3-NH Lig Thiourea

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Journal of Molecular Structure 985 (2011) 57–62

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Journal of Molecular Structure

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Structural and vibrational study on

Aamer Saeed a,⇑, Mauricio F. Erben b, Michael Bolte c
Department of Chemistry, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad 45320, Pakistan
CEQUINOR (UNLP, CONICET-CCT La Plata), Departamento de Química, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, C.C. 962 (1900). La Plata, Argentina
Institut für Anorganische Chemie, J.W.-Goethe-Universität, Max-von-Laue-Str.7, D-60438 Frankfurt/Main, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A new thiourea derivative, N-(biphenyl-2-thiocarbamoyl)-4-phenylcarboxamide, is synthesized and

Received 17 September 2010 characterized by elemental analysis, FTIR, NMR and the single crystal X-ray diffraction study. The title
Received in revised form 6 October 2010 compound crystallizes with two molecules in the asymmetric unit. The dihedral angle between the
Accepted 6 October 2010
two aromatic rings in the biphenyl unit is 47.9(2) and 56.52(19)°, respectively, for the two molecules
Available online 20 October 2010
in the asymmetric unit. The molecular conformation is stabilized by intramolecular NAH  O hydrogen
bond. The crystal packing shows that the molecules form centrosymmetric dimers connected by NAH  S
hydrogen bonds. The vibrational properties have been studied by FTIR and FT-Raman spectroscopy along
Thiourea derivative
Crystal structure
with quantum chemical calculations at the B3LYP/6-311 + G level of approximation. The main normal
Conformation analysis modes related with the thioamide bands are discussed.
Hydrogen bonds Ó 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
DFT calculations
Vibrational studies

1. Introduction construction of anion receptors [7–9] and in the thiourea-based

metal complexes [10] and organocatalysts [11]. In particular,
Various biphenyl derivatives are used in the synthesis of phar- aroylthioureas have been successfully used in environmental
maceuticals, antifungal agents like bifonazole, optical brightening control, as ionophores in ion selective electrodes [12–14]. Very re-
agents, dyes and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The rotation cently, the structural and conformational properties of N-(diet-
around the single bond in biphenyls, and in particular the hylcarbamothioyl)benzamide in different phases, before and after
ortho-substituted ones, is sterically hindered. Therefore, some the interaction with a heavy metal ion were studied and the behav-
substituted biphenyls exhibit the atropisomerism; specifically, ior of the molecule as a ionophore in a typical ion selective elec-
the individual C2-symmetric-isomers are optically stable. Some trode membrane has been simulated [15].
derivatives, as well as related molecules such as 2,20 -bis(diphenyl- Herein, the synthesis, characterization and vibrational proper-
phosphino)-1,10 -binaphthyl (BINAP), find application as ligands in ties, together with the X-ray molecular structure of N-(biphenyl-
asymmetric synthesis [1]. The relationship between ligand confor- 2-thiocarbamoyl)-4-phenylcarboxamide is reported. Some related
mations and complexation properties in some homoditopic biphe- structures containing the biphenyl moiety as a part of thiourea
nyl thioureas has been demonstrated [2]. Some biphenyl thioureas nucleus include the N-(biphenyl-4-carbonyl)-N0 -(4-chlorophenyl)-
having structure very closely related to that of title compound have thiourea [16], its 2-chloro- [17], 2-pyridyl methyl)- [18], and
been used as organocatalysts for electrochemical reductions [3]. recently reported 6-methylpyridin-2-yl [19] analogs but in all of
Other biphenyl thioureas have been used in carboxylate sensing these compounds the biphenyl moiety is derived from the corre-
and the effect of the ligand substituents on the geometry of the sponding isothiocyanate, whereas in present case it is obtained
complexes has been reported [4]. Biphenyls thiourea derivatives from the corresponding anilino compound.
are also potent Vitronectin receptor antagonists [5] and thiourea-
based molecular clips has been used for fluorescent discrimination
of isomeric dicarboxylates [6]. Moreover, the hydrogen-bonding 2. Experimental
ability of the thiourea moiety has extensively been used in
2.1. Synthesis

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +92 51 9064 2128. A solution of 2-aminobiphenyl (1.5 mmol) in 20 ml dry acetoni-
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Saeed). trile was added dropwise to a two-necked round-bottomed flask

0022-2860/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
58 A. Saeed et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 985 (2011) 57–62

containing an equimolar amount of benzoyl isothiocyanate 2.5. Quantum chemical calculations

(1.5 mmol) in 20 ml of acetonitrile. The mixture was refluxed for
3 h. On cooling, the reaction mixture was acidified with dilute The molecular geometries were optimized to standard conver-
hydrochloric acid. The solid product obtained on filtration was gence criteria and harmonic frequencies calculated by using DFT
washed with water and recrystalized from an acetone:dichloro- hybrid method with Becke’s non-local three parameter exchange
methane mixture (1:2). Colourless crystals were obtained on slow and the Lee, Young and Parr correction (B3LYP) using the 6-
evaporation (yield 91%, m.p.: 126–127 °C). Anal. Calcd. for 311 + G basis sets as implemented in the GAUSSIAN 03 program
C20H16N2OS: C, 72.26; H, 4.85; N, 8.43; S, 9.65. Found: C, 72.01; package [24].
H, 4.69; N, 8.41; S, 9.57%. 1H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl3 d, ppm):
12.31 (s, 1H, CONH), 9.22 (s, 1H, CSNH), 7.14 (t, 1H, J = 2.1 Hz, 3. Results and discussion
bp), 7.33–7.40 (m, 4H, bp), 7.36 (m, 4H, bp), 7.66 (dd, 1H, J = 4.8,
2.1 Hz, ph), 8.09–8.22 (m, 2H, ph), 8.40–8.48 (m, 2H, ph). 13C 3.1. Synthesis
NMR (75 MHz, CDCl3, d, ppm) 115.83, 116.13, 117.04, 117.35,
118.55, 123.35, 123.65, 124.41, 126.27, 126.38, 128.90, 129.87, The synthetic pathway to N-(biphenyl-2-thiocarbamoyl)-4-
130.87, 137.04, 141.35, 149.80, 159.51, 162.71, 168.39 (C@S), phenylcarboxamide, (I) is shown in Scheme 1. Thus benzoyl
172.89 (C@O). isothiocyanate was produced in situ, by reaction of freshly pre-
pared benzoyl chloride with an equimolar amount of potassium
2.2. Crystal structure determination thiocyanate in dry acetonitrile. Treatment of the latter with equi-
molar quantity of 2-aminobiphenyl afforded the title compound
C20H16N2OS, Mr = 332.41, colorless crystal, size 0.36  (I). Colourless crystals suitable for the X-ray diffraction study were
0.33  0.29 mm3, triclinic space group P-1, a = 10.2091(7), obtained on slow evaporation from an acetone: dichloromethane
b = 10.9563(6), c = 15.7563(10), a = 84.103(5), b = 77.217(5), c = mixture (1:2).
89.164(5), V = 1709.57(19), Z = 4, Dcalc = 1.291 g/cm3, F(0 0 0) = In the 1H NMR spectrum of the compound in addition to the sig-
696, l = 0.202 mm1. STOE IPDS-II diffractometer [20] using Mo nals for aromatic protons, the characteristic NAH singlets at d12.31
Ka radiation (k = 0.71073 Å) at T = 173 K. An absorption correction for CONH and 9.22 for CSNH ppm and in 13C NMR the peaks for car-
was applied using the MULABS [21] option in PLATON [22]. The bonyl and thiocarbonyl were observed d172.89 and 168.39 ppm
structure was solved by direct methods [23] and refined by full-ma- respectively.
trix least-squares using SHELXL-97 against F2 using all data [23]. All
non-H atoms were refined anisotropically. H atoms were positioned 3.2. X-ray structure
geometrically at distances of 0.95 Å (aromatic CH) and 0.98 Å
(methyl groups) from the parent C atoms; a riding model was used The title compound crystallizes with two crystallographically
during the refinement process and the Uiso(H) values were con- independent molecules in the asymmetric unit. Table 1 includes
strained to be 1.2Ueq(aromatic C) or 1.5Ueq(methyl C). The H atoms selected geometric parameters derived from the structure refine-
bonded to N were freely refined. Crystallographic data for the struc- ment, as well as those obtained from quantum chemical calcula-
ture reported in this paper have been deposited with the Cambridge tions. The dihedral angle between the two aromatic rings in the
Crystallographic Data Centre. Copies of the data CCDC-745277 can biphenyl unit is 47.9(2) and 56.52(19)° for the two molecules in
be obtained free of charge on application to CCDC, 12 Union Road, the asymmetric unit, respectively. Also the orientation of the
Cambridge CB2 1EZ, UK [e-mail: [email protected]]. Any re- C@O and the phenyl ring in the benzoyl group shows a slightly dif-
quest to the CCDC for this material should quote the full literature ferent orientation when both molecules are compared (see Table 1).
citation and the reference number 745277. The X-ray molecular structures of the two crystallographically
independent molecules are shown in Fig. 1.
2.3. Vibrational spectroscopy

Solid-phase IR spectra were recorded as KBr discs with a resolu- O

tion of 2 cm1 in the 4000–400 cm1 range on a Bruker EQUINOX
55 FTIR spectrometer. The FT-Raman spectrum was recorded in
the region 4000–100 cm1 using a Bruker IFS 66v spectrometer S C N
equipped with Nd:YAG laser source operating at 1.064 lm line
with 200 mW power of spectral width 2 cm1. NH2

2.4. GC–MS determination

Dry acetonitrile
The GC–MS measurements were recorded in a GCMS-QP2010
SHIMADZU instrument using gaseous Helium as mobile phase with
the pressure in the column head equal to 100 kPa. The column used
was a 19091J-433 HP-5 of 30 m  0.32 mm  0.25 mm film thick-
ness. A 1 lL volume of the compounds dissolved in CHCl3 was
chromatographed under the following conditions: injector temper-
ature was 210 °C, the initial column temperature (100 °C) was held H H
for 3 min, then increased to 200 °C at 20 °C/min and held for 2 min
after elevated to 300 °C at 35 °C/min and held for 2 min. In the
spectrometer the source was kept at 200 °C. One peak at retention
time 8.5 min is observed in the chromatogram, with a fragmenta- (1)
tion pattern dominated by the following peaks: 211 (100%,
C12H9NCS+), 178 (86%, C6H5CONHCSN+), 151 (35%, C12H7+) and Scheme 1. Synthetic pathway to N-(biphenyl-2-thiocarbamoyl)-4-
105 (12%, C6H5CO+). phenylcarboxamide.
A. Saeed et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 985 (2011) 57–62 59

Table 1 the order C2AN2 < C1AN1 < C1AN2 (see Table 1). This tendency
Selected experimental and calculated geometrical parameters (values in Å and is also reproduced by the quantum chemical calculations (B3LYP/
degrees) for the central AC(O)NHC(S)NHA moiety for the title species.
6-311 + G, see Table 1) suggesting that intramolecular electronic
Parametera Experimental B3LYP/6-311 + G effects -rather than crystal packing effects- are responsible for
Molecule A Molecule B the observed NAC bond lengths values.
C@O 1.2321(16) 1.2302(16) 1.225
The molecular structure and conformational flexibility are
C@S 1.6661(14) 1.6777(14) 1.673 important properties for determining the donor–acceptor capabil-
C2AN2 1.3291(17) 1.3289(17) 1.344 ities on thiourea derivatives [28,29]. For example, Fabbrizzi et al.
C2AN1 1.4034(16) 1.3979(16) 1.408 reported that substituted-phenyl urea compounds interacts
C1AN1 1.3761(17) 1.3783(18) 1.383
through hydrogen bonding with a variety of oxoanions to give
S@CAN2 124.06(10) 124.57(10) 127.5
S@CAN1 119.72(10) 119.17(10) 117.6 bright colored complexes [30] and a variety of receptors containing
O@CAN1 121.96(12) 122.64(11) 122.7 the urea and the thiourea groups have been designed for anion rec-
C1AN1AC2 127.28(12) 127.33(11) 130.0 ognition [31]. These effects are closely related with the conforma-
O@CAN1AC2 0.9(2) 1.0(2) 2.6
tional properties and the presence of intra- and intermolecular
N2AC2AN1AC1 5.9(2) 4.3(2) 0.2
O@CAC11AC16 8.78(19) 32.5(2) 21.7
hydrogen bonding interactions on the thiourea group [31]. The title
C23AC22AC31AC32 54.2(2) 44.01(19) 54.2 species possesses intramolecular and intermolecular hydrogen
C21AC22AC31AC36 56.52(19) 47.9(2) 55.8 bonding interactions, as shown in Table 2. In effect, N-benzoyl-
For atom numbering see Fig. 1.
N0 -arylthioureas have been thoroughly investigated in connection
with the formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonding [32–35].
It was found that the intramolecular hydrogen bond between the
The amidic N1AC1 [1.377(2) Å] and thioamide N1AC2 oxygen atom in the C@O group and the hydrogen atom of the thio-
[1.401(2) Å] and N2AC2 [1.329(2) Å] bond lengths (mean values urea group is favored by the formation of a six-membered ring
are given) are both shorter than CAN single bond [25], indicating [36,37]. In the title species, the molecular conformation is stabi-
a partial double bond character. This observation indicates that lized by such an NAH  O hydrogen bond. The non-bonding dis-
resonance interactions are extended over the whole planar tances O1  N2 and O1A  N2A are 2.616(1) and 2.627(1) Å,
AC(O)NHC(S)NHA moiety, in accordance with the behavior re- respectively in agreement with intramolecular hydrogen bonding
cently reported for thiocarbamate species [26]. Moreover, it is found in other N-benzoyl N0 -substituted thioureas, which are re-
worth noting that a definite trend in the CAN bond distances has ported in the range of 2.618(4)–2.654(2) Å [38,39]. Moreover, an
been recognized for these species [27], the lengths increasing in intermolecular interaction involving these groups is observed be-
tween the crystallographically independent molecules through an
N1AH  O1A hydrogen bond, with a N1  O1A distance of
3.045(1) Å.
The patterns of packing adopted by thiourea derivatives were
rationalized by McBride et al. [40] in terms of molecular structure,
solvent of crystallization, and energies and efficiencies of packing.
In the title molecule, the crystal packing shows (Fig. 3) that both
crystallographically independent molecules form centrosymmetric
dimers connected by N1AH  S (x  1, y, z) and N1AAH  S
(x + 1, y, z) hydrogen bonds, adopting a well-known crystal motif
for N-benzoyl-thiourea compounds [33,41]. These non-bonding
N  S distances are 3.396(1) and 3.625(1) Å, respectively.

3.3. Vibrational analysis

The observed infrared absorptions and the FT-Raman frequen-

cies along with their relative intensities and probable assignments
are summarized in Table 3. A tentative assignment of the observed
bands was carried out by comparison with spectra of related mol-
ecules [42–48]. Very recently, the vibrational properties of the
thiourea molecule – the idealized parent species – were revisited
by Srinivasan et al. [49]. However, in many case a clear assignment
of the observed infrared absorptions and Raman signals to a spe-
cific vibration is unclear. To further improve this situation, an
assignment of the observed vibrational spectra can be assisted by
a systematic comparison with the theoretically calculated one.

Table 2
Hydrogen bonds [Å and °] for the title species.

DAH  A d(DAH) d(H  A) d(D  A) <(DHA)

N(1)AH(1)  S(1A)#1ª 0.872(19) 2.535(19) 3.3957(12) 169.1(16)
N(2)AH(2)  O(1) 0.848(18) 1.969(17) 2.6271(14) 133.7(15)
N(1A)AH(1A)  S(1)#2a 0.861(18) 2.780(19) 3.6250(13) 167.3(15)
N(2A)AH(2A)  O(1A) 0.908(18) 1.891(17) 2.6164(14) 135.3(15)
Fig. 1. Molecular structure of the two crystallographically independent molecules
in the asymmetric unit of the title compound with displacement ellipsoids drawn at Symmetry transformations used to generate equivalent atoms: #1 x  1, y, z, #2
the 50% probability level. x + 1, y, z.
60 A. Saeed et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 985 (2011) 57–62

Table 3 when substituted benzoylthiourea compounds are analyzed [50].

Observed and theoretical (B3LYP/6-311 + G) vibrational data (cm1) with a tentative Thus, the molecular structure of the studied compound has been
assignment for the title species.
optimized at the DFT-B3LYP level of approximation by using the
FTIRa Ramana B3LYP/6-311 + Gb Tentative assignment triple-zeta 6-311 + G basis sets. The geometrical parameters are
3289 m, br 3626 (5.9) m(N1AH) in very good agreement with the experimental ones (see Table 1)
3135 s, br 3421 (49.9) m(N2AH) and the computed harmonic frequencies are gathered in Table 3.
3089 m, br 3067 3212–3159c m(CAH) In the infrared spectra a series of broad absorptions are ob-
1662 s 1662 s 1719 (36.3) m(C@O)
1601 w 1602 vs 1650d m(C@C)
served at 3289, 3135 and 3089 cm1. The 3289 and 3135 cm1
1581 w 1582 m bands could be assigned to the NH stretching modes [47,51,26],
1528 vvs 1538 vw 1591 (77.6) d(N2AH) the red-shifted absorption is most likely due to the m(N2H)
Thioamide band I stretching mode, related with the formation of C@O  NAH intra-
1509 vvs 1508 m 1563 (100.0) d(N1AH) molecular hydrogen bond, as observed in the X-ray analysis. A sin-
1492 s,sh 1493 w 1650–1400d m(C@C) gle well-defined Raman signal is observed at 3067 cm1,
1476 s, sh 1477 vw
characteristic of the CAH vibrations of the phenyl groups. These
1451 m, sh 1455 sh
1324 s 1324 vw 1377 (90.1) mas(NACAN) features are in agreement with the calculated frequencies (see
Thioamide band II Table 2), with the m(N2AH) stretching mode computed as an strong
1267 m, sh 1300 m 1301 (2.6) m(C22AC31) intensity band located at lower frequencies than the corresponding
1254 m 1266 (27.6) m(C1AN1) m(N1AH) fundamental.
1229 sh 1255 m 1242 (2.0) m(C2AN21) Fig. 2 shows the Raman and IR spectra of the title compound in
1181 w 1183 w 1213e d(CAH) the 1800–600 cm1 range. A large number of signals are observed
1154 vs 1158 m 1177 (47.6) ms(NACAN)
Thioamide band III
with pronounced overlapping and for the title species, many of
these signals result from both the central thiourea moiety as well
1144 vs 1146 sh d(CAH)
1109 w
as from the substituent groups. In the infrared spectrum, the strong
1086 w 1662 cm1 (1663 cm1 Raman) band corresponds to the m(C@O)
1072 sh mode, which is similar in frequency to the C@O  HAN hydrogen
1049 w 1050 w bonding found in many small-molecule studies [52]. Calculated
1026 w 1034 m
(B3LYP/6-311 + G) frequencies for these fundamental amounts
1009 w
999 w 999 vs 1719 cm1. The relative low value observed for the m(C@O) funda-
974 w 964 (1.2) d(CN1C) mental is in accordance with the presence of a intramolecular
938 w 941 m 958 (1.5) d(CN2C) C@O  HAN interaction in the AC(O)NHC(S)NHA moiety [53].
931 m 931e q(CAH) Alternatively, this behavior has been also interpreted as being a re-
914 w
sult of conjugated resonance interactions between the carbonyl
874 vw 875 m
854 m 854 m 866 (3.8) d(NCN) and the phenyl ring in N-benzoyl substituted thiourea compounds
773 w 775 m 783 (2.5) m(C@S)
Thioamide band IV
759 w 757 (8.2) q(CAH)
741 m 741 w 743 (13.4) q(N2AH)
720 w 717 m 729f d(CC)
701 m 697 (4.3) oop (NCN)
672 m 671 w 661 (4.5) q(N1AH)
621 w 615 w 607 (5.1) oop C@S
% Transmitance

552 vw 547 vw 557f q(CC)

523 m
480 w IV
451 vw 451 w II
409 vw
348 vw 349 (1.5) q(C@O) ν(C=O)
306 w III
276 m
212 m I
216 m
FTIR of solid in KBr pellets, FT-Raman of finely powdered solid. Band intensity:
Raman signal (a.u.)

vs = very strong, s = strong, m = medium, w = weak, vw = very weak, vvw = very

very weak.
In parentheses relative band strengths, IR intensities [100%  538 km/mol].
The 14 m(CAH) stretching modes expected for the molecule are computed in the
3212–3159 cm1 range as low intensity infrared absorptions. ν(C=O)
The m(C@C) stretching modes due to the phenyl rings are computed in the
1650–1400 cm1 range as low to medium intensity infrared absorptions. III
Nge re-eqak d(CAH) deformation and q(CAH) rocking normal modes are I IV
computed below 1213 and 931 cm1, respectively.
The d(CAC) and q(CAC) appear in the computed IR near 730 and 570 cm1 as
low to medium intensity absorptions.

1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600

Quantum chemical calculations and normal coordinate analysis
have been applied [36] and recently density functional theory Wavenumber (cm-1 )
(DFT) methods at the B3LYP/6-31G(d) basis set was used to predict
Fig. 2. FT-Raman and IR spectra (solid) for the title compound in the 1800–
the vibrational frequencies of related species [39,47]. The use of 600 cm1 region. The characteristic carbonyl stretching mode and the ‘‘thioamide
more extended basis set certainly leads to a good performance bands’’ are identified.
A. Saeed et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 985 (2011) 57–62 61

It is well-known that the thiourea group presents characteristic

a band in the 1500–1600 cm1 range of the IR spectrum, originated
by the NAH deformation mode [d(NAH)]. For the title species, a
very strong and rather broad absorption with defined maxima at
1528 and 1509 cm1 can be assigned to the d(N2AH) (thioamide
band I) and d(N1AH) modes, respectively. The Raman counterparts
are observed as signals of low and medium intensities at 1538 and
1508 cm1, respectively. B3YLP/6-311 + G computations predict
the presence of strong bands in the infrared spectrum due to the
d(N2AH) and d(N1AH) normal modes at 1591 and 1563 cm1,
respectively, in reasonable agreement with the proposed assign-
ment. Nevertheless, it should be noted that several m(C@C) stretch-
ing modes from the aromatic groups also contribute to absorptions
in this region. The strong and medium intensity signals centered at
1602 (1601 cm1 infrared, weak) and 1582 cm1 (1581 cm1 infra-
red, weak) in the Raman spectrum could be assigned with confi-
dence to symmetric m(C@C) stretching modes.
The region between 1400 and 800 cm1 in the vibrational spec-
tra of thioureido compounds is usually rich in medium intensity
bands from skeletal motions, especially vibrations containing con-
tributions from the m(CAN) motion in the thiourea core [53]. In-
tense bands can be observed at 1324 and 1154 cm1 in the IR
spectrum of the studied compound with the corresponding coun-
terpart in the Raman spectrum at 1324 and 1158 cm1 as very
weak and medium intensity signals, respectively. Taking into ac-
count the vibrational properties reported for the simple thiourea
molecule [49], it is expected that the CAN stretching modes, which
are usually coupled in symmetric and antisymmetric motions, ap-
pear in this region [54]. Thus, following the quantum chemical cal-
culation description, the m(NCN) antisymmetric (thioamide band II)
and symmetric (thioamide band III) stretching modes of the thio-
urea moiety, are respectively assigned to these bands. Computed
frequency values are 1377 and 1177 cm1, respectively, both
modes displaying strong dipole moment derivatives.
The medium intensity signal at 775 cm1 in the Raman spec-
trum, with a weak counterpart in the infrared at 773 cm1, is ten-
tatively assigned to the thioamide band IV, mainly due to the
m(C@S) stretching mode, in agreement with previously studied
thiourea derivatives [39,53]. However, it should be mentioned that
higher values have been reported for this fundamental. For exam-
ple, in the parent thiourea molecule, this mode appeared at
1094 cm1 in the infrared spectrum (1105 cm1 Raman) [49],
and even higher values – up to 1325 cm1 – have been also re-
ported in related compounds [36,45]. A definite assignment should
Fig. 3. Crystal packing of the title species viewed along [1 0 0] with displacement
take into account strong coupling between fundamentals, as re-
ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level. ported for simple alkyl derivatives of thiourea, where the CAN
and C@S stretching modes contribute to a variety of fundamentals
[59]. Moreover, the formation of C@S  HAX intermolecular hydro-
gen bonds seems to strongly effect the frequency of the m(C@S)
[36]. It is worthy to mention that the C@O stretching mode is mode [42].
appreciably coupled with the CAN stretching and with the NAH
bending mode, as observed for related compounds [54–56].
In (thio)amide compounds several infrared absorption bands 4. Conclusion
which are called ‘‘(thio)amide bands’’ are important for studying
structural and electronic properties because they are sensitive to The title compound was synthesized and characterized by spec-
intermolecular hydrogen bonding and conformational changes troscopic and X-ray diffraction techniques and the vibrational
[57]. This approach has recently been applied also in the analysis properties have been studied by FTIR and FT-Raman spectroscopy
of urethane [57] and thiourea derivatives [53]. In compounds con- along with quantum chemical calculations at the B3LYP/6-
taining the thioamide group give rise to four characteristic vibra- 311 + G level of approximation. A strong intramolecular hydrogen
tional bands, the thioamide bands I, II, III and IV have a large bond between the C@O and HAN1 groups forming a 6-membered
contribution from d(NAH) (I), m(CAN) (II and III) and m(C@S) (IV) ring is present in the crystal. From the joint analysis of both IR and
motions and are usually reported around 1500, 1300, 1100 and Raman spectra the main normal modes related with the thioamide
750 cm1, respectively [58]. These bands emerge in a region which group (‘‘thioamide bands’’) have been tentatively assigned as fol-
is plenty of absorptions from substituent groups, making difficult low: 1528 cm1 [d(N2AH), thioamide band I], 1324 cm1
their identification. The joint analysis of both IR and Raman spectra [mas(NACAN), thioamide band II], 1154 cm1 [ms(NACAN), thioam-
arises necessary for an unambiguous identification [53]. ide band III] and 775 cm1 [m(C@S), thioamide band IV].
62 A. Saeed et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 985 (2011) 57–62

Acknowledgments M. Ishida, T. Nakajima, Y. Honda, O. Kitao, H. Nakai, M. Klene, X. Li, J.E. Knox,
H.P. Hratchian, J.B. Cross, C. Adamo, J. Jaramillo, R. Gomperts, R.E. Stratmann,
O. Yazyev, A.J. Austin, R. Cammi, C. Pomelli, J.W. Ochterski, P.Y. Ayala, K.
MFE is a member of the Carrera del Investigador of CONICET Morokuma, G.A. Voth, P. Salvador, J.J. Dannenberg, V.G. Zakrzewski, S.
and gratefully acknowledges to the Consejo Nacional de Investigac- Dapprich, A.D. Daniels, M.C. Strain, O. Farkas, D.K. Malick, A.D. Rabuck, K.
Raghavachari, J.B. Foresman, J.V. Ortiz, Q. Cui, A.G. Baboul, S. Clifford, J.
iones Científicas y Técnicas, the ANPCYT and to the Facultad de
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