Patterns Found in Homes

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Name: Precious Karylle T.

Torregosa Date: August 13, 2023

Section: BSRT-1 B

Please prepare this part as this will be uploaded on Part 3 of google forms - Patterns and
Numbers in Nature and the World

III. Do you also notice patterns around you? What other examples can you think of? Share the
types of patterns of nature that are found in your own house. Provide photos of 3 different types
of patterns and include a 1- 3 sentence caption per photo. (30 Points)
5 4 3 2 1 Point

Photogr All of the The The The viewer The

ap h photogra photogra connection can see viewer
Impact ph s ph s between the some cannot
clearly clearly photos and connectio see
represent represent the central n a
the the idea between the relationsh
central central is clear. photograp ip
idea of idea. Not all hs and the between
the The photos are captions. the
photo photos related to The captions
captions. demonstr the photograph and the
The at e captions. s are not photogra
image some The photos particularly phs .
brings original demonstra creative.
out thinking. te some
emotions creativity
in the

Captions All Almost Most There are No facts

supporti all supportive some are
ve facts supporti facts are lapses in reported,
are ve or most
reported facts are reported accuracy of inaccurate
accuratel reported accurately. reported . Many of
y. The accuratel The facts. the
captions y. The ideas The ideas reported
concisely captions presented presented ideas are
present present are are too unclear.
fresh, clear understand wordy and The
original ideas abl e but word central
ideas that that fuzzy. choice is focus is
elaborate support The bland. unclear.
on the the captions There is The word
central central focus on a not a choice is
idea. idea. single idea connection weak, and
Precise, Details yet between captions
descripti are used experiment each do not
ve that with caption suit the
language suit language and photo.
is used to each photo. with some the Captions
complem success. accompan are too
en t the yin g wordy.
photos. photo.


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