Classification of Jaundice - UpToDate

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8/19/23, 5:36 PM Classification of jaundice - UpToDate

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Classification of jaundice according to type of bile pigment and mechanism

Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia (continued)

Increased bilirubin production* Extrahepatic cholestasis (biliary obstruction)

Extravascular hemolysis Choledocholithiasis

Extravasation of blood into tissues Intrinsic and extrinsic tumors (eg, cholangiocarcinoma,
pancreatic cancer)
Intravascular hemolysis
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
AIDS cholangiopathy
Wilson disease
Acute and chronic pancreatitis
Impaired hepatic bilirubin uptake
Strictures after invasive procedures
Heart failure
Certain parasitic infections (eg, Ascaris lumbricoides, liver
Portosystemic shunts
Some patients with Gilbert syndrome
Intrahepatic cholestasis
Certain drugs ¶  – Rifampin, probenecid, flavaspadic acid,
Viral hepatitis
Alcohol-associated hepatitis
Impaired bilirubin conjugation
Non-alcohol-associated steatohepatitis
Crigler-Najjar syndrome types I and II
Chronic hepatitis
Gilbert syndrome
Primary biliary cholangitis
Drugs and toxins (eg, alkylated steroids, chlorpromazine,
herbal medications [eg, Jamaican bush tea], arsenic)
Ethinyl estradiol
Sepsis and hypoperfusion states cancer&rank=1~150&source=see_link 1/2
8/19/23, 5:36 PM Classification of jaundice - UpToDate

Liver diseases – Chronic hepatitis, advanced cirrhosis

Infiltrative diseases (eg, amyloidosis, lymphoma,
Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia sarcoidosis, tuberculosis)

Defect of canalicular organic anion transport Total parenteral nutrition

Dubin-Johnson syndrome Postoperative cholestasis

Defect of sinusoidal reuptake of conjugated bilirubin Following organ transplantation

Rotor syndrome Hepatic crisis in sickle cell disease


End-stage liver disease

AIDS: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

* Serum bilirubin concentration is usually less than 4 mg/dL (68 mmol/L) in the absence of underlying liver disease.

¶ The hyperbilirubinemia induced by drugs usually resolves within 48 hours after the drug is discontinued.

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