Nonlinear Modeling of MEMS Fixed-Fixed Beams: Xi Luo
Nonlinear Modeling of MEMS Fixed-Fixed Beams: Xi Luo
Nonlinear Modeling of MEMS Fixed-Fixed Beams: Xi Luo
Xi Luo
Electrical Engineering
Lehigh University
May, 2016
Approved and recommended for acceptance as a dissertation in partial fulfillment of
Dr. James C. M. Hwang, Dissertation Advisor, Chair
Accepted Date
Committee Members:
Dr. Douglas Frey
Dr. Svetlana Tatic-Lucic
Dr. Herman F. Nied
Dr. Richard P. Vinci
topics. I also would like to thank Professor Herman F. Nied for his valuable help and
Professor Svetlana Tatic-Lucic, and Professor Richard P. Vinci for their help and support.
Technology Laboratory (CSTL), particularly, Dr. Subrata Halder, Dr. David Molinero,
and Dr. Cristiano Palego who provided valuable contribution to my growth in research. I
am also thankful to the help from Dr. Weike Wang, Dr. Laura Jin, Dr. Yaqing Ning, Vahid
Gholizadeh, Mohammad Asadi, Xiao Ma, Zhibo Cao and Kevin Xiong, who have made
gratitude to Dr. Charles Goldsmith at MEMtronics Corp. for providing precious device
I owe my deepest gratitude to my family members, my wife Jin Wang, my parents
and parents-in-law. Without your support and sacrifice, I cannot go this far.
Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................................... 1
References.......................................................................................................... 12
References.......................................................................................................... 51
3.1 Hyperbolic Model ................................................................................... 55
References.......................................................................................................... 79
References.......................................................................................................... 95
References........................................................................................................ 101
List of Figures
Fig. 1-1 (a) Top-view and (b) cross-sectional view of a microencapsulated RF MEMS
Fig. 2-1. ANSYS simulation results using Direct Coupling method (■) and Multi-Field
Fig. 2-2. 2-D cross section of parallel plate capacitor. The electrode’s width W is not
Fig. 2-3. ANSYS simulation results of derivative of voltage (■) and normalized max
deflection versus normalized voltage (●) for a typical plate capacitor. The
solid line is the analytical solution and the dashed line represents the unstable
Fig. 2-4. (a) Analytical solution (──) and ANSYS simulation (■) of average/maximum
maximum deflection when ℓ′/ℓ = 1/10(-○-), 1/3(--), 1 (-□-), compared with
Fig. 2-6. (a) Analytical solution (──) and ANSYS simulation (symbol) of
Fig. 2-8. (a) Average/maximum deflection ratio based on analytical solution considering
both residual stress and bending effects (──), only bending effect (- - -), and
analytical solution consider both residual stress and bending effect (──), only
Fig. 2-9. Normalized maximum stable deflection as a function of spring constant ratio
(ksg02/k1). The solid curve is analytical solution and symbols are from ANSYS
Fig. 2-10. (a) Normalized maximum deflection as a function of voltage when
stationary/movable electrode length ratio ℓ′/ℓ = 1/1. The symbols are from
ANSYS simulation results and dash curve are from analytical solution for
parallel plate assumption with and without correction factor (ℓ′/ℓ). (b)
ratio. ks/k1g02 values are 2,3,0.3,0.1 and the corresponding residual stresses are
10, 5, 50, and 150 MPa. The symbols are from ANSYS simulation results and
Fig. 2-11. ANSYS simulation results (symbols) of x axis strain distribution when
normalized beams length is (a) 100/1 and (b) 20/2. In (a), the hollow and solid
symbols represent max deflection zMAX/g0 =1/3 and 1/10. In (b), they
represent zMAX/g0 = 1/10 and 1/30.In both cases squares and triangles
Fig. 2-12. ANSYS simulation results (symbols) of x axis strain distribution when
stationary to movable electrode length ratio are (a) 1/1 and (b) 1/3. In both
cases normalized max deflection zMAX/g0 = 1/2 (●), 1/3 (▲), and 1/5 (■). The
Fig. 2-13. α1, α2, and β values as a function of stationary/movable electrode length ratio.
......................................................................................................................... 48
Fig. 3-1. Charge density calculated by using piecewise parallel plate model (dashed
Fig. 3-2. Modeled (solid curves) versus simulated (dashed curves) beam shape for
beam, ℓ = ℓ′= 10 µm, t = 0.6 µm, g = 1 µm. Beam yields at V = 0.7VP. ......... 60
Fig. 3-3. Hyperbolic model (solid and dashed curve), ANSYS simulation results (■),
and simulation results from [1] (▲) for maximum stable deflection z′(0). It
Fig. 3-4. (a) ANSYS simulation results of electric field distribution of a MEMS switch
Fig. 3-5. Assume electric field line distribution of a MEMS switch between movable
electrode and (a) stationary electrode side, (b) stationary electrode back when
ℓ′<ℓ. ................................................................................................................. 70
Fig. 3-6. ANSYS simulation results (solid) and analytical solutions (dash) for
Fig. 3-7. ANSYS simulation results (solid) and analytical solutions (dash) for
g0/ℓ = 1/100, the colors represents different substrate dielectric constant εr. . 75
Fig. 3-9. (a) ANSYS simulation results (solid) versus analytical solutions (dash) for
Fig. 3-10. ANSYS simulation results (solid) and analytical solutions (dash) for
Fig. 4-1 Modeled (curves) versus measured (symbols) beam center deflection. The
model predicts the deflection for beam length 600 (----), 900(−∙∙−), and 1200
(∙∙∙∙) μm. The measured data are from [1] and beam lengths are 600 (■), 900
Fig. 4-3. Voltage difference between hyperbolic model results and ANSYS simulation
results when the beam center deflection reaches 1/3 of gap height. The
experimental data from [1] and hyperbolic model for beam lengths 600 (■),
Fig. 4-5. Modeled deflection-voltage characteristics for NEMS resonators with beam
length ℓ = 0.3, 1, 3 µm. The solid lines represents the case of stretching strain
less than initial strain and the dashed lines represents stretching strain greater
than initial strain. The inset is the schematic of a graphene resonator. ........... 92
Fig. 4-6. (a) Resonant frequency for NEMS resonators with beam length ℓ = 0.3, 1, 3
µm. The symbols are experimental data from [12]. (b) Resonant frequency for
NEMS resonators with initial strain εini = 4×10−6, 4×10−5, and 4×10−4. ......... 94
This dissertation studies critical topics associated with MEMS fixed-fixed beams.
this device includes the instability at the pull-in voltage; the switches’ deformation
characteristics when subject to an electrostatic force; nonlinear stretching effects, and the
in calculating the pull-in voltage and capacitance is investigated. The study shows that
theory demonstrates better accuracy. The improvement increases with the bottom
stationary electrode to moveable electrode ratio and it reaches 50% when the ratio is
equal to 1. Besides average displacement, the nonlinear stretching effect and empirical
linear correction coefficients are also added to the parallel-plate model to extend model's
relationship between switches' geometry and membrane strain is derived, which helps
employs a hyperbolic function to account for the beam’s deformed shape and electrostatic
field. Based on this, the model accurately calculates the deflection of a fixed-fixed beam
without using parallel-plate assumption. For model validation, the model solutions are
compared with ANSYS finite element results and experimental data. It is found that the
model works especially well in residual stress dominant and stretching dominant cases.
The model shows that the nonlinear stretching significantly increases the pull-in voltage
and extend the beam’s maximum travel range. Based on the model, a graphene
agrees very well with the experimental data. The proposed coupled hyperbolic model
demonstrates its capacity to guide the design and optimization of both RF MEMS
Chapter 1 Introduction
solid state switches (PIN diodes, field-effect transistor (FET)), coaxial electro-mechanical
switches are used extensively in microwave systems for signal routing between
instruments and devices under test (DUT). Compared with conventional solid state
performance on insertion loss, isolation, linearity, return loss, and Electrostatic discharge
(ESD) immunity [1]. In addition, RF MEMS switches are often much smaller in size than
low DC consumption and high linearity. The ultra-low insertion loss of RF MEMS
switches makes routing of RF signals possible with much lower loss, giving RF systems
better noise figure and sensitivity. As most MEMS devices are electrostatically operated,
they consume essentially no DC power, which makes them an excellent candidate for
battery or hand-held devices, as well as satellite and space systems. The high linearity is
beneficial to broadband communications systems and systems where the high dynamic
range is required [2]. This dissertation focuses mainly on one RF MEMS capacitive
switch, but the conclusion can be applied to other devices with fixed-fixed beams.
Critical topics associated with RF MEMS capacitive switches include the instability
at the pull-in voltage; the switches’ deform characteristics when subject to an electrostatic
force; and the capacitance calculation in small scale. Important physical details include
the air damping effects, device reliability, and failure mechanism [3]. In order to
MEMS devices, it is necessary to use advanced analysis methods. This includes finite
element method (FEM), and finite difference method (FDM). The multidisciplinary
coupling effects and the nonlinearity of the structure and electrostatic forces make
1.2 Pull-in Voltage Calculation
The Fig. 1-1 (a) and (b) show a top-view and cross-sectional view of a
Fig. 1-1 (a) Top-view and (b) cross-sectional view of a microencapsulated RF MEMS capacitive switch
a movable and a stationary electrode has an upper limit beyond which the electrostatic
force is not balanced by the restoring force. When the movable electrode is imbalanced
and snaps down to stationary electrode, this phenomenon is called pull-in instability
micro-mirrors and micro-resonators, the instability is not desirable. While for switching
applications, the effects are exploited to obtain optimum performance [4]. In addition, the
accurate prediction of pull-in voltage for a fixed-fixed beam is critical in designing the
sensitivity, frequency response and dynamic range of the devices [5]. Due to its
multidisciplinary nature and nonlinear electrostatic forces, there is no trivial solution for
calculating the pull-in voltage. Various closed-form expressions are proposed to calculate
the pull-in voltage for a fixed-fixed beam based on specific assumptions and
assumption [6], which assumed the beam had a linear spring constant, the beam
deflection was the same across the entire beam length and the electrostatic force was
uniformly distributed on the beam. The nonlinear stretching effects were also neglected.
This model predicted that the beam collapses to the stationary electrode when the
maximum deflection reached one third of the air-gap height, which agreed well with [7].
In another simplified lumped mass-spring model of the fixed-fixed beam [8], the pull-in
voltage was determined when the fundamental frequency of the system drops to zero. In
[9], the energy minimum principle of the parallel-plate capacitor was used to determine
the pull-in voltage of the structure. The pull-in voltage was determined when the second
derivative of total potential energy equaled to zero. Some of the electromechanical effects
commonly ignored, such as fringe effects, plane-strain effects and anchor compliance,
were considered in [10]. It added the effective width as a first order compensation for the
electrostatic field fringe effects and plane-strain effects. Numerical compliance factors
expression for the pull-in voltage of fixed-fixed beams and fixed-free beams is derived.
Also, the effects of partial electrode configuration, of axial stress, stretching effects, and
The approaches used in [6]–[11] are compared with 3-D electromechanical finite
element analysis (FEA) and a parametric behavioral model in [12]. It found out that the
accuracy of the presented model varied widely depending on the device specifications
and modeling parameters. For wide beams, which means beam width w > 5t (t is beam
thickness), in the small deflection regime (t > air gap g0), where the fringe field effects
and the stress induced stretching is neglected, the performance of all four methods agreed
well with FEA results. The maximum 2.6% deviation from CoSolve FEA results was
observed [12]. For narrow beams (w < 5t), in the small deflection regime (t > g0), the
maximum deviation from FEA simulation results was about 20%, which was primarily
due to fringe capacitance. For wide beams (w > 5t), in the large deflection regime (t < g0),
only the approach in [11] shows a small 10% deviation. On the other hand, the pull-in
voltage predicted by other four approaches in [6]–[10] gave only one-fourth the values
when compared with FEA results. It appeared that the proper modeling of the fringe field
and the stretching effects are the key factors to improve the accuracy of a closed-form
Although the fringe field and the stretching effects were considered in the pull-in
voltage expression [11], the relationship between the maximum deflection of the beam
before pull-in and the nonlinear stretch factor was not explored, which was critical for
determining the pull-in voltage accurately. That relationship will be studied in detail in
1.3 Nonlinear Stretching Effect
parallel-plate electrostatic capacitor to about 1/3 of the gap height. In order to extend the
travel range before pull-in instability occurs, different approaches were proposed.
methods by optimizing the switches’ stationary electrode and structural design [13]. It
was reported that the leveraged bending effect could be used to achieve full gap travel at
the cost of increased actuation voltage. The strain-stiffening effect could be used to
feedback and charge control techniques to extend the travel range of a movable electrode.
The parasitic and tilting instabilities limit the actuation range [15]. This approach was
control techniques by using current pulses injecting the required amount of charge, the
The relationship between the stretching effects and maximum travel range will be
discussed in section 2.2.3 and 3.1.4, and the optimum design of switches geometry is also
suggested in section 2.2.4.
For relatively small gap height to the movable electrode length ratio, the two
electrodes could be considered to be locally parallel to each other [4]. This is justified by
the small gap height to beam length ratio (air-gap height g0 to movable electrode length ℓ
materials leads to the reduction in the size of electrostatically actuated MEMS, so the g0/ℓ
ratio cannot be considered small (on the order of 10-1–10-2) [20] or even larger [21]. For
larger g0/ℓ ratio, more accurate estimates could be developed by considering the slope and
approximation was suggested based on the representation of the electrode surface locally
approximation and was applicable in cases when the use of the parallel capacitor formula
leads to an error.
This dissertation will discuss the approach of representing the movable electrode
deformation using a hyperbolic function in section 3.1.2 and calculating the capacitance
accordingly. In addition, the fringe effect will be included using inverse cosine conformal
these issues, such as calculating pull-in voltage, capacitance, and predict switches’
new hyperbolic model to address similar issues without applying parallel-plate theory.
[1] Agilent Solid State Switches Application Note [Online]. Avaliable:
[3] Wan-Chun Chuang, Hsin-Li Lee, Pei-Zen Chang and Yuh-Chung Hu, "Review on the modeling of
electrostatic MEMS," Sensors, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 6149–6171, Jun. 2010.
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[5] R. Puers, and D. Lapadatu, "Electrostatic forces and their effects on capacitive mechanical sensors,"
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 203–210, Mar. 1996.
[6] P. Osterberg, H. Yie, X. Cai, J. White, and S. Senturia, "Self-consistent simulation and modelling of
[7] H. C. Nathanson, W. E. Newell, R. A. Wickstrom, and J. R. Davis, "The resonant gate transistor,"
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 14,no. 3, pp. 117–133, Mar. 1967.
[8] D. J. Ijntema, and H. A.C. Tilmans, "Static and dynamic aspects of an air-gap capacitor," Sensors and
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[10] C. O'Mahony, M. Hill, R. Duane, and A Mathewson, "Analysis of electromechanical boundary effects
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[12] S. Chowdhury, M. Ahmadi, and W. C. Miller, "A comparison of pull-in voltage calculation methods
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pp. 112–117.
[13] E. S. Hung and S. D. Senturia, "Extending the travel range of analog-tuned electrostatic actuators," J.
[14] Y. Nemirovsky and O. Bochobza-Degani, "A methodology and model for the pull-in parameters of
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[15] E. K. Chan and R. W. Dutton, "Electrostatic micromechanical actuator with extended range of travel,"
[16] J. I. Seeger and B. E. Boser, “Dynamics and control of parallel-plate actuators beyond the
electrostatic instability,” in Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Jun. 1999, pp.
[17] J. I. Seeger and B. E. Boser, "Charge control of parallel-plate, electrostatic actuators and the tip-in
[18] R. Nadal-Guardia, A. Dehe, R. Aigner, and L. M. Castaner, "Current drive methods to extend the
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[19] Slava Krylov and Shimon Seretensky, "Higher order correction of electrostatic pressure and its
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[20] J. Teva, G. Abadal, Z.J. Davis, J. Verd, X. Borrisé, A. Boisen, F. Pérez-Murano, N. Barniol, "On the
[21] V. Sazonova, Y. Yaish, H. Üstünel, D. Roundy, T. A. Arias and P. L. McEuen, "A tunable carbon
nanotube electromechanical oscillator," Nature, vol. 431, pp. 284–287, Jul. 2004.
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[23] E. Barke, “Line-to-ground capacitance calculation for VLSI: A comparison,” IEEE Trans.
Comput.-Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 295–298, Feb. 1988.
Chapter 2 Theory and Parallel-plate Models
The important effects that influence the capacitance-voltage (C-V) correlation are
studied in this chapter by employing both analytical and computational approaches. The
first effect examined the influence of the stationary electrode to movable electrode length
ratio on the conventional parallel-plate theory. The effect of bending, residual stress, and
membrane stretch are also studied. All the factors above are critical for understanding the
are also simulated using ANSYS finite element software. Comparisons between the
analytical solutions and computational results quantify the range of validity for the
beam that deforms with applied voltage, a closed-formed solution cannot be achieved due
to the coupling between the electrostatic domain and mechanical domain. This is not
unique to this particular problem, i.e., closed-form solutions for the electrostatic problems
are only available for a limited number of simple prescribed geometries. Therefore, a
numerical approach is required [1]–[2]. In this study, ANSYS finite element software will
Two computational methods are available within ANSYS to solve this coupled
problem: 1) the Direct Coupling method and 2) the Multi-Field Solver method [3]. Of
course, the converged solutions from the two methods should be identical and those
results in turn should be compared with available analytical solutions in limiting cases.
Once all convergences checks and solutions have been verified, the most efficient
Consider a fixed-fixed aluminum beam plate capacitor with the top movable
above the bottom stationary electrode of length ℓ′ = 100 µm (refer to Fig. 2-2). Assume
the stationary electrode thickness is zero and the tensile residual stress (σ) in the movable
beam materials, which is generated during the deposition process, is 50 MPa. This
configuration is simulated using the Direct Coupling method and Multi-Field Solver
method. The results of both methods on maximum vertical displacement at beam center
normalized by gap height ratio and the capacitance normalized by
0W '
shown in Fig. 2-1(a), (b). The bias voltage is normalized by the pull-in voltage. The two
formulation when the coupled-field involves strongly coupled-physics [1], the Direct
Fig. 2-1. ANSYS simulation results using Direct Coupling method (■) and Multi-Field Solver
method (●). (a) Normalized max deflection as a function of normalized voltage. (b) Normalized
capacitance as a function of normalized voltage.
The parallel-plate capacitor assumption neglects the fringe capacitance and beam
shape subject to the electrostatic force. This is justified by the small gap height to beam
length ratio (g0/ℓ around 10-2–10-3) [4]. However, the advancement in fabrication
technologies and materials leads to the reduction in the size of electrostatically actuated
MEMS, so the g0/ℓ ratio cannot be considered small (on the order of 10-1–10-2) [5]. The
parallel-plate capacitor assumption on large for large g0/ℓ ratio devices is no longer valid
determine the pull-in voltage (VPI). This is probably due to its simplicity. The theory
assumes that the electrostatic force is evenly distributed across the top and bottom
electrode’s region of overlap. Meanwhile, the vertical displacement within the overlap
region (ℓ′ in Fig. 2-2) is equal to z at all locations. The cross section of such a
parallel-plate capacitor model is shown in Fig. 2-2. The parallel-plate capacitor includes
top movable electrode with length ℓ, and width W. It is suspended a distance g0 above the
bottom stationary electrode of a length ℓ′. The load is evenly distributed within the top
and bottom electrode overlap region. This simplified model represents the RF MEMS
capacitive switch in the suspended state and assumes bottom electrode has zero thickness
and only air between the top and bottom electrode. The electro-mechanical behavior of
this plate capacitor provides a clear understanding of the dominant switch behavior
Fig. 2-2. 2-D cross section of parallel plate capacitor. The electrode’s width W is not shown in
the figure.
parallel-plate model for two perfectly flat plates before pull-in is:
C . (2-1)
g 0 z
When a voltage is applied between the top and bottom electrode, an electrostatic force is
induced on the beam. In addition, the corresponding mechanical force in the movable
electrode will resist the electrostatic force. The mechanical behavior is described in terms
of a spring constant k (either linear or nonlinear), and the mechanical restoring force is
given by F = k∙z, where z is the vertical deflection of the beam at the center. When the
1 0W V 2
k z. (2-2)
2 g0 z 2
It is implicitly assumed in (2-2) that the shape of the deforming electrode does not
deviate significantly from a flat surface, and thus the parallel-plate electrostatic solution
remains valid. In addition, the fringe capacitance and stretch effect are neglected [6]. It
V z g 0 z ,
k g0 3z g0 z . (2-4)
d z 2 0W z g0 z
For dV 0 , the root is given by z 1 g 0 [7]. In (2-3), it can be seen that the
d z 3
voltage achieves the maximum value at z 1 g 0 . For 0 z g 0 , dV 0 , the
3 3 d z
voltage increases with the vertical displacement and the electrostatic force and
mechanical restoring force is in static equilibrium. In the region g 0 z g 0 , dV 0 ,
3 d z
and thus maintain a force balance relationship between two forces, the bias voltage would
need to decrease with increasing vertical displacement. Otherwise, the electrostatic force
will be greater than the mechanical force and the beam deflection becomes unstable, i.e.,
a small increase in voltage causes a very large increase in deflection, as shown in Fig. 2-3.
Fig. 2-3. ANSYS simulation results of derivative of voltage (■) and normalized max deflection
versus normalized voltage (●) for a typical plate capacitor. The solid line is the analytical solution
and the dashed line represents the unstable behavior. The bias voltage is normalized by pull-in
behavior and the maximum voltage at dV 0 is usually defined as the pull-in voltage
d z
VP 0 g 03 . (2-5)
27 0W
actually reaches 0. Therefore, the linear extrapolation is used for dV curve
d z d z
within short intervals before pull-in. For the numerical results a convenient determination
for the pull-in voltage is given by the intersection point of extrapolated curve with the x
In fact, as the fixed-fixed top movable electrode starts to deform under the
constant), which invalidates the parallel-plate assumption. To study how the beam shape
and stationary to movable electrode length ratio affects the parallel-plate approximation,
the analytical solution is derived assuming the load is uniformly distributed across
overlap region. Further, the numerical simulations were carried out for the stationary
electrode length to movable electrode length (ℓ′/ℓ), varying in ratio from 1/10 to 1.
employed [8]. This static equation does not capture the dynamic behavior of the beam or
consider the geometric nonlinearities in the large-deflection regime. However, for the
satisfactory. In this study, the static solution is compared with ANSYS finite element
The bending effect is the first effect to study. It leads to the linear relationship
between the mechanical restoring force and transverse displacement. Consider a
fixed-fixed aluminum beam plate capacitor with ℓ = 100 µm, W → ∞, t = 0.6 µm, with
gap height g0 = 1 µm. The bottom stationary electrode has a length ℓ′. Assume bottom
electrode with zero thickness and only air between the top and bottom electrode. The
residual stress is equal to zero. In this configuration, bending is the dominant deformation
The Euler-Bernoulli differential equations that govern the transverse deflection are
d 4 z x
EI , x
dx 4 2 2 (2-6)
EI d z x 0,
where E is the Young’s modulus, I is the moment of inertia. For a rectangular cross
Wt 3
section, I , ξ is the uniform load across the overlap region.
d z x
The left-side boundary conditions for (2-6) are z 0, 0 . In
2 dx x
d 3z x d 2 z x d z x
addition, the differential equation requires , , , and z x to
dx3 dx 2 dx
for (2-6), taking advantage of symmetry, the solution for is given by
16 x 4 2 4 12 2 x 2 24 x 2 2 2 2
4 x 2 3 4
, x
384 EI 2 2
2 x 4 x 2
z , x (2-7)
192 EI 2 2
2 x 4 x
, x
192 EI 2 2
2 3
2 3 4
For x 0, z 0 , and the deflection at the center of the
32 EWt 3
beam (x = 0) is used to determine the spring constant k0′. For a beam that is subject to a
32 EW
k0' (2-8)
z 0,
2 2
z x, dx
zMAX z 0, '
2 15 30 24 5
2 3
15 2 2
The Fig. 2-4(a) illustrates the trend of analytical solutions (2-9) and ANSYS
simulations for . They both predict that decreases along with ℓ′/ℓ increases
and it reaches 0.53 at ℓ′/ℓ = 1. It can be seen that flat plate assumption gradually becomes
invalid as deviate from 1.
2 3
15 2 2 (2-10)
VP 0 .
2 15 30 24 5
pull-in situation cannot be accurately predicted by ANSYS simulation. When the switch
approaches the pull-in situation, an infinitesimal voltage increase leads to a large
beam’s maximum deflection in this unstable configuration. Although the exact beam
determined accurately from ANSYS simulations. It can be seen from Fig. 2-4(b) that
pull-in voltage results that consider beam shape are in better agreement with ANSYS
simulations than those results that only use the parallel-plate assumption. Further, before
ℓ′/ℓ =1/3, the pull-in voltage maximum difference between the two cases that consider
and does not consider beam curve, is smaller than 7%. This indicates that the
parallel-plate model is still a good approximation when ℓ′/ℓ is smaller than 1/3.
Other approaches to predict pull-in voltage include the natural frequency approach
[13] and the energy methods [14]. However, the parallel-plate approach and other two
approaches do not consider fringe capacitance and nonlinear stretch effect, which limits
Using C0, the parallel-plate capacitance with gap height g0, as the normalization
Fig. 2-4. (a) Analytical solution (──) and ANSYS simulation (■) of average/maximum deflection
ratio. (b) Analytical solutions for pull-in voltage based on average deflection (──), maximum deflection
(- - -), compared with ANSYS simulation (■).
C g z AVE 1
0 . (2-11)
C0 z
g0 g0
It can be seen in Fig. 2-5 that both normalized parallel-plate capacitances calculated
Fig. 2-5. Normalized capacitance ratio based on average deflection when stationary/movable electrode
length ratio ℓ′/ℓ = 1/10(──), 1/3(──), 1(──), maximum deflection when ℓ′/ℓ = 1/10(-○-), 1/3(--), 1
(-□-), compared with ANSYS simulation results when ℓ′/ℓ = 1/10(●), 1/3(▲), 1 (■).
based on zMAX and zAVE agree with ANSYS simulation at ℓ′/ℓ =1/10. This is
because (0.99) is close to 1 in this case. However, it can be seen that only
capacitance obtained from zAVE is in good agreement with ANSYS simulation at ℓ′/ℓ =1.
This is because (0.53) deviates significantly from 1.
ℓ′/ℓ = 1/3 and it rises to 50% when ℓ′/ℓ = 1/1. Large derivation leads to great error in
pull-in voltage and capacitance estimation. By applying the correction factor, based on
average displacement of the beam, the error can be reduced significantly. Therefore, the
However, the correction factor does not solve the problem completely, since the
calculation requires analytical approximation that the electrostatic force across the
overlap region is uniform. The finite element analysis and numerical calculation is
Similar to the bending effect, the enhanced mechanical restoring force associated
with residual stress, depends linearly on the transverse displacement. Although a low
residual stress in switches is generally desirable, switches with almost zero residual stress
are more subject to problems that include stuck switches, curling, and buckling [15].
= 0.6 µm, with gap height g0 = 3 µm. The bottom stationary electrode has a length ℓ′. The
tensile residual stress σ = 50 MPa. In this configuration, the residual stress is the
The differential equations that governs the transverse deflection are [9]–[10]:
d 2 z x
N , x
dx 2 2 2 (2-12)
N d z x 0,
The left-side boundary condition for (2-12) is z 0 . In addition, the
d z x
4 x 2 2 ( ) 2
, <x
8N 2 2
z ( x, )
, x (2-13)
2N 2 2
x 2
, x .
2N 2 2
2 2
At x = 0, z 0, , and the corresponding spring constant is
8 wt
8 w
k0'' (2-14)
z 0,
The in residual stress dominant case is
1 2
z x, dx
z AVE 2
zMAX z (0, )
3 2 2 (2-15)
12 .
2 2 63
Both the analytical solution and ANSYS simulation predict that decreases along
with ℓ′/ℓ increases and it reaches two third when ℓ′/ℓ = 1. This trend is shown in Fig.
VPI VP 0 VP 0 . (2-16)
Fig. 2-6(b) shows that the ANSYS simulation confirms the Pull-in voltage and
Fig. 2-7 shows that, like the bending dominant case, at ℓ′/ℓ =1/10, the parallel
capacitance calculated based on zAVE and zMAX agrees well with the ANSYS simulation
because (0.99) is close to 1 in this case. However, only the capacitance based on
zAVE is in good agreement with the ANSYS simulation as ℓ′/ℓ increases from 1/3 to 1.
In conclusion, for either the residual stress dominant or the bending dominant cases,
the parallel-plate assumption shows similar validity range. The correction factor help
Fig. 2-6. (a) Analytical solution (──) and ANSYS simulation (symbol) of average/maximum
deflection ratio residual stress dominant case. (b) Analytical solutions for pull-in voltage based on
average deflection (──), maximum deflection (- - -), compared with ANSYS simulation (symbol).
Fig. 2-7. Normalized capacitance ratio based on average deflection when stationary/movable electrode
length ratio ℓ′/ℓ = 1/10(──), 1/3(──), 1(──), maximum deflection when ℓ′/ℓ = 1/10(-○-), 1/3(--),
1(-□-), compared with ANSYS simulation results when ℓ′/ℓ = 1/10(●), 1/3(▲), 1 (■).
In the previous section, the effects of bending and residual stress are studied
separately. In this section, the complete coupled analytical solution is derived. The
differential equations considering both residual stress and bending effect are:
d 4 z x d 2 z x
EI N , x
dx 4 dx 2 2 2 (2-17)
EI d z x N d z x 0,
4 2
Apply the boundary conditions and continuity requirements for (), the solutions are
as follows. For x ,
2 2
e 2
cosh kx e k e k e 2 k
z x, '
1 ek k 2 N
k k
8 8csch sinh
2 2
8k 2 N
k 2k 4 coth k
2 .
8k N
For x ,
2 2
k x k
e 2
1 e k e
z ( x, ' )
2N 2 1 e k k 2 N
k x k k
e 2
e e k e 2
2 1 e k k 2 N
k k
k 2 coth
4 csch sinh k
2 2 2
4k 2 N
The solution for x case is easily obtained from (2-19) due to symmetric
2 2
Fig. 2-8(a) compares the analytical solutions for the average to maximum deflection ratio
using (2-9) and (2-19) based on the same configuration. Both solutions agree with
ANSYS simulation results well, indicating that (2-9) is a good approximation of (2-19)
when no residual stress exists. Similarly, Fig. 2-8(b) compares the analytical solutions
using (2-15) and (2-19) based on same configuration. The discrepancy between two
analytical solutions attribute to the neglect of bending effect in (2-15). Considering both
residual stress and bending effect shows better agreement with ANSYS simulation
Finally, the bending and residual stress show similar behavior because they both
have linear relationship between the mechanical restoring force and the displacement at
beam center, provided the displacement is small (smaller than beam thickness).
At large displacement (greater than beam thickness), the stretching effect becomes
obtained from differential equation. The solutions are either analytical expressions based
Fig. 2-8. (a) Average/maximum deflection ratio based on analytical solution considering both
residual stress and bending effects (──), only bending effect (- - -), and ANSYS simulation (■). (b)
Average/maximum deflection ratio based on analytical solution consider both residual stress and
bending effect (──), only residual stress (- - -), and ANSYS simulation (■).
2.2.3 Nonlinear Elastic Restoring Force
For a linear isotropic elastic material, the stiffness due to the bending and residual
stress effects is independent of the displacement, i.e. the elastic restoring force shows
structure, the arc length of the deformed structure increases if it bends. The length
increase produces axial stress, which adds to the stiffness of the structure and further
fixed-fixed beam RF MEMS resonators because it shifts the stiffness [16]–[17]. The
applications are found in resonant strain gauges [18] and micromechanical resonator [19].
This section studies the influence of stretch effects on the maximum displacement subject
to applied voltage.
kS 2 3 1 0W V 2
z g0 z (2-20)
k1 2 k1 g03 1 z 2
where z , k1 is the effective linear spring constant caused by bending and residual
stress and ks is considered a nonlinear spring constant caused by the stretch effects.
Similar to (2-2), (2-20) is also based on the parallel-plate assumption except the nonlinear
stretching effects are considered. From (2-8) and (2-14), applying the superposition
t t
32 EW 8 w
principle, k1 Assuming the beam shape is described by
' 2
' 3 '
2 2 2
(2-13), the individual axial stress due to the nonlinear stretching is given by
8 E z 2 3 2
2 E z 2
, which agrees very well with 2
when ℓ′ = ℓ in [20].
3 2 2
64 EWt 3 2
Correspondingly, ks .
3 3 2
ks 2
It can be seen that g 0 is the key parameter that determines the displacement due
to the applied voltage. The analytical solutions for (2-20) are compared with ANSYS
simulation results. The ANSYS simulation employs a fixed-fixed aluminum beam plate
capacitor with ℓ = 300 µm, W → ∞ (plane strain), t = 0.6 µm, with gap height g0 = 3 µm.
The bottom stationary electrode has a length ℓ′. Assume bottom electrode with zero
thickness and only air between the top and bottom electrode. The residual stress σ varies
ks 2
from 0 to 150 MPa, so the g 0 ranges from 14 to 0.1.
Fig. 2-9. Normalized maximum stable deflection as a function of spring constant ratio (ksg02/k1). The
solid curve is analytical solution and symbols are from ANSYS simulation results.
Solving (2-20) for 0, the analytical solution for normalized maximum stable
ks 2
function of spring constant ratio ( g 0 ). Both analytical solution and ANSYS simulation
ks 2
results demonstrate a similar trend. As g 0 approaches zero, the linear spring constant
k1 dominates the beam deformation behavior and the maximum deflection before pull-in
ks 2
is 1/3 of the gap height g0 [7]. However, as g 0 increases, the nonlinear spring
constant extends the maximum stable beam travel range before pull-in occurs. For
example, in the most extreme case ( k1 ks g02 ), the maximum deflection can reach 3/5 of
the gap height g0 [21]. The extension of the maximum travel range is preferred in
varactors, micro mirrors and resonators [8].
Solving (2-20) for z , the solution for displacement under applied voltage is
obtained. However, the beam maximum displacement and electrostatic force relationship
for fixed-fixed beam MEMS switches cannot be generally modeled accurately by solving
(2-20). The main reason is the fixed-fixed beam deflects with a non-uniform curved
Comparing (2-20) with dimensionless ANSYS simulation results for the beam maximum
obtained. The relationship between the correction factor (α) and ℓ′/ℓ is obtained by curve
0.232 tanh 1.524 1 (2-21)
Fig. 2-10. (a) Normalized maximum deflection as a function of voltage when stationary/movable
electrode length ratio ℓ′/ℓ = 1/1. The symbols are from ANSYS simulation results and dash curve are
from analytical solution for parallel plate assumption with and without correction factor (ℓ′/ℓ). (b)
Correction factor (α) as a function of stationary to movable electrode length ratio. ks/k1g02 values are
2,3,0.3,0.1 and the corresponding residual stresses are 10, 5, 50, and 150 MPa. The symbols are from
ANSYS simulation results and the dashed line is fitting expression.
Fig. 2-10(a) shows that the corrected analytical solution in very good agreement
with the ANSYS simulation results. The correction factor indicates a linear relationship
between the solutions for (2-20) and the ANSYS simulation results. Although (2-20) does
not consider the non-uniform curved displacement, it still capture the relationship
between the maximum displacement and the applied voltage. Together with a simple
correction factor, it can predict the maximum displacement due to applied voltage
accurately. It can be seen from Fig. 2-10(b) that the correction factor is close to 1 when
ℓ′/ℓ approaches zero, which indicates that the situation is close to parallel-plate
assumption. However, when ℓ′/ℓ increase to greater than 1/3, the correction factor
increases to 1.1 and saturates at 1.22, reflecting the curved nature of capacitor plate. The
maximum error in the fitting expression and ANSYS simulation results is about 4%.
When a clamped structure bends, it becomes longer thus developing axial stress
[24]–[26]. Therefore, for a fixed-fixed beam MEMS switch, it is important to make sure
the axial strain in the beam is within elastic region when it deforms. To satisfy this
requirement, the switch geometry, material properties, and anchor boundary conditions
need to be considered. This section focuses on the relationship between the axial strain
and the switch geometry. To simplify the case, the residual stress is not included in the
analytical analysis and ANSYS simulation. Therefore, the beam shape subject to
electrostatic force is predicted by bending effects only. The total axial strain on x axis is
given by
x bending stretch
d 2 z
2 2 1 d z
0 1 d z
2 2
t dx 2
2 3
2 2 dx 2 2 dx
dx dx (2-22)
d z
2 2
t d 2 z 2 2 1 d z
0 1 d z
2 2
2 dx 2
2 2 dx
2 2 dx
dx dx
In the configurations where bending effects is the dominant factor, the deflection is
described by (2-7). Substitute (2-7) into (2-22). The beam strain on x axis is
8t zMAX 3 1 4
, x
2 3
2 2
2 2
bending (2-23)
2 3
8t zMAX 12 3 3
, x0
3 4
2 2
105 2 2 2
From (2-23) and (2-24), the stretch to bending strain ratio depends on max
deflection to beam thickness ratio, which indicates the stretch is not an significant factor
when max deflection is smaller than beam thickness. As shown in Fig. 2-11(a) and (b),
the strain on x axis predicted by (2-22) agrees well with ANSYS simulation when the
maximum deflection (0.3 and 0.2 μm in (a) and (b)) is not greater than beam thickness
(0.6 μm) [16]. However, Fig. 2-12(a) and (b) illustrate that the stretching effects change x
axis strain distribution when max deflection (1.5 μm in (a) and (b)) is greater than beam
thickness (0.6 μm). The slight deviation is because (2-23) does not consider the influence
stretch factor on movable electrode curve and it becomes invalid when stretch factor is
Fig. 2-11. ANSYS simulation results (symbols) of x axis strain distribution when normalized beams
length is (a) 100/1 and (b) 20/2. In (a), the hollow and solid symbols represent max deflection
zMAX/g0 =1/3 and 1/10. In (b), they represent zMAX/g0 = 1/10 and 1/30.In both cases squares and
triangles represent stationary to movable beam length ratio is 1 and 1/3, respectively. The dashed
lines are analytical solutions.
Fig. 2-12. ANSYS simulation results (symbols) of x axis strain distribution when stationary
to movable electrode length ratio are (a) 1/1 and (b) 1/3. In both cases normalized max
deflection zMAX/g0 = 1/2 (●), 1/3 (▲), and 1/5 (■). The dashed lines are analytical solutions.
To avoid beam material deform plastically, the x axis strain need to be below yield
strain. From Fig. 2-11 and Fig. 2-12, the maximum strain occurs at the center and the
edge of the beam. Therefore, the maximum strain due to bending and stretch are given by
Fig. 2-13. α1, α2, and β values as a function of stationary/movable electrode length ratio.
1t zMAX
, x
bending ,max (2-25)
2t zMAX , x0
2 zMAX 2
stretch 2 (2-26)
x 2
2 3
8 3 1 4 8 12 3 3
where 1 ,2 , and
3 4
2 2 2 2
105 2 2
The overall maximum strain on x axis is given by
The x axis maximum strain at the edge assumes idealized fixed-slope boundary
condition, but the boundary condition is much more complicated in real cases and the
assumption becomes invalid easily [26]. The x axis maximum strain at the center is
2 zMAX 2 2t zMAX
yield , (2-28)
2 2
2 4 yield 2
2 22 4 yield 2
t t
MAX , (2-29)
2 2 t 2 2
where εyield is yield strain, εresidual is the strain caused by residual stress.
2 4 yield 2
0 (2-30)
t 2 2
If the residual stress is the dominant factor in determining beam deform behaviors,
(2-29) is still valid, but the strain caused by residual stress needs to be subtract from the
yield strain and the coefficient needs to be modified correspondingly. In that case, (2-30)
2 4 yield residual 2
becomes 0 , and solving (2-13), (2-22),
t 2 2
8 3 2
, 2
2 3 2 2
The quadratic relationship between axial strain and z MAX indicates axial strain
increases significantly as z MAX increase. This may become a serious problem for
miniature switches, which often has large z MAX ratio compared to standard switches.
Large z MAX ratio is beneficial to reduce switches temperature dependence and achieve
faster switch time, but it increases the axial strain and potentially reduces the life cycle of
Actually, (2-30) is valid only before pull-in occurs, but it cannot predict the x axis
strain when the deflection is comparable to gap height. In addition, it becomes invalidate
when stretch effects outweighs bending effects at large displacement. However, (2-30)
still provides the guides to design switches geometry to avoid the beam over-stretched in
If the microstructures are fabricated using materials that can sustain large strain (e.g.
conductive polymers [27]), the yield strain (εyield) in (2-29) needs to be changed
accordingly. For beams made by those materials, they can be elastic at larger
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Chapter 3 Theory and Hyperbolic Models
In fact, as the fixed-fixed top movable electrode starts to deform under the
constant), which invalidates the parallel-plate assumption. With the help of ANSYS finite
In ANSYS finite element software, the Direct Coupling method is employed as the
formulation when the coupled-field involves strongly coupled-physics [1]. The Dell
T7600 workstation with 16 cores and 64 GB memory is used for ANSYS simulation. The
on parallel-plate model for two perfectly flat plates before pull-in is:
C 0 w g 1 z (3-1)
To study the charge density distribution on the beam, the MEMS switch beam is
evenly divided into 200 sections and apply parallel-plate assumption individually. The
Q CV 0 AunitV g 1 z x (3-2)
where Q′ is the charge density, z′ (x) is the normalized beam deflection in each section,
The switch structures employed are with α ranges from 1/100 to 1/10, t = 0.6 µm, g
= 2 µm, β = 1, z′(0) ≈ 1/3. The z′(x) used in (3-2) is from ANSYS simulation results.
g ; ' ; t ; k S g 2 k0 ;
x ' x ; 0.5 x ' 0.5;
z ' z g ; 1 z ' 0
Fig. 3-1. Charge density calculated by using piecewise parallel plate model (dashed curves) and
ANSYS simulation (solid curves).
Fig. 3-1 shows that the charge density at the beam center is about 44% higher than
that at the edge. When α is equal to 1/100, the piecewise model predicts charge
distribution accurately. But as α increase to 1/10, the difference at center point is about
2% even each section length is only 1/200 of overall length. This is mainly because the
parallel-plate approximation cannot predict the slope of the movable electrode, which
given by [9]:
where E is Young’s modulus, σ is the residual stress, ν is Poisson’s ratio, k0′ and k0′′
are used to designate terms attributed to bending and residual stress effects, respectively.
As the deflection increases toward its maximum value, the beam is stretched,
increasing the in-plane stress beyond the stresses determined from simple bending
behavior. The increase in stress is quadratic in the deflection z and adds an extra
nonlinear term to the restoring force. However, for high-aspect-ratio MEMS, the
stretching restoring force is negligible for small z at unactuated state [2]. Without
considering the nonlinear spring constant caused by the stretching effects, the predicted
pull-in voltage is 8k0 g 3 / 27 0W . In the case of large deflections (z(0)/t > 3), it gave
only one-fourth the values when compared with finite element simulation results [3]–[4].
In addition, the nonlinear stretching effects can extend the maximum travel range of the
considering stretching effect is proposed. The hyperbolic function satisfies the Laplace
equation and its shape is similar to the MEMS beam shape under electrostatic force. This
model, together with conformal mapping techniques, can calculate the electric field force,
where a′=a/g, b′=b/ℓ. a′ and b′ are coefficients that determine the hyperbolic function.
The curve pass through point (x′, z′) = (0, z′(0)). Meanwhile, the beam anchored at points
(−1/2, 0) and (1/2, 0). Substitute these points into (4), the relation is obtained:
b 1 2 a2 1
1 2
. (3-5)
Fig. 3-2. Modeled (solid curves) versus simulated (dashed curves) beam shape for different applied
voltages. ANSYS simulation configuration is aluminum beam, ℓ = ℓ′= 10 µm, t = 0.6 µm, g = 1 µm.
Beam yields at V = 0.7VP.
Fig. 3-2 shows the difference between modeled beam shape and ANSYS simulation
results. They agree well in general and the main difference occurs at the edge of the
beam, which has less influence on capacitance than the center part.
wi u iv
zi z 1 ix
where u is the potential, v is the electric field, x′ and z′ are normalized beam position
z 1 r cos u cosh v
x r sin u sinh v (3-8)
r a b .
2 2 2
2 12
U 0 g u z 2 u x U 0 g dwi dzi
1 2
U 0 g r cosh v z 1 cosh v
2 2 2 2
Without considering the applied voltage, for the stationary electrode at z′ = −1, the
potential is u(z′ = −1) = π/2. For the point (x′, z′) = (0, a′−1) on the movable electrode, the
thus the movable electrode potential u = tan-1[b′/(αa′)]. The potential difference between
3.1.3 Hyperbolic Model Coefficient Determination
From (3-5), the only unknown coefficient needs to be determined is a′. It can be solved
by using Rayleigh’s method, which assumes the deflection shape uses only one unknown
coefficient. Based on this shape, the strain energy is equated to the work done by the
The total work Wq performed on the beam by the force per unit length q is given by [6]:
Wq 1 2 q zdx
q 1 2 2
WN N 2
2 AE AE 4 2 z 2dx (3-13)
U N2 2 AE Ewt 3 2 4 2 z 2 dx
A 2 z dx2 2
where z d 2 z dx 2
The unknown coefficient a′ is determined by solving (3-15) and the beam shape will be
determined accordingly.
After a′ is determined, z′(0) can be obtained, so center deflection vs. voltage is obtained.
z 1 U 0 g r 2 x2 2
1 2
U 0 g sinh x r x .
The capacitance is calculated by using the total charge on stationary electrode (z′ = −1)
C 2 2 0 z 1dx U 0 tan 1 a b
0 (3-17)
2 0 sinh 1 1 2 r / tan 1 a b .
Calculating the axial strain εstretch associated with stretching effects based on the
dz / dx dx
stretch 1
2 2 3 1 1 z 0 1 z 0
8 2 z 0 3.
The axial stress σstretch associated with stretching effects is given by:
kS Fstretch z 0
8 E stretch wtz 0 2 z 0
64 3 Ewt 3
where Fstretch is the stretching restoring force.
Superposing the linear spring force and nonlinear spring forces gives:
Fig. 3-3. Hyperbolic model (solid and dashed curve), ANSYS simulation results (■), and
simulation results from [1] (▲) for maximum stable deflection z′(0). It shows strong dependence
on stretching factor δ (ksg2/k0).
From (3-21), it can be seen that stretching factor (δ) is the key parameter that
determines the displacement subject to the electrostatic force. To find the relationship
between maximum stable z′(0) and δ, the ANSYS finite element simulation employs a
fixed-fixed aluminum beam plate capacitor as shown in Fig. 2-2 with ℓ = ℓ′ = 300 µm, t =
0.6 µm, and gap height g = 3–9 µm. The residual stress σ varies from 0 to 150 MPa, so
the δ ranges from 0.1 to 100. Solving (3-21) for dV/ dz = 0, the numerical solutions for
normalized maximum stable deflection is obtained. In Fig. 3-3, all the results demonstrate
a similar trend. The dashed curve is the results directly calculated from hyperbolic model.
The solid curve is the result of normalizing the dash curve to maximum stable z′(0) = 1/3
at δ = 0. The difference between dashed and solid curves is a constant 0.06. The reason
for normalizing is that as δ approaches zero, the linear spring constant k0 dominates the
beam deformation behavior and the maximum deflection before pull-in is z′(0) = 1/3. As
δ increases, the nonlinear spring constant extends the maximum stable beam travel range
before pull-in occurs. For example, in the extreme case (δ ≈ 100), the maximum
deflection approaches 3/5 of the gap height g [8]. The extension of the maximum travel
When the stretching is important, it requires nonlinear spring forces greater than each of
ks z 0 3 k0 z 0
ks z 0 k0z 0 .
In section 3.1.3, (3-17) shows that the capacitance of stationary electrode with zero
between the stationary electrode and movable beam, which indicates the influence of
charges at stationary electrode side and back. These charges influence the MEMS switch
capacitance. Fig. 3-4(b) shows assumed field line in the analytical solution.
analytical solution is derived. The analytical solutions are compared with ANSYS
simulation results in three sets of configurations. In all sets, the beam material is
aluminum, beam thickness is 0.6 μm and no residual stress is applied. In addition, the
switch g0 is fixed at 1 μm. In the first set, ℓ/g0=100, ℓ′/ℓ=1/3, and t′ to g0 ratio ranges
from 1/10 to 1. In the second set, ℓ/g0=100, t′/g0=0.6, and ℓ′ to ℓ ratio ranges from 1/10 to
1. In the third set, ℓ/g0=10, ℓ′/ℓ=1, and t′ to g0 ratio ranges from 1/10 to 1.
Fig. 3-4. (a) ANSYS simulation results of electric field distribution of a MEMS switch when ℓ′/ℓ=1/3,
ℓ/g0=1/100, t′/g0=1. (b) Assumed electric field line at stationary electrode side and back when ℓ′<ℓ.
To obtain the analytical solution for left side capacitance, we assume the electric
filed lines between movable electrode and stationary electrode left side (AB) are
represented by confocal ellipses [10]. This is shown in Fig. 3-5(a). The corresponding
equipotential lines are presented by the confocal hyperbolas. Apply the transformation
w arccos
x R1 cos u cosh v
y R1 sin u sinh v
where R1 1 g 0 is the focus of the ellipse, v is the electric field, and u is the potential.
u u u v
E xˆ yˆ yˆ yˆ (3-24)
x y y x
where x̂ and ŷ represents the x and y direction. For AB, u = 0, substitute (3-23) into
cosh 1
E R1 (3-25)
cosh 1
Q 0 E dx 0
R1 dx cosh 1 B
Fig. 3-5. Assume electric field line distribution of a MEMS switch between movable electrode and (a)
stationary electrode side, (b) stationary electrode back when ℓ′<ℓ.
The potential difference between the movable beam and stationary electrode is
needed to calculate the capacitance. At this point, there is no external voltage applied.
From all points in AB locate at y=0 and x>0, the potential u1 = 0. Regarding the potential
on movable beam, assume one point E(x,y) on beam is (g1,0). From (3-23), it is obtained
g 1
that u2 arccos 1 , v 0. Substitute the A x g0 , y 0 and
R1 2
B x g 0 t , y 0
Q 0 2t
Cside cosh 1 1 (3-27)
u1 u2 2 g1 g0
cos 1
where g1 g0 a 1 .
4b 2
The capacitance between the back of stationary electrode and movable electrode can
Fig. 3-5(b). For the electrical field along BF is described by (3-26). In this coordinate
B x R2 , y 0 and F x R2 , y 0
cosh 1
Q 0 E dx 0
R2 dx cosh 1 F
From (3-23),
x2 y2
1 (3-29)
R12 cosh 2 v R12 sinh 2 v
Substitute R1
g0 and B x g 0 t , y 0 into (3-29), we can
2 2
in Fig. 3-5(a), so BC 2 R2 g 0t t 2 in Fig. 3-5(b).
BF and C′D′ is
Q min BF , C D
CBFC ' D ' 0 cosh 1 1 (3-30)
u1 u2 R2
1 ' '
R2 g 0t ' t '2 , BF , C ' D ' R2 .
2 2 2 2
not valid when CD and C′D′ are not parallel and the electric field is not uniform between
them. However, when CBFC′D′ is in series with CCDC′D′, CBFC′D′ becomes more significant.
2 cosh 1 1 2t
2 0 sinh 1 0
g0 (3-33)
1 a 2 g1
tan cos 1
b g0
2 min BF , C D min BF , C ' D '
0 cosh 1 1 / /2 0
R2 g0 t '
The total capacitance is normalized by C0 .
The (3-33) only considers the electric field in confocal ellipse shape, so correction
terms should be added for the neglected electric field. The correction terms depend on
g0/ℓ′ [11]. The empirical equation after adding correction factors becomes:
2 0 sinh 1 2 0 cosh 1 1
Ctotal 2 R 1 g 0 g0
a 2 g1
tan 1 cos 1 (3-34)
b g0
2 min BF , C D min BF , C ' D '
0 cosh 1 1 / /2 0
R2 g0 t '
Fig. 3-6. ANSYS simulation results (solid) and analytical solutions (dash) for normalized
capacitance as a function of normalized voltage at g0/ℓ = 1/100, t′/g0=0.6. The substrate is air.
Fig. 3-6 shows that at high beam length to gap height ratio (ℓ/g0 = 100), fringe
capacitance influence drops to less than 10% at ℓ′/ℓ = 1/3 and it keeps dropping as ℓ′/ℓ
For the low beam length to gap height ratio (ℓ/g0 = 10) case, the maximum beam
deflection is limited to 1/20 of gap height or the beam strain will exceed yield strain. Fig.
3-7 shows that the fringe capacitance is 20% of parallel-plate capacitance. It needs to be
Fig. 3-7. ANSYS simulation results (solid) and analytical solutions (dash) for normalized capacitance
as a function of normalized voltage when ℓ′/ℓ = 1, g0/ℓ = 1/10. The substrate is air.
The discussion above does consider the substrate underneath the stationary electrode.
2 0 sinh 1 2 0 cosh 1 1
2 R1 1 g 0 15 g 0
a 2 g1 (3-35)
tan 1 cos 1
b g0
2 min BF , C D min BF , C ' D '
0 r cosh 1 1 / /2 0
R2 g0 t '
Fig. 3-8. ANSYS simulation results (solid) and analytical solutions (dash) for normalized capacitance
as a function of normalized voltage. The ℓ′/ℓ = 1/3, g0/ℓ = 1/100, the colors represents different
substrate dielectric constant εr.
Fig. 3-8 illustrates the normalized capacitance as a function of bias voltage after
capacitance, for example, the parasitic capacitance increases from 10% of parallel-plate
capacitance to about 40%. However, the parasitic capacitance increase does not improve
the tuning range of unactuated state capacitance, which will limit the actuated/unactuated
capacitance ratio. The analytical solutions agree with ANSYS simulation results well.
Fig. 3-9. (a) ANSYS simulation results (solid) versus analytical solutions (dash) for normalized
capacitance as a function of normalized voltage. The substrate dielectric εr =3, g0/ℓ = 1/100. (b)
Parasitic to overall capacitance ratio as a function of stationary to movable electrode ratio ℓ′/ℓ.
Fig. 3-9(a) shows the normalized capacitance subjects to applied voltage for various
more than 50% of parallel-plate capacitance, and it drops as ℓ′/ℓ increases. When ℓ′/ℓ =
1/1, it decreases to 3%. Fig. 3-9(b) demonstrates the contribution of each parts of the
parasitic capacitance subject to ℓ′/ℓ. Substrate effects and size effects contribute much
more than edge effect. This is probably due to the smaller dimension of edge when
capacitance subject to applied voltage. It can be seen that the influence is small when t/g0
changes from 0.1 to 1, which is due to the small dimension of stationary electrode
beam MEMS switch is derived using conformal mapping techniques. It includes fringe
effects and substrate and does not rely on parallel-plate approximation. The expression
Fig. 3-10. ANSYS simulation results (solid) and analytical solutions (dash) for normalized
capacitance as a function of normalized voltage. The ℓ′/ℓ = 1/3, g0/ℓ = 1/100.
However, this expression assumes electric field lines are confocal ellipses, but this
may be invalid when switches geometry become complicated. The substrate effects and
fringe capacitance add to the complexity of the switches capacitance calculation and the
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Chapter 4 Experimental Validation and Discussion
To validate the hyperbolic model for beam center deflection subjected to applied
voltage, the experimental data obtained from [1] are used. The device is a two-layer
polysilicon beam structure, whose lower beam bends when a voltage is applied to the
stationary electrode. The lower beam length varies from 600 to 1200 μm to investigate
displacement-voltage characteristics and the lower beam and stationary electrodes are
equal length. The lower beam thickness is 1 μm, width is 20 μm, and air gap height
between the lower beam and stationary electrode is 8 μm. Young’s modulus E = 160
GPa, the extracted residual stress σ on the beam is 15 MPa. The interference microscopy
is used to measure vertical movement of individual beam elements. If the sample is tilted,
the parallel fringes are produced on the devices. The vertical displacement that
Fig. 4-1 compares the hyperbolic solution to the experimental data for beam center
deflection. They agree with each other well in general. As the lower beam length
decreases from 1200 μm to 600 μm, the δ increases from 1.5 to 5.6. It can be seen from
Fig. 4-1 Modeled (curves) versus measured (symbols) beam center deflection. The model predicts the
deflection for beam length 600 (----), 900(−∙∙−), and 1200 (∙∙∙∙) μm. The measured data are from [1] and
beam lengths are 600 (■), 900 (●), and 1200 (▲) μm, respectively.
Fig. 4-1 that the beam center deflection passes over the one-third of the gap without
pull-in because of strong nonlinear stretching components. Their travel ranges agree with
hyperbolic model shows better agreement with experimental data when lower beam
lengths are longer. The residual stress to bending spring constant ratio k0′′/ k0′ is given by:
k0 k0 1 4E 2 . (4-1)
For the same material and residual stress, reducing lower beam length increases γ,
thus k0′′/ k0′ decreases. This indicates the bending effects become more significant. The
bending effects add the bending moment at the fixed-fixed anchor, which the hyperbolic
function model cannot predict it well. This explains why hyperbolic model shows better
prediction for longer beam length. The limitation of the hyperbolic model on bending
switches are used to compare with hyperbolic model results. These electrostatically
anchored on both ends to the ground conductors of a 50Ω coplanar transmission line [4].
Fig. 4-2 shows a comparison between hyperbolic function and the measurement
data. Excellent agreement was achieved. For the real measurement data, the fringe
geometry and material properties. However, the fringe capacitance does not change the
capacitance change with respect to the voltage. The hyperbolic model shows good
prediction after compensating the fringe capacitance.
Fig. 4-2 Modeled (dashed curves) versus measured (symbols) capacitance-voltage characteristics for
MEMtronics switches.
hyperbolic model needs to calculate the work due to the constrained beams and strain
energy to determine the unknown coefficient. For a fixed-fixed beam, the bending
moment is generated at the anchor when it bends. The bending moment contributes to the
work due to the constrained beams and strain energy. For a rigid fixed-fixed anchor
the hyperbolic model does not satisfy the second requirement, so that it does not include
the bending moment. Therefore, the hyperbolic model is no longer valid when the
bending components are significant. The residual stress and stretching effects do not
create bending moments at anchor so the hyperbolic model is valid in those cases. In
typical MEMS capacitive switches, the residual stress is the dominant factor. In NEMS
devices with a ultrathin beam, the stretching effects dominate. The hyperbolic model
Fig. 4-3(a) shows the voltage difference between the ANSYS simulation results and
hyperbolic model when the beam center deflection reaches one-third of the gap height.
µm, t = 0.6 µm, and gap height g = 1–3 µm. The residual stress σ varies from 5 to 150
MPa. The voltage differences show a strong dependence on k0′′/ k0′. The increase of k0′′/
k0′ indicates the residual stress component become stronger and the voltage difference
becomes smaller. After k0′′/ k0′ greater than 10, the error is less than 10%. The prediction
Fig. 4-3(b) shows the δ dependence of voltage difference between the ANSYS
Fig. 4-3. Voltage difference between hyperbolic model results and ANSYS simulation results when
the beam center deflection reaches 1/3 of gap height. The voltage difference depends on (a)
stress/bending ratio (K0′′/K0′) and (b) stretching factor δ (ksg /k0). Symbols in (a) are voltage difference
between experimental data from [1] and hyperbolic model for beam lengths 600 (■), 900 (●), and 1200
(▲) μm.
simulation results and hyperbolic model. In order to study the stretching dominant case,
the residual stress is not included in the simulation. ANSYS simulations employ structure
of aluminum beam with ℓ = ℓ′ = 10 µm, t = 0.3 to 0.05 µm, and gap height g = 1 µm, so δ
ranges from 1 to 300. The voltage difference also decreases as δ increases, which
indicates hyperbolic model works well when stretching effects are strong. When δ is
For a fixed-fixed beam MEMS switch, the axial strain in the beam should be within
the elastic region when it deforms. To satisfy this requirement, the switch geometry,
material properties, and anchor boundary conditions need to be considered. This section
focuses on the relationship between the axial strain and the switch geometry. The beam
shape subject to an electrostatic force is predicted by hyperbolic functions. The total axial
x bending stretch
d z / dx dx
t d 2 z / dx 2 1/
where εbending is the bending induced strain and εstretch is the stretching strain.
From Fig. 4-4, the maximum beam strain on x-axis occurs at the edge and the center.
This is because the bending term peaks at the edge and the center while the stretching
term is approximately uniform. However, the maximum beam strain on x-axis at the edge
assumes idealized fixed-slope boundary condition, but the real boundary condition is
Fig. 4-4. Modeled (dashed curves) versus measured (symbols) capacitance-voltage characteristics for
MEMtronics switches.
much more complicated and the assumption becomes invalid easily [5]–[6]. This paper
focuses on the strain at beam center. The hyperbolic function cannot predict the strain at
the anchor well because it does not satisfy rigid fixed-fixed anchor condition.
Substituting the hyperbolic function into (4-2), the strain at beam center (x = 0) εx=0
is given by:
x 0 8 z 0 8 2 z 0 3
8 gtz 0 2
8g 2 z 0
3 2
From (4-3), εx=0 is proportional to α, γ, and z′(0). Therefore, low-aspect-ratio (high α)
switches with a thick beam (high γ) suffer from high strain at certain center deflection.
The quadratic relationship between axial strain and 1/ℓ indicates axial strain increases
significantly as ℓ decrease. This may become a problem for miniature switches, whose ℓ
is much smaller than that of standard switches. Fig. 4-4 demonstrates that for
low-aspect-ratio, the material yield strain (εyield = 0.2%) limits the maximum center
To avoid beam material deform plastically, the maximum beam strain on x-axis
adds initial strain εini should be smaller than the yield strain εyield. Thus, it requires:
According to (4-4), the beam deflection is limited by εyield, εini, and γ. If the
microstructures are fabricated by using materials that can sustain large strain (e.g.
conductive polymers [7], graphene [8] ), the offset yield strength (0.2%) in (4-4) needs to
be changed accordingly. In graphene-based NEMS, the yield strain can be 1% and the
break strain is 25% [9]. For beams made by those materials, they can be used for
large-displacement, low actuation voltage devices and wide range frequency tuning
resonator. For example, the pull-in voltage calculated for few-layer graphene beam
The deflection induced strain (stretching effects) can change the nonlinear spring
constant (spring constant hardening) and in turn increases the resonant frequency. When
beam deflection is greater than beam thickness and the stretching strain is greater than the
behavior. Since a graphene beam is ultrathin and can withstand ultrahigh strains, the
graphene NEMS devices demonstrate the potential of extremely wide range frequency
tuning by electrostatic forces. For NEMS devices, the beam thickness is a monolayer
atom thin (0.33 nm). Thus, the gap height to beam thickness ratio is large (on the order to
102 or 103). In typical MEMS switches, the gap height to beam thickness ratio is
relatively low (on the order of 10) so the deflection to beam thickness ratio is limited.
Therefore, the nonlinear stretching effect is dominant in NEMS devices but is often
negligible for typical MEMS switches.
The NEMS device geometry and resonant frequency fres relationship is given by:
f res 1 2 k m
0.81Et 2 0.2 E ini 2.7 2 z 0
4 2 2
In (4-5), the first term is attributed to bending effects, the remaining terms reflect εini
and deflection induced strain, respectively. Because of atomic thinness, the bending
rigidity of graphene is extremely small [9]. For a given structure, the strain associated
with stretching is controlled by the bias voltage, which in turn influence the resonant
operating in the case of strong nonlinear stretching, it is predicted by using the hyperbolic
model. Assume a graphene NEMS resonator has a length ℓ um, t = 0.33 nm, and g = 232
nm (see Fig. 4-5 inset). The εini is around 4×10−5 [12]. Fig. 4-5 shows the
deflection-voltage relationship at ℓ = 0.3, 1, 3 um. It can be seen that the devices with ℓ
= 0.3, 1, 3 um shows a deflection of 1%, 5%, 20% of the gap height at V = 9 V. This is
Fig. 4-5. Modeled deflection-voltage characteristics for NEMS resonators with beam length ℓ = 0.3, 1,
3 µm. The solid lines represents the case of stretching strain less than initial strain and the dashed lines
represents stretching strain greater than initial strain. The inset is the schematic of a graphene resonator.
because the spring constant decreases with increasing beam length. For ℓ = 0.3 um, the
deflection induced strain is below the initial strain, thus the stretching is not dominant
and the deflection depends on V2. As the beam length increases, the deflection increases
under the same bias voltage and stretching gradually dominates at ℓ = 1 and 3 um. In
these cases, the deflection depends on V0.8. The findings agree with the conclusion in
calculated by using (4-5). Fig. 4-6(a) shows voltage dependence of the resonant
frequency at ℓ = 0.3, 1, 3 um. The device with a high spring constant at ℓ = 0.3 um
achieves the highest resonant frequency without bias, but its deflection is limited (1%), in
turn, the frequency tuning range is narrow (20% of intrinsic resonant frequency f0). At ℓ =
1 and 3 um, the tuning range can achieve around 300% and 400% of f0 respectively.
From (4-5), the deflection induced strain is proportional to 1/ℓ2, so beam length ℓ
strongly affects the resonant frequency range. The predicted resonant frequency in the
demonstrates how the hyperbolic model is used to guide the design and optimization of
NEMS devices.
The influence of the initial strain on resonant frequency is analyzed in Fig. 4-6(b).
The NEMS device geometry is the same as above and the beam length is 1 um. It can be
seen that reducing εini from 4×10−5 to 4×10−6 does not affects the resonant frequency at V
= 9 V, but increases the tuning range from 300% to 800% of f0. When εini increase from
4×10−5 to 4×10−4, it limits the beam deflection and in turn limits the resonant frequency
tune range to 16% of f0. This analysis can predict the influence of εini variation on the
Fig. 4-6. (a) Resonant frequency for NEMS resonators with beam length ℓ = 0.3, 1, 3 µm. The
symbols are experimental data from [12]. (b) Resonant frequency for NEMS resonators with initial
strain εini = 4×10−6, 4×10−5, and 4×10−4.
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Chapter 5 Conclusions
switches, including the instability at the pull-in voltage; the switches’ deformation
the capacitance calculation at small scale length scales [1]–[2]. Specifically, the accuracy
of parallel-plate theory for calculating the pull-in voltage and capacitance is investigated.
The study shows that applying the average displacement, rather than maximum
Accuracy improves by 50% when this ratio is equal to 1. Besides the average
displacement, the nonlinear stretching effect and empirical linear correction coefficients
are also added to the parallel-plate model, to extend the range of the model's validity. In
order to improve the life time of RF MEMS capacitive switches, a relationship between
switches' geometry and membrane strain is derived. This relationship is used to avoid
The hyperbolic model, which can represent the deflected beam profile, is used to
calculate the MEMS capacitance accurately. This is an improvement because it does not
can accurately predict the pull-in voltage and the beam’s maximum stable travel range.
The hyperbolic model works best for typical MEMS capacitive switches, where residual
stress is dominant and NEMS devices where stretching is dominant. By comparison with
the experimental data from MEMS capacitive switches and a graphene NEMS resonator,
the model demonstrates that it is used to guide the design and optimization of both RF
with experimental results, its two dimensional feature has many limitations when
device, i.e. a plate, the anchor boundary condition, the residual stress distribution, are
different from a 2D device and in turn the deformation shape cannot be present as a
simple 2D hyperbolic function [3]. Therefore, the switch capacitance as a function of bias
will change as well. Moreover, the fringe capacitance of a 3D device strongly depends on
the geometry and beam deformation, so it is more challenging to predict the overall
device performance needs to be investigated by using FEM tools and experiment so that
composed of series of hyperbolic functions may represent beam shape more accurately.
This approach adds complexity to the 2D hyperbolic model, but it also extends the
when RF signal passes through actuated switches. The RF MEMS switch is proven to be
a highly linear device in the unactuated state, but the nonlinearity in the actuated state
degrades the overall performance. For devices like RF MEMS phase shifters, which are
built by RF MEMS switches, are susceptible to intermodulation distortion in both the
unactuated and actuated state. When the switch is actuated, the entire beam is considered
Whether the hyperbolic model is valid in this situation, detailed study and control
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Xi Luo was born on December 10, 1983 in Yingcheng, Hubei, China. He received
the B.S. degree in electronic science and technology from the Huazhong University of
Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, in 2006, the M.S. degree in microelectronics and
China, in 2009, and is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical
In summer 2011, he was an Intern with RF Micro Devices Inc., where he was
involved with HBT linearity characterization and compact modeling. His research interest