Nearly all entrepreneurs talk about three key rewards –
ENTREPRENEURIAL MANAGEMENT flexibility, a livable income, and personal growth. There are two
other rewards – building wealth and creating products, which
According to the Global Entrepreneurship Institute, entrepreneurs mention more often than working people in
Entrepreneurial Management as the practice of taking general. There are also rewards that entrepreneur mentioned
entrepreneurial knowledge and utilizing it for increasing the less often than working people in general. These are social
effectiveness of new business venturing as well as small- and rewards, like respect or admiration of others, or power over
medium-sized businesses. others, and family rewards, like continuing a family tradition in
Entrepreneur, however, is an individual who creates a new business. The three most popular types of rewards for
business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the small business owners are growth, flexibility, and income.
rewards. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator,
a source of new ideas, goods, services, and business/or
procedures. 1. Growth Rewards. What people get from facing and
According to the Asian Development Bank, small and medium beating challenges?
enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of Asian economies, 2. Income Rewards. The money made by owning one’s
making up 98% of all enterprises and 66% of the national labor own business.
force from 2007-2012. In the Philippines, Small and Medium 3. Flexibility Rewards. The ability of business owners
Enterprise are defined as any enterprise with 10 to 199 to structure life in the way that suits their needs best.
employees and/or assets valued from P3 million to P100
million. SMEs and micro enterprises combined make up 99.6% Universally Mentioned Rewards
of establishments in the country. Therefore, despite of the Flexibility
limited size of this type of business, SMEs are very important in - "To have greater flexibility for my personal and
our economy, both in the local and national arena. family life.
We use the popular broad definition of entrepreneur – anyone Income
who owns a business is an entrepreneur. This of course, - To give myself, my spouse, and children financial
means anyone who is a small business owner is an security
entrepreneur. It also means that self-employed, anyone who Growth
work for himself or herself instead of for others, is also an - To continue to grow and learn as a person.
entrepreneur. Within the population of entrepreneurs, it is
sometimes useful to split out through these certain groups: Occasionally Mentioned Rewards
1. Founders. People who create or start new business. Wealth
2. Franchise. A prepacked business bought, rented, or - "To have a chance to build great wealth or a very
leased from a company called a franchisor. high income.
3. Buyers. People who purchase an existing business Product
4. Heir. A person who become an owner through - "To develop an idea for a product"
inheriting or being given a stake in a family business.
Rarely Mentioned Rewards
STARTING AND ENTREPRENEURIAL SMALL BUSINESS: - "To achieve something and get recognition."
- "To be respected by my friends"
1. Believe that you can do. This belief in yourself is Power
called self-efficacy. Those who believe in themselves - "To lead and motivate others."
and in the passion of their beliefs are more likely to Family
keep at it until they succeed. - "To continue a family tradition"
2. Planning + Action = Success. A plan without action
is futile. Actions without plans are usually wasted. MYTHS ABOUT SMALL BUSINESS
Success comes from having the right sort of plan to Over the years, small business experts in academe and
get you. government have studied small business and potential
3. Help Helps. Successful entrepreneurs learn from entrepreneurs and learned that a lot of the challenges scaring
other entrepreneurs, from experts in their chosen people away from small business are the stuff of urban
field, from potential customers, or even from their legends. These myths include the following:
professors. Remember, those help succeed bigger 1. There’s not enough financing.
and more often. 2. You can’t start businesses during a recession.
4. Do well. Do Good. In the long run, you will depend 3. To make profits, you need to make something.
on partners, investors, customers, and neighbors. If 4. If you fail, you can never try again.
you always remember, you try to do well in your 5. Students (or moms or some other group) don’t
business, you’ll feel better about your business and have the skills to start a business.
life, and those around you will too. Myths like these holds back many potential entrepreneurs.
Knowing the truth is a powerful way to keep up your motivation
ENTREPRENEURS AND FIRM GROWTH STRATEGIES for the undeniably tough work of starting your own business.
When you encounter doomsayer, check out facts and do
The overall growth strategy describes the kind of business the
owner or owners would like to have, from the perspective of GETTING STARTED NOW: ENTRY COMPETENCIES
how fast and to what level they would like the firm to grow. There are million things you could do to start a business, but
There are four generic growth strategies that account for nearly which ones are best? Sometimes the answer will come to you
all businesses: in the form of an opportunity or offer, and sometimes you’ll
need to take the first steps yourself. To start a business, you
1. Lifestyle or part-time firms. A small business need four elements to come together – boundary, resources,
primarily intended to provide partial or subsistence intention, and exchange. This is referred to as the BRIE model.
financial support for the existing lifestyle of the owner, 1. Boundary. Something that sets it up as a firm and
most often through operations that fit the owner’s sets it off from the buying or selling or bartering we all
schedule and way of working. do occasionally.
2. Traditional Small Business. A firm intended to 2. Resources. Include the product or service to be
provide a living to the owner and operating in a offered, informational resources on markets and
manner and on a schedule consistent with other firms running a business, financial resources, and human
in the industry and market. resources.
3. High-performing Small Business. A firm intended to 3. Intention. The desire to start a business and is the
provide the owner with high income through sales or most frequently occurring element of the BRIE Model.
profits superior to those of the traditional small 4. Exchange. This refers to moving resources, goods, or
business. services to others in exchange for money or their
4. High-growth Venture. A firm started with the intent of resources.
eventually going public, following the pattern of growth
and operations of a big business.
It has been already discussed why small business is important Another approach that has grown dramatically this past decade
for the individuals for whom income, growth, and flexibility were is using E-commerce, particularly like Ebay and Amazon, or
among the most important rewards of ownership. But you also Lazada and Shopee. E-commerce is the general term for
need to know that small business is vitally important to your conducting business on the internet. The formal title for this is
community and even to our economy. Part of this comes from Virtual Instant Global Entrepreneurship (VIGE), a process
new things small business contribute to the economy, that uses internet to quickly create business with a worldwide
particularly new jobs, and innovations, as well as the basics reach.
that small businesses provide for all of us – jobs, taxes, and
product or services. Challenge and the Entrepreneurial Way
Entrepreneurs’ stories usually tell us about challenges faced
New Jobs and overcome. What is fascinating if you hear enough stories
In the 2019 study conducted by the Department of Trade and is that there some strategies that are used again and again.
Industry, MSMEs generated a total of 5,510,760 jobs or 62.4% These strategies are the following:
of the country’s total employment. Small business is the engine
of job generation, but it is important for existing jobs, too. Small 1. If you don’t succeed the first time, try, try, again.
business employ millions of Filipinos, providing wages and This is called the strategy of perseverance or the
salaries. behavior of continued effort to achieve a goal.
One reason why small business is a key employer is because 2. Scale back. Maybe you have an idea but can’t get the
they are more willing than most large business to offer jobs to resources to get it started. Try scaling it back to the
people with atypical work histories or needs, like people new to level of resources you currently available.
the workforce, people with uneven employment histories, and 3. Bird in the hand. Instead of planning a firm and then
people looking for part-time work. looking for resources, start with the resources you
already have and think about what the best use is you
Innovations can make of them.
Small business is a key element of every nation’s economy 4. Pivot. Go ahead and start the business in a way you
because it offers a very special environment in which the new can and look for better opportunities as you go along.
can come into being. Small business owners are freer of the 5. Take it on the road. Sometimes the place you live
judgment and social constraints of workers elsewhere. isn’t the best market for your products or services.
Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter labeled this 6. Ask for help. Today everyone can harness the
process creative destruction. It refers to the way that newly wisdom of crowds, whether it is asking your personal
created goods, services, or firms can hurt existing goods, and group connections on Facebook for ideas, advice,
services, or firms. opinions, or donations. Crowdsourcing is the
Why do so many innovations come from small business? techniques often based on internet to get opinions or
Remember that most people going into small business mention ideas through the collective involvement of others.
flexibility as a key reward, such as the flexibility to do the work 7. Plan to earn. Think through your capabilities,
they think is important. Small business owners are freer of the prospects, and passions to find the best idea for you,
judgments and social constraints of workers elsewhere. and then plan for action to make it happen.
New Opportunities
People who own their business are presented with tremendous
opportunities - not only to improve their life and wealth, but also Module No. 2
to help them move into and upward in the economy and society SMALL BUSINESS ENTREPRENEURS:
Achieving Sustainability
Module 4
If you look at a management, entrepreneurship, or small
business text from 10 years ago, you would be hard-pressed to
see anything related to sustainability or green business. Those
elements we called corporeal forces in the general
environment were taken for granted. Today, however, some of
The search and capture of new ideas is called opportunity
the negative effects of industrialization on the earth and the
recognition, which researchers believe might be the most
living species inhabiting earth are becoming apparent.
basic and important entrepreneurial behavior. The exact
Sustainable entrepreneurship is an approach to the
reasons why entrepreneurs seem to be better able to find ideas
operation of the firm, the line of business of the firm, or both,
that work is unclear. The notion of entrepreneurial alertness
which identifies or creates and then exploits opportunities to
is one that has captured the attention of scholars in the field.
make a profit in a manner that minimizes the depletion of
This phrase means that entrepreneurs have a special set of
natural resources, maximizes the use of recycled material,
observational and thinking skills that helps them identify good
improves the environment, or any combination of these
outcomes. Positive outcomes along these lines are described
as “greener,” so the approach is also sometimes called green
Opportunity Strategies
1. Imitative strategy. An overall strategic approach in
which the entrepreneur does more or less what others
Making Ethical Decisions are already doing.
Ethics comprise a system of values people use to determine 2. Incremental strategy. Taking an idea and offering a
whether actions are right or wrong. We consider ethics in way to do something slightly better than it is done
determining whether a decision we are about to make is good presently.
or bad. And we make judgments about actions—something is 3. Radical innovation strategy. Rejecting existing
good or bad; someone is right or wrong— based upon our own ideas and presenting a way to do things differently.
personal ethics. An ethical dilemma occurs when a person’s
values are in conflict, making it unclear whether a decision One powerful but rarely used source of ideas are universities
we’re thinking about making is right or not. An ethical dilemma and government agencies. Both develop a tremendous range
also occurs when there are several different options for a of new technologies or refinements of existing technologies,
decision we have to make, and the best choice isn’t clear. Of but never do anything with them. What these organizations will
the five environment managing techniques discussed in this offer you is an arrangement called licensing. A license is a
section, making ethical decisions is undoubtedly the hardest. legal agreement granting you rights to use a particular piece of
Part of it is because the ethical problems that keep intellectual property (for example, a technology). In return, you
entrepreneurs up at night are ones where there is not a (the licensee) are required to pay the owner of the license (the
satisfying yes or no answer. licensor). These payments can consist of an upfront or annual
LaRue Hosmer was initially a professor of entrepreneurship flat licensing fee or a royalty, which is a payment per item
who came from a family logging business. He later turned his sold.
eye toward the challenge of making ethical decisions in
FROM IDEAS TO OPPORTUNITIES THROUGH CREATIVITY 1. People: Who are you? What is your (or your team’s)
You might have a viable business idea, but is it the best one to relevant experience or knowledge?
pursue? Are you sure you have the right approach for making 2. Offering: What are you offering? What is the
the most of the idea? Very often the first good idea an product or service or experience?
entrepreneur has is not necessarily the best one he or she will 3. Customer: Whom are you offering it to? Who is
have. Before committing yourself to one viable idea, it is a your customer? Who makes the buying decision?
good practice to take some time and see if you can take that How many buyers are there?
viable idea and innovate on it to create an even better—more 4. Value proposition: Why do they care? Why will it
profitable, more distinctive, harder to copy—idea. be important to the buyers/users? Why will they be
happier with your offering than their current
SCAMPER tool substitutes or alternatives?
One tool you can use to help you identify new opportunities is 5. Distinctive competencies: Do you have any key or
the SCAMPER. It is based on the work of Alex Osborne, a core science/technology or feature? Does your
pioneer in the field of creativity, who first coined the word idea have something special compared to competitors
brainstorming. The tool is known as SCAMPER, the acronym that is valuable to your customers or buyers (e.g.,
for a set of cues that trigger new ideas for your business. better technology, better quality, easier to buy or use,
1. Substitute: Think of what you might substitute for better support, new/better features, costs less, gives
something else to form a new idea. A feature that your firm an advantage over competitors, rare, costly
allows your customers to order directly from a Web for others to imitate, etc.)?
site rather than visiting your store or ordering by mail
is an example of substitution. Sometimes solutions MAKE SURE AN IDEA IS FEASIBLE
derived through SCAMPER cues are very “way out”
and lead people to some creative ideas for solving Feasibility. The extent to which an idea is viable and realistic
annoying problem. and the extent to which you are aware of internal (to your
2. Combine: Think of possible combinations you can business) and external (industry, market, and regulatory
make that result in something entirely different. Not environment) forces that could affect your business.
long ago, if you wanted to buy a book, you went to a Feasibility studies consist of careful investigation of five
store that typically carried only books, and if you primary areas: the overall business idea, the product/service,
wanted to buy a cup of coffee you went to a coffee the industry and market, financial projections (profitability), and
shop, and if you wanted to hear music you went to a the plan for future action. Within each of these areas you will
club or theater. examine the strengths and weaknesses (advantages and
3. Adapt: Think about what could be adapted from disadvantages) of your business opportunity.
products or services that already exist. Many In crafting a feasibility study, the goal is to assess if the idea
successful businesses are founded on the concept of can be profitably brought to market. The traditional problems
adaptation. It’s a popular innovation strategy that can facing new ideas are (1) the idea cannot be economically
be just as effective, and much more likely in the real made into a product or service; (2) the resulting product or
world, than business opportunities that are the result service works, but does not appeal to a large enough market
of radical innovations such as inventions. (or is not worth enough to them) to make the effort profitable;
4. Magnify or modify: Taking an existing product and and (3) the product or service works, has a market, and could
changing its appearance or adding more features or be profitable, but you need to get additional people, funding, or
increasing the hours your store is open or making its other resources to make the idea into a business. Notice that
advertising more dramatic are some ways you could each problem builds on the solution of the prior problem. As
magnify or modify your idea. with idea screenings, having no solution for one of these
5. Put to other uses: Think of ways you could generate problems may not spell the end of the process if you can use
a high number of opportunities for your product or creative solution approaches like SCAMPER (introduced
service beyond what it is traditionally used for. earlier in this chapter) to come up with a new way to resolve or
6. Eliminate: Search for opportunities that arise when sidestep problems.
you get rid of something or stop doing something
7. Rearrange or reverse. Overall, you have to ask WAYS TO KEEP ON BEING CREATIVE
yourself this question: How can I change, reorder, or Even if you are a solo small business owner, you can take
reverse the product or problem? What would I do if I steps to keep yourself in an innovative frame of mind. Here are
had to do this process in reverse? some techniques you can try as you practice the business
AVOID PITFALLS of innovation on your own:
There are five major pitfalls that business owners can become 1. Read magazines or trade journals outside your area.
victim to when trying to become more innovative. See if you 2. Invite someone you never included before to a
recognize the ones that apply to you and your business, so that meeting at which you are solving a problem or
you can sidestep them at every opportunity: searching for a new opportunity. Try a supplier or a
1. Identifying the wrong problem: When a problem friend who works in a different field.
doesn’t stay solved or an opportunity doesn’t pan out 3. Have a “scan the environment” day in which you
as expected, it could be that the wrong problem was discuss trends and happenings that could impact your
defined. business.
2. Judging ideas too quickly: At many business 4. Try a mini internship. Ask a colleague or friend if you
meetings when someone suggests a new idea or can spend a day at his or her business to see what
approach, often the first reaction you hear is, “We’ve you can learn that may be applicable to yours.
tried that before and it didn’t work,” “The boss will 5. Instead of trying to simply sell your product or service
never go for it,” “It’s not in the budget,” or the to customers, put yourself in their shoes and ask them
frequently heard, “Yes, but . . .” People tend to judge what frustrates them most or what problems they
ideas prematurely, before they take the time to ask, cannot seem to solve that relate to your business.
“What’s right about this idea?” or “How could this idea 6. Redesign your work environment. Get a room with a
be made better?” view. This doesn’t have to cost a bundle in remodeling
3. Stopping with the first good idea: The first good or even redecorating costs. Try to bring in some items
idea you come up with is rarely the best. That’s from nature and add color and inspirational objects or
because it was the easiest to think of, and so there is quotations.
little doubt that your competitors have already thought
of it, too.
4. Failing to act: good opportunities have a way of
coming into existence. It might be up to you to bring it
to the market.
5. Obeying rules that don’t exist: We sometimes put
obstacles in front of ourselves because we think we
can’t do something, when in fact there is no reason
we can’t.
One of the simplest and fastest ways to screen ideas is what
we will call the RBI screen, named for Alex Bruton’s “Really Big
Idea”. RBI screen RBI stands for “Really Big Idea” and is a
fast technique for making initial assessments (called screens)
of prospective business ideas based on five questions.