IOQM 2029 (Properties of GCD, LCM)

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B.Tech. IIT Roorkee

➔ 13+ years teaching experience
➔ Mentored and taught around 20000+ students
➔ Produced 400+ IIT selections
➔ 25+ INMO selections
➔ 2 EGMO Selection
Aharshi Roy has qualified
BMO-2 with distinction,which
leads to the IMO training camp in
the UK.

This training camp is equivalent

to IMOTC India.
Properties of

★ Greatest Common Divisor:

G.C.D. or gcd(x, y) of two natural numbers is the greatest natural
number which divides them both.
Example: gcd(18, 24) = 6

★ Least Common Multiple:

L.C.M. or lcm(x, y) of two natural numbers is the least natural number which
is divisible by both of them.
Example: lcm(18, 24) = 72.
Coprime Numbers

Two natural numbers are called relatively prime or coprime
if they have no common divisors greater than 1 i.e. gcd(x, y) = 1.
Example: 9 & 16 are coprime integers, while 6 & 15 are not.

● Any two consecutive integers are coprime.

● Any two consecutive odd integers are coprime.

1. LCM(a, b) x GCD(a, b) = ab
2. GCD(a, b) = GCD(a + bk, b)
(i) GCD(a, b) = GCD(a-b, b)
(ii) GCD(n, n + 1) = 1

3. If GCD(a, b) = d then
a = dx, b =dy where x, y are coprime
LCM (a, b) = d x y

4. If GCD(a, b) = 1 then
GCD(a + b, ab) = 1
Q. The sum of two positive integers is 52 and their LCM
is 168. Find the numbers.
Q. The sum of two positive integers is 52 and their LCM
is 168. Find the numbers.

Answer: Let the positive integers be a and b and a ≤ b.

Let d = (a, b) so that a = dm, b = dn and (m, n) = 1.

Thus (i) a + b = d(m+ n) = 52 = 4 × 13 and (ii) I.c.m. of a,b =
dmn = 168 = 4 × 2 × 7 × 3.
But ((m + n)d, mnd) = d, since (m, n) = 1.
Hence by (i) and (ii), d = 4. So m + n = 13 and mn = 42.
Hence, m = 6,n = 7 and a = dm = 24, b = dn = 28.
AMC 10, 2018
How many ordered pairs (a, b) of positive integers
satisfy the equation
a.b +63 =20.lcm(a, b) +12.gcd(a, b)
where gcd(a,b) denotes the greatest common
divisor of a and b, and lcm(a, b) denotes their least
common multiple?
AMC 10, 2018
How many ordered pairs (a, b) of positive integers
satisfy the equation
a.b +63 =20.lcm(a, b) +12.gcd(a, b)
where gcd(a,b) denotes the greatest common
divisor of a and b, and lcm(a, b) denotes their least
common multiple?

Let x = lcm (a,b) and y = gcd(a,b). Therefore, a.b. = lcm (a,b). gcd (a,b) = x.y.
Thus, the equation becomes
x.y + 63 = 20x +12y
x.y - 20x - 12y + 63 = 0
Using Simon’s Favorite Trick, we rewrite this equation as
(x-12) (y-20) – 240 + 63 = 0
(x-12) (y-20) = 177
AMC 10, 2018
How many ordered pairs (a, b) of positive integers
satisfy the equation
a.b +63 =20.lcm(a, b) +12.gcd(a, b)
where gcd(a,b) denotes the greatest common
divisor of a and b, and lcm(a, b) denotes their least
common multiple?

Since 177 = 3.59 and x > y, we have x - 12 = 59 and

y - 20 = 3, or x - 12 = 177 and y – 20 = 1. This gives us the
solutions (71,23) and (189,21) Since the GCD must be a divisor
of the LCM, the first pair does not work. Assume a > b. We must
a = 21 . 9 and b = 21, and we could then have a < b, so there 2
PRMO 2019

Q. How many ordered pairs (a, b) of positive integers

with a < b and 100 ≤ a,b ≤ 1000 satisfy
gcd (a,b) : lcm (a,b) = 1 : 495 ?
PRMO 2019

Q. How many ordered pairs (a, b) of positive integers

with a < b and 100 ≤ a,b ≤ 1000 satisfy
gcd (a,b) : lcm (a,b) = 1 : 495 ?
ab = (gcd)

32 5.11 12,13…..18 (100 ≤ a,b ≤ 1000)

5 32.11 no value (100 ≤ a,b ≤ 1000)
11 32.5 10,11….22 (100 ≤ a,b ≤ 1000)
1 32.5.11 no values (100 ≤ a,b ≤ 1000)
so 7 + 13 = 20 values
IOQM 2022

Q. Let m, n be natural numbers such that m + 3n -

5 = 2 LCM(m, n) - 11 GCD(m, n). Find the
maximum possible value of m + n.
IOQM 2022

Q. Find the number of ordered pairs (a, b) such

that a, b ∊ {10, 11, …., 29, 30} and GCD (a, b) +
LCM (a, b) = a + b
AIME 1985

Q. The numbers in the sequence 101,104,109,116,... are of the form an = 100 + n2,

where n = 1,2,3,.... For each n, let dn be the greatest common divisor of an and an+1.

FInd the maximum value of dn as n ranges through the positive integers.

AIME 1985

Q. The numbers in the sequence 101,104,109,116,... are of the form an = 100 + n2,

where n = 1,2,3,.... For each n, let dn be the greatest common divisor of an and an+1.

FInd the maximum value of dn as n ranges through the positive integers.

If (x,y) denotes the greatest common divisor of x and y. Then we have dn = (an, an+1) = (100 +
n2 , 100 + n2 + 2n + 1). Now assuming that dn divides 100 + n2, it must divide 2n + 1. If it is
going to divide the entire expression 100 + n2 + 2n + 1.
Thus the equation turns into dn = (100 + n2, 2n + 1). Now note that since 2n + 1 is odd for
integral n, we can multiple the left integer, 100 + n2, by a power of two without affecting the
affecting the greatest common divisor. SInce the n2 term is quite restrictive, let’s multiply by 4
so that we can get a (2n + 1)2 in there.
So dn = (4n2 + 400, 2n+1) = ((2n+1)2 – 4n + 399, 2n + 1) = (– 4n + 399, 2n+1). It simplified the
way we wanted it to ! Now using similar techniques we can write
dn = (-2(2n+1) + 401, 2n+1) = (401, 2n+1). Thus dn must divide 401 for every single n. This
means the largest possible value of dn is 401, and we see that it can be achieved when
n = 200.
Q. Let [r, s] denote the least common multiple of
positive integers r and s. Find the number ordered
triples (a, b, c) of positive integers for which [a, b] =
1000, [b, c] = 2000, and [c, a] =2000
Q. Let [r, s] denote the least common multiple of
positive integers r and s. Find the number ordered
triples (a, b, c) of positive integers for which [a, b] =
1000, [b, c] = 2000, and [c, a] =2000

Answer: [a, b] = 23 53, [b, c] = 24 53, and [c, a] =24 53

70 As a and b cannot have 24, therefore c contain 24.
CASE 1. For c = 245n, 0 ≤ n ≤ 2
(I) a = 2m 53, 0 ≤ m ≤ 2 & b = 23 53
(II) a = 23 53 & b = a = 2m 53, 0 ≤ m ≤ 3
CASE 2. For c = 2453
(I) a = 2m5n, 0 ≤ m & n ≤ 2 & b = 23 53
(II) a = 23 53 & b = 2m5n, 0 ≤ m & n ≤ 3
(III) If a = 235n, 0 ≤ n ≤ 2 & b = 2m 53, 0 ≤ m ≤ 3
Q. Let [r, s] denote the least common multiple of
positive integers r and s. Find the number ordered
triples (a, b, c) of positive integers for which [a, b] =
1000, [b, c] = 2000, and [c, a] =2000

Answer: (IV) If a = 2m 53, 0 ≤ m ≤ 2 & b = 235n, 0 ≤ n ≤ 3

70 21+ 9 + 16 + 12 + 12 = 70
Let a = 2m5n, b = 2p5q, c = 2r5s
ATQ. max.(m, p) = max.(n, q) = max.(s, q) = max.(n, s) = 3 and
max.(p, r) = max.(m, r) = 4
From above its clear that r = 4.
Either m = 3 ⇒ p = 0,1,2,3 or p = 3 ⇒ m = 0,1,2
Q. Let [r, s] denote the least common multiple of
positive integers r and s. Find the number ordered
triples (a, b, c) of positive integers for which [a, b] =
1000, [b, c] = 2000, and [c, a] =2000

Answer: Either n = q = 3 ⇒ s = 0,1,2,3

70 or s = q = 3 ⇒ n = 0,1,2
or s = n = 3 ⇒ q = 0,1,2
Total 10 combinations.
Total cases are 7⨯10 = 70

Q. Find the least possible values of a + b, where a and b
are positive integers such that 11 divides a + 13b and
13 divides a + 11b
Q. Find the least possible values of a + b, where a and b
are positive integers such that 11 divides a + 13b and
13 divides a + 11b

Q. The product of two positive integers is 9984 and the
greatest common factor of those integers equals
that difference between them. What are the two
Q. The product of two positive integers is 9984 and the
greatest common factor of those integers equals
that difference between them. What are the two

Answer: 104, 96


USAMO 1972

Q. The symbols (a,b,....,g) and [a,b,.....,g] denote the

greatest common divisor and least common

multiple, respectively, of the positive integers

a,b,....,g. For example (3,16,18) = 3 and [6,15] = 30.

Prove that

As all of the values in the given equation are positive, we can invert it to get an
equivalent equation :

We will now prove that both sides are equal, and that they are integers.
Consider an arbitrary prime p. Let p𝛂, p𝛽, pℽ be the greatest power of p that divide a,b,
and c. WLOG let 𝛂 ≤ 𝛽 ≤ ℽ.
We can now, for each of the expression in our equation, easily determine the largest
power of p that divides it. In this way we will find that the largest power of p that divides
the left hand is 𝛽 + ℽ + ℽ – 2ℽ = 𝛽, and the largest power of p that divides the right
hand side is 𝛂+ 𝛽 + 𝛂 - 2𝛂 = 𝛽.
Grade 8 to 12

Start Date : 01-04-2023

Highlights :

★ 80+ Live Lectures

★ 10 Part Tests

★ 5 Full Tests

★ Telegram Doubt Solving

★ Assignment Video Solutions

★ Tests Video Solutions

IOQM Prime 2023 Batch:

❖ 80 Lects and 15 Tests

❖ Extra sessions for Basics
❖ Telegram Doubt Solving
❖ Assignments with Video Solutions Schedule
❖ Till IOQM 2023 and beyond
❖ Starting from April 1
❖ 4 days in a week (MWThF)
❖ 3:00 PM-4:30 PM
IOQM Level

Benefits of Mathematics Olympiad Preparation

1. Chance to Represent India.

1. Pre-RMO/INMO Merit Certificates.

1. Strong Foundation for Competitive Exams like JEE/NEET/KVPY

1. Confidence to do 'Not Seen Before' Problems.

1. Improve your Thinking level.

For Grade 7 & 8 Students

Start Date : 01-04-2023

Highlights :

★ 40+ Live Lectures

★ 10 Part Tests

★ 5 Full Tests

★ Telegram Doubt Solving

★ Assignment Video Solutions

★ Tests Video Solutions

Prime Juniors 2023 Batch:

❖ 40 Lects and 15 Tests

❖ Telegram Doubt Solving
❖ Assignments with Video
❖ Till NMTC,IOQM 2023 and Schedule
❖ Starting from April 1
❖ 2 days in a week (Tue, Sat)
❖ 3:00 PM-4:30 PM
Benefits of Prime Juniors- 2023

1. Strong Foundation in Mathematics Concepts

1. Confidence to do 'Not Seen Before' Problems.

1. Cracking Exams like NMTC (Sub Junior) , IOQM (if eligible) and later
JEE/NEET/Senior Olympiads.

1. Improve your Thinking level.

1. Building confidence and networking.

Let’s Bring

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