Enabling EV Charging in Condominiums

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Enabling Electric Vehicle

Charging in Condominiums

A collaboration between the Canadian Condominium Institute-Toronto and Plug’n Drive

with contributions made by the World Wildlife Fund Canada
2014 seminar
Made possible with the support of the Automotive Recyclers of Canada


© 1986 Panda symbol WWF-World Wide Fund For Nature (also known as World Wildlife Fund).
® “WWF” is a WWF Registered Trademark.
Introduction ............................................ 4

1.0 Electric Vehicles .............................. 5

1.1 Charging an Electric Vehicle ......... 5
1.2 Electric Vehicle Charging
Stations .................................................... 8
1.3 Installation Tips ................................ 8

2.0 Condominiums ............................... 9

2.1 Legal Considerations .................... 9
2.2 Architecture & Design ................... 10
2.3 Parking Configurations ................. 11
2.4 Electrical Service ........................... 11

3.0 Installation, Operation and

Maintenance Cost ................................. 13
3.1 Installation Costs ............................. 13
3.2 Operation Costs ............................. 13
3.3 Maintenance Costs ........................ 13

4.0 Benefits of Charging Stations in

your Building .......................................... 15
4.1 Tenant Retention / Attraction ..... 16
4.2 EV Charging as an Amenity ........ 16
4.3 LEED Accreditation ....................... 16
4.4 Signage ............................................. 16

APPENDIX 1 – Condominium
Act, 1998: Changes to Common
Elements and Assets: S97 & S98 ...... 17

APPENDIX 2 – Electric Vehicle

Charging Efficiency .............................. 20

A Unit Owner’s Checklist .................... 21

Sources .................................................... 23

Enabling Electric Vehicle

Charging in Condominiums
In July 2011, the first electric vehicle (EV) While each make and model of EV is different,
was sold in Canada, marking the beginning they all require access to an electricity source
of a new era of transportation in the country. where they can be plugged in, providing energy
Since then, sales increase significantly as to the car’s battery pack. Charging can be
manufacturers release new models and made possible in workplaces and public spaces
consumer understanding and trust of the by making chargers at these sites, but research
technology increases. As of June 2014, there suggests that 80-90 per cent of charging
are more than 7,485 EVs on the road in Canada happens at home where it is most convenient
with EVs in every Province, although the for drivers. As such, the majority of the early
majority of sales have been in British Columbia, adopters reside in single family homes where
Ontario, and Quebec. Internationally, more it is easy to have a charging station installed
than 400,000 EVs have been sold and sales are in a private garage. However, EVs tend to lend
projected to contine to increase, with Navigant themselves to urban and suburban driving
Research anticipating 3.8 million sales annually patterns, and interest from condominium
by 2020.1 residents is inevitable and on the rise.

Electric Vehicle Market Forecasts,
Navigant Reseach 2013
Condominiums in Ontario
For the majority of condominium residents, The Ontario Condominium Act, 1998 is currently
there are a number of legal and logistical under review by the Ministry of Consumer
hurdles that may hinder them from installing a Services and new legislation is expected soon.
charging station, and ultimately prevent them The Canadian Condominium Institute–Toronto,
from buying an EV or moving into the building. Plug’n Drive, World Wildlife Fund Canada and
While some newer buildings are being designed Zizzo Allan Professional Corporation have been
to support increased EV adoption with extra working to ensure that changes are made to the
electrical capacity being built into parking lot legislation that make it easier for condominium
infrastructure, the barriers to EV charging in owners and condominium corporations to
older buildings, and for many of the 1.6 million install EV charging infrastructure. Until these
Canadians residing in condominiums, need to changes are made, condominium corporations
be addressed. and condominium owners will need to navigate
existing barriers to EV charging on their own, a
This guide is a tool to help enable EV charging challenge this guide is meant to address.
in condominiums and has been developed with
the existing legal and development framework This document was made possible with the support
in Ontario, Canada in mind. However, the of the Automotive Recyclers of Canada. Previous
research and consultation was supported by the
information is applicable to other jurisdictions Ontario Ministry of Transportation
across North America as well.

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1.0 Electric Vehicles

The electric vehicle (EV) terminology is used

generally to describe electric cars, which come
in two distinct varieties: Battery Electric Vehicles
(BEV) that run entirely on electricity from their
battery packs, and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
(PHEV)that have smaller batteries and use a
gasoline engine to provide additional range. Both
have charging requirements although BEV owners
have more stringent charging needs since they rely
entirely on electricity.

1.1 Charging an Electric Vehicle

All makes and models of EVs can charge their
batteries using a charging station (Electric Vehicle
Service Equipment or EVSE) which provides the
car with electricity. As with the vehicles, there are
different makes of charging stations to choose
from. For the most part, they all serve the same
purpose and can be used interchangeably.

The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) has

developed a standard nozzle for residential and
commercial charging of EVs, allowing the same
plug to be used between 120-240 volts and 12-
100 amps. This nozzle, the J-1772, can be used to
charge each model of EV available today and for
the foreseeable future.

Above: Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) Above: Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)

Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)

BEVs are 100% electric and powered entirely by a PHEVs are powered by an electric motor and
lithium-ion battery pack which is charged from the battery pack which, once depleted, switches to an
electrical grid. internal combustion engine and/or generator.

• BEVs use no gasoline and produce no tailpipe • PHEVs use both electricity and gasoline
emissions • Smaller battery packs result in reduced electric
• Range varies from 100km to 500km range but overall range is higher
depending on the make, model, weather, • Higher cost to drive and higher emissions than
driving habits, etc. a BEV due to gas use.

Models Available in Canada (July 2014) Models Available in Canada (July 2014)
- BMW i3 - Cadillac ELR
- Chevy Spark EV - Chevy VOLT
- Ford Focus EV - Ford C-Max Energi
- Mitsubishi i-MiEV - Ford Fusion Energi
- Nissan LEAF - Porsche Panamera S E-Hybrid
- smart fortwo ED - Toyota Prius Plug-In Hybrid
- Tesla Model S Page | 6
1.2. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Charging stations are available in different voltage and amperage combinations, allowing flexibility for drivers
to select a charger to match the specifications of their car. In general, there are two varieties of station that
would be considered in a condominium, both of which use the J-1772 standard nozzle. The Tesla Model S uses
a proprietary charging system but an adapter is available to allow for use with the standard J-1772 unit.

Level 1 (110/120V, 12-15 amp): Each EV has a have numerous varieties to fit the needs of specific
portable charger (cordset) that comes with the car. vehicles. A Level 2 charging station operating at
These cordsets plug into a standard three-prong 30 amps would be sufficient to meet the charging
household outlet and can be ideal for PHEVs which needs of all EVs today, though some configurations
have smaller battery packs, but is not ideal for BEV of the Tesla Model S can draw up to 100 amps
owners who may require more electricity. continuously. Typically, Level 2 stations are installed
by a certified electrical contractor, though they also
Level 2 (208/240V, 16-100 amp): Charge times are have the option of being plugged into a ‘stove plug’
minimized for both BEV and PHEV owners when (NEMA 6-50).
charging at this configuration and manufacturers

Approx Charge Purchase

AC/DC Volts Amps Installation
kWh* Time** Cost

Portable / ~$500 -
Level one AC 120 15-20 1.4 – 1.9 5-60 Hours
Hardwire $1,200
Stove Plug ~$700 -
Level two AC 240 20-100 3.8 – 19.2 2-8 Hours
/ Hardwire $6,000

* Electrical code requires that EV charging stations be limited to 80% of their maximum load.
**Actual charge time depends on the vehicle model and the onboard ‘charger’ which charges the battery pack,
see car specifications in APPENDIX 2 – Electric Vehicle Charging Efficiency.
1.3. Installation Tips

Contact your Board of Directors and Property Manager

Residents should notify building management and/ How to find a qualified contractor
or Board of Directors of their intent to install an EV
charging station. A checklist is provided at the end of Alberta
this document (page 21) to help residents undertake Electrical Contractors Association
their own preliminary assessment. of Alberta
Some of the key information that the resident can
provide the Board and/or Property Manager with is: British Columbia
Safety Authority
• The location of the proposed charging station www.safetyauthority.ca
and distance from electricity source;
• The make and model of electric car; and Manitoba
• The voltage and amperage requirements. Manitoba Electrical League
The location will determine how much effort is required
New Brunswick
to run electrical access to the spot, while information
Ministry of Public Safety
on the vehicle will determine the specifications of the
www.goo.gl/WX15wE (shortened URL)
charging station and its electrical draw.
Nova Scotia
Contact a Certified Electrical Contractor
Building, Fire and Technical Safety
An electrical contractor will be able to help estimate 1-800-559-3473
the cost of installing the charging station and mitigate
impacts on the building’s electrical supply. Newfoundland
Service Newfoundland
Building management may be able to recommend an www.servicenl.gov.nl.ca
electrical contractor who is familiar with the building,
otherwise there are many in your community. Ontario
Electrical Safety Authority
Contact your local electrical utility www.esasafe.com
It is important that you contact your local electrical
utility as it can be helpful in streamlining your installation
Régie du Bâtiment du Québec
process and helping address any issues that may arise.
Your utility provider may have a program to help
monitor and minimize the impact of EV charging on
your building and on the electrical grid.
Electrical Contractors Association of
Saskatchewan (ECAS)
Call Plug’n Drive at 1-855-3PLUGIN, visit
chargemycar.ca or contact a certified electrical
contractor to be put in touch with your local utility

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2.0 Condominiums

Legal Considerations
In Ontario, The Condominium Act, 1998 is the main piece of legislation that governs condominiums and the
actions of a condominium’s Board of Directors. The Act is currently under review by the Ministry of Consumer
Services and new legislation and new implementation regulations are expected soon. While the review is in
progress, solutions must be found that fit under the current legislative framework. Some of the key sections of
the Act are Sections 97 & 98 which have been included as APPENDIX 1. The Act is available in its entirety at:

Section 97: Changes Made by Corporation Section 98: Changes Made by Owners
The Board of a condominium corporation may Condominium Board approval is required for
make changes to the common elements, the any proposal by a condominium for an addition,
assets of the corporation or a change in service alternation or improvement to the common
that the corporation provides to the owners if the elements (either exclusive or non-exclusive use)
procedures in Section 97 are followed. Section 97 under Section 98 of the act. This will apply to
outlines how the Board may get approval and when owners who would like to pay all costs associated
owner notification and an owner approval vote are with installing a charger, as well as for Boards who
required. are interested in installing the infrastructure as an
amenity. To address this challenge, individuals and
It is possible that modifications to the common condominium corporations will need to recruit
elements may be required in order to install the support from other owners, clarify cost and
necessary electrical wiring for an EV charging payments, and likely involve a lawyer.
station. If the proposed modifications are sufficiently
expensive to the condo corporation, or if the Board Section 98 is triggered where owners wish to
chooses to treat the installation as “substantial” make changes to the corporation’s common
(as defined by the Act) and puts the issue to the elements. Owners must satisfy the following three
owners for their approval, a positive vote of 66 per preconditions:
cent of the unit owners will be required.
1. The Board must approve the proposed addition, into an alteration agreement under Section 98 to
alteration or improvement; the extent that the modification requires alteration
2. The owner and the corporation must enter into to the surrounding common elements.
an alteration agreement that sets out who pays
for the cost of the proposed addition, alteration Some jurisdictions, including California and
or improvement and who is responsible Colorado, have taken steps to introduce new
for maintaining, repairing and insuring any regulations making it easier to install charging
improvement; and stations in condominiums. WWF-Canada and CCI-
3. Notice must be given to the owners if the Toronto have worked together to recommend
change requires owner approval under Section similar changes to Ontario’s Condominium Act 1998,
97 had the change been proposed by the which would minimize some of these challenges.
condominium corporation. However, this notice
is not required if the change relates to an 2.1 Architecture & Design
exclusive use common element or if the Board
is satisfied that the change does not (a) have The design of the building and its parking
an adverse effect on units, (b) will not cost the infrastructure are primary considerations when
corporation and (c) does not detract from the installating a charging station. While a resident in
appearance of the building. a townhome may have access to a private garage
and have easy access to electrical capacity, there
The Section 98 alteration agreement does not take are many residents who live in buildings with
effect until the above-listed conditions are met and underground parking that are not well served
the agreement is registered against the title to the with electricity. In some cases, installation requires
owner’s unit. Once this agreement is effective, it is drilling through concrete to run conduit, trenching
binding on the unit and all subsequent purchasers. of landscaping or asphalt, as well as other aesthetic
In cases where the parking spaces are legal units
and not common elements, owners wishing to
install electrical wiring or EV charging stations in
their parking unit would likely be required to enter
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2.2 Parking Configurations 2.3 Electrical Service
Flowing from building design, the parking layout and The electrical requirements of a charging station are
style of operation will affect how charging stations primarily dependent on the vehicle being charged
may be provided to residents. It is important to as it is the car’s internal controller that regulates
understand the legal status of the parking spaces the flow of electricity, not the station itself. The
which may impact decisions for the Board when charging station is somewhat poorly named and is
considering the merits of making charging stations actually more of a sophisticated extension cord that
a common element. can communicate with the vehicle to ensure that
the car’s on-board charger is safely activated.
2.2.1. Assigned Parking
In buildings where common element parking The amount of electricity that a vehicle will draw
spaces are assigned to residents for exclusive use, is dependent on the vehicle technology and the
EV drivers may prefer to install their own personal owner’s driving habits. Generally speaking, it may
charging station in order to have constant and require 4,000 kWh in a BEV and 3,000 kWh in a
reliable access (as opposed to relying on a shared, PHEV to travel 20,000km. At any given time, an EV
common use station). When installation is not can accept anywhere from 2 – 20 kW of electricity
feasible at the assigned common element space, during its charging session.
it may be possible for residents to swap spaces,
allowing the EV driver to use a spot with easier See APPENDIX 2 – Electric Vehicle Charging
access to electrical supply. Efficiency for a breakdown of currently available
vehicles and charging specifications.
2.2.2. Deeded Parking
2.3.1. Building Electrical Capacity
Where parking spots are owned by the resident and
assigned by deed, swapping with other residents A building’s ability to support charging stations
may be more challenging since changes may require depends on the original design of its electrical
a legal transfer of property. The condominium’s system as well as its remaining capacity to accept
declaration may restrict which parking units are additional loads. If capacity is available, the
assigned to which residential units. Also, the installation may be as simple as having an electrical
valuation of some parking locations may differ contractor install a second electrical panel from
based on personal convenience and preference, the main service which can be reserved for future
requiring negotiations amongst residents. installations.

Where capacity is limited and there is an inadequate

supply of electricity to accommodate charging
stations, it can be beneficial to investigate energy
efficiency gains, particularly lighting in the parking
structure or installing timers to ensure night time
charging. Again, the electrical requirements will
depend on the vehicle selected and many models
of PHEV can use a simple 120v outlet instead of a
Level 2 (240v) charging station.
power meter allows the utility company to bill
2.3.2. Distance to Electrical Access the owner directly for the electricity used. This
option would work for individuals who want to
The distance required to run conduit (wiring) from
have exclusive charging at their parking space.
the electrical panel or source to the charging station
will be a primary consideration for estimating the • Sub-meter - Installing a separate sub-meter to
cost of installation. As such, the location of the the charging station can allow the utility company
station should be chosen strategically to limit to track electricity usage and bill directly to the
unnecessary drilling, trenching or other aesthetic EV owner. This option would accrue additional
changes which will increase the cost substantially. expenses through maintenance fees for the
separate sub-meter, but could be a good option
It may be prudent to install a larger conduit to for exclusive stations for individuals.
allow for future expansion of EV charging and to • User fee - In lieu of a metered solution, the
limit future installation costs. Similarly, there may resident, Board and/or Property Manager may
be merit in running conduit on the ceiling above enter into a cost recovery system that can be
the drive-lanes, allowing for future installations to as simple as charging the owner a flat fee or
be more easily branched off from the main conduit. ‘usage fee’ for use of the station. Please note,
These corporation-paid additions would fall under as per Ontario law, electricity cannot be resold
Section 97 of the Condominium Act, 1998 and may without a license and this fee would not be to
be deemed “substantial” enough to require notice pay for the electricity (on a kWh basis), but
and approval by 66% of the units of the corporation. instead would be considered a service fee. This
option could be used for individual, exclusive
2.3.3. Transformer Capacity use charging stations, or for multi-user public
Upon assessment from an electrical contractor and/ charging stations.
or the local utility, there will be more information • Public Network - Some charging units are
available about the capacity of the building and network enabled (able to connect to the
whether it can accept the additional load of internet) allowing multiple users to use the
charging stations. If there is insufficient capacity, it is same station while maintaining private access
best to consult with the local electrical utility about through a system that bills the users for their
potential solutions as generally it is not practical time at the station. These networked solutions
to upgrade the service for the entire building. are typically more expensive but logistically
Such upgrades have been estimated by Brookfield less complicated than other shared models.
Residential Services to cost between $200,000 - They also allow for more flexibility should the
$300,000 in Ontario. uptake of EVs increase amongst residents in the
2.3.4. Monitoring Electrical Load/Usage
It is important to track the usage of the charging
station(s) in order to ensure that residents pay
their share of the electricity used. This can be
accomplished in a number of ways, including:
• Direct - Connecting the charging station
through a direct link to the resident’s existing

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3.0 Installation,
Operating and
Maintenance Costs
There are many installation solutions that can be deployed in any given building and with each solution comes
different configurations. To find the ideal charging solution for the given site and its charging needs, consider
the following options:

• Wall mounted or pedestal/stand-alone • Commercial or residential grade

• Hard-wired or plug-in to wall • Publically available or for private use
• Single charging wand or multi-wand • Indoor or outdoor installation
• Reservation & payment system • High/Low Amperage & Voltage

taxes), based on an efficiency of 4.78/kWh. Actual

3.1 Installation Costs consumption will depend on the make and model of
vehicle, primarily whether it is a BEV or PHEV.
As previously mentioned, installation costs will be
largely dependent on the specific requirements of
each building and where the charging station will 3.3 Maintenance Costs
be located. As an example, we can use the table
There are few maintenance requirements for
on page 14 to provide a preliminary estimate of
charging stations. Expected wear and tear can be
the costs to purchase and install a charging station
minimized by installing a sturdy device designed
where a few upgrades are required.
for use in public spaces. Also, consider some these
proactive maintenance measures:
• Ensure that the charger cord is stored safely
3.2 Operating Costs
and securely, not on the ground;
Typically, the only ongoing operating cost for a • Install the charger indoors or sheltered if
charging station would be from its use of electricity possible;
during charging sessions. For a 20,000km driving • Test system on an annual basis, inspecting the
distance, an EV owner in Ontario could expect to equipment and power quality; and
pay $544 - $975 in electricity (including delivery • Repair damage from accidents and vandalism.
# of Hours Labour Rate Total Cost
Initial Site Visit 2 $75 $150

Permit Application 1 $85 $85

Installation 4-8 $100 $400 - $800

Inspection or Approval 2 $75 $150

Legal Support - - $500 -$3,000

Labour sub-total $1,285 - $4,185

Estimated Materials
# of Units Cost per Unit Total Cost

Level 2 Non-networked Charger 1 $1,500 - $10,000 $1,500 - $10,000

Electrical Capacity Requirements 1 $780 $780

#12 THHN Wire 400 ft $0.50 $120

Conduit 3/4 EMT 100 $10 $300

40 Amp Fused Disconnect 2 $150 $300

Miscellaneous n/a $400 $400

Materials sub-total $4,180 - $12,680

Cost Total $5,465 - $16,865

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4.0 Benefits of Charging
Stations in your Building
buildings of any size and multi-family residences
4.1 Tenant Retention / Attraction over four stories are eligible under the New
Construction (NC) Sustainable Sites Credit #4.3
The EV buying demographic is a growing segment
“Alternative Transportation, Low-Emitting and Fuel
who are passionate about their cars and their
Efficient Vehicles”. For existing buildings seeking
choice in property will inevitably come down to
LEED accreditation under the Existing Buildings
where they can charge their car(s). Newer buildings
(EB) program, there are between 3-15 LEED points
have started to prepare for the requirements of EV
under Sustainable Sites Credit #4.0 “Alternative
charging in their designs and some municipalities
Commuting Transportation” for installing one or
are building them into their city planning initiatives.
more chargers.

For existing buildings, however, it can be challenging

For multi-family residences under four stories and
to install charging stations as it requires patience
single-family residences that are new or under
and preparation by all parties involved. Despite
major renovations, there is one possible credit under
these challenges, it is important that buildings
LEED for Homes Credit #3 “Innovation Design” for
consider implementing charging stations as they
installing one or more EV chargers.
will provide a foundation for new transportation
options for current and future residents.
4.4 Signage
It is recommended that signage be included when
4.2 EV Charging as an Amenity installing public or communal charging stations,
making sure to minimize confusion and preventing
It can be easiest to consider EV charging as an
gas cars from parking in those spots. Some of the
amenity that helps augment the overall reputation
information you may want to include on a sign is
of the building and parking complex. Just as
details about the initiative as well as indications
buildings invest in upgraded exercise or leisure
on the charger voltage, amperage, fees and safety
systems for residents, EV charging can be an
information. You may also consider painting the
excellent addition and may attract a more affluent
parking spot as an additional indicator of its
and/or environmentally conscious clientele.
reserved use, particularly if it is a common element.
At this point, a standard sign has not yet been
4.3 LEED Accreditation agreed upon.

New buildings are encouraged to install charging

stations as part of their design and are rewarded
with an additional three LEED points from the
Canada Green Building Council. Commercial

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Condominium Act, 1998: Changes to Common
Elements and Assets: s97 & s98

Changes made by corporation

97. (1) If the corporation has an obligation to repair the units or common elements after damage or to maintain
them and the corporation carries out the obligation using materials that are as reasonably close in quality to the
original as is appropriate in accordance with current construction standards, the work shall be deemed not to
be an addition, alteration or improvement to the common elements or a change in the assets of the corporation
for the purpose of this section. 1998, c. 19, s. 97 (1).

Changes made without notice

(2) A corporation may, by resolution of the board and without notice to the owners, make an addition, alteration
or improvement to the common elements, a change in the assets of the corporation or a change in a service
that the corporation provides to the owners if,
(a) it is necessary to make the addition, alteration, improvement or change to comply with an agreement
mentioned in section 113 or the requirements imposed by any general or special Act or regulations or by-laws
made under that Act;
(b) in the opinion of the board, it is necessary to make the addition, alteration, improvement or change to
ensure the safety or security of persons using the property or assets of the corporation or to prevent imminent
damage to the property or assets; or
(c) subject to the regulations made under this Act, the estimated cost, in any given month or other prescribed
period, if any, of making the addition, alteration, improvement or change is no more than the greater of $1,000
and 1 per cent of the annual budgeted common expenses for the current fiscal year. 1998, c. 19, s. 97 (2).

Changes made on notice

3) A corporation may make an addition, alteration or improvement to the common elements, a change in the
assets of the corporation or a change in a service that the corporation provides to the owners if,
(a) the corporation has sent a notice to the owners that,
(i) describes the proposed addition, alteration, improvement or change,
(ii) contains a statement of the estimated cost of the proposed addition, alteration, improvement or change
indicating the manner in which the corporation proposes to pay the cost,
(iii) specifies that the owners have the right, in accordance with section 46 and within 30 days of receiving
the notice, to requisition a meeting of owners, and
(iv) contains a copy of section 46 and this section; and
(b) one of the following conditions has been met:
1. The owners have not requisitioned a meeting in accordance with section 46 within 30 days of receiving a
notice under clause (a).
2. The owners have requisitioned a meeting in accordance with section 46 within 30 days of receiving a
notice under clause (a) but have not voted against the proposed addition, alteration, improvement or change
at the meeting. 1998, c. 19, s. 97 (3).

Approval of substantial change

(4) Despite subsection (3), the corporation shall not make a substantial addition, alteration, improvement to
the common elements, a substantial change in the assets of the corporation or a substantial change in a service
that the corporation provides to the owners unless the owners who own at least 66 per cent of the units of the
corporation vote in favour of approving it. 1998, c. 19, s. 97 (4).

(5) The vote shall be taken at a meeting duly called for the purpose of subsection (4). 1998, c. 19, s. 97 (5).

Meaning of substantial change

(6) For the purposes of subsection (4), an addition, alteration, improvement or change is substantial if,
(a) its estimated cost, based on its total cost, regardless of whether part of the cost is incurred before or after
the current fiscal year, exceeds the lesser of,
(i) 10 per cent of the annual budgeted common expenses for the current fiscal year, and
(ii) the prescribed amount, if any; or
(b) the board elects to treat it as substantial. 1998, c. 19, s. 97 (6).

Cost of changes
(7) The cost of an addition, alteration, improvement or change that the corporation makes under this section
shall form part of the common expenses. 1998, c. 19, s. 97 (7).

Changes made by owners

98. (1) An owner may make an addition, alteration or improvement to the common elements that is not contrary
to this Act or the declaration if,
(a) the board, by resolution, has approved the proposed addition, alteration or improvement;
(b) the owner and the corporation have entered into an agreement that,
(i) allocates the cost of the proposed addition, alteration or improvement between the corporation and the
(ii) sets out the respective duties and responsibilities, including the responsibilities for the cost of repair after
damage, maintenance and insurance, of the corporation and the owner with respect to the proposed
addition, alteration or improvement, and
(iii) sets out the other matters that the regulations made under this Act require;

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(c) subject to subsection (2), the requirements of section 97 have been met in cases where that section would
apply if the proposed addition, alteration or improvement were done by the corporation; and
(d) the corporation has included a copy of the agreement described in clause (b) in the notice that the
corporation is required to send to the owners. 1998, c. 19, s. 98 (1).

No notice or approval
(2) Clauses (1) (c) and (d) do not apply if the proposed addition, alteration or improvement relates to a part of
the common elements of which the owner has exclusive use and if the board is satisfied on the evidence that it
may require that the proposed addition, alteration or improvement,
(a) will not have an adverse effect on units owned by other owners;
(b) will not give rise to any expense to the corporation;
(c) will not detract from the appearance of buildings on the property;
(d) will not affect the structural integrity of buildings on the property according to a certificate of an engineer,
if the proposed addition, alteration or improvement involves a change to the structure of the buildings; and
(e) will not contravene the declaration or any prescribed requirements. 1998, c. 19, s. 98 (2).

When agreement effective

(3) An agreement described in clause (1) (b) does not take effect until,
(a) the conditions set out in clause (1) (a) and subsection (2) have been met or the conditions set out in clauses
(1) (a), (c) and (d) have been met; and
(b) the corporation has registered it against the title to the owner’s unit. 1998, c. 19, s. 98 (3).

Lien for default under agreement

(4) The corporation may add the costs, charges, interest and expenses resulting from an owner’s failure to
comply with an agreement to the common expenses payable for the owner’s unit and may specify a time for
payment by the owner. 1998, c. 19, s. 98 (4).

Agreement binds unit

(5) An agreement binds the owner’s unit and is enforceable against the owner’s successors and assigns. 1998,
c. 19, s. 98 (5).
Electric Vehicle Charging Efficiency

Below is an updated list of the specifications for all Electric Vehicles for sale in Canada as of April 1, 2014.

EV Specifications

Battery Max Continuous Estimated Time to Charge

Size Electrical Draw (0-100% battery)
from Vehicle

Level 1 Level 2 Level 2

(120V, 15A) (240V, 30A) (240V ,100A)

BMW i3 BEV 18.8 kW 7.4 kW 13 hrs 3.25 hrs 2.5 hrs

Chevy Spark BEV 21 kW 6.6 kW 14.5 hrs 3.5 hrs 3 hrs

Ford Focus EV BEV 23 kW 6.6 kW 16 hrs 4 hrs 3.5 hrs

Mistubishi I-MiEV BEV 16 kW 3.3 kW 11 hrs 5 hrs 5 hrs

Nissan LEAF BEV 24 kW 3.3/6.6 kW 16.5 hrs 4/7.25 hrs 3.5/7.5 hrs

smart fortwo ED BEV 17.6 kW 3.3 kW 12 hrs 5.25 hrs 5.25 hrs

Tesla Model S BEV 60/85 kW 10/20 kW 41/59 hrs 10.5/14.75 hrs 6/4.5 hrs

Cadillac ELR PHEV 16.5 kW 3.3 kW 11.5 hrs 5 hrs 5 hrs

Chevy VOLT PHEV 16.5 kW 3.3 kW 11.5 hrs 5 hrs 5 hrs

Ford C-Max Energi PHEV 7.6 kW 3.3 kW 5.25 hrs 2.25 hrs 2.25 hrs

Ford Fusion Energi PHEV 7.2 kW 3.3 kW 5 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs

Porsche Panamera PHEV 9.4 kW 3.6 kW 6.5 hrs 2.5 hrs 2.5 hrs
S E Hybrid

Toyota Prius Plug- PHEV 7.6 kW 2 kW 5.25 hrs 3.75 hrs 3.75 hrs

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I Want to Buy An Electr ic Car…
And I Live in a Condo

A Unit Owner’s Checklist

Your purchase of a battery powered electric vehicle (EV) has major benefits for the environment and
for your personally.

EV users typically charge at their residential parking spots. This can lead to challenges for
condominium dwellers because of the special procedures they and their condominium boards need
to follow to enable a charging station installation. As a result, it’s a good idea for condominium
owners to ensure they will have access to charging in their building before purchasing an EV.

This checklist is intended to help condominium dwellers consider the viability of installing EV
charging equipment prior to purchasing an EV. In almost every case, installation of charging
equipment is likely to require approval by condominium board and, in some cases, a vote of unit
owners. Many installations will also require one or more legal agreements between the
condominium owner and the corporation.

Determine the type of charger you hope to install

R eview the legal status of your parking spot, which will help determine the type of condominium
board approval required (owned outright, exclusive use common element, or licensed from
condominium corporation or third party)
C heck the area around your parking spot: are there any standard outlets nearby that could be
adapted for Level I charging? W ill wiring cables need to be run through common element areas?
C onsider reaching out to other condominium owners to see if they have an interest in installing
charging stations
C ontact your local electrical utility to determine if it has any resources available for installation
and to ask if there are any known restrictions in your area
C heck with your condominium board on its requirements for the installation process, which
could include asking whether it:
Has an electric vehicle charging policy or is willing to form an electric vehicle working
group for interested residents
Has any questions or concerns from a technical or aesthetic perspective
Has a list of approved electrical contractors who you can consult on a quote for a feasibility

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Ask a certified electrical contractor for a quote that considers:
Any installation restrictions from your condominium board
C urrent building electrical capacity
C ost of any installation, wiring and concrete removal required
C ost recovery options (like installation of a sub-meter)
B ased on the quote from your contractor, discuss the type of approval that will be required from
your condominium board and/or other residents

Trouble-s hooting
If the quote is too expensive, consider:
W hether it is possible to enter into (1) an agreement to change parking spaces with
another owner or (2) an agreement with the condominium corporation to use unused space
that is easier to access for charging
C onsider seeking the assistance of a condominium lawyer who has worked on E V charging.
C C I- Toronto has an online directory of local area lawyers who specialize in condominium law

C ha rging Agreement
C ommon issues to consider in an agreement to install charging equipment can include:
C ost of installation

C ompliance with applicable building codes and the C ondominium Act, 19 98, declaration/
bylaws, as well as reasonable aesthetic and technical requirements of the condominium corpo-
Use of a licensed contractor for installation
C ost and metering of electricity consumed (either sub-metered, metered by charging equipment,
or a fixed access fee)
Maintenance and repair responsibilities (as applicable within the C ondominium Act, 1998)

R equirement to carry insurance (typically for Level II charging or specialized Level I)

R emoval obligations (for instance, if there is major maintenance of parking area or sale of parking

E V charging in condos can create a bit of a conundrum – so gather your facts, and explore your
options. For more information, resources are available through P lug ’n Drive, W W F C ana da and
the C C I Toronto & Area C hapter:
• www.ccitoronto.org
• www.plugndrive.ca/condo
• www.wwf.ca
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A collaboration between the Canadian Condominium
Institute-Toronto and Plug’n Drive with contributions made by
the World Wildlife Fund Canada

Made possible with the support of the Automotive

Recyclers of Canada


© 1986 Panda symbol WWF-World Wide Fund For Nature (also known as World Wildlife Fund).

® “WWF” is a WWF Registered Trademark.

Brookfield Residential Services Ltd. (2013). Electric Vehicle Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Guidelines
(EV) Charging Information Package. Toronto. for Multi-unit Dwellings. Los Angeles.

Building Owners and Managers Association of BC (BOMA Peterson, D. (2011). Addressing Challenges to Electric
BC). (2013). Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS) Vehicle Charging in Multifamily Residential Buildings.
Information Package. Vancouver. UCLA , Luskin School of Public Affairs, Los Angeles.

California Plug-in Electric Vehicle Collaborative. (2013). Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Sustainable
Transportation Branch, Toronto
Written by: Josh Tzventarny

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