Journal Template - IRIF

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Author 1, Author 2, Author 3, Author 4, Author 5


The abstract should be comprehensible to readers before they have read the paper. The Abstract has 100 to 200
words and no citation. The abstract should state the problem, a primary objective or investigation, basic procedures,
research design, methodology, main outcomes, results, and the conclusions. Abbreviations and reference citations
within the abstract should be avoided. (Abstract)

Keywords: component; formatting; style; styling; (limited to 3–6 words/phrases in English, alphabetical order (9 point font),
and give commas between words/phrases.)

I. Introduction Method contains the design, theory, the size,

criteria and method of sampling, instruments
This template should give a short, clear used, and procedures collecting, processing,
account of the background and reasons for and analysis of the data. The methods section
undertaking the study. The Introduction should: describe the materials used in the
should assume that the reader is study, explain how the materials were
knowledgeable in the field and should prepared for the study, describe the research
therefore be as brief as possible. The protocol, explain how measurements were
manuscript including the graphic contents and made and what calculations were performed,
tables should be around 3500–7000 words and state which statistical tests were used to
(exclude references). Standard English analyze the data.
grammar must be observed. The title of the
article should be brief and informative, and it Following the completion of all elements of
should not exceed 16 words. The keywords the methods section, subsequent drafts should
are written after the abstract. concentrate on how to present those elements
as clearly and logically as possible. When
Introduction contains justification of the using a questionnaire as an instrument,
importance of the study conducted. Novelty explain the contents briefly and to measure
generated from this study compared the which variables. Validity and reliability of
results of previous studies or the umbrella of instruments should also be explained. In the
existing knowledge needs to be clearly experimental or intervention studies that need
displayed. Complete it with the main to be explained, interventional procedure or
reference used. State in one sentence question treatment is given. In this section it should
or research problems that need to be answered explain how research ethics approval was
by all the activities of the study. Indicate the obtained and the protection of the rights of the
methods used and the purpose or hypothesis respondents imposed. Analysis of data using
of the study. The introduction does not exceed computer programs needs not be written
five paragraphs. details of the software if not original. For the
qualitative study, this section needs to explain
II. Methods how the study maintains the validity
(trustworthiness) data obtained.
A method's writing style should be clear,
direct, and concise. To avoid confusion, The description of preparations,
errors and ambiguities should be avoided, and measurements, and the protocol should be
unnecessary words should be removed. organized chronologically. When a large
Because the procedures described have amount of detail must be presented,
already been completed, the past tense is information should be presented in sub-
appropriate. sections according to topic. Material in each

Indonesia Research and Innovation Fair
section should be organized by topic from obtained. It is need to discuss the reason of
most to least important. the findings. The implications of the results
are written to clarify the impact of the results
The materials and methods section is used to and the advancement of science are studied.
describe the experimental design and provide The discussion ended with the various
sufficient details so that a competent limitations of the study.
colleague can repeat the experiment. A good
materials and methods section will enable Writing tables and figures using the following
readers to evaluate the research performed conditions :
and replicate the study, if necessary.
A methodology should provide the
information necessary for experts in the field Note that as a general principle, for large
to judge whether the methods used are valid, tables font sizes can be reduced to make the
reliable and replicable. Providing the details table fit on a page or fit to the width of the
required for such judgements, such as text.
statements about limitations, is therefore
imperative. A methodology should be ● Positioning tables
carefully proofread, edited and revised before Tables should be centered unless they
submission. Ensure that all mistakes are occupy the full width of the text.
corrected and that procedures and processes ● Tables in parts
are presented in a chronological or logical If a table is divided into parts these should
order. be labeled (a), (b), (c) etc but there should
only be one caption for the whole table,
III. Result and Discussion not separate ones for each part.
● Table captions/numbering
The findings are sorted by the objectives of Tables should be numbered sequentially
the study or the research hypothesis. The throughout the text and referred to in the
results section should be concise and follow a text by number (table 1, not tab. 1 etc).
logical sequence. If the paper describes a Captions should be placed at the top of the
complex series of experiments, it is table and should have a full stop (period)
permissible to explain the at the end. Except for very narrow tables
protocol/experimental design before with a wide caption (see examples below)
presenting the results. Do not discuss the the caption should be the same width as
results or draw any conclusions in this the table.
section. This section may be divided into ● Rules in tables
subheadings to assist the reader. Large Tables should have only horizontal rules
datasets or other cumbersome data pertinent and no vertical ones. Generally, only three
to the manuscript may be submitted as rules should be used: one at the top of the
supplementary information. table, one at the bottom, and one to
separate the entries from the column
The results do not display the same data in headings. Examples:
two forms namely tables/ images /graphics
and narration. No citations in the results Table 1. A simple table. Place the caption above the
table. Here the caption is wider than the table so we
section. The average value (mean) must be
extend it slightly outside the width of the table. Justify
accompanied by a standard deviation. the text.

Describe the discussion by comparing the Distance (m) Velocity (ms–1)

data obtained at this time with the data 100 23.56
obtained in the previous study. No more 150 34.64
statistical or other mathematical symbols in 200 23.76
the discussion. The discussion is directed at 250 27.9
an answer to the research hypothesis.
Emphasis was placed on similarities, ● Notes to tables
differences, or the uniqueness of the findings

Indonesia Research and Innovation Fair
If you wish to format a table so that it Figures should never appear within or after
contains notes (table footnotes) to the the reference list.
entries within the body of the table and/or ⮚ Figure captions/numbering
within the table caption, these notes should Captions should be below the figure,
be formatted using alphabetic superscripts although to save space it is acceptable to
such as a, b, c and so forth. Notes within put the caption next to the figure. Figures
the table caption should be listed first. should be numbered sequentially through
Notes should be placed at the bottom of the text—‘Figure 1’, ‘Figure 2’ and so
the table; one convenient method is to forth and should be referenced in the text
create an empty row at the bottom of the as ‘figure 1’, ‘figure 2’,… and not ‘fig. 1’,
table to contain them. Again, merge the ‘fig. 2’, ….
cells to give you a single cell the width of For captions not placed at the side of the
the table. Table notes should be 9 point figure, captions should be set to the width
Times Roman. Each note should be on a of the figure for wider figures, centered
separate line. Examples: across the width of the figure, or, for
narrow figures with wide captions, slightly
Table 2. A table with headings spanning two columns extended beyond the width of the figure.
and containing notesa.
The following examples show how to
Table Column Head
Table column
format a number of different
Head Subhead b Subhead figure/caption combinations. Note that the
copy More table copy a table borders are shown as broken lines for
Notes are referenced using alpha superscripts. guidance only.


Each figure should have a brief caption

describing it and, if necessary, a key to
interpret the various lines and symbols on the

⮚ Space considerations
Authors should try to make economical
use of the space on the page; for example:
▪ avoid excessively large white space
borders around your graphics; Figure 3. The caption should finish with a full stop
▪ try to design illustrations that make (period).
good use of the available space—avoid
unnecessarily large amounts of white ⮚ Figures in parts
space within the graphic; If a figure has parts these should be
⮚ Text in figures labeled as (a), (b), (c) etc on the actual
Wherever possible try to ensure that the figure. Parts should not have separate
size of the text in your figures is clear and captions
⮚ Positioning figures For images, be sure to:
Individual figures should normally be ✔ Include scale bars
centered but place two figures side-by-side ✔ Consider labeling important items
if they will fit comfortably like this as it ✔ Indicate the meaning of different
saves space. Place the figure as close as colors and symbols used
possible after the point where it is first
referenced in the text. If there are a large Maps.
number of figures it might be necessary to
place some before their text citation. Maps are important for putting field work in
the context of the location where it was

Indonesia Research and Innovation Fair
performed. A good map will help your reader Wu, S.F.V., Courtney, M., Edward, H.,
understand how the site affects your study. McDowell, J., Shortridge-Baggett, L.M., &
Moreover, it will help other researchers Chang, P.J. (2007). Self-efficacy, outcome
reproduce your work or find other locations expectation, and self-care behavior in people
with similar properties. with type diabetes in Taiwan. Journal of
Clinical Nursing, 16 (11), 250–257.
For maps, be sure to:
If a journal article has a DOI, include the DOI
✔ Include latitude and longitude in the reference:
✔ Include scale bars Grady, J. S., Her, M., Moreno, G., Perez, C.,
✔ Label important items & Yelinek, J. (2019). Emotions in storybooks:
✔ Consider adding a map legend A comparison of storybooks that represent
ethnic and racial groups in the United States.
Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(3),
IV. Conclusion 207–217.
This section is written in narrative form. The
conclusion is the answer of the hypothesis Journal article with an article number:
that leads to the main purpose of the study. Jerrentrup, A., Mueller, T., Glowalla, U.,
Do not recapitulate the results but discuss Herder, M., Henrichs, N., Neubauer, A., &
their significance against the background of Schaefer, J. R. (2018). Teaching medicine
existing knowledge and clearly identify those with the help of “Dr. House.” PLoS ONE,
aspects that are novel. The final paragraph 13(3), Article e0193972.
should highlight the main conclusion(s) and
provide some indication of the direction
future research should take. Missing volume number:
Stegmeir, M. (2016). Climate change: New
Acknowledgment (If Any) discipline practices promote college access.
The Journal of College Admission, (231), 44–
Acknowledgement is given to the funding 47.
sources of study (donor agency, the contract
number, the year of accepting) and those who C/nacac_jca_spring2016/#/46
support that funding. The names of those who
support or assist the study are written clearly. Missing issue number:
Names that have been mentioned as the Sanchiz, M., Chevalier, A., & Amadieu, F.
authors of the manuscripts are not allowed (2017). How do older and young adults start
here. searching for information? Impact of age,
domain knowledge and problem complexity
References on the different steps of information
searching. Computers in Human Behavior,
Use the most updated references in the last 10 72, 67–78.
years. The references only contain articles
that have been published and selected the
most relevant to the manuscript. It prefers Missing page or article number:
primary references. The references format Butler, J. (2017). Where access meets
follows the "name-years" citation style (APA multimodality: The case of ASL music
style 7th edition). All sources in the reference videos. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric,
must be referenced in the manuscript and Technology, and Pedagogy, 21(1).
what was in the manuscript should be in this
reference. Examples: ex.html
Author, A.A., Author, B.B., & Author, C.C. Retracted journal article:
(year). Article title: Sub-title. Journal Title, Joly, J. F., Stapel, D. A., & Lindenberg, S. M.
volume (issue number), page numbers; (2008). Silence and table manners: When
environments activate norms. Personality and

Indonesia Research and Innovation Fair
Social Psychology Bulletin, 34(8), 1047– Kruglanski (Eds.), Social psychology:
1056. Handbook of basic principles. New York: The Guilford Press.
(Retraction published 2012, Personality and
Social Psychology Bulletin, 38[10], 1378) Conference Proceeding
Schnase, J.L., & Cunnius, E.L. (Eds.). (1995).
Retraction notice for a journal article: Proceedings from CSCL '95: The First
The Editors of the Lancet. (2010). Retraction International Conference on Computer
—Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non- Support for Collaborative Learning. Erlbaum.
specific colitis, and pervasive developmental
disorder in children. The Lancet, 375(9713), Thesis/Dissertation
445. Gerena, C. (2015). Positive thinking in dance:
6736(10)60175-4 The benefits of positive self-talk practice in
conjunction with somatic exercises for
Books: collegiate dancers [Master’s thesis, University
Creswell, J.W. (2008). Educational research: of California Irvine]. University of California,
Planning, conductiong, and evaluating Scholarship.
quantitative and qualitative research (3rd ed.).
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education,
Inc. Online document:
Van Wagner, K. (2006). Guide to APA
Book chapter: format. Abou Psychology. Accessed on
Markus, H.R., Kitayama, S., & Heiman, R.J. November 16, 2006 from
(1996). Culture and basic psychological
principles. Dalam E.T. Higgins & A.W. apastyle/guide.

Indonesia Research and Innovation Fair

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