Suyog Code B Ans Sheet

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BA Skill Assessment Code - B

Q1. What are does & don’ts for a BA?

A Business Analyst can never say NO to a client.
There is NO word called as "BY DEFAULT" in a Business Analyst’s prcactice.
Never imagine anything in terms of GUI.
Question the existence of existence / question everything in the world while talking with
clients. ex: what client gives is not always correct or enough.
Consult an SME for Clarifications in Requirements.
Every Problem of Client is unique. No two problems of different Client are same. May be the
approach, technology, place of use, local laws may be varied to make them (Problems) to be
Go to Client with a plain mind with no assumptions. Listen carefully and completely until
Client is done and then you can ask your Queries. Please do not interrupt the Client, when
he/ She is giving you the problem. Maximum Try to extract the leads to Solution from the
Client itself. Never try to give Solutions to Client straight away with your previous experience
and assumptions. Try to concentrate on the important and truly required Requirements.
Don’t be washed away by add on Functionalities or don’t imagine solutions on Screen basis.

Q2. Write about a Business Process Model?

Business Process Modelling is an activity of representing the process of an enterprise so the
current business processes can be analysed, improved and automated.
A Business Process Model is a collection of activities designed to produce a specific output
for a particular customer or market. It implies a strong emphasis on how the work is done
within an organization, in contrast to a product's focus on what. A process is thus a specific
ordering of work activities across time and place, with abeginning, an end, and clearly
defined inputs and outputs: a structure for action.

Business process:
Has a Goal
Has specific inputs
Has specific outputs
Uses resources
Has a number of activities that are performed in some order
Creates value of some kind for the customer. The customer may be internal or external.
7. Risks and Responsibilities may have described in the Business Process Model.

Q3. List out Challenging Areas for a BA?

A business Analyst should have leadership qualities and should be able to observe and
design a system that would work, but to achieve that, there are factors that each BA should
be aware of.

1. Lack of training.(e.g. domain knowledge etc.)

2. Holding certain pre-assumptions.
3. Clarity on documents and requirements.
4. Obtaining sign-off on requirements.
5. Change management - with respect to cost and timelines.
6. Coordination between developers and testers.
7. Conducting meetings.
8. Making sure status reporting is effective.
9. Driving clients for UAT completion.
10. People management (coordinating with different people and different teams)
11. Overall making sure project health is in good shape and delivered as per the time-lines
without any issues.

Q4.What are different categories of tools that can be used in a project ,you are aware of ?
There are mainly 3 types of tools used in a project:
1. Requirement-related tools i.e. to describe, manage, and track requirements
E.g. MS-Office etc.
2. Modelling tools:
E.g. MS Visio for UML use case diagrams and activity diagrams, Business Process Modelling,
Axure, Balasmiq etc.
3. Collaboration tools to share and collaborate with drawings and charts:
AdvanSeez, Lucidchart, Basecamp, Skype etc.

Q5. Explain “actor generalization” and “usecase generalization” with example?

Actor generalization is - Type of relationship (generalization) that exists between actors.
In the context of use case modeling the actor generalization refers to the relationship which
can exist between two actors and which shows that one actor (descendant) inherits the role
and properties of another actor (ancestor).
In the above diagram, an Accountant and a Teller both can access the system as balance
superviser to approve bills.

An use-case-generalization is a relationship from a child use case to a parent use case,
specifying how a child can specialize all behavior and characteristics described for the
In above example, a cusomer can pay the bill through multiple payment methods.

Q6. When do you use "Include" and "extend" in usecase diagrams and give an example?

Include is used when we have to show that the parent class is not complete without child
class(es). It is used when there is a mandatory case and the system can’t go forward without
In above ATM System example, we have options like withdraw cash and trasfering of funds.
Even though the bank allows the customer to perform both of those functions, it needs to
validate the user before proceeding and the child class we can see “validate user” is the
mandatory thing for the system to proceed the action. E.g. When the user tries to withdraw
the cash and requesting the authorization from the bank (bank’s central database as bank
infocore), there is one mandatory step of “validate user” shown by “uses” connection in the
diagram. Only after the validation (throgh correct ATM Pin), the ATM will dispense the cash.

Extend is used when we have to show that the parent class can exist without child class(es).
While using extend, there are many options to choose from for the users in that intance, so
we we’ll be seeing many choices to choose from when the exclude is applied and still the
system can move forward without the added child class(es).
In above example of booking a bus ticket, there are many child classes like From/To, Date &
Time, 1/2 Way, No. of passengers, AC/Non AC which are connected to its parent class by
“include” connection means they are mandatory for the parent class to proceed forward. On
the other side, Food preference and Seat preference are connected to its parent class by
“extend” connection which makes it non-mandatory and parent class can proceed forward
without customers filling details about both of the fuctions.

Q7. What standards do you follow to create SRS document and write down its
SRS is the document that is used to describe the behavior of the software system, functional,
non-functional requirements of the software system.

To create SRS we follow IEEE standards and as per company the procedures may differ to
create SRS documents.

SRS document is a formal document that clearly tell you “What software system to built” . It
does tell you “How to build the software system”.

Customers does not have a clue about the requirements sometimes, SRS begins with
elicitation process.
It means you start doing interview with users, stakeholders, owners, etc. Study existing
system if any, understand the process and practices and so on. Basically, know everything
you can about the software environment, process and users who are going to interact with
the software system.

Requirement Specification in SRS:

You can now divide the requirements into three categories after you have all the details,

1. Functional Requirements - What is the core functions of the system ? What service it
must provide to users ?
2. Non-Functional Requirements - This is constraints on the project. ex- Performance
constraint, technical constraints, Software Environment, Scope etc.
3. Implementation Details - This is a plan on how to execute the project from start to

Use Cases

How to model the requirement so that everyone could understand it ?

1. Describe a scenario where a user tries to use the system. It is called the Use Cases and
you can make a use case diagram for it.
2. You make Activity Diagram for the Use Case and now you will be able to document all the
Objects and Classes for each use case.
3. You can now build a Data Flow Diagram for Overall system.

Other Contents of SRS:

1. Catagory: What kind of software it is e.g. Android App, Web App etc.
2. Purpose: What is the purpose of the system, why we are doing this.
3. Scope: Which area it is covering, what is its range and limits.
4. Introduction: How the prosposed system is going to do better than the curent system.
5. Advantages: Advantages of having this system.
6. Software tools: Mentioning of software tools which will be involved in the development
7. Deployment: Environment needed to deploy this software.
8. Hardware specifications: Hardware required to develop this system.
9. Gantt Chart: For scheduling management of project.
10. Illustrative tools: to make project more easy to understand.

Q8.Draw a sequence diagram based on the below mentioned 3 tier Architecture.

Q 9. You have assigned a new project by your Lead BA and he has requested you to be
ready with 20 questionnaires to be asked to the client on your initial meeting. (Policy
management system or Point of sale system or New Bank Account opening system or
Hotel and & Cab online booking system)

1. What is the need and inspiration behind the project?

2. Who is going to use this software?
3. Who are your competitors?
4. What are your short term and long term goals for the company?
5. What are the problem you want to solve? Obstacles to overcome?
6. What are the most important areas we should always focus on?
7. Will there be any partners or collaborators?
8. Will you need any special equipment to run the software?
9. Who needs to review and approve decisions?
10. What risks should you plan to manage?
11. Which services/innovative features you want to provide to your users?
12. What you see as a success in the project?
13. Have you tried yourself internally or have taken other help to solve this problem?
14. What are the key stakeholders?
15. Is there any scope for multiple releases?
16. What is the frequency that an user is going to use this software?
17. What is the monitization strategy for the application/software?
18. Are there other apps that the client likes that can be used as inspiration for how this new
app should look?
19. What are the plans for it in post-launch? What will be the ongoing plan to learn and
20. What dependencies are there, that we need to consider before we can get started with
your new app?
21. Will this software offer 24/7 customer support and techical support?
22. Who will be responsible for the project deliverable? Who will have thes say on the final
23. What are the plans if the management is changed?
24. How will communicate during project progress and final product?
25. What are the priorities for the project?
26. What documents to be created to initiate the project?
27. If the given solution agreed, which analysis to be done on the proposed solution?
28. How does this project tie back to company’s strategy?

Q 10. What is the role of BA in Change Request ?

BA s plan how they will handle requirements, change requests, documents, tools and
communicate the same with all stakeholders.
As a BA we willl study and understand the characteristic feature of Requirement is Change
over a period of time. As Requirements are inherent to Change, Requirements need to be
managed throughout their life. People change their minds, preferences, trends, etc. over
time. So, as the Businesses change and Markets also change accordingly.
As the project progresses through time (like a month or a year or long), it's inevitable that
some things will change that affect the project and so your requirements may also change.
BAs always will be prepared for Change Requests and their management.
Whenever a Change Request comes from the Client, The BA will analyse this Change
Request. Initially he performs Feasibility Study to accept the Change and then the Impact
Analysis to measure change to project and finally Effort Estimation to implement the change
in the project.
Change Management will impact the project scope. That means that any requirement which
was not scoped as a part of the initial Business Requirements document, must be managed
under a proper change management/control technique and the Business Analyst along with
the Project Manager has to carefully review and follow a rigorous change control process.
This means, when a change is requested, a Business Analyst should

Initially the BA Documents the Change Request
The BA will Analyse the Change Request is really a change, or a defect discovered from
previous need communications.
The change manager or the project manager must provide an initial approval if the
Business Analyst needs to move further in analyzing the change requested.
When it comes to change management whether or not to incorporate the changes,
depends on yet another important factor which is for the Business Analyst as well as the
Project Manager to ensure whether the requested change is a complex one or just
a minor change.
In case the change is complex, it will not only expand the scope of the project drastically
which in turn leads to increase the delivery time.
Business Analysts will help the stakeholders to understand the impact, the change request
will have on the organization and to help minimize negative impact that results from that
particular change.
Successful change efforts necessitate the Business Analyst to articulate a realistic or
convincing vision that appeals to both internal and external stakeholders.

A BA must be able to communicate a sense of urgency among the stakeholders, lead

by example, show strong personal commitment and enable stakeholders to contribute to
their full potential. Successful change management therefore, requires organization to
overcome the challenge of bringing all stakeholders to an agreement/consensus about the
changes to be incorporated and to avoid conflicts which generally causes delay in the project

Q 11.Draw a Use case Diagram and Activity diagram

Case: Librarian cans add/delete/edit book and search books from the database. Members
can Borrow reserve and return the book. They can search books also. Members would be
fined 0.10$ on Overdue and they have to pay entire amount if they have lost the book.
Members are of two kinds. VIP members can request book at home and they can also order
Books which are not present in library, the library also has CD, DVDs and multimedia items
which only VIP members can have access to them. Non VIP members can register a form and
apply for VIP Membership by paying some extra amount, Search function gives the
information of books branch wise. User can search books by title and Several other
criteria, The feedback system allows users to give feedback and comments about the book
which is Returned.
Use Case Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Q 12. What are the roles and responsibilities of Business Analyst in given phases?

Phases Tasks of BA and contribution Resources

Associated and
Pre-Project Analysing RFP. RFP, RFI
What’s the expectations of the client. Business Case
Identifying who is going to use te prduct. SOW (Statement of
Enterprise Analysis - SWOT Analysis, GAP Analysis, Work)
Market Research, Feasibility Study, Root Cause PO (Purchase
Analysis, Decision Analysis, Strategy Analysis, Order)
Enterprise Architectural Frameworks, Project Scope
and Business case writing, Risk analysis

Sr. BA, Business

Requirement 1. Understand Assumptions and Constraints along

s Planning with Business Rules and
(Before Business Goals
Project Kick
off) 2.
Plan Packages for Big

Understands the project plan from

BA conducts stakeholders Analysis

Plan BA approach strategy (Req. gathering techniques, ________________
communication, Req. mgmt., Documents ________________
to follow, Tools to use, Change Request Handling PM
methodology) for this Project. Sr. BA

Requirement BA contacts client for clarification. BRD(Business

s Gathering Questioning everything, assuming nothing. Requirements
1. Stakeholders identify and document
2. Client gives BRD or BA prepares BRD by interacting
with Client — Brainstorming, Document Analysis,
Reverse engineering, Interviews, workshops, Focus
Groups, Observation, Questionnaires.
Prototyping can be used by BA to make the Client to
give more specific requirements
Sort the gathered Requirements (avoiding duplicate
Reqs, grouping into similar functionality or into
Prioritize requirements - MoSCoW
Validate Requirements - FURPS



Requirement 1. Functional
s Analysis Draws UML Diagrams (Use case and Activity Diagrams). Requirements
2. Specification
Prepares Functional Requirements from Business
Requirements . SSD
3. (Supplementary
All Architects comes up with Technical Requirements Support
(SSD). Document)
SRS will have Functional Requirements and Technical SRS (Software
Requirements. Requirements
5. Specification)
Takes Signoff on SRS from Client. SRS is the first legal
binding Doc between the Business and the technical RTM
Team. (Requirements
6. Traceability Matrix)
BA prepared RTM from SRS before Design phase
starts. (BA is the owner of RTM).
BA traces how requirements are dealt in each phase of
development life cycle from Design till UAT.
DB — Architect
NW — Architect

Design 1. Solution Document

From Use case Diagram, Test Manager or BA will Design
prepare Test Cases Document — HDD
2. - ADD
Communicates with Client on the design and Solution
documents (updates Status to Client and make them
understand how the solution would look like to
prepare them to drive UAT)
BA will initiate the preparation of End user manuals
updates RTM
From Use case Diagram Solution-Architect
recommends Architecture of the IT solution
6. ________________
DB Architect uses Persistence Classes (Entity Classes) ________________
and comes up with ER Diagrams or DB Schema. __
7. BA
GUI Designer will look into Transient Classes (Boundary PM
Classes) and designs all possible Screens for the IT Solution-Architect
Solution. DB — Architect
NW — Architect
GUI - Designer Test

Coding/ Simplifying the requirements to the team. LDD - CDD

Developmen Application
t 1.
BA organizes JAD Sessions.
BA clarifies queries of Technical Team during Coding.
Developers refer Diagrams and Transient (Controller
Classes) of BA and code their unit.
Update End user manuals.
Update RTM.
Conducts regular Status meetings with technical team
and the Client and tuning Client for participation in

Testing 1. Test Concerning
BA- Prepares Test Cases from Use Cases or assists Test Documents
Manager to do so. Application with
2. less errors
BA performs high level testing.
BA prepares Client for UAT.
Test Data is requested by BA from Client.
Updates End User Manuals.
Updates RTM. ________________
7. ________________
Take signoff from Client on Client Project Acceptance _____
form. Testing team

Deployment 1.
and Forwards RTM to Client or the PM which should be
Implementa attached to the Project Closure Document.
tion 2.
Coordinates to complete and share End User Manuals.
Plans and Organizes Training Sessions for End Users.
Prepares Lessons learned from this project (to take
precautions for coming projects).

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