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Materials Research. 2014; 17(Suppl.

1): 114-120 © 2014


Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Two Api Steels for Iron Ore Pipelines

Leonardo Barbosa Godefroid*, Luiz Cláudio Cândido, Rodrigo Vicente Bayão Toffolo,

Luiz Henrique Soares Barbosa

Rede Temática em Engenharia de Materiais – REDEMAT, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto – UFOP,

CEP 35400-000, Ouro Preto, MG, Brasil

Received: June 26, 2013; Revised: March 17, 2014

This research compares the mechanical behavior of two API steels (X60 and X70) used in the
longest pipeline in the world for the conveyance of iron ore. Tensile tests, Charpy impact tests, CTOD
tests and fatigue crack growth tests are performed at ambient temperature. Metallographic examination
showed a banded microstructure consisting of polygonal ferrite and pearlite in both steels, with smaller
grain size and the presence of a small quantity of bainite in the X70 steel. All the mechanical tests
revealed a ductile behavior for the two steels. The X70 steel is preferable for the pipeline project, due
its better mechanical resistance, with no significant loss of fracture toughness and fatigue resistance.
Its performance could be even better, if an appropriate combination of thermomechanical processing
parameters were able to produce a microstructure with minor amount of pearlite, where acicular
ferrite/bainite are present.

Keywords: API steels, fracture toughness, fatigue crack growth

1. Introduction
Over the past 30 years, the world production of oil fracture toughness and fatigue, mainly on near-threshold
and gas and the consumption of their products have grown fatigue crack growth behavior13,14. Therefore, the present
significantly, which has caused an increase in the use of study was undertaken to evaluate the behavior of two
pipelines for their transport. Similarly, the use of pipelines commercial microalloyed API pipeline steels manufactured
for transporting iron ore over long distances has been a by Brazilian steel plants. The API 5L X60 and X70
solution adopted by many mining companies. To achieve grade steels were analyzed and compared in terms of
this demand, it is necessary that the pipes used in transport microstructure and mechanical properties. The objective
have larger diameters and work at high pressures. The of this study was to verify the safely replacement of an old
development of high strength steels, which avoid the use of steel (X60) by a modern steel (X70) in a recently designed
very high wall thicknesses, makes a significant contribution transport line of iron ore.
to pipeline project cost reduction1-11. The manufacture of
steel pipelines for oil, gas and iron ore transmission follows 2. Materials and Experimental Procedures
the API 5L standard12. The requirement of high mechanical
The X60 steel was manufactured by traditional hot-
resistance, combined with good fracture toughness at low
rolling and normalising operations while the X70 steel was
temperatures and also a good weldability, implies the use
obtained by thermomechanical processing, with appropriate
of high strength low alloy steels (HSLA), obtained by
choice of rolling parameters: slab reheating temperature,
thermomechanical processing. The ultimate goal is to obtain
roughing and finishing mill temperatures, degree of final
a microstructure with the presence of well-selected phases
deformation and coiling temperature. For all tests, samples
and refined grain size.
were prepared from cutting, with orientation that maintains
During its operation, defects in pipelines can nucleate
the mechanical load for the tests always parallel to the
and propagate as fatigue cracks while the structure is
original iron ore flux.
subjected to internal and external cyclic loading, and
Chemical analyses of the steels were performed by
fatigue failure can occur in the pipelines. Therefore, a clear
means of a ThermoARL optical emission spectrometer.
understanding of fatigue and fracture toughness properties
Specimens taken from the longitudinal plane of the steels
for pipeline steels is important to provide information for
were mechanically polished and etched by a 2% Nital
pipeline design during construction and predict pipeline
reagent, and then microstructures were observed by a JEOL
live during operation.
scanning electron microscope (SEM). All the mechanical
Several studies on the microstructure – basic mechanical
tests were conducted at room temperature in laboratory air.
properties relationships for pipeline steels have been carried
Hardness and impact tests were performed on WOLPERT
out since 1980s. However, little information is available on
machines. Tensile tests, fracture toughness tests (CTOD)
*e-mail: [email protected] and fatigue crack growth tests (da/dN x ∆K) were conducted
2014; 17(Suppl. 1) Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of two Api Steels for Iron Ore Pipelines 115

on a 10ton MTS servo-hydraulic testing machine interfaced Table 1. Chemical composition of the API-5L-X60 steel (wt.%).
to a computer for machine control and data acquisition. C Si S P Mn Ni
Three-point single-edge bend SE(B) specimens (5 mm
0.192 0.149 0.005 0.026 1.324 0.018
thick, 20 mm wide) in T-L orientation were used for all the
fracture toughness and fatigue tests. Fracture toughness Cr Cu Al Ti Nb V
tests were performed to determine the CTOD (crack tip 0.014 0.019 0.010 0.001 0.001 0.063
opening displacement) value at the first attainment of a
maximum load plateau, for stable ductile crack extension.
Experimental CTOD estimates were made by separating the Table 2. Chemical composition of the API-5L-X70 steel (wt.%).
CTOD into elastic and plastic components, in accordance
C Si S P Mn Ni
with the ASTM E1290 standard15. Fatigue crack growth
tests were performed under a sinusoidal waveform at a 0.109 0.239 0.004 0.023 1.536 0.011
frequency of 30Hz with a load ratio of 0.1, in accordance Cr Cu Al Ti Nb V
with the recommendations of ASTM E647 standard16. The 0.024 0.011 0.026 0.016 0.045 0.045
fatigue threshold value ∆KTH was defined as the stress
intensity factor range at which the fatigue crack growth
rate decreased to below 1×10–7 mm/cycle. This value was
estimated by a K-decreasing procedure. The crack closure better properties combination24-34, such as high mechanical
load was estimated using a crack opening displacement strength, excellent fracture toughness, good H2S resistance,
(COD) compliance technique, and was assumed to be the reduction of the Bauschinger effect and superior fatigue
point when the COD-load curve begins to deviate from the behavior, than the polygonal ferrite – pearlite microstructure.
linear elastic curve. The constants C and m of the well- The distribution of inclusions in the two steels was also
known Paris equation are obtained by the linearization of analyzed. According to the specific ASTM standard for
the da/dN versus ∆K curve between 1×10–5 and 1×10–3 mm/ steels35, inclusions are classified in the D-globular oxide
cycle. After the tests were completed, the fracture surfaces type, thin, severity level 0.5, scattered randomly in the
were examined by a JEOL scanning electron microscope. microstructure. No MnS inclusions or grain boundaries
precipitates were observed in both steels.
3. Results and Discussion Table 3 shows basic mechanical properties obtained in
this study for the two API steel. This table presents results
The chemical compositions of the two steels used in of tensile, hardness and impact tests. With respect to tensile
the present study are shown in Tables 1 and 2. Comparing behavior, the results of both steels are according to API
these results with the existing specifications for pipelines, standard12. It’s important to note that X70 steel presented
it is verified that the steels satisfy the API requirements12. higher tensile mechanical resistance, hardness and impact
It should be noted the lower carbon content of X70 steel, absorbed energy than X60 steel, without significant loss of
compensated by the presence of microalloying additions. In ductility. The cumulative effect of observed fine-grained
this case, the worldwide trend for using Nb-Cr is perceived10,
ferrite microstructure, in conjunction with the operation
in view of the increasing cost of Mo and V. Contents of S and
of other hardening mechanisms (solid solution, fine
P are below the maximum allowed by the API standard, to
precipitation and dislocation strengthening), provided
minimize the formation of inclusions (elongated manganese
superior mechanical resistance values to X70 steel 20-23.
sulfide particles) and segregation (phosphorus segregation
Ductile behavior can still be observed in the two steels by
to austenite grain boundaries during austenitization), to
their mechanism of fracture, regardless of the difference
minimize the tendency for embrittlement phenomena and
in mechanical properties: tensile and impact specimens
to avoid the decrease of mechanical properties of the steel
(low fracture toughness and low fatigue resistance). showed the operation of the mechanism of nucleation,
Figure 1a-d shows the SEM micrographs of the two growth and coalescence of microvoids36,37, Figure 2 (tensile)
steels studied. It is observed in both steels the presence of and Figure 3 (impact). On the other hand, it appears that
polygonal ferrite/pearlite banding (pancake type), a common the elastic ratio ER is relatively high for both steels. This
occurrence in hot-rolled, low alloy steels17,18. Banding is the relationship is assuming growing importance in thick plates
microstructural condition manifested by alternating bands intended for the manufacture of large diameter pipes20: the
of quite different microstructures aligned parallel to the lower is this value, the lower the trend to the development of
rolling direction of steel products, caused by interdendritic the so-called “spring-back effect” during the conformation
segregation (for example, manganese is frequently of the pipe. All the mechanical properties could be better
associated with banding). X70 steel presented a lower ferritic for the X70 steel, with adjustments in thermomechanical
grain size (ASTM 11 to 15) than X60 steel (ASTM 8 to 10)19. processing, reduction of pearlite content and the use of a
This is a consequence of the well-known beneficial presence microstructure consisting of acicular ferrite/bainite2,24,38-42.
of microalloying elements (Nb and Ti) and the rolling The loss of strength resulting from reduced pearlite content
parameters employed in the X70 steel thermomechanical can be offset by precipitation hardening and dislocation
processing20-23. It’s interesting to note the presence of a small hardening. Thanks to the finer grain size and the higher
volumetric fraction of bainite / degenerated pearlite and dislocation density of the bainite compared to polygonal
the absence of acicular ferrite in X70 steel. For a pipeline ferrite, this microstructure offers higher strength and also
steel, if these constituents can be achieved, it will be with improves toughness.
116 Godefroid et al. Materials Research

Figure 1. Microstructural analysis, SEM, longitudinal section. Nital 2% etching. PF = polygonal ferrite; P = pearlite; B = bainite.

Table 3. Basic mechanical properties of the studied steels.

Steel σYS (MPa) σUS (MPa) ER (%) εt (%) AR (%) HRA CV (J) LE (%)
X60 500 576 87 40 65 59 169 14
X70 586 640 91 38 65 65 184 14
σYS: tensile yield stress; σUS: tensile ultimate stress; ER: elastic ratio = σLE/σLR; εt: tensile total elongation; AR: tensile area reduction; HRA: Rockwell
Hardness A; CV: Charpy impact absorbed energy; LE: Charpy lateral expansion.

Figure 2. Fracture analysis, tensile test specimens. SEM, 500X.

2014; 17(Suppl. 1) Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of two Api Steels for Iron Ore Pipelines 117

Figure 3. Fracture analysis, impact test specimens. SEM, 500X.

Table 4. Fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth results.
Steel CTOD (mm) ∆KTH (MPa√m) KCL/Kmax C (x 10–9) m
X60 0.35 9.6 0.35 1.07 3.52
X70 0.33 9.8 0.40 0.95 3.55
CTOD: fracture toughness; ∆KTH : threshold limit, fatigue crack growth in region I; KCL/Kmax: closure effect; C: constant of Paris’equation, fatigue crack
growth in region II; m: constant of Paris’equation, fatigue crack growth in region II.

The fracture toughness test results reveal a similar

behavior for the two steels. Table 4 shows the results
obtained. Figure 4 illustrates typical load (P) versus
displacement (COD) curves from CTOD tests obtained
with both steels. This figure shows the determination of
the plastic component of the CTOD. It is interesting to note
that although the maximum load supported by X70 steel
is higher than the corresponding value for the X60 steel,
its value of COD is less, hence the similarity between the
CTOD values. Ductile behavior is observed again for both
steels36,37, Figure 5.
With respect to the fatigue crack growth resistance,
the behavior of the two steels is also similar, in the near-
threshold regime (region I) and in the linear regime (region
Figure 4. Typical load (P) versus displacement (COD) curves II, the well-known Paris regime) of the traditional sigmoidal
from CTOD tests. Arrows indicate the determination of the plastic curve da/dN × ∆K. Table 4 shows basic characteristics
component of the CTOD. obtained with these tests. Figure 6a presents the fatigue

Figure 5. Fracture analysis, CTOD test specimens. SEM, 500X.

118 Godefroid et al. Materials Research

crack growth rates of the two steels as a function of ∆K. steel. At higher crack growth rate the sigmoidal curves
In the near-threshold regime, the fatigue crack growth rate tended to converge. These behaviors can be explained by
of the X70 steel was slightly lower than that of the X60 the crack closure phenomenon13,14,43,44. Figure 6b presents

Figure 6. Fatigue crack growth results.

Figure 7. Fracture analysis, fatigue specimen. SEM, 2,000X, X60 steel.

Figura 8. Fracture analysis, fatigue specimen. SEM, 2,000X, X70 steel.

2014; 17(Suppl. 1) Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of two Api Steels for Iron Ore Pipelines 119

the crack closure levels of the two steels as a function • Both steels satisfy the API requirements for chemical
of ∆K. It is possible to see that the KCL/Kmax ratio was composition.
slightly different for the two steels in the low ∆K region. • Both steels presented a banded microstructure
Two mechanisms are considered to explain crack closure consisting of polygonal ferrite and pearlite. X70 steel
in this region: roughness or oxide. The fatigue specimens also presented a small quantity of banite and a lower
showed, for both steels studied, a transgranular fracture ferritic grain size than X60 steel.
surface, without corrosion deposits. On the other hand, a
• X70 steel presented higher mechanical resistance
roughness surface was observed, suggesting the operation
(tensile, hardness and impact) than X60 steel, without
of roughness-induced crack closure. The crack closure level
decreased with increasing ∆K for both steels. This implies significant loss of ductility, but with high elastic ratio.
that crack closure effect is more significant in the low ΔK • The fracture toughness test results (CTOD) reveal a
region. Fracture surfaces with shear regions in ∆K next similar behavior for the two steels.
to crack growth threshold (da/dN ≅ 10–7mm/cycle), and • In the near-threshold regime, the fatigue crack
fracture surfaces with fatigue striations in the linear region growth rate of the X70 steel was slightly lower than
of crack growth (da/dN ≅ 10–4mm/cycle) are illustrated in that of the X60 steel. At higher crack growth rate
Figures 7 and 8 for each steel studied. These different crack the sigmoidal curves tended to converge. The crack
growth mechanisms are typical of fatigue cracking in the closure phenomenon can be used to explain these
two regions37. behaviors.
• The X70 steel is acceptable  and preferable for
4. Conclusions the pipeline project, but its performance could
Two commercial microalloyed API 5L X60 and X70 be even better, if an appropriate combination of
grade steels were analyzed and compared in terms of thermomechanical processing parameters were able
microstructure and mechanical properties. The following to produce a microstructure with minor amount of
conclusions can be drawn from the investigation. pearlite, where acicular ferrite / bainite are present.

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