Takeoff Edu Group CSE Title List

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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

The objective of a Course

Management System is to provide
an efficient and effective way to
manage academic courses, student
enrollment, and administrative tasks
Course Management System
1 TCMAFS56 related to the education process.
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React)
The system is designed to
streamline course management
operations and provide a
user-friendly interface for students,
faculty, and administrators.

The objective of An Attention-Based

Architecture for EEG Classification
is to develop a machine learning
model that can accurately classify
An Attention-Based Architecture for EEG
electroencephalogram (EEG)
2 TCMAPY909 Classification
signals using an attention-based
(Python / Machine Learning)
architecture. The model uses
various data analysis and machine
learning techniques to identify
patterns and classify EEG signals.

The objective of Edu Portal is to

create a comprehensive online
platform that provides educational
resources, tools, and services to
students, teachers, and educational
Edu Portal institutions. The portal serves as a
(Full Stack Projects / Node.js + React) one-stop-shop for accessing
educational materials, managing
academic activities, and facilitating
communication and collaboration
among stakeholders in the
education sector.

The objective of User Authentication

for Web Applications Using Face
Recognition Module is to develop a
User Authentication for Web Applications system that can authenticate users
4 TCMAPY908 Using Face Recognition Module of web applications using face
(Python / Deep Learning) recognition technology. The system
will use a face recognition module to
capture and analyze images of
users' faces to verify their identities.

The objective of the Digit

Recognizer: Automated
Identification of Calligraphy Digits
Through Machine Learning is to
Digit Recognizer: Automated Identification of
develop a machine learning model
5 TCMAPY907 Calligraphy Digits Through Machine Learning
that can accurately identify
(Python / Deep Learning)
calligraphy digits from handwritten
samples. The model uses various
image processing and machine
learning techniques to recognize
( Page 1 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

patterns and classify handwritten


The objective of Cancer Prediction

in Early Stages Using Machine
Learning is to develop a machine
learning model that can accurately
predict the likelihood of cancer in
Cancer Prediction in Early Stages Using
patients at an early stage, which can
6 TCMAPY906 Machine Learning
help improve the chances of
(Python / Machine Learning)
successful treatment and recovery.
The model uses various data
analysis and machine learning
techniques to identify patterns and
predict cancer occurrences.

The objective of a Student Record

System is to create a web-based
application that allows educational
institutions to manage and maintain
student records efficiently. The
Student Record System system can help automate various
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React) administrative tasks, such as
admission, registration, attendance
tracking, grading, and reporting, and
provide easy access to relevant
information for students, faculty, and

The objective of Efficient Identity

Based Public Integrity Auditing of
Shared Data in Cloud Storage With
User Privacy Preserving is to
develop an efficient and secure
Efficient Identity Based Public Integrity Auditing auditing system that can ensure the
of Shared Data in Cloud Storage with User integrity and authenticity of shared
Privacy Preserving data in cloud storage while
(Python / Cloud Computing) preserving the privacy of the users.
The system uses identity-based
public auditing (IBPA) and
privacy-preserving techniques to
provide a secure and efficient way
to verify the integrity of shared data.

The objective of a File Sharing

System Using AES (Advanced
Encryption Standard) is to create a
secure and efficient file sharing
platform that allows users to share
File Sharing System Using AES
9 TCMAPY904 files with each other while ensuring
(Python / Cloud Computing)
the confidentiality, integrity, and
authenticity of the shared files. The
system uses AES encryption to
protect the shared files from
unauthorized access or tampering.

( Page 2 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

The objective of Analysis and

Prediction of Crime Hotspots Using
Machine Learning with Stacked
Generalization Approach is to
develop a machine learning model
Analysis And Prediction of Crime Hotspots
that can accurately identify crime
Using Machine Learning with Stacked
10 TCMAPY903 hotspots and predict crime
Generalization Approach
occurrences in a given geographic
(Python / Machine Learning)
area. The model uses a stacked
generalization approach to combine
the predictions of multiple base
models and improve the accuracy of
the overall prediction.

The objective of Detection of Acute

Lymphoblastic Leukemia Disease is
to develop a computer-aided
diagnosis (CAD) system that can
accurately detect the presence of
Detection of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
11 TCMAPY902 Disease
from blood cell images. The system
(Python / Deep Learning)
uses various image processing
techniques and machine learning
algorithms to identify abnormal cells
and classify them as either leukemia
or non-leukemia.

The objective of a Networking

Platform for Gamers is to create a
web-based platform that connects
gamers from different locations and
A Networking Platform for Gamers
12 TCMAFS53 enables them to communicate,
(Full Stack Projects / Node.js + React)
collaborate. The platform can help
improve the gaming experience and
provide opportunities for social
interaction among gamers.

The objective of Employee Analysis

is to analyze and evaluate the
performance, behavior, and
productivity of employees in an
Employee Analysis organization using various data
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React) analysis and visualization
techniques. The system can help
identify areas of improvement for
individual employees and the
organization as a whole.

The objective of Automatic

Pavement Crack Detection is to
develop an automated system that
Automatic Pavement Crack Detection can accurately detect cracks in
14 TCMAPY901
(Python / Deep Learning) pavement surfaces using computer
vision and machine learning
techniques. The system can help
( Page 3 ) improve [email protected]
Email: efficiency and accuracy

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

of pavement inspection and

maintenance, as well as reduce the
need for manual inspection by
human operators.

The objective of an Automatic

College Information System is to
develop a comprehensive online
platform that automates various
Automatic college Information System administrative and academic tasks
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React) related to college operations. The
system is designed to provide a
centralized repository of information
and services for students, faculty,
and staff members.

The objective of a Student Portal

System Using Docker is to create a
web-based platform that can provide
students with access to various
academic and administrative
Student Portal System Using Docker services, such as course materials,
(Full Stack Projects / Node.js + React) grades, registration, and student
support services. The system uses
Docker containerization technology
to enable easier deployment and
management of the application on
various computing platforms.

The objective of Identification of

Multilingual Offense and Troll From
Social Media Memes Using
Weighted Ensemble Of Multimodal
Features is to develop a machine
Identification Of Multilingual Offense and Troll learning model that can accurately
From Social Media Memes Using Weighted detect offensive and trolling content
17 TCMAPY900
Ensemble Of Multimodal Features from social media memes, which
(Python / Machine Learning) may contain text, images, and other
multimodal features. The model
uses a weighted ensemble of
multiple classifiers to analyze
different modalities and provide a
more accurate classification.

The objective of Sentiment Analysis

of Text Based on Bidirectional LSTM
With Multi Head Attention is to
develop a machine learning model
Sentiment Analysis of Text Based on that can accurately analyze the
18 TCMAPY899 Bidirectional LSTM With Multi Head Attention sentiment of text data, such as
(Python / Deep Learning) social media posts, reviews, or
customer feedback, using deep
learning techniques. The model
uses Bidirectional Long Short-Term
Memory (LSTM) and Multi-Head
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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Attention mechanisms to capture

the context and dependencies of the
input text and provide a more
accurate sentiment analysis.

The objective of an Online Crime

Reporting System is to develop a
web-based platform that allows
citizens to report crimes or incidents
Online Crime Reporting System to law enforcement agencies online.
19 TCMAPY898
(Python / Deep Learning) The platform can help improve the
accessibility and efficiency of the
reporting process, as well as
increase public trust and
engagement with law enforcement.

The objective of Automation Of

Invigilation Duties is to develop an
automated system that can assist in
the monitoring and supervision of
Automation Of Invigilation Duties
20 TCMAFS49 examinations or assessments. This
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React)
system can help in reducing the
workload of invigilators and
improving the efficiency of the exam

The objective of Cafe Connect is to

create a platform that enables
individuals and businesses in the
food and beverage industry to
connect with each other,
Cafe Connect
21 TCMAFS48 collaborate, and share resources.
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React)
The platform can help to foster a
stronger community and support
local businesses, while also
facilitating the sharing of knowledge
and resources.

Facial recognition technology is a

controversial and sensitive topic,
Face Recognition Student Attrition Based on and using it to determine a student's
22 TCMAPY897 Gender attrition based on their gender
(Python / Deep Learning) raises ethical and privacy concerns.
It could also perpetuate harmful
stereotypes and biases.

E-Placement Cell
The objective of E-Placement Cell is
to develop a web-based platform
that can automate and streamline
E-Placement Cell the campus placement process for
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React) educational institutions. This
platform helps in connecting
students, recruiters, and educational
institutions, facilitating the
recruitment process.

( Page 5 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

The objective of Rice Grain Quality

Analysis Using Deep Learning
Technique is to develop a machine
learning model that can accurately
Rice Grain Quality Analysis Using Deep classify and grade the quality of rice
24 TCMAPY896 Learning Technique grains based on their appearance
(Python / Deep Learning) and texture using deep learning
techniques. This technology can be
used in various applications such as
food safety, quality control, and food

In that Project, Teachers will add

some Tasks for students and that
tasks are such as essays, and audio
type questions listen the questions
and select the answers, and some
fill in the blank’s questions, daily
some questions as an assignment
the teacher will give and students
Du Lingo
25 TCMAFS46 have to login daily and complete the
(Full Stack Projects / Node.js + React)
tasks given by the teacher daily and
get rewards and there is a
leader-board to see what’s their
rank. And Students can read and
listen the Stories given by the
teachers. They highly focused on
Audio type question and Audio type

The objective of Lung, Chest, Skin,

Brain and Breast Image
Classification is to develop a
machine learning model that can
accurately classify medical images
Lung, Chest, Skin, Brain and Breast Image
of these five different body parts
26 TCMAPY895 Classification
using deep learning techniques. The
(Python / Deep Learning)
model can help in early detection
and diagnosis of diseases such as
lung cancer, breast cancer, and skin
lesions, leading to more effective

The objective of A Comparative

Study on Handwritten Digits
Recognition Using Classifiers SVM,
Multi Class Perception, and KNN is
A Comparative Study on Handwritten Digits
to compare the performance of
Recognition Using Classifiers SVM, Multi Class
27 TCMAPY893 three different classification
Perception and KNN
algorithms on recognizing
(Python / Machine Learning)
handwritten digits. The study uses
support vector machines (SVM),
multi-class perceptron, and
K-nearest neighbors (KNN)
( Page 6 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

algorithms to classify the digits,

based on features such as pixel
values and their coordinates.

The objective of Finger Vein

Detection Using Deep Learning is to
develop a machine learning model
that can accurately detect the veins
Finger Vein Detection Using Deep Learning in a person's finger using deep
28 TCMAPY894
(Python / Deep Learning) learning techniques. This
technology can be used in various
applications such as biometric
authentication, medical diagnosis,
and security systems.

The objective of Cancer Prediction

Using Decision Tree is to develop a
machine learning model that can
accurately predict the occurrence of
cancer in patients using medical
Cancer Prediction Using Decision Tree data. The decision tree algorithm is
29 TCMAPY892
(Python / Machine Learning) used to build the model, which takes
in various patient attributes and
medical history as inputs and
outputs a prediction of whether the
patient is likely to develop cancer or

The objective of the Anantapur

Tourism Application is to promote
and enhance tourism in the
Anantapur district of Andhra
Anantapur Tourism Application Pradesh, India. The application
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React) serves as a digital guide for tourists
visiting the district, providing them
with detailed information on various
tourist attractions, local culture,
food, and accommodations.

The objective of a Vehicle

Management System (VMS) is to
efficiently manage and maintain a
fleet of vehicles for an organization
Vehicle Management System
31 TCMAFS44 or business. This system helps in
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React)
organizing, monitoring, and
controlling the usage of vehicles to
achieve maximum productivity and

The objective of aviation data

analysis using data mining is to
extract meaningful insights and
Aviation Data Analysis Using Data Mining
32 TCMAPY891 knowledge from large and complex
(Python / Machine Learning)
( Page 7 ) aviation [email protected]
Email: sets. The aviation
industry generates a massive
Website: www.takeoffprojects.com amount
Phone: of data, including
+91 9030333433, flight data,
+91 8776681444
CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

maintenance records, passenger

information, weather data, and
more. Data mining techniques can
be applied to this data to identify
patterns, trends, and anomalies that
can be used to optimize airline
operations, improve safety, enhance
the passenger experience, and
reduce costs.

Recent times have witnessed an

increased interest in the brain
age-delta as a heritable metric for
monitoring cognitively healthy (CH)
aging and diagnosing various
neurological disorders and
Predicting brain age using machine learning co-morbidities. The brain age-delta
33 TCMAAN414 algorithms: A comprehensive evaluation is defined as the difference between
(Android / Android Application) the chronological age and the age
predicted from machine learning
models trained on brain imaging
data. The brain shrinks with
increasing age, and there are
changes at all levels, from
molecules to morphology.

Recent times have witnessed an

increased interest in the brain
age-delta as a heritable metric for
monitoring cognitively healthy (CH)
aging and diagnosing various
neurological disorders and
Predicting brain age using machine learning co-morbidities. The brain age-delta
34 TCMAAN415 algorithms: A comprehensive evaluation is defined as the difference between
(Android / Kotlin Android) the chronological age and the age
predicted from machine learning
models trained on brain imaging
data. The brain shrinks with
increasing age, and there are
changes at all levels, from
molecules to morphology.

Recent times have witnessed an

increased interest in the brain
age-delta as a heritable metric for
monitoring cognitively healthy (CH)
aging and diagnosing various
neurological disorders and
Predicting brain age using machine learning
co-morbidities. The brain age-delta
35 TCMAAN416 algorithms: A comprehensive evaluation
is defined as the difference between
(Android / Machine Learning)
the chronological age and the age
predicted from machine learning
models trained on brain imaging
data. The brain shrinks with
increasing age, and there are
changes at all levels, from

( Page 8 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

molecules to morphology.

DELIRIUM is a typical geriatric

syndrome that causes psychotic
symptoms and cognitive function
disorders (such as impaired
consciousness, attention, and
speech) that occur suddenly due to
various causes. Delirium is linked to
confusion, hallucinations, delusions,
Machine Learning to Identify Psychomotor psychomotor anxiety symptoms,
Behaviors of Delirium for Patients in Long-Term and aggressive behavior, in addition
36 TCMAAN412
Care Facility to impaired attention and speech.
(Android / Kotlin Android) Despite overwhelming evidence for
the clinical importance of
recognizing and preventing delirium,
the syndrome remains
under-detected by clinicians. In
general, four psychomotor behavior
subtypes of delirium are recognized:
normal, hypoactive, hyperactive,
and mixed.

DELIRIUM is a typical geriatric

syndrome that causes psychotic
symptoms and cognitive function
disorders (such as impaired
consciousness, attention, and
speech) that occur suddenly due to
various causes. Delirium is linked to
confusion, hallucinations, delusions,
Machine Learning to Identify Psychomotor psychomotor anxiety symptoms,
Behaviors of Delirium for Patients in Long-Term and aggressive behavior, in addition
37 TCMAAN413
Care Facility to impaired attention and speech.
(Android / Machine Learning) Despite overwhelming evidence for
the clinical importance of
recognizing and preventing delirium,
the syndrome remains
under-detected by clinicians. In
general, four psychomotor behavior
subtypes of delirium are recognized:
normal, hypoactive, hyperactive,
and mixed.

Safe and accessible water is crucial

for public health, whether for
drinking, residential usage, food
production, or leisure. Water supply,
Machine Learning based Water Potability
sanitation, and water resource
38 TCMAAN410 Prediction
management may increase
(Android / Kotlin Android)
economic development and reduce
poverty. Absent, insufficient, or
poorly managed water and
sanitation pose health concerns.

( Page 9 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: TCMAAN411 Machine Learning based Water Potability
www.takeoffprojects.com Safe
Phone: +91and accessible +91
9030333433, water is crucial
CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

for public health, whether for

drinking, residential usage, food
production, or leisure. Water supply,
sanitation, and water resource
management may increase
(Android / Machine Learning)
economic development and reduce
poverty. Absent, insufficient, or
poorly managed water and
sanitation pose health concerns.

Using a single model to evaluate

personal credit risk may face
problems such as low total
prediction accuracy of a single
Personal credit risk identification based on model, poor interpretability, and high
40 TCMAAN408 combined machine learning model type II error rate. Based on this,
(Android / Kotlin Android) from the perspective of combined
model, this article combines
statistical modeling with
non-statistical modeling to construct
a C5.0-SVM combined model.

Using a single model to evaluate

personal credit risk may face
problems such as low total
prediction accuracy of a single
Personal credit risk identification based on model, poor interpretability, and high
41 TCMAAN409 combined machine learning model type II error rate. Based on this,
(Android / Machine Learning) from the perspective of combined
model, this article combines
statistical modeling with
non-statistical modeling to construct
a C5.0-SVM combined model.

According to World Health

Organization reports, approximately
3.8 million men and 3.4 million
women worldwide die each year due
to Coronary Artery Disease (CAD),
Prediction of Coronary Artery Disease Using
a leading cause of cardiovascular
Electrocardiography a Machine Learning
42 TCMAAN406 mortality globally. Two third of
patients die even before reaching
(Android / Kotlin Android)
the hospital. Clinically, CAD may
either remain asymptomatic for long
period, or it may manifest as life
threatening Acute Coronary
Syndrome (ACS).

According to World Health

Organization reports, approximately
Prediction of Coronary Artery Disease Using 3.8 million men and 3.4 million
Electrocardiography a Machine Learning women worldwide die each year due
43 TCMAAN407
Approach to Coronary Artery Disease (CAD),
(Android / Machine Learning) a leading cause of cardiovascular
mortality globally. Two third of
( Page 10 ) patients die [email protected]
Email: even before reaching

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

the hospital. Clinically, CAD may

either remain asymptomatic for long
period, or it may manifest as life
threatening Acute Coronary
Syndrome (ACS).

This app can be used to blend

Virus Prediction using Machine Learning different machine learning
44 TCMAAN404 Techniques algorithms into one or to gain a
(Android / Kotlin Android) better understanding of viruses and

This app can be used to blend

Virus Prediction using Machine Learning different machine learning
45 TCMAAN405 Techniques algorithms into one or to gain a
(Android / Machine Learning) better understanding of viruses and

The major aim of Stock Price

Prediction using machine learning
helps you discover the future value
of company stock and other
Short term stock selection strategy based on
financial assets traded on an
46 TCMAAN403 machine learning
exchange. The entire idea of
(Android / Machine Learning)
predicting stock prices is to gain
significant profits. Predicting how
the stock market will perform is a
hard task to do.

Heart disease is a type of disease

that affects the heart. According to
the World Health Organization
(WHO), every year more than 17.5
Machine Learning-Based Heart Disease
million people die of heart disease.
Prediction: A Study for Home Personalized
47 TCMAAN402 The best model may evaluate
patient fitness rather than routine
(Android / Machine Learning)
hospital visits. The proposed work
will reduce the burden on hospitals
and help hospitals reach only critical

The major aim of in this project is to

predict the phone prices based on
the features using some of the
regression techniques and
Classification of Mobile Phone Price Dataset
algorithms. To develop a model to
48 TCMAAN401 Using Machine Learning Algorithms
predict the price of a mobile when
(Android / Machine Learning)
the specifications of a mobile are
given and to find the ML algorithm
that predicts the price most

Compared to the last decade, the

A machine learning approach to predict the
views towards games have changed
49 TCMAAN400 result of League of Legends
a lot in these years. Parents hold an
(Android / Machine Learning)
( Page 11 ) openEmail:
opinion towards the games
[email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

rather than the spirit opium which is

commonly believed in the past. Our
main objective is to predict the
results of game called league of
legends using ML algorithm.

People find it more comfortable to

browse brief news applications than
News Update using Text summarization
50 TCMAAN398 lengthy news articles. This project
(Android / Artificial Intelligence)
aims to apply machine learning to
summarize news articles.

The main objective of the project to

Popularity Prediction of TV shows and Movies determine the most popular TV
51 TCMAAN397
(Android / Machine Learning) shows and movies in the social
media by using AI.

The main objective of the project to

Popularity Prediction of TV shows and Movies determine the most popular TV
52 TCMAAN396
(Android / Artificial Intelligence) shows and movies in the social
media by using AI.

People find it more comfortable to

browse brief news applications than
News Update using Text summarization
53 TCMAAN399 lengthy news articles. This project
(Android / Machine Learning)
aims to apply machine learning to
summarize news articles.

The primary goal of an SMS is to

increase efficiency, reduce costs,
and improve safety by providing a
comprehensive digital platform for
managing all aspects of shipyard
Shipyard Management System
54 TCMAFS36 operations. This can include
(Full Stack Projects / Python + React)
features such as project
management tools, resource
planning, inventory management,
scheduling, and documentation

The objective of using machine

learning and deep learning
algorithms for brain disease
Brain Diagnosis Disease by Using Machine
diagnosis is to improve the accuracy
55 TCMAPY874 Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms
and speed of identifying and
(Python / Deep Learning)
diagnosing brain diseases, such as
Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and
Multiple Sclerosis.

The main objective of the project is

Make My Shaddi to build an application for managing
(Full Stack Projects / Node.js + React) the activities that required in an

Easy Trade - shopping website The objective of this project is to

57 TCMAPY860
(Python / Web Applications) provide an e-Commerce platform for

( Page 12 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

buying and selling a project the

college premises.

The objective of stock price

forecasting using GANs (Generative
Stock Price Forecasting using GAN Adversarial Networks) is to generate
58 TCMAPY862
(Python / Deep Learning) predictions for future stock prices by
training the GAN on historical stock
market data.

The objective of this project is to

likely to find a method to identify and
An Approach to Discover Similar Musical
analyze similar patterns in music,
59 TCMAPY865 Pattern
potentially with the goal of
(Python / Machine Learning)
organizing and categorizing musical
pieces based on their similarities.

The main objective of the project is

Fake Product Identification Using Blockchain
to identify the fake product by taking
60 TCMAPY866 Technology- Using QR Code
QR code data using block chain
(Python / BlockChain)

The main aim of the project is to

Dog Breed Classification using Deep Learning
detect the breed of the dog using
61 TCMAPY836 Techniques
classification techniques in Deep
(Python / Deep Learning)

Enhancing the Accuracy in Predicting Infant The main aim of the project is to
62 TCMAPY837 Mortality using ML techniques detect the infant mortality rate using
(Python / Machine Learning) ML techniques.

The main aim of the project is to

Towards a Secure Electronic Health Record
determine the security in
63 TCMAPY804 System Using Blockchain Technology
transactions of the health care
(Python / BlockChain)
records using block chain.

The main aim of the project is to

Securing IoT Data in the Cloud with Blockchain determine the security in
64 TCMAPY805 Technology transactions of the data transferred
(Python / BlockChain) to Internet of things using block

The main aim of the project is to

Implementation and Analysis of Blockchain
determine the security in
Based DApp for Secure Sharing of Student's
65 TCMAPY806 transactions of the student data
using any educational apps using
(Python / BlockChain)
Block chain.

Fake Media Detection Based on Natural The main aim of the project is to
Language Processing and Blockchain determine the security in media
66 TCMAPY807
Approaches transactions using NLP and Block
(Python / BlockChain) Chain.

Protecting Data Privacy for Permissioned The main aim of the project is to
67 TCMAPY808 Blockchains using Identity-Based Encryption maintain the privacy in the
(Python / BlockChain) identity-based encryption

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective


The main aim of the project is to

A Study of Blockchain Technology in Farmer's
maintain the privacy in the
68 TCMAPY809 Portal
identity-based encryption
(Python / BlockChain)

BSSPD: A Blockchain-Based Security Sharing The main aim of the project is to

Scheme for Personal Data with Fine-Grained maintain the privacy in the
69 TCMAPY810
Access Control identity-based encryption
(Python / BlockChain) techniques.

A Privacy-Preserving Enforced Bill Collection The main aim of the project is to

70 TCMAPY811 System using Smart Contracts maintain the privacy tenders in the
(Python / BlockChain) contrast of bidding, bill details etc.

The main aim of the project is to

Trusted Blockchain-Based Traceability System maintain the privacy for the
71 TCMAPY812 for Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Products transaction of data related to
(Python / BlockChain) products like fruits, vegetables and
agriculture products

The main aim of the project is to

Instagram Fake and Automated Account
detect the fake accounts in
72 TCMAPY813 Detection
Instagram using machine learning
(Python / Machine Learning)

The main aim of the project is to

DoS and DDoS Attack Detection using Hybrid
detect the attacks like DOS and
73 TCMAPY814 Algorithms
DDOS attacks using hybrid
(Python / Machine Learning)
techniques in ML.

The main aim of the project is to

Detect Android Malware Using Multiple Linear
detect the genuity in the apps using
74 TCMAPY815 Regression Models-Based Classifiers
multiple linear regression
(Python / Machine Learning)
techniques in ML.

The main aim of the project is to

Classifying whether it is Criminal Case or Civil
classify whether it is a criminal case
75 TCMAPY816 Case
or civil case by that a lawyer can
(Python / Machine Learning)
segregate the data.

The main aim of the project is to

Hand Written Text and Convert it into Normal
transfer the text written with hand to
76 TCMAPY817 Editable Text
an editable text file for easy
(Python / Deep Learning)
accessing of the data.

The main aim of the project is to

Brain Stroke Detection using CT or MRI Scan detect the stroke in the brain by
77 TCMAPY818
(Python / Deep Learning) training the CT and MRI images
using deep learning techniques.

Real Time Identification of Medicinal Plants The main aim of the project is to
78 TCMAPY819 Using ML Techniques detect the type of medicinal plants
(Python / Deep Learning) using deep learning techniques.

79 TCMAPY820 Gold Price Prediction The main aim of the project is to

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

predict the gold price as per the

(Python / Machine Learning) data collected from the market using

PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) Detection The main aim of the project is to
80 TCMAPY821 Using Deep Learning detect PCOS disease using deep
(Python / Machine Learning) learning techniques.

The main aim of the project is to

Detecting Outliers from High Dimensional Data detect the new techniques for outlier
81 TCMAPY822 using Machine Learning detection which find the outliers by
(Python / Machine Learning) studying the behavior of projections
from the data set.

The main aim of the project is to

Proxy Re-Encryption for Secure Medical Data
provide privacy for medical data
82 TCMAPY824 Sharing in Clouds with aws Hosting
sharing using re-cryption scheme
(Python / Cloud Computing)
along with deployment in AWS.

A Deep Learning Facial Expression The main aim of the project is to

Recognition-Based Scoring System for detect the facial expressions and to
83 TCMAPY825
Restaurants rate the restaurants ambience and
(Python / Deep Learning) food taste.

The main aim of the project is to

Intelligent Vehicle Damage Assessment and
detect the damage happens to a
84 TCMAPY826 Cost Estimator Insurance
vehicle and estimation of cost based
(Python / Deep Learning)
on damage.

The main aim of the project is to

Feature Learning for Detection and Prediction detect the Parkinson disease for a
85 TCMAPY827 of Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease person based on numerical data
(Python / Machine Learning) obtained through different medical

The main aim of the project is to do

Online Vehicle Parking Reservation System
86 TCMAPY828 a web application for maintaining a
(Python / Web Applications)
parking reservation system.

The main aim of the project is to do

Farmers Machinery Rental System
87 TCMAPY829 a web application for maintaining
(Python / Web Applications)
the machinery by farmers.

The main aim of the project is to do

Hotel And Restaurant Management a web application for managing the
88 TCMAPY830
(Python / Web Applications) hotel and restaurant management

The main aim of the project is to

Image to Text to Speech
89 TCMAPY831 convert images into text and from
(Python / Web Applications)
text to speech.

Prediction of Sepsis Using Machine Learning The main aim of the project is to
90 TCMAPY832 Research Paper Implementation predict the sepsis using machine
(Python / Machine Learning) learning techniques.

91 TCMAPY833 Image Processing Using Radon Transformer The main aim of the project is to
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

process images using Radon

(Python / Machine Learning)

Face Detection and Tracking using Deep The main aim of the project is
92 TCMAPY835 Learning for Finding the Missing Person predicting missing person using face
(Python / Deep Learning) detection techniques.

The main objective of this project is

3D Skeletal Gesture Recognition via
to get the gesture from the videos
Discriminative Coding on Time-Warping
93 TCMAPY767 using discriminative coding time
Invariant Riemannian Trajectories
warping invariant Riemannian
(Python / Deep Learning)

A Cascade Broad Neural Network for Concrete The primary goal of this project is to
Structural Crack Damage Automated develop a process for detecting the
94 TCMAPY768
Classification cracks in the concrete structures
(Python / Deep Learning) using cascaded neural network.

A Comprehensive Survey of Databases and The primary goal of this project is to

Deep Learning Methods for Cybersecurity and determine the deep learning
95 TCMAPY769
Intrusion Detection Systems methods for detecting the security in
(Python / Deep Learning) Intrusion systems.

The primary goal of this project is to

A Computational Method for Learning Disease propose a novel computational
96 TCMAPY770
(Python / Deep Learning) method for learning disease
trajectories from EHR data.

The primary goal of this project is to

A Novel Semi-Supervised Learning Approach determine person re-identification
97 TCMAPY771 to Pedestrian Re-Identification using deep leaning techniques in
(Python / Deep Learning) which semi supervised learning will
be used.

The primary goal of this project is to

Black Box to Conversational Machine Learning
use iterative elimination and
Ondansetron Reduces Risk of
98 TCMAPY772 temporal control to identify
Hospital-Acquired Venous Thromboembolism
data-leaking covariates rather than
(Python / Deep Learning)
examining them manually.

The primary goal of this project is to

harness the power of deep learning
Deep Affinity Network for Multiple Object
for data association in tracking by
99 TCMAPY773 Tracking
jointly modeling object appearances
(Python / Deep Learning)
and their affinities between different
frames in an end-to-end fashion.

The main objective of this is to

provide a unified training and
GOT-10k A Large High-Diversity Benchmark
evaluation platform for the
100 TCMAPY774 for Generic Object Tracking in the Wild
development of class-agnostic,
(Python / Deep Learning)
generic purposed short-term

Imbalance Problems in Object Detection The primary goal of this project is to

101 TCMAPY775
(Python / Deep Learning) present a comprehensive review of

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

the imbalance problems in object


In this study, the learned descriptor

has a significantly higher
Learning Part-based Convolutional Features discriminative ability than the global
102 TCMAPY776 for Person Re-Identification descriptor. Second, based on PCB,
(Python / Deep Learning) we propose refined part pooling
(RPP), which allows the parts to be
more precisely located.

The main objective of the project is

to several cross-dataset domain
adaptation methods have been
proposed, which achieve high
Multi-Domain Adversarial Feature
performance without the labeled
103 TCMAPY777 Generalization for Person Re-Identification
data from the target domain.
(Python / Deep Learning)
However, these approaches still
require the unlabeled data of the
target domain during the training
process, making them impractical.

The main objective of the project is

to combine head pose estimation
Multi-Task Head Pose Estimation in-the-Wild
104 TCMAPY778 and landmark-based face alignment
(Python / Deep Learning)
significantly improve the
performance of the former task.

In this paper, we apply some

Novelty Detection and Online Learning for classification methods along with
105 TCMAPY779 Chunk Data Streams “machine learning algorithms” to
(Python / Deep Learning) identify how many SMS are spam or

The main objective of this Project is

Open Pose Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose
to present a real-time approach to
106 TCMAPY780 Estimation using Part Affinity Fields
detect the 2D pose of multiple
(Python / Deep Learning)
people in an image.

The proposed model is trained in an

Physics-Based Generative Adversarial Models end-to-end fashion and can be
107 TCMAPY781 for Image Restoration and Beyond applied to a variety of image
(Python / Deep Learning) restoration and low-level vision

The main objective of this Project is

Sensitive Nets Learning Agnostic to present privacy-preserving neural
Representations with Application to Face network feature representation to
108 TCMAPY782
Images suppress the sensitive information
(Python / Deep Learning) of a learned space while maintaining
the utility of the data.

A Bayes Risk Minimization Machine for

109 TCMAPY783 Example-Dependent Cost Classification
(Python / Machine Learning)

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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

The main objective of the project is

A Machine Learning Approach for Collusion
to provide a tool for independent
Detection in Electricity Markets Based on Nash
110 TCMAPY784 system operators to detect the
Equilibrium Theory
collusion and identify the colluding
(Python / Machine Learning)
firms by using day-ahead data.

The main objective of the project is

A Machine Learning Based Cyber Attack
to propose an accurate secured
Detection Model for Wireless Sensor Networks
111 TCMAPY785 framework to detect and stop data
in Microgrids
integrity attacks in wireless sensors
(Python / Machine Learning)
networks in micro grids.

Machine Learning Model for Computational

The main objective of the project is
Tracking and Forecasting the COVID-19
112 TCMAPY786 to forecast the COVID-19 data
Dynamic Propagation
(Python / Machine Learning)

In this project we are using

Subspace Learning Algorithm called
Bitcoin Price Prediction in Block Chain
113 TCMAPY787 Supervised Principal Coefficients
(Python / BlockChain)
Embedding (SPCE) to reduce high
dimension data into low dimension.

The main aim of the project is to

Blockchain Banking determine the security in the area of
114 TCMAPY788
(Python / BlockChain) banking transactions using block

The main aim of the project is to

Authentication of Product & Counterfeits determine the security in
115 TCMAPY789 Elimination Using Blockchain transactions of the product and
(Python / BlockChain) counterfeits elimination using block

The main aim of the project is to

A Review on Block Chain and Data Mining determine the security in
116 TCMAPY790 Based Data Security Methods transactions of the product and
(Python / BlockChain) counterfeits elimination using block

The main aim of the project is to

A Study on Block Chain Application in
determine the security in
117 TCMAPY791 Donation Platform
transactions of the donations using
(Python / BlockChain)
block chain.

The main aim of the project is to

Blockchain Based E-Commerce Online determine the security in
118 TCMAPY792 Application transactions of the purchases of
(Python / BlockChain) products on online platform using
block chain.

The main aim of the project is to

Blockchain and Machine Learning in Health
determine the security in
119 TCMAPY793 Care and Management
transactions of the health care using
(Python / BlockChain)
block chain.

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

The main aim of the project is to

Decentralized social media
120 TCMAPY794 determine the account, chats
(Python / BlockChain)
security in social media plat forms.

Educational Certificate Verification System The main aim of the project is to

121 TCMAPY795 Using Blockchain verify the certificates of any degree
(Python / BlockChain) using block chain.

Online Digital Cheque Clearance and The main aim of the project is to
122 TCMAPY796 Verification System using Block Chain verify the cheque and give
(Python / BlockChain) clearance using block chain.

The main aim of the project is to

resolve these issues through
proposing an effective
announcement network called
Credit Coin: A Privacy-Preserving
Credit Coin, a novel
Blockchain-Based Incentive Announcement
123 TCMAPY797 privacy-preserving incentive
Network for Communications of Smart Vehicles
announcement network based on
(Python / BlockChain)
Blockchain via an efficient
anonymous vehicular
announcement aggregation

The main aim of the project is to

Trusted Crowdfunding with Blockchain resolve these issues raised through
124 TCMAPY798 Technology funding a project or venture by
(Python / BlockChain) raising money from a large number
of people, typically via the internet.

The main aim of the project is to

A Block Chain Platform with Equipment ID for
resolve these issues raised through
125 TCMAPY799 Industrial Internet
equipment purchases to fulfill the
(Python / BlockChain)
industrial requirements.

The main aim of the project is to

E-Voting System Using Blockchain resolve these issues raised through
126 TCMAPY800
(Python / BlockChain) online voting systems using block

The main aim of the project is to

An Implementation of Blockchain Technology in
resolve these issues raised through
127 TCMAPY801 Forensic Evidence Management
forensic department while sending
(Python / BlockChain)
the confidential information.

Secure and Efficient Outsourced k-Means The main aim of the project is to do
Clustering using Fully Homomorphic k-means clustering technique and
128 TCMAPY802
Encryption with Ciphertext Packing Technique Homomorphic encryption for cipher
(Python / BlockChain) text.

The main aim of the project is to

Secured Health Using Machine Learning
determine the security in
129 TCMAPY803 Adoption in Blockchain
transactions of the health care using
(Python / BlockChain)
block chain.

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Website: TCMAPY868 Academic Conference Management SystemPhone:
www.takeoffprojects.com The objective
+91 of a Conference
9030333433, +91 8776681444
CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Management System is to
streamline and automate the
processes involved in planning,
organizing, and executing a
conference. This includes tasks
(Python / Web Applications)
such as call for papers, abstract
submissions, paper review,
schedule planning, registration,
payment processing, and many

The objective of enabling efficient,

secure, verifiable searchable
Enabling Efficient, Secure, Verifiable
symmetric encryption (SSE) is to
131 TCMAPY873 Searchable Symmetric Encrypt
provide a practical solution for
(Python / Cloud Computing)
protecting data while still allowing
for efficient searching and retrieval.

The objective of a tourist

management system is to provide a
platform for managing and
organizing tourist activities and
Tourist Management services in a specific location or
132 TCMAFS37
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React) destination. The system aims to
facilitate efficient communication
between tourists and service
providers and to enhance the overall
tourist experience.

The objective of a pizza delivery

Pizza Delivery system is to facilitate the ordering
133 TCMAFS33
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React) and delivery of pizzas from a
restaurant to customers.

The objective of a Campus

Inventory Management System is to
streamline and automate the
Campus Inventory Management System
134 TCMAPY856 process of managing and tracking
(Python / Web Applications)
the physical assets, equipment, and
supplies on a campus or
educational institution.

The objective of secure cloud

storage and sharing techniques for
data protection in cloud
Secure Cloud Storage and Sharing Techniques
environments is to ensure the
135 TCMAPY857 for Data Protection in Cloud Environments
confidentiality, integrity, and
(Python / Cloud Computing)
availability of data stored and
shared in cloud computing

The objective of a skill assessment

project is to evaluate and measure
Online Assignment
136 TCMAFS34 an individual's abilities, knowledge,
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React)
and competencies in a specific area
or skill set. This can be used to
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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

identify areas of strength and

weakness, set performance goals,
or make hiring and promotion

Live Chat – A Speech to Text Application

137 TCMAPY712
(Python / Web Applications)

A conference management system

Conference Management system
138 TCMAPY847 is a software platform that helps
(Python / Web Applications)
organizers manage their events.

The primary goal of this project is to

Fancy Number Generation
139 TCMAFS19 generate a fancy number
(Full Stack Projects / Node.js + React)
combinations for the number given.

Our tour booking operator system

offers tour & travel management
Tours and Travels System
140 TCMAFS20 software/system for corporate travel
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React)
management companies all over the

The proposed project is a smart

parking booking system that
Parking Slot Management System
141 TCMAFS21 provides institutes students an easy
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React)
way of reserving a parking space
online using web portal.

The main objective of the farm

Farm Management System management software is to help
142 TCMAFS22
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React) farmers plan, monitor and analyze
all activities on the farm easily.

Home service provider app is a

common platform where customers
and providers engage with each
Home Services Web application
143 TCMAFS27 other. Customers request for
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + HTML)
services to providers and providers
will give the service charges to the

A video content management

OTT Platform Management System system (CMS) is a tool that allows
144 TCMAFS29
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React) businesses to better organize, store,
and distribute video materials.

A hotel management system is a set

Hotel Management System
145 TCMAFS30 of hotel software solutions that keep
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React)
operations flowing.

The aim of this study was to

Go To Drowsy and Yawning Driver Alert construct a smart alert technique for
146 TCMAPY853 System building intelligent vehicles that can
(Python / Deep Learning) automatically avoid drowsy driver
using face recognition.

147 TCMAFS31 Electricity Billing Management The primary goal of this project is to
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

provide a billing system for

(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + HTML)
managing the electricity bills.

Enhancing the Accuracy in Predicting Infant The primary goal of this project is to
Mortality using Random Forest in comparison predict the infant mortality rate in
148 TCMAPY848
with Logistic Regression child birth using Machine Learning
(Python / Machine Learning) techniques.

The primary goal of this project is to

Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques
presents a comparative and
for Data Protection in Cloud Environments: A
systematic study, and in-depth
149 TCMAPY850 Systematic Review, Analysis, and Future
analysis of leading techniques for
secure sharing and protecting the
(Python / Cloud Computing)
data in the cloud environment.

The main objective of the project is

Travel Management System to manage a trip that someone need
150 TCMAFS23
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React) to travel, best hotel facilities, places
to visit etc.

The main objective of the project is

Online Retail Management System to provide a retail management
151 TCMAFS24
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React) system for ordering and selling the

A blogging platform is a software or

service that allows you to create,
Blog Application using MERN stack manage, and publish content on the
152 TCMAFS26
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React) internet in the form of a blog. In this
project we will post, get the data for
the blog.

Data Security and Privacy Protection for Cloud Identity based encryption
153 TCMAJA672 Storage: A Survey techniques is used here for the data
(Java / Cloud Computing) security.

The primary goal of this project is to

Devanagari Character Recognition
154 TCMAPY844 presents an efficient Devanagari
(Python / Deep Learning)
character classification model.

Government Construction Project Budget The primary goal of this project is to

155 TCMAPY845 Prediction Using Machine Learning predict over-budget construction
(Python / Machine Learning) projects using an ML algorithm.

The primary goal of this project is to

propose a deep learning model
Ophthalmic Disease Detection Using Deep
combined with a novel mixture loss
156 TCMAPY843 Learning
function to automatically detect eye
(Python / Deep Learning)
diseases, through the analysis of
retinal fundus color images

This article aims to investigate and

A Systematic Review of Predicting Elections
summarize how research on
Based on Social Media Data: Research
157 TCMAPY838 predicting elections based on the
Challenges and Future Directions
SM data has evolved since its
(Python / Machine Learning)
beginning, to outline the state of

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

both the art and the practice, and to

identify research opportunities within
this field.

Supervised machine learning (ML)

Support Vector Machine Based Prediction of is used in this article to create a
Work-Life Balance Among Women in prediction model for the degree of
158 TCMAPY839
Information Technology Organizations work-life balance (on a scale of 1–5)
(Python / Machine Learning) of information technology (IT)
women professionals.

The primary goal of this project is to

File De Duplication
159 TCMAPY841 find the duplicate data that is
(Python / Cloud Computing)
entered into the database.

The primary goal of this project is to

Detection of Chronic Kidney Disease Using
classify the type of kidney disease
160 TCMAPY842 Deep Learning
that is detected using deep learning
(Python / Deep Learning)

The Hourly Rented Bicycle is easy

to find the rented bicycle for the rent
stations. The user will get the rented
Hourly Rented Bicycle App bicycle through rent stations from
161 TCMAAN395
(Android / Android Application) this application. The application will
give the information for the user
where bicycles are ready to give for
the rent.

This is android based application

were the milk vendor can add his
customer to login for counting milk
packets whether it is for days or
Milk Vendor app months. In this app the milk vendor
162 TCMAAN394
(Android / Android Application) can raise the bill for monthly or daily
to get easy payment through the
payment systems and he can add
the count of milk packets while in
the business time.

Our main objective of the project is

Pregnancy monitoring system using mobile to monitor the pregnancy and data
163 TCMAAN393 application can be recorded for reference
(Android / Android Application) purpose. Scheduling medicine in
take by time to time.

Many people who own cars but are

unable to drive like hiring a driver for
long trips. The majority of people
Driver Hiring and Location Tracking
164 TCMAAN392 would like to feel more comfortable
(Android / Android Application)
during their trip, and this is only
possible if the driver is respected
and competent.

News Article Management System The main objective of the project is

165 TCMAFS02
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + Angular) to do a news article management

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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

system based on articles published

The main objective of the project is

Leave Management System With Chatbot to do an web application using
166 TCMAFS01
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React) React for creating a chatbot for
applying the leave.

The main objective of the project is

5-in-1 - Mini Racing Games
167 TCMAGP01 to construct five racing games in
(Gaming Projects / C++)
one using c++.

The main objective of the project is

Connect 4 Game
168 TCMAGP02 to construct a game for connecting
(Gaming Projects / Python)
dots using python

Certficateless Elliptic Curve Aggregate Elliptic curve algorithm is

169 TCPGPY407 Signcryption Scheme implemented here for the secure
(Python / Cloud Computing) data sharing

Data Security and Privacy Protection for Cloud Identity based encryption
170 TCPGPY408 Storage: A Survey techniques is used here for the data
(Python / Cloud Computing) security.

DSAS: A Secure Data Sharing and Authorized

Here the different data security
Searchable Framework for e-Healthcare
171 TCPGPY409 techniques are used for the data
protection in the cloud environment.
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Efficient Identity-Based Public Integrity Auditing The main objective of the project is
of Shared Data in Cloud Storage With User to audit the shared data in cloud
172 TCPGPY410
Privacy Preserving storage using privacy preserving
(Python / Cloud Computing) process.

The main objective of the project is

ESVSSE: Enabling Efficient, Secure, Verifiable
to enable, secure and verify the
173 TCPGPY411 Searchable Symmetric Encryption
encryption process using symmetric
(Python / Cloud Computing)

The aim of this process is to solve

the problems of inefficiency, key
Forward Secure Public Key Encryption with
abuse and inflexibility of access
174 TCPGPY412 Keyword Search for Outsourced Cloud Storage
control policy for data privacy
(Python / Cloud Computing)
protection and sharing based on
block chain.

PKE-MET: Public-Key Encryption with

The main object of the project is to
Multi-Cipher text Equality Test in Cloud
175 TCPGPY413 provide public key, multi-Cipher text
quality in cloud computing.
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Publicly Verifiable and Efficient Fine-Grained The main objective of the project is
176 TCPGPY414 Data Deletion Scheme in Cloud Computing to propose a data deletion scheme
(Python / Cloud Computing) using publicly verifiable scheme.

Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques The primary goal of this project is to
177 TCPGPY415 for Data Protection in Cloud Environments: A presents a comparative and
Systematic Review, Analysis, and Future systematic study, and in-depth
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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

analysis of leading techniques for

secure sharing and protecting the
(Python / Cloud Computing)
data in the cloud environment.

Trapdoor Privacy in Public Key Encryption with The main objective of the project is
178 TCPGPY416 Keyword Search: A Review to provide trapdoor privacy in public
(Python / Cloud Computing) key encryption scheme.

SE-ENC A Secure and Efficient Encoding The main objective of the project is
179 TCPGPY417 Scheme Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography to encode the files using Elliptical
(Python / Cloud Computing) Curve Cryptography technique.

A Modified Hierarchical Attribute-Based

The main objective of the project is
Encryption Access Control Method for Mobile
180 TCPGPY418 to create a multi cipher text for
Cloud Computing.
authorized use.
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Division and Replication of Data in Cloud for The main objective of the project is
181 TCPGPY419 Optimal Performance and Security. to create division and replication of
(Python / Cloud Computing) data to optimize the performance.

In this work, and using the same

Investigating the Effect of Traffic Sampling on
attributes, we attempt to predict the
Machine Learning-Based Network Intrusion
182 TCMAPY616 intrusion that occurs in the network
Detection Approaches
by depending on the machine
(Python / Machine Learning)
learning techniques.

In this project, we are proposing the

Group Key Management Protocol
for file sharing on cloud storage
Group Key Management Protocol for File (GKMP). This helps in achieving the
183 TCMAPY751 Sharing on Cloud Storage authentication scheme which is
(Python / Cloud Computing) used to prevent the shared files
from being attacked by a
combination of cloud providers and
group members.

Division and Replication of Data in Cloud for The main objective of the project is
184 TCMAPY754 Optimal Performance and Security. to create division and replication of
(Python / Cloud Computing) data to optimize the performance.

Data Security and Privacy Protection for Cloud Identity based encryption
185 TCMAPY756 Storage: A Survey techniques is used here for the data
(Python / Cloud Computing) security.

The main objective of the project is

ESVSSE: Enabling Efficient, Secure, Verifiable
to enable, secure and verify the
186 TCMAPY759 Searchable Symmetric Encryption
encryption process using symmetric
(Python / Cloud Computing)

The aim of this process is to solve

the problems of inefficiency, key
Forward Secure Public Key Encryption with
abuse and inflexibility of access
187 TCMAPY760 Keyword Search for Outsourced Cloud Storage
control policy for data privacy
(Python / Cloud Computing)
protection and sharing based on
block chain.

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

The primary goal of this project is to

Secure Data Storage and Sharing Techniques
presents a comparative and
for Data Protection in Cloud Environments: A
systematic study, and in-depth
188 TCMAPY763 Systematic Review, Analysis, and Future
analysis of leading techniques for
secure sharing and protecting the
(Python / Cloud Computing)
data in the cloud environment.

SE-ENC A Secure and Efficient Encoding The main objective of the project is
189 TCMAPY765 Scheme Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography to encode the files using Elliptical
(Python / Cloud Computing) Curve Cryptography technique.

In order to incorporate the

A Bayesian Approach in Machine Learning for geological trend into the
Lithofacies Classification and Its Uncertainty classification process, a Bayesian
190 TCMAPY737
Analysis approach has been designed in this
(Python / Machine Learning) letter, in which the Markov transition
matrix is added.

A covert channel is a path through

which secret messages can be
leaked by violating a system
Covert Channel Detection: Machine Learning
security policy. The paper concludes
191 TCMAPY735 Approaches
that our information is still at risk,
(Python / Machine Learning)
nothing is said to be secured and
more work on the detection of covert
channels is required.

The main objective of the project is

E- Crime Management System to provide an web application using
192 TCMAPY680
(Python / Web Applications) python for managing the crime

The main objective of the project is

Agricultural Product Ordering to do a web application for ordering
193 TCMAPY679
(Python / Web Applications) the agricultural products to provide a
better way to farmer.

The main objective of the project is

to do an web application for
Housing Society Management System
194 TCMAPY682 managing the tasks that happened
(Python / Web Applications)
in a housing society using Django
frame work.

The main objective of the project is

Rasa College Chatbot
195 TCMAPY683 to do a chatbot to obtain details
(Python / Web Applications)
about a particular college.

The main objective of the project is

NBA and NAAC Management system to do a management system to
196 TCMAPY684
(Python / Web Applications) maintain the data for NBA and
NAAC systems.

The main objective of the project is

Amazon Clone Website
197 TCMAPY685 to provide a clone for amazon
(Python / Web Applications)
website using python.

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The main objective of the project is

to provide an application which
Conglomerate Authentication System
198 TCMAPY686 provides authentication for our data
(Python / Web Applications)
by using face, color, image and with

Instagram Clone Website The main objective of the project is

199 TCMAPY687
(Python / Web Applications) to provide a clone for Instagram.

The main objective of the project is

A Web Application for Speech to Text
to do an application for converting
200 TCMAPY688 Classification
speech to text using deep learning
(Python / Deep Learning)

The main objective of the project is

Document Verification System
201 TCMAPY689 to verify the documentation that are
(Python / Web Applications)
prepared by users.

The main objective of the project is

Automatic IP Blocking Cybersecurity to provide a security for the
202 TCMAPY690
(Python / Web Applications) passwords from attackers or from

The main objective of the project is

Recognition of Attentiveness of Kids Using
to do an web application for finding
203 TCMAPY691 Various Learning Activities
the kids activities and their
(Python / Web Applications)
attentiveness towards activities.

The main objective of the project is

Online Student Registration System to provide an application for
204 TCMAPY692
(Python / Web Applications) registering the students for online

The main objective of the project is

ALUMNI Management System to do a web application to maintain
205 TCMAPY693
(Python / Web Applications) a better communication between
students and faculty members.

The main objective of the project is

College Management System
206 TCMAPY694 to do an application for activities that
(Python / Web Applications)
happened in the college.

The main objective of the project is

to do an application for the
Community Management System management of a common resource
207 TCMAPY695
(Python / Web Applications) or issue by a community through the
collective action of volunteers and

The main objective of the project is

Online Crime File Management System to filling an online complaint against
208 TCMAPY696
(Python / Web Applications) any crime in case of victim or
witnessed by the user.

The primary objective of

E-COMMERCE Application
209 TCMAPY697 e-commerce is to reach maximum
(Python / Web Applications)
customers at the right time to
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increase sales and profitability of the


The main objective of the project is

Handmade Craft Online Products to do an web application for the
210 TCMAPY698
(Python / Web Applications) purpose of buying and selling the
hand made crafts.

The main objective of the project is

to monitoring, optimizing, and
Home Appliances Management system automating the appliance usage in a
211 TCMAPY699
(Python / Web Applications) house and establishing a two-way
communication between users and

The main objective of the project is

Hostel Seat Booking System to book a hostel seat using an
212 TCMAPY700
(Python / Web Applications) application which suits for all kind of

The main objective of the system is

Graphical Password Authentication to combine graphical and text-based
213 TCMAPY701
(Python / Web Applications) passwords trying to achieve the best
of both worlds.

The main objective of the project is

Rasa Tourism Chatbot
214 TCMAPY702 to provide a chatbot for tourism
(Python / Web Applications)
related queries using RASA module.

The main objective of the project is

Online Counselling System provide an web application for
215 TCMAPY703
(Python / Web Applications) online counselling management

The main objective of the project is

to provide a web based system
which collects the feedback from
Online Feedback Management
216 TCMAPY704 every individual student and
(Python / Web Applications)
provides an automatic generation of
a collective feedback which has
been given by the students.

The main objective of the project is

Online Food Ordering and Recommendation
to provide an web application for
217 TCMAPY705 System
recommending and ordering food
(Python / Web Applications)
based on our interest.

The main objective of the project is

Online Job Mapper
218 TCMAPY706 to do an web application for
(Python / Web Applications)
providing details to a job seeker.

The main objective of the project is

Smart Mess Management System to provide an web application for
219 TCMAPY707
(Python / Web Applications) providing access to authorized
persons only.

220 TCMAPY708 Smart Electricity Management The main objective of the project is
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to maintain electricity bills by using a

(Python / Web Applications)
web application.

Project Tracking System

221 TCMAPY709
(Python / Web Applications)

The main objective of the project is

to do a management system for
Online Super Market Management System
222 TCMAPY710 transactions in supermarket through
(Python / Web Applications)
online for providing a better platform
for users.

In this work, and using the same

Precision Clinical Medicine Through Machine attributes, we attempt to predict the
Learning: Using High and Low Quantile power related values like leakage
223 TCMAPY617 Ranges of Vital Signs for Risk Stratification of etc., using several machine learning
ICU Patients algorithms to assess design
(Python / Machine Learning) alternatives and their energy and
area tradeoffs.

The main objective of this to classify

Unknow Classs Classification using Deep
the known (fruit) and the unknown
224 TCMAPY618 Learning Technique
classes which are different from the
(Python / Machine Learning)
known one deep learning.

We provide a method for detecting

Recognition of Sitting Posture Using Deep
body sitting posture in OpenCV
225 TCMAPY621 Learning and OpenCV
using Open Pose CNN technology
(Python / Deep Learning)
in this study.

In proposed method we are

performing the classification of
Extraction of Ayurveda Herbs and Benefit either the using AYURVEDA
226 TCMAPY622 Using Deep Learning Algorithms HERBS & BENEFITS images using
(Python / Deep Learning) Convolution Neural Network (CNN)
of deep learning along with the
Transfer learning methods.

In proposed method we are

Novel Algorithm for Medical Image
performing the Retinal vessels
227 TCMAPY623 Segmentation
image segmentation using the
(Python / Machine Learning)
modified architecture of UNet++.

Performance Analysis of Intrusion Detection The main objective of the project is

Systems Using a Feature Selection Method on to detect the intrusion using
228 TCMAPY624
the UNSW NB15 Dataset UNSW-NB15 dataset and machine
(Python / Machine Learning) learning techniques.

The main objective of the project is

Stock Price Prediction Using LSTM & GRU to predict the stock price using
229 TCMAPY625
(Python / Deep Learning) LSTM and GRU Machine Learning

Quick Analysis of Cereals Oil Seeds and The main objective of this to classify
230 TCMAPY626 Pulses Using AI the cereals, pulses and oil seeds
(Python / Deep Learning) using transfer learning of

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Convolution Neural Network (CNN)

of deep learning.

In this study we are implementing

Detection of Smart Selfie using Deep Learning
231 TCMAPY627 the application of smart selfie of a
(Python / Deep Learning)
person using the open CV library

The main objective of this project is

Fabric Defect Detection using Deep Learning
232 TCMAPY628 to detect the defects from the fabric
(Python / Deep Learning)
using deep learning

In this work, the task of dish

A Dish Recognition Framework Using Transfer recognition is implemented. A novel
233 TCMAPY629 Learning dish recognition method based on
(Python / Deep Learning) Efficient Net architecture and
transfer learning is proposed.

A Novel Time-Aware Food

This study aims to develop a new
Recommender-System Based on Deep
234 TCMAPY630 hybrid food recommender-system
Learning and Graph Clustering.
using deep learning.
(Python / Deep Learning)

In proposed method we are

performing the segmentation of the
Brain Tumor Segmentation u-net 3+ brain tumor image segmentation
235 TCMAPY635
(Python / Deep Learning) using basic image segmentation
and exaction algorithm using brain
U-Net 3+.

The main objective of the project is

Vitamin Deficiency Detection Using Image
to detect the deficiency in the
236 TCMAPY636 Processing and Neural Network.
organs of the human bod by
(Python / Deep Learning)
considering the texture.

Bone Deformity Identification Using Machine The main objective of the project is
237 TCMAPY637 Learning to identify the severity percentage in
(Python / Deep Learning) bone fracture.

A Survey on Deep Learning and Explain ability The main objective of the project is
for Automatic Report Generation from Medical to predict the disease in the organs
238 TCMAPY638
Images and to generate the bill as per the
(Python / Deep Learning) disease

As images acquired in a real-time

Histogram Equalization Technique for Image
context may not always be clear
Quality Enhancement for Wheat Rust Diseased
239 TCMAPY639 enough to detect the disease in the
crop, a histogram equalization
(Python / Machine Learning)
technique is used to enhance it.

The specific aims of this study are

to explore the characteristic of
A Study on Deep Learning based
people involved in cyber bullying
Cyber-bullying Detection Framework for Online
240 TCMAPY640 and to clarify the measurements
Social Networks
instruments will lead to consistent
(Python / Deep Learning)
evidence-based evaluation of cyber
bullying on social media. Here we

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have taken the hate speech like

aggressive, rude or offensive text to
classify using machine learning.

The key objective is to display

diverse pattern which are negatively
or positively connected to
Sentiment Analysis for Demonetization in India
demonetization which happened on
241 TCMAPY641 from Twitter Database
November 8th 2016 and whether
(Python / Machine Learning)
the general population are accepting
demonetization as a positive stride
or negative.

Sentiment analysis plays an

important role in every business
basically for e commerce. To
Regional Language Sentiment Analysis using
understand the sentiment of the
242 TCMAPY642 Machine Learning
public review we have trained the
(Python / Machine Learning)
model with Telugu language and we
can extend this to more language in

The main objective of the project is

Delivery Tracking System Using Block Chain.
243 TCMAPY643 to provide the security for data in the
(Python / BlockChain)
delivery tracking system.

Privacy-Preserving Searchable Encryption The main objective of the project is

Scheme Based on Public and Private to encrypt the files both publicly and
244 TCMAPY644
Blockchains privately using Block chain
(Python / BlockChain) technique.

Disease Detection in Cotton Plants Using Deep The main objective of the project is
245 TCMAPY645 Learning. to predict the disease in the cotton
(Python / Deep Learning) plants using deep Learning disease.

The primary goal of this project is to

determine whether the Credit Card
Credit Card Score Prediction Using Machine Score is Loan status is non default
246 TCMAPY646 Learning or Loan status is default know this
(Python / Machine Learning) we used Artificial Neural Network
(ANN), Decision tree, Random
Forest classification techniques.

Cyber Threat Predictive Analytics for Improving The main objective of this project is
247 TCMAPY647 Cyber Supply Chain Security to provide recommended relevant
(Python / Machine Learning) controls to tackle cyber threats.

The primary goal of this project is to

determine whether to know the PPG
level of patient. To know this we
Machine Learning Methods for Real-Time
used the machine learning based
Blood Pressure Measurement Based on
248 TCMAPY648 methods such as Random Forest
Regressor, Decision Tree
(Python / Machine Learning)
Regressor, Bagging Regressor,
XGBoost, Gradient Boosting
Regressor CatBoost Regressor K
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Neighbors Regressor, SVR and

Extra Tree Regressor classification
techniques to figure out.

The main goal of this project is

predicting the suicide attempts by
analyzing the data. The dataset
Machine Learning Based Suicide Ideation
from kaggle and performing
249 TCMAPY649 Prediction for Military Personnel
Machine Learning models like
(Python / Machine Learning)
Logistic Regression, Random
Forest, Naive Bayes models are
used for better accuracy.

The main objective of this project is

Obesity Prediction Using Machine Learning to predict if the person is having
250 TCMAPY651 Techinque obesity or not by giving parameters
(Python / Machine Learning) with the help of Machine Learning

The primary goal of this project is to

determine whether the Match
The Application of Machine Learning
Results in Team Sport to predict
Techniques for Predicting Match Results in
251 TCMAPY652 whether the result is Gold, Silver are
Team Sport
Bronze know this we used Random
(Python / Machine Learning)
Forest, SVC, XGBoost and
AdaBoost classification techniques.

The main objective of this project is

to compare the performance of the
Analyzing The Death Ratio of Covid Patients models (accuracies) like Multiple
Using Multiple Logistic Regression in logistic regression, linear
252 TCMAPY653 Comparison with Linear Regression for regression, Bayesian regression,
Improving Accuracy Lasso regression and proposes that
(Python / Machine Learning) our Multiple Logistic Regression
models outperforms all the other
models in terms of accuracies.

To build a machine learning model

that can predict if a person will
default on the loan based on the
loan and personal information
Loan Default Forecasting Using Machine provided. The model is intended to
253 TCMAPY655 Learning be used as a reference tool for the
(Python / Machine Learning) client and his financial institution to
help make decisions on issuing
loans, so that the risk can be
lowered, and the profit can be

Software Defect Prediction Using Machine The main objective of the project is
254 TCMAPY656 Learning Techniques to predict the defect in the softwares
(Python / Machine Learning) using machine learning techniques.

A Comparative Study on Fake Job Post The main objective of the project is
255 TCMAPY657 Prediction Using Different Data Mining to predict the fakes in job postings
Techniques using machine learning algorithms.

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(Python / Machine Learning)

The main objective of the project is

Cyber Hacking Breaches Prediction Using
to predict the probability of hack in
256 TCMAPY658 Machine Learning
networks using machine learning
(Python / Machine Learning)

The primary goal of this project is to

determine whether to know the fire
will occur or not given weather
features like oxygen, temperature
Prediction of Occurrence of Fires In Forest and humidity. To know this we used
257 TCMAPY659 Using Machine Learning the machine learning based
(Python / Machine Learning) methods such as Random Forest
Classifier, Decision Tree Classifier
and other classification techniques
to figure out whether the fire will
occur or not.

The primary goal of this project is to

determine the thyroid disease class
whether the disease belongs to
Thyroid Disease Classification Using Machine negative, hypothyroid, goitre,
258 TCMAPY660 Learning Algorithm T3-Toxic or secondary toxic and to
(Python / Machine Learning) know this we have used the
Decision Tree, ADABoosting,
XGBoost, and Support Vector
Machines classification techniques.

The primary goal of this project is to

Transliterate Regional Language Text into
translate the regional language text
English or Hindi Using Machine Learning
259 TCMAPY661 into the English or Hindi language
text using machine learning
(Python / Machine Learning)

This paper focuses majorly on the

design of the web application which
Resume Scanner
260 TCMAPY662 will be used to screen resumes
(Python / Machine Learning)
(Curriculum Vitae) for a particular
job posting.

Encryption and decryption are

critical security measures that are
designed to ensure that
Hybrid Encryption Technique using Cyclic Bit communication is received and
261 TCMAPY663 Shift and RC4 processed correctly. The main of the
(Python / Machine Learning) project is to propose permutation
technique- cyclic bit shift, and the
proposed stream technique is RC4
for maintaining better security.

The main objective of the project is

Analysis of Suicidal Thoughts in Tweets Using
to predict the suicidal thoughts using
262 TCMAPY664 Machine Learning
the tweets using machine learning
(Python / Machine Learning)

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The main objective of the project is

Extraction of Text from Cheque Using ML and
to extract the data from the cheque
using optical character recognition
(Python / Machine Learning)
and ml techniques.

The main objective of the project is

to identify the Scoliosis in spinal
cord by analyzing an image.
Early Stage Detection of Scoliosis Using
Although Scoliosis classification can
264 TCMAPY666 Machine Learning Algorithm
be done manually by domain
(Python / Machine Learning)
experts, with growing amounts of
data, this rapidly becomes a tedious
and time-consuming process.

The primary goal of this project is to

determine the student’s
Student Performance Analysis Using Machine performance class whether the
265 TCMAPY667 Learning Algorithm student’s performance is high or low
(Python / Machine Learning) and to know this we have used the
Decision Tree, Random forest,
XGBoost, classification techniques.

The primary goal of this project is to

determine the foodborne disease
Machine Learning Prediction of Foodborne
whether there is disease or not and
Disease Pathogens: Algorithm Development
266 TCMAPY668 to know this we have used Random
and Validation Study
Forest, Decision tree, Gradient
(Python / Machine Learning)
Boosting and AdaBoost Classifiers
to classify.

Animal Breed Classification Using Deep The main objective of this project is
267 TCMAPY670 Learning to classify the breed of the animal
(Python / Deep Learning) using deep learning techniques.

The aim of this paper is to present

the findings of a systematic
Detection of Knee Orthopedic X-ray Images
literature review of knee (doubtful,
268 TCMAPY671 using Deep Learning
healthy, minimal, moderate and
(Python / Deep Learning)
severe) injury detection papers
using deep learning.

The main objective of the project is

Automatic Music Recommendation Algorithm to recommend based on the
269 TCMAPY673 Based on Facial Micro-Expression Recognition expression that is detected from the
(Python / Deep Learning) human face using OpenCV

Tamil Characters Recognition Using Deep The main objective of the project is
270 TCMAPY674 Learning to classify the Tamil characters
(Python / Deep Learning) using deep learning methods.

The main objective of the project is

Criminal Detection through Facial Recognition to detect the face of the criminals by
271 TCMAPY675 Using Deep Learning comparing with the database and
(Python / Deep Learning) also to send an SMS to the
Volunteer on need basis by clicking

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

on emergency button.

The primary purpose of this study is

to improve feature extraction
Fabric and Colour Detection using Deep
performance by fine-tuning the auto
272 TCMAPY676 Learning
encoder's input value and hyper
(Python / Deep Learning)
parameters for fabric color

Real Time Face Recognition for Library Check The main objective of the project is
273 TCMAPY677 in Check out System to detect the face and to maintain
(Python / Deep Learning) library check in check out database.

The major goal of this project is to

made up simple and easy
Charity System Based Using Blockchain
274 TCMAPY678 identification of transactions
(Python / BlockChain)
between charity and users through

The primary goal of this project is to

determine the hate speech whether
Identification of Hate Speech using Natural the speech is hate speech or no
275 TCMAPY597 Language Processing and Machine Learning hate speech and to know this we
(Python / Machine Learning) have used the Natural Language
Processing (NLP) and Logistic
Regression to classify.

The primary goal of this project is to

determine the app success whether
Personality Prediction using MBTI (Machine the app is popular or not and to
276 TCMAPY599 Learning) know this we have used the Support
(Python / Machine Learning) Vector, Decision Tree, Random
Forest, XgBoost and catboost
classifier classification techniques.

The primary goal of this project is to

determine the sentiment of the drug
Drug recommendation system using sentiment based on its reviews, whether the
analysis of drug reviews using machine medicine has positive or negative
277 TCMAPY601
learning algorithm sentiment and to know this we have
(Python / Machine Learning) used the Logistic Regression,
Decision Tree classifier classification

The main objective of this

Geographical Information System (GIS) implementation is to fetch the details
278 TCMAPY602
(Python / Machine Learning) of the geographical information by
entering the location name.

In this study, we developed a text

Automatic Text Summarization And Keyword summarization system aimed at
279 TCMAPY604 Extraction Using Natural Language Processing enhancing productivity and reducing
(Python / Machine Learning) errors in the traditional data
extraction process.

( 280
Page 35 )TCMAPY605 Spam Message Classification using Machine Email:
In this [email protected]
paper, we apply some

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

classification methods along with

“machine learning algorithms” to
identify how many SMS are spam or
Learning Algorithm
not. For that reason, we compared
(Python / Machine Learning)
different classified methods on
dataset collection on which work
done by using the Weka tool.

The primary goal of this project is to

determine the accident severity rate
whether the severity rate is slight,
Accident Severity Detection Using Machine
serious or fatal and to know this we
281 TCMAPY607 Learning Algorithms
have used Random Forest, Logistic
(Python / Machine Learning)
Regression, XgBoost, and Support
Vector Machines classification

Integrating Machine Learning Algorithms With This method is proposed to detect

Quantum Annealing Solvers for Online Fraud the fraud detection in the online
282 TCMAPY609
Detection transactions using the machine
(Python / Machine Learning) learning algorithms.

In this study, the Hierarchical Risk

Parity and unsupervised machine
Machine Learning-Based Analysis of Crypto
learning applied on the crypto
283 TCMAPY610 currency Market Financial Risk Management
currency framework to analyze the
(Python / Machine Learning)
risk management in cryptography
finance market

Transformer Fault Diagnosis Based on This study proposes a transformer

284 TCMAPY611 Multi-Class AdaBoost Algorithm fault diagnosis method based on
(Python / Machine Learning) Multi-class AdaBoost Algorithm.

This presents a model using a fused

machine learning approach for
Prediction of Diabetes Empowered With Fused diabetes prediction. The conceptual
285 TCMAPY612 Machine Learning framework consists of two types of
(Python / Machine Learning) models: Support Vector Machine
(SVM) and Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) models.

The main objective of this

A Performance Comparison of Machine
implementation is to analyze the
Learning Algorithms for Load Forecasting in
286 TCMAPY613 different machine learning
Smart Grid
algorithms that are used to forecast
(Python / Machine Learning)
the load of electricity

This paper presents a comparison

Anomaly Detection in Self-Organizing
of conventional and modern
Networks: Conventional Versus Contemporary
287 TCMAPY614 machine learning within the
Machine Learning
framework of anomaly detection in
(Python / Machine Learning)
self-organizing networks.

Smart Mobile Application for Water Supply The main problem lies in very basic
288 TCMAAN391 Management in Urban Cities need of such a population, which is
( Page 36 ) (Android / Android Application) the water.
Email:Water acts as a life
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

source which is not easily available

as well as which is in need
especially in urban areas It faces
the water scarcity problem for last
few decades due to inadequate rain
and heavy population.

In public distribution system one of

the main problems with this system
is the inefficiency in the targeting of
beneficiaries and the resulting
Virtual Queuing System for Ration and Ration leakage of subsidies. The Planning
289 TCMAAN390 Card Distribution Using an Android App Commission say on the PDS system
(Android / Android Application) in its 2005 report. Many systemic
challenges that plague the PDS
system today is “For every Rs.4
spent on the PDS, only Rs.1
reaches the poor”

The main objective of this project is

Vehicle valuation App to evaluate the vehicle cost based
290 TCMAAN389
(Android / Android Application) on the different attributes called
manufacture year, model.

The main objective of this project is

to add mobility and automation to
the process of managing Student
information in an institute. In a
Study Smart
291 TCMAAN388 real-world environment, such as a
(Android / Android Application)
college campus, information is
disseminated to students in the form
of notices, handwritten manuals,
and vocal messages.

In a collage there are many blocks

and respective to class rooms also.
For new Student and their parents it
Route Quest
292 TCMAAN387 is difficult to find the class rooms in
(Android / Android Application)
a collage. There is a need to plan &
optimize routes to avoid confusion
and to minimize the time.

As in remote areas, patients cannot

have frequent access to the
Personalized healthcare system for diabetic hospitals and this app will serve to
293 TCMAAN386 patients eradicate this challenge. The app is
(Android / Android Application) efficient and reliable as the
monitoring of a patient is done at
any ware.

The purpose of this study was to

develop an organ management
Organ Sharing information system to assist in the
294 TCMAAN385
(Android / Android Application) management of organ donor
records and control the distribution
of organ in various parts of the

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country basing on the o demands.

You will be creating an android

application which helps to take
notes at any time and helps to
Notes and Password Manager generate a very strong password for
295 TCMAAN384
(Android / Android Application) the security of your account and
makes them available whenever you
need. It's going to have two major
functionalities at the same time.

College student is an Android

Application which provides a
Mobile Based Collage and Student
common, easy to use platform for
296 TCMAAN383 Communication
college students to develop a better
(Android / Android Application)
interaction with fellow students,
faculty and administration.

Smart learning is defined as an

effective, efficient, and engaging
learning process using information
technology to improve the quality of
Learn 4 Growth
297 TCMAAN382 learning which includes motivation,
(Android / Android Application)
involvement or engagement, and
performance. To build a smart
learning platform, a conceptual
framework is needed.

Automobiles need maintenance

from time to time. Like humans are
required to maintain hygiene,
similarly automobiles also need to
Implementation of an android mobile location
be kept clean. Automobiles have to
based service application for general auto
298 TCMAAN381 run on dirty roads and in a polluted
repair shops
environment. Here I am identifying
(Android / Android Application)
the problems are facing in the Auto
Garage (Mechanic shop) by the
garage owners and workers and as
well as customers also.

The project “Grin Depot” is

developed to help certain dental
Grin Depot clinics to provide their patients an
299 TCMAAN380
(Android / Android Application) online platform to schedule and
book an appointment with the
respective dentists.

The project provides most of the

functionality required for an event
type e.g. [Marriage, Dance Show
Android App for Event Planners
300 TCMAAN379 Birthday party, College Festival,
(Android / Android Application)
etc.], the app allows the user to
select date and time of event, place
and the event equipment.

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management planning for

economically profitable and
ecologically sustainable crop
production. Indiscriminate use of
fertilizers based on their blanket
recommendations or without
knowing the native availability of
plant nutrients in soil is of little
importance in modern agriculture
(Android / Android Application) which not only aims at improving
crop productivity but also at
maintaining the fertility status of soil
for sustained crop production.
Further, reliability of the ‘soil test
based nutrient recommendations’
depends largely on precision of soil
testing, which necessitates proper
understanding and knowledge of

Farming Machinery App is a

specialized online marketplace for
farm equipment: tractors, combines,
reapers, and much more, as well as
forestry equipment and spare parts.
Farming Machinery Rental App This app will help the individual
302 TCMAAN365
(Android / Android Application) farmers, willing to provide their
agricultural machinery & equipment
on rental basis to increase their farm
income besides making the
optimum utilization of the available
Agricultural machineries.

This Anatomy tool allows you to

study human anatomy easily and
interactively. Through a simple and
intuitive interface, it makes it
Human Body Anatomy
303 TCMAAN364 possible to observe every
(Android / Android Application)
anatomical structure from any angle.
The anatomical models are
particularly detailed and with
textures in a good resolution.

This is an online school

management system that integrates
and automates the data originating
from various departments into one
database. It manages all the
Smart School Academic Planner elements of the school including
304 TCMAAN363
(Android / Android Application) student data, attendance, fee
collections, exams, teachers,
employees, and many more. It is
one powerful app suite that
combines all the tools needed to run
a successful school.

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Your new home is just a click away

with our app. Start your home rental
search with our app. Listings in this
app gets updated daily with new
rental homes & properties across
the city including rental apartments,
house rentals, townhouses, and
House Rent.com
305 TCMAAN362 more. The users can find cheap
(Android / Android Application)
apartments for rent in minutes with
comprehensive apartments that
have been listed in the app. This
app has a huge collection of
affordable apartments in every price
range with more being added every

This is an Android-based application

for college that can be accessed
throughout the organization and
especially by students as well with
proper login credentials that are only
Smart College App for Student needs provided when needed. This
306 TCMAAN361
(Android / Android Application) application can just be used by
students using their smartphones
itself. Using this application, the
students will be able to stay updated
with all their college events, circular
notices, and exam timetable.

The “Quarantine Management

System” has been developed to
overcome the problems prevailing in
the current manual system in
Quarantine App
307 TCMAAN360 practice. This Mobile-based
(Android / Android Application)
software is designed in such a way
that it wipes out or diminishes the
hardships and drawbacks in the
existing manual system.

Transform your life with the power of

motivation and Inspirational
speeches that reach you through
this innovative app. One reason why
most people lose confidence is
when they fail to meet their set
Improving Adult Literacy in Rural India
308 TCMAAN359 goals. So, one way of making sure
(Android / Android Application)
now that you achieve each of your
daily targets is by using this App.
This app is designed to inspire you
to keep moving forward with positive
affirmations, tips, and insights that
are being showcased in it.

Internship and Workshop Event Management The objective of this project is to

( 309
Page 40 )TCMAAN358 App Email:
develop [email protected]
an android application that
(Android / Android Application) provides interesting news and
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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

provides up to information pertaining

to various events like internships
and workshop events. Moreover,
users will also be able to manage
their event participation, such as
reserving their seats in workshops,
registering at the event site, and so

The objective of developing this

project is to analyze and design a
veterinary clinical management
Animal Medical Veterinary Doctor App system that replaces the
310 TCMAAN357
(Android / Android Application) paper-based manual system for a
user those who works manually by
writing and keeping records in
hardcopies or physical files.

Phasal Sahaayak helps a farmer

with summarized information about
crop, fruit, and vegetable that are
being grown. The information details
the climate and soil requirements,
and how to do harvesting for crops
like avocado, bananas, beans,
carrots, cassava, cucumber, garlic,
potato, maize, melon, onion, pepper
Phasal Sahaayak (Crop Helper) and chili, pineapples, and tomatoes.
311 TCMAAN356
(Android / Android Application) The app also describes attacks
caused by pests and diseases that
are more likely to attack the said
crops with their causes, symptoms
and how they are spread along with
the preventive and control measures
to avoid those attacks. If applicable,
the app advises with suitable
farming practices to overcome crop
pests and diseases.

Kheti Baaree is a precision-based

plant protection solution that helps
growers and crop advisors to
forecast, identify, and treat plant
diseases, pests, and nutrient
deficiencies. Kheti Baaree leverages
and deploys proprietary artificial
intelligence and computer vision
Kheti Baaree
312 TCMAAN355 algorithms to help farmers, crop
(Android / Android Application)
advisors, and agronomists to
manage crops and thereby improve
the crop yield. This digital plant
doctor contains the knowledge of
numerous agriculture experts from
all over the world and it also has the
capability to continuously improve
itself from time to time. It offers a
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

multi-layered approach for keeping

your plants healthy with focus both
on forecast and prevention.

It is a real-time contact tracing app

that allows the users to view
COVID-affected areas and global
statistics of the said COVID. This
Contact tracing app app is developed to help the
313 TCMAAN354
(Android / Android Application) government in tracking the contact
chain of a user who have been
recently diagnosed with Coronavirus
in order to determine the source and
possible spread of infection.

This app checks your health day by

day and suggests you proper meals
that you should consume to remain
healthy. It connects you to the
numerous healthy recipes that are
being provided by professional
chef-bloggers. You can customize
Health check-up and food planner app
314 TCMAAN353 the app contents as per your health
(Android / Android Application)
situation, e.g., if you are a heart
patient, you will be recommended
with recipes made of heart-healthy
ingredients. The app can also
partner with groceries to deliver
healthy items online directly from
the app.

Everyone has started taking control

of their personal finance and
monthly budget planning. Due to
which, these kinds of budget
tracking apps have become popular.
Thus, a budget planner is designed.
This is a good budget app to track
spending and expenses, which
could serve as a good budget maker
Budget Planner and expense tracker for everyone.
315 TCMAAN352
(Android / Android Application) This is a good finance calculator
while being user-friendly that allows
for easier money management as
the key to financial success is
nonetheless money management.
This app brings to you a good
finance calculator to help you plan
your budget, record your
transactions, forecast your budget,
and save money.

Albert Einstein once said, "Everyone

( 316
Page 42 )TCMAAN351 Personality analyzer is a genius. But if you judge a fish
Email: [email protected]
(Android / Android Application) by its ability to climb a tree, it will
Website: www.takeoffprojects.com live+91
Phone: its 9030333433,
whole life believing that it is
+91 8776681444
CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

stupid”. A personality test is an app

that is developed and used to
assess human personality.
Personality testing and assessment
are the techniques that have been
facilitated in this app to measure the
characteristic patterns of traits that
people exhibit across various

Understanding human behaviors is

a challenging problem in today’s
world. Action recognition has
become a very important topic in
detecting emotional activity with
Learn From Gesture
317 TCMAAN350 many fundamental applications
(Android / Android Application)
being in the arenas of robotics and
video surveillance. This app
provides the user with more quiz
questions by guiding them to use
their gestures and expressions.

This memory training app series

exercises to increase focus,
memory, and problem-solving skills.
Developers say that intensive
working on the memory training
Train Your Brain
318 TCMAAN349 dramatically increases attention and
(Android / Android Application)
thereby increasing general cognitive
skills. It also poses with test for
memory involving IQ, concentration,
Focus state, and memory speed
and accuracy.

Do you ever feel like your study

habits simply aren’t cutting it?
Simply reading and re-reading texts
or notes is not actively engaging in
the material. In this app, we will
provide tips to students like how to
Study Tips for Students using Android
prepare for any exam or competitive
319 TCMAAN348 Application
exams by using this smart app. The
(Android / Android Application)
user has to register first and he can
able to get the study tips and
techniques to clear any exam within
a short period. And he can schedule
the timetable to finish the syllabus at
the given time.

Mobile devices have become one of

the hottest commodities in these
modern times. Without dismissing
Skill Improvement App for Trainee
320 TCMAAN347 the importance of traditional
( Page 43 ) (Android / Android Application) Email:like
[email protected]
education going to school,
checking out libraries and
Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433,
experiments, learning+91 8776681444
CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

mobile apps has become essential

in this modern age. There are
hundreds of educational apps
available these days. Some apps
can cover general topics that you
can use as study aids; some can
sharpen your specialized skills. This
app also provides guidance by
improving our communication skills
and management skills etc.

Self-control is a skill that develops

over time. In this app ability to
manage one's impulses, emotions,
and behaviours for achieving
long-term goals is what separates
Self-Control App humans from the rest of the animal
321 TCMAAN346
(Android / Android Application) kingdom. You can find out yourself
by using this app. It will create a
peace of mind environment from
messy life like anger management,
life skills, relationship advice, and
study management.

Resume PDF will create resumes

for you very easily and help you
stand out in a job interview in
minutes, and for free. The Resume
application has several features and
Resume-Making Android App suggestions, some examples are
322 TCMAAN345
(Android / Android Application) the curriculum for apprentice and
administrative assistants. Job
searches are already fairly stressful.
You should be able to build a
resume without adding to that

Transform your life with the power of

motivation and inspiration! One
reason why most people lose
confidence is when they fail to meet
their set goals. Now, one way of
Motivation and Inspirational App
323 TCMAAN344 making sure that you achieve each
(Android / Android Application)
of your daily targets is by using this
App. This app is designed to inspire
you to keep moving forward with
positive affirmations, tips, and

The purpose of disciplinary action is

to correct, not punish, work-related
Disciplinary Action App for Employees using behaviour. Employer disciplinary
324 TCMAAN343 Android Application action is a response by the
(Android / Android Application) employer to problems with
employee performance or
behaviour. It may come in the form
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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

of a verbal or written reprimand or

the loss of employee privileges.

In this app, we will provide coaching

to students or whoever wants to
learn any new course like an online
study app. The user has to register
Training and Coaching Management App first and he can choose courses
325 TCMAAN342
(Android / Android Application) from available courses provided by
the admin. In this students can
interact with the lecturer and faculty
can give notes and work related to
choosing the course.

Technology has changed the

shopping habits and the needs of
Buy-Sell Exchange Automobiles using the the customers. It has changed the
326 TCMAAN341 Android Application way people have started looking up
(Android / Android Application) for things and purchasing small daily
products to big purchases like
buying selling cars online and so on.

Such an app would be helpful to

fetch relevant resumes from
different sources over the app. In
fact, you can also count on it to
AI-powered online recruiting app
327 TCMAAN339 conduct the initial rounds of a
(Android / Artificial Intelligence)
candidate’s screening process. An
AI-based online recruiting app would
be a great artificial intelligence app
idea for your startup.

Artificial Intelligence has been

helping in various aspects of human
life. The technology has touched
almost every industry; be it medical
application, mobility, healthcare, or
retail. And, now AI has made its way
to the fitness industry. Generally,
AI-Based Yoga Assistant app
328 TCMAAN338 when it comes to fitness, a lot of
(Android / Artificial Intelligence)
people think about diet, cardio, gym,
and the most popular option of all,
yoga. Yoga has been the most
favored one because it doesn't only
benefit young adults, but also
people who are old. Here pose
estimation is going to take action.

To help people get a customized

meal plan, you can consider building
an AI-powered meal planner app.
AI-Based Meal Planner app Simply by entering their body
329 TCMAAN337
(Android / Artificial Intelligence) nutrition requirements suggested by
a nutritionist, the app can create a
personalized meal plan for the user.
You can give this mobile app idea a

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective


Such type of app can be a boon for

medical facilities, patients, and
doctors. Using the app, patients can
enter their symptoms, and the app
will recommend to them which
AI-Based Diagnosis app hospital or the medical facility they
330 TCMAAN336
(Android / Artificial Intelligence) should visit for treatment. In short, it
will help them in self-diagnosis.
Another type of AI-Based diagnosis
app can be synched with various
medical equipment to help in
treatment and diagnosis.

The aim of this project is to track the

employee and monitor the employee
activity in company by their office
and improve the growth of the
company by securing company
Employee Dashboard data. In this project, we discuss
331 TCMAAN378
(Android / Android Application) about the design and implementing
admin, employee application and
Centralized server for monitoring
employees of the company using
android by separating corporate

For the last few years, development

in Information and Communication
Technology is remarkable and still
the development is under progress
E-Lab which can be easily observed in the
332 TCMAAN377
(Android / Android Application) current trend and the market is the
evidence for it. Universities are the
main source provider for IT Skilled
personals to fulfill the demands of IT
People in the Market.

A sleepy driver is arguably much

more dangerous on the road than
the one who is speeding as he is a
Driver drowsiness detection victim of micro sleeps. Automotive
333 TCMAAN375
(Android / Artificial Intelligence) researchers and manufacturers are
trying to curb this problem with
several technological solutions that
will avert such a crisis.

A sleepy driver is arguably much

more dangerous on the road than
the one who is speeding as he is a
Driver drowsiness detection victim of micro sleeps. Automotive
334 TCMAAN376
(Android / Android Application) researchers and manufacturers are
trying to curb this problem with
several technological solutions that
will avert such a crisis.

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Now a day’s everyone is in a need

of smart phones majorly people
uses androids phones for day to day
communication. Many applications
Development of Native Mobile Application are developed for unlimited fun for
Using Android Studio for Cabs & Some people lives and the android system
335 TCMAAN374
Glimpse of Cross Platform App has become popular in the market
(Android / Android Application) of smart phones. The objectives of
the project are to design android
app which would provide the cab
booking facilities without user dis

Hard hat have been rapidly

increasing amid time in various
countries. Motorbikes are favored by
Construction Helmet Detection
336 TCMAAN372 citizens belonging to different
(Android / Artificial Intelligence)
classes of the society due to many
reasons such as its economic value.
Detecting heard hat using Ai

Hard hat have been rapidly

increasing amid time in various
countries. Motorbikes are favored by
Construction Helmet Detection
337 TCMAAN373 citizens belonging to different
(Android / Android Application)
classes of the society due to many
reasons such as its economic value.
Detecting heard hat using Ai

The rapidly aging population causes

long waiting times for taking bus
pass. Diagnosing record of real-time
Bus Pass Management data of each who are all using bus
338 TCMAAN370
(Android / Android Application) passes, Bus pass automation would
be beneficial for collages to
implement proper and better rates
for passes.

The Main Objective of this System

is to design an Android Application
E-Blood Bank Management System to maintain considerable information
339 TCMAAN369
(Android / Android Application) of the Patients, Donors, and report
details for any blood-related

The purpose of this study was to

develop a bike pooling management
Bike and Car Pooling
340 TCMAAN368 system for university students. To
(Android / Android Application)
book the ride in between the biker
location to university.

There are no facilities to find places

An event driven University campus navigation like administrative building,
341 TCMAAN367 system on Android system departments, library, canteen, etc. in
(Android / Android Application) the campus and how to find those
places from current location. It
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

creates problem to the new comer

to reach easily and timely in the
desired location.

Grocery Delivery App Development

Company can help you get the right
grocery app that will find a service
Go Grocery App or agent who can grocery shop on
342 TCMAAN322
(Android / Android Application) your behalf, exactly according to the
grocery list you provide to them and
deliver the groceries to your

Many people want to deliver goods

to places in short-time, but it is
difficult to find the right services at
the right time. While, on the other
Goods-Transporter App
343 TCMAAN323 hand, there are vehicles return
(Android / Android Application)
empty after unloading their goods.
In such cases this app can provide
information about the vehicles that
are available to transport the goods.

Startup assistance app to help

startups and new entrepreneurs find
Startup Assistant answers to common questions
344 TCMAAN326
(Android / Android Application) related to starting a new business,
finding clients, getting investment,
business tips, and everything else.

Cooking is an endeavor unique to

humans. It is mainly considered an
art requiring culinary intuition
My Personal Chef acquired through practice. The
345 TCMAAN327
(Android / Android Application) preparation of food is a complex and
subjective process that makes it
challenging to determine underlying
rules for automation.

Cooking is an endeavor unique to

humans. It is mainly considered an
art requiring culinary intuition
My Personal Chef acquired through practice. The
346 TCMAAN328
(Android / Android Application) preparation of food is a complex and
subjective process that makes it
challenging to determine underlying
rules for automation.

A suicide control app that will

provide humanitarian assistance to
Happy life: Suicide Control App
347 TCMAAN332 those people who need to talk to
(Android / Android Application)
someone to get convinced against
such actions.

ML Based Body Mass Index Detection Using The main objective of this to predict
348 TCMAPY560
Facial Recognition the BMI of a person by giving the

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

image as input using Machine

(Python / Machine Learning)
Learning algorithms.

This paper is about the biometric

attendance management. The
Attendance Tracking System using Cloud
automatic attendance management
349 TCMAPY574 Computing
will replace the manual method,
(Python / Web Applications)
which takes a lot of time consuming
and difficult to maintain.

An auto rickshaw or taxis are

vehicles for hire, and it is one of the
chief modes of transport in India. A
large number of people use these
Black Meter – A Taxi Meter
350 TCMAAN313 vehicles for their daily transportation
(Android / Android Application)
and every time they pay extra
amount as fare because there is no
check on the reading of meter

Ayurveda -literally meaning the

science of life is a comprehensive
system of health care based on
E-Ayurveda Recommended Solution for All mainly experiential knowledge which
351 TCMAAN315 Disease passed from family to family or from
(Android / Android Application) teacher to student. The glimpses of
therapeutic measures mentioned in
Veda were expanded in Ayurveda
with eight specialties.

The objectives of this mobile device

is to make an ML that can detect
Food Freshness Checker food spoilage. Smart system which
352 TCMAAN320
(Android / Android Application) can detect the freshness of
household food like dairy items,
meat, and fruits

The main objective of this

application is to investigate a
specific problem of whether it is
Constrained Voting Extreme Learning Machine
valuable or not to use Extreme
353 TCMAPY466 and its Application
Learning machines for getting
(Python / Machine Learning)
insights from complex patterns in
data instead of using deep learning

The main objective of this to classify

Deep Learning Techniques for Garbage
the images of types of using the
354 TCMAPY469 Classification
Convolution Neural Network (CNN)
(Python / Deep Learning)
of deep learning.

The main objective of this

A Study of Machine Learning Techniques on application is to give a brief
355 TCMAPY470 Clustering, Classification and Regression introduction about the machine
(Python / Machine Learning) learning algorithms on various
techniques like classification,

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regression and clustering.

The main objective of this project is

to present an aspect and description
Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis on Amazon
system based sentimental analysis
356 TCMAPY467 Ear Phone Sales
for amazon sales data on different
(Python / Machine Learning)
manufactures including boat,
Samsung etc..,

The objective of asset registration

using blockchain technology is to
Asset Registration using Block Chain
357 TCMAPY869 create a secure, decentralized, and
(Python / BlockChain)
transparent ledger for recording the
ownership and transfer of assets.

The main objective of this project is

Rating Prediction of Google Play Store Apps
to predict the rating of the app
358 TCMAPY870 with Application of Data Mining Techniques
based on the app features using
(Python / Machine Learning)
machine learning techniques.

Obtaining Better Accuracy Using Fusion of Two The main objective of the project is
Machine Learning Algorithms for Prediction of to predict the heart occurrence of
359 TCMAPY871
Heart Attack heart attack using hybrid machine
(Python / Machine Learning) learning techniques.

The objective of skin lesions

classification using CNN
(Convolutional Neural Networks)
Skin Lesions Classification Using CNN and and Transfer Learning is to
360 TCMAPY872 Transfer Learning accurately classify different types of
(Python / Deep Learning) skin lesions or diseases such as
melanoma, basal cell carcinoma,
squamous cell carcinoma, etc. using
deep learning techniques.

The objective of deep

learning-based disease prediction
for lungs, brain, and skin is to use
advanced machine learning
Deep Learning based Disease Prediction
algorithms to accurately identify
361 TCMAPY875 (lungs, brain and skin)
patterns in medical images and
(Python / Deep Learning)
patient data that can be used to
predict the likelihood of a patient
having a certain disease or

The objective of food

recommendation using machine
learning is to provide personalized
food recommendations to user’s
Food Recommendation Using Machine
relevant factors. Machine learning
362 TCMAPY876 Learning
algorithms can analyze large
(Python / Machine Learning)
amounts of data, such as user
behavior and food attributes, to
learn user preferences and make
accurate food recommendations.

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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

The objective of using machine

learning for the prevalence and
early detection of diabetes is to
develop accurate and efficient
models that can identify individuals
at high risk of developing diabetes
Prevalence And Early Detection of Diabetics or those who already have the
363 TCMAPY877 Using Machine Learning disease at an early stage. The aim
(Python / Machine Learning) is to provide timely interventions and
treatments to prevent the onset or
progression of diabetes-related
complications, which can lead to
serious health issues such as
blindness, kidney failure, and
cardiovascular disease.

The objective of prioritizing hospital

admission according to emergency
using machine learning is to
optimize patient care and resource
allocation by identifying which
patients require urgent medical
Prioritizing Hospital Admission According to
attention and should be admitted to
364 TCMAPY878 Emergency using Machine Learning
the hospital first. In emergency
(Python / Machine Learning)
situations, there may be limited
resources, such as hospital beds,
medical equipment, and healthcare
professionals, which can lead to
delays in patient care and potentially
worse outcomes.

The objective of missing person

identification is to use available
information and technology to locate
and identify missing individuals, with
the ultimate goal of reuniting them
Missing Person Identification
365 TCMAPY879 with their families or loved ones.
(Python / Deep Learning)
When a person goes missing, time
is of the essence, and quick
identification is critical to increasing
the chances of a successful

The objective of credit card fraud

detection using state-of-the-art
machine learning (ML) and deep
learning (DL) algorithms is to
Credit Card Fraud Detection Using develop accurate and efficient
366 TCMAPY880 State-of-the-Art ML And DL Algorithms models that can identify fraudulent
(Python / Machine Learning) transactions in real-time. The aim is
to provide timely interventions and
prevent fraudulent activities that can
cause financial losses to both
individuals and financial institutions.

( Page 51 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: TCMAPY881 Human Action Recognition
www.takeoffprojects.com The
Phone: objective
+91 of human
9030333433, +91action
CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

recognition is to develop algorithms

and models that can accurately
identify and classify human actions
based on video. The aim is to
(Python / Deep Learning) enable machines to understand and
interpret human actions, which can
have a wide range of applications in
various fields, such as healthcare,
sports, security, and robotics.

The objective of Store My Goods is

to provide a reliable and convenient
storage solution for individuals and
businesses in need of extra space
to store their belongings. The
Store My Goods
368 TCMAFS38 service aims to simplify the process
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React)
of storage by providing a
user-friendly platform for booking
and managing storage units, as well
as offering secure and flexible
storage options.

The objective of a Matrimony site

using Python is to provide a platform
for individuals seeking a life partner
to connect with potential matches
Matrimony Site Using Python based on shared interests, values,
369 TCMAPY882
(Python / Web Applications) and preferences. The site aims to
simplify the process of finding a
partner by providing a user-friendly
interface and advanced search and
filtering capabilities.

The objective of using ensemble

methods when detecting
Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks in
Network Intrusion Detection
Use The Ensemble Methods When Detecting
Systems (NIDS) is to improve the
Dos Attacks in Network Intrusion Detection
370 TCMAPY883 accuracy and reliability of the
detection process. Ensemble
(Python / Machine Learning)
methods involve combining multiple
machine learning models to create a
more robust and accurate prediction

The objective of online course

selling is to provide a platform for
educators and trainers to create and
sell their courses to a wider
Online Course Selling
371 TCMAFS39 audience. The aim is to provide a
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React)
convenient and accessible way for
individuals to learn new skills and
acquire knowledge at their own
pace and convenience.

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

372 TCMAFS40 E-Commerce Portal for Faculty in Java The objective of an E-Commerce
CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

portal for faculty in Java is to

provide a platform for faculty
members to purchase educational
resources and products online. The
portal aims to make it easy and
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React) convenient for faculty members to
buy the necessary products and
resources they need for their
academic activities, such as
textbooks, research materials, and
other educational products.

School Bus Tracking System Using Gps

373 TCMAFS41
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React)

The objective of a Vehicle Rental

Management System is to
streamline and automate the
process of renting vehicles. This
system is designed to manage all
aspects of the vehicle rental
Vehicle Rental Management System
374 TCMAFS42 process, from booking to returning
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React)
the vehicle. The primary goal of this
system is to improve the customer
experience by providing a fast and
efficient booking process while
reducing the workload for the rental

The objective of a Merchant Portal

is to provide a central platform for
merchants to manage their
businesses more efficiently and
Merchant Portal
375 TCMAFS43 effectively. This portal typically
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React)
includes various features and tools
that allow merchants to manage
their inventory, sales, orders,
payments, and customer data.

Zoo Management System

376 TCMAPY884
(Python / Web Applications)

Word Cloud Generator for Reviews from Flip

377 TCMAPY885 Kart
(Python / Machine Learning)

Virtual Paint
378 TCMAPY886
(Python / Deep Learning)

The objective of Company

Bankruptcy Prediction is to develop
a predictive model that can
Company Bankruptcy Prediction
379 TCMAPY887 accurately identify companies that
(Python / Machine Learning)
are at high risk of bankruptcy. This
model uses historical financial data
and other relevant information to
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

assess the financial health of a

company and predict the likelihood
of it filing for bankruptcy in the near

The main objective of using UNet

architecture for medical image
Medical Image segmentation using UNet segmentation is to accurately and
380 TCMAPY854 Architecture precisely identify and segment
(Python / Deep Learning) specific structures or objects of
interest within medical images, such
as tumors, organs, or vessels.

The main objective of AI virtual

mouse control using OpenCV is to
AI Virtual Mouse control using OpenCV
381 TCMAPY855 control the movement and actions of
(Python / Deep Learning)
a computer mouse using computer
vision techniques.

The main objective of the project is

Cancer Detection using Machine Learning(
to detect the cancer in breast, lung
382 TCMAPY858 Cervical, Breast and Lung Cancer)
and in bones using deep learning
(Python / Deep Learning)

The objective of an Insurance Policy

Insurance Policy Tracker Tracker is to provide a centralized
383 TCMAFS35
(Full Stack Projects / Node.js + React) and organized system for managing
and tracking insurance policies.

The objective of real-time object

detection and tracking is to develop
Real Time Object Detection and Tracking a system that can accurately detect
384 TCMAPY859
(Python / Deep Learning) and continuously monitor the
position of objects in real-time video

The objective of water level

prediction from satellite images is to
Water Level Prediction from Satellite Image develop a system that can
385 TCMAPY861
(Python / Deep Learning) accurately forecast the water level in
a particular area based on satellite

The objective of product

classification motivated by target
consumers using deep learning is to
categorize products based on their
features and attributes, and then
Product Classification Motivation of Target
predict the target consumer group
386 TCMAPY863 Consumer by Deep Learning
that is most likely to purchase the
(Python / Deep Learning)
product. This helps businesses in
better understanding the consumer
behavior and making informed
decisions about product
development, marketing, and sales.

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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

The objective of the project is likely

to use machine learning techniques
to predict life expectancy of
individuals who have undergone
thoracic surgery. The goal may be to
Life Expectancy Post Thoracic Surgery Using
improve patient outcomes by
387 TCMAPY864 Machine Learning
providing more accurate and
(Python / Machine Learning)
individualized predictions of
post-operative life expectancy, and
to help healthcare providers make
informed decisions about treatment

The primary goal of this project is to

Prediction of EV Charging Behavior Using
classify the charging behavior of the
388 TCMAPY849 Machine Learning
EV systems using machine learning
(Python / Machine Learning)

A payroll management system is the

Payroll Management System
389 TCMAFS25 process by which employers pay
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + React)
wages to their employees.

Liver Tumor detection Using Deep Learning The primary goal of this project is to
390 TCMAPY851 Techniques detect the presence of the liver
(Python / Deep Learning) tumor.

The primary goal of this project is to

propose a heterogeneous ensemble
learning method to predict the
A Heterogeneous Ensemble Learning Method
survival of neuro blastoma patients
391 TCMAPY840 for Neuroblastoma Survival Prediction
and extract decision rules from the
(Python / Machine Learning)
proposed method to assist doctors
in making decisions.

The main objective of the project is

Plan Your Trip
392 TCMAFS05 to manage a trip by suggesting the
(Full Stack Projects / Node.js + Angular)
best plan using Node and Angular.

The main objective of the project is

IT Assets Management System
393 TCMAFS04 to provide an web application for
(Full Stack Projects / ASP.NET + HTML)
managing the assets in the IT.

The main objective of the project is

Shoe Shop Management System
394 TCMAFS03 to manage the products in the shoes
(Full Stack Projects / Spring Boot + Angular)
using a angular.

The main aim of this application is

Text and Image Encryption Decryption Using “To protect and secure relevant
395 TCMAPY745 AES Algorithm information by encrypting and
(Python / Cloud Computing) decrypting an image and text using
AES algorithm.”

A Lightweight Policy Update Scheme for The main objective of this project is
396 TCMAPY740 Outsourced Personal Health Records Sharing implementing a secure access
(Python / Cloud Computing) control scheme with lightweight

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

access policy update for outsourced


The main objective of this project is

secure file key generation by using
Efficient Revocable Multi-Authority
the elliptic curves cryptography in an
397 TCMAPY743 Attribute-Based Encryption for Cloud Storage
efficient revocable multi-authority
(Python / Cloud Computing)
attribute-based encryption scheme
for cloud storage.

The main aim of this project is to

Dual access control and sharing control using provide privacy or security for
398 TCMAPY744 Amazon web services uploaded data. Dual access for data
(Python / Cloud Computing) owners by data owner permission
using AWS.

Cloud computing is an emerging

paradigm that aims to provide
computing resources, massive data
storage capacity and, flexible data
Secure Outsourcing and Sharing of Cloud Data
sharing services. Our goal of this
399 TCMAPY746 Using a User-Side Encrypted File System
project is tointroduce OutFS, a
(Python / Cloud Computing)
user-side encrypted file system,
focused on providing a transparent
encryption for stored and shared
outsourced data.

In this project, a patient-centric PHR

sharing framework is proposed. In
which all PHRs are protected with
multi-authority attribute-based
Multi-authority Access Control with Anonymous encryption before outsourcing,
400 TCMAPY748 Authentication for Personal Health Record which solves the key hosting
(Python / Cloud Computing) problem and achieves fine-grained
access control to PHRs. With the
help of this application, privacy of
patients is protected and patients
can control their PHRs.

The main objective of this project to

achieve security and risk
assessment issues in cloud-based
A Categorization of Cloud-Based Services and
services and also to offer an eye
401 TCMAPY749 their Security Analysis in the Healthcare Sector
catching categorization of cloud
(Python / Cloud Computing)
benefits and threats in the
healthcare sector providing many
important tools and applications.

Certficateless Elliptic Curve Aggregate Elliptic curve algorithm is

402 TCMAPY755 Signcryption Scheme implemented here for the secure
(Python / Cloud Computing) data sharing

DSAS: A Secure Data Sharing and Authorized

Here the different data security
Searchable Framework for e-Healthcare
403 TCMAPY757 techniques are used for the data
protection in the cloud environment.
(Python / Cloud Computing)

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Efficient Identity-Based Public Integrity Auditing The main objective of the project is
of Shared Data in Cloud Storage With User to audit the shared data in cloud
404 TCMAPY758
Privacy Preserving storage using privacy preserving
(Python / Cloud Computing) process.

PKE-MET: Public-Key Encryption with

The main object of the project is to
Multi-Cipher text Equality Test in Cloud
405 TCMAPY761 provide public key, multi-Cipher text
quality in cloud computing.
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Publicly Verifiable and Efficient Fine-Grained The main objective of the project is
406 TCMAPY762 Data Deletion Scheme in Cloud Computing to propose a data deletion scheme
(Python / Cloud Computing) using publicly verifiable scheme.

Trapdoor Privacy in Public Key Encryption with The main objective of the project is
407 TCMAPY764 Keyword Search: A Review to provide trapdoor privacy in public
(Python / Cloud Computing) key encryption scheme.

A Modified Hierarchical Attribute-Based

The main objective of the project is
Encryption Access Control Method for Mobile
408 TCMAPY766 to create a multi cipher text for
Cloud Computing.
authorized use.
(Python / Cloud Computing)

The main objective of the project is

Monkey Pox Disease Detecting System Using
to detect the monkey pox disease
409 TCMAPY736 Deep Learning
on the skin using deep learning
(Python / Deep Learning)

Crop Pest Classification Model using ANN and The main objective of this project is
410 TCMAPY738 CNN Deep Learning Techniques to detect the pest type using deep
(Python / Deep Learning) learning techniques.

In this work, and using the same

Investigating the Effect of Traffic Sampling on
attributes, we attempt to predict the
Machine Learning-Based Network Intrusion
411 TCMAPY734 intrusion that occurs in the network
Detection Approaches
by depending on the machine
(Python / Machine Learning)
learning techniques.

The main objective of the project is

Staff and Student Forum
412 TCMAPY681 to provide a forum for students and
(Python / Web Applications)
faculty transactions.

The objective of this project is about

load and price forecasting for an
electricity data. Electricity
consumption have been increases a
lot when compare to the earlier
Electricity Load and Price Forecasting Using days. Now a day’s human won’t
413 TCMAPY567 Deep Learning survive without electricity. In order to
(Python / Deep Learning) analyse the forecasting of electricity
for any other purpose, our model will
help to create future predictions
which reduce the burden to the
people who are continuously
working on this domain.

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

The main objective of this project is

Sentiment Analysis from Text Using LSTM
414 TCMAPY595 to analyze the sentiments from text,
(Python / Machine Learning)
using LSTM

The primary goal of this project is to

develop a recommender system
which will recommend the android
Machine Learning Based Recommendation
app to the user. We have
415 TCMAPY596 System for Android Apps
implemented the unsupervised
(Python / Machine Learning)
machine learning content based
collaborative filtering to build the
recommendation system

The primary goal of this project is to

determine the cyber-attack whether
there will be attack or not and to
Detection of Cyber Attacks Using Artificial
know this we have used the Support
416 TCMAPY598 Intelligence
Vector , Decision Tree, Random
(Python / Machine Learning)
forest, Extra Tree Classifier and ad
boost and neural network classifier
classification techniques.

The primary goal of this project is to

determine the anomalous behavior
Detection of Anomalous Behavior of whether there is anomalous
Smartphone Devices using Change Point behavior or not and to know this we
417 TCMAPY600
Analysis & Machine Learning have used Decision tree, XG
(Python / Machine Learning) Boosting and AdaBoost Classifiers
and Support Vector Classifier to
classify anomalous behavior.

The primary goal of this project is to

determine the app success whether
Prediction of App Success Using Machine the app is popular or not and to
418 TCMAPY603 Learning Algorithm know this we have used the Logistic
(Python / Machine Learning) Regression, Decision Tree, Random
forest, XG Boost and Extra tree
classifier classification techniques.

The main objective of this Project is

Customer Segmentation Using Unsupervised
to create an effective system for the
419 TCMAPY606 and Supervised Machine Learning
customer segmentation and to add
(Python / Machine Learning)
value to the organization.

The primary goal of this project is to

determine whether an Employee is
promoted are not promoted. To
Employee Classification for Personalized
know this we used the machine
Professional Training Using Machine Learning
420 TCMAPY608 learning based methods such as
Techniques and SMOTE
Decision Tree, Random Forest and
(Python / Machine Learning)
Support Vector Machine
classification techniques to figure

Bone Fracture Classification using SVM and In this study we will classify the
421 TCMAPY619
CNN bone fractures from the X-ray

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

images dataset using SVM and

(Python / Machine Learning)

In this study we will classify the

Bone Fracture Classification using SVM and
bone fractures from the X-ray
images dataset using SVM and
(Python / Deep Learning)

Artificial Intelligence-Based Cyber-Physical The main objective of this project is

System for Severity Classification of to analyze the severity of
423 TCMAPY631
Chikungunya Disease. Chikungunya disease using the
(Python / Deep Learning) Artificial Intelligence

In the proposed system, data

Data Augmentation and Transfer Learning for
augmentation ad transfer learning
Brain Tumor Detection in Magnetic Resonance
424 TCMAPY632 techniques were used for the
detection of brain tumor in MRI
(Python / Deep Learning)

Movie Success Prediction Using Machine The main objective of the project is
425 TCMAPY650 Learning Techniques to predict the movie success rate
(Python / Machine Learning) using machine learning techniques.

The aim of this project is to find an

approach to determine and
overcome these redundant,
inconsistent, missing, and
incomplete requirements. As a
Analysis of Software Requirements Using
result, open questions are clarified
426 TCMAPY654 Natural Language Processing
faster and the speed for processing
(Python / Machine Learning)
the requirements is increased. This
approach finds out all these
requirements using the concepts of
Natural Language Processing

The primary goal of this project is to

determine the poverty class to know
Poverty Level Characterization Using Machine this we have used the Support
427 TCMAPY669 Learning Vector , Decision Tree, Random
(Python / Machine Learning) forest, Extra Tree Classifier and
catboost classifier classification

Image Based Bird Species Identification Using The main objective of the project is
428 TCMAPY672 CNN to classify the species of birds using
(Python / Deep Learning) deep learning methods

The objective of Real-Time Moving

Object Segmentation and
Real-Time Moving Object Segmentation and Classification from HEVC
Classification from HEVC Compressed Compressed Surveillance Video is
429 TCMAPY888
Surveillance Video to provide a system that can detect
(Python / Deep Learning) and classify moving objects in
real-time from high-efficiency video
coding (HEVC) compressed
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

surveillance video. This system is

designed to improve the efficiency
and accuracy of video surveillance
by reducing the amount of data that
needs to be processed.

The objective of Detect Professional

Malicious User with Metric Learning
in Recommended Systems is to
identify and prevent professional
Detect Professional Malicious User with Metric malicious users from manipulating
430 TCMAPY889 Learning in Recommended Systems recommended systems. These
(Python / Machine Learning) users may try to manipulate the
system for their own benefit, such
as promoting their products or
services or negatively impacting
their competitors.

The objective of Predictive Credit

Risk Detection Using Ensemble
Method is to develop a predictive
model that can accurately assess
Predictive Credit Risk Detection Using the creditworthiness of a borrower
431 TCMAPY890 Ensemble Method and predict the likelihood of default.
(Python / Machine Learning) This model uses historical credit
data, financial data, and other
relevant information to assess the
risk of lending to a particular

Online Web Portal

432 TCMAPY713
(Python / Web Applications)

In our day to day life we are facing

so many problems in our
surrounding’s like drainage , street
Development of Municipal Services for Human lights, garbage collection, water
433 TCMAAN214 Welfare by Using Smart Phones ,electricity problem, roads cleaning
(Android / Android Application) etc., all the problems must be
solved by government. But the
government was not working
properly so we are creating this app

The objective of this project is to

Blockchain for Secure EHR's Sharing of Mobile provide an effective solution for
434 TCMAPY555 Cloud Based E-Health Systems reliable data exchange while
(Python / BlockChain) preserving sensitive health
information against potential threats.

Real Time Object Detection with Audio The main objective of this project is
435 TCMAPY558 Feedback using Yolov3 to detect objects and give audio
(Python / Deep Learning) feedback to blind people

The main objective of this project is

Product Based Sentiment Analysis Using ML
436 TCMAPY582 to detect negative review and
(Python / Machine Learning)
eliminate those negative reviews

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

and sell their products without any

negative review.

The main objective of this project

Lung Cancer Image Segmentation using segmentation of Lungs CT images
437 TCMAPY561 Various Image Processing Techniques using different segmentation
(Python / Web Applications) techniques

The main aim of this project is

Leaf Disease Detection Using Deep Learning
Detecting Leaf diseases of different
438 TCMAPY563 Techniques
plants and its precautions using
(Python / Deep Learning)
Deep Learning Techniques

The main aim of this project

Skin Disease Detection Using Image
Detecting of skin disease and its
439 TCMAPY562 Processing & CNN
precautions using CNN and
(Python / Deep Learning)

The main objective of this project is

Automated Food Image Classification Using Classification the Food items in
440 TCMAPY564 Deep Learning images using CNN, SqueezeNet
(Python / Deep Learning) and VGG-M

The objective of this project is detect

the voice by recognizing the voice
Speaker Recognition with the Help of Neural
patterns with the help of neural
441 TCMAPY565 Networks
networks. The application is
(Python / Deep Learning)
intended to determine that voice
belongs to which speaker.

The objective of this project is to

encrypt medical images with the
A New Image Encryption Algorithm for Grey
help of a key to secure images in a
442 TCMAPY566 and Color Medical Images
proper way and the user can
(Python / Web Applications)
decrypt the encrypted image with
the help of the same key

The main objective of this Project is

Discriminative Feature Learning for Thorax to create an effective system for
443 TCMAPY568 Disease Classification in Chest X-Ray Images classifying Thorax diseases using
(Python / Deep Learning) chest x-ray images using dense net

The main objective of this Project is

A Model-Driven Deep Dehazing Approach by
to create an effective system for
444 TCMAPY569 Learning Deep Priors
removing hazy part from the image
(Python / Deep Learning)
with better results.

Infrared Image Pedestrian Detection

is one of the challenging application
Infrared Image Pedestrian Detection via
of computer vision, which has been
widely applied in many areas for
(Python / Deep Learning)
e.g. autonomous cars, Robotics,
Security tracking, Guiding Visually

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Impaired Peoples etc.

Satellite Image Classification Method Using The main objective of this project is
446 TCMAPY576 CNN to classify satellite images among a
(Python / Deep Learning) set of 3 different classes.

Research shows that people with

visual impairments are 31% less
likely to access the internet than
Voice Assistance Android App for Visually
individuals without disabilities. This
447 TCMAAN321 Impaired
paper illustrates the implementation
(Android / Android Application)
of software that provides assistance
to the visually impaired for
accessing the internet.

The estimation of crop based on the

soil is essential nowadays for
increasing the yield. A soil-based
crop selection and fertilizer
Kisan Salah: An App on Farming
448 TCMAAN324 management system has developed
(Android / Android Application)
and a normalized approach to
characterize the composition of bare
soil, metalloids, and mesological

Growing population in metro cities is

leading to huge vehicle density, the
problems for car parking has
Smart Parking become an unending question. To
449 TCMAAN325
(Android / Android Application) avoid roadside parking and
associated traffic problems
centralized car parking systems are

Here a methodology based on

combination of GPS is discussed to
help the people who utilize the
Public Transport App public transportation for traveling.
450 TCMAAN329
(Android / Android Application) The user is provided with the
information about the current
location of nearest buses
approaching the stop.

Traffic Squad is an app which helps

the police as well as the police by
means of time and efficiency. With
Traffic Challan: Challan Collection & the increasing importance of
451 TCMAAN331 Management-Based Android App corruption has become major factor
(Android / Android Application) to be considered as a result the
number of vehicles and the rapid
development of population are
growing in our everyday life.

The objective of this project is

Invest in Idea
452 TCMAAN333 sharing the new thoughts and ideas
(Android / Android Application)
to people. There is the lot of useful
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

things behind this app. human brain

can think in different way with the
others. Those ideas can share with
the people is a helpful thing to

A carbon footprint is the total

amount of greenhouse gases
(including carbon dioxide and
methane) that are generated by our
actions. Carbon emissions affect the
planet significantly, as they are the
My AR Corban Print greenhouse gas with the highest
453 TCMAAN334
(Android / Android Application) levels of emissions in the
atmosphere. This, of course, causes
global warming and ultimately,
climate change. Carbon dioxide is
released into the atmosphere when
fossil fuels, coal, natural gas, and oil
are burned.

The main objective of the project is

Enhancing Security of Health Information to secure health care data in cloud
454 TCMAJA670 Using Elgamal Encryption computing. In order to provide the
(Java / Cloud Computing) better performance Elgamal method
will be implemented.

The main objective of the project is

Analysis of Different Classification Algorithms to implement a computer-aided
455 TCMAPY570 for Lung Cancer Detection. diagnosis system for automatic
(Python / Deep Learning) Lung Cancer detection using Lung
CT Scan images.

In this application, we create a deep

Crop field paddy crop disease detection using
learning architecture to identify and
456 TCMAPY571 SVM and CNN algorithm
detect of rice plantation based
(Python / Deep Learning)

The main objective of this paper is

to present the most recent breast
A Novel Approach to Predict Early Stage of
cancer detection and classification
457 TCMAPY572 Breast Cancer using DL
models that are deep learning
(Python / Deep Learning)
based models by analyzing them in
the form of comparative study.

In this application, we create a deep

A Model for Prediction of Tomato Crop Disease
learning architecture to identify and
458 TCMAPY573 Using CNN
detect of tomato plant leaf based
(Python / Deep Learning)

Aiming at the problem that blurred

digital video is easy to lose
Video Image Deblurring Algorithm Based on
inter-frame information and ignore
459 TCMAPY577 OpenCV
spatiotemporal during restoration, a
(Python / Deep Learning)
video image deblurring algorithm
based on OpenCV is proposed.

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Person recognition is one of the

challenging application of computer
Yolo Based Real-Time Human Detection for vision, which has been widely
460 TCMAPY578 Smart Video Surveillance at The Edge applied in many areas for e.g.
(Python / Deep Learning) autonomous cars, Robotics,
Security tracking, Guiding Visually
Impaired Peoples etc.

The main goal of this research is to

figure out which Travel
A Decision Tree Based Recommendation Recommendation Systems are
461 TCMAPY579 System for Tourists which best place in town. To know
(Python / Machine Learning) that, we applied classification
techniques of Random Forest,
XGBoost, and Gradient Boosting.

When someone is relocating or

redecorating their houses, there will
be a lot of stuff that goes into the
trash, mostly because these things
cannot be accommodated in the
Give away Your Items
462 TCMAAN314 house. So, there is an app idea, a
(Android / Android Application)
platform to give away your used
products online. It can be furniture,
gadgets, or even clothes. You can
give it away to charity or any other
people in need.

Our main objective is there are

many hospitals are not treating
patient effectively in the covid19
Disease Doctor
463 TCMAAN316 pandemic. Patients are panic about
(Android / Android Application)
the disease, this app is useful to
patients without consulting the
doctor they can get the medicine.

Governments and health authorities

use quarantines to stop the spread
of contagious diseases. Quarantines
are also for people or groups who
Covid-19 Quarantine
464 TCMAAN317 do not have symptoms but were
(Android / Android Application)
exposed to the disease. The
quarantine keeps them away from
others so they do not unknowingly
infect anyone.

The COVID-19 pandemic has

impacted hospitals around the
world. Many hospitals have scaled
back or postponed non-emergency
COVID-19 Online Test Results & availability
care. This has medical
465 TCMAAN318 booking of Hospitals based Mobile App
consequences for the people served
(Android / Android Application)
by the hospitals, and it has financial
consequences for the hospitals.
Health and social systems across
the globe are struggling to cope.

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The purpose of this app is to

Bus Reservation System reserve the bus tickets from source
466 TCMAAN319
(Android / Android Application) to destination. this helps to users to
pre book the seats on their wish.

Basically, DIY means that, instead

of hiring a professional to do a
particular task or, instead of buying
DIY Encouragement App
467 TCMAAN312 goods from a store or an artisan
(Android / Android Application)
you’re choosing to do that task or
create those products yourself with
no direct help from an expert

The estimation of crop based on the

soil is essential nowadays for
increasing the yield. A soil-based
crop selection and fertilizer
Soil with Suitable Farming
468 TCMAAN311 management system has developed
(Android / Android Application)
and a normalized approach to
characterize the composition of bare
soil, metalloids, and mesological

Segmentation of Retinal Lesions in Fundus The main objective of this project is

Images using Auto Encoder-Decoder to create an effective system for
469 TCMAPY556
Architecture. segmenting the lesions in the eye
(Python / Deep Learning) from the Fundus images.

Design and Implementation of a secure QR The main objective of the project is

payment System based on Visual to secure link sharing using QR
470 TCMAPY553
Cryptography codes.
(Python / Deep Learning)

Sentiment Classification from Text Using Deep The main objective of this project is
471 TCPG01 Learning Algorithm to classify the sentimental emotions
(Python / Machine Learning) from text, using BERT algorithm.

The main objective of this project is

Detection of Distributed Denial of Service to create an Effective Detection
Attacks in SDN using Machine learning system for stress detection among
472 TCMAPY476
techniques individuals and taking necessary
(Python / Machine Learning) precautions to prevent the users
from committing suicide.

The main objective of this to predict

the brain MRI scanned images
Brain Disease Classification Along with Age
either they are normal or effected
473 TCMAPY496 Estimation from MRI
with disease along with the age
(Python / Deep Learning)
estimations using deep learning and
machine learning algorithms.

The main objective of this project is

Efficient Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease
detect whether a patient have any
Using Machine Learning Algorithms With Relief
474 TCMAPY499 chance to get a heart stroke or not
and LASSO Feature Selection Techniques
using machine learning
(Python / Machine Learning)
classification techniques.

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The main objective of this

An Enhanced Ensemble Diagnosis of Cervical application is to classify the cervical
Cancer A Pursuit of Machine Intelligence cancer disease(i.e. Whether the
475 TCMAPY507
Towards Sustainable Health person is having cancer disease or
(Python / Machine Learning) not) using machine learning

Sentimental Analysis of Placement Data for

The main objective of this
Job Classification by Students Using Naive
application is to classify the job
476 TCMAPY509 Bayes in Comparison with Support of Vector
class by comparing different
machine learning algorithms.
(Python / Machine Learning)

In this application, the IoH data

produced by patients are often
distributed across different
departments and contain partial
patient privacy. Therefore, it is often
a challenging task to effectively
Integration And Mining of Medical Records for
integrate or mine the sensitive IoH
477 TCPGPY400 Healthcare Services AWS Cloud
data without disclosing patient
(Python / Cloud Computing)
privacy. To tackle this challenge, we
develop a novel multi-source
medical data integration and mining
solution for better healthcare
services, named PDFM in Amazon
web services.

The main objective of this project is

Medical Report Management & Distribution “To bring forward a secure, safe,
478 TCMAPY514 System On Block Chain efficient and authentic medical
(Python / BlockChain) report management system using
block chain technology.”

The objective of this project is to

secure the patient’s confidential
A Lightweight Policy Update Scheme for
data in cloud by using Encryption
479 TCPGPY401 Outsourced Personal Health Records Sharing
technique .Hospital management
(Python / Cloud Computing)
will provide the data securely to

The main objective of this

application is to detect the brain
Smart Health Prediction Using Machine
stroke and breast cancer detection
480 TCMAPY526 Learning
using machine learning techniques
(Python / Machine Learning)
by using these we can easily find
out the disease.

A Reliability Guaranteed Solution for data The main objective of the project is
481 TCPGPY405 storing and Sharing to provide a security solution for
(Python / Cloud Computing) storing and sharing the data.

The goal of this project was to

Health Care Analysis Using Machine Learning create and build a machine
482 TCMAPY528
(Python / Machine Learning) learning-based discharge roster for
a patient.

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The objective of this project is about

forecasting for an bit coin data.
Investing in Crypt-Currency have
been increased a lot when compare
to the earlier days. If we contribute
to prevent the risk on investments,
A Web Application for Bit Coin Price Prediction
then it should be able to utilize for
483 TCMAPY550 using Machine Learning
us, this study attempts to perform
(Python / Machine Learning)
future forecasting on the price, by
which we can control the risk. Our
model will help to create future
predictions which reduce the burden
to the people who are continuously
working on these.

The main purpose of this project is

to provide the recommendations
Job Career Guidance based on the job seeker
484 TCMAPY548
(Python / Web Applications) performance. If a student is looking
for a job opportunity, this application
will help in choosing their career.

The Main objective of this project is

detect whether a patient have
Diabetes or not and to know this, we
have used classification techniques
Supervised And Unsupervised Machine
of Decision tree, AdaBoost,
485 TCMAPY541 Learning Based Review on Diabetes Care
XGBoost and also clustering
(Python / Machine Learning)
techniques of Support Vector
Machine, Principal Component
Analysis (PCA), K-Mean, Linear
Discriminant Analysis(LDA).

Image Denoising using Auto Encoders and The main objective of this project is
486 TCMAPY523 Decoders to denoise the image using the auto
(Python / Deep Learning) encoders and decoders.

The major purpose of this project is

to make transactions rapidly along
with time reduction to improve
Smart E-Banking Transactions
487 TCMAPY497 digitalization. This process will
(Python / Web Applications)
improve the transaction speed. No
need of contacting banks directly to
make transactions over seas.

The main objective of this paper is

Face age detection with CNN, RNN, transfer to build a deep CNN model that was
learning & scale-invariant feature transform trained on a database for face
488 TCMAPY518
(sift) recognition task is used to estimate
(Python / Deep Learning) the age information on the Audience

The main objective of this paper is

Face Spoofing Using Deep Learning to propose a novel framework based
( 489
Page 67 )TCMAPY515 (Python / Deep Learning) Email:
on the [email protected]
Convolutional Neural
Network for the face anti-spoofing
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

problem, which is inspired by the

philosophy used by humans to
determine whether a presented face
example is genuine or not, namely,
to look at the example globally first
and then carefully observe the local
regions to gain more discriminative
information (CNN).

The Objective of this project is to

Provide security for data from
attackers using CSSM(cloud secure
A Cloud Secure Storage Mechanism Based On storage Mechanism) .To secure data
490 TCPGPY404 Data Dispersion and Encryption we performing data dispersion,
(Python / Cloud Computing) distributed storage to realize
encrypted, chucked and distributed

The main objective of this project is

Comparative Analysis of ML Algorithms for to perform future forecasting for
491 TCPGPY403 Drought for Prediction drought prediction using traditional
(Python / Machine Learning) time series methods as well as
latest algorithm too.

The main aim of this project “simple

TOWARD EFFICIENT ENCRYPTED IMAGE yet effective secure image search
492 TCMAJA647 RETRIEVAL IN CLOUD ENVIRONMENT scheme which can greatly reduce
(Java / Cloud Computing) the cost of image owners when
building secure indexes”.

The main goal of this project is to

Object Detection Using Yolo Model detect multiple objects in a single
493 TCMAPY513
(Python / Deep Learning) frame using Yolo (You Only look
once) model.

In this application, an application for

Web Accessibility of Educational Information in the purpose of communication
College and Providing Communication between the students, faculties and
494 TCMAPY512
Between Students admin with the help of python
(Python / Web Applications) technology and we will store this
application in the amazon cloud.

The objective of this project is to

Fake Reviews Detection Using Supervised create an Effective Detection
495 TCMAPY506 Machine Learning system for Fake reviews from the
(Python / Machine Learning) text in order to get rid from fake
reviews while purchasing a product.

The main objective of this project is

A Novel Machine Learning Based Screening
to detect the risk severity of the
Method for High-Risk Covid-19 Patients Based
496 TCMAPY505 covid patient based on their blood
on Simple Blood Exams
samples by using machine learning
(Python / Machine Learning)

497 TCMAPY503 Deep Learning Yolo Based Weed Detection The main objective of this to detect

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the weed from the crop using the

(Python / Deep Learning)
Yolo algorithm of deep learning.

The aim of this process is to solve

Research on Logistics Information Blockchain the problems of inefficiency, key
Data Query Algorithm Based on Searchable abuse and inflexibility of access
498 TCMAPY501
Encryption control policy for data privacy
(Python / BlockChain) protection and sharing based on
block chain.

The main objective of this project is

Face Recognition Using Computer Vision and
to recognize the faces of a person
499 TCMAPY493 CNN Algorithm
using the CNN algorithm of deep
(Python / Deep Learning)
learning along with computer vision.

The main objective of this project is

Currency Classification System using Deep
to classify the currency image using
500 TCMAPY498 Learning
the CNN algorithm of deep learning
(Python / Deep Learning)
along with MobileNet model.

The objective of this project is to

secure the confidential data in cloud
by using Encryption technique ABE
Efficient Revocable Multi-Authority
(Attribute Based Encryption).It is
501 TCPGPY399 Attribute-Based Encryption for Cloud Storage
used to encrypt data .By using ABE
(Python / Cloud Computing)
Technique data will convert into
some random data with the help of
keys, only data will be decrypted.

The main objective of this process is

Automatically Identifying & Counting Animals
to detects and count the number of
502 TCMAPY494 Using Camera Trap Image Using Dl
animals for future estimation to save
(Python / Deep Learning)

The main objective of this project to

augment the accuracy and detecting
Enhancing Accuracy in Detecting Vehicles the vehicles using scalar invariant
503 TCMAPY492 Using Sift Over SVM, CNN, Yolo, SSD feature transform (SIFT) in SVM,
(Python / Deep Learning) CNN, YOLO, SSD for image

The main objective of this

Automatic Vacant Parking Places Management application is to propose a system
504 TCMAPY491 System Using Vehicle Detection for vehicles detection and their
(Python / Deep Learning) corresponding mapping into the
parking spots of a parking lot.

The aim of this project is to gain

Accurate Feature Elimination approach in insights by studying and comparing
505 TCMAPY490 Ensemble Learning on NSL-KDD dataset different concept learning algorithms
(Python / Machine Learning) against ensemble learning

Accurate Short Text Classification using The Main objective of this project is
506 TCMAPY487
Bi-LSTM to compare the performance of the
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models (accuracies) like Bi-LSTM,

(Python / Machine Learning) proposes that our Bi-LSTM models
outperforms all the other models in
terms of accuracies.

The main objective of this project is

to ensure the complete tender
Smart Tender-Contract Management System
management process is secure and
507 TCMAPY488 Using Blockchain
efficient we make use of block chain
(Python / BlockChain)
technology to solve tender
management issues.

In this project we are creating an

Cyber Security based Autonomous Vehicle cyber security based autonomous
508 TCMAPY485 system vehicle system that which transfers
(Python / BlockChain) the file through cloud with more

The main objective of this project is

to present an comparison between
Accurate Newspaper Article Classification some powerful machine learning
509 TCMAPY486 Using Multi-Class Support Vector Machine algorithms for news article
(Python / Machine Learning) classification data which includes
the categories like politics,
entertainment, sports, etc.,

The main objective of this project is

Identification of Plant Nutrient Deficiencies
classify the nutrition deficiencies of
510 TCMAPY484 Using Convolutional Neural Networks
plants using deep learning and
(Python / Deep Learning)
machine learning algorithms

Sentiment Classification from Text Using Deep The main objective of this project is
511 TCMAPY475 Learning Algorithm to classify the sentimental emotions
(Python / Machine Learning) from text, using BERT algorithm.

The main objective of this project is

to create an Effective Detection
Anemia Estimation for Patients Using a ML
system for Anemia among
512 TCPGPY397 Model
individuals and taking necessary
(Python / Machine Learning)
treatment in order to get rid from

The main objective of this project is

to create an Effective Detection
Anemia Estimation for Patients Using a ML
system for Anemia among
513 TCMAPY474 Model
individuals and taking necessary
(Python / Machine Learning)
treatment in order to get rid from

The main objective of this project is

to create an effective system for
Machine Learning Based Flood Prediction
514 TCMAPY473 flood prediction and taking
(Python / Machine Learning)
necessary precautions to save the
human beings from the floods.

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The main objective of this Project is

Dynamic Churn Prediction using Machine to create an effective system for
Learning Algorithms - Predict your customer customer churn prediction and
515 TCMAPY472
through customer behaviour taking necessary precautions to
(Python / Machine Learning) prevent users from changing one
network to another network

Hybrid Machine Learning Classification The main Objective of this project is

Technique for Improve Accuracy of Heart to classify Heart disease using
516 TCMAPY471
Disease Hybrid classification technique
(Python / Machine Learning) which gives high accuracy.

The main objective of this

Multi class Prediction Model for Student Grade application is to propose a way to
517 TCMAPY482 Prediction Using Machine Learning handle imbalanced datasets for
(Python / Machine Learning) enhancing the performance of
predicting student grades.

The main objective of this to classify

the chest X-ray images as either
Detection & Classification of Pneumonia in
they are infected with pneumonia or
Chest X-Ray Images Using Deep Learning
518 TCMAPY481 not using Convolution Neural
Network (CNN) of deep learning and
(Python / Deep Learning)
along with transfer learning

The main objective of the project is

to detect who has affected for facial
Identification of acute illness and facial cues of
cues and who are not affected for
519 TCMAPY479 illness
facial cues by which user can
(Python / Deep Learning)
select the model to classify images
with best Accuracy.

Detecting the Security Level of Various The aim of the project is to

Cryptosystems Using Machine Learning automate the detection of security
520 TCMAPY478
Models levels of various cryptosystems
(Python / Machine Learning) using machine learning.

The main aim of this project is to

Dual access control and sharing control using provide privacy or security for
521 TCPGPY398 Amazon web services uploaded data. Dual access for data
(Python / Cloud Computing) owners by data owner permission
using AWS.

The main objective of this project is

to identify a person is wearing a
Covid-19-Preventions-Control-System and
mask or not properly wearing a
Unconstrained Face-Mask And Face-Hand
522 TCMAPY477 mask or face hand interaction. To
Detection Framework
achieve this process we
(Python / Deep Learning)
implementing the deep learning

The main goal of this project is

Detecting Fake Accounts on Social Media-
predicting the account is fake or not
523 TCMAPY468 Instagram
by analyzing the data. The dataset
(Python / Machine Learning)
from Kaggle and performing
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Machine Learning models like

Support Vector Machine and Neural
Networks are used for better

The main objective of the project is

to verify the academic documents
524 TCMIJA234 Onine Academic Verification
and records of students and student

The main objective of this project is

to create a Effective Detection
Stress Detection Based on Social Media Blogs system for stress detection among
525 TCMAPY465
(Python / Machine Learning) individuals and taking necessary
precautions to prevent the users
from committing suicide.

The main objective of this project is

Efficient Traceable Attribute-Based Encryption to solve the problems of inefficiency,
Scheme with Dynamic Access Control Based key abuse and inflexibility of access
526 TCMAPY464
on Blockchain control policy for data privacy
(Python / BlockChain) protection and sharing based on

In today’s era everyone is using

mobile phones for communication.
Vehicle Tracking for Government Bus
527 TCMAAN310 At the same time Mobile Providers
(Android / Android Application)
are also providing the variety of
services to users.

In this app we reports a

Rescue Wings Active Services Support for service-oriented system, called
528 TCMAAN308 Disaster Rescue Wings, for providing
(Android / Android Application) emergency support to sufferers and
rescuers in disasters.

It helps to identify matches, connect

instantly, communicate and share
Pick and Drop Bike Ride costs in cashless way. Pick and
529 TCMAAN307
(Android / Android Application) drop aims to provide users with a
quick, simple, secure and cashless
way to travel.

The aim of recommender systems is

to provide recommendations based
on recorded information on the
Mobile Application for Student Career
users' preferences. These systems
530 TCMAAN306 Guidance
use information filtering techniques
(Android / Android Application)
to process information and provide
the user with potentially more
relevant items.

The main objective of the project is

Intelligent Job Tracking to enable job seekers to apply for
531 TCMAAN304
(Android / Android Application) the desired companies and
companies to publish their job
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advertisements. It enables job

seekers to post their resume, search
for jobs, view personal job listings.

Self-diagnosis is the process of

diagnosing, or identifying, medical
conditions in oneself. It may be
iMadeDiagno Self Diagnosis System for
assisted by medical dictionaries,
532 TCMAAN303 Disease Treatment
books, resources on the Internet,
(Android / Android Application)
past personal experiences, or
recognizing symptoms or medical
signs of a condition.

In this first time, we are going to

investigate how recognition and
Identify Face Expression Changer Using detection of each basic expression
533 TCMAAN302 Tensor Flow category (happiness, sadness, fear,
(Android / Android Application) disgust, anger, sadness and
surprise) changes. We recognize
this application using Tensor Flow.

The main objective of this

Predicting at-Risk Students at Different application is to investigate a
Percentages of Course Length for Early specific problem of whether it is
534 TCMAPY458
Intervention Using Machine Learning Models valuable or not to use machine
(Python / Machine Learning) learning techniques to predict the
Risk students.

V walk is the object detection app to

help the blind people, to detect the
V-Walk app embedded sensors can send
535 TCMAAN300
(Android / Android Application) the object the request to app and
app can recognize the object and

The purpose of the app is to detect

Smart Helper the objects around the blind person
536 TCMAAN299
(Android / Android Application) and app can speak the name of the
detected object.

The main aim of this application is

Text and Image Encryption Decryption Using “To protect and secure relevant
537 TCPGPY395 AES Algorithm information by encrypting and
(Python / Cloud Computing) decrypting an image and text using
AES algorithm.”

It investigates opinion mining by

means of supervised learning
Performance Analysis on Student Feedback
techniques to search out the
538 TCMAPY427 using Machine Learning Algorithms
emotion of the student input
(Python / Machine Learning)
bolstered characterized choices of
instructing and learning.

The main objective of this Chatbot is

Psychology Chatbot
539 TCMAPY452 to enable people with any
(Python / Web Applications)
psychological issues or potential

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psychological issues to diagnose

themselves at no cost.

The purpose of this app is to know

College Bus Tracking System the college bus current location
540 TCMAAN297
(Android / Android Application) based on the gps and it can
schedule the drivers to the bus.

Governments and health authorities

use quarantines to stop the spread
of contagious diseases. Quarantines
are also for people or groups who
Safety Covid-19
541 TCMAAN298 do not have symptoms but were
(Android / Android Application)
exposed to the disease. The
quarantine keeps them away from
others so they do not unknowingly
infect anyone.

The main objective of the app is

Automatic Seating Arrangements reduce the stress from the arranging
542 TCMAAN296
(Android / Android Application) the examination seating manually in
a collages.

The main objective of the Student

fee project is we want to provide this
to our college so that parents or
Android Based Student Fees details students can check the fees details
543 TCMAAN294 Application of their children through this app.
(Android / Android Application) Our main aim is that all the fees
details like total fees, due fees, due
date and all categories like a bus,
tuition, exam, university fees etc.

Smart cities mission of India gaining

popularity day by day. With the
introduction of Internet of Things
Urban Trasnport
544 TCMAAN293 into smart cities the goal of smart
(Android / Android Application)
cities mission is easy to achieve.
One of the key feature of smart
cities is Public transport.

The rapidly aging population causes

long waiting times for taking bus
pass. Diagnosing record of real-time
data of each who are all using bus
passes, Bus pass automation would
be beneficial for government to
implement proper and better rates
545 TCMAAN292 Online Bus Pass Renewal System
for passes. Also taking tickets in a
bus is a tedious process now-a-day.
Giving exact change for tickets to a
large crowd is also a tedious
process for conductors in the buses.
To overcome this, we have
developed application.

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The main purpose of this project is

Remote Ticket Booking System to create an application to minimize
546 TCMAAN291
(Android / Android Application) and save the time of students and to
keep canteen in an organized way.

The main objective is to provide a

better service and to make the daily
life to run smoothly and finally
getting Mechanical and vehicle
related services easily. Proposed
system is accessed by two entities
namely, Service Providers and User.
Smart Mechanical and Fuel Services
547 TCMAAN290 A Service Providers can perform
(Android / Android Application)
task such as viewing request
received from users and can confirm
or cancel the request based on his
availability. User can find service
providers like mechanics, Towing
services and Fuel services based on
his location and request for service.

The objective of the project is this

Child Safety & Tracking Management System model is developed to rectify the
548 TCMAAN289
(Android / Android Application) worries of parents regarding their
child security.

The ultimate goal of our app is for

users can order food for parties and
Customization Bulk Food Ordering and functions. How this app can flexible
549 TCMAAN288 Management System is, this can get the food orders front
(Android / Android Application) to user. This gives customers
satisfaction without having to search
for catering services.

Student smart card app can be used

Student SmartCard in college like canteen, library,
550 TCMAAN286
(Android / Android Application) stationary to reduce the work using
app wallet and college id card.

The sharp increase in the amount of

wastage in terms of food, clothes,
books, etc. makes the need for
charity in terms of donation. This
Food Donor Application
551 TCMAAN285 paper presents ‘Food Donor, a new
(Android / Android Application)
internet-based application that
provides a platform for donating old
stuff and leftover food to all needy

The main objective of our project is

Using electronic devices is not
limited to adults or to specific time or
Parental Control App
552 TCMAAN284 place. Children use different types
(Android / Android Application)
of mobile devices with no
constrains. Parents concern about
the effect of the technical explosion

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on their children development.

Here problem in shopping is we

need to stand in the line for billing,
present pandemic conditions are
IOT Based Smart Shopping Cart using RFID very danger in the shopping malls.
553 TCMAAN283
(Android / Android Application) Because crowd are heavy in the
shopping malls. Avoid those things
we are doing with RFID and

Face detection is an advances

machine learning technology being
used in a variety of applications that
Face Detection for ATM Security identifies human faces in digital
554 TCMAAN282
(Android / Android Application) images. Face detection also refers
to the psychological process by
which humans locate and attend to
faces in a visual scene.

Our main objective is to give the

information and booking of slots to
Electrical Vehicle Recharge Project
555 TCMAAN281 recharge the Electric vehicles near
(Android / Android Application)
by the stations. It can help to locate
the Charging Bunks.

The main objective of the Student

fee project is we want to provide this
to our college so that parents or
students can check the fees details
Student Fee Project
556 TCMAAN280 of their children through this app.
(Android / Android Application)
Our main aim is that all the fees
details like total fees, due fees, due
date and all categories like a bus,
tuition, exam, university fees etc.

The main objective of the project is

Data Mining Approach to find the Interest of
to detect the interest in purchasing
557 TCMAJA629 People in Purchasing Real-Estates
the real estates using data mining
(Java / Data Mining)

The main objective of the app is

heavy traffic at the traffic signals to
Traffic Signal Alert
558 TCMAAN276 overcome this, and reduce waiting
(Android / Android Application)
time at signals we are proposing this

The main objective of our Android

application is to develop RFID
Based Attendance and Bus Tracking
System to track the children's
Attendance System using RFID
559 TCMAAN274 location when they are going to
(Android / Android Application)
school or while returning back to
home. By tracking the children's
location, we are able to know
( Page 76 ) whether [email protected]
Email: child is safe or not. If

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there is an emergency situation than

an alert indication will be given to
the school and the parents
immediately. Our application
improves child safety when going to
school or home from school.

The objective of this project is

Today, at the recruitments drives,
there are flow of candidates coming
in the ratio of 1:10 for a position
vacancy so management may hurry
College Faculty Recruitment System up in the process and there are
560 TCMAAN275
(Android / Android Application) chances of selecting inefficient
candidates and also it consumes lot
of management valuable time so to
overcome this we have developed
this online recruitment mobile

The main objective of this project is

to recommend the course and assist
Course Assistant for Educators
561 TCMAAN273 the about the course . this will
(Android / Android Application)
makes app useful to students after
their degree.

The main purpose of this project is

Online Document Scanner to create an application to make
562 TCMAAN272
(Android / Android Application) scanning both convenient and
practical for virtually anyone.

Detection of selective forwarding attacks in

wireless sensor networks using channel aware
563 TCPGNS571
adaptive detection threshold
(NS2 / Networking)

The main aim of this project. A

lodge is place which provides
temporary accommodation at a
reasonable cost and without the
Online Loading Management System luxurious service popular in hotels
564 TCMAJA618
(Java / Web Applications) and also provides fooding for users.
This Lodge Management System
will manage all the records and
most functions of the lodge at a
reduced cost.

The main aim of this project is to

provide privacy or security for
supporting multi-keyword search
Privacy Preserving Multi-keyword Searchable under the multi-user setting, hiding
565 TCMAJA615 Encryption for Distributed Systems search pattern and access pattern,
(Java / Cloud Computing) and resisting keyword guessing
attacks (KGA) are the most
challenging tasks. In this
( Page 77 ) application, we present a new
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searchable encryption scheme that

addresses the above problems
simultaneously, which makes it
practical to be adopted in distributed

566 TCMAPH120
(PHP / Web Applications)

The main objective of farmer welfare

project is to help the famers in
forming process. In this the famers
view the crops and their diseases.
Farmer Welfare The famers will know easily crops
567 TCMAAN271
(Android / Android Application) details and their field type and
season type. In this app the farmers
will know and view the loan details
like which bank is giving best

The goal of this project is to connect

the users to a system where they
can perform pre-booking the books
Smart Library Management
568 TCMAPY420 as per their desire. Such system
(Python / Web Applications)
saves time for the owner of the
application and increases
convenience to the users.

In this project, we have designed a

Voice Activated Home Automation
system, where different appliances
Home Automation For Disabled Persons Using
are controlled by sending a Voice
569 TCMAAN270 His Voice Tag
Commands. The Voice Activated
(Android / Android Application)
Home Automation project is
implemented using Arduino UNO,
Bluetooth and a smart phone.

The main objective of this

application is to “interact with
Organization Faults Maintenance System
570 TCMAJA614 college staff and officials and
(Java / Web Applications)
students for increasing complaints
within the college.

The main objective of this project is

“To extend their reach to
geographically scattered students,
571 TCMIJA232 University Admission Management System reducing time in activities,
centralized data handling and
paperless admission with reduced

we propose an efficient data

Authentication and Key Agreement based on migration model between cloud
572 TCMAJA613 Anonymous Identity for Peer-to-Peer Cloud providers and construct a mutual
(Java / Cloud Computing) authentication and key agreement
scheme based on elliptic curve

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certificate-free cryptography for

peer-to-peer cloud.

The ultimate goal of our app is for

users can order food for parties and
functions. How this app can flexible
573 TCMIJA231 Smart Canteen is, this can get the food orders front
to user. This gives customers
satisfaction without having to search
for catering services.

To design a web application for

farmers to sell their products,
reduce the manpower in this
574 TCMIJA230 Online Portal for Agri Business
process and farmers get more
profits whereas customers also get
fresh products.

The main objective of the Smart

mechanical service application is to
service the people who facing the
Smart Mechanical Service Application
575 TCMAAN269 problems for repair their vehicles. To
(Android / Android Application)
this problem we are providing
mechanics nearby them with the

The purpose behind this project is to

develop an application which
Navigation And Obstacle Detection For
provides a support system for
576 TCMAAN268 Visually Impaired
visually impaired and blind people in
(Android / Android Application)
unknown indoor and outdoor

The purpose behind this project is to

develop an application for public
Online Voting App
577 TCMAAN267 who can cast votes from being in
(Android / Android Application)
remote places with the help of our
mobile application.

The purpose behind this project is to

develop an application which
578 TCMAAN266 implement the security function to all
(Android / Android Application)
the installed applications on the

The main purpose of this project is

SHCM (Smart Home With Conditional
to create an application to minimize
579 TCMAAN265 Monitoring)
and save the time of patients and to
(Android / Android Application)
keep clinic in an organised way.

The main objective of this project is:

“Travel & Tourism project is to make
Travel Management System the travel easy and comfortable for
580 TCMAJA612
(Java / Web Applications) the user’s right from finding the
routes and buses to till the booking
of the tickets”.

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The main objective of this project is

to develop a java application “To
provide the complete solution
package for new comers”. Everyday
a large number of people are
coming to all the cities seeking job,
higher studies, business, tourism,
581 TCMIJA229 Smart City Management System etc. Initially all the system of the city
are unknown to the new comers of
the city. They don’t know much
about booking hotel, transportation,
shopping, etc. But implementation of
Smart City Java Project provides the
complete solution package for new

The main objective of this project is

582 TCMIJA228 A System Which Converts Text in Voice “System which converts text to
voice or speech”.

COVID-19 Tracker allows you to

monitor the number of COVID-19
cases around the globe and
different countries as the spread of
COVID-19 Tracker disease is increasing. The sole
583 TCMAAN263
(Android / Android Application) purpose of this application is to keep
you aware of the spread of disease
around you and help you share
credible and trustworthy information
with your friends and family.

The main objective of the app is to

fulfill the need of “How to Find the
Covid-19 Contact Tracer
584 TCMAAN262 Covid-19 positive cases around me”
(Android / Android Application)
and make this visualize in Google

The main objective of this project is

to “reduce the cost and time for
HealthCare Chatbot System patients, and to gets response on
585 TCMAJA611
(Java / Web Applications) the question asked, the response
can be obtained from a man-made

The main objective of this project is

to develop a java application which
simulates courier service. In this
project is to deliver an efficient
Courier Service System. The project
deals with Courier service system
586 TCMIJA227 Online Courier Service System
this system is used for daily
activities such as booking, loading,
delivery and status check. Hence it
is recommended to computerize
process by developing the relative
( Page 80 ) as theEmail:
[email protected]
is running into
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

information and technology;

computerization becomes necessity
in all walks in life. Calculating the
courier Bill include predicting the
time required to reach the

The main objective of this project is

to develop a java application which
simulates Electrical Utilities. This
application gives the knowledge
587 TCMIJA226 Insight:Effective way of Knowledge Sharing
about Electrical Utilities and has
enhanced matching of user location
and registered serviced provider

The main of the project is to analyze

Analyzing of Product Reviews using
the product reviews using
588 TCMAPY406 Sentimental analysis
sentimental analyses through
(Python / Machine Learning)
Natural language processing.

The objective of this project is to

develop an application that will
enable blind users to get information
about a particular product. We build
on our recent work focusing on
reading a barcode (assuming it has
already been segmented) using a
Visual Product Identification for Blind using Bayesian deformable template
589 TCMAAN260 Android algorithm that combines a prior
(Android / Android Application) model of the geometric shape of the
barcode pattern with a likelihood
model that evaluates evidence in
the image for edges. Such an
approach is a principled technique
of decoding noisy barcode images
that contain spurious (or missing)

The goal of this project is to connect

the users to a rental system where
they can rent items as per their
590 TCMIPY48 Online Car Rental System
desire. Such system saves cost for
the owner of the application and
increases convenience to the users.

In this application, we develop a

system which allows us to maintain
inventory of products as well as to
allow product sales to customers.
Desktop Supermarket Application This application is to produce
591 TCMAPY404
(Python / Web Applications) software which manages the sales
activity done in a supermarket,
maintaining the stock details,
maintaining the records of the

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The main objective of this project is

Obesity Prediction Using Machine Learning to predict if the person is having
592 TCMAPY580 Technique obesity or not by giving parameters
(Python / Machine Learning) with the help of Machine Learning

The main objective of the project is

BBC News Headline Classification to classify the news headlines of
593 TCMAPY592
(Python / Machine Learning) BBC into different categories using
NLP techniques.

The major goal of this study is to

Diabetic Retinopathy Using Deep Learning use deep learning to identify
594 TCMAPY584
(Python / Deep Learning) diabetic retinopathy illness in

The crime conviction prediction

Crime Conviction Prediction system which tries to predict where
595 TCMAPY588
(Python / Web Applications) some criminal is guilty or not.

Traffic Incidents Detection Using Machine The main objective of the project is
596 TCMAPY593 Learning Techniques to detect the severity of the traffic
(Python / Machine Learning) using machine learning techniques.

The main aim of the project is to

Restaurant Recommender System based on
recommend the restaurant based on
597 TCMAPY594 Sentimental Analysis
NLP using machine learning
(Python / Machine Learning)

The main objective of this project is

A Higher-Level Security Scheme for Key
implementing Shamir’s secret
598 TCPGPY406 Access on Cloud Computing
sharing algorithm in cloud
(Python / Cloud Computing)

The main objective of this project is

Extraction of Ayurvedic Documents Using
classification and properties of
599 TCMAPY583 Deep Learning Algorithms
Ayurveda herbs using Deep learning
(Python / Deep Learning)

The main objective of this project

is:” The aim of this socially relevant
Online Oxygen Management System
600 TCMAPY581 project is to manage the Oxygen
(Python / Web Applications)
Management System through

The aim of this project to build a

Online Digital Answer Script Evaluation System web portal where teachers can login
601 TCMAPY590
(Python / Web Applications) and manage student answer sheets
and also evaluate them.

A food ordering system where the

QR based Food Menu System
602 TCMAPY587 user can order food by scanning a
(Python / Web Applications)
QR code

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Integration And Mining of Medical Records for In this application, the IoH data
603 TCMAPY739
CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

distributed across different

departments and contain partial
patient privacy. Therefore, it is often
a challenging task to effectively
integrate or mine the sensitive IoH
data without disclosing patient
(Python / Cloud Computing)
privacy. To tackle this challenge, we
develop a novel multi-source
medical data integration and mining
solution for better healthcare
services, named PDFM in Amazon
web services.

The main objective of this project is

A Reliability Guaranteed Solution for Data
the data sharing process is handled
604 TCMAPY741 Storing and Sharing
by a smart contract and escalating
(Python / Cloud Computing)
parties involved to promote honesty.

The main objective of this project is

A Cloud Secure Storage Mechanism Based on
to calculate the upload and
605 TCMAPY742 Data Dispersion and Encryption
download speed for files, analyzing
(Python / Machine Learning)
cloud band width.

The main objective of this project

"To reduce the total overhead of the
Cost-efficient Outsourced Decryption of cloud server for outsourced
Attribute Based Encryption Schemes for Both decryption of ABE scheme besides
606 TCMAPY747 Users and Cloud Server in Green Cloud decreasing the user’s overhead of
Computing the decryption of ABE scheme when
(Python / Cloud Computing) many users submit the outsourced
decryption service to the cloud

The main aim of this project is to

provide privacy or security for
supporting multi-keyword search
under the multi-user setting, hiding
search pattern, access pattern and
Privacy Preserving Multi Keyword Searchable resisting keyword guessing attacks
607 TCMAPY750 Encryption for Distributed Systems (KGA). Which are the most
(Python / Cloud Computing) challenging tasks. Hence, we
present a new searchable
encryption scheme that addresses
the above problems simultaneously,
which makes it practical to be
adopted in distributed systems.

The main aim of the project is to

achieve a secure public auditing
scheme applying third party auditors
A Secure Data Dynamics and Public Auditing to authenticate the privacy,
608 TCMAPY752 Scheme for Cloud Storage reliability, and integrity of data stored
(Python / Cloud Computing) in the cloud. This proposed auditing
scheme composes the use of the
AES-256 algorithm for encryption,
( Page 83 ) SHA-512
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integrity check and

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RSA-15360 for public key

encryption. And perform data
dynamics operation which deals
with mostly insertion, deletion, and,

This project aims to create a novel

data repository named Derepo to
address the security and privacy
Derepo: A Distributed Privacy-Preserving Data
issues of the medical data by
Repository with Decentralized Access Control
609 TCMAPY753 securing the storage with the
for Smart Health
decentralized access control
(Python / Cloud Computing)
mechanism and preserving privacy
via the homomorphic encryption

The main objective of this project is

A Novel Hybrid Feature Selection Algorithm for “implementing a hybrid feature
610 TCMAJA648 Hierarchical Classification selection for hierarchical
(Java / Data Mining) classification using different

A Comprehensive Unsupervised Framework The main objective of this project is

611 TCMAJA649 for Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction “Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction
(Java / Data Mining) by using k-means algorithm”

Clustering Algorithms: An Application for The main objective of this project is

612 TCMAJA650 Adsorption Kinetic Curves “To generating Adsorption Kinetic
(Java / Data Mining) Curves by using k-means clustering

The main objective of this project is

Weighted Frequent Itemset Mining Using
implementing an FP-Growth for a
613 TCMAJA651 Weighted Subtrees: WST-WFIM
small dataset and large dataset then
(Java / Data Mining)
finding the Frequent Item.

Incremental Association Rule Mining with a The main objective of this project is
Fast Incremental Updating Frequent Pattern to find frequent itemset by using the
614 TCMAJA652
Growth Algorithm database for reducing the item
(Java / Data Mining) selection.

Cryptanalysis of an Anonymous and Traceable The main objective of this project is

615 TCMAJA653 Group Data Sharing in Cloud Computing to implement a group sharing
(Java / Cloud Computing) protocol by using cryptography.

The main objective of this project is

A Cloud Secure Storage Mechanism Based on
to calculate the upload and
616 TCMAJA655 Data Dispersion and Encryption
download speed for files, analyzing
(Java / Cloud Computing)
cloud band width.

The main objective of this project is

A Higher-Level Security Scheme for Key
implementing Shamir’s secret
617 TCMAJA656 Access on Cloud Computing
sharing algorithm in cloud
(Java / Cloud Computing)

A Lightweight Policy Update Scheme for The main objective of this project is
618 TCMAJA657
Outsourced Personal Health Records Sharing implementing a secure access

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

control scheme with lightweight

(Java / Cloud Computing) access policy update for outsourced

The main objective of this project is

secure file key generation by using
Efficient Revocable Multi-Authority
the elliptic curves cryptography in an
619 TCMAJA658 Attribute-Based Encryption for Cloud Storage
efficient revocable multi-authority
(Java / Cloud Computing)
attribute-based encryption scheme
for cloud storage.

The main objective of this project is

to implement both (ABE and SSE)
The Cloud we Share: Access Control on
of these cryptographic techniques
Symmetrically Encrypted Data in Untrusted
620 TCMAJA660 that need to be adapted to
cloud-based environments to create
(Java / Cloud Computing)
a hybrid encryption scheme based
on ABE and SSE.

The main objective of this project is

CSEF: Cloud-Based Secure and Efficient to maintain, for security and privacy,
Framework for Smart Medical System Using to create a secure and efficient
621 TCMAJA661
ECC authentication framework based on
(Java / Cloud Computing) Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
for cloud-assisted SMS.

Detection of Chronic Kidney Disease using The main objective of this project is
Machine Learning and Deep Learning to detect the chronic kidney disease
622 TCPGPY271
Algorithms detection using machine learning
(Python / Machine Learning) and deep learning algorithms.

The main goal of this project is to

Customer Segmentation create an effective system for
623 TCMAPY557
(Python / Web Applications) customer segmentation and to add
value to the organization.

The major goal of this project is to

bring increased attention to the
Block Chain Technology in Agriculture Product health, efficiency, and validation of
624 TCMAPY554 Supply Chain many important food and
(Python / BlockChain) agricultural criteria through the
international distribution of
agricultural output.

The objective of this paper is to give

a survey and comparative analysis
A Survey on Machine Learning Techniques For
of the entire machine learning
625 TCMAPY500 the Diagnosis of Liver Disease
techniques for diagnosis and
(Python / Machine Learning)
prediction of liver disease in the
medical area.

The primary goal of this project is to

Improvement in Automated Diagnosis of Soft determine the type of treatment
626 TCMAPY510 Tissues Tumors Using Machine Learning required for a patient attacked with
(Python / Machine Learning) soft tissue tumors. We used
classification techniques to figure

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

this out.

Deep Learning for Weed and Crop The main objective of this to
627 TCMAPY511 Classification classify the weed and crop using the
(Python / Deep Learning) deep learning algorithm CNN.

The main objective of this paper is

to build a machine learning based
Machine Learning based Attack on Certain
attack on text encrypted with public
628 TCMAPY517 Encryption Schemes
key encryption schemes like RSA
(Python / Machine Learning)
and Elliptic Curve Cryptography
(ECC) is shown.

The main Objective of this project is

Stock Price Prediction using DL
629 TCMAPY525 to predict the price of the stock
(Python / Deep Learning)
using deep learning architecture.

The objective of this project is to

provide vaccine for each person
which enables people to believe that
A Block Chain Based Covid Vaccine Booking
the vaccines are effective and do
630 TCMAPY547 and Vaccine Management System.
their daily chores without any fear.
(Python / BlockChain)
With this we can track vaccine
distribution and ensure a fair and
equitable distribution.

A chatbot application for restaurant

Rasa Chatbot for Restaurant
631 TCMAPY546 to take orders and answer different
(Python / Web Applications)
queries of customers.

The main objective of this to classify

Micro Organism Image Recognition and the different microorganisms and
632 TCMAPY544 Disease Prediction Based on DL predicting their diseases using
(Python / Deep Learning) Convolution Neural Network (CNN)
of deep learning.

The main aim of this project

“Expense Tracker aims to help
633 TCMIJA237 Expense Tracker System
everyone who are planning to know
their expenses and save from it”.

The main purpose of inventing this

College Information System is to
634 TCMIJA235 College Information System help the college students and the
faculty members by providing the
information needed.

The main objective of this project is:

“To achieve physical fitness and
improve the level of health of the
Students by helping and motivate
them to doing sports exercise and
eating healthy food

Iris Based Human Identity Recognition with The main objective of this to
636 TCMAPY504
Deep Learning Methods classify the eye and segment the iris

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

from the classified eye using the

(Python / Deep Learning) CNN based transfer learning model
of deep learning.

The main objective of this to detect

Detection Of Plant Disease Using Machine and classify the plant disease using
637 TCMAPY502 Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms the machine learning (SVM,
(Python / Deep Learning) Random Forest) and deep learning
(CNN, RNN, ResNet) algorithms.

The main objective of this project is

Facial Expression Classification Using Wavelet to recognize the facial expressions
638 TCMAPY495 Based CNN of a person using the CNN algorithm
(Python / Deep Learning) of deep learning along with applying
wavelet transforms.

The main objective of this

Student Help Desk application is to “solve student’
639 TCMAJA645
(Java / Web Applications) problems and provide material to

The main objective of this project is

to sensing the spectrum using
energy, entropy and deep learning
Covid-19 Classification using a Classical Way techniques.The main objective of
of Machine Learning and Deep Learning this project is to enhance the
640 TCMAPY483
Techniques machine learning and deep learning
(Python / Deep Learning) techniques for getting more
accuracy by comparing the existing

The main objective of this project is

Online Bed Booking for Quarantine to book beds online in quarantine
641 TCMAPY463
(Python / Web Applications) situations and to reduce the death
rates in the city.

The automatic attendance

management will replace the
Faculty Authentication System Based on Face manual method, which takes a lot of
642 TCMAPY462 Recognition time consuming and difficult to
(Python / Deep Learning) maintain. There are many biometric
processes, in that face recognition is
the best method.

Online fruits and vegetables

recycling and reuse system refers to
the process of making reuse of
unsold vegetables and fruits. These
Online Fruits and Vegetables Recycling and unsold ones are processed in
643 TCMAPY461 Reuse System various forms by grading them in
(Python / Deep Learning) different categories like healthy, half
spoiled and waste. The main
objective of the system is to benefit
the farmers for the unsold ones.

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

The main objective of this to classify

the images of food using the
Transfer Learning based
Deep Learning Based Food Classification
644 TCMAPY455 Convolution Neural Network (CNN)
(Python / Deep Learning)
of deep learning. Here, we mainly
explore the problem of food

The objective of this project is to

predict personal fraud load
Personal Loan Fraud Detection Based on
detections. Our model will help to
645 TCMAPY456 Hybrid Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
create predictions which reduce the
(Python / Machine Learning)
burden to the people who are
continuously working on predictions.

The main goal of this analysis study

is detecting Ransomwares in
software compare the algorithm
Ransomware Detection using Python
646 TCMAPY457 which algorithm provide high
(Python / Machine Learning)
accuracy. Finally select the best
algorithm to predict the stock price
at early stage.

The main objective of this project is

Sentiment Analysis of Lockdown in India
to use RNN or LSTM for sentiment
647 TCMAPY459 During COVID-19 A Case Study on Twitter
analysis of twitter data during
(Python / Machine Learning)

The main goal of this project is to

detect multiple objectives with
harmful objects to help blind people
Harmfull Object Detection and also near object Refractive
648 TCMAPY460
(Python / Deep Learning) Error persons (eye problems) while
walking or travelling on roads to
avoid accidents that may even be
caused by vehicles.

The ML models have long been

used in many application domains
which needed the identification and
A Comparative Approach to Predictive prioritization of adverse factors for a
Analytics With ML For Fraud Detection of Real threat. Several prediction methods
649 TCMAPY425
Time Financial Data are being popularly used to handle
(Python / Machine Learning) detection problems. This study
demonstrates the capability of ML
models to detect the transaction

The main objective of this

application is to investigate a
A Novel Ensemble Learning Paradigm of
specific problem of whether it is
650 TCMAPY426 Medical Diagnosis with Imbalanced Data
valuable or not to use machine
(Python / Machine Learning)
learning techniques for the medical

( 651
Page 88 )TCMAPY428 A Nioetric Approach for Diabetes Detection The main
Email:goal of this analysis study
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

is to use machine learning

algorithms to predict whether the
patient has diabetes or not. And we
(Python / Machine Learning)
have ability to implement different
models to predict the diabetes of a

The main objective of this

application is to investigate a
Crop Recommendation using ML specific problem of whether it is
652 TCMAPY431
(Python / Machine Learning) valuable or not to use machine
learning techniques to predict the
crop recommendations.

The main objective of the project is

Predicting Clinical Re-admission Using to implement covid-19 possibility of
653 TCMAPY432 Discharge Summaries (PCRUDS) re-admitting due to some symptoms
(Python / Machine Learning) like fever, cold etc. in histogram

It defines the professional fraudster,

A Presentation on Techniques Used for formalizes the main types and
Analyzing and Detecting Fraud Patterns subtypes of known fraud, and
654 TCMAPY433
(DBSCAN Algorithm) presents the nature of data
(Python / Machine Learning) evidence collected within affected

The main objective of this project is

Intrusion Detection of Imbalanced Network
to use machine learning techniques
655 TCMAPY436 Traffic Based on ML and DL
for detecting intrusions in any
(Python / Machine Learning)
network system.

The main objective of this project is

AI Based Prediction of Crop Harvesting by
to use machine learning techniques
656 TCMAPY438 Using Essential Fertilizers
for predicting amounts of nutrients
(Python / Machine Learning)
required for fertilizing a crop.

Online learning has attracted a large

number of participants because it
has no limit to enrollment and
Students Performance Prediction in Online
regardless of personal background
657 TCMAPY439 Courses Using Machine Learning Algorithms
and location. Predicting academic
(Python / Machine Learning)
performance is an important task for
the students in university, college,
and school, etc.

As we know that people around the

globe work hard to keep up with this
racing world. However, due to this
Finding Psychological Instability using Machine
each individual is dealing with
658 TCMAPY440 Learning
different health issues, one of the
(Python / Machine Learning)
most known issue is depression or
stress which may eventually lead to
death or other brutal activities.

( Page 89 ) Email: [email protected]

659 TCMAPY441 Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Fraud The ML models have long been
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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

used in many application domains

which needed the identification and
prioritization of adverse factors for a
threat. Several prediction methods
Detection Using LGBM
are being popularly used to handle
(Python / Machine Learning)
detection problems. This study
demonstrates the capability of ML
models to detect the transaction

The main objective of this

application is to investigate a
Analysis for Disease Gene Association using
specific problem of whether it is
660 TCMAPY442 ML
valuable or not to use machine
(Python / Machine Learning)
learning techniques to predict the
type of Disease gene.

The main objective of this

application is to investigate a
specific problem of whether it is
A Review on Classification Technique
661 TCMAPY443 valuable or not to use machine
(Python / Machine Learning)
learning techniques to predict
whether the review is positive or

The objective of this study was to

design and develop a 30-day risk of
hospital readmission predictive
model using machine learning
Machine Learning-based Risk of Hospital
techniques. The proposed risk of
Readmissions Predicting Acute Readmissions
662 TCMAPY444 readmission predictive model was
within 30 Days of Discharge
then validated with the two most
(Python / Machine Learning)
commonly used risk of readmission
models - LACE index and patient
at-risk of hospital readmission

The main objective of this project is

House Pricing Prediction
663 TCMAPY445 to predict the house prices using
(Python / Machine Learning)
machine learning techniques.

DL Based Felis Cetus Classification Using The main objective of this project is
664 TCMAPY446 CNN And Logistic Regression to classify different cat breeds using
(Python / Deep Learning) deep learning based CNN algorithm.

In this application, we are detecting

Image Based Plant Leaf Disease Detection
and identifying the crops disease
665 TCMAPY447 Using Transfer Learning Plant Name-Hibiscus
using CNN (Convolutional Neural
(Python / Deep Learning)
Network) model.

The main objective of this project is

Enhancing Data Security in Cloud Using “To create a trustworthy, efficient
666 TCMAPY448 Blockchain and real-time system for storing
(Python / BlockChain) patients report in more efficient way
using blockchain.”

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

The main goal of this analysis study

is to use machine learning
Dynamic Selection an Classifier for Software
algorithms to predict whether the
667 TCMAPY451 Fault Prediction
software is fault or not. And we have
(Python / Machine Learning)
ability to implement different models
to predict.

Introducing different advance

technologies used to deal with
frauds and threats which are
Predictive Analytics with Machine Learning for
happening while transaction
Fraud Detection of Online Marketing
668 TCMAPY434 becoming through online. feature
engineering and its feature selection
(Python / Machine Learning)
are including to show the better
performance of the advance
technologies .

The goal of this paper is to ascertain

with what accuracy the direction of
Bitcoin price in USD can be
predicted. The price data is sourced
Bitcoin Price Prediction using Machine from the Bitcoin Price Index. The
669 TCMAPY450 Learning task is achieved with varying
(Python / Machine Learning) degrees of success through the
implementation of a Bayesian
optimized recurrent neural network
(RNN) and a Long Short Term
Memory (LSTM) network.

Prediction of Relevant Diseases Among the The main objective of this project is
670 TCMAPY559 People Using Machine Learning Models to detect disease in the humans
(Python / Machine Learning) using machine learning techniques.

Quick Analysis of Quality of Cereals Oil Seed

671 TCMAPY529 and Pulses
(Python / Deep Learning)

The main objective of this

Alzheimer’s Disease Detection Using Deep
application is to detect the
672 TCMAPY508 Learning
Alzheimer’s diseases using deep
(Python / Deep Learning)
learning models.

Showing Vaccination Status with Certificate of The main objective of the project is
673 TCMAPY530 User on Face Recognition to show the status of the vaccination
(Python / Web Applications) using faces rather that the Aadhar.

The main objective of the project is

Lane Line Detection Using Python
674 TCMAPY533 to provide a line along the lanes on
(Python / Deep Learning)
the roads.

Object Detection with Voice Feedback Using The main objective of the project is
675 TCMAPY535 DL to detect the object names and to
(Python / Deep Learning) get an output with voice.

Skin Cancer Classification Using DL Based on The main objective of the project is
676 TCMAPY536
CNN to detect the type of the skin cancer

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(Python / Deep Learning) using convolution neural networks.

The main objective of the project is

Yoga Recommendation and Monitoring System to provide a recommendation
677 TCMAPY537
(Python / Web Applications) system of yoga postures as per
user's input.

The main objective of the project is

Automatic Number Plate Detection by using
to detect the number plate by using
678 TCMAPY539 Image Processing
optical character recognition
(Python / Deep Learning)

The aim of the project is to make a

Product Review System
679 TCMAPY552 web application using angular-js for
(Python / Web Applications)
reviewing products

The main objective of this project is

to check the whether the answers
Automatic Paper Corrector entered by the student is correct or
680 TCMAPY551
(Python / Web Applications) not and also calculates the marks of
the student.

Soil Parameters Database Create a Website This application helps in showing

Regarding Plants and its Parameters with their the soil parameters of the plants.
681 TCMAPY549
Information Python Programming This application is created by flask
(Python / Deep Learning) frame work.

The main objective of this project is

to classify the state of eyes using
Deep Iris Feature Extraction
682 TCMAPY543 ResNet101, DenseNet201, CNN
(Python / Deep Learning)

The primary goal of this project is to

Prediction Of Water Quality Using Machine determine whether to check the
683 TCMAPY542 Learning Algorithm water quality using Random Forest,
(Python / Machine Learning) Gradient Boosting, GaussianNB,
XGBoost classification techniques.

The main objective of this project is

Safety Helmet Detection in Industrial Site
detect the person who wears the
684 TCMAPY545 Using OpenCV
helmet industrial site with using
(Python / Deep Learning)
OpenCV as an application of safety.

The main objective of this project is

Deep Learning Based Cervical Cancer to predict the cervical cancer as
Diagnosis Using Time-Lapsed Colposcopic either a positive or negative using
685 TCMAPY454
Images Convolution neural Network (CNN)
(Python / Deep Learning) based on the transfer learning of the
deep learning.

Safety of Data is the most

A Survey an Various Data Base Encryption
significant task in today’s world.
( 686
Page 92 )TCPGPY396 Techniques
OverEmail: [email protected]
the centuries various
(Python / Cloud Computing)
encryption schemes have been
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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

developed in order to protect the

database from various attacks by
the intruders. This paper rounds the
importance of database encryption
and makes an in depth review of
various database encryption
techniques and compare them on
basis of their.

The objective of this project is to

reduce the accidents and save the
Drowsiness detection based on Eye State and
human life's by recognizing of
687 TCMAPY522 Yawn State using Open CV
drowsy and yawn status of a
(Python / Deep Learning)

Car Crash Detection and sending and SMS The main objective of this project is
688 TCMAPY524 alert using Deep Learning to send an SMS alert to concerns
(Python / Web Applications) whenever the car crash occurs.

Autonomous AI Farming
689 TCMAPY191
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)

The main objective of this project is

to give detail report on expenses
Budget Analysis
690 TCMAPY521 and income of a person so that user
(Python / Web Applications)
can keep a check on their
expenditures without much effort.

The main objective of this to

Deep Learning for Plant Species Classification classify the different plant species
691 TCMAPY301
(Python / Deep Learning) using Convolution Neural Network
(CNN) of deep learning.

The main objective of this project is

Vehicle Speed Detection Using Open CV
692 TCMAPY520 to detect the speed of the vehicle
(Python / Deep Learning)
using deep learning architecture.

The objective of the website is to

NGO Helpers
693 TCMAPY516 connect different people with
(Python / Web Applications)
different NGOs.

The research objectives of this

project is to understand the
Feature Selection and Ensemble Learning
performance of OCC classifiers and
Techniques in One-Class Classifiers: An
examine the level of performance
694 TCMAPY489 Empirical Study of Two-Class Imbalanced
improvement when feature selection
Datasets on Vehicle Insurance Data
is considered for pre-processing the
(Python / Machine Learning)
training data in the majority class
and ensemble learning is employed.

The objective of this project is to

Classification of Poetry Text Into the Emotional
define anapproach that classifies
695 TCMAPY240 States Using Deep Learning Technique
the text of poetry into different
(Python / Deep Learning)
emotional states like love, joy, hope,

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

sadness, anger, etc.

In this paper, we aim to test some

popular Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN) Model Architecture
to see which one is better to
Transfer Learning for Recognizing Face in recognize the person face dataset in
696 TCMAPY206 Disguise disguised. Here, we use the
(Python / Deep Learning) “Recognizing Disguised Faces”
dataset to distinguish 75 classes of
faces, and then try to train and test
how accurate it can be recognized
by the machine.

The objective of this project is a

crucial research goal, is the use of
satellite data for LU/LC (land use,
Land change) classification. Forests
degradation and deforestation
aggravate global warming, and the
LULC information found from
Deep Learning Based Deforestation satellite data is now very essential
697 TCMAPY184 Classification for global environmental
(Python / Deep Learning) conservation and ecosystem. The
major contribution of work is
inaugurating the remote sensing
techniques in spatiotemporal
analysis of land use changes and
detecting deforestation, forest
degradation, and monitoring forest
dynamics in Amazon rainforests.

This project aims to develop a tool

for predicting accurate and timely
traffic flow Information. In this work
Traffic Prediction for Intelligent Transportation
we use machine learning, genetic,
698 TCMAPY245 System using Machine Learning
soft computing and deep learning
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)
algorithms to analyze the big-data
for the transportation system with
much reduced complexity.

In this paper, we propose Transfer

Learning Code Vectorizer, a novel
method that derives features from
the text of the software source code
Transfer Learning Code Vectorizer based
itself and uses those features for
Machine Learning Models for Software Defect
699 TCMAPY278 defect prediction. Here, we mainly
focus on the software code and to
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)
convert it into vectors using a
pre-trained deep learning language

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Single Image Deraining Using Bilateral Phone:
In +91 9030333433,
this approach +91propose
we first 8776681444
CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

residual network, for extracting rain

and also for learning direct mapping
for predicting clean background
image. Then, we propose bilateral
LSTMs, which not only can
respectively propagate deep
features of rain streak layer and
background image layer across
stages, but also bring the interplay
between these two SRNs, finally
forming bilateral recurrent network

In this application we present a

deep learning based architecture for
a natural language parser, and
Deep Learning for Natural Language Parsing
701 TCMAPY365 investigating the qualities of our
(Python / Deep Learning)
parser by using a multi-lingual
dependency parser using advanced
deep learning techniques.

To combat the increasing amount

and reduce the threat of malicious
Clement Machine Learning Methods For
programs (malware), we proposed a
Malware Recognition Based On Semantic
702 TCPGPY387 novel approach for detection of
malware which uses a combination
(Python / Deep Learning)
of CNN and LSTM in conjunction
with NLP.

Cloud computing is an emerging

paradigm that aims to provide
computing resources, massive data
storage capacity and, flexible data
Secure Outsourcing and Sharing of Cloud Data
sharing services. Our goal of this
703 TCPGPY392 Using a User-Side Encrypted File System
project is tointroduce OutFS, a
(Python / Cloud Computing)
user-side encrypted file system,
focused on providing a transparent
encryption for stored and shared
outsourced data.

The main objective of this project is

Advanced Prediction of Performance of a to detect the performance of the
704 TCMAPY414 Student in an University using ML Techniques student in the university exams
(Python / Machine Learning) using the machine learning

The Voice assistance for blind

people project is for helping the
blind people. This project when
Voice assistance for blind people. done along with an embedded
705 TCMAAN186
(Android / Android Application) integration project simplifies the
complex problem faced by the blind.
In this app, there is an object
( Page 95 ) detection technology
Email: enabled by the
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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

hardware and voice technology

handled by the android app and,
communication through either Wi-Fi
or cloud-based communication for
both app and hardware parties.

The main objective of the app is to

detect the speed of the app by using
Rash Driving Alert
706 TCMAAN278 phone sensor and alert the users
(Android / Android Application)
when it reaches his maximum speed

The main objective of the app is

people in major cities is very
demanding and the schedules are
equally hectic. In such times, it is
practically impossible to keep a
track of all the activities/
Android Task Monitoring
707 TCMAAN277 appointments. Many a times, it
(Android / Android Application)
happens that we may miss an
important task; for example: taking
medicines, attending a meeting,
returning library books, paying the
bills etc. this app can remain the

An Anymouns Routing Scheme for Free

708 TCPGNS570 Service Location in Wireless Sensor Networks
(NS2 / Networking)

The main objective of the project is

Online Retail Management System to provide a retail management
709 TCMAJA617
(Java / Web Applications) system for ordering and selling the

Alumni Guest House Management System

710 TCMAPH112
(PHP / Web Applications)

Admission Management System

711 TCMAPH111
(PHP / Web Applications)

Medical Consulation
712 TCMAPH128
(PHP / Web Applications)

Hostel Food Wasteage Management System

713 TCMAPH127
(PHP / Web Applications)

Hall Ticket Generation

714 TCMAPH126
(PHP / Web Applications)

Fake Product Review Monitoring System

715 TCMAPH125
(PHP / Web Applications)

Faculty Leave Management System

716 TCMAPH124
(PHP / Web Applications)

717 TCMAPH123 Exam Seating Arrangment System

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(PHP / Web Applications)

Employee Transport Management System

718 TCMAPH122
(PHP / Web Applications)

E - Recruitment for Blue Collars

719 TCMAPH121
(PHP / Web Applications)

720 TCMAPH119
(PHP / Web Applications)

E - Learning
721 TCMAPH118
(PHP / Web Applications)

Doctors Appointment
722 TCMAPH117
(PHP / Web Applications)

Department of Web Portal

723 TCMAPH116
(PHP / Web Applications)

Crop Health Management System

724 TCMAPH115
(PHP / Web Applications)

College Campus Recruitment and Placement

725 TCMAPH114 Management System
(PHP / Web Applications)

Blood Donation Management System

726 TCMAPH113
(PHP / Web Applications)

This project aims to develop a tool

for predicting accurate and timely
traffic flow Information. In this work
we use machine learning, genetic,
Traffic Prediction for Intelligent Transportation
soft computing and deep learning
727 TCMAPY378 System using Machine Learning
algorithms to analyze the big-data
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)
for the transportation system with
much reduced complexity.

The main objective of this project

"To reduce the total overhead of the
Cost-efficient Outsourced Decryption of cloud server for outsourced
Attribute Based Encryption Schemes for Both decryption of ABE scheme besides
728 TCPGPY394 Users and Cloud Server in Green Cloud decreasing the user’s overhead of
Computing the decryption of ABE scheme when
(Python / Cloud Computing) many users submit the outsourced
decryption service to the cloud

The objective of this project is about

detecting the objects based upon
Transfer learning based object detection by
the model accuracy. The different
729 TCMAPY419 using convolutional neural networks
convolutional neural networks
(Python / Deep Learning)
(CNN) are used in this work. Here
for the improvement in the result,
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

the majority voting scheme is used.

Based on the high accuracy, the
objects are detected using the
specific model.

The main objective of this project is

Detecting Unauthorized Access of Personal
to detect the unauthorized person
730 TCMAPY418 Device
access in order to provide the
(Python / Web Applications)
security in authenticating a device.

In this project, we are implementing

an application for educational chat
Educational Chatbots
731 TCMAPY401 bot for the purpose of
(Python / Web Applications)
communicating to students and

In this application, we create a deep

A Model for Prediction of Paddy Crop Disease
learning architecture to identify and
732 TCMAPY409 Using CNN
detect the paddy plantation based
(Python / Deep Learning)

In this application, we are

implementing an application for the
Online Interaction System
733 TCMAPY408 purpose of communication between
(Python / Web Applications)
the students, faculties and admin
with the help of python technology.

The main objective of this project is

to donate plasma. Users can upload
Instant Plasma Donor Recipient Connector
their covid-19 negative certificate
734 TCMAJA605 Web Application
and can donate to blood bank and
(Java / Web Applications)
hospitals who need plasma, they
can send request to blood bank.

The main purpose of this project is

to provide an opportunity to expose
farm products to many new people,
to many customers who are looking
to buy fresh produce directly from
735 TCMAAN257 the farmers. Farms2Flats lets every
(Android / Android Application)
farmer display their produce on an
exciting and advanced platform, and
at no cost and customers can buy
fresh produce at farmer rates
without middlemen’s interferences.

The main purpose of this project is

to provide an opportunity to expose
local handicrafts to many new
people, to many customers who are
CRAFTKART looking to buy handmade and
736 TCMAAN256
(Android / Android Application) original products directly from the
hand crafters. Craft Kart lets every
hand crafters to display their
products on an exciting and
advanced platform, and at no cost
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

and customers can buy handmade

at handcrafter rates without any
brand involvements.

Facial images are increasingly used

for age estimation research
purposes. In this application, we are
Age from Faces in the Deep Learning
developing a system to predict the
737 TCMAPY304 Revolution
age of a person using their video
(Python / Web Applications)
feed. It employs the use of computer
vision and deep learning

This system is aimed to provide

medical diagnosis, suggestions and
Healthcare Chatbot remedies based on the symptoms of
738 TCMAPY396
(Python / Web Applications) a patient. The communication for
the patient will be done using an
automated medical chatbot.

In this application we are using

Machine Learning algorithms for the
detection of Parkinson's disease.
A Comparative Study of Early Detection of
Which can mainly detect four
Parkinson’s Disease using Machine Learning
739 TCMAPY391 symptoms of the disease in the
early stages namely, tremor at rest,
(Python / Machine Learning)
bradykinesia, rigidity, and, voice
impairment. And, the results of each
algorithm are compared.

Now-a-days online herbs shopping

becomes a trending in market.
Regular shops are losing customer
base because of lack of promotions
and selling. This application helps
Online Herbs Shopping
740 TCMAPY402 the users to buy various herbs
(Python / Web Applications)
products, fruits and hospitals list
through online in curing its disease
by giving the list of fruits and herbs
that the user should consume in
order to get rid of its disease.

In this project, we propose several

improvements that are evaluated on
the detection of traffic signs and
result in an improved overall
Deep Learning For Large-Scale Traffic-Sign
performance. We adopt a
741 TCPGPY390 Detection And Recognition
Convolutional Neural Network
(Python / Deep Learning)
(CNN) approach, the mask R-CNN
to address the full pipeline of
detection and recognition with
automatic end-to-end learning.

Machine Learning Algorithm For Brain Stroke The purpose of this paper is to
742 TCPGPY389 Detection develop an automated early
(Python / Machine Learning) ischemic brain stroke detection

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

system using CNN deep learning


During pandemic of COVID-19,

WHO has made wearing masks
compulsory to protect against this
Real Time Face Mask Detection. deadly virus, so our project will
743 TCMAPY400
(Python / Web Applications) notify if someone is wearing mask or
not. In this Project we will develop a
deep learning project – Real-time
Face Mask Detector with Python.

The objective of this project is to

Rice Leaf Diseases Classification Using Cnn create our own dataset of small in
744 TCPGPY388 With Transfer Learning size and develop deep learning
(Python / Deep Learning) model using transfer learning to
classify the rice leaf disease.

We propose an AI based system

which helps in detecting and
Animal Detection in Farms Using OpenCV
745 TCPGPY386 identifying the animal which tries to
(Python / Deep Learning)
enter the field and alerts the farmer
to take certain actions further.

The objective of this project is to

present a real-time
intersection-based segment aware
routing (RTISAR), an
Real-Time Intersection-Based Segment Aware intersection-based segment aware
Routing Algorithm for Urban Vehicular algorithm for geographic routing in
746 TCPGNS78
Networks VANETs. This routing algorithm
(NS2 / Networking) provides an optimal route for
forwarding the data packets toward
their destination by considering the
traffic segment status when
choosing the next intersection.

The main objective of this project is

to develop a Java application to
maintain user modules
professionally and upload and
Web Server Management System
747 TCMAJA610 download module should efficiently.
(Java / Web Applications)
Parallelly our project is aiming
towards reducing the costs of
development and pressures in

The main objective of this project is

to develop a Java application to log
and address the problems of village
Village Development System whether they can be solved or not
748 TCMAJA608
(Java / Web Applications) and users can see all the updates
about the schemes in village and
can also see the full details about
village information.

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

The main purpose of this project is

to develop a web application which
helps in tracking COVID-19 patients’
movements. Since the arrival of
Covid Patients Tracing Web Application COVID-19, Human life have
749 TCMAJA600
(Java / Web Applications) worsened much more and there is
importance in maintaining social
distance among ourselves So, our
web application helps to track
movements of COVID-19.

This project virtual guide for tourist

is to provide the tourist places and
guidelines to visitors and same as
the touristic guide. This information
Virtual Guide for tourist
750 TCMAAN148 helps the tourists to find the desired
(Android / Android Application)
locations to visit. Also, we can
provide the all locations like tourist
places, restaurants, lodges and
hotels etc.

Smart video surveillance application

is the use of automatic photo and
video analysis. While checking the
Smart Video Surveillance System using video surveillance footage
751 TCMAAN151 Android App identifying the faces is a real
(Android / Android Application) problem so for that this application
will take the pictures of the person
without noising and will be a lot
helpful in finding that person.

In this application, we discussed an

unexplored form of opinion spam,
where spammers target brands as a
whole, posting extreme reviews, to
Detecting and Characterizing Extremist
change the overall sentiment about
752 TCPGPY385 Reviewer Groups in Online Product Reviews
the brand. These groups are often
(Python / Machine Learning)
part of a complex business web that
is capable of influencing the overall
popularity and reputation of several
brands on review websites.

The main purpose of this project is

to develop an android application
which helps in tracking COVID-19
positive person’s movements. Since
the arrival of COVID-19, countless
Covid Shield
753 TCMAAN254 humans are dead and the count
(Android / Android Application)
keeps increasing. Hence, it is
important to maintain social distance
among ourselves. So, our android
application helps to track
movements of COVID-19.

Bitcoin Wallet App The purpose of this project is to

( 754
Page 101TCMAAN253
) (Android / Android Application) Email:
develop [email protected]
a digital wallet system to
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

transact crypto currencies type of

bitcoins to users. Our Android
application uses bitcoins in the
place of money we use in normal
digital payment system in
day-to-day life.

Smart home provides a method to

control and monitor the system with
advanced android mobile using
Bluetooth. It is designed to give the
user the ability to manage all
equipment that is capable of being
automated from a single controlling
source. Disparate equipment from a
A smart home ( Bluetooth)
755 TCMAAN202 variety of manufactures using a
(Android / Android Application)
variety of automation protocols is all
abstracted into a common metaphor
that allows it to be controlled easily
by a single system. The technology
may be used for monitoring,
switching on and off the
components, according to the
programmed criteria.

The objective of this project is, the

online food ordering system set up
menu online and the customers
easily places the order with a simple
Online Food Ordering System
756 TCMAPY399 mouse click. Also with a food menu
(Python / Web Applications)
online you can easily track the
orders, maintain customer's
database and improve your food
delivery service.

In this project, a patient-centric PHR

sharing framework is proposed. In
which all PHRs are protected with
multi-authority attribute-based
Multi-authority Access Control with Anonymous encryption before outsourcing,
757 TCPGPY384 Authentication for Personal Health Record which solves the key hosting
(Python / Cloud Computing) problem and achieves fine-grained
access control to PHRs. With the
help of this application, privacy of
patients is protected and patients
can control their PHRs.

The main objective of this project to

achieve security and risk
assessment issues in cloud-based
A Categorization of Cloud-Based Services and
services and also to offer an eye
758 TCPGPY383 their Security Analysis in the Healthcare Sector
catching categorization of cloud
(Python / Cloud Computing)
benefits and threats in the
healthcare sector providing many
important tools and applications.

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

The main aim of this project is to

provide privacy or security for
supporting multi-keyword search
under the multi-user setting, hiding
search pattern, access pattern and
Privacy Preserving Multi Keyword Searchable resisting keyword guessing attacks
759 TCPGPY382 Encryption for Distributed Systems (KGA). Which are the most
(Python / Cloud Computing) challenging tasks. Hence, we
present a new searchable
encryption scheme that addresses
the above problems simultaneously,
which makes it practical to be
adopted in distributed systems.

In this project, we are proposing the

Group Key Management Protocol
for file sharing on cloud storage
Group Key Management Protocol for File (GKMP). This helps in achieving the
760 TCPGPY381 Sharing on Cloud Storage authentication scheme which is
(Python / Cloud Computing) used to prevent the shared files
from being attacked by a
combination of cloud providers and
group members.

In this project we are designing a

Handwritten Character Recognition System image segmentation based
761 TCPGPY380
(Python / Deep Learning) Handwritten character recognition
system using deep neural networks.

In this project, we are implementing

an application for online blood
E-blood Bank Monitoring Hospitals
762 TCMAPY398 banking for the purpose of reducing
(Python / Web Applications)
the time taken in emergency
situations who need the blood.

In this application we are

Company employee profile using QR code implementing QR code for company
763 TCMAPY397
(Python / Web Applications) employee profile details using

The objective of this project is a

crucial research goal, is the use of
satellite data for LU/LC (land use,
Land change) classification. Forests
degradation and deforestation
aggravate global warming, and the
LULC information found from
Deep Learning Based Deforestation
satellite data is now very essential
764 TCMAPY395 Classification
for global environmental
(Python / Web Applications)
conservation and ecosystem. The
major contribution of work is
inaugurating the remote sensing
techniques in spatiotemporal
analysis of land use changes and
detecting deforestation, forest
degradation, and monitoring forest

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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

dynamics in Amazon rainforests.

The objective of this project is, Time

table generation is tedious job for
educationalist with respect to time
and man power. This system allows
Teacher Automatic Time-table Software creating time table automatically.
765 TCMAPY394 Generation System Using Python Our automatic time generator
(Python / Web Applications) application will help to create time
tables which save the time and
reduce the burden to the people
who are continuously working on
time tables.

The main objective of this

application is “Reducing time and
766 TCMIJA225 Online Rehashed Books Store System effort to find books, and minimizing
the time to sell and buy a second
hand books as well in online mode”.

The main objective of this

application is “To allow a system
which can restore deleted
767 TCMIJA223 Automatic Backup Application for Organisation information or data in an
organization, the loss of information
or data permanently can be

The main aim of this project is “To

save the time of people and to know
768 TCMIJA222 Panchayat Secretary Administrative System
the panchayat details adequately by
utilizing internet.”

The main aim of this project is “To

save the time of people and to know
769 TCMIJA222 Panchayat Secretary Administrative System
the panchayat details adequately by
utilizing internet.”

The main aim of this application is

“To provide security without
770 TCMIJA221 Hall Ticket Generator with QR code
exposing personal details that can
control the duplications.”

The main aim of this application is

E-calculator For Calorie Calculating And
“To provide proper details of a
771 TCMAJA44 Provide Suggestions
person and to suggest a proper
(Java / Web Applications)

The main aim of this application is

E-singers Online Rank Providing for Singers “To provide a platform for singers to
772 TCMAJA598 Based on Songs express their talents and also to
(Java / Web Applications) provide Online Rank for singers
based on songs.”

Student Grievance Support System The main aim of this application is

773 TCMAJA596
(Java / Web Applications) “To provide optimized solutions for
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

the student grievances and to

improve the relationship between
student and officers by presenting
the model of e-complaint web based

The main aim of this application is

“To enable the user of an
774 TCMIJA220 Pesticides Information System
organization to view the issues
through the LAN/Internet.”

The main objective of this

Consumer Sales Online Fake Review application is “detecting the fake
775 TCMAJA595 Detection and Deletion reviews and delete fake reviews and
(Java / Web Applications) returns only genuine reviews only
for a product”.

The main aim of this application is

“To prevent students from cheating
E-Assessment and Evaluation on an e-assessment and it provides
776 TCMAJA594
(Java / Web Applications) recommendations about the
technical infrastructure to implement
to avoid students cheating.”

In this project, we are implementing

an application for online blood
E-Blood Bank Monitoring Hospitals
777 TCMAJA593 banking for the purpose of reducing
(Java / Web Applications)
the time taken in emergency
situations who need the blood.

The Main objective of Web Based

“CRS” is to develop an online and
778 TCMIJA219 Corporate Recruitment System
central Recruitment Process System
for the job provider.

In this application we are

Company employee profile using QR code implementing QR code for company
779 TCMAJA592
(Java / Web Applications) employee profile details using

The main objective of this

application is “To conduct exam in
Conducting Exams with Different Sets and
online mode, and generate each
780 TCMAJA591 Create Hall Tickets with QR Code
candidate a random question paper,
(Java / Web Applications)
and Download hall-tickets with QR

The main goal of the project is

"Predictive Analytics in Healthcare is
PDD Predictive Diabetes Diagnosis using Data
mainly used to diagnose patients
781 TCMAJA590 mining Algorithms
with diabetes, asthma, heart
(Java / Machine Learning)
disease and another complex
Diabetes disease."

Performance Evaluation of Ad-Hoc Networks in The main objective of this project is

782 TCPGNS567
Static & Mobile Environment “To increase the network energy
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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

consumption and to present the

performance evaluation of RPL in
(NS2 / VANET) the mobile network and comparison
is performed with the static

The main objective of this project is

“To improve the connectivity
Traffic Congestion and Accident Prevention
between vehicle to vehicle as long
Analysis for Connectivity in Vehicular Ad-hoc
783 TCPGNS566 as they are connected to each other
and to reduce the road accidents
with the help of improving

The main objective of this project is

Energy-Optimal and Delay-Bounded
“To minimize the total energy
Computation Offloading in Mobile Edge
784 TCPGJA559 consumption of multiple mobile
Computing with Heterogeneous Clouds
devices, subject to bounded-delay
(NS2 / Mobile Computing)
requirements of tasks.”

In this project we are developing a

deep learning based Real-time-Face
Mask Detector with Python. The
project helps us to notify if someone
785 TCMIPY44 COVID-19 Monitor(Real time mask detector)
is wearing a mask or not. As, WHO
has made a compulsion on wearing
masks to protect against the deadly
COVID-19 virus.

The main objective of this project is

to develop an intelligent system that
solves most problems related to
irrigation and agriculture such as
controlling and saving both the
Design of Sensing Soil Moisture Content By water and electricity, increasing
786 TCMIPY46
Auto Irrigation System agricultural production using small
quantities of water, minimize manual
intervention in watering operations
with increasing watering speed,
preserving plants from fungi, and
finally, easy to use.

In this project we propose an

application which enhance black
and white images to color format for
better visibility and analysis by
Noise Suppresed Image Enhancing
787 TCMIPY45 which we can restore the old and
damaged photos that suffered from
severe degradation with the help of
deep learning approach.

The aim of this project is to find out

Deep Analysis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
the most significant traits and
788 TCMAPY390 Detection Techniques
automate the diagnosis process
(Python / Machine Learning)
( Page 106 ) usingEmail:
available machine learning
[email protected]

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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

classification techniques for

improved diagnosis purpose. At
final, we compare accuracy of
various machine learning algorithms
for early autism detection.

In the proposed model, Machine

learning algorithms such as
Xgboost, Random Forest and
Decision Tree are applied to the
An Experimental Study for Software Quality data to predict the software quality
789 TCMAPY389 Prediction with Machine Learning Methods and reveal the relation between the
(Python / Machine Learning) quality and development attributes.
At final, the experimental results
show that the quality level of
software can be well estimated by
machine learning algorithms.

We aim to find malware status of a

system by using machine learning
A Machine Learning Technique to Detect
algorithms such as support vector
790 TCMAPY388 Behaviour Based Malware
machine and principal component
(Python / Machine Learning)
analysis based on the previous
malware systems properties or data.

In this proposed model, we are

using eight machine learning
algorithms or stroke disease
classification. Here, we preprocess
the data to improve the image
Machine Learning Algorithm for Stroke Disease
quality of CT scans of stroke
791 TCMAPY387 Classification
patients by optimizing the quality of
(Python / Machine Learning)
image to improve image results and
to reduce noise, and also applying
machine learning algorithms to
classify the patients images into two
sub-types of stroke disease.

In the proposed method, machine

learning algorithms are used to
evaluate students' performance in
an organisation. Here, we used
supervised and unsupervised
Advanced Prediction of Performance of a
techniques. In unsupervised
Student in an University using Machine
792 TCMAPY386 learning, K-means and Hierarchical
Learning Techniques
clustering are being used and in
(Python / Machine Learning)
supervised, Naive Bayes and
Decision Trees are used. These
machine learning techniques can be
used to predict the output for certain

In this project, we verify the

( Page 107 ) Novel XGBoost Tuned Machine Learning Email: [email protected]
effectiveness of XGBoost Algorithm
793 TCMAPY385 Model for Software Bug Prediction
in detecting bugs in software, and
(Python / Machine Learning)
Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 traditional
compared with the other
CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

machine learning algorithms like

logistic regression, decision trees,
random forest and AdaBoost.

In this proposed model, we design a

new classification system to analyze
and detect the malicious web pages
using machine learning classifiers
such as, random forest, support
Hazard Identification and Detection using
794 TCMA01 vector machine. Naive Bayes,
Machine Learning Approach
logistic regression and Some
special URL (Uniform Resource
Locator) based on extricated
features the classifiers are trained to
predict the malicious web pages.

In this project, we are using

machine learning algorithms to
Predicting Flight Delays with Error Calculation predict the arrival of a particular
795 TCMAPY384 using Machine Learned Classifiers flight will be delayed or not. As, flight
(Python / Machine Learning) delay is a major hurdle for airlines
which depends on razor thin profit
margins and for passengers as well.

This paper proposes a rainfall

prediction model using machine
learning models such as Multiple
Machine Learning based Rainfall Prediction Linear Regression (MLR) for
796 TCMAPY383
(Python / Machine Learning) considered dataset. The input data
is having multiple meteorological
parameters and to predict the
rainfall in more precise.

In this paper, we are giving a brief

overview of machine learning
models and their use in electronic
technologies. Here at first, we
introduce the key concepts related
An overview of Machine Learning Technologies
to machine learning. Then, we
797 TCMAPY381 and their use in E-learning
present some recent works using
(Python / Machine Learning)
machine learning in E-Learning

Fraud Detection in Credit Card Data using This paper proposes a scheme for
798 TCMAPY379 Unsupervised Machine Learning Based detecting frauds in credit card data
( Page 108 ) Scheme whichEmail:
uses [email protected]
a Neural Network (NN)
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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

based unsupervised learning

technique. Our method outperforms
the existing approaches of Auto
(Python / Machine Learning)
Encoder (AE), Local Outlier Factor
(LOF), Isolation Forest (IF) and
K-Means clustering.

In this paper, we aim to test some

popular Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN) model architecture
to see which one is better to
Transfer Learning for Recognizing Face in recognize the person face dataset in
799 TCMAPY374 Disguise disguised. Here, we use the
(Python / Deep Learning) “Recognizing Disguised Faces”
dataset to distinguish 75 classes of
faces, and then try to train and test
how accurate it can be recognized
by the machine.

In this paper we propose a transfer

learning-based deep learning
method, Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN) for the object
detection. For the improvement in
Transfer learning-based Object Detection by
the result, the majority voting
800 TCMAPY373 using Convolutional Neural Networks
scheme is used. The results
(Python / Deep Learning)
obtained here have shown
incredible improvement in the
accuracy of the proposed work
when compared to the other
different CNN models.

In this study we aim to provide the

reader with a broad understanding
of the possible impact of deep
learning on a variety of ultrasound
Deep Learning in Ultrasound Imaging imaging aspects, placing particular
801 TCMAPY372
(Python / Deep Learning) emphasis on methods that exploit
both the power of data and signal
structure (for instance sparsity in
some domain) to yield robust and
data efficient solutions.

Here, our application introduces a

Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) implemented architecture to
detect the sentiment of a person
Analysis of Facial Sentiments: A Deep-learning
using facial and visual clues. Such a
802 TCMAPY370 Way
system can be used to moderate
(Python / Deep Learning)
content based on the sentiment of
the person. This application is highly
useful in modern world where we
rely on video calls more and more.

( Page 109 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: Evaluation of Deep Learning Techniques in Phone:

www.takeoffprojects.com In +91
the proposed model
9030333433, +91we8776681444
803 TCMAPY368
Sentiment Analysis from Twitter Data performing sentiment analysis using
CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

deep learning algorithms such as,

Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks
(RNN) and Natural Language
Processing (NLP). For this analysis
(Python / Deep Learning) we are using twitter dataset.
Additionally, we compare different
word embedding systems such as
the Word2Vec and the global
vectors for word representation
(GloVe) models.

In this project, we introduce an

interactive variant of UNet for iris
Iris Segmentation Using Interactive Deep segmentation using the deep
804 TCMAPY364 Learning learning technique. Also included
(Python / Deep Learning) the Squeeze Expand modules, to
lower training time while improving
storage efficiency.

Our goal is to detect the fruit

diseases by using OpenCV library,
ANN model and K-means clustering
Fruit Disease Detection Using Color,Texture method. Such an application is
805 TCMAPY363 and ANN immensely useful in the field of
(Python / Deep Learning) farming and it is inexpensive for the
user. We will also use image
processing techniques for

The aim of this project is to find out

the most significant traits and
automate the diagnosis of Autism
Spectrum Disorder using available
Deep Analysis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
machine learning classification
806 TCMAPY210 Detection Techniques.
techniques for improved diagnosis
(Python / Machine Learning)
purpose. At final, we compare
accuracy of various machine
learning algorithms for early autism

Classification of Electromyographic Hand In this project we aim to detect and

Gesture Signals Using Modified Fuzzy recognize the hand finger gestures
807 TCMAPY230 C-Means Clustering and Two-Step Machine representing different fingers of a
Learning Approach person, using EMG signals as an
(Python / Deep Learning) input to classify hand gestures.

In this project we put forward a

novel multi-source medical data
integration and mining solution for
Multi-Source Medical Data Integration And better healthcare services, named
808 TCPGPY379 Mining For Healthcare Services PDFM (Privacy-free Data Fusion
(Python / Cloud Computing) and Mining). Through PDFM, we
can search for similar medical
records in a time-efficient and
privacy-preserving manner, so as to

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

offer patients with better medical

and health services.

The objective of this project is to

develop an online bookstore system
Online Book Store System Cloud Infrastucture which acts as a large book
809 TCMAPY361
(Python / Web Applications) repository for users to register and
use them. The books are stored in a
cloud based repository.

Our goal is to detect the fruit

diseases by using OpenCV library,
ANN model and K-means clustering
Fruit Disease Detection Using Color,Texture method. Such an application is
810 TCMAPY360 and ANN immensely useful in the field of
(Python / Web Applications) farming and it is inexpensive for the
user. We will also use image
processing techniques for

In this application, we develop

model for online voting system for
India. This system is much secure
and efficient than the traditional
voting system. Manipulation of votes
Online Voting System
811 TCMAPY359 and delay of results can be avoided
(Python / Web Applications)
easily. A unique AADHAAR identity
is the centre point of our proposed
model. It leads to the easier
verification of both voters and

Our goal is to detect and recognize

animals like Tigers, Cats, Dogs and
Birds. In this application we will
Image Classification And Inference Engine For implement transfer learning based
812 TCMAPY358 Machine Learning deep learning models like
(Python / Web Applications) ResNet50, VGG16 and a custom
DNN model. At the same time we
will compare these models

This paper proposes a scheme for

detecting frauds in credit card data
which uses a Neural Network (NN)
Fraud Detection in Credit Card Data using
based unsupervised learning
Unsupervised Machine Learning Based
813 TCPGPY378 technique. Our method outperforms
the existing approaches of Auto
(Python / Machine Learning)
Encoder (AE), Local Outlier Factor
(LOF), Isolation Forest (IF) and
K-Means clustering.

The objective of this project is to

Deep Convolution Neural Network for Big Data
propose a novel deep convolution
814 TCPGPY377 Medical Image Classification
network-based approach that is
(Python / Deep Learning)
assist of doctors and physicians in
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

making reasonable decisions. And

to exhibit that this method is best
suited to classify various medical
images for various body organs.

The main aim of the project is to

achieve a secure public auditing
scheme applying third party auditors
to authenticate the privacy,
reliability, and integrity of data stored
in the cloud. This proposed auditing
A Secure Data Dynamics and Public Auditing
scheme composes the use of the
815 TCPGPY376 Scheme for Cloud Storage
AES-256 algorithm for encryption,
(Python / Cloud Computing)
SHA-512 for integrity check and
RSA-15360 for public key
encryption. And perform data
dynamics operation which deals
with mostly insertion, deletion, and,

This project aims to create a novel

data repository named Derepo to
address the security and privacy
Derepo: A Distributed Privacy-Preserving Data
issues of the medical data by
Repository with Decentralized Access Control
816 TCPGPY375 securing the storage with the
for Smart Health
decentralized access control
(Python / Cloud Computing)
mechanism and preserving privacy
via the homomorphic encryption

The main aim of this project is to

achieve secure data transfer and
also absorbs permanent data
Secure Data Transfer and Deletion from
deletion. In addition, the proposed
817 TCPGPY374 Counting Bloom Filter in Cloud Computing
scheme satisfies public certification
(Python / Cloud Computing)
without the need for a trusted third
party. Here we build a new counting
bloom filter-based scheme.

This project aims to create a Privacy

Enabled and Secured Cloud Project
Dual Access control for Cloud Based Data deployed in AMAZON WEB
818 TCPGPY373 Storage and Sharing SERVICES (AWS). Services offered
(Python / Cloud Computing) are Privacy, Encryption and
Decryption, hindering Denial of
Sustainability attacks.

The main objective of this project is

“To provide retrieval service to
A Verifiable Semantic Searching Scheme by
arbitrary words so that queries and
Optimal Matching Over Encrypted Data in
819 TCPGPY372 search results are flexible. So, it
Public Cloud
provides verifiability and
(Python / Cloud Computing)
confidentiality towards security

( Page 112 ) Email: [email protected]

820 TCPGPY371 Research on Medical Image Classification In this paper, we propose a new
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

method for CT pathological image

analysis of brain and chest to
extract image features and classify
Based on Machine Learning
images. A semi supervised learning
(Python / Deep Learning)
based image classification method
is proposed using Deep Neural

In this project, we propose an

Extreme Gradient Boosting
Electricity Price Forecasting for Cloud (XGBoost) model to offload or move
Computing Using an Enhanced Machine storage, predict electricity price. As
821 TCPGPY369
Learning Model a result reducing energy
(Python / Machine Learning) consumption costs in data centers.
The performance of this method is
evaluated on a real-world dataset.

This paper mainly aims at

investigating the application of
ensemble learning in image
denoising, we combine a set of
Image Denoising via Sequential Ensemble simple base denoisers to form a
822 TCPGPY368 Learning more effective image denoiser.
(Python / Deep Learning) Based on different types of image
priors, two types of base denoisers
in the form of transform-shrinkage
are proposed for constructing the

In this project, we propose and

analyze a novel computational
Analysis for Disease Gene Association Using
methods for the identification of
823 TCPGPY367 Machine Learning
genes associated with diseases
(Python / Machine Learning)
using Machine Learning techniques.

The aim of this study is to propose a

novel ensemble learning paradigm
A Novel Ensemble Learning Paradigm for
for medical diagnosis that performs
824 TCPGPY365 Medical Diagnosis With Imbalanced Data
at the same level or better than the
(Python / Machine Learning)
other state of-the-art comparison

Now-a-days online herbs shopping

becomes a trending in market.
Regular shops are losing customer
base because of lack of promotions
and selling. This application helps
Online Hurbs Shopping
825 TCMAPY356 the users to buy various herbs
(Python / Web Applications)
products, fruits and hospitals list
through online in curing its disease
by giving the list of fruits and herbs
that the user should consume in
order to get rid of its disease.

( 826
Page 113TCMAPY355
) Online Rental System In now-a-days online renting has
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

become a trending scene in the

market. This application provides a
(Python / Web Applications) platform for users and rental
products owners to communicate in
an effective and efficient manner.

In this application, we are building

an application for sending a
Message Passing Through Application Using
messages using mobile, who are in
827 TCMAPY354 Python
critical or dangerous positions, by
(Python / Web Applications)
using machine learning and python

The Objective of this project is to

track your burned calories, walking
distance and time, etc. and all this
information to be clearly displayed in
Step Counter graphs. Then one can set daily step
828 TCMAAN252
(Android / Android Application) goals. Consecutively achieve their
goal for 2 days or more will start a
streak. They can easily check their
streak statistics chart to stay

The main objective of this project is

to increase the cluster overlapping
for seed dataset; it can generate
Effect of Data Parameters and Seeding on
better overlapping to cluster results.
829 TCMAJA586 k-Means and k-Medoids
We are implementing the employ
(Java / Machine Learning)
the state-of-art D2-weighting
technique of k-means++, a variant
of k-means++.

The main objective of this project is

“To improve the wireless
interference localization accuracy,
Research on Wireless Interference Co-location
which helps to quickly and
830 TCPGNS79 Method Based on Virtual Nodes
accurately locate the interference
(NS2 / Wireless Communication)
location and improve the operation
and maintenance efficiency of the
wireless private network.”

The objective of this project is First

Come First Serve technique is
followed. Suppose two nodes X and
Y both sends the connection
Performance Analysis of Wireless Sensor request to node Z ,then node Z will
831 TCPGNS77 Networks Under Adverse Scenario of Attack establish the connection with the
(NS2 / Networking) node whose message reaches first
and request from the other node is
rejected. In Rushing attack infested
node aims at rejecting duplicate
route discovery messages.

( Page 114 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: Optimal Privacy-Preserving Probabilistic

www.takeoffprojects.com The
Phone: objective
+91 of this +91
9030333433, project is a
832 TCPGNS76
Routing for Wireless Networks statistical decision-making
CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

framework to optimize the

privacy-utility trade-off for routing in
wireless networks against a global
and informed adversary using the
Bayesian maximum-a-posteriori
(NS2 / Networking) (MAP) estimation strategy. We then
formulate linear programs to
efficiently compute the optimal
privacy-preserving paths under the
lossless and loss adversarial
models, given a privacy budget.

The objective of this project is,

demonstrates, for the first time, that
it is possible to create simple and
effective Gaussian based models of
the shortest path distribution in
On Modeling Shortest Path Length Distribution
scale-free network topologies by
833 TCPGNS75 in Scale-Free Network Topologies
accounting for the number of nodes
(NS2 / Networking)
only. The accuracy of the proposed
models has been further
investigated by considering real
Internet network topologies, learned
from reference data sets.

The objective of this project is we

show analytically and via
simulations that NB-CSMA
outperforms conventional link-based
CSMA in terms of delay for any
fixed-size network. We also
characterize the fraction of the
Node-Based Distributed Channel Access With capacity region for which the
834 TCPGNS74 Enhanced Delay Characteristics average queue lengths (and the
(NS2 / Networking) average delay) grow polynomial in
the size of the network, for networks
with bounded-degree conflict
graphs. This fraction is no smaller
than the fraction known for
link-based CSMA, and is
significantly larger for a special
class of wireless ad-hoc networks.

The objective of this project is

Wireless sensor network consists of
tiny, low cost sensors deployed over
a geographic region. Wireless
sensors sense information like
PRMN Predictive Location Based Routing For temperature, pressure, radiation,
835 TCPGNS73 Mobile Nodes In Wireless Sensor Network light etc. Sensed information is
(NS2 / Networking) transmitted to the base station.
There are numerous applications of
WSN. Application of WSN includes
intrusion detection, environment
monitoring, detecting environment
parameters, etc.

( Page 115 ) Email: [email protected]

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

The objective of this project is

wireless sensor networks (WSNs)
are defined as a disseminated and
mutual network of devices named
as sensors which are densely
Energy-Aware Clustering Algorithms Used in
suffused over an area, especially in
836 TCPGNS71 Wireless Sensor Networks
hard environments .These sensors
(NS2 / Networking)
used to combine data for some
phenomena. Each sensor has two
main tasks: collecting data and
sending that data to the BS node
through its neighbour.

The objective of this project is,

WBANs are inherently mobile in
nature, a WBAN architecture
inherits the traits of a group-based
model, in which each WBAN is
Dynamic Connectivity Establishment and
composed of several heterogeneous
Cooperative Scheduling for QoS-Aware
837 TCPGNS70 body sensors. Group-based mobility
Wireless Body Area Networks
and changes in the body posture of
(NS2 / Networking)
WBANs have serious implications
on the performance of WBAN
communication, especially
connectivity between a WBAN and
an AP.

The main aim of the project is to

achieve "Wireless Sensor Networks,
the parameter of the energy is very
Cluster Head Selection based on Neural
important, and researches try to
838 TCPGNS69 Networks in Wireless Sensor Networks
optimize the consumption of the
(NS2 / Networking)
power, which is usually impossible
to replace it. Sensors node have
limited resource of the energy."

The main of the project is to

achievea centralized fault tolerant
mechanism for WSNs. This
CFTM: A Centralized Fault Tolerant
mechanism guarantees the recovery
839 TCPGNS68 Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks
of SNs from the failure of CHs and it
(NS2 / Networking)
has been shown to be efficient for
the permanent as well as the
transient faults.

In this project, we describe two

An Analysis of a Large Scale Wireless Image
setups of a wireless image
840 TCPGNS65 Distribution System Deployment
distribution system using different
(NS2 / Wireless Communication)
network architectures.

The objective of this project is, with

the rapid development of internet
Research on Tax Collection and Administration
technology, efficiency of information
841 TCMAJA577 on Big Data Analysis
collection and dissemination has
(Java / Big Data)
increased rapidly, and human
society has entered the era of big

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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective


In this project we put forward a

novel multi-source medical data
integration and mining solution for
better healthcare services, named
Multi-Source Medical Data Integration and PDFM (Privacy-free Data Fusion
842 TCMAJA571 Mining for Healthcare Services and Mining). Through PDFM, we
(Java / Cloud Computing) can search for similar medical
records in a time-efficient and
privacy-preserving manner, so as to
offer patients with better medical
and health services.

In this project we put forward a

novel multi-source medical data
integration and mining solution for
better healthcare services, named
Multi-Source Medical Data Integration and PDFM (Privacy-free Data Fusion
843 TCPGJA545 Mining for Healthcare Services and Mining). Through PDFM, we
(Java / Cloud Computing) can search for similar medical
records in a time-efficient and
privacy-preserving manner, so as to
offer patients with better medical
and health services.

The main aim of this application is

“To know the type of a person based
844 TCMIJA218 Introvert Extrovert Ambivert
on his behavior that how he process
around the world.”

The main goal of the project is

"Predictive Analytics in Healthcare is
PDD: Predictive Diabetes Diagnosis using
mainly used to diagnose patients
845 TCMAJA568 Data mining Algorithms
with diabetes, asthma, heart
(Java / Data Mining)
disease and another complex
Diabetes disease."

The main objective of this project is

Research and Application of Data Privacy
“To protect the privacy and legal
Protection Technology in Cloud Computing
846 TCMAJA562 access of sensitive data, ensuring
Environment Based on Attribute Encryption
that the encrypted cloud service is
(Java / Cloud Computing)
secure and widely used.”

The Main Objective of the Project to

Make a Variant Searchable
A Parallel and Forward Private Searchable
Encryption with Parallelism and
Public-Key Encryption for Cloud-Based Data
847 TCMAJA561 Forward Privacy, Namely the
Parallel and Forward Private
(Java / Cloud Computing)
Searchable Public-Key Encryption
Implementing At the Same Time.

The main aim of the project is to

A Secure Data Dynamics and Public Auditing
( Page 117 ) achieve a secure
Email: public auditing
[email protected]
848 TCMAJA558 Scheme for Cloud Storage
scheme applying third party auditors
(Java / Cloud Computing)
Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone:
to +91 9030333433,
authenticate +91 8776681444
the privacy,
CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

reliability, and integrity of data stored

in the cloud. This proposed auditing
scheme composes the use of the
AES-256 algorithm for encryption,
SHA-512 for integrity check and
RSA-15360 for public key
encryption. And perform data
dynamics operation which deals
with mostly insertion, deletion, and,

The main aim of our project is

covered data security, data
management and efficient resource
sharing mechanism. Here we are
A Computational and Analytical Approach for providing Prevention Mechanism to
Cloud Computing Security with User Data handle internal and external threats.
849 TCMAJA557
Management It is also suggested that it should
(Java / Cloud Computing) covered data loss handling and data
retention mechanism to avoid data
violation and loss in any way, and
here we are using Homomorphic
encryption to provide the security.

This project aims to create a Privacy

Enabled and Secured Cloud Project
Dual Access control for Cloud Based Data deployed in AMAZON WEB
850 TCMAJA556 Storage and Sharing SERVICES (AWS). Services offered
(Java / Cloud Computing) are Privacy, Encryption and
Decryption, hindering Denial of
Sustainability attacks.

The main objective of this project is

“To provide retrieval service to
A Verifiable Semantic Searching Scheme by
arbitrary words so that queries and
Optimal Matching Over Encrypted Data in
851 TCMAJA555 search results are flexible. So, it
Public Cloud
provides verifiability and
(Java / Cloud Computing)
confidentiality towards security

The main objective of this project is

Olx, Quikkr and Other applications
are selling goods of used items in
return of money but There is a need
Swap It. of developing applications which will
852 TCMAAN251
(Android / Android Application) purely work on Barter exchange.
There is a need of Exchange of
goods in place of money. There is
the need of replacing money with
user interested things.

In the present situation getting the

medicines within the time is
Local Medical Search
853 TCMAAN250 somewhat difficult. At the same time
(Android / Android Application)
to search the medicine within
different shops is also very difficult.
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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

So to overcome these issues we are

developing this local medical
searching application.

The main objective of this project is

to implement a multi-label streams
A Survey on Multi-Label Data Stream
mining algorithms and then
854 TCMAJA572 Classification
concentrating on the multi-label
(Java / Data Mining)
streams, it can be helpful to
classifying the data easily.

The main aim of this application is

“To help users to get best property
by just sitting at home or anywhere.
855 TCMIJA217 Online Property Management System
People can book their favorite
property online just after a few

The main aim of our application is

“To reduce the costs and time of
travel to all users who need visa.
This is a trustful process and the
856 TCMIJA216 E-Visa Process users no need to worry about their
personal information and E-Visa
allows the management of the visa
application process to take place
entirely in a virtual environment.”

The main aim of this application is

Text and Image Encryption Decryption Using “To protect and secure relevant
857 TCPGJA554 AES Algorithm information by encrypting and
(Java / Web Applications) decrypting an image and text using
AES algorithm.”

The main objective of this project is

“To provide retrieval service to
A Verifiable Semantic Searching Scheme by
arbitrary words so that queries and
Optimal Matching Over Encrypted Data in
858 TCPGJA553 search results are flexible. So, it
Public Cloud
provides verifiability and
(Java / Cloud Computing)
confidentiality towards security

This project aims to create the

Comments on “Provable Multi copy Dynamic investigated the dynamic multi-copy
Data Possession in Cloud Computing public auditing scheme in and
859 TCMAJA426
Systems" showed that the construction is
(Java / Cloud Computing) vulnerable to the copy-summation
attack and the single-copy attack.

We aim to find malware status of a

system by using machine learning
A Machine Learning Technique to Detect
algorithms such as support vector
860 TCMAPY215 Behaviour Based Malware
machine and principal component
(Python / Machine Learning)
analysis based on the previous
malware systems properties or data.

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This project aims to create a Privacy

Enabled and Secured Cloud Project
Dual Access control for Cloud Based Data deployed in AMAZON WEB
861 TCPGJA526 Storage and Sharing SERVICES (AWS). Services offered
(Java / Cloud Computing) are Privacy, Encryption and
Decryption, hindering Denial of
Sustainability attacks.

The main aim of the project is to

achieve a secure public auditing
scheme applying third party auditors
to authenticate the privacy,
reliability, and integrity of data stored
in the cloud. This proposed auditing
A Secure Data Dynamics and Public Auditing
scheme composes the use of the
862 TCPGJA508 Scheme for Cloud Storage
AES-256 algorithm for encryption,
(Java / Cloud Computing)
SHA-512 for integrity check and
RSA-15360 for public key
encryption. And perform data
dynamics operation which deals
with mostly insertion, deletion, and,

The main objective of this project

"To reduce the total overhead of the
Cost-efficient Outsourced Decryption of cloud server for outsourced
Attribute Based Encryption Schemes for Both decryption of ABE scheme besides
863 TCPGJA509 Users and Cloud Server in Green Cloud decreasing the user’s overhead of
Computing the decryption of ABE scheme when
(Java / Cloud Computing) many users submit the outsourced
decryption service to the cloud

Here we are developing an

application for detection of patients
with COVID-19 from their chest
Covid-19 predictor using X-Ray Images
radiography images using deep
864 TCMAPY161 Analysis
learning models. To perform this
(Python / Deep Learning)
operation, the Chest X-rays from the
publicly available datasets are

In this paper we have proposed the

application of Internet of Things and
Machine learning so that air
A Smart IoT enabled Air Pollution Detector
pollution can be monitored within
865 TCMAPY182 using Machine Learning
future smart cities. An IoT sensor
(Python / Machine Learning)
array is connected to the system,
which can analyze the data using
machine learning algorithms.

From this project, we build an

application which automatically
Image Caption Generator with CNN & LSTM
866 TCMAPY193 generates natural language captions
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)
( Page 120 ) of theEmail:
[email protected]
based on the content in
the given image using Convolution
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Neural Network (CNN) for feature

extraction and Long Short Term
Memory (LSTM) for generating the
captions. Which then can be utilized
for indexing and searching of
images, tagging in social media,
helping the visually impaired etc.

In this project we are developing a

deep learning based Real-time-Face
Mask Detector with Python. The
COVID-19 Monitor project helps us to notify if someone
867 TCMAPY168
(Python / Artificial Intelligence) is wearing a mask or not. As, WHO
has made a compulsion on wearing
masks to protect against the deadly
COVID-19 virus.

In this project, we collect the

different methodologies that which
process and classify speech signals
Emotion Recognition using Speech Processing and detect the emotions from the
868 TCMAPY180
(Python / Deep Learning) speech signals as emotions play
vital role in communications. Here,
the emotions are detected from a
person or through a speaker.

In this project we propose an

application which enhance black
and white images to color format for
Noise Suppresed Image Enhancing
better visibility and analysis by
869 TCMAPY170 Environment
which we can restore the old and
(Python / Deep Learning)
damaged photos that suffered from
severe degradation with the help of
deep learning approach.

In this paper, we propose a method

for automatically generating training
data and effectively using the
generated data to reduce the
labeling cost. The effect of our
Construction of Machine-Labeled Data for proposed method was verified with
Improving Named Entity Recognition by two versions of DNN-based named
870 TCMAPY303
Transfer Learning entity recognition (NER) models:
(Python / Machine Learning) bidirectional LSTM-CRF and vanilla
BERT. Where the proposed NER
systems outperform the baseline
systems in both languages without
the need for additional manual

The objective of this project is to

focus on the two most recent trends
Image Reconstruction: From Sparsity to
in medical image reconstruction that
871 TCMAPY293 Data-Adaptive Methods and Machine Learning
is methods based on scarcity or
(Python / Machine Learning)
low-rank models and data-driven
methods based on machine learning

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In this project, we are comparing

predictive analytics with machine
learning techniques for fraud
detection in real-time financial data.
A Comparative Approach to Predictive
Although predictive analytics and
Analytics with Machine Learning for Fraud
872 TCMAPY279 machine learning uses some of the
Detection of Realtime Financial Data
same algorithms, predictive
(Python / Machine Learning)
analytics in certain cases can
outperform machine learning since it
is designed specifically for the task
in hand.

To fight against malware attacks in

the modern world which heavily
CLEMENT: Machine Learning Methods for
relies on software and internet, we
Malware Recognition Based on Semantic
873 TCMAPY276 propose a novel approach for
detection of malware which uses a
(Python / Machine Learning)
combination of CNN and LSTM in
conjunction with NLP.

In the proposed model, Machine

learning algorithms such as
Xgboost, Random Forest and
Decision Tree are applied to the
An Experimental Study for Software Quality data to predict the software quality
874 TCMAPY243 Prediction with Machine Learning Methods and reveal the relation between the
(Python / Machine Learning) quality and development attributes.
At final, the experimental results
show that the quality level of
software can be well estimated by
machine learning algorithms.

In this proposed model, we design a

new classification system to analyze
and detect the malicious web pages
using machine learning classifiers
Hazard Identification and Detection using such as, random forest, support
875 TCMAPY201 Machine Learning Approach vector machine. Naive Bayes,
(Python / Machine Learning) logistic regression and Some
special URL (Uniform Resource
Locator) based on extricated
features the classifiers are trained to
predict the malicious web pages.

In this project, we are using

machine learning algorithms to
Predicting Flight Delays with Error Calculation predict the arrival of a particular
876 TCMAPY198 using Machine Learned Classifiers flight will be delayed or not. As, flight
(Python / Machine Learning) delay is a major hurdle for airlines
which depends on razor thin profit
margins and for passengers as well.

Machine Learning based Rainfall Prediction This paper proposes a rainfall

( 877
Page 122TCMAPY194
) (Python / Machine Learning) Email:model
prediction [email protected]
using machine

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learning models such as Multiple

Linear Regression (MLR) for
considered dataset. The input data
is having multiple meteorological
parameters and to predict the
rainfall in more precise.

The objective of this project is to

present the principle of three types
of text classification methods,
ELMo, BERT and CNN, and applied
them to hate speech detection, then
Deep Learning Based Fusion Approach for
the performance is improved by
878 TCMAPY310 Hate Speech Detection
fusion from two perspectives: the
(Python / Deep Learning)
fusion of the classification results of
ELMo, BERT and CNN, and the
fusion of the classification results of
three CNN classifiers with different

Here, our application introduces a

Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) implemented architecture to
detect the sentiment of a person
Analysis of Facial Sentiments: A Deep-learning
using facial and visual clues. Such a
879 TCMAPY284 Way
system can be used to moderate
(Python / Deep Learning)
content based on the sentiment of
the person. This application is highly
useful in modern world where we
rely on video calls more and more.

This paper presents deep learning

approach with the classical machine
Image-Based Plant Disease Detection: A
learning algorithms for detecting the
Comparison of Deep Learning and Classical
880 TCMAPY259 plant disease in the early stages
Machine Learning Algorithms
using image based plant dataset.
(Python / Deep Learning)
This can prevent without destroying
the whole crop.

In this project, We propose a

Recurrent Gradient Descent
Network (RGDN) by systematically
incorporating deep neural networks
into a fully parameterized gradient
Learning Deep Gradient Descent Optimization
descent scheme that which can
881 TCMAPY257 for Image Deconvolution
enhance the blurred image to the
(Python / Deep Learning)
clean image. The proposed deep
optimization method is effective and
robust to produce favorable results
as well as practical for real-world
image deblurring applications.

In this study we aim to provide the

Deep Learning in Ultrasound Imaging reader with a broad understanding
882 TCMAPY252
(Python / Deep Learning) of the possible impact of deep
( Page 123 ) Email:
learning on [email protected]
a variety of ultrasound
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S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

imaging aspects, placing particular

emphasis on methods that exploit
both the power of data and signal
structure (for instance sparsity in
some domain) to yield robust and
data efficient solutions.

In the proposed model we are

performing sentiment analysis using
deep learning algorithms such as,
Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks
Evaluation of Deep Learning Techniques in (RNN) and Natural Language
883 TCMAPY249 Sentiment Analysis from Twitter Data Processing (NLP). For this analysis
(Python / Deep Learning) we are using twitter dataset.
Additionally, we compare different
word embedding systems such as
the Word2Vec and the global
vectors for word representation
(GloVe) models.

Being able to predict disease based

on facial images is an important
field. Such an application can
Deep Facial Diagnosis: Deep Transfer Learning provide millions of people to get
884 TCMAPY229 From Face Recognition to Facial Diagnosis diagnosed for cheap. In this project,
(Python / Deep Learning) we propose a Neural Network based
method to take 2D facial images
and to predict diseases (most likely
dermatology diseases) from them.

Our goal is to predict the solution for

wireless sensor network by using
intrusion detection system (IDS) is a
solution to this problem. It analyzes
the network by collecting sufficient
On the Feasibility of Deep Learning in Sensor
amount of data and detects
885 TCMAPY221 Network Intrusion Detection
abnormal behavior of sensor
(Python / Deep Learning)
node(s). IDS based security
mechanisms proposed for other
network paradigms such as ad hoc
networks, cannot directly be used in

In this application we present a

deep learning based architecture for
a natural language parser, and
Deep Learning for Natural Language Parsing
886 TCMAPY218 investigating the qualities of our
(Python / Deep Learning)
parser by using a multi-lingual
dependency parser using advanced
deep learning techniques.

Deep learning for Classification and Based on lung ultrasonography

Localization of COVID-19 Markers in (LUS) images our app should
887 TCMAPY211
point-of-care Lung Ultrasound identify whether a person got
( Page 124 ) (Python / Deep Learning) Email:
infected [email protected]
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based on which medication should

be recommended. Such an app
could be helpful in detecting
CORONAVIRUS faster and hence
faster treatment can be provided to
the user.

In this paper we propose a transfer

learning-based deep learning
method, Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN) for the object
detection. For the improvement in
Transfer learning-based Object Detection by
the result, the majority voting
888 TCMAPY207 using Convolutional Neural Networks
scheme is used. The results
(Python / Deep Learning)
obtained here have shown
incredible improvement in the
accuracy of the proposed work
when compared to the other
different CNN models.

In the proposed method, machine

learning algorithms are used to
evaluate students' performance in
an organisation. Here, we used
supervised and unsupervised
Advanced Prediction of Performance of A
techniques. In unsupervised
Student in An University using Machine
889 TCMAPY209 learning, K-means and Hierarchical
Learning Techniques
clustering are being used and in
(Python / Machine Learning)
supervised, Naive Bayes and
Decision Trees are used. These
machine learning techniques can be
used to predict the output for certain

In this project, we verify the

effectiveness of XGBoost Algorithm
Novel XGBoost Tuned Machine Learning in detecting bugs in software, and
890 TCMAPY205 Model for Software Bug Prediction compared with the other traditional
(Python / Machine Learning) machine learning algorithms like
logistic regression, decision trees,
random forest and AdaBoost.

The objective of this project is about

novel coronavirus also known as
COVID-19 predictions. The
COVID-19 has proved a potential
threat to human life. It causes tens
of thousands of deaths and the
COVID-19 Future Forecasting Using
death rate is increasing day by day
891 TCMAPY204 Supervised Machine Learning Models
throughout the globe. To contribute
(Python / Machine Learning)
to this pandemic situation control,
this study attempts to perform future
forecasting on the death, recoveries
and cases. Our model will help to
create future predictions which
reduce the burden to the people
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who are continuously working on

covid predictions.

The human andro system is

fundamental problem in robot
development. Namely, not only the
behaviour but also the appearance
of a robot influences human-robot
interaction. There is, however, no
project approach to tackling this
Human Andro system
892 TCMAAN200 problem. In order to solve the
(Android / Android Application)
problem, we have developed an
android robot that has similar
appearance as humans and several
actuators generating micro
behaviors . This project proposes a
new direction based on the android

The humanoid robot control by

using android with GPRS
technology project is user can
Humanoid robot control by using ANDROID control the robot using an android
893 TCMAAN201 with GPRS technology application. And in the robot, each
(Android / Android Application) part can move with the remote. And
the commands send to the robot via
Bluetooth. The commands are
design in android application.

In the android robot car using

accelerometer sensors project we
can implement the robot car
application to control the robot car.
And in order to control the robot car
Android robot car using Accelerometer Sensors
894 TCMAAN199 we can send the commands to a
(Android / Android Application)
Bluetooth device which is place in
circuit. From these commands, the
robot car will move. And for
controlling in the application we can
designs the buttons to move.

In the android robot helicopter using

accelerometer sensors project we
can implement the robot helicopter
application to control the robot
Android Robot Helicopter using Accelerometer
helicopter and in order to control the
895 TCMAAN198 Sensors
robot helicopter, we can send the
(Android / Android Application)
commands to Bluetooth device
which is placed in the circuit. From
this commands the robot helicopter
will perform action.

Android platform is a new

Office Automation generation of smart mobile phone
896 TCMAAN197
(Android / Android Application) platform launched by Google.
( Page 126 ) Email:
Android [email protected]
provides the support of
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Blue-tooth. This Technology is a

collective term for information and
communication-technology in
offices, where the components are
communicating through a

The implementation and modelling

of robotic arm using android project
is to implement the robotic arm and
for this the android provides the
support of Bluetooth. Here we are
Implementation and modelling of robotic arm
sending the digital commands to
897 TCMAAN196 using Android
each one of the part to control the
(Android / Android Application)
process. We can easily work with
the robotic arm without any risk. And
all the commands are implemented
in this android applications and we
can control it from that.

The main theme of this project is to

integrate the embedded system with
the smartphone, Here the sensors
of embedded like noise sensor and
Baby Monitoring System moisture sensor and temperature
898 TCMAAN190
(Android / Android Application) sensor and camera for surveillance
these are the things can monitor the
baby and send email and
notification and video streaming can
be viewed in smart phone app.

The anti-ragging system using IOT

voice recognition project is to
recognize the voice of people who
Anti-Ragging using IoT Voice recognition
899 TCMAAN189 are doing the ragging with others.
(Android / Android Application)
This project main aim to avoid the
ragging activities in any place using
of voice sensors.

The smart shopping card using

RFID project is consists of two parts
which mainly focuses on navigation
to the item's location and automatic
Smart shopping card using RFID android app. billing of the products that the user
900 TCMAAN188
(Android / Android Application) has purchased. The building
environment of the app is the open
source software called Android
Studio software. An RFID reader is
used to scan the products.

The ultimate goal of our app is for

users can order food for parties and
Smart online Catering Ordering and
functions. How this app can flexible
901 TCMAAN185 Reservation System
is, this can get the food orders front
(Android / Android Application)
to user. This gives customers
satisfaction without having to search

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for catering services.

This is a simple application since its

name suggests its purpose is to
frame English sentences for those
not so strong in English. His job is to
Smart Grammar App using AI correct and reframe the written
902 TCMAAN184
(Android / Android Application) sentences, if they are incorrect. It
will benefit those users who feel
poor in English, and if they use it,
one or the other way they can
improve their English too.

Today, smart employers are widely

using AI-enabled recruitment mobile
applications to find the right
Online Recruiting Automation. candidates who have not been
903 TCMAAN182
(Android / Android Application) considered for job roles in the past,
not because they were well
qualified, but because they appear
in search results or did not appear.

The concept of AI or machine

learning tools has changed the way
we read, search, and write text.
There is advanced AI or machine
AI Enabled Learning App. learning applications that
904 TCMAAN181
(Android / Android Application) understand, search and read for
you, this will also help researchers
to learn about the development of
the latest technology, tools and

Now these days, market traders

needs to be updated at every step
of the market. The use of AI or
machine learning app in the modern
stock market keeps the shares
AI Enabled Market Prediction App. rising and falling on a daily basis.
905 TCMAAN180
(Android / Android Application) You can also get help building a
portfolio, check the real-time market
value of any stock, getting help in
understanding stock charts, market
trends and everything from your
mobile phone.

Decorating your home with the right

items is not easy. This app will take
a picture of the user’s room and
Interior Design for Smart Home.
906 TCMAAN178 allow visualizing it with different
(Android / Android Application)
available interior designing options,
like, carpets, curtains, wall paint,

( 907
Page 128TCMAAN176
) AndroHealth PHR Using IOT The main
Email:purpose of this project is
[email protected]
(Android / Android Application) to develop an android application
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using IOT which helps patients to

test Blood Pressure, Temperature
and Heartbeat rate on their own.
These Personal health records
(PHRs) can help doctors to give
better treatment to their patients
from remote locations.

The main aim of facial expression

detection is to detect customer
satisfaction on the user's face which
can give accurate results to the
Android Facial Expression App
908 TCMAAN175 organization. And there is another
(Android / Android Application)
thing also here we are implementing
this concept to reduce the human
efforts to give the customer service

Our motivation was to create a

program that could be used to
collect information on the People
Age and Gender Detection in Malls at who visit business areas, use their
909 TCMAAN171 Pandemic Situations surveillance systems as an input.
(Android / Android Application) Automatic age and gender
classification have become relevant
to an increasing number of

The main purpose of this project is

to develop an android application
which helps in detecting human
activity in coma patient. The ultimate
Human Activity Detection in Coma Patient objective is to reduce manually
910 TCMAAN170
(Android / Android Application) monitoring of coma patient and to
develop computerized system and if
any activity found, Patient
concerned persons should get
notified in their mobiles.

When a new user registers to the

system or a new item is added to
the catalogue and the system does
not have sufficient data associated
Notify Music Recommendation app karaoke.
911 TCMAAN168 with items. In such a case, the
(Android / Android Application)
system cannot properly recommend
existing items to a new user (new
user problem) or recommend a new
item to the existing users.

We present an efficient way of

detecting anomalies in videos.
Surveillance security is a very
Android Eye Crime (violence ) detection app
912 TCMAAN167 tedious and time-consuming job. In
(Android / Android Application)
this app, we will build a system to
automate the task of analyzing
video surveillance. We will analyze
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the video feed in real-time and

identify any abnormal activities like
violence or theft.

The aim of this project is to

introduce a new
smartphone-equipped Android
application for assistance via the
camera: in particular, the lane
detection part will be covered. Using
computer vision algorithms
generated ad-hoc for the task; the
Intruder detection in Queue
913 TCMAAN166 application must be able to position,
(Android / Android Application)
in the most practical way, people
should maintain a straight line in any
event and should stand within the
line. This helps the administrator of
the event to control the queue and
can see that no fights occurs in
event, this can be fueled by Deep
Learning algorithms.

This application will advise the

recipe for cooking food, but not tell
you the ingredients. In fact, it will
first ask the users about the
available ingredients and will come
Virtual Cook Application to cook with the
up with a dish that can be made with
914 TCMAAN163 existing ingredients.
those ingredients on its own, so that
(Android / Android Application)
the user won’t have to rush for other
additives. When you have fewer
ingredients available and want to
cook something great it’s the app for

The goal of the project is if they

want to book a table or food for
particular time-slot, this will allow
users booking a table online by
Allotting Restaurant time/Ordering Food with AI
915 TCMAAN162 suggesting best from the
(Android / Android Application)
restaurants along with the
previously visited ones. This will
reduce the time and makes the user
more comfortable.

Medical or clinical vocabulary is

almost a language in itself. The
Language to Language translator in the objective of the project is to
916 TCMAAN160 Medical Industry. translate doctor’s language to
(Android / Android Application) patient’s language or vice versa
using android application language

A Categorization of Cloud-Based Services and The main objective of this project

917 TCPGJA510 their Security Analysis in the Healthcare “Achieves security and risk
( Page 130 ) (Java / Cloud Computing) assessment issues in cloud-based
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services and also offers an eye

catching categorization of cloud
benefits and threats in the
healthcare sector providing many
important tools and applications.”

This project aims to create a novel

data repository named Derepo to
address the security and privacy
Derepo: A Distributed Privacy-Preserving Data
issues of the medical data by
Repository with Decentralized Access Control
918 TCPGJA515 securing the storage with the
for Smart Health
decentralized access control
(Java / Cloud Computing)
mechanism and preserving privacy
via the homomorphic encryption

The Main Objective of the Project to

Make a Variant Searchable
A Parallel and Forward Private Searchable
Encryption with Parallelism and
Public-Key Encryption for Cloud-Based Data
919 TCPGJA516 Forward Privacy, Namely the
Parallel and Forward Private
(Java / Cloud Computing)
Searchable Public-Key Encryption
Implementing At the Same Time.

In this project, we are proposing the

Group Key Management Protocol
for file sharing on cloud storage
Group Key Management Protocol for File (GKMP). This helps in achieving the
920 TCPGJA520 Sharing on Cloud Storage authentication scheme which is
(Java / Cloud Computing) used to prevent the shared files
from being attacked by a
combination of cloud providers and
group members.

Online reviews regarding different

products or services have become
the main source to determine public
opinions. Consequently,
Understanding the User Behavior of
manufacturers and sellers are
Foursquare: A Data-Driven Study on a Global
921 TCMAPY422 extremely concerned with customer
reviews as these have a direct
(Python / Machine Learning)
impact on their businesses. This
project help to analyze the impact of
widespread opinion spam in online

The main objective of this project is

A Study of KMeans Clustering to study and use unsupervised
922 TCMAPY429
(Python / Machine Learning) K-means clustering algorithm for the
purpose of customer segmentation.

E-commerce is an online trading

Hybrid Exhortation System for e-commerce system that eases transactions for
923 TCMAPY437 using Bayesian Algorithm both sellers and consumers without
(Python / Machine Learning) having to meet in person. The
( Page 131 ) prevalence
Email: of e-commerce has
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increased competition amongst

sellers; hence the sellers of
e-commerce have to increase their
performance, one of them by using
regression system.

The main goal of this analysis study

Association Rule Mining Algorithms
is predict the frequent pattern items
924 TCMAPY449 (FP-Growth )
in a set of items which provides high
(Python / Machine Learning)
efficient results.

The main objective of this proposed

model is to recognize the human
Human Action Recognition actions/activities using Convolution
925 TCMAPY453
(Python / Deep Learning) Neural Network (CNN) from the
deep learning and with the help of

The objective of this project is about

detection of brain stroke disease,
this study attempts to perform early
Ischemic and hemorrhage stroke prediction detection on brain stroke images.
926 TCMAPY421 using DL algorithm Our model will help to detect the
(Python / Deep Learning) stroke is positive or negative which
reduce the burden to the people
who are continuously working on
this domain.

Multi scale progressive fusion network for The main objective of the project is
927 TCMAPY417 single image deraining to remove the rain in the images
(Python / Deep Learning) using convolution neural network

The main objective of this

application is to investigate a
specific problem of whether it is
Early prediction of low birth weight cases using
valuable or not to use machine
928 TCMAPY412 ML approach
learning techniques to predict
(Python / Machine Learning)
whether the baby belongs to Low
Birth Weight or not belongs to Low
Birth Weight.

The Sound locker project is helpful

to lock the all assets either together
or separately. From this project,
Sound locker with IoT there is no need to worry about the
929 TCMAAN150
(Android / Android Application) loss of data and security issues
anymore. In this we can provide
voice also and you can lock or
unlock to applications.

Finding the employee’s location is

very difficult, sometimes not just
colleague Mapper / Friend Locator with
employees, even any other person
930 TCMAAN152 notification.
who are in our contacts are difficult
(Android / Android Application)
to locate. The colleague mapper
friend locator with notification
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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

application will send any alert which

will help to get the location of the
others, but for that they need this
application to be installed in their
mobile and should be logged in.

This application can be simply

considered as a rehabilitation app
for alcohol resilience treatment. In
general several people don’t want to
Alcoholic self Control App
931 TCMAAN153 be identified as an alcoholic and so
(Android / Android Application)
that often times they don’t like go to
the rehabilitation center. In that case
this app will help to undergo the
process within their home itself.

The seed testing to improve

cultivation project is to help the
farmers in detecting the seeds on
whether they are defective or not. In
Seed testing to improve cultivation
932 TCMAAN154 this project, the scanner detects the
(Android / Android Application)
seed and will give the overall
information about the seed to the
user. And it will show how to check
if the seed is not defective.

The voice to voiceless

communication for dumb project is
help to dumb people and not just
Voice to Voiceless communication for Dumb.
933 TCMAAN155 people who can speak. This system
(Android / Android Application)
will help these people to
communicate with others in a better
and convenient manner.

Nowadays, Android app has

become common and very essential
in our daily life and every person
carries a phone with him so having
Digital Vehicle
934 TCMAAN156 this in mind, Digital license is a
(Android / Android Application)
mobile app that can provided to
every cop through the government,
as it used only by a cop to ensure
privacy of sensible data.

This project is for visually impaired

people who cannot identify the
Currency detector for visually impaired. currency note and it will help them
935 TCMAAN157
(Android / Android Application) to have the feel safe while there any
kind of hand to hand money

The objective of the project is to

connect the book readers through
Bookworms Circle.
936 TCMAAN158 our Android Application and they
(Android / Android Application)
( Page 133 ) can share
Email:the books which are
[email protected]
available with them among others in
Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444
CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

that circle. So that user has no need

of purchasing books all the time and
other side who have those books
and kept aside or already read it,
can share the books among others
which gives them inner satisfaction
of that they have helped someone.

In this application the user is guided

and navigated to where we opted to
go, usually in any university, there
will be many places like Library,
University guidance system Canteen, Lab, Bank and Book
937 TCMAAN207
(Android / Android Application) stores. For university stake holders
like Students, Professors, Staffs and
any other new visitors they can
easily reach their destinations and
perform their activity.

Along with IoT and Embedded

System, Arduino and Raspberry PI
also taken the health sector through
exponential growth, providing
compact and low-cost medical
instruments for tracking vital signals.
In diagnosing heart disease,
Heart Beat Monitoring Using ECG Sensor electrocardiographic (ECG)
938 TCMAAN206
(Android / Android Application) equipment plays a crucial role. The
cost of this machinery, though, is
high and the process is so
complicated that a vast population
of developed countries cannot offer
better facilities. We have developed
and deployed a totally low-cost

Tele-medicine is a rapidly
developing application of clinic
medicine where medical information
is transferred through the phone or
other networks for the purpose of
consulting and performing remote
medical procedures or
examinations. This project
elaborates the experience; a
Patient Monitoring System Using Smart Phone
939 TCMAAN205 methodology adopted and highlights
(Android / Android Application)
various design aspects to be
considered for making telemedicine
in patient monitoring system
effective. In this method, the
patient’s vital signs like ECG, heart
rate, breathing rate, temperature are
captured and the values are
continually displayed on the doctor’s
phone using ANDROID technology.

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

In the E-diagnostic lab project, the

user can views all the tests and
check-up and their costs. The user
sends all the required details to lab
which will then be diagnosed and
E-diagnostic Lab Online Reporting Mobile App will also provide the results in the
940 TCMAAN204
(Android / Android Application) form of a graphical report or in any
format that is available to the user.
The user will view the results in the
form of graphical data or in the form
of image format. This takes a less
amount of time than the usual time.

The notification project for tv

program is a time schedule project,
because when the user puts the
time slot in this, to that time we are
TV Program Notification App going to send the notification to the
941 TCMAAN203
(Android / Android Application) user, then he can alert to see that.
And also, if we want to turn on the tv
to particular time then you set the
time to that, automatically tv will be
on to that time.

The animal recognition project is to

recognise the animals using a
convolution neural network.
Although various machine learning
models can classify images of
different animals, it remains a
Animal recognition challenge to distinguish animal
942 TCMAAN194
(Android / Android Application) species. This is because there are
certain species with a high color
similarity. It is a complicated process
that requires expertise even for
human beings. The CNN models
are efficient modern recognition

The auto irrigation project

continuously collects the data from
that cloud server. Once the soil
moisture values are exceeded the
particular limit then the relay, which
is connected to the Arduino
Auto irrigation
943 TCMAAN193 microcontroller. Automation of
(Android / Android Application)
irrigation system using IoT 79 motor.
From that controller automatically
water the plants when the soil
moisture sensor has detected the
soil is insufficient of water by using
the arduino as the center core.

The main theme of this project is to

Diet Advisor
944 TCMAAN192 integrate the embedded system with
(Android / Android Application)
( Page 135 ) the smartphone, here the task is to
Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

get the calories from the food by

detecting the calories in embedded
system, based on the user BMI,
android app need to prepare the diet
plan for the day.

Many areas in India, and the world,

are facing serious air quality
problems. In India, local, state, and
central agencies are engaged in
Air Pollution Detection App
945 TCMAAN191 efforts to identify where air pollution
(Android / Android Application)
exists, the cause of air pollution, and
how to control air pollution. Through
IOT we are going to monitoring the
air pollution.

A fingerprint based biometric system

is also employed for providing
robust security to the home. This
security system provides only
authentic access to the door lock of
the home as well as the automation
Fingerprint authentication.
946 TCMAAN187 circuitry. Considering the
(Android / Android Application)
ergonomics, push buttons are
included for delete and enroll
process of new fingerprints. Here
we are going to integrate a smart
app fingerprint sensor to automate
and authenticate.

Running is the best exercise a

person can do for his or her own
health. So we've come up with this
idea of creating an android
Android Step Tracker and Diet Adviser. application that will let them know
947 TCMAAN183
(Android / Android Application) the no. of steps they've been
running or walking up until now. This
app is designed to monitor your
health based on your no measures,
water intake and complete sleep.

Air pollution causes damage to

crops, animals, forests, and bodies
of water. It also contributes to the
depletion of the ozone layer, which
Air Pollution Detection Using ML.
948 TCMAAN177 protects the Earth from the sun's UV
(Android / Android Application)
rays. Another negative effect of air
pollution is the formation of acid
rain, which harms trees, soils, rivers,
and wildlife.

Predicting election results is a hot

field of political science. In the last
Election Exit Poll Prediction
949 TCMAAN172 decade, social media has been
(Android / Android Application)
commonly used in democratic
campaigns. The results of a national

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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

election can be predicted by most


The objective of this application is to

retrieve the files that are deleted by
the user which are important. In PC
we can easily do that by using
Flashback Retrieving the deleted files Recycle Bin but in mobiles it is not
950 TCMAAN164
(Android / Android Application) easy as there are no applications
available like that. This app will
allow the users to see what they did
on their phone in the past and also
able them to undo their tasks.

The objective of this project was to

determine the availability,
functionality, and quality of mobile
apps that could be used for blood
Personal monitoring of blood pressure using pressure monitoring purposes.
951 TCMAAN161 android smart phones Checking the blood pressure itself is
(Android / Android Application) a lot costlier when it comes to poor
people for which they can’t afford.
Despite that this application will help
a lot to those just by using their

The objective of the project is to

check freshness of vegetables
through our Android application and
display the results to the users and
avoid unseen circumstances like
food poisoning and unhealthy
Veggie Freshness Check App. vegetables consumption. The
952 TCMAAN159
(Android / Android Application) vegetables kept at room
temperature undergo rapid bacterial
growth and chemical changes in
them. Consuming unhealthy
vegetables can cause several
foodborne diseases which may
harm our health.

Federated Learning for Mobile Keyboard The main objective of the project is
953 TCMAPY423 Prediction to suggest words that are taken
(Python / Web Applications) from the keyboard.

The main goal of this project is to

make available of vaccines to the
E Vaccination System Using AI patients. Such systems save time
954 TCMAPY109
(Python / Web Applications) and provide vaccines in time. This
system is much convenient for the

The purpose of the app is help the

Real-time Crop Health Assistance To Farmers farmers to know the health
955 TCMAAN126
(Android / Android Application) conditions of the crop and if any
assistance is needed, this app can

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CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

give the assistance to farmers to

maintain health crop.

The main objective of the app is

Examination Hall Seating Arrangement System reduce the stress from the arranging
956 TCMAAN106
(Android / Android Application) the examination seating manually in
a collages.

The main goal of this project is

based on the employee daily work
status which has to be accepted by
Employee Dash Board admin. The acceptance could not be
957 TCMAPY411
(Python / Web Applications) done on holidays and weekends
(Saturday, Sunday). Here we
implement an application using

The main objective of this project is

“To transfer the data and signals
Flying Ad Hoc Network: A Newest Research
between each other without any
958 TCPGNS564 Area for Ad Hoc Networks
human experts and without any
physical connectivity between the

The regulation of air pollutant levels

is rapidly becoming one of the most
Detection and Predicting Air Pollution Level in important tasks. It is important that
959 TCMAAN95 a Specific City Using Machine Learning Models people know what the level of
(Android / Artificial Intelligence) pollution in their surroundings is and
takes a step towards fighting against

Technological innovation has been

changing the tourism industry
precipitously and making the holiday
experience more enjoyable and
Tourist Management Using Machine Learning easier than before. The purpose of
960 TCMAAN81
(Android / Artificial Intelligence) this project is to identify the current
and future changes by the machine
learning (ML) system as artificial
intelligence in the hospitality

Recently security concerns have

grown tremendously, it is important
for all to be able to safeguard their
property from worldly harms such as
thefts, destruction of property. The
Motion Detection Using Background
motion detection system is
961 TCMAAN52 Subtraction Technique In Surveillance
implemented for real time
(Android / Machine Learning)
applications, background
subtraction method and frame
difference methods are used for
detecting the motion from video

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Latest Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Indian economy is dependent of

agricultural productivity. Over 70%
of rural homes depend on
Leaf Disease Detection for Agriculture Industry
962 TCMAAN39 agriculture. The expert system can
(Android / Machine Learning)
detect the plant diseases plays a
vital key role in the arena of

A Secure Searchable Encryption Framework

963 TCREAN19_53 For Privacy-critical Cloud Storage Services
(Android / Service Computing)

Automatic Pavement Crack Detection and In this application, we create a deep

Classification Using Multiscale Feature learning architecture to identify and
964 TCMAPY410
Attention Network detect of wall based pavement crack
(Python / Deep Learning) detection.

The main objective of this project is

to use machine learning techniques
Rumor Stance Prediction for rumor classification in twitter
965 TCMAPY413
(Python / Machine Learning) data and evaluate the results
obtained by those machine learning

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

The objective of Object Level

Change Detection is to detect
changes in objects in an image or
Object Level Change Detection video sequence. This involves
(Python / Deep Learning) identifying changes in the presence,
position, size, shape, and/or
appearance of objects within the

Today, it is critical to employ not only

the traditional forms of statement,
but also newer ones, such as cell
phone technology, to facilitate faster
College Management Android Application
2 TCMAAN371 and easier communication among
(Android / Android Application)
students. The college staff uses
android devices to upload results
and college information to a secure
android application.

The main objective of this project

is:” The aim of this socially relevant
3 TCMIJA238 Online Oxygen Management System project is to manage the Oxygen
Management System through

In this research, tokenization is

employed to transfer the input string
into a word vector, stemming is
utilized to extract the root of the
Movie Recommendation System Using Hybrid
words, feature selection is
4 TCMAPY430 Filtering and Sentimental Analysis
conducted to extract the essential
(Python / Machine Learning)
words, and finally classification is
performed to label reviews as being
either positive or negative. We build
this model simply by using KNN.

Android Assignment Helper for College

5 TCMAAN225 Students
(Android / Android Application)

E-diagnostic Lab App : Online Reporting App.

(Android / Android Application)

7 TCMIAN87 On Road Vehicle Assistance Finder

8 TCMIAN88 Smart Event Invitation

Speak Just Voice based Control for

9 TCMAAN244 Examination
(Android / Android Application)

Towards Enhancing Security in Android

10 TCMAAN245 Operating
(Android / Android Application)

11 TCMAAN248 Voice Based Email for Blind

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CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(Android / Android Application)

Voice Technology for Visual Impared

12 TCMAAN249
(Android / Android Application)

Health Prediction System

13 TCMAPY323
(Python / Machine Learning)

The objective of this project is about

novel coronavirus also known as
COVID-19 predictions. The
COVID-19 has proved a potential
threat to human life. It causes tens
of thousands of deaths and the
death rate is increasing day by day
COVID-19 Future Predection Using ARIMA
throughout the globe. To contribute
14 TCMAPY416 Modal
to this pandemic situation control,
(Python / Machine Learning)
this study attempts to perform future
forecasting on the death, recoveries
and cases. Our model will help to
create future predictions which
reduce the burden to the people
who are continuously working on
covid predictions.

Glaucoma Detection Using Fundus Images Of

15 TCPGPY275 The Eye
(Python / Data Science)

Detection of Phishing Attacks - A Machine

16 TCPGPY317 Learning Approach
(Python / Machine Learning)

17 TCMIAN76 Agriculture Updates Android Project

An Mobile Based Inventory Management

18 TCMAAN223
System Using QR Code Application

19 TCMIAN77 Android Habit Tracker

Android Railway Ticket Booking System Using

20 TCMAAN227
QR Code

Android Application For E-learning through

21 TCMAAN228
Voice Interface

22 TCMAAN229 Android Canteen Ordering System

23 TCMIAN78 Android File Storage

Android Object Detection

24 TCMAAN231
(Android / Android Application)

25 TCMIAN79 Anti-Ragging App

Detecting Malicious Android Apps using the

26 TCMAAN235
Popularity and Relations of APIs

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CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(Android / Android Application)

Food Wastage Reduction Android App

27 TCMAAN240
(Android / Android Application)

Online Ride-Hailing Service Without

28 TCMAAN242 Compromising Location Privacy
(Android / Android Application)

Vehicle Parking Automation System

29 TCMAAN247
(Android / Android Application)

CHARON A Secure Cloud-of-Clouds System

30 TCPGPY313 for Storing and Sharing Big Data
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Classification of Google-Play-Store Apps using

31 TCPGPY314 SVM and KNN Classifiers
(Python / Machine Learning)

Cricket Classification
32 TCMAPY317
(Python / Web Applications)

Crop and Fertilizers using Machine Learning

33 TCMAPY318
(Python / Machine Learning)

Crop Yeild Prediction

34 TCMAPY319
(Python / Web Applications)

Dynamic Multi Keyword Ranked Search Based

35 TCPGPY318 On Bloom Filter over Encrypted Cloud Data
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Dynamic Vehicle Routing for Solid Waste

36 TCMAPY321
(Python / Web Applications)

Efficient Hybrid Recommendation System For

37 TCMAPY322 E-Commerce Users
(Python / Machine Learning)

Google play store Apps Classification

38 TCPGPY319
(Python / Machine Learning)

Heart Disease prediction using Decision Tree

39 TCPGPY320 and Naive Bayes
(Python / Machine Learning)

Identify Face Expression Changer Using

40 TCMAAN113 Tensor Flow
(Android / Android Application)

Plant Leaf Recognition Using A Convolution

41 TCMAPY15 Neural Network
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)

Plant Leaf Recognition Using A Convolution

Neural Network

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(Python / Machine Learning)

The regulation of air pollutant levels

is rapidly becoming one of the most
Detection and Predicting Air Pollution Level in important tasks. It is important that
43 TCMAAN94 a Specific City Using Machine Learning Models people know what the level of
(Android / Machine Learning) pollution in their surroundings is and
takes a step towards fighting against

Packers & Movers Application

(Python / Web Applications)

Travels Agency Management Application

(Python / Web Applications)

Sports Club Management Application

(Python / Web Applications)

Answer Sheet Validation Using Qr Code

(Java / Web Applications)

Automatic Backup System Application Using Ai

(Java / Web Applications)

E-weather: Weather Estimation Using Ai

(Java / Web Applications)

(Java / Web Applications)

Student Chat Bot For College Administration

51 TCMAJA117 Using Artificial Intelligence
(Java / Artificial Intelligence)

Student Chat Bot For College Administration

52 TCMAJA116 Using Artificial Intelligence
(Java / Web Applications)

Village Welfare Monitoring System

53 TCMAJA122
(Java / Web Applications)

Employee Payroll Management Application

(Python / Web Applications)

Automation Random Question Paper

55 TCMAPY159 Generator Using Machine Learning Technique
(Python / Machine Learning)

Music Player Application

56 TCMAPY139
(Python / Web Applications)

Weather Prediction Application In Agriculture

57 TCMAAN135 Sector
(Android / Android Application)

58 TCMAAN134 Voice Alerting The Accident Zones By Using

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Google Maps
(Android / Android Application)

Technological innovation has been

changing the tourism industry
precipitously and making the holiday
experience more enjoyable and
Tourist Management Using Machine Learning easier than before. The purpose of
(Android / Data Science) this project is to identify the current
and future changes by the machine
learning (ML) system as artificial
intelligence in the hospitality

Speak4diet: A Mobile App For Monitoring

60 TCMAAN75 Dietary Composition
(Android / Artificial Intelligence)

Object Detection Using Tensor Flow In

61 TCMAAN59 Shopping Malls
(Android / Machine Learning)

Object Detection Using Tensor Flow In

62 TCMAAN60 Shopping Malls
(Android / Artificial Intelligence)

Recently security concerns have

grown tremendously, it is important
for all to be able to safeguard their
property from worldly harms such as
thefts, destruction of property. The
Motion Detection Using Background
motion detection system is
63 TCMAAN53 Subtraction Technique In Surveillance
implemented for real time
(Android / Artificial Intelligence)
applications, background
subtraction method and frame
difference methods are used for
detecting the motion from video

Indian economy is dependent of

agricultural productivity. Over 70%
of rural homes depend on
Leaf Disease Detection for Agriculture Industry
64 TCMAAN40 agriculture. The expert system can
(Android / Artificial Intelligence)
detect the plant diseases plays a
vital key role in the arena of

Indian economy is dependent of

agricultural productivity. Over 70%
of rural homes depend on
Leaf Disease Detection for Agriculture Industry
65 TCMAAN41 agriculture. The expert system can
(Android / Data Science)
detect the plant diseases plays a
vital key role in the arena of

66 TCMAAN37 Handwriting Recognition for Vegetable

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(Android / Data Science)

Android Voice Assistant For Visually Impaired

(Android / Machine Learning)

Android Habit Tracker

(Android / Android Application)

Android Face Detection Using Mobile Vision

69 TCMAAN03 for ATM Security
(Android / Artificial Intelligence)

The main objective of this project is

for detecting driver distraction using
multimodal data. In this the main
contributions are statistical analysis
for the identification of the best
features and modalities for detecting
Machine Learning and End-to-End Deep each of four types of distraction,
Learning for Monitoring Driver Distractions namely, cognitive, emotional,
70 TCMAPY283
From Physiological and Visual Signals sensorimotor and mixed
(Python / Machine Learning) distraction.Comparison of classical
ML and end-to-end deep learning
(DL) models for driver distraction
detection, including an analysis with
respect to the size of the input
window and the type of the input

71 TCMIAN28 Panic Control

72 TCMIAN42 College Notification Voice Alerts

73 TCMIJA78 E-RTO System

74 TCMIJA182 Andhra Pradesh State Finance Corporation

A Classroom Scheduling Service for Smart

75 TCMAAN216 Classes
(Android / Android Application)

Android Based Health Monitoring System

76 TCMAAN217
(Android / Android Application)

Curry Bank
77 TCMAAN220
(Android / Android Application)

Plant Leaf Recognition Using A Convolution

78 TCMAPY16 Neural Network
(Python / Deep Learning)

A Review On Machine Learning Classification

79 TCREPY19_10 Techniques For Plant Disease Detection
(Python / Machine Learning)

80 TCREPY19_11 A Review On Machine Learning Classification

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Techniques For Plant Disease Detection

(Python / Artificial Intelligence)

Stock Price Trend Forecasting using

81 TCMAPY160 Supervised Learning Methods
(Python / Machine Learning)

Facial Expression and Drowsiness Detection

82 TCMAPY352
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)

In this application, we develop a

system which detects the character
of alphabets which we have
Hand Written Digit Recognition using Machine
uploaded to the system. This
83 TCPGPY352 Learning
system involves a flask-based web
(Python / Deep Learning)
application environment using
MySQL database in Python

Prediction of Diabetes Using Machine Learning

84 TCPGPY360 Algorithms in Healthcare
(Python / Machine Learning)

The main objective of this project is

Glaucoma Disease Detection using
to detection the glaucoma disease
85 TCPGPY393 Convolution Neural Network
in iris images using transfer learning
(Python / Deep Learning)

The main objective of this

application is to investigate a
Phishing Websites Detection Using Machine
specific problem of whether it is
86 TCPGPY357 Learning
valuable or not to use machine
(Python / Machine Learning)
learning techniques to predict the
type of website.

The objective of this project is about

load forecasting for an electricity
data. Electricity consumption have
been increased a lot when compare
to the earlier days. Now a day’s
humans won’t survive without
electricity. If we contribute to prevent
the unused electricity, then it should
Electricity Load Forecasting Using RNN be able to utilize in the areas where
87 TCMAPY415
(Python / Deep Learning) the people don’t have abundancy,
this study attempts to perform future
forecasting on the load, by which we
can control abundant electricity. Our
model will help to create future
predictions which reduce the burden
to the people who are continuously
working on these electrical

Classification of Tobacco Leaf Pests Using The main of this project is to classify
88 TCMAPY407
VGG16 Transfer Learning the disease present on the tobacco

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

leaves by using deep learning

(Python / Deep Learning)

Eamcet Mock Counseling

89 TCMAJA151
(Java / Web Applications)

Online Hostel Food Waste Management

90 TCMAPH102 System
(PHP / Web Applications)

E-commerce Sales Prediction Using Listing

91 TCMAAN143 Keywords
(Android / Machine Learning)

Online Social awareness system

92 TCMAJA164
(Java / Web Applications)

Online Student Marks Parent SMS Alerting

93 TCMAPH107 System
(PHP / Web Applications)

Iq Test System
(Java / Web Applications)

Baby Care Products And Baby Name

95 TCMAJA16 Suggestions
(Java / Web Applications)

Company Employee Profile Using Bar Code.

(Java / Web Applications)

Intelligent Job Tracker Using Ai

(Java / Web Applications)

Inventory Management System

(Java / Web Applications)

Crime File Management System

(Java / Web Applications)

Criminal Investigation Tracker With Suspect

100 TCMAJA25 Prediction
(Java / Web Applications)

Data For Enhancing The Security Of Secret

101 TCMAJA27 Questions
(Java / Web Applications)

E Authentication System Using Qr Code & Otp

102 TCMAJA29
(Java / Web Applications)

E-RTO System
103 TCMAJA51
(Java / Web Applications)

Inkblot Password Security

104 TCMAJA73
(Java / Web Applications)

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Online Banking With Otp Security

105 TCMAJA77
(Java / Web Applications)

Online Book Recommendation Using

106 TCMAJA78 Collaborative Filtering Ai
(Java / Web Applications)

Predicting BMI Using Behavioral Outcomes

107 TCMAJA92
(Java / Web Applications)

Online Currency Converter Application

108 TCMAJA81
(Java / Web Applications)

Reducing Food Waste Management System

109 TCMAJA100
(Java / Web Applications)

Restaurant Recommendation Using Sentiment

110 TCMAJA103 Analysis Ml
(Java / Web Applications)

Sales Prediction In Tourism Industry (ml)

111 TCMAJA106
(Java / Machine Learning)

Secure File Sharing Using Access Control

112 TCMAJA107
(Java / Web Applications)

Smart Health Consulting Services

113 TCMAJA112
(Java / Web Applications)

Spending Analyzer
114 TCMAJA113
(Java / Web Applications)

Product Review Analysis For Rating Machine

115 TCPGPY330 Learning
(Python / Machine Learning)

Building A Social Networking Application

116 TCMAPY03
(Python / Web Applications)

Flight Booking and Tracking System

117 TCMAJA168
(Java / Web Applications)

An Efficient Online Voting Application

118 TCMAPY01
(Python / Web Applications)

Diabetes Prediction Using Data Science

119 TCMAPY142
(Python / Web Applications)

Diabetes Prediction Using Data Science

120 TCMAPY144
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)

Diabetes Prediction Using Data Science

121 TCMAPY145
(Python / Data Science)

E-RTO Application
122 TCMAPY113
(Python / Web Applications)

123 TCMAPY44 Sales Prediction With Machine Learning

( Page 148 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(Python / Data Science)

Sales Prediction With Machine Learning

124 TCMAPY45
(Python / Web Applications)

Sales Prediction With Machine Learning

125 TCMAPY46
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)

Sales Prediction With Machine Learning

126 TCMAPY29
(Python / Machine Learning)

Rescue Wings: Active Services Support For

127 TCMAAN127 Disaster
(Android / Android Application)

Controlling Anti Ragging System Using Android

128 TCMAAN140 App
(Android / Android Application)

Content-oriented User Modeling For

129 TCMAAN139 Personalized Response Ranking In Chat Bots
(Android / Android Application)

E-diagnostic Lab Online Reporting Mobile App

130 TCMAAN104
(Android / Android Application)

Ecrime Identification Using Photo Matching

131 TCMAAN102 App
(Android / Artificial Intelligence)

Ecrime Identification Using Photo Matching

132 TCMAAN103 App
(Android / Data Science)

Androhealth: Patient Health Record System

133 TCMAAN86
(Android / Android Application)

Technological innovation has been

changing the tourism industry
precipitously and making the holiday
experience more enjoyable and
Tourist Management Using Machine Learning easier than before. The purpose of
134 TCMAAN80
(Android / Machine Learning) this project is to identify the current
and future changes by the machine
learning (ML) system as artificial
intelligence in the hospitality

Speakjust Voice Based Control In Examination

135 TCMAAN77
(Android / Machine Learning)

Speakjust Voice Based Control In Examination

136 TCMAAN78
(Android / Android Application)

Speak4diet: A Mobile App For Monitoring

137 TCMAAN74 Dietary Composition
(Android / Machine Learning)

( Page 149 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Speak4diet: A Mobile App For Monitoring

138 TCMAAN76 Dietary Composition
(Android / Data Science)

Smart Alarm Puzzle

139 TCMAAN71
(Android / Android Application)

Private Chat Box Message Encryption

140 TCMAAN68 Technology
(Android / Machine Learning)

Onscreen Marking Answer Sheet Evaluation

141 TCMAAN63
(Android / Android Application)

Onscreen Marking Answer Sheet Evaluation

142 TCMAAN64
(Android / Machine Learning)

Number Plate Recognition Using Ocr

143 TCMAAN56
(Android / Machine Learning)

Mobile Application For Student Career

144 TCMAAN51 Guidance
(Android / Android Application)

Medicine Helper Using Ocr

145 TCMAAN48
(Android / Artificial Intelligence)

Medicine Helper Using Ocr

146 TCMAAN49
(Android / Data Science)

Intelligent Job Tracker Android App

147 TCMAAN38
(Android / Android Application)

Google Captcha Implementation In Mobile

148 TCMAAN34 Apps
(Android / Android Application)

Face Detection Using Mobile Vision

149 TCMAAN32
(Android / Data Science)

Content-oriented User Modeling for

150 TCMAAN23 Personalized Response Ranking In Chatbots
(Android / Artificial Intelligence)

Android Video Encryption And Sharing

151 TCMAAN15
(Android / Android Application)

Android Notes With Fingerprint Authentication

152 TCMAAN12 For Personal Use
(Android / Android Application)

Android Fruit Detection Using Tensorflow For

153 TCMAAN10 Blind People
(Android / Artificial Intelligence)

Android Fruit Detection Using Tensorflow For

154 TCMAAN11
Blind People

( Page 150 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(Android / Data Science)

Job Searching Application

155 TCMAPY07
(Python / Web Applications)

Ecrime Identification Using Photo Matching

156 TCMAAN101 App
(Android / Machine Learning)

Handwriting Recognition for Vegetable

157 TCMAAN35 Merchant
(Android / Machine Learning)

Handwriting Recognition for Vegetable

158 TCMAAN36 Merchant
(Android / Artificial Intelligence)

Face Detection Using Mobile Vision

159 TCMAAN30
(Android / Machine Learning)

Face Detection Using Mobile Vision

160 TCMAAN31
(Android / Artificial Intelligence)

Android Fruit Detection Using Tensorflow For

161 TCMAAN09 Blind People
(Android / Machine Learning)

Android Face Detection Using Mobile Vision

162 TCMAAN02 for ATM Security
(Android / Machine Learning)

This system is based on the

convenience of the students to
communicate with the resources
provided by the college. This project
163 TCMIJA42 College Website
is aimed to provide services to over
internet, each student is given to the
details about college information like
about college, admissions.

Drift-aware Methodology For Anomaly

164 TCRENS19_24 Detection In Smart Grid

A Topological Approach to Secure Message

165 TCPGNS40 Dissemination in Vehicular Networks

Fake News Detection Using Machine Learning

166 TCMAPY75
(Python / Machine Learning)

Crop Monitoring And Recommendation System

167 TCMAPY43 Using Machine Learning Techniques
(Python / Machine Learning)

Plant Leaf Recognition Using A Convolution

168 TCMAPY39
Neural Network

( Page 151 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(Python / Data Science)

Emotion Detection using Machine Learning

169 TCMAPY351
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)

Detecting e-banking Websites using

170 TCPGPY349 Associative Classification
(Python / Web Applications)

Learning Affective Video Features for Facial

Expression Recognition via Hybrid Deep
171 TCPGPY278
(Python / Data Science)

Image Class Prediction by Joint Object,

172 TCPGPY276 Context, and Background Modeling
(Python / Deep Learning)

Flower disease prediction using ML

173 TCMAPY313
(Python / Machine Learning)

Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Image

Processing And Machine Learning For
174 TCREPY19_20
Elastography Images
(Python / Deep Learning)

Analyzing and Detecting Money-Laundering

175 TCPGPY252 Accounts in Online Social Networks
(Python / Machine Learning)

Analysis of Women Safety in Indian Cities

176 TCPGPY251 Using Machine Learning on Tweets
(Python / Machine Learning)

A Profile Clustering Based Event Logs

177 TCREPY19_112 Repairing Approach For Process Mining
(Python / Data Mining)

A Framework for Real-Time Spam Detection in

178 TCPGPY247 Twitter
(Python / Machine Learning)

Mining Of Nutritional Ingredients In Food For

179 TCREPY19_115 Disease Analysis
(Python / Data Mining)

Emotion Recognition And Drowsiness

180 TCREPY19_81 Detection Using Python
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)

Emotion Recognition And Drowsiness

181 TCREPY19_82 Detection Using Python
(Python / Data Science)

Efficient Mining Of Frequent Patterns On

182 TCREPY19_116 Uncertain Graphs
(Python / Data Mining)

( Page 152 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Detection of Phishing Attacks: A Machine

183 TCPGPY272 Learning Approach
(Python / Machine Learning)

A Raas Model Based On Emotion Analysis

And Double Labeling Applied To Mobile
184 TCREPY19_94
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Sensor Node Failure Detection Based on

185 TCPGNS41 Round Trip Delay and Paths in WSNs
(NS2 / Wireless Communication)

186 TCMIJA125 Answer Sheet Evaluation System

187 TCMIAN01 Android Based Vehicle Mechanic System

188 TCMIAN38 Course Recommendation System

A Review On Machine Learning Classification

189 TCREPY19_12 Techniques For Plant Disease Detection
(Python / Data Science)

Glaucoma Detection Using Fundus Images Of

190 TCREPY19_36 The Eye
(Python / Data Science)

Glaucoma Detection Using Fundus Images Of

191 TCREPY19_35 The Eye
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)

Glaucoma Detection Using Fundus Images Of

192 TCREPY19_34 The Eye
(Python / Machine Learning)

193 TCMIPY24 Job Searching Application

194 TCMIPY31 An Efficient Online Voting Application

Stock Price Trend Forecasting using

195 TCREPY19_129 Supervised Learning Methods
(Python / Machine Learning)

Action-based Scheduling: Leveraging App

196 TCRENS19_30 Interactivity For Scheduler Efficiency
(NS2 / Networking)

Sharing Cache Resources Among Content

197 TCRENS19_32 Providers: A Utility-based Approach
(NS2 / Networking)

198 TCMIJA67 Smart Banking System

199 TCMIJA64 Online Student Supervision System

200 TCMIJA45 Employee Rewarding System

201 TCMIJA28 Online College Magazine

( Page 153 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

202 TCMIJA32 Online Vocabulary System

203 TCMIJA37 Student Feedback On Faculty

204 TCMIJA41 Circus Management System

Online Hostel Food Waste Management

205 TCMIPH61

206 TCMIJA126 Article Search Engine

207 TCMIJA127 Car Pooling

208 TCMIJA81 I-bus: Web Application For Bus Timing Report

E-singers: Online Rank Providing For Singers

209 TCMIJA82
Based On Songs

Data For Enhancing The Security Of Secret

210 TCMIJA110

211 TCMIJA128 Chat Application

212 TCMIJA131 E-post Office

213 TCMIJA132 Enterprise Scheme Planner And Monitoring

Sensitivity Analysis Of An Attack-pattern

Discovery Based Trusted Routing Scheme For
214 TCRENS19_33
Mobile Ad-hoc Networks In Industrial Iot

215 TCMIJA11 Electronic Complaint Management System

216 TCMIJA12 Big Basket System

217 TCMIJA13 Employee Information System

218 TCMIJA15 Birth Certificate

219 TCMIJA16 Friend Book

220 TCMIJA18 Contract Management System

221 TCMIJA20 Healthcare Reference System

222 TCMIJA29 Online Drug Acquisition System

Implementing One India Card Using Advance

223 TCMIJA57

224 TCMIJA65 Patent Record System

Online Student Marks Parent SMS Alerting

225 TCMIPH66

226 TCMIJA145 Online Social awareness system

( Page 154 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

227 TCMIPH68 Online system for house hold services

ECLAT Algorithm for Frequent Item sets

228 TCMAJA186 Generation
(Java / Web Applications)

229 TCMIJA181 Agro-Forestry Management System

Automated Time Table Generation System

230 TCMAJA228
(Java / Web Applications)

Cluster Analysis and Disease Mapping

231 TCMAJA229
(Java / Web Applications)

Clustering by Local Gravitation

232 TCMAJA230
(Java / Web Applications)

233 TCMIJA183 College Research Tool

Corruption Control through Budget

234 TCMAJA232 Maintenance
(Java / Web Applications)

E-Auction Management System

235 TCMAJA233
(Java / Web Applications)

236 TCMIJA184 E-Learn Center

237 TCMIJA191 Student Set Forth

A Résumé Evaluation System Based on Text

238 TCPGPY249 Mining
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Adaptive

239 TCPGPY255 Voting Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithm
(Python / Machine Learning)

Classification of wound infection using ML

240 TCPGPY260 algorithm in cloud environment
(Python / Machine Learning)

Content Based Information Retrieval System

241 TCPGPY261 using Multi-level Inverted Index
(Python / Machine Learning)

Designing a Disease Prediction Model using

242 TCPGPY268 Machine Learning
(Python / Machine Learning)

Android Based Semester Results

243 TCMAAN218
(Android / Android Application)

Effective Tourism Management System

244 TCMAAN221
(Android / Android Application)

245 TCMIAN68 E-Mentoring

( Page 155 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

246 TCMIAN69 Hands Together

247 TCMIAN72 Medical Assistance Using OCR

Analysis and Prediction of Suicide Attempts

248 TCMAPY314
(Python / Machine Learning)

Lung Cancer Detection

249 TCMAPY326
(Python / Web Applications)

Movies Reviews Sentiment Analysis and

250 TCPGPY322 Classification
(Python / Machine Learning)

Neural Response Based Extreme Learning

251 TCPGPY323 Machine for Image Classification
(Python / Deep Learning)

Object Detection using Deep Learning

252 TCPGPY324
(Python / Deep Learning)

Online House Building Construction Supporting

253 TCMAPY327 Application
(Python / Web Applications)

Organs Donor Management System

254 TCMAPY328
(Python / Web Applications)

Plant Species Identification Based on Plant

255 TCPGPY325 Leaf using ML
(Python / Machine Learning)

Player Classification Technique Based on

Performance for a Soccer Team Using
256 TCPGPY326
Machine Learning Algorithm
(Python / Machine Learning)

Prediction of Heart Disease Using Machine

257 TCPGPY327 Learning Algorithms in Healthcare
(Python / Machine Learning)

Prediction of Loan Status in Commercial Bank

258 TCPGPY328 using Machine Learning Classifier
(Python / Machine Learning)

Privacy-preserving Association Rule Mining

Algorithm for Encrypted Data in Cloud
259 TCPGPY329
Computing using Elgamal
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Review Spam Detection using Machine

260 TCPGPY331 Learning
(Python / Machine Learning)

Significant Permission Identification for

261 TCPGPY333 Machine Learning Based Android Malware

( Page 156 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(Python / Machine Learning)

SMS Classification Method for Disaster

Response using Enhanced Machine Learning
262 TCPGPY334
(Python / Machine Learning)

Towards Privacy-preserving Content-based

263 TCPGPY335 Image Retrieval in Cloud Computing
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Use of Data Mining in Crop Yield Prediction

264 TCPGPY336
(Python / Machine Learning)

Using Data Mining to Predict Hospital

265 TCPGPY337 Admissions from the Emergency Department
(Python / Machine Learning)

Web Based Recommendation System Using

266 TCPGPY338 user Based Collaborative Filtering
(Python / Machine Learning)

A Divided Regression Analysis for Big Data

267 TCPGPY339
(Python / Machine Learning)

A Study of English Reading Ability Based on

268 TCPGPY341 Multiple Linear
(Python / Machine Learning)

Big Data Dimension Reduction using PCA

269 TCPGPY342
(Python / Machine Learning)

CACTUS–Clustering Categorical Data Using

270 TCPGPY343 Summaries
(Python / Machine Learning)

Performance Analysis of Machine Learning

271 TCPGPY344 Techniques to Predict Diabetes Mellitus
(Python / Machine Learning)

A real time framework for spammer detection

272 TCPGPY345 using ML
(Python / Machine Learning)

Chat Bot for Education System

273 TCPGPY346
(Python / Machine Learning)

Chatbot Using Python and NLP Integrating to

274 TCMAPY329 Website
(Python / Machine Learning)

Clasification of Wound Infection using ML

275 TCPGPY347 algorithm in Cloud Environment
(Python / Machine Learning)

Covid -19
276 TCMAPY330
(Python / Machine Learning)

( Page 157 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

The main objective of this project is

to use machine learning techniques
for detecting frauds in credit card
data which uses a Neural Network
Credit Card Fraud Detection in ML
277 TCMAPY331 (NN) based supervised learning
(Python / Machine Learning)
technique. Our Proposed method
outperforms the existing approaches
of Auto Encoder (AE) Logistic
Regression and K-Means clustering.

Deep Supervision with Intermediate Concepts

278 TCPGPY348
(Python / Deep Learning)

Detection of phishing attacks using ML

279 TCMAPY350 algorithm
(Python / Machine Learning)

Hand Written Digit Recognition using Machine

280 TCPGPY349 Learning
(Python / Deep Learning)

Smart E-health prediction system

281 TCMAPY353
(Python / Machine Learning)

Heart Disease and Fever Predictor using ML

282 TCPGPY350
(Python / Machine Learning)

Heart Disease Risk Prediction using ML

283 TCPGPY351
(Python / Machine Learning)

Live Stock Health Database

284 TCPGPY353
(Python / Machine Learning)

In recent years, so many Computer

Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems are
designed for diagnosis of several
Lung Cancer Detection & Classification using
diseases. Lung cancer detection at
285 TCPGPY354 DL
early stage has become very
(Python / Machine Learning)
important and also very easy with
image processing and deep learning

Neural-Response-Based Extreme Learning

286 TCPGPY355 Machine for Image Classification
(Python / Deep Learning)

Phishing URLS Detection using Data Mining

287 TCPGPY356
(Python / Machine Learning)

Player Classification Technique based on

288 TCPGPY358 Performance for a soccer Team using ML
(Python / Machine Learning)

Predicting Diabetes Mellitus using Decision

289 TCPGPY359 Tree in python with ML
(Python / Machine Learning)

( Page 158 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Using Machine Learning to Predict the

Outcome of English County twenty over Cricket
290 TCPGPY361
(Python / Machine Learning)

SeSPHR: A Methodology for Secure Sharing of

291 TCPGPY362 Personal Health Records in the Cloud
(Python / Cloud Computing)

The primary goal of this project is to

determine the major earthquake
prediction whether there is going to
Major Earthquake Event Prediction Using be a earthquake or not and to know
292 TCMAPY156 Various Machine Learning Algorithms this we have used Random Forest,
(Python / Data Science) Naïve Bayes, Logistic Regression,
AdaBoost, KNN, Support Vector
Machine and Multi-Layer Perceptron
Classifier to classify.

Fake News Detection Using Machine Learning

293 TCMAPY74
(Python / Machine Learning)

Track&go A Location Prediction Web

294 TCREPY19_75 Application
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)

Track&go A Location Prediction Web

295 TCREPY19_76 Application
(Python / Data Science)

Pick And Drop Courier Service System

296 TCMAPH01
(PHP / Web Applications)

My Tube Downloader
297 TCMAPH02
(PHP / Web Applications)

Issue Tracker
298 TCMAPH04
(PHP / Web Applications)

Student Attendance Using Qr Code

299 TCMAPH05
(PHP / Web Applications)

Sentiment Analysis Using Opinion Mining

300 TCMAPH06
(PHP / Web Applications)

Credit Card Fraud Detection Project

301 TCMAPH07
(PHP / Web Applications)

Smart Health Prediction Using Data Mining

302 TCMAPH08
(PHP / Web Applications)

File Tracker Manager Php Project

303 TCMAPH09
(PHP / Web Applications)

Online College and Parent interaction System

304 TCMAPH10
(PHP / Web Applications)

( Page 159 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Bulk Email Sender Software

305 TCMAPH11
(PHP / Web Applications)

Vehicle Showroom Management System

306 TCMAPH12
(PHP / Web Applications)

Price Negotiator E-commerce Chattbot On Php

307 TCMAPH13
(PHP / Web Applications)

Fake Product Review Monitoring And Removal

308 TCMAPH14 For Genuine Online Product Reviews
(PHP / Web Applications)

Online Transaction Fraud

Detection-backlogging On E-commerce
309 TCMAPH15
(PHP / Web Applications)

Book Recommendation Using Collaborative

310 TCMAPH16 Filtering
(PHP / Web Applications)

Electronic Fund Transfer Over Internet Using

311 TCMAPH17 Des
(PHP / Web Applications)

Tourist Guide System In Php

312 TCMAPH18
(PHP / Web Applications)

Intelligent Chat Bot System Projects On Php

313 TCMAPH19
(PHP / Web Applications)

Social Media Community Using Optimized

314 TCMAPH20 Clustering
(PHP / Web Applications)

Twitter Trend Analysis

315 TCMAPH21
(PHP / Web Applications)

Personal Counselling
316 TCMAPH22
(PHP / Web Applications)

Industrial Visit Planning & Booking

317 TCMAPH23
(PHP / Web Applications)

Online Eye Care System On Php

318 TCMAPH24
(PHP / Web Applications)

College Admission Predictor On Php

319 TCMAPH25
(PHP / Web Applications)

Merchant Payment Using Bio-metric

320 TCMAPH26 Transaction
(PHP / Web Applications)

Prevention System In Stock Market Trading

321 TCMAPH27
(PHP / Web Applications)

( Page 160 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Search Engine Application

322 TCMAPH28
(PHP / Web Applications)

Online Property Dealing Management System

323 TCMAPH29 Using Php
(PHP / Web Applications)

Online Newspaper Website

324 TCMAPH30
(PHP / Web Applications)

Plagiarism Checker
325 TCMAPH31
(PHP / Web Applications)

Pf Management System
326 TCMAPH32
(PHP / Web Applications)

Online Help Desk Using Php

327 TCMAPH33
(PHP / Web Applications)

Chess Project Using Php

328 TCMAPH34
(PHP / Web Applications)

Online Carrier Guidance And Placement Unit

329 TCMAPH35
(PHP / Web Applications)

Online Carrier Guidance And Placement Unit

330 TCMAPH36
(PHP / Web Applications)

Resume Builder Application

331 TCMAPH37
(PHP / Web Applications)

Event Management System

332 TCMAPH38
(PHP / Web Applications)

Advertisement Posting Website

333 TCMAPH39
(PHP / Web Applications)

Asset Management Solution

334 TCMAPH40
(PHP / Web Applications)

Child Care System

335 TCMAPH41
(PHP / Web Applications)

E- Governance Of Municipality Administration

336 TCMAPH42
(PHP / Web Applications)

Sports Event Management System

337 TCMAPH43
(PHP / Web Applications)

Helping Hands Ngo Project In Php

338 TCMAPH44
(PHP / Web Applications)

Detecting E Banking Phishing Websites Using

339 TCMAPH45 Associative
(PHP / Web Applications)

Paying Guest Facilitator

340 TCMAPH46
(PHP / Web Applications)

( Page 161 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Sentiment Analysis Of Mobile Reviews

341 TCMAPH47
(PHP / Web Applications)

Agriculture Equipment Management System

342 TCMAPH48
(PHP / Web Applications)

E-commerce Club Factory

343 TCMAPH49
(PHP / Web Applications)

Crime Analysis Using K-means Clustering

344 TCMAPH50
(PHP / Web Applications)

Automation Question Paper Generation

345 TCMAPH51 System
(PHP / Web Applications)

Automatic Faculty Time Table Generation

346 TCMAPH52 System
(PHP / Web Applications)

Inkblot Password Security System Using Php

347 TCMAPH53
(PHP / Web Applications)

Credential Based Authentication

348 TCMAPH54
(PHP / Web Applications)

Budget Approval System Using Php

349 TCMAPH55
(PHP / Web Applications)

E-authentication System Using Qr Code And

350 TCMAPH56 Otp
(PHP / Web Applications)

E-learning Center Using Php

351 TCMAPH57
(PHP / Web Applications)

On Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance Finder

352 TCMAPH58
(PHP / Web Applications)

The Small World Of Distributed File Sharing

353 TCMAPH59 System
(PHP / Web Applications)

Encryption And Decryption Using Blow Fish

354 TCMAPH60 Algorithm
(PHP / Web Applications)

Government School Development System

355 TCMAPH61
(PHP / Web Applications)

Evaluation Of Academic Performance Of

356 TCMAPH62 Students With Fuzzy Logic
(PHP / Web Applications)

Developing Face Book Application Using Php

357 TCMAPH63
(PHP / Web Applications)

( Page 162 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Answer Sheet Evaluation System

358 TCMAPH64
(PHP / Web Applications)

Matrimonial Web Site

359 TCMAPH65
(PHP / Web Applications)

Enhanced Security System For Web

360 TCMAPH66 Application
(PHP / Web Applications)

Video Sharing Website Using Php

361 TCMAPH67
(PHP / Web Applications)

Web Site Evaluation Using Opinion Mining

362 TCMAPH68
(PHP / Web Applications)

Ware House Management

363 TCMAPH69
(PHP / Web Applications)

Online Rental House Web Portal

364 TCMAPH70
(PHP / Web Applications)

Project Tracking System

365 TCMAPH71
(PHP / Web Applications)

Anonymous Data Sharing With Security

366 TCMAPH72
(PHP / Web Applications)

Information Retrieval System In Cloud

367 TCMAPH73 Computing
(PHP / Web Applications)

Online system for house hold services

368 TCMAPH74
(PHP / Web Applications)

Website Creation And Domain Hosting In The

369 TCMAPH75 Network
(PHP / Web Applications)

Conference Room Booking System

370 TCMAPH76
(PHP / Web Applications)

Innovative Idea Of Booking For Entertainment

371 TCMAPH77
(PHP / Web Applications)

Heart Disease Diagnosis And Treatment

372 TCMAPH78
(PHP / Web Applications)

Eamcet Mock Counseling

373 TCMAPH79
(PHP / Web Applications)

Baby Care Center

374 TCMAPH80
(PHP / Web Applications)

Online Visiting Card Creation System

375 TCMAPH81
(PHP / Web Applications)

376 TCMAPH82 Online Banking With Otp Security

( Page 163 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(PHP / Web Applications)

Horizontal Search Bar

377 TCMAPH83
(PHP / Web Applications)

Online College Bus Record Supervising

378 TCMAPH84 System
(PHP / Web Applications)

Geo-statistics And Science Modeling

379 TCMAPY149 Application
(Python / Machine Learning)

Geo-statistics And Science Modeling

380 TCMAPY148 Application
(Python / Web Applications)

Inventory Management System

381 TCMAPY152
(Python / Web Applications)

Online Computer Accessories Sales And

382 TCMAPH85 Services Management System
(PHP / Web Applications)

Electronic Complaint Management System

383 TCMAPH86
(PHP / Web Applications)

A payroll management system is the

Payroll Management System
384 TCMAPH87 process by which employers pay
(PHP / Web Applications)
wages to their employees.

Crop Health Monitoring System

385 TCMAPH88
(PHP / Web Applications)

My Farm
386 TCMAPH89
(PHP / Web Applications)

Exam Invigilation
387 TCMAPH90
(PHP / Web Applications)

Placenario Collaboration Writing Tools

388 TCMAPH92
(PHP / Web Applications)

Student Online Documentation Approval

389 TCMAPH93 System (sodas)
(PHP / Web Applications)

Holiday Homes Reservation For Railway

390 TCMAPH94 Employees
(PHP / Web Applications)

Exam Seating Arrangement

391 TCMAPH95
(PHP / Web Applications)

Intranet Faculty
392 TCMAPH96
(PHP / Web Applications)

( Page 164 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Just Buy
393 TCMAPH97
(PHP / Web Applications)

Online Home Tuition Management

394 TCMAPH98
(PHP / Web Applications)

Amazon Web Page

395 TCMAPH99
(PHP / Web Applications)

Work Force
396 TCMAPH100
(PHP / Web Applications)

Studies have established that

driver’s emotions plays an important
role in driving behavior. Therefore,
continuous monitoring of the driver’s
emotions and requisite warning to
Emotion Based Safe Driving
397 TCMAPY189 the driver will help in maintaining
(Python / Deep Learning)
safety on the roads. In this
application, we propose a real time
camera based emotion detection
system using deep learning and AI
to alert the driver.

In this proposed model, we are

using eight machine learning
algorithms or stroke disease
classification. Here, we preprocess
the data to improve the image
Machine Learning Algorithm for Stroke Disease
quality of CT scans of stroke
398 TCMAPY212 Classification
patients by optimizing the quality of
(Python / Machine Learning)
image to improve image results and
to reduce noise, and also applying
machine learning algorithms to
classify the patients images into two
sub-types of stroke disease.

This application reinforces the need

to devise new tools for predictive
analytics using machine learning
which is a subset of artificial
intelligence in the field of computer
Big Data, Predictive Analytics and Machine
science that often uses statistical
399 TCMAPY213 Learning
techniques to give computers the
(Python / Machine Learning)
ability to "learn" (i.e., progressively
improve performance on a specific
task) with data, without being
explicitly programmed.

Machine Learning Approach To Analyze The

400 TCMAPY73 Road Accidents In India
(Python / Web Applications)

Machine Learning Approach To Analyze The

401 TCMAPY72
Road Accidents In India

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(Python / Machine Learning)

Diabetes Prediction Using Data Science

402 TCMAPY143
(Python / Machine Learning)

Agriculture Information Management System

403 TCMAPY141
(Python / Web Applications)

Courier Management Application

404 TCMAPY138
(Python / Machine Learning)

Courier Management Application

405 TCMAPY137
(Python / Web Applications)

Restaurant Website
406 TCMAPY136
(Python / Web Applications)

Bike Show Room Management System

407 TCMAPY134
(Python / Web Applications)

College Erp Management System

408 TCMAPY133
(Python / Web Applications)

Event Management System

409 TCMAPY132
(Python / Web Applications)

E-library Application
410 TCMAPY128
(Python / Web Applications)

School Erp Management System

411 TCMAPY124
(Python / Web Applications)

Matrimony Website
412 TCMAPY123
(Python / Web Applications)

E-workshop Web Site

413 TCMAPY122
(Python / Web Applications)

Review And Ranking Model In Search Engines

414 TCMAPY120 Using Unsupervised Techniques
(Python / Machine Learning)

Review And Ranking Model In Search Engines

415 TCMAPY119 Using Unsupervised Techniques
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)

Review And Ranking Model In Search Engines

416 TCMAPY118 Using Unsupervised Techniques
(Python / Web Applications)

Organ Donors Application

417 TCMAPY116
(Python / Web Applications)

Garbage Maintenance Application For Cities

418 TCMAPY115 Based On Location
(Python / Machine Learning)

419 TCMAPY112 Online House Construction Supporting

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(Python / Web Applications)

E-banking With Otp Security

420 TCMAPY110
(Python / Web Applications)

The main goal of this project is to

make available of vaccines to the
E Vaccination System Using AI patients. Such systems save time
421 TCMAPY108
(Python / Artificial Intelligence) and provide vaccines in time. This
system is much convenient for the

BMI Analysis Using Behavioral Outcomes For

422 TCMAPY106 A Person
(Python / Web Applications)

BMI Analysis Using Behavioral Outcomes For

423 TCMAPY105 A Person
(Python / Machine Learning)

E-shop Food And Accessories Store For Pets

424 TCMAPY107
(Python / Web Applications)

Movie Rating Prediction Using Machine

425 TCMAPY103 Learning
(Python / Web Applications)

Movie Rating Prediction Using Machine

426 TCMAPY104 Learning
(Python / Machine Learning)

Age Group Classification In Social Networks

427 TCMAPY94 Using Deep Learning
(Python / Web Applications)

Age Group Classification In Social Networks

428 TCMAPY95 Using Deep Learning
(Python / Machine Learning)

Age Group Classification In Social Networks

429 TCMAPY96 Using Deep Learning
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)

Law And Order Automation System

430 TCMAPY93
(Python / Web Applications)

Sales Analysis Prediction In Tourism Industry

431 TCMAPY91 Using Machine Learning
(Python / Web Applications)

Sales Analysis Prediction In Tourism Industry

432 TCMAPY92 Using Machine Learning
(Python / Machine Learning)

E-health Consulting Application

433 TCMAPY88
(Python / Web Applications)

( Page 167 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Intelligence Quotient (iq) Test Application

434 TCMAPY86
(Python / Web Applications)

Intelligence Quotient (iq) Test Application

435 TCMAPY87
(Python / Machine Learning)

Company Employee Profile Using Bar Code

436 TCMAPY84
(Python / Web Applications)

Company Employee Profile Using Bar Code

437 TCMAPY85
(Python / Machine Learning)

Sports Event Management System

438 TCMAPY83
(Python / Web Applications)

Online Weather Prediction Application

439 TCMAPY82
(Python / Web Applications)

E-campus Recruitment Application

440 TCMAPY80
(Python / Web Applications)

A Methodology For Secure Sharing Of File

441 TCMAPY76 Records In The Cloud
(Python / Web Applications)

A Methodology For Secure Sharing Of File

442 TCMAPY77 Records In The Cloud
(Python / Machine Learning)

A Methodology For Secure Sharing Of File

443 TCMAPY78 Records In The Cloud
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)

Toll Gate Application

444 TCMAPY71
(Python / Web Applications)

Online Leave Sanction Application

445 TCMAPY67
(Python / Web Applications)

Luggage Import And Export System

446 TCMAPY66
(Python / Web Applications)

Hostel Seat Booking Application

447 TCMAPY64
(Python / Web Applications)

Health Predictor
448 TCMAPY60
(Python / Web Applications)

Health Predictor
449 TCMAPY61
(Python / Machine Learning)

Health Predictor
450 TCMAPY62
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)

The main objective of this project is

Online Book Store Management Application
451 TCMAPY56 to provide a web application inorder
(Python / Web Applications)
to provide an easy access for

( Page 168 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

ordering and purchasing of books.

Attendance Management System

452 TCMAPY55
(Python / Machine Learning)

Multi-label Learning With Emerging New

453 TCMAPY51 Labels
(Python / Data Science)

Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Logistic

454 TCMAPY41 Regression And Neural Network Algorithm
(Python / Machine Learning)

Online Food And Accessories Store For Pets

455 TCMAPH91
(PHP / Web Applications)

Orphanage Helping Management System

456 TCMAPH101 Using Php
(PHP / Web Applications)

Orphanage Helping Management System

457 TCMAPY111
(Python / Web Applications)

Multi-label Learning With Emerging New

458 TCMAPY37 Labels
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)

Multi-label Learning With Emerging New

459 TCMAPY36 Labels
(Python / Machine Learning)

Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Logistic

460 TCMAPY24 Regression And Neural Network Algorithm
(Python / Machine Learning)

Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Logistic

461 TCMAPY26 Regression And Neural Network Algorithm
(Python / Data Science)

Hospital Management System

462 TCMAPY131
(Python / Web Applications)

Hr Management Application
463 TCMAPY130
(Python / Web Applications)

Internet Center Management System

464 TCMAPY129
(Python / Web Applications)

Old Age Home And Charity Management

465 TCMAPY127 System
(Python / Web Applications)

Online Shopping Application

466 TCMAPY125
(Python / Web Applications)

Restaurant Booking And Ordering Application

467 TCMAPY09
(Python / Web Applications)

( Page 169 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Online Vegetable Market Application

468 TCMAPY08
(Python / Web Applications)

Diet Adviser For Stay Fit

469 TCMAAN25
(Android / Android Application)

A Survey Of Location Prediction On Twitter

470 TCREPY19_120
(Python / Data Mining)

Efficiently Mining Frequent Item Sets On

471 TCREPY19_118 Massive Data
(Python / Data Mining)

Data Mining Techniques In Intrusion Detection

472 TCREPY19_113 Systems: A Systematic Literature Review
(Python / Data Mining)

Lightweight And Privacy-preserving

Delegatable Proofs Of Storage With Data
473 TCREPY19_110
Dynamics In Cloud Storage
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Normal Cloud Model-based Algorithm For

474 TCREPY19_109 Multi-attribute Trusted Cloud Service Selection
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Semantic-aware Searching Over Encrypted

475 TCREPY19_108 Data For Cloud Computing
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Verifiable And Multi-keyword Searchable

Attribute-based Encryption Scheme For Cloud
476 TCREPY19_107
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Secure Data Group Sharing And Conditional

Dissemination With Multi-owner In Cloud
477 TCREPY19_106
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Reputation-aware Trust And

Privacy-preservation For Mobile Cloud
478 TCREPY19_105
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Secured Outsourcing Towards A Cloud

Computing Environment Based On Dna
479 TCREPY19_104
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Efficient Client-side Deduplication Of

Encrypted Data With Public Auditing In Cloud
480 TCREPY19_103
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Efficient And Secure Access Control Scheme

481 TCREPY19_102
In The Standard Model For Vehicular Cloud

( Page 170 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(Python / Cloud Computing)

Cryptcloud+: Secure And Expressive Data

482 TCREPY19_100 Access Control For Cloud Storage
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Cooperative Privacy Preservation For

Wearable Devices In Hybrid Computing Based
483 TCREPY19_99
Smart Health
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Combining Data Owner-side And Cloud-side

484 TCREPY19_98 Access Control For Encrypted Cloud Storage
(Python / Cloud Computing)

A Behavior Based Trustworthy Service

Composition Discovery Approach In Cloud
485 TCREPY19_97
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Fast Multi-criteria Service Selection For

486 TCREAN19_52 Multi-user Composite Applications
(Android / Service Computing)

Practical Multi-keyword And Boolean Search

487 TCREAN19_51 Over Encrypted E-mail In Cloud Server
(Android / Service Computing)

Delegated Authorization Framework For Ehr

488 TCREAN19_50 Services Using Attribute Based Encryption
(Android / Service Computing)

Secure And Verifiable Outsourcing Of

Large-scale Non-negative Matrix Factorization
489 TCREAN19_49
(Android / Service Computing)

Secure Channel Free Certificate-based

Searchable Encryption Withstanding Outside
490 TCREAN19_48
And Inside Keyword Guessing Attacks
(Android / Service Computing)

Provable Data Possession With Outsourced

491 TCREAN19_47 Data Transfer
(Android / Service Computing)

A Highly Efficient Side Channel Attack With

Profiling Through Relevance-learning On
492 TCREAN19_46
Physical Leakage Information
(Android / Secure Computing)

Searchable Symmetric Encryption With

493 TCREAN19_44 Forward Search Privacy
(Android / Secure Computing)

494 TCREAN19_43 Collusion Defender: Preserving Subscribers’

( Page 171 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Privacy In Publish And Subscribe Systems

(Android / Secure Computing)

Revocable Identity-based Broadcast Proxy

495 TCREAN19_42 Re-encryption For Data Sharing In Clouds
(Android / Secure Computing)

Privacy-preserving Attribute-based Keyword

496 TCREAN19_41 Search In Shared Multi-owner Setting
(Android / Secure Computing)

Towards Achieving Keyword Search Over

Dynamic Encrypted Cloud Data With
497 TCREAN19_40
Symmetric-key Based Verification
(Android / Secure Computing)

Combining Data Owner-side And Cloud-side

498 TCREAN19_39 Access Control For Encrypted Cloud Storage
(Android / Cloud Computing)

Data Security In Cloud Computing Using Aes

499 TCREAN19_38 Under Heroku Cloud
(Android / Cloud Computing)

Secured Outsourcing Towards A Cloud

Computing Environment Based On Dna
500 TCREAN19_37
(Android / Cloud Computing)

Reputation-aware Trust And

Privacy-preservation For Mobile Cloud
501 TCREAN19_36
(Android / Cloud Computing)

Normal Cloud Model-based Algorithm For

502 TCREAN19_35 Multi-attribute Trusted Cloud Service Selection
(Android / Cloud Computing)

Secure Data Group Sharing And Conditional

Dissemination With Multi-owner In Cloud
503 TCREAN19_34
(Android / Cloud Computing)

Dynamic Multi-keyword Ranked Search Based

504 TCREAN19_33 On Bloom Filter Over Encrypted Cloud Data
(Android / Cloud Computing)

Madam: Effective And Efficient Behavior-based

505 TCREAN19_32 Android Malware Detection And Prevention
(Android / Mobile Computing)

Daily Life Activity Tracking Application For

506 TCREAN19_31 Smart Homes Using Android Smartphone
(Android / Mobile Computing)

Steganography Encryption Standard For

507 TCREAN19_30
Android Application

( Page 172 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(Android / Mobile Computing)

Two Factor Qr Code Authentication File

508 TCREAN19_29 Sharing In Android
(Android / Mobile Computing)

Authentication Schemes For Session

Passwords Using Color And Images By
509 TCREAN19_28
(Android / Mobile Computing)

Characterizing Youth Drinking Behavior Using

510 TCREAN19_27 Smartphones
(Android / Mobile Computing)

Accountable Privacy-preserving Mechanism

For Cloud Computing Based On Identity-based
511 TCREAN19_26
(Android / Cloud Computing)

Verifiable And Multi-keyword Searchable

Attribute-based Encryption Scheme For Cloud
512 TCREAN19_25
(Android / Cloud Computing)

Semantic-aware Searching Over Encrypted

513 TCREAN19_24 Data For Cloud Computing
(Android / Cloud Computing)

Attribute-hiding Predicate Encryption With

514 TCREAN19_23 Equality Test In Cloud Computing
(Android / Cloud Computing)

Cryptcloud+: Secure And Expressive Data

515 TCREAN19_22 Access Control For Cloud Storage
(Android / Cloud Computing)

Security And Privacy-preserving Challenges Of

516 TCREAN19_21 E-health Solutions In Cloud Computing
(Android / Cloud Computing)

Energy-efficient Query Processing In Web

517 TCREAN19_20 Search Engines
(Android / Secure Computing)

How To Find A Perfect Data Scientist

518 TCREAN19_19
(Android / Data Mining)

Supervised Search Result Diversification Via

519 TCREAN19_18 Subtopic Attention
(Android / Data Mining)

Scalable Content-aware Collaborative Filtering

520 TCREAN19_17 For Location Recommendation
(Android / Data Mining)

521 TCREAN19_16 Multi-party High-dimensional Data Publishing

( Page 173 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Under Differential Privacy

(Android / Data Mining)

A Weighted Frequent Set Item Mining For

522 TCREAN19_15 Intelligent Decision In Smart Systems
(Android / Data Mining)

Cross-domain Sentiment Encoding Through

523 TCREAN19_14 Stochastic Word Embedding
(Android / Data Mining)

Automated Phrase Mining From Massive Text

524 TCREAN19_13
(Android / Data Mining)

A Survey Of Location Prediction On Twitter

525 TCREAN19_12
(Android / Data Mining)

A Proposed Model For Predicting Employees’

Performance Using Data Mining Techniques
526 TCREAN19_11
Egyptian Case Study
(Android / Data Mining)

Semi-supervised Ensemble Clustering Based

527 TCREAN19_09 On Selected Constraint Projection
(Android / Data Mining)

Semi-supervised Deep Fuzzy C-mean

Clustering For Imbalanced Multi-class
528 TCREAN19_08
(Android / Data Mining)

Madam: Effective And Efficient Behavior-based

529 TCREAN19_07 Android Malware Detection And Prevention
(Android / Secure Computing)

Enhancing Predictive Power Of Cluster

530 TCREAN19_05 Boosted Regression With Test Based Induction
(Android / Data Mining)

Mining Of Nutritional Ingredients Of Food For

531 TCREAN19_04 Disease Analysis
(Android / Data Mining)

Efficiency Mining Frequent Itemset On Massive

532 TCREAN19_03 Data
(Android / Data Mining)

Time Barrier-based Emergency Message

533 TCRENS19_22 Dissemination In Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks

Reliable Multiservice Delivery In Fog-enabled

Vanets: Integrated Misbehavior Detection And
534 TCRENS19_21

535 TCRENS19_20 Emergency Message Dissemination Schemes

( Page 174 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Based On Congestion Avoidance In Vanet And

Vehicular Fog Computing

Appas:a Privacy-preserving Authentication

536 TCRENS19_19 Scheme Based On Pseudonym Ring In Vsns

An Efficient And Reliable Qof Routing For

537 TCRENS19_18 Urban Vanets With Backbone Nodes

A Three-tier Architecture For Securing Iov

Communications Using Vehicular
538 TCRENS19_17

A Novel Scheme For Large-size Data Block

Transmission In Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks:
539 TCRENS19_16
Architecture, Challenges And Discussions

A Lightweight Privacy-preserving Protocol For

Vanets Based On Secure Outsourcing
540 TCRENS19_15

State Of The Art Clustering Schemes In Mobile

Ad Hoc Networks: Objectives, Challenges And
541 TCRENS19_14
Future Directions

Retransmission Dbtma Protocol With Fast

Retransmission Strategy To Improve The
542 TCRENS19_12
Performance Of Manets

Bp-aodv: Blackhole Protected Aodv Routing

543 TCRENS19_11 Protocol For Manets Based On Chaotic Map

Apd-jfad: Accurate Prevention And Detection

544 TCRENS19_10 Of Jelly Fish Attack In Manet

A Network Lifetime Extension-aware

Cooperative Mac Protocol For Manets With
545 TCRENS19_09
Optimized Power Control

An Efficient Information Maximization Based

Adaptive Congestion Control Scheme In
546 TCRENS19_08
Wireless Sensor Network
(NS2 / Wireless Communication)

Localization Of Energy Harvesting Empowered

547 TCRENS19_07
Underwater Optical Wireless Sensor Networks

( Page 175 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(NS2 / Wireless Communication)

Energy Consumption Analysis Of A Duty Cycle

548 TCRENS19_06 Wireless Sensor Network Model
(NS2 / Wireless Communication)

Energy-efficient Multilevel Heterogeneous

Routing Protocol For Wireless Sensor
549 TCRENS19_05
(NS2 / Wireless Communication)

Research On Underwater Wireless Sensor

Network And Mac Protocol And Location
550 TCRENS19_04
(NS2 / Wireless Communication)

Energy Efficient Scheduling In Wireless Sensor

551 TCRENS19_03 Networks For Periodic Data Gathering
(NS2 / Wireless Communication)

Efficient Fault-tolerant Routing In Iot Wireless

Sensor Networks Based On Bipartite-flow
552 TCRENS19_02
Graph Modeling
(NS2 / Wireless Communication)

Movie Recommender System Using K-means

553 TCREPY19_84 Clustering And K-nearest Neighbor
(Python / Machine Learning)

An Energy Aware Adaptive Kernel Density

Estimation Approach To Unequal Clustering In
554 TCRENS19_01
Wireless Sensor Networks
(NS2 / Wireless Communication)

Emotion Recognition And Drowsiness

555 TCREPY19_80 Detection Using Python
(Python / Machine Learning)

Scalable Content-aware Collaborative Filtering

556 TCREPY19_66
(Python / Machine Learning)

Realization Of An Expandable Search Function

557 TCREPY19_64 For An E-learning Web Portal
(Python / Machine Learning)

Prediction of Diabetes Using Machine Learning

558 TCREPY19_62 Algorithms in Healthcare
(Python / Machine Learning)

Multi-party High-dimensional Data Publishing

559 TCREPY19_60
(Python / Machine Learning)

Learning A Convolutional Neural Network For

560 TCREPY19_52 Image Compact-resolution
(Python / Machine Learning)

561 TCREPY19_53 Learning A Convolutional Neural Network For

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Image Compact-resolution
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)

Learning A Convolutional Neural Network For

562 TCREPY19_54 Image Compact-resolution
(Python / Data Science)

Implementation Of Deep Learning Algorithm

563 TCREPY19_46 With Perceptron Using Tensorflow
(Python / Machine Learning)

Implementation Of Deep Learning Algorithm

564 TCREPY19_48 With Perceptron Using Tensorflow
(Python / Data Science)

In this project we are designing a

Handwritten Character Recognition Using
image segmentation based
565 TCREPY19_38 Deep-learning
Handwritten character recognition
(Python / Machine Learning)
system using deep neural networks.

In this project we are designing a

Handwritten Character Recognition Using
image segmentation based
566 TCREPY19_39 Deep-learning
Handwritten character recognition
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)
system using deep neural networks.

In this project we are designing a

Handwritten Character Recognition Using
image segmentation based
567 TCREPY19_40 Deep-learning
Handwritten character recognition
(Python / Data Science)
system using deep neural networks.

Efficiently Mining Frequent Item Sets On

568 TCREPY19_30 Massive Data
(Python / Machine Learning)

Efficiently Mining Frequent Item Sets On

569 TCREPY19_31 Massive Data
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)

Efficiently Mining Frequent Item Sets On

570 TCREPY19_32 Massive Data
(Python / Data Science)

Common Garbage Classification Using

571 TCREPY19_26 Mobilenet
(Python / Artificial Intelligence)

A Survey Of Location Prediction On Twitter

572 TCREPY19_16
(Python / Machine Learning)

A Survey Of Location Prediction On Twitter

573 TCREPY19_18
(Python / Data Science)

A Study On Facial Expression And First

574 TCREPY19_14 Impression Through Machine Learning
(Python / Machine Learning)

575 TCREPY19_08 A Proposed Model For Predicting Employees’

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Performance Using Data Mining Techniques

Egyptian Case Study
(Python / Machine Learning)

A Trust-based Agent Learning Model For

Service Composition In Mobile Cloud
576 TCREAN19_02
Computing Environments
(Android / Cloud Computing)

Anonymous Data Sharing Scheme In Public

577 TCREAN19_01 Cloud And Its Application In E-health Record
(Android / Cloud Computing)

578 TCMAAN212 Android Smart Ticketing Using RFID

Connecting Student Volunteers to Gove

579 TCMAAN213 Programs & Schemes
(Android / Android Application)

580 TCMIAN61 Online Toll Payment System

Toward Optimal Distributed Node Scheduling in

a Multihop Wireless Network Through Local
581 TCPGNS35
(NS2 / Wireless Communication)

Efficient Compression and Encryption for

582 TCMAJA172 Digital Data Transmission
(Java / Web Applications)

Personal Health Records with Attribute Based

583 TCMAJA177 Encryption and Data Mining
(Java / Web Applications)

Online Product Quantization

584 TCMAJA198
(Java / Web Applications)

585 TCMIJA149 Anonymous Datasharing and security

586 TCMIJA150 Auditor office automation system

Evaluation of Academic Performance of a

587 TCMAJA214 student with Fuzzy Logic
(Java / Web Applications)

588 TCMAJA215 Farmer Welfare Management System

Sales & Inventory Management system

589 TCMAJA220
(Java / Web Applications)

Three way Authentication Code

590 TCMAJA222
(Java / Web Applications)

Total project-Enhanced security System For

591 TCMAJA223 Web Application
(Java / Web Applications)

( Page 178 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Performance Comparisons Of Routing

592 TCPGNS38 Protocols In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
(NS2 / Mobile Computing)

593 TCMIAN59 Agriculture Apps

MADAM Effective and Efficient

Behavior-Based Android Malware Detection
594 TCMAAN215
and Prevention
(Android / Android Application)

595 TCMIAN63 Tracking College Buses

596 TCMIAN58 Student Information Chat Bot

E-Code Locking System for Uploading & Safe

597 TCMAAN210 Guarding Data
(Android / Android Application)

Government to Host an Application for Citizen

598 TCPGAN63 Information and Guidance
(Android / Mobile Computing)

This Application will be able to call

for the desired help like electrician,
plumber, mechanic etc. whenever
needed. User can easily access the
599 TCMIAN56 Home services help just by sitting in home itself and
there is no need to go around
looking for help which will consume
a lot amount of time.

600 TCMIAN57 Memory Leakage

Detecting Phishing Website with Machine

601 TCPGPY308 Learning
(Python / Machine Learning)

602 TCMIJA198 Employee Profile Management System

Analysis Of Neighbour And Isolated Node Of

Intersection Area Based Geocasting Protocol
603 TCPGNS47
(Ibgp) In Vanet
(NS2 / Networking)

Detecting Phishing Website with Machine

604 TCPGPY307 Learning
(Python / Machine Learning)

Service Rating Prediction by Exploring Social

605 TCPGAN61 Mobile Users’ Geographical Locations
(Android / Mobile Computing)

606 TCMIJA200 Gate Solutions to Maximum Shopping Mall

607 TCMIJA205 Online Question Paper Submission

( Page 179 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Trendy Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

608 TCMIJA206 Out Patient Hospital Management System

609 TCMIJA211 Skills Management system

Rank Based Search for K Nearest Neighbors

610 TCMAJA384
(Java / Web Applications)

611 TCMIJA212 Multilevel Process

612 TCMIJA213 Trust Applications

Greeshma for Welfare of Farmers

613 TCPGAN56
(Android / Mobile Computing)

Android Remote Pc Control

614 TCPGAN54
(Android / Mobile Computing)

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

In this paper, we have measured a

A Study on Dimensionality Reduction in PCA
calculation utilizing Principal
1 TCMAPY435 Algorithm
Component Analysis (PCA) for its
(Python / Machine Learning)
application in information analysis.

This paper presents a comparison

of the image denoising algorithm
using peak signal-to-noise ratio
(PSNR) between traditional and
deep learning methods on Gaussian
Comparison of Image Denoising using noise and Salt and pepper noise
2 TCMAPY280 Traditional Filter and Deep Learning Methods condition. And also compare PSNR
(Python / Deep Learning) value of deep learning between
noise image to noise image (N2N)
learning scheme and noise image to
clean image (N2C) learning
scheme. At end we compare the
results of PSNR values.

In this project we propose a new

image data cleaning framework
using deep neural networks, named
ImageDC, to improve the quality of
ImageDC: Image Data Cleaning Framework
the datasets, that can enhance a
3 TCMAPY271 Based on Deep Learning
blurred image to a clean image. It
(Python / Deep Learning)
also adopts cleaning with the low
recognition rate to remove the noisy
data to enhance the recognition rate
of the datasets.

The objective is to propose two

innovative approaches called
“one-channel learning image
Using Convolutional Neural Network to
recognition” (1-CLIR) and
Recognize Learning Images for Early Warning
4 TCMAPY225 “three-channel learning image
of At-Risk Students
recognition” (3-CLIR) to take
(Python / Deep Learning)
advantage of the advanced CNN
framework to improve the predictive
model’s performance.

5 TCMIAN84 Exam Cell Automation

6 TCMIAN90 Traffic Police Tracker

Training and Placement Application Using

7 TCMAAN246 Android
(Android / Android Application)

This application reinforces the need

to devise new tools for predictive
analytics using machine learning
Big Data, Predictive Analytics and Machine
which is a subset of artificial
8 TCMAPY392 Learning
intelligence in the field of computer
(Python / Machine Learning)
science that often uses statistical
techniques to give computers the
ability to "learn" (i.e., progressively
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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

improve performance on a specific

task) with data, without being
explicitly programmed.

The aim of this project is to evaluate

different machine learning and deep
learning models for predicting
particular types of athletic
Performance Prediction and Evaluation in performance in female handball
Female Handball Players Using Machine players and to determine the
Learning Models significant factors influencing
(Python / Machine Learning) predicted performances by using the
superior model.

Android Face Detection Using Mobile Vision for

10 TCMAAN226 ATM Security
(Android / Data Science)

11 TCMIAN75 Agriculture and Season

12 TCMAAN224 Analysis of Trends in Student Leave

The aim of this system is to provide

recommendations based on
recorded information on the users'
career guidance app. preferences. These systems use
13 TCMAAN173
(Android / Android Application) information filtering techniques to
process information and provide the
user with potentially more relevant

Android Fruit Detection for Blind Persons

14 TCMAAN230
(Android / Android Application)

15 TCMAAN232 Android Smart City Traveller

16 TCMIAN80 Anti-Theft Detection System for Two Wheelers

17 TCMIAN82 City App

Connecting Student Volunteers To Government

18 TCMAAN233 Programs
(Android / Android Application)

19 TCMIAN83 Crime Investigation

Criminal Investigation Tracker with Suspect

20 TCMAAN234 Detection
(Android / Android Application)

E Hall Ticket Generation System Using QR

21 TCMAAN236 Code
(Android / Android Application)

( Page 182 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Employee tracking and attendance

22 TCMAAN237 management system
(Android / Android Application)

Eradication of Diseases in Plants Using

23 TCMAAN238 Android Application
(Android / Android Application)

Feature Based Summarization System

24 TCMAAN239
(Android / Android Application)

25 TCMIAN85 Fuel services

House Hold Service Maintenance Using

26 TCMAAN241 Android Application
(Android / Android Application)

27 TCMIAN86 My Helper App

Regional Analysis of Disease based on Drug

28 TCMAAN243 Consumption
(Android / Android Application)

29 TCMIAN89 TMC Course Finder

Design And Implementation Of Brain Tumor

30 TCPGPY315 Detection
(Python / Machine Learning)

Designing Disease Prediction Model Using ML

31 TCPGPY316 Approach
(Python / Machine Learning)

Hospital Admission Prediction

32 TCMAPY324
(Python / Machine Learning)

Identity-Based Data Outsourcing Using Proxy

33 TCPGPY321 Auditing In Clouds
(Python / Cloud Computing)

In this application we are

re-identifying (Re-ID) a given
Person Reidentification via Multi-Feature pedestrian from a network of
34 TCPGPY364 Fusion With Adaptive Graph Learning non-overlapping surveillance
(Python / Deep Learning) cameras by using a multi-feature
fusion with adaptive graph learning
model for unsupervised ReID.

In this paper, we are giving a brief

overview of machine learning
models and their use in electronic
An overview of Machine Learning Technologies technologies. Here at first, we
35 TCMAPY254 and their use in E-learning introduce the key concepts related
(Python / Machine Learning) to machine learning. Then, we
present some recent works using
machine learning in E-Learning

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

In this paper, we propose a novel

emotion recognition algorithm that
does not rely on any speech
acoustic features and combines
speaker gender information. The
End-to-End Speech Emotion Recognition With
proposed algorithm combines a
36 TCMAPY298 Gender Information
Residual Convolutional Neural
(Python / Deep Learning)
Network (R-CNN) and a gender
information block. Here, we aim to
benefit from the rich information
from speech raw data, without any
artificial intervention.

In this project we predict load

forecasting’s using Recurrent Neural
Network. Load forecasting is a
RNN-Based Deep Learning for One-hour
technique used by power
37 TCMAPY263 ahead Load Forecasting
companies to predict the power or
(Python / Deep Learning)
energy needed to balance the
supply and load demand at all the

Health Monitoring System Using Ai

(Java / Web Applications)

Recently security concerns have

grown tremendously, it is important
for all to be able to safeguard their
property from worldly harms such as
thefts, destruction of property. The
Motion Detection Using Background
motion detection system is
39 TCMAAN54 Subtraction Technique In Surveillance
implemented for real time
(Android / Data Science)
applications, background
subtraction method and frame
difference methods are used for
detecting the motion from video

Enabling Strong Privacy Preservation And

Accurate Task Allocation For Mobile Crowd
40 TCRENS19_27
(NS2 / Mobile Computing)

Personalized Privacy-preserving Task

41 TCRENS19_29 Allocation For Mobile Crowd Sensing
(NS2 / Mobile Computing)

42 TCMIJA44 Course Management System

43 TCMIJA66 Paying Guest Facilitator

Student Result Management System

44 TCMAPH109
(PHP / Web Applications)

( Page 184 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Product Review Analysis For Genuine Rating

45 TCMAPH108
(PHP / Web Applications)

Paid Ads Web Application

46 TCMAPH104
(PHP / Web Applications)

Hall Ticket Generation System

47 TCMAPH103
(PHP / Web Applications)

Sentiment Analysis Of Top Colleges Using

48 TCMAAN147 Twitter Data
(Android / Machine Learning)

E-commerce Sales Prediction Using Listing

49 TCMAAN146 Keywords
(Android / Android Application)

Student Profile Management System Using Qr

50 TCMAAN145 Code
(Android / Android Application)

Atm Card Fraud Detection System In Php

51 TCMAPH03 Project
(PHP / Web Applications)

The main objective of the project is

Online Crime File Management System to filling an online complaint against
(Python / Web Applications) any crime in case of victim or
witnessed by the user.

Residential Management System

53 TCMAJA102
(Java / Web Applications)

Payroll Management System

(Java / Web Applications)

Online Visitor Card Creation And Tracking

55 TCMAJA87 System
(Java / Web Applications)

Horizontal Search Bar

(Java / Web Applications)

Grama Panchayat System

(Java / Web Applications)

Packers & Movers Application

58 TCMAJA165
(Java / Web Applications)

Student Academic Performance Index

59 TCMAPH110
(PHP / Web Applications)

Secured shared information using image

60 TCMAJA163 stegnography
(Java / Web Applications)

61 TCMAJA161 Leave management system

( Page 185 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(Java / Web Applications)

Internet Based Live Courier Tracking and

62 TCMAJA160 Delivery System
(Java / Web Applications)

Quantity Netting In Stock Market

63 TCMAJA159
(Java / Web Applications)

Online student consultancy service

64 TCMAJA158
(Java / Web Applications)

Student Information System

65 TCMAJA157
(Java / Web Applications)

Online Student Performance Evaluation

66 TCMAJA156 System
(Java / Web Applications)

College Information System

67 TCMAJA155
(Java / Web Applications)

Scholarship Management System

68 TCMAJA154
(Java / Web Applications)

(Java / Web Applications)

Innovative Idea Of Booking For Entertainment

(Java / Web Applications)

A Web Portal For Drinking Water Details

71 TCMAJA07 System
(Java / Web Applications)

72 TCMIJA100 Grama Panchayat System

73 TCMIPY38 Iq Test System

Automatic Backup System Application Using Ai

(Java / Artificial Intelligence)

College Notification Message Alerts

(Java / Web Applications)

Citizen Card System

(Java / Web Applications)

Automation Random Question Paper

77 TCMAJA14 Generator Using Machine Learning Technique
(Java / Web Applications)

Intelligent Job Tracker Using Ai

(Java / Artificial Intelligence)

Consumer Sales Online Fake Product

79 TCMAJA23 Detection And Deletion Using Ai
(Java / Web Applications)

( Page 186 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

E-election College President Election System

(Java / Web Applications)

E Share Online Share-it In Web Application

(Java / Web Applications)

E-symposium For College Events Scheduling

(Java / Web Applications)

It-supporting Help Desk For Customers

(Java / Web Applications)

E-time Table Automatic Timetable Generator

84 TCMAJA34 Based On Faculty Experience
(Java / Web Applications)

Knowledge-based Community Sharing System

(Java / Web Applications)

E Vaccination System
(Java / Web Applications)

E-auction Bidding System Using Artificial

87 TCMAJA42 Intelligence
(Java / Web Applications)

Employee Log Book

(Java / Web Applications)

Law And Order Automation

(Java / Web Applications)

Loss Prevention System In Stock Market

(Java / Machine Learning)

Loss Prevention System In Stock Market

(Java / Web Applications)

E-seating-examination Seating Arrangement

(Java / Web Applications)

Matrimonial Portal Project

(Java / Web Applications)

E-vanitha Pg Finder Using Google Maps

(Java / Web Applications)

Medicate Search Using Machine Learning

(Java / Machine Learning)

Medicate Search Using Machine Learning

(Java / Web Applications)

Movie Success Prediction Using Data Mining

(Java / Machine Learning)

Movie Success Prediction Using Data Mining

(Java / Web Applications)

( Page 187 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Fake Product Review Monitoring And Removal

99 TCMAJA60 For Genuine Rating
(Java / Web Applications)

Hall Ticket Generater With Qr Code

100 TCMAJA63
(Java / Web Applications)

Health Monitoring System Using Ai

101 TCMAJA64
(Java / Web Applications)

Higher Education Access Prediction Using Ai

102 TCMAJA67
(Java / Artificial Intelligence)

Higher Education Access Prediction Using Ai

103 TCMAJA66
(Java / Web Applications)

I-bus: Web Application For Bus Timing Report

104 TCMAJA69
(Java / Web Applications)

Industrial Visit Planning And Booking System

105 TCMAJA70
(Java / Web Applications)

Information Leak Detection And Prevention

106 TCMAJA72 System
(Java / Web Applications)

Online Book Recommendation Using

107 TCMAJA79 Collaborative Filtering Ai
(Java / Artificial Intelligence)

Personality Prediction System Using Machine

108 TCMAJA90 Learning(ml)
(Java / Web Applications)

Product Review Analysis For Genuine Rating

109 TCMAJA94
(Java / Web Applications)

110 TCMIJA85 Online Food And Accessories Store For Pets

Online Food And Accessories Store For Pets

111 TCMAJA82
(Java / Web Applications)

Online College Bus Record Supervising

112 TCMAJA80 System
(Java / Web Applications)

Online House Construction Supporting System

113 TCMAJA83
(Java / Web Applications)

E-singers: Online Rank Providing For Singers

114 TCMAJA84 Based On Songs
(Java / Web Applications)

Online Selling And Buying Products

115 TCMAJA85
(Java / Web Applications)

116 TCMAJA88 Orphanage Helping Management System

( Page 188 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(Java / Web Applications)

Real Estate Search Based On Machine

117 TCMAJA99 Learning
(Java / Machine Learning)

Real Estate Search Based On Machine

118 TCMAJA98 Learning
(Java / Web Applications)

In this app we reports a

Rescue Wings Active Services Support For service-oriented system, called
119 TCMAJA101 Disaster Rescue Wings, for providing
(Java / Web Applications) emergency support to sufferers and
rescuers in disasters.

Sales Prediction In Tourism Industry (ml)

120 TCMAJA105
(Java / Web Applications)

Self-diagnosis System For Disease Treatment

121 TCMAJA109 Using Ml
(Java / Machine Learning)

Self-diagnosis System For Disease Treatment

122 TCMAJA108 Using Ml
(Java / Web Applications)

Sports Event Management System

123 TCMAJA114
(Java / Web Applications)

Sports Event Platform For Colleges

124 TCMAJA115
(Java / Web Applications)

Tv Show Popularity Analysis Using Machine

125 TCMAJA120 Learning (ml)
(Java / Machine Learning)

Tv Show Popularity Analysis Using Machine

126 TCMAJA119 Learning (ml)
(Java / Web Applications)

Unique Identification Supervision System

127 TCMAJA121
(Java / Web Applications)

Website Creation And Domain Hosting In The

128 TCMAJA123 Network
(Java / Web Applications)

Online Web-based Bidding Application

129 TCMAPY02
(Python / Web Applications)

Women Training & Career Counseling

130 TCMAJA124 Management System
(Java / Web Applications)

Development Of A Real Estate Agency

131 TCMAPY04

( Page 189 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(Python / Web Applications)

E-commerce Website On Medical And

132 TCMAPY05 Pharmacy
(Python / Web Applications)

Seed To Seed In Natural Farming

133 TCMAJA125
(Java / Web Applications)

Loss Prevention System In Stock Market

134 TCMAJA130
(Java / Data Science)

Company Job Portal Management using Bar

135 TCMAJA167 Code
(Java / Web Applications)

Transplantation organ donor management

136 TCMAJA166 system
(Java / Web Applications)

Product Review Analysis For Rating Machine

137 TCMAPY147 Learning
(Python / Machine Learning)

Product Review Analysis For Rating Machine

138 TCMAPY146 Learning
(Python / Web Applications)

Restaurant Recommendation System Using

139 TCMAAN129 Supervised Learning
(Android / Android Application)

Phone Theft Security With Gps Tracking

140 TCMAAN125
(Android / Android Application)

Packers & Movers Application

141 TCMAAN124
(Android / Android Application)

Android Railway Ticket Booking System Using

142 TCMAAN136 Qr Codes For Citizens
(Android / Android Application)

Self Photo Gallery Android App

143 TCMAAN131
(Android / Android Application)

Smart Invitation
144 TCMAAN133
(Android / Android Application)

Online Smart Health Consulter For Patients

145 TCMAAN123
(Android / Android Application)

Mobile App For Water Complaint System For

146 TCMAAN118 Municipal Corporation
(Android / Android Application)

Medical Search Engine

147 TCMAAN117
(Android / Android Application)

( Page 190 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Android Crime Reporter And Missing Person

148 TCMAAN116 Finder
(Android / Android Application)

Imade Diagno: Self Diagnosis System For

149 TCMAAN114 Disease Treatment
(Android / Android Application)

Ibus : Mobile App For Bus Timing Report

150 TCMAAN112
(Android / Android Application)

Geo Fencing App For Tracking Students

151 TCMAAN110
(Android / Android Application)

Esticky : Sticky Note Pad System Using

152 TCMAAN107 Notifications Manager
(Android / Android Application)

Ecrime Identification Using Photo Matching

153 TCMAAN100 App
(Android / Android Application)

Pedometer For Calorie Calculating And

154 TCMAAN99 Provide Suggestions
(Android / Android Application)

Connecting Student Volunteers To Gov

155 TCMAAN92 Programs & Schemes
(Android / Android Application)

Women Safety Android App

156 TCMAAN85
(Android / Android Application)

Vehicle Service Android Application

157 TCMAAN83
(Android / Android Application)

Speakjust Voice Based Control In Examination

158 TCMAAN79
(Android / Artificial Intelligence)

Speak4diet: A Mobile App For Monitoring

159 TCMAAN73 Dietary Composition
(Android / Android Application)

Private Chat Box Message Encryption

160 TCMAAN67 Technology
(Android / Android Application)

Number Plate Recognition Using Ocr

161 TCMAAN57
(Android / Artificial Intelligence)

Number Plate Recognition Using Ocr

162 TCMAAN58
(Android / Data Science)

No Food Waste Food Wastage Reduction App

163 TCMAAN33
(Android / Android Application)

164 TCMAAN29 Employee Payroll With Gps And Image

( Page 191 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(Android / Android Application)

E-campus Recruitment System

165 TCMAAN27
(Android / Android Application)

Digital Vehicle License, Insurance And Rc

166 TCMAAN26 Book Verification
(Android / Android Application)

Android Assignment Helper For College

167 TCMAAN01 Students
(Android / Android Application)

College Notification Voice Alerts

168 TCMAAN22
(Android / Android Application)

Class Room Scheduling For A Smart Class

169 TCMAAN21
(Android / Android Application)

Android Spending Analyzer For Households

170 TCMAAN14
(Android / Android Application)

Android Random Exam Paper Generator

171 TCMAAN13
(Android / Android Application)

Android Face Detection Using Mobile Vision

172 TCMAAN04 for ATM Security
(Android / Data Science)

Android Based Malware Detection And

173 TCMAAN08 Prevention
(Android / Android Application)

174 TCMAAN28
(Android / Android Application)

Object Detection Using Tensor Flow In

175 TCMAAN61 Shopping Malls
(Android / Data Science)

Laguage Import and Export System

176 TCMAJA425
(Java / Web Applications)

A Probabilistic Source Location Privacy

Protection Scheme In Wireless Sensor
177 TCRENS19_23

Dynamic Multi-keyword Ranked Search Based

178 TCREPY19_101 On Bloom Filter Over Encrypted Cloud Data
(Python / Cloud Computing)

CHARON: A Secure Cloud-of-Clouds System

179 TCPGPY256 for Storing and Sharing Big Data
(Python / Cloud Computing)

180 TCMAJA10 Agriculture Information Management System

( Page 192 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

(Java / Web Applications)

181 TCMIAN02 Attendance Management System

182 TCMIAN04 Food Express

183 TCMIAN06 Online Selling And Buying Products

184 TCMIAN09 Health Prediction Using Android

185 TCMIAN16 Book Store App

186 TCMIAN18 E Library

187 TCMIAN26 Number Plate Recognition Using Ocr

188 TCMIAN29 Phone Theft Security Using Gps Tracking

189 TCMIAN31 Online Smart Health Consulter For Patients

190 TCMIAN37 College Recruitment System

191 TCMIAN39 Mana Tirupathi

192 TCMIAN41 Android Medical Helper Using Ocr

193 TCMIAN43 Android Assignment Help

194 TCMIAN44 Event Management App

195 TCMIAN45 Online Mobile Quiz App

An Android Based Mobile Application For

196 TCMIAN47
Career Guidance

197 TCMIAN50 E-vanitha Pg Finder Using Google Maps

198 TCMIAN53 Androhealth: Patient Health Record System

Mobile App For Water Complaint System For

199 TCMIAN48
Municipal Corporation

A Multi-user Mobile Computation Offloading

And Transmission Scheduling Mechanism For
200 TCRENS19_28
Delay-sensitive Applications
(NS2 / Mobile Computing)

Energy-efficient Dynamic Virtual Machine

201 TCRENS19_31 Management In Data Centers
(NS2 / Networking)

202 TCMIJA133 Online Transport Bidding

203 TCMIJA121 No Due Management System

204 TCMIJA117 Hostel Management System

205 TCMIJA112 Hall Ticket Generation System

( Page 193 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

206 TCMIJA108 Conference Room Booking System

207 TCMIJA104 Online Book Cart

208 TCMIJA95 Visitor Tracking System

A payroll management system is the

209 TCMIJA87 Payroll Management System process by which employers pay
wages to their employees.

210 TCMIJA84 Residential Management System

211 TCMIJA76 E-judgment

212 TCMIJA73 Baby Care Center

213 TCMIJA71 Zoo Management System

214 TCMIJA68 Student Results Processing System

215 TCMIJA63 Online Polling System

The main objective of the project is

to filling an online complaint against
216 TCMIJA59 Online Crime File Management System
any crime in case of victim or
witnessed by the user.

217 TCMIJA60 Online Car Sales System

218 TCMIJA56 Loan Approval System

219 TCMIJA55 Online Student And Staff Interaction

220 TCMIJA51 Inkblot Password Security System

221 TCMIJA49 Hostel Seat Booking Management System

222 TCMIJA14 Employee Leave Management System

223 TCMIJA19 Innovative Idea Of Booking For Entertainment

224 TCMIJA02 Airline Reservation System

Automatic Faculty Time Table Generation

225 TCMIJA03

226 TCMIJA06 Case Management System

227 TCMIJA10 E-watches

228 TCMIJA23 Job Portal

Shakein: Secure User Authentication Of

Smartphones With Habitual Single-handed
229 TCREAN19_06
(Android / Secure Computing)

230 TCREAN19_10 Yelp Recommendation System Using

( Page 194 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Advanced Collaborative Filtering Machine

Learning Projects
(Android / Data Mining)

231 TCMIPH59 Online Jewelry Shopping

232 TCMIPH60 Online Quiz

Security And Privacy-preserving Challenges Of

233 TCREPY19_128 E-health Solutions In Cloud Computing
(Python / Cloud Computing)

234 TCMIPH62 Hall Ticket Generation System

235 TCMIPH63 Paid Ads Web Application

236 TCMIPH67 Student Result Management System

237 TCMIJA01 Attendance Management System

238 TCMIJA04 Auditorium Tickets E-booking

239 TCMIJA05 Bug Tracking System

240 TCMIJA07 Crop Soil

241 TCMIJA08 E- Referendum System

242 TCMIJA09 E-classifieds

The main objective of this project is

to provide a web application inorder
243 TCMIJA27 Online Book Store Management Application
to provide an easy access for
ordering and purchasing of books.

244 TCMIJA79 Matrimonial Portal Project

245 TCMIJA83 Online Selling And Buying Products

246 TCMIJA89 Ration Management System

247 TCMIJA92 Resume Search Management

248 TCMIJA93 Ticket Management System

249 TCMIJA94 Virtual Class Rooms

250 TCMIJA96 Online Car Rental System

251 TCMIJA97 City Information System

Transplantation organ donor management

252 TCMIJA99

253 TCMIJA101 Event Feedback Management System

254 TCMIJA102 College Feedback System

( Page 195 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

255 TCMIJA103 My Dream For Education

256 TCMIJA105 Online Insurance

257 TCMIJA106 Student Feedback System

258 TCMIJA107 Alumni

The purpose of this app is to

reserve the bus tickets from source
259 TCMIJA109 Bus Reservation System
to destination. this helps to users to
pre book the seats on their wish.

260 TCMIJA111 E-billing

261 TCMIJA113 Handcrafts

262 TCMIJA114 Health Care Management Center

A hotel management system is a set

263 TCMIJA116 Hotel Management System of hotel software solutions that keep
operations flowing.

264 TCMIJA118 Milk Dairy Management System

265 TCMIJA119 Multi University Syllabus Portal

266 TCMIJA122 Virtual Tourism

267 TCMIJA123 Women Sports

268 TCMIJA124 Error Tracking System

269 TCMIJA136 Scholarship Management System

270 TCMIJA137 College Information System

The main objective of the Library

Management System is to organize
and manage the library tasks
271 TCMIJA21 Library Management System systematically and to automate the
task of entering the records of new
book and retrieving the details of
book available in the library.

272 TCMIJA22 Customer Review Management

273 TCMIJA24 Event Management System

274 TCMIJA138 Online student consultancy service

275 TCMIJA139 Quantity Netting In Stock Market

276 TCMIJA30 Gas Agency Management System

Internet Based Live Courier Tracking and

277 TCMIJA140
Delivery System

( Page 196 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

278 TCMIJA31 Online Notice Board

The main objective of the project is

to provide a system enabling
hospitals to manage information and
data related to all aspects of
279 TCMIJA33 Hospital Management System
healthcare – processes, providers,
patients, and more, which in turn
ensures that processes are
completed swiftly and effectively.

280 TCMIJA34 Police Management System

281 TCMIJA36 House Hunting

282 TCMIJA39 Student Survey

283 TCMIJA43 My Profile Management

284 TCMIJA47 Online Cake Ordering

285 TCMIJA48 Flower Management System

286 TCMIJA52 Jail Management System

287 TCMIJA53 Laboratory Management System

288 TCMIJA54 Online Recruitment Process

289 TCMIJA141 Leave management system

290 TCMIJA142 E-approval System

291 TCMIJA58 Online Bus Depot Management System

292 TCMIJA61 Online Flight Reservation System

293 TCMIJA62 Online Global Mailing System

294 TCMIJA69 Tech Mart

295 TCMIJA70 Toll Gate Payment System

296 TCMIJA74 Online Bus Pass System

297 TCMIJA75 Eamcet Mock Counseling

298 TCMIJA77 Employee Log Book

Secured shared information using image

299 TCMIJA144

300 TCMIPH69 Student Academic Performance Index

301 TCMIJA146 Packers & Movers Application

302 TCMAJA183 Securing Cloud Data under Key Exposure

( Page 197 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

303 TCMIJA180 Aadhar Secure Travel Identity

Computerized Maintenance Management

304 TCMAJA231 System
(Java / Web Applications)

305 TCMIJA185 Employee Task Management System

306 TCMIJA186 E-shopping Mall

Event Tracking System

307 TCMAJA234
(Java / Web Applications)

Hostel Seat Booking System

308 TCMAJA236
(Java / Web Applications)

309 TCMIJA189 Job Tracking System

Online Sales for Ayurvedic and Homeopathic

310 TCMAJA237 Medicine
(Java / Web Applications)

Random Question Paper Generation

311 TCMAJA238
(Java / Web Applications)

Secure Distributed Transactions Recording

312 TCMAJA239 System
(Java / Web Applications)

313 TCMIJA192 The Trust

314 TCMIJA193 Voyager Compass

315 TCMIPY37 Health care Information System

316 TCMIPY39 Job searching portal

317 TCMIPY40 Online Examination System

Online House Construction Supporting System

318 TCMAPY312
(Python / Web Applications)

Application of Deep Learning in Object

319 TCPGPY253 Detection
(Python / Machine Learning)

Classification and prediction of Orthopedic

disease based on lumber and pelvic state of
320 TCPGPY257
(Python / Machine Learning)

Applying Naive Bayes Classification to Google

321 TCPGPY258 Play Apps Categorization
(Python / Machine Learning)

Classification of Soil Contamination

322 TCPGPY259
(Python / Machine Learning)

( Page 198 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Credit card fraud detection using AdaBoost

323 TCPGPY262 and majority voting
(Python / Machine Learning)

Credit Card Fraud Detection using

324 TCPGPY263 Autoencoder based Clustering
(Python / Machine Learning)

Credit card Fraud Detection Using Naive bays

325 TCPGPY264 and ANN
(Python / Machine Learning)

Crop Yield Prediction and Efficient use of

326 TCPGPY265 Fertilizers
(Python / Machine Learning)

Data Leakage Detection Using Cloud

327 TCPGPY266 Computing
(Python / Cloud Computing)

Design and implementing Brain Tumor

328 TCPGPY267 detection Using Machine Learning Approach
(Python / Machine Learning)

Detection and Prediction of Air Pollution using

329 TCPGPY269 Machine Learning Models
(Python / Machine Learning)

Phishing Websites Detection Using Machine

330 TCPGPY270 Learning
(Python / Machine Learning)

Citizen Feed Back on Maintenance of Roads

331 TCMAAN219
(Android / Android Application)

Efficiently Mining Frequent itemsets on

332 TCPGPY273 Massive data
(Python / Data Mining)

333 TCMIAN65 Eas Police

334 TCMIAN66 E-commerce Using Sqlite

335 TCMIAN67 Electricity Bill Payment

336 TCMIAN70 Interactive Polling

337 TCMIAN71 Live playground

338 TCMIAN73 Mobile College Voting System

339 TCMIAN74 School Diary Management System

A new text classification using SLAS and

(Python / Machine Learning)

341 TCMIPY41 Agriculture Information Management System

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

342 TCMIPY42 Online Examination Systems

The main goal of this analysis study

is predicting the sales price and
compare the algorithm which
Sales Prediction With Machine Learning
343 TCPGPY332 algorithm provide high accuracy.
(Python / Machine Learning)
Finally select the best algorithm to
predict the sales price at early

Visiting Management system

344 TCMAJA162
(Java / Web Applications)

345 TCMIPH65 Online wedding planner

Online wedding planner

346 TCMAPH106
(PHP / Web Applications)

Crime File Management System

347 TCMAPH105
(PHP / Web Applications)

Cable Operator’s Communication And Services

348 TCMAJA18
(Java / Web Applications)

Online Mobile Quiz App

349 TCMAAN122
(Android / Android Application)

Online College Products Selling And Buying

350 TCMAAN121
(Android / Android Application)

Mobile Ebanking Project App To Manage

351 TCMAAN119 Account
(Android / Android Application)

Inventory Management System For E-shopping

352 TCMAAN115
(Android / Android Application)

Helo App
353 TCMAAN111
(Android / Android Application)

Event Management App

354 TCMAAN109
(Android / Android Application)

E-vanitha Pg Finder Using Google Maps

355 TCMAAN108
(Android / Android Application)

Engineers Choice Construction And Planner

356 TCMAAN105
(Android / Android Application)

E Hall Ticket Generation Using Qr App

357 TCMAAN97
(Android / Android Application)

E Hall Ticket Generation Using Qr App

358 TCMAAN98
(Android / Machine Learning)

Chit Chat App

359 TCMAAN91
(Android / Android Application)

( Page 200 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Android Smart City Traveler

360 TCMAAN90
(Android / Android Application)

Android Smart Business

361 TCMAAN89
(Android / Android Application)

Android Prescription Viewer Application Using

362 TCMAAN88 Ocr
(Android / Android Application)

Android File Finder And Sorter In Cloud Data

363 TCMAAN87 Base
(Android / Android Application)

In today’s era everyone is using

mobile phones for communication.
Vehicle Tracking For Government Buss
364 TCMAAN84 At the same time Mobile Providers
(Android / Android Application)
are also providing the variety of
services to users.

Smart Alarm System

365 TCMAAN72
(Android / Android Application)

School Bus Tracking System Using Gps

366 TCMAAN70
(Android / Android Application)

Restaurant Table Booking In Smart Phone

367 TCMAAN69
(Android / Android Application)

Op App For Hospital Management

368 TCMAAN65
(Android / Android Application)

Online Toll Payment Using Gps

369 TCMAAN62
(Android / Android Application)

My City
370 TCMAAN55
(Android / Android Application)

Mobile App Finding Lost Debit Card Security

371 TCMAAN50 Based
(Android / Android Application)

Medicine Helper Using Ocr

372 TCMAAN47
(Android / Machine Learning)

Medicine Remainder Using Ocr In Android

373 TCMAAN44
(Android / Machine Learning)

Medicine Remainder Using Ocr In Android

374 TCMAAN45
(Android / Artificial Intelligence)

Medicine Remainder Using Ocr In Android

375 TCMAAN46
(Android / Data Science)

Location Based Garbage Management System

376 TCMAAN43 For Smart City
(Android / Android Application)

( Page 201 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Library Book Locator

377 TCMAAN42
(Android / Android Application)

The anti-ragging system using IOT

voice recognition project is to
recognize the voice of people who
Anti Ragging
378 TCMAAN16 are doing the ragging with others.
(Android / Android Application)
This project main aim to avoid the
ragging activities in any place using
of voice sensors.

Residential Management System On Ui Design

379 TCMAAN128 App
(Android / Android Application)

Residential Management System On Ui Design

380 TCMIAN52

381 TCMIJA134 Project Tracking System

382 TCMIJA80 Horizontal Search Bar

383 TCMIJA130 Working Womens Hostel Management System

384 TCMIAN03 Digital Library

385 TCMIAN05 My College Application

386 TCMIAN08 Train Passenger Application

387 TCMIAN10 Job Vacancy

388 TCMIAN11 Library Book Locator

389 TCMIAN12 Museum Management System

390 TCMIAN14 Blood Bank Management System

391 TCMIAN15 Book Parking System Using Android

392 TCMIAN17 City News Information System

393 TCMIAN20 Eye Care Hub

394 TCMIAN21 Gym Management System

395 TCMIAN22 Fruit Market Billing System

396 TCMIAN24 Movie Trailers

397 TCMIAN25 Music Instrument System

398 TCMIAN27 Opc Registration

399 TCMIAN30 Restaurant Management System

400 TCMIAN32 Smart Shop Employee Management

( Page 202 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

401 TCMIAN33 Solid Waste Management

402 TCMIAN34 Student Management System

403 TCMIAN36 Smart Village Management System

404 TCMIAN40 E-campus Recruitment System

405 TCMIAN49 Inventory Management System For E-shopping

406 TCMIAN51 Op App For Hospital Management

407 TCMIJA147 Computer Resource allocation system

408 TCMIJA90 Real Estate Management System

409 TCMIJA25 Mee Vinodham

410 TCMIJA38 Student Information System

411 TCMIJA40 House Searching Portal

412 TCMIPH64 Crime File Management System

413 TCMIJA143 Visiting Management system

414 TCMIJA188 Global Communication

415 TCMIPH27 Pick And Drop Courier Service System

416 TCMIPH11 Online Food And Accessories Store For Pets

417 TCMIPH58 Developing Face Book Application Using Php

418 TCMIPH57 Ware House Management

419 TCMIPH56 Horizontal Search Bar

Online College Bus Record Supervising

420 TCMIPH55

421 TCMIPH54 Baby Care Center

422 TCMIPH53 Eamcet Mock Counseling

423 TCMIPH52 Innovative Idea Of Booking For Entertainment

424 TCMIPH51 Conference Room Booking System

425 TCMIPH50 Project Tracking System

426 TCMIPH49 Online Rental House Web Portal

427 TCMIPH48 Matrimonial Web Site

428 TCMIPH47 Answer Sheet Evaluation System

429 TCMIPH46 Government School Development System

( Page 203 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

430 TCMIPH45 Budget Approval System Using Php

431 TCMIPH44 Paying Guest Facilitator

432 TCMIPH43 Sports Event Management System

433 TCMIPH42 Event Management System

434 TCMIPH41 Resume Builder Application

435 TCMIPH40 Online Newspaper Website

436 TCMIPH39 Search Engine Application

437 TCMIPH38 Industrial Visit Planning & Booking

438 TCMIPH37 Personal Counselling

439 TCMIPH36 Twitter Trend Analysis

Social Media Community Using Optimized

440 TCMIPH35

441 TCMIPH34 Intelligent Chat Bot System Projects On Php

The main objective of the Library

Management System is to organize
and manage the library tasks
442 TCMIPH33 Library Management System systematically and to automate the
task of entering the records of new
book and retrieving the details of
book available in the library.

443 TCMIPH32 Tourist Guide System In Php

444 TCMIPH31 Vehicle Showroom Management System

445 TCMIPH30 Online College and Parent interaction System

446 TCMIPH29 Sentiment Analysis Using Opinion Mining

447 TCMIPH28 Online Attendance Management System

448 TCMIPH26 Travel And Tourism Management System

449 TCMIPH25 Donor Management System

450 TCMIPH24 Just Buy

451 TCMIPH23 Visiting Management System

The main objective of the project is

452 TCMIPH22 College Management System to do an application for activities that
happened in the college.

Student Online Documentation Approval

453 TCMIPH21
System (sodas)

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Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

454 TCMIPH20 Online Car Rental System

455 TCMIPH19 Waste Management System

456 TCMIPH18 Work Force

A payroll management system is the

457 TCMIPH17 Payroll Management System process by which employers pay
wages to their employees.

458 TCMIPH16 Job Scope

A hotel management system is a set

459 TCMIPH15 Hotel Management System of hotel software solutions that keep
operations flowing.

460 TCMIPH14 Hospital Management System

461 TCMIPH13 Auditorium

462 TCMIPH12 Crop Health Monitoring System

463 TCMIPH10 Zilla Vikas

464 TCMIPH09 Online Eye Care System On Php

465 TCMIPH08 Placement Cell

466 TCMIPH07 Question Paper Encryption

467 TCMIPH06 My Farm

468 TCMIPH05 Employee Leave Management System

469 TCMIPH04 Department Web Portal

470 TCMIPH03 Electronic Complaint Management System

471 TCMIPH02 Book Store In Php

472 TCMIPH01 Bharath Social Service Management System

473 TCMIPY35 Law And Order Automation System

474 TCMIPY34 E-shop Food And Accessories Store For Pets

475 TCMIPY33 Crm Application

476 TCMIPY32 Online Web-based Bidding Application

477 TCMIPY30 Sports Event Management System

478 TCMIPY28 Organ Donors Application

479 TCMIPY26 Hour Wise Lecturer Tracking System

E-commerce Website On Medical And

480 TCMIPY25

( Page 205 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

481 TCMIPY23 Matrimony Website

482 TCMIPY22 School Erp Management System

The main objective of the project is

to filling an online complaint against
483 TCMIPY21 Online Crime File Management System
any crime in case of victim or
witnessed by the user.

484 TCMIPY20 Online Exam Management Application

485 TCMIPY19 Hr Management Application

486 TCMIPY18 Hospital Management System

487 TCMIPY17 Event Management System

The main objective of the project is

488 TCMIPY16 Employee Payroll Management System the process by which employers pay
wages to their employees

489 TCMIPY15 A Restaurant Web Site

490 TCMIPY14 Answer Sheet Evaluation System

491 TCMIPY11 Luggage Import And Export System

492 TCMIPY09 Bus Seat Reservation System

493 TCMIPY07 Book Store Management System

494 TCMIPY06 Hostel Seat Booking Management System

495 TCMIPY05 Toll Gate Payment System

496 TCMIPY01 Student Attendance Management System

497 TCMIAN64 Workforce App

498 TCMIAN55 E-weather: Weather Predictor Android App

499 TCMIAN07 Person Tracking

Efficient Regular Language Search for Secure

500 TCMAJA173 Cloud Storage
(Java / Web Applications)

Improving Operational Efficiency of

501 TCMAJA175 Applications via Cloud Computing
(Java / Web Applications)

Outsourcing Proofs of Retrievability

502 TCMAJA176
(Java / Web Applications)

Crime Prediction using K-means Algorithm

503 TCMAJA188
(Java / Web Applications)

504 TCMIJA148 A Dashboard For Ministry of Food Processing

( Page 206 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Enhanced Security System For Web

505 TCMAJA213 Application
(Java / Web Applications)

506 TCMIJA160 Future Generation Sales Report

507 TCMIJA165 Medical Record Tracking System

Multistoried A Parking System

508 TCMAJA217
(Java / Web Applications)

509 TCMIJA171 Online Rental House Web Portal

510 TCMIJA173 Product Support Center

511 TCMIJA175 RailWay Reservation System

Recruitment of faculty on account of

512 TCMAJA218

Resort Management System

513 TCMAJA219
(Java / Web Applications)

514 TCMIJA176 Restaurant Management System

Energy Efficient Multipath Routing Protocol for

Mobile ad-hoc Network Using the Fitness
515 TCPGNS36

Throughput and Delay Scaling of

Content-Centric Ad Hoc and Heterogeneous
516 TCPGNS37
Wireless Networks

Vehicle Visualization System on the iOS

517 TCPGNS39 Devices Using VANETs

Active Authentication on Mobile Devices via

Stylometry Application Usage Web Browsing &
518 TCMAAN211
GPS Location
(Android / Android Application)

519 TCMIAN60 Ambulance Services

520 TCMIAN62 Road Accident Analysis

521 TCMIJA04 Nodue Management System

522 TCMIJA151 Bank Account Management

523 TCMIJA152 Blood Bank

524 TCMIJA153 Cargo Management

525 TCMIJA154 Ebilling Project

( Page 207 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

526 TCMIJA155 E-learning

527 TCMIJA03 Enterprise Resource Information System

528 TCMIJA156 E-Resource Technology

529 TCMIJA157 Event Website

530 TCMIJA158 Faculty Rating In University Environment

531 TCMIJA159 FashNet

532 TCMIJA162 Government Education Development Site

533 TCMIJA163 E-HallTicket Automation System

534 TCMIJA166 Medical Reimbursement System

535 TCMIJA167 Music Store

536 TCMIJA168 Online Advertisement System

537 TCMIJA172 Online Reserving of Auditorium

538 TCMIJA174 public Seva Portal

539 TCMIJA177 Self Apprasial Form Project

540 TCMIJA178 Student Database Management System

541 TCMIJA179 Super market management system

Android Based Online MLC Voting System

542 TCMAAN209
(Android / Android Application)

543 TCMIJA194 Appraisal System

Using Hashtag Graph-based Topic Model to

Connect Semantically-related Words without
544 TCPGNS60
Co-occurrence in Microblogs
(NS2 / Networking)

Distributed Secret Sharing Approach with

545 TCPGAN58 Cheater Prevention based on QR Code
(Android / Mobile Computing)

Privacy-Preserving Location Sharing Services

546 TCPGAN60 for Social Networks
(Android / Mobile Computing)

A Simulation-Based Multi-objective
Optimization Approach for Health Care Service
547 TCPGNS43
(NS2 / Networking)

Alter Droid Differential Fault Analysis Of

548 TCPGNS45 Obfuscated
(NS2 / Networking)

( Page 208 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

An Enhanced Available Bandwidth Estimation

549 TCPGNS46 Technique for an End-to-End Network Path
(NS2 / Networking)

BCCC An Expandable Network for Data

550 TCPGNS48 Centers
(NS2 / Networking)

Energy-aware Scheduling in Virtualized

551 TCPGNS49 Datacenters
(NS2 / Networking)

Fast And Accurate Mining The Community

Structure Integrating Center Locating And
552 TCPGNS50
Membership Optimization
(NS2 / Networking)

Fuzzy Logic Search Algorithm

553 TCPGNS51
(NS2 / Networking)

Hybrid Bat Algorithm For Overlapping

554 TCPGNS52 Community Detection
(NS2 / Networking)

Improved Data Transfer Scheduling And

555 TCPGNS53 Optimization as A Service In Cloud
(NS2 / Networking)

K-Subspaces Quantization For Approximate

556 TCPGNS54 Nearest Neighbor Search
(NS2 / Networking)

Secure Communication Scheme For Wireless

557 TCPGNS57 Sensor Networks To Maintain Anonymity
(NS2 / Networking)

Secure Reversible Image Data Hiding over

558 TCPGNS58
(NS2 / Networking)

Towards Optimal Broadcast In Wireless

559 TCPGNS59 Networks
(NS2 / Networking)

Virtual Machine-Based Task Scheduling

560 TCPGNS61 Algorithm in a Cloud - CLOUD SIM TOOL
(NS2 / Networking)

DELTA++ Reducing the Size of Android

561 TCPGAN57 Application Updates
(Android / Mobile Computing)

Bank Employee Hostel Accommodation

562 TCMAJA243 Management System
(Java / Web Applications)

563 TCMIJA195 Distributed Network Management System

( Page 209 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

564 TCMIJA196 Due Tracker System

565 TCMIJA197 Electronic Medical

566 TCMIJA199 Faculty Profile Management System

567 TCMIJA202 Land Value Prediction

568 TCMIJA203 Online City Guide

569 TCMIJA204 Online Mobile Phone Shopping

570 TCMIJA207 Product Management System

571 TCMIJA208 Project Planning System

572 TCMIJA209 Project Portfolio

573 TCMIJA210 Safety Management System

File Sharing Based on Interest

574 TCMAJA391
(Java / Web Applications)

Broker-less Content-Based Publish Subscribe

575 TCMAJA394 System
(Java / Web Applications)

Analyzing Android Network to Recognize User

576 TCPGAN64 Actions
(Android / Data Mining)

Clustering with Side Information

577 TCMAJA397
(Java / Web Applications)

Estimating the Clone Refactoring

578 TCMAJA399
(Java / Web Applications)

Inferring Round Invariant

579 TCMAJA406
(Java / Web Applications)

Location Based Services

580 TCMAJA407
(Java / Web Applications)

Nearby Clusters In Spatial Networks

581 TCPGNS42
(NS2 / Networking)

A Survey of Man In The Middle Attacks

582 TCPGNS44
(NS2 / Networking)

A Several Sender-Receiver Strategy for

583 TCMAJA417 Minimizing Cost
(Java / Web Applications)

A Structure for Extracting Data from Healthcare

584 TCMAJA418 Records
(Java / Web Applications)

585 TCPGNS63 Multi Message Communication and File

( Page 210 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

CSE-Standard Titles

S.No Project Code Project Name Objective

Sharing System in Network

(NS2 / Networking)

Web Application on House Hold Works

586 TCMAJA422
(Java / Web Applications)

Discovery of Path Nearby Clusters in Spatial

587 TCPGNS64 Networks
(NS2 / Networking)

Auto Irrigation by using IOT

588 TCPGAN55
(Android / Mobile Computing)

589 TCMIJA215 Automatic Time Table Generation

Maximum Possible Route Problems with

590 TCPGNS62 Irrelevant Constraints
(NS2 / Networking)

( Page 211 ) Email: [email protected]

Website: www.takeoffprojects.com Phone: +91 9030333433, +91 8776681444

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