Activity in English III Court

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Jennifer Andrea Pardo – ID.


Theme: Activity in English III Court

Based on the video, answer the following questions?

1. How is the covariance calculated, using random vectors?

Covariance is a measure of the linear relationship between two variables:

 Cov (X, Y) = E (X - E[X]) (Y - E [Y]) = E [XY] – E [X] E[Y].

It is calculated taking into account the properties of covariance:

 if X and Y are independent, Cov (X, Y) = 0 (E [XY] =E [X] E[Y]).

 Cov (X, Y) = 0 does not imply that X and Y are independent.
 Cov (aX + b, cY + d) = ac Cov (X, Y).


It follows that:

E (X1 X2) = 0.2

E (X1) = 0.8

E (X2) = 0.4


Cov (X1, X2) = E (X1X2) - E (X1) × E (X2) = 0.2 - 0.8 × 0.4 = -0.12.

According to the above it can be concluded that:

 When there is a high probability that large values of X are associated with large
values of Y, and small values of X are associated with small values of Y, the
covariance will be positive.
 And if there is a high probability that large values of X are associated with small
values of Y and vice versa, the covariance will be negative.
 When there is no linear relationship between variables X and Y, the covariance
between them is 0, that is, X and Y are uncorrelated variables.

It is important to note that the covariance takes into account only linear
2. ¿We can organize the means and covariances into vectors and

Yes. Since Cov (X, Y) =E [XY]-E [X] E [Y] =E [Y X]-E [Y] E [X] = Cov (Y, X), it is
evident that the covariance matrix is the Σ X is a symmetric matrix, i.e., it verifies ΣX′

 Furthermore, it can be shown that the variances and covariances matrix of any
random vector is positive semidefinite. of any random vector is positive

For two-dimensional random variable:

The variances and covariances matrix is:


Therefore, the vector of means and the matrix of variances and covariances of the
vector (X1, X2) are, respectively:
3. If we have a mean vector of a random vector X, what is the column
vector equal to?

To (P) columns, i.e. the data of an am. A.S of the variable X = (x (1), . . .., x(p)). or
when one is The values of the random vector for each individual (row of the matrix):

Two key statistics will be calculated from this matrix:

 The vector of sample means xt = 1/n -→1tX, which is a linear transformation of

the data matrix and allows to obtain the estimate of the vector of means -→µ.

 The sample variance-covariance matrix which is a matrix

transformation of the data matrix and allows to obtain the estimate of the
matrix variance-covariance matrix of the v. a. Σ.

The centring matrix, Hn = In - 1/n -→1n-→1nt = In -- →1n(- →1nt- →1n)-1-→1nt, will

be very useful in its calculation. variable. This centring matrix has two important

p-dimensional normal distribution.



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