Hi Fi Usability Test Tigo Corrected

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Usability Study (Hi-Fi)

Tigo App

Author: Dewangan Roy

Date: 5 September Aug 2022
Table Of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Goals
3. Methodology
4. Participant Profiles
5. Tasks
6. Post-Test Questions
7. Sentimental Analysis
8. Bugs and issues
9. Findings and recommendations
10. Disclaimer
Executive Summary
Remote/online usability tests were conducted for the purpose of finding possible improvements in
the product selection process.
5 user testing participants were recruited.
The majority of participants understood how to use the product.
100% of the participants understanded the product and 100% wanted to continues using the product.

1. 100% of participants were able to complete all tasks successfully.

2. 40% of participants enjoyed the movie location and local picks feature.
3. 20% of participants where facing difficulties to send multimulti media in chat.
4. 20% of the participants were facing issue to skip login.

Test Identify Reveal

product bugs friction
concept & issues points

To acquire enough To be able to fix underlying To be able to prioritise

data for analysis technical issues action items

We will gather enough data By usability testing, we will be We will prioritise the issues
and inputs from the able to find the bugs and based on how they can affect
participants so that need full technical issues which may our product. If the issue is very
decisions can be made for the have been skipped by our serious, it should be given high
product success. eyes. priority first, and if the issue is
negligable, it should be at the
bottom of the priority list.
Participants were selected from first qualitative online surveys.
Participants are mosty friends & classmate who loves adventures and movies..
The test was carried out both online and remotely.
The sessions took place beetween 30 aug 2022 to 2 aug 2022.
The time alloted for each session was between 10 to 15 minutes.
Participant Profiles
Our pool of 5 testers consisted of young adults aged between 19-21 years old. The majority of our testers were
male(80%) and no one ever heard of Tigo app it was an new kind of app for them. Professionally, our testers came
from a variety of career backgrounds but most of them are are perfect candidate for our app.

Age Gender Occupation Income

Participant 1 20 Male Student Nil

Participant 2 20 Female Student Nil

Participant 3 21 Male Student Nil

Participant 4 21 Male Student Nil

Participant 5 20 Male Student Nil

Create an account and log in.
Route back and forth from chat, home and feed page.
Go through nearby hotels.
Book a hotel room .
Book a hotel room from map view.
Go to my account.
Route back and forth from My post, My bookings and my notifications.
Send a message to someone.
Post-Test Questions
What was your
favourite aspect of the product?
What was the most confusing part of the test?
Would you continue using this product?
Would you recommend this product to a friend or colleague?
Would you use this app on your trips?
Which page you like the most?
What do you think is missing from this page?
What are the features you most like about this product?
What was the most confusing part of the test?
Sentimental Analysis
Overview of Results
60% of the participants loved the map page.
40% of the participants loved the chat and feeds feature.
20% of the participants were facing issue to send media in chat.

Positive Negative
"Really like the map feature where I "Everything is good, but there should
can easily find locations near me." be an option to send media on chat."
Sentimental Chart



0 25 50 75 100
Bugs and issues
No option to send media in chat.
No Option to skip login or signup.
No view more button in home page options.
Findings and recommendations
60% of the people loved the map feature.
20% of the people were facing issues with sending multimedia in chat.

20% of the people suggested there should be an option to send multimedia in chat.
20% their should be an option to skip login or signin.
The sample size may not be representative of all people that may use
the product.
While moderation began with a set agenda, questions and tasks
administered varied from participant to participant.
Human error and misinterpretations of qualitative feedback affected the
results to slight but varying degrees.
A series of common product bugs and errors occurred (listed in section
Thank You.

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