Probiotec Annual Report 2022 3

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Remunerate fairly and responsibly

The Remuneration and Nomination Committee (whose members have been summarised above) is responsible for
reviewing and making recommendations to the board on remuneration packages and policies available to senior
management and directors, as set out in its charter. The committee may engage independent counsel or advisors with
the approval of the chairman or by resolution of the board.

The board has adopted a Security Trading Policy which prohibits Key Management Personnel (as that term is defined
in the ASX Listing Rules) from entering into hedging arrangements in relation to Probiotec securities which would have
the effect of limiting the exposure of the person to risk relating to an element of their remuneration that has not vested,
or has vested but remains subject to a holding lock. Key Management Personnel may enter into margin loans or other
security arrangements in relation to Probiotec shares only with the prior written approval of the Designated Officer.
Details of the framework and policies in relation to remuneration is set out in the Remuneration Report section of the
Directors Report, which is included in the 2022 Financial Report. The remuneration of each director is also set out in the
Remuneration Report. Information on the structure of the remuneration of senior management is also set out in the
Remuneration Report.


Index to financial report for
the year ended 30 June 2022

Directors’ Report 19

Auditor’s Independence Declaration 31

Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income 32

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 33

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 34

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 35

Notes to the Financial Statements 36

Directors’ Declaration 75

Auditor’s Report to the Members 76


Director’s Report
The directors submit the financial report of Probiotec Limited (“the company”) and its controlled entities (“the group”)
for the financial year ended 30 June 2022.


The names of the directors in office at any time during or since the end of the year are:

Jonathan Wenig Non-Executive and Chairman

Wesley Stringer Managing Director
Paul Santoro Non-Executive Director (appointed 1 February 2022)
Simon Gray Non-Executive Director (appointed 1 July 2021)
Alexander Beard Non-Executive Director (resigned 31 August 2021)
Greg Lan Non-Executive Director (resigned 24 November 2021)

Directors have been in office to the date of this report unless otherwise stated.

Company Secretary

The name of the company secretary in office at any time during or since the end of the year was:
Jared Stringer

The company secretary has been in office to the date of this report unless otherwise stated.

Principal Activities

The group’s principal activities in the course of the financial year were the development, manufacture, packing and sale
of pharmaceuticals, consumer health and fast moving consumer products in Australian and international markets.

Operating Results

The consolidated profit of the group attributable to the shareholders from continuing operations for the financial year
was $13,706,658 (2021: $5,069,220).


A final dividend of 3.5 cents per fully paid ordinary share has been declared on 23 August 2022 in relation to the
financial year ended 30 June 2022 (2021: 3.0 cents). The final dividend will be paid on 15 September 2022, to
shareholders of record on 8 September 2022. During the financial year ended 30 June 2022, a final dividend of 3.0
cents per fully paid ordinary share was paid in relation to the 2021 financial year, which amounted to $2,353,902
(2021: $2,196,878). An interim dividend of 2.0 cents per fully paid ordinary share, which amounted to $1,626,468
(2021: $1,569,268) was also paid during the 2022 financial year.

Operating and Financial Review

Overview of results
The group’s underlying¹ net operating profit after tax from continuing activities attributable to members for the year
was $13.5 million.

In light of the ongoing global covid-19 pandemic, the result for the year shows the defensive and resilient nature of the
group’s businesses.

¹ Excluding non-recurring costs predominantly associated with the acquisitions of the H&H Packaging and Multipack-LJM businesses, amortisation of
acquisition related intangible assets and fair value adjustments.


The year was one of considerable activity as the group:
 Acquired H&H Packaging on 1 August 2021;
 Despite difficult trading conditions, achieved growth in both revenue and earnings;
 Continued to acquire and on-board new customers and contracts.

Acquisition of H&H Packaging

On 1 August 2021, the company acquired the assets and business of H&H Packaging (“H&H”) for total cash proceeds of
$4 million.

H&H is a Sydney-based contract packer and manufacturer with a 30-year operating history. The acquisition of H&H
will deliver new customers to the Probiotec group including exciting opportunities to service the industrial, chemical
and agricultural markets, widening our overall reach into even more end markets. The acquisition will also add plastic
molding capabilities that can be rolled out across the Probiotec business for our own internal needs as well as to our
existing client base, adding an element of vertical integration to the group. In time, certain H&H functions may be
incorporated into the proposed Sydney site consolidation project.

H&H generated Revenue and EBITDA of approximately $6 million and $1 million respectively for the 12 months ended
30 June 2022. The transaction was funded from cash reserves.

The group’s business experienced several impacts from the Covid-19 pandemic during the year. The primary impacts
• Additional employee costs due to government restrictions and increased absenteeism;
• increased cleaning and sanitation;
• increased personal protective equipment;
• increased freight and transportation costs;
• a short-term increase in demand for a range of Covid related goods;
• a short-term decrease in Cold & Flu related products, albeit this began to normalise late in the financial year.

Significant Changes in State of Affairs

There was no significant change in the state of affairs of the group other than that referred to in the financial
statements or notes thereto and elsewhere in the financial report of the company and its controlled entities for the year
ended 30 June 2022.

Significant After Reporting Date Events

There has not been any matter or circumstance, other than that referred to in the financial statements or notes
thereto, that has arisen since the end of the financial year, that has significantly affected, or may significantly affect,
the operations of the group, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the group in future financial years
other than the ongoing Covid 19 global pandemic.

Likely developments, business strategies and prospects

The group will continue to operate its business consistent with its stated business strategy. The board will continue to
monitor the progress of the business improvement initiatives and the intended improvement in the group’s operating
and financial performance.

Environmental Issues

The group monitors its environmental legal obligations and has its own self imposed policies. We believe that the group
complies with all aspects of the environmental laws.

Occupational Health and Safety

The group’s Occupational Health and Safety Committee meet monthly and monitors the business by conducting
regular audits of the premises. Any safety matters raised either by staff, the audits or from an investigation of any
workers’ compensation claims are reviewed and, where appropriate, changes made to operating procedures. Staff are
encouraged to make safety suggestions to their departmental representatives. All committee members are given the
necessary training for the position.


Meetings of Directors

Probiotec Limited became a public company on 17th February 2006 and listed on the Australian Stock Exchange on the
14th November 2006. Directors hold meetings approximately eight to twelve times a year. The board also comprises
the Audit and Risk Management and Remuneration and Nominations Sub-Committees. The number of meetings of the
company's board of directors held during the year ended 30 June 2022, and the numbers of meetings attended by each
director were:
Audit & Risk Management Committee Remuneration & Nominations
Board of Directors Meetings
meetings Committee meetings

Director No. Held² No. Attended No. Held³ No. Attended No. Held² No. Attended
Alexander Beard 2 2 1 1 - -
Wesley Stringer 11 11 - - 1 -
Jonathan Wenig 11 11 2 2 2 2
Simon Gray 11 11 2 2 2 2
Paul Santoro 5 5 1 1 2 2
Greg Lan 3 3 1 1 - -

Information on Directors and Officers

Jonathan Wenig
Role - Non-Executive Director, Chairman (appointed 1 July 2021)
Qualifications - LLB (Hons) (Melb)
Experience - Mr Wenig is currently a partner at Arnold Bloch Leibler, a leading Australian
commercial law firm. Mr Wenig’s practice and expertise spans the breadth of
commercial and corporate law, including mergers and acquisitions, corporate work,
technology and financing. He is a trusted advisor to numerous active and innovative
public companies – bringing his intellect and experience to bear not only in their
corporate matters and acquisition activities, but across their legal affairs and strategic
challenges and opportunities.

Mr Wenig is ranked as one of Australia’s leading Corporate and M&A lawyers in

Chambers Asia Pacific and The Legal 500 Asia Pacific. He is also recognised by Best
Lawyers® International in the area of corporate and M&A law and has been ranked by
Doyle’s Guide in the categories of private equity and corporate law.

Special Responsibilities - Member of the Board's Audit and Risk Committee, Chairman of the board (appointed
Chairman on 1 July 2021).

Wesley Stringer
Role - Chief Executive Officer / Managing Director
Qualifications - B.Comm (Accounting, Finance), LLB (hons), CPA
Experience - Prior to joining Probiotec, Wesley was employed by KPMG in Taxation and
Finance. He has also worked internationally for Deutsche Bank and BNP Paribas
Investment Bank in London. From 1 July 2015, Wesley has taken the role of Chief
Executive Officer of Probiotec Limited
Special Responsibilities - Nil.
Other Directorships - Nil.

²Number of board meetings held while director eligible to attend.

³Number of meetings for members of respective board or committee only.


Paul Santoro
Role - Non-Executive Director
Qualifications - B.Business, FCPA
Experience - Mr Santoro is the CEO of Cygnett, a Melbourne-based leading global digital
accessories business that designs and manufactures market-leading products
including wireless chargers, portable power stations, cables, stands and holders that
are sold into 42 countries around the world with offices in the UK, USA and China.
He is also co-owner of Forest Hill Medical Centre and co-owner of Universal Business
Services, a boutique book-keeping and business advisory company.
His shift into the technology sector 8 years ago followed over two decades as a senior
executive in the healthcare sector. His previous roles included:
• CEO of Dorevitch Pathology servicing more than 6,000 medical practitioners,
with 1,350 staff including 47 pathologists through a network of 16 laboratories
and 90 licensed collection centres;
• CEO of ARL Pathology and Molescan Skin Clinics (87 sites across Australia)
leading 500 staff including medical scientists, pathologists, medical practitioners
and administrative staff;
• Vice President of the Australian Association of Pathology Providers (AAPP).
Special Responsibilities - Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee.
Other Directorships - Nil.

Simon Gray
Role - Non-Executive Director
Qualifications - BA (Political Science), LLM (Corporate and Commercial Laws), GAICD
Experience - Formerly an Executive Director of Morgans Financial and prior to that Shaw and
Partners, where he was at various times its Deputy CEO, Chief Compliance Officer
and General Counsel. Continues to practice as a lawyer with the benefit of 20 years’
experience in the financial services industry and a strong background in operations,
Special Responsibilities risk and compliance, including senior oversight of corporate finance. Mr Gray is Chair
Other Directorships of ASIC’s Market Disciplinary Panel, Chair of ASX’s Appeal Tribunal and a member of
ASIC’s Markets Consultative Panel.
- Member of the Board’s Audit and Risk Committee.
- Nil.

Jared Stringer
Role - Company Secretary / Chief Financial Officer
Qualifications - B.Comm (Accounting, Finance), BIT, GradDip.AppCorGov, CPA
Experience - Began employment with Probiotec as a Financial Accountant in 2006 before being
appointed as Chief Financial Officer in 2012. Mr Stringer is a member of the society
of Certified Practicing Accountants of Australia and also holds a Graduate Diploma of
Applied Corporate Governance.
Special Responsibilities - Nil.
Other Directorships - Nil.

Insurance of Officers

During the financial year, the company paid insurance premiums for a directors’ & dfficers’ liability insurance contract
that provides cover for the current and former directors, alternate directors, secretaries, executive officers and officers
of the company and its subsidiaries. The directors have not included details of the nature of the liabilities covered in this
contract or the amount of the premium paid, as disclosure is prohibited under the terms of the contract.

Disclosure on Unissued Shares under Option

At the date of this report, there were 725,000 unissued ordinary shares of Probiotec Limited under option.


Remuneration Report
This report is prepared in accordance with section 300A of the Corporations Act 2001 for the group for the financial
year ended 30 June 2022. This report is audited.


1.1 Remuneration & Nominations Committee

The primary function of the Board Remuneration and Nominations Committee (“committee”) is to assist the Board of
Directors (“board”) in fulfilling its oversight responsibility to shareholders by ensuring that:

• the board comprises individuals best able to discharge the responsibilities of directors having regard to the law and
the highest standards of governance; and
• the group has coherent remuneration policies and practices that fairly and responsibly reward executives having
regard to performance, the law and the highest standards of governance.

The committee’s purpose in relation to remuneration is to:

• review and approve executive remuneration policy;

• make recommendations to the board in relation to the remuneration of the Chief Executive Officer and Non-
executive Directors;
• review and make recommendations to the board on corporate goals and objectives relevant to the remuneration of
the Chief Executive Officer, and the performance of the Chief Executive Officer in light of these objectives;
• approve remuneration packages for Probiotec’s executives;
• review and approve all equity based plans;
• approve all merit recognition expenditure; and
• oversee general remuneration practices.

The committee will primarily fulfill these responsibilities by carrying out the activities outlined in its charter.

The committee membership and the chairman of the committee will be as determined from time to time by the board.
Each of the members are free from any business or other relationship that, in the opinion of the board, would materially
interfere with the exercise of their independent judgement as a member of the committee.

Members of Remuneration and Nominations Committee Position

Jonathan Wenig Chair
Simon Gray Member
Paul Santoro Member

1.2 Remuneration Policy – Non-Executive Directors

The level of remuneration for the company’s non-executive directors is set to reflect the scope of the director’s
responsibilities, the size of the company’s operations and the workload demanded. Probiotec believes that the current
remuneration packages for non-executive directors are appropriate having considered the factors above.

The current annualised total remuneration for the company’s non-executive directors is $260,000. The Nomination &
Remuneration Committee reviews non-executive remuneration annually and makes recommendations to the board.
The committee considers current market rates of remuneration for similar sized companies and obtains advice from
independent professional firms if required. Shareholders will be periodically asked to approve increases in the fee level
of non-executive directors if the size, scope, complexity or demands made on the directors increases.


Non-executive directors do not receive any performance related remuneration and are not entitled to receive
performance shares, rights or options.

Remuneration levels for non-executive directors for the 2022 financial year are set out on page 27 of this report.

1.3 Remuneration Policy – Executive Directors and Key Management Personnel

The Remuneration and Nominations Committee has structured the group’s executive remuneration policies to ensure:

• the policy motivates executives to pursue the long term growth and success of Probiotec within an appropriate
control framework;
• the policy demonstrates a clear relationship between individual performance and remuneration; and
• the policy involves an appropriate balance between fixed and variable remuneration, reflecting the short and long
term performance objectives appropriate to Probiotec’s circumstances and goals.

The group’s remuneration framework for executive directors and key management personnel comprises fixed annual
remuneration, short-term incentives and long-term incentives. The group structures remuneration packages to balance
between base incomes and “at risk” incomes to ensure that key personnel are retained, whilst still providing strong
incentives to maximise the potential long-term growth of the group. The group has no formal policy in place for limiting
the risk to key management personnel in relation to their remuneration.

Performance-based Remuneration

KPIs are set annually, with a certain level of consultation with key management personnel. The measures are specifically
tailored to the area each individual is involved in and has a level of control over. The KPIs target areas the board believes
hold greater potential for group expansion and profit, covering financial and non-financial as well as short and long-term
goals. The level set for each KPI is based on budgeted figures for the group and respective industry standards.

Performance in relation to the KPIs is assessed annually, with bonuses being awarded depending on the number and
deemed difficulty of the KPIs achieved. Following the assessment, the KPIs are reviewed by the Remuneration and
Nominations Committee in light of the desired and actual outcomes, and their efficiency is assessed in relation to the
group’s goals and shareholder wealth, before the KPIs are set for the following year.

Short-term Incentives
Executive directors and key management are eligible to receive short-term incentive payments, in the form of cash
bonuses, based on the achievement of set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as described above.

Long-term Incentives
The group provides long-term incentives to key management personnel to reward sustained performance by the
organisation as a whole. Long-term incentives are in the form of options and performance rights over Probiotec Limited
shares issued under the company’s Executive Option Plan. The issue of shares and/or options is based on a review of
the contributions and value of management personnel undertaken by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.

At the date of this report, Wesley Stringer is the only executive director of Probiotec Limited. Mr. Wesley Stringer is paid
a fixed annual remuneration. Along with his fixed annual remuneration, Mr. Wesley Stringer is also eligible to receive
equity-based compensation, in the form of share options and performance rights. Mr. Wesley Stringer was granted
150,000 performance rights during the 2022 financial year. An additional 75,000 performance rights were issued to
other executives of the company.

The amendments to Executive Option Plan were approved at the company’s Annual General Meeting on 24 October
2019 and subsequently loans were provided to five executives to enable the exercise of options. The aggregate value
of loans provided to key management personnel under the Executive Option Plan at 30 June 2022 was $12.8 million,
which included $6.0 million of new loans that were granted during the 2022 financial year.

Termination Arrangements
All key management personnel are employed subject to employment contracts with indefinite durations. These
employment contracts specify a notice period of between one month and one year (unless a greater period is required
by law). The group may choose to make a payment in lieu of the notice period.


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