyt Purpose

Withered Shell Jeweled Fangs Shimmering Chiton Silence
Tattered Corpse Rotting Hexagonic Shawl Song
Sludge-Bloated Headless Spider Lorica Oblivion
Gore-Drenched Shattered Skull Red-Clay Dō Time Travel
Derelict Synth Holo-Projection Luminescent Robes Liberation
Mummified Fused Twins Faience Girdle Redemption
Ossified Autarchy Mask Autarchy Garb Retribution
Vat-Grown THEMIS Mask Antiquated Thawb Truth
Worm-Ridden Crowned Dazzling Izaar Carnal Deeds
Flesh-Warped Blood-Slathered Auric Turban Dominion
Fossilized MNEMOSYM Mask Flayed Pelts Anarchy
Flayed Lipless Lodestone Chains Enlightenment
Excoriated Gaunt Hexagonic Achkan Chattel
Nanite-Ravaged KRONOS Mask Pulpit Gown Satiation
Out-of-Phase Pox-Riddled Infrared Sherwani Titanomachy
Quantum Corpse Cruelly Cage Ancient Faa Garb Apotheosis
Dust Zombie Black Pyramid Pre-Collapse Jama Supplication
Char Blackened Ancient Faa Mask Gold-Lace Pallium Empire
Gilded Bones Jeweled Eyes Biomeld Sinh Apocalypse
The Shade Rex Yaman Ruled a city-state. The Hegemony
Bleak Lord Irkullus Was a sorcerous vizier Vault-Raiders
Cauldron-Made Paznazu-Dis Mastered the wills Foolish Deeds
The Ravager Etemmach Warred against Azatoth Bleak Alchemy
High Cthon Umbrapha Was decorated officer. Baleful Rites
Necrotechtite Dimanibus Was a convicted rebel. A Titan’s Will
Impious Saab-Pulo Sought life everlasting. Cruel Lovers
Meadowlusting Bhutapala Developed a logicphage. Temporal Edict
The False Zham-Kussuh Ruled a Noble House. Strange Exotica
Antigodal Kairrion Served the Titans. Arrogant Seers
The Grotesque Angra-Gatha Sacrificed at a shrine. Blind Oracles
Cannibal Lord Taxama Mapped the known world. Optimate Hubris
The Drinker Divja Vandu Was friend to harpies. Worm Tremors
The Ghoul Atarnryō Led a legion of synths. Vainglory
Dreamdrinker Zarbanje Ran a gladiator ludus. Devious Spells
The Haunting Mazzkormos Sailed the aurum fleet. A Dark Will
Gilded Master Dv-Myl-Ra Recently was mortal. Tomb Failure
The Jael Ouqnabbas Warred with the Autarchy. Null Protocols
Once-Autarch Diojaaka Knew all urthly delights. Nanite-Decay
Of the Whayangzar Served as a Lector of The College of
Quantum Arena the College of Indigo Indigo Tigers

Time Has Faded Your Mind – The world is not how you once
knew it, you experience lost time and are haunted by memories
of corrupted data. It is hard for you to truly appreciate what
is real; as in the blink of a proverbial eye all could fall to
Age Has Faded Your Skill – You may well have once been a
tyrant, a master of the mind, or a lowly vault-raider with more
guns than sense. Your infusion with Necrotech has stripped away
so much, assimilating you to the will and purpose the device
once held.
You Are Rogue – And as such, you are free of your
original Necrotech protocols; your being liberated but your
soul still shackled to the constraints of immortality. Synths,
Titans, and items which are from ancient eras may yet find ways
to reawaken these protocols and tame your essence.
You Are Abominable & Mysterious – Children and civilians
fear your presence; for you look every bit an abomination. A
horrid melding of every biomechanical horror they’ve heard
about, every war machine spoken of in propaganda, and every
dead person they once believed would stay dead. You are
permanence in an impermanent world; and this is terrifying.
Invest in a hooded cloak or find a way to disguise yourself
before entering a settlement or socializing with normal-types.

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