Tidings For August 2011

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Boones Creek Baptist Association Serving, Encouraging and Supporting Christs Churches

Bro. John Ryder-Director of Missions Angel Kane, Secretary Floyd & Gale Holbrook-Camp Manager Office (859) 744-0037 Fax (859) 744-1069 E-mail: [email protected] Web-Site-www.boonescreekbaptistassoc.com Printed Sept. 2011, Volume 44, issue 9 Deadline for next Issue: Oct. 15, 2011

A Note to you, Another associational year has completed. New committees and officers for the association will be in place after the semi-annual meeting on October 10. Lets remember them in prayer as they start new duties. Thanks to those who served last year. Thanks, also, to the pastors and church families in our association for hosting and attending the semi-annual meetings and executive board meetings. Please pray for our association and for me as we go into the new association year. The association semi-annual meeting will be held on October 10, 2011 at First Baptist Church, Irvine. Rev. Jesse Kline of Northside Baptist Church will preach the message. Start time will be 5 PM with the meal at 6PM and the night session at 7 PM. Now is the time to elect messengers if your church hasnt done so. October is Cooperative Program Emphasis Month The Cooperative Program is the plan Southern Baptists use to fund mission causes at the state, national, and international levels. CP provides the foundational support for international and North American missionaries; Kentucky Baptist Convention work; training and other helps for local churches; and Baptist organizations. How Does It Work: As people give their tithes and offerings in their churches, a portion is sent to the Kentucky Baptist Convention. This amount is decided by the church. Part of this money (43.5%) is then sent to the Southern Baptist Convention to help fund missions and ministries in North America and around the world. Another part (32.9%) is used for state missions and to help churches through the Kentucky Baptist Mission Board. A third part (23.6%) helps other Baptist organizations in Kentucky such as our colleges and childrens homes. Food For Thought: Dr. A. W. Tozer said, I am not surprised that I still meet people who do not believe that Jesus Christ is going to return to earth. In fact, some of them, armed with their own Bibles and interpretations, are insistent on setting me "straight." One gentleman has written saying that I have it all wrong, and that Paul did not mean what I had said he meant, as I applied Paul's statement to everyday life. I took time to write a reply: "When it comes to saying what he meant, Paul's batting average has been pretty good up to now. So, I will string along with what Paul plainly, clearly said." I did not figure I needed someone to straighten me out-particularly someone who had decided the Bible does not mean what it says. No one is going to argue me out of my faith in what God has revealed and what God has said. As far as I am concerned, it is a fact that Jesus is coming again! The question I do raise is this: Are we prepared spiritually for His coming? Are we tolerating conditions in our midst that will cause us embarrassment when He does come? Yours in Christ,

Bro. John Ryder

NEWS & UPCOMING EVENTS from the Association and our CHURCHES CAMP REPORT-The pool is now closed. We had 1 skating party. Softball tournament is under way. We are starting to work on the boys bathroom in the lower gym. We will be closing some of the cabins. Now we need to start working on repairs for next year, Please come and help us. EX. BOARD REPORTThe Financial, Polices and Procedures was voted on and passed. Representative from VA Volunteer Home Respite Program gave a message on how we can help the veterans in our area. ALLANSVILLENo Report BEECH GROVE Old Fashion Day with a soup bean lunch, great
fellowship. Homecoming Sept. 18th, 2011 BOONES CREEK Come celebrate 226 yrs. As a church body with us on Sunday Oct. 2, 2011! Services will begin at 10:30 am Rev. Eugene Turner from 2nd Independent Baptist Church will bring our message with a potluck lunch to follow. CALVARY Great 90th Anniversary Homecoming Service, 272 in attendance, we recognized our deacons, pastor and youth minister, oldest in attendance-Mattie Mastin(103 yrs old), youngest-Daxton Harrison, longest continual membership-Beverly Miller, most family attending-Margaret Whitaker, farthest traveled-Erin Brinegar (Nebraska). Youth had cookout at the Horns. We are gearing up for Thanksgiving and Christmas Activities.

CENTRAL Dr. Richard Ross, spokesperson for the International True Love Waits movement, will be at Central on Sun. Oct 30th. Dr Ross will be speaking to all interested parents during the Sunday School hour and preaching during morning worship. We will have Trunk or Treat at Central B.C. on Mon. Oct. 31st from 6:00-8:00 pm in the church parking lot. CLAY CITYNo Report CORINTH-Sept. 28-30, Community Dinner, 5:30-7pm. Sept. 30-Oct. 1 Mission trip to Wheelwright Baptist Center. Oct. 9th, Pack A-Pew Sunday. COW CREEK Homecoming was celebrated Aug. 28th and fellowship was enjoyed by all. EMMANUEL-The Youth went swimming at Boones Creek Baptist Camp and had Pizza for lunch. EPHESUS Collected school supplies for children at Pilot View Elementary. Hosted Terry Davidson, President of Clark County Homeless Coalition, to learn how we can partner with the ministry in our community. Bro. Todd, Ernest and Tim Christopher participating in Mission fest in Bell County. Gideon International speaker on Sept.11th. Painting sanctuary Sept 17th. Work Continuing on parsonage expansion project. Youth planning trip to Hearts on Fire conference in Gatlinburg in Nov. FAITH Had a blessing from revival with Bro. Todd Blevins and Bro, Scott Rogers and wonderful singing of praise to the Lord. Going to Creation Museum in Sept. Planning fall outing to Harlan Co. FRIENDSHIP Had Ice Cream Social. Having work day every Sat. to finish misc. projects. Revival Sept. 25-28. Will be having cottage prayer meetings. Will go to Beattyville Nursing Home every month. GREENBRIAR We have had a lot of sickness in our church in Aug. we ask all churches to pray for us. Oct. Birthdays Josh Wilson 10-7, Brynnleigh Muncy-10-10, Katareena Smith-10-13, Arlene Chaney 10-20, Mildred Richardson-10-22, Anniversary-Kenneth & Arlene Chaney 10-20. HEIDELBERGNo Report

HERITAGE Due to inclement weather-Carpenters for Christ were unable to accomplish everything they had planned. At the present time, Gods new church is under new roof. A dinner on the grounds was held Sun. Sept. 4 HOWARDS MILL No Report IRVINE FIRST Aug. we had the Gideons International Speaker and collected a total of $160.00 for the purchase of Bibles. We also had the 5th Quarter-Aug. 26 after the Football game and had about 100 people to enjoyed the fun, food and fellowship. All youth received a packet with a New Testament and pencil, candy, and etc. 5th Quarter Sept. 2nd after the Football game was as well attended as the first. Sept. 21 5:30 pm we will have the Sunshine Ladies and then Prayer Mtg. at 7 pm. Sept. 25 Homecoming with Bro. Raymond Flynn as our guest speaker and pot luck dinner after Sunday Service. Bro. Flynn will be 92 in Nov. and still preaching the gospel. Everyone in invited to Services and Dinner. Please come and enjoy both! Oct. 2nd Harvest Sunday Bring food (anything that doesnt spoil) for the food pantry for this winter. You can also give money and Youth will purchase items needed. IVORY HILL-Revival will be Sept. 25th-29th.(SundayThursday) on Sunday-Frankie Fitch preaching and singing, Monday-Larry Wilson with Kitty Hurst Singing, Tuesday-Larry Wilson with Smith Sisters singing, Wednesday-Ed Higgins with ???singing, Thursday-Bruce Kirby with 4 His Praise singing. Homecoming Oct. 2nd-everyone is invited-dinner is potluck-singers will be Matthew & Rosemary Watson. JEFFERSONVILLE Welcome Rev. Paul Hubbs and Fonda to our pulpit supply. Thanks to all who worked on the pavilion. We are blessed to have so many hard workers. We will be having a fall festival and cake walk on Oct. 22nd. Everyone is welcome. There will be something for everyone. KIDDVILLE We took a group camping and to the Creation Museum over Labor Day weekend. Homecoming is Sept. 25. Steve Creech will be the quest speaker. Tentative date for our fall festival is Oct. 22. Christmas program is set for Sunday evening Dec. 18th. MACEDONIA On Aug. 24th, The Matamis Family, who are missionaries to the Philippines, visited our church. The father, Robert, told about how God was using their family to evangelize the Filipino people. We built corrals for our A/C units-hoping to deter any future thefts. Our men came back revived from their trip to the Promise Keepers. Planning our fall festival for Oct. 2nd. The Power Team will be visiting our church on Oct. 19th at 7 pm and again on Oct. 23rd during the AM worship. Everyone is invited to come and see the Power Team. MEANS Held the Annual Homecoming service with Bro. John Ryder preaching and the New Found Four Quartet singing. MT. OLIVE-No report NEW COVENANT REFORMED-No Report NEW HOPE No Report NORTHSIDE We lost a dear member this month. Mrs. Dorothy Smith. She served at Northside since her baptism in 1949. She was our church clerk for 53 yrs. She loved working at the church serving her Lord. Our Homecoming will be Oct. 9th, there will be special singing after the meal at noon. PANOLA Clean & pick up outside, Sept. 24. Homecoming Sept. 25. Planning a trip to Renfro Valley.

Continued on the back page

Oct. 10-2011 Fall Mtg. at Irvine First Baptist, Irvine Ky. Starting at 5:00 pm
Best Wishes to Oct. Birthdays: 8-Matt Perry-Pastor-Boone Creek BC 11-Harold Calmes Retired Pastor 12-Tony LaBona-Pastor Providence-CC 19-Steve Evans-Pastor-Kiddville 21-Janice Brewer- Pastors Wife-Beech Grove 21-Cova Duvall-Retired Pastor 23-Mildred Ryder-DOMs Wife 28-Jerry Bishop-Retired Pastor Best Wishes Oct. Anniversarys: 24-Marion & Janice Brewer-Beech Grove 27-Tony & Susanna LaBona-Providence-CC 31-Marvin & Elva Neal-Ivory Hill

MISSION OPPORTUNITIES 1. Disaster Emergency Relief Volunteers Needed 2. Go Metro USA and Find It Here 2012. Contact the association office for more information

University of the Cumberlands Offers Courses for Credit or Audit through Winchester Extension Center Fall Schedule Tuesdays, Sept. 6-Dec 13, 2011 Elementary Greek (3 sem.hrs.) 6:00-8:45 pm Thursdays, Sept. 1 Dec. 15, 2011 Life and Letters of Paul (3 Sem. Hrs.) 6:00-8:45 pm Costs:$125.00 per course, plus books Register now by calling 859/749-5327 or 606/663-7870 Need a minimum of 10 students

Items to give away

Friendship Baptist Church has an Upright Piano to give away. Contact: Bro. Scott Rogers at: 606/723-4816 Williams Memorial Baptist Church has an Spinet Piano to give away, needs tuned. Also if any churches that has the 1991 Hymn Books to give away contact Glynna Noland-606/723-4377

OCTOBERFEST Sept. 30th thru Oct. 2, 2011 Providence Baptist Church in Winchester, KY is having an Octoberfest. We are getting quotes for some inflatable games like bouncers, slides, etc. They are asking if there are any of the churches in our association that have such items and are willing for Providence to borrow or rent. Please contact Gail Varner859-745-9675 or fax 859-737-6047 The Power Team will be visiting Macedonia Baptist Church Camp Ground on Oct. 19th at 7 pm and again on Oct. 23rd during the AM worship. All churches are invited.

New Beginnings Pregnancy Center in Winchester has an ongoing need for baby wipes, diapers (sizes 4, 5, 6) and formula (Good Start in green and orange cans), as well as continued financial support. Churches are encouraged to support local Pregnancy Centers in honor of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, Jan. 16, as well as throughout the year. Please call 859-7445988 with any questions or to arrange drop-offs.

October Calendar
1-Cooperative Program Emphasis Month (1st-31st) 2-Soul Winning Commitment Day 6-Camp Meeting- 7pm at Boones Creek Baptist Assoc. 6-Minister in Transition Conference-Louisville (6th-8th) 7-Women on Mission-Jonathan Creek-(7th-8th) 7-Students Missions Weekend Event(7th-8th) 8-Workday at the camp-9am till ??? 9-World Hunger Sunday 10-Fall Semi-Annual Mtg. -Irvine First Baptist 20-Pastors-Wives Fellowship-7pm- Northside BC 27-Ky WMU Ex. Board Mtg. Cedarmore-(27th-30th) 31-Halloween


Please send in your VBS report in to the Association Office as soon as you can. Thank you.

Building Fund For The Camp You can donate to the Boones Creek Baptist Association in MEMORY or in HONOR of a Love One. Please write on your check memo: Building Fund.

TO ALL CHURCHES IN THE ASSOCIATION: The Disaster Emergency Relief Committee is available to the churches for projects that require manpower. Call the Association Office 859/744-0037 if you need help.

Disaster Emergency Relief Volunteers Needed

The disaster emergency relief committee needs volunteers. The vision for the committee is: An Association church has a problem that it needs help with, i.e. electrical, plumbing, etc. It needs help because it doesnt have funds or manpower to deal with the problem. This committee will utilize available resources (manpower) to correct the problem. If you would like to volunteer to help out, please contact your pastor or the association office for a volunteer sign up form.

In This Issue look for:

1Oct. Birthdays and Anniversaries
2-Building Fund 3-CALENDAR 4-Disaster/ Emergency Relief 5-To all Churches in the Association 6-New Beginning Pregnancy Center 7-Missions Opportunities 8 DOM (A note to you) 9-Universary of the Cumberlands 10-Church Building Rising 11-Oktoberfest and Power Team 12-Items to give away

II Corinthians 8:20-21
20-Avoiding this, that no man should blame us in this abundance which is administered by us: 21-Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.

NEWS & UPCOMING EVENTS from the Association and our CHURCHES (Continued)

POWELLS VALLEY As a follow-up to VBS the WMU purchased and delivered school supplies to 80 children that had attended. The Choir attended the Sr. Hymn sing at Reid Village on the 25th. Food Ministry prepared and delivered 200 meals to local residents on the 27th. Homecoming is planned for Oct. 9th, we will have Special Singing and a meal will be provided after service. PROVIDENCE, C.C. Will host Tribute Quartet at 6:30pm Fri. Sept. 30th and a day of fun, fellowship, music, speakers and food on Oct. 1st from 9 am to 7:30 pm. PROVIDENCE, E.C. We had Homecoming/first day of new Pastor day on Sept 4th, we had over 150 in attendance that day. Tony Flynn, Howard Rogers and some other men got up early and roasted a pig and we had dinner after the services, everything was delicious. Our choir was the special music for homecoming and they did a wonderful job as usual. We are excited to find out what God has in store for Providence EC. We would like to thank all the pastors and pray for the pulpit committees as they are seeking Gods guidance. Plans are being made for a fall festival later on in October. REID VILLAGE We showed the movie Letters from God at the church. It was a great night of fellowship. Sons of Liberty preformed at our morning worship service on Sept 4th and everyone was greatly blessed. We are taking a group to the movies Oct. 1st to see Courageous. We collected school supplies and personal toiletries for the Dessie Scott Childrens center. We are collecting Christmas cards for the jail and nursing home (new or used) Also collecting shoeboxes to fill with Christmas gifts for the Freida Harris Mission. We will deliver supplies to the Dessie Scott Childrens Center and tour their facility. Our mission team is taking a group from Gateway Childrens Service to visit the Creation Museum. We have used Sunday School material that we will donate.

SALEM-Have started First Place 4 Health on Sunday evenings from 6:15 until 7pm. It is a program that addresses life Emotionally, Spiritually, Mentally, and Physically that needs attention. SPEARS MILL Family Fun Day at North Middletown Community Park was a great success. This is an annual event sponsored by Spears Mill Baptist and North Middletown Christian Church. Work Day at Church Sept. 10th. Plans are continuing for our 100 yr. celebration Sept. 18th. There will be lots of history, food, fellowship and special singing. Come join us in celebrating this special occasion of Spears Mill Baptist serving the Lord. Our Pulpit Committee has invited a Pastor to come speak Sept.25th. Please continue to pray for God & assist to find the man for our Church. Each month we are taking donations for Samaritans Purse Christmas Child Shoe Boxes. SPRING STREET Our church outing was held at Cave Run Lake with approx, 45 in attendance. Fish Fry is planned for Sept 25th. THOMAS Homecoming Sept. 18th, Bro. Jamie Hamilton will be the guest speaker. The Friends of Faith and The Smith Sisters will be providing the special music. Everyone is welcome to attend. VALLEY VIEW-No Report WM. MEMORIAL-We had 2 baptisms this month and 2 additions by letter. We began a study of the Doctrine Baptist Believe. We celebrated our Pastors birthday. Homecoming will be Oct. 30th.

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