Moa National University Fairview

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This Memorandum of Agreement is made and entered into by and between:

NATIONAL UNIVERSITY- FAIRVIEW, a private educational institution duly

organized and existing under by virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines
with principal office address at SM Fairview Complex, Quirino Hwy, corner Regalado
Hwy, Quezon City, Metro Manila, represented herein by its Executive Director, MR.
RICKY R. LAWAS, LPT, RGC, duly authorized to enter into this transaction,
hereafter referred to as the “NUFV”.

THE PHILIPPINE RED CROSS (PRC), an independent, autonomous, non-

governmental organization auxiliary to the government of the Republic of the
Philippines duly created and organized by virtue of Republic Act No. 95, otherwise
known as “An Act to Incorporate the Philippine National Red Cross” as amended and
recognized by Republic Act no. 10072, otherwise known as the “Philippines Red
Cross Act of 2009” with address at 55 Malakas St. Brgy. Pinyahan, Quezon City,
Metro Manila, represented herein by its Youth Committee Chairman of Board of
Directors, DIR. VICTORIA A. CORALEJO, hereafter referred to as the “PRC”.


WHEREAS, under Republic Act No. 9155, otherwise known as

“Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001, the Department of Education shall
establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate, and integrated system of
basic education relevant to the needs of the people and society. It shall establish and
maintain a system of free and compulsory public education in the elementary level
and free public education in the high school level.

WHEREAS, Volunteerism from among all sectors shall be emphasized and

encouraged to ensure sustainable growth and development in education.

WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 10121, otherwise known as the Philippine

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 provides for the integration of
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Education in the school curricula, whether
private or public, including formal and nonformal, technical-vocational, indigenous
learning, and out-of-school youth courses and programs.

WHEREAS, The Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office created

under DepEd Order (DO) No. 50, Series of 2011, and later elevated into a Service
(DRRMS) through DepEd Memorandum (DM) No. 112, s. 2015 is in charge of
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM), Climate Change Adaptation
(CCA), and Education in Emergencies (EiE) for basic education.

WHEREAS, DO No. 37, s. 2015, otherwise known as "The Comprehensive

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) in Basic Education Framework,
issued the Comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Basic
Education Framework to guide DRRM efforts in the basic education sector towards
resilience-building in offices and schools, and to ensure that quality education is
continuously provided and prioritized even during disasters/emergencies;

WHEREAS, Section 3 of Republic Act 10871, otherwise known as "An act

requiring basic education students to undergo age-appropriate basic life support
training", affirms that it shall be the duty of all public and private basic education
schools operating nationwide to provide their students with basic life support training
through the use of psychomotor training in an age-appropriate manner. The section
further proceeds that instruction shall include programs which have been developed
by the "Philippine Heart Association (PHA) or Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC)
using nationally-recognized, evidence-based guidelines for emergency
cardiovascular care, and psychomotor training, to support the instruction. As far as
practicable, basic education schools shall incorporate basic life support training as
part of the schools' comprehensive health and physical education curriculum."

WHEREAS, DepEd Order No. 38, Series of 2005, otherwise known as the
"Recognition of the Red Cross Youth as Official Co-Curricular Organization in the
Schools", recognized the Red Cross Youth as a Co-curricular organization in the

WHEREAS, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council

(NDRRMC) adopted the cluster approach of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee
(IASC) for humanitarian emergencies through NDCC Circular No. 5, s. 2007,
designating DepEd as lead of the National Education Cluster (NEC). In
strengthening partnerships and the cluster approach, the DepEd, together with other
members of the NEC, created the Education Resilience Working Group (ERWG).
National Education Cluster and ERWG are governed by a Terms of Reference
(TOR) to guide all members;

WHEREAS, the PRC is a member of the NEC and the ERWG and as such,
guided by the NEC and ERWG TOR;

WHEREAS, PRC, mandated by Republic Act 10072, is the premier and

largest humanitarian and voluntary organization in the country and is committed to
provide quality life-saving services that protect life and dignity especially of indigent
Filipinos in vulnerable situations or disasters, or of non-combatants caught in the
thick of armed conflict; and provided further in SEC 3. To be the voluntary,
independent, and autonomous nongovernmental society auxiliary to the authorities
of the Republic of the Philippines in the humanitarian field, to assist said authorities
in discharging the obligations set forth in the Geneva Conventions.
WHEREAS, the PRC provides a wide range of humanitarian services ranging
from ensuring the provision of safe and sufficient blood supply, health and welfare
services, first aid and other lifesaving programs, disaster risk reduction and
management, livelihood and community development, among others
WHEREAS, one of the major services of the PRC is the Red Cross Youth,
dedicated to educate and empower children and youth ages 7-25 years old in the
spirit of humanitarianism and voluntary service, through constructive trainings and
effective leadership and provide opportunities for directing and harnessing their
energy and idealism into worthwhile and humanitarian activities;

WHEREAS, as an approach to community resilience-building, the PRC aims

to establish community-based volunteer groups through its flagship program known
as Red Cross 143. These are composed of adult volunteers with 1 adviser and
minimum of 43 members who are trained in disaster management, safety,
community health, welfare, and community development to be able to predict, plan,
and prepare for, and practice against disasters.

WHEREAS, the Philippines is known for its increasing vulnerability to hazards

and to the impact of climate change as evidenced by increasing frequency and
propensity of natural and human induced hazards that affected the country in recent

WHEREAS, the government and all its stakeholders recognize the need for
better and effective lifesaving measures which are anchored on preparedness and
disaster risk reduction and management further defined in RA 10072. It recognizes
the need for the engagement and participation of civil society organizations, the
private sector and volunteers in the government's disaster risk reduction program
towards complementation of resources and effective delivery of services to the

WHEREAS, ensuring that volunteers are properly organized and registered

under duly recognized organizations such as but not limited to the Philippine Red
Cross is key to ensuring effective and synergistic mobilization throughout the
disaster continuum;

WHEREAS, voluntary service and helping of others in need must be

inculcated in the hearts of the Filipino Youth, and that youth volunteers must be
mobilized in times of natural and man-made disasters and emergencies;

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the above premises, the

Parties do hereby jointly agree and bind themselves to undertake the following:


1. Assign DRRMS as the focal entity in the Department to co-author, implement,

and monitor the IRR on RA 10871 or the "Basic Life Support Training in
Schools Act" together with DOH, PHA, PNRC, and other relevant

2. Ensure school safety and readiness by implementing RA 10121, RA 10821,

and RA 10871 together with the concerned agencies, partners, and the
3. Promote training and acquisition of Red Cross Certification for Basic Life
Support and First Aid by students, teachers, and non-teaching personnel;

4. Encourage that every Red Cross Youth Council will have at least forty-four
(44) members- One (1) teacher or parent Red Cross Youth Adviser for every
43 members and one (1) overall coordinator within the school;

5. Integrate the concepts of volunteerism, humanitarian values, DRRM, CCA,

health, Basic First Aid, Basic Life Support and pertinent laws in the

6. Take feasible measures to ensure that children shall be protected against

recruitment and/ or enlistment by any armed forces;

7. Organize activities in commemoration of International Humanitarian Law Day

every August 12 to raise the people's consciousness and promote greater
awareness of the principles of International Humanitarian Law;

8. Encourage at least one (1) Teacher or School Head to be trained as First Aid
and Basic Life Support trainer per school. Upon completion of training, they
shall be certified by the PNRC as co-facilitators and/or co-trainers for
additional training in other schools or offices;

9. Take into consideration any recommendation from the PRC on schools and
division offices with outstanding performance in supporting the membership
programs and other humanitarian activities/initiatives of the PRC;

10. Encourage the school to have at least two (2) outreach activities and/or
volunteer involvements in the community;

11. Identify a focal person within the school in all levels for the implementation of
this Memorandum.

12. Encourage academic research, training, development, and learning

exchanges throughout the disaster continuum focusing on humanitarian
education and disaster risk reduction and management; and

13. Provide service credits to teachers participating in PRC activities pursuant to

the DepEd Order no. 53, s.2015, otherwise known as the "Grant of Service
Credits to Teacher-Advisers of Red Cross Youth Councils (RCYC)" and
promote volunteer involvement through the provision of enabling


The PRC, through its National Headquarters, its Chapters, and in close collaboration
with the Local Government Units, schools, and other involved sectors in the
Provincial, Municipal, and Barangay levels shall:

1. Ensure programs and projects are aligned to the TOR of the National
Education Cluster (NEG) and Education Resilience Working Group
(ERWG), and other DepEd DRRMS-related policies, programs, and

2. Intensify its information drive on DRRM/CCA/EiE in both elementary and

high schools from public and private schools nationwide;

3. Ensure orientation and meaningful engagement in the different levels of

membership and volunteering opportunities in DepEd and PNR programs
and humanitarian activities;

4. Provide trainers to conduct FREE YOUTH LEADERSHIP

DEVELOPMENT TRAINING to all Youth Volunteers and FREE
registered adult volunteers. Priority shall be afforded to those who have
enrolled in the Membership and Accident Assistance Benefit (MAAB)
program of the PNRC as a means to recognize their contribution to
humanitarian funds;

5. Support the implementation of the DepEd DRRM Ladderized Capacity

Building Program initiated by the Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Service (DRRMS) through the following actions:
i. Giving permission to DepEd for the inclusion of the PRC Basic Life
Support and First Aid Training Modules in the 23-module set which was
developed for the capacity development of DepEd DRRM
Coordinators. This permission shall include allowing DepEd to print the
training literature for the purpose of said training;

ii. Providing training facilitators and resource persons for the Basic Life
Support and First Aid Training that will be scheduled by DepEd for its
DRRM Coordinators;

iii. Allowing the use of its training materials/equipment/facilities during

the Training of the DepEd DRRM Coordinators with corresponding fee
for the utilization of the facilities;

iv. Collecting minimal and reasonable fees allowed by law for the Basic
Life Support and First Aid Training that will be undertaken for DepEd

v. Provide for free resource persons for DRRM and International

Humanitarian Law trainings in accordance to the 23 modules set by the
Department. DepEd shall provide a counterpart such as transportation
expenses, board and lodging and supplies and materials, if any.
6. Provide technical assistance in any lifesaving activities and/or programs
involving the Red Cross Youth Council, DRRM, WaSH in Schools (WinS), and
Basic Life Support and Basic First Aid, among others;

7. Institute a certification process through an accreditation procedure for all

Red Cross Youth Councils which will allow certificate holders to train and
cascade Basic Life Support and Basic First Aid to other schools;

8. Maintain a database of all Red Cross Youth and school-based adult

volunteers and provide regular updates on national and international activities
and gatherings (subject to the provisions of the Data Privacy Act);

9. Ensure support through volunteer mobilization for national DepEd events

such as the Palarong Pambansa and Brigada Eskwela and any other
significant events organized by DepEd;

10. Provide technical assistance and the mobilization of volunteer evaluators

for the conduct of school emergency drills and simulations;

11.Institute a recognition program for volunteers and Red Cross Youth

Councils which achieved outstanding performance in the promotion and
delivery of humanitarian ideals and services;

12. Support and reinforce the WaSH in School (WinS) Program through:

i. The implementation of Children's Hygiene and Sanitation

Transformation which will hone learners to practice, promote, and
advocate proper health, hygiene, and sanitation practices in school and
at home.

ii. Improved access of learners to sufficient and appropriate water and

sanitation facilities; and

13. Device a recognition system for schools which excel in the promotion and
delivery of the Red Cross humanitarian principles and services including the
promotion of non-remunerated blood donation, disaster risk reduction and
management, health and welfare, safety, child protection and participation,
and international humanitarian law.


This agreement shall take effect immediately upon signing hereof and shall
remain in force until 2023 or until any party expresses in writing its desire to
terminate the agreement; provided, however, that such termination shall take effect
one (1) month from the written receipt by the other party.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties have hereto affixed their signatures on this
4th day of July year 2022 at the 5th Floor, National University- Fairview, SM Fairview
Complex, Quirino Hwy, corner Regalado Hwy, Quezon City, Metro Manila.



NU Fairview Executive Director Chairman, Board of Director


NU Fairview Academic Director Chair, Youth Committee


Asst. Coordinator, SDAO Chapter Administrator


Adviser, NUFV RCYC Focal Person- RCY


President, NUFV RCYC President, Chapter Youth


Vice President, NUFV RCYC

Subscribe and sworn to me this ____ day of _________, year 2022 at the 5th Floor,
National University- Fairview, SM Fairview Complex, Quirino Hwy, corner Regalado
Hwy, Quezon City, Metro Manila.

Doc. No. ___

Page No. ___
Book No. ___
Series of 2018

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