Media & Information Literacy 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V SHS



How Communication is Influenced by Media and Information

Name of Student: __________________________ Parent’s Signature: ___________

Grade and Section: _______________________________________________________

I. Introductory Concept

Communication Media and Information

Communication is a natural and inescapable fact of life. This is the reason

why you are thought to learn how to speak, read, write and how to use it.
Communication is the process that involves transmission of messages, performance
of rituals, competing over attention and reception of messages as dictated by concept
and nature.
In this lesson, you will learn how media and information technology has
affected communication in everyone’s lives. What are its effects on face to face
communication and how it has affected us? Technology has also impacted us
positively and negatively in our daily life communication. Before the evolution of
technology, humans were more focused on their goals, we were more productive due
to lack of distractions, we were composed to be of creative nature due to lack of
luxury of information, life was slow, the competition was small due to lack of
communication gap among people and business. The communication was not so fast
and destructive and it was not viral. But, technology speeds up communication
between people. Technology provided convenience and enable people to use more
than one method of communication simultaneously. By definition, communication
is giving or gaining information by speaking, reading writings or discerning non-
verbal messages such as gestures and images. By these we need supplying facts
whenever we communicate with others. In simple matter like telling your friends
what happened to you, we converse with others by communicating. It serves as our
connection with each other. Communication is not just by talking; it can be in other
different terms also, like sign language or writing.

Mode of communication:
Verbal - communicating by voice, by talking
Non-Verbal - by movements, gestures
Written - in a piece of paper or material
Visual - using pictures or any other things that will visually represent what
a person is communicating

Since time immemorial, doing communication can be effective only if it

complies with the process. The generation of information pass on through the
channel to the recipient. This practice had been there since mankind learn to
converse. And, as people advances the way we communicate with our fellowmen,
media and technology goes with it too. Even at the advent of computers, we also use
computers in communication to our advantage.

Parts of communication process

1. Source or sender. It is where the information emanates. When using technology
this is the transmitter.
2. Recipient or receiver. The person that gets the information relayed. The device that
reproduce the signal back to analog form so man can understand.
3. Information. Facts provided or learned about something or someone; What is being
conveyed in a communication
4. Channel. It is a passageway, the medium of access for a thing, a communication,
or an idea

Communication Flow

transmitter ➔ medium (channel, application) ➔ receiver

One-way. The information emanates from the source and goes to the receiver. And
the information flow ends there.

transmitter ➔ medium (channel, application) ➔ receiver

Conversation. The information originates from the source, goes to the receiver and
the roles of the former and the latter inverts as the communication goes. The flow of
information exchange goes to and from
both ends of the communication.

Communication can be affected by external factors or from the environment. Like

news, it is changing and requires the support of facts and information. And therefore,
is affected by: Media. The media makes communicating a lot easier than before; there
is internet present today which enables chatting with friends and families through
phone screens and personal computers. It greatly affected the distribution of
information; it widened the range in just a short time. There are also the TV
Networks, radios, that broadcasts or communicates with a large number of people.
Newspapers, journals, tabloids and the likes are another form of communication
media and have their own genre of communication. Information. It is the supply of
communication; it makes talking and sharing opinion with others much more
meaningful specially when answered with sense. Information is what we talk about,
even the mere thing that you inform your parents that you are going to come home
late via phone call or chat is giving out information.

II. Most Essential Learning Competencies

Describe how communication is influenced by media and information

III. Activities

A. PICTURE ANALYSIS (Analyze the picture)

Photo Credit:

1. Do you agree in 10 levels of intimacy in today’s communication? Why
and Why not?
2. What is your thought about the image?
3. Which of the following is the most intimate form of communication
4. How media affects communication in our daily living?

B. Scenario
Directions: Based on studies, it is now a fact that citizens of the 21 st Century are
dependent on technology, as a technology inclined citizen, how would you go along
“Where upon waking up one day, you found out there’s no more media, internet,
libraries and cell phone. In addition, all newspaper and magazines have
disappeared while radio stations and TV channels have totally shutdown”.
Using the given questions below, make an analysis that addresses the problem
scenario. Write your answer in brief and concise sentences.

1. How would you be informed of anything now?
2. How would you share information and communicate news and event?
3. How would it affect the way you live?
4. What would society lose with this kind of problem?

C. Open Letter
Directions: Write an open “letter to the editor” with your conclusions on the
value of Media and Information in a democratic society. Maximum of four
paragraphs minimum of two.

IV. Rubrics for Scoring

4 3 2 1
A complete re- Good solid re- Explanation is Misses key
Explanation sponse with a de- sponse with clear unclear points
tailed explanation explanation
Shows complete Shows substan- Response Response
understanding of tial understand- shows some shows a com-
Knowledge the questions, ideas ing of the prob- understanding plete lack of
and processes lem, ideas and of the problem understanding
processes of the problem
Goes beyond the re- Meet the require- Hardly meets Does not meet
quirements of the ments of the the require- the require-
problems. problems. ments of the ments of the
problem problem.

V. Answer Key

Activity 1-Answers may vary

Activity 2- Answers may vary
Activity 3- Answers may vary

VI. References:

Media and Information Literacy Teacher’s Guide

SLMs Search
Photo Credit:
[email protected]
Elvira D. Tuliao/Writer rubric

Prepared by: Evaluated by:


Cumadcad NHS Dinapa NHS

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