Juhayna Food Industries Reports 1H23 Earnings: 2Q23 Highlights
Juhayna Food Industries Reports 1H23 Earnings: 2Q23 Highlights
Juhayna Food Industries Reports 1H23 Earnings: 2Q23 Highlights
2Q23 Highlights
3,730mn 910mn, 24.4% 405mn, 10.9%
Net Revenue Gross Profit, margin EBITDA, margin
1H23 Highlights
7,153mn 1,928mn, 27.0% 997mn, 13.9%
Net Revenue Gross Profit, margin EBITDA, margin
Revenue By Segment
EGP mn 2Q23 2Q22 % Change 1H23 1H22 % Change
Dairy 1,828 1,284 42% 3,599 2,582 39%
Fermented 866 873 -1% 1,714 1,458 18%
Juice 607 462 31% 1,088 844 29%
Concentrates & Agri 352 82 327% 602 147 311%
3rd Party
78 60 30% 151 134 13%
Total 3,730 2,761 35% 7,153 5,165 39%
9,0 00
6,0 00
5,165 packaged dairy, yogurt and juice markets, announced its audited
consolidated results for 2Q23. The company achieved net revenues
5,0 00
4,0 00
2,761 of EGP 3.7bn, reflecting a growth rate of 35%. This growth was driven
by improved demand during May and June, and an increase in
3,0 00
2,0 00
1,0 00
pricing, with more than 60% rise observed throughout 2022, in
addition to two waves in January and July of 2023, totaling c.15%.
2Q22 2Q23 1H22 1H23 The high inflationary environment in Egypt is negatively affecting
Gross Profit, Margin consumer purchasing power. This is causing consumers to cut down
(EGP mn, %) on consumption and trade down to lower-priced products. Juhayna is
3,00 0 35. 0%
30. 0%
1,414 20. 0%
consumers look to save money. Juhayna is also confident that its
1,50 0
910 15. 0%
brand loyalty will help it to retain customers even in a challenging
1,00 0 773 10. 0% economic environment.
5.0 %
2Q22 2Q23 1H22 1H23 yogurt experiencing a small decline (as it was supported by Ramadan
SG&A, Margin seasonality). The decline was attributed to several factors, including
(EGP mn, %) the high base of 1Q22, where wholesalers were aggressively
1,80 0 19.0% 15.6% 18.9% overstocking, and the negative impact of inflation on consumer
18. 00%
1,20 0
defend its high market shares. This was due to several factors,
1,00 0 10. 00%
800 8.0 0%
525 including its strong brand loyalty, its diverse product portfolio, and its
6.0 0%
focus on lower-priced products. Additionally, the volume decline for
4.0 0%
- 0.0 0%
EBITDA, Margin COGS increased by 39% and 42%, reaching 5.2bn in 1H23, and
(EGP mn, %) 2.8bn in 2Q23. This increase is attributed to increasing prices of raw
140 0
13.9% 16. 0%
contraction in gross profit margin by 0.4 pps and 3.6 pps to reach
120 0
10.9% 997
100 0
12. 0%
610 8.0 %
2Q22 2Q23 1H22 1H23 to the decline in the SG&A margin. Juhayna remains focused on
keeping expenses tight and capitalizing on cost-saving opportunities.
1H23 Earnings Release
Cairo, Egypt | 8 August 2023
Net Profit, Margin Positive gross profit margin gains and savings on SG&A resulted in a
(EGP mn, %) 10. 0%
growth of 64% and 22% in EBITDA for 1H23 and 2Q23, reaching
7.8% 9.0 %
997mn and 403mn, with a margin of 13.9% and 10.9%, respectively.
8.0 %
556 7.0 %
In terms of net profit, Juhayna achieved EGP 556mn in 1H23,
6.0 %
5.0 %
4.0 %
increase of 22% y-o-y. This growth occurred despite increased
1.0 %
0 0.0 %
shortages. Juhayna's vertical integration, its strategic relationships
2Q22 2Q23 1H22 1H23 with its suppliers, local and global partners, in addition to the
company's cost reduction strategy all contributed to this growth.
Export Sales, Growth The company experienced a notable surge in export sales
120 0
(EGP mn, %) (Concentrates, Dairy and Juice), achieving a remarkable growth rate
100 0 374% 279% of 279%, reaching EGP 666mn in 1H23. In 2Q23 export sales grew by
374% y-o-y to reach 380mn. Export sales accounted for 10% of the
company's total revenues for the quarter, and 9% in 1H23, compared
annual growth rate booked is at 112% for 1H23, and 184% for 2Q23.
4 supply shortages or production halts, a situation successfully
managed throughout 2022. Additionally, the higher value of raw
2Q22 2Q23 1H22 1H23 materials, driven by commodity price increases, devaluation of the
Egyptian pound, and general inflation, contributed to the high growth
Net Debt, Inventory in inventory levels.
(EGP mn, %)
Juhayna allocated EGP 223mn towards CAPEX in 1H23, primarily
57% 102%
focusing on manufacturing and distribution activities, which is a part of
3,50 0
2,50 0
2,00 0
1,447 Our strong frameworks and strong governance practices that have
1,060 been developed over the past years, and the hard work of our
1,50 0
1,00 0
experienced management team, have enabled us to achieve great
recent success. We are confident that the Egyptian market will
Net Debt Inventory continue to recover, and we are proud to have a strong brand and a
1H22 1H23 strong relationship with the Egyptian consumer. We are looking
forward to opening foreign markets as part of the company's strategy.
64% 57%
+1% +1%
31% 49%
+2% +2%
Income Statement
1H23 1H22 2Q23 2Q23
Net sales 7 153 366 258 5 164 567 216 3 730 081 032 2 761 133 770
Cost of sales (5 225 522 968) (3 750 110 709) (2 819 576 526) (1 988 495 067)
Gross profit 1 927 843 290 1 414 456 507 910 504 506 772 638 703
Other operating income 71 714 793 59 731 238 24 611 490 29 189 525
Selling and Marketing expenses ( 935 174 175) ( 821 545 075) ( 500 933 538) ( 445 882 810)
General and administrative expenses (172 134 690) (153 290 864) (80 579 626) (78 871 392)
Other expenses (65 937 519) (59 974 355) (26 013 047) (38 081 021)
Results from operating activities 826 311 699 439 377 451 327 589 785 238 993 005
Share in profit of a company under joint control 331 456 487 923 73 736 254 471
Net finance (expense) ( 128 399 171) ( 24 569 883) ( 53 567 526) ( 11 560 506)
Net profit for the period before income tax 698 243 984 415 295 491 274 095 995 227 686 970
Current income tax ( 148 625 368) ( 98 732 401) ( 55 515 189) ( 55 367 937)
Deferred tax 6 811 674 2 386 301 ( 1 564 888) 2 210 653
Net profit for the period after tax 556 430 290 318 949 391 217 015 918 174 529 686
Distributed as follows
Parent Company share in profit 556 120 109 318 848 694 216 902 115 174 467 901
556 430 290 318 949 391 217 015 918 174 529 686
Earning per share for the period (L.E /share ) 0.59 0.34 0.23 0.19
Balance Sheet
1H23 FY22
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 2 936 275 799 3 007 277 888
Projects under construction 260 844 080 127 380 566
Plant wealth - productive 43 313 553 43 990 377
Plant wealth – not productive 25 300 130 20 328 869
Biological wealth 214 920 954 197 472 085
Investments under joint control (equity) 17 257 550 16 926 093
Right of use assets 46 760 390 47 182 377
Goodwill 97 092 890 97 092 890
Other - long term asset 711 464 715 600
Non-current assets 3 642 476 810 3 558 366 745
Current assets
Biological assets - Existing Agriculture 15 368 379 20 158 767
Biological assets - Feeding Sector 269 979 117 332
PPE held for sale 1 942 497 1 942 496
Inventories 2 925 984 114 1 725 513 368
Trade and other receivables 954 136 302 768 124 141
Due from related party 1 250 309 559 970
Cash at banks and on hand 328 058 716 294 504 052
Current assets 4 227 010 296 2 810 920 126
Total assets 7 869 487 106 6 369 286 871
Issued and paid up capital 941 405 082 941 405 082
Legal reserve 742 112 963 719 145 789
General reserve - issuance premium 330 920 428 330 920 428
Retained earnings 1 769 086 188 1 418 366 451
Total equity attributable to the shareholders of the parent company 3 783 524 661 3 409 837 750
Non-controlling interest 1 213 990 894 422
Total equity 3 784 738 651 3 410 732 172
Non-current liabilities
Long - term loans 64 770 041 78 951 620
Lease contract liabilities - non current portion 71 693 915 80 440 307
Deferred tax liabilities 297 790 515 304 602 189
Other non current liabilities 111 564 297 878
Non-current liabilities 434 366 035 464 291 994
Current liabilities
Provisions 84 209 864 78 789 406
Bank credit facilities 1 145 240 317 707 922 331
Creditors and other credit balances 2 093 944 213 1 340 285 565
Income tax payable 167 420 683 213 078 927
Lease contract liabilities- current portion 30 461 548 30 742 133
Loans-current portion 129 105 795 123 444 343
Current liabilities 3 650 382 420 2 494 262 705
Total liabilities 4 084 748 455 2 958 554 699
Total equity and total liabilities 7 869 487 106 6 369 286 871
Cash Flow
1H23 1H22
Cash flows from operating activities
Net profit for the period before income tax and minority interest share in
698 243 984 415 295 491
PPE depreciation 143 825 270 155 839 199
Capital loss (gain) (23 902 851)
Amortization of asset right of use (lands) 4 136 4 136
Increase of herd plant wealth ( 17 448 869)
Amortization of animal wealth 16 093 496 15 313 344
Amortization of plant wealth (productive) 676 824 403 277
Capitalize during the drying period ( 48 751 923) (26 166 559)
Changes in investments under joint control (equity) ( 331 457) ( 487 923)
Impairment of other debit balances (1 607 431)
Amortization of right of use 6 850 930 7 010 309
Right of use interest 1 995 132 3 044 270
Impairment of inventory no longer required
Provision for claims formed 10 711 684 18 463 748
Herd birth ( 5 362 000) (7 570 700)
Herd capitalization -
Loss from selling and death of animal wealth 9 347 846 1 456 267
Foreign currencies exchange differences 35 690 082 (7 088 122)
Credit interests ( 7 994 166) (12 871 093)
Finance interests & expenses 98 708 123 41 484 828
Impairment of Fixed assets & projects under construction ( 799 309) ( 117 781)
941 459 781 578 502 409
Changes in:
Inventories ( 1 200 470 746) (567 634 807)
Biological assets- Exiting Agriculture 4 790 388 (3 486 451)
Changes in held for sale 505 064
Trade and other receivables ( 186 012 163) (102 570 220)
Due from related parties ( 690 339) ( 383 657)
Creditors & other credit balances 770 954 387 295 692 643
Dividends paid to employee ( 41 212 761) (37 184 580)
Income tax paid ( 194 283 612) (182 182 829)
Sales tax on capital goods -paid ( 186 314) -
Provisions claim for used ( 5 291 030) (2 727 682)
Net cash flows from operating activities 89 057 591 (21 470 110)
Cash flows from investing activities
Acquisition of PPE & projects under construction ( 206 839 959) (86 485 529)
Proceeds from sale of PPE 1 352 573 30 739 778
Proceeds from plant wealth unproductive ( 4 971 261) (6 099 449)
Payments to invest in vital assets 9 349 559 16 801 014
Proceeds from the compensation of calves death 1 874 153 1 784 647
Net cash flows (used in) investing activities (199 234 935) (43 259 539)
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from/ (payments for) overdraft & credit facility 437 317 986 432 067 118
(Payments for) financial lease contract liabilities ( 17 451 051) (15 439 315)
(Payments for) bank loans ( 8 520 127) (137 722 128)
Collected credit interests 7 994 166 12 871 093
Finance interests & expenses paid (98 708 123) (41 484 828)
Dividends paid to shareholders (141 210 761) (188 281 016)
Net cash flows from (used in) financing activities 179 422 090 62 010 924
Change in cash & cash equivalents during the period 69 244 746 (2 718 725)
The effect of foreign exchange difference (35 690 082) 7 088 122
Cash & cash equivalents at 1 January 294 504 052 453 015 330
Cash & cash equivalents at 30 June 328 058 716 457 384 727
1H23 Earnings Release
1H23 Earnings Release
Cairo, Egypt | 8 August 2023
Since its founding in 1983, it has secured a frontrunner position in Egypt and has
expanded its presence, through exports, to international markets, a feat made possible
through its firm commitment to delivering a wide range of high-quality, healthy, and safe
products that have become trusted household names.
Today, with four fully operational facilities, a vast network of distribution centers serving
more than 136,000 retail outlets nationwide, and a 500-feddan, fully-owned dairy farm
covering a sizeable portion of the company’s raw milk needs, Juhayna continues to raise
the benchmark for premium quality Egyptian manufactured products.
Investor Contacts
Khaled Daader
Head of Investor Relations
+202 38271833