TPL 7.5 Listening 1 Worksheet

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Module Test

Listening 1 1

1 Work in pairs and discuss the questions. Test training: Task advice
1 What different jobs do you know in a restaurant 3 Look at Activity 4 and the advice below (1–8).
or café? Complete the table with the correct numbers.
2 What do people do in these jobs? Think of the
responsibilities, tasks and skills for each job. Before listening During listening After listening
2 Complete the adverts (1–5) with the words in the
barista chef kitchen assistant manager waiter/waitress

1 Wanted: to work
in the kitchen. Responsibilities include washing dishes,
cleaning preparation surfaces and unloading deliveries; 1 Check the number of words you have used.
should be diligent and able to work as part of a team. 2 Check the question to see the number of words
required and what part of speech is necessary for
2 Wanted: to work each answer.
on the restaurant floor. Responsibilities include serving 3 Check your spelling and grammar.
customers, taking orders, explaining items on the menu 4 Don’t panic if you miss an answer. Just move to
and cleaning tables; should be polite, friendly and the next question.
hard-working. 5 If you missed an answer, have an informed guess,
e.g. what part of speech is the missing word or
3 Wanted: to work phrase?
in the kitchen. Responsibilities include preparing and 6 Note down your answer quickly and don’t worry
cooking dishes as well as making sure all necessary about spelling yet.
stocks and supplies are available; should be able to 7 Pay attention to signposting language to help you
work under stress and as part of a team. know when the next answer is coming.
8 Read the instructions.
4 Wanted: to work
behind a counter. Responsibilities include preparing
high-quality coffee as well as serving customers
drinks and pre-prepared light snacks; should be able to
operate a complex coffee machine.

5 Wanted:
Responsibilities include organising staff as well as
ensuring the smooth running of the overall operation;
should be organised, able to work under stress and deal
with problems effectively.

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Listening 1

Test practice: Table completion

4 1.1 Listen to the recording and complete the table.

Questions 1–5
Complete the table below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Job Employer Work day(s) Duties

kitchen assistant The 1 weekends 2 ,
Café wash dishes
3 Bellamy’s Restaurant Thursday and Friday serve customers, wipe
evening tables
barista 4 Saturday prepare drinks,
department store 5

Test training: Predicting content Follow-up

5 Look at the advice for completing short answer 7 Work in pairs. Do the role-play.
questions. Decide if it is True (T) or False (F). Student A
Correct the false information.
You are a student. You are looking for a part-time
1 The words you need will be in the listening. You will job working in a restaurant. You want to know what
not need to change them.       jobs are available and what you would have to do
2 You must write full sentences. in each job. You only want to work two or three
3 Don’t worry about the number of words you use evenings a week or at the weekend but you could be
in your answer. flexible.
4 You may be asked your opinion.
5 Spelling is important in the answers. Student B
You own a restaurant. You are looking for a kitchen
Test practice: Short answer questions assistant and a waiter/waitress. Use the adverts from
Activity 1 to help you. You need to know when
6 1.2 Listen to the recording again and answer
someone is able to work and would prefer someone
Questions 6–10.
who will work in the evenings and at the weekend.

Questions 6–10
Answer the questions below.
NUMBERS for each answer.

6 What kind of job is Wei Liu looking for?

7 What is his profession at the moment?

8 According to the woman a barista

is someone who does what?

9 Apart from the name, what

else is new at Tanner’s?

10 Why don’t you need to be an expert

to bake the cakes at Tanner’s?

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