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Research Article GU J Sci 36(1): 39-51 (2023) DOI:10.35378/gujs.

Gazi University

Journal of Science

Spirituality of Light in the Mosque by Exploring Iranian-Islamic Architectural


Mahya GHOUCHANI1, * , Mohammad TAJI2 , Amirhassan YAGHOUBI ROOSHAN3

Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Tehran, Iran
Department of Mining Engineering, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran
Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran

• Investigate the concept of light in different styles of Iranian-Islamic architecture.
• How to use light determines a person's satisfaction during worship.
• Use the ergonomic lighting index questionnaire and its analyzer software (ELI-calculator).

Article Info Abstract

The purpose of this study is to investigate the concept of light and its interpretation in different
styles of Iranian-Islamic architecture. By distinguishing between the content and the physical
Received: 30 Oct 2021 evaluation of historical periods, one can find a way to properly use different patterns in
Accepted: 16 Feb 2022 contemporary mosques. The present study has been conducted using descriptive-analytical
method and consists of three stages. First, the role of light in the mosque is investigated, then
Keywords qualitative and quantitative data have been classified. For this purpose, the ergonomic lighting
index questionnaire and its analyzer software (ELI-calculator) have been used. Finally, data have
Spirituality of light, been examined and analyzed by SPSS software. The results of the research show that two criteria
Historical mosques, of "quality of vision" and "visual comfort" have been of great importance in all periods and styles
of Iranian-Islamic mosques; but the architects of the historic mosques have paid more attention
Iranian-Islamic than contemporary mosque architects to the criteria of "prospect" and "vitality in the
architecture style, environment" and this difference is statistically significant. Therefore, how the shape of the
ELI openings and their location and the way light is applied affects the satisfaction level of the person
during worship.


"The existence of God is all light, and man as the manifestation of God on earth has the existence of light"
[1]. Human beings should think about light considering their meaningful relationship to it, and the feeling
of being linked to it is something unconscious and inward. At the same time, light at its most elemental and
material aspect can be understood by the human sight and "can be a tangible and objective connection
between the human body and the nature of the truth" [2]. Therefore, in a mosque, which is a building
necessary to establish and maintain a connection between man and God, light is one of the fundamental
parameters as a mediator variable of the semantic aspect of the existence God and the servant, and is worthy
of investigation. It seems that the manifestation of this meaning in the vicinity of the mosque presents a
different architecture in different periods and styles and, this also proves the necessity of examining the
interest of light in mosques of Iranian-Islamic architectural styles.

Iranian-Islamic architecture displays great variety, both structural and aesthetic, from a variety of traditions
and experience. Without sudden innovations, and despite the repeated trauma of invasions and cultural
shocks, it has achieved "an individuality distinct from that of other Muslim countries" [3]. Its paramount
virtues are: "a marked feeling for form and scale; structural inventiveness, especially in vault and dome
construction; a genius for decoration with a freedom and success not rivaled in any other architecture" [4].

* Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]

40 Mahya GHOUCHANI, Mohammad TAJI, Amirhassan YAGHOUBI ROOSHAN/ GU J Sci, 36(1): 39-51 (2023)

Iranian-Islamic architecture of various historical periods has been evaluated from various landscapes and
different categories have been made about its styles according to the type of attitude and manner of
valuation. It seems that the principles and logic governing the way of valuating and differentiating the
architecture of the Islamic era from "the perspective of Dr. Pirnia is the most comprehensive style
distinction which is widely accepted by many scholars" [5]. Classification of Iranian-Islamic Architectural
Styles are "Khorasani", "Razi", "Azeri", "Isfahani" and "Contemporary modern" [6]. Classification of
Iranian-Islamic Architectural Styles is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Classification of Iranian-Islamic Architectural Styles [6]

The connection
Style Description Urban structure between the mosque
and the neighborhood
The Khorasani style began in the
first century AH and continued
until the fourth century AH and
includes the periods of the

Umayyads, Abbasids, Taheriands

and Al Boyhids. What is clear
about the culture of this time is
that cultural transformation
occurs most in Khorasan, and
from there reaches the cities of
Damghan and Yazd, and so on.
The Razi style includes periods of
Samanids, Ghaznavids, Seljukids,
and Kharazmshahiands. The
beginning of the Razi style,
although it originated from


northern Iran, was built in the city

of Ray and thegreatest buildings
were built there. But
unfortunately, they have been lost
in the wake of looting of
Mahmoud Ghaznavi.

The Azeri style includes periods

of the Ilkhanis, Timurids and

Turkemands. The native

architecture of Azerbaijan is the
creator of this architectural style.

The origin of this style is not the

city of Isfahan, but it grew there

and the greatest buildings were

built there. This style includes
periods of Safavids, Afsharids,
Zandiehds and Qajarids.


The contemporary period started


in the Qajar period to the present

day and includes the Pahlavids
period, post Islamic Revolution to

A brief account of various works of Iranian-Islamic architecture in different periods illustrates the fact that
Iranian architects have always been looking for order in elements, components, spaces and buildings and,
"they used a variety of practices in order to achieve this" [7]. One of these methods is the use of light. "What
41 Mahya GHOUCHANI, Mohammad TAJI, Amirhassan YAGHOUBI ROOSHAN/ GU J Sci, 36(1): 39-51 (2023)

is nowadays visible in the architecture of contemporary mosques is the absence of the creation of spirituality
in settings with the help of light" [8]. In current time, modern architecture design opinion along with new
generation of academic graduated architects has great influence on new buildings, such as mosques design.
One of the most important effects is the distortion of shapes and space, which is headlined as new design
view of mosque in architecture and society. Unlike the past which mosque buildings were followed by
special tradition style in each era, there is much diversity of types and design methods, "which it cannot be
classify in tradition or any specific category by shape and form" [9].

Considering the results of studies on light and its effect on the mosque, it seems that quantitative variables
are involved in the study and indirectly affect the quality of light in the mosque's body. Undoubtedly, the
change in these variables will change the play of light in the mosque's body, and will lead to a different
manifestation in the mind of the audience. Therefore, the present study examines this hypothesis. In this
research, by revising the way of lighting in mosques of different periods of Iranian-Islamic architecture, the
qualitative role of light is emphasized and the attainment of the methods of the presence of qualitative
aspects of light is analyzed.


This descriptive-analytical research was carried out in three stages:

1. Using the library studies, the role of light in the mosque has been investigated and a mosque has been
selected as a sample for each period of Iranian-Islamic architecture. The sample selection criteria in the
present research are as follows: a) the mosque, which is usually part of the great mosques of the city and
has attracted most of the physical and conceptual attention because of their importance. b) Mosques
which have been under the attention level of architects of religious and Islamic monuments of all ages at
the macro in terms of their construction method and special features.

2.Qualitative and quantitative data have been categorized. The Ergonomic Lighting Index (ELI)
questionnaire was distributed among 16 Iranian architecture professors who conducted research activities
in the field of light in architecture (10 men and 6 women, mean age of 37 years, standard deviation 7.48).
The Ergonomic Lighting Index (ELI) questionnaires were collected after visiting image of the selected
mosques. Then, the data and statistical data were entered into the ELI-calculator software. The (ELI) index
is a new standard in the lighting sector, and ergonomic factors of light such as visual quality, visual
performance, landscape, visual comfort, vitality and capability are measured in this index. "This index is
responsible for the task of analyzing the physical and psychological effects of light in order to provide
optimal lighting quality for individuals" [10]. The difference in this method with other methods of
qualitative light measurement is how light affects human space satisfaction.

3.Data and charts have been analyzed by SPSS software and suggestions have been presented for the use
of light in contemporary mosques. The Process of Content Formation and Research is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The process of content formation and research

42 Mahya GHOUCHANI, Mohammad TAJI, Amirhassan YAGHOUBI ROOSHAN/ GU J Sci, 36(1): 39-51 (2023)

Comparison of the output information and discovering its relationship to the qualitative aspects of light can
reveal how to use the techniques with natural light in architecture to achieve spiritual light. What
distinguishes the current research from past research are the measurement tools used, the method of
analyzing the spirituality of space in terms of lighting and its measurement method.



Lighting elements in traditional Iranian architecture are studied in two ways. The first group as light
controller, such as a variety of shades and the second group as lightwells. The first group has the role of
adjusting the light entering the building and are divided into two categories: first, the ones that are of the
building, such as the porch and the second includes ones which are added to the building and are sometimes
decorative, like the curtains. The elements which are used as lightwells have different names, but are still
light wells, namely: Lattice, Lattice doors and windows, Aperture, Sash Window, Horno, Roshandan,
Goljam. Elements and methods of illumination in mosques is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Elements and methods of illumination in mosques [11]

The architecture of a building as an interfering element plays a role in the way of presenting light. In the
design of the opening, the opening location factors of the surface, dimensions, geometry and form of
window and equipment such as a canopy and floor that contribute to the amount of light entering the space
have been investigated by the researchers and experts in this field. There is a direct relationship between
the opening design factors and the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the resulting light in space. And
any space requires a type of opening design in terms of the light requirement and the psychological effects
of light on users inside space.

On the other hand, the optical distribution pattern resulting from the design of the openings is directly
related to the quality of the design of the openings. The top shades of opening and curved plates to prevent
direct light entering, make the light distribution pattern uniform and allow the lowest radiation to enter
space. The slope of the interior cavity of the roof to the point of opening causes the light to be uniformly
distributed and prevents contradiction. External Controllers and How to Conduct Light is shown in Figure
3. Evaluation Location of Light on Mosques is shown in Table 2.
43 Mahya GHOUCHANI, Mohammad TAJI, Amirhassan YAGHOUBI ROOSHAN/ GU J Sci, 36(1): 39-51 (2023)

Figure 3. External controllers and how to conduct light [8]

Table 2. Evaluation location of light on mosques

Course Index Lights in mosques
Style Course
mosque Light in the plan Wall light Dome light

Fahraj Jame
Umayyads (1) No roof lighting

Abbasids (2) Mosque of No roof lighting


Borujerd Jame
Taherians (3)

Naiyin Jame
Al Boyhis (4) No roof lighting

Abarkuh Jame
Samanids (5)

Damghan Jame
Ghaznavids (6)

Ardestan Jame
Seljukids (7)

Kharazmshahids Foromad Jame

No roof lighting
(8) Mosque
44 Mahya GHOUCHANI, Mohammad TAJI, Amirhassan YAGHOUBI ROOSHAN/ GU J Sci, 36(1): 39-51 (2023)

Continues Table 2. Evaluation location of light on mosques

Course Index Lights in mosques
Style Course
mosque Light in the plan Wall light Dome light

Varamin Jame
Ilkhanids (9)

Mosque of

Turkemanids Kabood Mosque

(11) of Tabriz

Safavids Hakim Mosque

(12) of Isfahan

Afsharids Kabood Dome

(13) Mosque

Zandiehids Vakil Mosque of

(14) Shiraz

Qajarids Nasir al-Molk

No roof lighting
(15) Mosque

Mosque of


After the Al-Ghadir

Revolution Mosque of
(17) Tehran

Contempora Valiasr Mosque

neously (18) of Tehran

By placing the lattice apertures under the domes of the Razi style mosques, some of the simplicity and lack
of control over the mosques of Khorasani has diminished, and the mystical and religious atmosphere has
dominated the mosque's setting. The techniques of embedding apertures and light guiding in Azeri style are
very close to the Razi style. However, the light apertures are not limited to the gaps below the dome and
have been also used above the altar. The windows above the altar represent the high places and the place
of power and sanctity; which the viewer encounters at the time of entry and can make the most visually
45 Mahya GHOUCHANI, Mohammad TAJI, Amirhassan YAGHOUBI ROOSHAN/ GU J Sci, 36(1): 39-51 (2023)

impact. The larger the aperture, the more interior atmosphere one is exposed to. For this reason, the architect
or embedding of small apertures above the altar and under the dome has given it a completely alien
atmosphere with the material world and created a kind of spatial continuity by brightness contrast.

In Isfahani style mosques, various tricks have been used to strengthen the power of imagination. Using
special forms and appropriate lighting in this period, visual phenomena are created that are perceptually not
precisely defined and interpreted. Aside from that, the mystical atmosphere is given to the mosque, a set of
lights shining from these apertures gives the overall decor of the courtyard a heavenly and imaginative
beauty. Various techniques and instruments have been used in the mosques of this era to show divine beauty
and to enhance the power of imagination. Such clever techniques in the combination of darkness and
brightness give a special glory to the place of worship, and then enhances its beauty aspect. Although
contemporary mosques use light in proportion to new spaces and materials, the creation of a mystical space
with the help of light in mosques of this period has been less of a concern for architects. Therefore, it is
recommended that the elements of the mosque and the method of illumination be used properly to increase
the mystical mood of the mosque. Evaluation of elements and methods of illumination in mosques is shown
in Table 3. Comparison of “the way of illumination” and “lighting elements” in Iranian-Islamic architecture
mosques is shown in Figure 4.

Table 3. Evaluation of elements and methods of illumination in mosques

Opening Location
Elements and methods of
Relative to the Relative to the
depth of the wall height of the wall

Sash Window
Lattice doors
and windows
Middle third
In the depth

Coming out

Same level

of the wall

of the wall

One third

One third
Of wall




1 - ** - - -  - - - - -

2 - ** - - -  - - - - -
3 * ** - ** *  -  - - 
4 * ** - - *   - - - -
5 -  - *   -  - - -
* ** -  *  -  -  -


7 -  - **    - ** - 
8 - ** - - -  - - - - -
9 -  -  *    - - 

10 -  -  **  -  - - **
11 * ** -  ** ** -  - - 
12 *  - *     - - 

13 -  - * -  - ** - - **
14 *  - ** *  ** ** -  -
15 -  - ** -  -  - - -


16 * ** - * -  - * - - *

17 ** * - ** ** **  - - - *

18 * ** - ** ** ** - - - - -
• () Very High, () High, () Average, (*) Low, (**) Very small, (-) Never
• Goljaam and Aperture not used in mosques.
46 Mahya GHOUCHANI, Mohammad TAJI, Amirhassan YAGHOUBI ROOSHAN/ GU J Sci, 36(1): 39-51 (2023)

Figure 4. Comparison of “the way of illumination” and “lighting elements” in Iranian-Islamic

architecture mosques



"The criteria for the ergonomic lighting index include 5 factors" [10], which are used to facilitate the
analysis of the charts, "the abbreviations of which have been listed next to them" [12], are as follows:

- Visibility (A): Quality of vision varies in different spaces depending on the type of activity and standards.
Since compliance with the standards is very important for performing visual tasks and as a result of
activities, the quality of visibility criteria determines if the existing lighting is suitable for a specific activity.
Seven factors are examined in this criterion: Light intensity of light in space, the uniformity of light in
space, natural and realistic feature of vision for surface color in the light, the amount of light necessary for
the environment, the avoidance of intense shades distracting senses, avoiding the creation of dazzling light,
avoiding creation of intense reflections.

- Landscape (B): This criterion is the first person's perception of space, in which six items are examined:
The relationship between the location of light in space with its expected concept of architecture, the user's
satisfaction with space light, and the rate of the observer’s sense of satisfaction with the lighting, the
relation between the lighting design and the performance of space, the effect of lighting on creating an
appropriate structure for better understanding of space, increasing the quality of space perception in the
presence of a bulb, the degree of lighting fit to the environment, such as humidity, heat and so on.

- Visual comfort (C): Visual comfort is a common area of lighting and space users. A space can only be
bright to a proportional amount. The visual comfort level depends on the following factors: the distribution
of light in such a way that it does not cause visual distortion and space blindness, the influence of lighting
conditions on a better understanding of light distribution and space, the balance between the light of walls
47 Mahya GHOUCHANI, Mohammad TAJI, Amirhassan YAGHOUBI ROOSHAN/ GU J Sci, 36(1): 39-51 (2023)

and roof to create desirability in space, the conditions of natural light in space to prevent the creation of
very dark spaces in the environment, lack of light flickering, uniform lighting conditions, the uniformity of
light intensity in places where visual work is done.

- Vitality in the environment (D): Vitality is the positive effects of brightness on human welfare, both
physiologically and biologically. Welfare and activity are interacting with each other and depend on the
interaction between the following: light direction control, the direct effect of light and color in space on the
individual's feelings during activity, control of the amount of light, creating a natural light sensation with
more attention in the distribution and conditions of the light bulb, creation of biological rhythms in the body
with bulb light, the degree of prevention of health disorder due to thermal radiation or electromagnetic

- Empowerment (E): empowerment is personal ability to control and stabilize lighting conditions. This
criterion, entitled "Responsiveness of the amount of space light to human's personal needs," deals with
natural light, and the rest of the factors are associated with artificial lighting.

The statistical data are entered into the ELI-calculator software to examine the quality of lighting; the use
of this software consists of two steps: a) Determination of the standard requirements in terms of ergonomic
lighting index in the software are automatically adjusted and presented by selecting the type of space, its
standard specifications. b) Space Evaluation with Ergonomic Lighting Index: At this stage, questions
relating to each of the five main criteria on the scale from weak to high that have been evaluated are
introduced into the software. Evaluation of the ELI indexes in the Iranian- Islamic mosque architecture is
shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Evaluation of the ELI indexes in the Iranian- Islamic mosque architecture
Visual comfort

Landscape (B)

Vitality in the
Visibility (A)





  

1 ** **
2 **  **  
3 ** * *  
4 ** * - ** 
5 *    
   

6 *

7 *    
8 *  ** * 
9     

10     
11     
12     

13     

14     
15   **  


16 * * -  

17 ** ** - * *

18 - ** - ** **
• () Very High, () High, () Average, (*) Low, (**) Very small, (-) Never
Goljaam and Aperture not used in mosques.
48 Mahya GHOUCHANI, Mohammad TAJI, Amirhassan YAGHOUBI ROOSHAN/ GU J Sci, 36(1): 39-51 (2023)

The requirements are easily compared with the results of the evaluations in the output of the software, in
this way, the strengths and weaknesses of the existing lighting are identified and they can be presented in a
pentagon chart (spider web), which is very simple to understand. Average Information and Statistical Data
of Expert Opinions is shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Average information and statistical data of expert opinions

Vitality in the
Visual comfort Empowerment
Visibility (A) Landscape (B) environment
(C) (E)












0.45 0.19 0.61 3.8 0.341 3.62 1.07 3.71 1.23 2.81
0.37 0.05 0.37 3.07 0.42 3.35 0.53 2.09 0.75 1.83
0.782 0.16 0.407 0.039 0.078

Due to the high level of understandability and simplicity of this diagram, the space lighting designer uses
this method to better present the results of the evaluation to the space users. Since the validity and reliability
of this questionnaire have been examined and confirmed in several studies, relying on the ergonomic
lighting index calculator in this graph displays the requirements in the red area and determines the results
of the evaluation questionnaire in a green area and provides the simple comparison conditions. "These
graphs represent the minimum scores required for the lighting system in the location" [13]. ELI-calculator
software output is shown in Table 6.

Table 6. ELI-calculator software output

Mosque style Historical Mosques Contemporary mosques

The Chart

What follows from the results of the survey, using the ELI index, represents that historic mosque architects
have designed lightwells with awareness of the effects of lighting on ways of worshipping. This
phenomenon has been obtained due to the proper placement of the lightwells and their design factors. The
location of the lighwells above 3 of the internal height and height of the space, has brought the optimal and
uniform light. On the other hand, the two shells of the lightwells and the design of the small entrance
apertures of light, do not let direct sunlight, and light enter the interior after the refraction. This has made
the interior light homogeneity. The subtle and uniform light that illuminates space without disturbing by
dazzling increases the individual's focus for worship. This style is also seen in the contemporary style
mosque, with the difference being that part of the openings have a shadow and others create dazzling lights
and intense sunspots due to its deficiency. In general, uniform light is seen throughout the year in all
mosques of the contemporary period.
49 Mahya GHOUCHANI, Mohammad TAJI, Amirhassan YAGHOUBI ROOSHAN/ GU J Sci, 36(1): 39-51 (2023)

For designers of mosques in all Iranian-Islamic architectural courses and styles, the discussion of "quality
of vision" and "visual comfort" has been of great importance and in this regard all mosques have made the
necessary efforts. Therefore, there is no statistically significant difference between these mosques in this
regard. Comfort and concentration during worship is the improvement of performance and visual comfort
in the historical and contemporary mosques. Both factors have addressed the quantitative aspects of
lighting, and the observance of these items is seen in both historical and contemporary mosques. When
there was no universal ergonomic standard to observe quantitative aspects of lighting; the observance of
the above principles in the achievement of the historians of Iran's architects creates fancier and artistic

But the architects of the historic mosques have paid more attention to the criteria of "landscape" and "vitality
in the environment" than contemporary mosque architects and this difference is statistically significant.
Therefore, these two criteria are a good pattern for contemporary mosque architects to use in their design
and in the application of light, which should be reviewed and modified. As to the matter of improving
relationships between individuals, the light relation is also measured within group activities. The brightness
features that affects communication between people is luminosity, spatial distribution, and spectral
composition. The intensity of light and the direction of light determine how others see one’s face and their
expressions. The effect of the quality of light on how to establish a relationship between individuals comes
from the perspective that appears for a person in space. The difference in the landscape index was
statistically significant and the best landscape is related to the historical mosque and the lowest is associated
with the contemporary mosques. It is worth mentioning that in this case, the architects of the historic
mosques have also been superior in their respective standards in comparison with their contemporary

According to ergonomic knowledge studies, brightness affects people's mood and thus improves the mood
of individual performance. When the light is very low (dark), the mental state is at its lowest level When
the light is properly and appropriately experienced, the mood of the people is improved and reaches its
highest level. But when the illumination is over experienced, the temperament will fall again. The exact
extent of this effect has not been determined, but the relation between lightness and mood and the sense of
worship cannot be denied. Decreasing the brightness by inviting a person to a more private environment
invites him to calmly establishing a relationship with the Creator. In contrast, the ideal illumination that
makes visual communication with the surrounding environment a design criterion, provides the
groundwork for social communication. This is precisely seen in the design of the dome of historical

However, due to the lack of attention to the effects of lighting on the individual who wants to pray, there is
no particular effect. The amount of stimulation caused by light on the vitality of the environment is
investigated by the factors of ergonomic lighting index, which includes qualitative aspects of lighting.
Brightness control can excite the individual performance by causing the individual's mood to improve and
enhance individual performance. The difference in the vitality index was statistically significant and, the
best thing about the observance of vitality is related to the mosques and the most inappropriate is related to
contemporary mosques. Thus, in this case, the architects of the historic mosques have been taken over by
contemporary architects.


According to the topics discussed in this study, light as a form of meaning and symbol of the existence of
God, has an important place in the emergence of human mental concepts and how to use it helps to better
understand these concepts. Daylight can be a determining factor in the level of relationships and stimulate
the user's sense of worship. Therefore, how to use light determines a person's satisfaction during worship.

Graphical representation of graphs and statistical data show that architects of historical and contemporary
mosques have observed few light factors, and there is no statistically significant difference between these
mosques. But their only difference is the use of light quality factors. Architects of historic mosques in the
design of buildings observe the quality standards of light, and in some cases, their excellence and progress
50 Mahya GHOUCHANI, Mohammad TAJI, Amirhassan YAGHOUBI ROOSHAN/ GU J Sci, 36(1): 39-51 (2023)

are beyond the standard. But in this context, the negligence of contemporary mosque architects is felt more
and the changes needed to reach the standard level are felt. In order to achieve the light capabilities and its
aspects of spirituality, the quantitative use of it seems enough. Unfortunately, in most contemporary
buildings, employing tools that enhance the soul-enhancement aspects mosque has been neglected. Every
day, the importance of applying a uniform amount of light in the design is added as light is not just
brightness. If we take a deeper look at Iran's historical architecture, rich experiences of the qualitative
aspects of light can be clearly seen.

According to research studies in selected mosques in all Iranian-Islamic architectural styles and courses, it
can be said that the knowledge developed by Western scholars, namely the ergonomics of the world in 2010
found an objective appearance more than 400 years ago in architectural thinking and Ancient Iranian design.
Consequently, it can be stated that knowledge of the use of the spatial quality of light for the promotion of
spirituality is the indigenous knowledge of the land of Iran.


No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.


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