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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,322.588 B2

Carroll et al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 26, 2016
(54) HOT OR COLD DUAL INSULATING FOOD (56) References Cited
(71) Applicants: Maureen Carroll, Atlanta, GA (US); 1,336,776 A * 4, 1920 Drinkwater ............. A47J 47/OO
Michael E. Docherty, Boca Raton, FL 126.261
(US); Brian Gyoerkoe, Jupiter, FL (US); 3,002,646 A * 10/1961 Lewis .................... B65D 1,265
Alyssa Enderle, Warwick, RI (US) 220,62.11
3.434,849 A * 3/1969 Carbone .............. B65D 5/5415
(72) Inventors: Maureen Carroll, Atlanta, GA (US); 229,227
Michael E. Docherty, Boca Raton, FL 3,738,527 A * 6/1973 Townsend ............ B65D 90,046
(US); Brian Gyoerkoe, Jupiter, FL (US); 220,560.05
Alyssa Enderle, Warwick, RI (US) 3,799,386 A * 3/1974 Madalin ............. B65D 25,2897
4,225,052 A 9, 1980 Tector
(73) Assignee: Fit & Fresh, Inc., Providence, RI (US) 4.478,349 A 10/1984 Haverland, Jr. et al.
4,533,061 A * 8/1985 Herbst ............... B65D 81/3823
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 206,545
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5,052,369 A 10, 1991 Johnson
U.S.C. 154(b) by 78 days. 5,329.787 A * 7/1994 Friday ....................... F25D 3/08
(21) Appl. No.: 14/166,977 5,390,797 A 2/1995 Smalley
5,857,778 A * 1/1999 Ells ........................ A45C 11/20
(22) Filed: Jan. 29, 2014 6,152,319 A * 1 1/2000 Kamachi............. A47J 41/OO77
(65) Prior Publication Data 6.244.458 B1* 6/2001 Frysinger ........... B65D 81/3823
US 2015/0210464 A1 Jul. 30, 2015
(51) Int. C.
B65D 8/38 (2006.01)
AU 865OO82 T 1982
(52) U.S. C.
GB 904650 A * 8, 1962 .......... A47J 41/OO77
CPC .............. F25D 3/08 (2013.01); B65D 81/3834
(2013.01) (Continued)
(58) Field of Classification Search Primary Examiner — Robert J Hicks
CPC .............. A47J 41/0077; A47J 41/0072; A47J (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Chace Ruttenberg &
41/0055; A47G 19/027; A47G 19/02; A47G Freedman, LLP
23/0683; A47G23/06; F25D3/08; B65D (57) ABSTRACT
81/3823: B65D 81/382: B65D 81/3818;
B65D 81/3816; B65D 81/3813; B65D Provided is a dual purpose insulating food serving assembly
81/3834; B65D 81/3832: B65D 81/383; having a receptacle composed of interior and exterior ther
B65D 81/3827; B65D 81/3825; B65D 1/34; moplastic shells sealed to each other and forming an interior
B32B5/245; B32B5/22; B32B5/18: B32B chamber containing a laminate composed of at least one layer
5/32: B32B 9/046 of reflective material and at least one layer of foam. A sepa
USPC ......... 220/592.21,592.2, 592.25, 575, 574.2, rate, removable, food serving dish is disposed within the
220/574, 62.22, 62.18, 62.13, 556, 555, receptacle. The assembly optionally includes a demountable
220/23.83, 23.86, 23.88: 428/36.5 lid and one or more removable ice packs.
See application file for complete search history. 36 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
US 9,322.588 B2
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U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS GB WO 0047401 A1 * 8, 2000 ................ B32B5/24
GB 2447234 10, 2008
6,668.577 B2 12/2003 Quenedey NL 1019227 4/2003
2012/0024855 A1* 2/2012 Smyers .................... B65D 1,34 WO WO2012O85212 6, 2012
2014/0262867 A1* 9/2014 Weinberg ............... A45D 34.00
206,229 * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Apr. 26, 2016 Sheet 1 of 5 US 9,322.588 B2
U.S. Patent Apr. 26, 2016 Sheet 2 of 5 US 9,322.588 B2

U.S. Patent Apr. 26, 2016 Sheet 3 of 5 US 9,322.588 B2
U.S. Patent Apr. 26, 2016 Sheet 4 of 5 US 9,322.588 B2
U.S. Patent Apr. 26, 2016 Sheet 5 of 5 US 9,322.588 B2
US 9,322.588 B2
1. 2
HOT OR COLD DUAL INSULATING FOOD inner container with a flange that allows it to set within the
SERVICE ASSEMBLY outer container, leaving an air space between the two. The
components are made of polysulfone plastic (Udel(R), Union
FIELD OF THE INVENTION Carbide) and U.S. Pat. No. 4,225,052 discloses a covered
serving dish having an outer wall and an inner wall, both of
The invention is in the field of food service. More particu which are formed of high-impact polyethylene or polysty
larly, the invention concerns dishes and other food and bev rene. Between the two walls is a layer of insulating material
erage serving containers that can be used to maintain the Such as expanded polystyrene or polyurethane. The serving
temperatures of either hot or cold foods. dish cover is formed in the same way. Both disclosures appear
10 pertinent to maintaining hot foods.
FEDERALLY SUPPORTED RESEARCH The abstract ofNetherlands Patent Application Publication
No. 1019227 discloses a refrigerated food serving system
None. comprising a first box that can be sealed by placing a second
box on top of it. A cooling element is disposed within the first
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 15 box and sits on spacer elements or ribs in the base of the box,
and a food dish is placed on top of the cooling element. The
Known are double-walled insulating dishes for storing and base of the first box is composed of a thermal insulation
handling hot or cold foods and beverages to maintain their material and the side walls are made from a porous or breath
temperature at a constant level over an extended period of able material. An air gap between the side walls and the food
time. Great Britain Patent Publication No. 22447234A is dish allows air circulation. Australia Patent Application Pub
exemplary. It discloses a food and drink container composed lication No. 86 500/82 discloses an insulated serving dish
of an inner vessel and an insulated outer shell with a com having a hinged lid for maintaining hot foods. The dish and
partment there between containing a phase change material. the lid are composed of an external shell and an internal shell
The inner vessel is composed of stainless steel, aluminum or and between the shells is a heat insulating material Such as
copper and the insulating material of the outer shell is an 25 polystyrol foam. A removable glass bowl contains the food
expanded polyurethane, polyethylene, polystyrene, aerogel and the external shell is provided with a peripheral rim that
or open or closed cell foam. The phase change material is a cooperates with an outwardly bent flange extension of the lid
crystalline salt and a wax, fatty acid, fat, heavy alcohol or to form a bendable hinge.
crystalline alkyl hydrocarbon. A lid is made of the same As can be seen from the foregoing, there are a variety of
materials. U.S. Pat. No. 5,052.369 similarly discloses a heat 30 insulators and food receptacle constructions that are already
maintaining food container composed of a body and a lid, known it the art. Some maintain the cold temperature of the
each of which is formed with a compartment containing an contents but cannot be used with hot contents and others
insulating layer and a heat storing material. The insulating maintain the hot temperature of the contents and cannot be
layer is closed cell foam such as Ensolite R, or preferably used with cold contents. Others can be used for either hot or
foamed polyurethane. The heat storing material is a paraffin 35 cold foods, but only if the construction and materials are
base or micro crystalline wax. modified. (See for example, POT Patent Publication
Insulating layers other than waxes and the like are also WO20121085212.)
known. U.S. Pat. No. 5,390,797 discloses a heat maintaining It would be advantageous to have to a food container that
food storage container have a base and a hinged lid, both of has the ability to insulate both hot and cold foods or beverages
which have a non-removable insulating liner composed of a 40 without modification to the structure or components of the
closed cell foam rubber or closed cell foamed plastic. U.S. structure. Such a dual purpose hot or cold insulating food
Pat. No. 6,668,577 discloses an insulated container for main service assembly is provided by the invention.
taining cold contents composed of a polypropylene case, a
polystyrene insulating lining, a diffuser cover that includes an SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
independent refrigeration Source, a receptacle to hold the 45
refrigeration source and an aluminum thermal bridge to assist Provided is a food serving assembly composed of a dual
in uniform distribution of the refrigeration. The diffuser cover purpose insulating receptacle having the general shape of a
and receptacle are formed from a single board of deformable serving dish with a flat bottom and upwardly extending side
thermal insulating material Such as honeycombed polypropy walls. The receptacle is composed of an interior thermoplas
lene. POT Patent Application EP2011/073806, published as 50 tic shell and an exterior thermoplastic shell sealed to each
WO2012/085212, discloses a wall construction for thermally other about the edges to form an interior chamber. A food
insulated containers for mobile catering. The container is serving dish is disposed within the receptacle.
made of inner and outer walls composed of a thermoplastic The interior and exterior thermoplastic shells may be com
polymer. On the inner wall is a film formed from a thermo posed of a wide variety thermoplastic or thermoset plastic
plastic polymer or polymeric foam having rib like stiffening 55 materials. Preferred thermoplastic materials include polypro
projections. Between the film and the outer wall may be a pylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), low density polyeth
vacuum insulation foam plastic honeycombed layer or panel. ylene (LDPE), polystyrene (PS), polytetrafluroethylene, pol
Disclosed materials to be used in the construction of the inner yarylsulfone (PESU), polycarbonate (PC),
layer polyester or polyethylene variants such as LLDPE and polymethylpentene (PMP), polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE),
metalized polyphenylene sulfide (PPS), polyethertherketone 60 polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), styrene-acryonitrile
(PEEK), polysulfone (PSU), polyphynylene sulfone (PPSU), (SAN) and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). Most pre
polyether (PES/PESU), polyetherimide (PEI), liquid crystal ferred is PP. Preferred thermoset plastic materials include
polymer (LCP) or styrene. The vacuum insulation panel may polyurethanes, polyesters, epoxy resins, urea formaldehyde,
include an aerogel. The inner and outer walls are glued or melamine resin and polyimide. The interior and exterior
welded together to form a single, Solid unit. 65 shells of the receptacle are inductively welded together,
U.S. Pat. No. 4.478,349 discloses a double-walled heating although this in not critical and other methods well known in
vessel including a lid, an outer container, and a removable the art may be employed.
US 9,322.588 B2
3 4
The interior chamber of the receptacle contains a laminate FIG. 3 is an exploded view of the embodiment of the
composed of one or more layers of a reflective material and invention illustrated in FIG. 1.
one or more layers of an open or closed cell foam. Exemplary FIG. 4 is an exploded view of the embodiment of the
reflective materials that may be used include a reflective invention illustrated in FIG. 2.
polyester film such as Mylar R, an aluminum foil film, an air 5 FIG.5 is perspective view of the assembled embodiment of
bubble film and aluminum foil such as Aerolam(R) and alumi the invention illustrated in FIG. 4.
num foil affixed polyethylene (PE) foam. Preferred as the FIG. 6 is a perspective view of the assembled embodiment
reflective material is aluminum foil affixed PE foam. Pre of the invention illustrated in FIG. 3.
ferred as the open or closed cell foam is polyethylene (PE) 10 DETAILED DESCRIPTION
foam, although other open or closed cells foams may be
substituted for PE foam. Exemplary are spray polyurethane Referring to FIG. 1, there is shown a first embodiment of
foam (SPF), polyisocyanurate foam, closed cell polyurethane the food service assembly of the invention, 10, composed of
spray foam, vacuum insulated panel foam, CFC/HCFC receptacle 11, which has a bottom, 12, and side walls, 13, and
expanded polyurethane rigid panel foam, foil-faced polyure 15 an open top (best seen in FIG. 5). Receptacle 11 is composed
thane rigid panel foam, polyisocyanurate spray foam, phe of an interior thermoplastic shell 14 and an exterior thermo
nolic spray foam, urea-pormaldehyde panel foam, urea foam, plastic shell 15. The two shells are formed and arranged so as
extruded expanded polystyrene (XPS), polystyrene board to be substantially superposable, with the interior shell being
foam, phenolic rigid panel foam, urea-formaldehyde foam, slightly smaller than the exterior shell. At their rims, the
As an alternative to an open or closed cell foam, other mate Superposed shells are formed so as to meet each other: the rim
rials may be used, for example, high-density fiberglass bat of the interior shell is formed with an external flange and the
ting, icynene loose fill, cellulose, fiberglass, perlite, Vermicu rim of the exterior shell is formed with an internal flange so
lite. Thermolam(R), and Insul-Bright(R). that the two rims meet at their edges and are sealed together,
The laminate disposed within the interior chamber of the preferably by induction welding, a technique well know in the
receptacle may be composed of an additional one or more 25 art. In this manner an internal hollow chamber or cavity is
layers of a high performance insulator, Such as for example an formed between interior she 14 and exterior shell 15. The
aerogel or a rnicrofiberthermal insulation material (polyeth hollow chamber extends throughout the bottom and sides of
ylene terephthalate and optionally polypropylene) Such as the receptacle, except at the rims where the internal and
Thinsulate(R) (available from 3M, St. Paul, Minn.). Exemplary external flanges meet each other and are sealed together.
aerogels are silica aerogels, carbon aerogels and metal oxide 30 Within the hollow chamber created by the interior and
aerogels. Specific aerogels that may be used include Pyrogel exterior shells of the receptacle is a laminate, 16, Laminate 16
XTF, Pyrogel XT, Cryogel Z, Cryogel X201, Pyrogel 2250, is composed of one or more layers of reflective material and
Pyrogel 6650, Spaceloft, Spaceloft Subsea (all available from one or more layers of open or closed cell foam or other
Aspen Aerogels, Inc. Northborough, Mass.) and Aerogel backing material. Laminate 16 may additionally be com
Thermal Wrap (available from Cabot Corporation, Boston, 35 posed of one or more layers of a high performance insulator or
Mass.). insulating material. As shown in the figures, laminate 16 is
In a preferred embodiment, the laminate is a one layer composed of a layer of reflective material and a layer of foam
laminate in which the foam S. disposed between a high per backing material. If an additional layer of a high performance
formance insulator and the reflective material. insulating material is desired it should be disposed on the
The assembly of the invention may additionally include a 40 layer of backing material or open or closed cell foam, Such
demountable lid composed of plastic. The lid may be fully that, the order of the materials forming the laminate is: high
removable or hinged. Ifhinged, the lid may be either hingably performance insulator—open or closed cell foam or backing
coupled to the receptacle or hingably coupled to the serving material—reflective material. Within the receptacle, laminate
dish, Preferred plastics employed in making the lid are 16 may be disposed with the reflective material either adja
copolyesters and especially preferred is Tritan(R) copolyester. 45 cent the interior shell, 14, or adjacent the exterior shell, 15. As
The assembly of the invention may also include a remov mentioned, the laminate may be formed in one or more layers
able lid cover preferably composed of a foam material and and if more than one layer is used, the order or stacking of the
shaped so as to Substantially conform to the outer dimensions materials may vary, although maintaining a consistent order
of the lid so as to be superposable thereon. While foam is is preferable. For example, if a two layer laminate is desired
preferred, the lid cover could also be composed of a non-foam 50 the order of the materials would be insulator—foam reflec
lid construction, or a hollow housing construction with inner tive material (comprising the first laminate layer)—insula
insulative materials. In the preferred embodiment, ethylene tor—foam-reflective material (comprising the second lami
vinyl acetate foam is the preferred material for the lid cover. nate layer).
The food serving dish may be composed of glass or of Many kinds of reflective materials, backing materials or
plastic, or of Stoneware, or a high-temperature plastic. If 55 open or closed cell foam materials and high performance
glass, borosilicate glass or tempered Soda lime glass are pre insulating materials may be used to create the laminate as
ferred. If plastic, ABS is preferred. long as each of the materials is conformable (for example by
The assembly of the invention may additionally include molding, twisting, stretching or cutting) to the shape of the
one or more removable ice packs disposed between the inte receptacle and able to fit within the receptacle’s internal hol
rior of the receptacle and the exterior of the food serving dish. 60 low or air space. Exemplary reflective materials that may be
used include a reflective polyester film such as Mylar(R), an
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS aluminum foil film, an air bubble film and aluminum foil such
as Aerolam(R) and aluminum foil affixed polyethylene (PE)
FIG. 1 is a perspective, partial cut away, view of one foam. Preferred as the reflective material is aluminum foil
embodiment of the invention. 65 affixed PE foam. Exemplary backing materials and open and
FIG. 2 is a perspective, partial cut away, view of a second closed cell foams include spray polyurethane foam (SPF),
embodiment of the invention. polyisocyanurate foam, closed cell polyurethane spray foam,
US 9,322.588 B2
5 6
vacuum insulated panel foam, CFC/HCFC expanded poly a foam material. Ethylene vinyl acetate is a preferred foam
urethane rigid panel foam, foil-faced polyurethane rigid panel material that may be employed. The lid cover may be hinged,
foam, polyisocyanurate spray foam, phenolic spray foam, or, preferably, fully removable. In the latter circumstance, it
urea-pormaldehyde panel foam, urea foam, extruded can be place under the assembly and used as a trivet when
expanded polystyrene (XPS), polystyrene board foam, phe food is ready to be served.
nolic rigid panel foam, urea-formaldehyde foam. As an alter When the assembly is intended for keeping foods cold, one
native to an open or closed cell foam, other materials may be or more ice packs, 35, are provided. See FIGS. 2 and 4. Ice
used, for example, high-density fiberglass batting, icynene packs 35 are formed and positioned to seat between the inte
loose fill, cellulose, perlite, fiberglass, vermiculite. Thermo rior bottom of the receptacle (i.e., on top of the interior ther
lam(R), and Insul-Bright(R), Exemplary optional high perfor 10 moplastic shell 14) and the exterior bottom of the food serv
mance insulators include aerogels such as silica aerogels, ing dish 20. This is best seen in FIG. 2. As shown in FIG. 4
carbon aerogels and metal oxide aerogels. Specific aerogels interior thermoplastic shell 14 may be formed with ice pack
that may be used include Pyrogel XTF, Pyrogel XT. Cryogel receiving panels in the bottom surface thereof (shown but not
Z, Cryogel X201, Pyrogel 2250, Pyrogel 6650, Spaceloft, enumerated) to maintain the ice packs in position in the
Spaceloft Subsea (all available from Aspen Aerogels, Inc. 15 assembly. In FIG. 4, two ice packs are illustrated, but the
Northborough, Mass.) and Aerogel Thermal Wrap (available number used may vary depending on the size of the assembly
from Cabot Corporation, Boston, Mass.). Additional high and the size of the ice packs used. Reusable ice packs (for
performance insulators that may be used include high perfor example, Cool It! by Fit & Fresh R) from MedPort, LLC,
mance polyurethanes, organic aerogels such as Slentite(R) Providence, R.I.), are preferred although bagged ice may also
(BASF SE, Ludwigshafen, Germany), and microfiber ther be used.
mal insulators such as microfiber polyethylene or microfiber When the assembly is intended for keeping foods hot, the
polyethylene and polypropylene mixtures such as Thinsu ice packs, 35, can be replaced with one or more hot packs.
lateR (3M, St. Paul, Minn.). Each of the components making up the assembly option
A wide variety of thermoplastic polymer materials may be ally may beformed with a pair of opposed handles (shown but
used in composing receptacle 11. Exemplary thermoplastic 25 not enumerated in the figures) to make carrying the assembly
polymers that may be used include polypropylene (PP), poly easy.
vinyl chloride (PVC), low density polyethylene (LDPE), All patents, publications, and other references cited herein
polystyrene (PS), polytetrafluroethylene, polyarylsulfone are hereby incorporated by reference. Although the invention
(PESU), polycarbonate (PC), polymethylpentene (PMP), has been particularly described with reference to certain pre
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), polymethyl methacrylate 30 ferred embodiments, skilled artisans appreciate that changes
(PMMA), styrene-acryonitrile (SAN) and acrylonitrile buta in form and details may be made without departing from the
diene styrene (ABS). A preferred thermoplastic polymer is scope of the appended claims.
polypropylene. What is claimed is:
Inside receptacle 11 there is positioned removable food 1. A food serving assembly comprising a receptacle having
serving dish 20, which is preferably formed to substantially 35 a general shape of a serving dish with a flat bottom and
conform to the inner dimensions of receptacle 11 as best seen upwardly extending side walls terminating in a rim and a
in FIGS. 1 and 2. (In FIGS. 3 and 4, only an outline of the top separate, removable food serving dish disposed within the
of the dish is illustrated.) Food serving dish 20 may be com receptacle, the receptacle being composed of an exterior ther
posed of a glass material. Borosilicate glass or a tempered moplastic shell and an interior thermoplastic shell Superpos
Sodalime glass are preferred. Alternatively, food serving dish 40 able on the exterior thermoplastic shell, the exterior and inte
20 may be composed of a plastic. A preferred plastic is ABS, rior shells being formed and positioned to be sealed to each
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene. other at the rim to form a hollow chamber there between, the
The assembly further includes a removable or demountable hollow chamber containing a laminate composed of one or
plastic lid, 25. Lid 25 may be formed and positioned to snap more layers of reflective material, one or more layers of high
close over food serving dish 20 or it may be removably 45 performance insulator, and one or more layers of open or
mounted to the assembly by means of a hinge connection, 26. closed cell foam disposed between the reflective material and
best seen in FIGS. 3-6. This latter arrangement is preferred. In the high performance insulator.
either arrangement, demountable plastic lid 25 may be 2. The assembly according to claim 1 wherein the reflective
formed to mount on either receptacle 11 or serving dish 20. If material is composed of aluminum foil affixed polyethylene
a hinged arrangement is employed, a partial hinge on lid 25 50 foam (PE).
will mate with a partial hinge on either the rim of receptacle 3. The assembly according to claim 1 wherein the high
11 or the rim of food serving dish 20 to form a complete hinge, performance insulator is aerogel.
26, in a manner well known in the art. Optionally, in this 4. The assembly according to claim 1 wherein the open or
arrangement, lid 25 may be formed with a Snap close portion closed cell foam is polyethylene (PE) foam.
circumferentially opposed to the hinge so that the lid may be 55 5. The assembly according to claim 1 wherein the interior
Snap locked onto the receptacle or the serving dish when the and exterior shells of the receptacle are inductively welded
lid is closed. (See FIGS. 3 and 4 where this is shown but not together.
enumerated.) A gasket, 21, is positioned in lid 25 to assist in 6. The assembly according to claim 1 wherein the thermo
forming a tight seal between the lid and either the glass plastic is selected from the group consisting of polypropylene
serving dish, as illustrated in FIG. 3, or the plastic serving 60 (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), low density polyethylene
dish as illustrated in FIG. 4. A preferred plastic material for (LDPE), polystyrene (PS), polyarylsulfone (PESU), polycar
the lid is a copolyester, and particularly preferred is TritanTM bonate (PC), polymethylpentene (PMP), polytetrafluoroeth
copolyester (Eastman Chemical Company, Kingsport, ylene (PTFE), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), styrene
Tenn.). acryonitrile (SAN) and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
The invention may also include a lid cover, 30, shaped to 65 (ABS).
substantially conform to the outer dimensions of lid 25 to be 7. The assembly according to claim 6 wherein the thermo
superposable thereon. Lidcover 30 is preferably composed of plastic is polypropylene.
US 9,322.588 B2
7 8
8. The assembly according to claim 1 additionally com 20. The assembly according to claim 19 wherein the hollow
prising a demountable lid composed of plastic. chamber of the receptacle contains a laminate composed of
9. The assembly according to claim 8 wherein the one or more layers of reflective material and one or more
demountable plastic lid is hingably coupled to the receptacle. layers of open or closed cell foam.
10. The assembly according to claim 8 wherein the 21. The assembly according to claim 20 wherein the lami
demountable plastic lid is hingably coupled to the food serv nate is composed of an additional one or more layers of a high
ing dish. performance insulator.
11. The assembly according to claim 8 wherein the plastic 22. The assembly according to claim 21 wherein the lami
is a copolyester. nate comprises one layer and the foam is disposed between
12. The assembly according to claim 11 wherein the 10
the high performance insulator and the reflective material.
copolyester is Tritan(R) copolyester. 23. The assembly according to claim 20 wherein the reflec
13. The assembly according to claim 8 additionally com tive material is composed of aluminum foil affixed polyeth
prising a removable lid cover composed of a foam material ylene foam (PE).
and shaped so as to Substantially conform to the outer dimen
sions of the lid so as to be superposable thereon. 15 24. The assembly according to claim 21 wherein the high
14. The assembly according to claim 13 wherein the foam performance insulator is aerogel.
material is composed of ethylene vinyl acetate. 25. The assembly according to claim 20 wherein the open
15. The assembly according to claim 1 wherein the food or closed cell foam is polyethylene (PE) foam.
serving dish is composed of glass or plastic. 26. The assembly according to claim 19 wherein the inte
16. The assembly according to claim 15 wherein the glass rior and exterior shells of the receptacle are inductively
is selected from a borosilicate glass and a tempered soda lime welded together.
glass. 27. The assembly according to claim 19 wherein the
17. The assembly according to claim 15 wherein the plastic demountable plastic lid is hingably coupled to the receptacle.
is acrylonitrile. 28. The assembly according to claim 19 wherein the
18. The assembly according to claim 17 additionally com 25 demountable plastic lid is hingably coupled to the food serv
prising one or more removable ice packs disposed between ing dish.
the interior of the receptacle and the exterior of the food 29. The assembly according to claim 19 wherein the
serving dish. demountable plastic lid plastic is a copolyester.
19. A food serving assembly comprising (1) a receptacle 30. The assembly according to claim 29 wherein the
having a general shape of a serving dish with a flatbottom and 30
copolyester is Tritan(R) copolyester.
upwardly extending side walls terminating in a rim and a 31. The assembly according to claim 19 wherein the
separate, removable food serving dish disposed within the removable lid cover foam material is ethylene vinyl acetate.
receptacle, the receptacle being composed of an exterior ther 32. The assembly according to claim 19 wherein the food
moplastic shell and an interior thermoplastic shell Superpos serving dish is composed of glass or plastic.
able on the exterior thermoplastic shell, the thermoplastic 35
33. The assembly according to claim 32 wherein the glass
being selected from the group consisting of polypropylene
(PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), low density polyethylene is selected from a borosilicate glass and a tempered soda lime
(LDPE), polystyrene (PS), polyarylsulfone (PESU), polycar glass.
bonate (PC), polymethylpentene (PMP), polytetrafluoroeth 34. The assembly according to claim32 wherein the plastic
ylene (PTFE), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), styrene 40 is acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS).
acryonitrile (SAN) and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene 35. The assembly according to claim 34 additionally com
(ABS), the exterior and interior shells being formed and posi prising one or more removable ice packs disposed between
tioned to be sealed to each other at the rim to form a hollow the interior of the receptacle and the exterior of the food
chamber there between, (2) a demountable lid composed of serving dish.
plastic and (3) a removable lid cover composed of a foam 45 36. The assembly according to claim 19 wherein the ther
material and shaped so as to Substantially conform to the outer moplastic is polypropylene.
dimensions of the lid so as to be superposable thereon. k k k k k

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