Advances in Bias and Fairness in Information Retrieval 2021

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Stefano Faralli
Mirko Marras
Giovanni Stilo (Eds.)

Communications in Computer and Information Science 1418

Advances in Bias and Fairness

in Information Retrieval
Second International Workshop
on Algorithmic Bias in Search and Recommendation, BIAS 2021
Lucca, Italy, April 1, 2021, Proceedings
in Computer and Information Science 1418

Editorial Board Members

Joaquim Filipe
Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Setúbal, Portugal
Ashish Ghosh
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India
Raquel Oliveira Prates
Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Lizhu Zhou
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
More information about this series at
Ludovico Boratto Stefano Faralli
• •

Mirko Marras Giovanni Stilo (Eds.)

Advances in Bias and Fairness

in Information Retrieval
Second International Workshop on Algorithmic
Bias in Search and Recommendation, BIAS 2021
Lucca, Italy, April 1, 2021

Ludovico Boratto Stefano Faralli
Eurecat - Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome
Barcelona, Spain Rome, Italy
Mirko Marras Giovanni Stilo
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne University of L’Aquila
(EPFL) L’Aquila, Italy
Lausanne, Switzerland

ISSN 1865-0929 ISSN 1865-0937 (electronic)

Communications in Computer and Information Science
ISBN 978-3-030-78817-9 ISBN 978-3-030-78818-6 (eBook)

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

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Advances in Bias and Fairness
in Information Retrieval: Preface

The Second International Workshop on Algorithmic Bias in Search and Recommen-

dation (BIAS 2021) was held as part of the 43rd European Conference on Information
Retrieval (ECIR 2021) on April 1, 2021. BIAS 2021 was expected to happen in Lucca,
Italy, but due to the COVID-19 emergency and the consequent travel restrictions, the
workshop was held online. The workshop was jointly organized by the Data Science
and Big Data Analytics unit at Eurecat (Spain), the University of Rome Unitelma
Sapienza (Italy), the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland), and the
Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics at the
University of L’Aquila (Italy). It was supported by the ACM Conference on Fairness,
Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT) Network.
In total, 37 submissions from authors in different countries were received. The final
program included 11 full papers and 3 short papers (38% acceptance rate). All sub-
missions were single-blind peer-reviewed by at least three internal Program Committee
members to ensure that only submissions of high quality were included in the final
program. Individual requests for reviewers were also made to strengthen the Program
Committee, integrating both the new and the accomplished reviewing workforce in the
The workshop collected novel contributions to measure, characterize, and mitigate
bias and unfairness in the data and the algorithms underlying search and recommen-
dation applications, providing a common ground for researchers working in this area.
The workshop day included paper presentations and a final discussion to highlight open
issues, research challenges, and briefly summarise the outcomes of the workshop. The
presentations covered topics that go from novel metrics and analyses aimed at char-
acterizing fairness and bias in multi-stakeholder environments, video recommenda-
tions, and public opinions in mass media, over algorithms driven by fair ranking
policies, to studies that provide evidence on users' perceptions of search-engine biases,
as examples. More than 60 participants were registered and participated in the
In addition to the paper presentations, the program also included a keynote talk
given by Prof. Carlos Castillo from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain). Prof.
Castillo first introduced how algorithms, especially in relation with ranking and rec-
ommendation, can lead to discrimination against stakeholders (e.g., end users or
content providers) in these application domains. Then, a range of metrics to monitor
fairness in rankings were described, including rank-weighted exposure, randomized
merging, and pairwise comparisons, among others. To mitigate unfairness in these
systems, recent pre-, in-, and post-processing approaches were presented. Finally, he
introduced the concept of transparency and discussed how this beyond-accuracy
property relates with ranking and recommender systems.
vi Advances in Bias and Fairness in Information Retrieval: Preface

Overall, this edition of the workshop proved to be a success, in line with the very
successful 2020 event, as witnessed by the number of submissions and the level of
engagement during the talks and the open discussion. We believe that this workshop
has strengthened the community working on algorithmic bias and fairness in infor-
mation retrieval, fostering ideas and solutions for the current challenges and developing
networks of researchers for future projects and initiatives. Plans to organize the third
edition of the workshop next year were formed. The organizers would like to thank the
authors, the reviewers for allowing us to shape an interesting program, and the
attendees for their participation.

May 2021 Ludovico Boratto

Stefano Faralli
Mirko Marras
Giovanni Stilo

Workshop Chairs
Ludovico Boratto Eurecat - Centre Tecnológic de Catalunya, Spain
Stefano Faralli University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza, Italy
Mirko Marras École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
Giovanni Stilo University of L’Aquila, Italy

Program Committee
Himan Abdollahpouri Northwestern University, USA
Luca Aiello Nokia Bell Labs, UK
Mehwish Alam FIZ Karlsruhe and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Marcelo Armentano National University of Central Buenos Aires, Argentina
Alejandro Bellogin Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Bettina Berendt Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Glencora Borradaile Oregon State University, USA
Federica Cena University of Turin, Italy
Jeffrey Chen RMIT University, Australia
Pasquale De Meo University of Messina, Italy
Sarah Dean University of California, Berkeley, USA
Danilo Dessì FIZ Karlsruhe and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Michael Ekstrand Boise State University, USA
Francesco Fabbri Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Jean Garcia-Gathright Spotify, USA
Aniko Hannak Northeastern University, USA
Nina Grgic-Hlaca Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany
Genet Asefa Gesese FIZ Karlsruhe and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Toshihiro Kamishima AIST, Japan
Martha Larson Radboud University and TU Delft, the Netherlands
Aonghus Lawlor University College Dublin, Ireland
Sandy Mayson University of Georgia, USA
Rishabh Mehrotra Spotify, UK
Brent Mittelstadt University of Oxford, UK
Cataldo Musto University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Panagiotis Papadakos FORTH-ICS, Greece
Mykola Pechenizkiy Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
Simone Paolo Ponzetto Universität Mannheim, Germany
viii Organization

Elissa Redmiles Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany

Flora D. Salim RMIT University, Australia
Ruofei Shen Facebook, USA
Damiano Spina RMIT University, Australia
Antonela Tommasel National University of Central Buenos Aires, Argentina
Joris Van Hoboken University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Kyle Williams Microsoft Research, USA
Eva Zangerle University of Innsbruck, Austria
Markus Zanker Free University of Bolzano-Bozen, Italy
Meike Zehlike Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany
Dong Zhou Hunan University of Science and Technology, China
Arkaitz Zubiaga Queen Mary University of London, UK

Towards Fairness-Aware Ranking by Defining Latent Groups Using

Inferred Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Yunhe Feng, Daniel Saelid, Ke Li, Ruoyuan Gao, and Chirag Shah

Media Bias Everywhere? A Vision for Dealing with the Manipulation

of Public Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Michael Färber and Frederic Bartscherer

Users’ Perception of Search-Engine Biases and Satisfaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Bin Han, Chirag Shah, and Daniel Saelid

Preliminary Experiments to Examine the Stability

of Bias-Aware Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Toshihiro Kamishima, Shotaro Akaho, Yukino Baba,
and Hisashi Kashima

Detecting Race and Gender Bias in Visual Representation of AI on Web

Search Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Mykola Makhortykh, Aleksandra Urman, and Roberto Ulloa

Equality of Opportunity in Ranking: A Fair-Distributive Model . . . . . . . . . . 51

Elena Beretta, Antonio Vetrò, Bruno Lepri, and Juan Carlos De Martin

Incentives for Item Duplication Under Fair Ranking Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Alessandro Fabris, Gianmaria Silvello,
and Gian Antonio Susto

Quantification of the Impact of Popularity Bias in Multi-stakeholder

and Time-Aware Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Francisco Guíñez, Javier Ruiz, and María Ignacia Sánchez

When Is a Recommendation Model Wrong? A Model-Agnostic Tree-Based

Approach to Detecting Biases in Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Joanna Misztal-Radecka and Bipin Indurkhya

Examining Video Recommendation Bias on YouTube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

Baris Kirdemir, Joseph Kready, Esther Mead,
Muhammad Nihal Hussain, and Nitin Agarwal

An Information-Theoretic Measure for Enabling Category Exemptions

with an Application to Filter Bubbles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Chenyu Jiang, Bowen Wu, Sanghamitra Dutta, and Pulkit Grover
x Contents

Perception-Aware Bias Detection for Query Suggestions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

Fabian Haak and Philipp Schaer

Crucial Challenges in Large-Scale Black Box Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

Tobias D. Krafft, Martin Reber, Roman Krafft, Anna Courtier,
and Katharina A. Zweig

New Performance Metrics for Offline Content-Based TV

Recommender System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Luisa Simões, Vaibhav Shah, João Silva, Nelson Rodrigues, Nuno Leite,
and Nuno Lopes

Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

Towards Fairness-Aware Ranking
by Defining Latent Groups Using Inferred

Yunhe Feng1(B) , Daniel Saelid1 , Ke Li1 , Ruoyuan Gao2 , and Chirag Shah1
University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA
[email protected]

Abstract. Group fairness in search and recommendation is drawing

increasing attention in recent years. This paper explores how to define
latent groups, which cannot be determined by self-contained features but
must be inferred from external data sources, for fairness-aware ranking.
In particular, taking the Semantic Scholar dataset released in TREC
2020 Fairness Ranking Track as a case study, we infer and extract mul-
tiple fairness related dimensions of author identity including gender and
location to construct groups. Furthermore, we propose a fairness-aware
re-ranking algorithm incorporating both weighted relevance and diversity
of returned items for given queries. Our experimental results demonstrate
that different combinations of relative weights assigned to relevance, gen-
der, and location groups perform as expected.

Keywords: Fair ranking · Text retrieval · Fair exposure · Information

retrieval · Fairness · Ranking

1 Introduction
As one of the emerging topics in fairness-aware information systems, presenting
relevant results to the users while ensuring fair exposure of the content suppliers
have raised more and more attention. Fairer information retrieval and search
systems not only provide relevant search results with higher diversity and trans-
parency, but also offer reasonable discoverability for underrepresented groups.
For example, a high-quality academic paper from small institutions, which have
very limited media outlets and resources, should also be treated equally to get its
deserved exposures in search systems, especially at the early stage of publication
when such papers are more likely to suffer from cold-start problems.
This paper investigates fairness ranking within an academic search task con-
text, where the goal was to provide fair exposure of different groups of authors
while maintaining good relevance of the ranked papers regarding given queries.
However, it is difficult to achieve such a goal due to the following challenges.
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
L. Boratto et al. (Eds.): BIAS 2021, CCIS 1418, pp. 1–8, 2021.
2 Y. Feng et al.

– Openness and complexity of defining the author group. Defining the

author group is not a trivial task. This requires an in-depth understanding
of what should be considered as important group attributes that not only
separate different authors but also aggregate similar authors. The challenges
in this task include and are not limited to, how many groups should be iden-
tified, and how to identify and extract the features from authors and their
publications for the group classification task.
– Algorithm Robustness on different applications. The definition of
author groups may change from application to application. A good fairness
ranking algorithm should be robust to a broad range of group definitions in
various scenarios. In other words, fairness-aware ranking algorithms should
demonstrate a high generalization capability when processing application-
wise group definitions.
– Trade-off between relevance and fairness. The re-ranking algorithm
based on a list of candidate items needs to optimize for both the relevance
of the re-ranked results and the fairness of the exposed author groups, while
carefully balancing between the two.
We aimed to design and implement fair ranking and retrieval algorithms
to enhance the fairness for scholarly search. On the subset of the Semantic
Scholar (S2) Open Corpus [1] provided by the Allen Institute for Artificial Intel-
ligence, we defined multiple author groups, inferred demographic characteristics
of authors, and developed fairness-aware algorithms to achieve a flexible trade-off
between relevance and fairness by tuning principal component weights. Our con-
tribution is twofold. First, we explored non-self-contained features to construct
groups for fairness purposes. Second, we proposed a weighted fairness-aware re-
ranking algorithm to strike a balance between relevance and fairness.

2 Data Description
The Semantic Scholar (S2) Open Corpus released by TREC 2020 Fairness Rank-
ing Track [3,4] consists of extracted fields of academic papers. For most papers,
the available fields include the S2 paper ID, title, abstract, authors, inbound and
outbound citations. In addition, another three auxiliary datasets are provided.
The first dataset maps paper ids to a list of corresponding author positions with
their corpus id. The second one contains paper information such as paper id,
title, year of publication, venue, number of citations, and number of key cita-
tions. The last one contains author features including author’s name, number
of citations, h-index (and a dependent feature, h-class), i10-Index, and number
of papers published. A detailed data description can be found in our previous
TREC 2020 Fairness Ranking Track report [7].

3 Methodology
We first defined author groups based on general demographic characteristics
including genders and countries. Then, we utilized Okapi BM25 [8] to estimate
Towards Fairness-Aware Ranking by Defining Latent Groups 3

the relevance of papers for given search queries. Based on the group definition
and BM25 relevance score, we proposed our fairness-aware re-ranking algorithm.

3.1 Group Definition

When defining author groups, we considered genders and countries of authors
because the two demographic features are general enough for different applica-
tions. Re-ranking algorithms based on such group definitions are more likely to
demonstrate strong robustness in various scenarios.

Gender Inference. To predict the binary gender of a given author, we called

the API [2], which is powered by a large dataset that maps first
names to binary genders. Given a name, will return ‘male’ if there
are more instances of the name associated with men, and it will return ‘female’
otherwise. If the dataset contains no instances of the given name, no gender
prediction will be returned. For the authors in our sub-corpus, the returned
gender predictions are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. The distribution of inferred Table 2. The economy distribution of

genders by inferred locations

Gender Count Percentage Locations Count Percentage

Male 18810 58.8% Advanced 15106 47.2%
Female 6235 19.5% Developing 3926 12.3%
Unidentified 6930 21.7% Unidentified 12933 40.5%
Total 31975 100% Total 31975 100%

Country Inference. In contrast with gender prediction, we could not rely on a

single API call for location prediction. To begin the process, we searched for the
author by name in Google Scholar using the Scholarly API [5]. Since there are
often many authors with a given full name on Google Scholar, we picked a single
author by comparing our author citation data with Google Scholar’s data. After
choosing the closest match, we retrieved email extension and ‘affiliation’ data
from Google Scholar. If we successfully retrieved this author data, we followed the
below procedure, moving to each consecutive step if the prior was unsuccessful.
As listed as the last step, if no author data was retrieved from Google Scholar,
we tried finding the author’s homepage and parsing its URL for country code.

1. Parse the email extension for a country code (e.g. .uk −

→ United Kingdom).
2. Parse the affiliation for a university name, then return the country in which
that university is located.1
3. Parse the affiliation for a city name, then return that city’s country.2
2 of towns and cities with 100,000 or more inhab
itants/cityname: A.
4 Y. Feng et al.

4. Search author name, author affiliation on Google, scrape the first URL, then
parse for country code.
5. Call Google Places API with affiliations, then return associated countries.
6. Search author name + ‘homepage’ on Google, scrape the first URL, then
parse for country code.

Once all authors had been processed, we mapped each author’s affiliated
country to ‘advanced economy’ or ‘developing economy’ based on the IMF’s
October 2019 World Economic Outlook report [6]. The results are shown in
Table 2. Here, ‘unidentified’ means that no country was predicted for that author.

3.2 Pure Relevance with BM25

We used Okapi BM25, a popular ranking algorithm adopted by many search

engines, to estimate the relevance of a document based on a given query. Since
complete paper contents are unavailable, we instead chose the paper’s abstract
and title to represent the corresponding document. The papers were written in
28 different languages including English, Arabian, German, Chinese, etc., while
all queries were in English only. However, BM25 functions are incompatible with
certain languages that cannot be tokenized by whitespace. Therefore, we decided
to translate all needed documents into English first and stored the tokenized text
in the database for further usage.
Then we started the BM25 process. We first translated and tokenized the
queries since some of them contained Unicode. After that, for each query, we
calculated the BM25 score as the base relevance score for each document, and
then arranged the documents based on their scores in descending order. This
sorted list was used as the pure ranking list for the given query.

3.3 Fairness-Aware Re-ranking Algorithm

We proposed a fairness-aware re-ranking algorithm incorporating both relevance

and diversity of documents. The main idea was to estimate the cost of adding a
document to the rank list R from the perspective of relevance and fairness. For
a document of d, we used F (d, D, q), the reversed normalized BM25 score of d in
a corpus D given a query q, to represent its relevance cost, where 0 corresponds
to most relevant, and 1 corresponds to least relevant.
For a given query q, we first retrieved the top relevant documents to build
a candidate corpus D . To ensure ranking fairness, it is intuitive to make the
probability of defined groups over the rank list R and the candidate corpus D
very similar. Specifically, let p(v, D) be the probability distribution of a discrete
group variable v over the document corpus D. Based on our group definitions,
v could be either the group of gender g or country c, i.e., v ∈ {g, c}. Note
that this is flexible to be extended to other group definitions. Then we use the
Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence of the group distribution probability between
the updated current rank list R and the whole candidate corpus D to measure
Towards Fairness-Aware Ranking by Defining Latent Groups 5

their similarities. We also assigned weights w for relevance cost and fairness cost
for each defined group. The cost function is expressed as:

C(d, w, R, D , q) = wr ∗F (d, D , q)+ wv ∗KL(p(v, R+{d})  p(v, D )) (1)

where w = {wr , wg , wc } and wr + wg + wc = 1; F (d, D , q) is the reversed

normalized BM25 score of a document d such that 0 corresponds to most rele-
vant, and 1 corresponds to least relevant; and KL(p(v, R + {d})  p(v, D )) is
the Kullback-Leibler divergence regarding group v between the updated R by
appending document d and the overall candidate corpus D . Then, we built
our re-ranked list by repeatedly appending the document with the minimal
cost C(d, w, R, D , q). The proposed fairness-aware re-ranking algorithm as illus-
trated in Algorithm 1.
Since many documents were missing group definitions for at least one author,
we adopted a systematic way to address it. For every author missing a group
definition, we assigned a group value based on the overall group distribution in
the corpus. For instance, if 75% of the authors in the corpus were identified as
male, we choose ‘male’ for an unidentified author with a probability of 75%.

Algorithm 1: Fairness-aware Re-ranking Algorithm

Input: D: document corpus; q: query of interest; l: length of expected ranked
list ; w: component weight vector
Output: R: re-ranked list of relevant documents
R ← Ø ; // initialize the ranked list as empty
D , D ← Retrieve relevant document candidates from D for query q ;
// document candidate corpus for q
for i = 1 → l do
cmin ← A Large Integer; // initialize the minimal cost
dmin ← N one ; // initialize the document with the minimal cost
for d ∈ D do
Calculate the cost C(d, w, R, D , q) according to Equation 1 ;
// calculate the cost of adding d into R
if C(d, w, R, D , q) < cmin then
dmin ← d ; // update the document with the minimal cost
cmin ← C(d, w, R, D , q) ; // update the minimal cost
append dmin to R ; // add the document with the minimal cost into
the re-ranked list R
D ← D − {dmin } ; // remove the added document dmin from D
return R
6 Y. Feng et al.

4 Results and Discussion

4.1 Baselines

We used random ranking and BM25 as baselines in our study to reveal the
ranking performance without considering relevance and fairness, respectively.
As its name implies, the random ranking algorithm randomly ranks all items
ignoring relevant scores. In contrast, BM25 only cares about the relevance but
fails to take fairness into account. We will compare baselines with the proposed
fairness-aware re-ranking algorithm in Subsect. 4.2.

4.2 Weighted Fairness-Aware Re-ranking Results

We evaluated the utility and unfairness, which were used as official evaluation
metrics by the TREC 2019 Fairness Ranking Track [3], with different combi-
nations of wr , wg , wc in Eq. 1 from the perspective of the gender and country
groups. As shown in Fig. 1, in both gender and country groups, BM25 demon-
strates a relatively high utility score but a low fairness score, implying that
BM25 fails to take fairness into account during the ranking. Another interest-
ing finding is that the random ranking achieves lower fairness than most of our
proposed methods on the country group but the highest fairness on the gender
group. So, the fairness performance of random ranking methods is sensitive to
the definition of groups. In other words, the definition of groups is not a trivial
task as we claimed in Sect. 1. As we expected, our methods’ utility drops greatly
when BM25 scores are excluded (wr = 0). When wr is assigned a positive value,
the performance of our methods with different combinations of wr , wg , wc are
comparable on both country and gender groups (see the cluster on left top in
Fig. 1(a), and the cluster on the middle top in Fig. 1(b)).

5 Limitations and Future Work

As a first step to explore the fairness-aware ranking by defining latent groups

using inferred features, our study has some limitations. When inferring the gen-
der, we treated it as a binary attribute guessed through the first name. However,
in the real world, gender is beyond the limitations of the male and female cat-
egories of sex, and the first name sometimes tells very little about a person’s
gender identity. Besides, 40.5% of countries failed to be detected (see Table 2),
leading to potentially inaccurate group classifications.
In the future, we will undertake fine-grained gender detection and utilize
Google Scholar profile photos, along with the first name, to infer the gender
attribute inclusively and robustly. To fix the unidentified countries, we will
explore more public personal location information, such as Twitter profile loca-
tions. In addition, we will incorporate more non-self-contained features, such as
seniority level and language background, to construct latent groups.
Towards Fairness-Aware Ranking by Defining Latent Groups 7

(a) The group of country

(b) The group of gender

Fig. 1. Utility versus unfairness with different group definitions. The utility and unfair-
ness scores were calculated based on Equation (7) and Equation (6) in the TREC 2019
Fairness Ranking Track [3] respectively.

6 Conclusion

This paper presents how to define latent groups using inferred features for fair
ranking. Specifically, we construct gender and location groups, which are gener-
alized but not contained in the raw dataset, to promote search result fairness. We
also propose a fairness-aware retrieval and re-ranking algorithm incorporating
both relevance and fairness for Semantic Scholar data. Evaluation results with
different weights of relevance, gender, and location information demonstrated
that our algorithm was flexible and explainable.

Acknowledgements. A part of this work is supported by the US National Science

Foundation (NSF) award number IIS-1910154.
8 Y. Feng et al.

1. Ammar, W., et al.: Construction of the literature graph in semantic scholar. In:
NAACL (2018)
2. Demografix ApS: (2020).
3. Biega, A.J., Diaz, F., Ekstrand, M.D., Kohlmeier, S.: Overview of the TREC 2019
fair ranking track. In: The Twenty-Eighth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2019)
Proceedings (2019)
4. Biega, A.J., Diaz, F., Ekstrand, M.D., Kohlmeier, S.: The TREC 2020 Fairness
Track (2020).
5. Cholewiak, S.A., Ipeirotis, P., Revision, V.S.: Scholarly: Simple access to Google
Scholar Authors and Citations (2020).
6. Research Department, International Monetary Fund: World economic outlook.
World Economic Outlook, International Monetary Fund (2019).
7. Feng, Y., Saelid, D., Li, K., Gao, R., Shah, C.: University of Washington at TREC
2020 fairness ranking track. arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.02066 (2020)
8. Robertson, S.E., Walker, S., Jones, S., Hancock-Beaulieu, M., Gatford, M.: Okapi
at TREC-3 (1994).
Media Bias Everywhere? A Vision
for Dealing with the Manipulation
of Public Opinion

Michael Färber(B) and Frederic Bartscherer

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany


Abstract. This paper deals with the question of how artificial intel-
ligence can be used to detect media bias in the overarching topic of
manipulation and mood-making. We show three fields of actions that
result from using machine learning to analyze media bias: the evaluation
principles of media bias, the information presentation of media bias, and
the transparency of media bias evaluation. Practical applications of our
research results arise in the professional environment for journalists and
publishers, as well as in the everyday life of citizens. First, automated
analysis could be used to analyze text in real-time and promote balanced
coverage in reporting. Second, an intuitive web browser application could
reveal existing bias in news texts in a way that citizens can understand.
Finally, in education, pupils can experience media bias and the use of
artificial intelligence in practice, fostering their media literacy.

Keywords: Media bias · News bias · Text mining · Trustworthy AI

1 Introduction

Nowadays, public opinion is shaped in manifold ways. The internet, in particular,

is changing citizens’ media consumption massively and digital media is increas-
ingly influencing the public’s opinions [7]. The distortion in media, also called
media bias, consists, for example, of reporting through a selected choice of words
or topics and is now also forcing large Internet companies, such as Facebook, to
act [10].
Media bias is therefore the focus of many research areas [4,7]. In the human-
ities and social sciences, for example, content and meta analyses are carried out
using a holistic approach to reveal different types of bias in news texts [4]. Given
the ever-increasing rate of publication in digital media, an extensive manual anal-
ysis by experts is not possible [3]. In computer science, in contrast, the focus is
on the automatic detection of media bias using machine learning methods, which
allow for an automatic analysis over a large number of text documents, such as
news texts [1].

c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

L. Boratto et al. (Eds.): BIAS 2021, CCIS 1418, pp. 9–13, 2021.
10 M. Färber and F. Bartscherer

In contrast to fake news analysis and detection [15], which are mostly limited
to evaluating the content of facts, this paper is devoted to the topics of manipu-
lation and mood-making. In cooperation with computer science, the humanities
and social sciences,1 we develop criteria that can be used to assess media bias
in news texts. Furthermore, we investigate whether methods of artificial intelli-
gence (AI) are suitable to analyze media bias in news texts in an understandable
manner for citizens and to promote balanced coverage in reporting and media
empowerment of citizens.

2 Field Analysis and Recommended Actions

Most computational approaches to assessing media bias use text mining meth-
ods, such as the lexical analysis of phrases [12]. AI methods, such as deep neural
networks, can recognize complex relationships and extract knowledge from texts.
Hence, we assume that, in the future, media bias will be recognized automatically
in news texts and a quantitative analysis of media bias in its diverse dimensions
(e.g., hidden assumptions, subjectivity, representation tendencies, and overall
bias [6]) can be carried out.
In the following, we present three fields of action with respect to the appli-
cation of AI for detecting media bias.

2.1 Field of Action 1: Evaluation Principles of Media Bias

AI methods, such as deep neural networks, learn relationships and dependencies

based on training data, which can vary considerably depending on the applica-
tion. In the case of news texts, for instance, texts on a specific topic often need
to be annotated in a time-consuming manner, according to specified criteria.
We can derive two challenges from this:

1. Annotation scheme: Determining suitable criteria for assessing media bias.

2. Annotation process: Implementing a scalable annotation process to man-
age the increased annotation effort of multiple media bias dimensions.

Current research shows that annotated data sets for the fine-grained detection
of media bias in news texts are still missing [6,9,14]. As the annotation by experts
is time-consuming and expensive, we presented a scalable annotation approach
to media bias in news texts based on crowd-sourcing [6]. The approach is applied
to news texts about the Ukraine crisis in 2014 and 2015. In this way, we created
a new media bias data set based on an annotation scheme at sentence level and
the bias dimensions hidden assumptions, subjectivity, and framing.

We particularly thank Thomas Fetzer from the University of Mannheim, Jessica
Heesen from the University of Tübingen, and Michael Decker from the Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology (KIT).
Media Bias Everywhere? A Vision for Dealing 11

2.2 Field of Action 2: Information Presentation of Media Bias

Citizens are faced with an ever-increasing rate of published news texts on a
multitude of controversial topics, making it difficult to get an overview of hotly
debated topics [8,13]. In addition, results must be presented intuitively to pro-
mote a balanced coverage in reporting as well as the citizens’ media empower-
We can derive two challenges from this:
1. Controversial topics: Disclosing prevalent positions on an issue.
2. Comprehensible presentation: Providing intuitive tools for analyzing
media bias.
Media bias in reporting can be revealed through the analysis of controversial
topics by extracting prevailing positions using AI methods. To this end, text
mining systems can analyze debate portals such as In this
way, controversial topics can be identified to highlight contrary positions in news
texts, for example, by using a label for disputed claims.
Furthermore, disclosing media bias is highly dependent on the way the respec-
tive information is presented. Information systems not only have to be intuitive
to use, but also need to present the results in a comprehensible and human-
centered way. We argue that appropriate tools, which are embedded in the daily
news consumption process of citizens, are needed. For instance, a web browser
application could highlight relevant text spans (e.g., similar to [2]).

2.3 Field of Action 3: Transparency of Media Bias Evaluation

The use of machine learning processes poses a potential risk that complex rela-
tionships are not sufficiently captured by the AI, possibly influencing opinions
through incomplete information. Accordingly, the evaluation of AI methods for
media bias detection and analysis must be transparent and comprehensible and
neither discriminate nor distort information.
We can derive two challenges from this:
1. Explainable AI methods: Providing comprehensible explanations.
2. Fair AI methods: Making methods free from bias and non-discriminatory.
The information must be understandable and presented transparently.
Accordingly, trustworthy AI methods (i.e., methods covering human agency and
oversight, transparency, as well as diversity, non-discrimination and fairness [5])
are particularly important for media bias evaluation – for instance, through
visualization (e.g., similar to [2]). Explanations can be both self-explanatory
and make the results comprehensible through background information.
In computer science, fair methods are methods that are free of bias and do not
discriminate. Intervening in the annotation and learning process allows outliers
to be filtered out and a balanced evaluation to be achieved. In our research
paper [6], for instance, we show that the country of origin of the crowdworkers
can influence the perception of media bias in the annotation process.
12 M. Färber and F. Bartscherer

3 Conclusion
In this paper, we presented how media bias can be analyzed and determined
automatically, based on artificial intelligence methods and the extent to which
the evaluation of methods for automatic media bias annotation is sensitive to
various aspects of computer science, the humanities, and the social sciences.
Accordingly, three main fields of action were outlined, in which machine learning
processes contribute to media bias evaluation: the evaluation principles of media
bias, the information presentation of media bias, and the transparency of media
bias evaluation.
Possible use cases of our research findings are the assistance of journalists
and publishers for balanced coverage in reporting, as well as fostering citizens’
media literacy. For example, an intuitive web browser application could highlight
media bias in news texts to better understand distortions, and, applied in edu-
cation, could allow pupils to experience both media bias and the use of artificial
intelligence in practice to remedy weaknesses in their media literacy [11].

Acknowledgements. The project was funded as part of the digilog@bw joint research
project by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Science, Research and Art with funds
from the state digitization strategy digital@bw.

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Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, WSDM 2019, pp. 836–837. ACM
Users’ Perception of Search-Engine Biases
and Satisfaction

Bin Han(B) , Chirag Shah, and Daniel Saelid

University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

[email protected]

Abstract. Search engines could consistently favor certain values over

the others, which is considered as biased due to the built-in infrastruc-
tures. Many studies have been dedicated to detect, control, and miti-
gate the impacts of those biases from the perspectives of search engines
themselves. In our study, we pitched the perspective from end-users to
analyze their perceptions of search engine biases and their satisfaction
when the biases are regulated. In the study, we paired a real page from
search engine Bing and a synthesized page with more diversities in the
results (i.e. less biased). Both pages show the top-10 search items given
search queries and we asked participants which one they prefer and why
do they prefer the one selected. Statistical analyses revealed that over-
all, participants prefer the original Bing pages. Additionally, the loca-
tion where the diversities are introduced is significantly associated with
users’ preferences as well. We found out that users prefer results that are
more consistent and relevant to the search queries. Introducing diversities
undermines the relevance of the search results and impairs users’ satis-
faction to some degree. Additionally, users tend to pay more attention
to the top portion of the results than the bottom ones.

Keywords: Fairness · Search engine bias · Survey study

1 Introduction

Search engines often present results that are biased toward one subtopic, view, or
perspective due to the way they compute relevance and measure user satisfaction.
Among various types of search engine biases, one describes the case where the
search engines embed features that favor certain values over the others [7,13].
Many studies have attempted to detect, measure and mitigate the impacts from
search engines biases, with the goal of improving users’ satisfactions. All those
works aimed to address the issues from the source of the biases—search engines
In the previous study we conducted [under review], we took a different path
to inspect the problem from the aspect of end-users. We paired a real search page
and a synthesized page (more varieties in the search results, thus less biased)
and asked participants which one they prefer. The results showed no significant
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
L. Boratto et al. (Eds.): BIAS 2021, CCIS 1418, pp. 14–24, 2021.
Users’ Perception of Search-Engine Biases and Satisfaction 15

differences between the ratios of selecting two pages. However, what remained
unknown to us is that why did participants select the ones they prefer? What are
the reasonings underneath their preferences? Therefore, we revisited this study
and improved our survey design catering to our goals (more details in Sect.
3). We would like to evaluate users’ perceptions of the biases, thus hoping to
reveal the reasoning of their selections of pages. Additionally, we are interested
in studying the effects on users’ satisfactions when the biases are abated.

2 Background
Several prior studies have attempted to disclose and regulate biases, not just
limited in search engines, but also in wilder context of automated systems such
as recommender systems. For example, Collins et al. [4] confirmed the position
bias in recommender systems, which is the tendency of users to interact with the
top-ranked items than the lower-ranked ones, regardless of their relevance. Ovaisi
et al. [11] focused on the selection bias in the learning-to-rank (LTR) systems,
which occurs because “clicked documents are reflective of what documents have
been shown to the user in the first place”. They proposed a new approach to
account of the selection bias, as well as the position bias in LTR systems. Another
bias, popularity bias, states the negative influences of historical users’ feedback
on the qualities of returned items from current recommender systems. Boratto
et al. [2] designed two metrics to quantify such popularity bias and proposed
a method to reduce the biased correlation between item relevance and item
To reduce biases of the search engines, in other words, is to provide fairer
search results. Therefore, our problem is also closely related with fair-ranking
studies, in which the goal is to generate ranking lists with nondiscriminatory
and fair exposures of various defined groups, such as race, gender, region etc.
In our case, the groups are the subtopics of the items, within which the items
share similar values and topics. Chen et al. [3] investigated the resume search
engine and found out the gender-based unfairness from the usage of demographic
information in the ranking algorithm. Zehlike et al. [14] defined the principles
of ranked group fairness and the fair top-K ranking problems. They proposed
the FA*IR algorithm, which maximizes the utility while satisfying ranked group
fairness. In addition to the mitigation of fairness at the group level, Biega et al.
[1] proposed new measures to capture, quantify, and mitigate unfairness at the
individual subjects level. They proposed a new mechanism—amortized fairness,
to address the position bias in the ranking problems.
Additionally, there are some studies in the machine learning domain that
investigated human’s perceptions of fairness and biases in algorithms. Srivas-
taca et al. [12] deployed experiments to detect the most appropriate notions of
fairness that best captures human’s perception of fairness, given different societal
domains. They found out that simplest definition, demographic parity, is aligned
with most people’s understanding of fairness. Grgić-Hlača et al. [8] deployed a
survey study in the criminal risk prediction main to analyze how people peo-
ple perceive and reason the fairness in the decisions generated by algorithms.
16 B. Han et al.

They found out that people’s concerns about fairness are multi-dimensional and
unfairness should not be just limited to discrimination.
However, fewer studies in the fair-ranking domain have devoted to probe
users’ consciousness towards the biases and their behaviors associated with their
awareness. Fewer studies have analyzed how users’ satisfactions are related with
the biases in general. Consequently, inspired by the bias/fairness perception
studies in the machine learning community, our work aims to dive deeper in this

3 Method

In this section, we present the algorithm to generate the synthesized search

pages and the specifics of the survey design. We also enunciate the two core
questions we want to address from this study and three hypotheses that we
would like to test on. Notice that in sections below, “diversities”, “varieties” and
“differences” are equivalent. Introducing diversities/varieties/differences could
potentially reduce the biases; “documents”, “items” and “results” are equivalent,
as they all mean the search engine results.

The Algorithm to Generate Synthesized Pages

To generate synthesized search pages that are less biased (more diverse in
subtopics), we implemented epsilon-0.3 algorithm with statistical parity as
the fairness controller. We first group the documents into K number of groups.
Documents within each group share similar topics, values, views etc. Therefore,
each group can be treated as a subtopic group. The fairness controller aims to
provide a list of documents with equal or close presence of different subtopic
groups: given a search query, we replace three items from the top-10 list with
three lower ranked items, proportionally to the frequencies of different subtopic
groups in the top-10 list. For instance, suppose that there are two subtopic
groups (A and B). If the top-10 list has eight items from group A and two items
from group B, we would replace three out of eight items from group A at top-10
with three lower ranked documents from group B. The replacement of the docu-
ments could happen in different locations in the top-10 list. Therefore, there are
two versions of the algorithm. Version one, presented in Table 1, replaces three
documents from top-5 in the top-10 list. Version two is exactly the same as the
version one, except for that the replacement happens at bottom-5 in the top-10
list. Please refer to Fig. 1 for details.
We chose the epsilon-0.3 algorithm not only to be consistent with our pre-
vious study, but also based on the fair-ranking work by Gao and Shah [6]. They
tested multiple fairness ranking strategies to probe the relationships among fair-
ness, diversity, novelty and relevance and found out that epsilon-greedy algo-
rithms could bring fairer representations of the search results without a cost
on the relevance. In the previous study, we experimented with the variants of
the algorithm—epsilon-0.1 and epsilon-0.2, and found out that the replacement
Users’ Perception of Search-Engine Biases and Satisfaction 17

ratios (0.1 and 0.2) were too low. Therefore, we decided to work with the epsilon-
0.3 algorithm. Additionally, we worked with top-10 list because popular search
engines, such as Google and Bing, usually return 10 items per page as the default
setting (though adjustable). Therefore, we decided to stick with the default num-
ber of 10 documents.

Table 1. Algorithm to generate synthesized pages. The replacement happens in top-5

from the top-10 list.

Epsilon-0.3 Algorithm — Top-5 Replacement

1. Group top-100 search documents into two subtopic clusters.
2. Remove top-10 documents from the two clusters.
3. Calculate cluster 1 (c1) and cluster 2 (c2) frequencies (freq) in top-10 documents.
4. For three iterations:
if f reqc1 == f reqc2 :
Randomly select an index in the top-5 and swap with the next highest ranked
document from the cluster, from which the current document was taken.
Remove this document from the cluster list
else if f reqc1 > f reqc2 :
randomly select an index in the top-5 containing a c1 document, and swap it
with the next highest ranked document from c2. If there are no remaining
documents in c2, swap with a c1 document. Remove the swapped document
from cluster list
else if f reqc1 < f reqc2 :
randomly select an index in the top-5 containing a c2 document, and swap it
with the next highest ranked document from c1. If there are no remaining
documents in c1, swap with a c2 document. Remove the swapped document
from cluster list
Update frequencies
Remove the index that has been swapped in the top-5

Survey Questions and Hypotheses

The two core study questions we would like to answer are:
– Does introducing more varieties in the search engine results, equivalently less
biased, hinder users’ satisfaction?
– What are the reasons of the users’ choices of preferences?
We raised three actionable hypotheses to potentially answer the questions:
– H1: People do not care/notice the minute differences between the
two search results: even though we introduced lower ranked results into
the top list to add varieties, the differences might not be drastic enough for
some participants to notice. Or the participants might realize the differences
but they do not care about which one is better.
18 B. Han et al.

Fig. 1. In the left figure, we replace three documents (marked in orange) from top-5 in
the top-10 list with lower ranked results. In the right figure, we replace three documents
from bottom-5 in the top-10 list. (Color figure online)

– H2: The location where the differences present matters. When dif-
ferences are at the bottom of the search list, people do not care:
intuitively, users might treat the top-ranked results more seriously than the
lower-ranked ones. Even in top-10 list, the top-5 might attract different atten-
tion than the bottom-5. Therefore, in our survey design, the replacement
happens in both locations (top-5 or bottom-5 in the top-10 list).
– H3: People prefer results with high relevance as opposed to high
diversity: this hypothesis could answer the second question. Introducing
lower ranked search items means adding more diversities into the results, thus
weakening the potential biases of search engines that consistently favor some
values over the others. Unavoidably, however, adding lower ranked results
would sabotage the relevance of the search results, leading to consequences
of potentially lowering users’ satisfactions. Therefore, we want to see whether
they prefer higher relevance (more biased) or higher diversity (less biased).

Experimental Design

The experiment starts with a consent form to be signed, which is followed by sev-
eral demographic questions (e.g. age group, gender and education background).
Then the participants are provided with instructions on how to complete the
survey through a quick demo (as shown in Fig. 2). Once they are familiar with
the details, they may proceed to answer the questions. The survey has 20 rounds
in total. Each round consists a pair of real Bing search page and a synthesized
page using the algorithm aforementioned, given a specific search query. Partic-
ipants have 30 s to read the query, compare the items between two pages, and
make a selection. Out of 20 rounds, we randomly select 10 rounds to perform the
top-5 in top-10 replacement, while the rest rounds receive bottom-5 in top-10
Users’ Perception of Search-Engine Biases and Satisfaction 19

Fig. 2. The interface of the survey. The query shows in the search box at the top. The
paired pages consist of a real Bing search page and a synthesized one. Participants can
select whichever one they prefer and submit.

Based on the experience from the previous study, we thought 20 rounds pro-
vide sufficiently large data information for statistical analysis, while not overly
fatiguing the participants by pouring information on them. Additionally, we
tested with some trial runs of the survey and found out that 30 s are enough to
participants to compare the two pages and made a selection. After each round,
there is a reflection question (as shown in Fig. 3) on the reasons of the partici-
pants’ choice of preferences:

– “I did not notice any differences” addresses the H1. The differences might
not be palpable enough for the participants.
– “I noticed some differences but did not care. So I randomly picked up one.”
addressed the H1. Participants might detect the discrepancies, but they do
not make a difference in users’ satisfaction.
– “I noticed some differences and picked the one that had more results on the
same topic.” & “I noticed some differences and picked the one that had more
variety in the results”. They together address H3. More results on the same
topic means that the documents are more consistent with each other. More
varieties in the results represent the introduced lower ranked results.

Fig. 3. Reflection question on the reasons of the participants’ choice of preferences.

20 B. Han et al.

4 Results
We launched the survey in MTurk (Amazon Mechanical Turk) by creating a
total of 108 assignment. All the assignments were completed within 3 h from
the launch time, with the average completion time as 16.4 min. With 137 par-
ticipants completing the survey, we recorded 2,408 responses. After removing
invalid entries, such as users that did not complete the survey or responses with
empty selections, 111 participants with 2,134 responses were used in the analysis.
The basic demographic information in presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Basic demographic information of participants—age groups, gender, and

education background.

Features Groups Count

Age group 22–28 571 (27%)
29–35 681 (32%)
36–49 488 (23%)
50–65 355 (17%)
Prefer not to say 39 (2%)
Gender Male 1212 (57%)
Female 863 (40%)
Non-binary 20 (1%)
Prefer not to say 39 (2%)
Education High school 158 (7%)
Bachelor 1264 (59%)
Master 653 (31%)
PhD (or similar) 20 (1%)
Prefer not to say 39 (2%)

Selection Ratios
Starting with the overall selection ratios of the two pages, 53.3% (N = 1137)
of the responses prefer the real search pages, while 46.7% (N = 997) selected
the synthesized versions. We ran Chi-Square goodness of fit test, where the null
hypothesis states that the expected frequencies of selecting both choices are the
same. The results turned out to be significant at 0.01 significance level (p =
0.002). In the bottom-5 replacement group (N = 1066), half responses chose
the real pages and half chose the synthesized ones. There is no difference in the
selection ratios. However, we observed significantly different results in the top-5
replacement group (N = 1068), where 56.6% (N = 604) responses preferred the
real pages while 43.4% (N = 464) liked the synthesized pages better. Goodness
of fit test yield significant result (p < 1e-4).
Users’ Perception of Search-Engine Biases and Satisfaction 21

Based on the separate tests in each replacement group, it seems that the
location where the diversities are introduced have an impact on users’ prefer-
ences. To further confirm the conjecture, we ran Chi-square test of independence
on two categorical variables: users’ preferences (real page or synthesized page)
and replacement group (top-5 or bottom-5). The result is significant given p =
0.003. It demonstrates that the location is associated with participants’ prefer-

Reasoning Analysis
The default four reasons, corresponding to the four choices in order, are “No
Diff”, “Diff Random”, “Diff Same Topic”, and “Diff Variety”. We probed the
reasons for three groups separately – the group that selected the real pages
(called “original” group), the group that selected the synthesized pages with the
top-5 replacement (“Top-5” group), and the group that selected the synthesized
pages with bottom-5 replacement (“Bottom-5” group). We only presented the
analysis of the four default answers here because users’ own explanations are
diverse and sparse, which will be analyzed in the discussion section.
The distributions of default answers for each group are exhibited in Table
3. We noticed that within each group, “Diff Same Topic” dominated all other
answers. Within each group, we ran Chi-square goodness of fit test, in which the
null hypothesis states that the expected frequencies of the default choices are
the same. All three p-values are extremely small, indicating that the observed
frequencies are significantly different from the expected ones.

Table 3. Distributions of four default choices in each selection group. p-values are
from Chi-square goodness of fit test within each group.

Groups No diff Diff random Diff same topic Diff variety p-value
Original 117 222 461 310 2.2e−49
Top-5 49 87 186 132 7.5e−20
Bottom-5 55 104 218 147 1.5e−23

5 Discussion
As defined in Sect. 3, the first question we would like to answer is “Does intro-
ducing more varieties in the search engine results, equivalently less biased, hinder
users’ satisfaction?” From the analysis above, we showed that the proportion of
participants preferring the real pages is significantly higher than that of the par-
ticipants that selected the synthesized pages. Bringing up lower ranked results
into the top ranked list introduces more varieties and values in the search results,
thus weakening the biases of search engine in favoring certain values. However, it
potentially damages the relevance and consistence of the results to the queries.
22 B. Han et al.

Based on the result, it is reasonable to conjecture that users’ satisfactions are

impaired due to the added varieties, even though the bias is mitigated.
The second question we would like to answer is “What are the reasons of the
users’ choices of preferences?”. We hypothesized that the site where the varieties
are introduced play a role in affecting users’ preferences. And we indeed observed
distinctions between the results from the two replacement groups. Our results
demonstrated that when the differences exhibit at bottom-5, participants had
no compelling tendency of picking up one over the other. However, when they
noticed the differences at top-5, they had a significant inclination to choose the
real Bing page. This could be explained by [5], which articulates that “most
people use very short, imprecise search terms and rarely click beyond the first
page of results. They also tend to believe that what comes at the top of the search
results must be the best result. (p. 13)” Kulshrestha et al. [10] also mentioned
that the top-ranked results are capable of shaping users’ opinions about the
topics, which demonstrates the importance of the search results’ location. In our
case, we could interpret it as when the differences are shown at top-5, participants
will pay more attention to pinpoint the differences and make a selection. The
phenomenon was also observed in some users’ explanations in the reflection
questions. Some mentioned that “I like the first 3 results”, “. . . at the top that
explained . . . , “preferred the top X list”.
Additionally, from the reasoning analysis section, when participants picked
up the real pages, 40% of the reasons are “Diff Same Topic”. It means that
they did notice some differences between the two pages and they prefer the
one with more homogeneous results. Interestingly, for users that gave their own
explanations, many mentioned that the original pages provide more relevant and
reliable results than the synthesized ones, which is what we expected. Introducing
diversities by replacing higher ranked results with lower ranked ones will reduce
biases, but potentially hinder the relevance of the search results, thus sabotaging
users’ satisfaction as the aftermath.
However, when we applied the same reasoning analysis on the two replace-
ment groups, the results do not make logical sense even they are significant. Most
of the participants still selected “Diff Same Topic” as the reason, even though
they picked up the synthesized pages that have more varieties rather than con-
sistency. It means that they believed that the real page are more diverse in terms
of results. This could be contributed to two reasons: (1) the lower ranked results
are similar to those replaced higher ranked items such that the participants did
not notice the diversities; and (2) the definitions of similarity and diversity on
a topic are not unified and are different from each participant. Consequently,
they may pick up the one that contain objectively similar results from their
perspective, even though the page is subjectively more diverse.
Users’ Perception of Search-Engine Biases and Satisfaction 23

6 Conclusion
In our study, we designed a survey to assess users’ perceptions of search engine
biases, with the goal of diagnosing the reasoning underneath their preferences of
the real search pages or the synthesized pages. We also investigated the effects
of bias-mitigation on users’ satisfactions. We noticed that overall, participants
prefer the real search pages over the synthesized ones with a significant higher
ratio. It indicates that adding more varieties makes the results less biased but
less relevant and consistent to the queries, which hurts users’ satisfactions. In
addition, when the diversities in the synthesized pages are present at the top-5,
participants tend to prefer the real pages. However, when they are at bottom-5,
there is no significant difference between the ratios of selecting two pages. It
confirms our hypothesis that the location where the bias-mitigation happens is
In terms of the future work, two directions could be considered. First, the sur-
vey design could be improved. The reflection question in the first round might
give additional information of what will be asked in later rounds and could
potentially impact users’ selections. In addition, the response options in the
reflection questions are shown in a fixed order, which might generate order bias
[9]. Redesigning the format of reflection questions could potentially improve the
study results. Second, if more variables of interests could be collected (if appli-
cable) in addition to the demographic features, mixed-effect regression models
could be conducted to account for repeated measures from the same individu-
als and the relationships among the various features and preferences could be
probed simultaneously.

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Preliminary Experiments to Examine
the Stability of Bias-Aware Techniques

Toshihiro Kamishima1(B) , Shotaro Akaho1 , Yukino Baba2 ,

and Hisashi Kashima3
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST),
Tsukuba, Japan
[email protected], [email protected]
University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
[email protected]
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
[email protected]

Abstract. Fairness-aware techniques are designed to remove socially

sensitive information, such as gender or race. Many types of fairness-
aware predictors have been developed, but they were designed essentially
to improve the accuracy or fairness of the prediction results. We focus
herein on another aspect of fairness-aware predictors, i.e., the stability.
We define that fairness-aware techniques are stable if the same models
are learned when a training dataset contains the same information except
for the sensitive information. We sought to collect benchmark datasets
to investigate such stability. We collected preference data in a manner
ensuring that the users’ responses were influenced by cognitive biases. If
the same models are learned for a dataset influenced by different types of
cognitive biases, the learner of the models can be considered stable. We
performed preliminary experiments using this dataset, but we failed to
fully remove the influence of cognitive biases. We discuss the necessary
next steps to solve this problem.

Keywords: Fairness · Cognitive bias · Crowdsourcing

1 Introduction

One of the goals of the current research concerning fairness-aware machine learn-
ing is to develop techniques for learning a predictor that is as accurate as possible
while satisfying a given fairness constraint. The development of fairness-aware
techniques have focused on the improvement of the trade-offs between accuracy
and fairness; however, the accuracy is measured over a dataset whose annotation
is potentially biased, because fair labels are not accessible. It is unclear whether
the accuracy over an unbiased dataset is appropriately measured. We thus pro-
pose that another property is desirable for a fairness-aware predictor, i.e., the
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
L. Boratto et al. (Eds.): BIAS 2021, CCIS 1418, pp. 25–35, 2021.
26 T. Kamishima et al.

We herein refer to the stability of fairness-aware techniques in the sense that

the same model is learned if all the information are the same except for the sen-
sitive information. In a classification case, a class will be predicted from features
of objects. If some of the features represent sensitive information that should be
removed from the viewpoint of social fairness, these features are called sensitive
features. We also focus herein on statistical parity or group fairness, which is a
type of fairness constraint; the constraint is the statistical independence between
a class variable and sensitive features. This means that no sensitive information
influences the decision of a class. Hence, the same model should be learned if all
of the features other than sensitive features are the same. We call the classifier
stable if such an ideal condition is satisfied.
We conducted the present study to collect controlled datasets to investigate
this stability. If we have multiple datasets composed of the same information
other than sensitive information, the stability of fairness-aware classifiers can be
evaluated by comparing the learned models from each of these datasets. Because
it is generally difficult to control the socially sensitive information that is dealt
with by fairness-aware classifiers, we select a problem about the decision to
choice of the preferred items. Even though we do not target socially sensitive
decisions, it is not problematic, because the notion of stability relates to the more
general problem compared to the fairness-aware classification, which removes the
influence of undesirable information for users. Hereafter, we use the more general
term, i.e., bias-aware, in the place of fairness-aware.
The datasets consisted of subjects’ preference information regarding various
types of sushi. We collected the data of paired comparison tests completed by
the subjects recruited by a crowdsourcing service, and we used cognitive biases
as a proxy of a sensitive feature. We designed user interfaces so that the subjects’
choices were influenced by a cognitive bias. We targeted two kinds of cognitive
biases: a positional effect [2] and a bandwagon effect [4]. A bias-aware technique
was used to remove the influence of these cognitive biases. The bias-aware tech-
nique is considered as stable if the same models are learned under different types
of cognitive biases.
We performed preliminary experiments on the collected datasets. Since the
collection scheme of the datasets was controlled, the cognitive biases can be the-
oretically removed by a simple bias-removing technique, i.e., stratification. We
hypothesized that the stratification technique would be stable, but our experi-
mental results do not support this hypothesis. We analyze the reason why the
influence of cognitive biases was not fully removed, and we discuss the next steps
that can be taken to resolve this problem.
Our contributions are summarized as follows:

– We proposed the notion of stability of bias-aware techniques.

– We collected controlled data to examine the stability of bias-aware techniques.
– The relationship between bias-aware techniques and causal inference is dis-
– We report preliminary experimental results obtained with the collected
Preliminary Experiments to Examine the Stability of Bias-Aware Techniques 27

2 Datasets
After describing the generative model of preference data below, we provide the
details of the procedure used to collect the datasets. We then confirm that the
collected data were influenced by the subjects’ cognitive biases.

2.1 Generative Models for the Datasets

We next illustrate our model for the analysis of cognitive biases. As in the
standard model for fairness-aware machine learning, the model presented here in
consists of three types of variables: S, X, and Y . S denotes a sensitive feature.
In a usual task of fairness-aware classification, this variable represents socially
sensitive information, e.g., individuals’ gender or race. In this study, we used
a cognitive bias as a sensitive feature, because (a) any factor that influences
humans’ decision can be used in this experiment, and (b) a cognitive bias is
easily controlled. We tested two types of cognitive bias. One is a positional
effect, the item displayed near the upper-left corner of the interface screen is more
frequently selected [2]. We horizontally displayed two types of sushi and expected
that the left item would be selected more frequently. In this case, S represents
whether a type of sushi is displayed at the left or right pane of the screen. The
other type of cognitive bias is a bandwagon effect, in which it is indicated that
other people prefer an item, and the item is more frequently selected [4]. We
emphasized one type of sushi with the label ‘Popular’ and expected that the
emphasized type would be selected more frequently. In this case, S represents
whether or not a type of sushi is emphasized.
X denotes non-sensitive features. In a standard task of fairness-aware clas-
sification, these features correspond to all of information represented by the
variables other than Y and S. In this paper, X explicitly consists of two vari-
ables, X1 and X2 . These variables represent the two types of sushi shown to
the subjects. These variables are discrete and can take one of an index number
indicating a specific type of sushi. We contend that many types of unobserved
factors, e.g., who the subjects are and when the subjects evaluate, implicitly
affect the choice of items.
Y denotes a decision or target variable representing a predicted class. In a
task of fairness-aware classification, Y may represent the decision about uni-
versity admission, credit, employment, or other matter. Herein, Y represents
whether or not one type sushi is preferred to the other. The variable Y takes 1 if
the subject preferred the sushi type indicated by X1 to the sushi type indicated
by X2 ; otherwise, Y takes 0.
We then describe the model used to measure the influence of a cognitive
bias. The dependence between variables is illustrated in Fig. 1(a). In a context
of causal inference, we consider that S corresponds to an intervention and Y
corresponds to an effect. The choice of items exposed to the subjects, X, is
treated as a confounder.
The influence of a cognitive bias can be evaluated by using this model if
interventions are randomly assigned. In particular, randomly selected items are
28 T. Kamishima et al.

Fig. 1. Models of the dependence between variables

exposed to a random subject, and interventions, S = 0 and S = 1, are randomly

assigned. Because this procedure is regarded as a randomized controlled trial,
the degree of the influence of a cognitive bias can be measured by

E[Y |S = 1] − E[Y |S = 0] = Pr[Y = 1|S = 1] − Pr[Y = 1|S = 0]. (1)

2.2 Data Collection Procedure

In this section, we describe the procedure for collecting the preference data by
the paired comparison scheme. We randomly selected two types of sushi among
the following ten types of sushi, which were used in our earlier study [7], and we
showed pairs of sushi types to the subjects:
Fatty tuna (FT) Tuna (Tn) Shrimp (Sh) Salmon roe (SR) See eel (SE)
Sea urchin (SU) Tuna roll (TR) Squid (Sq) Egg (Eg) Cucumber roll (CR)
In the presentation below of our experimental results, the types of sushi are
specified by the above-noted abbreviations shown in parentheses. According to
the survey of > 5, 000 subjects in our previous study [7], these ten types of sushi
are preferred in the order in which they are presented above, and we refer to this
order as the popularity order. Our subjects then compared two displayed types
of sushi and selected the one that they preferred to the other.
We used two types of interfaces: baseline and bandwagon. The baseline inter-
face displays two types sushi, which are the same size and horizontally aligned,
as shown in Fig. 2(a). The other bandwagon interface emphasizes one of two
types of sushi by displaying it in a larger size and with the label ‘Popular’,fv as
shown in Fig. 2(b).
We collected preference data by using three procedures. We first presented
two types of sushi for each subject by using the baseline interface, and we ran-
domly selected which types of sushi was to be placed at the left pane. In the case
of a positional effect, S=1 indicates that the item represented by X1 is shown
in the left pane. This procedure is an ideal randomized controlled trial, and the
degree of a positional effect can be exactly measured by Eq. (1). We call this the
‘random’ procedure.
Preliminary Experiments to Examine the Stability of Bias-Aware Techniques 29

(a) User interface (baseline) (b) User interface (bandwagon)

Fig. 2. User interfaces for collecting data.

NOTE: We asked the subjects “Which type of sushi do you prefer?” in both cases. In
the ‘bandwagon’ case, one of the types of sushi was highlighted with the label ‘Popular’.

Second, after dividing the subjects into two groups, we showed pairs of sushi
types to each subject by using the baseline interface, and we then merged the
datasets obtained from the two groups. In one group, the sushi that was ranked
higher in the popularity order was placed always at the left pane, and in the
other group, it was always placed in the right pane. This can still be considered
as a randomized controlled trial, because the assignment of items is random and
the assignment of the subjects to groups is also random. However, it might be
incomplete because some implicit factors are not fully randomized. For example,
the subjects could be influenced by a previous choice, the so-called memory
effect, because (a) they chose their preferred types of sushis sequentially, and
(b) the influence of this procedure could be stronger than that of the random
procedure. We call this procedure ‘fixed’ because the placements of the types of
sushi were fixed for each subject.
Third, we again divided the subjects into two groups, but used the band-
wagon interface. While the sushi-type that was ranked higher in the popularity
order was emphasized in one group, the type that was ranked lower was empha-
sized in the other group. In the case of a bandwagon effect, S = 1 indicates that
the item represented by X1 is emphasized. As in the case of the fixed procedure,
this procedure can be considered a randomized controlled trial, but it could be
incomplete. We call this the ‘bandwagon’ procedure.
We collected the data by using a crowdsourcing service in Japan. The data
were collected during the approximately 3-week period between 31 Jan. 2020
to 22 Feb. 2020, and we paid each subject JPY 50 for their participation. The
number of queries per subject was 50. Two of the queries were concentration
tests that requested the subject to “Select right”, and we used the data from the
subjects who passed the tests. The sizes of the datasets are shown in Table 1.
30 T. Kamishima et al.

Table 1. The numbers of subjects in each dataset

Random Fixed Bandwagon

Left Right Popular Unpopular
120 103 118 99 96
NOTE: The left and right columns of the ‘fixed’ procedure indicate that a more
popular type of sushi was placed at the left and right panes, respectively. The
popular and unpopular columns of the ‘bandwagon’ procedure indicate that a
more-popular type of sushi and a less-popular type of sushi was emphasized,

2.3 Evaluation of Cognitive Bias

Table 2. The total effect of the cognitive biases

Random Fixed Bandwagon

0.0229 0.0077 0.3451

In this section, we evaluate the total effect of the cognitive biases, which can be
measured by Eq. (1). Note that in a context of fairness-aware machine learning,
the quantity of the total effect corresponds to the risk difference [1,9]. The total
effect under each procedure is described in Table 2. A positive value indicates
that the item in the left pane was selected (in the random and fixed procedures)
or that the emphasized item was selected (in the bandwagon procedure). We can
confirm that the choice of items was influenced by a cognitive bias. In addition,
the effect of a bandwagon effect was stronger than that of the positional bias.
These results are consistent with the reported observation that the bandwagon
effect was stronger than the other effects [4].
We further evaluated the subjects’ cognitive biases, and evaluated the effect
of each item. For each sushi i, the target variable Yi becomes 1 if the item i is
preferred to the other items. The degree of cognitive biases per item becomes

E[Yi |S = 1] − E[Yi |S = 0] = Pr[Yi = 1|S = 1] − Pr[Yi = 1|S = 0]. (2)

These effects were illustrated in Fig. 3. No clear patterns were observed in terms
of a positional effect. In the case of a bandwagon effect, highly popular and
highly unpopular items were more strongly influenced by a cognitive bias. This
observation also indicates that the influence of a bandwagon effect is stronger
than that of a positional effect.
Preliminary Experiments to Examine the Stability of Bias-Aware Techniques 31

(a) ‘random’ procedure

(b) ‘fixed’ procedure (c) ‘bandwagon’ procedure

Fig. 3. The degrees of cognitive bias under each procedure.

NOTE: The x-axes use the abbreviations of ten types of sushi, and the y-axes represent
the effects of cognitive bias in Eq. (2). Because the degree of cognitive bias under the
bandwagon procedure was larger than those under other two procedures, we rescaled
the y-scale of the chart.

3 The Stability of Bias-Aware Techniques

We here discuss the relationship between causal inference and a bias-aware tech-
nique, and we then provide the preliminary results of removing the cognitive

3.1 Causal Inference from the Viewpoint of Bias-Aware

We next consider the relationship between causal inference and bias-aware clas-
sification, and we describe a simple technique of stratification that can be used to
remove cognitive biases. We consider group fairness or statistical parity [1,3,9],
which is defined by the independence between Y and S, i.e., Y ⊥ ⊥ S. In a context
of causal inference, this condition corresponds to the removal of the total causal
effect from S to Y as described in [8]. Note that the term ‘total causal effect’
32 T. Kamishima et al.

means the sum of effects through all of the causal paths from an intervention
variable to a target variable.
We interpret a model for bias-aware classification from the viewpoint of
causal inference. As depicted in Fig. 1(b), we treat a sensitive feature, S, as
a confounder, and non-sensitive features, X, become an intervention. We try to
remove the effect of S on Y while keeping the effect of X on Y . For this purpose,
in a case of causal inference, a dataset is first stratified according to the value
of S. The statistics are then computed for each stratum, and these statistics are
aggregated by the summation with weights that are proportional to the sizes of
the strata. This operation is the summation weighted by Pr[S],

Pr[Y |X] = Pr[S = s] Pr[Y|S = s, X]. (3)

By simply computing for all the values of X, we can remove a cognitive bias
contained in S.
We want to note that this process is related to a bias-aware approach that is
the post-process type [5,6]. In this approach, each sub-classifier is learned from
a dataset consisting of data whose sensitive values are equivalent. The decision
thresholds or weights of sub-classifiers are then modified so that the difference
between Pr[Y |X, S = 1] and Pr[Y |X, S = 0] is minimized. According to Eq. (3),
the stratification forces Pr[Y |X, S = 1] and Pr[Y |X, S = 0] to be Pr[Y |X], and
the difference becomes 0. The stratification can thus be regarded as a type of
fairness-aware technique.
In addition, the stratification operation is related to the generative model for
bias-aware classification. A joint distribution satisfying the condition of statisti-
cal parity, S ⊥
⊥ Y , can be formalized as

Pr[Y, X, S] = Pr[S] Pr[Y |S] Pr[X|Y, S]

= Pr[S] Pr[Y ] Pr[X|Y, S] (← Y ⊥
⊥ S)
= Pr[Y ] Pr[S] Pr[X|Y, S] . (4)

If we marginalize the factors in curly braces by S, the operation that corresponds

to the stratification that though S is still treated as a confounder, the roles of Y
and X are exchanged. Therefore, Eq. (3) is a classifier adopting a discriminative
type, and Eq. (4) is its generative version.

3.2 Experiments to Examine the Stability of a Bias-Aware

Next, we analyze the model obtained by applying the stratification, and we
report the stability of the learned models. We simply apply Eq. (3) for each value
of X, i.e., every pair of items, and we obtain a probability matrix collected by
three above-described procedures: baseline, fixed, and bandwagon. The matrix
consists of probabilities that the item in a row is preferred to the item in a
Preliminary Experiments to Examine the Stability of Bias-Aware Techniques 33

Theoretically, because the influence of a cognitive bias is removed and the

other information is the same, these matrices would become equal irrelevant
to the type of data-collection procedure if a bias-removal technique, e.g., the
stratification in Eq. (3), is stable. To test this hypothesis, we derive probability
matrices from each datasets collected by the three procedures, and we computed
the mean absolute distance between matrices of the baseline and the fixed pro-
cedures, and between those of the baseline and the bandwagon procedures. The
former distance is rather small 0.0521; the latter is larger 0.127. If the strati-
fication is stable, these distances would become small and similar values, but
contrary to our expectation, the difference is rather large.
We further examine the results presented in Fig. 4. The stratified probabil-
ities that each type of sushi is preferred to the other types. Because cognitive
biases are removed by stratification, the more popular types sushis are basically
more preferred. However, as shown in Fig. 4(c), for the dataset collected by the
bandwagon procedure, the stratified probabilities are clearly different from those
of the other two procedures.
In summary, although we expected that similar probability matrixes would be
obtained by the bias-removal technique, i.e., stratification, the actually obtained
matrixes were rather deviated.

3.3 Next Steps for Collecting Better Datasets

As described above, the obtained models are rather diverged, contrary to our
hypothesis. As next steps, we discuss two approaches to modify our hypothesis.
One approach is based on the possibility that the stratification fails to remove
the effect of cognitive biases. The other approach is based on the possibility that
there may be confounders other than the cognitive bias that we control.
First, cognitive biases may not be completely removed by the stratification.
We generated two data from a single comparison by the subjects. For example,
when comparing items A and B, we generate a data whose X1 = A and a datum
whose X1 = B. We adopted this procedure to obtain data both for S = 0 and
S = 1, but the scheme might be fatal for satisfying the condition for a randomized
controlled trial. We designed so that the fixed and bandwagon procedures depend
on the preference order in each subject group, and that the scheme might make
a causal path from X to S. Therefore, S may behave as a mediator as well as a
confounder. We need to develop another causal structure model by using these
Second, confounders other than the controlled cognitive bias might exist.
When actually unpopular items are displayed as popular, the information would
not match the subjects’ intuition, and the mismatch may cause another type
of bias. To check this hypothesis, we plan to collect datasets designed to be
influenced by other types of cognitive biases, e.g., a memory effect.
34 T. Kamishima et al.

(a) ‘random’ procedure

(b) ‘fixed’ procedure (c) ‘bandwagon’ procedure

Fig. 4. The stratified probabilities that each type of sushi was preferred to the other
NOTE: The x-axes indicate the types of sushi, and the y-axes show the average of the
stratified effect of X on Y , Eq. (3), over the data whose X1 is equivalent.

4 Conclusion
We have discussed the stability of bias-aware techniques. To investigate this
property, we collected preference data that were expected to be influenced by
cognitive biases. After discussing the relationship between causal inference and
bias-aware techniques, we described a technique of stratification to remove the
biases. Our experimental results indicate the instability of the stratification,
contrary to our expectation. As next steps, we plan to modify our bias-removal
technique and to collect datasets that may be influenced by other types of cog-
nitive bias.

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sification. Data Min. Knowl. Disc. 21, 277–292 (2010).
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2. Chandler, D., Horton, J.: Labor allocation in paid crowdsourcing: experimental

evidence on positioning, nudges and prices. In: AAAI Workshop: Human Com-
putation, pp. 14–19 (2011).
3. Dwork, C., Hardt, M., Pitassi, T., Reingold, O., Zemel, R.: Fairness through aware-
ness. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Con-
ference, pp. 214–226 (2012).
4. Eickhoff, C.: Cognitive biases in crowdsourcing. In: Proceedings of the 11th ACM
International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, pp. 162–170 (2018).
5. Hardt, M., Price, E., Srebro, N.: Equality of opportunity in supervised learning. In:
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6. Kamiran, F., Karim, A., Zhang, X.: Decision theory for discrimination-aware
classification. In: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference
on Data Mining, pp. 924–929 (2012).
7. Kamishima, T.: Nantonac collaborative filtering: recommendation based on order
responses. In: Proceedings of l9th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery
and Data Mining, pp. 583–588 (2003).
8. Zhang, L., Wu, Y., Wu, X.: Anti-discrimination learning: from association to causa-
tion. In: The 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery
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Detecting Race and Gender Bias
in Visual Representation of AI on Web
Search Engines

Mykola Makhortykh1(B) , Aleksandra Urman1,2 , and Roberto Ulloa3

University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
University of Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland
GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Cologne, Germany

Abstract. Web search engines influence perception of social reality by

filtering and ranking information. However, their outputs are often sub-
jected to bias that can lead to skewed representation of subjects such as
professional occupations or gender. In our paper, we use a mixed-method
approach to investigate presence of race and gender bias in representa-
tion of artificial intelligence (AI) in image search results coming from
six different search engines. Our findings show that search engines pri-
oritize anthropomorphic images of AI that portray it as white, whereas
non-white images of AI are present only in non-Western search engines.
By contrast, gender representation of AI is more diverse and less skewed
towards a specific gender that can be attributed to higher awareness
about gender bias in search outputs. Our observations indicate both the
need and the possibility for addressing bias in representation of soci-
etally relevant subjects, such as technological innovation, and emphasize
the importance of designing new approaches for detecting bias in infor-
mation retrieval systems.

Keywords: Web search · Bias · Artificial intelligence

1 Introduction
Web search engines are important information intermediaries that help users
navigate through web content. By filtering and ranking information in response
to user queries, search engines determine what users learn about specific topics
or entities [32] in turn influencing individual and collective perception of social
reality [22]. However, search engine outputs can be biased - that is systematically
skewed towards particular individuals or groups [21] - which may lead to the
distorted perception of the search subject and potentially result in negative
societal effects such as racial or gender discrimination.
A growing number of studies discusses how search engines perpetuate biases
related to gender and race, in particular in image search results [30,38,40].
Because of their affective and interpretative potential [12], images can be effec-
tive means of educating the public about complex social phenomena, such as
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
L. Boratto et al. (Eds.): BIAS 2021, CCIS 1418, pp. 36–50, 2021.
Visual Representation of AI in Web Search 37

gender or race, but also of reiterating stereotypes [30]. With image search being
used for a broad range of purposes, varying from educators preparing teach-
ing materials [36] to media professionals producing new content [41], its biased
outputs can reinforce skewed representation, in particular of already vulnerable
groups, and amplify discrimination [38].
Currently, research on race and gender bias in image search focuses on visual
representation of a few subjects, such as professional occupations [30] or emo-
tions [41]. However, there is a growing recognition that representation of other
aspects of contemporary societies can also be genderly or racially skewed. One of
such aspects is technological innovation, the representation of which in the West
historically tended to be decontextualized and often associated with masculinity
[11] and whiteness [29]. Such biases can further aggravate existing inequalities by
influencing hiring decisions (e.g., by stereotyping a certain field as racially homo-
geneous) and positioning the technologies, predominantly portrayed as White,
above marginalised non-white people [14]. Biases found to be present in web
search outputs (e.g., [30,38]) have the potential to influence public opinion and
perceptions of the social reality [19,32]. This is further aggravated by the fact
that users tend to trust the output of search engines [44].
Besides expanding the current focus of search bias research to new areas, it
is also important to consider the consequences of recent studies on search engine
auditing for evaluating the robustness of bias measurements. Firstly, while the
effect of personalization on the variability of search outputs is shown to be minor
[49,50], the influence of randomization (e.g., result reshuffling for maximizing
user engagement) can be more significant [35] and is yet to be accounted for
in the context of bias research. Second, despite substantial differences in con-
tent selection across search engines [28,35,51], the majority of existing research
focuses on individual search engines (e.g., Google [30] or Bing [41]), whereas
possible bias variation between different engines (including the ones prevalent in
non-Western context, such as Yandex or Baidu) remains understudied.
In this paper, we aim to make two contributions. First, we introduce a mixed-
method approach for detecting race and gender bias in image search outputs that
takes into consideration potential effects of randomization and personalization.
Second, we apply this method for conducting a cross-engine comparison of bias
in the visual representation of artificial intelligence (AI). Our choice of a case
study is attributed to common criticism of AI representation being racially and
genderly skewed both in popular culture and industry [4,46] and the recent
claims about Google amplifying these biases via its image search results [14,46].

2 Related Work: Race and Gender Bias in Image Search

The possibility that outputs of web search engines can be systematically skewed
towards certain gender and racial groups is increasingly recognized both by the
broad public and information retrieval (IR) community [41]. Race and gender
biases are found in different IR systems associated with search engines, including
text search results [38,43] and search autocompletion [8,13]. However, image
38 M. Makhortykh et al.

search is particularly relevant in this context, because of high interpretative and

affective potential of visual information [12,34] that makes it a potent means of
challenging, but also forming stereotypes.
Despite the growing recognition of the problem, there are still relatively few
studies which look at biases in image search outputs in a systematic way. To
study the prevalence of gender bias, Kay et al. [30] collected the US Bureau of
Labor and Statistics data on gender distribution per occupation and compared it
with results of Google image search for the respective occupations. Their findings
indicate that Google image search outputs tend to exaggerate gender biases in
relation to occupations viewed as male- or female-dominated. Otterbacher et
al. [40] used Bing image search API to extract results for “person” query and
then classified them using Clarifai. Their findings indicate that male images
occur more commonly than female ones for gender-neutral queries; furthermore,
search results tend to present males as more competent and purpose-oriented.
Even less research was done on racial bias in image search outputs. Using
a selection of racialized and gendered web search queries (e.g., “black girls”),
Noble [38] employed qualitative content analysis to identify multiple cases when
Google promoted racist and misogynistic representation of women and minority
groups. Araujo et al. [6] used feature extraction to compare outputs from Google
and Bing image search APIs for “ugly woman” and “beautiful woman” queries
and found that images of black women were more often identified as “ugly”,
whereas white women were positively stereotyped.

3 Case Study: Racial and Gender Representation of AI

The ongoing recognition of the complex relationship between technical (e.g.,
algorithms) and social (e.g., race) constructs has substantial implications for
how modern technology is perceived. In the case of AI, which can be broadly
defined as the ability of human-made artifacts to engage in intellectual behavior
[37], this connection is particularly strong. Its strength is attributed both to
conceptual reasons, such the bilateral relationship between intellectual behavior
and social norms/activities [17], and the increasing adoption of AI for the tasks
dealing with societal matters (e.g., predictive policing [20]).
The tendency to anthropomorphize AI - that is to present it in a human-like
form either physically or digitally [14,33] - further problematizes its relation-
ship with social constructs. There are multiple theories explaining the historical
tendency to integrate anthropomorphic features in product design [16], but gen-
erally anthropomorphism is an important factor in making complex technology
more familiar and comfortable to use. However, anthropomorphism also stim-
ulates application of social categories (e.g., race or gender) to the non-human
entities, such as AI, and it has substantial implications both to their perception
and representation [9].
The racial representation of AI in the Western Anglophone culture is char-
acterized by whiteness both in terms of physical appearance and behavior. Cave
and Dihal [14] list multiple cultural products in which AI is presented as exclu-
sively white (Terminator, Blade Runner, I, Robot to name a few). While the
Visual Representation of AI in Web Search 39

portrayal of AI in recent cultural products slowly becomes more diverse (e.g.,

Westworld and Humans), it is still predominantly treated as white.
Similar to popular culture, the historical and institutional context of AI
industry in the West is argued to be related to whiteness [29]. Besides multiple
other consequences, it affects how AI is imagined and represented as indicated
by the prevalent use of white materials and surfaces for constructing robots [46]
and the reliance on sociolinguistic markers associated with whiteness (e.g., by
omitting dialects related to non-white groups when developing conversational
agents [14].
In contrast to the limited variety of its racial representation, the gender rep-
resentation of AI is more diverse (albeit still quite binary). In the case of popular
culture, there are multiple instances of portraying AI as male and female entities.
The number of fictitious representations of AI as female (Metropolis, Her, Ghost
in the Shell, Ex Machina) might be even higher than the number of male ones
(A.I., I, Robot, Prometheus). At the same time, many of these representations
portray female AI just as servants to their (usually male) masters, who often
treat AI as a means of satisfying their (sexual) needs [4].
A similar relationship between AI and gender can be observed in the indus-
try, where the most well-known AI-based assistants (e.g., Cortana or Siri) have
female features. While the industrial treatment of gender aspects of AI does not
necessarily rely on its intense sexualization as much as popular culture, it still
iterates the notion of women being subordinate to men and intended to be used
by their masters [5].

4 Methodology
To collect data, we utilized a set of virtual agents - that is software simulat-
ing user browsing behavior (e.g., scrolling web pages and entering queries) and
recording its outputs. The benefits of this approach, which extends algorithmic
auditing methodology introduced by Haim et al. [24], is that it allows controlling
for personalization [25] and randomization [35] factors influencing outputs of web
search. In contrast to human actors, virtual agents can be easily synchronized
(i.e., to isolate the effect of time at which the search actions are conducted) and
deployed in a controlled environment (e.g., a network of virtual machines using
the same IP range, the same type of operating system (OS) and the same brows-
ing software) to limit the effects of personalization that might lead to skewed
In addition to controlling for personalization, agent-based auditing allows
addressing randomization of web search that is caused by search engines testing
different ways of ranking results to identify their optimal ordering for a query
(e.g., the so-called “Google Dance” [10]). Such randomization leads to a sit-
uation, when identical queries entered under the same conditions can result in
different sets of outputs (or their different ranking), thus making the observations
non-robust. One way of addressing this issue is to deploy multiple virtual agents
40 M. Makhortykh et al.

that simultaneously enter the same search query to determine randomization-

caused variation in the sets of outputs that can then be merged into a single,
more complete set.
For the current study, we built a network of 100 CentOS virtual machines
based in the Frankfurt region of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). On
each machine, we deployed 2 virtual agents (one in Chrome browser and one in
Mozilla Firefox browser), thus providing us with 200 agents overall. Each agent
was made of two browser extensions: a tracker and a bot. The tracker collected
the HTML and the metadata of all pages visited in the browser and immediately
sent it to a storage server. The bot emulated a sequence of browsing actions that
consisted of (1) visiting an image search engine page, (2) entering the “artificial
intelligence” query, and (3) scrolling down the search result page to load at least
50 images.
Before starting the emulation, the browsers were cleaned to prevent the search
history affecting the search outputs. While there is a possibility that search
engines infer the gender of the agent based on the previous IP behavior (i.e.,
the use of the IP by other AWS users before it was assigned to a virtual agent
deployed as part of our experiment), we expect that the use of multiple agents
shall counter this potential limitation, because it is unlikely that the large num-
ber of randomly assigned IPs will be associated with one specific gender.
The study was conducted on February 27, 2020. We distributed 200 agents
between the world’s six most popular search engines by market share: Google,
Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, Yandex, and DuckDuckGo (DDG) [47]. For all engines,
the “.com” version of the image search engine was used (e.g., The
agents were equally distributed between the engines; however, because of techni-
cal issues (e.g., bot detection mechanisms), some agents did not manage to com-
plete their routine. The overall number of agents per engine which completed the
full simulation routine and returned the search results was the following: Baidu
(29), Bing (30), DDG (34), Google (33), Yahoo (31), and Yandex (21).
For our analysis, we extracted from collected HTML links related to top
30 image search results for each agent. Then, we divided these links into three
subgroups: 1) results from 1 to 10; 2) results from 11 to 20; and 3) results from
21 to 30. Such a division allowed us to investigate differences in terms of race
and gender bias between top results (i.e., 1–10), which are usually the only ones
viewed by the users [42], and later results. Then, we aggregated all images for
each subgroup per engine to account for possible randomization of search outputs
on individual agent level, and removed duplicate images. The number of unique
images in each subgroup per each engine is shown in Table 1; the numbers do
not include images which were not accessible anymore (e.g., because of being
removed from the original websites).
To detect race and gender bias in search outputs, we relied on their man-
ual coding. While some earlier studies (e.g., [40]) use image recognition for
extracting image features, its applicability for bias detection has been ques-
tioned recently [45] considering the possibility of recognition approaches being
biased themselves. Hence, we used two coders to classify all the collected images
Visual Representation of AI in Web Search 41

Table 1. The number of unique images per each result subgroup per engine

Baidu Bing DuckDuckGo Google Yahoo Yandex

Results 1:10 10 16 11 11 13 12
Results 11:20 12 10 11 16 15 14
Results 21:30 12 10 10 13 16 15

based on categories listed below. To measure intercorder reliability, we calcu-

lated Kripperndorf’s alpha values that showed an acceptable level of reliability:
0.73 (antropomorphism), 0.69 (race), 0.67 (sex). Following the reliability assess-
ment, the identified disagreements were resolved by the original coders using
Anthropomorphism: We determined whether the image of AI includes any
anthropomorphic elements, such as human(-like) figures or parts of human bod-
ies. Depending on their exact appearance, such elements can indicate what
human-like features are attributed to AI and how its developers and users are
portrayed. Most importantly, this category determines the subset of images
which can be subjected to gender and race bias, because both forms of bias
are primarily applicable to anthropomorphic portrayals of AI.
Race: For anthropomorphized images, we identified the race of the portrayed
entity to determine whether there is racial skew in AI representation. Follow-
ing Cave and Dihal [14], we treat racialized representation in broad terms and
interpret the coloring of AI elements as a form of racial attribution. Hence, both
a white-skinned individual and a human-like android made of white material
can be treated as White. The options included 1) white, 2) non-white, 3) mixed
(when both white and non-white entities were present), 4) abstract (when an
entity can not be attributed to any human race), and 5) unknown (when it was
not possible to reliably detect race).
We acknowledge that treating race as a binary (white/non-white) category is
a simplification as the complex notion that ignores multiple nuances, in particu-
lar different categories of non-white population (e.g., Black, Hispanic or Asian).
However, numerous recent explorations of the role of race in the societal hierar-
chies as well as media-driven racial bias use the same white/non-white dichotomy
[18,26,27,31], in part to avoid shifting the focus from the uniqueness of white
privilege compared with various degrees of marginalization of non-white popula-
tion. The same logic can be applied to the study of technological innovation, in
particular in the context of AI, which has been historically related to whiteness
[29]. Furthermore, it is difficult to identify different sub-categories of non-white
population using only visual cues, considering the complex notion of race and
the fact that is not necessarily based on one’s appearance only. Because of these
reasons, we believe that in the context of the present study, the binary catego-
rization of race is suitable despite its limitations.
42 M. Makhortykh et al.

Sex: For anthropomorphized images, we determined the sex of the entity por-
trayed to determine whether there is a gendered skew. We used sex as a proxy
for gendered representation because of the complexity of the notion of gender.
Unlike sex, which is a binary concept, gender encompasses a broad variety of
social and cultural identities that makes it hard to detect based on visual cues.
Hence, we opted out for a more robust option that is still sufficient for evaluat-
ing gender-related aspects of AI representation. The possible options included
1) male, 2) female, 3) mixed (when both male and female entities were present),
4) abstract (when an entity was shown as sexless), and 5) unknown (when it was
not possible to reliably detect sex).

5 Findings

5.1 AI and Antropomorphism

Unlike Kay et al. [30], who had data on gender distribution for occupations to
compare their representation in image search outputs, we do not have a clear
baseline for AI representation. Hence, we follow Otterbacher et al. [40] and treat
the unequal retrievability - that is the accessibility of outputs with specific char-
acteristics [48] - as an indicator of bias in search outputs. By systematically
prioritizing images with specific features (e.g., the ones showing males and not
females; [40]), the system creates a skewed perception of the phenomenon rep-
resented via its outputs.

Fig. 1. Ratio of anthropomorphic representations of AI per result set for each engine
(1–10 refers to results 1 to 10; 11–20 to results 11 to 20; 21–30 to results 21 to 30).

The first sign of the skewed representation of AI by search engines is the

tendency for its anthropomorphization (Fig. 1). The proportion of images show-
ing AI not as an anthropomorphized entity constitutes less than 10% for most
engines with a single exception coming from Baidu, the largest Chinese search
engine. On Google and Yandex, all images appearing in the top 10 results show
Visual Representation of AI in Web Search 43

AI as a human-like entity. For other Western engines, the proportion of anthro-

pomorphized AI images increased after the first 10 results, and in some cases
(Bing, DDG) also reached 100% for the second and the third sets of outputs.
The anthropomorphized representations of AI usually take one of two forms:
a schematic representation of a human brain or a human-like figure made of
different materials (e.g., metal, plastic, or pixels). The way of presenting AI as
“shiny humanoid robots” [33] can be attributed to it being the most recognizable
way of presenting it in Western popular culture. However, by reiterating human-
like AI images, search engines also create more possibilities for bias compared
with more schematic or non-anthropomorphized representations.

5.2 AI and Race

Our analysis showed that non-racialized portrayals of AI are prevalent on West-

ern search engines (Fig. 2). With the exception of Bing, where racialized images
prevail among the first 10 results, Western engines tend to put more abstract
images (e.g., schematic brain images or bluish human figures) on the top of search
results, whereas later sets of outputs become more skewed towards specific racial
representations. However, a different pattern is observed on non-Western engines,
where racialized images of AI appear on the top of search results and become
less visible in the later outputs.

Fig. 2. Proportion of racialized representations of AI among anthropomorphized

images (1–10 refers to results 1 to 10; 11–20 to results 11 to 20; 21–30 to results
21 to 30).
44 M. Makhortykh et al.

In those cases, when AI images have a racial component, it is almost always

associated with whiteness, thus supporting earlier claims about a skewed racial
portrayal of AI on search engines [14,46]. The most common form such an asso-
ciation takes is the stylization of human-like entities representing AI with white
materials and Caucasian face features. In some cases, it is supplemented with
images of humans or part of their bodies (e.g., arms) representing developers or
users of AI, most of whom are again shown as white. While the proportion of
such racialized images in top 10 results for Western search engines is relatively
low, their presence still promotes “White utopian imaginary” [14] of AI and
enforces racial homogeneity in relation to it.
Such a skewed representation is amplified by an almost complete absence of
non-white entities in image search results. Their absence is particularly striking
for Western search engines, where the only form of racial diversity available are
images of body parts that can not be easily related to a particular race (e.g.,
an arm the color of which can not be easily detected because of the way the
image is lit). This exclusive focus on whiteness can be treated as a form of
symbolic erasure of non-white groups not only from AI industry, but also the
larger context of its use that encompasses most of contemporary societies [14].
Surprisingly, the non-Western engines, which prioritize images accentuating
AI whiteness more than the Western ones, are also the only ones to include non-
white or mixed AI portrayals. With the exception of two images showing AI as
a black- or brown-skinned entity, these images show non-white AI developers or
users. Such discrepancy leads to a situation, where the use of AI is contextualized
by adding non-white contexts, but the core interpretation of AI as a “technology
of whiteness” [29] is not challenged.

5.3 AI and Gender

Similarly to racial representation, we observed the prevalence of non-gendered
portrayals of AI. The tendency for not attributing specific sex features to it was
even more pronounced than in the case of race, where the proportion of abstract
representations was lower. Just as in the case of race, the majority of Western
search engines (except Bing) prioritized gender-neutral images among the top
10 results with more gendered images appearing for lower results. The opposite
pattern was again observed for Yandex (but not Baidu) and Bing, where the top
10 results contained more gendered images than the later ones.
In the case of gendered images of AI, we did not observe that much of a
discrepancy between different groups as in the case of racialized ones. With the
exception of Bing, Western search engines included in the top 10 results images
based on which it was not possible to clearly identify the entity’s sex (e.g., human
arms which could belong both to males and females). Later sets of results also
included images presenting AI as female entities, but their proportion rarely
exceeded 10% of search outputs (Fig. 3).
As in the case of racialized images, non-Western engines provided more
diverse representations of AI, including both female and male entities as well
as the mix of two. Unlike Western engines, where images of AI as a male entity
Visual Representation of AI in Web Search 45

Fig. 3. Proportion of gendered representations of AI among anthropomorphized images

(1–10 refers to results 1 to 10; 11–20 to results 11 to 20; 21–30 to results 21 to 30).

were almost absent, both Baidu and Yandex prioritized more masculine repre-
sentation of AI. Such effect was achieved by highlighting images of both male
developers and users as well as human-like robots with masculine facial features.
One possible explanation of non-Western engines promoting a masculine por-
trayal of AI can be its different representation in popular culture. At least in
the case of Russia, where Yandex originates from, a number of prominent cul-
tural products present AI as a masculine entity (e.g., The Adventures of Elec-
tronic, Far Rainbow, Guest from the Future), whereas feminine representations
are rather few.
While the aforementioned observation can be treated as evidence that search
engine outputs depend on popular culture representations of AI, we did not
observe any overly sexualized images of female AI despite its intense sexualiza-
tion in Western popular culture. This finding indicates that cultural embedded-
ness of bias does not necessarily translate into its visibility in search outputs and
can be attributed to more active countering of gender bias in the recent years

6 Discussion
Our observations indicate that visual representation of AI on the world’s most
popular search engines is skewed in some racial and, to a lesser degree, gen-
der aspects. While it is not sufficient to claim that search mechanisms used to
46 M. Makhortykh et al.

retrieve information about AI are racially or genderly biased, our findings sup-
port earlier research [40] that found search engines reiterating social biases. In
the case of AI, it results in predominantly white portrayal of the technology
and the omittance of non-white AI designs as well as non-white developers and
users. By offering rather skewed selection of visual information, search engines
misrepresent important developments in the field of AI and erase the presence
of non-white groups that can be viewed as a form of discrimination.
Similar to other forms of web bias [7], the white-centric representation of AI
on search engines can be explained by multiple factors. Because of its prevalence
in Western Anglophone popular culture and industry, representation of AI as
White commonly appears on “authoritative” websites, such as the ones related
to government and research institutions and mainstream media. Outputs from
these websites are prioritized both because they are treated as more reliable
sources of information [23] and because they often have the large number of
backlinks, a feature which is important for website ranking on the majority
of search engines [2] (Yandex, however, is a notable exception with its larger
emphasis not on backlinking, but on user engagement [1]).
Additional factor which contributes to racial bias in AI representation is the
fact that image search outputs are often based on text accompanying the image,
but not on the image features [3,15]. Under these circumstances, the search
algorithm is not necessarily able to differentiate between white and non-white
representations of AI. Instead, it just retrieves images which are accompanied by
certain text from the websites, the ranking of which is determined using the same
criteria as text search results. Considering that racial bias in AI representation
remains mainstream [14] as contrasted by gender bias (e.g., it is harder to imagine
academic or government websites hosting images of sexualized AI), it results in
the iteration of white-centric representations, in particular by Western search
The reliance on textual cues for generating image search outputs and engine-
specific ranking signals (e.g., number of backlinks and source type) can also
explain differences in AI representation between Western and non-Western
search engines. Unlike Western engines, where the selection of ranking signals is
similar and results in reiteration of the same set of images stressing the white-
ness of AI, the focus on the specific regions (i.e., China for Baidu and Russia
for Yandex) together with substantial differences in ranking mechanisms (e.g.,
prioritization of backlinks coming from China for Baidu [2] and the reliance on
different ranking signals for Yandex [1]) leads to the inclusion of more non-white
representations of technology. However, if this explanation is valid, then in order
to be able to deal with racial bias in a consistent manner, search engines would
need either to more actively engage with actual image features (and not just text
accompanying images) or expand the selection of websites prioritized for retriev-
ing image outputs beyond currently prioritized mainstream Western websites,
where white-centered AI representations are prevalent.
Overall, racial bias in the way web search mechanisms treat visual repre-
sentation of AI can hardly be viewed as something that search engines invent
Visual Representation of AI in Web Search 47

on their own. However, they do reinforce the bias by creating a vicious cycle
in which images of AI as “technology of whiteness” [29] appear on the top of
search results and are more likely to be utilized by users, including educators or
media practitioners. However, this reinforcement loop can be broken as shown
by the substantially less biased representation of AI in terms of gender: despite
the strong tendency for its femalization and subsequent sexualization in popular
culture, we found relatively few gendered images of AI in the top results and
none of them was sexualized.
Together with the earlier cases of addressing skewed web search outputs
that were identified by the researchers (e.g., racialized gender bias [38]), our
observations support the argument of Otterbacher [39] about the importance
of designing new approaches for detecting bias in IR systems. In order to be
addressed, bias has first to be reliably identified, but so far there is only a few
IR studies that investigate the problem in a systematic way. By applying a
new approach to examine bias in the context of AI, our paper highlights the
importance of conducting further research to achieve better understanding of
how significant are racial and gender biases in search outputs in relation to
different aspects of contemporary societies, including (but not limited to) other
forms of innovation.
It is also important to note several limitations of the research we conducted.
First, we used very simple binary classification schematas both for race and
gender features of AI portrayal. Second, our observations rely on a snapshot
experiment conducted at a certain point of time, so it does not account for
possible fluidity of image search results. Third, the experimental setup (i.e.,
the choice of the query and the infrastructure location) can also influence the
observations produced.

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Equality of Opportunity in Ranking:
A Fair-Distributive Model

Elena Beretta1,2(B) , Antonio Vetrò1 , Bruno Lepri2 ,

and Juan Carlos De Martin1
Nexa Center for Internet and Society, DAUIN, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Povo, Italy
[email protected]

Abstract. In this work, we define a Fair-Distributive ranking system

based on Equality of Opportunity theory and fair division models. The
aim is to determine the ranking order of a set of candidates maximizing
utility bound to a fairness constraint. Our model extends the notion
of protected attributes to a pool of individual’s circumstances, which
determine the membership to a specific type. The contribution of this
paper are i) a Fair-Distributive Ranking System based on criteria derived
from distributive justice theory and its applications in both economic
and social sciences; ii) a class of fairness metrics for ranking systems
based on the Equality of Opportunity theory. We test our approach on
an hypothetical scenario of a selection university process. A follow up
analysis shows that the Fair-Distributive Ranking System preserves an
equal exposure level for both minority and majority groups, providing a
minimal system utility cost.

Keywords: Fairness in rankings · Algorithmic fairness · Position

bias · Algorithmic bias · Distributive justice · Equality of opportunity

1 Introduction

Ranking systems have rapidly spread in nowadays economies: despite such tools
have been widely employed since decades in Information Retrieval field [21], they
have recently come back at the cutting edge thanks to the explosive growth of
computational power and data availability [15]. Ranking is one of the predomi-
nant forms by which both online and offline software systems present results in
a wide variety of domains ranging from web search engines [19] to recommenda-
tion systems [21]. The main task of ranking systems is to find an allocation of
elements to each of the n positions so that the total value obtained is maximized.
The key technical principle that for decades has driven this optimization is the
Probability Ranking Principle [23], according to which elements are ranked in
descending order depending on their probability of relevance for a certain query
q. Consequently, each element will have a probability of exposure given by its
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
L. Boratto et al. (Eds.): BIAS 2021, CCIS 1418, pp. 51–63, 2021.
52 E. Beretta et al.

relevance for the query [27]. It is widely recognized that the position of an ele-
ment in the ranking has a crucial influence on its exposure and its success;
hence, systems with ranking algorithms, whose only task is to maximize util-
ity, do not necessarily lead to fair or desirable scenarios [13]. In fact, a number
of researches [12,32,33] have demonstrated that rankings produced in this way
can lead to the over-representation of one element to the detriment of another,
causing forms of algorithmic biases that in some cases can lead to serious social
implications. Web search engine results that inadvertently promote stereotypes
through over-representation of sensitive attributes such as gender, ethnicity and
age are valid examples [1,16,30,37]. In order to mitigate and overcome biased
results, researchers have proposed a number of fairness metrics [3]. However,
the majority of these studies formalizes the notion of equity only in supervised
machine learning systems, keeping equity in ranking systems a poorly explored
ground despite the increasing influence of rankings on our society and econ-
omy. The lower attention devoted to this field is probably due to the complexity
of ranking and recommendation systems, which are characterized by dynamics
difficult to predict, multiple models and antithetic goals, and are difficult to
evaluate due to the great sparsity (e.g., see [6,7,20]). In addition, a leading path
to exploring the trade-off between the expected utility of a ranking system and
its fairness has not yet been mapped out. We address these challenges through
developing a multi-objective ranking system that optimizes the utility of the sys-
tem and simultaneously satisfies some ethical constraints. Our model is inspired
by fair division models [34] dealing on how to divide a set of resources among
a series of individuals. The main contributions of this article are the following:
first, we introduce a Fair-Distributive Ranking System combining methods of
supervised machine learning and criteria derived from economics and social sci-
ences; secondly, we define a class of fairness metrics for ranking systems based
on the Equality of Opportunity theory [25]. Finally, we conduct an empirical
analysis to study the trade-off between fairness and utility in ranking systems.

2 Related Work
Several recent works have addressed the issue of fairness in ranking systems.
Some studies minimize the difference in representation between groups in a
ranking through the concept of demographic parity, that requires members of
protected groups are treated similarly to the advantaged ones or to the entire
population [2,26,35,36]. In particular, Yang and Stoyanovich [35] have dealt with
this issue as a multi-objective programming problem, while Celis et al. [8] have
approached it from the perspective of the ranking results’ diversification, as in
[36]. More recently, Asudeh et al. [2] have proposed a class of fair scoring func-
tions that associates non-negative weights to item attributes in order to compute
an item score. Singh and Joachims [28] have proposed a Learning-to-Rank algo-
rithm that optimizes the system’s utility according to the merit of achieving a
certain level of exposure. Lastly, some recent studies have investigated the notion
of fairness through equalizing exposure; in this specific strand studies differ in
Equality of Opportunity in Ranking: A Fair-Distributive Model 53

the way exposure is allocated: while Biega et al. [4] have investigated individ-
ual fairness alongside utility, Singh and Joachims [27] have proposed an optimal
probabilistic ranking to equalize exposure among groups. It is worth noting that
the majority of the previous works have established equity constraints reflect-
ing demographic parity constraints by narrowing the elements fraction for each
attribute in the ranking or balancing utility with exposure merit. The method-
ology we propose goes beyond these parity and merit constraints for several
reasons: a) the protected attributes are not a-priori established but are updated
on the basis of the sample features, and b) the exposure is defined on the basis
of the effort variable; this variable represents the real effort that the elements
have made to be included in the Top-N-rank according to Roemer’s Equality of
Opportunity theory [25].

3 Problem Statement
In Information Retrieval the notion of utility is commonly stated as the expected
ranking that maximizes the system’s utility by exploiting the nth ranking r and
a query q, such that argmaxU (rankingr |q), where r = 1...R (R is the rankings
set); it is generally achieved through a series of utility measures in ranking system
domain that leverage a mapping function β to detect the relevance of an item
to each user given a certain query q, β(Rel(itemi |useru , q)), where i = 1...I and
u = 1...U (I and U are the items set and the users set). Several recent works
establish a certain exposure degree to each individual or group of individuals as
a fairness constraint. The exposure indicates the probability of attention that
the item gets based on the query and its ranking position, and is generically
calculated as log(1+j) , where j is the position of the itemi in the rankingr . We
adapt the example proposed by Singh and Joachims [27] to our scenario: suppose
a group of students has to enroll at university, the decision-maker then sorts the
students according to their relevance for the expressed query and draws up a
certain number of rankings to evaluate the system response accuracy. Relevance
is thus derived from the probability that the candidate is relevant for the query.
In this example, 8 individuals are divided into 3 groups based on ethnicity
attribute. Individuals belonging to the white group have relevance 1, 0.98, 0.95,
the Asians have 0.93, 0.91, 0.88, the African-Americans 0.86, 0.84. Students are
sorted in ranking according to relevance. Since exposure is a measure exploiting
relevance and ranking position, it is computed after sorting. As shown in Fig.
1a, Asian and African-American students, despite being placed a few positions
below white ones, get a very low exposure; this means their average exposure
is significantly lower compared to the white group, despite a minimal deviation
in relevance. Efforts to enforce a fairness constraint on exposure, even if impor-
tant, are missing the real point that is instead tied to relevance. As a matter
of fact, exposure is calculated on the basis of the candidate’s position, regard-
less of the student’s traits. Consider the new ranking in Fig. 1b. In this case,
a fairness constraint is applied to proportionally allocate exposure among eth-
nic groups; despite the constraint, the African-American minority remains in
54 E. Beretta et al.

(a) Ranking A (b) Ranking B

Fig. 1. Both pictures a and b revise the example of Singh and Joachims [27]. Blue:
white group; green: Asian group; red: African-American group. (Color figure online)

lower positions compared to the other two groups. This problem is even more
serious in case of binary relevance: assuming the decision-maker would admit
to the university the first 3 students, no African-American individuals would be
included in the top-3-ranking. To address the problem of fairness in rankings we
suggest to marginally consider exposure and to focus on analyzing how relevance
is computed and which features correlate with the query q. This means that a
ranking is considered unfair if the students’ relevance, hence their position, is
systematically established on the basis of irrelevant features such as protected

4 A Fair-Distributive Ranking Model

Preliminary. Egalitarian theories [24] such as EOp arise from the notion of dis-
tributive justice, which recognizes that all goods should be equally distributed
across society. The key principle of Roemer s Equality of Opportunity (EOp)
theory is based on the assumption that the resources obtained by individuals
depend on two factors: individual choices, which lie within the sphere of per-
sonal responsibility, and circumstances, which are exogenous to individual con-
trol. He claims that if inequalities in a set of individuals are caused by birth
circumstances, which include variables such as gender, race, or familiar socio-
economic status and so forth, then these are morally unacceptable and must be
compensated by society. The theory is therefore based on four key principles:
circumstances, effort, responsibility and reward. Responsibility is a theoretical
notion reflecting the effort degree that individuals invest in achieving the acts
they perform. The reward is the fraction of resources that individuals belonging
to a disadvantaged group get in case an inequality of opportunity occurs, and it
is established by a certain policy [9,22]. According to Roemer, policies should be
Equality of Opportunity in Ranking: A Fair-Distributive Model 55

oriented to equalize the opportunities that different types, or groups of individu-

als, categorized in accordance with diverse circumstances, must be able to have
in order to achieve a given goal. A type is a set of individuals sharing the same
circumstances, while the set of individuals characterized by the same degree of
effort is called a tranche. Below We provide our notion of fair ranking according
to Roemer’s EOp theory:
A ranking is said to be fair according to Roemer’s EOp theory if all individuals
belonging to different types have the same opportunity to reach high ranking
position, and if relevance and exposure are given by personal responsibility and
not by birth circumstances.
In order to offer a better understanding of our notation, a summary of some
basic notions of EOp’s theory is briefly provided:

i Effort: proxy indicating individual’s personal responsibility. According to

Roemer, effort is derived by computing the Cumulative Distribution Function
of each type, and then by extracting the quantile’s distribution.
ii Types: groups of individuals, categorized in accordance with diverse circum-
iii Tranche: the set of individuals characterized by the same degree of effort;
iv Policy: actions oriented to equalize type’s opportunity;
v Utility: a measure of the system’s ability to provide relevant results. In the
case of ranking systems, the utility is defined as the ability to provide the
best ranking according to a certain query q.

Notation. According to Roemer, individuals are fully described by a two-

dimensional list: the first one is the set of circumstances beyond individuals’
control denoting the population partition into a set of non-overlapping types
T characterized by certain attributes; the second one expresses the traits for
which individuals are fully responsible and is described by the scalar variable
effort π. Given a certain query q, the Fair-Distributive Ranking Γ is the one in
which the utility maximization (e.g., the best candidate selection) is a function
of circumstances, degrees of effort and a policy:

Γ = argmaxθ∈Θ ut (q|ei (π), θ) (1)

As a corollary, exposure is allocated equally among individuals: ranking Γ is

therefore the one that maximizes the area below the lowest function expt , i.e.
the type-specific-exposure:
max mint expt (π, θ) dπ (2)
θ∈Θ 0

Equation 2 denotes the opportunity-equalizing policy in ranking according to

EOp theory.
Fair-Distributive Ranking Criteria. Ranking Γ has to show the following
properties: (i) Ranked type fairness. Γ is exploited by overcoming the a-priori
56 E. Beretta et al.

assessment of the sensitive attributes through partitioning population in types;

(ii) Circumstances-effort based ranking. Γ is based on a counterfactual score
obtained from effort and circumstances’ variables; the counterfactual score indi-
cates which score individuals would have got if they were not belonging to their
type T ; and (iii) Counterfactual-ordered ranking utility. Γ is ordered by decreas-
ing counterfactual score.

4.1 Ranked Type Fairness

To split the population in types we perform the conditional inference trees

method proposed by Hothorn [14]; to the best of our knowledge, the only appli-
cation of this algorithm in exploring inequalities has been carried out by Brunori
[5] to study socio-economic differences on panel data. The algorithm exploits the
permutation test theory developed by Strasser [29] to generate recurring binary
partitions and recursively split the Euclidean space of the individuals’ variables
in convex sets of hyperplanes, overcoming the problem of overfitting and vari-
able selection [18]. Let P (Y |X) be a conditional probability distribution of the
response Y given the vector of n covariates X = X1 , . . . , Xi ; the recursion mea-
sures correlation among Y and the X vector and performs multiple hypothesis
tests to assess correlation significance. If a statistically significant correlation
doesn’t exist, recursion stops. Formally, types are permuted in this way:

SiX if H0i : P (Y |Xi ) = P (Y ),
Tk = (3)
recursion stops otherwise.

where SiX is the set of xi possible realizations.

4.2 Circumstances-Effort Based Ranking and Counterfactual-

Ordered Ranking Utility

Since effort is not directly observable, we need a proxy in order to measure it.
Roemer argues that it exists an effort distribution function that characterizes
the entire subgroup within which the location of the individual is set and what
is needed is a measure of effort that is comparable between different types. The
basic assumption is that two individuals belonging to a different type t who
occupy the same position in their respective distribution functions have exerted
the same level of effort - and therefore of responsibility. Since, under the same
circumstances, individuals who make different choices exercise different degrees
of effort - and thus achieve a different outcome -, the differences in outcome
within the same type are by definition determined by different degrees of effort,
and therefore are not considered in the computation of the EOp. In general,
Roemer states that to estimate effort it is necessary to:

I aggregate individuals according to their circumstances;

II compare outcome distributions;
Equality of Opportunity in Ranking: A Fair-Distributive Model 57

III measure the effort that an individual has exerted through the quantile occu-
pied in his or her type distribution.

Consequently, all the individuals positioned at the same quantile in the distri-
bution of the respective type are by assumption characterized by the same level
of effort. Hence, the counterfactual score distribution ỹ is computed following
these steps:

1. approximate each type-score cumulative distribution ecdf (y) through ten-

n cross-validation1 on Bernstein polynomials log-likelihood: LLB (pm =
i=1 logfB (xj , pm )) ;
2. identify the degree of effort through the type-score distribution y k (π);
3. apply a smoothing transformation on y k (π) by scaling each tranche distri-
bution (i.e., individuals have exerted same degree of effort) until individu-
als have the same tranche-score and then multiplying the tranche-score by
each individual’s score. The result of the smoothing process is a standardized
distribution ỹ where all the unexplained inequalities are removed, i.e., only
inequalities due to circumstances or degrees of effort are observed.

Inequality of opportunity is captured by applying an inequality index on the

standardized distribution ỹ. The counterfactual score utπ (θ) is then computed
by assigning to individuals the fraction of inequality of their respective quantile-
type-score distribution y k (π). Finally, individuals are ranked according to their
counterfactual score in decreasing order. The ranking Γ is therefore given by:

Γ = utπ (ỹ, IneqIndex(ỹ)) (4)

5 Experiment

5.1 Data and Settings

We design an hypothetical scenario where high school students compete to be

admitted at university (i.e. a typical scenario in several countries). Firstly, the
whole students’ population is simply ordered by decreasing counterfactual score
(relevance is treated as not binary); then, the Fair-Distributive ranking Γ for
fair-top-N-rankings is studied (as the available positions are assumed as finite,
relevance is treated as binary). The conducted experiments compare three types
of ranking: the first one is based on real students’ test scores serving as a bench-
mark; the second one is based on the standardized distribution ỹ; the last one is
our ranking Γ based on counterfactual score utπ (θ). For the analysis, we employ
the Student Performance Dataset [10] reporting students test scores of two Por-
tuguese schools. Dataset contains 649 instances and 33 attributes, especially
demographic ones (i.e. gender, parents’ education, extra educational support).

For a detailed explanation of Bernstein Polynomials Log Likelihood, see [5, 17, 38].
58 E. Beretta et al.

5.2 Metrics
We apply three types of metrics in order to fulfill both ranking and fairness
constraints: i) ranking domain metrics. ii) inequality domain metrics (i.e., Gini
index and Theil index), and iii) a set of metrics we propose to study our fair-
ness constraints (i.e., Opportunity Loss/Gain Profile, Opportunity Loss/Gain
Set, Unexplained Inequality Rate, Reward Profile, Reward Rate). Regarding the
inequality metrics, Gini index is a statistical concentration index ranging from 0
to 1 that measures the inequality degree distribution [11]; a low or equal to zero
Gini index indicates the tendency to the equidistribution and expresses perfect
equality, while a high or equal to 1 value indicates the highest concentration
and expresses maximum inequality. Theil index [31] is a measure of entropy to
study segregation; a zero Theil value means perfect equality. Finally, we have
proposed a new fairness metrics set: the Opportunity-Loss/Gain Profile and the
Opportunity-Loss/Gain Set are computed to study inequality in the original dis-
tribution. They indicate which levels of score could be reached by each type with
different effort degrees. The Unexplained Inequality Rate calculates the amount
of fair removed inequality due to individuals’ responsibility. The Reward Profile
calculates the type that obtained the highest gain/loss from the re-allocation of
scores - i.e. after applying fairness constraints; while the Reward Rate calculates
the average re-allocation score rate for each type. All formulas are summarized
in Table 1.

Table 1. Summary of inequality domain metrics and of a set of novel metrics proposed
to study fairness constraints. Notation: F(y)= cumulative distribution function of the
score, µ = mean score; R = number of types, pi = frequency of types; yπt = score dis-
tribution aggregated by type and quantile; ỹi = standardized score; adj(ỹπt )= adjusted
mean-type score at each effort degree (after policy).

Metric Formula Input Metrics domain

Gini index 1− μ1  ∞ (1 − F(y))2 dy All Distr. Inequality
1  N μ
Theil index N i=1 ln( y ) All Distr. Inequality
Opportunity-L/G profile min/max(yπ − μ(yπ )) Sc.Distr. New set of
fairness measures
Opportunity-L/G set yπ − μ(yπ ) Sc.Distr. New set of
fairness measures
Unexplained inequality rate N
yi − ỹi Sc.Distr., Stnd.Sc.Distr. New set of
fairness measures
t t
Reward profile min/max(yπ − adj(ỹπ )) Sc.Distr., Adj Sc.Distr. New set of
fairness measures
t t
Reward rate yπ − adj(ỹπ ) Sc.Distr., Adj Sc.Distr. New set of
fairness measures

5.3 Results and Discussion

Table 2 summarizes our main results: first, we observe that the Γ ranking shows
less inequality compared to benchmark ranking, as emerges from Gini’s index
Equality of Opportunity in Ranking: A Fair-Distributive Model 59

Table 2. Summary of results

Initial outcome Policy outcome

Overall results
Gini 0.144 0.112
Theil 0.025 0.025
Unexp.Ineq. - 0.126
Tranche results
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Outcome.Set A 0.02 0.01 −0.04 0.04 0.04 Reward A 0.11 −0.11 −0.04 −0.09 −0.08
B 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.16 0.17 B 0.06 −0.15 −0.12 −0.18 −0.21
C 0.07 0.12 0.02 0.12 C 0.07 −0.21 −0.08 - −0.14
D −0.08 −0.22 −0.07 −0.16 −0.31 D −0.07 0.13 −0.01 0.09 0.28
E 0.03 0.05 0 0.03 0 E 0.14 −0.21 −0.09 −0.12 −0.01
F −0.11 −0.06 −0.05 −0.08 −0.07 F 0.22 −0.05 −0.03 0.03 0.04
G −0.01 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.04 G 0.16 −.07 −0.17 −0.09 −0.09

(a) Barplot of aggregate exposure for the top-50, top-150 and top-300, initial score
ranking, standardized ranking and Γ ranking.

(b) Utility results on the Initial and Γ ranking in terms of relevance

for a query q

Fig. 2. Exposure and relevance results

trend. Both ranking exhibit same value of Theil index, revealing entropy is sim-
ilarly balanced. By observing the Outcome Set, we notice that D and F types
get the lower average outcomes for all degrees of effort; this doesn’t necessarily
60 E. Beretta et al.

mean they are in a disadvantaged position. There are indeed multiple reasons,
which do not necessarily indicate inequality, why some types systematically show
a lower average outcome. We compute Gini Index on the standardized distribu-
tion to observe if there are types that systematically receive a lower outcome due
to their type membership. In this way, only and exclusively inequalities caused
by circumstances and effort degrees are obtained. This explains why types show-
ing a lower average outcome are not directly compensated with higher rewards.
Reward Rate is expressed as a dispersion around the quantile mean for each
type, thus showing that it doesn’t produce a significantly change in expected
ranking utility. The aggregated exposure is computed recursively on all rank-
ings with n+1 individuals. Analysis shows extremely disproportionate exposure
values for the initial score ranking for all top-N-ranking. The Γ ranking keeps
a proportionate aggregate exposure level among types for large subsets, while
for smaller subsets it tends to favor individuals in groups which displays high
levels of inequality (Fig. 2a). Overall, these results indicate that our approach
produces a fair ranking Γ with minimal cost for utility, that we compute in terms
of relevance for the query “best candidates selection” (Fig. 2b).

6 Conclusions

The method we have proposed generates a ranking with a guaranteed fair division
score, with minimal cost for utility. Our ranking is based on a counterfactual
score indicating which score students would have gotten if they had not belonged
to different type. In this sense, the ranking is drawn up on the basis of the effort
(aka, individual responsibility) that individuals have exerted to reach the initial
score. As a result, our ranking presents equal opportunities for each group of
individuals exhibiting the same circumstances (types) to achieve high ranking
positions (high relevance) and good exposure rates. Moreover, the paper provides
a set of new metrics to measure fairness in Fair-Distributive ranking. Finally,
we study the trade-off between the aggregated type exposure and the system’s
utility: our analyses show that the counterfactual score doesn’t affect significantly
the expected ranking utility and preserves level of exposure proportionally among
groups. The method presented has some limitations, including for example: the
need to have a dataset containing several demographic attributes, and the need
to have one or more target variables to calculate conditional inference trees
(alternatively, the method is subordinate to the construction of score indices).
As far as next steps are concerned, it is important to i)verify the robustness of
the model (internal validity) with larger datasets (also synthetic ones) and ii)
verify the external validity of the approach by applying the model on different
fields of application. In the long term, our intention is to implement a ranking
simulator that tests the results of different distributive justice theories.
Equality of Opportunity in Ranking: A Fair-Distributive Model 61

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Incentives for Item Duplication Under
Fair Ranking Policies

Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Alessandro Fabris(B) , Gianmaria Silvello,

and Gian Antonio Susto

University of Padua, Padua, Italy


Abstract. Ranking is a fundamental operation in information access

systems, to filter information and direct user attention towards items
deemed most relevant to them. Due to position bias, items of similar rel-
evance may receive significantly different exposure, raising fairness con-
cerns for item providers and motivating recent research into fair ranking.
While the area has progressed dramatically over recent years, no study to
date has investigated the potential problem posed by duplicated items.
Duplicates and near-duplicates are common in several domains, includ-
ing marketplaces and document collections available to search engines.
In this work, we study the behaviour of different fair ranking policies
in the presence of duplicates, quantifying the extra-exposure gained by
redundant items. We find that fairness-aware ranking policies may con-
flict with diversity, due to their potential to incentivize duplication more
than policies solely focused on relevance. This fact poses a problem for
system owners who, as a result of this incentive, may have to deal with
increased redundancy, which is at odds with user satisfaction. Finally,
we argue that this aspect represents a blind spot in the normative rea-
soning underlying common fair ranking metrics, as rewarding providers
who duplicate their items with increased exposure seems unfair for the
remaining providers.

Keywords: Algorithmic fairness · Duplicates · Fair ranking

1 Introduction

Ranking is a central component in search engines, two-sided markets, rec-

ommender and match-making systems. These platforms act as intermediaries
between providers and consumers of items of diverse nature, facilitating access to
information, entertainment, accommodation, products, services, jobs and work-
ers. The rank of an item in a result page is a strong predictor of the attention it
will receive, as users devote most of their attention to the top positions in a list,
and are less likely to view low-ranking items [15]. This position bias is at the root
of fairness concerns for providers of ranked items, as comparably relevant results
may receive remarkably different exposure. In the absence of countermeasures,
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
L. Boratto et al. (Eds.): BIAS 2021, CCIS 1418, pp. 64–77, 2021.
Incentives for Item Duplication Under Fair Ranking Policies 65

unfair exposure can affect item providers on e-commerce websites, job-search

platforms and commercial search engines, such as Amazon sellers, Airbnb hosts,
job candidates on LinkedIn and owners of contents ranked by Google [6,14].
Unfair exposure can compound and increase over time, as the same query,
issued multiple times to a system, is met with the same ranking. Each time the
query is processed by the system, items gain a fixed, potentially unfair, level
of exposure; this is a severe problem with static ranking policies, which map
relevance scores to rankings in a deterministic fashion. Non-static policies, on
the other hand, can respond to identical queries with different rankings, and they
are more suited to equitably distribute exposure among relevant items. In recent
years, fair ranking policies and measures have been proposed, which consider
repetitions of the same query and encourage rotation of relevant items in the
top-ranked positions [5,6,10,21,23].
While these measures and approaches are surely a sign of solid progress in
the area of fair ranking, in this paper we highlight a potential blind spot in their
normative reasoning: duplicates. Item duplicates and near-duplicates are not
uncommon in online domains such as e-commerce websites [2] and online doc-
ument collections [13]. Anecdotal evidence for this phenomenon can be found
in official forums for item providers of popular marketplaces1,2,3 and in Fig. 1.
Based on the reasoning brought forth in recent works, requiring equal expo-
sure for equally relevant items [6,10], two copies of the same item deserve more
exposure (in sum) than a single copy. On the contrary, in some situations it is
reasonable to postulate that multiple copies of an item deserve the same atten-
tion the item would be entitled to on its own, especially if the copies benefit the
same provider.
The key contribution of this work is to analyze the tension between fairness
and diversity when duplicates are not properly considered and factored into the
fair ranking objective. More in detail, we show that, under different settings,
common fair ranking policies reward duplicates more than static policies solely
focused on relevance. We argue that this phenomenon is unfair to the providers
of unique (non-duplicate) items and problematic for system owners and users
as it introduces an incentive for redundancy. The rest of this paper is organized
as follows. Section 2 introduces related work, covering fairness and diversity in
ranking. Section 3 is the core of our study, where we formalize the problem
and analyze the benefits obtained by providers through item duplication. We
quantify the extra-attention earnt by duplicated items in a controlled setting, as
we vary the relevance of the items available to a system, its ranking policy and
the cost of duplication. Section 4 contains closing remarks and outlines directions
for future work.

to-gain-more-exposure/td-p/850319, all links accessed on 02-03-21.
66 G. M. Di Nunzio et al.

Fig. 1. Amazon result page for query controller issued on February 19, 2021 by
a Boston-based unregistered user in incognito browser mode. Top 4 results comprise
near-duplicates in positions 1 and 3 (0-based indexing).

2 Related Work

2.1 Fairness in Ranking

Fairness in ranking requires that the items ranked by a system receive a suitable
share of exposure, so that the overall allocation of user attention is considered
fair according to a criterion of choice [6,21]. Fair ranking criteria depend on the
specific context and normative reasoning, often inheriting and adapting notions
from the machine learning fairness literature, such as independence and separa-
tion [3].
Position bias and task repetition are peculiar aspects of many fair ranking
problems. Position bias refers to the propensity of users of ranking systems to
concentrate on the first positions in a list of ranked items, while devoting less
attention to search results presented in lower positions [15]. Common measures
of accuracy in ranking, such as Expected Reciprocal Rank (ERR) [8], hinge on
this property: they reward rankings where items are presented in decreasing
order of relevance, so that the positions which attract most user attention are
occupied by the most relevant items. These are static ranking measures, which
summarize the performance of a system with respect to an information need by
modeling a single user-system interaction. However, users can issue the same
query multiple times, requiring a search engine to repeatedly attend to the same
Incentives for Item Duplication Under Fair Ranking Policies 67

task (task repetition). Repeated queries, stemming from the same information
need, are sometimes called query impressions.4
Recently, several measures of fairness in rankings have been proposed, which
take into account the peculiarities of ranking problems [6,10,21]. These mea-
sures incorporate position bias, by suitably modeling user browsing behaviour
when estimating item exposure, and consider task repetition by evaluating sys-
tems over multiple impressions of the same query, thus encouraging rotation of
relevant items in top ranks. For example, equity of amortized fairness [6] consid-
ers cumulative attention and relevance of items over multiple query repetitions,
and is defined as follows. “A sequence of rankings ρ1 , . . . , ρJ offers equity of
amortized attention if each subject receives cumulative attention proportional
to her cumulative relevance”, where the accumulation and amortization process
are intended over multiple queries and impressions.
Depending on its amortization policy, measures of fairness in rankings can
be (i) cross-query or (ii) within-query. (i) Cross-query measures are aimed at
matching cumulative attention and relevance across different information needs
[6]; this approach has the advantage of naturally weighing information needs
based on their frequency and to enforce fairness over a realistic query load. On
the downside, these fairness measures may end up rewarding systems that dis-
play irrelevant items in high-ranking positions. (ii) Within-query measures, on
the other hand, enforce fairness over impressions of the same query [10]; this
amortization policy results in one measurement for each information need and
does not run the risk of rewarding systems that compensate an item’s exposure
across different information needs, which may result in balancing false negatives
(missed exposure when relevant) with false positives (undue exposure when irrel-
Different approaches have been proposed to optimize ranking systems against
a given fairness measure. Most of them make use of the task repetition property
by employing stochastic ranking policies. These systems are non-deterministic
since, given a set of estimated relevance scores, the resulting rankings are not
necessarily fixed. A key advantage of stochastic ranking policies over determinis-
tic ones lies in the finer granularity with which they can distribute exposure over
multiple impressions of a query. Depending on whether they keep track of the
unfairness accumulated by items, policies can be stateless or stateful. Stateless
systems are based on drawing rankings from an ideal distribution independently
[10,21,22]. This family of approaches can yield high-variance exposure for items,
especially over few impressions, due to rankings being independent from one
another. Moreover, they are not suitable to target cross-query measures as they
would require estimating the future query load. Stateful solutions, on the other
hand, keep track of the unfairness accumulated by items [6,18,23], and exploit it
to build controllers or heuristics that can actively drive rankings toward solutions
that increase the average cumulative fairness.

68 G. M. Di Nunzio et al.

2.2 Diversity in Ranking

The diversity of items in search results is important for users of products and
services that feature a ranking component [7,9,11]. In the absence of ad-hoc
approaches measuring and favouring diversity, very similar items may be present
in a result page [7,19]. Duplicates and near-duplicates are the most severe exam-
ple of redundant results [4,9].
Redundant items are present in collections for web search [4], with repercus-
sions on search engines that need to handle duplicates at different stages of their
life cycle, including training, testing and deployment [7,12,13]. Moreover, dupli-
cate or near-duplicate listings of items can be present in online marketplaces,
such as Airbnb and Amazon [2]. Multiple listings for the same item can derive
from a legitimate need to highlight slightly different conditions under which a
product or service is provided, or from an adversarial attempt to increase visibil-
ity on the platform through redundancy. Especially in the latter case, duplicates
are viewed unfavourably by system owners for their negative impact on user
experience [1].

3 Duplicates and Fair Ranking

In this section, we illustrate the mechanism through which fairness in ranking
may reward duplicates by granting multiple copies of the same item more expo-
sure than it would obtain as a single item. Section 3.1 introduces the problem,
explains its root cause and presents a basic model of duplication and its cost.
Section 3.2 details the synthetic experimental setup, summarizing the key param-
eters of the problem and the values chosen for the present analysis. Results are
reported in Sect. 3.3. The relevant notation is summarized in Table 1.

3.1 Rewarding Duplicates

If a ranking approach is purely based on the relevance of single items and unaware
of their potential redundancy, two copies of the same item will receive more
attention than a single copy. For example, let us consider an item ui ranked in
position ρji = n, receiving in turn a share of user attention aji . If a copy uĩ is
created, in the absence of a ranking signal that rewards diversity, the item pair
will rank in positions ρji = n, ρjĩ = n + 1 (or viceversa). As a result, under a
non-singular attention model, the sum of attentions received by the item pair is
greater than the original aji .
The above consideration holds true regardless of notions of fairness in rank-
ings. However, in the presence of fairness constraints, there may be a further
advantage for duplicates. For example, under equity of amortized fairness [6],
which requires cumulative exposure of items proportional to their cumulative
relevance, two items of identical relevance deserve twice as much exposure as a
single item.
In reality, there are several factors that make duplication “expensive” in
terms of the features commonly exploited by systems for item retrieval and
Incentives for Item Duplication Under Fair Ranking Policies 69

Table 1. Notation employed in this work.

Symbol Meaning
ui items to be ranked by system, i ∈ {1, . . . , I}
uĩ duplicate of item ui
qj query impressions issued to system, j ∈ {1, . . . , J}
ρj ranking of items in response to query qj
ρji rank of item ui in ranking ρj
π a ranking policy
ρπ ρ , . . . , ρJ sequence of rankings obtained via policy π
u(ρπ ) utility function rewarding ranking sequence based on user satisfaction
aji attention received by item ui in ranking ρj
rij relevance of item ui for the information need expressed by qj
k cost of duplication, such that rĩj = krij , k ∈ (0, 1)
difference in relevance for adjecently ranked items (simplified to δ)
Ai aji , i.e. cumulative attention received by item ui
Ri j=1 ri , i.e. cumulative relevance of item ui over queries {q1 , . . . , qJ }
J j

f (A, R) fairness function, defining the ideal relationship between Ai and Ri

ranking. Firstly, some of these features, such as user ratings, stem from the
interaction of users with items; if an item is duplicated, its interactions with
users will be distributed across its copies, presumably reducing their relevance
score and lowering their rank in result pages. Moreover, a ranking system may
explicitly measure the diversity of retrieved items [9] and favour rankings with
low redundancy accordingly [19]. Finally, some platforms forbid duplication, in
the interest of user experience, and enforce this ban with algorithms for duplicate
detection and suppression procedures [1].
Therefore, we treat duplication as an expensive procedure, with a negative
impact on items’ relevance scores. We assume that the cost of duplicating an
item only affects the new copy, while leaving the relevance of the original copy
intact. We model duplication cost as a multiplicative factor k ∈ (0, 1), reducing
the relevance score of new copies of an item. In other words, if a copy uĩ of
item ui is created, then ri remains constant, while rĩ = kri . Richer models of
duplication cost are surely possible (e.g. also reducing the relevance ri of the
original copy), and should be specialized depending on the application at hand.

3.2 Experimental Setup

We cast fair ranking as an unconstrained optimization problem over a ranking

policy π, whose objective function is a linear combination of a utility measure
and a fairness measure.

Q(π) = λu(ρπ ) + (1 − λ)f (Ri , Ai (ρπ )), λ ∈ (0, 1) (1)

70 G. M. Di Nunzio et al.

Here u(·) is a function computing the utility of a sequence of rankings ρπ for item
consumers, produced by a policy π. For example, in an IR setting, u(·) is a proxy
for the information gained by users from ρπ . We measure the utility of a ranking
(for a single impression) via normalized ERR [8], where the normalization ensures
that a ranking where items are perfectly sorted by relevance has utility equal
to 1, regardless of the items available for ranking and their relevance. ERR is
based on a cascade browsing model, where users view search results from top to
bottom, with a probability of abandoning at each position which increases with
rank and relevance of examined items.5 The overall utility u(ρπ ) is computed as
the average utility over all impressions. More in general, utility can be broadly
characterized as user satisfaction, potentially including notions of diversity in
rankings [9].
The objective function Q also comprises a function f (·) which combines the
cumulative relevance Ri and exposure Ai of items to compute the fairness of
ranking policy π toward item providers. To this end, we follow [5] by requiring
that items receive a share of cumulative exposure that matches their share of
cumulative relevance. More precisely, let us define J the attention
Jand relevance
accumulated by item ui over J queries as Ai = j=1 aji , Ri = j=1 rij , and let
us denote as Āi and R̄i their normalized versions
Ai Ri
Āi = I ; R̄i = I . (2)
i=1 Ai i=1 Ri

Cumulative unfairness is then quantified by the 2 norm of vector

Ā − R̄ = Ā1 − R̄1 , . . . , ĀI − R̄I (3)

and fairness by its negation:

f (A, R) = −||Ā − R̄||2 . (4)

To quantify the attention aji received by an item ranked in position ρji we
use, again, the browsing model of ERR [8], so that the same user model underlies
the estimates of item exposure and user utility.
We adopt a within-query policy for fairness amortization and focus on a single
information need. Five items (u0 , u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 ) of relevance r = (r0 , r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 )
compete for attention in rankings over multiple impression of the same query.
While in practice systems are required to rank large sets of items, this reduced
cardinality allows us to enumerate all solutions and compute the perfect greedy
solution without resorting to approximations or heuristics. We consider three
relevance distributions, corresponding to different availability of relevant items
and, consequently, different targets of ideal exposure. Specifically, item relevance
decreases linearly from r0 = 1, for the most relevant item, to r4 = min(rij ) for
the least relevant one, so that r = (1, 1 − δ, 1 − 2δ, 1 − 3δ, 1 − 4δ). Three values are

Following [5], the probability of user stopping at  position p, after viewing items
{u1 , . . . , up } is set to P (stop|u1 , . . . , up ) = γ p−1 crp p−1
i=1 (1 − cri ), c = 0.7, γ = 0.5.
Incentives for Item Duplication Under Fair Ranking Policies 71

tested for parameter δ, namely δ = 0.25 (large relevance difference), δ = 0.125

(intermediate relevance difference) and δ = 0.05 (small relevance difference).
To solve the optimization problem, we test a stateful policy that explicitly
targets the objective function (Eq. 1) by keeping track of the relevance and expo-
sure accumulated by items up to some impression t. At step t + 1, we exploit this
information to compute the best greedy solution via enumeration. This ranking
policy is compared against a stateless approach that exploits Placket-Luce (PL)
sampling [17,20]. PL sampling is based on drawing the top-ranked item at ran-
dom from a categorical
I distribution where the probability of drawing item ui is
equal to rij / i=1 rij . The chosen item is then removed from the pool of can-
didate items, from which the second ranking item is drawn in the same way,
based on 1 -normalization of the relevance scores of remaining candidates. The
procedure is repeated until all items are drawn.
To evaluate the effects of item duplication in systems where copies incur
different relevance penalties, we let the cost of duplication take values k = 1 (free
copy) and k = 0.5 (relevance of duplicate item is halved). For each combination
of relevance distribution, summarized by parameter δ, and cost of duplication
k, we test each policy in six different settings. In each setting a different item
ui is duplicated, and an additional setting accounts for a scenario without any

3.3 Results
As a first step, we ensure that the stateful policy can effectively trade off rele-
vance and fairness in the basic setting where no duplicates are present. In Fig. 2,
we evaluate the impact of parameter λ on the utility and unfairness of rankings
produced by the stateful policy, where unfairness is defined as the negation of
function f (·) in Eq. 4. As a baseline, we test the PL-based policy πPL , reporting
median values for utility and unfairness over 1,000 repetitions, along with the
5th and 95th percentile. Each panel in Fig. 2 corresponds to a different combi-
nation of relevance difference, parametrized by δ, and number of impressions J.
The top row corresponds to a less frequent query (J = 20) and the bottom row
to a more frequent one (J = 100). Panels on the left depict results for a large
relevance difference (δ = 0.25), middle panels correspond to an intermediate
relevance difference (δ = 0.125) and left panels to a small one (δ = 0.05).
We find that, over large relevance differences (left panels), a value λ ≥ 0.3 is
required to approach zero unfairness, while, for small relevance differences (right
panels), λ = 0.1 is sufficient. This is expected: as relevance becomes uniform
across items, even a policy marginally focused on fairness (λ = 0.1) can bring
about major improvements in the distribution of attention. Moreover, for a small
relevance difference, the trade-off between fairness and utility is less severe, which
is also expected. When items have a similar relevance, a policy can more easily
grant them a share of exposure proportional to their share of relevance, while only
suffering a minor loss in terms of utility. Furthermore, the unfairness of exposure
brought about by a solution purely based on relevance (λ = 0) increases as the
difference in relevance for the available items become smaller. This is a desirable
72 G. M. Di Nunzio et al.

(a) J = 20 impressions (rare queries)

(b) J = 100 impressions (frequent queries)

Fig. 2. Unfairness (x axis) vs average utility (y axis) for stateful greedy solutions over
different values of λ (downsampled and color-coded in legend). In black, summary of
1,000 Plackett-Luce repetitions, reporting median, 5th and 95th percentile for utility
and unfairness. Each column corresponds to a different relevance profile for the avail-
able items, namely large relevance difference (left −δ = 0.25), intermediate difference
(middle −δ = 0.125) and small difference (right −δ = 0.05). Solutions with λ > 0.5 are
omitted for better color-coding as they are all in a close neighbourhood of λ = 0.5.

property of unfairness function u(·). Indeed, if a small difference in relevance

( rr04 = 1.25) corresponds to a large difference in attention ( A
A4 > 1, 000), then the

distribution of exposure stands out as particularly unfair for item u4 .

Although dominated by the stateful approach we just analyzed, the baseline
PL-based policy πPL consistently provides low-unfairness solutions. Unfairness is
especially low for frequent queries, while for a rare query PL sampling is less likely
to successfully distribute the cumulative exposure of items so that it matches
their cumulative relevance. For frequent queries, the intervals spanned by the
5th and 95th percentile are narrower, signalling lower variance. PL sampling has
been found to be a good baseline approach to obtain a fair policy from relevance
scores under top-heavy browsing models such as the one underlying ERR [10].
Overall, our experiment confirms this finding.
To study the interaction between item duplication and equity of ranking,
we firstly concentrate on a stateful greedy solution with λ = 0.5, representing a
policy strongly focused on fairness. In Fig. 3, solid lines represent the distribution
of cumulative attention Ai for each item ui under a fairness-aware policy (λ = 0.5
- blue) and a policy solely focused on utility (λ = 0 - red), in the absence of
Incentives for Item Duplication Under Fair Ranking Policies 73

Fig. 3. Solid lines represent the attention Ai accumulated by each item (y axis) under
a fairness-aware policy πλ=0.5 (blue) or a policy solely focused on (ERR-based) utility
πλ=0 (red) in the absence of duplicates, over J = 100 impressions of the same query.
Item indices i ∈ {0, . . . , 4} vary along the x axis. Round markers summarize the extra-
attention one item would obtain if duplicated. Each column corresponds to a different
relevance profile for the available items, namely large relevance difference (left −δ =
0.25), intermediate difference (middle −δ = 0.125) and small difference (right −δ =
0.05). Each row corresponds to a different relevance multiplier for duplicates, namely
k = 1 (top) and k = 0.5 (bottom). (Color figure Online)

duplicates. The query of interest is repeated for J = 100 impressions. Each

column corresponds to a different value of δ, which determines large difference
(left panels), intermediate difference (middle panels) and small difference (right
panels) in relevance for items ui . Interestingly, cumulative attention under policy
πλ=0.5 ends up resembling the distribution of relevance rij for items ui , i.e. a
linear distribution with variable steepness. Policy πλ=0 , on the other hand, is
not affected by the distribution of relevance.
Each round marker at position x = i represents the sum of the attentions
(Ai + Aĩ ) received by item ui and its copy uĩ , if said item was duplicated (while
remaining items are not). In other words, compared against solid lines of the same
color, round markers summarize the extra-attention one item would obtain if
duplicated. Different rows in Fig. 3 correspond to a different relevance multiplier
for duplicates, namely k = 1 (top) and k = 0.5 (bottom).
74 G. M. Di Nunzio et al.

(a) πλ=0.2 (b) πPL

Fig. 4. Same analysis as Fig. 3 with different ranking policies.

For every combination of parameters k and δ considered and for each item ui ,
duplicates are always rewarded more under a fairness-aware policy πλ=0.5 than
under a policy solely focused on relevance πλ=0 . This finding suggests that fair-
ness in rankings may be gamed by providers who duplicate their items. Moreover,
in the presence of duplicates or near-duplicates, fairness of rankings may be at
odds with diversity. Duplicated items, especially top-scoring ones, end up obtain-
ing a significant amount of extra-attention. In turn, this may incentivize item
providers to duplicate their listings. If redundancy in candidate items increases,
it becomes harder for a ranking system to achieve diverse rankings, with potential
repercussions on user satisfaction [11] and perception [16]. As expected, however,
the benefits of duplication become smaller as its cost increases (bottom panels).
Figure 4a summarizes the same analysis for λ = 0.2, which corresponds
to a more balanced ranking policy. In general, policy πλ=0.2 is more similar
to πλ=0 , i.e. it is more focused on relevance and rewards duplicates less than
πλ=0.5 . The most relevant items still obtain a sizeable benefit from duplication,
especially when the copying process does not affect item relevance (top panels).
Finally, we evaluate the extent to which a policy based on PL sampling rewards
duplicates. Figure 4b reports the extra-attention obtained by duplicated items
under πPL . These results are similar to those obtained under policy πλ=0.5 in
Fig. 3, showing that duplicates are likely to receive a sizeable extra-exposure also
under the stateless PL-based policy. This finding is not surprising given that, in
order for πλ=0.5 and πPL to achieve similarly low unfairness for frequent queries
(Fig. 2b), they must distribute item exposure in a similar fashion.
Incentives for Item Duplication Under Fair Ranking Policies 75

4 Conclusions
In this work we have shown that duplicates are a potential blind spot in the nor-
mative reasoning underlying common fair ranking criteria. On one hand, fairness-
aware ranking policies, both stateful and stateless, may be at odds with diversity
due to their potential to incentivize duplicates more than policies solely focused
on relevance. This can be an issue for system owners, as diversity of search
results is often associated with user satisfaction [11]. On the other hand, allow-
ing providers who duplicate their items to benefit from extra-exposure seems
unfair for the remaining providers. Finally, system users (item consumers) may
end up being exposed to redundant items in low-diversity search results; this
would be especially critical in situations where items convey opinion.
While technical solutions for near-duplicate detection and removal are cer-
tainly available [1,7], they may not always be viable, as nearly identical listings
can be posted in accordance with system regulation, e.g. to stress slight dif-
ferences in products. Control over near-duplicates is even weaker in web page
collections indexed by search engines. Therefore, it is important to consider the
entities and subjects who benefit from exposure of an item and factor them into
the normative reasoning underlying a fair ranking objective. While in market-
places beneficiaries of exposure are more easily identifiable, for document collec-
tions the situation is surely nuanced, including for instance the writer, publisher
and subject of a document.
Future work should comprise a more detailed study, including cross-query
measures, considering different user browsing models and richer models for dupli-
cation and its cost. Moreover, it will be interesting to systematically assess the
relationship between provider-side fairness and diversity of search results in the
presence of duplicates, and the extent to which these desirable objectives are in
conflict with one another.

Acknowledgements. We thank anonymous reviewers for their thoughtful and helpful


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Quantification of the Impact
of Popularity Bias in Multi-stakeholder
and Time-Aware Environments

Francisco Guı́ñez(B) , Javier Ruiz , and Marı́a Ignacia Sánchez

Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile


Abstract. Popularity bias is one of the main biases present in rec-

ommendation algorithms, which means most popular items are over-
recommended by the algorithms, while items with less interactions are
invisible. In this paper we analyze the impact of the popularity bias
over time for different stakeholders considering different recommendation
algorithms. The datasets used were Last.FM-1B and KASANDR, while
the algorithms compared were ALS and BPR, with Most Popular and
random recommendations used as a baseline. The main contribution of
this paper provides a new way of measuring popularity in a variable way
over time and analyzes which algorithms maintain a popularity bias over
time that negatively impacts stakeholders. The analysis of the unfairness
metrics shows that the popularity bias is not static over time and that
the ALS algorithm obtains more stable results with less unfairness than
BPR among different groups of stakeholders.

Keywords: Popularity bias · Popularity bias over time ·

Stakeholders · Multi-stakeholders · Time-aware

1 Introduction
Popularity bias is one of the main biases present in recommendation algorithms
[1]. This consists in the fact that the most popular items are over-recommended
by the algorithms, while items with less interactions are invisible [19]. This gen-
erates a rich-get-richer effect [24], in which recommendations increase the popu-
larity of already popular items and do not give the less popular ones a chance to
emerge. In general, efforts to decrease this bias have been placed on those who
consume these recommendations, i.e., the users. However, in platforms where
there are multiple stakeholder groups, it is important to consider what impact
each one has, otherwise some of these groups may have incentives to stop using
the platform. In order to make good and useful recommendations to users, it
is important that the recommender system takes into consideration the novelty
and diversity of these recommendations [13]. For example, if Netflix made only
popular recommendations due to the bias of its algorithm, only the directors of
the most popular movies would win. In turn, those who would be most interested
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
L. Boratto et al. (Eds.): BIAS 2021, CCIS 1418, pp. 78–91, 2021.
Quantification of the Impact of Popularity Bias in Multi-stakeholder 79

in the platform would be those users who have more popular tastes. This would
hurt those directors and users who create/consume less popular movies, which
would eventually give them incentives to leave the platform.
Within this context, it is also important to consider the time in which an
item is popular as a variable. That is, items that are popular today may not
be popular tomorrow. Thus, users who at one time had popular tastes may
eventually become users with less common tastes; and similarly, suppliers may go
from being unpopular to becoming popular. While metrics have been constructed
to measure the impact of popularity bias, they have not considered the time
dimension of interactions.
Thus, the main contributions of this paper are:

1. Propose a way to measure the popularity of the items but considering the
dynamics of time. This will also allow us to catalogue stakeholders in dynamic
groups of popularity over time.
2. Perform a popularity bias analysis over time, considering the state of the art
metrics on the subject, which measure the impact of the popularity bias on
users and providers.

2 Related Work

If we examine the related work, it is possible to identify three main areas of

research: Recommendations for multiple stakeholders, analysis of time-aware
recommendations, and the presence of bias and injustice in multiple contexts.

2.1 Multistakeholders

As described above, a stakeholder is defined as a person or group of people

interested in a business who are directly affected by the decisions made in it.
Thus, within the context of recommendation, considering multiple stakeholders
implies making recommendations taking into account the differentiated interests
between the different groups and considering the needs of each one [14]. The
research in this subject arises after the academy has historically focused on
the interests of the end user when proposing recommending models, but the
complexity of these made it necessary to recognize that they serve multiple
objectives [2,15], various models have been proposed in this direction in the last
decade [23,26,32,37].
Specifically, an interesting multiple approach is presented in [1], where, based
on a music dataset, the quality of recommendations for both end users and com-
posing artists are considered, in addition to subdividing these groups according
to their popularity in high, medium and low.
This field of research is related to the search for new and more diverse evalu-
ation metrics for recommending systems, because of the need to evaluate groups
as well as individuals [22].
80 F. Guı́ñez et al.

2.2 Time-Aware Recommendations

Over the years, this topic has been approached from two main perspectives,
which are independent and complementary [18]. On the one hand, we have the
notion that the popularity of an item may change over time, and occurs intrinsi-
cally in every context, but is also influenced by external events. Examples of this
perspective are the prediction of values on a timeline through before and after
interactions [36] and the incorporation of time-dependent weights that decrease
the importance of old items [6,17].
On the other hand, there is the temporal evolution of the users; the way they
interact with their environment is not constant and therefore their tastes or
opinions vary depending on the temporal context [12,33]. In particular, this has
motivated research for models with a time dimension. Among them, for example:
models aware of the day of the week [5], models aware of the time of the day
[35] and models where the importance of the interactions is penalized according
to how many newer interactions with the same item the user has [25].

2.3 Bias and Unfairness

Finally, it is important to mention that both the presence of multiple stake-

holders and the time dimension are sources of bias and injustice when making
recommendations [7].
When we recognize stakeholder groups differentiated by popularity, it is com-
mon to keep in mind a popularity bias that is unfair to groups describing unpop-
ular segments [4]. In addition, popularity bias has been shown to impact the
evaluation of recommender systems [8,21], being important to know the objec-
tive of the recommendation to measure the real impact. In [9] various algorithms
are compared in a context that needs to consider both precision and diversity of
the results, so algorithms that compensate for popularity bias perform well.
There have been efforts to measure this injustice by means of knowledge
graphs [16] and considering the efficiency of pareto [34], while other works have
analyzed the implications that unfair models have on people [3,20]. Also, [10]
proposes two ways of measuring bias, one aimed at giving equal exposure to all
items and the other aimed at giving exposure according to the actual popularity
of the item.
Likewise, not considering the notions of temporal evolution described in the
Sect. 2.2 almost always implies the presence of a time bias that is impossible
to measure [33]. Therefore, in the literature we see methods such as the one
proposed in [18] which counteracts this bias by means of penalizers proportional
to the measured bias, or [11] that uses variational autoencoders.

3 Datasets

In order to carry out the desired study, we used two datasets: ‘LFM-1B’ [28],
which has the reproductions made by users to different songs in Last.FM site, and
Quantification of the Impact of Popularity Bias in Multi-stakeholder 81

KASANDR-train de [30], which has records of e-commerce sales. Both datasets

were pre-processed in order to adapt the amount of information to the available
computing capacity. After the pre-processing, we obtained the Last.FM dataset
with 316,666 interactions between a user and a specific album. Meanwhile, for
KASANDR, we obtained a dataset with 520,196 interactions between a user and
a specific item.
The resulting dataset of was divided into 6 parts, each of which
had interactions up to a certain point in time. The first part had interactions
occurring until the end of the sixth month of 2011, the second until the end of
the seventh month of 2011, the third until the end of the eighth month of 2011,
and so on. Meanwhile for KASANDR, since this dataset only contains data for
14 days, the resulting dataset was divided into 6 parts, each of them separated by
two days starting from day 5. A summary of the matrix of interactions associated
with both datasets can be seen in the Table 1.
For simplicity, we will call the subdivision of these datasets “periods”. In the
case of each period will be monthly, while in KASANDR each period
will be once every two days. For each periodic dataset, a division of 80% was
made for training and 20% for testing.

Table 1. Summary of interaction matrices

Last.FM dataset
Month 7 8 9 10 11 12
# of interactions 124,869 151,657 179,953 209,423 242,800 316,666
# of users 9,573 11,101 12,631 14,093 15,716 19,129
# of suppliers (artists) 18,202 20,799 23,360 25,752 28,355 33,638
# of items (albums) 26,583 31,003 35,385 39,551 44,050 53,636
KASANDR dataset
Day 5 7 9 11 13 15
# of interactions 184,620 251,395 326,053 390,456 462,196 522,196
# of users 9,526 12,371 15,092 17,345 19,806 24,936
# of suppliers (sellers) 620 634 643 651 659 665
# of items (products) 103,832 132,540 162,656 186,415 213,906 228,537

4 Proposed Method
Intuitively, when we talk about the popularity of a song for example, we consider
that it becomes popular when many users start listening to it. Thus, most works
in the area consider the number of interactions of an item as a key factor to
define its popularity.
On the other hand, from a mathematical perspective, when we are facing a
continuous change in time, it is natural to model the problem as a derivative,
82 F. Guı́ñez et al.

understood as the ratio of instantaneous change of a variable [31]. Common

examples of the application of the derivative concept are the change of motion
in time, which translates into speed, and the change of speed in time, which
translates into acceleration.
Having said this and considering the state of the art, given that the objective
of this work is to measure the popularity bias considering the existence of a time
variable, we propose a new way of measuring the popularity of an item, which
interprets popularity as the ratio of instantaneous change related to the number
of interactions that an item achieves in time. Having this popularity value for
each item, we will proceed to classify the set of items into three subgroups of
items: populars (Ht ), moderately popular (Mt ) and of low popularity (T t ).
A similar procedure will also be carried out to group users and suppliers as

4.1 Time Popularity Metrics

We will define Nit as the number of interactions achieved by the item i until
a period of time t. For example, for an item i, Ni2018 = 1000 will imply that
until 2018 the item has achieved a number of 1000 interactions. This variable is
discrete, and easily obtainable through the datasets. In our case (and as described
in Sect. 3) for Last.FM dataset t ∈ {7, . . . , 12} are monthly periods from July
to December in 2011. For KASANDR dataset t ∈ {5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15} are daily
periods from June 2016.
Our interest will be in approximating Nit with a soft function Ni (t) such
that Ni (t) = Nit for all period t. There are many methods of approximation of
functions with different degrees of accuracy, however, since the main focus of
this project is an analysis at the bias level, a polynomial adjustment was chosen,
which proves to be effective and fast without sacrificing too much accuracy. We
emphasize the importance of maintaining a low computational cost in this work,
since in certain cases it is necessary to adjust large amounts of data. For this
purpose, the library statsmodels was used [29], which contains what is needed
to create a non-linear model based on dataframes in a simple way, and allows
for performing a polynomial regression using least squares. Another benefit of
this library is that it allows for adjusting the degree d of the polynomial with
which the regression is sought, which will allow to obtain coefficients to model
different variants of the function when required. In this case, it was considered
that d = 3 gave an error small enough for this context.
Once the coefficients of this regression are obtained, the function Ni (t)
adjusts to the variable Nit with an error of εi , which will be used to build the
item popularity function:

Popi (t) = Ni (t) (1)
This popularity function will allow to calculate the popularity of an item at
any instant of time, since the popularity is represented as the ratio of instanta-
neous change related to the number of interactions that an item achieves in time.
Quantification of the Impact of Popularity Bias in Multi-stakeholder 83

To illustrate this, we will take as example the album 21 from Adele, which was
released on January 24, 2011. Figure 1a shows the discrete acumulated inter-
actions Nit and its aproximation Ni (t) using d = 5 to illustrate. On the other
side, Fig. 1b shows the popularity of this item in time. Altough the number of
interactions increase monotonely in time (Fig. 1a) from which we could say that
the popularity of this item is constant, Fig. 1b shows that this is not necessarily
true since the popularity changes over time. Every album has variations in the
speed of growth of its interactions, no matter how small they are. Our popularity
function detects these variations, which can be seen in Fig. 1b with a zoomed
Y axis. The better the adjustment of Ni (t), the better modeled the popularity
function will be.

Fig. 1. Nit , Ni (t) and Popi (t) illustration for the album item 21 from Adele.

It should be noted that, depending on the dataset, other measures of pop-

ularity could be proposed. For example, instead of considering the number of
interactions accumulated by an item Nit , you could consider the number of user
interactions achieved by this item Bit . That is, for each user, a 1 is added to the
variable Bit if an interaction was made with the item i until the period t. Other
approaches could be to divide these variables by the number of total users, so
as to capture the growth of the item within a specific context. All these variants
were implemented and tested, but their results were similar to (1), so the latter
was finally chosen given its low computational time compared to the others.
84 F. Guı́ñez et al.

Sequential recommendations will be made. In particular, recommendations

will be generated in each period using as periods those defined in Sect. 3.

4.2 Dynamic Grouping of Items and Stakeholders

Once these popularity functions Popi (t) for all i items have been obtained, the
dynamic grouping of items and stakeholders (users and suppliers) is carried out.
To make this grouping in the items, as in [1], we used the Pareto Principle
[27]. Given a period of time t, the items are ordered from most to least popular
according to Popi (t). The first 20% of these items will represent group Ht . The
last 20% of the items will belong to the T t group. The remaining items will
belong to Mt .
With regard to the grouping of users and suppliers, we will proceed to cal-
culate the simple average of popularity of the items that have been listened to
or created, respectively. A similar procedure will then be carried out for group-
ing, using the same percentages of cuts as for item grouping. Let Wu (t) be the
average level of popularity interactions by the user u over time t, and Pa (t) be
the popularity of the supplier a over time t, then:

 Popi (t)
Popi (t) i∈Cat
Pa (t) = (3)
Wu (t) =
(2) |Cat |
|Eu |

Where Eut are the items that the user u interacted with until time t, and
Cat are the items offered by the supplier a until time t. We will call the groups
derived from this procedure as U1t , U2t , U3t for the users and At1 , At2 , At3 for the
suppliers, where the larger the number, the more popular the group.

4.3 Measuring the Unfairness of Stakeholder Recommendations

In order to measure the impact of the recommendations on the different stake-

holders, the Item Popularity Deviation (IPD), Supplier Popularity Deviation
(SPD) and User Popularity Deviation (UPD) measures will be taken, as pro-
posed by [1]1 , but adapted to a version that considers temporality. On the other
hand, to measure the coverage of items that do not belong to the popular group,
the well-known metrics of Aggregate Diversity (Agg-Div) and Long Tail Cover-
age (LC) will be used, in addition to the metric Average Percentage of Long-tail
Items (APL) proposed by [1]. That being said, the following variables are defined:

– tu : List of item recommendations delivered by an algorithm to a user u in

time t.
– Lt : Set of recommended items in the time period t.

With respect to UPD, a small modification in the way it is calculated will be con-
sidered, but it follows the same idea proposed by [1].
Quantification of the Impact of Popularity Bias in Multi-stakeholder 85

– V (i): Function that returns the supplier of the item i

– U t = {U1t , U2t , U3t }: Set with the popularity groups of users for a time t.
– U t : Group of all users on the platform, up to the time t.
– At = {At1 , At2 , At3 }: Sets with the popularity groups of suppliers for a time t.
– I t = {Ht , Mt , T t }: Set with the popularity groups of the items for a time t.
– Eut : List of items that user u interacted with before time t.
– n: Number of recommendations.

1  |{i, i ∈ (tu ∩ (Mt ∪ T t ))}| 

AP L = g∈U t |U P D(g)|
|U t | |tu | UPD = (6)
u∈U |U t |
s∈At |SP D(s)| c∈I t|IP D(c)|
SP D = (5) IP D = (7)
|At | |I t |

Here, we calculate SP D(s) and IP D(c) as proposed in [1], with the differ-
ence that the popularity groups, instead of being defined statically by the number
of interactions, were defined according to the proposed new popularity metric,
which considers a time-varying subdivision. In addition, we also considered the
variables associated with the recommendations given to a user and the interac-
tions of a user in a variable way in time. On the other hand, we considered a
slight variation of the formula for U P D(g) with respect to what was proposed by
[1], but it was decided to maintain the same idea proposed to calculate SP D and
IP D and to average over the user popularity groups the subtraction between
the proportion of recommendations achieved by a group and the proportion of
interactions achieved by that same group, that is:

U P D(g) = qu(g) − pu(g) (8)

u∈U t j∈tu 1(V (j)∈s) u∈U t j∈Eut 1(V (j)∈s)
qu(g) = (9) pu(g) = (10)
n × |U t | t
|Eu |

For these last three metrics, lower values mean that there is a smaller average
difference between the proportion of the recommended and the proportion of the
actual interactions achieved per popularity group, so the algorithm would be fair
to the different popularity groups.

5 Experimented Recommender Systems

In order to find an ideal configuration for the recommendation algorithms and
to enable them to do their job better, different combinations of values for their
hyperparameters were tested on a cross validation of four folds.
86 F. Guı́ñez et al.

The hyperparameters studied, both for ALS and BPR, were the number of
latent factors (50, 100 and 200) and the regularization parameter (0.01 and 0.1).
In addition, the learning rate was varied for BPR (0.001, 0.01 and 0.1).
First, for Last.FM dataset, the decision was made to make 5 recommenda-
tions per user, since a smaller number does not allow us to adequately analyze
the capacity of the algorithms to recommend less popular items due to most pop-
ular options monopolize all the recommendations. On the other hand, a higher
number of recommendations would not be representative of the context to be
studied, since very few users have interacted with more than 5 different items,
adding noise to the metrics.
Second, in the case of KASANDR dataset, we decided to make 5 recommen-
dations also based on what was said in [30].
Then, for each specific hyperparameter configuration, MAP@5 and nDCG@5
were calculated for each period. Finally, the average of the metrics for each set of
parameters was obtained in order to select the one that delivers a higher value.
For Last.FM dataset, the chosen parameters for ALS were 50 latent factors
and 0.1 as a regularization parameter. With this configuration higher values
were obtained in both MAP@5 and nDCG@5. Meanwhile for BPR, the chosen
parameters were 100 latent factors, 0.01 as a regularization parameter and 0.01
as a learning rate parameter.
For KASANDR dataset, the chosen parameters for ALS were 200 latent
factors and 0.1 as a regularization parameter, with higher values obtained in
MAP@5 and nDCG@5. Meanwhile for BPR, the chosen parameters were 200
latent factors, 0.01 as a regularization parameter and 0.001 as a learning rate

6 Results

Once the best hyperparameter configurations were defined, recommendations

were made for each user in each monthly (Last.FM) and daily (KASANDR)
dataset, resulting in six groups of recommendations for each one. Then, for
these recommendations the unfairness was measured using the metrics described
in Sect. 4.3. In addition, recommendations were made with the Most Popular
and Random algorithms to have a baseline of values for the studied metrics,
since the first algorithm should deliver the highest values of popularity bias,
while the second should illustrate a moderate unfairness. It is important to note
that Random should not have completely fair values, since it negatively affects
the recommendations of the most popular items. The results obtained can be
reviewed in Fig. 2 and 3.
As displayed in both Figures, except for Agg-div and LC, which tend to be
more linear, all the metrics have uneven variations as they move forward in time,
showing that the bias is not static, that is, it can both increase and decrease
over time.
In addition, the ALS recommendation algorithm manages to overcome BPR
in Agg-div, LC, IPD, SPD and UPD metrics in most of the epochs for both
Quantification of the Impact of Popularity Bias in Multi-stakeholder 87

Agg-div values per month APL values per month LC values per month

1.0 0.05 0.04 Algorithm

0.8 0.04 BPR
Most popular


0.6 0.03

0.4 0.02
0.2 0.01

0.0 0.00 0.00

7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12
Month Month Month

IPD values per month SPD values per month UPD values per month
0.25 0.5
0.20 0.4


0.15 0.3

0.10 0.10 0.2

0.05 0.05 0.1

0.00 0.00 0.0

7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12
Month Month Month

Fig. 2. Unfairness metric results for Last.FM dataset

Agg-div values per day APL values per day LC values per day
0.4 Algorithm
0.4 BPR
Most popular

0.3 0.3
0.3 Random


0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0 0.0

6 8 10 12 14 6 8 10 12 14 6 8 10 12 14
Day Day Day

IPD values per day SPD values per day UPD values per day
0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3 0.4


0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0 0.0

6 8 10 12 14 6 8 10 12 14 6 8 10 12 14
Day Day Day

Fig. 3. Unfairness metric results for KASANDR dataset

88 F. Guı́ñez et al.

dataset. Moreover, for APL metric, the best algorithm depends on the epoch
and the dataset. This performance of ALS means that it is less unfair than BPR
when recommending unpopular items.
Another aspect worth noting is that, when it comes to IPD, SPD and UPD,
which are metrics that measure unfairness, both algorithms perform much better
than the Most Popular algorithm, which naturally turns out to be very unfair
in prioritizing popular items.
It is interesting to note that ALS is the algorithm that manages to maintain
better metrics over time with respect to Agg-Div, LC, IPD, APL and SPD. This
means that, in general, ALS manages to give higher priority in recommendations
to less popular items compared to BPR from a time-aware perspective.
With respect to the unfairness of recommendations among popularity groups,
the UPD, SPD and IPD metrics show fairly constant values over time in the case
of ALS, which means that unfairness is maintained constantly. On the other
hand, these metrics have non-linear variations from one month to another for
BPR, which shows that the injustice of this algorithm may vary over time.

7 Conclusions and Future Work

As the objective of this work was to explore and make a first approach to the
analysis of popularity bias in algorithms considering a temporal dimension, it
would be interesting to address the following tasks in the future:
– Due to the computational demands of the number of items, we decided to
abstract the problem to monthly and daily time points, which translates
into an adjustment error that could be important. Thus, in the future the
adjustment of each function Ni (t) could be better and more accurate. For
example, a greater number of points could be considered to obtain a better
adjustment, or an adjustment error of εi = ε ∀i could be set and the number
of degrees of the polynomial di could be increased until achieving a value less
than or equal to this error.
– Given that the focus was on temporal analysis of popularity bias, temporary
recommendations were made using a basic algorithm. In the future, more
sophisticated and less costly methods could be used in making them. Fur-
thermore, it would be interesting to analyze how other algorithms besides
ALS and BPR behave with respect to their temporal popularity bias.
– On the other hand, it would be interesting to analyze in detail the possi-
bilities provided by the item popularity metric based on the derivative. By
pre-computing the popularity of the items over time, it is possible to know
at any time which items belong to the groups Ht , Mt and T t . With this it is
possible to build an algorithm that allows rewarding recommendations from
less popular groups. Naturally, in order to control this benefit, an adjustment
parameter α would be required, which would allow weighting the importance
given to this aspect. It would be interesting to analyze how such a metric
behaves in contrast to conventional metrics to measure coverage and variabil-
ity of recommendations.
Quantification of the Impact of Popularity Bias in Multi-stakeholder 89

The results presented in Sect. 6 demonstrated that the popularity bias is not
static in time. This highlights the need to build time-conscious recommendations,
since timeless analyses do not give a complete picture of the problem to be
A dataset of musical interactions and e-commerce interactions were used as
object of study, with which recommendations were made considering a sequence
of instants in time. With the results obtained, we concluded that ALS is less
unfair than BPR when recommending unpopular items, since ALS is able to
maintain lower and more consistent metrics of injustice over time.
The main difficulties arose from the high computational cost of estimating
the popularity functions for each item, which was overcome by subsampling the
information. This decision did not greatly affect the results of this research and
a similar analysis can be carried out in the future with better hardware.

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When Is a Recommendation Model
Wrong? A Model-Agnostic Tree-Based
Approach to Detecting Biases
in Recommendations

Joanna Misztal-Radecka1,2(B) and Bipin Indurkhya3

AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
[email protected]
Ringier Axel Springer Polska, Warsaw, Poland
Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
[email protected]

Abstract. Most of the recommendation algorithms are tuned to opti-

mize the global objective function. However, the distribution of error may
differ dramatically among different combinations of attributes, and such
design of algorithms may lead to propagating the hidden data biases. In
this work, we propose a model-agnostic technique to detect the combi-
nations of user and item attributes correlated with unequal treatment
by the recommender. Our results on a popular movie dataset show that
the proposed technique can detect hidden biases for different popular
recommendation algorithms. The debiasing techniques may be applied
for improving the performance of the discriminated cases.

Keywords: Recommender systems · System fairness · Bias detection

1 Introduction
Recommendation systems are typically optimized to improve a global objective
function, such as the error between the real and predicted user action. How-
ever, these approaches result in optimization for the mainstream trends while
minority preference groups, as well as those interested in niche products, are not
represented well. Given a lack of understanding of the dataset characteristics
and insufficient diversity of represented individuals, such approaches inevitably
lead to amplifying hidden data biases and existing disparities. While the prob-
lem of system fairness has recently attracted much research interest, most of
the works are based on analyzing a single dimension selected a-priori, such as a
sensitive user attribute or a protected category of products. However, it is not
clear how to identify which groups should be protected, and different types of
recommendation algorithms are prone to different vulnerabilities.
Moreover, bias is often caused by certain combinations of circumstances
rather than a single feature. For instance, a recommender may propagate a gen-
der bias from the training data by under-estimating the preferences of female
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
L. Boratto et al. (Eds.): BIAS 2021, CCIS 1418, pp. 92–105, 2021.
When Is a Recommendation Model Wrong? 93

students for technical courses [30]. Another challenge for recommendation sys-
tems is to consider temporal shifts of interests, which may be due to season-
ality. For example, a news recommendation system may consider that certain
football-related articles were popular last week, and may assign similar articles
appearing this week high probability scores. However, the popularity could be
due to a match that was taking place, and so the probabilities for this week will
be overestimated. There are several other situations when the suggested recom-
mendations do not work out well, for example when some people have unusual
tastes or there is a scarcity of feedback [1,8]. In all such situations, it may be
difficult to identify the protected attributes a-priori. We address this problem in
our research by identifying the particular circumstances when a recommender
system’s predictions are wrong. More precisely, this paper makes the following

1. A model-agnostic approach is proposed to detect any systematic recommen-

dation bias. Our method is based on a post-hoc tree-based model, and, in
contrast to other existing works on recommendation fairness, it identifies
combinations of attributes for which the recommendations are significantly
worse than in other cases.
2. We show that our proposed method can detect different types of biases by
analyzing the detected systematic errors of collaborative filtering algorithms
for a public dataset of movie recommendations. Moreover, we demonstrate
that the biases detected for the feature combinations are more severe than
for single attributes.

Our approach is based on a well-established tree-based technique, while its nov-

elty lies in applying this method to detect the algorithmic bias in the predictions
of a recommendation model.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 summarizes the cur-
rent challenges of recommendation systems and the state of the art in the field
of algorithmic fairness and explainability. The research problem is articulated
in Sect. 3 and the proposed approach is described in Sect. 4. The experimental
evaluation is presented in Sect. 5. Finally, we summarize the conclusions and
future work directions in Sect. 6.

2 Background and Related Work

In this section, the main challenges of the current recommendation systems are
discussed, and an overview of the related work concerning recommendation fair-
ness and generating explanations for recommendation algorithms is presented.

Current Challenges of Recommendation Systems

Current recommendation systems face many tough problems when dealing with
real-world data, thereby degrading their performance in various situations. For
94 J. Misztal-Radecka and B. Indurkhya

instance, data sparsity is a critical problem for many online recommender sys-
tems, as often there is not enough information to make predictions for a given
user or a new item. The cold-start problem is especially troublesome for collab-
orative filtering (CF) approaches, which recommend items to a user based on
the ratings of other users who have similar tastes.
Moreover, data collected from the web is prone to different types of biases
related to user demography, nationality, and language [3,6,15,19,29]. More gen-
erally, a small number of influential users may end up having a massive impact
on the recommendations of other users [12]. Moreover, the grey and black sheep
users have unusual tastes and so have no or few similar users have, therefore the
CF methods fail to find adequate recommendations for them [23,27]. Two other
types of biases [3] are the presentation and the position biases, which are related
to how particular items are displayed to a user on a website: better-positioned
products have a higher probability of being selected than those that are not so
prominently visible. Moreover, as noticed by [22], offline recommender systems
face many challenges in dynamic domains such as online services due to user
interest shift and dynamic popularity trends [2,7]. It has been found that user
preferences are not constant but are influenced by temporal factors such as the
time of the day, the day of the week, or the season.
All these situations can lead to generating irrelevant recommendations due
to systematic biases and disparities. In our research, we aim to automatically
detect such disparities to enable taking corrective actions.

Recommendation Fairness and Explainability

The problem of algorithmic fairness has recently attracted much research interest
and researchers have distinguished its different aspects [4,10,11,13,30]. In [25],
the evaluation metric for recommendations is aggregated according to the groups
defined by the user attributes to detect if an algorithm makes more relevant
recommendations for users belonging to some specific groups. The discrimination
with respect to sensitive attributes and social bias has also been studied in [30]
and the authors proposed a modification of the learning objective by adding a
fairness term. In [5], the authors show that a recommender tuned to improve a
global prediction objective leaves many items badly modeled and thus under-
served. They propose a focused learning approach to learn additional models to
improve the recommendation quality for a specified subset of items.
However, in most of these approaches, fairness evaluation is limited to a single
pre-defined attribute (such as a demography feature or an item category). In our
work, we consider disparity related to a combination of factors, and aim at gener-
ating these combinations automatically. We use a tree-based model for explaining
the model errors; thus, our approach may be formally characterized as an Expla-
nation Through Interpretable Model [16]. Similar approaches were previously
applied for building explainable recommenders [26,28,31]; however, we apply
a post-hoc model for explaining the bias of any recommendation model rather
than its output. In [26], a tree-based model is trained on a set of interpretable
labels to provide explanations for a black-box learning-to-rank algorithm on web
When Is a Recommendation Model Wrong? 95

search. Though our works also applies a tree-based post-hoc model, we aim at
approximating the model errors, whereas [26] focuses on evaluating how well
the post-hoc model approximates the original ranking. Thus, we use a similar
model to solve a different type problem, and therefore these approaches are not

3 Problem Definition
The recommendation algorithms are usually trained to predict the score for a
user-item pair, where the target may be given explicitly (user-item rating val-
ues, for example) or specified implicitly (a purchase or a click, for example). As
pointed out in the previous section, these predictions may be inaccurate for vari-
ous reasons, depending on the domain, the data characteristics and the algorithm
at hand. Moreover, the disparities may be caused by a complex combinations
of factors rather than a single dimension. Hence, our goal in this research is to
identify those situations where many systematic recommendation errors occur
In most standard recommendation algorithms, the model parameters are
adjusted based on a global optimization function. For instance, for the popular
model-based matrix factorization (MF) collaborative filtering algorithms, learn-
ing is performed by minimizing a global objective function, which is defined as
the sum of the differences between the real r and the predicted r̂ ratings in
the training set for all the data samples. Hence, the model weights are adjusted
to optimize the predictions for the majority of the cases or the most impactful
instances. As shown by [5], this leads to underfitting for some unusual situations
such as specific interest groups and niche products, and results in a long-tailed
distribution of the prediction errors.
Another example of unequal error distribution is the standard k-Nearest
Neighbors (KNN) collaborative filtering algorithm. In this case, the predicted
rating is estimated based on the similarity between the user or the item vectors.
Hence these predictions may be inaccurate for users who have a low similarity
to others (grey sheep), or those with very few ratings (the cold-start problem).
Moreover, when tuning the model hyper-parameters (such as the number of
neighbors for KNN or the vector size for MF), the performance of the model on
the validation set is estimated with an average error measure, such as absolute or
squared error of all the examples. Though the optimization is performed globally,
the model may underperform in certain situations, such as for particular types
of users or items. As the average error does not carry any information about the
metric’s distribution, these hidden biases may remain unnoticed.
In this research, our goal is to detect those situations where the recom-
mender introduces such systematic biases: that is, when the average error for
some combinations of metadata is significantly higher than for the other cases.
To define this problem more formally, let ru,i ∈ R be a rating of a user u
for an item i, xui = xui ui
1 , . . . , xK , x
∈ X are the attributes associated with
this rating (a vector of user and item features) and r̂u,i is the model’s pre-
diction for this rating. Then, Tk = {k1 , . . . kN } is a set of possible values
96 J. Misztal-Radecka and B. Indurkhya

for an attribute xk (for instance, for feature genre the possible values are
Tgenre = {crime, comedy, thriller}, and so on). Next, we define the subset of

Xkn ,lm ,... = Xkn ∩ Xlm ∩ . . . = {xui : xui ui

k = kn ∧ xl = lm ∧ . . .}, Xkn ,lm ,... ⊂ X

X∼kn ,lm ,... = X \ Xkn ,lm ,...

ˆ ) ≥ 0 is the error between the real and predicted ratings
Then, e(ru,i , ru,i
for user u and item i. We consider an error function which has non-negative
values and does not necessarily have a normal distribution. The average error
for ratings with attributes from Xkn ,lm ,... is denoted by:

e(ru,i , r̂u,i ) ui
eXkn ,lm ,... = , x ∈ Xkn ,lm ,...

We want to detect the combinations of user and item attributes such that
the average error for each of these combinations is significantly higher than for
the other cases:

{(kn , lm , . . .) : eXkn ,lm ,... > eX∼kn ,lm ,... }

For instance, if the prediction error is higher for female users and thriller movies,
this set may contain a combination (genderf emale , genrethriller ). We are inter-
ested in detecting such situations for both the training error (when the model
underfits for some combinations of features such as the cold start problem or
the grey sheep) and the test set (if the model was fitted on the train set and the
characteristics of the new data differ from the training set, for instance, due to
the interest shift or seasonality).

4 Proposed Approach
To identify those situations where the recommender results are systematically
biased, we split the instances for which the error is significantly higher than
for the remaining group. We fit a Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detection
(CHAID) tree for regression, which is a well-established statistical method pro-
posed by Gordon V. Kass in 1980. We fit the tree model with the inputs of xui
as independent variables and the target e(ru,i , r̂u,i ) as the predicted dependent
variable. In each iteration, the CHAID algorithm cycles through all attributes
k, and the pairs of values kj , kl ∈ Tk with no significant difference (p > αmerge )
in error distribution are merged into one category kj,l . Then, the next tree split
is performed on the attribute k with the most significant difference (the small-
est adjusted p-value), concerning the predicted error value. This procedure is
repeated recursively until no further splits can be made (p > αsplit for all nodes
or the max tree depth was achieved).
Since errors are continuous values that do not have a normal distribution,
the median Levene’s test [9] is used for assigning the statistical significance of
When Is a Recommendation Model Wrong? 97

particular splits by evaluating the homogeneity of their variances. It tests the

null hypothesis that the population variances are equal. If the resulting p-value is
less than the significance level α, the obtained variance differences are unlikely to
have occurred in random samples taken from a population with equal variances,
and the null hypothesis is rejected. We note that other statistical tests would
have been possible if more assumptions about the error distribution could be
made. For example, F-test could be applied for normally distributed metrics, or
chi-square test could be applied for categorical outputs.

5 Experimental Validation

The goal of the experiments is to validate if the proposed method is capable of

detecting more severe disparities than those detected for the single attributes
that are usually used for the recommendations fairness evaluation. To this end,
we conducted experiments on the popular MovieLens 100K recommendation
dataset consisting of ratings from 943 users for 1682 items along with their
metadata attributes. The dataset contains users who rated at least 20 movies
and for whom there is complete demographic information. Each movie can be
assigned to multiple genres (from 19 categories) and its production year is pro-
vided. For a detailed statistics of the dataset, we refer to [17]. First, synthetic
recommendation predictions with a set of pre-defined biases were generated, and
then the results were analyzed for standard collaborative filtering algorithms. In
both the cases, mean absolute error (MAE) of the predicted ratings was used.

5.1 Simulating Biased Recommendations

First, to generate an illustrative example of the bias detection process, we simu-

lated predictions from a biased recommender, and analyzed the detected dispar-
ities. The synthetic outputs were generated by adding random Gaussian noise
to the real target values from the test set: r̂u,i = ru,i + ,  ∼ N (μ, σ), where
the distribution parameters of this noise determine the error characteristics. A
perfect theoretical predictor has μ = 0, σ = 0 (outputs the real ratings in all
cases). The value of μ defines how much the predicted ratings are different from
the true value, while σ determines how the results vary among the samples set. If
μ and σ are equal for all subsets of samples, the recommender is considered fair.
We consider here the following simulated cases with different types of systematic
biases that correspond to the fairness objectives defined by [30]:

1. Value unfairness (Fig. 1A)—the predictions for certain situations are system-
atically underestimated: μb < 0. In this example, the predictions for female
users and thriller movies are systematically lower than the real ratings, which
leads to a higher error on the test set (σ = 0.1 for all cases).

−0.5 if gender = F and genre = thriller
0 otherwise
98 J. Misztal-Radecka and B. Indurkhya

2. Absolute unfairness (Fig. 1B)—the prediction accuracy is lower for certain

combination of attributes (the model underfits for some situations): σb > σ.
In this example, the estimations for a category of old crime movies are less
accurate and μ = 0 for all cases.

1.5 if genre = crime and year = old
0.8 otherwise
In both these cases, the mean absolute error of the samples from the biased
groups is higher than for the remaining instances. We use Kernel Density Esti-
mate (KDE) to visualize the distribution of the error metric for the detected
tree nodes as a continuous probability density curve. The distribution for each
node is normalized separately such that the area under each of the density curves
sums to 1.
Figure 1 shows the detected bias trees for both the above cases and cor-
responding error distributions for each of the branches. In the first example
(Fig. 1A), the average error on the whole dataset is 0.192 (value in the tree
root). The first split is performed based on the thriller genre (error 0.307 for
thrillers and 0.159 for others), and the second split is based on the user’s gender
(0.801 for female and 0.159 for male users). The average values and distribu-
tions of errors for non-thrillers and thrillers for male users are equal, and the
attributes corresponding to the significant biases were correctly identified. Sim-
ilarly, in the second example (Fig. 1B), the split is first performed for the crime
movies (MAE 0.76 vs. 0.638), and then the ratings are divided depending on
the movie production year, with the highest error detected for the oldest movies
(1.157). In both these examples, the average error of the whole sample clearly
does not reflect these differences.

5.2 Detecting Biases for Collaborative Filtering Algorithms

Next, to evaluate practical applications of our proposed method, we applied
it for detecting biases for five different collaborative filtering recommendation
algorithms: Slope One [21], k-nearest neighbors (KNN), Co-Clustering [14], Non-
Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) [20] and Singular Value Decomposition
(SVD) [24]. To ensure that our results can be reproduced, we used publicly
available open-source implementation of the CF algorithms [18].
Each of the selected recommendation algorithms was trained to predict rat-
ings from the training set. We used a 5-fold cross-validation procedure for select-
ing the hyper-parameters of each recommendation model with the parameter grid
defined in Table 1, and a 20% hold-out test set. First, the hyper-parameters are
selected on the cross-validated training set, and then the model is re-trained on
the whole training set. We report the recommender results for the training and
the test sets with respect to global MAE, and then we compare the results for
the detected tree leaves representing the combinations of user-item attributes
as well as the activity features. Finally, the distribution of error for each of the
detected subsets and the most extreme leaf values (maximum and minimum
average errors) are analyzed.
When Is a Recommendation Model Wrong? 99

Fig. 1. Examples of the distribution and conditions of the detected recommendation

biases for the simulated cases: (A) A recommender makes systematically lower pre-
dictions of thriller movie ratings for female users (lower μ of the generated rating
distribution). (B) A recommender makes systematically inaccurate predictions for old
crime movies (higher σ of the generated ratings distribution). The probability density
(Y axis) of the absolute error of the model (X axis) is estimated with KDE.

The following user and item features are used to search for potential biases:

– User attributes—gender, age,

– Item attributes—genre, production year,
– Activity-based features—number of rated items for a user (activity), number
of users with a rating for an item (popularity).

The continuous variables are discretized into three equal-sized buckets based
on the sample quantiles. We set α = 0.01 (for both the merge and the split condi-
tions) to detect significant differences in error distribution. To avoid over-fitting
or selecting too specific rules that would be hard to interpret, the minimum
number of samples in a leaf node is set to 100.

Results. First, the maximum and minimum detected values of error in leaves
for different node depths are compared. As presented in Fig. 2, the detected
minimum and maximum values are more extreme at higher depths of the tree.
This indicates that our proposed method can detect more severe disparities than
100 J. Misztal-Radecka and B. Indurkhya

Table 1. Recommendation algorithms with corresponding hyper-parameter grids.

Parameters in bold are selected by the grid search.

Algorithm Hyper-parameter grid

Slope one —
KNN K: [10, 20, 50, 100], user-based: [true, false]
Co-clustering n user clusters: [5, 10, 20, 50, 100], n item clusters: [5, 10, 20,
50, 100]
NMF n factors: [10, 20, 50, 100], biased: [true, false]
SVD n factors: [10, 20, 50, 100], biased: [true, false]

Fig. 2. Minimum (A) and maximum (B) test-error values at different tree levels for
the compared CF algorithms.

the single-attribute approaches that are most often used for detecting algorithmic
While the minimum leaf error is smaller at higher tree depths, the maximum
detected leaf error increases for the first 2 or 4 levels and then remains constant.
This may mean that either the further splits did not result in any significant
differences, or the detected samples were too small. Hence, in further analysis
we limit the depth of trees to 3 levels.
The results for the compared recommendation algorithms in terms of global
MAE and detected biased leaves are presented in Table 2 and Fig. 3. For all
the models, the highest test error was identified for a combination of user, item
and activity-based features. This observation supports the conclusion that our
proposed approach identifies the roots of discrimination more accurately than the
analysis based on one type of attributes. We observe that while Slope One and
SVD yield the smallest error on the test set, SVD and Co-Clustering show the
least tendency to discriminate particular feature combinations. Co-Clustering
has the least difference between the largest (0.851) and the smallest (0.611)
test error in leaves with a standard deviation of 0.078. On the contrary, KNN
has the least error on the training set and the largest error on the test set.
An analysis of error distribution in leaves shows that it overfits only for some
feature combinations: the difference between the largest (0.797) and the smallest
(0.283) leaf error on the training set. The largest differences are detected for the
When Is a Recommendation Model Wrong? 101

Fig. 3. (A) Global MAE for the training and the test sets for different recommendation
algorithms. (B) MAE aggregated for each leaf in the bias-detection tree.

Fig. 4. Distribution of the test error for detected tree leaves with the maximum depth
limited to 2, and tree structures for the two CF algorithms—(A) NMF, (B) KNN. The
probability density (Y axis) of the absolute error of the model (X axis) is estimated
with KDE.

combination of all features. Similarly, Fig. 3 shows that NMF clearly overfits for
some attribute combinations as the error for these leaves is close to zero.
Figure 4 shows the constructed bias trees (with the maximum depth limited
to 2 for better readability) and the test error distributions for each detected leaf
102 J. Misztal-Radecka and B. Indurkhya

Table 2. Global MAE and results for the maximum and minimum detected tree nodes
for the compared CF algorithms.

Model Global error Tree Max leaf error Min leaf error Std leaves errors
Train Test Attributes Train Test Train Test Train Test
Slope one 0.653 0.749 Activity 0.710 0.851 0.335 0.725 0.138 0.054
All 0.710 0.924 0.291 0.640 0.133 0.078
Item 0.752 0.902 0.487 0.640 0.082 0.074
User 0.712 0.799 0.630 0.730 0.035 0.036
KNN 0.525 0.778 Activity 0.671 1.044 0.318 0.733 0.142 0.138
All 0.797 1.044 0.283 0.622 0.148 0.121
Item 0.666 0.910 0.330 0.571 0.087 0.099
User 0.649 0.968 0.498 0.743 0.055 0.090
Co-clustering 0.694 0.764 Activity 0.700 0.825 0.691 0.745 0.006 0.037
All 0.770 0.851 0.594 0.611 0.049 0.078
Item 0.897 0.824 0.594 0.678 0.092 0.057
User 0.776 0.804 0.668 0.751 0.043 0.037
NMF 0.604 0.761 Activity 0.648 0.907 0.163 0.733 0.171 0.077
All 0.673 0.918 0.134 0.642 0.162 0.100
Item 0.679 0.804 0.519 0.654 0.056 0.063
User 0.650 0.825 0.554 0.747 0.035 0.040
SVD 0.674 0.750 Activity 0.738 0.796 0.663 0.730 0.032 0.035
All 0.792 0.977 0.512 0.603 0.080 0.104
Item 0.782 0.870 0.512 0.603 0.073 0.083
User 0.746 0.797 0.650 0.731 0.037 0.030

for NMF and KNN models. For the NMF recommender, the main difference is
detected with respect to the movies’ production year so that the error is larger
for the latest movies and less active users. For older movies, the error is larger
for female users; hence, this group may be less satisfied with the recommen-
dations. The least error is detected for older movies and male users—possibly,
the model overfits this group. For KNN, the first split is performed based on
the item popularity. More precisely, the largest error is for the least frequent
items (indicating the item cold-start problem) and female users. The next level
of split considers the movie year—the error for popular movies is smaller for the
older movies compared to the newer ones. While some attributes that determine
significant differences in error distribution are common for both the algorithms
(for instance, the item popularity and the user gender), it can also be seen that
the reasons for discrimination are different. In particular, the user-based KNN
approach seems to be particularly sensitive for the item popularity bias and the
cold-start problem, while some types of items and users are not modeled well by

6 Conclusions and Future Work

From the results presented in this paper we can conclude that while different
recommendation algorithms may yield comparable results when averaged glob-
When Is a Recommendation Model Wrong? 103

ally, the distribution of error may differ dramatically for different combinations of
attributes. Hence, the globally-optimized approaches may result in severe dispar-
ities and unfair functioning of recommender systems. To address this problem,
we presented a model-agnostic approach to detecting possible biases and dispar-
ities in the recommendation systems that may result from a combination of user
and item attributes. The results on a real-world movie recommendation dataset
show that our proposed method can identify severe disparities for certain feature
combinations that are missed by the single-attribute approaches most often used
for analyzing the recommender fairness.
In the future, we plan to incorporate debiasing techniques in our approach,
such as focused learning [5] or fairness objective [30]. Moreover, we plan to
apply our method to enhance the design process of hybrid approaches to better
address the diversity of users and items. We are also experimenting with other
algorithms and datasets from different domains to analyze potential algorithmic
biases in various other recommendation settings. Finally, we plan to incorporate
additional attributes such as the recommendation context to identify other types
of biases such as presentation and position bias.

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Examining Video Recommendation Bias
on YouTube

Baris Kirdemir(B) , Joseph Kready, Esther Mead, Muhammad Nihal Hussain,

and Nitin Agarwal

COSMOS Research Center, UA, Little Rock, AR, USA


Abstract. In recent years, a growing number of journalistic and scholarly publi-

cations have paid particular attention to the broad societal impact of YouTube’s
video recommendation system. Significantly, the YouTube algorithm’s alleged
contributions to the formation of echo-chambers, filter-bubbles, polarization, rad-
icalization, disinformation, and malicious use of information are among the top
concerns. On top of the given issues, potential biases of the recommendation sys-
tem in favor of a small number of videos, content producers, or channels would
further exacerbate the magnitude of the problem, especially if a systematic under-
standing of the inherent nature and characteristics of the algorithm is lacking. In
this study, we investigate the structure of recommendation networks and proba-
bilistic distributions of the node-centric influence of recommended videos. Adopt-
ing a stochastic approach, we observe PageRank distributions over a diverse set of
recommendation graphs we collected and built based on eight different real-world
scenarios. In total, we analyzed 803,210 recommendations made by YouTube’s
recommendation algorithm, based on specific search queries and seed datasets
from previous studies. As a result, we demonstrate the existence of a structural,
systemic, and inherent tendency to impose bias by YouTube’s video recommen-
dation system in favor of a tiny fraction of videos in each scenario. We believe that
this work sets the stage for further research in creating predictive modeling tech-
niques that reduce bias in video recommendation systems and make algorithms
fairer. The implementation of such attempts aims to reduce their potential harmful
social and ethical impacts and increase public trust in these social systems.

Keywords: Recommender bias · YouTube algorithm · PageRank

1 Introduction
YouTube is among the most popular social media platforms. It is a common source of
news consumption. The platform is one of the most popular hubs of content production,
monetization, and cross-platform dissemination. Nevertheless, YouTube is not exempt
from the dynamics that lead to the generation, dissemination, and wide-scale consump-
tion of misinformation, disinformation, hate speech, and many other content types with
ramifications for individuals and society. As a result, the platform has been subject to
public debate in recent years, receiving journalistic and scholarly attention.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

L. Boratto et al. (Eds.): BIAS 2021, CCIS 1418, pp. 106–116, 2021.
Examining Video Recommendation Bias on YouTube 107

Among the subjects of the ongoing debate are the potential roles played by YouTube’s
recommendation, personalization, and ranking algorithms in the spread and influence
of harmful content, as well as the formation of echo-chambers and polarization [9, 12,
14, 17–20]. However, most of the evidence of the alleged effects is anecdotal and is
often acquired through journalistic investigations. Although the number and scope of
the systematic scholarly studies gradually increase, currently, the literature lacks an
established understanding of whether the YouTube algorithm exacerbates the given set
of problems.
This study aims to explore whether the YouTube recommendation algorithm pro-
duces biased results regardless of personalization, user entry point, or the topical and
categorical differences between the videos watched. Such an approach would enable
generalized assessments and measurement of the emergent bias of recommendations.
Despite recent studies on different aspects of the problem, the current literature lacks
comprehensive and systematic evaluations of whether the video recommendation system
on the platform tends to be biased in favor of a small number of videos in generalizable
ways. Besides, if bias exists, how should it be characterized?
This study aims to approach the problem from a graphical probabilistic perspective,
focusing on the recommendation graph structures and node-centric probabilistic distri-
butions. We operationalize our approach using PageRank computations and studying the
structural properties of recommendation graphs vis-à-vis the PageRank values’ distribu-
tion. We contend that exploration and characterization of emergent algorithmic biases in
YouTube’s video recommendation system using the mentioned graph analysis approach
would significantly contribute to the relevant literature. In particular, node-centric proba-
bilistic analysis of potential emergent biases in recommender systems will be applicable
in the fairness of recommender systems, patterns of content consumption, information
diffusion, echo-chamber formation, and other significant problems. By evaluating the
structural tendencies of bias in YouTube recommendation graphs, we aim to contribute to
the given interdisciplinary area regarding implicit and structural biases, feedback loops,
and complex networks across social media platforms.
This work continues as follows. Section 2 includes a brief review of the recent liter-
ature on research problems associated with the YouTube algorithm and graph analytical
approaches to evaluate and characterize recommendation systems. Section 3 describes
our data collection approach and the underlying rationale for the diversification of
datasets. A short introduction to the operationalization and PageRank computations
are described further along with the main findings in Sect. 4. As demonstrated in mul-
tiple steps, the results show an emergent structural bias exacerbating the probability of
being viewed for a small fraction of the videos in the empirical recommendation graphs.
Further, we briefly discuss the potential implications, qualitative interpretations, and
limitations of the study.
This paper aims to examine the following primary research questions:

1. Does the YouTube recommendation system produce biased video recommendations

in favor of a small number of items?
2. Is it possible to detect, in generalizable ways, the presence of a structural rec-
ommendation bias on YouTube without any personalization and by excluding the
user-specific data being provided to the algorithm?
108 B. Kirdemir et al.

3. Can bias be observed through the structure of recommendation networks and

distributions of node-centric influence metrics?
4. Does the behavior of the recommender system on YouTube change vis-à-vis emer-
gent bias in different use-case scenarios? For example, do distributions of recom-
mendations change due to how a user enters the platform and starts consuming the
content, language of the content, or on topical terms?

2 Related Work
This section will present a discussion of recent and relevant literature on the YouTube
recommendation algorithm and associated set of problems, the use of graph analytical
approaches to detect and evaluate bias in recommender systems, and the relevant foun-
dational concepts about bias in search and recommendation. It will also introduce the
rationale, overall approach, and the methods we employed in this study.
Several studies examined YouTube’s video recommendation, search, and personal-
ization systems in recent years. One of the most frequent themes in recent literature
has been the radicalization of content and users, examining whether recommendations
lead people to more radicalized or extreme content over time. Others examined potential
biases in recommended videos regarding demographic factors such as gender, socioeco-
nomic status, and political affiliation. Besides, a few recent studies suggest that bias in
YouTube’s recommendations can be understood and characterized through topological
analysis of recommendation networks. Broadly, the analysis, evaluation, characteriza-
tion, and mitigation of bias in search and recommendation systems constitute a growing
interdisciplinary literature. Popularity bias and feedback loops have been associated with
unfair recommendations in group and individual levels, impacting the user experience
as well as “diversity, novelty, and relevance” of recommended items [21].

2.1 YouTube Algorithm, Radicalization, Misinformation

In recent years, multiple studies have examined whether YouTube recommendations

would be associated with a radicalization process on the platform. Ribeiro et al. [17]
suggest that users are exposed to increasingly extreme content if they had previously
viewed conspiracy theory videos. Ledwich and Zaitsev [14], relying on categorizing the
political content in terms of their position on the spectrum from left to right, suggested
that the YouTube algorithm does not promote radical or far-right content. Instead, they
claim that the algorithm consistently leads users towards channels in the mainstream or
moderately left categories [14]. Both studies utilized a manual channel categorization
process and annotated channels based on their position on the political spectrum. Hussein
et al. [12] analyzed non-political misinformation topics. They claimed that the algorithm
promotes conspiracies about specific topics like chemtrails, flat earth, the moon landing,
and limits vaccination conspiracies.
Faddoul et al. [9] developed a classifier to automatically detect conspiracy theory
videos on YouTube and focus on the “rabbit hole” effect. They suggested a projected
reduction in conspiratorial recommendations over time after YouTube’s announcement
to limit radical content [22]. Still, the authors also argue that this alone does not prove
Examining Video Recommendation Bias on YouTube 109

that the “problem of radicalization on YouTube” has become (or will become) obsolete
[9]. Roth et al. [19] focus on the concept of “filter bubbles” or “confinement” effect that
allegedly exists on the YouTube platform and measure view diversity. Using a random
walk strategy, they focus on confinement dynamics and analyze the video recommenda-
tion system’s workings. The researchers found that recommendations tended to lead to
topical confinement, which seemed “to be organized around sets of videos that garner
the highest audience” [19].
While most studies in the domain focused on YouTube’s algorithm and its impact
on viewers, Buntain et al. [6] looked at the cross-platform aspect and analyzed videos
of conspiracy theories hosted on YouTube and shared across social media platforms
(Twitter and Reddit) in the eight months following YouTube’s announcement of their
attempts to proactively curtail such content.

2.2 Network Analysis Approaches and Topology of YouTube Recommendations

Recent literature suggests that network analysis approaches may enable examining
latent characteristics and the impact of YouTube’s recommendation algorithm. Typically,
graphs represent videos, channels, pre-defined content categories, or inferred classes of
videos as nodes, while recommendations constitute edges. Both in “node-centric” [19]
and “user-centric” (personalization) [12] research settings, the basic structure and topol-
ogy of the recommendation graph are used in the operationalization of concepts such
as bias, fairness, confinement, filter bubbles, echo-chambers, polarization, and radical-
ization, often being captured through multiple hops of graph crawling or in longitudinal
Roth et al. [19] examined confinement and potential formation of filter-bubbles on
YouTube as a result of the recommendation algorithm. They follow a research proto-
col that is based on a platform-level and node-centric design, similar to our approach,
arguing that “characterizing a possible confinement on this recommendation landscape
constitutes a primary step toward characterizing confinement as a whole” [19]. They run
a random walk model on a “recursively crawled” recommendation network and mea-
sure entropy to represent diversity. Adding the number of nodes in the graph as a metric
demonstrates a negative correlation between confinement and diversity, and sometimes
recommendation graphs become more confined than other instances. They also show
the formation of confinement in “topical or temporal terms” and in relation to “view
counts” of recommended videos [19].
Le Merrer and Trédan [13] suggest that a useful way to analyze “successive” recom-
mendations is network analysis. As a potential application case to their definitions, they
propose that such an approach can lead to the “detection” of recommendation biases
explicitly induced by the “service provider.” They demonstrate an application of their
practice on YouTube recommendations. Although Le Merrer and Trédan [13] approaches
the YouTube recommendation bias from a moderately different perspective from ours
and focuses on biases explicitly introduced by platforms, their contention that graph
topologies would show various features in biased and unbiased settings remains rele-
vant. Finally, their experiments reveal that the distribution of path lengths in the graph
becomes “more compact” when “biased edges” are introduced, resembling well-known
features of small-world networks [13].
110 B. Kirdemir et al.

2.3 Bias in Search and Recommendation

Search and recommendation systems are increasingly intertwined. Current search and
recommendation algorithms rely on historical data, user data, personalization, and a few
other information sources [5]. Overall, detection and mitigation of bias in “automated
decisions” are growing interdisciplinary research areas [21]. Biases emanating from
the historical data or emergent properties of the recommendation systems may some-
times exacerbate societal problems. Thus, evaluation of video recommendation biases on
YouTube relates to the overarching interdisciplinary effort to understand, characterize,
and prevent bias and fairness issues in search and recommendation systems. As one of
the more complex case studies, an enhanced understanding of the mechanics and struc-
tural properties of bias on YouTube would provide significant insights to information
retrieval research and other relevant disciplines.
One of the specific research themes in search and recommendation systems is the
“popularity bias.” In general, fairness, accuracy, or coverage problems arise when popu-
lar items are ranked higher and recommended more, especially when this tendency cre-
ates a feedback loop where popular items become more popular, so it is recommended
even more frequently over time. Abdollahpouri et al. [1] focuses on the problem and
suggests a “learning-to-rank” algorithm that includes less popular items to recommenda-
tions, with a specific demonstration of protecting accuracy while enhancing the coverage
of recommendations.
Bias also relates to potential inefficiencies in the evaluation of recommendation
performance, accuracy, and effectiveness. Bellogín et al. [3] examine “statistical biases”
in “metrics for recommender systems,” with a particular focus on the biases that distort
the evaluation of the performance of recommender systems. In a novel and experimental
research design, they contribute to understanding popularity bias, especially by focusing
on potential ways to improve recommender systems’ evaluation. Beutel et al. [4] focus
on the recommender systems as pairwise applications and propose a series of metrics
to assess fairness risks in real-world applications. Beutel et al. also offer a method for
“unbiased measurements of recommender system ranking fairness.”
Verma et al. [21] survey relevant papers from several conferences about fairness in
search and recommendation systems and evaluate 22 recent papers that propose new
fairness metrics and models for various application cases. They categorize the proposed
methods and recent literature in five different categories, including “non-personalized
recommendation setting, crowd-sourced recommendation setting, personalized recom-
mendation setting, online advertisements, and marketplace,” while also emphasizing the
distinction between three aspects of fairness and its evaluation: “diversity, novelty, and
relevance” [21].
As mentioned above, there has been a growing focus on radicalization, extremism,
misinformation, and other societal issues concerning how the YouTube algorithm leads
its users vis-à-vis such problematic content. Nevertheless, the evaluation of video rec-
ommendation bias on YouTube should extend beyond such specific problem areas and
start with the platform’s search and recommendation systems’ structural and inherent
characteristics. Referring to the broad survey and classification of Verma et al. [21],
understanding recommendation bias on YouTube may relate to dimensions of diversity,
novelty, and relevance of recommendations. On the other hand, YouTube presents a
Examining Video Recommendation Bias on YouTube 111

non-trivial case study to understand and evaluate the recommendation system, primar-
ily due to the constant evolution of historical data, repetitive updates of the algorithm,
and challenges in acquiring sufficient, diversified, and meaningful datasets for research.
This study proposes a graph analysis approach and focuses on distributions of PageRank
scores of videos in recursively crawled recommendation networks. This study’s primary
objective is to examine whether the platform tends to impose bias in favor of a small
set of videos in real-world scenarios and whether those algorithmic tendencies can be
generalized. We contend that for systematic prediction, detection, and mitigation of such
problems on YouTube and similar platforms, understanding the recommender system’s
structural properties and emergent behavioral patterns is a requirement, which would
potentially precede future models and mitigation efforts.

3 Data and Methods

Our approach is based on the assumption that we should first capture the recommendation
algorithm’s general behavioral patterns as they tend to apply to a diverse set of conditions
across the entire platform. In our opinion personalization plays a role in the evolution of
recommendations to a specific logged-in user. The platform also utilizes the user’s web
traces through cookies. Nevertheless, a system-level, structural analysis that pays special
attention to the node-specific probabilistic computations may help to understand the
examined system’s inherent properties. Therefore, we posit that we can fairly examine
recommendation algorithm bias by excluding the user personalization aspect of the
YouTube platform.

3.1 Data Collection and Seed Lists

Data collection was conducted using the YouTube Tracker tool1 [15] and the YouTube
Data API [11]. Videos were retrieved based on a keyword search or by using a list
of seed videos as starting points. We then used lists of “related videos” and collected
the details about other videos recommended by the YouTube algorithm. These videos
would typically appear on YouTube under the “Up Next” heading or in the list of the
recommended videos. We determined that two consecutive hops of crawling would
enable a sizable amount of data for each experiment while also allowing us to diversify
our collection (Table 1).

3.2 Bias Evaluation Through Graph Topology and PageRank Distributions

The analysis phase starts with building the recommendation graphs for each dataset we
acquired by drawing edges between “parent videos” and “recommended videos.” To
explore and evaluate potential biases in video recommendations, we utilized a proba-
bilistic approach focusing on the nodes potentially gaining influence over the rest of the
graph due to the recommendations. We extracted the PageRank scores acquired by each
node in the recommendation graph and explored PageRank [16] distributions of each
1 YouTube Tracker (2020),, COSMOS, UALR.
112 B. Kirdemir et al.

Table 1. Short description of seed data, entry points, and total number of collected
recommendations in each experiment.

Seed video source Language Total number of recommendations

A sample of YouTube video URLs found English 119,094
on Twitter via search queries “COVID 19
hoax” and “COVID 19 weapon”
YouTube search query “covid hoax” Mixed 126,548
YouTube search query “koronavirus Turkish 123,986
A sample of YouTube links collected Turkish 77,286
from Twitter and Facebook in relation to
A sample of misinformation videos English 70,200
relating to elections in Canada (acquired
from Galeano et al. [10])
YouTube search query “Canada election English 71,290
YouTube search query “Turkiye Rusya Turkish 115,723
A sample of YouTube video URLs Turkish 99,083
collected from Twitter and Facebook in
relation to geopolitical events involving
Turkey, Russia, and NATO

recommendation graph. The PageRank algorithm enables us to demonstrate the proba-

bilities of being visited for each video in a realistic random walk scenario. Besides, the
PageRank metric allows use of a “damping factor” value, which defines a probability for
the random walker to jump to a random node instead of strictly following the graph con-
nections during the entire walk. Furthermore, we compared graphs we built in terms of
language-based, topical, and seed source categories to see potential variances between
PageRank probability distributions and curves of biases that favor small fractions of
video items.

4 Experiment Results
Examination of in-degree and PageRank values for each graph confirm the skewed
distribution of recommendations, with tiny fractions of nodes receiving a vast number
of connections. Figure 1 shows an example of the PageRank distributions. We observed
a similar shape of distribution in all of the corresponding experiments. Nevertheless, an
exploratory comparison of slopes show differences between different recommendation
graphs we experimented with. They also indicate transitions in how distributions of
cumulative PageRank and in-degree probabilities change within a single graph.
Examining Video Recommendation Bias on YouTube 113

Fig. 1. Distribution of PageRank values in the recommendation graphs 1 (left) and 2 (right). We
observe similar results in all recommendation graphs. The count of videos is represented in log
scale on the y-axis.

Further, we plot the complementary cumulative distribution functions (CCDF) for

each recommendation graph. Briefly, CCDF shows a variable’s probability (PageRank
in our case) being above a particular value. It is previously documented as an effective
technique to explore the scale-free characteristics of real-world networks. We confirm
our previous assertion that one of the core structural features of each graph is an emer-
gent bias that favors a small fraction of recommended videos. Also, CCDF plots show
power-law characteristics, although the exponent value and the portion that fits the likely
power-law line vary between different graphs. Therefore, despite a remarkable confir-
mation of emergent bias as a common property, characterization seems to depend on
various other dynamics, including patterns of the user behavior or content consumed
in a basic session. In accordance with the mentioned experiment results, we found that
YouTube’s recommendation algorithm tends to favor a small set of items over others
(research question 1) and the item-based bias can be detected without the inclusion of
personalization factors (research question 2). The PageRank based analysis of the recom-
mendation network structures reveal the probabilistic disparity between recommended
items (research question 3). On the other hand, the variance of bias across different
recommendation graphs should be investigated further (research question 4) (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) Plots of PageRank Scores in

each Recommendation Graphs 1 (left) and 2 (right).
114 B. Kirdemir et al.

To explore the variance between different recommendation graphs and their structural
features based on PageRank or in-degree distributions, we compared how the given
CCDF distributions fit the power-law based on the maximum likelihood estimation
developed by Clauset, Shalizi, and Newman [7]. We used a Python implementation [2]
of the log-likelihood functions that enable comparative computations suitable for our
purpose. We observed power-law fits and CCDF distributions having some variance,
especially in terms of the exponent and how well the distributions fit the power law.
For example, the recommendation graph for dataset 7 seems to fit a likely power-law
almost perfectly, while the curve of the recommendation graph for dataset 8 has only
a partial fit that stops approximately after the mid-point on the plot. Furthermore, the
CCDF slopes of recommendation graphs 5 and 6 diverge from the power-law lines at
smaller PageRank values than other graphs (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. The variance of PageRank probability distributions and log-likelihood of their power-law
fits on CCDF plots. Examples show variance between different recommendation graphs 2 (left)
and 5 (right).

5 Conclusion

This study aimed to discover, explore, and understand the potential, emergent, and inher-
ent characteristics of bias in YouTube’s video recommendations. Despite the black-box
features and closed inner-workings of the algorithm itself, our approach enabled iden-
tifying recommendation bias in the studied system. Using probabilistic distributions
and the PageRank algorithm to operationalize our stochastic approach, we were able to
demonstrate the resulting influence of a small number of videos over the entire network.
We collected distinct datasets and explored the structural properties as well as node-
centric features of the recommendation graphs. In all experiments, the bias of the recom-
mendation algorithm in favor of a small fraction of videos seems to emerge as a basic,
scale-free characteristic that is evident on the topological level. In particular, cumulative
probability distributions of PageRank values demonstrate that a few videos turn out to
be far more likely to be visited by a user following the recommended items with some
Examining Video Recommendation Bias on YouTube 115

randomness included. The experiments also show that the shape, skewness, and pro-
portion of the bias varies between different use case scenarios. The variance of bias in
different recommendation graphs should be subject to further investigations.
We also prioritized the robustness of our evaluation and characterization of bias.
Primarily we relied on a diversified data collection and increased the quantity of exper-
iments conducted under realistic scenarios and expected sources of behavioral variance
in the studied system. The resulting indicators of such variance between different rec-
ommendation networks point to further investigations in the future. In the subsequent
phases of this effort, we aim to produce models that can help predict and understand the
behavioral patterns that lead to the documented bias and its variations.

Acknowledgements. This research is funded in part by the U.S. National Science Foun-
dation (OIA-1946391, OIA-1920920, IIS-1636933, ACI-1429160, and IIS-1110868), U.S.
Office of Naval Research (N00014-10-1-0091, N00014-14-1-0489, N00014-15-P-1187, N00014-
16-1-2016, N00014-16-1–2412, N00014-17-1–2675, N00014-17-1-2605, N68335-19-C-0359,
N00014-19-1-2336, N68335-20-C-0540, N00014-21-1-2121), U.S. Air Force Research Lab,
U.S. Army Research Office (W911NF-17-S-0002, W911NF-16-1-0189), U.S. Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (W31P4Q-17-C-0059), Arkansas Research Alliance, the Jerry L.
Maulden/Entergy Endowment at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, and the Australian
Department of Defense Strategic Policy Grants Program (SPGP) (award number: 2020-106-094).
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those
of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding organizations. The researchers
gratefully acknowledge the support. The researchers also thank MaryEtta Morris for helping with
proofreading and improving the paper.

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An Information-Theoretic Measure
for Enabling Category Exemptions
with an Application to Filter Bubbles

Chenyu Jiang1 , Bowen Wu2(B) , Sanghamitra Dutta3 , and Pulkit Grover3

The University of Hong Kong, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong
[email protected]
ETH Zurich, Ramistrasse 101, 8006 Zürich, Switzerland
[email protected]
Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

Abstract. Filter bubbles can have undesirable consequences on society

by limiting user recommendations to those that already conform to their
own beliefs rather than a diversity of opinions. In this work, we consider
the problem of enabling users to choose which filter bubbles they want
to be in and which ones they want to eliminate. We propose a method of
eliminating filter bubbles in user-selected topics by unbiasing them with
respect to a certain attribute, e.g., political inclination while exempting
biases in the remaining topics/categories. We note that an attempt to
make all the recommendations free of biases without any provision for
exemptions can be highly restrictive. E.g., a user might be invested in a
particular topic, e.g., climate change, and want to be in a filter bubble
that motivates them. For other topics, however, the user might want to
avoid filter bubbles and learn from all sides of the debate. We first pro-
pose a set of desirable properties to quantify bias in recommendations
with topic exemptions, and then arrive at a simple information-theoretic
measure – Value-based Conditional Mutual Information (VCMI) – that
satisfies our proposed desirable properties. Next, we also demonstrate
how one can use this measure in practice to train models that elimi-
nate biases in recommendations while exempting certain biases based on
preferred topics/categories. We consider two datasets: (i) a completely
synthetic dataset; and (ii) a dataset that we create based on the publicly
available Twitter News Sharing User Behaviour dataset.

Keywords: Filter bubble · Recommendation system ·

Personalization · Algorithmic fairness · Information theory

1 Introduction
Personalized recommendation systems (e.g. news feeds, social media feeds, prod-
uct or video recommendations) often obsessively maximize a utility metric
C. Jiang and B. Wu—Equal Contribution.
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
L. Boratto et al. (Eds.): BIAS 2021, CCIS 1418, pp. 117–129, 2021.
118 C. Jiang et al.

related to revenue generated, e.g., click-through rate (CTR) [30], hovering time,
etc. However, one of the major potential perils of personalization is that it signif-
icantly influences users’ opinions by entrapping them in filter bubbles 1 [6,7,29].
Filter bubbles refer to a state of intellectual isolation caused due to an Internet
users’ exposure to content that reinforces their beliefs rather than a diverse set
of opinions and viewpoints [28,29].
We are interested in eliminating filter bubbles pertaining to a user’s biases
about belief-based attributes (denoted by Z), such as political inclination, social
opinions, etc. However, an attempt to make the recommendations entirely inde-
pendent of Z may be too restrictive for maintaining high utility metrics (e.g.
CTR) that these platforms aim to maximize. In this work, we take the viewpoint
that the users, if aware, will carefully choose which filter bubbles to participate
in and which ones to eliminate. For example, a user invested in a certain cate-
gory, such as climate change, may want to be in a filter bubble that preserves
their belief-based attributes, motivates them, and enables them to forge rela-
tionships to make social change. On the other hand, the same user attempting
to learn about another category, such as healthcare, may want to learn from
all perspectives of the debate, and hence may want to reduce the bias of the
recommender system for other categories. Thus, the platform should enable the
users to choose “content-categories” in which they prefer to be in intellectual
bubbles and exempt bias.
In this work, we propose a novel method of quantifying nonexempt-category-
specific bias in personalized recommendation systems, and then leverage this
measure to selectively reduce bias only in the categories that are not exempted by
the user. We assume that an article of online content (subsequently, “an article”)
can belong simultaneously to several categories. If any one of these categories
is exempted, then it is desirable that the bias in that article is exempted. The
exempt categories could be, e.g., news from a preferred source (e.g. New York
Times or Fox News), or news corresponding to a category of interest (e.g. climate
change, religion, or healthcare). In the process, by being selective about cate-
gories in which bias is exempted, we succeed in preserving (in toy and real-data
examples; see Sect. 4), to an extent (that depends on the fraction of categories
exempted by the user), some bias in the personalization of recommendation.
Our work strikes a balance between the competing goals of maximizing utility
metrics for personalization and reducing bias to reduce effects of filter bubbles
(related to work in algorithmic fairness; see “Related Work” below). This offers
an alternative to adopting an approach of entirely anonymizing personalized
search history [11] (e.g. using anonymous windows), which significantly hurt the
utility of personalization.

Acknowledging our limited visibility into recommender systems used in practice, we
note that this work is not pointing fingers at any political party, news channel, or
industrial recommender systems. We believe there is room for improvement in the
existing design of recommender systems, and this needs to be pursued in collabora-
tion with industry to redesign today’s recommender systems.
An Information-Theoretic Measure for Enabling Category Exemptions 119

Our main contributions in this work are as follows:

– We identify a societal problem, namely, the problem of eliminating filter bub-

bles while allowing the user to exempt category-specific biases, that is par-
ticularly relevant in today’s world with the growing use of personalization.
– We propose a set of three desirable properties for a measure of nonexempt-
category-specific bias with respect to a belief-based attribute, namely, select
bias elimination, select bias preservation and nonobligatory overall indepen-
– Our desirable properties help us arrive at a simple information-theoretic mea-
sure – Value-based Conditional Mutual Information (VCMI) – that quantifies
the nonexempt-category-specific bias with respect to a belief-based attribute.
VCMI is given by: I(Z; Y |Cex = 0), where Z is the belief-based attribute, Y
is the output of the recommender system, e.g., whether to show the article
or not and Cex denotes whether the article belongs to an exempt category
or not: Cex = 1 when the article belongs to an exempt category, and 0 oth-
erwise. The measure is deceptively simple: we discuss use-cases to compare
the applicability of this measure with other seemingly similar measures in
Sect. 3.1.
– Lastly, we show how to use VCMI as a regularizer with a utility-based cost
function during training of a recommendation system and compare it with
(i) no bias-related regularizer; (ii) mutual information (MI) regularizer; and
(iii) conditional mutual information (CMI) regularizer. Our results consider
two datasets (i) a completely synthetic dataset; and (ii) a dataset that we
create based on the publicly available Twitter News Sharing User Behaviour
dataset [10]. For both settings, we are able to demonstrate that our proposed
method removes biases from nonexempt categories, while having a substan-
tially smaller effect on the bias in exempt categories as compared to MI and

Limitations and Criticism of Our Approach: (i) We do not discuss how

the categorization is performed. Instead, we simply assume that there are several
known categories in which articles fall. Nevertheless, in our case study, we use
a simple natural language processing (NLP) based approach to arrive at cate-
gories. In general though, a good characterization of categories for news, articles,
etc. may require more sophisticated methods or special system design, which is
beyond the scope of this work. (ii) We assume that an entity, e.g., the user, can
make judicious decisions on which bubbles to be in, which might be optimistic
and deserves further sociological study. Further, we assume that the platform
can enable them to arrive at such decisions. This might require a rethink of how
recommender platforms are designed. For example, instead of simply choosing
“like” or “unlike”, a reader might suggest “allow bias” to certain articles, and
“disallow bias” to certain others, to inform the recommender system of when the
biases are allowed. (iii) It has been acknowledged that individual’s choices may
sometimes play a stronger role than algorithmic ranking in limiting the user to
filter-bubbles [3,21].
120 C. Jiang et al.

2 Related Work
The concept of context-specific independence (i.e., Z ⊥ Ŷ |Cex = 0) in Bayesian
networks [5] dates back to 1996. Also, closely related to this idea is recent work
on fairness under exemptions [2,14,16,23,24,31] where the goal is to perform
fair classification with respect to protected attributes, e.g., gender, race etc.,
while exempting bias due to some critical or explanatory features (also called
“resolving variables”), e.g., qualifications in hiring, choice of department in col-
lege admissions [24], annual income in loan applications. For example, in [2,16],
the authors use the related measure I(Z; Y |Xc ), where Xc is the set of exempt
features. While our work shares conceptual similarities with these aforemen-
tioned works, our novelty lies in using these ideas to propose a measure for a
different problem, that is particularly relevant in today’s societal context. Com-
pared to the works on fairness, our exemption is value-based, i.e., the bias needs
to be exempted only when the article falls in certain categories (further clari-
fied in Sect. 3.1) while preserving the bias in other categories. This means that
the realization of categories is important here. The measure should not average
over all realizations of categories, as is done in I(Z; Y |Xc ), e.g., one may want a
loan-decision to be conditionally independent of Z given a feature income that
is critical to the decision.
The problem of filter bubbles also shares connection with some other works
fair personalization [13], and fair ranking [12] which also strike a trade-off
between a utility metric and fairness. However, these works do not allow for
category exemptions. Future work will examine the use of a fairness criterion
derived from value-based conditioning in these scenarios to allow for category
Several measures have been proposed to correct bias in recommender sys-
tems. Collaborative filtering and ranking, sometimes used together, are the main
settings for this line of work. [34] generalizes the statistical parity and equal
opportunity to apply in personalized ranking systems. Similarly, [4] proposes
two measures item statistical parity and item equal opportunity. The former
aims at achieving uniform distribution of recommended items regardless of item
popularity, whereas the latter focuses on retaining item popularity distribution
faithfully. [17] defines bias as the predictability of the protected attribute given
recommendation results in a collaborative filtering context. Similar to our work,
[27] zooms in to the recommendation bias of an individual user. It evaluates
how diverse the recommendation results are by computing the content diver-
sity defined by pairwise item distances. Our work defines and solves a different
problem in a different setting however we believe the same problem can also
be redefined in a meaningful way for the collaborative filtering- or rank-based
Another line of work focuses on “diversity” [9], i.e., diversifying recommen-
dation results to burst filter bubbles. Our work aims to achieve this by providing
the users a more fain-grained control over the bubbles that they would like to
keep, and the ones that they want to not be in. Another approach uses “cali-
bration” [33], which reflects faithfully and proportionally a user’s likes/dislikes.
An Information-Theoretic Measure for Enabling Category Exemptions 121

For example, if a user has watched 70% romance movies and 30% action movies,
then the recommendation list of movies should comply to the same ratio of two
genres. These works focus on faithful preservation of the bias in the user’s online
history. As we will show later, our work can be interpreted as a combination
of diversity and calibration, each of which is achieved in a different category.
Diversity is for breaking the filter bubble, whereas calibration is for preserving
wanted bias. Our technique achieves both of them simultaneously via a single
Several existing tools e.g., Ghostery [32], DuckDuckGo [11] use anonymiza-
tion to protect the user’s privacy, search history, preferences, etc. from being
used in personalization. In contrast to these approaches, our proposed redesign of
recommender systems does not prevent personalization, but debiases the recom-
mendation (measured by VCMI) while trading off between utility and unwanted
bias. Alternate softwares [7], e.g., Balancer, Scoopinion, Wobble, etc. track and
inform the user about their online activity, and make them aware of their filter
bubbles. There are also softwares [7] such as ConsiderIt, Opinion Space, Reflect
etc. that adopt the viewpoint of “deliberative democracy,” and gently nudge the
user to read the views or articles offering a different opinion. Instead of proposing
a new app or platform, our work proposes a solution which can be adopted by
existing platforms. Nevertheless, adoption of this solution might, as a side-effect,
increase user awareness of filter bubbles by having them make choices of exempt

3 Problem Setup and Main Results

Problem Setup: For every article (i.e., data-point), Z is the belief-based

attribute whose bias is of interest, X is the set of all features, Y is the true label,
and Y is the prediction output derived from X. Categories are (possibly overlap-
ping) sets that contain articles. A subset of categories are labeled “exempt”. A
feature Cex denotes if the article is in any exempt category: Cex = 1 if it is in any
exempt category, and 0 otherwise. Our goal is to find a measure that quantifies
the nonexempt-category-based bias in Y with respect to Z, while exempting the
bias if Cex = 1.
Desirable Properties: We propose the following desirable properties for a
measure of nonexempt-category-based bias.
1. Select Bias Elimination: The measure is 0 if and only if the recommendations
are independent of Z when the article does not fall in the exempt category, i.e.,
Pr(Y = y|Z = z, Cex = 0) = Pr(Y = y|Z = z  , Cex = 0) for all z, z  , y.
2. Select Bias Preservation: The measure may be 0 even if the recommendations
are not independent of Z when the article does falls in the exempt category, i.e.,
Pr(Y = y|Z = z, Cex = 1) = Pr(Y = y|Z = z  , Cex = 1) for any z, z  , y. E.g., if
Y = N0 when Cex = 0, and Y = Z + N1 when Cex = 1, where Z, N1 , N0 , Cex
are i.i.d. Bern(1/2).
122 C. Jiang et al.

3. Nonobligatory Overall Independence: The measure may NOT be 0 even when

Y and Z are independent, e.g., if Y = Z when Cex = 0 and Y = 1 − Z when
Cex = 1, where Z, Cex are i.i.d. Bern(1/2).
Our Proposed Measure: Our proposed measure of nonexempt bias, that sat-
isfies all the three desirable properties, is Value-based Conditional Mutual Infor-
mation (VCMI), given by: I(Z; Y |Cex = 0).
Notice that, VCMI = 0 if and only if Pr(Y = y|Cex = 0, Z = z) = Pr(Y =
y|Cex = 0, Z = z  ) for all z, z  , y VCMI quantifies the dependence between Z
and Y conditioned on the fact that the article does not belong to the exempt
category, i.e., Cex = 0. Minimizing this measure implies that Z and Y approach
independence but only when Cex = 0.
Relationship of VCMI to Conditional Mutual Information (CMI) and
Mutual Information (MI): VCMI is closely related to two other measures:
Mutual Information [15], MI = I(Z; Y ), used for fairness broadly [22], and Con-
ditional Mutual Information, used for fairness under feature exemptions [2,16].
For simplicity, suppose Z is binary. When MI = 0, we have Pr(Y = y|Z =
1) = Pr(Y = y|Z = 0). This is equivalent to statistical parity [1,22]. However,
this measure does not allow any exemptions. To allow exemptions, a relevant
measure (interpreted in our setting) is: CMI = I(Z; Y |Cex ). When CMI = 0,
we have Pr(Y = y|Cex = x, Z = 1) = Pr(Y = y|Cex = x, Z = 0) for x = 0, 1.
This is equivalent to conditional statistical parity [14]. Note that, CMI can be

decomposed as follows: CMI = x∈{0,1} Pr(Cex = x)I(Z; Y |Cex = x). CMI is a
convex combination of VCMI at different values of Cex . If we partition the data-
points into groups according to their Cex value, then CMI attempts to eliminate
the dependence between Z and Y in every group. However, VCMI attempts to
eliminate this dependence only for Cex = 0.

3.1 Thought Experiments to Understand When to Use VCMI,

In this section, we discuss three scenarios that clarify which measure is more
appropriate among VCMI, CMI and MI. Let Z be a binary random variable
denoting, e.g., the political slant of the article, e.g., left (Z = 0) or right (Z = 1).
When is VCMI More Appropriate? Suppose Alice is interested in climate
change. She wants articles on climate change to be recommended irrespective of
their political stance (i.e., bias is exempted). However, for all other articles, i.e.,
articles that do not belong to this category, she wants to avoid being isolated in
filter bubbles of any particular political stance. Here, the use of MI as a regular-
izer would recommend her articles that are neutral in their political stance. This
can even lead to a significant reduction of articles on climate change, particularly
if they all have a similar political stance (strong correlation with Z). Even CMI
can lead to a reduction in articles on climate change because the recommender
is also minimizing I(Z; Y |Cex = 1) and not only I(Z; Y |Cex = 0). If almost every
article on climate change is strongly correlated with Z, the recommender might
An Information-Theoretic Measure for Enabling Category Exemptions 123

prevent most of those articles to minimize I(Z; Y |Cex = 1). Here, VCMI is more
appropriate as it only minimizes I(Z; Y |Cex = 0), debiasing articles that are not
about climate change.
When is CMI More Appropriate? Suppose Alice likes a particular biased
news-source, say, Foobar news, and wants unbiased articles (from Foobar news or
outside), but also wants to continue to receive articles from this source (i.e., does
not want debiasing to lower the likelihood of recommendation of articles from
Foobar news). Using MI here could, as in Scenario I, significantly reduce articles
from Foobar news since articles in Foobar news are strongly correlated with Z.
What is needed here is debiasing while exempting the bias arising from other
features for both cases: whether the article is from Foobar news or not. This is
subtly different from Scenario I, where only when the article is in the exempt
category is the bias exempted. CMI is more appropriate for this scenario because
it minimizes the conditional bias for articles, conditioned on them belonging, and
not belonging, to Foobar news. As for VCMI, it would only minimize the bias in
articles not from Foobar news, exempting the bias in the articles from Foobar
When is MI More Appropriate? Suppose Alice wants all her recommenda-
tions to be neutral with respect to the political stance irrespective of the source
or the category. Here, MI is the most appropriate. In our proposed redesign of
recommendation systems, MI could be the default regularizer, and users can add
exemptions as they see fit.

4 Experimental Evaluation
Integrate VCMI into Training: We propose two ways of integrating the
VCMI measure into machine learning training.
– sVCMI: Single model with VCMI regularizer for all articles irrespective of
whether they are exempt or not.
– dVCMI. Two separate models for exempt and nonexempt articles; VCMI
regularizer only in the latter model.
One might think that there is little difference between above two. After all, with
sufficient complexity, sVCMI can emulate dVCMI. The implicit assumption here
is that the number of parameters in each of them is limited, so that they can be
trained without a very large dataset (as is the case in our Twitter dataset). This
limited dataset case is where we see the largest distinction between the two in
our experimental evaluation.
We will train classifiers whose outputs indicate the likelihood (between 0
and 1) of recommendation of the article. We use binary cross-entropy as our
loss function, and train five models: (i) Vanilla: without regularizer; (ii) MI:
MI regularizer; (iii) CMI: CMI regularizer; (iv) sVCMI: VCMI regularizer; and
(v) dVCMI: Two MLPs for exempt and nonexempt data respectively and apply
VCMI regularizer to the later one.
124 C. Jiang et al.

Estimation of VCMI and CMI: For simplicity, inspired from related

work [16], we use I(Z; Y )= − 12 log(1 − ρ2Z,Y ) to approximate MI, where ρZ,Y
is the Pearson correlation [18] between Z and Y . The approximation is exact
when Z and Y are jointly Gaussian. Similarly, CMI can be estimated as

I(Z; Y |Cex ) = Pr(Cex = x)I(Z; Y |Cex = x)
=− Pr(Cex = x) log(1 − ρ2Z,Y |C =x )
2 ex

and VCMI is

I(Z; Y |Cex = 0) = − 1 log(1 − ρ2

 |Cex =0 ).

4.1 Study on Synthetic Data (Toy Example)

This toy example simulates a simple news feed system. Each article’s feature
vector has the following fields: (a) Cg1 : intensity towards a particular politi-
cal viewpoint; (b) Cg2 : length; (c) Cg3 : “freshness” (e.g. recency and departure
from recent articles); and (d) Cex : whether the article belongs to the exempt cat-
egory: healthcare. Z is the political stance of the article. Let these variables be
distributed as: Z ∼ Bern(0.5), Cex ∼ Bern(0.8), Cg1 = Z + N , N ∼ N (0, 0.05),
Cg2 ∼ N (0.5, 1), and Cg3 ∼ N (0, 3), where N (μ, σ 2 ) is a Gaussian distribution
with mean μ and variance σ 2 . Z, Cex , Cg2 , Cg3 , N are mutually independent.
Moreover, we have a noise term noise ∼ N (0, 1.5). A score S, representing
the user’s interest towards an article, is S = Cg1 + Cg3 + noise if Cex = 0
and S = Cg1 + Cg2 + noise otherwise. We assume that the true binary label
Y = sgn(S − 0.5), where sgn(x) = 1 if x > 0 and 0 otherwise.
Experimental Setup: We choose a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) with two
hidden layers as our classifier. The model output, Y gives a continuous value
between 0 and 1. The five MLP models are trained on 90, 000 samples drawn
from the distributions and each is trained for 50 epochs with batch size being
256. The models are evaluated on the remaining 10, 000 samples from the same
distributions. We tried different choices of the regularizer constant λ and all
of them (λ = 0.5, 1, 2) gave similar results described below. Thus, in this toy
example, we set λ = 1.
Experimental Findings: The category-specific biases I(Z; Y |Cex = 0/1) on
the test set is shown in Fig. 1 for the five different models. It is desirable to
have low nonexempt bias I(Z; Y |Cex = 0), while preserving I(Z; Y |Cex = 1),
e.g., maintaining a value as close to the Vanilla model as possible. In Fig. 1
(top), all models decrease I(Z; Y |Cex = 0) below Vanilla, but sVCMI has the
most reduction. In Fig. 1 (bottom), while CMI and MI decrease I(Z; Y |Cex = 1),
sVCMI and dVCMI are preserving the bias in exempt categories. To have a bet-
ter idea on how the distribution of the prediction score Y changes, we also report
An Information-Theoretic Measure for Enabling Category Exemptions 125

Jensen-Shannon (JS) distance [25] as a numerical measure of similarity between

two distributions in Fig. 2. We discretize Y ’s domain into 50 bins, obtain the his-
togram and compute all numerical values based on the normalized discretization.
Figure 2 (top) shows that the JS distance between Pr(Y |Z = 0) and Pr(Y |Z = 1)
in the nonexempt category is smaller than the Vanilla model for all the other
models. Figure 2 (bottom) shows that JS distance between Pr(Y |Z = 0) and
Pr(Y |Z = 1) are almost the same as the Vanilla model for sVCMI or dVCMI,
while MI and CMI dramatically decrease the JS distance. These results show that
our methods (sVCMI and dVCMI) effectively manage to make Y independent of
Z in nonexempt category, while preserving their dependence in exempt category.
We also report the AUC [8] in Fig. 3. MI and CMI have significantly worse AUC,
while sVCMI and dVCMI have only slightly lower AUC than Vanilla.

Fig. 1. I(Z; Y |Cex = ·) Fig. 2. JS distance Fig. 3. AUC score

Left: Bias in nonexempt and exempt category (toy example). MI, CMI,
sVCMI, and dVCMI, all eliminate the bias in nonexempt category. For the
exempt category, sVCMI and dVCMI preserve the bias, but MI and CMI do not.
Middle: JS distance between the distributions of Pr(Y |Z = 0) and Pr(Y |Z = 1)
in nonexempt and exempt category. Using this different distance measure, the
conclusion is similar. Right: AUC for different models in the toy example.
Because sVCMI and dVCMI preserve the dependency between Z and Y in
exempt categories, they are able to retain higher AUC.

4.2 Case Study on a Dataset Created from Real Data

Next, we conduct a case study in a news recommendation scenario. At the outset,
we note that this is a simplistic analysis, with the goal of examining benefits of
VCMI over MI and CMI, rather than a full-fledged practical implementation.
Dataset Construction: We created our dataset based on the Twitter News
Sharing User Behavior dataset [10], which contains 37,106 entries of users’ infor-
mation and their retweeted news articles (330, 575 articles in total). We label
126 C. Jiang et al.

each news article as left or right slant using the method in [10], and specify the
news category of each article using an LSTM based model [26]. Assuming that
retweeting means an user is interested in the article, we use collaborative filtering
implemented in Implicit [19] to generate the ground truth labels (to recommend
or not). We study the user in the later experiment who have the largest number
of real ground-truth before the collaborative filtering.
Created Dataset Description: Each article is represented by a feature vector
with the following fields: (a) Categories: multi-hot encoding of news categories;
(b) Article length; (c) Source: one-hot encoding of the publisher of the news; (d)
Publication time. Each piece of news is also associated with a political view, left,
right or neutral. This attribute is only used when calculating our regularizers
and is not included in the input features. The true labels are binary.
Experimental Setup: We predict whether the user will be interested an article.
We use a MLP with two hidden layers (32 neurons per layer) as the classifier.
Evaluation metrics and other parameters are the same as in the toy example.
The dataset is randomly split into training and test sets with a ratio of 7:3. The
models were trained for 200 epochs using λ = 0.25. We collected statistics for
32 runs of the model to mitigate effects of random initialization.

Fig. 4. I(Z; Y |Cex = ·) Fig. 5. JS distance Fig. 6. AUC score

Left: Bias in nonexempt and exempt category (case study). Error bars indi-
cate 95% confidence interval in all following figures. sVCMI and dVCMI better
preserve I(Z; Y |Cex = 1), and reduce I(Z; Y |Cex = 0). dVCMI is better at pre-
serving the exempt bias than sVCMI. Middle: JS distance between Pr(Y |Z = 0)
and Pr(Y |Z = 1) in nonexempt and exempt category. sVCMI again cannot well
preserve the JS distance in exempt group. Right: AUC for different models in
the case study. The AUC is maintained for all models, but dVCMI takes a
small hit, potentially because of data insufficiency induced by the two network
An Information-Theoretic Measure for Enabling Category Exemptions 127

Experimental Findings: We observe similar benefits of sVCMI and dVCMI

(see Fig. 4) on I(Z; Y |Cex = 0/1). CMI reduces I(Z; Y |Cex = 0) and
I(Z; Y |Cex = 1) significantly while sVCMI and dVCMI partially preserve
I(Z; Y |Cex = 1). Compared to the toy example though, dVCMI preserves
I(Z; Y |Cex = 1) better than sVCMI in the exempt category. Similar effect can
be seen in the JS distance (Fig. 5), possibly due to the limited expressivity of a
single network. We also note that when choosing a large λ value, the effect of
CMI and sVCMI on the distribution becomes unpredictable. The AUC of the
models are shown in Fig. 6. We observe no significant reduction in AUC except
for dVCMI. It might be due to insufficient data for training of two separate
models because this is not observed in the toy example where data is abundant,
or since dVCMI reduces the JS distance for the nonexempt category the most.

5 Conclusion and Discussions

In this work, we identify the problem of allowing users to choose which filter
bubbles to stay in and which ones to eliminate in recommendation systems. We
propose to selectively eliminate bias towards belief-based attributes (e.g. politi-
cal inclination) in certain user-chosen content-categories, while preserving such
bias in others. We arrive at a simple information-theoretic measure, VCMI, for
quantifying such bias. It aims to reduce dependence of Z on Y given Cex = 0,
while maintaining, as much as possible, the accuracy as well as dependence of
Z on Y given Cex = 1. While our experiment and case studies on the synthetic
and created datasets suggest that VCMI is able to attain this goal, some notable
issues remain: (i) CMI can sometimes lower I(Z; Y |Cex = 0) below that done by
VCMI; (ii) VCMI may sometimes lower I(Z; Y |Cex = 1) as well, possibly due
to limitations of MLP-based models and the ability to affect conditional joint
distributions without affecting the overall joint distribution. We leave a compre-
hensive evaluation to future work. Future works may also explore the following:
(i) More reliable dataset: Given the novelty of this problem, we could also not
find any off-the-shelf dataset to test our measure. To conduct further study, we
need labeled data from real world applications, e.g., Facebook news feed sys-
tem. Nevertheless, we hope that this connection between fairness measures and
filter bubbles receives further attention from the community. (ii) Alternative
estimation techniques for VCMI building on [20] and the references therein. (iii)
Practical applicability, e.g., by improving upon the method of selecting exempt
categories or belief-based attributes that is more applicable to unsupervised or
semi-supervised settings. These shortcomings need to be addressed before the
method can indeed be deployed in a real world setup.
128 C. Jiang et al.

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Perception-Aware Bias Detection
for Query Suggestions

Fabian Haak(B) and Philipp Schaer

TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany


Abstract. Bias in web search has been in the spotlight of bias detec-
tion research for quite a while. At the same time, little attention has
been paid to query suggestions in this regard. Awareness of the prob-
lem of biased query suggestions has been raised. Likewise, there is a
rising need for automatic bias detection approaches. This paper adds
on the bias detection pipeline for bias detection in query suggestions of
person-related search developed by Bonart et al. [2]. The sparseness and
lack of contextual metadata of query suggestions make them a difficult
subject for bias detection. Furthermore, query suggestions are perceived
very briefly and subliminally. To overcome these issues, perception-aware
metrics are introduced. Consequently, the enhanced pipeline is able to
better detect systematic topical bias in search engine query suggestions
for person-related searches. The results of an analysis performed with
the developed pipeline confirm this assumption. Due to the perception-
aware bias detection metrics, findings produced by the pipeline can be
assumed to reflect bias that users would discern.

Keywords: Bias detection · Query suggestions · Online search · Bias

quantification · Natural language processing

1 Introduction
Fairness in online search and bias detection are important topics in information
retrieval research. Consequently, there are many approaches for detecting bias
in search results. Little research and few methodological approaches exist for
bias detection in query suggestions. Query suggestions are an important aspect
of online information retrieval via search engines and significantly impact what
people search for [17]. Due to the sparseness of query suggestions (no author, no
sources, no publishing platform, less text) and context-dependency, bias detec-
tion of query suggestions is less straight forward than bias detection of search
results [23]. Unless a person performing online search does not have a clear
information need, very little attention is paid to the query suggestions. Because
of the brief exposure, search engine users perceive query suggestions distinctly,
even though certain effects like the diminishing attention paid to elements fur-
ther down the list still applies [5,8]. Summarizing these findings, we are left with
two research questions to focus on as we develop a bias detection pipeline:
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
L. Boratto et al. (Eds.): BIAS 2021, CCIS 1418, pp. 130–142, 2021.
Perception-Aware Bias Detection for Query Suggestions 131

– RQ1: To what extent can bias towards metadata on the persons searched
(e.g., gender, age, party membership) be uncovered in query suggestions to
person-related searches using perception-aware metrics?
– RQ2: How do perception-aware metrics perform compared to simpler metrics
in detecting bias in query suggestions to person-related searches?

To answer these research questions, we extend the bias identification pipeline

developed by Bonart et al. by introducing perception-aware metrics. Doing so,
the pipeline identifies bias in a more realistic manner. This should in turn result
in a better indication of present bias. By testing the updated pipeline on the
same data, the results produced by both pipelines are directly comparable.

2 Related Work

Findings of various studies show that search engines such as Google are seen as
a trustworthy source of information on many topics, including political infor-
mation [4,22]. According to Houle, search engines significantly impact political
opinion formation [10]. The trust in search engines is problematic because their
results are prone to be biased. This might be due to bias induced by algorithms
[11], or by representing bias inherent in mental models: Although not at all true
by definition of these words, a doctor is usually assumed to be male, while a
nurse is typically expected to be female [1]. Similar biased patterns exist plenti-
ful, and because search engines show the information inherent in data, bias is as
omnipresent in search results as it is in peoples’ minds and natural language texts
[6,18]. Even Google acknowledges this in a white paper, stating their awareness
of disinforming and biased contents presented by their search engine [7]. Biased
search results have been widely discussed and researched. Kulshrestha et al.
investigated and compared bias in Google search results and search on Twitter
[13]. Their bias detection methodology relies on peripheral information, such as
the author, publishing and distribution platforms, as well as information gath-
ered from these sources [13].
Aside from search results, query suggestions play a key role in what people
search for [17]. There are many types of query suggestions such as query expan-
sions, auto completions, query predictions, or query refinements [3,20]. We use
the term query suggestion as an umbrella term for all facets of the previously
mentioned terms, to describe the list of suggested search queries returned by
search engines for an input query or search term. Although it is unclear how
exactly they are formed, there is no doubt that query suggestions are derived
from what other users search for in a location and language [24]. Also, they
can be manipulated [24]. Query suggestions are assumed to be as bias-laden
as search results, with a study by Olteanu et al. illustrating how diverse and
hard to detect the forms of problematic and biased search results are [19]. The
difficulty in detecting bias in query suggestions lies in their sparseness. With-
out context, they neither offer author or source information nor is input bias
available to judge their ranking. Furthermore, bias in query suggestions is often
132 F. Haak and P. Schaer

context-dependent and not derivable from the terms themselves [19]. For these
reasons, approaches like the one utilized by Kulshrestha et al. do not work for
query suggestions.
To overcome the hurdles of identifying bias in sparse, contextless search query
suggestions, Bonart et al. developed a bias identification pipeline for person-
related search [2]. It represents a natural language processing pipeline with three
modules: Data acquisition, data preprocessing, and bias analysis (cf. Fig. 1). The
collection they used to develop and test the pipeline consists of search queries
and their corresponding lists of query suggestions, gathered since 2017 in Ger-
man from Google, DuckDuckGo, and Bing. The search terms consist primarily
of names of German politicians. With the developed pipeline, Bonart et al. tried
to find a way to automatically identify systematic topical biases towards certain
groups of people with shared meta-attributes (e.g., gender, age, party member-
ship) [2]. Topical bias describes content bias as misrepresented information in
the documents themselves [21]. Concerning the meta-attributes, systematic top-
ical bias refers to differences in the distribution of topics in query suggestions
of groups of politicians of different meta-attribute characteristics (e.g., male/
female). Due to their aforementioned sparseness, this type of bias is the easiest
to detect in query suggestions.

Fig. 1. Bias detection pipeline for person-related query suggestions developed by

Bonart et al. [2]. The highlighted steps have been modified.

The metric Bonart et al. used for detecting bias is the number of unique topi-
cal cluster terms in the query suggestions for each search term (cf. section 3). Bias
is then identified by comparing the differences between certain groups of search
terms. The results produced by the bias identification pipeline only revealed
minor indicators of bias within the groups of politicians. In addition to the
insignificant findings, the metric employed by Bonart et al. does not consider
two critical aspects of how query suggestions are perceived: (A) The frequency
Perception-Aware Bias Detection for Query Suggestions 133

of the suggestions throughout data collection is disregarded. A suggestion that

appears once influences the metric as much as a suggestion that appeared many
times. (B) The order of items in the list of query suggestions is ignored. Although
the rank in the list of query suggestions has a strong influence on the visibil-
ity of a query suggestion [8], it was not taken into account. Because of these
flaws in the metrics, it is doubtful whether the detected bias would have been
perceivable by search engine users. Therefore, the bias identification pipeline is
reworked and expanded to produce more meaningful results and consider how
query suggestions are perceived.

3 Methodology
The following section briefly outlines the bias detection pipeline and highlights
changes and additions made to it.

Data Acquisition. The bias analysis is based on a set of N search terms ti with
i = 1, ..., N which share a set of P meta-attributes xi,1 , ..., xi,P [2]. The dataset
consists of a collection of query suggestions returned for these terms, which con-
sist of names of German politicians or politically relevant people from Germany.
Twice per day, for all search terms, a specialized web crawler collects query sug-
gestions in German by HTTP request from three search engines’ auto-complete
APIs: Google, DuckDuckGo and Bing. Requests only contain the input query as
well as language and location information. Therefore, no user profiles or search
histories can influence the results.

Preprocessing. Preprocessing is the first module of the pipeline that was changed
significantly. The lemmatizer was changed from to the german news
standard model made available within the spacy module by Honnibal et al. [9].
An entity recognition step was introduced and is performed using spacy, as well.
It is performed after lemmatization on all query suggestions that do not con-
sist of a single word. After cleaning and lemmatization, about 20% of the query
suggestions are discarded in the original pipeline because clustering can only
be performed on single-word-suggestions. By employing an entity recognition
system, many suggestions such as “summer festival” are condensable to a sin-
gle term, which can be used in the cluster analysis. Since query suggestions are
most probably formed considering entities to not deliver multiple very similar
suggestions to the user (cf. [3]), the suggestions shortened by entity recognition
are not expected to change significantly in meaning. The last step in the pre-
processing module consists of the unmodified vectorization of the single term
query suggestions using the word2vec module [15]. Although there are newer
and more elaborate vectorizers, word2vec performed best on the given collection
of German terms.

Bias Analysis. The first step in the bias analysis module, topic clustering, has
not been changed methodically. The vectorized query suggestions are assigned
to topical clusters utilizing a k-means approach.
134 F. Haak and P. Schaer

Most importantly, new metrics have been introduced. These metrics are
perception-aware, meaning that they aim to determine bias analog to how a user
would perceive it. Due to the sparseness of metadata around the suggestions and
the often context dependant bias, topical bias is the most promising approach
to automatically detecting bias. A main characteristic of the perception of query
suggestions is the low attention given to them, especially suggestions on lower
ranks [8,16]. Therefore, the main factors influencing the exposure of a topic over
a time span are the percentage of relevant topical suggestions and their ranks.
As a first step to derive the new metrics, a matrix is created, from which the
metrics are calculated. This matrix contains rows for all search terms tir with
i = 1, ..., N being the identifier of the term and r = 1, ..., 10 signifying the rank
in the list of query suggestions for the term. Search terms and suggestion rank
form the multi-index structure for the rows of the matrix. These rows are paired
with all M preprocessed single-term query suggestions sj with j = 1, ..., M , that
have been assigned to a cluster. This results in a structure where the frequency
for every search term-suggestion combination at every rank is stored. Based on
this, the number and percentage of suggestions of each of the topical clusters at
each rank can be calculated for each search term.
The problem of judging the systematic topical bias in the query suggestions
approximates the relevance judgment. Relevance judgments usually describe the
probability of a document to fulfill a given information need. Likewise, the per-
centage of suggestions for a certain cluster for a rank describes the probability of
a randomly selected single term belonging to that topic. Thus, using a discounted
relevance measure to judge the rank- and perception-aware topical affiliation is
not far-fetched. Hence, discounted cumulative gain and its normalized variety are
introduced as metrics for detecting bias. Both are usually employed to rank the
relevance of a list of documents, for example, as returned by a search query [14].
The metrics put an emphasis on the rank of the judged elements, which is what
we want our metric to do. Discounted Cumulative Gain (DCG) is implemented
adopted as a bias metric for query suggestions as [12]:

2P (Cx (i),q) − 1
DCG(Cx , q) = , (1)
log2 (i + 1)

where DCG(Cx , q) describes the DCG of a term q for cluster x and P (Cx (i), q)
is the percentage of total appearances of clustered query suggestions at rank i
of the list of query suggestions for the term. Instead of relevance, we employ the
percentage of suggestions for a topical cluster, which can be interpreted as the
topical affiliation for that cluster. Counting appearances of cluster words and
using the percentages as key measurements is similar to using graded instead
of dichotomous relevance judgments. In essence, instead of a measure of gain,
DCG as a metric for topical affiliation describes the average degree of perceived
exposure to a topic within the query suggestions of a search term. By revealing
differences in the topical affiliation between groups, topical bias towards these
groups can be identified and quantified.
Perception-Aware Bias Detection for Query Suggestions 135

The nDCG (normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain) for cluster x of a term

is expressed as the DCG divided by the DCG of the percentages P (Cx (i), q)
sorted in descending order (IDCG(Cx , q)):

DCG(Cx , q)
nDCG(Cx , q) = (2)
IDCG(Cx , q)

By normalizing, the nDCG expresses how every cluster is distributed over the
ranks of the query suggestions of a term, neglecting the overall number of cluster
words and other clusters. Thereby it expresses, what average rank the sugges-
tions of the topical cluster appear on. A high nDCG score means that a topical
cluster appears on average on the first ranks of the suggestions. However, it
does not indicate how often suggestions of the topic appear over the span of
data acquisition. The nDCG could be a useful metric if the lengths of query
suggestions vary, when particular clusters or terms are uncommon or when very
little data is available. For example, when trying to judge how prominent a term
appeared in searches, that coined only in a very brief time in search suggestions
(e.g., suggestion “flu” with names of different states). These terms do not appear
often enough over a year to impact the DCG score, but the nDCG allows for
differentiated insight anyway by only emphasizing the rank.

Regression Analysis. The metrics describe how the identified topical clusters
would manifest in the query suggestions for the search terms. The goal is to
identify significant differences between the groups of meta-attributes xi,p (e.g.,
female, SPD-member) in the perception-aware metrics for each cluster yi,c (e.g.,
DCG, nDCG). By doing so, topical bias (e.g., towards terms that describe pri-
vate or family topics) is detectable. To reveal significant differences, multiple
linear regression is performed using dichotomous dummy variables for the meta-
attributes as independent variables and the perception-aware metrics nDCG and
DCG as dependent variables. The model of this regression for topical clusters
c ∈ 1, ..., k can be expressed as

yi,c = β0 + β1 xi,1 + ... + βp xi,p + i , (3)

where i is the independent error term and i = 1, ..., N are the observation
indices. To avoid multicollinearity, one variable per attribute is used as the base
category and omitted.

4 Results of Bias Analysis of German Politicians Dataset

After describing the main changes to the bias detection pipeline in the previous
section, this section explores its effectiveness by performing an analysis using the
pipeline on the most recent version of the same dataset of German politicians
used to test the first version of the pipeline.
136 F. Haak and P. Schaer

Data Acquisition. As mentioned, the dataset consists of German politicians’

names as search terms and the corresponding returned query suggestions. Com-
pared to when the bias identification pipeline was first developed, the list was
expanded significantly. The number of search terms was raised from 630 to 3047.
The additional terms consist of politicians that are currently members of the
Bundestag (the federal parliament) but have not been in 2017 when the dataset
was created. Additionally, political figures that are not members of a German
government body, were added to the dataset. Some names of politicians with
a city name attached to it have also been added (e.g. “Volker Beck (Köln)”),
along with some terms that either do not describe a person or are for some reason
misspelled variants of names (e.g. “spd” or “goeringeckardt”). Both types have
been filtered out. As meta-attributes, further information was gathered both
manually and with a scraper tool, accessing publicly available resources such
as personal websites and databases such as Abgeordnetenwatch1 or Wikidata2 .
For each person, the socio-demographic factors age, gender, party affiliation and
federated state of political origin were collected. For 1227 of the search terms, all
information was aggregated, doubling the search terms. Furthermore, the period
of data collection now spans 34 instead of 4 months, expanding the collection
vastly. The data set and corresponding results of analyses will be published
after the publication of this paper. The data set includes 33.4% female politi-
cians. The average age is 54. Most politicians in the dataset originate from the
German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia (16%), while the smallest part
originates from the German federal state of Bremen (1.5%). The biggest party
in the sample is the CDU (“Christian Democratic Union”) with a proportion of
about 25%. These proportions correspond roughly to the actual distributions of
these attributes among German politicians.

Preprocessing. The updated preprocessing module with the added entity detec-
tion step still has to omit some of the crawled query suggestions. Albeit, with a
loss of around 18%, there is less potential loss of information due to the removal
of longer query suggestions. After cleaning, lemmatization, and entity detec-
tion, 5405 unique single word suggestions remained. The vector-transformation
algorithm was able to vectorize 3979 of these words.

Bias Analysis. The word embedding vectors for each of the suggestions were
used to perform a cluster analysis. A k-means approach was performed with
three clusters, as suggested by the employed heuristics. By manually evaluating
the clusters, we assigned a label that best describes the topic of each cluster (cf.
Table 1). The first cluster includes terms with personal meaning. The second
cluster consists mostly of names of cities and places that are of no political
significance. The third group contains words with political meaning ranging from
topics (e.g. “drug report”) over other political persons (e.g. “Guelen”) to cities
and counties that are of political significance (e.g. “Afghanistan”).

Perception-Aware Bias Detection for Query Suggestions 137

Table 1. Examples for terms of the clusters found by performing a k-means clustering
approach on the preprocessed single-word query suggestions. Translated from German
to English.

Cluster 1: Personal Cluster 2: Cities and Cluster 3: Politics

Places and Economics
Losing weight Aachen Airbus
Events Cologne Stocks
Hair Bielefeld Guelen
... ... ...

As described in Sect. 3, bias metrics are calculated based on the position and
frequency of suggestions corresponding to the clusters assigned in the previous
step. Before calculating the metrics, search terms with less than 10 cluster words
are dropped. This reduces the number of search terms to 2510, 1321 of which
have a federated state, 1146 a Party, 1238 a gender, and 1253 an age assigned.
1227 of the politicians have all meta-attributes assigned.
Table 2 shows the results of the multiple linear regression analysis performed
on the DCG and nDCG. The CDU and Baden-Württemberg were chosen as
base-categories for the attributes party and federated state. For all metrics, the
F-test rejected the joint null hypothesis that all coefficients are zero. Therefore,
relevant biased patterns towards each of the metrics can be considered. Although
there are biased patterns for each cluster, cluster 2 shows notably less. Very few
attributes show biased patterns towards suggestions of that topical cluster. This
reflects in the amount of variance explained by the models for the clusters. The
regression model using the DCG scores could explain 7%, 1% and 5% of the
variance for clusters 1, 2 and 3. The nDCG performed very similarly with 5%,
2% and 6%, respectively.
For cluster 2 (names of cities and countries), only politicians of the CSU
(christian social union in bavaria) and the LINKE (democratic socialist party)
exhibit significantly higher DCG values than the base category. The members of
the LINKE also have significantly higher nDCG values. Cluster 2 suggestions,
names of places without political significance, appear on average 1.5 ranks higher
for LINKE politicians than for other parties. The perception-aware metrics show
a significant topical gender bias towards the cluster of political and economic-
related suggestions. The results show significantly (P < 0.01) lower average DCG
scores (cluster 3: male 0.7, female 0.49, cf. Fig. 2) for suggestions of cluster 3 if
the search term is a female person. This also shows in the corresponding nDCG
values. With a coefficient of roughly -0.1 (nDCG scores for cluster 3: male 0.46,
female 0.36, cf. Fig. 2), query suggestions with political topics appear on average
one rank lower if the searched person is female. Age was identified as a biased
factor for both cluster 1 and cluster 3. The older the politician, the more politics-
and the less personal-related are the query suggestions. Figure 2 shows the mean
scores for politicians over and under 40 years of age. The DCG score for cluster
138 F. Haak and P. Schaer

1 is significantly higher for younger politicians, while for cluster 3 the opposite
is the case. This also reflects in the regression results. We found some significant
bias for both metrics within the political parties and the federated states towards
suggestions of the cluster of political terms as well as the cluster of private terms
(cf. Table 2).

Fig. 2. DCG and nDCG scores as well as total appearance percentages for gender and
age meta-attributes. The dataset includes 818 male and 420 female politicians, 1096
older than or exactly 40 years old and 1414 younger than 40 years.

5 Discussion
The developed pipeline was able to detect a significant systematic topical gender
bias that presents searches for female German politicians with less suggestions
on lower average ranks that can be associated with politics and economics. Simi-
larly, the findings show a topical age bias. Query suggestions for older politicians
consist of less and lower ranked suggestions associated with the cluster of per-
sonal topics and more and higher ranked suggestions that fit the politics and
economics cluster. The overall percentage of explained variance in the metrics
seems low, but without comparison and assuming that many unknown factors
influence the topics of query suggestions, the results are satisfactory. It seems
that the quality of the identified clusters is essential for the effectiveness of the
bias identification abilities and the insights the pipeline can produce. By intro-
ducing more carefully selected groups of query suggestions as topical clusters,
possibly by full or partial manual selection of topic words or utilizing a language
model based methodology, the bias identification capabilities could be enhanced
further. Another subject for a follow-up study is to test how the pipeline per-
forms on non-person-related searches.
DCG has shown to be a useful metric for describing the perceived topical affil-
iation but can only be interpreted relative to other DCG scores. It can therefore
be used to describe systematic topical bias. The nDCG score can describe the
average rank of a cluster or single suggestion. This leads to results similar to
the DCG scores if the percentages of terms of the clusters are comparable. For
rare or single terms, or if the cluster sizes differ greatly, the metric might be a
very useful measure. This could not be tested with the used dataset, however.
Compared to the simple percentages of cluster words, the ranking aware metrics
Perception-Aware Bias Detection for Query Suggestions 139

Table 2. Results of the regression analysis for nDCG and DCG scores for each of
the clusters. Shown are the coefficients B along with the significance value of the test
for coefficients P, for all metric-attribute-combinations. The F-test score for overall
significance and the adjusted R2 measure R2 c can be found in the row labeled “Model”.
All values are rounded, significant results (P < 0.05) are highlighted.

nDCG 1 nDCG 2 nCDG 3 DCG 1 DCG 2 DCG 3

(Constant) 0.80 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.38 0.00 2.24 0.00 1.28 0.00 0.43 0.00
Female 0.02 0.31 −0.01 0.74 −0.09 0.00 0.05 0.38 0.08 0.19 −0.20 0.00
Age (groups of 10 years) −0.03 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.02 0.01 −0.14 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.07 0.00
Baden-Württemberg Reference category
Bayern 0.05 0.18 0.02 0.60 0.02 0.71 0.25 0.05 −0.12 0.36 0.02 0.85
Berlin 0.02 0.56 −0.04 0.33 −0.13 0.00 0.04 0.75 −0.09 0.47 −0.03 0.78
Brandenburg 0.08 0.10 0.00 0.99 −0.08 0.18 0.21 0.26 0.03 0.86 −0.17 0.23
Bremen −0.06 0.36 −0.16 0.05 0.34 0.00 −0.25 0.34 −0.34 0.19 0.46 0.03
Hamburg 0.09 0.06 0.01 0.80 −0.11 0.05 0.06 0.75 0.04 0.80 −0.09 0.51
Hessen −0.03 0.44 0.02 0.63 0.03 0.45 −0.05 0.69 −0.07 0.56 0.16 0.11
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern −0.05 0.37 0.03 0.62 −0.03 0.61 −0.23 0.25 0.10 0.60 −0.17 0.27
Niedersachsen 0.03 0.28 −0.02 0.57 0.00 0.91 0.04 0.71 −0.19 0.10 −0.02 0.87
Nordrhein-Westfalen 0.05 0.07 −0.01 0.80 0.02 0.65 0.22 0.03 −0.07 0.50 −0.06 0.43
Rheinland-Pfalz 0.06 0.16 0.01 0.78 0.03 0.63 0.11 0.48 0.06 0.70 −0.03 0.81
Saarland 0.13 0.04 −0.04 0.58 −0.09 0.24 0.16 0.49 0.00 0.99 −0.25 0.16
Sachsen 0.01 0.77 0.01 0.82 0.02 0.71 −0.03 0.82 0.01 0.94 0.05 0.60
Schleswig-Holstein −0.01 0.78 −0.01 0.80 −0.01 0.88 −0.08 0.60 0.03 0.83 −0.16 0.18
Thüringen 0.06 0.18 −0.03 0.55 0.12 0.04 0.04 0.82 −0.13 0.43 0.15 0.26
Sachsen-Anhalt 0.01 0.85 0.00 0.96 0.01 0.94 −0.09 0.66 −0.01 0.97 0.02 0.90
CDU Reference category
SPD 0.02 0.36 0.03 0.29 −0.05 0.07 0.07 0.36 0.09 0.22 −0.12 0.05
CSU −0.03 0.52 0.08 0.11 −0.05 0.37 −0.22 0.19 0.53 0.00 −0.21 0.11
other parties 0.06 0.31 0.02 0.71 0.03 0.73 0.22 0.30 −0.02 0.94 −0.15 0.36
AFD 0.11 0.00 −0.01 0.83 −0.13 0.00 0.65 0.00 −0.12 0.25 −0.41 0.00
LINKE −0.01 0.78 0.17 0.00 −0.08 0.02 −0.04 0.69 0.29 0.01 −0.23 0.01
FDP 0.01 0.68 −0.03 0.37 −0.07 0.07 0.08 0.47 −0.08 0.45 −0.18 0.04
GRÜNE 0.11 0.00 −0.02 0.54 −0.10 0.00 0.42 0.00 −0.10 0.28 −0.23 0.00
Model R2 c P R2 c P R2 c P R2 c P R2 c P R2 c P
0.05 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.00

DCG and nDCG did reveal more bias. Since the rank- and frequency-aware met-
rics offer more insight without compromising effectiveness, this speaks in favor of
the introduced metrics. Directly comparing the new metrics to the old metric is
difficult because the primary defining attribute of the perception-aware metrics
is, that a different kind of bias is measured. The ability of the pipeline to reveal
bias was enhanced by introducing the perception-aware metrics. The results by
Bonart et al. explained little more of the variance inherent in the used metric
in cluster 3. However, more significant topical bias was discovered towards more
of the groups of meta-attributes and in more of the topical clusters. The new
pipeline showed significant biases for clusters 1 and 2 and identified systematic
topical biases towards the age and gender and some of the parties and feder-
ated states. Overall, the findings and the number of groups in which bias was
discovered suggest an improvement to the bias detection capabilities. Due to the
140 F. Haak and P. Schaer

biased nature of language and mental representations, natural language data

inherits bias as well. For this reason, minimizing the perceptible bias might be
more reasonable than trying to completely debias data.
The developed metrics are applicable to any other topical bias analysis of
ranked lists, for example, online search results. However, the pipeline does not
scale well to other domains. Tests have shown the pipeline’s application in the
analysis of non-person-related search to be less effective. Search queries and
query suggestions beginning with politicians’ names seem to follow limited pat-
terns. They consist primarily of the name and single or few keywords that show
a precise information need. As the produced clusters demonstrate, these terms
further fit a limited amount of clusters considerably well. Since the quality and
precision of the defined topical clusters are critical for the topical bias analy-
sis, the produced clusters’ quality is essential for the bias detection capabili-
ties. Brief tests on a collection of more diverse search queries have shown the
pipeline’s performance deteriorating. Therefore, to make the pipeline more uni-
versally applicable, the clustering needs to be reworked. Since this work focuses
on introducing more effective metrics, reworking this drawback of the pipeline
has not been addressed. Nevertheless, future work could solve this issue by intro-
ducing a more effective topical clustering methodology.

6 Conclusion
The main goal was to introduce perception-aware metrics for bias detection in
query suggestions of person-related searches. Integrating rank and frequency of
cluster words into the bias detection pipeline enables detecting bias that consid-
ers how query suggestions are perceived. This is achieved by adopting the DCG
and nDCG metrics for bias detection.
By combining perception-aware metrics with topical clustering of query sug-
gestions, the bias detection pipeline is able to overcome the challenges posed
by the sparse character of query suggestions. The results presented in Sect. 4
are more meaningful and better interpretable than the results produced by the
pipeline by Bonart et al. Perception-aware bias metrics represent a novel app-
roach to bias detection in query suggestions that could prove useful for other
bias detection scenarios as well.

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Crucial Challenges in Large-Scale Black
Box Analyses

Tobias D. Krafft1(B) , Martin Reber1 , Roman Krafft1 , Anna Coutrier2 ,

and Katharina A. Zweig1
Algorithm Accountability Lab, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern,
Kaiserslautern, Germany
Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,
Scotland, UK

Abstract. To hold software service and platform providers accountable,

it is necessary to create trustworthy, quantified evidence of problematic
algorithmic decisions, e.g., by large-scale black box analyses. In this arti-
cle, we summarize typical and general challenges that arise when such
studies are conducted. Those challenges were encountered in multiple
black box analyses we conducted, among others in a recent study to
quantify, whether Google searches result in search results and ads for
unproven stem cell therapies when patients research their disease and
possible therapies online. We characterize the challenges by the approach
to the black box analysis, and summarize some of the lessons we learned
and solutions, that will generalize well to all kinds of large-scale black
box analyses. While the studies we base this article on where one-time
studies with an explorative character, we conclude the article with some
challenges and open questions that need to be solved to hold software
service and platform providers accountable with the help of permanent,
large-scale black box analyses.

Keywords: Algorithmic accountability · Black box analysis ·

Socio-technical systems · Challenges · Learnings

1 Introduction

When triggered by keywords, search engines recommend lists of resources and

information to users, which help them to navigate the vastness of the world
wide web. They enable websites to be found, content creators to be heard,
and commercial actors like advertisers to conduct business. Thus, providers of
search engines and ad exchanges like Google take up a central position in the
socio-technical system [21,32] of web search and search engine marketing. Since
this socio-technical system is comprised of multiple actors and technical com-
ponents, it has proven difficult to assign clear responsibilities for problematic
search results or ads. For example, political ads can be erroneous and targeted
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
L. Boratto et al. (Eds.): BIAS 2021, CCIS 1418, pp. 143–155, 2021.
144 T. D. Krafft et al.

to deceive voters [6], search engine results can reinforce racism [25], or ads with
deceiving medical advice can be distributed to users with a severe illness [28].
Some of these actions are illegal, others are only ethically questionable. Some of
them fall in the clear responsibility of the ad designer, e.g., factual correctness,
others more on the side of the technical system, like the targeting of tainted
political ads or the targeted distribution of medical ads with dubious content,
which are difficult to assign.
Missing regulation in assigning responsibility is one problem, another obstacle
is that these cases are often discussed on anecdotal evidence instead of clear cut
data. For example, in the course of the Brexit, the journalist Carole Cadwalladr
noticed that many people in her hometown voted leave because they saw targeted
political ads on facebook [6]. However, ads on facebook that a user was seeing
cannot be retrieved after the fact, resulting in no quantifiable evidence.
To enable an analysis of who gets to see what, there are in principle two
solutions: getting insight into the algorithmic systems and all processes around
it or, if that is not attainable, a so-called black box analysis, which observes and
analyzes patterns in the input and output of such a system without insight into
its inner workings.
Black box analyses can be used to audit the decisions of an algorithmic sys-
tem and to detect problematic patterns in them. This is a first and necessary,
but not sufficient, step to hold the providers of an algorithmic system account-
able. Accountability in general can be defined as “a relationship between an
actor and a forum, in which the actor has an obligation to explain and to justify
his or her conduct, the forum can pose questions and pass judgement, and the
actor may face consequences [4, p.442]. Following Bovens’ definition, Wieringa
defined algorithmic accountability as follows: Instead of explaining and justifying
its own conduct, algorithmic accountability now focuses on the behavior of the
algorithm or the algorithmic system in question, which has to be justified and
explained by the person or company who puts it in use. Accordingly, this frame-
work requires (1) an actor (individual, collective or organizational) who explains
the behavior of the algorithm to (2) a forum which then challenges this account.
The (3) relationship between the two is shaped by disclosure and discussion of
(4) the account and its criteria, and ultimately (5) the consequences imposed
by the forum [31]. If the actor is held accountable for the results of proprietary
algorithms, the latter usually remain undisclosed or obfuscated by design as they
constitute trade secrets whose disclosure would allow gaming the system [18].
Thus, without any real insight into the algorithmic system and without any hard
facts, any demand regarding algorithmic accountability is a toothless tiger and
must fail: If the forum has no means to challenge the account of the actor, the
actor can in essence not be held accountable.
So far, there have been only a handful of successful attempts to scrutinise
the services these platforms provide with such black box analyses, e.g. [1,7,23].
Most of these were sparked by a concrete evidence or tangible suspicion which
determined the subsequent process of analysis. Why are there not more black
Crucial Challenges in Large-Scale Black Box Analyses 145

box analyses on this important topic, if they are the necessary basis for a public
In this paper, we want to discuss the design process and the challenges that
arise when conducting a large-scale black box analysis, mainly based on a recent
study we conducted in 2019/20.
The study arose from the work of Anna Couturier at the University of Edin-
burgh and EuroStemCell in the area of public information, patient decision-
making, and stem cell research. Her work’s focus on the development of patient
and researcher co-development of resources on stem cell treatments pointed to a
larger question of how information about medical treatments moves through digi-
tal spaces. In particular, she investigated the impact of search engines as primary
means for patient-led information gathering on their conditions and diseases and
subsequent decision making. Feedback from patient advocates from the Parkin-
son’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis community noted that patients anecdotally
noted that their search queries around their conditions often returned advertise-
ments from private clinics offering unproven treatments 1 . This led to an initial
study of advertisements of unproven stem cell treatments within the United
Kingdom [13]. These initial investigations, however, were unable to address the
largest actor within this network of knowledge dissemination; Google Search
itself. This blind spot led Anna Couturier to reach out to us to conduct a black
box analysis on how often these ads appear and whether they seem to be tar-
geted to patients rather than a healthy control group. In our “2019 Eurostemcell
Data Donation Project” we were able to collect evidence that patients do actu-
ally see more of these ads [28], despite a new policy by Google to ban stem cell
therapy ads [3]. In Sect. 2 the concept of black box analysis and its limitations
are presented. In the following section, the above mentioned Eurostemcell Data
Donation with its design and results are showcased. Section 4 derives general
challenges in conducting a black box analysis, based on the different experiences
that were made. In Sect. 5 the basis for the demand for a long term watchdog
analyses to ensure algorithmic accountability is lain out and finally Sect. 6 gives
a short summary.

2 Black Box Analysis

The concept of black box analysis can be seen as a descendant of reverse engi-
neering. Diakopoulos defines Reverse Engineering as “the process of articulating
the specifications of a system through a rigorous examination drawing on domain
knowledge, observation, and deduction to unearth a model of how that system
works” [10]. It allows the analysis of an opaque system (the black box) by obser-
vation of in- and outputs and deduction of the inner mechanics that transforms
the former into the latter. It can be best achieved if next to the observation of the
These initial impressions were collected during the Wellcome Trust Seed project-
funded workshop “Patienthood and Participation in the Digital Era: findings and
future directions” hosted by the Usher Institute at the University of Edinburgh in
August 2018. (Erikainen et al. [14]).
146 T. D. Krafft et al.

behavior of the machine it is possible to also generate or manipulate the input,

to draw specific conclusions about the relationship between input and output [2].
The central questions for this approach are What is the analysis process?, Which
properties can be uncovered, which remain disclosed? or What methods should
be used? [2].
An analysis of the relationship between input and output of search engines
can only be achieved by a black box analysis, as long as it is not done within
the companies themselves. Search engines are based on a composition of multiple
algorithms which establish a relationship between input and output and are thus
amenable to such an analysis.

2.1 Limits of a Black Box Analysis

Of course, not all kind of questions can be answered by such an analysis [30]: A
problem is that search engines, like most other algorithmic systems embedded
in a complex socio-technical system, are not a stable research subject:

1. The constant evolution of their code in a constantly improving software devel-

opment process.
2. User experience is in most cases not the same for all users: It might be altered
in A/B tests and shaped by personalization [5,16,20].
3. The complexity of the socio-technical system in which they are embedded.
Complexity emerges from the algorithmic system’s embedding in a hetero-
geneous assemblage of various types of social and technical entities that all
feedback into the system [30]. Furthermore, algorithms in socio-technical sys-
tems are ontogenic, performative and contingent in nature [22]. This means,
examining a stable representation of this sort of system is almost impossi-
ble due to their “contextual, contingent unfolding across situation, time and
space [22, p.21].
4. Finally, inspection itself can affect the examination [2].

Despite the above limits of a black box analysis, it is still a useful tool:
To assess social consequences of an algorithm’s deployment, absolute knowledge
about its workings may not always be necessary [9]. A “critical understanding
of the mechanisms and operational logic [5, p. 86] is sufficient, as long as it
considers those conditions that are required to understand a phenomenon [19].
If that can be achieved, the results of a black box analysis can constitute a
meaningful algorithmic accountability relationship in the sense of Wieringa [31]
between those, who can access its results (as the forum) and the algorithm
provider (as the actor who is held accountable).
However, designing and conducting a reliable black box analysis of search
results and ad distributions proves to be challenging as we will report in the
next section on the example of our 2019 Eurostemcell Data Donation Project
(EDD) and other black box analyses conducted in the last years.
Crucial Challenges in Large-Scale Black Box Analyses 147

3 A Case Study: Eurostemcell Data Donation

This study was a joint venture between EuroStemCell, the Algorithm Account-
ability Lab at the TU Kaiserslautern and University of Edinburgh. The main
goal was to examine, whether Google was exposing users with a severe illness
searching for stem cell treatments to advertisements of unproven and possibly
dangerous medical therapies as discussed in the introduction. These “on the
ground” observations led to the joint venture of a black box analysis study
and subsequent analysis of search engine results and ads to assess the influence
of questionable advertising in the realm of digital health digital marketing on
search engines. As the study was induced by such an observation of a probably
troublesome phenomenon, it was obvious what exactly had to be measured: the
number of search results and ads that patients and non-patients get on (proven or
unproven) stem cell therapies. Armed with that, we went into the study design.

3.1 Study Design and Results

Based on an earlier large-scale black box analysis of Google’s search results in
the context of the German federal election 2017 [23], we used a conceptualised
process of a black box analysis by Krafft, Hauer & Zweig [24], shown in Fig. 1.
It consists of five phases: The set-up of the accounts which collects the data (1),
the data collection phase at the participants’ and at the server side (2), the data
cleaning phase (3), analysis (4) and finally, the presentation and interpretation
of the data (5). For the scope of this article, only the design decisions for phases
1 and 2 are of interest.

Fig. 1. Conceptualised, technical phases of a black box analysis according to [24].

Design decisions in Phase 1: In the design of the study, the first phase
requires the choice of an analysis strategy, namely whether the data is collected
based on bot accounts (which is called a scraping audit) (1a), on bot accounts
simulating humans (1b) or real peoples’ user accounts, which is called a crowd-
sourced audit or data donation (1c) following [29]. We chose to use both, the
first and third approach.
By choosing the crowdsourced approach, patients can contribute to scientific
progress and be invited to take an active stand in enacting their autonomy,
express solidarity and benefit from indirect reciprocity [27]. For the analysis,
we recruited voluntary participants through patient advocacy groups to donate
their data. A second group consisted of users without any of the diseases we
148 T. D. Krafft et al.

were looking at, recruited by newsletters and social media. We further added
bot accounts with no search history to ensure a baseline, against which we could
compare our findings to understand whether patients would get more ads than
user accounts without any known health information.
Design Decisions for Phase 2: The scraping audit was enabled by a browser
plugin. It is important to note that we would rather use a way to integrate the
data collection into the mobile Google app - however, this would be technically
challenging and possibly illegal at the time being. In any case, the plugin auto-
mates the search queries and data collection, i.e., once it is installed and runs,
the users did not have to do anything. It thus provided a scalable, platform inde-
pendent and accessible solution that required minimal interaction from the user
during the donation. For more than 4 months, the plugins of our participants
searched 6 times per day for keywords related to stem cells or specific diseases
as long as the browser was running. The plugin scraped the search engine result
pages delivered by Google to extract search results and ads.
Our investigation of the crawled data showed that despite an official ban
of stem cell therapy related ads by Google at the beginning of the study [17],
the captured search results still included ads offering unproven stem cell ther-
apy treatments [28]. On top of that, participants that self-identified as affected,
received more advertisement than the control.

4 Challenges in Conducting a Black Box Analysis

In the last years, we have conducted black box analyses with respect to search
engine results [23], dynamic pricing, filtering of news items on Facebook [24],
an analysis of the autoplay function on YouTube, the study we report on here,
and, in ongoing work, the collection of ads from Facebook accounts. We always
encounter the same kind of severe challenges, based on the choice of how we
collect the data in the first phase: a crowd-sourced approach or a bot-based

4.1 Challenges in a Crowd-Sourced Approach

As our study question was whether patients got search results and ads for
(unproven) stem cell therapies, we needed to involve real patients in the study.
This also entailed that we needed a control group of real people not suffering
from the diseases under study.
Problems with Participant Engagement and Enrollment. In general,
participant enrollment is the more cumbersome, the more technical proficiency
it requires. This is particularly salient in the case of our study as the condi-
tions faced by our targeted study groups may, in fact, contribute to difficulties
in on-boarding. For example, patients with Parkinson’s Disease are on average
over the age of 65 years old at first diagnosis [26]. This may lead to challenges
with enrollment due to a age demographic unfamiliarity with the technology
Crucial Challenges in Large-Scale Black Box Analyses 149

necessary to take part. In our final study iteration, we were pleased to enroll
around 100 patients participants. This number is comparatively large for a socio-
anthropological medical study. However, for a large scale statistical analysis of
the results, this number is comparatively small.
It would be easiest, if participants could grant scientific study teams a
restricted access to their account on the given platform [24]. For example, if
they were able to go to their Google account, enroll to the study, and search
results and ads would be automatically collected and sent to the conductor of
the study. However, at the time being, there is no way to access specific infor-
mation of social media accounts even if users give their full consent, neither
for platforms such as the various Google services, Facebook, or Twitter. Face-
book actually offered the Facebook Graph API that granted targeted access to
users’ accounts if they gave their permission - however, following the Cambridge
Analytica Scandal, they restricted this access so much that black box analyses
targeting specific aspects like ad distribution or specific messages in the timeline
are not possible anymore from outside of Facebook.
Diversity of Hardware and Software Environments. Enrolling real per-
sons also entails being confronted with a multitude of devices, operating sys-
tems, browsers (that come in different versions), and other software running on
the device and interfering with the data collection. In our black box analysis
regarding the election in 2017, multiple participants were not able to install the
plugin, or it would not send any data, or it would hinder the normal usage of
their browsers, e.g., by excessive consumption of computing power. In the run-
ning study, we were not able to figure out whether any of this was caused, e.g.,
by their ad blocking software. Another small problem arose from the different
settings of the participant’s Google user account, e.g., the setting of the preferred
language or the preferred number of search results displayed on one page.
Problems Scraping Websites. The only technology left to collect data that
real people see in their search results, was the browser plugin. It is basically a
scraper, which is very susceptible to any changes of how the result page in the
browser is structured. For example, in our black box analysis study concerning
the German election in 2017, Google’s layout for their result page changed mid-
way. This resulted in empty data columns in our data collection for some days
until we noticed the problem. In our study on dynamic pricing, we learned that
web shops are actively fighting against price scraping by changing the structural
design of their page regularly, which makes any attempt to investigate personal
pricing based on scraping very difficult.
We learned on the one hand that it is absolutely necessary to check the
collected data regularly and on the other hand to make any updating procedure
of the data collecting software as smooth as possible. Participants are very likely
to drop out of the study, if they have to re-install or manually update the data
collecting application, as we learned in our black box analysis study in 2017
where one of our plugins had a severe bug: We could not update it remotely
and thus a re-installation was necessary. Here we encountered the double-edged
challenge of ensuring privacy. In order to maintain the privacy of the data donors,
150 T. D. Krafft et al.

we did not collect contact information, but rather relied on the donor themselves
to install and run the donation plugin. We did not even have an email list or
other communication channel to make our participants aware of the problem.
Problems Caused by Dynamic Internet Content. Another general prob-
lem in the data collection is the dynamic nature of the content advertised in
ads or search results: very often, we collected links from ads that at the time of
the analysis were already invalid. We learned that it might have been better to
crawl these links at collection time and to save the respective pages for future
analysis. However, with A/B-testing being abundant, where part of the users
following a link get version A of some website and others get version B (or C,
D,...) of it [11], it would be necessary to follow the link from within the plugin.
That is, the participant’s browser would not only open the Google webpage but
also any other webpage advertised or displayed on the results’ page. This entails
problems of safety and data privacy that are difficult to solve plus it might be
illegal w.r.t. general terms and conditions of Google’s search engine service.
Almost No Manipulation of Input Possible. While the crowd-sourced app-
roach has the huge advantage to collect data that users would see, it is almost
impossible to change the “input to the search engine” in any meaningful way,
to better understand the real behavior of the system. The “input” to the search
engine in a personalised account is not only given by the keywords, time of
day the search is conducted, the IP-address of the machine used to conduct the
search, and so on, but also by the personal history of searches, of web usage in
general, induced properties of the human user imputed by the software (like age,
income, gender, etc.). None of this can be easily changed such that a wanted
user profile can be consistently achieved. It was this restriction that prompted
us to adopt the dual approach of virtual bot-based data gathering. However, the
bot-based approach came with its own challenges.

4.2 Challenges in a Bot-Based Approach

Our study was conducted in four countries, where we rented a set of so-called
virtual private servers to run searches from IP addresses located in the same
Problems with Bot Detections. An unfortunate drawback of bot-based
approaches is that they are routinely identified by most popular online plat-
forms and then blocked. While these measures are necessary to detect malicious
bot attacks, it hinders the mainly benign and public interest-driven scientific
investigations. This would include any regular black box analyses by NGOs or
the government established to hold software or platform providers accountable.
Problems with Regionalisation. A small problem that we encountered is
the localisation of services by IP-addresses and other indicators of the place
from where a service is approached: when using virtual private servers, the IP
addresses are not as distributed over the country as if persons would use the
Crucial Challenges in Large-Scale Black Box Analyses 151

service. Moreover, the IP address might be assigned with an industrial area

rather than a residential area, resulting in different search result.
Problems with Fake Account Generation. In our study, we were lucky
that search engine results can be a) obtained without logging into some account
and b) analysed rather easily via an HTML-scraping approach. A bot-based
approach is nearly impossible if it is necessary to set up fake accounts and/or to
use an app by the software provider. We have discussed some of the problems
we encountered when setting up fake accounts with Facebook in Krafft, Hauer
& Zweig [24].
However, some of the challenges we identified above can be mitigated by
conducting a pre-study.

4.3 Arguments for Including a Pre-study

Next to profane bugs in the plugin software, a pre-study of reduced length and
number of participants can, e.g., help to estimate the size of the effect that is to
be studied, thereby indicating the number of participants needed to run reliable
statistical analyses. It helps to discover problems with the technical setup that
occur very often, giving room for a technical improvement of the user experience.
It might also detect problems with quickly changing website layouts, e.g., when
website owners use that tactic to hinder scraping as discussed above.
It will also help to reveal at least some of the weaknesses of the study design
and to mitigate unanticipated problems: For example, in the study concerning
the election of 2017 [23], we were not aware of the fact that searches on Google
could result in Google+ pages to be displayed. Google+ was the attempt of
Google to create a social network platform and it allowed to build up contacts
and to post and comment on URLs. When a person was searched on Google,
who was in the contact list, all their contact data would be shown on the result
page, in a special area reserved for that information. Similarly, if a key word
was searched for, that was associated with any content on the user’s Google+-
account, that could also become part of the search results. We did not scrape
this reserved area of the result page which could possibly contain personal data
of contacts of our participants. However, we did scrape the search engine results
and thus needed to make sure to delete all results from the Google+-accounts
because otherwise these could have been used to deanonymise our participants.
Since we did not have time for a pre-study, we were confronted with this problem
in the full study which created some problems in the data collection.
We also discovered only in the analysis of the fully collected data, that most
probably, the preferred language setting of our participants in their Google
account, produced some of the anomalies that we encountered [23]. However,
because we were not aware of this additional “input” to the search engine, we
did not collect this information and thus, cannot be sure about its effect.
152 T. D. Krafft et al.

5 From Experimental Studies to Establishing

Accountability with the Help of Large-Scale Black Box
As discussed in the introduction, accountability for problematic algorithmic
results can only be established if there is a forum questioning the conduct of the
actor, i.e., the provider of the algorithm-based service. Without reliable, large-
scale, quantified evidence and only based on anecdotal evidence or hunches, this
has proven to be difficult in the last decades. We conclude that at least for those
questions that concern, e.g. fundamental rights of citizens or the protection of
vulnerable persons like the patients in our study, an experimental study like
ours is not sufficient. It is necessary to implement a permanent large-scale black
box analysis based on a sufficiently sized and representative sample of users. In
contrast to the phenomenon-induced study we presented here, which searched
for evidence to back up anecdotal evidence, we call this the watchdog approach:
it refers to (institutionalised) continuous scrutiny over an algorithm.
Study Design for Watchdog Analyses. To implement a watchdog as part
of the forum to hold a software or platform provider accountable [31], the study
design needs to be focused on the goal to enable the watchdog’s role in the
forum. The evidence created by the black box analysis needs to be clear and
strong to challenge the actors and to hold them accountable. However, given the
state of affairs, especially the lacking access to the necessary data to actually
conduct these studies, the above stated technical challenges weaken the collected
evidence, or make it impossible to collect it.
Solution to Technical Challenges. It is thus also necessary to overcome the
technical challenges that cannot be solved on the side of the watchdog. While
the analysis of search engine results including presented ads is technically rela-
tively straight forward, other important analyses can simply not be conducted
with state of the art access to platform data. For example, we failed to analyse
from a news provider’s perspective which of his followers saw what portion of his
news [24]. We failed despite the fact that we had full access to the Facebook
account of the news provider because it did not contain the data we needed. We
also failed to set up fake accounts to retrieve the data in another way. This is a
problem as German’s media structure strives for diversity of news and informa-
tion. Thus, any subsequent filtering of news outside of the media outlet dimin-
ishing that diversity needs to be analyzable and contestable to comply with the
rules. Multiple policy consulting committees in Germany and the EU commis-
sion have acknowledged the need for the access to relevant data from algorithmic
service providers, e.g., the data ethics commission, the Enquete Commission on
artificial intelligence, and the EU commission.

6 Summary
In this paper we showed that there are a number of technical challenges that
hinder large scale black box analysis of digital platforms. Our group found it
Crucial Challenges in Large-Scale Black Box Analyses 153

an important reminder that the final output of these algorithms was not simply
search results, but the potential of an individual impacted by life-altering dis-
ease to be exposed to at-best economically exploitative practices and at-worst
potentially risky, unproven medical treatments. Some of the challenges discussed
in this paper can be mitigated by a careful study design including a pre-study.
However, the resources for this and for a large-scale analysis that includes high
numbers of patients, should not be underestimated. Next to the technical chal-
lenges that can be mitigated there are mayor technical obstacles that can only
be resolves together with platform providers. To enable accountability, where it
is necessary, a watchdog approach cannot be realized without solving these prob-
lems. The study we conducted show that this is a societal problem that cannot be
ignored any longer. We see that political bodies like the Deutsche Bundestag [12],
the Data Ethics Commission [8] and the European Parliament [15] are currently
searching for solutions.

Acknowledgment. The presented project EDD has been partially funded by the
EU stem cell public engagement project, EuroStemCell2 and by a generous grant
from the University of Edinburgh School of Social and Political Science. The research
was supported by the project GOAL “Governance of and by algorithms (Funding
code 01IS19020) which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and

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New Performance Metrics for Offline
Content-Based TV Recommender System

Luisa Simões, Vaibhav Shah(B) , João Silva, Nelson Rodrigues, Nuno Leite,
and Nuno Lopes

DTx - Digital Transformation CoLAB, University of Minho,

Campus of Azurém Ed. 1, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal

Abstract. The past decade has seen a fast rise in popularity of recom-
mendation systems provided by many entertainment and social media
services. However, despite the recognised advances in different recom-
mendation approaches and technologies, there remain many challenges,
particularly in TV content recommendation systems. More precisely,
machine learning based TV content recommendation systems suffer from
a class imbalance problem; hence, it is difficult to evaluate the system
using traditional metrics. Moreover, specific challenges arise during the
development phase, when the system operates in ‘offline’ mode. This
means the recommendations are not actually presented to users - mak-
ing it even more difficult to measure the quality of those recommenda-
tions. This paper presents a proof-of-concept demonstrator of a television
recommendation system, based on Content-based Filtering, as a contri-
bution towards building a full-scale intelligent recommendation system.
New evaluation metrics are proposed for ‘offline’ testing mode, while also
tackling the class imbalance problem. The experimental results, based on
real usage data, are promising and help in defining the future path as
presented along with the conclusion.

Keywords: Recommendation system · Content-based filtering ·

Evaluation metrics

1 Introduction

In the age of digital media, the increase in entertainment content consumption

has been almost exponential. With huge growth in digital media and enter-
tainment industry, it is pertinent for content providers to present customised
content lists according to the consumers’ ‘taste’ in order to gain an edge over
their competitors. More specifically, in the context of a cable TV service with a
set-top box, the viewers of such service select contents from a long list of items
- such as movies and TV series - in their device’s entertainment menu. Since
there are multiple possible contents that a subscriber might be interested in,
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
L. Boratto et al. (Eds.): BIAS 2021, CCIS 1418, pp. 156–169, 2021.
New Performance Metrics 157

a content Recommendation System (RS) that highlights/presents a customised

list of most interesting ‘unseen’ contents is a handy approach to facilitate the
selection. This paper presents a proof-of-concept (PoC) of such a system. This
is an ongoing work, building on the agile development model, i.e. starting from
a working prototype of a simple RS, and gradually up-scaling it towards a more
sophisticated system. There are two major approaches for building a recommen-
dation system - namely the Content-Based Filtering (CBF) and Collaborative
Filtering (CF), and a third approach is to merge these two approaches in dif-
ferent ways, i.e. a hybrid approach. This work explores a content-based filtering
approach, currently being developed in an ‘offline’ manner, which means the
recommendations are never presented to the target users. This causes a major
challenge, quite common in this type of systems, which is the evaluation process
of a Recommendation System in an offline environment. Performance metrics in
‘offline’ testing usually measure accuracy of the RS based on the ground-truth,
as well as the novelty or serendipity [8]. In the literature, Accuracy is one of
the most used techniques in an ‘offline’ environment, which shows the ability of
the RS to correctly predict a class as discussed by [16]. For example, [4] carry
out an extensive study on RS that used accuracy as an evaluation metric. Out
of those 62 studies, the performance was measured by means of precision in
31 studies, mean absolute error (MAE) in 27 studies, recall in 23 studies, F1-
Score in 14 studies, root mean square error (RMSE) in 6 studies. There are also
other metrics that were used more sporadically, for example the metrics of mean
squared error (MSE), normalised discounted cumulative gain (nDCG), and area
under the curve (AUC) were used in 15 studies. In [5], the RS developed uses
several common metrics such as precision, recall, mean average precision, aver-
age percentile-rank, and nDCG. However, Ferraro et al. understood the need
for diversity in the results of the recommendation system, thus contributing to
another analysis of the metrics, namely Diversity and the Repetition.
Bell and Langer, in [2] also studied the possibility of using offline recom-
mendation tests, and used precision, mean reciprocal rank (MRR) and nDCG as
accuracy metrics. [17] studied the different concepts of evaluating RS approaches,
and addressed the Precision, Recall, RMSE and MAE as the accuracy metrics
used to verify the utility of a RS. [15] developed a RS for courses recommendation
having as accuracy metrics precision, recall and the skill-coverage, which calcu-
lates the number of courses recommended with the required skills for the end
user. It is stated in the literature that none of the recent studies introduces novel
or useful metrics to analyse the evaluation of a RS in an ‘offline’ environment,
and many authors have reservations regarding the evaluation of such systems. [4]
concluded that none of the cases presented innovative metrics for the evaluation
of RS. The same author studied the recent developments to improve the cur-
rent performance and accuracy metrics, especially in the situations of high data
sparsity, and stated that there is still work to do in order to improve evaluation
metrics in an ‘offline’ environment. [2] concluded in their study that ‘offline eval-
uations probably are not suitable to evaluate RS, particularly in the domain of
experimental RSs’, this challenge is still supported by recent works [3]. In fact,
158 L. Simões et al.

a recent manifesto discusses the topic of the need for a science of forecasting
system performance rather than only focusing on intrinsic evaluation [6]. In an
attempt to overcome these and other issues, important events and competitions
in the area (e.g., Netflix Prize, RecSsys challange) have been contributing over
the years with a wide range of strategies to optimise recommendation systems [1]
without forgetting the challenge of ‘offline evaluation’, determining whether all
metrics evaluated offline are necessary and provide additional valuable informa-
tion for an RS in a real environment [14]. But for more than a decade it is possible
to witness multiple strategies that are being explored by industry and academia
to predict user feedback and historical models of user behaviour [9]. This trend
in research aims to predict items from implicit feedback [10], rather than rely
on a set of explicitly generated ratings that are possible in online systems. To
overcome this challenge some authors are using models of user interaction (i.e.,
click models) to construct estimators that learn statistically efficiently in an
offline evaluation environment [12]. Although an offline environment is not the
ideal setup to evaluate a recommender system, it is always necessary to per-
form some kind of evaluation before implementing an algorithm in a production
environment. Other relevant work that adressed offline evaluation metrics was
performed in [11,13].
Which leaves the authors to conclude that new metrics should be explored
to analyse and compare different algorithms. Three new metrics are proposed,
namely Genre Hit-Ratio, User Hit-Ratio and True Positives Quality, to help the
system developers with an insight on how well a user’s preferences were predicted,
firstly in terms of genres recommended/predicted (since genre was the principal
‘feature’ in this phase of the system development), secondly how many of the
users actually watched at least one of the recommended contents, and finally the
quality of visualisation to verify how well the selected recommendations served
the users’ interests.

2 Content-Based TV Recommendation System

In the presented work, several recommender algorithms were developed, based

on the Content-Based approach with small differences in the recommendation’s
listing and three different pre-processing alternatives. This section provides a
description of each module and the steps of the recommendation pipeline.

2.1 Architecture

The current phase of the development cycle involves a simple content-based rec-
ommendation engine that outputs filtered lists of recommendations based on
each user’s content genre based preferences. The idea is to place this engine
eventually as a functional component inside the broader framework of a cable
TV service provider, i.e. the system operates on a real-life setup with real data.
Nevertheless, the presented engine is a fully functional system that can oper-
ate in a standalone mode as well, with all the required modules. The complete
New Performance Metrics 159

pipeline of the presented system consists of the following main components or

phases: input, pre-processing, feature engineering, the recommendation engine
and finally the output and reporting of the recommendations (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Architecture of the proposed content-based recommendation system.

The following sub-sections describe the input datasets and each of the steps
in the recommendation pipeline.

2.2 Input Datasets

The input data is supplied in two datasets - Usage and Content, and can be
summarised as follows: 3 months of visualisation history (usage) data; from 100k
total devices; having 12M content visualisations of total 332k unique contents.
The content dataset is an exhaustive list of all the contents offered by the service
provider, out of which the recommendations are prepared. The usage dataset is a
list of all the visualisations, by all the users, during a specific period, considering
which the recommendations are generated. Both these datasets contain several
columns to describe the visualisations history and the contents. Table 1 describes
the most relevant features for the presented use-case, for each dataset.
160 L. Simões et al.

Table 1. Most relevant features of Usage and Content Datasets

Usage dataset
Id Device id
Start Visualisation start datetime
End Visualisation end datetime
Content id Content id, to match with the content dataset
Content dataset
Content id Unique id to identify the content
Content dur The content duration in seconds
Genre The genre, or list of genres of the content
Title The content’s title
Sub title The content’s original title
Season The season of the content (in case of a tv series)
Episode The episode of the content (in case of a tv series)

2.3 Pre-processing

Data Cleaning - The entries for visualisations under 5 min were also discarded,
since they reveal little to no information about the user’s interests and with this
the whole data becomes lighter. Then, invalid entries, i.e. entries with crucial
parameters missing or with undefined values were removed.

Aggregation and Popularity - The pre-processing encompasses three different

pre-processing blocks, which differ only on how the popularity of contents is
calculated and whether or not it contains an aggregation process.

Pre-Processing 1 has no aggregation, which means the recommendations are

individual and can contain specific episodes instead of the whole series, further-
more the popularity of an item is computed based on the number counting of
visualisation. For Pre-Processing 2, the popularity calculation is the same but
the aggregation process is included. And finally, Pre-Processing 3 also contains
the aggregation of contents but the “popularity” feature is calculated based on
the number of users that watched each content.

Implicit Ratings - The input datasets do not contain a rating for each visual-
isation (or each content), based on the users’ explicit feedback, and so a rating
inference for the contents is performed. The rating R is inferred based on the
visualisation time in comparison to the content’s actual duration time. In this
case, the visualisation time matches the time between the selection and play
(tstart ) of a content, and the action of closing (tend ) the visualisation panel
of that content, hich causes a percentage bigger than 100% in some cases. The
rating R is calculated as is denoted in Eq. (1):
New Performance Metrics 161
tend − tstart
R = N orm ∗ 10 (1)

x, if x ≤ 1
R ∈ Z, 1 ≤ R ≤ 10andN orm(x) = ,
1, if x > 1
tstart = visualisation start time,
tend = visualisation end time,
d = content duration.
The normalisation function in Eq. (1) assumes that every value bigger than 1
(a percentage bigger than 100%), must be assigned to the ideal maximum value
of 1, and then scale these values to have ratings as integers in the [1,10] interval.
Data Splitting - The data was split into train and test datasets, in which the
former uses approximately 11 weeks of data, and the latter uses the last 1 week.
The following block only applies to the training data, as seen in Fig. 1, and the
testing data is used in the final step to evaluate the recommendation system.

2.4 Feature Engineering

Content and User Profiling - In the Content Profile, the goal is to describe
the contents by their genre in a balanced manner. Using this information and
the user’s visualisation history, it is possible to compute the User Profile. Firstly,
a user x content matrix with the implicit ratings is created, and then the genre
relevance must be calculated individually for each user.
Matching Profiles - To make the recommendations, the algorithm needs to
match the information in the user and content’s profiles. With this information
it is finally possible to compute the recommendation ratings for each user, by
computing the sum product of the content and user profile.

2.5 Recommendation Engine

Filter Recommendations - This work encompasses three CBF algorithms,
that differ in the selection of items after the recommendation rating calculation.
In CBF1, the lists of recommendations are simply the ten contents with the
highest recommendation rating for that user, excluding those that were already
watched. Since the only factor of interest is the content’s genre, the list of items
at most times will be dreary, with no diversification at all. To overcome this, two
other content-based lists were created that force more diverse recommendations.
CBF2 takes the top five preferred genres for each user, and selects the two most
popular contents of each of them.
This filtering of contents certainly creates more diverse recommendations,
however it does not always match exactly the user preferences. To obtain this,
the system requires another listing that mimics the percentages in the user pro-
file. CBF3 does exactly that, by using the percentages to select the number of
recommendation for each genre.
162 L. Simões et al.

3 Evaluating the Recommendation System

Typically, evaluating a recommendation system means calculating how many of

the recommendations are ‘accepted’ by the users, i.e. finding the recommenda-
tion to selection conversion ratio. The objective of a recommendation system
is to have a high conversion rate, by correctly guessing the users’ preferences,
or by presenting recommendations which the users are more likely to accept,
thus creating a more positive user experience in terms of contents being rec-
ommended. However, such a measure of recommendations is possible when the
system is ‘online’, meaning the recommendations are actually presented and the
user selection feedback is recorded. On the other hand, in an ‘offline’ scenario,
it is difficult to measure whether a user would like a recommendation or not,
since the recommendations are not really presented to users. Thus the task is
to predict the visualisations in the test period, and the challenge is to measure
the quality of ‘predictions’. A key difference between recommendations and pre-
dictions is that the former has the power to actually influence a user‘s ultimate
choice, while the latter is only a passive measure. Nevertheless, it is important
to calculate whether the predictions were in the right direction or not. Moreover,
it is also important if the recommended (predicted) content that was selected
by a user was actually watched for a significant period of time, i.e. measuring
the user satisfaction as far as the quality of recommendation is concerned. In
this section, first some of the traditional evaluation metrics are presented, and
briefly explained why they are not effective in the context of a TV recommen-
dation system. Then, the new evaluation metrics are proposed, to measure a
system’s performance in a way that gives a better insight into the quality of
recommendations, especially in an ‘offline’ context.

3.1 Traditional Metrics

The machine learning systems, including recommendation systems, are typically

evaluated using the four metrics: precision, recall, false positive rate and accu-
racy. For a TV recommendation system, these metrics are calculated using the
values filling the confusion matrix considering the number of contents that were
or weren’t recommended and which contents were watched, and which were not.
Thus, in the evaluation phase, each content visualisation in the testing dataset
will be classified to one of the categories in the confusion matrix as per Table 2.

Table 2. Confusion matrix

Watched Not watched

Recommended True Positive (TP) False Positive (FP)
Not recommended False Negative (FN) True Negative (TN)
New Performance Metrics 163

Based on the values obtained from the confusion matrix, the Table 3 shows
the calculations as well as meanings of the traditional metrics in the present
context. These measures are of little significance, due to several reasons:

Table 3. Traditional metrics

Metric Calculation Interpretation

Precision (T P + F N )
Positive Predictive Value. The rate of
recommendations/predictions that
were indeed watched
Recall (T P + F N )
True Positive Rate. The number of
contents that were
recommended/predicted and were
watched out of all the contents watched
False positive rate (F P + T N )
The number of contents that were
recommended/predicted but not
watched, out of all the contents that
were not watched
(T P + T N )
Accuracy (T P + T N + F P + F N )
The rate of correct predictions,
including both watched and not

– Only 10, out of large number of, classes are recommended for selection;
– Number of items recommended (predicted) are always hugely inferior to the
number of items not recommended (class imbalance);
– Multiple interesting items are left out of the final list of recommendations;
– A True Positive implies a selection of even 1 of the 10 recommendations.

For example, in the case of precision, out of the 10 recommendations pre-

sented (or predicted visualisations), a success would mean at least one of the
recommended contents being watched. A viewer is not expected to select and
go through all 10 of them. On the other hand, there is a huge class imbalance.
There are only 10 recommendations presented to the user, which means the rest
of the thousands of contents are ‘not recommended’. Naturally, in a normal case
a user would anyways not watch all of them. So the true negatives would always
be very high. These two facts mean, the precision would always be very low,
whereas the accuracy will always be very high. Additionally, since in the present
scenario there are no recommendations being actually presented, the user may
select practically any content from the menu. In such case, the recall or hit-
ratio (true positive rate) would always be very low, since the user may watch
many more contents other than those predicted. Similarly, the false positive rate,
meaning the recommended/predicted contents that were not watched out of all
the contents that were not watched, shall be very low as well since there is always
164 L. Simões et al.

a high number of contents that are not watched than the ones that were in a
small list of recommendations/predictions and were not watched.
Considering these issues with the traditional metrics for a TV recommenda-
tion system, as well as given the challenge of testing the system in offline mode,
new metrics were proposed.

3.2 Proposed New Metrics

In an offline context, it is not possible to measure the recommender system’s

performance since there are no users to give feedback about the recommendations
that were given. It is however, quite straight forward to measure how accurately
a system can predict what the user will most likely watch (without any external
influence) based on his visualisation history. These two evaluations can be easily
mistaken, so it’s important to keep in mind that the main goal of a recommender
system is not to predict what a user will watch next, but instead to find the most
relevant contents in all the database, and possibly recommended an item that
the user would never even know existed if it wasn’t for the recommendation
given. A first approach was to consider the most common traditional metrics to
evaluate the system but then it also created new metrics that can be a bit more
suitable for an offline context.

User Hit-Ratio (UHR). Intends to measure the conversion rate in terms

of users, instead of measuring how many of the recommended contents were
actually watched. The precision metric obtains a perfect score only when all the
recommended contents were watched by all users, which is an extremely unlikely
event and does not give much insight about the recommendation system’s per-
formance. However, UHR aims at measuring this performance by counting the
amount of satisfied users, i.e. the number of users that ‘accepted’ at least one of
the recommendations given, and comparing it to the total number of users. This
tells the system if the recommendations given are being relevant to the users or
not. To formulate the calculation, let U be the total number of users. Then the
User-Hit Ratio is denoted as in Eq. (2).


i=1 0, if T Pi = 0
U HR = , where ui = (2)
U 1, if T Pi > 1

In Eq. 2, ui is the ith user with any visualisation, and T Pi is the True Positive
rate of the ith user.

Genre Hit-Ratio (GHR). Since content-based algorithm is focused on the

user’s taste and in the content or feature set items, it seems obvious to measure
the performance of this prediction. In this context, the content Genre is one
New Performance Metrics 165

of the chosen features, therefore, GHR was developed to measure the accuracy
of the predictions of users’ genre-wise preferences. With this new metric it is
possible to observe how many of the watched contents belong to the predicted
genres. This metric is crucial to evaluate whether or not the recommendations
are similar to the users’ taste. If a user watches only comedy and drama contents,
the recommendations will be other contents that contain these two genres. Even
if the user does not select any of the ten recommendations, it is important to
evaluate if the genre was accurately ‘predicted’. To illustrate, consider that the
user watched five new contents after he/she received the recommendations. Four
out of these five were from comedy or drama genres, which gives a GHR of 80%.
In this example, although the user never watched any of the recommendations,
the contents on this list were compatible with the user’s genre taste.
To formulate the calculation, let Ci be the total number of contents watched
by the ith user. Further, consider a genre calculation function G(), such that
G(C) gives the list of all the genres of content C; additionally consider a user-
wise genre calculation function GU (), such that GU (u) returns the preferred
genres of useru. Then, the Genre-Hit Ratio is denoted in Eq. (3),
U 10
i=1 j=1 1, if G(cij ) ∩ GU (ui ) = ∅
GHR = , where wij = (3)

U 0, if G(cij ) ∩ GU (ui ) = ∅

In Eq. (3), wij is an indicator whether the j th content watched by the ith
user had that user’s recommended/predicted genres or not.

True Positive Quality (TPQ). The traditional metrics discussed before, mea-
sure the system’s performance merely based on quantity parameters. However,
even when a user watches all the recommended contents (100% precision), it does
not mean that they were relevant to him/her. To assess relevance, it is neces-
sary to look at the quality of the watched recommendations, which is commonly
evaluated based on user feedback. For offline contexts, the authors propose an
implicit feedback approach - True Positive Quality - which is the mean value of
the True Positive (Table 2) content’s implicit ratings. With this, it is possible to
evaluate how much the user enjoyed the recommendations that were presented
as in Eq. (4). These values range from 1 to 10, and if the system obtains a 9
TPQ it means that the ‘accepted recommendations’ were extremely relevant to
the users. On the other hand, if this value is 5 or below, it means that the users
found the recommendations to be mediocre.

i=1 j=1
TPQ = (4)

166 L. Simões et al.

th th
Rij = rating of j true positive content f or the i user(f romeq.(1)),
Ni = number of true positive contents f or the ith user.

4 Results Analysis and Concluding Remarks

The present recommendation system had a two-dimensional evolution, in the

pre-processing and algorithm planes, as described in the previous sections. Given
this, nine individual tests were performed, that correspond to all the possible
combinations of the content-based algorithms (CBF1, CBF2 and CBF3) and
the pre-processing blocks (PP1, PP2 and PP3). The results considering both
traditional and proposed metrics obtained, are analysed in Table 4.

Table 4. Traditional and proposed metrics

Traditional Metrics Proposed Metrics

PP1 Precision Recall FPR Accuracy UHR GHR TPQ
CBF1 0.13% 0.26% 0.05% 99.92% 0.97% 69.12% 8.09
CBF2 0.39% 0.72% 0.05% 99.93% 3.09% 83.30 % 7.30
CBF3 0.44% 0.84% 0.05% 99.92% 3.41% 82.32% 7.31
PP2 Precision Recall FPR Accuracy UHR GHR TPQ
CBF1 0.16% 0.69% 0.11% 99.87% 1.62% 74.73% 8.57
CBF2 0.75% 2.78% 0.10% 99.88% 6.42% 85.19% 8.18
CBF3 0.81% 2.34% 0.11% 99.9% 5.50% 85.17% 8.13
PP3 Precision Recall FPR Accuracy UHR GHR TPQ
CBF1 0.16% 0.69% 0.11% 99.87% 1.62% 74.73% 8.57
CBF2 0.73% 2.72% 0.10% 99.88% 6.31% 85.19% 7.97
CBF3 0.80% 2.31% 0.11% 99.90% 5.42% 85.17% 7.90

Analysing the Traditional Metrics, it is possible to realise that the values for
each metrics are either extremely low, or extremely high. All tests have precision
and false positive rate values under 1%. Recall values show a bit more variance
(2.52%) in comparison, and have slightly higher values, though still under 3%.
However, the Recall values increase when the data contains sparse values, which
is the case of the presented work. Accuracy is on the other side of the spectrum,
with all tests scoring higher than 99.8%, with a variance of 0.06%. In general,
none of these metrics give good insights about the recommendation system,
as none of them reflect the dimensions of the advances between pre-processing
blocks and the different algorithms.
As described in the Proposed New Metrics, it is possible to observe a bigger
variance in the test’s results, i.e. 5.45%, 16.07% and 1.27% respectively, but most
importantly these metrics give more relevant information about the system:
New Performance Metrics 167

1. User Hit-Ratio measures the users that watched the recommended contents
2. Genre Hit-Ratio compares the watched content to those that were recom-
mended (considering that genre is a factor of interest in this work)
3. True Positive Quality expresses the quality of the accepted items, by calcu-
lating the mean of the implicit ratings.

4.1 Conclusion

When launched, the recommendation systems operate by interacting with users,

i.e. presenting the globally popular recommendations to users, and learning from
the users’ choices. However, before going ‘online’, there is a phase in the devel-
opment cycle when the ‘recommender algorithm’ must be tested to provide a
proof of concept, or test its efficiency. The challenge in the presented work was
to measure the quality of recommendations before the recommendation system
is integrated with the client’s larger infrastructure to actually start presenting
the recommendations to viewers. In other words, in the ‘offline’ mode these rec-
ommendations become predictions, and instead of influencing the users’ choices,
the task is to analyse the quality of these predictions. New metrics were proposed
to help measure how well a user’s genre-based preferences were predicted, or how
effective were the recommendations, or predictions, by comparing with actual
content visualisations by the users. Besides, these metrics can also help measure
a recommendation system in ‘online’ mode. For example, even if a particular
recommendation is ‘not accepted’ by the user, by analysing the ‘genre’ of the
actual content selected by the user, it is possible to evaluate if that parameter
was correctly predicted or not. This further helps in improving the final filtering
of the recommendation lists.

4.2 Future Work

This is an ongoing work, and there are already several lessons learned from the
presented experiments. Some of the shortcomings are planned, on multiple levels,
to be corrected in the next development cycle that is ongoing at the time of this
publication. For example, improved input datasets will be used with more infor-
mation regarding the visualisations and contents, to correctly predict a user’s
visualisation rating as well as prepare a better (more relevant) content list for
recommendation. Also, the current methodology of preparing training and test
sets introduced a time-bias. To address this, the new phase includes implemen-
tation of a ‘prequential methodology’ [7] that splits the data into shorter periods
of time, in a sliding window like manner. The feature engineering section is also
being enhanced to lessen the bias in the implicit ratings and prepare new fea-
tures to include currently discarded content information, such as namely cast
and crew. Additionally, a collaborative filtering approach based algorithm is
168 L. Simões et al.

being implemented, to generate recommendations based on the users’ similar-

ity in terms of watched contents. Testing the proposed evaluation metrics on
this new algorithm, and comparing the current and new results will give a clear
insight on the effectiveness of the algorithms. Finally, new evaluation metrics
are planned to measure other aspects of the algorithms to be implemented, and
the authors also suggest the inclusion of Novelty and Diversity to evaluate the
system performance. Novelty refers to the extent to which users receive new
and alluring recommendations that are perceived as interesting discoveries, and
Diversity refers to the presence of different types of contents in terms of genres,
actors, directors, and TV channel in the recommendation list.

Acknowledgment. This work has been supported by NORTE-06-3559-FSE-000018,

integrated in the invitation NORTE-59-2018-41, aimed at Hiring of Highly Qualified
Human Resources, co-financed by the Regional Operational Programme of the North
2020, thematic area of Competitiveness and Employment, through the European Social
Fund (ESF).


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Author Index

Agarwal, Nitin 106 Leite, Nuno 156

Akaho, Shotaro 25 Lepri, Bruno 51
Li, Ke 1
Baba, Yukino 25 Lopes, Nuno 156
Bartscherer, Frederic 9
Beretta, Elena 51
Makhortykh, Mykola 36
Coutrier, Anna 143 Mead, Esther 106
Misztal-Radecka, Joanna 92
De Martin, Juan Carlos 51
Di Nunzio, Giorgio Maria 64 Reber, Martin 143
Dutta, Sanghamitra 117 Rodrigues, Nelson 156
Ruiz, Javier 78
Fabris, Alessandro 64
Färber, Michael 9
Feng, Yunhe 1 Saelid, Daniel 1, 14
Sánchez, María Ignacia 78
Gao, Ruoyuan 1 Schaer, Philipp 130
Grover, Pulkit 117 Shah, Chirag 1, 14
Guíñez, Francisco 78 Shah, Vaibhav 156
Silva, João 156
Haak, Fabian 130 Silvello, Gianmaria 64
Han, Bin 14 Simões, Luisa 156
Hussain, Muhammad Nihal 106 Susto, Gian Antonio 64

Indurkhya, Bipin 92
Ulloa, Roberto 36
Jiang, Chenyu 117 Urman, Aleksandra 36

Kamishima, Toshihiro 25 Vetrò, Antonio 51

Kashima, Hisashi 25
Kirdemir, Baris 106
Krafft, Roman 143 Wu, Bowen 117
Krafft, Tobias D. 143
Kready, Joseph 106 Zweig, Katharina A. 143

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