Mechanism of Arc Fusion Reactor
Mechanism of Arc Fusion Reactor
Mechanism of Arc Fusion Reactor
1 10,132
1 author:
Manu Mitra
University of Bridgeport
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Abstract: Arc reactor is the design for a compact fusion 1 Arc reactor hypothesis
reactor. In this paper, the mechanism of an arc reactor
is discussed which is a multi-isotope radio-decay cell 1.1 Arc reactor working principle
that can be created using low energy nuclear reactor
When an isotope is fired with several high energy
technology which is a low-radiation fusion reactor. Here,
lasers at it, isotope reacts on the nuclear level and
palladium isotope is used as a core, and it generates a
starts shedding electrons and neutrons, discharging a
significant amount of power.
considerable amount of electromagnetic energy in this
It also introduces a new portable method to generate
process. Part of that energy can be used to power the
power without generating too much heat and heavy
laser. It can work at one atmosphere and depending
on how the devices are run; it can produce low levels
Keywords: arc reactor, isotopes, nuclear, nuclear of heat. Arc reactor that glows so brightly is the lasers
physics, nuclear power generation, nuclear and plasma increasing intensity to excite the isotope so that the
sciences, nuclear reactor, palladium, tokamak reactor generates more power[2,3].
Publication date: November 2018 1.2 Tokamak reactor
Publication online: 30th November 2018
In Figure 1, arc reactor can be compared to a tokamak
Corresponding author: Manu Mitra,
reactor. A tokamak reactor uses a magnetic field to
[email protected]
confine the plasma in the shape of a torus. Attaining
0 Introduction stable plasma equilibrium requires magnetic field lines
that move around the torus in a helical shape.
In nuclear fusion light atoms combine to form heavier Tokamak reactor is a doughnut designed chamber
elements; in this process, a small fraction of mass used in fusion research in which plasma is heated
is converted into a large amount of energy. Fusion and confined by magnetic fields. The basic shape of
reactions are called thermonuclear reactions because tokamak actually resembles the arc reactor, and the
high temperatures are required to overcome the inner toroid is plasma[9].
coulombic repulsion between the nuclei being fused. To produce plasma (doughnut-shaped) in the tokamak
Fusion reaction transpire when the fuel (two types, or reactor, it employs the strongest currents to produce
isotopes, of hydrogen known as deuterium and tritium) the largest magnetic fields through its toroidal coils
syndicates to form a super-hot plasma which produces looped perpendicularly around the doughnut ring.
alongside helium, neutrons which have a huge amount A current is initiated in the plasma, from high currents
of kinetic energy. in the poloidal (or horizontal) coils in the middle of
Cold fusion is a kind of new form of nuclear reaction the doughnut shape producing its own magnetic field.
that would transpire at, or near, room temperature, The combined effect creates a helical magnetic field.
compared with temperatures in the millions of degrees To activate the current in the plasma fields, a changing
that are required for “hot” fusion. Theoretically, arc current is required in the poloidal coils, therefore,
reactor does not emit any kind of ionizing radiation producing a more pulsed plasma response. This means
(other than easily stopped alpha and beta)[1]. that the tokamak needs the power to create the fusion