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ATDWork Assignment No. 38

Task 3
ATO U-64-77 23 July 1864

Siavty* Oi Sovitt-Bloc SUtntiUc and Tachnicat UtuatuKi


Annotated Bibliography

ATO Work Assignment No. 38

Task 3

This is an unedited rough draft which has not been ap¬

proved for publication and is intended for the use of the
requestor only. Recommendations regarding future
publication and dissemination are invited. The Aero¬
space Technology Division reserves the right to publish
this report, after final editing, if it considers wider
dissemination desirable.

Aerospace Technology Division

Library of Congress

This bibliography has been prepared in response to ATD Work Assignment

No. 38 (OAR No. 4a), Task 3. It consists of materials reflecting Soviet
research efforts and the state of Soviet research in telepathy.

The bibliography is divided into two sections. Section 1 contains annota¬

tions of Soviet materials which were available for examination at the
Library of Congress. Section 2 lists materials known to exist which
were not available or could not be obtained in time for annotation and in¬
clusion in Section L Some of the items in Section 2 could not even be
identified because of the inconsistent and often sloppy citations given by
the Russian authors. These are usually incomplete and sometimes ut¬
terly incomprehensible. Others were not available because they appear
in publications which have never been received by the Library of Congress;
and still others, because they happen to fall into one of the not infrequent
lacunae in the Library's serial collections.

The primary materials used in compiling this bibliography were three re¬
cent books by Professor L. L. Vasil'yev of Leningrad State University,
and a fourth by B. B. Kazhinskiy. These were: Vnusheniye na rasstoyanii
(Suggestion at a distance) (1962). Eksperimental'nyye issledovaniya myslen-
nogo vnusheniya (Experimental studies on mental suggestion) (1962), and the
chapter "Brain radio" from the book Tainstvennyye yavleniya cheloveche-
skoy psikhiki (Mysterious phenomena of the human psyche) (1959), all by
Vasil'yev; and Biologicheskaya radiosvyaz' (Biological radio-communica¬
tion) (1962), by Kazhinskiy. The sources cited by Vasil') ev and Kazhinskiy
were obtained (when available) and examined, and, if they were relevant to
the subject, annotations were made. However, standard Soviet reference
works, handbooks, textbooks, and the like were not abstracted; and statis¬
tical data and research results in biophysics and biochemistry, and other
materials not directly pertinent to parapsychology, were not included.

In addition to the materials obtained by the methods described above, the

current Soviet press (journals, newspapers, and magazines, 1960 to date)
was scanned for articles or discussions on telepathy, and any found were

Of the total of 430 references cited in the three books and chapter of a fourth
by Vasil'yev and Kazhinskiy, 204 are from Russian sources and 225 from
Western literature. Of the 204 Russian citations, about half (103) were
published prior to 1940. A total of 39 citations (both Russian and Western)

- ii -
are taken from sources published before 1900. About one-third of the
430 references, Russian and Western, are taken from popular maga¬
zine articles, or from general textbooks on statistics, physiology, bio¬
physics, and other subjects not directly related to parapsychological

This review of current discussions of telepathy appearing in the Soviet

press is the basis of the following subjective opinion with respect to the
status of parapsychological research in the USSR, Professor L. L.
Vasil'yev of Leningrad State University is not only the most prolific,
but also the most prominent of Soviet parapsychologists. He is engaged
in what is apparently an attempt not only to justify his experimental en¬
deavors, but also to gain official support for a research program in
parapsychology. His efforts in behalf of the latter objective are meet¬
ing with stiffening opposition. The opponents of telepathy are becoming
quite voluble in the expression of their views, and unfortunately
for Vasil'yev there are some very influential scientists (such as Ya. B.
Zel'dovich) among them. In view of the violent antipathy of this group
to the very idea of telepathy, it appears highly unlikely that any offtcial
support or funds will be forthcoming for parapsychological research.
Lack of support may indeed be the least of the evils which might befall
Vasil'yev^ hopes. It is also entirely possible that telepathy will be con¬
demned officially as a concept, its proponents forced to recent, and in¬
vestigations of it abandoned.

‘ iii -
are taken from sources published before 1900. About one-third of the
430 references, Russian and Western, are taken from popular maga¬
zine articles, or from general textbooks on statistics, physiology, bio¬
physics, and other subjects not directly related to parapsychologieal

This review of current discussions of telepathy appearing in the Soviet

press is the basis of the following subjective opinion with respect to the
status of parapsychologie al research in the USSR.' Professor L. L.
Vasil'yev of Leningrad State University is not only the most prolific,
but also the most prominent of Soviet parapsychologists. He is engaged
in what is apparently an attempt not only to justify his experimental en¬
deavors, but also to gain official support for a research program in
parapsychology. His efforts in behalf of the latter objective are meet¬
ing with stiffening opposition. The opponents of telepathy are becoming
quite voluble in the expression of their views, and unfortunately
for Vasil'yev there are some very influential scientists (such as Ya. B.
Zel'dovich) among them. In view of the violent antipathy of this group
to the very ides of telepathy, it appears highly unlikely that any official
support or funds will be forthcoming for parapsychological research.
Lack of support may indeed be the least of the evils which might befall
Vasil'yevte hopes. It is also entirely possible that telepathy will be con¬
demned officially as a concept, its proponents forced to recent, and in¬
vestigations of it abandoned.

- iii -


Section 1. Annotated Bibliography.

Section 2. List of References Not Available or Not Reviewed . . .


1. Ayrapetyants, M., and A. Ivanitskiy. Two physiologists argue...

Tekhnika molodezhi, no. 1, 1961, 30.

The first writer is of the opinion that the notion of

thought transmission should be classified with other
fairy tales. The second postulates the existence of
a cerebral electromagnetic field which is so
extremely weak that it has never so far been regis¬
tered even by the most sensitive instruments.

2. Baratyants, M. The sixth sense—does it exist? Trud, 8 May 1964,

p. 3, cols. 2-6.

Earlier reports of extraocular vision (skin vision)

concerned Lena Bliznova of Khar'kov and Roza Kule¬
shova of Nizhniy Tagil. Now a new name has been
added to the list: that of Vera Petrova, an 11-year-
old girl from the village of Novocheremshansk in Ul'-
yanovskaya Oblast'. Tests in Ul'yanovsk established
that the girl is in good health with a normal nervous
system and normal reflexes. In blindfold tests she
proved capable of reading small print, recognizing
colors and photographs, and telling time. With shoes
on she could recognize colors and designs placed
under a carpet by walking over them. She could also
"see" through a wooden door and a thick wall. The
majority of authorities debating these phenomena in¬
sist that skin vision is possible. Doctor of Medical
Sciences Ye. Rabkin, an oculist, inclines to the
theory that photochemical reactions in the skin are
responsible. Professor I. Vel'vovskiy considers
that the skin possesses "receptors" which transmit
impulses to the brain. Still others regard skin ver¬
sion as a vestigial capability left over from earlier
stages of evolution (one-celled animals).
3. Bekhterev, V. M. [Bechterew]. Hypnotic therapy. Vestnik znaniya,
no. 2, 1926, 86-95.

Hypnotic therapy is discussed mainly from the view¬

point of the author's personal experience. No attempt
is made to describe the nature of hypnosis.

4. Bekhterev, V, M. [Bechterew]. Mutual autosuggestion in human groups

and mass hallucinations. Vestnik znaniya, .no. 6, 1926, 362-366.

The author narrates historical examples of mass hal-

lucinationq,, suicidal religious tendencies, and the like. •
It is suggested that mass hallucinations are prompted
by visual stimuli during acute emotional stress.

5. Bekhterev, V. M. [Bechterew], The nature of hypposis. Vestnik

znaniya, no. 1,. 1926, 35-39.

This is a popular exposition of the nature of hypnosis.

Artificially induced inhibition reflex is regarded as the
physiological basis of. hypnosis.

6. Biryukov, D. A. Is telepathy scientific ? Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk.

Vestnik, no. 1, 1964, 43-53.

Telepathy is considered in the light of dialectic mate¬

rialism and its own intrinsic scientific merits. The
author takes a very dim view of the latter. His main
objections can be summarized as follows: 1) Experi¬
mental data supported by adequate controls are not
available. 2) Proponents of telepathy tend to be en¬
thusiasts, biased and subjective in their interpreta¬
tion of telepathic phenomena, possibly even to the
point of doctoring "experimental" results to support
the conclusions they wish to reach. 3) The author
further implies that L. L. Vasil'yev, leader of Soviet
parapsychology, is attempting to blackmail the Soviet
scientific community into lending him its support,
through his constant references to the alleged great
interest of U. S. military authorities in parapsycholo-
loffical phenomena generally and telepathy in particular.
He concludes that telepathy in the light of present
knowledge should be classed with such other
sciences" as necromancy, clairvoyance, and the

7. Blyumenfel'd, L. A. The problem of biomagnetism. Nauka i zhizn1

no. 7, Jul 1961, 89-90. *

Doctor of Chemical Sciences L. A. Blyumenfel'd

states: I am not aware of the existence of even a
fc n experimental fact supporting the existence of
such (i.e., biomagnetic] effects. All data are either
statistically uncertain, or could be due to electrical
effects arising with the switching on or off of the mag¬
netic field. Some writers have referred to the ’pseudo-
ferromagnetic' properties of nucleic acids, detected in
our laboratory. This is due to a misunderstanding. We
did not study magnetic field effects on any biological ob¬
ject, but merely assayed the magnetic characteristics
of the more important biological compounds. "

8. Bykov, K. M. Sovremennyye predstavleniya o peredache nervnogo

' protsessa (Modern notions concerning the transmission of nerv¬
ous processes). Moskva, Izd-vo "Pravda," 1948. 14 p.

The nature of the mechanisms of the propagation of

nervous excitation are reviewed. It is considered
that both chemical and electrical hypotheses of the
propagation of nervous excitation have received the
sanction of the international scientific community and
supplement, rather than contradict, one another.

9. Dzhavadyan, N. Cerebral biocurrents and thought. Tekhnika molodezhi

no. 2, 1961, 31-32.

The possibility of thought transmission is categorically

denied. No correlation can exist between cerebral bio¬
currents and thought because the former is determined
by the nature of chemical, physical, and physiological
processes, while the latter is unique and to a great ex¬
tent is shaped by the social environment.
10. Frolov, Yu. P. The mystery of olfaction. Tekhnika molodezhi. no. 12
1959, 27-28. *

Theories of olfaction are briefly discussed. In the

writer's opinion, the problem of analyzing the ele¬
ments of olfactory perception and the decoding of ol¬
factory information could be solved if it were at¬
tacked with all the resources of modern physical
science. The diagram of an olfactometer—-a device
for the measurement of olfactory information—is

11. Gulyayev, P. Thought transmission over a distance. Tekhnika molodezhi

no. 1, 1961, 28-29.

The transmission of thought over a distance is dis-

, cussed. For purposes of discussion it is assumed
that the brain emits electromagnetic waves, although
their existence has not been proven. If such waves
exist, it would still be impossible to decode them,
i. e., to read thoughts, because of the analogy be¬
tween them and electroencephalographic bioelectric
activity. The components of an electroencephalogram
cannot be decoded because the EEG represents the
summation of millions of separate signals emitted by
individual neurons.

12. Kazhinskiy, B. B. Biologicheskaya radiosvyaz' (Biological radiocom¬

munication). Kiyev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1962. 167 p. 30,000 copies

The purpose of this popularly written monograph is to

focus public attention on the problem of biological
radiocommunication, i. e., telepathy. The foreword,
written by V. K. Kozak, M. D., reviews the problem
of telepathy in the light of Kazhinskiy's contribution.
Though critical of some aspects of Kazhinskiy's work,
the review is generally favorable. The author's intro¬
duction is a chronological recital of his investigations
on telepathy and is essentially an apologia for telepathy.
Ch. 1 begins with a description of an extraordinary
personal experience of the author. Analogies between

- 4 -
components of the nervous system and electrical
circuits are discussed. Ch. 2 discusses animal
experiments. The work of the animal trainer
V. L. Durov is particularly emphasized. Ch. 3
deals with so-called "visual rays. " Durov’s ex¬
periments are further discussed. The hypothesis
is advanced that the epiphesis is the receptor of
biological emissions. Ch. 4 describes acoustic
phenomena. It is stressed that there is a direct
relationship between auditory sensibilities and the
histological structure of the auditory cortex. The
attempt is made to draw an analogy between the lat¬
ter and electrical circuitry. Ch. 5 discusses mem¬
ory and its possible relation to some brain struc¬
tures. Ch. 6 mentions the attitude of K. E. Tsiolkov-
skiy (a prominent aerodynamicist, deceased in the
30's) toward telepathy. The author engages in lively
. polemics against his past and present detractors.
Ch. 7 reviews various ideas concerning the nature of
telepathy are reviewed, and the work of non-Soviet
investigators is reviewed at some length.

13. Kholodov, Yu. A. The magnetic field—a strange stimulus. Nauka i

zhizn', no. 7, Jul 1961, 78-80.

The Department of the Physiology of Higher Nervous

Activity of Moscow State University, headed by Pro¬
fessor L. G. Voronin, is engaged in the study of the
effects of magnetic fields on various animals. It was
found that it was possible to establish a conditioned
response to a magnetic field in fish if the condition¬
ing was reinforced with another stimulus such as light
or an electrical current. Blind fish exposed to a mag¬
netic field responded to light stimulation. Extirpation
of the diencephalon eliminated all reaction to magnetic
fields. Pigeons failed to develop any conditioned re¬
flex during exposure to magnetic fields. However, the
magnetic field did have the effect of totally inhibiting
conditioned responses to standard stimuli in pigeons.
14. Krylov, A. V., and G. A. Tarakanova. Magnetotropism. Nauka i
zhizn’, no. 7, Jul 1961, 85-87.

The roots of plant seeds germinated in a constant

magnetic field show a general tendency to gravitate
towards the south pole of the field. It is postulated
that this polar asymmetry is the physical basis which
determines the continuity of matter conversion in
living organisms.

15. Kursanov, A. L., Academician. (Untitled article). Nauka i zhizn',

no. 7, Jul 1961, 85.

Although it is difficult to forsee all the scientific and

practical consequences which may result from the
* study of magnetotropism, the existence of this new,
previously unsuspected property of living matter is
established, and the importance of its study is clear.

16. Leontovich, A, V. The neuron—an alternating current device (based

on pericellular electrophysiology). Biologicheskiy z h u r na 1,
V. 2, nos. 2-3, 1933.

The author regards the pericellular convolutions of

neurons as solenoids. The notion that these convolu¬
tions are random is rejected. Mathematical methods
are used in the attempt to show that a neuron contains
two induction coils: one consisting of pericellular
fibrils; the other consisting of intracellular neuron

17. Linetskiy, M. L. Micturition following hypnotically suggested water

intake. Zhurnal vysshey nervnoy deyatel'nosti, v. 11, no. 1, 1961,

Hypnotically suggested water-drinking initially resulted

in increased micturition, but repeated suggestion re¬
duced micturition gradually to control levels. All sub¬
jects tested were aware of their action during hypnotic
trance, as revealed by later questioning.

- 6 -
18. Mirza, D. Don't forget random coincidence. Tekhnika molodezhi,
no. 2 1961, 30.

Experiments conducted by S. Ya. Turlygin in 1942 are

described. A subject with preliminary conditioning
(to fall backward on receipt of hypnotic suggestion)
was hypnotized by an operator separated from him by
a thick lead screen. The screen was pierced by a
tube whose mouth was covered with dark paper to pre¬
vent the hypnotist from seeing what went on in front of
the screen. The experiments showed that the time re¬
quired to trigger the conditioned reflex in the subject
was longer when the orifice between hypnotist and sub¬
ject was closed. If a rectangular metallic mirror was
placed in front of the orifice, the conditioned response
to hypnotic suggestion occurred only when the subject
was located in the line of deflection of the mirror, as
calculated on the assumption that the emissions^ were
electromagnetic in nature and would obey the laws of
electromagnetic deflection. It was concluded that the
phenomena observed should be ascribed to electromag¬
netic emissions generated by the hypnotist. The present
writer (Mirza) feels that the statistical basis of this con¬
clusion is shaky and that the data need to be reexamined
to see if they are not equally ascribable to coincidence.

19. Novak, V. Not thought transmission, but illusion. Tekhnika molodezhi,

no. 1, 1961, 31.

The author states his view that so-called thought trans¬

missions should be regarded as pseudohallucinations.

20. Polyakov, G., and O. Adrianov. It is necessary to experiment! Tekhnika

molodezhi, no. 2, 1961, 32.

The question of the transmission of thoughts and emo¬

tions is a serious one which requires serious and co¬
ordinated study, making use of the most advanced in¬
struments and apparatus available.

- 7 -
21. Saradzhev, N. Can the brain receive direct transmission of thought?
Tekhnika molodezhi, no. 1, 1961, 31.

It is assumed that, although extremely weak, electro¬

magnetic emissions from the cerebrum can be re¬
ceived by specialized and still unknown sense organs.
Some animal species have extremely sensitive neurons
capable of excitation by subliminal energy levels. S. I.
Vavilov is cited as stating that "under certain conditions,
individual rods in the retina are sensitive to energy levels
ranging from one to a few dozen photons. " There is no
reason to deny the possibility of thought transmission just
because the persons sending or receiving the signals are
not aware of the participation of any of their known sense
organs in the thought transmission process.

22. Shcherbak, Yu. Neurons have begun to talk. Nauka i zhizn', no. 6,
Jun 62, 50-53.

Glass microcapillaries with diameters of 0.1--0. 5 p

have been developed in the Laboratory of General
Physiology of the Institute of Physiology of the acad¬
emy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR in Kiyev, which is
headed by Dr. P. G. Kostyuk. These capillaries are
used for manipulating neurons and injecting neuroplasm
with electrolytes in studying the propagation of nervous

23. Skachedub, R. G. Hypotheses, conclusions... Nauka i zhizn', no. 7,

Jul 1961, 82-83.

The Department of Normal Physiology of the Perm'

Medical Institute, headed by Professor M R. Mogen-
dovich, is engaged in an intensive research effort to
assay the effect of magnetic fields on the vital func¬
tions. The following data are reported as among re¬
search results: Under the effect of a magnetic field,
coagulation time decreases, leukocytes become more
active [presumably as the result of enhanced phagocy¬
tosis—Analyst], and the erythrocyte sedimentation
rate decreases (this last is called "Mogendovich's
phenomenon"). A constant magnetic field increases

- 8 -
the permeability of animal tissues and cells. Exposure
to a magnetic field lowers the oxygen requirement of
mice, and may act as a depressant judging from the an¬
algesic effect on wounded during WW 2.

24. Sokolov, A. N. The alphabet of unspoken thoughts. Nauka i zhizn',

no. 12, Dec 1962, 28-32.

Physiological studies of the vocal apparatus during the

process of unarticulated speech were conducted in 1962
at the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Peda¬
gogical Sciences RSFSR. The purposes of the investi¬
gation were twofold: 1) design of electronic models of
speech processes to include motor, visual, and audi¬
tory components and 2) decoding of vocal electromyo¬

25. Turlygin, S. Ya. Microwave (\ = 2 mm) emission by the human body.

Byulleten1 eksperimental'noy biologii i meditsiny, v. 14, no. 10,
issue 4, 1942, 63-73.

Two subjects, a hypnotist-inductor (I) and a percipient

(P), took part in the experiment. (I) was placed inside
a lead-covered booth located in a well-insulated room.
The booth was fitted with a tube which could be screened
by a diaphragm. (P) sat outside the booth in a chair 2 m
from the front of the tube. During preliminary trials (P)
stated that she could "feel" when 0) was "working." Dur¬
ing a preliminary control trial of 35 min duration, (P) re¬
sponded correctly 17 consecutive times. It was assumed
that the correct responses were random coincidences
with a random series of a "work—no work" state. The
probability q of 17 consecutive correct responses would
then be

1x2x3... 16x17 3»55xlo

H » 2.8 X 10"l6.

The presence of [electromagnetic] emission was de¬

duced as follows: l)It had been noted by earlier

- 9-
investigators that subjects in hypnotic trance lacrímate
quite frequently. Since lacrimation is controlled by the
automatic nervous system, it was assumed that an anal¬
ogous situation should obtain with regard to the secretion
of perspiration. A specially designed hygrometer was ac¬
cordingly placed in (Pi's armpit. Before hypnotic sug¬
gestion, the hygrograph agreed quite well with the theo¬
retical curve for constant environmental humidity. After
the onset of hypnotic suggestion, the hygrographic curve
continued to increase exponentially instead of deflecting
to the right as did the theoretical curve. 2) A mirror
placed in front of the tube between (I) and (P) deflected
the emissions. Subsequent calculations led to the as¬
sumption of the electromagnetic nature nature of the
emission. It was estimated that one of its components
lies in the 1.8—2.1-mm range.

26. (Unsigned articled An experiment in thought transmission over a dis

tance. Nauka i zhizn', no. 10, Oct 1962, 98.

This short article shows geometrical patterns used in

telepathic experiments. The reader is referred to
L. L. Vasil'yev's book, "Vnusheniye na rasstoyanii
(Thought transmission over a distance)" for further
specific information on telepathy.

27. (Unsigned article). Telepathy. Bol'shaya Sovetskaya entsiklopediya,

2d ed, 1956, v. 48, 159.

Telepathy is an antiscientific, idealistic fiction wnich

maintains that man has a supernatural ability to per¬
ceive and transmit thoughts over a distance without the
intervention of sensory organs or physical environment.

28. Vasil'yev, L. L. Eksperimentai'nyye issledovaniya myslennogo

vnusheniya (Experimental studies in mental suggestion). Lenin¬
grad, Izd-vo LGU, 1962. 198 p. 7000 copies printed.

Inasmuch as this book is available in English transla¬

tion, as follows, it will not be annotated:

- 10 -
VasilieV, L. L. Experiments in mental
suggestion. Church Crookham, Hamp¬
shire, England, Institute for the Study of
Mental Images, 1963, 178 p.

Library of Congress Call No. BF1156 .S8V313.

29. Vasil'yev, L. L. Experiments in psychomagnetism. Nauka i zhizn',

no. 7, Jul 1961, 80-82.

The author narrates some of his experiences in ex¬

perimenting with psychomagnetism: experimental
subjects were exposed to magnetic fields which in¬
hibited hypnotic effects and motor reactions and in
one case caused a displacement of phosphene.

30, Vasil'yev, L, L. Tainstvennyye yavleniya chelovecheskoy psikhiki

(Mysterious phenomena of the human psyche). Moskva, Gospo-
litizdat, 1959. 119 p.

The purpose of this popularly written pamphlet is "to

unmask common superstitions" which arise from a
naive approach to neuropsychiatrie phenomena. It
consists of the following chapters: 1. Mysterious
psychic phenomena as the source of superstitions;
2. Sleep and visions; 3. Hypnosis and mental sug¬
gestion; 4. Suggestion and autosuggestion in the
waking state; 5. Automatic movements; 6. Does
"brain radio" exist? 7. Death and death-connected

31. Vasil'yev, L. L. Thought conquers distances. Komsomol'skaya

pravda, 16 Feb 1964, p. 4, cols. 3-7,

Vasil'yev, a student of ESP for over 25 years, uses

the "skin vision" (identification of colors through a
metal plate and of drawings encased in a metal tube)
exploits of Soviet schoolchildren as a springboard for
a dissertation on telepathy. He reviews card-guessing
experiments where the number of correct guesses far
exceeded statistical probability. Some sort of energy

- 11 -
emanating from the brain of the telepathic sender
serves as a carrier for thoughts and images. Elec¬
tromagnetic energy has been eliminated as a pos¬
sibility. The neutrino is mentioned as a possible
candidate having some of the necessary properties
(universal penetration, low power, long-distance ef¬
fects). Neutrinos can penetrate the earth virtually
without energy loss. Whatever its nature, the tele¬
pathic carrier has never been registered by present
instrumentation. Parapsychological equipment to
deal with this new type of biologically active energy
will have to be of a new type itself, perhaps using
living matter as a component.

32. Vasil'yev, L, L. Thought transmission over a distance. Vestnik

znaniya, no. 7, 1926, 458-468.

The author lists instances of telepathy. He concludes

that although existing data are not sufficiently complete
to permit a scientific definition of telepathy, nontheless
such a phenomenon is within the realm of possibility.

33, Vasil'yev, L. L. Vnusheniye na rasstoyanii. Zametki fiziologa (Mental

suggestion at a distance. Notes of a physiologist). Moscow, Gospolit-
izdat, 1962. 160 p. 120,000 copies printed.

The subject of telepathy is treated at length in this

length in this popularly written book. The author is
vocal in his effects to awaken the reader's curiosity
and to create the impression that telepathy has re¬
ceived the official sanction of the international scien¬
tific community. The book contains 12 chapters, as
follows: Ch. l.# History and basic concepts of tele¬
pathy; Ch. 2. Daily occurrences understood as mental
suggestion over a distance; Ch. 3. Experimental men¬
tal suggestion over a distance; Ch. 4. Comparison of
everyday occurrences with experimental data; Ch. 5.
Seeking optimal experimental conditions; Ch. 6. Tele¬
pathic communication; Ch. 7. Telepathic talent; Ch. 8.
Physiological studies of mental suggestion at a distance;
Ch. 9. The phenomena of "biological telecommunica¬
tions" in animals; Ch, 10. The. electromagnetic

- 12 -
hypothesis of mental suggestion over a distance; Ch. 11.
Experiments over a very long distance; Ch. 12. Theoret¬
ical significance and possible practical applications.

34. Vodolazskiy, L, The brain probably has electromagnetic properties

after all. Tekhnika molodezhi, no. 2, 1961, 33.

In 1936 the author collaborated with Dr. T. Gurshteyn

in experiments during which a hypnotic subject was
screened from the hypnotist. The screening interfered
with the process of hypnotic suggestion. In this respect,
the results agreed quite well with those reported by
S. Ya. Turlygin in 1Ü42, six years later.

35. Zel'dovich, Ya. B. IN: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vestnik, no. 4, Apr 1964.

"in addition to new and interesting theories, pseudo¬

scientific "theories" appear from time to time.
These are widely dissiminated in the West. We have
no intention of competing [with Western nations] in
this respect, any more than we compete with them in
the publication of comic strips and pornography. "For
instance, in the U. S., papers are published on tele¬
pathy and experimental work is performed in telepathic
communication between people located in the Pentagon
and aboard a submarine 10,000 kilometers distant. I
can prove with a pencil and paper that no known fields
or particles exist which can sustain such communica¬
tions. ,..Greater intolerance is required in the
sciences. The struggle against pseudoscience is one
of the unpleasant but necessary tasks. " [Direct trans¬
lation] .

- 13 -

36. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 17, nos. 1-2, 1937, 19.

Not available.

37. Ayrapetyants, E, Sh., and K. M. Bykov. Knowledge of interoceptors

and the psychology of the subconscious. Uspekhi sovremennoy
biologii, v. 15, no. 3, 1942, 273-281.

Not available.

38. Ayrapetyants, E. Sh., and K, M. Bykov. Physiological experience and

the psychology of the unconscious. Revue internationale, no. 8,
1946, 111.

Not reviewed.

39. Arkad'yev, V. [Article], Zhurnal prikladnoy fiziki, no. 1, 1924, 215,

Not available.

40. Bekhterev, V. M. [Article], Journal of parapsychology, v. 13, 1949, 166,

Available in English; not reviewed.

41. Bekhterev, V. M. [Article], Voprosy izucheniya i vospitaniya lichnosti,

no. 2, 1920, 270.

Not available.

42. Bykov, K. M., et aL Uchebnik fiziologii (Textbook of physiology).


Not reviewed.

- 14 -
43. Chagovets, V. Yu. Izbrannyye trudy v odnom tome (Selected writings
in one volume). Kiyev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1957, 514 p.

Not reviewed.

44. Chizhov, A. L. Thought transmission over a distance. Ekho, no. 20.


Not available.

45. Dolgo-Saburov, B. A. Future developments in neuron theory. IN:

Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 103. no. 3. 1955, 521-524.

Not reviewed.

46. Kazhinskiy, B. B. Biological radiocommunication. Nauka i zhizn',

no. 11, Nov 1960, 46.

Not reviewed (missing from shelf).

47. Kazhinskiy, B. B. Peredacha mysley (Thought transference). Moscow,


Not available.

48. Krayukhin, B. V. Is electroinduction in the tissues of living organisms

possible? Zbirnyk, prysvyachennyi pamyati O. V. Leontovycha,
1948, 83.

Not available.

49. Krayukhin, B. V. On the problem of the oscillatory character of nerv¬

ous excitation. Zbirnyk, prysvyachennyi pamyati O. V. Leontovych,
1948, 100.

Not available.

- 15 -
50. Leontovich, A. V. [Article]. Fiziologicheskiy zhurnal SSSR, v. 22,
nos. 3-4, 1937.

Not available.

51. [Leontovich, A. V.] Leontovych, O. V. Structure of pericellulars as

a proof of the problem of "the neuron as an alternating-current
device." IN: Akademiya nauk URSR, Yuvileynyi zbirnyk, v. 1«
Ufa [Kuybyshev], 1944. 339-358.

Not reviewed. In Ukrainian.

52. Petrovskiy, A. A. [Article] Telegrafiya i telefoniya bez provodov,

no. 34, 1926, 61.

Not reviewed.

53, Prakticheskaya laboratoriya po zoopsikhologii vedeniya. Trudy, no. 1,


Not available.

54. Reutler, R. Long-distance effects of living organisms on isolated living

organs. "R. M.," no. 3, 1928, 197.

Not available.

55. Turlygin, S. Ya. On the emission of the nervous system. IN: Biofizika:
sbornik statey po istorii biofiziki pod redaktsiyey P. P. Lazareva
(Biophysics: a collection of articles edited by P. P. Lazarev). 1940.

Not reviewed.

56. [Unsigned article]. Parapsychology in Russia. Parapsychology bulletin,

no. 57, May 1961, L

Available in English; not reviewed.

- 16 -
i » *

57. Vasil'yev, L. L. The effect of magnetism on somnabulistic halluci

nations. Russkiy fiziologicheskiy zhurnal, 1921.

Not available.

58. [Vasil'yev, L. L. ] Wassiliew, L. L., et al. Investigations of mito¬

genetic emissions of nerves. Biologische Zentralblatt, v, 51,
no. 5, 1931, 225.

In German. Not reviewed.

- 17 -


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