InventHelp: How To Patent Your Invention Idea?

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InventHelp: How To Patent Your Invention Idea?

To patent an invention idea with InventHelp, you can follow these general steps:

1. Conduct a Prior Art Search: Begin by conducting a prior art search to determine if your invention idea is novel
and not already patented or publicly disclosed. InventHelp can assist you in conducting this search and
evaluating the patentability of your idea.

2. Submit Your Invention Idea: Contact InventHelp and submit your invention idea to them. They may ask you to
sign a confidentiality agreement to protect your intellectual property during the evaluation process.

3. Evaluation and Assessment: InventHelp's team of experts will evaluate your invention idea to determine its
market potential and feasibility. They will provide you with feedback and insights into the invention's
commercial viability.

4. Patent Research and Application: If your invention idea is deemed promising, InventHelp can assist you in
conducting a more comprehensive patent research. They may also help you with the patent application
process, including drafting and filing the necessary documents.

5. Prototype Development: InventHelp may offer prototype development services, helping you create a working
model or representation of your invention idea. A prototype can be valuable for demonstrating your invention's
functionality and attracting potential investors or licensees.

6. Market Research and Marketing Services: InventHelp can conduct market research to assess the demand and
potential market size for your invention. They can also provide marketing services, helping you create
promotional materials and showcase your invention at industry events or trade shows.

7. Licensing and Commercialization: InventHelp has connections with companies and potential licensees across
various industries. They can help you explore licensing opportunities and commercialization options for your
8. Seek Funding and Investment: InventHelp can assist you in seeking funding or investment for your invention
idea. They may help you prepare a pitch and connect you with potential investors or funding sources.

It's important to note that while InventHelp can provide valuable assistance throughout the invention process,
obtaining a patent is a legal process. Therefore, it's essential to work closely with a qualified patent attorney
during the patent application process. The patent attorney will help you navigate the complexities of patent
law, draft strong patent claims, and ensure that your invention is adequately protected.

Additionally, before entering into any agreement with InventHelp or any other invention assistance company,
it's crucial to carefully review the terms and costs involved. Understand the services they offer and how they
align with your specific needs and goals as an inventor. Seeking legal advice and conducting due diligence can
help you make an informed decision about working with InventHelp or pursuing the patenting process

More Information about InventHelp

Patent Q&A

By reading frequently asked questions from those interested in the services of InventHelp, you can learn more
about the patent process.
What is a Patent?
A patent is a legal right granted by a government to an inventor or an assignee, giving them exclusive
rights to their invention for a limited period. This exclusive right allows the patent holder to prevent
others from making, using, selling, or importing the patented invention without their permission. In
essence, a patent gives the inventor a monopoly over their invention for a specific duration, during
which they can capitalize on their invention's commercial potential and protect it from being copied or
exploited by others.

Patents are typically granted for new and useful inventions that are novel (not previously known or
publicly disclosed), non-obvious (not an obvious modification of existing inventions), and have some
form of utility or practical application. The invention can be in the form of a product, process,
machine, composition of matter, or an improvement to any of these.

Patents play a crucial role in encouraging innovation and promoting technological advancement by
providing inventors with an incentive to disclose their inventions to the public in exchange for the
exclusive rights granted by the patent. This disclosure of knowledge benefits society by allowing
others to learn from the invention and build upon it once the patent term expires.

The process of obtaining a patent typically involves filing a patent application with the appropriate
government patent office. The application undergoes examination to determine if the invention meets
the legal requirements for patentability. If the application is approved, a patent is granted, providing
the inventor with the exclusive rights to their invention for a fixed period, usually 20 years from the
filing date.

It's important to note that patents are territorial, meaning they are granted by individual countries or
regional patent offices. There is no global patent that provides worldwide protection. Therefore,
inventors seeking protection in multiple countries may need to file separate patent applications in
each desired jurisdiction or explore international patent agreements, such as the Patent Cooperation
Treaty (PCT), to streamline the process.

What are the Different Types of Patents?

There are three main types of patents that can be granted to protect different types of inventions:

1. Utility Patents: Utility patents are the most common type of patents and cover new and useful
processes, machines, articles of manufacture, compositions of matter, or any new and useful
improvement of these categories. They protect the functional aspects of an invention and provide the
broadest scope of protection. Utility patents are often granted for inventions that have a specific use
or serve a practical purpose.

2. Design Patents: Design patents protect the ornamental or aesthetic aspects of an invention rather
than its functionality. They are granted for new, original, and non-functional designs of articles of
manufacture. Design patents are commonly used to protect the unique appearance, shape, pattern, or
surface ornamentation of a product. While they do not cover the functional features, design patents
provide protection against copying the visual design of an invention.
3. Plant Patents: Plant patents are granted for new and distinct varieties of asexually reproduced
plants. These patents protect the characteristics of the plant that have been created or discovered,
ensuring that others cannot asexually reproduce, sell, or use the patented plant without permission.
Plant patents are commonly used in agriculture and horticulture industries to protect new plant

It's important to note that the patent laws and regulations may vary between countries, and the
specific types of patents available can differ accordingly. Additionally, some countries may have
specialized types of patents or specific provisions for certain industries or technologies.

When seeking patent protection, inventors need to carefully consider the type of patent that best
suits their invention and its unique aspects. For example, if the invention involves a new and useful
process or machine, a utility patent is likely the appropriate choice. If the invention's value lies
primarily in its visual appearance, a design patent may be more suitable. Inventors are advised to work
with a qualified patent attorney to determine the most appropriate type of patent for their invention
and to navigate the patent application process effectively.

How Long Does a Patent Last?

The duration of a patent's validity varies depending on the type of patent and the country in which it
is granted. In general, there are three main types of patents, each with its own term of protection:

1. Utility Patents: Utility patents, which cover new and useful processes, machines, compositions of
matter, or improvements thereof, typically have a maximum term of 20 years from the filing date of
the patent application. This means that once the patent is granted, the inventor or patent holder has
exclusive rights to their invention for a period of 20 years.

2. Design Patents: Design patents, which protect the ornamental or aesthetic aspects of a new and
original design of an article of manufacture, generally have a shorter term of protection. In the United
States, for instance, the term of a design patent is 15 years from the date of grant.

3. Plant Patents: Plant patents, granted for new and distinct varieties of asexually reproduced plants,
also have a maximum term of 20 years from the date of filing the patent application.

It's important to note that patent terms are not indefinite, and once the patent's term expires, the
invention enters the public domain, becoming available for others to use, make, and sell without the
need for permission or license from the former patent holder.

Furthermore, it's essential to be aware that patent laws and regulations can differ between countries.
Some countries may offer different patent terms or have specific provisions for certain types of
inventions. For example, some countries may have provisions for patent term extensions in specific
cases, such as for pharmaceutical inventions or to compensate for delays in the patent examination
As a result, it's crucial for inventors to consult with a qualified patent attorney to understand the
specific patent term applicable to their invention based on the type of patent, the country or countries
in which they seek protection, and any special considerations that may apply to their particular case.

How Does InventHelp Help with the Patent Process?

InventHelp provides assistance to inventors throughout the patent process by offering guidance,
resources, and services to help streamline the application and increase the chances of obtaining a
patent. Here's how InventHelp helps with the patent process:

1. Patent Research: InventHelp can conduct a preliminary patent search to determine if there are
existing patents or published materials similar to your invention. This research helps assess the
novelty and patentability of your idea before proceeding with the patent application.

2. Patent Application Preparation: InventHelp can assist in preparing the patent application, which
includes drafting a detailed description of your invention, creating drawings or diagrams to illustrate
the invention, and crafting patent claims that define the scope of your invention's protection.

3. Patent Filing: InventHelp can help with the formalities of filing the patent application with the
appropriate patent office, such as the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or
international patent offices if seeking protection in multiple countries.

4. Coordination with Patent Attorneys: InventHelp has relationships with patent attorneys and agents
who can provide legal advice and review the patent application to ensure its accuracy and
completeness. Patent attorneys can assist in strengthening the application and improving its chances
of being granted.

5. Patent Prosecution: If the patent office issues an office action or requires modifications to the
application, InventHelp can assist in preparing the responses and addressing any concerns raised by
the patent examiner during the patent prosecution process.

6. International Patent Protection: InventHelp can help inventors explore options for international
patent protection through agreements such as the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) or direct filing in
specific countries. They can coordinate with foreign associates or patent agents to facilitate the

7. Patent Maintenance: After the patent is granted, there are maintenance fees and periodic
requirements to keep the patent in force. InventHelp can help inventors manage these ongoing
obligations to maintain the validity of the patent.

It's essential to note that while InventHelp can provide valuable assistance throughout the patent
process, inventors should also work closely with a qualified patent attorney. Patent attorneys have
specialized legal expertise and can provide essential advice to ensure that the patent application is
well-prepared, strategically drafted, and meets all legal requirements.
InventHelp's services can be particularly valuable for inventors who may be new to the patenting
process or who seek guidance and support in navigating the complexities of the patent system.
However, as with any invention assistance company, it's crucial for inventors to carefully review the
terms of service, understand the costs involved, and consider seeking legal advice to make informed
decisions about their patenting journey.

How Much Does it Cost to Patent an Invention Idea?

The cost of patenting an invention idea can vary significantly based on several factors, including the
type of patent, the complexity of the invention, the geographical scope of protection sought, and the
services utilized. Here are some of the main costs to consider when seeking a patent:

1. Patent Attorney Fees: Working with a qualified patent attorney is highly recommended for the
patenting process. Patent attorneys provide valuable expertise and guidance, increasing the likelihood
of a successful patent application. Their fees can vary depending on their experience, the complexity
of the invention, and the services required.

2. Patent Search: Conducting a prior art search to assess the novelty and patentability of the invention
is a crucial step. The cost of a patent search can vary depending on the scope of the search and the
expertise of the professionals conducting it.

3. Patent Application Filing Fees: The official filing fees charged by the patent office for submitting a
patent application can vary from country to country. In the United States, for example, the filing fees
for a utility patent can range from a few hundred to over a thousand dollars, depending on the entity
applying (individual, small entity, or large entity).

4. Maintenance Fees: Once a patent is granted, there are ongoing maintenance fees that need to be
paid to keep the patent in force. These fees are typically due periodically throughout the patent term
and increase over time.

5. Translation Fees (for International Patents): If you plan to seek patent protection in multiple
countries, you may need to have your patent application translated into the language of each country.
Translation costs can add significantly to the overall expenses.

6. Professional Drawings: Patent applications often require professional drawings or illustrations to

accompany the written description. The cost of these drawings can vary depending on their
complexity and the professional hired to create them.

7. Prototype Development (if applicable): If you decide to create a prototype of your invention, the
cost of prototype development should be considered.

It's challenging to provide an exact figure for the total cost of patenting an invention idea because
each case is unique. The total expenses can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of
dollars or more, especially if international protection is sought.
To get a more accurate estimate of the costs involved in patenting your specific invention idea, it's
best to consult with a qualified patent attorney. They can provide a personalized cost estimate based
on your invention, the scope of protection desired, and the services you require. Investing in
professional assistance can be beneficial in ensuring that your patent application is well-prepared and
has the best chance of success.

What Makes an Invention Idea Patentable?

To be considered patentable, an idea must meet several key criteria set forth by patent laws and
regulations. These criteria may vary slightly depending on the country in which you are seeking patent
protection, but in general, an idea is considered patentable if it meets the following requirements:

1. Novelty: The idea must be new, meaning it has not been publicly disclosed or described in any form
before the date of filing the patent application. It should not be known or available to the public in any
way, including through publications, public demonstrations, or prior patents.

2. Non-Obviousness (Inventive Step): The idea must not be obvious to someone skilled in the relevant
field of technology. This means that the invention should not be a straightforward or obvious
combination of existing knowledge or prior inventions. It must involve an inventive step, showing a
level of creativity and innovation beyond what is readily predictable.

3. Utility: The idea must have some form of practical use or utility. It should be capable of providing a
specific and practical result or function, and its utility should be credible and plausible.

4. Industrial Applicability: The idea must be capable of being used or applied in some form of industry
or commerce. It should not be a purely abstract or theoretical concept without any practical

5. Subject Matter: The idea must fall within the statutory subject matter eligible for patent protection.
In most jurisdictions, this includes inventions related to processes, machines, manufactures,
compositions of matter, and improvements thereof. Some countries may have specific exclusions, such
as laws of nature, natural phenomena, or abstract ideas.

6. Disclosure: To be patentable, the idea must be disclosed in sufficient detail to enable a person
skilled in the relevant field to understand and reproduce the invention without undue
experimentation. This requirement ensures that the patent system promotes knowledge sharing and
technical progress.

It's important to note that not all ideas or concepts are eligible for patent protection. For example,
laws of nature, mathematical formulas, mental processes, and artistic creations are generally not
patentable subject matter. Additionally, certain inventions may be excluded from patent protection for
ethical, moral, or public policy reasons.

Before pursuing a patent, it is recommended to conduct a prior art search and seek the advice of a
qualified patent attorney. A patent attorney can help assess the patentability of your idea, guide you
through the patenting process, and determine the best strategy to protect your invention effectively.

Can I Sell My Invention Idea Without a Patent?

Yes, you can sell your invention idea without having a patent. However, it's essential to be aware of
the risks and challenges involved in doing so.

Selling an invention idea without a patent leaves you vulnerable to the risk of someone else taking
your idea and using it without your permission. Without patent protection, you do not have exclusive
rights to your invention, and others are free to replicate, manufacture, and sell it without facing legal

If you choose to sell your invention idea without a patent, consider taking the following precautions to
protect your interests:

1. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): Before disclosing your invention idea to potential buyers or
investors, have them sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). An NDA legally binds the parties to keep
your idea confidential and prevents them from sharing or using your idea without your consent.

2. File a Provisional Patent Application: If you cannot afford a full utility patent application, consider
filing a provisional patent application. A provisional application establishes an early filing date and
allows you to use the term "patent pending." While it doesn't grant patent rights, it provides some
level of protection for a limited time (usually one year) and allows you to further develop your
invention and seek potential buyers or investors.

3. Prototype or Proof of Concept: Having a working prototype or proof of concept can add credibility
to your invention and demonstrate its feasibility and potential value. It can also increase the interest
of potential buyers or investors.

4. Market Research: Conduct market research to understand the potential demand and marketability
of your invention idea. Having a solid understanding of your target market and potential customers
can be valuable when pitching your idea to potential buyers.

5. Document Everything: Keep detailed records of your invention idea, the development process, and
any communications with potential buyers or investors. Documentation can serve as evidence of your
invention's conception and development timeline.

6. Seek Legal Advice: Consult with a qualified intellectual property attorney or business attorney to
understand your rights and options when selling your invention idea without a patent. They can
provide valuable legal advice and help you navigate the negotiation and sale process.

Remember that selling an invention idea without a patent involves inherent risks. If you believe your
invention has significant market potential, obtaining a patent can provide stronger protection and
increase the value of your invention when negotiating with potential buyers or licensing your
invention to others. Working with a patent attorney can help you determine the best strategy to
protect and commercialize your invention idea effectively.

What Happens If I Don't Patent My Invention Idea?

If you choose not to patent your invention idea, it means that you will not have the exclusive rights
granted by a patent. Here are some potential consequences of not patenting your invention idea:

1. Lack of Exclusive Rights: Without a patent, you do not have the legal right to prevent others from
making, using, selling, or importing your invention. This means that anyone can freely copy,
manufacture, or sell your invention without seeking your permission or paying you any royalties.

2. Risk of Infringement: Since you have no patent protection, others may take advantage of your
invention idea and produce similar products or technologies, potentially leading to competition and
market dilution. You might find it difficult to establish a strong market presence or gain a competitive
advantage without patent protection.

3. Limited Commercialization Options: Companies or investors may be less willing to invest in or

license an invention without patent protection. They may be concerned about the risk of competitors
entering the market with similar products, reducing the potential profitability of the invention.

4. Difficulties in Licensing: If you intend to license your invention to others for commercialization, not
having a patent can diminish the perceived value of your invention. Potential licensees may prefer to
deal with patented inventions to have more security and exclusivity in their market position.

5. Lack of Leverage in Negotiations: Without a patent, you have less leverage when negotiating with
potential buyers, investors, or licensees. Your bargaining power may be limited, and you may not be
able to secure favorable terms for the sale or licensing of your invention.

6. Public Disclosure: If you publicly disclose your invention idea without filing a patent application, it
can become part of the public domain, meaning anyone can use the idea without any restrictions.
Public disclosure before filing a patent application can also affect your ability to obtain a patent in
some countries, as it may be considered prior art.

7. Limited Legal Recourse: Without a patent, your ability to take legal action against infringers is
limited. Patent infringement suits are only possible if you hold a valid and enforceable patent.

It's important to note that not all inventions are eligible for patent protection, and the decision to
patent or not patent an invention idea should be carefully considered. Some inventors may choose to
keep certain inventions as trade secrets instead of seeking patent protection. Trade secrets rely on
maintaining the confidentiality of the invention rather than disclosing it publicly. However, not all
inventions are suitable for trade secret protection.

Before deciding whether or not to patent your invention idea, it is advisable to seek legal advice from
a qualified patent attorney. An attorney can help you evaluate the patentability of your invention,
assess your business goals, and develop a strategy that aligns with your objectives.
What Services Does InventHelp Offer?
As an invention service company, InventHelp offers a range of services to assist inventors throughout
the invention, patenting, and commercialization process. While specific services may vary depending
on the inventor's needs and the stage of development of the invention, here are some common
services provided by InventHelp:

1. Patent Assistance: InventHelp can help inventors with the patenting process. This includes
conducting preliminary patent searches to assess the novelty of the invention and its potential
patentability. They may also provide guidance in preparing and filing patent applications with the
appropriate patent office.

2. Prototype Development: InventHelp offers prototype development services, helping inventors

create working models or representations of their inventions. Prototypes are valuable for
demonstrating the functionality and feasibility of the invention to potential investors or licensees.

3. Design Services: InventHelp can assist inventors with designing and illustrating their inventions. This
may include creating detailed drawings, diagrams, or renderings to accompany patent applications or
promotional materials.

4. Market Research: InventHelp can conduct market research to assess the demand and potential
market size for the invention. This information helps inventors understand the commercial viability of
their ideas and identify potential target markets.

5. Marketing and Promotion: InventHelp can help inventors promote their inventions through various
marketing channels. This may involve creating promotional materials, showcasing inventions at trade
shows or industry events, and connecting inventors with potential licensees or buyers.

6. Licensing Support: InventHelp may assist inventors in exploring licensing opportunities. They may
help negotiate licensing agreements with companies interested in commercializing the invention.

7. Product Submission: InventHelp offers services to submit invention ideas to companies for review.
This process aims to expose the invention to potential licensees or buyers.

8. Legal and Patent Consultation: InventHelp can connect inventors with qualified patent attorneys or
agents for legal advice and assistance with patent applications and other legal matters.

It's important to note that while InventHelp offers these services, the extent and quality of the
assistance provided may vary depending on the specific case and the agreement made between the
inventor and InventHelp. Additionally, while invention service companies can provide valuable
support, inventors should be cautious and conduct due diligence before entering into any agreements.
Consulting with a qualified patent attorney can help inventors understand their rights, evaluate the
services provided, and make informed decisions throughout the invention process.
Should I Use InventHelp Services For My Invention Idea?
Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether to work with InventHelp:

1. Your Invention's Stage: If you have a fully developed invention with a working prototype, a clear
market strategy, and a solid understanding of the patenting process, you may need fewer services
from an invention service company. On the other hand, if you have an idea but need assistance with
patenting, prototype development, or market research, an invention service company like InventHelp
may be able to provide valuable support.

2. Expertise and Resources: Evaluate your own expertise and resources in the invention process. If you
have experience with patenting, marketing, and commercialization, you may be able to handle some
aspects on your own. If you lack experience or resources, working with an invention service company
like InventHelp can offer guidance and access to a range of services.

3. Budget: Consider your budget for the invention process. Invention service companies typically
charge fees for their services, and these costs can add up. Make sure you have a clear understanding
of the fees and payment terms before making a decision.

4. Independent Legal Advice: Before entering into any agreement with InventHelp or any other
invention service company, consider seeking independent legal advice. A qualified patent attorney can
review the terms of the agreement and help you understand the potential risks and benefits.

5. Reviews and Reputation: Research InventHelp's reputation and read reviews from previous clients.
Look for feedback from inventors who have used their services to gain insights into the company's
performance and customer satisfaction.

6. Alternatives: Explore alternative options for patenting, prototyping, marketing, and commercializing
your invention. Working directly with a patent attorney or engaging with technology transfer offices,
incubators, or accelerators may also be viable alternatives.

Remember that every inventor's situation is unique, and what works for one inventor may not be the
best fit for another. Carefully evaluate your options, consider the pros and cons, and make an
informed decision based on your specific needs and objectives.

Ultimately, working with an invention service company can be beneficial for inventors who may need
guidance and support throughout the invention process.

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