2022.09.12-16 Reading 2 Summative Assessment 1.1
2022.09.12-16 Reading 2 Summative Assessment 1.1
2022.09.12-16 Reading 2 Summative Assessment 1.1
Elementary Department
School Year 2022-2023
GRADE 2 Reading
Lessons for the First Quarter
Week 8 Monday Oct. 10, 2022 Consonant Digraphs sh, ch, tch p. 46-47
Reading 2 (First Quarter)
Tuesday Oct. 11, 2022 Review Activities quizizz.com
Submitted by:
Ms. May Flor Cabañog
Lesson 1
Week 2 Aug. 30 & Sept. 2, 2022
The Story, Character Traits
Reading 2 (First Quarter)
Subject: READING 2 Teacher: Ms. May Flor Cabañog
Lesson: Duration:
The Story, Character Traits 50 minutes / 2 Sessions
Key Understanding to be developed: Week 1
1. We all need a good friend, and the best way to find one is to Date:
be one. Aug. 30 & Sept. 2, 2022
2. Identifying a character’s traits and feelings will help us
know a character better and understand how he or she acted,
decided, or acted upon things the way it happened.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this session, the learners will be able to:
Note important details
Identify the theme in the story
Share about their favorite character and describe its character traits
Infer a character’s traits and feelings using evidence from text
Materials Needed: PowerPoint presentation, laptop, MS Teams app
Show the cover page of the book.
Ask: Which one is the frog? Which one is the toad?
Session 1
10 minutes
A. Tell the class that the story they are about to read is about two good
friends – the frog and the toad.
Discussion Questions:
What can hearing a story do to somebody who is sick?
Can you think of a reason why Toad thought ice cubes would help
him think of a good story to Frog?
Do you think Toad finally thought of a good story after jumping up
and down? Why do you think so? Session 1
Why did poor Toad fall asleep even before the story was finished? 40 minutes
Explore B. Ask: What do you think is the theme of the story?
Lead the students to the understanding that “We all need a good friend,
and the best way to find one is to be one.”
Explain Ask: How can you describe the toad and the frog? List down students’
Tell the class that how they described the frog and toad are examples of
character traits.
Let the class read the book “We’re All Wonders” and have them examine the
character traits of the main character ‘Auggie’.
Discussion Questions:
In what way was the boy ordinary? How is he extraordinary?
How did the boy feel when he thought he was different?
Why did he put on the helmet?
Why do you think the author wrote this book? What does this book
teach us?
How can you describe Auggie? What are his character traits?
Session 2
30 minutes
Sharing Time!
Have students stand in front of the class to share their favorite character and
identify their character traits.
September 5, 2022
Engage Review on Character Traits using Quizizz Session 1
https://quizizz.com/join?gc=12891389 50 minutes
September 6, 2022
Review for Summative Assessment using MS Forms
Session 2
Elaborate https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?
50 minutes
Reading 2 (First Quarter)