Flight Test Report Calidus

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Flight Test Report Flight date:

Pilot name: Location: EDVM

Gyro Type: Calidus Serial No.

Rotor: 8,4m 8,4m TOPP 8,8m 8,6m TOPP

Prop: HTC IVO Woodcomp

Background/test reason: Complete standard production compliance/permit renewal check as per schedule below.
Key test data
Standard Pilot weight 90kg Add weight to reach MTOW 450kg 500kg 560kg

Aircraft loading for test Empty weight (Kg) kg

P1 mass kg P1 ballast (nose) kg

P2 mass kg P2 ballast kg

Fuel Ltrs kg Other ballast (nose) kg

OAT °C Operating hours h

Runway used: Engine hrs

since new: h

QNH at airfield Airframe hours

since new: h

Wind speed: < 20 kts ok Crosswind <10Kts ok Abort

No. Test Task Result

1 Preparation Check 2nd Fuel pump audible check ok nok

Canopy locks properly - warn

ok nok
lamp extinguishes (optional)

2 Engine run & Run engine to normal operating above /

Oil pressure check: green
ground checks temperatures. below
Check operation of engine/fuel above /
Fuel pressure check: green
controls below
Idle speed range:
below1600rpm 1600 - 1700rpm above
not below 1600 rpm 1700rpm

Record mag drops @ 4000rpm Mag1 off <300rpm >300rpm

(Limits: 300 per coil) Mag2 off <300rpm >300rpm

(115 maximum difference) difference between <115rpm >115rpm

Oil temp check: above 50°C
Water Temp check: above 50°C
Confirm brakes hold at
Brakes hold? ok nok

Check propeller pitch adjustment -

significant rpm
position full fine - full coarse at ok nok
Check flying & trimming controls
for free and correct movement,
Steering Check: ok nok
excess backlash and sense of
3 Ground handling Check for manoeuvring ability, Manoeuvring ok nok
i.e., turning radii, directional
stability under braking.
Turning radius ok nok

Directional stability
ok nok
under braking

1 Vorlage04-002bRev4a FTR Calidus

4 Pre rotation Check functioning of rotor pre-
Tgt 300rpm 300rpm <300rpm
operation rotator mechanism.
ok nok

Check clutch LED lights when light on between 2000-

clutch slips 5000 rpm clutch ok nok
flashing light >
5000rpm clutch ok nok

5 Take off The take off is to be made at full

power, using standard technique
< 5500 rpm 5500 rpm > 5500 rpm
as per flight manual. Ensure that
engine does not overspeed
set Altimeter to standard Atmosphere
6 climb Record the time taken to climb
from Fl 10 to Fl 20 and establish OAT
the climb rate. Time to climb 1000': sec
Use full power, if fitted with a pitch QNH
adjustable prop, full fine.

450kg >4,0 m/s <4,0m/s

912 ULS
500kg >3,0 m/s <3,0m/s

450kg >4,5 m/s <4,5m/s

500kg >3,5 m/s <3,5m/s
Confirm the engine does not
overspeed, and that the manifold
pressure remains with limits ok nok
(where a gauge is fitted)

above /
Oil pressure check: green
Instruments readings at the end of above /
Oil temp check: green
climb below
CT Water Temp above /
check: below
pedals parallel in straight flight,
tolerance +- 2cm ok nok
into wind:
Stick central
tolerance +- 1cm ok nok
cruise speed - level flight

2 Vorlage04-002bRev4a FTR Calidus

7 In Flight The aircraft should possess an roll yes no
manoeuvring adequate range of control function
to enable full control about its pitch yes no
three axes at all flight speeds.
yaw yes no

Check for tendency to enter pilot

55Kts yes no
induced oscillation at 55Kts and
70Kts, stick free.
70Kts yes no

Control forces during all

manoeuvres should be normal for
a gyroplane. Monitor control
responses and rotor/airframe control forces ok nok
vibration levels throughout all the
following manoeuvres.
Cruise: set the aircraft in cruise at
Trim Trim
55Kts . Assess ability to trim the
Trim pressure pressure < pressure >
aircraft for straight & level flight,
6 bar 6 bar
hands off.
Assess high speed flight to 90%
Vne at Fl 10 (do not overspeed
possible to reach Vne ok nok
the engine, adjust propeller pitch
as required - where fitted).
90% Vne Vibrations ok nok
assess turns left and right, and
nose up recovery to cruise Yaw Control ok nok
Nose up recovery ok nok

Record the minimum aircraft

speed at maximum engine-power
in level flight (Vmin) at FL10.
Throttle to max power - not Vmin
exceed 5800rpm.
Pitch adjustable prop - set to full
Reduce airspeed to minimum
indicated, at full power. Perform
left and right turns and recover
0 Vne left / right turns ok nok
aircraft to normal power on cruise
attitude. Check effective recovery
and controllability.
Dynamic stability: Trim the aircraft
for level flight at 92Kts. Initiate a
pitch disturbance downwards, Phugoid test and trim
ok nok
stick free. There must be no acceptability:
undamped or divergent phugoid
Steep turns in each direction flying
at a constant bank-angle of 45°
Steep turns ok nok
and at a constant turn-rate.

Vertical descent at min power and

minimum indicated airspeed using
Vertical descent with
standard entry and recovery ok nok
techniques; (entry at Fl 15).
Check yaw control left and right
Recovery to stable powered climb
following an aborted glide
approach (60kts, throttle closed
for touchdown). During glide ok nok
perform left and right turns, and
comment on controllability.

3 Vorlage04-002bRev4a FTR Calidus

8 Functional checks Control: during flight check that all Control Forces ok nok
controls including trim systems
operate without excessive friction
or force, and their operation does Confirm throttle lever
not provide a distraction to the ok nok
does not move itself

Instruments: Inspect all Compass

if calibrated +-
ok nok
instruments and warning lights for 2°
correct indications with particular
emphasis on the flight instruments ASI ok nok

Altimeter ok nok

Rotor Tachometer ok nok

Slip Indicator ok nok

Fuel Gauge ok nok

Manifold pressure ok nok

VSI ok nok

Fuel Pressure Gauge ok nok

9 Radio Check the radio transmit / receive Radio OK

function to EDVE at Fl 20 strength 1 2 3 4 5
Confirm absence of radio noise at
a squelch setting of 3.
set Altimeter to QNH
10 Landing Using standard flight manual
technique for landing, monitor any
unusual handling or functioning
Rotorbrake check ok nok
characteristics of the machine
including the rotor and rotor
Check the function of the
Overdrive System to park the Overdrive System ok nok
rotors in line with the aircraft

11 Low weight Low weight assessment - perform

a climb test to Fl 10 with only Pilot Low weight
and 10-20ltr fuel (ideal pilot weight assessment ok nok

12 Vibrations General comment on unusual or

unacceptable vibration in any
Vibrations ok nok
flight phase, at light and MTOW

Flight test conclusion; this aircraft does/does not conform to the

Does not
flight characteristics required to be released to service. Conforms

Pilot signature:

Crossflight conclusion; this aircraft does/does not conform to Does not
the flight characteristics required to be released to service. conform

Pilot signature:
4 Vorlage04-002bRev4a FTR Calidus

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