Mechanism of Arc Fusion Reactor

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Mechanism of an Arc Fusion Reactor

Article  in  Journal of Electronic Research and Application · November 2018

DOI: 10.26689/jera.v2i6.612


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1 author:

Manu Mitra
University of Bridgeport


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Journal of Electronic Research and Application
Research Article

Mechanism of an Arc Fusion Reactor

Manu Mitra
Department of Electrical Engineering, Alumnus of University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT, United States

Abstract: Arc reactor is the design for a compact fusion 1 Arc reactor hypothesis
reactor. In this paper, the mechanism of an arc reactor
is discussed which is a multi-isotope radio-decay cell 1.1 Arc reactor working principle
that can be created using low energy nuclear reactor
When an isotope is fired with several high energy
technology which is a low-radiation fusion reactor. Here,
lasers at it, isotope reacts on the nuclear level and
palladium isotope is used as a core, and it generates a
starts shedding electrons and neutrons, discharging a
significant amount of power.
considerable amount of electromagnetic energy in this
It also introduces a new portable method to generate
process. Part of that energy can be used to power the
power without generating too much heat and heavy
laser. It can work at one atmosphere and depending
on how the devices are run; it can produce low levels
Keywords: arc reactor, isotopes, nuclear, nuclear of heat. Arc reactor that glows so brightly is the lasers
physics, nuclear power generation, nuclear and plasma increasing intensity to excite the isotope so that the
sciences, nuclear reactor, palladium, tokamak reactor generates more power[2,3].
Publication date: November 2018 1.2 Tokamak reactor
Publication online: 30th November 2018
In Figure 1, arc reactor can be compared to a tokamak
Corresponding author: Manu Mitra,
reactor. A tokamak reactor uses a magnetic field to
[email protected]
confine the plasma in the shape of a torus. Attaining
0 Introduction stable plasma equilibrium requires magnetic field lines
that move around the torus in a helical shape.
In nuclear fusion light atoms combine to form heavier Tokamak reactor is a doughnut designed chamber
elements; in this process, a small fraction of mass used in fusion research in which plasma is heated
is converted into a large amount of energy. Fusion and confined by magnetic fields. The basic shape of
reactions are called thermonuclear reactions because tokamak actually resembles the arc reactor, and the
high temperatures are required to overcome the inner toroid is plasma[9].
coulombic repulsion between the nuclei being fused. To produce plasma (doughnut-shaped) in the tokamak
Fusion reaction transpire when the fuel (two types, or reactor, it employs the strongest currents to produce
isotopes, of hydrogen known as deuterium and tritium) the largest magnetic fields through its toroidal coils
syndicates to form a super-hot plasma which produces looped perpendicularly around the doughnut ring.
alongside helium, neutrons which have a huge amount A current is initiated in the plasma, from high currents
of kinetic energy. in the poloidal (or horizontal) coils in the middle of
Cold fusion is a kind of new form of nuclear reaction the doughnut shape producing its own magnetic field.
that would transpire at, or near, room temperature, The combined effect creates a helical magnetic field.
compared with temperatures in the millions of degrees To activate the current in the plasma fields, a changing
that are required for “hot” fusion. Theoretically, arc current is required in the poloidal coils, therefore,
reactor does not emit any kind of ionizing radiation producing a more pulsed plasma response. This means
(other than easily stopped alpha and beta)[1]. that the tokamak needs the power to create the fusion

10 Distributed under creative commons license 4.0 Volume 2; Issue 6

reaction. This is where tokamak differs from the arc of Pd-103 thereby producing an electric circuit between
reactor[4]. two different radioactive isotopes. Palladium isotope,
i.e., Pd-103 is pretty radioactive which has almost
1.3 Arc reactor hypothetical development and 17 day half-life when compared to palladium isotope
Pd-107 which is almost 6½ million years half-life. Due
In the arc reactor’s torus (donut), charged particles to the difference in the decay properties, there need to
move in a circle, contained by a magnetic field. Charged be heavier isotope to re-compensate the difference.
particles usually have high energy because they are The core of the device which is palladium would be
moving very fast and magnetic fields curve the motion isotope Pd-107 which generates high-energy electrons
of charged particles. Curving the particle’s motion into as it decays into Argentum (Silver). Since Pd-107 is
a circle keeps them in one place long enough to collide. a stable isotope, we can expect to be existent in the
In fusion reactor, designs have a lot of magnetic coils normal (non-separated) palladium.
on the outside of the torus whereas arc reactor has a We know that the device uses charged particles moving
viewing window. Plasma containment is the single within the circle of electromagnets, to achieve that, a
biggest challenge for the hot fusion, but the arc reactor small amount of Pd-103 gets ionized by an electric arc
makes little easier. From this, we can conclude that a (thus the name called arc reactor and start-up power
key technology in full-scale arc reactor is a method to requirement) which then Pd-103+ to be dispersed
contain the reaction in a self-sustaining ring. This line at high velocity within the outer core of the device.
of reasoning is backed up by the toroidal field lines. The ionization phenomenon acts to slow down the
There is also one outstanding feature of an arc reactor electron capture procedure until atom comes across a
that it does not have many cooling methods or turbines free electron and high kinetic energy; since velocity
that a conventional thermal reactor has that explain arc intensifies the odds of electron capture occurring once
reactor generates electricity instead of generating heat the electron is encountered. As a result of the radioactive
first. This statement shows that megawatt-scale reactor decay of Pd-103 can be started, stopped and controlled
inside the Iron Man Suit does not burn person inside by the device simply by controlling the ionization and
the suit. Hence, it cannot be a hot fusion reactor or circulation of the palladium isotope Pd-103.
conventional-fission reactor[5,10]. The device’s structure and electromagnetic fields direct
the high-energy electrons from Pd-107 core toward the
1.4 Palladium isotopes
outer circle. There the electrons are seized by high-
Palladium is one of the elements that can be used for energy Pd-103 ions. The electron capture method
cold fusion because hot plasmas and containment toroid discharges gamma rays which are refracted inward to
are completely eliminated. Nevertheless, palladium has catalyze the beta decay of Pd-107. There is one good
some significant capture and decay properties. reason to support the statement for the gamma-ray
One of the palladium isotopes Pd-103 which yields emission because suit’s chest portion unibeam weapon
Rh-103 (rhodium) through electron capture process; of an Iron Man Suit is obviously a discharge of a large
this shows that an inner electron that is involved in the number of high-energy photons directly from the device
nucleus assimilation with a proton to generate a neutron (arc reactor). Usually, the gamma rays are focused
and an energetic photon which is a gamma ray. inward to catalyze device’s operation, but they can be
Another isotope of the palladium Pd-107 which yields focused in a unidirectional energy beam.
Ag-107 (silver) through beta decay process, discharging To review: Electrons move outward from the inner
an electron when a neutron changes into a proton. (This core and gamma rays move inward from the outer
process is completely opposite as from the previous core. Subsequently, the electron/photon drift increases
one). In real physics electrons equilibriums, the shortage of electrons (comparative to protons) in the
resulting nuclei-silver and rhodium that have dissimilar device core, huge electrostatic potential is developed,
numbers of protons from palladium and electrons that and the palladium core draws lower-energy electrons
are produced and or consumed balance out the proton from the internal suit’s wiring. The expulsion of
amount, so there is no flow of current. electrons from the palladium core toward the frame of
In this specific case, we could use beta decay of Pd- the device generates an electrical cell that is capable of
107 ions as an electron origin for the electron seizure creating huge voltage and current[6,7].

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Figure 1. Working principle of tokamak reactor[9]

Figure 4. The graph of decay of palladium isotope (Pd 107)

producing Ag 107 (Silver) through the decay process[14]

Figure 2. Depicts possible construction and working principle of an

arc reactor[15]

Figure 5. This graph (Excess Power versus Maximum Loading) shows

that heat appears at loading above 0.94 and it never appears below 0.90[12]

Figure 3. The graph of decay of palladium isotope (Pd 103)

producing Rh 103 (rhodium) through electron capture[13]
Figure 6. This graph (Excess Power versus Current Density) shows
that when current density is raised, the heat responds proportionally[12]
1.5 Arc reactor startup process
Utilizing outward power Pd-103 is ionized by an When Pd-107 decays to Ag-107, the inner core starts
electric arc and accelerated to high velocity in the to produce high-energy electrons, the electrons seep
outer ring. There can also be some externally-powered the core and are focused by the magnetic fields into
gamma-ray production to jump-start the inner core. the outer core. Deficiency of electrons generates a

12 Distributed under creative commons license 4.0 Volume 2; Issue 6

net positive charge in the core which reduces further In Figure 5, depicts heat produced in the process of the
emission (avoiding run-away decay) until the electrons generating power for palladium; white bock represents
can be outwardly refilled. no heat or less heat compared to fusion reactor.
In the outer core, high-energy free electrons run In Figure 6 shows Excess Power versus current Density
into with high-energy Pd-103+ ions. This roots when current density is raised, heat is also increased
instantaneous electron capture and gamma-ray proportionally; it is very low comparatively with
generation. The gamma rays are refracted inward near traditional fusion reactor.
the core, therefore, catalyzing further electron emission
and generating a self-sustaining reaction. Note that the 1.7 Arc reactor toxicity
reaction is very slow when the reactor is idle but also Arc reactor toxicity can be caused by the ionization of
self-sustaining. the arc.
The potential difference is generated by the flow of Another aspect of the original model palladium arc
electrons from the inner core to the outer core. Current reactor called “Palladium toxicity.” Its very possible
is created when electrical loads are applied when the that palladium is simply can be ejected from the device
outer core has an excess of electrons and inner core has into the skin, by all the high-energy collisions going on.
a shortage of electrons. Rhodium composites can also cause stain skin and are
The electrical current through an external load releases greatly toxic. As a matter of fact, because most people
electrostatic charge accumulations that originally have essentially zero exposure to rhodium, the toxicity
slowed the reactions. Hence, less power load draws, the of rhodium is very poorly understood[11,12].
slower the device produces radioactive decay and more
the power the load draws, the faster the reactions are 2 Conclusion
catalyzed. In this, one of the method, output power can
be regulated accordingly. Based on the hypothesis and illustrations explained, arc
Palladium gradually converts to Rh-103 and Ag-107, reactor can be built using palladium isotopes or next
and the reactor runs out of power when palladium is generation thorium isotopes.
completely used. It is also a portable method to generate power such as
There are other elements that can also be used such as power required for cooling/heating, displays, and other
next-generation arc reactor that can replace the palladium devices that require power.
isotope with a “new element” hypothetical Thorium
isotopes that can also undergo gamma-ray-mediated beta 3 Acknowledgment
decay but less toxic and more output style[8].
The author would like to thank Prof. Navarun Gupta,
There are other statements of evidence that also
Prof. Hassan Bajwa, Prof. Linfeng Zhang, and Prof.
supports this type of nuclear decay/electron flux
Hmurcik for their academic support and also thank
reaction can be a mechanism for an arc reactor.
anonymous reviewers for their comments.
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