ESC Guidelines Cardiomyopathies

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European Heart Journal (2023) 00, 1–124 ESC GUIDELINES

2023 ESC Guidelines for the management

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of cardiomyopathies
Developed by the task force on the management of
cardiomyopathies of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
Authors/Task Force Members: Elena Arbelo *†, (Chairperson) (Spain),
Alexandros Protonotarios ‡, (Task Force Co-ordinator) (United Kingdom),
Juan R. Gimeno ‡, (Task Force Co-ordinator) (Spain), Eloisa Arbustini (Italy),
Roberto Barriales-Villa (Spain), Cristina Basso (Italy), Connie R. Bezzina
(Netherlands), Elena Biagini (Italy), Nico A. Blom (Netherlands),
Rudolf A. de Boer (Netherlands), Tim De Winter (Belgium), Perry M. Elliott
(United Kingdom), Marcus Flather (United Kingdom), Pablo Garcia-Pavia
(Spain), Kristina H. Haugaa (Sweden), Jodie Ingles (Australia),
Ruxandra Oana Jurcut (Romania), Sabine Klaassen (Germany),
Giuseppe Limongelli (Italy), Bart Loeys (Belgium), Jens Mogensen
(Denmark), Iacopo Olivotto (Italy), Antonis Pantazis (United Kingdom),
Sanjay Sharma (United Kingdom), J. Peter Van Tintelen (Netherlands),

James S. Ware (United Kingdom), Juan Pablo Kaski * , (Chairperson)
(United Kingdom), and ESC Scientific Document Group

* Corresponding authors: Elena Arbelo, Arrhythmia Section, Cardiology Department, Hospital Clínic, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, IDIBAPS, Institut d’Investigació August Pi i
Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Barcelona, Spain, Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CIBERCV), Madrid, Spain, and European Reference Network for Rare, Low
Prevalence and Complex Diseases of the Heart, ERN GUARD-Heart, Barcelona, Spain. Tel: +34 93 22 75 55 11, E-mail: [email protected]; and Juan Pablo Kaski, Centre for
Paediatric Inherited and Rare Cardiovascular Disease, University College London, Institute of Cardiovascular Science, London, United Kingdom and Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular
Diseases, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 78 29 88 39, E-mail: [email protected]

The two Chairpersons contributed equally to the document and are joint corresponding authors.

The two Task Force Co-ordinators contributed equally to the document.
Author/Task Force Member affiliations are listed in author information.
Representing the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC)
Representing the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG)
ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) Committee: listed in the Appendix.
ESC subspecialty communities having participated in the development of this document:
Associations: Association of Cardiovascular Nursing & Allied Professions (ACNAP), European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI), European Association of Preventive
Cardiology (EAPC), European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), Heart Failure Association (HFA).
Councils: Council on Cardiovascular Genomics.
Working Groups: Development Anatomy and Pathology, Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases.
Patient Forum
The content of these European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guidelines has been published for personal and educational use only. No commercial use is authorized. No part of the ESC
Guidelines may be translated or reproduced in any form without written permission from the ESC. Permission can be obtained upon submission of a written request to Oxford
University Press, the publisher of the European Heart Journal, and the party authorized to handle such permissions on behalf of the ESC ([email protected]).
Disclaimer. The ESC Guidelines represent the views of the ESC and were produced after careful consideration of the scientific and medical knowledge and the evidence available at the time
of their publication. The ESC is not responsible in the event of any contradiction, discrepancy, and/or ambiguity between the ESC Guidelines and any other official recommendations or
guidelines issued by the relevant public health authorities, in particular in relation to good use of healthcare or therapeutic strategies. Health professionals are encouraged to take the
ESC Guidelines fully into account when exercising their clinical judgment, as well as in the determination and the implementation of preventive, diagnostic or therapeutic medical strategies;
however, the ESC Guidelines do not override, in any way whatsoever, the individual responsibility of health professionals to make appropriate and accurate decisions in consideration of each
patient’s health condition and in consultation with that patient and, where appropriate and/or necessary, the patient’s caregiver. Nor do the ESC Guidelines exempt health professionals from
taking into full and careful consideration the relevant official updated recommendations or guidelines issued by the competent public health authorities, in order to manage each patient’s case
in light of the scientifically accepted data pursuant to their respective ethical and professional obligations. It is also the health professional’s responsibility to verify the applicable rules and
regulations relating to drugs and medical devices at the time of prescription.
© The European Society of Cardiology 2023. All rights reserved. For permissions please email: [email protected].
2 ESC Guidelines

Document Reviewers: Philippe Charron, (CPG Review Co-ordinator) (France), Massimo Imazio, (CPG Review
Co-ordinator) (Italy), Magdy Abdelhamid (Egypt), Victor Aboyans (France), Michael Arad (Israel), Folkert
W. Asselbergs (Netherlands), Riccardo Asteggiano (Italy), Zofia Bilinska (Poland), Damien Bonnet (France),
Henning Bundgaard (Denmark), Nuno Miguel Cardim (Portugal), Jelena Čelutkienė (Lithuania), Maja Cikes
(Croatia), Gaetano Maria De Ferrari (Italy), Veronica Dusi (Italy), Volkmar Falk (Germany), Laurent Fauchier
(France), Estelle Gandjbakhch (France), Tiina Heliö (Finland), Konstantinos Koskinas (Switzerland), Dipak Kotecha
(United Kingdom), Ulf Landmesser (Germany), George Lazaros (Greece), Basil S. Lewis (Israel), Ales Linhart

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(Czechia), Maja-Lisa Løchen (Norway), Benjamin Meder (Germany), Richard Mindham (United Kingdom),
James Moon (United Kingdom), Jens Cosedis Nielsen (Denmark), Steffen Petersen (United Kingdom), Eva Prescott
(Denmark), Mary N. Sheppard (United Kingdom), Gianfranco Sinagra (Italy), Marta Sitges (Spain),
Jacob Tfelt-Hansen (Denmark), Rhian Touyz (Canada), Rogier Veltrop (Netherlands), Josef Veselka (Czechia),
Karim Wahbi (France), Arthur Wilde (Netherlands), and Katja Zeppenfeld (Netherlands)

All experts involved in the development of these guidelines have submitted declarations of interest. These have
been compiled in a report and simultaneously published in a supplementary document to the guidelines. The
report is also available on the ESC website

See the European Heart Journal online for supplementary documents that include background information and
evidence tables.

Keywords Guidelines • Arrhythmia • Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy • Cardiomyopathies • Diagnosis •

Dilated cardiomyopathy • Genetics • Genetic counselling • Genetic testing • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy •
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator • Management • Multimodality imaging • Non-dilated left ventricular
cardiomyopathy • Pregnancy • Restrictive cardiomyopathy • Risk stratification • Screening • Sports •
Sudden cardiac death

6. The patient pathway ............................................................................................ 17

Table of contents 6.1. Clinical presentation ................................................................................... 18
1. Preamble ...................................................................................................................... 7 6.2. Initial work-up ................................................................................................ 18
2. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 9 6.3. Systematic approach to diagnosis of cardiomyopathy ................. 18
3. Phenotypic approach to cardiomyopathies .................................................. 9 6.4. History and physical examination ......................................................... 18
3.1. Definitions ....................................................................................................... 12 6.5. Resting and ambulatory electrocardiography .................................. 19
3.2. Cardiomyopathy phenotypes .................................................................. 12 6.6. Laboratory tests ............................................................................................ 22
3.2.1. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ...................................................... 12 6.7. Multimodality imaging ................................................................................. 22
3.2.2. Dilated cardiomyopathy ................................................................... 12 6.7.1. General considerations ..................................................................... 22
3.2.3. Non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy .......................... 12 6.7.2. Echocardiography ................................................................................ 22
3.2.4. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy .............. 14 6.7.3. Cardiac magnetic resonance ........................................................... 23
3.2.5. Restrictive cardiomyopathy ............................................................. 15 Special considerations ............................................................... 23
3.3. Other traits and syndromes associated with cardiomyopathy 6.7.4. Computed tomography and nuclear medicine techniques 26
phenotypes .............................................................................................................. 15 6.7.5. Endomyocardial biopsy ..................................................................... 26
3.3.1. Left ventricular hypertrabeculation (left ventricular non- 6.8. Genetic testing and counselling .............................................................. 27
compaction) ....................................................................................................... 15 6.8.1. Genetic architecture .......................................................................... 27
3.3.2. Takotsubo syndrome ......................................................................... 15 6.8.2. Genetic testing ...................................................................................... 27
4. Epidemiology ........................................................................................................... 15 Non-Mendelian cardiomyopathies and implications
4.1. Special populations ...................................................................................... 16 for genetic testing ....................................................................................... 32
5. Integrated patient management ...................................................................... 16 Genetic test reports and variant interpretation ............ 32
5.1. Multidisciplinary cardiomyopathy teams ............................................ 16 6.8.3. Genetic counselling ............................................................................. 32
5.2. Co-ordination between different levels of care .............................. 16 Genetic counselling in children ............................................. 32
ESC Guidelines 3 Pre- and post-test genetic counselling (proband) ......... 33 7.2. Dilated cardiomyopathy ............................................................................ 60 Genetic counselling for cascade testing ............................. 33 7.2.1. Diagnosis ................................................................................................. 60 Pre-natal or pre-implantation genetic diagnosis ............ 34 Index case ....................................................................................... 60
6.9. Diagnostic approach to paediatric patients ...................................... 35 Relatives .......................................................................................... 60
6.9.1. Infantile and early childhood-onset cardiomyopathy ........... 36 Diagnostic work-up .................................................................... 60
6.10. General principles in the management of patients with Echocardiography ........................................................................ 60
cardiomyopathy ..................................................................................................... 37 Cardiac magnetic resonance .................................................. 61

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6.10.1. Assessment of symptoms .............................................................. 37 Nuclear medicine ........................................................................ 61
6.10.2. Heart failure management ............................................................. 37 7.2.2. Genetic testing and family screening ........................................... 61 Preventive heart failure medical therapy of Genetic testing ............................................................................. 61
asymptomatic carriers/early disease expression ............................ 38 7.2.3. Assessment of symptoms ................................................................ 62 Cardiac transplantation .......................................................... 38 7.2.4. Management ........................................................................................... 62 Left ventricular assist devices .............................................. 38 7.2.5. Sudden cardiac death prevention in dilated
6.10.3. Management of atrial arrhythmias ............................................. 39 cardiomyopathy ................................................................................................ 62 Anticoagulation .......................................................................... 39 Secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death ............ 62 Rate control ................................................................................ 39 Primary prevention of sudden cardiac death .................. 62 Rhythm control ......................................................................... 41 7.3. Non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy ................................... 64 Comorbidities and risk factor management ................. 41 7.3.1. Diagnosis ................................................................................................. 64
6.10.4. Management of ventricular arrhythmias ................................. 42 Index case ....................................................................................... 64
6.10.5. Device therapy: implantable cardioverter defibrillator ..... 42 Relatives .......................................................................................... 64
6.10.6. Routine follow-up of patients with cardiomyopathy ........ 44 Diagnostic work-up .................................................................... 64
6.11. Family screening and follow-up evaluation of relatives ............. 44 Electrocardiographic features ................................................ 65
6.11.1. Special considerations in family screening .............................. 45 Echocardiography ........................................................................ 65
6.12. Psychological support in cardiomyopathy patients and family Cardiac magnetic resonance .................................................. 65
members ................................................................................................................... 46 Nuclear medicine ........................................................................ 65
6.13. The patient pathway ................................................................................ 47 Endomyocardial biopsy ............................................................. 65
7. Specific cardiomyopathy phenotypes ........................................................... 47 7.3.2. Genetic testing ...................................................................................... 65
7.1. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ............................................................... 47 7.3.3. Assessment of symptoms ................................................................ 65
7.1.1. Diagnosis ................................................................................................. 47 7.3.4. Management ........................................................................................... 65 Diagnostic criteria ....................................................................... 47 7.3.5. Sudden cardiac death prevention in non-dilated left Diagnostic work-up .................................................................... 47 ventricular cardiomyopathy ......................................................................... 66 Echocardiography ........................................................................ 47 Secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death ............ 66 Cardiac magnetic resonance .................................................. 48 Primary prevention of sudden cardiac death .................. 66 Nuclear imaging ........................................................................... 49 7.4. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy ....................... 67
7.1.2. Genetic testing and family screening ........................................... 49 7.4.1. Diagnosis ................................................................................................. 67
7.1.3. Assessment of symptoms ................................................................ 50 Index case ....................................................................................... 67
7.1.4. Management of symptoms and complications ........................ 50 Relatives .......................................................................................... 67 Management of left ventricular outflow tract Diagnostic work-up .................................................................... 67
obstruction .................................................................................................... 51 Electrocardiography and Holter monitoring ................... 67 General measures ............................................................... 51 Echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance .... 67 Drug therapy ........................................................................ 51 Endomyocardial biopsy ............................................................. 67 Invasive treatment of left ventricular outflow Nuclear medicine ........................................................................ 67
tract (septal reduction therapy) ...................................................... 53 Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy Management of symptoms in patients without left phenocopies .................................................................................................. 68
ventricular outflow tract obstruction ................................................ 55 7.4.2. Genetic testing and family screening ........................................... 68 Heart failure and chest pain ........................................... 55 7.4.3. Assessment of symptoms ................................................................ 68 Cardiac resynchronization therapy ............................. 55 7.4.4. Management ........................................................................................... 68
7.1.5. Sudden cardiac death prevention in hypertrophic Antiarrhythmic therapy ............................................................ 68
cardiomyopathy ................................................................................................ 56 7.4.5. Sudden cardiac death prevention in arrhythmogenic right Left ventricular apical aneurysms ......................................... 57 ventricular cardiomyopathy ......................................................................... 68 Left ventricular systolic dysfunction .................................... 57 Secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death ............ 69 Late gadolinium enhancement on cardiac magnetic Primary prevention of sudden cardiac death .................. 69
resonance imaging ...................................................................................... 57 7.5. Restrictive cardiomyopathy ..................................................................... 70 Abnormal exercise blood pressure response ................. 57 7.5.1. Diagnosis ................................................................................................. 70 Sarcomeric variants .................................................................... 58 7.5.2. Genetic testing ...................................................................................... 70 Prevention of sudden cardiac death ................................... 58 7.5.3. Assessment of symptoms ................................................................ 71
4 ESC Guidelines

7.5.4. Management ........................................................................................... 71 12.1. Cardiovascular risk factors .................................................................... 85

7.6. Syndromic and metabolic cardiomyopathies ................................... 72 12.2. Dilated cardiomyopathy ......................................................................... 86
7.6.1. Anderson–Fabry disease ................................................................... 72 12.3. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ............................................................ 86 Definition ........................................................................................ 72 12.4. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy .................... 86 Diagnosis, clinical work-up, and differential diagnosis . 72 13. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and cardiomyopathies ................ 86 Clinical course, outcome, and risk stratification ............ 72 14. Key messages ....................................................................................................... 86 Management .................................................................................. 75 15. Gaps in evidence ................................................................................................. 87

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7.6.2. RASopathies ........................................................................................... 75 16. ‘What to do’ and ‘What not to do’ messages from the Guidelines 89 Definition ........................................................................................ 75 17. Supplementary data ........................................................................................... 93 Diagnosis, clinical work-up, and differential diagnosis . 75 18. Data availability statement .............................................................................. 93 Clinical course, management, and sudden death risk 19. Author information ........................................................................................... 93
stratification ................................................................................................... 75 20. Appendix ................................................................................................................ 94 Management .................................................................................. 75 21. Acknowledgements ........................................................................................... 95
7.6.3. Friedreich ataxia ................................................................................... 76 22. References ............................................................................................................. 95 Definition ........................................................................................ 76 Diagnosis, clinical work-up, and differential diagnosis . 76 Clinical course, management, and risk stratification .... 77 Tables of Recommendations Management .................................................................................. 77
Recommendation Table 1 — Recommendations for the provision of
7.6.4. Glycogen storage disorders ............................................................ 77
service of multidisciplinary cardiomyopathy teams ..................................... 17 Definition ........................................................................................ 77
Recommendation Table 2 — Recommendations for diagnostic Diagnosis, clinical work-up, and differential diagnosis . 77
work-up in cardiomyopathies ............................................................................... 18 Clinical course, management, and risk stratification .... 77
Recommendation Table 3 — Recommendations for laboratory Management .................................................................................. 77
tests in the diagnosis of cardiomyopathies ..................................................... 22
7.7. Amyloidosis ..................................................................................................... 77
Recommendation Table 4 — Recommendation for
7.7.1. Definition ................................................................................................ 77 echocardiographic evaluation in patients with cardiomyopathy ........... 22
7.7.2. Diagnosis, clinical work-up, and differential diagnosis .......... 77 Recommendation Table 5 — Recommendations for cardiac
7.7.3. Clinical course and risk stratification .......................................... 78 magnetic resonance indication in patients with cardiomyopathy ......... 24
7.7.4. Management ........................................................................................... 78 Recommendation Table 6 — Recommendations for computed Specific therapies ......................................................................... 79 tomography and nuclear imaging ........................................................................ 26
8. Other recommendations ................................................................................... 79 Recommendation Table 7 — Recommendation for endomyocardial
8.1. Sports ................................................................................................................ 79 biopsy in patients with cardiomyopathy .......................................................... 26
8.1.1. Cardiovascular benefits of exercise ............................................. 79 Recommendation Table 8 — Recommendations for genetic
8.1.2. Exercise-related sudden cardiac death and historical counselling and testing in cardiomyopathies .................................................. 35
exercise recommendations for patients with cardiomyopathy ... 80 Recommendation Table 9 — Recommendations for cardiac
8.1.3. Exercise recommendations in hypertrophic transplantation in patients with cardiomyopathy ........................................ 38
cardiomyopathy ................................................................................................ 80 Recommendation Table 10 — Recommendation for left ventricular
8.1.4. Exercise recommendations in arrhythmogenic right assist device therapy in patients with cardiomyopathy ............................. 38
ventricular cardiomyopathy ......................................................................... 80 Recommendation Table 11 — Recommendations for management
8.1.5. Exercise recommendations in dilated cardiomyopathy of atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter in patients with cardiomyopathy 41
and non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy ............................... 80 Recommendation Table 12 — Recommendations for implantable
8.2. Reproductive issues ..................................................................................... 81 cardioverter defibrillator in patients with cardiomyopathy ..................... 43
Recommendation Table 13 — Recommendations for routine
8.2.1. Contraception, in vitro fertilization, and hormonal
follow-up of patients with cardiomyopathy ................................................... 44
treatment ............................................................................................................. 81
Recommendation Table 14 — Recommendations for family
8.2.2. Pregnancy management .................................................................... 81
screening and follow-up evaluation of relatives ............................................ 44 Pre-pregnancy ............................................................................... 81
Recommendation Table 15 — Recommendations for psychological Pregnancy ....................................................................................... 81
support in patients and family members with cardiomyopathies ......... 47 Timing and mode of delivery ................................................. 82
Recommendation Table 16 — Recommendation for evaluation of Post-partum ................................................................................... 82 left ventricular outflow tract obstruction ....................................................... 47 Pharmacological treatment: general aspects ................... 82 Recommendation Table 17 — Additional recommendation for Specific cardiomyopathies ....................................................... 82 cardiovascular magnetic resonance evaluation in hypertrophic Peripartum cardiomyopathy .................................................. 83 cardiomyopathy .......................................................................................................... 48
8.3. Recommendations for non-cardiac surgery ..................................... 83 Recommendation Table 18 — Recommendations for treatment of
9. Requirements for specialized cardiomyopathy units ............................. 84 left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (general measures) ............... 51
10. Living with cardiomyopathy: advice for patients .................................. 84 Recommendation Table 19 — Recommendations for medical
11. Sex differences in cardiomyopathies .......................................................... 85 treatment of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction ............................ 52
12. Comorbidities and cardiovascular risk factors in cardiomyopathies 85 Recommendation Table 20 — Recommendations for septal
reduction therapy ...................................................................................................... 54
ESC Guidelines 5

Recommendation Table 21 — Recommendations for indications for Table 10 Overview of genes associated with monogenic,
cardiac pacing in patients with obstruction .................................................... 55 non-syndromic cardiomyopathies, and their relative contributions
Recommendation Table 22 — Recommendations for chest pain on to different cardiomyopathic phenotypes ....................................................... 28
exertion in patients without left ventricular outflow tract obstruction 55 Table 11 Utility of genetic testing in cardiomyopathies ............................ 31
Recommendation Table 23 — Additional recommendations for Table 12 Specific issues to consider when counselling children ............ 32
prevention of sudden cardiac death in patients with hypertrophic Table 13 Key discussion points of pre- and post-test genetic
cardiomyopathy .......................................................................................................... 59 counselling ..................................................................................................................... 34

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Recommendation Table 24 — Recommendations for an implantable Table 14 Pre-natal and pre-implantation options and implications ..... 34
cardioverter defibrillator in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy ..... 64 Table 15 Atrial fibrillation burden and management in
Recommendation Table 25 — Recommendation for resting and cardiomyopathies ....................................................................................................... 40
ambulatory electrocardiogram monitoring in patients with Table 16 Psychological considerations .............................................................. 46
non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy .................................................. 65 Table 17 Imaging evaluation in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy .............. 48
Recommendation Table 26 — Recommendations for an implantable Table 18 Echocardiographic features that suggest specific aetiologies
cardioverter defibrillator in patients with non-dilated left ventricular in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ......................................................................... 49
cardiomyopathy .......................................................................................................... 66 Table 19 Major clinical features associated with an increased risk of
Recommendation Table 27 — Recommendation for resting and sudden cardiac death ................................................................................................ 56
ambulatory electrocardiogram monitoring in patients with Table 20 Non-genetic causes of dilated cardiomyopathy ............................. 61
arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy ...................................... 67 Table 21 High-risk genotypes and associated predictors of sudden
Recommendation Table 28 — Recommendations for the cardiac death ................................................................................................................ 64
antiarrhythmic management of patients with arrhythmogenic right Table 22 Clinical features and management of syndromic and
ventricular cardiomyopathy ................................................................................... 68 metabolic cardiomyopathies ................................................................................. 73
Recommendation Table 29 — Recommendations for sudden Table 23 Anderson–Fabry disease red flags ................................................... 75
cardiac death prevention in patients with arrhythmogenic right Table 24 General guidance for daily activity for patients with
ventricular cardiomyopathy ................................................................................... 69 cardiomyopathies ....................................................................................................... 84
Recommendation Table 30 — Recommendations for the Table 25 Modulators of the phenotypic expression of
management of patients with restrictive cardiomyopathy ...................... 72 cardiomyopathies ....................................................................................................... 86
Recommendation Table 31 — Exercise recommendations for
patients with cardiomyopathy .............................................................................. 80
Recommendation Table 32 — Recommendations for reproductive
List of figures
issues in patients with cardiomyopathy ........................................................... 83 Figure 1 Central illustration ................................................................................... 10
Recommendation Table 33 — Recommendations for non-cardiac Figure 2 Clinical diagnostic workflow of cardiomyopathy ....................... 11
surgery in patients with cardiomyopathy ........................................................ 83 Figure 3 Examples of non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy
Recommendation Table 34 — Recommendation for management phenotypes and their aetiological correlates ................................................. 13
of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with cardiomyopathy ............ 86 Figure 4 Worked example of the non-dilated left ventricular
cardiomyopathy phenotype .................................................................................. 14
Figure 5 Multidisciplinary care of cardiomyopathies ................................... 17
List of tables Figure 6 Multimodality imaging process in cardiomyopathies ................ 24
Table 1 Classes for recommendations ................................................................ 8 Figure 7 Examples of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging tissue
Table 2 Levels of evidence ........................................................................................ 8 characterization features that should raise the suspicion of specific
Table 3 Morphological and functional traits used to describe aetiologies, grouped according to cardiomyopathy phenotype ............ 25
cardiomyopathy phenotypes ................................................................................. 12 Figure 8 The genetic architecture of the cardiomyopathies ................... 31
Table 4 Key epidemiological metrics in adults and children for the Figure 9 A patient-centred approach to cascade genetic testing of
different cardiomyopathy phenotypes .............................................................. 15 children ........................................................................................................................... 33
Table 5 Examples of inheritance patterns that should raise the Figure 10 Clinical approach to infantile and childhood
suspicion of specific genetic aetiologies, grouped according to cardiomyopathy .......................................................................................................... 36
cardiomyopathy phenotype .................................................................................. 19 Figure 11 Algorithm for the approach to family screening and
Table 6 Examples of signs and symptoms that should raise the follow-up of family members ................................................................................ 45
suspicion of specific aetiologies, grouped according to Figure 12 Protocol for the assessment and treatment of left
cardiomyopathy phenotype .................................................................................. 20 ventricular outflow tract obstruction ............................................................... 49
Table 7 Examples of electrocardiographic features that should raise Figure 13 Algorithm for the treatment of heart failure in
the suspicion of specific aetiologies, grouped according to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy .............................................................................. 50
cardiomyopathy phenotype .................................................................................. 21 Figure 14 Flow chart on the management of left ventricular outflow
Table 8 First-level (to be performed in each patient) and tract obstruction ........................................................................................................ 52
second-level (to be performed in selected patients following Figure 15 Pre-assessment checklist for patients being considered for
specialist evaluation to identify specific aetiologies) laboratory tests, invasive septal reduction therapies ..................................................................... 53
grouped by cardiomyopathy phenotype ......................................................... 23 Figure 16 Flow chart for implantation of an implantable cardioverter
Table 9 Frequently encountered actionable results on multimodality defibrillator in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ................... 59
imaging ............................................................................................................................ 26 Figure 17 Implantation of implantable cardioverter defibrillators in
patients with dilated cardiomyopathy or non-dilated left ventricular
cardiomyopathy flowchart ..................................................................................... 63
6 ESC Guidelines

Figure 18 Algorithm to approach implantable cardioverter CPR Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation

defibrillator decision-making in patients with arrhythmogenic right CRT Cardiac resynchronization therapy
ventricular cardiomyopathy ................................................................................... 70 CrCl Creatinine clearance
Figure 19 Spectrum of restrictive heart diseases ......................................... 71 CT Computed tomography
Figure 20 Anderson–Fabry disease diagnostic algorithm .......................... 76 CTCA Computed tomography coronary angiography
Figure 21 Screening for cardiac amyloidosis .................................................. 78 DBS Deep brain stimulation
Figure 22 Diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis .................................................... 79 DCM Dilated cardiomyopathy

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DES Desmin
DMD Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Abbreviations and acronyms DOAC Direct-acting oral anticoagulant
18F-FDG 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose DPD 3,3-diphosphono-1,2-propanodicarboxylic acid
2D Two-dimensional DSP Desmoplakin
3D Three-dimensional EAST-AFNET Early Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation for Stroke
99m 99m
Tc Technetium Prevention Trial
AAD Antiarrhythmic drug ECG Electrocardiogram
ABC Atrial Fibrillation Better Care approach ECHO Echocardiogram
ACE Angiotensin-converting enzyme ECV Extracellular volume
ACE-I Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor EF Ejection fraction
ACM Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy EHRA European Heart Rhythm Association
AD Autosomal dominant EMB Endomyocardial biopsy
AED Automated external defibrillator EMF Endomyocardial fibrosis
AF Atrial fibrillation EORP EURObservational Research Programme
AFD Anderson–Fabry disease ERN European Reference Network
AHA/ACC American Heart Association/American College of ERT Enzyme replacement therapy
Cardiology FLNC Filamin C
AL Monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis FRA Friedreich ataxia
ALCAPA Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary FTX Frataxin
artery Gb3 Globotriaosylceramide
ALT Alanine aminotransferase GDMT Guideline-directed medical therapy
ALVC Arrhythmogenic left ventricular cardiomyopathy GSD Glycogen storage disorder
APHRS Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society GWAS Genome-wide association study
AR Autosomal recessive HbA1c Haemoglobin A1C
ARB Angiotensin receptor blocker HBP His-Bundle pacing
ARNI Angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor HCM Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
ARVC Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy HCMR Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Registry
ASA Alcohol septal ablation HF Heart failure
AST Aspartate transaminase HFmrEF Heart failure with mildly reduced ejection fraction
ATPase Adenosine triphosphatase HFpEF Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
ATTR Transthyretin amyloidosis HFrEF Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction
ATTR-CA Transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis HMDP Hydroxymethylene diphosphonate
ATTR-CM Transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy HR Hazard ratio
ATTRv Hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis HRS Heart Rhythm Society
ATTRwt Wild-type OR Acquired transthyretin amyloidosis hs-cTnT High-sensitivity cardiac troponin T
AV Atrioventricular ICD Implantable cardioverter defibrillator
b.p.m. Beats per minute INR International normalized ratio
BAG3 BAG cochaperone-3 ITFC International Task Force Consensus statement
BNP Brain natriuretic peptide IVF In vitro fertilization
CAD Coronary artery disease LA Left atrium
CCB Calcium channel blocker LAHRS Latin American Heart Rhythm Society
CHA2DS2-VASc Congestive heart failure or left ventricular LBBB Left bundle branch block
dysfunction, hypertension, age ≥75 (doubled), LGE Late gadolinium enhancement
diabetes, stroke (doubled)-vascular disease, age 65– LMNA Lamin A/C
74, sex category (female) (score) LMWH Low-molecular-weight heparin
CHD Congenital heart disease LSD Lysosomal storage disease
CK Creatinine kinase LV Left ventricular
CMR Cardiac magnetic resonance LVAD LV assist device
COVID-19 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 LVEDV Left ventricular end-diastolic volume
(SARS-CoV-2) infection LVEF Left ventricular ejection fraction
CPET Cardio-pulmonary exercise testing LVH Left ventricular hypertrophy
ESC Guidelines 7

LVNC Left ventricular non-compaction TRED-HF Therapy withdrawal in REcovered Dilated

LVOT Left ventricular outflow tract cardiomyopathy—Heart Failure
LVSD Left ventricular systolic dysfunction TTE Transthoracic echocardiography
LVOTO Left ventricular outflow tract obstruction TTN Titin
MCS Mechanical circulatory support TTNtv Titin gene truncating variants
MELAS Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, TTR Transthyretin
and stroke-like episodes (syndrome) TWI T wave inversion

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MERRF Mitochondrial epilepsy with ragged-red fibres UFH Unfractionated heparin
MGUS Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined VALOR-HCM A Study to Evaluate Mavacamten in Adults With
significance Symptomatic Obstructive HCM Who Are Eligible
MICONOS Mitochondrial Protection with Idebenone in Cardiac for Septal Reduction Therapy
or Neurological Outcome (study group) VE Ventricular extrasystole
MLVWT Maximum left ventricular wall thickness VF Ventricular fibrillation
MRA Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist VKA Vitamin K antagonist
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging VT Ventricular tachycardia
MV Mitral valve VUS Variant of unknown significance
mWHO Modified World Health Organization WHO World Health Organization
NCS Non-cardiac surgery
NDLVC Non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy
1. Preamble
NGS Next-generation sequencing Guidelines evaluate and summarize available evidence with the aim of
NSML Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines assisting health professionals in proposing the best diagnostic or thera-
NSVT Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia peutic approach for an individual patient with a given condition.
NT-proBNP N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide Guidelines are intended for use by health professionals and the
NYHA New York Heart Association European Society of Cardiology (ESC) makes its Guidelines freely
OMT Optimal medical therapy available.
P/LP Pathogenic/likely pathogenic ESC Guidelines do not override the individual responsibility of health
PES Programmed electrical stimulation professionals to make appropriate and accurate decisions in consider-
PET Positron emission tomography ation of each patient’s health condition and in consultation with that pa-
PKP2 Plakophilin 2 tient or the patient’s caregiver where appropriate and/or necessary. It is
PLN Phospholamban also the health professional’s responsibility to verify the rules and reg-
PPCM Peripartum cardiomyopathy ulations applicable in each country to drugs and devices at the time of
PRKAG2 Protein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit prescription, and, where appropriate, to respect the ethical rules of
gamma 2 their profession.
PRS Polygenic risk scores ESC Guidelines represent the official position of the ESC on a given
PTH Parathyroid hormone topic and are regularly updated. ESC Policies and Procedures for for-
PVR Pulmonary vascular resistance mulating and issuing ESC Guidelines can be found on the ESC website
PYP Pyrophosphate (
QoL Quality of life The Members of this Task Force were selected by the ESC to re-
QRS Q, R, and S waves of an ECG present professionals involved with the medical care of patients with
RAS-HCM RASopathy-associated HCM this pathology. The selection procedure aimed to include members
RBBB Right bundle branch block from across the whole of the ESC region and from relevant ESC
RBM20 RNA binding motif protein Subspecialty Communities. Consideration was given to diversity and in-
RCM Restrictive cardiomyopathy clusion, notably with respect to gender and country of origin. The Task
RCT Randomized controlled trial Force performed a critical evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic ap-
RV Right ventricular proaches, including assessment of the risk-benefit ratio. The strength of
RVEF Right ventricular ejection fraction every recommendation and the level of evidence supporting them were
RVOTO Right ventricular outflow tract obstruction weighed and scored according to predefined scales as outlined below.
RWMA Regional wall motion abnormality The Task Force followed ESC voting procedures, and all approved re-
SAECG Signal-averaged electrocardiogram commendations were subject to a vote and achieved at least 75%
SAM Systolic anterior motion agreement among voting members.
SCD Sudden cardiac death The experts of the writing and reviewing panels provided declaration
SGLT2i Sodium–glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor of interest forms for all relationships that might be perceived as real or
SMVT Sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia potential sources of conflicts of interest. Their declarations of interest
SPECT Single-photon emission computed tomography were reviewed according to the ESC declaration of interest rules and
SRT Septal reduction therapy can be found on the ESC website (
TIA Transient ischaemic attack Guidelines) and have been compiled in a report published in a supple-
TMEM43 transmembrane protein 43 mentary document with the guidelines. The Task Force received its
8 ESC Guidelines

Table 1 Classes for recommendations

Definition Wording to use

Classes of recommendations

Class I Evidence and/or general agreement Is recommended or is indicated

that a given treatment or procedure is

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beneficial, useful, effective.

Class II Conflicting evidence and/or a divergence of opinion about the usefulness/

efficacy of the given treatment or procedure.

Class IIa Weight of evidence/opinion is in Should be considered

favour of usefulness/efficacy.

Class IIb Usefulness/efficacy is less well May be considered

established by evidence/opinion.

Class III Evidence or general agreement that the Is not recommended

given treatment or procedure is not

©ESC 2023
useful/effective, and in some cases

© ESC 2023
may be harmful.

Table 2 Levels of evidence

Level of Data derived from multiple randomized clinical trials

evidence A or meta-analyses.

Level of Data derived from a single randomized clinical trial

evidence B or large non-randomized studies.

Level of Consensus of opinion of the experts and/or small studies,

evidence C retrospective studies, registries.
©ESC 2023

© ESC 2023
ESC Guidelines 9

entire financial support from the ESC without any involvement from recommendations for each individual cardiomyopathy phenotype; in-
the healthcare industry. stead, the aim is to provide a guide to the diagnostic approach to car-
The ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) Committee supervises diomyopathies, highlight general evaluation and management issues,
and co-ordinates the preparation of new guidelines and is responsible and signpost the reader to the relevant evidence base for the
for the approval process. ESC Guidelines undergo extensive review recommendations.
by the CPG Committee and external experts, including members Adoption of morphological and functional disease definitions means
from across the whole of the ESC region and from relevant ESC that the number of possible aetiologies is considerable, particularly in

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Subspecialty Communities and National Cardiac Societies. After appro- young children. As it is impractical to provide an exhaustive compen-
priate revisions, the guidelines are signed off by all the experts involved dium of all possible causes of cardiomyopathy, the guideline focuses
in the Task Force. The finalized document is signed off by the CPG on the most common disease phenotypes, but additional references
Committee for publication in the European Heart Journal. The guidelines for less common disorders are also provided. Similarly, treatment re-
were developed after careful consideration of the scientific and medical commendations focus largely on generic management issues but refer
knowledge and the evidence available at the time of their writing. Tables to specific rare diseases when appropriate. The central illustration
of evidence summarizing the findings of studies informing development (Figure 1) highlights key aspects in the evaluation and management of
of the guidelines are included. The ESC warns readers that the technical cardiomyopathies addressed in this guideline.
language may be misinterpreted and declines any responsibility in this This is the first major international guideline to address cardiomyop-
respect. athies other than HCM. Other major innovations include:
Off-label use of medication may be presented in this guideline if a suf-
• A new phenotypic description of cardiomyopathies, including up-
ficient level of evidence shows that it can be considered medically ap-
dated descriptions of dilated and non-dilated left ventricular (LV) car-
propriate for a given condition.
diomyopathy phenotypes, and highlighting the key role of ventricular
However, the final decisions concerning an individual patient must be
myocardial scar assessment using cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR)
made by the responsible health professional giving special consideration
• A focus on the patient pathway, from presentation, through initial as-
• The specific situation of the patient. Unless otherwise provided for sessment and diagnosis, to management, highlighting the importance
by national regulations, off-label use of medication should be limited of considering cardiomyopathy as a cause of common clinical presen-
to situations where it is in the patient’s interest, with regard to the tations (e.g. heart failure, arrhythmia) and the importance of utilizing a
quality, safety, and efficacy of care, and only after the patient has multiparametric approach following the identification of the present-
been informed and has provided consent. ing phenotype to arrive at an aetiological diagnosis.
• Country-specific health regulations, indications by governmental • Updated recommendations for clinical and genetic cascade screening
drug regulatory agencies, and the ethical rules to which health profes- for relatives of individuals with cardiomyopathies.
sionals are subject, where applicable. • A focus on cardiomyopathies across the life course, from paediatric
to adult age (including transition), and considering the different clin-
ical phases (e.g. concealed, overt, end stage).
2. Introduction • New recommendations on sudden cardiac death (SCD) risk stratifi-
cation for different cardiomyopathy phenotypes, including in child-
The objective of this European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guideline is
hood, and highlighting the important role of genotype in the
to help healthcare professionals diagnose and manage patients with car-
assessment of sudden death risk.
diomyopathies according to the best available evidence. Uniquely for
• Updated recommendations for the management of left ventricular
relatively common cardiovascular diseases, there are very few rando-
outflow tract obstruction (LVOTO) in HCM.
mized controlled clinical trials in patients with cardiomyopathies. For
• A multidisciplinary approach to cardiomyopathies that has the pa-
this reason, the majority of the recommendations in this guideline are
tient and their family at its heart.
based on observational cohort studies and expert consensus opinion.
The aim is to provide healthcare professionals with a practical diagnos-
tic and treatment framework for patients of all ages and, as an increasing 3. Phenotypic approach to
number of patients have a known genetic basis for their disease, the
guideline also considers the implications of a diagnosis for families
and provides advice on reproduction and contraception. As cardio- In medicine, classification systems are used to standardize disease no-
myopathies can present at any age and can affect individuals and families menclature by grouping disorders according to shared characteristics.
across the entire life course, this guideline follows the principle of con- In 2008, the ESC promoted a pragmatic system for the clinical descrip-
sidering cardiomyopathies in all age groups as single disease entities, tion of cardiomyopathies in which a historical focus on ventricular
with recommendations applicable to children and adults with cardio- morphology and function was maintained, while signposting aetiological
myopathy throughout, while accepting that the evidence base for diversity through subdivision into genetic and non-genetic subtypes.2
many of the recommendations is significantly more limited for children. Since then, knowledge of cardiomyopathies has increased substantially
Age-related differences are specifically highlighted. through the application of new imaging and molecular technologies.
This is a new guideline, not an update of existing guidelines, with the In this guideline, the Task Force took a number of considerations into
exception of the section on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), in account when deciding its approach to disease description. These in-
which we have provided a focused update to the 2014 ESC Guidelines cluded: (i) a historical legacy which, while still useful, has led to contra-
on diagnosis and management of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.1 As such, dictory and confusing terminology in many situations; (ii) the evolving
most of the recommendations in this guideline are new. It is beyond nature of cardiomyopathies over a lifetime; (iii) aetiological complexity
the scope of this guideline to provide detailed descriptions and with multiple disease processes contributing to disease phenotypes;
10 ESC Guidelines

Clinical scenario

Symptoms Incidental findings Family screening

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2 3
Morphological/functional Additional traits
Arrhythmias/conduction Extracardiac
Ventricular morphology/ disease involvement
Pedigree analysis Laboratory markers
Ventricular scar and
tissue characterization
Genetic testing Pathology

4 5 6
General Phenotype-
management principles specific management

Symptom management
LVOTO management
SCD risk prediction
Drug therapy
Mechanical circulatory

GDMT for HF symptoms

DCM Family screening and Aetiology-specific SCD
genetic risk to relatives risk prediction

Genetic testing and counselling

Family screening and monitoring
GDMT for HF symptoms
NDLVC Aetiology-specific SCD
Prevention of disease- risk prediction
related complications
Stroke thromboembolic
prophylaxis Antiarrhythmic therapy
SCD risk prediction


Exercise recommendations
GDMT for HF symptoms
RCM PVR study to guide timing of
School, employment,
psychological support

Figure 1 Central illustration. Key aspects in the evaluation and management of cardiomyopathies. ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyop-
athy; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; GDMT, guideline-directed medical therapy; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; HF,
heart failure ICD, implantable cardioverter defibrillator; LVOTO, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction; MCS, mechanical circulatory support; NDLVC,
non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy; PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance; RCM, restrictive cardiomyopathy; SCD, sudden cardiac death.Image %:
ESC Guidelines 11

Symptoms Incidental findings Family screening

Chest pain Abnormal ECG 1st degree relative
Clinical Palpitation Murmur with CMP
Syncope/presyncope Arrhythmia Family history of
scenario sudden death
Cardiac arrest

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Suspected cardiomyopathy
Ventricular morphology/function Ventricular scar/fatty replacement
Morphological/ Hypertrophy
Non-ischaemic ventricular scar on
functional CMR/pathological examination
Other tissue characterization
characterization Systolic/diastolic function
parameters on CMR



Arrhythmias/conduction disease
(atrial, ventricular, atrioventricular block)
Pedigree analysis Genetic testing Extracardiac involvement
Additional traits
Laboratory markers Pathology

Phenotype-based integrated aetiological diagnosis

Figure 2 Clinical diagnostic workflow of cardiomyopathy. ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; CMP, cardiomyopathy; CMR, cardiac
magnetic resonance; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; ECG, electrocardiogram; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; NDLVC, non-dilated left ventricular car-
diomyopathy; RCM, restrictive cardiomyopathy.

(iv) differential disease expression in families; and (v) emerging phenotypic descriptions and to simplify terminology, while simultan-
aetiology-focused therapies. eously providing a conceptual framework for diagnosis and treatment.
The Task Force concluded that a single classification system that em- This nomenclature prompts clinicians to consider cardiomyopathy as
braces all possible causes of disease and every clinical scenario remains the cause of several clinical presentations (e.g. arrhythmia, heart failure),
an aspiration that is outside the scope of this clinical guideline. Instead, and focuses on morphological and functional characteristics of the
the Task Force updated the existing clinical classification to include new myocardium (Figure 2). It is important to recognize that different
12 ESC Guidelines

cardiomyopathy phenotypes may coexist in the same family, and that Table 3 Morphological and functional traits used to de-
disease progression in an individual patient can include evolution scribe cardiomyopathy phenotypes
from one cardiomyopathy phenotype to another. Nevertheless, the
Morphological traits
Task Force recommends an approach to disease nomenclature and
diagnosis that is based on the predominant cardiac phenotype at Ventricular hypertrophy: left and/or right
presentation. Ventricular dilatation: left and/or right
While recognizing the fact that genes encoding cardiac ion channels Non-ischaemic ventricular scar and other myocardial tissue

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may be implicated in some patients with dilated cardiomyopathy characterization features on cardiac magnetic resonance
(DCM), conduction disorders, and arrhythmias, the Task Force was Functional traits

© ESC 2023
not persuaded that there is sufficient evidence to consider cardiac chan-
Ventricular systolic dysfunction (global, regional)
nelopathies as cardiomyopathies, in keeping with the approach taken by
Ventricular diastolic dysfunction (restrictive physiology)
other recent ESC Guidelines.3
The most important changes in this guideline relate to the group of
conditions variously included under the umbrella term ‘arrhythmogenic
cardiomyopathies’. This term refers to a group of conditions that fea- the focus of this guideline is on genetic cardiomyopathies, the system-
ture structural and functional abnormalities of the myocardium (identi- atic approach to diagnosis starting from the phenotype at presenta-
fied by cardiac imaging and/or macroscopic and microscopic tion described in this guideline enables clinicians to reach precise
pathological investigation) and ventricular arrhythmia. This nosology diagnoses that may also include non-genetic (e.g. inflammatory, toxic,
has evolved in response to the recognition of the clinical and genetic and multisystem diseases) causes. It is important to note that cardio-
overlap between right ventricular (RV) and LV cardiomyopathies, but myopathies can coexist with ischaemic, valvular, and hypertensive dis-
a lack of a generally accepted definition has meant that the term encom- ease and that the presence of one does not exclude the possibility of
passes a broad range of diverse pathologies and has introduced a num- the other.
ber of inconsistencies and contradictions when applied in a clinical The morphological and functional traits used to describe the cardio-
setting.4 The term ‘arrhythmogenic right ventricular (dysplasia/) cardio- myopathy phenotypes are shown in Table 3. The major innovation is
myopathy’ (ARVC) was originally used by physicians who first discov- the specific inclusion of myocardial tissue characterization traits, includ-
ered the disease, in the pre-genetic and pre-CMR era, to describe a ing non-ischaemic ventricular scarring or fatty replacement, which can
new heart muscle disease predominantly affecting the right ventricle, occur with and without ventricular dilatation, wall motion abnormal-
whose cardinal clinical manifestation was the occurrence of malignant ities, or global systolic or diastolic dysfunction. This phenotype is im-
ventricular arrhythmias. Subsequently, autopsy investigations, geno- portant to recognize, as it may be the sole clue to the diagnosis of a
type–phenotype correlation studies and the increasing use of cardiomyopathy and has prognostic significance that varies with the
contrast-enhancement CMR led to the identification of fibro-fatty re- underlying aetiology.
placement of the myocardium as a key phenotypic feature of the dis- Atrial dilatation (left and/or right) is an important additional clinical
ease that affects the myocardium of both ventricles, with LV finding in the phenotypic description of cardiomyopathies. Ultra-rare,
involvement which may even exceed the severity of RV involvement. usually autosomal recessive, cases of pure dilated atrial cardiomyopathy
This has led to the catch-all term of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy are reported,8 but these are outside the scope of this guideline.
(ACM), which represents the evolution of the original term of
ARVC.5 Consistent with its general approach, the Task Force agreed 3.2. Cardiomyopathy phenotypes
to highlight the vital importance of arrhythmia as a diagnostic red flag
3.2.1. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
and prognostic marker across a range of clinical phenotypes, but did
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is defined as the presence of in-
not recommend the use of the term ACM as a distinct cardiomyopathy
creased LV wall thickness (with or without RV hypertrophy) or mass
subtype as it lacks a morphological or functional definition consistent
that is not solely explained by abnormal loading conditions.2
with the existing classification scheme. While acknowledging that
‘ACM’ as an umbrella term that encompasses diverse clinical pheno-
types has been previously used, this decision will, it is hoped, help to re- 3.2.2. Dilated cardiomyopathy
solve many of the circular arguments that currently bedevil the field. Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is defined as the presence of LV dilata-
The fundamental tenet throughout this guideline is that aetiology is vital tion and global or regional systolic dysfunction unexplained solely by ab-
to the management of patients with heart muscle disease and that a normal loading conditions (e.g. hypertension, valve disease, CHD) or
careful and consistent description of the morphological and functional CAD.2 Very rarely, LV dilatation can occur with normal ejection frac-
phenotype is a crucial first step in the diagnostic pathway, while the final tion (EF) in the absence of athletic remodelling or other environmental
diagnosis will ideally describe aetiology alongside the phenotype.6,7 factors; this is not in itself a cardiomyopathy, but may represent an early
manifestation of DCM. The preferred term for this is isolated left ven-
tricular dilatation.
3.1. Definitions Right ventricular dilatation and dysfunction may be present but are
A cardiomyopathy is defined as ‘a myocardial disorder in which the not necessary for the diagnosis. When dilatation or wall motion abnor-
heart muscle is structurally and functionally abnormal, in the absence malities are confined or predominant to the right ventricle, the possibil-
of coronary artery disease (CAD), hypertension, valvular disease, and ity of ARVC should be considered (see Section 3.2.4).
congenital heart disease (CHD) sufficient to cause the observed myo-
cardial abnormality’.2 This definition applies to both children and 3.2.3. Non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy
adults and makes no a priori assumptions about aetiology (which Hitherto, the definition of DCM had a number of important limita-
can be familial/genetic or acquired) or myocardial pathology. While tions, most notably the exclusion of genetic and acquired disorders
ESC Guidelines 13


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RBM20 LMNA (no LGE) Myocarditis DMD

Figure 3 Examples of non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy phenotypes and their aetiological correlates. BAG3, BAG cochaperone-3; DMD,
Duchenne muscular dystrophy; DSP, desmoplakin; FLNC, filamin C; LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; LMNA, lamin A/C; NDLVC, non-dilated left ven-
tricular cardiomyopathy; PLN, phospholamban; RBM20, RNA binding motif protein 20; TTN, titin. Distribution of LGE (arrowheads) in NDLVC and aetio-
logical correlates. Desmoplakin (DSP), filamin C (FLNC) and phospholamban (PLN) genotypes show a characteristic subepicardial, ring-like LGE pattern,
whereas titin (TTN), BAG3 (BAG3), lamin A/C (LMNA), DMD, RBM20 genotypes and myocarditis are more heterogeneous, but with overall less scar (some-
times without) and lower left ventricular ejection fraction.

that manifest as intermediate phenotypes that do not meet standard or fatty replacement regardless of the presence of global or regional
disease definitions in spite of the presence of myocardial disease on wall motion abnormalities (RWMAs), or isolated global LV hypokine-
cardiac imaging or tissue analysis. In a previous ESC statement, this sia without scarring.
phenomenon inspired the creation of a new disease category, hypo- The NDLVC phenotype will include individuals that up until now may
kinetic non-dilated cardiomyopathy.9 In this guideline, we propose have variably been described as having DCM (but without LV dilata-
replacement of this term with non-dilated left ventricular cardiomy- tion), arrhythmogenic left ventricular cardiomyopathy (ALVC), left-
opathy (NDLVC), which can be further characterized by the pres- dominant ARVC, or arrhythmogenic DCM (but often without fulfilling
ence or absence of systolic dysfunction (regional or global). diagnostic criteria for ARVC) (Figure 3). The simple worked example
Isolated LV dysfunction (regional or global) without scarring should (Figure 4) shows how the identification of an NDLVC phenotype should
also be considered under this diagnostic category. The NDLVC trigger a multiparametric approach that leads to a specific aetiological
phenotype is defined as the presence of non-ischaemic LV scarring diagnosis, with implications for clinical treatment.
14 ESC Guidelines

17 y/o male; palpitation

Family history SCD
Clinical Normal physical examination

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Non-dilated LV Previous
EF 55% classification Proposed phenotype-
Cardiac Subepicardial
morphology/ DCM
based integrated
function ALVC approach
Autosomal dominant
Diagnostic DSP-related non-dilated LV
pathway cardiomyopathy phenotype
with subepicardial scar
Sinus rhythm, minor and low-normal EF
ECG/ intraventricular conduction
arrhythmia delay
200 VEs, few couplets

DSP Trp180*

Figure 4 Worked example of the non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy phenotype. ACM, arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy; ALVC, arrhythmogenic
left ventricular cardiomyopathy; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; DSP, desmoplakin; ECG, electrocardiogram; EF, ejection fraction; LV, left ventricular;
NDLVC, non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy; SCD, sudden cardiac death; VE, ventricular extrasystole. Worked example of the NDLVC phenotype
showing how a systematic multiparametric approach to clinical phenotyping, starting from the recognition of a clinical phenotype and integrating extended
phenotypic information and targeted diagnostics, including genetic testing, can be used to arrive at highly specific phenotypic descriptions that can result in
personalized treatment plans. In this worked example, the diagnosis transforms from a simplistic categorization to a complex genetic disorder characterized
by myocardial scar and a propensity to ventricular arrhythmia.

3.2.4. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular Over time, the clinical paradigm of ARVC has moved from a focus on
cardiomyopathy severe RV disease and malignant ventricular arrhythmia to a broader
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is concept that includes concealed or subclinical phenotypes and biventri-
defined as the presence of predominantly RV dilatation and/or dys- cular or even left-dominant disease. This has led to a plethora of new
function in the presence of histological involvement and/or terms, including ‘arrhythmogenic left ventricular cardiomyopathy
electrocardiographic abnormalities in accordance with published (ALVC)’, ‘left and right dominant cardiomyopathy’, ‘arrhythmogenic di-
criteria.10 lated cardiomyopathy’, and most recently, the catch-all term ‘arrhyth-
For decades, ARVC has been one of the principal cardiomyopathy mogenic cardiomyopathy’. The term ARVC can be used to describe
subtypes. It has been defined in accordance with published consensus the original variant in which ventricular dilatation or wall motion abnor-
criteria that comprise RV dysfunction (global or regional), histological malities are predominantly confined to the right ventricle, with or with-
abnormalities in the form of fibro-fatty replacement of cardiomyocytes, out LV involvement, and the 2010 modified Task Force criteria for the
electrocardiographic characteristics, ventricular arrhythmia of RV ori- diagnosis of ARVC can be applied.10 Predominant LV disease can also
gin, and the presence of familial disease and/or pathogenic variants in occur in the same family;5 see Section 7.3 for recommendations on as-
desmosomal protein genes. sessment and management of this phenotype.
ESC Guidelines 15

3.2.5. Restrictive cardiomyopathy function usually normalizes over a period of days to weeks, and recur-
Restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM) is defined as restrictive left and/or rence is rare. The same kind of reversible myocardial dysfunction is oc-
RV pathophysiology in the presence of normal or reduced diastolic vo- casionally encountered in patients with intracranial haemorrhage or
lumes (of one or both ventricles), normal or reduced systolic volumes, other acute cerebral accidents (neurogenic myocardial stunning).
and normal ventricular wall thickness.2 Takotsubo syndrome is sometimes referred to as takotsubo or
Restrictive cardiomyopathy commonly presents as biatrial enlarge- stress cardiomyopathy. Given the transient nature of the phenomenon,
ment. Left ventricular systolic function can be preserved, but it is rare the Task Force does not recommend its classification as a

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for contractility to be completely normal. Restrictive pathophysiology cardiomyopathy.
may not be present throughout the natural history, but only at an initial
stage (with an evolution towards a hypokinetic-dilated phase).11
Restrictive physiology can also occur in patients with end-stage hyper- 4. Epidemiology
trophic and dilated cardiomyopathy; the preferred terms are ‘hyper-
trophic’ or ‘dilated cardiomyopathy with restrictive physiology’. Cardiomyopathies have a variable expression throughout life.24
Restrictive ventricular physiology can also be caused by endocardial Geographical distribution of genetic variants influences estimated
pathology (fibrosis, fibroelastosis, and thrombosis) that impairs diastolic prevalence in different populations, ethnicities, regions, and countries.
function. The complexity of diagnostic criteria for some conditions, such as
ARVC, limits the evaluation of the true prevalence of the disease in
the general population. Moreover, epidemiological data are often not
3.3. Other traits and syndromes associated collected systematically at population level. For example, the preva-
with cardiomyopathy phenotypes lence of idiopathic DCM has been recently estimated to be almost
3.3.1. Left ventricular hypertrabeculation (left 10 times higher based on several population-based estimates and indir-
ventricular non-compaction) ect assumptions of the prevalence of genetic variants associated with
the disease in general populations,25 and with less stringent diagnostic
The term ‘left ventricular non-compaction’ (LVNC) has been used to
describe a ventricular phenotype characterized by prominent LV tra-
There are no specific data on the epidemiology of the NDLVC
beculae and deep intertrabecular recesses. The myocardial wall is often
phenotype, but patients affected by it have previously been included
thickened with a thin, compacted epicardial layer and a thicker endocar-
in DCM or ARVC cohorts, from which extrapolations may be pos-
dial layer. In some patients, this abnormal trabecular architecture is as-
sible. Contemporary epidemiological metrics for the main cardiomy-
sociated with LV dilatation and systolic dysfunction. Left ventricular
opathies are shown in Table 4. Further details on the epidemiology of
non-compaction is frequently a familial trait and is associated with var-
cardiomyopathies can be found in the Supplementary data online,
iants in a range of genes, including those encoding proteins of the sarco-
Section 1.
mere, Z-disc, cytoskeleton, and nuclear envelope.12–16
Left ventricular non-compaction has also been used to describe an
acquired and sometimes transient phenomenon of excessive LV trabe-
culation (e.g. in athletes, during pregnancy, or following vigorous activ- Table 4 Key epidemiological metrics in adults and
ity)17–19 that must reflect increased prominence of an otherwise children for the different cardiomyopathy phenotypes
normal myocardial architecture, given that cardiomyocytes are termin-
ally differentiated and the formation of new cardiac structures is Cardiomyopathy Adults Children
impossible.20 phenotype
The Task Force does not consider LVNC to be a cardiomyopathy in
HCM Prevalence: Childhood incidence:
the general sense. Instead, it is seen as a phenotypic trait that can occur
0.2%26–33 0.002–0.005%34–36
either in isolation or in association with other developmental abnormal-
ities, ventricular hypertrophy, dilatation, and/or systolic dysfunction. Childhood prevalence:
Given the lack of morphometric evidence for ventricular compaction 0.029%36
in humans,21,22 the term ‘hypertrabeculation’, rather than LVNC, is re- DCM Prevalence: Childhood incidence:
commended, particularly when the phenomenon is transient or clearly 0.036–0.400%25,37 0.003–0.006%
of adult onset. Childhood prevalence:
Infantile incidence:
3.3.2. Takotsubo syndrome
Transient LV apical ballooning syndrome, or takotsubo syndrome, is
NDLVC To be determined To be determined
characterized, in its most typical variant, by transient regional systolic
dysfunction, dilatation, and oedema involving the LV apex and/or mid- ARVC Prevalence: Very rare in infancy and
ventricle in the absence of obstructive coronary disease on coronary 0.078%39–41 early childhood; to be
angiography.23 Patients present with an abrupt onset of angina-like determined in older
© ESC 2023

chest pain and have diffuse T wave inversion (TWI), sometimes pre- children and adolescents
ceded by ST-segment elevation and mild cardiac enzyme elevation. RCM Rare Childhood incidence:
Most reported cases occur in post-menopausal women. Symptoms 0.0003%34
are often preceded by emotional or physical stress. Norepinephrine
ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy;
concentration is elevated in most patients and a transient, dynamic out- HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; NDLVC, non-dilated left ventricular
flow tract pressure gradient is reported in some cases. Left ventricular cardiomyopathy; RCM, restrictive cardiomyopathy.
16 ESC Guidelines

4.1. Special populations relevant specialties as well as the general cardiologist, general practi-
Several forms of cardiomyopathy previously considered secondary to tioner, and the family/carer. In addition, the integration of genetics
external factors were recently proved to have genetic contributors, into mainstream cardiology services requires expertise from different
leading to the ‘second hit theory’, and a genetic aetiology should be specialties:
kept in mind for family history taking and genetic testing.
• Adult and paediatric cardiologists subspecialized in cardiogenetic
• Titin gene truncating variants (TTNtv) represent a prevalent genetic conditions.

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predisposition for alcoholic cardiomyopathy (present in 13.5% of pa- • Cardiac imaging specialists (technicians, cardiologists, radiologists), in-
tients vs. 2.9% in controls), as they are associated with a worse left cluding CMR experts.
ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in DCM patients who consume • Specialist nurses and/or genetic counsellors with skills in family his-
alcohol above recommended levels.42 tory taking, drawing pedigrees, and patient/family management, par-
• Unrecognized rare variants in cardiomyopathy-associated genes, par- ticularly when the number of disciplines or the complexity implicated
ticularly TTNtv (in 7.5% of cases), appear to be associated with an in- in a patient’s/family’s care increases.
creased risk of cancer therapy-induced cardiomyopathy in children • Clinical psychologists to support patients and their relatives.
and adults.43 • Geneticists and bioinformaticians to interpret results of genetic
• Rare truncating variants in eight genes are found in 15% of women investigations.
with peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM), and two-thirds are • Expert pathologists to interpret findings by endomyocardial biopsy
TTNtv (10% of patients vs. 1.4% of the reference population).44,45 (EMB) and autopsy of individuals dying from a suspected inherited
Additionally, other truncating variants are identified in the DSP cardiac condition. Specialist cardiovascular pathology centres play a
(1%), FLNC (1%), and BAG3 (0.2%) genes.45 crucial role in the autopsy diagnosis of cardiomyopathy when local
• Anderson–Fabry disease is found in 0.94% of males and 0.90% of fe- expertise is not available.56,57
males in cardiac screening programmes for left ventricular hyper-
trophy (LVH) in selected populations and HCM.46
• Screening with bone scintigraphy found a high prevalence of trans- Finally, patients’ associations should be promoted and integrated into
thyretin cardiac amyloidosis (ATTR-CA) in specific populations: 8% the healthcare process for rare and very rare cardiac conditions.
in severe aortic stenosis, 12% in heart failure with preserved ejection One particularly important aspect of the multidisciplinary approach
fraction (HFpEF) with LVH, 7% in LVH/HCM depending on the age, to patient care in cardiomyopathies is the need for appropriate transi-
and 7% in carpal tunnel syndrome undergoing surgery (a higher tion of care from paediatric to adult services. Children with a genetic
prevalence if it is bilateral), mainly for the wild-type form.47,48 cardiomyopathy generally need lifelong cardiac follow-up. The transi-
• Disease-causing variants in genes implicated in DCM, NDLVC, and tion to adulthood, including the transfer of care to adult cardiomyop-
ARVC have been identified in 8–22% of adults and children present- athy services, can be challenging for both the child and the parents.
ing with acute myocarditis.49–51 Individuals with an acute myocarditis The process of transition should include adequate and timely prepar-
presentation and desmosomal protein gene variants were shown to ation and joint consultations, taking into consideration the child’s
have a higher rate of myocarditis recurrence and ventricular arrhyth- wishes, and level of understanding and independence at different life
mia compared with myocarditis patients without a desmosomal vari- stages. Evidence from the field of CHD highlights the importance of
ant identified.52 specific interventions that can help the process of transition of clinical
care, including adequate and timely preparation for transition and joint
5. Integrated patient management
The diagnosis, assessment, and management of patients with cardiomy-
5.2. Co-ordination between different
opathy requires a co-ordinated, systematic, and individualized pathway
that delivers optimized care by a multidisciplinary and expert team. levels of care
Central to this approach is not only the individual patient, but also A shared care approach between cardiomyopathy specialists and gen-
the family as a whole; clinical findings in relatives are essential for under- eral adult and paediatric cardiology centres is strongly recommended.
standing what happens to the patient, and vice versa.53,54 While referral cardiomyopathy units are essential for complex cases
with diagnostic and/or treatment difficulties that require expertise
that may only be available in high-volume centres, general adult and
5.1. Multidisciplinary cardiomyopathy paediatric cardiologists have a key role to play in the diagnosis, manage-
teams ment, and follow-up of patients with cardiomyopathy (see Section 9). A
Healthcare professionals encounter diseases affecting the myocardium shared approach between cardiomyopathy units and between general
in many and varied clinical settings. Some may manifest for the first time cardiologist/paediatric cardiologist is strongly recommended. This ap-
with an acute event, including sudden unexplained death, whereas proach can be facilitated by the implementation of telemedical contact
others present with progressive symptoms or are detected incidentally. between units and the use of remote monitoring with patients.60 The
Patients with cardiomyopathy can also have extracardiac manifesta- creation of local/regional/national/international networks, such as the
tions (e.g. neurological, neuromuscular, ophthalmological, nephrologic- European Reference Network for Rare and Low Prevalence
al). Patient care requires the collaboration of different specialties.55 The Complex Diseases of the Heart (ERN GUARD-Heart) (https://
composition of the multidisciplinary team will depend on the patient’s allows clinicians and health professionals to
and family’s needs and the local availability of services (Figure 5). Patients share information about these pathologies, for the benefit of cardiomy-
with complex needs benefit from a multidisciplinary team, including opathy patients.61
ESC Guidelines 17

Cardiomyopathy Patient
specialists support

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Cardiologist with Family/carer(s)
cardiomyopathy expertise Psychologist
Paediatric cardiologist with Patient associations
cardiomyopathy expertise
Specialist nurse
Cardiac genetic

Heart failure team Geneticist Pathologist

Arrhythmia team Other: cardiac surgeon, primary care
Cardiac imaging team physician, paediatrician, internist,
Interventional cardiologist team nephrologist, neurologist,
Cardiologist with expertise dermatologist, endocrinologist,
in sports cardiology ophthalmologist, pharmacist,
rheumatologist etc.

Other related Other related

cardiology experts specialtiesa

Figure 5 Multidisciplinary care of cardiomyopathies. aThe list presented is not exhaustive and represents examples of specialties that often interact in the
care of cardiomyopathy patients.Image %:

Recommendation Table 1 — Recommendations for the

provision of service of multidisciplinary cardiomyopathy
6. The patient pathway
teams The diagnosis of cardiomyopathy rests on the identification of struc-
tural and/or functional myocardial abnormalities, including myocardial
Recommendations Classa Levelb fibrosis, that are not explained solely by abnormal loading conditions
It is recommended that all patients with
or CAD. However, disease phenotypes can also include arrhythmic
and electrocardiographic manifestations, morphological abnormalities
cardiomyopathy and their relatives have access to
I C of the cardiac valves, and abnormal coronary microcirculatory function.
multidisciplinary teams with expertise in the
As a key theme throughout this guideline, the Task Force highlights the
diagnosis and management of cardiomyopathies.
importance of using a systematic approach to the identification and as-
Timely and adequate preparation for transition of
sessment of patients with a suspected cardiomyopathy. Central to this
© ESC 2023

care from paediatric to adult services, including joint is the need for clinicians to consider a diagnosis of cardiomyopathy as
consultations, is recommended in all adolescents the cause of several common adult and paediatric clinical presentations.
with cardiomyopathy.58,59 The identification of a cardiomyopathy phenotype is only the beginning
Class of recommendation. of the diagnostic process and should prompt a systematic search for the
Level of evidence. underlying aetiology, which may be genetic or acquired.
18 ESC Guidelines

6.1. Clinical presentation an aetiological diagnosis, looking for specific signs and symptoms
Patients with cardiomyopathy may access health services through sev- and laboratory markers suggestive of a specific diagnosis; the pres-
eral pathways. Referral from primary care (e.g. general practitioners ence of ventricular and atrial arrhythmia and conduction disease to
and general paediatricians) may be triggered by symptoms (most aid diagnosis, suggest specific causes, and monitor disease progres-
commonly dyspnoea, chest pain, palpitation, syncope) or incidental sion and risk stratification; and clues from the pedigree to suggest
findings (e.g. an abnormal electrocardiogram [ECG] in the context of specific inheritance patterns and identify at-risk relatives. This ap-
community, school, work-related medical check-ups, or sports pre- proach should result in a timely and accurate diagnosis to enable early

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participation screening; the incidental detection of a murmur; or, in- treatment of symptoms and prevention of disease-related
creasingly, genotype-first identification as a result of secondary findings complications.
during research or clinical sequencing for other indications). In second-
ary and tertiary care (general cardiology and paediatric cardiology), pa-
tients with cardiomyopathy may present to the heart failure clinic with Recommendation Table 2 — Recommendations for
diagnostic work-up in cardiomyopathies
symptoms of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), mild-
ly reduced ejection fraction (HFmrEF), or preserved ejection fraction Recommendations Classa Levelb
(HFpEF); to the arrhythmia clinic with early-onset conduction disease,
atrial arrhythmia, or ventricular arrhythmia; or to the emergency de- It is recommended that all patients with suspected or
partment with suspected myocarditis. Frequently, patients enter the established cardiomyopathy undergo systematic
cardiomyopathy pathway in primary, secondary, or tertiary care as a re- evaluation using a multiparametric approach that
sult of family screening following the diagnosis of cardiomyopathy or a includes clinical evaluation, pedigree analysis, ECG,
sudden death in a relative, and may also be identified as part of the Holter monitoring, laboratory tests, and
work-up for multiorgan disease known to be associated with cardiovas- multimodality imaging.63
cular involvement. Clinicians in all these settings therefore need to con- It is recommended that all patients with suspected
sider the possibility of cardiomyopathy as a cause and use a systematic, cardiomyopathy undergo evaluation of family history
cardiomyopathy-oriented approach to clinical evaluation. and that a three- to four-generation family tree is

© ESC 2023
created to aid in diagnosis, provide clues to
6.2. Initial work-up underlying aetiology, determine inheritance pattern,
The cardiomyopathy-oriented approach is based on interpreting clinic- and identify at-risk relatives.64–66
al and instrumental findings to suspect and ultimately generate a
ECG, electrocardiogram.
phenotype-based aetiological diagnosis to guide disease-specific man- a
Class of recommendation.
agement.62 This approach requires deliberate analysis of multipara- b
Level of evidence.
metric investigations in the individual and their relatives and an
integrated probabilistic analysis of clinical investigations. Re-analysis of
clinical data is required as new information emerges, and family infor- 6.4. History and physical examination
mation can provide important clues to the diagnosis, given the variable Age is one of the most important factors to take into account when
expression and incomplete penetrance of most cardiomyopathies, and considering the possible causes of cardiomyopathy. For example, inher-
can result in differences in diagnostic criteria between probands and re- ited metabolic disorders and congenital dysmorphic syndromes are
latives. In this context, relatives of individuals with cardiomyopathy can more common in neonates and infants (see Section 6.9.1) than in older
have non-diagnostic morphological and electrocardiographic abnor- children or adults, whereas wild-type transthyretin amyloidosis
malities that can indicate mild and early phenotypic expression of dis- (ATTRwt) is a disease mostly of adults over the age of 65 years (see
ease and can increase diagnostic accuracy for predicting disease in Section 7.6).
genotyped populations. The identification of diagnostic clues, or red Construction of a three- to four-generation family pedigree helps to
flags, is a crucial aspect of the initial work-up. identify Mendelian forms of inheritance and identifies other family
members who may be at risk of disease development.62 Specific fea-
6.3. Systematic approach to diagnosis of tures to note in the family history include premature deaths (taking
cardiomyopathy into account that SCDs may sometimes be reported as accidental
deaths, e.g. drowning, unexplained traffic accident, and, rarely, as still-
A multiparametric approach to the evaluation of patients with sus-
birth or sudden infant death syndromes), unexplained heart failure, car-
pected cardiomyopathy is recommended, with the aims of: (i) establish-
diac transplantation, pacemaker and defibrillator implants, and evidence
ing and characterizing the presence of a cardiomyopathy phenotype;
for systemic disease (e.g. stroke at a young age, skeletal muscle weak-
and (ii) identifying the underlying aetiological diagnosis.62 Clinicians
ness, renal dysfunction, diabetes, deafness). Most Mendelian forms of
should approach a patient with suspected cardiomyopathy using a ‘car-
cardiomyopathy are autosomal dominant and are therefore character-
diomyopathy mindset’ (Figure 2):
ized by the presence of affected individuals across generations, with
• Use multimodality imaging to characterize the phenotype and iden- transmission from parents of either sex (including male-to-male) and
tify abnormal ventricular morphology (e.g. hypertrophy, dilatation) a 50% risk of allele transmission to offspring (although, due to incom-
and function (systolic/diastolic, global/regional), and detect abnormal- plete penetrance, the proportion of affected individuals in an individual
ities of tissue characterization (e.g. non-ischaemic myocardial scar pedigree will be lower). X-linked inheritance should be suspected if
and fatty replacement). males are the most severely affected individuals and there is no
• Use a combination of personal and family history, clinical examin- male-to-male transmission. Autosomal recessive inheritance, the least
ation, electrocardiography, and laboratory investigations to achieve common pattern, is likely when both parents of the proband are
ESC Guidelines 19

Table 5 Examples of inheritance patterns that should raise the suspicion of specific genetic aetiologies, grouped ac-
cording to cardiomyopathy phenotype

Cardiomyopathy phenotype AD AR X-linked Matrilineal

HCM Sarcomeric X
Anderson–Fabry X

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Danon X
TTR amyloidosis X
RASopathy X (X)
Friedreich ataxia X
Mitochondrial DNA X
Nuclear DNA X X X
Sarcomeric X
Dystrophin X
Emerin X
Barth syndrome X
Mitochondrial DNA X
Nuclear DNA X X X
Desmosomal X X
RCM Sarcomeric X

© ESC 2023
RASopathy X (X)

AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive; ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; NDLVC,
non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy; RCM, restrictive cardiomyopathy; TTR, transthyretin; DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid; RASopathies, Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway
(X) indicates the presence of a correlation between a cardiomyopathy and a pattern of inheritance.

unaffected and consanguineous, although severe autosomal recessive 6.5. Resting and ambulatory
cardiomyopathies can also occur in the absence of familial consanguin-
ity.67,68 When women—but not men—transmit the disease to children
The resting 12-lead ECG is often the first test that suggests the possi-
of either sex, mitochondrial DNA variants should be considered
bility of cardiomyopathy. Although the ECG can be normal in a small
(Table 5). It is important to note that the absence of familial disease
proportion of individuals with cardiomyopathy, standard ECG abnor-
does not exclude a genetic origin (see Section 6.8). malities are common in all cardiomyopathy subtypes and can precede
Patients with cardiomyopathy may experience dyspnoea, chest pain, the development of an overt morphological or functional phenotype
palpitation, and syncope and/or pre-syncope, although many individuals by many years; for example, in genotype-positive individuals identified
complain of few, if any, symptoms (see Section 6.4 for assessment of during family screening. When interpreted in conjunction with findings
symptoms in specific cardiomyopathy subtypes). A number of non- on echocardiography and CMR imaging, features that would normally
cardiac symptoms act as pointers for specific diagnoses (Table 6). indicate other conditions, such as myocardial ischaemia or infarction,
Similarly, general physical examination can provide diagnostic clues in can—with age at diagnosis, inheritance pattern, and associated clinical
patients with syndromic or metabolic causes of cardiomyopathy.62 features—suggest an underlying diagnosis or provide clues to the
20 ESC Guidelines

Table 6 Examples of signs and symptoms that should raise the suspicion of specific aetiologies, grouped according to
cardiomyopathy phenotype

Finding Cardiomyopathy phenotype


Learning difficulties, developmental Mitochondrial Dystrophinopathies Noonan

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delay diseases syndrome
Noonan syndrome Mitochondrial diseases
Danon disease Myotonic dystrophy
FKTN variants
Sensorineural deafness Mitochondrial Epicardin variants
NSML Mitochondrial diseases
Visual impairment Mitochondrial CRYAB
ATTRv or hereditary Type 2 myotonic
ATTR dystrophy
Danon disease
Gait disturbance Friedreich ataxia Dystrophinopathies Myofibrillar
Myofibrillar myopathies
Myotonia Myotonic dystrophy
Paraesthesia/sensory Amyloidosis Amyloidosis
abnormalities/neuropathic pain Anderson–Fabry
Carpal tunnel syndrome TTR-related
Muscle weakness Mitochondrial Dystrophinopathies Laminopathies Desminopathies
Glycogenoses Sarcoglycanopathies Desminopathies
FHL1 variants Laminopathies
Myotonic dystrophy
Palpebral ptosis Mitochondrial Mitochondrial diseases
Myotonic dystrophy
Lentigines NSML
Angiokeratomata Anderson–Fabry
Pigmentation of skin and scars Haemochromatosis
© ESC 2023

Palmoplantar keratoderma and Carvajal syndrome Naxos and Carvajal

woolly hair syndromes
DSP variants DSP variants DSP variants

ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; ATTR, transthyretin amyloidosis; ATTRv, hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; DSP, desmoplakin;
HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; NDLVC, non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy; NSML, Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines; RCM, restrictive cardiomyopathy; TTR,
Cornea verticillata, characteristic of Anderson–Fabry disease, does not cause visual impairment per se.
ESC Guidelines 21

underlying diagnosis. For this reason, the ECG is recommended at the including bradyarrhythmias and tachyarrhythmias, ranging from symp-
first clinic visit in all individuals with known or suspected cardiomyop- tomatic atrial/ventricular premature beats to life-threating ventricular
athy and should be repeated whenever there is a change in symptoms arrhythmias. The frequency of arrhythmias detected during ambula-
in patients with an established diagnosis. Although the ECG is often tory electrocardiographic monitoring is age related and variable
non-specific, there are particular features that can suggest a certain aeti- across different cardiomyopathy subtypes. Some arrhythmias are
ology or morphological diagnosis, including atrioventricular (AV) block, relatively common in the context of cardiomyopathy (e.g. atrial fibril-
ventricular pre-excitation pattern, distribution of repolarization abnor- lation [AF] or ventricular premature beats), while others may suggest

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malities, and high or low QRS voltages (Table 7). a specific diagnosis. ECG monitoring is therefore useful at the initial
Patients with cardiomyopathy may seek cardiology evaluation due clinical assessment and at regular intervals to assess the risk of SCD
to arrhythmia-related symptoms or documented arrhythmia, and stroke.

Table 7 Examples of electrocardiographic features that should raise the suspicion of specific aetiologies, grouped
according to cardiomyopathy phenotype

Cardiomyopathy phenotype Finding Specific diseases to be considered

HCM Short PR interval/pre-excitation Glycogenosis

Danon disease
PRKAG2 cardiomyopathy
Anderson–Fabry disease
Mitochondrial disease
AV block Amyloidosis
Anderson–Fabry disease (late stage)
Danon disease
PRKAG2 cardiomyopathy
Extreme LVH Danon disease
Glycogenosis (e.g. Pompe disease)
PRKAG2 cardiomyopathy
Low QRS voltagea Amyloidosis
Friedreich ataxia
Superior QRS axis (‘northwest axis’) Noonan syndrome
Q waves/pseudoinfarction pattern Amyloidosis
DCM AV block Laminopathy
Emery–Dreifuss 1
Myocarditis (esp. Chagas disease, Lyme disease, diphtheria)
Myotonic dystrophy
Low P wave amplitude Emery–Dreifuss 1 and 2
Atrial standstill Emery–Dreifuss 1 and 2
Posterolateral infarction pattern Dystrophinopathy
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
Extremely low QRS amplitude PLN variant
NDLVC AV block Laminopathy
Extremely low QRS amplitude PLN variant
Low QRS voltage + atypical RBBB Desmosomal variants
ARVC T wave inversion V1-V3 + terminal activation delay
© ESC 2023

+/− low right ventricular voltages +/− atypical RBBB

RCM AV block Desminopathy

ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; AV, atrioventricular; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy;
NDLVC, non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy; PKP2, plakophilin 2; PLN, phospholamban; PRKAG2, protein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit gamma 2; QRS, Q, R, and S
waves of an ECG; RBBB, right bundle branch block; RCM, restrictive cardiomyopathy.
In the absence of obesity, pericardial effusion, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, abnormalities of the chest, or other reasons that may cause low voltage.
Adapted from Rapezzi et al.62
22 ESC Guidelines

6.6. Laboratory tests to move hierarchically from simpler and cheaper to more complex
Routine laboratory testing aids the detection of extracardiac conditions and expensive tests. A bi-directional flow of information between the
that cause or exacerbate ventricular dysfunction (e.g. thyroid disease, clinician and the imager is key to maximizing appropriateness: clinicians
renal dysfunction, and diabetes mellitus) and secondary organ dysfunc- should formulate and share clear pre-test hypotheses, based on avail-
tion in patients with severe heart failure. High levels of brain natriuretic able information, to aid the interpretation of novel findings. The imager
peptide (BNP), N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), should respond in a similarly focused fashion, assessing the likelihood of
and high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) are associated with alternative diagnoses and refraining from diagnoses that are not com-

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cardiovascular events, heart failure, and death, and may have diagnostic, patible/plausible based on the overall clinical context.
prognostic, and therapeutic monitoring value.69 Routine blood tests for
comorbidities, including full blood count, renal and liver function para- 6.7.2. Echocardiography
meters and electrolytes, thyroid function, fasting glucose, and The non-invasive nature and widespread availability of echocardiography
Haemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) are recommended in all patients with make it the main imaging tool, from initial diagnosis to follow-up.
heart failure symptoms.69 Persistently elevated serum creatinine kinase Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) provides relevant information
(CK) levels can be suggestive of myopathies or neuromuscular disor- on global and regional RV and LV anatomy and function as well as valve
ders including dystrophinopathies (e.g. Becker muscular dystrophy or function and the presence of dynamic obstruction, pulmonary hyperten-
X-linked DCM), laminopathies, desminopathies, or less often, a myofi- sion, or pericardial effusions.71–73 Myocardial deformation imaging
brillar myopathy.62 Elevated C-reactive protein levels may be present in (speckle tracking or tissue Doppler) with global longitudinal strain is a
patients with ARVC and NDLVC, particularly in the context of recur- more sensitive marker than EF to detect subtle ventricular dysfunction
rent myocarditis-like episodes.70 Elevated serum levels of iron and fer- (e.g. in genotype-positive HCM, DCM, and ARVC family mem-
ritin and high transferrin saturation can suggest a diagnosis of bers72,74,75), and may help discriminate between different aetiologies of
haemochromatosis and should trigger further aetiological refinement hypertrophy76 (e.g. amyloidosis, HCM, and athlete’s heart). Mechanical
(primary vs. secondary) based on genetic testing. Lactic acidosis, myo- dispersion is a marker of contraction inhomogeneity and highlights fine
globinuria, and leucocytopaenia can be suggestive of mitochondrial dis- structural changes that may be missed by other modalities.77–80
eases. A list of recommended laboratory tests in adults and children is Three-dimensional echocardiography reliably assesses volumes of car-
shown in Table 8. Following specialist evaluation, additional tests to de- diac chambers but needs an adequate acoustic window. Contrast agents
tect rare metabolic causes are often required in children, including can be considered for better endocardial delineation to depict the pres-
measurement of lactate, pyruvate, pH, uric acid, ammonia, ketones, ence of hypertrabeculation, apical HCM, or apical aneurysms, and to ex-
free fatty acids, carnitine profile, urine organic acids, and amino acids clude thrombus. Stress echocardiography can be helpful in selected
(see Section 6.9). patients to evaluate myocardial ischaemia and exercise echocardiography
is useful to identify provocable LVOTO in symptomatic patients with
Recommendation Table 3 — Recommendations for
HCM (see Section Transoesophageal echocardiography is limited
laboratory tests in the diagnosis of cardiomyopathies
to selected indications, such as the exclusion of atrial thrombi related to
Recommendations Classa Levelb AF, elucidating the mechanism of mitral regurgitation, or in planning inva-
sive interventions (e.g. septal myectomy in HCM).
Routine (first-level) laboratory testsc are When measuring cardiac dimensions and wall thickness in children, it
recommended in all patients with suspected or is important to correct for body size, using z-scores (defined as the
confirmed cardiomyopathy to evaluate aetiology, number of standard deviations from the population mean). Of note,
assess disease severity, and aid in detection of there are inherent limitations with the use of z-scores in the diagnosis
extracardiac manifestations and assessment of of cardiomyopathies, including the fact that there are many different
secondary organ dysfunction. normative data published resulting in significant variation in z-scores
Additional (second-level) testsc should be considered for the same patient.81 In addition, there are no normative data for
© ESC 2023

in patients with cardiomyopathy and extracardiac wall thickness other than at the basal interventricular septum or poster-
features to aid in detection of metabolic and ior wall. The Task Force recommends using the normative data from
syndromic causes, following specialist evaluation. the Paediatric Heart Network consortium.82
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence. Recommendation Table 4 — Recommendation for
See Table 8. echocardiographic evaluation in patients with

Recommendation Classa Levelb

6.7. Multimodality imaging
6.7.1. General considerations A comprehensive evaluation of cardiac dimensions
Non-invasive imaging modalities represent the backbone of diagnosis and LV and RV systolic (global and regional) and LV
and follow-up in patients with cardiomyopathies, including ultrasound- diastolic function is recommended in all patients with
© ESC 2023

based techniques, CMR imaging, computed tomography (CT), and nu- cardiomyopathy at initial evaluation, and during
clear techniques, such as positron emission tomography (PET) and scin- follow-up, to monitor disease progression and aid
tigraphy (Figure 6).1,71,72 Physicians should always consider the yield of risk stratification and management.78,83–102
actionable results vs. the costs, advantages, and limitations of each tech-
LV, left ventricular; RV, right ventricular.
nique, as well as patient safety and patient exposure to ionizing radi- a
Class of recommendation.
ation and contrast media. Standardized algorithms should be in place b
Level of evidence.
ESC Guidelines 23

Table 8 First-level (to be performed in each patient) and second-level (to be performed in selected patients following
specialist evaluation to identify specific aetiologies) laboratory tests, grouped by cardiomyopathy phenotype


First • CK • Calcium • Calcium • C-reactive • CK

• Liver function • CK • CK protein • Ferritin
• NT-proBNPa • Ferritin • C-reactive protein • Liver function • Full blood count

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• Proteinuria • Full blood count • Full blood count • NT-proBNPa • Liver function
• Renal function • Liver function • Liver function • Renal function • NT-proBNPa
• Troponin • NT-proBNPa • NT-proBNPa • Troponin • Proteinuria
• Phosphate • Phosphate • Renal function
• Proteinuria • Proteinuria • Serum
• Renal function • Renal function angiotensin-converting
• Serum iron • Troponin enzyme
• Thyroid function • Serum iron
• Troponin • Troponin
• Vitamin D (children) • Urine and plasma protein
immunofixation, free light
Second • Alpha-galactosidase A • Carnitine profile • Organ- and • Organ- and non–
levels (males) and • Free fatty acids non-organ-specific organ-specific
lyso-Gb3 • Lactic acid serum autoantibodies autoantibodies
• Carnitine profile • Organ- and non– • Viral serology • Serum
• Free fatty acids organ-specific serum angiotensin-converting
• Immunofixation and free autoantibodies enzyme
light chains • Serum
• Lactic acid angiotensin-converting
• Myoglobinuria enzyme
• Pyruvate • Thiamine
• PTH • Viral serology

© ESC 2023
• Urine and plasma protein • Urine organic acids and
• Urine organic acids and plasma amino acids
plasma amino acids

ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; CK, creatinine kinase; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; Gb3, globotriaosylceramide; HCM,
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; NDLVC, non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy; NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; PTH, parathyroid hormone; RCM, restrictive
Alternatively, BNP can be considered depending on the local availability.

6.7.3. Cardiac magnetic resonance amyloidosis, or of iron deposition in haemochromatosis), and should
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) combines the advantages of be considered in all patients with cardiomyopathy.
non-invasiveness and independence of acoustic window with the ability
for tissue characterization. The latter advantage is particularly import- Special considerations
ant in the diagnosis of NDLVC, ARVC, myocarditis, amyloidosis, sar-
coidosis and other forms of inflammatory disease, and iron overload/ • Recently developed rapid CMR techniques allow scans to be performed
haemochromatosis. Cardiac magnetic resonance is particularly useful without general anaesthesia even in very young children.103 In children
if echocardiography provides poor image quality. Initial evaluation (and adults) unable to undergo CMR without general anaesthesia, the
should routinely include cine imaging sequences, T2-weighted se- relative risks and benefits of the procedure should be considered.
quences, pre- and post-contrast T1 mapping, and late gadolinium en- • Imaging artefacts caused by cardiac implantable electronic devices
hancement (LGE). When suspecting haemochromatosis, T2* have posed limitations for CMR imaging in the past.104–110 A number
mapping should be employed. Cardiac magnetic resonance findings of solutions are available to reduce artefacts, including reducing in-
can provide important aetiological clues (Figure 7), with potential thera- homogeneity, technical adjustments, and the use of special sequences,
peutic implications (Table 9) and should be assessed collectively with which reduce the rate of uninterpretable studies to one in five.111,112
genetic results and other clinical features by experienced operators Cardiac magnetic resonance can therefore be considered in patients
in cardiac imaging and the evaluation of heart muscle disease. Serial with conditional devices and nearly all non-conditional devices pro-
follow-up CMR, every 2–5 years depending on initial severity and clin- vided appropriate protocols are put in place.113
ical course, can assist in evaluating disease progression as well as the • Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis is a rare complication reported in pa-
benefits of therapy (e.g. evaluation of extracellular volume [ECV] in tients with first-generation linear unstable gadolinium chelates and
24 ESC Guidelines

Clinical suspicion of cardiomyopathy

LV functional and structural abnormalities

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Echocardiography and CMR
Cardiomyopathy Ventricular function
diagnosis Hypertrophy
Phenotype identification
Rule out phenocopies Tissue characterization (T1/T2/T2* /LGE)
Functional abnormalities
Stress echocardiography
Risk stratification and Valvular and dynamic gradients
disease prognostication
CTCA/stress tests
Myocardial ischaemia

Targeted studies
Disease progression
Bone scintigraphy

Myocardial inflammation

Figure 6 Multimodality imaging process in cardiomyopathies. CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; CTCA, computed tomography coronary angiography;
LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; LV, left ventricular; PET, positron emission tomography.

Contrast-enhanced CMR should be considered in

severe renal disease.114 However, gadolinium-based contrast agents
can be safely administered for patients with an estimated glomerular fil- patients with cardiomyopathy during follow-up to
tration rate >30 mL/min/1.73 m2, and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis is monitor disease progression and aid risk stratification
virtually unreported with the use of newer linear or macrocyclic gado- and management.89,90,120–122,127,129,136–147
linium contrasts. For patients with severe renal impairment, new CMR Contrast-enhanced CMR should be considered for
modalities and mapping procedures, which are very informative and do the serial follow-up and assessment of therapeutic
not require the use of contrast, are particularly valuable when assessing response in patients with cardiac amyloidosis,
Anderson–Fabry disease and cardiac amyloidosis.115–117 Anderson–Fabry disease, sarcoidosis, inflammatory
• The use of gadolinium contrast is generally not advised in pregnancy cardiomyopathies, and haemochromatosis with
due to the potential for adverse outcomes in the foetus and cardiac involvement.148–152
neonate.118 In families with cardiomyopathy in which a
disease-causing variant has been identified,
contrast-enhanced CMR should be considered in
genotype-positive/phenotype-negative family
Recommendation Table 5 — Recommendations for members to aid diagnosis and detect early
cardiac magnetic resonance indication in patients with disease.10,122,126,128,129,135–143,145,153–159
In cases of familial cardiomyopathy without a genetic
© ESC 2023

Recommendations Class a
Level b diagnosis, contrast-enhanced CMR may be
considered in phenotype-negative family members to
Contrast-enhanced CMR is recommended in aid diagnosis and detect early disease.10,128
patients with cardiomyopathy at initial I B
CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance.
evaluation.10,90,116,119–143 a
Class of recommendation.
Continued Level of evidence.
ESC Guidelines 25

Cardiomyopathy Finding Cardiac CMR examples Specific diseases to be considered


Posterolateral LGE and concentric LVH

Low native T1
Anderson–Fabry disease

Downloaded from by ECCO'16 user on 25 August 2023

Diffuse subendocardial LGE,
HCM high native T1

Patchy mid-wall in hypertrophied areas Sarcomeric HCM

Short T2* Haemochromatosis

Subepicardial LGE Post-myocarditis

DCM Lateral wall epicardial LGE Dystrophinopathy

Subepicardial and midwall LGE at basal

septum +/- extension into inferolateral Sarcoidosis
wall and RV insertion points

Apical transmural LGE Chagas disease

Ring-like and/or subepicardial

DSP variants
LGE pattern FLNC variants
DES variants

Septal mid-wall LGE Laminopathy

Fat and LGE (transmural RV plus

ARVC sub-epicardial-midmural LV free wall)
Desmosomal variants

Partial LV or RV apical obliteration +

RCM LGE at endocardial level

Figure 7 Examples of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging tissue characterization features that should raise the suspicion of specific aetiologies, grouped
according to cardiomyopathy phenotype. ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; DCM, dilated cardio-
myopathy; DES, desmin; DSP, desmoplakin; EMF, endomyocardial fibrosis; FLNC, filamin C; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; LGE, late gadolinium en-
hancement; LV, left ventricular; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; NDLVC, non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy; RCM, restrictive
cardiomyopathy; RV, right ventricular. Examples of CMR tissue characterization features that should raise the suspicion of specific aetiologies (column
4), grouped according to cardiomyopathy phenotype (column 1). CMR images features (column 3) correspond to the listed findings (column 2).Image %:
26 ESC Guidelines

Table 9 Frequently encountered actionable results on artery from the pulmonary artery [ALCAPA] or anomalous pulmonary
multimodality imaging venous return). Standard CT imaging provides additional information
regarding concomitant pulmonary disease (e.g. sarcoidosis), pericardial
Parameter/finding Action disease, and chest wall deformities affecting the heart.
RWMAs on echocardiography or Raise suspicion of concomitant CAD,
Recommendation Table 6 — Recommendations for
CMR myocarditis, ARVC, NDLVC, or
computed tomography and nuclear imaging

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Systolic impairment on Assessment of risk in DCM, NDLVC, Recommendations Classa Levelb
echocardiography or CMR and ARVC; evaluation of treatment
DPD/PYP/HMDP bone-tracer scintigraphy is
recommended in patients with suspected
Measurement of the wall Diagnosis of HCM (when I B
ATTR-related cardiac amyloidosis to aid
thickness on echocardiography or echocardiography is inconclusive); risk
CMR stratification in HCM
Contrast-enhanced cardiac CT should be considered
Diastolic dysfunction on Explain symptoms; evaluation of
in patients with suspected cardiomyopathy who have
echocardiography treatment efficacy IIa C
inadequate echocardiographic imaging and
Left atrial size on SCD risk prediction in HCM;
contraindications to CMR.169,170
echocardiography systematic screening for AF in case of
In patients with suspected cardiomyopathy,
left atrial enlargement
CT-based imaging should be considered to exclude
LVOTO in HCM on resting/ Explain symptoms; guide management IIa C
congenital or acquired coronary artery disease as a
exercise echocardiography
cause of the observed myocardial abnormality.171
Non-invasive evaluation of Explain symptoms; guide management

© ESC 2023
18F-FDG-PET scanning should be considered for the
pulmonary pressures IIa C
diagnostic work-up in patients with cardiomyopathy
Tissue characterization on CMR Diagnosis; risk assessment in whom cardiac sarcoidosis is suspected.164,172,173
© ESC 2023

Inflammation on CMR or Diagnosis; evaluation of treatment

18F-FDG-PET, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography; ATTR,
18F-FDG-PET efficacy in inflammatory
transthyretin amyloidosis; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; CT, computed
cardiomyopathies tomography; DPD, 3,3-diphosphono-1,2-propanodicarboxylic acid; HMDP,
hydroxymethylene diphosphonate; PYP, pyrophosphate.
18F-FDG-PET, fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography; AF, atrial fibrillation; a
Class of recommendation.
ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; AF, atrial fibrillation; CAD, b
Level of evidence.
coronary artery disease; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; DCM, dilated
cardiomyopathy; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; LVOTO, left ventricular outflow
tract obstruction; NDLVC, non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy; RWMA, regional 6.7.5. Endomyocardial biopsy
wall motion abnormality; SCD, sudden cardiac death. Endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) with immunohistochemical quantifica-
tion of inflammatory cells and identification of viral genomes remains
the gold standard for the identification of cardiac inflammation. It
may confirm the diagnosis of autoimmune disease in patients with un-
6.7.4. Computed tomography and nuclear medicine
explained heart failure and suspected giant cell myocarditis, eosinophilic
myocarditis, vasculitis, and sarcoidosis. Electron microscopy should be
Other imaging modalities, including nuclear medicine-based techniques
employed when storage or mitochondrial cardiomyopathies are sus-
and CT, are indicated in selected subsets of patients with cardiomyop-
pected. Endomyocardial biopsy should be reserved for specific situa-
athy.160,161 Indications and the risk-benefit ratio should be evaluated on
tions where its results may affect treatment after careful evaluation
an individual patient basis, always taking into account radioprotection
of the risk-benefit ratio. Importantly, EMB is not completely risk-free
issues, which are particularly relevant in the young. Nuclear medicine
and should be performed by experienced teams. Likewise, the diagnos-
is particularly helpful in the aetiological diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis
tic work-up of a biopsy should be performed by pathologists with ex-
(see Section 7.7). 18FDG-PET is useful in the identification of myocardial
pertise in cardiomyopathies.
inflammation associated with active sarcoidosis and, potentially, in
other atypical forms of myocarditis.162–164 However, a negative scan
Recommendation Table 7 — Recommendation for
does not exclude sarcoidosis in its inactive form. In patients with endomyocardial biopsy in patients with cardiomyopathy
HCM, DCM, and Anderson–Fabry disease, H15 2 O or
NH3 dipyrid-
amole or regadenoson PET has been used to evaluate microvascular Recommendation Classa Levelb
dysfunction, an important predictor of adverse outcome.165
However, this test does not currently have a role in aetiological diagno- In patients with suspected cardiomyopathy, EMB
sis (e.g. in distinguishing phenocopies) and is largely confined to re- should be considered to aid in diagnosis and
search purposes. management when the results of other clinical
© ESC 2023

Computed tomography-based imaging is primarily used in patients investigations suggest myocardial inflammation,
with a suspicion of cardiomyopathy to rule out CAD, either as an alter- infiltration, or storage that cannot be identified by
native diagnosis (e.g. in individuals with DCM, NDLVC, or ARVC phe- other means.174–177
notypes) or as a comorbidity affecting clinical manifestations and
EMB, endomyocardial biopsy.
course. In children and adolescents, CT angiography can be useful to ex- a
Class of recommendation.
clude congenital vascular malformations (e.g. anomalous left coronary Level of evidence.
ESC Guidelines 27

6.8. Genetic testing and counselling factors. Once a genetic cause is established in one family member, then
other family members may undergo testing for only the causative
6.8.1. Genetic architecture
Familial forms of cardiomyopathies show diverse modes of inheritance.
Genetic testing in an individual with cardiomyopathy (known as con-
Gene identification has, over the last three decades, primarily focused
firmatory testing or diagnostic testing) is recommended for their direct
on the identification of Mendelian (monogenic) disease genes that most
benefit: (i) to confirm the diagnosis; (ii) where it may inform prognosis;
commonly display autosomal dominant inheritance, although other inher-
(iii) where it may inform treatment selection; or (iv) where it may in-

Downloaded from by ECCO'16 user on 25 August 2023

itance patterns including autosomal recessive, X-linked, and mitochondrial
form their reproductive management. Genetic testing of an affected in-
(matrilineal) are also observed (Table 5). Major genes currently associated
dividual may be indicated, even if it is unlikely to alter their management,
with different types of cardiomyopathies are listed in Table 10.
if there are relatives who may benefit from testing, particularly if there
Cardiomyopathies are characterized by a marked genetic and allelic het-
are relatives who will be enrolled in longitudinal surveillance if the gen-
erogeneity, that is, many different variants in many different genes can
etic aetiology is not established and who may be spared this burden if a
cause the same phenotype. Rare pathogenic variants associated with car-
genetic diagnosis is made in the family (Table 11). Testing may also be
diomyopathies often exhibit the phenomena of incomplete and
helpful in broader contexts, even when not obviously informative for
age-related penetrance, and variable expressivity.178,179 That is, not all in-
immediate management; for example, a genetic diagnosis may provide
dividuals carrying a causative variant manifest the disease and, among those
psychological benefit in a patient struggling to understand their disease.
who do, there is broad variability in age of onset and disease severity. Thus,
Genetic testing in a clinically unaffected relative of an individual with
while some individuals may have severe disease necessitating cardiac trans-
cardiomyopathy may be indicated irrespective of age, even in very
plantation at a young age, others may remain unaffected throughout their
young children, if a genetic diagnosis has been established with confi-
lives or are only mildly affected. This variability could be due to heterogen-
dence in the affected individual (known as cascade testing, predictive
eity among causative variants, the additional contribution of non-genetic
testing, or pre-symptomatic testing). Once a pathogenic/likely patho-
(clinical, environmental) factors (e.g. hypertension in HCM,180 exercise
genic (P/LP) variant has been identified within an index patient following
in ARVC181), and the co-inheritance of additional genetic factors, which
investigations of relevant disease genes associated with the specific
act to exacerbate or attenuate the effect of the principal Mendelian genetic
phenotype, it is possible to offer cascade genetic testing of first-degree
variant on the phenotype. This is an active area of research, and recent
at-risk relatives, including pre-test genetic counselling (see Section
genome-wide association studies conducted in patients with HCM have
6.8.3). In a scenario where a first-degree relative has died, evaluation
provided strong evidence for the modulatory role of common genetic var-
of close relatives of the deceased individual (i.e. second-degree relatives
iants of individually small effect that collectively modulate the effects of
of the index patient) should also be considered.
Mendelian variants (Figure 8).182,183
Individuals who are found not to harbour the familial variant can usu-
Across the different cardiomyopathies, the proportion of cases with a
ally be discharged from clinical follow-up; those who do carry the famil-
confident genetic diagnosis (that is with identification of a likely causal
ial variant are recommended to undergo clinical evaluation and usually
Mendelian genetic variant) is relatively low (e.g. as low as ∼40% in
ongoing surveillance. Cascade testing is not indicated when a variant of
HCM124 and ∼30% in DCM184–186). Genome-wide association studies
uncertain significance is identified in the proband.
of common variants in HCM and DCM have provided empirical evi-
Sequencing may also be indicated for segregation analysis (rather
dence for substantial polygenic inheritance in these cardiomyop-
than as a diagnostic test) to inform interpretation of a variant of uncer-
athies.182,183,187 Contrary to Mendelian inheritance, where a single,
tain significance found in an affected individual. This is usually limited to
large-effect variant primarily determines susceptibility to the disorder,
individuals who are clearly affected, or to testing of the parents to iden-
complex inheritance rests on the co-inheritance of multiple susceptibil-
tify a de novo variant. Genetic counselling in this circumstance would in-
ity variants. Although not yet studied systematically, besides common
volve clear communication to family members that this is not a
variants of small effect, intermediate-effect variants with effect sizes
diagnostic test, but rather is contributing to clarifying the pathogenicity
and frequencies between common and Mendelian variants are also ex-
of the uncertain variant.
pected to contribute to such complex inheritance.188 It is likely that car-
Finally, the evaluation of cardiac genes for secondary findings where data
diomyopathies span a continuum of genetic complexity, with Mendelian
are generated in the setting of genetic testing for another clinical indication
forms at one end, determined primarily by the inheritance of an ultra-
(also referred to as opportunistic screening) may be reasonable where the
rare large-effect genetic variant, and highly polygenic forms at the other
balance of benefits and harm is known, and if the cost is acceptable.
(see Figure 8). Variants that contribute to disease susceptibility in the set-
Broader population screening might also prove reasonable if the balance
ting of complex inheritance likely overlap with those that modulate dis-
of benefits and harm proves favourable. At present there is insufficient
ease penetrance and expressivity in the Mendelian form of the
data to evaluate the balance of benefits and harm in either context, and
this should currently only be performed in a research context in order
to obtain such data. Careful genetic counselling to fully explain benefits
6.8.2. Genetic testing and risks in this setting is critical. At present, there are very little data to
Genetic testing of Mendelian cardiomyopathy genes has become a evaluate this balance and this is an important evidence gap. In the United
standard aspect of clinical management in affected families.3 First-line States of America, the American College of Medical Genetics and
testing should be focused on genes robustly associated with the pre- Genomics has recommended that cardiomyopathy-associated genes be
senting phenotype. If initial testing does not reveal a cause, but suspicion evaluated for secondary findings whenever broad clinical sequencing is
of a monogenic cause remains high, then more extended sequencing or undertaken, regardless of the initial indication for testing.192,193 There is
analysis may be indicated, depending on the family structure and other currently no international consensus around this recommendation.
28 ESC Guidelines

Table 10 Overview of genes associated with monogenic, non-syndromic cardiomyopathies, and their relative contribu-
tions to different cardiomyopathic phenotypes

Gene Cardiomyopathy phenotype Associated phenotype



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a Cantu syndrome






BAG3 a a
Myofibrillar myopathy
Timothy syndrome



CAV3 a a

COX15 a a
Leigh syndrome

Alpha-B crystallinopathy




DES c c

DMD c c
X-linked progressive MD






FHL1 c c
Emery–Dreifuss MD

FLNC c c
Myofibrillar myopathy


FXN a a
Friedreich ataxia
GAA a a
Pompe disease

ESC Guidelines 29



GLA c c
Anderson–Fabry disease


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Naxos disease (cardiocutaneous syndrome)




LAMP2 c c
Danon disease

LDB3 a a
Myofibrillar myopathy
























30 ESC Guidelines


PRKAG2 c c
PRKAG2 cardiomyopathy



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PTPN11 c c
Noonan syndrome

RAF1 c c
Noonan syndrome


RIT1 c c
Noonan syndrome




SLC25A4 a a
Mitochondrial disease







TMEM43 a









© ESC 2023

TTR c c
Transthyretin amyloidosis


ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; MD, muscular dystrophy;
NDLVC, non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy; RCM, restrictive cardiomyopathy.
Based on ClinGen gene validation efforts;189–191a ooo: very common (>10% of tested cases); oo: common (1–10% of tested cases); o: less common (<1% of tested cases); blue circle:
definitive/strong evidence; light blue circle: moderate evidence; white circle: limited, no association or refuted/dispute evidence; blank cells: not classified; grey circle: has been described
(generally rare, sporadic cases), yet not classified/evaluated by ClinGen. The yield may be higher in subgroups with more specific phenotypes, e.g. the yield of testing LMNA is higher in
groups with DCM and conduction disease. As NDLVC is a new phenotypic description, genes have not been formally curated for associations with this phenotype. Values shown are
based on curations for related cardiomyopathies where the phenotypic spectrum is understood to include NDLVC.
indicates genes associated with syndromic presentations that can include cardiomyopathy as a feature, but where cardiomyopathy is not expected to occur as the only or presenting feature
of the syndrome.
ACTN2 and PLN can present a mixed phenotypic picture that may not fit into classical cardiomyopathy descriptions.
indicates genes associated with syndromic presentations that can include cardiomyopathy as a feature, and where cardiomyopathy may be the only or presenting feature of the syndrome. These
are sometimes referred to as genocopies. E.g. GLA is shown as definitive for HCM, because it causes Anderson–Fabry disease which can present with LVH fulfilling diagnostic criteria for HCM.
ESC Guidelines 31

Panel A Panel B Panel C

Autosomal dominant with

Autosomal dominant with Sporadic presentation Low familial
incomplete penetrance and
complete penetrance (negative family history) aggregation
variable severity/expressivity

Downloaded from by ECCO'16 user on 25 August 2023

+ + + +

+ + - + + + - +

- - + - - + + + - + - - + +

Severity Severity Severity

Disease Disease Disease
threshold threshold threshold

Disease Disease Disease

susceptibility susceptibility susceptibility

Rare pathogenic variant Rare Mendelian variant Intermediate effect variant Common variants (GWAS)
Population MAF <0.01% Population MAF <1–2% Population MAF >1–5%
Intermediate effect variant
Small effect common variant
Non-genetic factors

Figure 8 The genetic architecture of the cardiomyopathies. GWAS, genome-wide association studies; MAF, minor allele frequency. Cardiomyopathy can be
Mendelian, caused by genetic variants that are ultra-rare in the general population and have large effect sizes. Such variants can display complete penetrance; i.e. all
individuals with the variant in the family manifest the disease (panel A). However, individual variants are often insufficient to yield a disease phenotype in isolation, and
their effect is modulated by the co-inheritance of modulatory genetic factors and by non-genetic factors (panel B). Besides increasing disease penetrance, such mod-
ulatory variants also affect the severity of the disease (panel B). Modulatory genetic factors are thought to comprise common variants with individually small-effect
sizes and intermediate-effect variants that have population frequencies and effect sizes between rare and common variants. Some patients have a more complex
aetiology (non-Mendelian/polygenic inheritance) in which a substantial number of non-Mendelian genetic factors and non-genetic factors are required to reach the
threshold for disease (panel C). Such patients typically have a sporadic presentation or present with a less pronounced familial clustering of the disease. Family trees
demonstrate the male (square) and female (circle) family members that are affected (black filled), with incomplete phenotype (grey filled) or unaffected (white filled).
The presence or absence of the variant of interest is noted with “+” or “-”, respectively.

Table 11 Utility of genetic testing in cardiomyopathies

For the patient

• Diagnosis: for the affected individual, the diagnosis of cardiomyopathy is primarily made on the basis of a phenotypic definition of disease, without reference to
genetic aetiology. However, with appropriate genetic counselling and acknowledging the caveat that the finding will only be clinically actionable when a P/LP
variant is found, genetic testing may be of value in clarifying borderline cases (e.g. where LVH is observed in the context of mild or controlled hypertension, but
the clinician is not able to confidently distinguish between early sarcomeric HCM and a hypertensive phenocopy). Genetic testing can also identify genocopies:
distinct genetic conditions that mimic a particular cardiomyopathy.
• Prognosis: for an increasing number of conditions, a genetic diagnosis can provide prognostic information. For example, DCM due to variants in LMNA has an
adverse prognosis requiring more frequent surveillance and shifting therapeutic decision thresholds with a lower threshold for primary prevention ICD
• Therapy: a genetic diagnosis may directly stratify choice of therapy. In addition to decisions on primary prevention ICD implantation, an increasing number of
treatments are either established or under trial for a specific molecular subtype of cardiomyopathy. In addition, with an increasingly sophisticated toolbox for
32 ESC Guidelines

manipulation of the genome, further waves of therapies aiming to replace, alter, or remove abnormal genes and transcripts responsible for cardiomyopathies are
anticipated once a precise molecular aetiology is established in a patient.
• Reproductive advice: a genetic diagnosis informs reproductive advice and management for an affected adult and/or the parents of an affected child, enabling
tailored advice on inheritance patterns and the risk of transmission to future children, and opening the door to management of risk; e.g. through pre-natal
diagnostics or pre-implantation genetic diagnosis.
For relatives

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• Cardiomyopathies display incomplete and age-related penetrance, with great variability, therefore it is very difficult to identify clinically those relatives who are
not at risk of developing cardiomyopathy. A normal one-off assessment is of limited value, and relatives without cardiomyopathy on initial evaluation may require

© ESC 2023
long-term longitudinal surveillance. Genetic testing can eliminate this uncertainty: an individual who does not carry the genetic variant proved to be responsible
for disease in their family can be confidently reassured and discharged without surveillance, while an individual who carries a disease-causing variant can be
followed closely, and potentially treated early.

DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; ICD, implantable cardioverter defibrillator; LMNA, lamin A/C; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; P/LP, pathogenic/likely pathogenic. Non-Mendelian cardiomyopathies and implications for American Heart Rhythm Society (LAHRS) Expert Consensus
genetic testing Statement on the state of genetic testing for cardiac diseases.3
The preceding discussion has focused on genetic testing to identify
monogenic forms of cardiomyopathy. The recognition that an import- 6.8.3. Genetic counselling
ant proportion of cardiomyopathies have a more complex genetic
Genetic counselling is a process that aims to support patients and their
architecture has important implications for the use of genetic tests.
families to understand and adapt to the medical, psychosocial, and familial
The absence of a monogenic disease-causing variant on conventional
impact of genetic diseases.201,202 It should be performed by healthcare
genetic testing (i.e. sequencing for rare variants of large effect) leaves
professionals with specific training, such as genetic counsellors, genetic
three possibilities: (i) either there is a monogenic cause that has not
nurses, or clinical/medical geneticists, regardless of whether genetic testing
been identified (i.e. not detected or recognized as causative by current
is being considered. Genetic counselling can include a discussion of inher-
testing); (ii) the cardiomyopathy does not have a genetic aetiology; or
itance risks, provide education including the need for clinical evaluation,
(iii) the cardiomyopathy is attributable to the effects of multiple variants
perform pre- and post-genetic test counselling, review variant classifica-
of individually smaller effect (Figure 8). Recent data suggest that for many
tions, obtain a three-generation family history, and provide psychosocial
cardiomyopathies, the absence of a rare causative variant on comprehen-
support.203–205 For patients with a new diagnosis of cardiomyopathy, there
sive testing indicates that the disease is unlikely to have a monogenic aeti-
can be difficulty adjusting to life with an inherited cardiomyopathy, chal-
ology.182,183,194 This, in turn, implies a different inheritance pattern, with a
lenges living with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), and on-
lower risk to first-degree relatives, such that ongoing surveillance may
going trauma and grief for those who have experienced a young SCD in
not be indicated if an initial clinical evaluation is reassuring. The use of gen-
their family. Attention to the psychological support needs of patients is
etic testing to identify families in whom the disease is unlikely to be
therefore critical (see Section 6.12). Indeed, in the general setting, genetic
monogenic represents a likely new application of conventional testing,
counselling can improve knowledge, recall, and patient empowerment; in-
which is gathering evidence but not yet established.
crease satisfaction with decision-making; and reduce anxiety.206–209
Polygenic risk scores (PRS) (sometimes known as genomic risk
scores) are another form of genetic test that may, in the future, have
relevance in the management of cardiomyopathies. Instead of trying Genetic counselling in children
to identify a single genetic variant that is responsible for disease, There are specific issues to be considered when counselling children
many variants across the genome are evaluated, each associated with and their families and considering clinical screening and cascade genetic
a small effect on disease risk, and a score representing the aggregate testing,75,210,211 (Table 12) and a patient-centred approach that takes in
risk is calculated.182,183,195–197 To date, the value of a PRS in the clinical
management of cardiomyopathies has not yet been demonstrated, and Table 12 Specific issues to consider when counselling
access to genetic counselling will be even more important in conveying children
risks and uncertainties to patients and families.
Issue Implications Genetic test reports and variant interpretation Autonomy Competence of child to decide on testing
Many genetic diagnostic laboratories use a standardized framework to Informed consent Appropriate to understanding of child
interpret and report diagnostic genetic test results.3,198–200 A negative Right to know/not to know Consider wishes of child and family
genetic test result in a proband indicates that no causative variant has the result
been found in a known disease-associated gene. This does not necessar- Confidentiality Context of family history
ily mean the patient does not have a genetic disease, but reflects our Incomplete and age-related Symptoms/features of disease may not
limited knowledge of the genetic architecture of inherited cardiomyop- penetrance become apparent for many years
athies at this point in time. Aspects concerning the genetic testing ap-
Lifestyle School, sports, employment
proach, genetic testing methods, and variant interpretation are
Life stages and transition Moving from primary to secondary
© ESC 2023

further elaborated in the Supplementary data online, Section 2, and in

the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA)/Heart Rhythm education; transition to adult medical
Society (HRS)/Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS)/Latin services
ESC Guidelines 33

Cascade genetic testing in children: a patient-centred approach

Downloaded from by ECCO'16 user on 25 August 2023

Willingness to Access to Wish to include
Tolerance to
undergo periodic Life stage information children in decision-
clinical screening and resources making when older

Minimize healthcare
Explore worry Preferences of Respectful
burden of unnecessary Age of the child
and fear the parents discussion
clinical screening

Understand Potential impact

Family experience Genetic Family values
motivations for on lifestyle, sport,
with disease counselling and beliefs
testing wellbeing

Undergo cascade genetic testing Decline cascade genetic testing

Genotype-positive Genotype-negative

Continue clinical Release from further Continue clinical

screening clinical screening screening

Risk of developing Remove Risk of developing

disease unnecessary worry disease

Figure 9 A patient-centred approach to cascade genetic testing of children. Factors to consider when supporting families to decide whether to pursue
cascade genetic testing in children.

to account the experiences and values of the family is needed (Figure 9). the return of the results (post-test). Key discussion points during pre-
The guiding principle remains that any testing, clinical or genetic, should and post-test counselling are summarized in Table 13.
be in the best interests of the child and have an impact on management,
lifestyle, and/or ongoing clinical testing.75 With appropriate multidiscip-
linary support in a paediatric setting, psychosocial outcomes in children Genetic counselling for cascade testing
undergoing clinical screening and cascade genetic testing are no differ- Once a P/LP variant has been identified within an index patient follow-
ent than those of the general population.212 ing investigations of relevant disease genes associated with the specific
phenotype, it is possible to offer cascade genetic testing of first-degree Pre- and post-test genetic counselling (proband) at-risk relatives, including pre-test genetic counselling (see Section 6.8).
One critical role for genetic counselling is that it should be done along- In a scenario where a first-degree relative has died, evaluation of close
side genetic testing (see Section 6.8.2).3 This includes a discussion prior relatives of the deceased individual (i.e. second-degree relatives of the
to a decision to undertake genetic testing (pre-test), and at the time of index patient) should also be considered.
34 ESC Guidelines

Table 13 Key discussion points of pre- and post-test Table 14 Pre-natal and pre-implantation options and
genetic counselling implications
Pre-test genetic Detailed family history
Issue Implications
counselling Genetic education
Process and logistics of genetic testing and Chorionic villus sampling • Transcervical or transabdominal sampling of
return of the result the placenta at 10–14 weeks of gestation.
The procedure-related foetal loss rate is

Downloaded from by ECCO'16 user on 25 August 2023

Explanation of all possible outcomes
Implications for clinical care
• Performed at early gestational age; short
Lifestyle implications including sport, exercise,
testing turnaround time.
and employment
Amniocentesis • Direct sampling of amniotic fluid is
Implications for the family
performed after 15 weeks of gestation The
Risk of reclassification
loss rate is ∼0.1%.220
Secondary genetic findings
Non-invasive pre-natal • Performed for a single gene disorder.
Potential insurance implications (country
testing • Cell-free foetal DNA isolated from maternal
plasma sample.
Exploration of feelings and understanding • Offered in early pregnancy (approximately
Psychosocial support week 9); miscarriage risk not increased.
Post-test genetic Re-cap on key points of pre-test session • Not widely available (method still largely
counselling Result disclosure under development and therefore not
Specific implications for clinical care readily available).
Specific implications for the family and how to Pre-implantation genetic • IVF procedure with a success rate of 25–30%
approach relatives diagnosis per embryo transfer though dependent on
Risk of reclassification, plan for resolving the mother’s age and fertility, followed by
uncertain variant status if applicable biopsy and genetic testing of a single cell of
Exploration of feelings and understanding the embryo.
Provision of details about how family members • Risks to mother and offspring of IVF, such as
multiple birth, premature labour and low
can access genetic counselling
birth weight, as well as emotional health
Offer information about reproductive genetic

© ESC 2023
effects for those undergoing the procedure.
© ESC 2023

testing options for those with a genetic

• Availability and methods differ across
Psychosocial support
IVF, in vitro fertilization.
Modified from Ingles et al.213

The right assignment of the level of pathogenicity of a variant is cru- Pre-natal or pre-implantation genetic diagnosis
cial for cascade genetic testing. Inappropriate use of genetic testing in a Pre-natal or pre-implantation genetic testing can be offered to par-
family has the potential to introduce unnecessary worry and fear, as ents who have had a previous affected child with an inherited cardio-
well as potential harm related to the misinterpretation of genetic var- myopathy due to a single or multiple pathogenic variant(s), or to
iants. Variants should therefore be classified by a specialized multidiscip- couples where one or both partners carries a known pathogenic (fa-
linary cardiac genetic team with an appropriate level of expertise. milial) variant. The decision to pursue pre-natal or pre-implantation
Systematic reclassification of identified variants and communication genetic testing should consider a spectrum of disease- and
to families is crucial. Conveying information on the importance of clin- parent-related aspects, including cultural, religious, legal, and avail-
ical and genetic testing of at-risk relatives is typically reliant on the pro- ability issues.218 Options for pre-natal or pre-implantation genetic
band in the family understanding the information and passing it on to diagnosis should be discussed as part of the genetic counselling pro-
the appropriate relatives. Common barriers to communication can in- cess and in a timely manner. If pre-natal diagnostics are performed, it
clude poor family relationships, guilt regarding passing a causative vari- should be done early enough in pregnancy to give the patient options
ant on to children, psychosocial factors including distress, and regarding pregnancy continuation, or co-ordination of pregnancy, de-
comprehension of the result.214,215 A patient will often selectively com- livery, and neonatal care.219
municate genetic information to relatives, assessing their ability to Options for pre-natal and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis are
understand and cope with the information, their life stage, and their summarized in Table 14. Most reproductive diagnostic testing op-
risk status.216 Poor health literacy is an important barrier to effectively tions are for established pregnancies, except pre-implantation genet-
communicating genetic risk information to relatives, highlighting the ic diagnosis which allows for selective implantation of unaffected
need for targeted resources and mechanisms for support.217 embryos.
ESC Guidelines 35

Recommendation Table 8 — Recommendations for Family members

genetic counselling and testing in cardiomyopathies
It is recommended that cascade genetic testing, with
Recommendations Classa Levelb pre- and post-test counselling, is offered to adult
at-risk relatives if a confident genetic diagnosis (i.e. a
Genetic counselling P/LP variant) has been established in an individual I B
Genetic counselling, provided by an appropriately with cardiomyopathy in the family (starting with

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trained healthcare professional and including genetic first-degree relatives if available, and cascading out
education to inform decision-making and sequentially).204,227–232
psychosocial support, is recommended for families I B Cascade genetic testing with pre- and post-test
with an inherited or suspected inherited counselling should be considered in paediatric at-risk
cardiomyopathy, regardless of whether genetic relatives if a confident genetic diagnosis (i.e. a P/LP
testing is being considered.204,206,208,209,221–224 variant) has been established in an individual with
It is recommended that genetic testing for cardiomyopathy in the family (starting with
cardiomyopathy is performed with access to a first-degree relatives, if available, and cascading out
multidisciplinary team, including those with expertise sequentially), considering the underlying
in genetic testing methodology, sequence variant cardiomyopathy, expected age of onset,
interpretation, and clinical application of genetic presentation in the family, and clinical/legal
testing, typically in a specialized cardiomyopathy consequences.233–236,244
service or in a network model with access to Testing for the presence of a familial variant of
equivalent expertise.222,224–226 unknown significance, typically in parents and/or
Pre- and post-test genetic counselling is affected relatives, to determine if the variant
recommended in all individuals undergoing genetic I B segregates with the cardiomyopathy phenotype
testing for cardiomyopathy.204,208,227–236 should be considered if this might allow the variant to
If pre-natal diagnostic testing is to be pursued by the be interpreted with confidence.
family, it is recommended that this is performed early Diagnostic genetic testing is not recommended in a

© ESC 2023
in pregnancy, to allow decisions regarding I C phenotype-negative relative of a patient with
continuation or co-ordination of pregnancy to be cardiomyopathy in the absence of a confident genetic
made. diagnosis (i.e. a P/LP variant) in the family.
A discussion about reproductive genetic testing
P/LP, pathogenic/likely pathogenic.
options with an appropriately trained healthcare a
Class of recommendation.
IIa C b
professional should be considered for all families with Level of evidence.

a genetic diagnosis.
Index patients
Genetic testing is recommended in patients fulfilling 6.9. Diagnostic approach to paediatric
diagnostic criteria for cardiomyopathy in cases where patients
it enables diagnosis, prognostication, therapeutic Traditionally, cardiomyopathies in children have been considered to be
stratification, or reproductive management of the I B distinct entities from adolescent and adult cardiomyopathies, with dif-
patient, or where it enables cascade genetic ferent aetiologies, natural history, and management. Although substan-
evaluation of their relatives who would otherwise be tially rarer than in adults, contemporary data have shown that, beyond
enrolled into long-term surveillance.227–231,237,238 the first year of life, in most cases, paediatric cardiomyopathies re-
Genetic testing is recommended for a deceased present part of the spectrum of the same diseases that are seen in ado-
individual identified to have cardiomyopathy at lescents and adults.245 Given their rarity, data on clinical management
I C and outcomes are more limited than in adults, but large population-
post-mortem if a genetic diagnosis would facilitate
based or international consortium data have provided important
management of surviving relatives.239–243
information on clinical presentation, natural history, and outcomes of
Genetic testing may be considered in patients
cardiomyopathies in children.245 Paediatric-onset cardiomyopathies of-
fulfilling diagnostic criteria for cardiomyopathy when
ten represent two opposite ends of the spectrum of heart muscle dis-
it will have a net benefit to the patient, considering
ease: (i) severe, early-onset disease, with rapid disease progression and
the psychological impact and preference, even if it IIb C
poor prognosis, in keeping with the most severe presentations in adults;
does not enable diagnosis, prognostication, or or (ii) early phenotypic expression of adult cardiomyopathy
therapeutic stratification, or cascade genetic phenotypes, increasingly identified as a result of family screening. For
screening of their relatives. this reason, the Task Force highlights the principle of considering car-
Genetic testing in patients with a borderline diomyopathies in all age groups as single disease entities, with recom-
phenotype not fulfilling diagnostic criteria for a
mendations applicable to paediatric and adult populations throughout
cardiomyopathy may be considered only after this guideline, accepting that the evidence base for many of the recom-
detailed assessment by specialist teams. mendations is significantly more limited for children. Where there are
Continued age-related differences, these are specifically highlighted.
36 ESC Guidelines

The general approach to paediatric and adult cardiomyopathies is In infantile and early childhood-onset cardiomyopathies, clinical
based on age of onset, clinical presentation, and cardiac and systemic presentation, cardiac phenotype, and aetiology are the main determi-
phenotype.246 When a syndromic or metabolic disease is suspected, nants of management.2 Severe clinical onset of infantile cardiomyop-
a step-by-step approach taking into consideration age of onset, consan- athies is generally managed in intensive or subintensive care units by
guinity and family history, cardiac and systemic involvement, ECG and neonatologists and paediatric cardiologists, for respiratory distress
imaging, and laboratory work-up is recommended to define phenotype, and/or metabolic acidosis, and/or hypoglycaemia, and/or hypo-
aetiology, and tailored management.247 As in adults, clinical presenta- tonia.247,250–252 A comprehensive clinical approach, taking into con-

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tion varies, from an absence of symptoms to SCD as the first and un- sideration both the cardiac and systemic phenotype (consanguinity;
ique manifestation.35,81,248,249 dysmorphisms or skeletal anomalies; mental retardation; muscle
hypotonia and weakness; hypoglycaemia with or without metabolic
acidosis; increased CK and transaminases; presence of urine ketones,
6.9.1. Infantile and early childhood-onset organic aciduria, acylcarnitine, and free fatty acid profiles; and calcium
cardiomyopathy and vitamin D metabolism), and involving a multidisciplinary team
In contrast, the aetiology, natural history, and outcomes of (geneticist and experts in metabolic and neurological diseases), is
infant-onset (<1 year of age) cardiomyopathies can be substantially mandatory to guide management when reversible or specific diseases
different than those seen in older children, adolescents, and adults. are present (Figure 10).

Clinical approach to infantile and childhood cardiomyopathy

Concentric LVH GSD Friedreich Danon Mitochondrial

Extreme LVH Danon GSD

ECGb Global
GSD Mitochondrial Friedreich Desmosomal
Echocardiogram stenosis/CHD

skeletal abnormalities
RASopathy Desmosomal
Mitochondrial Barth

Encephalopathy Mitochondrial LSD

Systemic GSD
Ataxia Friedreich
Muscle Dystrophin/
Friedreich Mitochondrial MYH7
DCM weakness NMD

NDLVC Deafness Mitochondrial NSML Epicardin

ARVC Learning difficulties, Dystrophin/
Danon RASopathy Mitochondrial
intellectual disability NMD

Figure 10 Clinical approach to infantile and childhood cardiomyopathy. ALT, alanine aminotransferase; ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardio-
myopathy; AST, aspartate transaminase; CHD, congenital heart disease; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; ECG, electrocardiogram; GSD, glycogen storage dis-
order; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; LSD, lysosomal storage disease; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; MYH7, myosin heavy chain 7; NDLVC,
non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy; NSML, Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines; RCM, restrictive cardiomyopathy. aSee Table 5. bSee
Table 7.Image %:
ESC Guidelines 37

In infants with HCM, after exclusion of reversible causes (maternal dia- develop symptoms, often many years after the appearance of ECG or
betes,253 twin–twin syndrome, corticosteroid use254,255), it is important to imaging evidence of disease. In infants, symptoms and signs of heart fail-
define, along with the pattern of hypertrophy (asymmetric, concentric, bi- ure include tachypnoea, poor feeding, excessive sweating, and failure to
ventricular), the presence of LVOTO, diastolic and/or systolic dysfunc- thrive. Older children, adolescents, and adults complain of fatigue and
tion,1,256 and RV involvement. Early-onset sarcomeric disease (including dyspnoea as well as chest pain, palpitations, and syncope. Because the
double/compound variants) should be excluded even in the absence of a New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification to grade heart fail-
family history for HCM and SCD; these infants present with severe heart ure is not applicable to children under the age of 5 years, the Ross

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failure symptoms, and survival beyond the first year of life is uncommon.257 Heart Failure classification has been adopted in children <5 years of
In contrast, clinical presentation with heart failure is rare in infants with het- age but has not been validated against outcomes.298 Systematic
erozygous sarcomeric disease compared with malformation syndromes or two-dimensional (2D) and Doppler echocardiography, resting and am-
metabolic disorders, in whom survival rates are <90% and <70% at 1 year, bulatory ECG monitoring, and exercise testing are usually sufficient to
respectively.248,258,259 In infants with HCM, in the presence of biventricular determine the most likely cause of symptoms. Additional investigations
outflow tract obstruction and ≥1 red flag for a neurocardiofaciocutaneous (e.g. coronary CT scanning or coronary angiography, cardio-pulmonary
syndrome (dysmorphisms, cutaneous abnormalities, skeletal anomalies, exercise testing [CPET], electrophysiological study, loop recorder im-
etc.), a diagnosis of RASopathies should be strongly suspected.260–263 plantation) should be considered to investigate specific symptoms of
Severe LVOTO in RASopathy-related HCM often requires high-dose chest pain, syncope, and palpitation, according to established clinical
beta blockade and, in some cases, consideration of septal myectomy.264– practice and guidelines.1,4,69,299–301 Cardiac catheterization to evaluate
In infants with HCM, biventricular hypertrophy, often presenting right and left heart function and pulmonary arterial resistance, and
with signs of heart failure and systolic dysfunction, and ≥1 red flag for meta- CPET with simultaneous measurement of respiratory gases, is not a
bolic disease (muscle hypotonia, increased CK, and transaminases, consan- standard part of the work-up, but remains recommended in severely
guinity or matrilineal pattern of inheritance), it is mandatory to exclude symptomatic patients with systolic and/or diastolic LV dysfunction
inborn errors of metabolism, including glycogenosis type II (Pompe dis- when uncertainty about filling status exists, or for those being consid-
ease), fatty acid oxidation defects, and mitochondrial disorders.268–272 In ered for heart transplantation or mechanical circulatory support.69
infants with Pompe disease, enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) has
been shown to result in reversal of LVH.269,273–275
In infants with DCM, reversible causes (i.e. hypocalcaemic vitamin 6.10.2. Heart failure management
D-dependent rickets) and CHD (aortic coarctation and ALCAPA, re- The clinical management of heart failure has been described in the 2021 ESC
quiring immediate surgical management) should be ruled out.249,276,277 Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure.69 In
Viral myocarditis should also be excluded by non-invasive (i.e. laboratory) that document, recommendations are generally independent from the aeti-
and invasive (EMB) investigations, in selected cases.278,279 Neuromuscular ology of heart failure and include current medical therapy, devices, and LV
(dystrophin- and sarcoglycan-related cardiomyopathies) should be ex- assist device (LVAD)/transplantation. As such, the treatment recommenda-
cluded in patients presenting with muscle hypotonia and increased CK, tions must be regarded as generic and not specific to the different forms of
and a multidisciplinary approach involving a neurologist and experts in cardiomyopathy. Medical therapies for HFrEF based on randomized con-
metabolic disease is required.280–282 When a DCM phenotype is asso- trolled trials (RCTs) from large cohorts, including angiotensin-converting
ciated with LV hypertrabeculation, other mitochondrial/metabolic dis- enzyme inhibitors (ACE-I)/angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitors
eases, including Barth syndrome, should be considered.283–285 (ARNIs), beta-blockers, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRA),
Isolated RCM is rare in infants, but a mixed RCM/HCM phenotype is and sodium–glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i), would be mostly
more frequently encountered. Familial cases are frequent, particularly applicable to genetic DCM, NDLVC, and other phenotypes associated with
in patients with an RCM/HCM phenotype.286–289 Independently of LV dysfunction (e.g. end-stage HCM, RCM, and ARVC). Indications for a
the phenotype, it is generally associated with poor prognosis, though cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) device and heart transplant
the RCM/HCM phenotype has significantly better transplant-free sur- would also be generally applicable accordingly. Recommendations for man-
vival than isolated RCM.286 agement of HFpEF would be mainly applicable to non-obstructive HCM,
Arrhythmogenic RV cardiomyopathy and non-dilated LV cardiomy- RCM, and cardiac amyloidosis. A Focused Update is due to be published
opathy phenotypes are very rare in infants, and are most commonly in 2023.69a
autosomal recessive forms associated with cutaneous manifestations Individual response to heart failure therapies may not be the same
(e.g. Naxos disease and Carvajal syndrome),290–292 although this may for different specific genetic causes, as has been demonstrated in sev-
reflect a lack of systematic clinical screening for these conditions in early eral observational studies.302,303 Further management considerations
childhood. Recent data suggest that ∼15% of ARVC patients present applicable to specific cardiomyopathy subtypes in adults and children,
with paediatric-onset disease and paediatric ARVC patients more often and in particular contexts, such as pregnancy and rare metabolic geno-
present with severe phenotype and higher risk of SCD.293 Increasingly, copies, are rapidly developing304 and are discussed in the specific car-
children with ARVC and NDLVC phenotypes presenting with acute diomyopathy sections (see Sections 7.6 and 8.2.2).
myocarditic presentations are recognized.294–297 Cardiac amyloidosis and some forms of RCM deserve special consid-
eration regarding heart failure management. Fluid control and mainten-
6.10. General principles in the ance of euvolaemia are central. If heart failure symptoms are present,
loop diuretics should be given, although orthostatic hypotension may
management of patients with
cause intolerance, and excessive fluid loss may worsen symptoms
cardiomyopathy due to restriction (e.g. in HCM or amyloidosis). The role of beta-
6.10.1. Assessment of symptoms blockers, ACE-Is, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), or ARNIs in
Some people with subtle structural abnormalities with cardiomyopathy the treatment of these patients has not been determined and they
remain asymptomatic and have a normal lifespan; however, others may may not be well tolerated because of hypotension.305 Moreover,
38 ESC Guidelines

withdrawal of these drugs frequently leads to improvement in symp- Cardiac transplantation
toms and should be considered. Orthotopic cardiac transplantation should be considered in patients
Heart failure with an LVEF >40–50% recovered from HFrEF or with moderate-to-severe drug-refractory symptoms (NYHA function-
HFmrEF (improved LVEF306) is not separately considered in the 2021 al class III–IV) who meet standard eligibility criteria (see the 2021 ESC
ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart fail-
failure, but is particularly important for genetic DCM, as a substantial ure).69 This may include patients with RCM and HCM with normal LVEF
proportion of patients with HFrEF or HFmrEF will improve their but severe drug-refractory symptoms (NYHA functional class III–IV)

Downloaded from by ECCO'16 user on 25 August 2023

LVEF with guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT).69 Patients caused by diastolic dysfunction.313–316 In patients with refractory ven-
and physicians are faced with the dilemma of whether to continue life- tricular arrhythmias that cannot be solely attributed to an acute decom-
long pharmacotherapy or wean at some point. The TRED-HF (Therapy pensation in the setting of end-stage heart failure, a comprehensive
withdrawal in REcovered Dilated cardiomyopathy—Heart Failure) trial evaluation of all potential therapeutic options (e.g. pharmacotherapy;
is the only RCT that evaluated if weaning GDMT is safe. The results ventricular tachycardia [VT] ablation including epicardial access if indi-
showed that a large proportion of the patients had recurrent LV dys- cated and feasible; cardiac sympathetic denervation in patients with
function or heart failure, so current recommendations caution against electrical storm and/or refractory polymorphic VT or rapid mono-
weaning.307 morphic VT) should be undertaken before recommending cardiac
transplantation (see Section 6.10.4). Preventive heart failure medical therapy of asymptomatic Recommendation Table 9 — Recommendations for
carriers/early disease expression cardiac transplantation in patients with cardiomyopathy
Heart failure therapy should be guided according to the 2021 ESC
Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure Recommendations Classa Levelb
for HFrEF, HFmrEF, and HFpEF in patients with cardiomyopathy and
Orthotopic cardiac transplantation is recommended
heart failure symptoms.69,69a Evidence for treatment recommendations
for eligible cardiomyopathy patients with advanced
in asymptomatic LV dysfunction is scarce, which presents a challenge
heart failure (NYHA class III–IV) or intractable
for genetic cardiomyopathies, where a sizeable proportion of the pa- I C

© ESC 2023
ventricular arrhythmia refractory to medical/invasive/
tients are young with no or only mild symptoms, and where asymptom-
device therapy, and who do not have absolute
atic patients are frequently discovered through cascade screening.
Because heart failure medication has proved to affect LV remodelling contraindications.317–319
in symptomatic patients with LV dysfunction, first-line heart failure NYHA, New York Heart Association.
therapy may be considered in patients with early forms of DCM/ Class of recommendation.
NDLVC to prevent progression of LV dilatation and dysfunction (e.g. Level of evidence.

ACE-I, ARBs, beta-blockers and MRAs, Class IIb Level C). Biomarkers Left ventricular assist devices
may help to identify pre-symptomatic patients who might benefit
As there are increasing numbers of patients with end-stage heart fail-
from early neuro-hormonal blockade.308 The effect of heart failure
ure, and the organ donor pool remains limited, mechanical circulatory
drugs to prevent progression into overt disease in genetic carriers of
support (MCS) with an LVAD or biventricular assist device is
DCM-/NDLVC-causing variants is currently unsettled. A placebo-
controlled trial (EARLY-Gene trial) is under way to test the utility of Recommendation Table 10 — Recommendation for
candesartan to prevent LV dysfunction/dilatation in this scenario left ventricular assist device therapy in patients with
(EudraCT: 2021-004577-30). cardiomyopathy
Management in other asymptomatic affected patients with diagnoses
of HCM, ARVC, and RCM should be decided individually, as medication Recommendation Classa Levelb
has not been proved to affect disease expression. Mechanical circulatory support therapy should be
There is no evidence to support the use of current pharmacological considered in selected cardiomyopathy patients with
agents for the prevention of disease development in non-affected car- advanced heart failure (NYHA class III–IV) despite
riers. Randomized controlled trials are warranted in order to address optimal pharmacological and device treatment, who
the value of new pharmacologic agents in this scenario.309 IIa B
are otherwise suitable for heart transplantation, to
Heart failure therapies are given to children with cardiomyopathies,
improve symptoms and reduce the risk of heart failure
applying the evidence from adults to children or based on a limited
hospitalization from worsening heart failure and
number of clinical studies.310 Heart failure therapies routinely used in
premature death while awaiting a transplant.320–324
children with LV dysfunction are ACE-Is, beta-blockers, diuretics, and
Mechanical circulatory support therapy should be
aldosterone antagonists. Angiotensin receptor blockers are an alterna-
tive for ACE-Is. Early results of the multicentric randomized control considered in selected cardiomyopathy patients with
PANORAMA-HF Trial and the subsequent Food and Drug advanced heart failure (NYHA class III–IV) despite
Administration (FDA) approval for ARNI in children have paved the optimal pharmacological and device therapy, who are
way for this newer class of drugs for paediatric patients with symptom- not eligible for cardiac transplantation or other
© ESC 2023

atic heart failure with systemic left ventricle systolic dysfunction, 1 year surgical options, and without severe right ventricular
of age and older. Dosing recommendations in younger children are cur- dysfunction, to reduce the risk of death and improve
rently pending,311 but for children <40 kg a starting dose of 1.6 mg/kg symptoms.321,325–330
titrated to a maximum of 3.1 mg/kg has been suggested.312 There are
NYHA, New York Heart Association.
currently no clinical trial or efficacy data available for SGLT-2 inhibitors a
Class of recommendation.
in children. b
Level of evidence.
ESC Guidelines 39

increasingly used as a bridge to transplant. Long-term MCS should also and diabetes mellitus, among others.332,333 The CHA2DS2-VASc (con-
be considered as destination therapy for cardiomyopathy patients with gestive heart failure or left ventricular dysfunction, hypertension, age
advanced heart failure despite optimal medical therapy who are not eli- ≥75 [doubled], diabetes, stroke [doubled]-vascular disease, age 65–
gible for transplantation.69 74, sex category [female]) score has not been specifically tested in pa-
tients with cardiomyopathies,369 and retrospective evidence suggests
that it may perform suboptimally with respect to stroke prediction in
6.10.3. Management of atrial arrhythmias
HCM and ATTR amyloidosis.334,365,371–374 For this reason, although

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Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia in all subtypes of
there are no RCTs evaluating the role of anticoagulation among pa-
cardiomyopathies and is associated with an increased risk of
tients with HCM, given the high incidence of stroke, prophylactic antic-
cardio-embolic events, heart failure, and death.331–333 Data from
oagulation is recommended in all patients with HCM and
3208 consecutive adult patients in the EURObservational
AF.334,371,372,374 A similar recommendation is given in patients with
Research Programme (EORP) Cardiomyopathy Registry showed
AF and RCM or cardiac amyloidosis.375 In patients with DCM,
an AF prevalence of 28.2% at baseline and 31.1% during follow-
NDLVC, or ARVC and AF, chronic oral anticoagulation should be con-
up,331–333 although it differed among cardiomyopathy types (see
sidered on an individual basis, taking into consideration the
Table 15). Overall, annual incidence in this registry was
CHA2DS2-VASc score, as proposed by the 2020 ESC Guidelines for
3.0%.332,333 In patients with cardiomyopathies, the presence of AF
the diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation.336 Atrial fibrillation is
is associated with more severe symptoms, an increased prevalence
a rare finding in children with genetic cardiomyopathies and no data
of cardiovascular risk factors and comorbidities, and an increased
are available regarding the performance of CHA2DS2-VASc or any
incidence of stroke and death (from any cause and from heart
other risk stratification score, nor the risk and benefit of prescribing
oral anticoagulation. There are no data on long-term prophylactic antic-
Both the 2020 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of at-
oagulation in children with DCM in sinus rhythm.
rial fibrillation and the 2021 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment
In the general population, direct-acting oral anticoagulants (DOACs)
of acute and chronic heart failure recommend an integrated and struc-
are preferred for the prevention of thrombo-embolic events in patients
tured approach to facilitate guideline-adherent management. The
with AF and without severe mitral stenosis and/or mechanical valve
Atrial Fibrillation Better Care (ABC) approach has been shown to re-
prosthesis, as they have similar efficacy to vitamin K antagonists
duce the risk of stroke and systemic embolism, myocardial infarction,
(VKAs) but a lower risk of intracranial haemorrhage.376 There are no
and mortality in the general population.337–361 Although this approach
randomized data comparing direct oral anticoagulants with VKAs in pa-
has not been specifically assessed in patients with cardiomyopathies,
tients with cardiomyopathy, although data suggest that they may be
heart failure was present in ∼20% of the individuals of these studies
used in a similar manner as the general population.373,374,377–380
and, where specified, cardiomyopathy in ∼5.5–6.5%. In particular,
two RCTs support integrated care.347,361 The RACE 3, combining
the components of the ABC pathway into structured care, resulted Rate control
in reduced AF burden and better rhythm control among 245 patients
Rate control should be considered in any patient with cardiomyopathy
with early persistent AF and stable heart failure (119 randomized to tar-
presenting with AF.336 A strict rate control (resting heart rate
geted and 126 to conventional therapy).347 The mobile Atrial
<80 beats per minute [b.p.m.] and heart rate during moderate exercise
Fibrillation App Trial (mAFA-II), which included 714 patients with heart
<110 b.p.m.) did not show any benefit over lenient rate control (resting
failure (21.5%), 54 with HCM (1.6%), and 105 with DCM (3.2%),
heart rate <110 b.p.m.) in RACE II381 and a pooled analysis of RACE II
showed the superiority of integrated care supported by mobile tech-
and AFFIRM.382 However, only 8–12% of patients had a history of car-
nology in the composite outcome of ‘ischaemic stroke/systemic
diomyopathy (type unspecified) in the RACE II trial, and only 10% of the
thrombo-embolism, death, and re-hospitalization’ (1.9% vs. 6.0%; haz-
patients in RACE II and 17% of those in the pooled analysis had a history
ard ratio [HR] 0.39; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.22 to 0.67; P <
of heart failure hospitalization or NYHA class II or III, respectively.381,382
0.001) and re-hospitalization rates (1.2% vs. 4.5%; HR 0.32; 95% CI,
No data are available for the different cardiomyopathy subtypes, but
0.17 to 0.60; P < 0.001).361 Adherence to the mobile health technology
observational studies suggest that higher heart rates are associated
beyond 1 year was good, and was associated with a reduction in ad-
with worse outcomes in patients with heart failure.383,384
verse clinical outcomes.362
Accordingly, the 2021 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment
of acute and chronic heart failure consider lenient rate control to be ac- Anticoagulation ceptable as an initial approach but to target a lower heart rate in case of
Thrombo-embolic risk varies in different cardiomyopathy phenotypes persistent symptoms or suspicion of associated tachycardia-induced
(see Section 7).332,363–367 Cardiac amyloidosis, HCM, and RCM368 are cardiac dysfunction.69
associated with a particularly increased risk of stroke.332,365,369,370 Very little data are available regarding the choice of pharmacological
The EORP registry indicated a worse prognosis for the population treatment for rate control in patients with cardiomyopathies.
with cardiomyopathy and concurrent AF with an annual incidence of Beta-blockers are the preferred choice in patients with cardiomyop-
stroke/transient ischaemic attack (TIA) about three times higher in athies given their long-established safety in the presence of LV dysfunc-
the cardiomyopathy group with AF.332,334 Hence, considering anticoa- tion.385,386 Digoxin is an alternative, particularly in patients with
gulation is key in patients with any type of AF or atrial flutter. contraindication or intolerance to beta-blockers and among patients
Importantly, patients with cardiomyopathy and AF have more with AF and heart failure symptoms (RATE-AF trial), having shown
cardio-embolic risk factors, including greater age, more advanced no difference in quality of life (QoL) at 6 months compared with biso-
NYHA class and more frequent history of stroke/TIA, hypertension, prolol.387 When administering digoxin, close monitoring of plasma drug
Table 15 Atrial fibrillation burden and management in cardiomyopathies

Condition AF epidemiology AF management

Prevalence Annual Anticoagulation Long-term rate control Long-term rhythm control


HCM 17–39%331–334,365,413,421–428 2.8– Always (if no Beta-blockers (preferred) Rhythm control is preferred
4.8%332,333,365 contraindication)371,429 Verapamil or diltiazem (only if Amiodarone, dofetilide Ablation397,412,415,416,418,430–
preserved LVEF) a 435
disopyramide, sotalol,
Digoxin b
AV node ablation + CRT or
physiological pacing388–390
DCM 25–49%331–333,426,436,437 3.8–5.5%332,333 According to cardio-embolic Beta-blockers (preferred) Rhythm control preferred in case of symptoms or/and heart failure or
LMNA related438–441 risk Digoxin LV dysfunction
(always if HF or reduced AV node ablation + CRT or Amiodarone, sotalola Ablation
c 388–390
LVEF) physiological pacing
NDLVC 39.2–43.1%d 442–444 4.4–12%d According to cardio-embolic Beta-blockers (preferred) Rhythm control preferred in case of symptoms or/and heart failure or
risk Digoxin LV dysfunction
(always if HF or reduced Verapamil or diltiazem (only if Flecainidee, amiodarone, sotalola Ablation446
LVEF) LVEF ≥40%)
AV node ablation + CRT or
physiological pacing388–390
ARVC 9–30%331–333,437,447–451 2.1–2.8%332,333 According to cardio-embolic Beta-blockers (preferred) Rhythm control preferred in case of symptoms or/and heart failure or
risk Verapamil or diltiazem (only if LV dysfunction
(always if HF or reduced LVEF ≥40%) Flecainidee (associated with Ablation
LVEF) AV node ablation + CRT or beta-blockers)
physiological pacing388–390 Amiodarone, sotalola
331–333 332,333 d
RCM 45–51% 4.5–10.3% Always (if no Beta-blockers (preferred) Rhythm control is preferred
contraindication) Digoxinf Amiodarone No data
Verapamil or diltiazem (only if
AV node ablation + CRT or
physiological pacing388–390
© ESC 2023

AF, atrial fibrillation; ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; AV, atrioventricular; CrCl, creatinine clearance; CRT, cardiac magnetic resonance; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; HF, heart failure;
HFpEF, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; LMNA, lamin A/C; LV, left ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NDLVC, non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy; QRS, Q, R, and S waves of an ECG; RCM, restrictive
Use with caution as evidence suggests that it may be associated with increased all-cause mortality.452
Dronedarone is not contraindicated in LV hypertrophy but has no significant studies in HCM.
LMNA-related DCM: increased risk of stroke (8–22%).368,440
Extrapolated from studies reporting prevalent and incident AF in HFpEF.
Contraindicated in patients with ischaemic heart disease or reduced LVEF. Should not be used in patients with CrCl <35 mL/min/1.73 m2 and significant liver disease. Should be discontinued in case of QRS widening >25% above baseline and patients
with left bundle branch block or any other conduction block >120 ms. Caution when sinoatrial/atrioventricular conduction disturbances.
In cardiac amyloidosis, beta-blockers in low dosage and digoxin with caution.453,454 Non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers may worsen LV systolic function and heart failure.455
ESC Guidelines

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ESC Guidelines 41

levels is needed, as observational data suggest higher mortality in pa- reduction in all-cause mortality and hospitalizations, and should be con-
tients with AF, regardless of heart failure; the risk of death was related sidered as a first-line option. In the general AF population, the Early
to serum digoxin concentration and was highest in patients with con- Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation for Stroke Prevention Trial
centrations ≥1.2 ng/mL. On the contrary, a lower mortality with beta- (EAST-AFNET 4) randomized 2789 patients with early AF and associated
blocker therapy in AF patients with concomitant heart failure has been cardiovascular comorbidities to an early rhythm control strategy or usual
observed. Non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (CCBs) (ver- care (28.6% with heart failure).402 The trial was stopped early after a me-
apamil or diltiazem) may only be used in patients with LVEF ≥40%.336 dian follow-up of 5.1 years for a lower occurrence of the primary out-

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Atrioventricular node ablation is also an alternative in patients with come of death, stroke, or hospitalization for worsening heart failure or
poor ventricular rate control despite medical treatment not eligible acute coronary syndrome in the patients in the early rhythm control
for rhythm control by catheter ablation or in patients with biventricular group vs. those assigned to usual care. A pre-specified analysis evaluated
pacing.336 In patients with symptomatic persistent AF (>6 months) un- the effects in patients with heart failure, showing the benefit of early
suitable for AF ablation or in which AF ablation had failed, narrow QRS rhythm control in this subgroup of patients,403 findings which corrobo-
and at least one admission for heart failure, AV node ablation in asso- rated those of the CABANA trial.400 In patients with AF and heart failure,
ciation with CRT has been shown to be superior to rate control with several RCTs have demonstrated an improvement in outcomes with
pharmacological therapy, reducing the composite outcome of death catheter ablation when compared with medical therapy.399–401,404–409
due to heart failure, or hospitalization due to heart failure, or worsening Some observational studies in patients with HFpEF have also suggested
heart failure,388 and all-cause mortality,389 irrespective of baseline EF better results in terms of freedom from AF and all-cause mortality,410
(APAF-CRT Trial). Whether conduction system-pacing is a (better) al- but proper RCTs are warranted.
ternative to CRT needs to be further explored with only one small The role of catheter ablation in patients with cardiomyopathies has
crossover trial (ALTERNATIVE-AF) comparing His-Bundle pacing been reported in several registries, mainly in HCM patients.397,411–420
(HBP) and biventricular pacing in 50 patients with LVEF ≤40% with per- Overall, maintenance is achieved in up to two-thirds of patients, although
sistent AF undergoing AV node ablation.390 In this study, both arms sig- repeat procedures or continuation of antiarrhythmic medications are of-
nificantly improved LVEF at 9 months, with a small, but statistically ten necessary.397,411,415–419 Patients with cardiomyopathies may have a
significant superiority with HBP.69,336 higher risk of AF recurrence, particularly in the presence of atrial remod-
elling/dilatation.397 Rhythm control
Atrial fibrillation can result in haemodynamic and clinical decompensa- Comorbidities and risk factor management
tion due to shortening of the diastolic filling time with rapid heart rates Cardiovascular risk factors and comorbidities are also more frequent
and dependence on atrial contraction for LV filling. Therefore, mainten- in patients with cardiomyopathies and AF. These include smoking,
ance of sinus rhythm is highly desirable and a rhythm control strategy is alcohol consumption, hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, hyperlip-
preferred, particularly in the presence of symptoms. idaemia, renal impairment, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
Regarding long-term pharmacological treatment,336 antiarrhythmic valvular and ischaemic heart disease, and anaemia.332,334
drugs (AADs) have shown limited success in maintaining sinus rhythm Furthermore, these patients have a larger body mass index and report
over time both in the general population and in patients with cardiomy- less physical activity than those without AF.332,334 These risk factors
opathies,391–393 show high rates of withdrawal due to intolerance,394 and comorbidities are associated with the risk of AF and its
and, most importantly, are associated with significant side effects, includ- complications and should therefore be appropriately identified and
ing proarrhythmia and extracardiac side effects, and, in some cases (so- managed to prevent AF progression and the occurrence of adverse
talol and class IA drugs, such as quinidine and disopyramide), increased outcomes.336
mortality.394 As a consequence, a degree of caution is recommended
when using antiarrhythmic drugs in this population. Data on antiarrhyth-
mic therapy for the specific management of AF in the context of genetic Recommendation Table 11 — Recommendations for
cardiomyopathies other than HCM are scarce. It is important to note the management of atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter in
patients with cardiomyopathy
potential for proarrhythmia of class I antiarrhythmics, particularly in the
presence of significant structural heart disease; these should therefore be Recommendations Classa Levelb
used with caution. Antiarrhythmic drug–drug treatment has mostly been
limited to amiodarone or sotalol, as there are no available data regarding Anticoagulation
other antiarrhythmics such as dofetilide or dronedarone. Importantly, Oral anticoagulation in order to reduce the risk of
sotalol should not be used in patients with HFrEF, significant LVH, pro- stroke and thrombo-embolic events is recommended
longed QT, asthma, hypokalaemia, or creatinine clearance (CrCl) I B
in all patients with HCM or cardiac amyloidosis and AF
<30 ml/min. Likewise, dronedarone should be avoided in patients with
or atrial flutter (unless
recent decompensated heart failure or permanent AF as it has been
shown to increase mortality.395,396
Oral anticoagulation to reduce the risk of stroke and
Catheter ablation of AF is a safe and superior alternative to AAD ther-
apy for maintenance of sinus rhythm, reducing AF-related symptoms, and thrombo-embolic events is recommended in patients
with DCM, NDLVC, or ARVC, and AF or atrial I B
improving QoL, and can be considered an alternative to AAD therapy in
practically any type and context of AF.336,397 In patients with AF and nor- flutter with a CHA2DS2-VASc score ≥2 in men or
mal LVEF, catheter ablation has not been shown to reduce total mortality ≥3 in women.465–469
or stroke.398 In selected patients with HFrEF,399–401 ablation has shown a Continued
42 ESC Guidelines

Oral anticoagulation to reduce the risk of stroke and The 2022 ESC Guidelines for the management of patients with ventricu-
thrombo-embolic events should be considered in lar arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death provide de-
patients with RCM and AF or atrial flutter (unless tailed recommendations on acute and long-term management of
contraindicated). ventricular arrhythmias in patients with cardiomyopathies.299 Limited
data exist addressing ventricular arrhythmia management in patients
Oral anticoagulation to reduce the risk of stroke and
with specific genetic cardiomyopathies. Nonetheless, some general
thrombo-embolic events should be considered in
concepts can be highlighted:

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patients with DCM, NDLVC, or ARVC, and AF or
atrial flutter with a CHA2DS2-VASc score of 1 in men • Any reversible cause and/or precipitating factor, such as electrolyte
or of 2 in women.470–472 imbalances, ischaemia, hypoxaemia, or drugs, should be identified
Control of symptoms and heart failure and corrected when possible.
• Extensive efforts should be made in the attempt to understand the
Atrial fibrillation catheter ablation is recommended
aetiology (i.e. underlying mechanism and substrate, and their relation-
for rhythm control after one failed or intolerant class
ship with the underlying cardiomyopathy) as this will influence the
I or III AAD to improve symptoms of AF recurrences choice of treatment.
in patients with paroxysmal or persistent AF and • Acute termination of sustained ventricular arrhythmias can be
cardiomyopathy.335,397–399,412,415–420,430– achieved with electrical cardioversion, AADs, or pacing. The initial
choice of treatment will depend on the haemodynamic tolerance,
Atrial fibrillation catheter ablation is recommended the underlying aetiology, and the patient profile.
to reverse LV dysfunction in AF patients with • In patients presenting with electrical storm, mild-to-moderate sed-
cardiomyopathy when tachycardia-induced I B ation is recommended to alleviate psychological distress and reduce
component is highly probable, independent of their sympathetic tone. If the electrical storm remains intractable despite
symptom status.405,407,408,499–501 antiarrhythmic therapies, deep sedation/intubation should be
Maintenance of sinus rhythm rather than rate control considered.
should be considered at an early stage for patients • In case of incessant ventricular arrhythmias and electrical storm not
IIa C responding to antiarrhythmic medication, catheter ablation is recom-
with a cardiomyopathy and AF without major risk
factors for recurrence, regardless of symptoms.402
mended. In refractory cases or whenever VT ablation is either not in-
dicated or not immediately available, autonomic modulation (i.e.
Atrial fibrillation catheter ablation should be
stellate ganglion block or cardiac sympathetic denervation, depending
considered as first-line rhythm control therapy to
on the setting) and/or MCS may be considered.
improve symptoms in selected patients with
• In patients with cardiomyopathies and scar-related ventricular ar-
cardiomyopathy and paroxysmal or persistent AF IIa C
rhythmias, the therapeutic arsenal for long-term prevention of recur-
without major risk factors for recurrences as an rent ventricular arrhythmias includes antiarrhythmic medications
alternative to class I or III AADs, considering patient (mostly limited to beta-blockers, sotalol, and amiodarone) and cath-
choice, benefit, and risk.392,393,480,502–506 eter ablation (particularly in the case of sustained monomorphic VT
Atrial fibrillation catheter ablation should be or in the case of polymorphic VT triggered by a premature ventricu-
considered in selected patients with cardiomyopathy, lar complex of similar morphology). Additional strategies, performed
AF, and heart failure and/or reduced LVEF to prevent
by experienced centres, may be considered, depending on the char-
AF recurrences and improve QoL, LVEF, and survival acteristics of the patient and the ventricular arrhythmia, including
and reduce heart failure hospitalization.399–401,403– acute neuromodulation strategies (stellate ganglion block and thor-
408,499–501,507 acic epidural anaesthesia), chronic neuromodulation strategies (car-
Comorbidities and associated risk factors management
diac sympathetic denervation), and stereotactic non-invasive VT
ablation.514–520 Limited data are available at present concerning the
Modification of unhealthy lifestyle and targeted
long-term cardiac and extracardiac safety of stereotactic non-invasive
© ESC 2023

therapy of intercurrent conditions is recommended VT ablation, as well as the dose–response relationship, therefore its
to reduce AF burden and symptom severity in usage should be limited to compassionate cases or within prospective
patients with cardiomyopathy.347,508–513 clinical studies.
AAD, antiarrhythmic drug; AF, atrial fibrillation; ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular • The acute as well as the chronic management of patients with cardio-
cardiomyopathy; CHA2DS2-VASc, congestive heart failure or left ventricular dysfunction, myopathies and refractory ventricular arrhythmias, particularly in
hypertension, age ≥75 (doubled), diabetes, stroke (doubled)-vascular disease, age 65–74, case of concomitant moderate-to-severe ventricular dysfunction,
sex category (female) (score); DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; HCM, hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy; LV, left ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NDLVC,
should involve an integrated evaluation by a heart team including car-
non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy; QoL, quality of life; RCM, restrictive diomyopathy specialists, electrophysiologists with specific experi-
cardiomyopathy. ence in catheter ablation of ventricular arrhythmias and
Class of recommendation. neuromodulation, anaesthesiologists, and cardiac surgeons.
Level of evidence.

6.10.4. Management of ventricular arrhythmias 6.10.5. Device therapy: implantable cardioverter

Ventricular arrhythmias, particularly in the form of electrical storm and/ defibrillator
or repetitive appropriate ICD interventions, contribute to a significant- Implantable cardioverter defibrillators are effective at correcting poten-
ly increased risk of morbidity and mortality in patients with tially lethal ventricular arrhythmias and preventing SCD, but are also as-
cardiomyopathies.299 sociated with complications, particularly in young patients who will
ESC Guidelines 43

require several replacements during their lifetimes. Implantable cardio- Secondary prevention
verter defibrillators reduce mortality in survivors of cardiac arrest and
Implantation of an ICD is recommended:d
in patients who have experienced haemodynamically compromising
• in patients with HCM, DCM, and ARVC who have
sustained ventricular arrhythmias.521–523 An ICD is recommended in
such patients when the intent is to increase survival; the decision to im- survived a cardiac arrest due to VT or VF, or who
have spontaneous sustained ventricular arrhythmia I B
plant should consider the patient’s view and their QoL, as well as the
absence of other diseases likely to cause death within the following causing syncope or haemodynamic compromise in

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year. the absence of reversible causes.528–534
Arrhythmic risk calculators may be useful tools to predict the risk of • in patients with NDLVC and RCM who have
SCD and, where available, they may provide a clinical benefit compared survived a cardiac arrest due to VT or VF, or who
with a risk factor approach.524–526 The issue of the threshold for ICD have spontaneous sustained ventricular arrhythmia I C
implantation may be a reasonable concern as every cut-off point comes causing syncope or haemodynamic compromise in
with a trade-off between unnecessary ICDs with their potential compli- the absence of reversible causes.
cations vs. the potential for unprotected SCD. The relative weight of ICD implantation should be considered in patients with
these opposing undesirable events varies significantly from one person cardiomyopathy presenting with haemodynamically IIa C
to another and should be part of the individualized decision-making tolerated VT, in the absence of reversible causes.
process. Risk stratification strategies in each cardiomyopathy and the
Primary prevention
role of ICDs for primary prevention are discussed in Section 7.
The 2022 ESC Guidelines for the management of patients with ventricu- Comprehensive SCD risk stratification is
lar arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death provide de- recommended in all cardiomyopathy patients who
tailed recommendations regarding optimal device programming and have not suffered a previous cardiac arrest/sustained
prevention/treatment of inappropriate therapy. The implantation of ventricular arrhythmia at initial evaluation and at 1–2
conditional devices is reasonable taking into account the expected year intervals, or whenever there is a change in
need for CMR during follow-up. In children, simpler ICD devices (e.g. clinical status.
single chamber/single coil or subcutaneous) should be considered, bear- The use of validated SCD algorithms/scores as aids to the shared
ing in mind specific issues of body size/shape and growth. The wearable decision-making when offering ICD implantation, where available:e
cardioverter defibrillator has been shown to detect and treat ventricu- • is recommended in patients with HCM.81,525,535 I B
lar arrhythmias successfully.527 However, data on its benefit for primary
prevention other than the early phase of myocardial infarction (e.g. • should be considered in patients with DCM,
myocarditis, PPCM etc.) are scarce and no recommendation can be NDLVC, and ARVC.185,186,524,526,536–542
made at present. If a patient with cardiomyopathy requires pacemaker
implantation, comprehensive SCD risk stratification
to evaluate the need for ICD implantation should be
Recommendation Table 12 — Recommendations for considered.
implantable cardioverter defibrillator in patients with Choice of ICD
When an ICD is indicated, it is recommended to
Recommendations Class a
Level b evaluate whether the patient could benefit from I A
General recommendations Subcutaneous defibrillators should be considered as
Implantation of a cardioverter defibrillator is only an alternative to transvenous defibrillators in patients
recommended in patients who have an expectation I C with an indication for an ICD when pacing therapy IIa B
of good quality survival >1 year. for bradycardia, cardiac resynchronization, or
It is recommended that ICD implantation be guided antitachycardia pacing is not anticipated.543
by shared decision-making that: The wearable cardioverter defibrillator should be
© ESC 2023

• is evidence-based; considered for adult patients with a secondary

• considers a person’s individual preferences, beliefs, prevention ICD indication who are temporarily not
circumstances, and values; and candidates for ICD implantation.
• ensures that the person understands the benefits,
ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; CRT, cardiac resynchronization
harms, and possible consequences of different therapy; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; ICD,
treatment options.c implantable cardioverter defibrillator; NDLVC, non-dilated left ventricular
cardiomyopathy; RCM, restrictive cardiomyopathy; SCD, sudden cardiac death; VF,
It is recommended that prior to ICD implantation,
ventricular fibrillation; VT, ventricular tachycardia.
patients are counselled on the risk of inappropriate a
Class of recommendation.
I C b
shocks, implant complications, and the social, Level of evidence.
Shared decision-making is greatly enhanced by patient decision aids tailored specifically to
occupational, and driving implications of the device.
receivers of care as well as more traditional decision-support tools for healthcare
It is not recommended to implant an ICD in patients practitioners.
with incessant ventricular arrhythmias until the III C The difference in level of evidence reflects the different levels of evidence available for the
various cardiomyopathy phenotypes.
ventricular arrhythmia is controlled. e
The difference in class of recommendation reflects different performance of available
Continued models for different cardiomyopathy phenotypes.
44 ESC Guidelines

6.10.6. Routine follow-up of patients with history and other factors. In families where there is only one affected
cardiomyopathy individual and where no genetic variant has been identified, the fre-
In general, patients with cardiomyopathy require lifelong follow-up to quency and duration of clinical follow-up may be reduced (see
detect changes in symptoms, risk of adverse events, ventricular func- Figure 11).
tion, and cardiac rhythm. Generally, the frequency of the clinical cardiac evaluation in relatives
The frequency of monitoring is determined by the severity of disease, will be based on the inheritance pattern, the risk of events in the af-
age, and symptoms. A clinical examination, including 12-lead ECG and fected individual(s), and the quality-adjusted life-year. It would also de-

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TTE, should be performed every 1–2 years, or sooner should patients pend on age, type of cardiomyopathy, and family history (penetrance,
complain of new symptoms. Ambulatory electrocardiography is re- phenotype expression, and risk of complications in affected relatives).
commended every 1–2 years in most patients to detect asymptomatic Disease-penetrance studies have demonstrated a similar sigmoid
atrial and ventricular arrhythmia, and is indicated whenever patients shape pattern of phenotypic expression throughout life in families
experience syncope or palpitations. Cardiac magnetic resonance evalu- with confirmed genetic cardiomyopathies. The penetrance during child-
ation should be considered every 2–5 years or more frequently in pa- hood is ∼5% during the first decade of life, increasing to 10–20% per
tients with progressive disease (see Section 6.7.3). Cardio-pulmonary decade from the second to the seventh decades, after which the slope
exercise testing can provide objective evidence for worsening disease flattens to 5–10% in the last decades, although up to 25% of diagnoses
but need only be performed every 2–3 years unless there is a change can be made in individuals older than 65 years in some populations.544
in symptoms. Ergometry and treadmill exercise testing may also pro- The slope in childhood and early adulthood can be steeper (20% per
vide valuable functional information in patients unable to perform decade) and similar to that in middle age for HCM, where male sex, sub-
CPET. tle ECG abnormalities, and particular genes are predictors of disease
expression during follow-up.178
Penetrance in most cardiomyopathies is incomplete, reaching
70–90% by the age of 70 years in families with cardiomyopathy.178
Recommendation Table 13 — Recommendations for
routine follow-up of patients with cardiomyopathy

Recommendations Classa Levelb Recommendation Table 14 — Recommendations for

family screening and follow-up evaluation of relatives
It is recommended that all clinically stable patients
with cardiomyopathy undergo routine follow-up Recommendations Classa Levelb
using a multiparametric approach that includes ECG Following cascade genetic testing, clinical evaluation
and echocardiography every 1 to 2 years. using a multiparametric approach that includes ECG
Clinical evaluation with ECG and multimodality and cardiac imaging and long-term follow-up is
© ESC 2023

imaging is recommended in patients with recommended in first-degree relatives who have the
cardiomyopathy whenever there is a substantial or same disease-causing variant as the
unexpected change in symptoms. proband.178,544,547
ECG, electrocardiogram. Following cascade genetic testing, it is recommended
Class of recommendation. that first-degree relatives without a phenotype who
Level of evidence.
do not have the same disease-causing variant as the
proband are discharged from further follow-up but I C
advised to seek re-assessment if they develop
6.11. Family screening and follow-up symptoms or when new clinically relevant data
evaluation of relatives emerge in the family.
All first-degree relatives of patients with cardiomyopathy should be of- It is recommended that when no P/LP variant is
fered clinical screening with ECG and cardiac imaging (echocardiogram identified in the proband or genetic testing is not
[ECHO] and/or CMR). In families in whom a disease-causing genetic performed, an initial clinical evaluation using a I C
variant has been identified, cascade genetic testing should be offered multiparametric approach that includes ECG and
(see Section 6.8.3). Individuals found not to carry the familial variant
cardiac imaging is performed in first-degree relatives.
and who do not have a clinical phenotype can usually be discharged,
When no P/LP variant is identified in the proband or
with advice to seek re-assessment if they develop symptoms or when
genetic testing is not performed, regular, long-term
new clinically relevant data emerge in the family. Those relatives har-
clinical evaluation using a multiparametric approach IIa C
bouring the familial genetic variant(s) should undergo regular clinical
evaluation with ECG, multimodality cardiac imaging, and additional in- that includes ECG and cardiac imaging should be
vestigations (e.g. Holter monitoring) guided by age, family phenotype, considered in first-degree relatives.
and genotype (Figure 11). Similarly, if a genetic cause of the disease During cascade screening, where a first-degree
© ESC 2023

has not been identified, either because P/LP variants are absent in the relative has died, clinical evaluation of close relatives
proband or because genetic testing has not been performed, clinical of the deceased individual (i.e. second-degree
follow-up of all first-degree relatives is recommended; in families with- relatives of the index patient) should be considered.
out a known disease-causing variant, children should be offered ongoing
ECG, electrocardiogram, P/LP, pathogenic/likely pathogenic.
clinical surveillance, due to age-related penetrance, and ongoing surveil- a
Class of recommendation.
lance should also be offered to adult relatives dependent on family b
Level of evidence.
ESC Guidelines 45

With some exceptions using the current diagnostic criteria, the pene- 6.11.1. Special considerations in family screening
trance of the disease in women has been shown to be delayed (shifted) If the comprehensive study of the index cardiomyopathy patient (includ-
by 10 years compared with men.178,545–548 ing negative genetic testing) and first-degree relatives from informative
Cardiac screening in: (i) carriers of genetic P/LP variants associated families (i.e. with a large enough pedigree) leads to the conclusion that
with cardiomyopathies; or (ii) in those with demonstration of a familial the cardiomyopathy presents in isolation (i.e. the index patient is the
disease should be offered from childhood to old age. The proposed fre- only individual affected), termination of periodic surveillance could be
quency of screening is every 1–3 years with ECG and ECHO (plus add- considered in first-degree relatives ≥50 years of age with normal cardiac

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itional tests where this is considered appropriate) before the age of 60 investigations.
years, and then every 3–5 years thereafter. When the pattern of inheritance is likely to be, or is definitively, other
These recommendations apply to families affected by cardiomyop- than autosomal dominant, consideration for periodic evaluation of re-
athy. The penetrance of similar variants identified outside this context latives should be individualized, e.g. (i) heterozygous carriers from clear
is likely to be much lower, and the benefits and harm of screening and recessive forms of cardiomyopathy could be discharged; (ii) heterozy-
surveillance remain under evaluation.549–551 gous carriers of X-linked disease may delay cardiac evaluation, as

Genetic testing in proband

Genetic testing results

No variant/genetic
P/LP variant VUS
testing not performed

other causes

Cascade clinical Segregation Cascade clinical

and genetic testing analysis/functional screening
(Class I) studies where possible (Class I)

Variant status Phenotype

Variant positive
+/- clinical Variant negative Normal

Long-term Long-term Repeat screening

follow-up follow-up at regular intervalsa
(Class I)
(Class I) (Class I) (Class IIa)

Figure 11 Algorithm for the approach to family screening and follow-up of family members. P/LP, pathogenic/likely pathogenic, VUS, variant of unknown
significance. aIf no additional affected relatives and no variant identified on genetic testing, consider earlier termination of clinical screening.
46 ESC Guidelines

phenotype may express later in life; and (iii) follow-up in families with those who are young or who have experienced multiple shocks and/or
more than one likely or definitively pathogenic variant (oligo- have poor baseline psychosocial functioning.553,554,557 The SCD of a
polygenicity) should be discussed in the cardiomyopathy team. young relative not only leads to profound grief, but one in two relatives
report post-traumatic stress or prolonged grief on average 6 years after
the death.558 Clinical psychological support for patients and their fam-
6.12. Psychological support in
ilies affected by inherited cardiomyopathies is an important aspect of
cardiomyopathy patients and family the multidisciplinary team’s care approach and should be available as re-

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members quired.559 Clinicians should be aware of the potential for poor psycho-
Adjusting to a diagnosis of an inherited cardiomyopathy can pose a psy- logical outcomes and should have a low threshold for referral.
chosocial challenge. This includes coming to terms with a new diagnosis, Psychological challenges for patients and their family members are
exclusion from competitive sports, or living with the small risk of summarized in Table 16. While many patients and family members
SCD.205 While studies show patients with inherited cardiomyopathies will benefit from psychosocial counselling provided by any number of
adjust well following an ICD, there is an important subgroup who do healthcare professionals, it is important to highlight that for some,
require additional support.552–556 The decision to have an ICD, and liv- treatment by a trained professional such as a clinical psychologist is
ing with the device, can also pose psychological challenges, especially in required.

Table 16 Psychological considerations

Patient group Psychological considerations

New diagnosis • Stigma associated with cardiovascular disease and misconception that it only affects older people.
• Fear of sudden cardiac death can shake confidence and create anxiety around exercise.
• Fear of inheritance risk to other relatives, especially children.
• Confidence and self-efficacy to manage their disease.
• Direct experience with the disease will affect perceptions about prognosis.211
ICD • Most patients will adjust well following ICD insertion, although there might be an initial decline in health-related quality of life and
psychological well-being, this often returns to normal.552,560,561
• Up to 30% will develop anxiety and/or symptoms of post-traumatic stress and need additional support.562
• Those who are young, who experience multiple ICD shocks, and/or have poor baseline psychological functioning are at greater risk
of poor psychological outcomes.553–555,561,563
• In young people, especially women, body image concerns can be a major consideration.554
• Decision-making for those recommended to have an ICD should be patient-centred and include balanced discussion of benefits
and risks and careful attention to questions and concerns.564
Exercise restrictions • Physical inactivity is a major determinant of poor health outcomes.
• Can reduce health-related quality of life for those who become fearful of performing even low-intensity exercise.
• Athletes who are recommended to reduce their activity levels can experience a profound grief and difficulty adjusting to this
• Patient-centred discussions and careful attention to concerns is critical in helping to support people make drastic lifestyle
Family history of young • Relatives who experience the SCD of a young relative have significant risk of poor psychological functioning, including
SCD post-traumatic stress and prolonged grief.558
• Grief is a normal response to a loss. Prolonged grief occurs when the grieving process becomes ‘stuck’.569
• Those who witness the death or discover the decedents body have a greater risk of psychological difficulties.558
• Mothers of the decedent have greater anxiety.558
• Psychological support for family members is an important and often unmet need following a young SCD.570,571
Children and adolescents • Diagnosis during childhood can raise anxiety especially among parents. Access to resources to support practical issues like
information for schools is important.
• Navigating transition from paediatric to adult care can be challenging for children and their families.
• Decision-making regarding genetic testing of asymptomatic children can often benefit from the inclusion of a clinical psychologist to
support adjustment to the result.
Symptomatic disease • Those managing symptoms will likely perceive a greater impact on their health-related quality of life. Factors influencing self-efficacy
will impact on a patient’s ability to manage their disease, including medication adherence.572
• Need for major intervention such as cardiac transplantation can raise significant psychological challenges and clinical psychological
support is very important.573
© ESC 2023

Genetic testing • Despite potential adjustment issues, most patients who undertake genetic testing do not report distress.574
• Genetic counselling should cover any psychosocial concerns or needs.204
• Additional support to patients to convey the genetic risk information to at-risk family members should be provided as necessary.575

ICD, implantable cardioverter defibrillator; SCD, sudden cardiac death.

ESC Guidelines 47

Recommendation Table 15 — Recommendations for Relatives: the clinical diagnosis of HCM in adult first-degree relatives
psychological support in patients and family members of patients with unequivocal disease is based on the presence of LV wall
with cardiomyopathies thickness ≥13 mm. In child first-degree relatives with LV wall thickness
z-scores of <2, the presence of associated morphological or ECG ab-
Recommendations Classa Levelb
normalities should raise the suspicion but are not on their own diagnos-
It is recommended that psychological support by an tic for HCM.
appropriately trained health professional be offered

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to all individuals who have experienced the I B Diagnostic work-up
premature sudden cardiac death of a family member The initial work-up for HCM includes personal and family history, phys-
with cardiomyopathy.558,570,571,576,577 ical examination, electrocardiography, cardiac imaging, and first-line la-
It is recommended that psychological support by an boratory tests, as described in Section 6.
appropriately trained health professional be offered
to all individuals with an inherited cardiomyopathy I B Echocardiography
who receive an implantable cardioverter As increased ventricular wall thickness can be found at any location (in-
defibrillator.552–556,561,563 cluding the right ventricle), the presence, distribution, and severity of
Psychological support by an appropriately trained hypertrophy should be documented using a standardized protocol
health professional should be considered in all for cross-sectional imaging from several projections.579 Table 17 sum-

© ESC 2023
patients and families with an inherited IIa C marizes the key imaging features to assess in patients with suspected
cardiomyopathy and in particular for those issues or confirmed HCM. Several imaging features can point to a specific diag-
described in the text.c nosis (Table 18 and Section 6).62
Identification of LVOTO is important in the management of
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
symptoms and assessment of SCD risk (see Section 7.1.5).
See Table 16. Two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography during a Valsalva
manoeuvre in the sitting and semi-supine position—and then on
standing if no gradient is provoked—is recommended in all patients
6.13. The patient pathway (Figure 12).587,588 Exercise stress echocardiography is recom-
The systematic, multiparametric approach to diagnosis and evaluation mended in symptomatic patients if bedside manoeuvres fail to in-
of patients with suspected cardiomyopathy described in this section al- duce LVOTO ≥50 mmHg. Pharmacological provocation with
lows clinicians to establish the presence of a cardiomyopathy and iden- dobutamine is not advised, as it is not physiological and can be
tify its aetiology and guides the management of symptoms and poorly tolerated.
prevention of disease-related complications. While many of the aspects
of clinical care and the accompanying recommendations are common
to all cardiomyopathy phenotypes, achieving an aetiological diagnosis
Recommendation Table 16 — Recommendation for
is key to delivering disease-specific management; this is discussed in de-
evaluation of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction
tail in the subsequent sections of this guideline (see Section 7).
Recommendations Classa Levelb

7. Specific cardiomyopathy In all patients with HCM, at initial evaluation,

transthoracic 2D and Doppler echocardiography are
phenotypes recommended, at rest and during Valsalva
7.1. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy manoeuvre in the sitting and semi-supine positions—
and then on standing if no gradient is provoked—to
The 2014 ESC Guidelines on diagnosis and management of hypertrophic
detect LVOTO.84,86,365,525,584,587,589–594
cardiomyopathy provide detailed recommendations on the assessment
and management of patients with HCM.1 The aim in this guideline is In symptomatic patients with HCM and a resting or
to provide a focused update to the 2014 document, highlighting novel provokedc peak instantaneous LV outflow tract
aspects and signposting the reader to the assessment and management gradient <50 mmHg, 2D and Doppler
of HCM in adults and children. Further details to support the recom- echocardiography during exercise in the standing, I B
mendations are available in Supplementary data online, Table S1. sitting (when possible), or semi-supine position are
recommended to detect provocable LVOTO and
exercise-induced mitral regurgitation.588,595–598
7.1.1. Diagnosis Diagnostic criteria Transoesophageal echocardiography should be
considered in patients with HCM and LVOTO if the
Adults: in an adult, HCM is defined by an LV wall thickness ≥15 mm in
mechanism of obstruction is unclear or when
any myocardial segment that is not explained solely by loading condi-
assessing the mitral valve apparatus before a septal IIa C
tions. Lesser degrees of wall thickening (13–14 mm) require evaluation
of other features including family history, genetic findings, and ECG reduction procedure, or when severe mitral
abnormalities. regurgitation caused by intrinsic valve abnormalities
Children: the diagnosis of HCM requires an LV wall thickness more than is suspected.599–602
2 standard deviations greater than the predicted mean (z-score >2).578 Continued
48 ESC Guidelines

In symptomatic patients with HCM and inconclusive remodelling and the extent of LGE is associated with a higher incidence
non-invasive cardiac imaging, left and right heart of RWMAs. Late gadolinium enhancement varies substantially with the

© ESC 2023
catheterization may be considered to assess the IIb C quantification method used but the 2-standard deviation technique is
severity of LVOTO and to measure LV filling the only one validated against necropsy.605
pressures.603 Although CMR rarely distinguishes the causes of HCM by their
magnetic properties alone, the distribution and severity of intersti-
2D, two-dimensional; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; LV, left ventricular; LVOTO, tial expansion can, in context, suggest specific diagnoses (see Section

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left ventricular outflow tract obstruction.
Class of recommendation.
6). The absence of fibrosis may be helpful in differentiating HCM
Level of evidence. from physiological adaptation in athletes, but LGE may be absent
Provocation with Valsalva, standing, or oral nitrate. in people with HCM, particularly young people and those with
mild disease. Cardiac magnetic resonance

Cardiac magnetic resonance is recommended in patients with HCM at
their baseline assessment (general recommendations are described in Recommendation Table 17 — Additional recommen-
dation for cardiovascular magnetic resonance evaluation
Section 6.7.3 and Recommendation Table 5). CMR imaging can be par-
in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
ticularly helpful in patients with suspected apical or lateral wall hyper-
trophy or LV apical aneurysm. Table 17 summarizes the main Recommendation Classa Levelb
features to be assessed.
Late gadolinium enhancement is present in 65% of patients (range Contrast-enhanced CMR may be considered before

© ESC 2023
33–84%), typically in a patchy mid-wall pattern in areas of hypertrophy ASA or myectomy to assess the extent and
and at the anterior and posterior RV insertion points.604 Late gadolin- distribution of hypertrophy and myocardial
ium enhancement is unusual in non-hypertrophied segments except in fibrosis.606,607
advanced stages of disease, when full-thickness LGE in association with
ASA, alcohol septal ablation; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance.
wall thinning is common.604 Late gadolinium enhancement may be as- a
Class of recommendation.
sociated with increased myocardial stiffness and adverse LV Level of evidence.

Table 17 Imaging evaluation in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Item to assess Primary imaging Comments


LV wall thickness ECHO/CMR • All LV segments from base to apex examined in end-diastole, preferably in the 2D short-axis view,
ensuring that the wall thickness is recorded at mitral, mid-LV, and apical levels.
• CMR is superior in the detection of LV apical and anterolateral hypertrophy, aneurysms,580 and
thrombi,581 and is more sensitive in the detection of subtle markers of disease in patients with
sarcomeric protein gene variants (e.g. myocardial crypts, papillary muscle abnormalities).159,582,583
Systolic function (global ECHO/CMR • Ejection fraction is a suboptimal measure of LV systolic performance when hypertrophy is present.
and regional) • Doppler myocardial velocities and deformation parameters (strain and strain rate) are typically reduced
at the site of hypertrophy despite a normal EF and may be abnormal before the development of
increased wall thickness in genetically affected patients.
Diastolic function ECHO • Routine examination should include mitral inflow assessment, tissue Doppler imaging, pulmonary vein
flow velocities, pulmonary artery systolic pressure, and LA size/volume.
Mitral valve ECHO • Assess presence and degree of SAM and mitral regurgitation. The presence of a central- or anteriorly
directed jet of mitral regurgitation should raise suspicion of an intrinsic/primary mitral valve abnormality
and prompt further assessment.
LVOT ECHO • See Figure 12.
LA dimensions ECHO/CMR • Provides important prognostic information.365,525,584
• Most common mechanisms of LA enlargement are SAM-related mitral regurgitation and elevated LV
filling pressures.
Myocardial fibrosis/LGE CMR • The distribution and severity of interstitial expansion can suggest specific diagnoses. Anderson–Fabry
disease is characterized by a reduction in non-contrast T1 signal and the presence of posterolateral
© ESC 2023

LGE.134,155 In cardiac amyloidosis, there is often global, subendocardial or segmental LGE and a highly
specific pattern of myocardial and blood-pool gadolinium kinetics caused by similar myocardial and
blood T1 signals.585,586

2D, two-dimensional; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; ECHO, echocardiogram; EF, ejection fraction; LA, left atrium; LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; LV, left ventricular; LVOT, left
ventricular outflow tract; SAM, systolic anterior motion; SCD, sudden cardiac death.
ESC Guidelines 49

Table 18 Echocardiographic features that suggest specific aetiologies in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Finding Specific diseases to be considered

Increased interatrial septum thickness Amyloidosis

Increased AV valve thickness Amyloidosis; Anderson–Fabry disease
Increased RV free wall thickness Amyloidosis, myocarditis, Anderson–Fabry disease, Noonan syndrome, and related disorders

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Mild-to-moderate pericardial effusion Amyloidosis, myocarditis/myopericarditis
Ground-glass appearance of ventricular myocardium Amyloidosis
on 2D echocardiography
Concentric LVH Glycogen storage disease, Anderson–Fabry disease, PRKAG2 variants, Friedreich ataxia
Extreme concentric LVH (wall thickness ≥30 mm) Danon disease, Pompe disease
Global LV hypokinesia (with or without LV dilatation) Mitochondrial disease, TTR-related amyloidosis, PRKAG2 variants, Danon disease, myocarditis, advanced

© ESC 2023
sarcomeric HCM, Anderson–Fabry disease, Friedreich ataxia
RVOTO Noonan syndrome and associated disorders
Apical sparing pattern on longitudinal strain imaging Amyloidosis

2D, two-dimensional; AV, atrioventricular; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; LV, left ventricular; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; PRKAG2, protein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic
subunit gamma 2; RV, right ventricular; RVOTO, right ventricular outflow tract obstruction; TTR, transthyretin.
Modified from Rapezzi et al.62

2D and Doppler echocardiography at rest, Valsalva manoeuvre, and standing

Maximum provoked peak
N Symptoms Asymptomatica echocardiogram
LVOTO ≥50 mmHg
at 1 year
Y Symptomatic

Exercise stress
(Class I)

Maximum provoked peak

LVOTO ≥50 mmHg

see LVOTO management Medical therapy

Figure 12 Protocol for the assessment and treatment of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. 2D, two-dimensional; LVOTO, left ventricular outflow
tract obstruction. aExercise echocardiography may be considered in individual patients when the presence of an left ventricular outflow tract gradient is
relevant to lifestyle advice and decisions on medical treatment. Nuclear imaging 7.1.2. Genetic testing and family screening

The major clinical contribution of nuclear imaging in HCM is the detec- In about half of cases, HCM is inherited as a Mendelian genetic trait. In
tion of TTR-related cardiac amyloidosis (see Section 7.7). such cases, the inheritance is primarily autosomal dominant, i.e. with a
Recommendations on the utility of bone scintigraphy and cardiac CT 50% risk of transmission to offspring.608 Apparently sporadic cases can
are described in Section 6.7.4. have a monogenic cause, either because of incomplete penetrance of a
50 ESC Guidelines

variant inherited from a parent or due to de novo variants that were not infancy, sarcomere protein gene variants account for 55–75% of cases
carried by the parents or, less commonly, due to autosomal recessive of childhood-onset HCM,616–619 and even in infancy, sarcomeric dis-
inheritance. In those who undergo genetic testing, ∼40–60% will have ease is present in up to 40% of cases.616,620 Although rarer, inborn er-
a single variant identified as the cause of their disease, although this is rors of metabolism and malformation syndromes can also present for
influenced by the cohort studied.124 The likelihood of finding a causal the first time in older children and adolescents (see Section 7.6).614
variant is highest in young patients with familial disease and lowest A thorough and comprehensive diagnostic work-up is essential in the
in older patients and individuals with non-classical features. diagnosis of childhood-onset HCM in order to confirm the diagnosis,

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Phenotype-based scores to predict genetic yield in HCM have been de- identify the underlying aetiology, and guide treatment (see Section 6).
veloped and may be used to prioritize genetic testing where resources Recommendations for clinical screening, genetic counselling, and
are limited.609,610 Genes with definitive evidence for gene–disease asso- testing are described in Sections 6.8.3 and 6.11, respectively.
ciation with HCM are summarized in Table 10. An important subgroup
characterized by no identifiable monogenic variant, no family history of 7.1.3. Assessment of symptoms
disease and often being older, more likely to be male and with a history Most people with HCM are asymptomatic and have a normal lifespan,
of hypertension, and less risk of major cardiovascular events is likely to but some develop symptoms, often many years after the appearance of
be underlied by complex aetiology.238,611,612 ECG or echocardiographic evidence of LVH. Assessment of symptoms
Less than 5% of adult patients, but up to 25% of children, with HCM, in patients with cardiomyopathies is described in Section 6.4.
will have a causative variant in a gene that is known to mimic the HCM Assessment of LVOTO, as outlined in Figure 12, should be part of
phenotype. Such genocopies can have clinically important differences the routine evaluation of all symptomatic patients.
such as altered inheritance risks, and management and therapy options.
The aetiology of HCM in childhood is more heterogeneous than that 7.1.4. Management of symptoms and complications
seen in adult populations, and includes inborn errors of metabolism, In the absence of many randomized trials,621–623 pharmacological ther-
malformation syndromes, and neuromuscular disorders.613–615 Most apy is mostly administered on an empirical basis to improve functional
cases of HCM in childhood, however, are caused by variants in the car- capacity and reduce symptoms. In symptomatic patients with LVOTO,
diac sarcomere protein genes, inherited as autosomal dominant the aim is to improve symptoms by using drugs, surgery, or alcohol sep-
traits.616,617 The relative prevalence of different HCM aetiologies varies tal ablation. Therapy in symptomatic patients without LVOTO focuses
according to age: HCM related to inborn errors of metabolism and mal- on management of arrhythmia, reduction of LV filling pressures, and
formation syndromes is most commonly diagnosed in the first 2 years treatment of angina. Patients with progressive LV systolic or diastolic
of life, whereas HCM due to neuromuscular disorders (e.g. Friedreich dysfunction refractory to medical therapy may be candidates for car-
ataxia) most commonly presents in adolescence.613–615 Outside of diac transplantation (Figure 13).

Patient with heart failure NYHA II–IV

Rate/rhythm control
Atrial fibrillation Y

Still symptomatic
LVOTO management Y
LVOTO ≥50 mmHg?

≥50% LVEF value <50%

Beta-blockers, Beta-blockers, ACEi, ARB

verapamil, diltiazem MRA, ARNI, SGLT2i
Low-dose diuretics Low-dose diuretics

Consider MCS/cardiac

Figure 13 Algorithm for the treatment of heart failure in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. ACEi, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin
receptor blocker; ARNI, angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; LVOTO, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction;
MCS, mechanical circulatory support; MRA, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist; NYHA, New York Heart Association; SGLT2i, sodium–glucose co-
transporter 2 inhibitor.Image %:
ESC Guidelines 51 Management of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction the dose reduced if it exceeds 500 ms. Disopyramide should be avoided
By convention, LVOTO is defined as a peak instantaneous Doppler LV in patients with glaucoma, in men with prostatism, and in patients taking
outflow tract gradient of ≥30 mmHg, but the threshold for invasive other drugs that prolong the QT interval, such as amiodarone and so-
treatment is usually considered to be ≥50 mmHg (the threshold at talol. Disopyramide may be used in combination with verapamil.633
which theoretical models examining the relationship between the gra- Verapamil (starting dose 40 mg three times daily to maximum
dient and stroke volume predict that this becomes haemodynamically 480 mg daily) can be used when beta-blockers are contraindicated or
significant).587,624,625 Most patients with a maximum resting or pro- ineffective but, based on limited data, should be used cautiously in pa-

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voked LV outflow tract gradient <50 mmHg should be managed in ac- tients with severe obstruction (≥100 mmHg) or elevated pulmonary
cordance with the recommendations for non-obstructive HCM but, in artery systolic pressures, as it may provoke pulmonary oedema.636
a very small number of selected cases with LV outflow tract gradients Short-term oral administration may increase exercise capacity, improve
between 30 and 50 mmHg and no other obvious cause of symptoms, symptoms, and normalize or improve LV diastolic filling without altering
invasive gradient reduction may be considered, acknowledging that systolic function.637–640 Similar findings have been demonstrated for dil-
data covering this group are lacking. Most asymptomatic patients tiazem (starting dose 60 mg three times daily to maximum 360 mg dai-
with LVOTO do not require treatment but, in a very small number ly),641 and it should be considered in patients who are intolerant or
of selected cases, pharmacological treatment to reduced LV pressures have contraindications to beta-blockers and verapamil.
may be considered.626,627 Low-dose loop or thiazide diuretics may be used cautiously to im-
prove dyspnoea associated with LVOTO, but it is important to avoid General measures. All patients with LVOTO should avoid hypovolaemia.
dehydration and excess alcohol consumption, and weight loss should Cardiac myosin ATPase inhibitors. Mavacamten is a first-in-class cardiac
be encouraged. Arterial and venous dilators, including nitrates and myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) inhibitor that acts by redu-
phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, can exacerbate LVOTO and cing actin–myosin cross-bridge formation, thereby reducing contractil-
should be avoided if possible (see Section 12.2).626 New-onset or ity and improving myocardial energetics. In the recently published
poorly controlled AF can exacerbate symptoms caused by LVOTO Clinical Study to Evaluate Mavacamten in Adults with Symptomatic
and should be managed by prompt restoration of sinus rhythm or ven- Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (EXPLORER-HCM) trial,
tricular rate control.628 mavacamten reduced the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) gradient
and improved exercise capacity compared with placebo in patients with
Recommendation Table 18 — Recommendations for HCM and symptomatic LVOTO (NYHA II–III and EF >55%); 27% of
treatment of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction patients on mavacamten had an LVOT gradient reduction to
(general measures) <30 mmHg and improved to NYHA class I.622 The drug was well tol-
erated and has a good safety profile; only a small subset of patients de-
Recommendations Classa Levelb veloped transient LV systolic dysfunction, which resolved after
temporary discontinuation of the drug. A second study (A Study to
Avoidance of digoxin and arterial and venous dilators,
Evaluate Mavacamten in Adults With Symptomatic Obstructive HCM
including nitrates and phosphodiesterase inhibitors,
IIa C Who Are Eligible for Septal Reduction Therapy [VALOR-HCM]) in
should be considered, if possible, in patients with
adult patients with obstructive HCM referred for septal reduction ther-
resting or provocable LVOTO.626,627
apy (SRT) due to intractable symptoms showed that mavacamten sig-
Restoration of sinus rhythm or appropriate rate nificantly reduced the proportion of patients meeting criteria for SRT
© ESC 2023

control should be considered before invasive at 16 and 32 weeks.642,643 Small CMR and ECHO substudies suggest
management of LVOTO in patients with new-onset that mavacamten may also lead to positive myocardial remodelling,
or poorly controlled AF.629,630 with reduction in myocardial mass, LV wall thickness, and left atrial vol-
AF, atrial fibrillation; LVOTO, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. ume.644–646 Aficamten, a next-in-class cardiac myosin inhibitor, was
Class of recommendation. also recently shown in a Phase II randomized placebo-controlled study
Level of evidence. (Randomized Evaluation of Dosing With CK-3773274 in Obstructive
Outflow Disease in HCM [REDWOOD-HCM]) to significantly reduce Drug therapy. Figure 14 describes the management of LVOT gradients and NT-proBNP levels in adult patients with symp-
LVOTO in patients with HCM. By consensus, patients with symptom- tomatic obstructive HCM.647
atic LVOTO have been treated initially with non-vasodilating beta- In the absence of a direct head-to-head comparison, the Task Force
blockers titrated to the maximum tolerated dose, but there are very was unable to recommend the use of cardiac myosin ATPase inhibitors
few studies comparing individual beta-blockers. A recent small, rando- as first-line medical therapy, but did consider the evidence sufficiently
mized placebo-controlled trial showed reduction of resting and exer- robust to support the recommendation that their use as second-line
tional LVOTO, and improvement in symptoms and QoL with therapy should be considered when optimal medical therapy with beta-
metoprolol therapy.631 blockers, calcium antagonists, and/or disopyramide is ineffective or
If beta-blockers alone are ineffective, disopyramide, titrated up to a poorly tolerated. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, cardiac
maximum tolerated dose (usually 400–600 mg/day), may be myosin ATPase inhibitors should not be used with disopyramide, but
added.632–634 This class IA AAD can abolish basal LV outflow pressure may be coadministered with beta-blockers or calcium antagonists.
gradients and improve exercise tolerance and functional capacity with a Up-titration of medication to a maximum dose of 15 mg should be
low risk of proarrhythmic effects and without an increased risk of monitored in accordance with licensed recommendations using echo-
SCD.632,633 Dose-limiting anticholinergic side effects include dry eyes cardiography. In patients with contraindications or known sensitivity
and mouth, urinary hesitancy or retention, and constipation.632,633,635 to beta-blockers, calcium antagonists, and disopyramide, cardiac my-
The QTc interval should be monitored during dose up-titration and osin ATPase inhibitors may be considered as monotherapy.
52 ESC Guidelines

Resting/provocable LVOTO ≥50 mmHg

Beta-blockers or verapamil
Symptoms N may be considered
(Class IIb)

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(Class I)

Still symptomatic or intolerant/contraindication to beta-blockers

Verapamil Diltiazem
(Class I) (Class I)

Still symptomatic

Disopyramide Mavacamten
(Class I) (Class IIa)

Still symptomatic

Septal reduction therapies

(Class I)

Figure 14 Flow chart on the management of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. LVOTO, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction.Image %:

Recommendation Table 19 — Recommendations for Cardiac myosin ATPase inhibitor (mavacamten),

medical treatment of left ventricular outflow tract titrated to maximum tolerated dose with
echocardiographic surveillance of LVEF, should be
a b considered as monotherapy in symptomatic adult
Recommendations Class Level IIa B
patients with resting or provokedc LVOTO (exercise
Non-vasodilating beta-blockers, titrated to or Valsalva manoeuvre) who are intolerant or have
maximum tolerated dose, are recommended as contraindications to beta-blockers, verapamil/
first-line therapy to improve symptoms in patients diltiazem, or disopyramide.622,644–646
with resting or provokedc LVOTO.631–633,648–650 Oral or i.v. beta-blockers and vasoconstrictors
Verapamil or diltiazem, titrated to maximum should be considered in patients with severe
tolerated dose, are recommended to improve provocablec LVOTO presenting with hypotension IIa C
symptoms in symptomatic patients with resting or I B and acute pulmonary oedema who do not respond
provokedc LVOTO who are intolerant or have to fluid administration.627
contraindications to beta-blockers.633,637–641 Disopyramide, titrated to maximum tolerated dose,
Disopyramide,d titrated to maximum tolerated dose, may be considered as monotherapy in patients who
is recommended in addition to a beta-blocker (or, if are intolerant to or have contraindications to
this is not possible, with verapamil or diltiazem) to I B beta-blockers and verapamil/diltiazem to improve
improve symptoms in patients with resting or symptoms in patients with resting or provokedc
provokedc LVOTO.632–634 LVOTO.632
Cardiac myosin ATPase inhibitor (mavacamten), Beta-blockers or verapamil may be considered in
titrated to maximum tolerated dose with selected cases in asymptomatic patients with resting IIb C
echocardiographic surveillance of LVEF, should be or provokedc LVOTO to reduce LV pressures.623,639
© ESC 2023

considered in addition to a beta-blocker (or, if this is The cautious use of low-dose diuretics may be
not possible, with verapamil or diltiazem) to improve considered in symptomatic LVOTO to improve IIb C
symptoms in adult patients with resting or provokedc exertional dyspnoea.
ATPase, adenosine triphosphatase; i.v., intravenous; LV, left ventricular; LVEF, left
Continued ventricular ejection fraction; LVOTO, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction.
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
Provocation with Valsalva manoeuvre, upright exercise, or oral nitrates if unable to
QTc interval should be monitored during up-titration of disopyramide and the dose
reduced if it exceeds 500 ms.
ESC Guidelines 53 Invasive treatment of left ventricular outflow tract (septal (NYHA functional class III–IV), and/or exertional or unexplained recur-
reduction therapy). There are no data to support the use of invasive rent syncope in spite of maximally tolerated drug therapy. Invasive ther-
procedures to reduce LVOTO in asymptomatic patients, regardless apy may also be considered in patients with mild symptoms (NYHA
of its severity. However, some retrospective data suggest that indivi- class II) refractory to medical therapy who have a resting or maximum
duals with high LVOT gradients, even if minimally symptomatic, have provoked gradient of ≥50 mmHg (exercise or Valsalva) and
a higher mortality than those without markedly elevated gradients.651 moderate-to-severe systolic anterior motion-related mitral regurgita-
Delay in SRT may have an impact on long-term outcomes, particularly tion, AF, or moderate-to-severe left atrial dilatation in expert centres

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when >5 years from first detection of gradient, even when successful with demonstrable low procedural complication rates.653
relief of symptoms and gradient is achieved. Earlier interventions may Surgery. The most commonly performed surgical procedure to treat
be associated with lower complication rates and better prognosis.652 LVOTO is ventricular septal myectomy, in which a rectangular trough
Invasive treatment (SRT) to reduce LVOTO should be considered in that extends distally to beyond the point of the mitral leaflet–septal
patients with a LVOTO gradient ≥50 mmHg, severe symptoms contact is created in the basal septum below the aortic valve.654 This

1 Assess alternative/additional explanations

Respiratory disease
Coronary artery disease
Thyroid disease
Arrhythmia (e.g. AF)
Drug side effects
Systemic disease (e.g. amyloid)

2 Assess the mechanism of obstruction

SAM related
Sub-aortic membrane
Aortic stenosis
Anomalous papillary muscle insertion
Accessory MV tissue

3 Assess MV anatomy/function
MV prolapse
Other intrinsic MV abnormalities

4 Assess distribution and severity of hypertrophy

Minimum anterior septal thickness 15 mm

Figure 15 Pre-assessment checklist for patients being considered for invasive septal reduction therapies. AF, atrial fibrillation; MV, mitral valve; RVOTO,
right ventricular outflow tract obstruction; SAM, systolic anterior motion.
54 ESC Guidelines

abolishes or substantially reduces LV outflow tract gradients in over that the long-term outcome of patients after ASA with implanted per-
90% of cases, reduces systolic anterior motion-related mitral regurgita- manent pacemaker is similar to those without pacemaker.705 Repeat
tion, and improves exercise capacity and symptoms. Long-term symp- ASA or myectomy procedure is reported in 7–20% of patients after
tomatic benefit is achieved in >80% of patients with a long-term survival ASA, which is higher than reported following surgical myectomy.702
comparable to that of the general population.655–665 Pre-operative de- Septal ablation may be less effective in patients with very severe hyper-
terminants of a good long-term outcome are age <50 years, left atrial trophy (≥30 mm), but systematic data are limited.706 In general, the
size <46 mm, absence of AF, and male sex.663 risk of ventricular septal defect following septal myectomy is very small

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The main surgical complications are AV nodal block, left bundle and could be higher in patients with mild hypertrophy (≤16 mm) at
branch block (LBBB), ventricular septal defect, and aortic regurgitation, the point of the mitral leaflet–septal contact. This risk is exceedingly
but these are uncommon (except LBBB) in experienced centres using rare with ASA, but alternatives such as dual-chamber pacing or mitral
intra-operative transoesophageal echocardiography guidance.662,666,667 valve repair/replacement may also be considered in such cases.707
When there is coexisting mid-cavity obstruction, the standard myect-
omy can be extended distally into the mid-ventricle around the base
of the papillary muscles; however, data on the efficacy and long-term Recommendation Table 20 — Recommendations for
outcomes of this approach are limited.668 septal reduction therapy
In patients with intrinsic/primary mitral valve disease or marked mi-
tral leaflet elongation and/or moderate-to-severe mitral regurgitation, Recommendations Classa Levelb
septal myectomy can be combined with mitral valve repair or replace-
It is recommended that SRT be performed by
ment.669–675 In patients with AF, concomitant ablation using the Cox–
experienced operators working as part of a
Maze procedure can also be performed.676 In infants and very young I C
children, the modified Konno procedure may be an alternative to multidisciplinary team expert in the management of
myectomy when the aortic annulus is too small.677 HCM.664,665,687,695,696,708–710
Alcohol septal ablation (ASA). In experienced centres, selective injection SRT to improve symptoms is recommended in
of alcohol into a septal perforator artery to create a localized septal scar patients with a resting or maximum provoked LVOT
has outcomes similar to surgery in terms of gradient reduction, symptom gradient of ≥50 mmHg who are in NYHA/Ross I B
improvement, and exercise capacity, including in younger adults.678–685 In functional class III–IV, despite maximum tolerated
many centres, ASA has become the primary SRT modality. The main non- medical therapy.697–702
fatal complication is AV block in 7–20% of patients, and the procedural Septal myectomy, rather than ASA, is recommended
mortality is lower than isolated myectomy.679–683,686,687 in children with an indication for SRT, as well as in
Due to the variability of the septal blood supply, myocardial contrast adult patients with an indication for SRT and other I C
echocardiography is essential prior to alcohol injection. Injection of lesions requiring surgical intervention (e.g. mitral
large volumes of alcohol in multiple septal branches—with the aim of valve abnormalities).673
gradient reduction—in the catheter laboratory is generally not recom-
SRT should be considered in patients with recurrent
mended, as it can be associated with a high risk of complications and
exertional syncope caused by a resting or maximum
arrhythmic events.688 IIa C
provoked LVOTO gradient ≥50 mmHg despite
Alternative methods have been reported in small numbers of pa-
optimal medical therapy.686,711–713
tients, including non-ASA techniques (coils,689,690 polyvinyl alcohol
foam particles,691 cyanoacrylate692) and direct endocavitary and intra- Mitral valve repair or replacement should be
muscular ablation (radiofrequency, cryotherapy).693,694 These alterna- considered in symptomatic patients with a resting or
tive methods have not been directly compared with other septal maximum provoked LVOTO gradient ≥50 mmHg IIa C
reduction therapies and long-term outcome/safety data are not avail- and moderate-to-severe mitral regurgitation that
able. Alcohol septal ablation and alternative methods should not be cannot be corrected by SRT alone.661,669–672,714
used in children with HCM outside experimental settings, due to a Mitral valve repair should be considered in patients
lack of medium- to long-term safety and efficacy data. with a resting or maximum provoked LVOTO
Surgery vs. alcohol septal ablation. Because of specific anatomic fea- gradient ≥50 mmHg when there is IIa C
tures of the LVOT and the mitral valve, some patients with HCM will moderate-to-severe mitral regurgitation following
be more suitable candidates for septal myectomy than ASA. isolated myectomy.
Experienced multidisciplinary teams should assess all patients before SRT may be considered in expert centres with
intervention, as morbidity and mortality are highly dependent on the demonstrable low procedural complication rates in
available level of expertise (see Section 9).687,695,696 A summary of the
patients with mild symptoms (NYHA class II)
key points in pre-operative assessment is shown in Figure 15.
refractory to medical therapy who have a resting or
There are no randomized trials comparing surgery and ASA, but sev-
maximum provoked (exercise or Valsalva) gradient
eral meta-analyses have shown that both procedures improve functional IIb C
of ≥50 mmHg and:
status with a similar procedural mortality.697–703 Alcohol septal ablation
• moderate-to-severe SAM-related mitral
is associated with a higher risk of AV block, requiring permanent pace-
regurgitation; or
maker implantation, and larger residual LV outflow tract gradients.697–
The risk of AV block following surgery and ASA is highest in patients • AF; or
with pre-existing conduction disease, and prophylactic permanent pacing • moderate-to-severe left atrial dilatation.653,715
before intervention has been advocated,704 although recent data suggest Continued
ESC Guidelines 55

Mitral valve replacement may be considered in obstruction can be relieved by transaortic myectomy, a transapical ap-
patients with a resting or maximum provoked proach, or combined transaortic and transapical incisions, with good
LVOTO gradient ≥50 mmHg when there is IIb C short-term outcomes but uncertain long-term survival.731,732
moderate-to-severe mitral regurgitation following Left ventricular apical aneurysms by themselves rarely need treatment.
isolated myectomy.661,674,714,716 A few patients develop monomorphic ventricular tachycardia related to
adjacent apical scarring, which may be amenable to mapping and ablation
Surgical AF ablation and/or left atrial appendage
(see Section 7.1.5).730,733 Rarely, thrombi are present within the aneur-

© ESC 2023

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occlusion procedures during septal myectomy may
IIb C ysm and should be treated with long-term oral anticoagulation.734,735
be considered in patients with HCM and
Anticoagulation may also be considered in patients with HCM and apical
symptomatic AF.717,718
aneurysms in the absence of documented thrombi.736,737
AF, atrial fibrillation; ASA, alcohol septal ablation; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
LVOT, left ventricular outflow tract; LVOTO, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction;
NYHA, New York Heart Association; SAM, systolic anterior motion; SRT, septal Management of symptoms in patients without left
reduction therapy. ventricular outflow tract obstruction
Class of recommendation. Heart failure and chest pain. Management of heart failure
Level of evidence.
in patients without LVOTO should follow the recommendations of
the 2021 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and
Dual-chamber pacing. Three small, randomized, placebo-controlled chronic heart failure, summarized in Section 6.10.2. The aim of drug
studies of dual-chamber pacing and several long-term observational therapy is to reduce LV diastolic pressures and improve LV filling by
studies have reported reductions in LV outflow tract gradients and vari- slowing the heart rate with beta-blockers, verapamil, or diltiazem
able improvement in symptoms and QoL, including one paediatric (ideally monitored by ambulatory ECG recording), and cautious use
study.719–724 A Cochrane review concluded that the data on the ben- of loop diuretics. Beta-blockers or calcium antagonists should be con-
efits of pacing are based on physiological measures and lack information sidered in patients with exertional or prolonged episodes of angina-
on clinically relevant endpoints.725 like pain even in the absence of resting or provocable LVOTO or ob-
structive CAD. In the absence of LVOTO, cautious use of oral nitrates
Recommendation Table 21 — Recommendations for
indications for cardiac pacing in patients with may be considered. Ranolazine may also be considered to improve
obstruction symptoms in patients with angina-like chest pain and no evidence
for LVOTO.738,739
Recommendations Classa Levelb
Recommendation Table 22 — Recommendations for
Sequential AV pacing, with optimal AV interval to chest pain on exertion in patients without left ventricu-
reduce the LV outflow tract gradient or to facilitate lar outflow tract obstruction
medical treatment with beta-blockers and/or
Recommendations Classa Levelb
verapamil, may be considered in selected patients
with resting or provocable LVOTO ≥50 mmHg, IIb C Beta-blockers and calcium antagonists (verapamil or
sinus rhythm, and drug-refractory symptoms, who diltiazem) should be considered to improve symptoms
have contraindications for ASA or septal myectomy in patients with angina-like chest pain even in the
or are at high risk of developing heart block following absence of LVOTO or obstructive CAD.740–744
ASA or septal myectomy.633,719–724 Oral nitrates may be considered to improve
In patients with resting or provocable LVOTO symptoms in patients with angina-like chest pain,
≥50 mmHg, sinus rhythm, and drug-refractory even in the absence of obstructive CAD, if there is no
symptoms, in whom there is an indication for an ICD, LVOTO.

© ESC 2023
a dual-chamber ICD (instead of a single-lead device) IIb C Ranolazine may be considered to improve symptoms
© ESC 2023

may be considered, to reduce the LV outflow tract in patients with angina-like chest pain even in the IIb C
gradient or to facilitate medical treatment with 738,739
absence of LVOTO or obstructive CAD.
beta-blockers and/or verapamil.633,719–724,726
CAD, coronary artery disease; LVOTO, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction.
ASA, alcohol septal ablation; AV, atrioventricular; ICD, implantable cardioverter Class of recommendation.
defibrillator; LV, left ventricular; LVOTO, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. Level of evidence.
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence. Cardiac resynchronization therapy. Regional heterogen-
eity of LV contraction and relaxation can be seen in patients with
Left ventricular mid-cavity obstruction and apical aneurysms. Left ventricu- HCM, and LV dyssynchrony may be a marker of poor prognosis.745
lar mid-cavity obstruction occurs in ∼10% of patients with HCM.727,728 Data on the impact of CRT on symptoms, LV function, and prognosis
Patients with mid-cavity obstruction tend to be very symptomatic and, in patients with non-obstructive HCM remain limited, but new evi-
in a number of studies, have shown an increased risk of progressive heart dence has emerged since the 2014 ESC Guidelines on diagnosis and man-
failure and SCD.727–729 Approximately 25% of patients also have an LV agement of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.746,747 There is one small study
apical aneurysm (see Section 7.1.5).580,727,728,730 Patients with LV mid- using a blinded crossover design of biventricular and sham pacing and a
cavity obstruction should be treated with high-dose beta-blockers, ver- pre-specified analysis stratified by changes in LV end-diastolic volume
apamil, or diltiazem, but the response is often suboptimal. Limited experi- (LVEDV) with exercise at baseline.748 Biventricular pacing was asso-
ence, mostly from single centres, suggests that mid-ventricular ciated with significant increases in LVEDV and stroke volume in patients
56 ESC Guidelines

who had a reduction in exercise LVEDV pre-pacing (consistent with the did not include these as specific recommendations, given the limited
relief of diastolic ventricular interaction). This translated into improve- evidence base.
ments in peak maximum oxygen consumption (VO2) (1.4 mL/kg/min)
and QoL scores.748 Together, they suggest that symptomatic responses 7.1.5. Sudden cardiac death prevention in
to CRT may occur in individual patients, but that these are not asso- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
ciated with consistent changes in LVEF or evidence for a reduction in Most contemporary series of adult patients with HCM report an annual
progression to end-stage heart failure. incidence for cardiovascular death of 1–2%, with SCD, heart failure, and

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The 2021 ESC Guidelines on cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchroniza- thrombo-embolism being the main causes of death.749 The most com-
tion therapy recommend that standard criteria for CRT are used in pa- monly recorded fatal arrhythmic event is spontaneous ventricular fibril-
tients with HCM.724 The Task Force considered these of limited utility lation (VF), but asystole, AV block, and pulseless electrical activity are
in HCM, as the unique pathology of this disease means that patients described.532,750–754 In children with HCM, although initial studies, usu-
with contractile impairment rarely have an LVEF ≤35%. While ac- ally from small, highly selected cohorts, reported SCD rates of up to
knowledging this as an area of unmet research need, the Task Force 10% per year,755–757 more recent, larger, population-based studies
suggests a more pragmatic approach in which CRT might be consid- have shown SCD rates in the region of 1.2–1.5% per year.81,535,758
ered in individual symptomatic patients with LV impairment (LVEF While much lower than previously thought, this is still >50% higher
<50%) that meet current ESC ECG criteria (LBBB, QRS 130– than reported in adult HCM populations. Sudden cardiac death appears
149 ms). Cardiac resynchronization therapy might also be considered to be very rare below the age of 6 years.81,759
in patients with HCM and impaired systolic function who require per- Estimation of SCD risk is an integral part of clinical management. Clinical
manent ventricular pacing.746 In keeping with the 2021 ESC Guidelines features that are associated with an increased SCD risk and that have been
on cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchronization therapy, the Task Force used in previous guidelines to estimate risk are shown in Table 19.

Table 19 Major clinical features associated with an increased risk of sudden cardiac death

Risk factor Comment

Age • The effect of age on SCD has been examined in a number of studies86,525,584,760–764 and two have shown a significant
association, with an increased risk of SCD in younger patients.525,584
• Some risk factors appear to be more important in younger patients, most notably NSVT,765 severe LVH,766 and
unexplained syncope.584
• Sudden cardiac death is very rare below the age of 6 years,535,767 and there are some data to suggest a peak of SCD in
childhood HCM between 9 and 15 years;757 however, the association between age at diagnosis and SCD risk in
childhood HCM remains unclear.
NSVT • NSVT (defined as ≥3 consecutive ventricular beats at ≥120 b.p.m. lasting <30 s) occurs in 20–30% of patients during
ambulatory ECG monitoring and is an independent predictor of SCD.81,525,535,590,764,765,768–773
• There is no evidence that the frequency, duration, or rate of NSVT influences the risk of SCD.765,774
• NSVT occurring during or immediately following exercise is very rare, but may be associated with a high risk of SCD.768
Maximum LV wall thickness • The severity and extent of LVH measured by TTE are associated with the risk of SCD.81,535,592,593,763,765,770–772,775–780
• Several studies have shown the greatest risk of SCD in patients with a maximum wall thickness of ≥30 mm; however,
there are few data in patients with extreme hypertrophy (≥35 mm).525,592,763,765,769,781–784
Family history of sudden cardiac death • While definitions vary,525,592,762,782 a family history of SCD is usually considered clinically significant when one or
at a young age more first-degree relatives have died suddenly aged <40 years with or without a diagnosis of HCM, or when SCD has
occurred in a first-degree relative at any age with an established diagnosis of HCM.
• Family history of SCD does not appear to be an independent risk factor for SCD in childhood HCM.81,535 This may be
due to a higher prevalence of de novo variants in childhood HCM, the inclusion of non-sarcomeric disease, and/or
under-reporting of family history in paediatric cohorts.
Syncope • Syncope is common in patients with HCM but is challenging to assess, as it has multiple causes.785
• Non-neurocardiogenic syncope for which there is no explanation after investigation is associated with an increased
risk of SCD.81,525,535,584,590,755,761,768,769,781,786–788
• Episodes within 6 months of evaluation may be more predictive of SCD.584
Left atrial diameter • Several studies have reported a positive association between LA size and SCD.81,525,535,584,772,789 There are no data
on the association between SCD and LA area or volume. Measurement of LA size is also important in assessing the
risk of AF (see Section 6.10.3).
LV outflow tract obstruction • A number of studies have reported a significant association between LVOTO and SCD risk.86,525,590,762,768,790 Several
© ESC 2023

unanswered questions remain, including the prognostic importance of provocable LVOTO and the impact of
treatment (medical or invasive) on SCD.
• In childhood HCM, there are conflicting data on the association between LVOTO and SCD risk.81,535,772,777

AF, atrial fibrillation; b.p.m., beats per minute; ECG, electrocardiogram; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricular; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; LVOTO,
left ventricular outflow tract obstruction; NSVT, non-sustained ventricular tachycardia; SCD, sudden cardiac death; TTE, transthoracic echocardiogram.
ESC Guidelines 57 Left ventricular apical aneurysms more studies have been published (see Supplementary data online,
Left ventricular apical aneurysms are defined as a discrete thin-walled Table S1). In aggregate, the data show that LGE is common and, that
dyskinetic or akinetic segment of the most distal portion of the left when extensive (expressed as a percentage of LV mass), is associated
ventricle and are often associated with a mid-cavity gradient. Their with an increase in SCD risk and other events, particularly in the pres-
prevalence in unselected patients is uncertain but they were re- ence of other markers of disease severity including LV systolic impair-
ported in 3% of individuals in the prospective Hypertrophic ment. A meta-analysis of nearly 3000 patients from several studies
Cardiomyopathy Registry (HCMR).124 The first descriptions of LV suggests that the presence of LGE is associated with a 2.32-fold in-

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apical aneurysms in HCM suggested an association with sustained creased risk of SCD/aborted SCD/appropriate ICD discharge, and a
monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (SMVT)730—a relatively rare 2.1-fold increase in all-cause mortality.794 It has been suggested that
occurrence in HCM—and a number of studies have suggested that the addition of LGE to the current AHA/ACC sudden death algorithm
they are a useful marker of SCD risk.580,728,736,737,791,792 Based on or the HCM-SCD risk model improves stratification of patients who
these data, LV aneurysms were included in the recent 2020 are otherwise considered low or intermediate risk.793
American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology As in 2014, a number of uncertainties persist. These include the in-
(AHA/ACC) HCM guideline as a major independent SCD risk factor evitable confounders in the retrospective studies that bias towards
and were considered a reasonable sole indication for an ICD.793 In a high-risk patients or patients referred specifically for septal myectomy.
review for this guideline, the data from two published studies and a There also remains some debate about the methods used to quantify
meta-analysis were evaluated (see Supplementary data online, LGE with the 2-standard deviation technique; the only one that is vali-
Table S2). All these studies were retrospective and the absolute num- dated against necropsy.605 Retrospective CMR series also report rela-
ber of events is too small to assess the independent predictive value tively high event rates suggesting that they are not representative of the
of apical aneurysms. In two small series that described a selected sub- broad spectrum of disease. In HCMR, a prospective CMR study of 2755
group of HCM patients with mid-ventricular obstruction, there was patients, LGE was present in 50% of patients based on visual criteria and
no increase in incidence of SCD events. In the only series that pro- in 60% based on >6 SCD signal criteria, but only 2% of patients had LGE
vides a detailed analysis of SCD events, the majority were appropri- >15% of LV mass.124 In the most recent report from the registry, there
ate ICD interventions for monomorphic VT, suggesting significant have been 24 deaths from any cause after a mean follow-up of 33.5 ±
inclusion bias.737 Finally, a large proportion of individuals with events 12.4 months (median: 36 months and range 1–64 months); the relation
had other important risk markers including prior sustained ventricu- with LGE is not reported.795 There are very limited data on the role of
lar arrhythmia. Based on the current data, the Task Force recom- CMR over and above validated risk algorithms in SCD risk prediction in
mends that individualized ICD decisions should be based using children with HCM.796,797
well-established risk factors and not solely on the presence of an On balance, the Task Force maintains the recommendation to first
LV apical aneurysm. estimate SCD risk using the HCM-SCD Risk calculators. For patients
who are in the low to intermediate risk category, the presence of ex-
tensive LGE (≥15%) may be used in shared decision-making with pa- Left ventricular systolic dysfunction tients about prophylactic ICD implantation, acknowledging the lack of
A small number of retrospective studies and two larger registries robust data on the impact of scar quantification on the personalized
have examined the relation between prognosis in patients with risk estimates generated by the HCM-SCD Risk calculators.
HCM and LV systolic dysfunction (most frequently defined by a
LVEF <50%) (see Supplementary data online, Table S3). All studies Abnormal exercise blood pressure response
consistently show an increased rate of SCD events in patients with
left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) ranging from 7 to 20% Approximately one-third of adult patients with HCM have an abnormal
compared with that of patients with normal LV systolic function. systolic blood pressure response to exercise characterized by progres-
However, the independent and additional value of LVSD compared sive hypotension or a failure to augment the systolic blood pressure
with current risk stratification tools has not been investigated. that is caused by an inappropriate drop in systemic vascular resistance
There is only one multivariable model that investigates the independ- and a low cardiac output reserve.798,799 Various definitions for abnor-
ent relation of LVSD to the risk of SCD events but the covariables mal blood pressure response in patients with HCM have been re-
examined were limited (age, sex, and follow-up time).315 As with ported;590,765,768,782 for the purposes of this guideline, an abnormal
other recently proposed risk markers in HCM, the Task Force main- blood pressure response is defined as a failure to increase systolic pres-
tains its recommendation to first estimate SCD risk using the sure by at least 20 mmHg from rest to peak exercise or a fall of
HCM-SCD Risk and HCM Risk-Kids tools, and then to use the pres- >20 mmHg from peak pressure.590,765,768,782,800
ence of an LVEF <50% in shared decision-making about prophylactic Abnormal exercise blood pressure response may be associated
ICD implantation, with full disclosure of the lack of robust data on its with a higher risk of SCD in adult patients aged ≤40 years, but it
impact on prognosis. has a low positive predictive accuracy and its prognostic significance
in patients >40 years of age is unknown, and recent data have sug-
gested that, although it may be associated with increased overall mor- Late gadolinium enhancement on cardiac magnetic tality largely related to heart failure, it is not consistently associated
resonance imaging with an increased risk of ventricular arrhythmia or SCD.800,801
In the 2014 ESC Guidelines on diagnosis and management of hypertrophic There is no evidence to suggest that abnormal blood pressure re-
cardiomyopathy, the extent of LGE on CMR was considered helpful in sponse to exercise is associated with a higher risk of SCD in children
predicting cardiovascular mortality, but data at that time were felt insuf- with HCM.802 The Task Force, therefore, does not recommend the
ficient to support the use of LGE in prediction of SCD risk. Since then, use of abnormal blood pressure response to exercise as an indication
58 ESC Guidelines

for primary prevention ICD implantation in patients with a low or cohorts and a meta-analysis of available published data, relevant to
intermediate risk category. the 2014 ESC Guidelines on diagnosis and management of hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy performance, for SCD prevention has shown that Sarcomeric variants pooled estimates are concordant with the observed SCD risk in pa-
tients designated as high or low risk.821–824 In children, risk stratification
A small number of studies have explored the prognostic value of sarco-
for SCD has traditionally been based on risk factors extrapolated from
meric variants in HCM. Despite initial attempts to classify variants as
adults with HCM, but this approach does not identify the children most
‘malignant’ or ‘benign’,803–807 no studies have shown an independent

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at risk of SCD. In 2019, the first validated paediatric-specific risk model
role for specific sarcomeric variants in SCD risk prediction. Variants ini-
for SCD was developed (HCM Risk-Kids;, using
tially classified as ‘malignant’ or ‘benign’ can have very different pheno-
a similar approach to HCM Risk-SCD,81,825 and has since been inde-
typic expression, even in members of the same family,808–810 and, as
pendently externally validated.535,797,826 A similar paediatric risk-
variants are often found in individual families, evaluation of their prog-
prediction model (PRIMaCY Childhood HCM Sudden Cardiac Death
nostic implications is problematic. Similarly, while the presence of mul-
Risk Prediction tool) has also been developed, using similar clinical para-
tiple sarcomeric variants in an individual has been suggested to be
meters and with similar reported accuracy to HCM Risk-Kids (https://
associated with a worse prognosis,608,811–813 other cohorts have not
consistently reported this association.807,814–816 Recent studies have
In this update, the Task Force maintains the principle of risk esti-
evaluated the potential prognostic role of the presence of any sarco-
mation using the validated HCM Risk-SCD tool as the first step in
meric variant. The largest of these, comprising 2763 patients, showed
sudden death prevention in patients aged 16 years or more, and re-
a statistically significant impact on overall prognosis in those with vs.
commends the use of a validated risk score (e.g. HCM Risk-Kids tool)
without a sarcomeric variant, but did not assess its association specific-
for children and adolescents <16 years. This is in contrast to the
ally with SCD.238 A smaller study of 512 probands and 114 relatives, of
2020 AHA/ACC Guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of patients
whom 327 had a disease-causing sarcomeric variant, suggested that the
with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,793 in which the tool is considered
presence of a pathogenic variant was independently associated with all-
an aid to a shared decision-making process for ICD placement in pa-
cause, cardiovascular, and heart failure mortality as well as SCD/
tients with clinical risk markers. This approach by the AHA/ACC, in
aborted SCD (HR 2.88; 95% CI, 1.23–6.71).817 Patients with a sarco-
part, reflected concerns that reliance on a risk tool does not account
meric variant were younger and were more likely to have NSVT, syn-
for individual patient perception and acceptance of pre-determined
cope, and LVOTO and the association with SCD lost statistical
thresholds for medical intervention, as well as the omission of clinical
significance (HR 2.44; 95% CI, 0.99–6.01; P = 0.052) after adjusting
risk markers such as LV systolic impairment from the HCM Risk-SCD
for ≥2 major clinical risk factors. The role of sarcomeric variants as a
predictor of SCD independent of SCD risk-prediction models (e.g.
The Task Force acknowledges the challenges associated with defining
HCM Risk-SCD and HCM Risk-Kids) remains to be demonstrated.
universal thresholds for acceptable risk, but feels that reliance on an un-
Based on the available data, the Task Force does not recommend the
quantified estimate of risk does nothing to resolve this dilemma.
use of the presence of sarcomeric variant(s) to guide decisions around
Instead, the Task Force recommends more overt shared decision-
ICD implantation for primary prevention in individuals with a low or
making based on real-world data as well as individual preferences, be-
intermediate SCD risk score.
liefs, circumstances, and values. Gaps in evidence are acknowledged
and should be shared with patients. Similarly, competing risks related Prevention of sudden cardiac death to the disease (heart failure, stroke) and to age and comorbidity, as
There are no randomized, controlled data to support the use of AADs well as device-related complications, should be discussed.726,827,828
for the prevention of SCD in HCM. Amiodarone was associated with a Critically, the Task Force calls for development of enhanced patient de-
lower incidence of SCD in one small observational study of patients cision aids tailored specifically to receivers of care as well as more trad-
with non-sustained ventricular tachycardia (NSVT) on Holter monitor- itional decision-support tools for healthcare practitioners.
ing, but observational data suggest that amiodarone often fails to pre- Figure 16 summarizes the recommendations for primary preven-
vent SCD.818,819 Disopyramide does not appear to have a significant tion ICD implantation in HCM in each risk category. These take
impact on the risk of SCD.632 However, beta-blockers and/or amiodar- into account not only the absolute statistical risk, but also the age
one are recommended in patients with an ICD who continue to have and general health of the patient, socioeconomic factors, and the psy-
symptomatic ventricular arrhythmias, paroxysmal AF, or recurrent chological impact of therapy. The recommendations are meant to be
shocks despite optimal treatment and device re-programming.820 sufficiently flexible to account for scenarios that are not encompassed
There are no randomized trials or statistically validated prospective by the HCM Risk-SCD or HCM Risk-Kids models. These models
prediction models that can be used to guide ICD implantation in pa- should not be used in elite athletes or in individuals with metabolic/in-
tients with HCM. Recommendations are instead based on observation- filtrative diseases (e.g. Anderson–Fabry disease) and syndromes (e.g.
al, retrospective cohort studies that have determined the relationship Noonan syndrome). The models do not use exercise-induced LV out-
between clinical characteristics and prognosis. The 2014 ESC flow tract gradients and have not been validated before and after
Guidelines on diagnosis and management of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy myectomy. The HCM Risk-SCD model has been validated in one
recommended a risk-prediction model—HCM Risk-SCD (https:// study of adult patients following ASA,829 and a recent study has—that provides indi- suggested that severe LVH and residual LVOTO are associated with
vidualized, quantitative risk estimates using an enhanced phenotypic ap- an increased risk of SCD following ASA, with a modest C-statistic
proach.525 This approach has since been validated in independent of 0.68.830
ESC Guidelines 59

Primary prevention History

2D and Doppler echocardiogram
Ambulatory ECG
Symptom limited exercise test

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Unexplained syncope
LV outflow gradient
Maximum LV wall thickness
Left atrial diameter
Family history of SCD
LV systolic function
Extent of myocardial scar

Low risk High risk

HCM-risk scores
5-year risk <4% 5-year risk ≥6%

Intermediate risk
≥1 clinical risk factorsa
5-year risk ≥4 to <6%

(Class IIb) (Class IIb) (Class IIa)

Secondary prevention

Cardiac arrest due to VT or VF

Spontaneous sustained VT
causing syncope or ICD
haemodynamic compromise (Class I)
Life expectancy ≥1 year

Figure 16 Flow chart for implantation of an implantable cardioverter defibrillator in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. 2D, two-dimensional;
CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; ECG, electrocardiogram; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; ICD, implantable cardioverter defibrillator; LGE, late gado-
linium enhancement; LV, left ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NSVT, non-sustained ventricular tachycardia; SCD, sudden cardiac death; VF,
ventricular fibrillation; VT, ventricular tachycardia. aClinical risk factors: extensive LGE (>15%) on CMR; LVEF <50%.

Recommendation Table 23 — Additional recommen-

Primary prevention
dations for prevention of sudden cardiac death in
patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy The HCM Risk-SCD calculator is recommended as a
method of estimating risk of sudden death at 5 years
Recommendations Classa Levelb in patients aged ≥16 years for primary
Secondary prevention
Validated paediatric-specific risk prediction models
Implantation of an ICD is recommended in patients
(e.g. HCM Risk-Kids) are recommended as a method
who have survived a cardiac arrest due to VT or VF, I B
I B of estimating risk of sudden death at 5 years in
or who have spontaneous sustained VT with
patients aged <16 years for primary prevention.81,833
haemodynamic compromise.532,534,726,831,832
60 ESC Guidelines

It is recommended that the 5-year risk of SCD be 7.2. Dilated cardiomyopathy

assessed at first evaluation and re-evaluated at 1–2 7.2.1. Diagnosis
year intervals or whenever there is a change in clinical Index case
status.525 Dilated cardiomyopathy is defined by the presence of LV dilatation and
Implantation of an ICD should be considered in systolic dysfunction unexplained solely by abnormal loading conditions
patients with an estimated 5-year risk of sudden or CAD. Left ventricular dilatation is defined by LV end-diastolic dimen-

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death of ≥6%, following detailed clinical assessment sions or volumes >2 z-scores above population mean values corrected
that considers: for body size, sex, and/or age. For adults this represents an LV end-
(i) the lifelong risk of complications; diastolic diameter >58 mm in males and >52 in females and an
(ii) competing mortality risk from the disease and IIa B LVEDV index of ≥75 mL/m2 in males and ≥62 mL/m2 in females by
comorbidities; ECHO.9,845,846 Left ventricular global systolic dysfunction is defined
AND by LVEF <50%.9
(iii) the impact of an ICD on lifestyle,
socio-economic status, and psychological Relatives
Clinical testing in relatives often reveals mild non-diagnostic abnormal-
In patients with LV apical aneurysms, decisions about
ities that overlap with normal variation or mimic changes seen in other
primary prevention ICD based on an assessment of
more common diseases such as hypertension and obesity. In this con-
risk using the HCM Risk-SCD or a validated text, the presence of isolated LV dilatation with preserved systolic func-
paediatric risk-prediction (e.g. HCM Risk-Kids) tool tion or in the presence of a familial causative variant is sufficient for a
and not solely on the presence of the aneurysm diagnosis of DCM in a relative. Additional electrocardiographic or im-
should be considered.580,728,737,791,792 aging abnormalities in the context of a family history of DCM are sug-
Implantation of an ICD may be considered in gestive of disease and warrant close follow-up.9,75,817 In the absence of
individual patients with an estimated 5-year risk of conclusive genetic information in a family, DCM is considered familial if:
SCD of between ≥4% and <6%, following detailed (i) one or more first- or second-degree relatives have DCM; or (ii)
clinical assessment that takes into account the IIb B when an otherwise unexplained SCD has occurred in a first-degree
lifelong risk of complications and the impact of an relative at any age with an established diagnosis of DCM.
ICD on lifestyle, socio-economic status, and
psychological health.81,521,525,726,832,833 Diagnostic work-up
For patients who are in the low-risk category (<4%
The key elements of the diagnostic work-up for all patients with DCM
estimated 5-year risk of SCD), the presence of
are described in Section 6 and include clinical and family history, labora-
extensive LGE (≥15%) on CMR may be considered in
tory tests, ECG, Holter monitoring, cardiac imaging, and genetic testing.
shared decision-making with patients about
Echocardiography is central for the diagnosis and CMR provides more
prophylactic ICD implantation, acknowledging the detailed morphological and prognostic information. Additional labora-
lack of robust data on the impact of scar tory tests, exercise testing, EMB, cardiac CT, and cardiac catheteriza-
quantification on the personalized risk estimates tion should also be considered, as detailed in Section 6.
generated by HCM Risk-SCD or a validated
paediatric model (e.g. HCM Risk-Kids).141,796,797,834–
841 Echocardiography
For patients who are in the low-risk category (<4% Comprehensive TTE is recommended for all DCM patients as it pro-
estimated 5-year risk of SCD), the presence of LVEF vides all the relevant information on the global and regional LV anat-
<50% may be considered in shared decision-making omy, function and haemodynamics, valvular heart disease, right heart
with patients about prophylactic ICD implantation,
function, pulmonary pressure, atrial geometry, and associated fea-
IIb B tures.71 Advanced echocardiographic techniques (tissue Doppler and
acknowledging the lack of robust data on the impact
speckle tracking deformation imaging) can allow the early detection
of systolic dysfunction on the personalized risk
of subclinical myocardial dysfunction in specific situations (e.g. genetic
© ESC 2023

estimates generated by HCM Risk-SCD or a

DCM carriers, recipients of known cardiotoxic chemotherapy).71,74
validated paediatric model (e.g. HCM
Contrast agents may be considered for better endocardial delinea-
tion, to better depict the presence of hypertrabeculation, or to exclude
CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; ICD, implantable intraventricular thrombus. Transoesophageal echocardiography is rare-
cardioverter defibrillator; LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; LV, left ventricular; LVEF, left ly necessary except for when atrial thrombi are present in patients with
ventricular ejection fraction; SCD, sudden cardiac death; VF, ventricular fibrillation; VT,
AF, or for assessing valvular function and guiding transcatheter therapy
ventricular tachycardia.
Class of recommendation. in patients with concomitant secondary mitral or tricuspid
Level of evidence. regurgitation.
ESC Guidelines 61 Cardiac magnetic resonance Table 20 Non-genetic causes of dilated cardiomyopathy

Cardiac magnetic resonance provides additional information on tissue Infection (post-myocarditis)
characterization in patients with DCM, including the presence of myo-
Viral (enteroviruses, adenoviruses, echoviruses, herpes viruses, parvovirus B19,
cardial oedema, which may suggest a myocarditic or inflammatory
HIV, SARS-CoV-2, etc.)
cause, and LGE, to determine the presence and extent of fibrosis, as
Bacterial (Lyme disease)
well as its distribution, which may allow exclusion of myocardial infarc-
tion and also point towards specific aetiologies (e.g. subepicardial distri- Mycobacterial

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bution in post-myocarditis forms, patchy in sarcoidosis, extensive Fungal
inferolateral in dystrophinopathies, septal mid-wall in LMNA carriers, Parasitic (Chagas disease)
and ring-like in DSP and FLNC-truncating variant carriers) (see Section Toxic and overload
7.3).71,847 Late gadolinium enhancement distribution and extent hold Alcohol (ethanol)
prognostic value both for arrhythmia and heart failure severity.137,848
Cocaine, amphetamines, ecstasy
Dedicated T2* sequences describe myocardial iron deposition, which
is useful for the diagnosis of haemochromatosis.71
Anabolic/androgenic steroids
Haemochromatosis and other causes of iron overload Nuclear medicine
There is a limited role for radionuclide imaging in DCM. Measurement
Hypo- and hyperthyroidism
of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) uptake using PET, with focal or
Cushing/Addison disease
focal-on-diffuse FDG uptake patterns especially if there is concomitant
abnormal 18F-FDG-PET uptake in extracardiac tissues, can be useful in Phaeochromocytoma
suspected cardiac sarcoidosis.849 Acromegaly
Diabetes mellitus
7.2.2. Genetic testing and family screening Nutritional deficiency
The aetiology of DCM is highly heterogeneous and includes inherited Selenium deficiency
(genetic/familial) and acquired causes.9,545,850,851 Direct causes of Thiamine deficiency (Beri-Beri)
DCM include pathogenic gene variants, toxins, auto-immunity, infec- Zinc and copper deficiency
tions, storage diseases, and tachyarrhythmias. Monogenic gene variants Carnitine deficiency
causing DCM are highly heterogeneous, implicating many genes and di-
Electrolyte disturbance
verse pathways. Moreover, only 30–40% of DCM cases are attributable
to pathogenic rare variants, with a substantial polygenic/common vari- Hypocalcaemia
ant contribution in this population. Furthermore, disease modifiers can Hypophosphataemia
play a role in the acceleration of the DCM phenotype.7,9,850 This in- Peripartum
cludes conditions that may aggravate or trigger DCM, including epigen-
Autoimmune diseases
etic factors and acquired modifiers, such as pregnancy, hypertension,
Giant cell myocarditis
excessive alcohol use, and other toxins.42–44 It is important to consider
the interplay between genetic and acquired causes during the diagnostic Inflammatory (biopsy-proven, non-infectious myocarditis)
work-up. Identification of an acquired cause does not exclude an under- Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis
lying causative gene variant, whereas the latter may require an addition- Systemic lupus erythematosus
al acquired cause and/or disease modifier to manifest. Within the genes Sarcoidosis
that can cause DCM, there are genes robustly associated with classical Rheumatoid arthritis
DCM that have been recently curated,189 and also others classically as- Coeliac disease
sociated with ARVC but that very commonly can present with LV dila- Primary biliary cirrhosis
tation and predominantly LV dysfunction. Moreover, genes described in Myasthenia gravis
the context of hypertrabeculation/LVNC (e.g. NKX2.5 and PRDM16),
Pemphigus pemphigoid
or that can cause DCM with or without skeletal involvement (such as
Crohn disease
DMD or EMD), should also be considered DCM-associated genes and
Ulcerative colitis
examined, particularly if phenotype is concordant. The most common
genetic and acquired causes of DCM are shown in Table 10 and Polymyositis/dermatomyositis
Table 20. Detailed lists of causes of DCM have been previously Reactive arthritis
published.9,852 Drugs
Antineoplastic Anthracyclines; antimetabolites; alkylating agents; Taxol; Genetic testing drugs hypomethylating agent; monoclonal antibodies; tyrosine
Causative gene variants occur in up to 40% of DCM patients in contem- kinase inhibitors; immunomodulating agents
© ESC 2023

porary cohorts,185,186,853,854 and between 10 and 15% in Psychiatric drugs Clozapine, olanzapine; chlorpromazine, risperidone,
chemotherapy-induced, alcoholic, or peripartum DCM.42–44 Although lithium; methylphenidate; tricyclic antidepressants
the prevalence of genetic variants is higher in familial DCM, causative Other drugs All-trans retinoic acid; antiretroviral agents; phenothiazines
genetic variants are also identified in over 20% of non-familial DCM
HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome
cases.185,854,855 Finding a causative gene variant in a patient with coronavirus 2.
DCM allows better prediction of the disease outcome and progression,
62 ESC Guidelines

may contribute to the indications for device implantation, informs gen- 7.2.5. Sudden cardiac death prevention in dilated
etic counselling, and allows familial screening for relatives. Moreover, cardiomyopathy
genetic testing in DCM has long-term implications in terms of cost- Predicting SCD is a challenging aspect of the clinical care of patients
effectiveness by identifying at-risk family members with positive geno- with DCM. Implantable cardioverter defibrillators are effective at treat-
types, and thus reducing the number of family members requiring serial ing potentially lethal ventricular arrhythmias and preventing SCD, but
clinical follow-up.229 Genetic testing can therefore be beneficial in all are also associated with complications, particularly in young patients,
patients with DCM, including children856,857 and those with alcohol-/ who will require several replacements during their lifetimes (see

Downloaded from by ECCO'16 user on 25 August 2023

chemotherapy-induced and peripartum DCM. Where resources are Section 6.10.5).
limited, scores designed to identify DCM patients with a high probabil-
ity of a positive genotype (e.g. the Madrid DCM Genotype Score Secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death
[]) may be considered to prioritize gen-
etic testing.858 Of note, age should not be a limiting factor when decid- Implantable cardioverter defibrillators reduce mortality in survivors of
ing which DCM patients should undergo genetic testing.185,858,859 cardiac arrest and in patients who have experienced sustained symp-
Recommendations for clinical screening, genetic counselling, and tomatic ventricular arrhythmias with haemodynamic compromise.531
testing are described in Sections 6.8.3 and 6.11. More detailed evalu- An ICD is recommended in such patients when the intent is to increase
ation of conduction defects or arrhythmia, which may be an early pres- survival; the decision to implant should consider the patient’s view and
entation of certain genetic DCM subtypes, should be considered in the their QoL, as well as the absence of other diseases likely to cause death
context of certain gene variants (e.g. LMNA, EMD, DES). Cardiac MRI within the following year.
should also be considered in relatives with normal cardiac function
who carry causative genetic variants associated with increased risk of Primary prevention of sudden cardiac death
SCD (e.g. FLNC, DES, DSP, PLN, LMNA, TMEM43, RMB20). If there Available RCTs examining the usefulness of ICDs to prevent SCD and
are no additional family members with DCM, other than the proband, improve survival have included only patients with LVEF ≤35%, with
periodic evaluation of first-degree relatives should follow the same in- conflicting results. While a trial including both ischaemic and non-
tervals according to age (see Section 6.11), but termination of periodic ischaemic symptomatic heart failure patients showed reduction in
surveillance in families in whom a genetic variant has not been identified mortality,860 trials including only patients without CAD did not signifi-
could be considered in first-degree relatives ≥50 years of age with nor- cantly improve the overall risk of mortality despite the fact that there
mal ECG and normal cardiac imaging tests. was an absolute reduction in SCD with ICDs, and subgroup analysis
suggested that there was a survival benefit in patients ≤70 years.861,862
Nevertheless, in a recent meta-analysis of studies that examined the
7.2.3. Assessment of symptoms effect of ICDs in DCM, a survival benefit was observed, although
Patients with DCM often develop symptoms of heart failure, although the effect was modest compared with LVEF ≤35% patients with
this can occur many years after the appearance of ECG or echocardio- CAD.863
graphic abnormalities. Assessment of symptoms in patients with cardio- Although LVEF ≤35% has been reported as an independent risk
myopathies is described in Section 6.10.1. marker of all-cause and cardiac death in DCM, it has also shown only
modest ability in identifying DCM patients with higher risk of SCD, sug-
gesting that additional factors should be taken into consideration when
7.2.4. Management deciding on ICD implantation in a disease with significant aetiological
The clinical management of heart failure and other manifestations of heterogeneity. Recent natural history studies suggest that phenotype
DCM has been described in the 2021 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis plays a role a role in SCD risk, with patients harbouring disease-causing
and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure, the 2020 ESC variants in PLN, DSP, LMNA, FLNC, TMEM43, and RBM20 having a sub-
Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation, and the stantially higher rate of major arrhythmic events than other causes of
2021 ESC Guidelines on cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchronization ther- DCM regardless of LVEF.440,542,864–870 A recent retrospective study
apy.69,336,724 In these guidelines, recommendations are generally inde- of 1161 individuals with DCM has shown that DCM patients with P/
pendent of the aetiology of heart failure, AF, and other clinical LP DCM-causing genetic variants have a worse clinical evolution and
presentations. As such, although they summarize large and robust da- higher rate of major arrhythmic events than genotype-negative DCM
tasets and trials, the treatment recommendations must be regarded patients and particularly in DCM patients with LVEF ≤35%.185 The
as generic and not specific to the different forms of genetic DCM. study also observed a higher risk of major arrhythmic events in DCM
However, as large cohorts of genetic DCMs with uniform genetic fea- patients affected by DCM-causing variants in certain genotypes regard-
tures are relatively rare, adequately powered RCTs in cardiomyop- less of LVEF. Genes associated with higher arrhythmic risk included
athies are scarce. The Task Force therefore recommends applying genes coding for nuclear envelope (LMNA, EMD, TMEM43), desmo-
the 2021 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and somal (DSP, DSG2, DSC2, PKP2), and certain cytoskeletal proteins.185
chronic heart failure, which contain treatment guidelines for patients Together, these data suggest that DCM patients harbouring
with signs and symptoms of heart failure, for symptom management DCM-causing variants in high-risk genes (LMNA, EMD, TMEM43, DSP,
of patients with DCM.69 Treatment recommendations for asymptom- RBM20, PLN, FLNC-truncating variants) should be considered as pa-
atic LV dysfunction or dilatation are scarce, which presents a challenge tients with a high-risk genetic background for SCD and primary preven-
for genetic DCM, where a sizeable proportion of the patients are young tion ICD implantation should be considered with LVEF thresholds
with no or mild symptoms, and where asymptomatic patients are fre- higher than 35%, particularly in the presence of additional risk factors
quently discovered through cascade screening. Recommendations for (e.g. NSVT, increased ventricular ectopic beats, male sex, significant
the pharmacological management of heart failure symptoms in patients LGE, specific gene variant). For some high-risk genotypes (e.g. LMNA
with cardiomyopathies are described in Section 6.10.2. []541), gene-specific (or, in the case of the PLN
ESC Guidelines 63

Patients with DCM/NDLVC

Cardiac arrest or VT with ICD

haemodynamic compromise (Class I)

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LVEF <35% Y
(Class IIa)

High-risk gene Y Gene specific risk assessmenta

High risk Y
(Class IIa/IIb)b

Additional risk factorsc
(Class IIb)

Figure 17 Implantation of implantable cardioverter defibrillators in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy or non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy
flowchart. CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; ICD, implantable cardioverter defibrillator; LGE, late gadolinium enhancement;
LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NDLVC, non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy; VE, ventricular ectopic beats; VT, ventricular fibrillation. aSee
Table 21. bStrength of recommendation depends on gene and context. cAdditional risk factors include syncope, LGE presence on CMR.

p.Arg14del variant, variant-specific [https://plnriskcalculator.shinyapps. standard heart failure criteria from the 2021 ESC Guidelines for the diag-
io/final_shiny])542 risk-prediction scores have been developed that con- nosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure.185,867,872
sider genotype characteristics and additional phenotypic features. In patients without a high-risk genotype and LVEF >35%, the pres-
Where such scores are available, they should be used to guide primary ence and extent of myocardial scarring determined by LGE on CMR im-
prevention ICD implantation (Figure 17). As discussed in Section 7.1.5, aging can be helpful in risk stratification in patients with DCM.873,874
the Task Force acknowledges the challenges associated with defining Late gadolinium enhancement is observed in 25–35% of patients with
universal thresholds for acceptable risk across different cardiomyop- DCM and its presence is a strong risk marker for all-cause mortality
athy phenotypes, but is of the opinion that a similar approach to that and ventricular arrhythmias, both in retrospective and prospective
taken in risk stratification for HCM is reasonable. Although the 2022 studies. A recent prospective study of 1020 DCM patients with a me-
ESC Guidelines for the management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias dian follow-up of 5.2 years showed that myocardial scar had a strong
and the prevention of sudden cardiac death have suggested a higher and incremental prognostic value for predicting SCD, while LVEF
threshold of 10% risk at 5 years to guide primary prevention ICD im- ≤35% was not associated with SCD.138 In another study, a risk calcula-
plantation in patients with DCM and LMNA variants,3 this Task Force tor was developed that among others, incorporated the presence of
recommends shared decision-making based on real-world data as LGE on CMR imaging540, although this has not yet been externally va-
well as individual preferences, beliefs, circumstances, and values. Gaps lidated. There are at least two ongoing trials of ICD therapy according
in evidence should be shared with patients, and competing risks related to the presence of scar on CMR imaging, including DCM patients
to the disease (heart failure, stroke), and to age and comorbidity, as well (NCT04558723 and NCT03993730), but the Task Force’s opinion is
as device-related complications, should be discussed. In support of this, that the existing level of evidence can support using LGE to guide
a recent study validating the LMNA-risk VTA calculator overestimated ICD implantation in subgroups of patients with DCM (Figure 17).
arrhythmic risk when using ≥7% predicted 5-year risk as threshold Additional risk factors, such as syncope or the presence of NSVT and
(specificity 26%, C-statistic 0.85), despite a high sensitivity.871 burden of ventricular ectopy (VE), may also help guide ICD implant-
Importantly, there are also data to suggest that other genotypes (e.g. ation. There are no data currently to support a specific threshold for
TTN truncating variants) are associated with recovery of LVEF with VE burden, and this will depend on the underlying genotype and other
64 ESC Guidelines

clinical factors.542,867,872 In patients with unexplained syncope, pro- Table 21 High-risk genotypes and associated predic-
grammed electrical stimulation (PES) may provide additional informa- tors of sudden cardiac death
tion on the underlying cause.875 There are no definitive data
supporting the routine use of PES for primary prevention risk stratifica- Gene Annual Predictors of SCD
tion in patients with DCM, but this may be beneficial in patients with SCD rate
DCM and myotonic dystrophy with an independent indication to elec- LMNA185,186,438,541,865,878,879 5–10% Estimated 5-year risk of
trophysiological study to assess conduction disturbances,876 although life-threatening arrhythmia

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the clinical value of this approach has not been consistently
using LMNA risk score
FLNC-truncating 5–10% LGE on CMR
variants866,867,880 LVEF < 45%
Recommendation Table 24 — Recommendations for TMEM43868,881 5–10% Male
an implantable cardioverter defibrillator in patients Female and any of the
with dilated cardiomyopathy
following: LVEF <45%,
Recommendations Classa Levelb NSVT, LGE on CMR, >200
VE on 24h Holter ECG
Secondary prevention PLN542,882,883 3–5% Estimated 5-year risk of
An ICD is recommended to reduce the risk of life-threatening arrhythmia
sudden death and all-cause mortality in patients with using PLN risk score
DCM who have survived a cardiac arrest or have I B (https://plnriskcalculator.
recovered from a ventricular arrhythmia causing
haemodynamic instability.530,531,884 LVEF < 45%
Primary prevention LGE on CMR
An ICD should be considered to reduce the risk of
DSP185,186 3–5% LGE on CMR
sudden death and all-cause mortality in patients with

© ESC 2023
LVEF < 45%
DCM, symptomatic heart failure, and LVEF ≤35%
despite >3 months of OMT.861,885 RBM20869 3–5% LGE on CMR
LVEF < 45%
The patient’s genotype should be considered in the
estimation of SCD risk in DCM.185,186,869,886 CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; DSP, desmoplakin; ECG, electrocardiogram; FLNC,
filamin C; LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; LMNA, lamin A/C; LVEF, left ventricular
An ICD should be considered in patients with DCM
ejection fraction; NSVT, non-sustained ventricular tachycardia; PLN, phospholamban;
with a genotype associated with high SCD risk and RMB, RNA binding motif protein; SCD, sudden cardiac death; VE, ventricular ectopic beats.
LVEF >35% in the presence of additional risk factors
(see Table 21).541,542,867,869,873,878,881,886
by the presence of LGE on CMR) that is unexplained solely by abnormal
An ICD may be considered in selected patients with
loading conditions (hypertension, valve disease) or CAD. Global LV sys-
DCM with a genotype associated with high SCD risk
IIb C tolic dysfunction is defined by abnormal LVEF (i.e. <50%).9
and LVEF >35% without additional risk factors (see
Table 21).
An ICD may be considered in patients with DCM Relatives
Clinical testing in relatives may reveal non-diagnostic abnormalities. In
© ESC 2023

without a genotype associated with high SCD risk

IIb C this context, the presence of LV systolic global or regional dysfunction,
and LVEF >35% in the presence of additional risk
or additional electrocardiographic abnormalities (e.g. repolarization ab-
normalities, low QRS voltages, frequent ventricular extrasystoles
CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; ICD, implantable [>500 per 24 h] or NSVT) in a first-degree relative of an individual
cardioverter defibrillator; LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; LVEF, left ventricular
with NDLVC (or a first-degree relative with autopsy-proven
ejection fraction; OMT, optimal medical therapy; SCD, sudden cardiac death.
Class of recommendation. NDLVC) is highly suggestive of NDLVC and warrants close follow-up.
Level of evidence. In the absence of conclusive genetic information in the family,
Additional risk factors include syncope, LGE presence on CMR. NDLVC should be considered familial if one or more first- or second-
degree relatives have NDLVC, or when SCD has occurred in a first-
degree relative at any age with an established diagnosis of NDLVC.
7.3. Non-dilated left ventricular Familial disease should also be suspected if a first-degree relative has
cardiomyopathy sudden death at <50 years of age and autopsy findings suggestive of
7.3.1. Diagnosis the NDLVC phenotype. Index case
The non-dilated LV cardiomyopathy phenotype is defined by the pres- Diagnostic work-up
ence of non-ischaemic LV scarring or fatty replacement in the absence The key elements of the diagnostic work-up for all patients with
of LV dilatation, with or without global or regional wall motion abnor- NDLVC are described in Section 6 and include clinical history, labora-
malities, or isolated global LV hypokinesia without scarring (as assessed tory tests, Holter monitoring and cardiac imaging, and genetic testing.
ESC Guidelines 65

Echocardiography and CMR are both central to the diagnosis. Nuclear medicine
Additional laboratory tests, exercise testing, EMB, and cardiac catheter- The role of radionuclide imaging in NDLVC is limited. Measurement of
ization may also be considered (see Section 6). 18F-FDG uptake using PET, with focal or focal-on-diffuse FDG uptake
patterns, especially if concomitant abnormal 18F-FDG-PET uptake in Electrocardiographic features extracardiac tissues, can be useful in suspected cardiac sarcoidosis.849
Recommendations on resting and ambulatory ECG testing are de- Isolated cardiac uptake has also been described in patients with
NDLVC caused by DSP variants.888

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scribed in Section 6.5 and are of particular importance in patients
with NDLVC, as specific features can indicate the underlying genetic
cause. Prolonged PR interval or AV block is frequent in neuromuscular Endomyocardial biopsy
causes of NDLVC and in sarcoidosis. Laminopathies are characterized Endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) with immunohistochemical quantifi-
by prolonged PR interval, AF, and ventricular ectopics (VEs), and fre- cation of inflammatory cells remains the gold standard investigation
quently show low voltage in pre-cordial leads.887 Depolarization abnor- for the identification of cardiac inflammation. It may confirm the
malities such as low QRS voltage are also a common finding in NDLVC diagnosis of autoimmune disease in patients with unexplained heart
caused by DSP and PLN variants.542 Ambulatory ECG monitoring is use- failure and suspected giant cell myocarditis, eosinophilic myocardi-
ful in NDLVC patients to reveal supraventricular and ventricular ar- tis, vasculitis, and sarcoidosis. In experienced centres, electroanato-
rhythmias or bradycardias due to AV conduction block and is mical voltage mapping-guided EMB may improve the yield of
recommended at least yearly, or when there is a change in clinical sta- diagnosis of NDLVC.889 The risks and benefits of EMB should be
tus. In some patients with NDLVC at high risk of developing conduction evaluated and this procedure should be reserved for specific situa-
disease and/or arrhythmias (including laminopathies, neuromuscular tions where its results may affect diagnosis or treatment (see
disease, PLN, and FLNC-truncating variants), Holter monitoring may Section 6.7.5).
be considered more frequently.
7.3.2. Genetic testing
Recommendation Table 25 — Recommendation for
resting and ambulatory electrocardiogram monitoring The genes most commonly implicated in NDLVC are DSP, FLNC (trun-
in patients with non-dilated left ventricular cating variants), DES, LMNA, or PLN, but there is substantial overlap
cardiomyopathy with the genetic background of both DCM and ARVC (Table 10).
Desmoplakin (DSP) variants, in particular, cause a unique form of car-
Recommendation Classa Levelb diomyopathy with a high prevalence of LV fibrosis and myocardial in-
Ambulatory ECG monitoring is recommended in flammatory episodes.864
The identification of a P/LP gene variant in a patient with NDLVC al-
© ESC 2023

patients with NDLVC annually or when there is a

I C lows better prediction of the disease outcome and progression, may
change in clinical status, to aid in management and
contribute to the indications for device implantation, informs genetic
risk stratification.
counselling, and allows familial screening for relatives (see Section
ECG, electrocardiogram; NDLVC, non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy. 6.8.3). Therefore, genetic testing is recommended in all patients with
Class of recommendation. NDLVC.
Level of evidence.
Recommendations for clinical screening, genetic counselling, and
testing are described in Sections 6.8.3 and 6.11. Evaluation of conduc- Echocardiography
tion disease, and atrial and ventricular arrhythmia, is of particular im-
Comprehensive TTE is recommended for all patients with NDLVC as it
portance in patients with NDLVC, as these may often be early
provides all relevant information on the global and regional LV anatomy,
phenotypic features. There are very few data on the natural history
function, and haemodynamics; valvular heart disease; right heart func-
of phenotype-negative variant carriers or on the clinical yield of familial
tion; pulmonary pressure; atrial geometry; and other features.71,73
cascade screening in NDLVC, but cross-sectional studies suggest
Advanced echocardiographic techniques (including deformation im-
age-related increases in penetrance.9 Precautionary long-term evalu-
aging using tissue Doppler and speckle tracking) can allow the early de-
ation of first-degree relatives is therefore recommended.
tection of subclinical myocardial dysfunction in specific situations (e.g.
genetic NDLVC carriers).71,74
7.3.3. Assessment of symptoms Cardiac magnetic resonance Most patients with NDLVC are asymptomatic, but some develop
symptoms related to arrhythmia or conduction disease (e.g. syncope,
Cardiac magnetic resonance with LGE is the foremost imaging modality
palpitation) or diastolic heart failure (e.g. dyspnoea). Sustained ventricu-
in NDLVC as it provides confirmation of the presence of non-ischaemic
lar arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, or SCD can be the initial presentation in a
myocardial fibrosis that is essential for the diagnosis in most cases.
proportion of patients. Assessment of symptoms in patients with car-
Cardiac magnetic resonance can also be useful to detect the presence
diomyopathies is described in Section 6.10.1.
of myocardial oedema, which may suggest an inflammatory or myocar-
ditic aetiology, and to describe the extent and pattern of fibrosis
distribution. This can provide clues to the underlying aetiology (e.g. sub- 7.3.4. Management
epicardial distribution in post-myocarditis forms, patchy in sarcoidosis, The clinical management of heart failure and other manifestations of
extensive inferolateral in dystrophinopathies, septal mid-wall in LMNA NDLVC (atrial tachyarrhythmia, conduction disease) has been de-
carriers, and ring-like in DSP and FLNC variant carriers),71 and may pro- scribed in the 2021 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of
vide additional prognostic value both for arrhythmia and heart failure acute and chronic heart failure, the 2020 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis
severity.137,848 and management of atrial fibrillation, the 2021 ESC Guidelines on cardiac
66 ESC Guidelines

pacing and cardiac resynchronization therapy, and the 2022 ESC Guidelines to consider primary prevention ICD implantation in patients with
for the management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the pre- NSVT, a family history of SCD, or significant LGE. Additional risk fac-
vention of sudden cardiac death,69,299,336,724 and are discussed in tors, such as the burden of VE, may also help guide ICD implantation,
Section 6.10.2. but there are no data currently to support a specific threshold for
VE burden, and this will depend on the underlying genotype and other
7.3.5. Sudden cardiac death prevention in non-dilated clinical factors.542,867,872 In patients with unexplained syncope, PES may
left ventricular cardiomyopathy provide additional information on the underlying cause.875 There are no

Downloaded from by ECCO'16 user on 25 August 2023

The prediction and prevention of SCD is the cornerstone of the clinical definitive data supporting the regular use of PES for primary prevention
care of patients with NDLVC. risk stratification in patients with NDLVC, but may be beneficial in pa-
tients with NDLVC and myotonic dystrophy with an independent indi-
cation to EP study to assess conduction disturbances,876 although the Secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death
clinical value of this approach has not been consistently demon-
As in other cardiomyopathy subtypes, ICD implantation is recom- strated.877 Given the overlap with DCM and available data, and in keep-
mended in survivors of cardiac arrest and in patients who have experi- ing with the 2022 ESC Guidelines for the management of patients with
enced sustained ventricular arrhythmias with haemodynamic ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death, the
compromise;531 the decision to implant should consider the patient’s Task Force agreed that the recommendations for primary prevention
view and their QoL, as well as the absence of other diseases likely to ICD implantation in NDLVC should be the same as those for DCM
cause death within 1 year. (Figure 17), but the level of evidence is necessarily lower. Primary prevention of sudden cardiac death

There are no available RCTs examining the usefulness of ICDs to
prevent SCD in patients with mild or moderate LV dysfunction.
Recommendations for ICD implantation in DCM individuals with Recommendation Table 26 — Recommendations for
LVEF <35% are discussed in Section 6.10.2 and also apply to pa- an implantable cardioverter defibrillator in patients
tients with NDLVC and LVEF <35%. Most patients with NDLVC, with non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy
however, have either normal or mildly impaired LV systolic func-
tion. Much of the data on the natural history and risk prediction Recommendations Classa Levelb
in NDLVC are derived from cohorts that include either patients
Secondary prevention
with DCM or with ARVC (see Sections 7.2 and 7.4), and data on
patients with NDLVC are therefore necessarily very limited. An ICD is recommended to reduce the risk of
However, the available data suggest that genotype is a major deter- sudden death and all-cause mortality in patients with
minant of SCD risk, with patients harbouring variants in PLN, NDLVC who have survived a cardiac arrest or have I C
TMEM43, DES, DSP, LMNA, FLNC (truncating variants), and recovered from a ventricular arrhythmia causing
RBM20 having a substantially higher rate of major arrhythmic events haemodynamic instability.
than other causes regardless of LVEF.440,542,864–869 For some Primary prevention
high-risk genotypes (e.g. LMNA []541),
An ICD should be considered to reduce the risk of
gene-specific (or, in the case of the PLN p.Arg14del variant, variant-
sudden death and all-cause mortality in patients with
specific [])542 risk- IIa A
NDLVC, heart failure symptoms, and LVEF ≤35%
prediction scores have been developed that consider genotype
despite >3 months of OMT.861,885
characteristics and additional phenotypic features. Where such
scores are available, they should be used to guide primary preven- The patient’s genotype should be considered in the
tion ICD implantation (Figure 12). As discussed in Sections 7.1.5 and estimation of SCD risk in NDLVC.
7.2.5, the Task Force acknowledges the challenges associated with An ICD should be considered in patients with
defining universal thresholds for acceptable risk across different car- NDLVC with a genotype associated with high SCD
diomyopathy phenotypes, but is of the opinion that a similar ap- risk and LVEF >35% in the presence of additional risk
proach to that taken in risk stratification for HCM is reasonable, factors (see Table 21).185,186,438,541,542,865–869,878–883
although the 2022 ESC Guidelines for the management of patients An ICD may be considered in selected patients with
with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death NDLVC with a genotype associated with high SCD
have suggested a higher threshold of 10% risk at 5 years to guide risk and LVEF >35% without additional risk factors
primary prevention ICD implantation in patients with NDLVC (see Table 21).
and LMNA variants.3 This Task Force recommends more overt
An ICD may be considered in patients with NDLVC
shared decision-making based on real-world data as well as individ-
© ESC 2023

without a genotype associated with high SCD risk

ual preferences, beliefs, circumstances, and values. Gaps in evidence IIb C
and LVEF >35% in the presence of additional risk
are acknowledged and should be shared with patients, and compet-
ing risks related to the disease (heart failure, stroke) and to age and
comorbidity, as well as device-related complications, should be ICD, implantable cardioverter defibrillator; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NDLVC,
discussed. non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy; OMT, optimal medical therapy; SCD, sudden
cardiac death.
There are very few data to guide risk stratification in patients with a
Class of recommendation.
NDLVC without a known causative gene variant, but on the basis of b
Level of evidence.
the existing literature, the Task Force suggests that it may be reasonable c
Additional risk factors include syncope, LGE presence on CMR.
ESC Guidelines 67

7.4. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular has been challenged in patients with ARVC for showing poor sensitiv-
ity and specificity.5,899 It has been noted that epsilon waves are fre-
cardiomyopathy quently overdiagnosed and that there is poor agreement even
7.4.1. Diagnosis between experts regarding their presence.900 Furthermore, it has Index case been demonstrated that they occur in the presence of severe struc-
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is charac- tural disease and thus add little to the diagnosis.900,901 Therefore, ep-
terized structurally by a progressive myocardial atrophy with fibro-fatty silon waves and SAECG should be utilized for diagnostic purposes

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replacement of the RV myocardium.890 Lesions can also be present in with caution.
the LV myocardium; predominant LV disease can coexist in the same
family. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy usually mani-
fests in the second to fourth decade of life.891 Men are affected more Recommendation Table 27 — Recommendation for
frequently than women and an age-related penetrance has been de- resting and ambulatory electrocardiogram monitoring
monstrated, with high clinical and genetic variability. in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular
An ARVC diagnosis should be suspected in adolescents or young cardiomyopathy
adults with palpitations, syncope, or aborted sudden death. Frequent
VEs or VT of LBBB morphology are among the most common clinical Recommendation Classa Levelb

© ESC 2023
presentation. The presence of right pre-cordial TWI (V1–V3) in routine Annual ambulatory ECG monitoring is
ECG testing should also be suspected for ARVC.10,892 Less common recommended in patients with ARVC to aid in I C
ECG changes include low QRS voltages in the peripheral leads and ter- diagnosis, management, and risk stratification.902
minal activation delay in the right pre-cordial leads.893 Right ventricular
dilatation on 2D echocardiography is also a frequent reason for patient ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; ECG, electrocardiogram.
Class of recommendation.
referral. Less common presentations are RV or biventricular heart fail- b
Level of evidence.
ure that can mimic DCM or NDLVC.894 Patients with multiple variants
are thought to develop a more severe phenotype, and patients with a
DSP or DSG2 variant are more prone to develop heart failure.895,896 Echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance
In children and young adults, syncope, palpitations, and ventricular
arrhythmias are also the usual presenting symptoms.897 However, A comprehensive cardiac imaging assessment is recommended for all
chest pain, dynamic ST-T wave changes on basal 12-lead ECG, and myo- ARVC patients.71,73 Structural and functional alterations assessed by
cardial enzymes release in the setting of normal coronary arteries are echocardiography and CMR are key to ARVC diagnosis.10 The key fea-
often reported, requiring differential diagnosis with myocarditis or ture is the presence of wall motional abnormalities such as RV akinesia,
acute myocardial infarction.898 dyskinesia, or bulging, and the determinant of the diagnostic perform-
ance is the level of RV dilatation or dysfunction (major and minor cri-
teria). Cardiac magnetic resonance should be considered the first-line Relatives test for assessment of the RV functional structural abnormalities criter-
Clinical testing in relatives often reveals non-diagnostic abnormalities. In ion as it has demonstrated superior sensitivity.10 Contrast-enhanced
this context, the presence of RV systolic global or regional dysfunction, CMR is the only tool allowing the detection of LV involvement which
or additional electrocardiographic abnormalities (e.g. repolarization ab- remains otherwise underestimated by applying the 2010 Task Force
normalities, prolonged terminal activation duration, low QRS voltages, Criteria. Tissue characterization by CMR or indirectly by electroanato-
frequent ventricular extrasystoles [>500 per 24 h], or NSVT) in a first- mical voltage mapping may show signs of fibro-fatty replacement that
degree relative of an individual with ARVC (or a first-degree relative can be present in either ventricle.889,903,904
with autopsy-proven ARVC) is highly suggestive of ARVC and warrants
close follow-up. Endomyocardial biopsy
Differential diagnosis in patients with suspected ARVC includes inflam- Diagnostic work-up matory processes affecting the right ventricle such as myocarditis and
The key elements of the diagnostic work-up for all patients with ARVC sarcoidosis. In some instances, especially when dealing with probands
are defined by the diagnostic criteria used for the identification of af- with a sporadic form, EMB may be helpful to rule out myocarditis
fected individuals. The revised Task Force criteria for the diagnosis of and sarcoidosis.72,892,905 Endomyocardial biopsy can also be useful in
ARVC published by Marcus et al. in 2010 have been used for the diag- selected patients in whom non-invasive assessment is inconclusive.4,72
nosis of ARVC for more than a decade.10 More recently, the Padua cri- Electroanatomic voltage mapping-guided EMB may be considered in se-
teria have offered an updated iteration to include LV involvement but lected cases, particularly in case of negative CMR.906
are yet to be externally validated.5 Key elements of the diagnostic work-
up include ECG, Holter monitoring, cardiac imaging, genetic testing, Nuclear medicine
and, in specific circumstances, EMB.4,10,892 Additional laboratory tests, Measurement of 18F-FDG uptake using PET, with focal or
exercise testing, and cardiac catheterization should also be considered, focal-on-diffuse FDG uptake patterns, can be useful in suspected car-
as detailed in Section 6. diac sarcoidosis.849 However, it has been demonstrated that patients
with ARVC can also show myocardial 18F-FDG-PET uptake.888,907 Electrocardiography and Holter monitoring Therefore, there is a limited role for radionuclide imaging in ARVC un-
Abnormalities of the repolarization and depolarization as well as ar- less there is concomitant abnormal 18F-FDG-PET uptake in extracar-
rhythmias are key to the diagnosis of ARVC.5 The diagnostic utility diac tissues, or other clinical features suggestive of cardiac
of late potentials on signal-averaged electrocardiogram (SAECG) sarcoidosis.904,908
68 ESC Guidelines Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy Antiarrhythmic therapy

phenocopies Beta-blockers constitute the first option to reduce arrhythmic burden
In suspicion of ARVC, a systematic approach to investigation of pheno- via a reduction in adrenergic tone, particularly on exercise. Titration to
copies should be undertaken. Differential diagnosis in patients with sus- the maximal tolerated dose has been associated with an improvement
pected ARVC includes myocarditis, sarcoidosis, RV infarction, DCM, in survival from major ventricular arrhythmias in retrospective observa-
Chagas disease, pulmonary hypertension, and CHD with volume over- tional studies.918
load (such as Ebstein anomaly, atrial septal defect, and partial anomal- Amiodarone is often used when other beta-blockers fail to control

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ous venous return, left-to-right shunt, and pericardial agenesis).909,910 arrhythmias.917,919,920 It should, however, be used with caution for
Disease phenocopies also include non-structural diseases. In fact, one the long-term management of ventricular arrhythmias, especially in
of the main diagnostic dilemmas is to distinguish ARVC from idiopathic young patients. Sotalol has been used for many years, but evidence re-
RV outflow tract VT, since the latter is usually benign.4 The idiopathic garding its efficacy remain limited and conflicting.921,922 Flecainide
nature of VT is supported by the absence of family history, a normal should be considered when single agent treatment has failed to control
basal 12-lead ECG, a normal ventricular structure by cardiac imaging arrhythmia-related symptoms in patients with ARVC or when auto-
and electroanatomic mapping, a single VT morphology, and the non- nomic side effects limit the use of beta-blockers.923,924 Experience
inducibility at programmed ventricular stimulation. with other antiarrhythmics (dofetilide, ranolazine) is limited to very
In highly trained competitive athletes, differential diagnosis with small case series.919,923
physiological adaptation to training needs to be considered.911 Right A proportion of patients require invasive arrhythmic procedures
ventricular enlargement, ECG abnormalities, and arrhythmias reflect and/or ICD implantation. Complex endocardial and/or epicardial ap-
the increased haemodynamic load during exercise. While global RV sys- proach guided by three-dimensional (3D) electroanatomical mapping
tolic dysfunction and/or RWMAs, such as bulgings or aneurysms, are can be recommended but with a high recurrence rate (30–50% in ex-
more in keeping with ARVC, the absence of overt structural changes perienced centres).919,925–927 Sympathetic denervation has also been
of the right ventricle, frequent VEs, or inverted T waves in pre-cordial used.928 Such procedures do not confer adequate protection against
leads all support a benign nature (so-called athlete’s heart).72,912,913 SCD, but may be very useful in reducing the VT burden and the risk
of electrical storm.917 Discontinuation of intense physical exercise
has shown a potential to slow the pace of disease progression and re-
7.4.2. Genetic testing and family screening
duce the ventricular arrhythmia burden.917,919
The genes underlying ARVC mainly encode proteins of the cardiac
desmosome: plakophilin-2 (PKP2), desmoplakin (DSP), desmoglein-2
Recommendation Table 28 — Recommendations for
(DSG2), desmocollin-2 (DSC2), and plakoglobin (JUP). In addition to
the antiarrhythmic management of patients with
desmosomal genes, P/LP variants have also been described in other arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
genes, including DES,914 TMEM43,915 and PLN.190,882 Pathogenic or like-
ly pathogenic variants can be identified in up to 60% of patients with a Recommendations Classa Levelb
diagnosis of ARVC.230 Given the diagnostic importance of genetic test-
ing in ARVC, it is important that genetic variants are frequently re- Beta-blocker therapy is recommended in ARVC
appraised in terms of their pathogenicity.916 The pattern of inheritance patients with VE, NSVT, and VT.920–922
in the majority of ARVC families is autosomal dominant. The pene- Amiodarone should be considered when regular
trance of the disease in genetic carriers is age, gender, and physical ac- beta-blocker therapy fails to control
tivity dependent.892,917 arrhythmia-related symptoms in patients with
Recommendations for clinical screening, genetic counselling, and ARVC.921,922
testing are described in Sections 6.8.3 and 6.11. Cardiac evaluation Flecainide in addition to beta-blockers should be
should be adapted to the particular risk of complications in the family. considered when single agent treatment has failed to
Evaluation every 1–2 years including ECG, ECHO, and Holter/ECG control arrhythmia-related symptoms in patients
monitoring is generally recommended for relatives at risk of developing with ARVC.923,924
the disease. Cardiac magnetic resonance should be considered at the Catheter ablation with availability for epicardial
baseline evaluation. approach guided by 3D electroanatomical mapping
of VT should be considered in ARVC patients with
© ESC 2023

7.4.3. Assessment of symptoms incessant VT or frequent appropriate ICD

Patients with ARVC commonly experience palpitations and can de- interventions for VT despite pharmacological
velop symptoms of heart failure, although this may occur many years therapy with beta-blockers.925,929–934
after the appearance of the initial abnormalities. Assessment of symp-
3D, three-dimensional; ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; ICD,
toms in patients with cardiomyopathies is described in Section 6.10.1. implantable cardioverter defibrillator; NSVT, non-sustained ventricular tachycardia; VE,
ventricular ectopic beats; VT, ventricular tachycardia.
Class of recommendation.
7.4.4. Management b
Level of evidence.
The aim of the clinical management of ARVC relies on the improve-
ment of symptoms, the reduction of the pace of disease progression, 7.4.5. Sudden cardiac death prevention in
and the prevention of complications. Recommendations for the arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
pharmacological management of atrial arrhythmias and heart failure Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy is characterized by its
symptoms in patients with cardiomyopathies are described in Sections high propensity for ventricular arrhythmias and SCD.919 Although esti-
6.10.2 and 6.10.3. mated to be a rare disease, it has been consistently reported as one of
ESC Guidelines 69

the most common causes of SCD in registries around the world.935–937 can remain informative due to its excellent discriminative performance.
Sudden cardiac death seems to be more prevalent in young athletic in- Furthermore, one study suggested that the updated 2019 ARVC risk
dividuals affected by the disease.935,938 calculator performs best in PKP2 patients, but its performance is
more limited in gene-negative individuals.524 Secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death Therefore, a combination of these approaches is recommended to
individualize risk quantification that can aid clinicians in balancing the
Implantable cardioverter defibrillators reduce mortality in survivors of
risks and benefits of ICD implantation. The final decision should be
cardiac arrest and in patients who have experienced sustained symp-

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made together with the patient, considering other competing risks
tomatic ventricular arrhythmias.531 An ICD is recommended in such
and the patient’s risk tolerance. As discussed in Section 7.1.5, the
patients when the intent is to increase survival; the decision to implant
Task Force acknowledges the challenges associated with defining uni-
should consider the patient’s view and their QoL, as well as the absence
versal thresholds for acceptable risk across different cardiomyopathy
of other diseases likely to cause death within the following year.
phenotypes, but is of the opinion that a similar approach to that taken
in risk stratification for HCM, DCM, and NDLVC is reasonable. In this Primary prevention of sudden cardiac death context, the Task Force recommends shared decision-making based on
Most of the current evidence on the outcomes of patients with ARVC real-world data as well as individual preferences, beliefs, circumstances,
and their predictors is limited to observational retrospective cohort and values. Gaps in evidence should be shared with patients, and com-
studies that are typically of small size.939 Thus, the number of clinical pre- peting risks related to the disease (heart failure, stroke) and to age and
dictors that can be studied using multivariate models is very limited, and comorbidity, as well as device-related complications, should be dis-
most studies cannot be compared with one another. A systematic review cussed. The suggested approach is summarized in Figure 18.
and meta-analysis (n = 18 studies) has shown that the average risk of ven- Patients with ARVC are known to suffer from sustained VTs that can
tricular arrhythmia ranges from 3.7 to 10.6% per year and that male sex, be well tolerated without leading to SCD. Using appropriate ICD inter-
RV dysfunction, and prior non-sustained or sustained VT/VF consistently ventions as surrogate for SCD outcome has been shown to overesti-
predict ventricular arrhythmias in populations with ARVC.939 mate SCD.942 Considering that, in most centres, a high ratio of ARVC
The first comprehensive effort to offer an approach to risk stratifica- patients will be implanted with an ICD, it is conceivable why this may
tion in the context of decision-making for ICD implantation was made hamper risk stratification for SCD in patients with ARVC. Efforts to ad-
in the 2015 International Task Force consensus statement (ITFC) on dress this have been made within several studies,522,523,943–947 where
the treatment of ARVC/dysplasia, where recommendations were
made according to the presence of risk factors that would characterize
the risk level of each patient.919 A follow-up study (n = 365) offered a Recommendation Table 29 — Recommendations for
sudden cardiac death prevention in patients with
modification on the International Task Force approach that resulted in
arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
better discrimination.940 The 2017 AHA/ACC/HRS guideline for manage-
ment of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden Recommendations Classa Levelb
cardiac death941 and the 2019 HRS expert consensus statement on evalu-
ation, risk stratification, and management of arrhythmogenic cardiomyop- Secondary prevention
athy4 have also offered alternative approaches to this issue. A An ICD is recommended to reduce the risk of
risk-prediction model was developed from a multicentre collaboration sudden death and all-cause mortality in patients with
(n = 528); it utilizes sex, age, recent syncope, NSVT, VE count, number ARVC who have survived a cardiac arrest or have I A
of leads with TWI, and right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) as pre- recovered from a ventricular arrhythmia causing
dictors to provide an individualized estimate of sustained ventricular ar- haemodynamic instability.939,943,944,948,949
rhythmias in patients with ARVC (
An ICD should be considered in ARVC patients who
A study (n = 617) comparing the previous approaches to risk stratify
have suffered a haemodynamically tolerated IIa B
patients has revealed that the modified ITFC approach provides the 522,939,943–945,948–950
highest net benefit, up to an estimated 5-year risk of 25%, whereas
AHA and HRS perform best in patients with an estimated 5-year risk Primary prevention
>25%.538 In the same study, an estimated 5-year risk of 12.5% seems High-risk featuresc should be considered to aid
to be the optimal threshold, beyond which the risk-prediction model individualized decision-making for ICD implantation IIa B
has the best performance. An external comparison (n = 140) of the dif- in patients with ARVC.538,939
ferent ARVC risk levels showed that the highest net benefit was seen The updated 2019 ARVC risk calculator should be
with a 10% cut-off, using the 2019 ARVC risk calculator.536 In the
© ESC 2023

considered to aid individualized decision-making for

same study, the 10% cut-off was superior to the HRS and ITFC ap- IIa B
ICD implantation in patients with ARVC.d,524,526,536–
proaches.536 Another external validation study (n = 128) of the 2019 539
ARVC risk model showed that although discriminative ability is excel-
lent (c-index 0.84), the model seems to significantly overestimate the ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; ICD, implantable cardioverter
risk of patients below the 50% 5-year risk threshold.537 Recently, a cor- defibrillator; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NSVT, non-sustained ventricular
tachycardia; PES, programmed electrical stimulation; RVEF, right ventricular ejection
rection to the 2019 ARVC risk calculator was issued.539 Two large ex- fraction; SMVT, sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia; VT, ventricular
ternal validation studies of the updated 2019 ARVC risk calculator have tachycardia.
been published, suggesting a good discriminative performance, but the Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
latter study revealed overestimation of risk.524,526 This raises concerns c
High-risk features: arrhythmic syncope, NSVT, RVEF <40%, LVEF <45%, SMVT at PES.
regarding the accuracy of the model in offering an individualized predic- d
See text for discussion of gene-specific differences in the performance of the updated
tion that can help inform patients during decision-making; however, it 2019 ARVC risk calculator.
70 ESC Guidelines

the outcome of interest is fast VT (>250 b.p.m.) rather than any sus- diastolic impairment at diagnosis.951 Cardiac catheterization should
tained VT. The largest of these studies (n = 864) has led to the develop- be performed in cases where the diagnosis is in doubt and to aid in
ment of a separate score for the prediction of unstable VT/VF.945 Due to the assessment for and timing of cardiac transplantation.953 Cardiac
the lack of any external validation studies, there is insufficient informa- MRI distinguishes RCM from constrictive pericarditis, provides informa-
tion to support the applicability of this risk score outside of its develop- tion on the presence and extent of myocardial fibrosis, and contributes
ment cohorts. Furthermore, a specific rate cut-off is also not well to distinguishing metabolic from inflammatory diseases.951,954
evidence-based and its performance to predict SCD remains unclear. Endomyocardial biopsy is a precision diagnostic tool in restrictive

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Although it is likely that slower sustained VTs per se are not life- cardio-desminopathies;955 iron myocardial overload, both intramyo-
threatening, it remains unknown how frequently they would degenerate cyte in haemochromatosis956 and mitochondrial in Friedreich ataxia
to faster VTs or VF. It is therefore reasonable to suggest that all patients cardiomyopathy;957 cystinosis;958 generalized arterial calcification of in-
at risk of any sustained ventricular arrhythmia should be offered primary fancy;955,959 and lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs).960,961 Deep pheno-
prevention ICDs. typing in probands should go beyond cardiac traits and explore
The role of PES in risk stratification of ARVC patients is not well de- extracardiac manifestations in syndromic diseases and in RCM asso-
fined, particularly in those who are asymptomatic.523,939 However, cur- ciated with neuromuscular disorders (see Section 6).962
rent practice suggests that inducibility of SMVT at PES might add value
in patients with symptoms consistent with sustained ventricular ar- 7.5.2. Genetic testing
rhythmia and this is further supported in this guideline3 When inherited, RCM most commonly presents as an autosomal
dominant disorder and, less commonly, autosomal recessive or spor-
adic. Genes associated with RCM encode sarcomeric structural and
7.5. Restrictive cardiomyopathy regulatory proteins and cytoskeletal intermediate filaments
7.5.1. Diagnosis (Table 10). Although all major sarcomeric genes may cause RCM,963
Patients with overt RCM manifest signs and symptoms typical of the most common disease gene is TNNI3, which encodes the thin fila-
HFpEF.306 The systematic approach to diagnosis should include clinical ment troponin I.964 Other less commonly involved genes include
examination, ECG, echocardiography, and CMR.951 Physical examin- TNNT2, ACTC1, MYH7, MYBPC3, TTN, TPM1, MYPN, MYL3, and
ation may show a prominent jugular venous pulse. In the advanced MYL2. Restrictive cardiomyopathy can be associated with intramyocyte
phases, the pulse volume is low, the stroke volume declines, and the accumulation of unfolded defective proteins, a feature that is increas-
heart rate may increase. Hepatomegaly, ascites, and peripheral oedema ingly demonstrated in carriers of defects in DES, FLNC, and BAG3.
are common in decompensated patients. Echocardiography is the gold These diseases have significant implications for prognosis and timely
standard diagnostic tool; criteria for diagnosing and grading diastolic decision-making, both in children and adults. Restrictive cardiomyop-
dysfunction have been previously described.951,952 Importantly, the de- athy may also occur in individuals with a family history of HCM289 or
gree of diastolic dysfunction in patients with RCM is often only truly re- DCM.965 The observation of different cardiomyopathy phenotypes
strictive in advanced stages and most patients show milder grades of within families suggests a variable response to the variant, and

Patients with ARVC

Cardiac arrest or syncopal VT Y
(Class I)

Non-syncopal sustained VT Y
(Class IIa)

High risk featuresb
(Class IIa)

Figure 18 Algorithm to approach implantable cardioverter defibrillator decision-making in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy.
ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; ICD, implantable cardioverter defibrillator; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NSVT, non-
sustained ventricular tachycardia; PES, programmed electrical stimulation; RVEF, right ventricular ejection fraction; SMVT, sustained monomorphic ventricu-
lar tachycardia; VT, ventricular tachycardia. aClinicians should aim to control ventricular arrhythmia with pharmacological or invasive antiarrhythmic therapies
in addition to offering an ICD. bHigh-risk features are defined as either cardiac syncope, NSVT, RVEF <40%, LVEF <45%, SMVT at PES or as per the updated
2019 ARVC risk calculator.539
ESC Guidelines 71

Restrictive heart diseases

Intrinsic myocyte Endomyocardial Myocardial extracellular

dysfunction disorders matrix disorders

Downloaded from by ECCO'16 user on 25 August 2023

Genetic Infiltrative
Primary RCM Endomyocardial fibrosis Hyperoxaluria

Variants in sarcomeric, Hypereosinophilia Amyloidosis

cytoskeletal, nuclear
envelope, filamin, titin genes Carcinoid Sarcoidosis

Endocardial fibroelastosis
Storage Endocardial neoplasms Fibrosis
Desmin Iatrogenic/drug toxicity Radiation

AFD Chemotherapy

Danon Systemic sclerosis

Glycogenoses Inflammatory/granulomatous

PRKAG2 variants Diabetic heart disease

Iron overload/storage

Drugs (e.g. chloroquine)

Myocardial diseases with occasional restrictive physiology, often in the context of LVH

Figure 19 Spectrum of restrictive heart diseases. AFD, Anderson–Fabry disease; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; PRKAG2, Protein kinase
AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit gamma 2; RCM, restrictive cardiomyopathy. For a more detailed spectrum of restrictive heart disease, please refer
to Supplementary data online, Table S4.Image %:

implicates factors beyond the specific variant in the determination of symptoms and heart failure phenotype and severity,967 and is described
ultimate clinical manifestation of disease.966 Hereditary infiltrative dis- in Section 6.10.2. Precision diagnosis (phenotype and cause) is key to time-
eases can also cause RCM, the most common of which is amyloidosis ly planning of heart transplantation as it guarantees the exclusion of all
caused by pathogenic variants in the TTR gene, although this is usually in genetic and acquired phenocopies that may be amenable to alternative
the presence of LVH (see Section 7.7). treatment. Prevention of heart transplantation in all RCM patients with
alternative treatments is a major goal for all adult and paediatric RCM.
7.5.3. Assessment of symptoms Precise diagnosis is also essential for genetic phenocopies with avail-
able target treatments: ERT for Anderson–Fabry disease or glycogeno-
Patients with RCM often develop symptoms of heart failure, although
sis such as Pompe disease; therapeutic phlebotomy for
this can occur some years after the appearance of the initial abnormal-
haemochromatosis; immunosuppressive therapeutics for sarcoidosis;
ities. Assessment of symptoms in patients with cardiomyopathies is de-
new biological drugs for systemic diseases (e.g. autoimmune diseases
scribed in Section 6.10.1.
with cardiac involvement that can reverse or stabilize by treating the
disease itself); and removal of the toxic causes (see Figure 19 and
7.5.4. Management Supplementary data online, Table S4). Precision diagnosis today is es-
The administration of heart failure medications and device implantation, sential due to the increasing availability of disease-specific treatments
including ventricular assist device as a bridge-to-candidacy is guided by and diagnostic tools to exclude geno/phenocopies.
72 ESC Guidelines

Restrictive cardiomyopathy is associated with the worst prognosis of 7.6. Syndromic and metabolic
all the cardiomyopathy phenotypes. Survival data are limited to small
windows of observation. The prognosis of RCM largely depends on
It is beyond the scope of these guidelines to provide a detailed review
the restrictive physiology, regardless of the underlying cause.968–971
and recommendations on specific cardiomyopathy genocopies and
More than 50% of children with RCM are at risk of death (including
phenocopies. Instead, the Task Force refers the reader to detailed pos-
SCD) or transplantation shortly after diagnosis; clinical features puta-
ition statements and consensus documents published on behalf of the
tively associated with increased risk of death or transplantation include:

Downloaded from by ECCO'16 user on 25 August 2023

ESC Working Group on Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases (e.g. on
heart failure symptoms; reduced LV systolic function; increased left at-
Anderson–Fabry Disease and amyloidosis ).370,375,974 This section high-
rial size; syncope; ischaemia; and impaired LV diastolic function on
lights only the key diagnostic and management issues. Table 22 sum-
echocardiography.286,969,972,973 Up to 75% of surviving patients demon-
marizes the clinical features and management of syndromic and
strate heart failure, and the outcome is either death or heart transplant-
metabolic cardiomyopathies.
ation within a few years of diagnosis.968,969 Elevated pulmonary vascular
resistance (PVR) is present in up to 40% of children with RCM, and can
rise quickly even in the absence of other clinical changes, which has an
7.6.1. Anderson–Fabry disease
impact on suitability for and timing of cardiac transplantation.953 Definition
Cardiac catheterization with an assessment of PVR is therefore recom-
Anderson–Fabry disease is an inborn error of metabolism where a de-
mended in all children at diagnosis and every 6 to 12 months.953 In adult
ficient or absent enzyme, alpha-galactosidase A (α-Gal A), due to a
patients with genetic RCM, the main cause of death is heart failure
pathogenic genetic variant in the GLA gene, causes the storage of
(more than 40%), with a 5-year survival rate of ∼50% in cohorts that
some degradation cell products, mainly globotriaosylceramide (Gb3)
include patients with HCM and restrictive physiology.616
in a patient’s lysosomes.975 This storage causes cell dysfunction in its
own right and activates cellular hypertrophy pathways, common to
other causes of HCM, as well as inflammation and immune activa-
Recommendation Table 30 — Recommendations for tion.976 It is a multisystem disorder affecting particularly the heart, kid-
the management of patients with restrictive ney, and brain. 975 It is inherited in an X-linked manner; males are
cardiomyopathy therefore always affected, while females’ organ involvement usually de-
velops later in life but can become similar to males due to the lyoniza-
Recommendations Classa Levelb tion phenomena.977,978
It is recommended that multimodality imaging be Two Anderson–Fabry phenotypes can be distinguished, depending
used to differentiate RCM from HCM or DCM with I C on the gender, lyonization phenomena, and pathogenic genetic
restrictive physiology.
It is recommended that baseline cardiac and • A severe clinical phenotype, known as ‘classic’ Anderson–Fabry char-
non-cardiac investigations are performed to assess acterized by absent or severely reduced (<1% of mean normal) α-Gal
involvement of the neuromuscular system or other A activity, marked Gb3 accumulation, and childhood or adolescent
syndromic disorders. onset of symptoms followed by progressive multiorgan failure, is
Cardiac catheterization is recommended in all most often seen in males (but not exclusively) without residual en-
children with RCM to measure pulmonary artery zyme activity.
I B • A ‘non-classical’ Anderson–Fabry phenotype or later-onset pheno-
pressures and PVR at diagnosis and at 6–12 monthly
intervals to assess change in PVR.953
type with incomplete systemic involvement, which is seen in both
males and females, with some level of residual enzyme activity, and
ICD implantation is recommended to reduce the risk
in most cases manifesting as isolated cardiac involvement.
of sudden death and all-cause mortality in patients
with RCM who have survived a cardiac arrest or have I C
recovered from a ventricular arrhythmia causing Diagnosis, clinical work-up, and differential diagnosis
haemodynamic instability. Anderson–Fabry disease should be suspected in patients with LVH and
Endomyocardial biopsy should be considered in additional cardiac and extracardiac red flags (see Table 23) sought
patients with RCM to exclude specific diagnoses (Figure 20). The diagnosis is established by assessment of α-GalA activity
(including iron overload, storage disorders, and lyso-Gb3 measurement in male patients; in females, genetic testing
mitochondrial cytopathies, amyloidosis, and IIa C is usually required to confirm the diagnosis. Severe LVH (>15 mm) is
granulomatous myocardial diseases) and to diagnose unlikely to be seen in patients <20 years of age.980 In children and ado-
restrictive myofibrillar disease caused by desmin lescents, diagnosis is made by family history or based on other extracar-
variants. diac symptoms, but overt LVH is usually not present.981
© ESC 2023

ICD implantation may be considered in children with

RCM who have evidence of myocardial ischaemia and IIb C Clinical course, outcome, and risk stratification
Cardiovascular involvement usually manifests as LVH, myocardial fibro-
DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; ICD, implantable sis, inflammation, heart failure, and arrhythmias, which limit QoL and
cardioverter defibrillator; PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance; RCM, restrictive
are the most common cause of death. Clinical monitoring is essential
Class of recommendation. to assess disease progression and requires a multidisciplinary
Level of evidence. approach.980
ESC Guidelines 73

Table 22 Clinical features and management of syndromic and metabolic cardiomyopathies

Clinical red flags Diagnosis Specific cause Multidisciplinary Management


Abnormal facial features NGS panel testing for RASopathy Noonan syndrome Cardiologist Beta-blockers/CCBs
Cryptorchidism Costello syndrome Geneticist Selective management of RVOTO/

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Pulmonary valve stenosis Cardiofaciocutaneous Endocrinologist pulmonary valvuloplasty
Congenital heart disease syndrome Paediatrician SCD risk stratification
Extreme right-axis Noonan syndrome with Dermatologist
deviation at ECG multiple lentigines Radiologist
Bleeding diathesis
Café au lait spots
Growth retardation
Sensorineural deafness
Short PR interval NGS panel for mtDNA and MELAS syndrome Cardiologist Avoiding drugs or situational
End-stage, hypokynetic nuclear DNA MERRF syndrome Neurologist stressors
HCM Skeletal muscle biopsy/ Leigh syndrome Endocrinologist Beta-oxidation disorders:
AV block (Kearns–Sayre endomyocardial biopsy Other mitochondrial Paediatrician nutritional management, avoidance
syndrome) disease Metabolism expert of fasting, aggressive treatment
Lactic acidosis Beta-oxidation disorders Radiologist during increased metabolic stress
Sensorineural deafness Carnitine supplementation
Neutropenia (Barth (selected cases)
Stroke-like lesions at
brain MRI
Hepatomegaly Screening: GAA activity in DBS or Type II glycogen storage Cardiologist Enzyme replacement therapy
Increased leucocytes/Glc4 dosing disease (Pompe disease) General Paediatrician/
aminotransferase Diagnostic confirmation: acid neonatologist
enzymes alpha-glucosidase assay performed Gastroenterologist
Delayed motor on skin fibroblasts (preferred Neuromuscular
milestones method) or muscle biopsy disease specialist
Short PR interval
ECG criteria for extreme
Short PR interval NGS or target testing for LAMP-2 Danon disease Cardiologist No treatment
Massive LVH variants Neuromuscular
Skeletal myopathy disease specialist
Increased serum CK Pneumologist
enzyme Advanced heart failure
Intellectual disability specialist
X-linked inheritance
Short PR interval NGS or target testing for PRKAG2 PRKAG2 syndrome Cardiologist No treatment
Early-onset atrial Neuromuscular
fibrillation disease expert
AV block
Increased serum CK
Autosomal dominant
inheritance pattern
74 ESC Guidelines

Progressive limb ataxia NGS testing for bi-allelic expansion Friedreich ataxia Cardiologist No specific treatment
Diabetes mellitus of GAA repeats in the FXN gene Neurologist
Pes cavus Endocrinologist
Reduced native T1 at Orthopaedic surgeon
CMR imaging Neuromuscular
disease expert
DPD/HMDP Tc99 scintigraphy

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Bilateral carpal tunnel Cardiac amyloidosis (AL Cardiologist Tafamidis
syndrome Free light chain/serum and urine or ATTR) (see Section 7.7) Neurologist Patisirana
Lumbar spinal stenosis immunofixation Nephrologist Inotersena
Autonomic dysfunction Endomyocardial biopsy Haematologist (AL (ATTR-CA)
Peripheral neuropathy amyloidosis) OR
Relative apical sparing Ophthalmologist Specific chemotherapy
pattern (AL amyloidosis)
Ejection fraction/strain
ratio >5
Pseudonecrosis Q waves
Low ECG voltages
Positive serum or urine
monoclonal chain at
Gastrointestinal Screening in males: lyso-Gb3 Anderson–Fabry disease Cardiologist Enzyme replacement therapy
symptoms dosing Nephrologist (agalsidase alfa/beta)
Angiokeratoma Screening in females/diagnostic Neurologist Migalastat
Cornea verticillata confirmation: genetic testing for Ophthalmologist
Chronic kidney disease GLA variants Audiologist
Proteinuria Gastroenterologist
Sensorineural hypoacusia Dermatologist
Neuropathic pain
X-linked inheritance
Short PR interval
Low native T1 at cardiac
Skeletal myopathy Genetic testing for DMD Neurologist Steroids (prednisone or
Posterolateral dystrophinopathies Cardiologist deflazacort)
pseudonecrosis pattern Pneumologist
Posterolateral or Neuromuscular
inferolateral akinesia disease expert
Skeletal myopathy NGS testing LMNA cardiomyopathy Cardiologist SCD risk prevention
AV block Emery–Dreifuss muscular Neurologist Pacing if indicated
Premature atrial dystrophy
Malignant ventricular
Bilateral hilar 18F-FDG-PET Sarcoidosis Cardiologist Steroids
lymphadenopathy Endomyocardial biopsy Pneumologist Steroid-sparing
Pulmonary infiltrates Lung biopsy Neurologist immunosuppressant drugs
Uveitis Gastroenterologist
High-degree AV block
Frequent VEs
Thinned basal
interventricular septum
Extended LGE at CMR
ESC Guidelines 75

Previous transfusions Iron status Iron overload Cardiologist Iron-chelating drugs

Chronic liver disease Complete blood count cardiomyopathy Haematologist Phlebotomy
Skin pigmentation Increased T2* values at CMR Endocrinologist
Diabetes imaging Paediatrician
Hypogonadotropic Genetic test for HFE, HJV, hepcidin Gastroenterologist
hypogonadism receptor, ferroportin, HAMP gene
Elevated ferritin Peripheral blood smear

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© ESC 2023
AV block Haemoglobin electrophoresis
Genetic testing for hereditary

18F-FDG-PET, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography; AL, amyloid light chain; ATTR, transthyretin amyloidosis; ATTR-CA: transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis; AV,
atrioventricular; CCB, calcium channel blocker; CK, creatinine kinase; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; DBS, deep brain stimulation; DMD, Duchenne muscular dystrophy; DPD,
3,3-diphosphono-1,2-propanodicarboxylic acid; ECG, electrocardiogram; Gb3, globotriaosylceramide; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; HMDP, hydroxymethylene diphosphonate;
LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; LMNA, lamin A/C; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; MELAS, mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes
(syndrome); MERRF, mitochondrial epilepsy with ragged-red fibres; MRI, magnetic resonance; mtDNA, mitochondrial DNA; NGS, next-generation sequencing; PRKAG2, protein kinase
AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit gamma 2; RVOTO, right ventricular outflow tract obstruction; SCD, sudden cardiac death; TIA, transient ischaemic attack; VE, ventricular ectopic beats.
Patisiran and inotersen approved for treatment of familial polyneuropathy with/without cardiomyopathy.

Table 23 Anderson–Fabry disease red flags

patients with classical disease, including children, at the earliest signs
Extracardiac red flags of organ involvement.974 Therapeutic strategies currently in develop-
No male-to-male transmission in pedigree
ment include second-generation ERTs, substrate-reduction therapies,
and gene and mRNA therapies.980
Renal involvement (dialysis, renal transplantation) or LVH in relatives
Neuropathic pain
7.6.2. RASopathies
Angiokeratomas Definition
The RASopathies constitute a group of multisystemic syndromes caused
Cornea verticillata by variants in the RAS-mitogen-activated kinase (RAS-MAPK) cas-
Hypohidrosis, heat/cold and exercise intolerance cade,984–986 including Noonan syndrome,987–989 Noonan syndrome
Gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, non-specific abdominal pain, with multiple lentigines;990,991 Costello syndrome,992,993 and cardiofa-
constipation, diarrhoea) ciocutaneous syndrome.994–996
Hearing loss (either progressive or sudden), tinnitus, vertigo
Cardiac red flags Diagnosis, clinical work-up, and differential diagnosis
The suspicion of an underlying RASopathy should be raised in infant-
ECG Short PQ interval in young patients
and childhood-onset HCM with coexisting CHD262,263,991,997–1000 or
Atrioventricular blocks in adult patients
extracardiac abnormalities (see Table 22). Gene testing is recom-
Bradycardia mended for diagnosis when phenotypic features are present.
Chronotropic incompetence Compared with sarcomeric HCM, RASopathy-associated HCM
LVH (RAS-HCM) shows earlier age at diagnosis,261,999 increased prevalence
Echocardiogram LVH with normal systolic function and severity of left or biventricular obstruction,258,262,1001 and higher
Hypertrophy of papillary muscles rates of early hospitalizations for heart failure or need for interventional
Mitral and aortic valve thickening with procedures or surgery.258 Pulmonary stenosis is the most
mild-to-moderate regurgitation
commonly associated CHD, with a prevalence ranging between 25%
and 70%, and unfavourable outcomes for pulmonary valvulo-
Reduced global longitudinal strain
CMR Basal-inferolateral late gadolinium enhancement
Low native T1 (caution with ‘pseudonormalization’ in Clinical course, management, and sudden death risk
areas affected by fibrosis)
© ESC 2023

High focal/global T2
Data from the North American Pediatric Cardiomyopathy Registry1005
Laboratory Elevated high-sensitivity troponin cohort show poorer survival rates among patients with RAS-HCM
Elevated NT-proBNP compared with non-syndromic HCM, particularly in patients who
CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; ECG, electrocardiogram; LVH, left ventricular have been diagnosed before 1 year of age. Disease-specific risk factors
hypertrophy; NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide. for SCD are currently an area of debate, and may include the degree of
LV hypertrophy, prolonged QTc interval, ECG risk score for HCM,771 Management and the HCM Risk-Kids score >6%.81,826
Specific treatment strategies, including enzyme replacement or
pharmacological chaperone, have limited efficacy in advanced cases Management
with irreversible organ damage, so early initiation appears to be import- Non-vasodilating beta-blockers should be titrated to maximum toler-
ant. Enzyme replacement therapy is indicated in all symptomatic ated dose in patients with RAS-HCM, particularly in cases of severe
76 ESC Guidelines

Patient with suspected AFD

Y Red flags of AFDa N

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Gender Female Low index of suspicion

If genetic study, include
Enzymatic activity Reduced GLA in HCM panel

Normal GLA genetic analysisb

Benign variant VUS P/LP variant

Cardiac CMRc Lyso Gb3d Biopsye

Normal Results Abnormal

AFD unlikely Diagnosis of AFD

Figure 20 Anderson–Fabry disease diagnostic algorithm. α-Gal A, alpha-galactosidase A; AFD, Anderson–Fabry disease; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance;
Gb3, globotriaosylceramide; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; lyso Gb3, globotriaosylsphingosine; P/LP, pathogenic/
likely pathogenic; VUS, variant of unknown significance. aSee Table 23. bGenetic analysis must include the study of possible large deletions or a copy number
variation not detected by the Sanger method. cThe finding of increased plasma and/or urinary Gb3, or plasma lyso Gb3 and its analogues in the evaluation of
male or female patients with a VUS and normal (in female patients) or lowered α-Gal A activity provides additional diagnostic information, but the role of
biomarkers in such patients still requires validation. dLow native T1 values reinforce or generate suspicion of Fabry disease. Normal native T1 values do not
exclude Fabry disease, as they are rarely observed in untreated patients with mild LVH (mostly females), or in advanced disease due to pseudonormalization.
An endomyocardial biopsy is recommended, but could be done in other affected organs such as the kidneys and skin. It should be evaluated by expert
pathologists and always include electron microscopy studies to detect lamellar bodies and intracellular inclusions. Of note, some drugs may produce
drug-induced phospholipidosis with an intracellular accumulation of phospholipids in different organs that can mimic zebra bodies on electron

biventricular obstruction.248,1002,1006–1008 Calcium channel blockers gene,1016–1019 leading to HCM, progressive neuromuscular symptoms,
may be considered as a second-line option in patients >6 months of and extracardiac manifestations, including diabetes mellitus.1016,1020,1021
age when beta-blocker therapy is ineffective or not tolerated.267,639
Surgical myectomy and orthotopic heart transplantation may be con- Diagnosis, clinical work-up, and differential diagnosis
sidered in high-volume centres after multidisciplinary assessment by
Although several diagnostic criteria have been proposed to suspect
the heart team.265,266,1009–1011 Pulmonary valvuloplasty may be consid-
Friedreich ataxia,1022,1023 genetic testing with identification of
ered in children and infants with severe RV outflow tract obstruction
bi-co-allelic GAA expansion in the first intron of the FTX gene or com-
pound heterozygosis is required for diagnosis.1024,1025
Cardiovascular involvement usually manifests as hypertrophic non-
7.6.3. Friedreich ataxia obstructive cardiomyopathy, with hypokinetic end-stage disease pro- Definition gression and impaired perfusion reserve,1026 leading to advanced heart
Friedreich ataxia is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a failure and death.248,1005,1027–1029 There appears to be no specific rela-
homozygous GAA triplet repeat expansion in the frataxin (FTX) tionship between the extent of neurological involvement and cardiac
ESC Guidelines 77

phenotype.248,1005,1027–1029,1005,1027–1030,1030 Mitochondrial iron stor- antiarrhythmic therapy, and indications for the implantation of devices
age is the pathologic hallmark of the disease.1031 are included in Section 6.10. Clinical course, management, and risk stratification 7.7. Amyloidosis

Supraventricular arrhythmias, particularly AF, are commonly de- It is beyond the scope of this document to provide specific recommen-
tected.1027 Despite the lack of long-term follow-up longitudinal studies, dations for the assessment and management of cardiac amyloidosis.
the risk of ventricular arrhythmias and SCD seems low compared with Instead, the Task Force refers the reader to the 2021 position state-

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sarcomeric HCM.1027,1032,1033 The Mitochondrial Protection with ment of the ESC Working Group on Myocardial and Pericardial
Idebenone in Cardiac or Neurological Outcome (MICONOS) study Diseases on Diagnosis and Treatment of Cardiac Amyloidosis.375
group1034 has proposed a staging of cardiac involvement based on This section highlights only the key diagnostic and management issues.
LVEF and end-diastolic wall thickness. The extent of TWI at ECG,
LVEF, LV end-diastolic posterior wall thickness, fibrosis on CMR, and 7.7.1. Definition
hs-TnT have been proposed as negative prognostic factors.1035 Cardiac amyloidosis is characterized by the extracellular deposition of
misfolded proteins in the ventricular myocardium with the pathogno- Management monic histological property of green birefringence when viewed under
No specific treatment is currently available for Friedreich ataxia. cross-polarized light after staining with Congo Red.375
Treatment with idebenone, a coenzyme Q10 analogue, showed the po- Although once considered a rare disease, data obtained in the last
tential to improve LV mass and cardiac outcomes in open-label stud- decade suggest that cardiac amyloidosis is underappreciated as a cause
ies;1036 nevertheless, four RCTs1037–1040 showed no significant of common cardiac diseases or syndromes such as HFpEF, aortic sten-
benefit on cardiac or neurologic outcomes. osis, or unexplained LVH, particularly in the elderly.1057–1059 Although
nine different types of cardiac amyloidosis have been described, most
7.6.4. Glycogen storage disorders cases correspond to monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain amyloid- Definition osis (AL) or transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR), either in its hereditary
Glycogen storage disorders (GSDs) represent a heterogeneous group (ATTRv) or acquired (ATTRwt) form.375 The ATTRwt form, which
of metabolic diseases, including infantile-onset Pompe disease (GSD, is associated with ageing, is currently considered the most frequent
type IIa), Danon disease (GSD, type IIb), and PRKAG2 disease.272 form of cardiac amyloidosis worldwide. Diagnosis, clinical work-up, and differential diagnosis 7.7.2. Diagnosis, clinical work-up, and differential
Despite wide clinical heterogeneity, a presentation within the first few
months of life, hypotonia, failure to thrive, generalized muscle weak- Cardiac amyloidosis should be suspected in patients with increased LV
ness, and severe non-obstructive HCM with concentric pattern fol- wall thickness in the presence of cardiac or extracardiac red flags and/or
lowed by hypokinetic end-stage cardiomyopathy, usually within the in specific clinical situations, as detailed in Figure 21, particularly in pa-
first year of life, are typical of GSD IIa.259,268,1041,1042 Short PR interval tients >65 years of age.375
and increased ECG voltages may represent useful diagnostic clues for Cardiac amyloidosis can be diagnosed using both invasive and non-
GSDs.1042,1043 PRKAG2 syndrome should be suspected in the setting invasive diagnostic criteria.375 Invasive diagnostic criteria apply to all
of autosomal dominant transmission and association with conduction forms of cardiac amyloidosis, whereas non-invasive criteria are ac-
system disease including ventricular pre-excitation, sick sinus syn- cepted only for ATTR. Invasive criteria include demonstration of amyl-
drome, AF, AV block, intraventricular conduction delays or sinoatrial oid fibrils within cardiac tissue or, alternatively, demonstration of
blocks.1043–1047 An X-linked pattern of inheritance is typical of amyloid deposits in an extracardiac biopsy accompanied either by char-
Danon disease (GSD IIb). Skeletal myopathy, in association with learn- acteristic features of cardiac amyloidosis on echocardiography or
ing disability, retinal involvement and ventricular pre-excitation, has CMR.375 Non-invasive criteria include typical echocardiographic/CMR
been detected in males affected by Danon disease, while the cardiac findings combined with planar and single-photon emission computed
phenotype can be isolated in affected females.1048–1052 tomography (SPECT) grade 2 or 3 myocardial radiotracer uptake in
technetium-pyrophosphate (99mTc-PYP) or 3,3-diphosphono-1,2-
propanodicarboxylic acid (DPD) or hydroxymethylene diphosphonate Clinical course, management, and risk stratification
(HMDP) scintigraphy and exclusion of a clonal dyscrasia by all the fol-
In the absence of therapeutic intervention, Pompe disease has a poor lowing tests: serum free light chain assay, serum and urine protein elec-
prognosis, mainly due to end-stage heart failure.268,1041 Recently, data trophoresis with immunofixation.168 Tomographic scintigraphy should
from a large multicentre European registry have shown that Danon dis- be considered in order to reduce the number of misclassifications.1060
ease runs a malignant phenotype, but there are insufficient data to iden- False negative scans may rarely occur in certain ATTRv genotypes; false
tify candidate risk factors for sudden death.1049 Sudden cardiac death positives may be due to AL, recent myocardial infarction, or long-term
occurs in almost 10% of patients with PRKAG2 syndrome, mainly as chloroquine use.370 Therefore, planar and SPECT scintigraphy coupled
a consequence of advanced AV block, supraventricular tachycardia de- with assessment for monoclonal proteins followed by CMR and/or car-
generated to VF, or massive hypertrophy.1044,1053,1054 diac/extracardiac biopsy if necessary allows appropriate diagnosis in pa-
tients with suggestive signs/symptoms, as described in Figure 22.375 Management However, the DPD/PYP/HMDP scan cannot distinguish between wild-
Enzyme replacement therapy is recommended in patients with GSD type and mutated ATTR, and therefore TTR genetic testing is required.
IIa.269,274,275,1055,1056 To date, there are no approved aetiological ther- Of note, TTR genetic testing is recommended in all transthyretin amyl-
apies for PRKAG2 syndrome and Danon disease. Heart failure therapy, oid cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM) patients regardless of age, as 5% of
78 ESC Guidelines

Heart failure in �65 years

Aortic stenosis in �65 years

Hypotension or normotensive

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if previously hypertensive

Sensory involvement, autonomic dysfunction

Peripheral polyneuropathy


Skin bruising

Ruptured biceps tendon

Bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome

Subendocardial/transmural LGE or increased ECV

Reduced longitudinal strain with apical sparing

Decreased QRS voltage to mass ratio

Left ventricular wall
�1 of
thickness �12 mm Pseudo Q waves on ECG

AV conduction disease

Possible family history of ATTR

Chronically increased troponin levels

Known multiple myeloma or MGUS

Figure 21 Screening for cardiac amyloidosis. ATTR, transthyretin amyloidosis; AV, atrioventricular; ECG, electrocardiogram; ECV, extracellular volume;
LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; MGUS, monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance.

ATTR-CM patients ≥70 years (and 10% among females) have chains.1064 Prognosis in ATTR depends on the variant, degree of cardiac
ATTRv.375,1061 involvement, and neurologic phenotype.1065–1068 Several multipara-
metric biomarker-based staging systems have been developed for
AL1069,1070 and ATTR cardiac amyloidosis1066–1068 (see
7.7.3. Clinical course and risk stratification
Supplementary data online, Table S5).
Cardiac amyloidosis is a progressive disease with poor outcomes if left
untreated. Amyloid light chain cardiac amyloidosis is associated with
more rapid progression of heart failure and worse prognosis than 7.7.4. Management
ATTR.1058,1062,1063 Fortunately, the prognosis of AL amyloidosis has The treatment of cardiac amyloidosis includes treating and preventing
significantly improved with the introduction of very effective therapies complications and stopping or delaying amyloid deposition by specific
capable of dramatically reducing the production of the cardiotoxic light treatment.375,1071 There is no evidence to support the use of standard
ESC Guidelines 79

Signs and symptoms, ECG, ECHO, or CMR suggestive of cardiac amyloidosis

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99mTc-DPD/PYP/HMDP Haematologic tests
scintigraphy with SPECT (serum free light chain quantification
and serum and urine immunofixation)

Scintigraphy grade 0 Scintigraphy grade 1–3 Scintigraphy grade 0 Scintigraphy grade 1–3
Haematologic tests - Haematologic tests - Haematologic tests + Haematologic tests +

AL amyloidosis?

Grade 2–3 Grade I CMR - CMR + or


Histological Histological
AL/ATTR cardiac confirmation confirmation
Cardiac ATTR Amyloidosis confirmation
amyloidosis (cardiac/ (cardiac/
amyloidosis unlikely (usually cardiac)
unlikely extracardiac) extracardiac)
to subtype
to diagnose to diagnose

If suspicion
persists TTR genetic
consider repeat testing
CMR followed ATTRwt/ATTRv
by biopsy

Figure 22 Diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis. AL, amyloid light chain; ATTR, transthyretin amyloidosis; ATTRv, variant transthyretin amyloidosis; ATTRwt,
wild-type transthyretin amyloidosis; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; DPD, 3,3-diphosphono-1,2-propanodicarboxylic acid; ECG, electrocardiogram;
ECHO, echocardiogram; HMDP, hydroxymethylene diphosphonate; PYP, pyrophosphate; TTR, transthyretin.

heart failure therapy, which often is not well tolerated, apart from mortality and cardiovascular hospitalizations in ATTR, with the largest
diuretics (see Section 6.10.2).1072,1073 effect achieved in patients at NYHA functional class I and II.1078
The natural history of cardiac amyloidosis associates electrical con- Additional studies are being conducted with other stabilizing agents
duction disease of the heart with symptomatic bradycardia and ad- and other molecules that reduce TTR production.1078a
vanced AV block.375,1074,1075 The clinical threshold for pacemaker
indication should be low, as the disease progresses and implantation
of the device allows rate response to exercise and medication adjust- 8. Other recommendations
ment.375,1074 The role of ICD in cardiac amyloidosis for SCD preven-
tion is not clearly known, but available data do not support their use 8.1. Sports
in primary prevention.1076,1077 8.1.1. Cardiovascular benefits of exercise
Regular physical activity and systematic exercise confer several cardio- Specific therapies vascular, psychological, and QoL benefits. Through curbing risk factors
Therapy for AL cardiac amyloidosis is based on treatment of the under- for atherosclerosis, such as obesity and insulin resistance,1079 hyperten-
lying haematological problem with chemotherapy or autologous stem- sion,1080 and hyperlipidaemia,1081 regular physical activity is associated
cell transplant.1064 with an up to 50% risk reduction in an adverse event from CAD in
Transthyretin stabilization and reduction of its production are the middle-aged and older individuals.1082,1083 Individuals who exercise
basis of TTR cardiac amyloidosis treatment. Tafamidis reduced all-cause regularly live 5–7 years longer than their sedentary counterparts,1084
80 ESC Guidelines

and have a lower risk of cerebrovascular accidents1085 and certain ma- 8.1.4. Exercise recommendations in arrhythmogenic
lignancies.1085–1087 These benefits that can be derived later in life also right ventricular cardiomyopathy
apply to individuals with established cardiovascular disease. For a defin- Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy is a recognized cause of
ition of exercise intensity levels, please refer to Supplementary data exercise-related SCD in young asymptomatic individuals,40,890 postulated
online, Table S6. to result from ventricular stretch leading to myocyte detachment with
subsequent inflammation and fibro-fatty replacement of the ventricular
myocardium. Fatal arrhythmias may occur during the inflammatory pro-

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8.1.2. Exercise-related sudden cardiac death and cess or because of myocardial scar. In addition, there are data to suggest
historical exercise recommendations for patients that high-intensity exercise is associated with acceleration of disease
with cardiomyopathy phenotype in individuals with ARVC, including those who are genotype
Rigorous exercise may trigger myocardial infarction and fatal arrhyth- positive/phenotype negative, and particularly those with PKP2 var-
mias among individuals with an underlying cardiovascular disease.1088– iants.181,1110–1114 Furthermore, exercise restriction has been shown to
Superimposed on the pathological substrate of the disease entity improve clinical outcomes in patients with ARVC.40,1111,1115–1117 Based
itself, exercise may induce sudden cardiac arrest through mechanical on these data, the Task Force recommends against intensive exercise
shearing forces within the coronary arteries, effects of high concentra- or competitive sports in individuals with ARVC as part of a shared
tions of circulating catecholamines, increased cardiac loading condi- decision-making process. The evidence on the impact of exercise in
tions, raised core temperature, electrolyte shifts, and acid-base genotype-positive/phenotype-negative individuals is more limited. In these
disturbance. cases, the Task Force recommends a cautious approach in the context of
Cardiomyopathies are the leading cause of exercise-related SCD in shared decision-making when discussing competitive sports participation.
young people in the Western world.40,1092–1095 The established link be- Mild-to-moderate physical activity for up to 150 min per week is consid-
tween exercise and SCD from cardiomyopathy, and the finding that, in ered safe and is recommended in able phenotype-negative individuals.1118
some cardiomyopathy phenotypes, exercise may accelerate progres-
sion of the underlying cardiomyopathic disease process, has historically 8.1.5. Exercise recommendations in dilated
resulted in restrictive exercise recommendations in all affected patients cardiomyopathy and non-dilated left ventricular
regardless of pathology, disease severity, symptomatic status, general cardiomyopathy
risk profile, or prior therapeutic interventions, including an ICD.1096–
1098 There is evidence that moderate exercise in optimally treated patients
As a result, individuals with cardiomyopathy often confine them-
with DCM improves functional capacity, ventricular function, and
selves to a relatively sedentary lifestyle through fear of potential SCD
QoL;1119 however, intensive exercise and competitive sports may
and accrue risk factors for atherosclerotic CAD, which confer a worse
also trigger fatal arrhythmias in DCM and NDLVC.1093,1120–1122
In general, symptomatic individuals with DCM and NDLVC should
abstain from most competitive and leisure sports, or recreational exer-
cise associated with moderate or high exercise intensity. A select group
8.1.3. Exercise recommendations in hypertrophic
of asymptomatic individuals with DCM and NDLVC who have mildly
impaired LV function without exercise-induced arrhythmias or signifi-
Recent pre-clinical1103 and clinical data suggest that moderate exercise
cant myocardial fibrosis may participate in most competitive sports.
may be beneficial and safe in patients with HCM.1098–1102 Information
Although the natural history of most pathogenic variants capable of
on a safe dose of vigorous exercise is still limited, but the heteroge-
causing DCM and NDLVC is unknown, it would be reasonable to permit
neous morphology and pathophysiology of HCM means that some in-
intensive exercise and competitive sports in most individuals with patho-
dividuals are capable of participating in vigorous exercise, including
genic variants in the absence of overt features of DCM or NDLVC.
high-intensity competitive sports.760 Most athletes capable of exercis-
Special consideration, however, should be given to individuals with
ing intensively have mild LV hypertrophy, normal-sized or enlarged
pathogenic variants in genes that are associated with an increased risk
LV, normal diastolic function, and no evidence of LVOTO.1104,1105
of life-threatening arrhythmias, such as lamin A/C181,1123 or TMEM43
Currently available data indicate that participation in vigorous exercise
variants, for which there is emerging evidence that exercise may have
and competitive sport may be considered in a select group of predom-
an adverse effect on cardiac function and risk of potentially fatal arrhyth-
inantly adult patients who have mild morphology and a low-risk pro-
mias. The impact of vigorous exercise in patients with pathogenic variants
file.1106–1108 However, studies examining the effect of vigorous
in other high-risk genes, such as filamin C variants1112 exhibiting DCM or
exercise or moderate-to-high-intensity competitive sport on the nat-
NDLVC phenotypes, is not fully understood; however, extrapolating our
ural history of HCM were not designed or powered adequately to ad-
understanding of the effect of exercise on some ARVC and DCM phe-
dress the question and there are potential issues of selection bias.
notypes necessitates a cautious approach.
Nevertheless, based on emerging evidence, the Task Force agreed to
adopt a comparatively liberal approach, advocating that, after appropri- Recommendation Table 31 — Exercise recommenda-
ate selection, some individuals with a low-risk profile may participate in tions for patients with cardiomyopathy
high-intensity exercise and competitive sport after comprehensive ex-
pert evaluation and shared discussion, which highlights the unpredict- Recommendations Classa Levelb
able nature of exercise-related SCD in HCM. Sporting disciplines in
All cardiomyopathies
which syncope may result in fatal accidental injury or danger to others
are not recommended. Regular low- to moderate-intensity exercise is
recommended in all able individuals with I C
Genotype-positive/phenotype-negative patients may engage in all
competitive sport; however, annual assessment is recommended to cardiomyopathy.
check for developing phenotypic features of disease.1109 Continued
ESC Guidelines 81

An individualized risk assessment for exercise 8.2. Reproductive issues

prescription is recommended in all patients with I C Pregnancy and the post-partum period constitute periods of increased
cardiomyopathy. risk of cardiovascular complications in women with cardiomyop-
HCM athy.1127–1130 Cardiomyopathy can also be first diagnosed in pregnancy
or arise during pregnancy as PPCM.1131
High-intensity exercise and competitive sport should
The risk associated with pregnancy in a patient with a cardiomyop-
be considered in genotype-positive/
IIa C athy is estimated using the modified World Health Organization

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phenotype-negative individuals who seek to do
(mWHO) classification.1130 Pregnancy is contraindicated in women
with WHO class IV, including patients with EF <30% or NYHA
High-intensity exercise and competitive sport may be class III–IV or previous PPCM with persisting impairment of the LV
considered in asymptomatic low-riskc individuals function.
with morphologically mild hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy in the absence of resting or IIb B
inducible left ventricular outflow obstruction and 8.2.1. Contraception, in vitro fertilization, and
exercise-induced complex ventricular hormonal treatment
arrhythmias.1107,1113,1125,1126 Counselling on safe and effective contraception is indicated in all wo-
High-intensity exercise, including competitive sport, men of fertile age. Ethinyloestradiol-containing contraceptives have
is not recommended in high-risk individuals and in
the greatest risk of thrombosis1132 and are not advised in women
III C with a high risk of thrombo-embolic disease. Progestin-only contracep-
individuals with left ventricular outflow tract
tives are an alternative, as they have little or no effect on coagulation
obstruction and exercise-induced complex
factors, blood pressure, and lipid levels. Levonorgestrel-based long-
ventricular arrhythmias.
acting reversible contraception implants or intrauterine devices are
ARVC the safest and most effective contraceptives and have few side effects
Avoidance of high-intensity exercise, including affecting cardiomyopathies.
competitive sport, may be considered in Medically assisted procreation adds risks beyond those of pregnancy
genotype-positive/phenotype-negative individuals in alone; superovulation is pro-thrombotic and can be complicated by
families with ARVC.1111,1116,1117 ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, with marked fluid shifts and an
Moderate- and/or high-intensity exercise, including even greater risk of thrombosis. Hormonal stimulation should be care-
competitive sport, is not recommended in individuals III B fully considered in women who have WHO class III disease (VT or
with ARVC. 181,1111–1114 HCM) or who are anticoagulated.


Moderate- and high-intensity exercise should be
8.2.2. Pregnancy management
considered in individuals who are gene positive and Pre-pregnancy
phenotype negative (with the exception of IIa C Patients with a known cardiomyopathy and at risk of developing cardio-
pathogenic variants in LMNA and TMEM43) who seek myopathy should receive pre-pregnancy counselling by a multidisciplin-
to do so.1123
ary team: the pregnancy heart team. The individual risk of the woman
by pregnancy should be discussed using the WHO classification, in add-
High-intensity exercise and competitive sport may be
ition to discussing the likelihood of transmission of the disease to the
considered in a select group of asymptomatic and
offspring and how to reduce the transgenerational risk of transmitting
optimally treated individuals with a left ventricular IIb C
the disorder.
ejection fraction ≥50% in the absence of
For individual risk estimation, at a minimum, an ECG, echocardiog-
exercise-induced complex arrhythmias. raphy, and exercise test should be performed. Several aspects must
Moderate-intensity exercise may be considered be discussed with the woman, including long-term prognosis, drug ther-
in asymptomatic and optimally treated individuals apy, estimated maternal risk and outcome, and plans for pregnancy care
with a left ventricular ejection fraction of 40–49% in IIb C and delivery.
the absence of exercise-induced complex
arrhythmias. Pregnancy
High-intensity exercise, including competitive sport,
In women with mWHO class II–III, III, and IV (including women with
is not recommended in symptomatic individuals,
HCM, VTs, and EF <35%), management during pregnancy and around
© ESC 2023

those with a left ventricular ejection fraction ≤40%, III C

delivery should be conducted in an expert centre by a multidisciplinary
exercise-induced arrhythmias or pathogenic variants
team: the pregnancy heart team, including cardiologists with expertise
in LMNA or TMEM43.
in cardiomyopathies and arrhythmias; obstetricians; and anaesthetists.
ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; Depending on the individual case, other specialists may be included
HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; LMNA, lamin A/C; NDLVC, non-dilated left (geneticist, cardio-thoracic surgeon, paediatric cardiologist, foetal medi-
ventricular cardiomyopathy; TMEM43, transmembrane protein 43.
a cine specialist, neonatologist, etc.). A delivery plan should be created
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence. that includes the details of induction; the management of labour and de-
See Section 7.1.5 for risk assessment in HCM. livery; and post-partum surveillance.
82 ESC Guidelines Timing and mode of delivery contraindicated because of the risk of foetal intracranial bleeding.
The timing and mode of delivery should be personalized according to Haemorrhagic complications in the mother occur with all regimens,
the type of cardiomyopathy, ventricular function, NYHA class, arrhyth- but the incidence is lower with VKA than with LMWH/UFH through-
mic risk, and thrombo-embolic risk. Vaginal delivery is associated with out pregnancy.1130
less blood loss and lower risk of infection, venous thrombosis, and em- VKA should be continued until pregnancy is achieved. Continuation
bolism than caesarean section and should be advised for most women. of VKAs throughout pregnancy should be considered when the dose is
Caesarean section should be considered for obstetric indications, pa- low (see Table 7 in the 2018 ESC Guidelines for the management of car-

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tients with severe outflow tract obstruction, or in cases of severe diovascular diseases during pregnancy1130). The target international nor-
acute/intractable heart failure, or in cases at high risk of threatening ar- malized ratio (INR) should be chosen according to current guidelines,
rhythmia and for patients presenting in labour on oral anticoagu- with INR monitoring weekly or every 2 weeks. Self-monitoring of
lants.1130 During delivery, patients with cardiomyopathy should be INR in suitable patients is recommended. Alternatively, depending on
circulatory and heart rhythm monitored on an individualized basis. the indication, a switch to LMWH from weeks 6–12 under strict mon-
itoring may be considered in patients with a low dose requirement.
When a higher dose of VKAs is required, discontinuation of VKAs be- Post-partum
tween weeks 6 and 12 and replacement with adjusted-dose i.v. UFH or
The post-partum period is associated with significant haemodynamic LMWH twice daily with dose adjustment according to peak anti-Xa (for
changes and fluid shifts, particularly in the first 24–48 h after delivery, LMWH) levels should be considered.
which may precipitate heart failure. Haemodynamic monitoring should In case of delivery in anticoagulated women (not including mechan-
therefore be continued for at least 24–48 h in patients at risk. Most ical valves) with a planned caesarean section, therapeutic LMWH dosing
drugs enter the milk and could thus contraindicate breastfeeding (see can be simply omitted for 24 h prior to surgery. If delivery has to be
Section performed earlier, anti-Xa activity can guide the timing of the
procedure. Pharmacological treatment: general aspects Antiarrhythmic therapy in pregnancy other than medication.
Pharmacological treatment in pregnant women should be the same as Implantation of an ICD and catheter ablation should ideally be consid-
in non-pregnant patients, with an avoidance of drugs contraindicated in ered prior to pregnancy in patients with a high risk of ventricular ar-
pregnancy, such as ACE-Is, ARBs, and renin inhibitors.1130 The first tri- rhythmias to avoid implantations and interventions during
mester is associated with the greatest teratogenic risk. Pharmacologic pregnancy.1135 If an ICD is indicated in pregnancy, ICD implantation
therapy is advised to begin as late as possible in pregnancy and at the should be performed beyond 8 weeks of gestation with radiation pro-
lowest effective dose. Drug exposure later in pregnancy may confer ad- tection1136 and the indication should be weighed against the limited ex-
verse effects on foetal growth and development. It is recommended to perience available. In pregnant patients with existing ICD, routine ICD
check drug and safety data before initiation of a new drug in pregnancy; interrogation and advice are recommended prior to delivery.
see Table 7 in the 2018 ESC Guidelines for the management of cardiovas-
cular diseases during pregnancy.1130 From this list, antiarrhythmics can be Specific cardiomyopathies
summarized as follows:
Most women with HCM tolerate pregnancy well.1137 Complications
• Well tolerated: sotalol, oral verapamil. during pregnancy most often occur in women who have symptoms, ar-
• While the benefits and risks should be evaluated in each case, the fol- rhythmias, or impaired LV function before pregnancy. Left ventricular
lowing drugs can often be continued if there is a clear indication for outflow tract gradients may increase slightly during pregnancy and
use during pregnancy: bisoprolol, carvedilol, digoxin, diltiazem (pos- high gradients before pregnancy are associated with more complica-
sible teratogenic effects), disopyramide (uterine contractions), flecai- tions.1137 Women should be assessed according to WHO risk class, in-
nide, lidocaine, metoprolol, nadolol, propranolol, verapamil, dicating at trimester for low-risk patients (class II) and monthly or
quinidine. bi-monthly for higher-risk patients (class III). Therapeutic anticoagula-
• Insufficient data: ivabradine, mexiletine, propafenone, vernakalant. tion with LMWH or VKAs according to the stage of pregnancy is re-
• Contraindicated: amiodarone, atenolol, dronedarone, ACE-Is, ARBs, commended for patients with AF. Cardioversion in pregnancy should
renin inhibitors, and spironolactone.1130 be considered for poorly tolerated persistent AF. Hypovolaemia is
poorly tolerated. Caesarean section should be considered in patients
Ongoing beta-blocker treatment in cardiomyopathies should be con- with severe LVOTO, pre-term labour while on oral anticoagulants,
tinued during pregnancy, with close monitoring of foetal growth. After or severe heart failure.1130 Epidural and spinal anaesthesia must be ap-
delivery, it is advised to heart rhythm monitor the infant for 48 h. The plied cautiously, especially with severe LVOTO, due to potential hypo-
use of beta-blockers and anticoagulation during pregnancy is described volaemia, and single-shot spinal anaesthesia should be avoided.
in the 2018 ESC Guidelines for the management of cardiovascular diseases Pregnancy in ARVC seems to be relatively tolerable, as shown in sev-
during pregnancy.1130 eral studies, with no excess mortality and no clear negative long-term
Vitamin K antagonist use in the first trimester results in embryopathy outcome.1138–1141 Previous VTs represent a WHO risk class III, indicat-
(limb defects, nasal hypoplasia) in 0.6–10% of cases.1133,1134 In contrast, ing bi-monthly or monthly follow-up at an expert centre.
unfractionated heparin (UFH) and low-molecular-weight heparin Women with DCM are at risk of further deterioration of LV function
(LMWH) do not cross the placenta; therefore, substitution of VKA in pregnancy. Data suggest that pregnancy might not be associated with
with UFH or LMWH in weeks 6–12 almost eliminates the risk of em- long-term adverse disease progression or event-free survival in LMNA
bryopathy. This risk is also dose dependent (0.45–0.9% with low-dose genotype-positive women.1142 Predictors of maternal mortality are
warfarin). Vaginal delivery while the mother is on VKAs is NYHA class III/IV and EF <40%. Highly adverse risk factors include
ESC Guidelines 83

EF <20%, severe mitral regurgitation, RV failure, AF, and/or 8.3. Recommendations for non-cardiac
Cardiomyopathies, in general, are associated with an increased inci- Peripartum cardiomyopathy
dence of peri-operative heart failure and arrhythmias, although the sig-
Genetic studies in patients with PPCM have revealed genetic similarity nificant variability in the phenotypic expression of cardiomyopathies
between PPCM and DCM. Specifically, an overrepresentation of trun- must be considered. Special attention should be given to the clinical sta-
cating variants has been demonstrated in TTN, FLNC, BAG3, and DSP,

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tus, LVEF, volume overload, and increased levels of natriuretic peptides.
with TTN truncating variants most commonly involved (found in In the period after non-cardiac surgery (NCS), fluids given during the
∼10% of patients).44,45 It has been suggested that approaches to genetic operation may be mobilized, causing hypervolaemia and pulmonary
testing in PPCM should mirror those taken in DCM.45 Medications used congestion. Careful attention to fluid balance is therefore essen-
to treat heart failure during pregnancy require special considerations as tial.1148,1149 Obstructive HCM deserves specific consideration due to
discussed above. In the presence of persistant cardiac dysfunction, its peculiar pathophysiology, with adequate intra-operative vigilance,
medication should be continued. Use of bromocriptine as disease- avoiding factors and medication that may increase LVOTO and prompt
specific therapy in patients with PPCM as an addition to standard heart pharmacological treatment and intravascular fluid therapy if needed
failure therapy has shown promising results in two clinical trials.1144,1145 (see Supplementary data online, Table S7).1150,1151
In severe cases of PPCM, temporary MCS has been used successfully Natriuretic peptide concentrations are quantitative plasma biomar-
and should be considered in patients with haemodynamic instability kers for the presence and severity of haemodynamic cardiac stress
despite inotropic support.1146 In patients with PPCM, thresholds for and heart failure, and elevated NT-proBNP concentrations may facili-
early ICD implantations should be higher than in other conditions be- tate detection of heart failure, optimal intra-operative monitoring,
cause of a high rate of spontaneous recovery after delivery.1147 and initiation or optimization of heart failure therapy after surgery.1152
Moreover, in cardiomyopathy patients elevated NT-proBNP values are
strong predictors of overall prognosis.1153–1156
Recommendation Table 32 — Recommendations for Patients with a first-degree relative with a genetic cardiomyopathy
reproductive issues in patients with cardiomyopathy should be evaluated with an ECG and an echocardiographic examination
to rule out the presence of the disease, irrespective of age (see Section
Recommendations Classa Levelb
6.11). There are no specific data on risks of NCS in phenotype-negative
Pre-pregnancy risk assessment and counselling are family members; however, they are at risk of developing the disease, which
recommended in all women using the mWHO I C may be subclinical at the time of the NCS.1157 Data in children with HCM
classification of maternal risk. undergoing general anaesthesia for cardiac and non-cardiac procedures
Counselling on safe and effective contraception is show that, in a specialist setting with multidisciplinary involvement, peri-
recommended in all women of fertile age and their I C operative morbidity and mortality are extremely low.1158
Recommendation Table 33 — Recommendations for
Counselling on the risk of disease inheritance is non-cardiac surgery in patients with cardiomyopathy
recommended for all men and women before I C
conception. Recommendations Classa Levelb
Vaginal delivery is recommended in most women
Peri-operative ECG monitoring is recommended for
with cardiomyopathies, unless there are obstetric I C
all patients with cardiomyopathy undergoing surgery.
indications for caesarean section, severe heart failure
I C In patients with cardiomyopathy and suspected or
(EF <30% or NYHA class III–IV), or severe outflow
known HF scheduled for intermediate or high-risk
tract obstructions, or in women presenting in labour
NCS, it is recommended to re-evaluate LV function
on oral anticoagulants. I B
with echocardiography (assessing LVOTO in HCM
It is recommended that medication be carefully
patients) and measurement of NT-proBNP/BNP
reviewed for safety in advance of pregnancy and I C
levels, unless this has recently been
adjusted according to tolerability in pregnancy.
Therapeutic anticoagulation with LMWH or VKAs It is recommended that cardiomyopathy patients
according to the stage of pregnancy is recommended I C
with high-risk genotypes or associated factors for
for patients with AF.
arrhythmic or heart failure complications or severe
Continuation of beta-blockers should be considered LVOTO be referred for additional specialized
during pregnancy in women with cardiomyopathies, investigations to a cardiomyopathy unit before
with close follow-up of foetal growth and of the IIa C
undergoing elective NCS.
condition of the neonate, and if benefits outweigh
© ESC 2023

In patients aged <65 years with a first-degree relative

© ESC 2023

risks. with a cardiomyopathy, it is recommended to perform I C

Genetic counselling and testing should be considered an ECG and TTE before NCS, regardless of symptoms.
in patients with peripartum cardiomyopathy.
ECG, electrocardiogram; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; HF, heart failure; LV, left
AF, atrial fibrillation; EF, ejection fraction; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin; mWHO, ventricular; LVOTO, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction; NCS, non-cardiac
modified World Health Organization; NYHA, New York Heart Association; VKA, vitamin surgery; NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; TTE, transthoracic
K antagonist. echocardiography.
a a
Class of recommendation. Class of recommendation.
b b
Level of evidence. Level of evidence.
84 ESC Guidelines

9. Requirements for specialized 10. Living with cardiomyopathy:

cardiomyopathy units advice for patients
As genomic tests and information are incorporated into strategies for Most people with cardiomyopathy lead normal and productive
the routine diagnosis and management of cardiomyopathies and the es- lives, but a small number experience significant symptoms and are at
timation of disease risk, cardiologists need to familiarize themselves risk of disease-related complications. Regardless of the severity of their
with the general principles underlying the interpretation of test results disease, it is important that individuals receive support and accurate

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and must be able to convey the implications to patients. They also need advice from cardiomyopathy specialists and other healthcare
to be able to make informed judgments about which tests are appropri- professionals, and that they are encouraged to understand and
ate for different patients and clinical situations. The risk of SCD and the manage the disease themselves (see the Supplemental Data online,
possibility that family members could inherit the condition makes multi- Table S9, for a description of the patient education process).
disciplinary expertise, including genetic counselling, psychological care,
and patient support associations, a critical aspect of care.1166 As a re- Table 24 General guidance for daily activity for pa-
sult, there is a growing need for clinicians to develop their understand- tients with cardiomyopathies
ing of the basic principles of clinical genetics and the diverse clinical
manifestations of individual genetic disorders.54,964,1166,1167 Topic General guidance
Cardiomyopathies have a highly heterogeneous clinical presentation
Exercise • See earlier section on exercise
and an evolution that sometimes is difficult to predict. Disease phenotype
can be the result of various acquired factors or genetic backgrounds.
Mixed phenotypes or two conditions within the same patient or among Diet, alcohol use, and • Patients should be encouraged to maintain a
a family can coexist. Genetic diagnosis raises common logistical and eth- weight recommended body mass index.
ical problems in its execution, as well as in the interpretation and com- • Avoid dehydration, excess alcohol intake, and
munication of the results.1166 Diagnostic process, the management of drugs consumption.
symptoms, and risk stratification often require comprehensive evaluation Smoking • There are no data that show an interaction
of the patient and their family, with the participation of multidisciplinary between tobacco smoking and
teams. On the other hand, interventional procedures (septal ablation, cardiomyopathy, but patients should be
myectomies, etc.) require an expertise that only centres that treat provided with general advice on the health risks
many patients can achieve. Specialization in this area also requires per- associated with smoking, including
manent updating to accurately characterize the disease prognosis, ensure pro-arrhythmic and pro-inflammatory effects
the choice of the best therapeutic option in each case, and guarantee the and, when available, information on smoking
implementation of that choice by a team with experience in the field. cessation.1168–1171
These characteristics imply that the adequate management of these
Reproductive issues • Patients should be given the opportunity to
diseases requires specific tools, extensive experience, and a multidiscip-
discuss their concerns about reproductive
linary basic-clinical approach that are difficult to achieve.
issues. Anxiety and depression following a
The cardiomyopathy unit is usually integrated into a general cardioge-
diagnosis are frequent, and some patients may
netic (or inherited cardiac conditions) unit, where other professionals in-
express guilt or fear about their genetic
volved in hereditary cardiac and vascular conditions, such as
channelopathies, genetic aortopathies, familial dyslipidaemias, and a num- diagnosis and the risk of transmission to
ber of genetic metabolic and syndromic diseases with cardiac involve- offspring.
ment, are co-ordinated. They represent an organizational model aimed Sexual activity • Patients should be counselled on the potential
at providing comprehensive cardiovascular and genetic assessment and effect of their medication on sexual
personalized management in patients with inherited cardiovascular dis- performance.
eases. Specialized multidisciplinary clinics have long been advocated as • Most people with cardiomyopathy will be able
the ideal model for the management of patients and families with inher- to undertake normal sexual activity.
ited cardiac conditions.4,53,559,1166 Such a model of care supports the hol- Individualized advice should be provided
istic care of patients and their at-risk family members, taking a regarding its safety and the possible impact of
patient-centred approach and valuing clinical, genetic, and psychosocial sexual activity on the risk of disease
outcomes. The benefit of a specialized clinic for management of HCM progression, ventricular arrhythmias, and/or
has been previously reported, with patients showing better adjustment ICD shocks.
and less worry than those who did not attend.53,224 Besides expertise Medication • Patients should be provided with information
in the field of inherited cardiac conditions, the presence of a multidiscip-
about their medication, including potential side
linary team, access to good technical resources, participation in dedicated
and teratogenic effects and interactions with
research projects, availability of genetic counselling, and family screening
prescribed medications, over-the-counter
are all pre-requisites for organizing a cardiogenetic clinic. The ability to
remedies, and other complementary therapies.
provide education and training for medical professionals and collabor-
ation with patients’ associations is of utmost importance. Vaccination • In the absence of contraindications, patients
Supplementary data online, Table S8 synthesizes the requirements should be advised to have regular
and skills and recommendations for professional education/training recommended vaccinations (e.g. yearly
needed for a cardiogenetic clinic as proposed by international expert influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccination).
associations. Continued
ESC Guidelines 85

Driving • Most patients should be eligible for an ordinary Table 24 summarizes some of the key issues that should be discussed
driving licence and can continue driving unless with patients, relatives, and carers. When appropriate (e.g. when con-
they experience distracting or disabling sidering pregnancy, see Section 8.2), patients should be referred to
symptoms. other specialist services.
• Advice on driving licences for heavy goods or
passenger-carrying vehicles should be in line
with local legislation. 11. Sex differences in

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• For further information on driving with ICDs, cardiomyopathies
see local rules.
Sex differences in phenotypic expression and outcomes are well docu-
Occupation • Most people with cardiomyopathy will be able
mented across cardiovascular medicine. Differences in clinical presenta-
to accomplish their normal jobs. The
tion, progression, and outcome in cardiomyopathies between females
implications of heavily manual jobs that involve
and males can be attributable to genetic and hormonal differences,
strenuous activity should be discussed with the but also to variations in management, access to healthcare, or response
appropriate specialist. to specific therapies.546,1173 Eliminating these variations represents a
• For some occupations, such as pilots, military major unmet need in the care of cardiomyopathies.
personnel, and emergency services personnel, Cardiomyopathies are typically inherited as an autosomal dominant
there are strict guidelines or rules on eligibility. trait. Therefore, the prevalence would be expected to be equal among
• The social and financial implications of a the sexes. Women are consistently less represented than men in clinical
diagnosis of cardiomyopathy should be included studies across different cardiomyopathies (30–40%). Despite this, the
in the counselling of relatives before clinical or difference may be explained by bias in interaction with healthcare facil-
genetic screening. ities or by diagnosis criteria based on unadjusted cardiac imaging mea-
Holidays and travel • Most asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic surements; data from large pedigrees seem to support the hypothesis
insurance patients can fly safely. For further information that there is a real delay in the age of phenotypic expression in female
on flying with ICD, see ‘Fitness to fly for carriers (at least for HCM).178,1174–1176
passengers with cardiovascular disease’.1172 Females with HCM are diagnosed later than males (8–13 years later),
• Insurance companies may charge more for are more severely affected, more often have LVOTO, have more severe
travel insurance. In some countries, patient
symptoms at baseline, and more commonly develop advanced heart failure
during follow-up.1177,1178 Women with LVOTO and indication for invasive
support organizations can provide advice about
procedures are often older and more symptomatic than males.1179–1181
obtaining reasonable insurance.
Females and males appear to show similar survival benefit from invasive
Life insurance • The diagnosis of cardiomyopathy will result in
SRT.705,1181 Cardiomyopathy-related death has shown to be increased
difficulty obtaining life insurance or mortgages.
in middle-aged females with HCM compared with men and the general
Advice on the rules that apply in different population; this is due to a higher rate of death from heart failure. No dif-
countries should be provided to patients at ference in SCD has been demonstrated in HCM regarding sex.1182,1183
diagnosis. Females with DCM may have a better response to therapy and seem
Pregnancy and See Section 8.2 to have a more favourable clinical course than males.186,1184 Male sex
childbirth has been reported to be consistently associated with an increased
Education/schooling • Teachers and other carers should be provided SCD rate in DCM (general cohorts and particular genotypes ser-
with advice and written information relevant to ies),186,541,872,878,1185–1187 and death from heart failure or transplant
the care of children with cardiomyopathy. in general DCM cohorts.1188,1189
• In the absence of symptoms and risk factors, Male sex and sports have been traditionally identified as variables as-
children should be allowed to perform low- to sociated with an earlier phenotypic penetrance and a more severe dis-
moderate-level aerobic physical activity, in ease expression in genetic carriers, and are independent predictors of
accordance with advice from their paediatric malignant ventricular arrhythmic events in ARVC.522,950,1190–1195 As in
cardiologist. Advice on high-intensity exercise in
HCM, females with ARVC may have an increased risk of developing
heart failure.1193
children should be guided by cardiomyopathy
Reports on sex differences in familial or genetic RCM are
phenotype and the presence of symptoms and
scarce.331,546 Compared with other types of cardiomyopathies, females
risk factors within a specialist paediatric
seem to be as equally represented as males in RCM series.331
cardiomyopathy setting.
• Provision should be made for children with
learning difficulties and other special needs.
12. Comorbidities and
© ESC 2023

• Parents, teachers, and staff at sports facilities

should be trained in CPR and in the use of cardiovascular risk factors in
AEDs. cardiomyopathies
AED, automated external defibrillator; CPR, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation; ICD,
implantable cardioverter defibrillator; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome 12.1. Cardiovascular risk factors
coronavirus 2. The penetrance of the disease in genetic carriers of
cardiomyopathy-associated variants is incomplete. Gene–environment
86 ESC Guidelines

interactions can explain part of the heterogeneity of the phenotypic

expression of all cardiomyopathy phenotypes, although published
13. Coronavirus disease
data focus primarily on HCM, DCM, and ARVC. (COVID-19) and cardiomyopathies
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infec-
12.2. Dilated cardiomyopathy tion, known as COVID-19, is characterized by a high variability of clin-
Individual genetic predisposition favours a dilated phenotype in the ical presentation and outcomes with an adverse association between
underlying cardiac disease, including heart failure, and

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presence of trigger factors, such as inflammation, infection, toxic insults
from alcohol or drugs, and tachyarrhythmias. SARS-CoV-2-related mortality.1200–1202 However, examination of
SARS-CoV-2 infection in underlying causes of heart failure, particularly
cardiomyopathies, has been limited.
12.3. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Analyses of international registries on cardiomyopathies and
Hypertension and obesity have been associated with penetrance and SARS-CoV-2 from the pre-vaccine period have identified several mar-
phenotypic expression of HCM.1196 Results from the EORP kers of adverse outcomes.1203 Prior history of heart failure and particu-
Cardiomyopathy/Mycarditis Registry showed that patients with HCM lar phenotypes (amyloidosis and DCM) were significantly associated
had a high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, comparable with with intensive care unit admission and death compared with HCM,
data from the general population.1196 Hypertension, diabetes, and ARVC, and the general population. For HCM, age, baseline functional
obesity were associated with older age at presentation, a lower preva- class, LVOTO, and systolic impairment were independent predictors
lence of family history of HCM and SCD, more symptoms, frequent AF, of death.1204
and worse LV diastolic function.1197 Hypertension and obesity were SARS-CoV-2 vaccination has been demonstrated to be safe in large
also associated with higher provocable LVOT gradients and LVH.1198 population studies and reports on complications related to the vaccin-
ation in patients with cardiomyopathy are anecdotal. Given this, and the
12.4. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular potential for worse outcomes in cardiomyopathy patients who con-
tract COVID-19, vaccination is encouraged in all cardiomyopathy pa-
cardiomyopathy tients and, in particular, in those with signs or symptoms of heart failure.
The role of intense exercise in disease expression and outcomes has
been studied in HCM and DCM, but the impact has shown to be par-
ticularly relevant in ARVC (Table 25). Despite significant research, the 14. Key messages
pathophysiology of ARVC is complex and not well understood. The
search for genetic or environmental triggers, such as viruses and im- (1) Cardiomyopathies are more common than previously thought
mune response, has failed to identify actionable factors. The role of in- and they typically require nuanced management that may differ
flammation on the pathophysiology is thought to be key.1199 from the conventional approach to patients with arrhythmia or
heart failure.
(2) Aetiology is fundamental to the management of patients with
Recommendation Table 34 — Recommendation for
management of cardiovascular risk factors in patients heart muscle disease and careful and systematic description of
with cardiomyopathy the morphological and functional phenotype is a crucial first
step in the diagnostic pathway.
Recommendation Classa Levelb (3) An approach to nomenclature and diagnosis of cardiomyopathies
that is based on the predominant phenotype at presentation is
© ESC 2023

Identification and management of risk factors and

concomitant diseases is recommended as an integral I C
(4) Patients with cardiomyopathy may seek medical attention due to
part of the management of cardiomyopathy patients. symptoms onset (HF or arrhythmia related), incidental abnormal
Class of recommendation. findings, or as a result of family screening following the diagnosis in
Level of evidence. a relative.

Table 25 Modulators of the phenotypic expression of cardiomyopathies

Condition HCM DCM ARVC Expression

Hypertension +++ ++ ? Hypertrophy, dilatation, dysfunction, AF

Diabetes ++ + ? Hypertrophy, dysfunction, AF
Obesity ++ + ? Hypertrophy, LVOTO, AF
Toxic − +++ ? Dilatation, dysfunction
© ESC 2023

Sports + + +++ Dilatation, dysfunction, ventricular arrhythmia

Virus − ++ + Dilatation, dysfunction, ventricular arrhythmia
Pregnancy − ++ − Dilatation, dysfunction

AF, atrial fibrillation; ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; LVOTO, left ventricular outflow tract
+, degree of positive association; −, absence of definitive association; ?, unknown association.
ESC Guidelines 87

(5) Multimodality imaging to characterize the cardiac phenotype (23) In DCM and NDLVC patients, ICD should be considered for cer-
(morphology and function)—including tissue characterization tain genetic forms even if LVEF is >35%.
for non-ischaemic myocardial scar detection—is necessary, (24) It is of importance to define aetiology for a tailored management
in combination with a detailed personal and family history, in patients with syndromic and metabolic cardiomyopathies (i.e.
clinical examination, electrocardiography, and laboratory ERT/chaperone in lysosomal storage disease; tafamidis in
investigations. ATTRwt, etc.).
(6) Imaging results should always be interpreted in the overall clinical (25) Pregnancy and the post-partum period are associated with in-

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context, including genetic testing results, rather than in isolation. creased cardiovascular risk in women with known cardiomyopathy.
(7) Tissue characterization by CMR is of value in diagnosis, monitor- (26) A multidisciplinary team should evaluate the patient with cardio-
ing of disease progression and risk stratification in each of the myopathy to assess the risk associated with pregnancy.
main cardiomyopathy phenotypes. (27) Beta-blocker therapy on arrhythmic indication can safely be con-
(8) DPD/PYP/HMDP bone-tracer scintigraphy or SPECT represent tinued during pregnancy; safety data should be checked before ini-
the gold standard for the diagnosis of ATTR-related cardiac tiation of new drugs in pregnancy.
amyloidosis. (28) Healthy adults of all ages and individuals with known cardiac dis-
(9) The presence of non-ischaemic ventricular scar or fatty replace- ease should exercise with moderate intensity, totalling at least
ment on cardiac CMR and/or pathological examination, which 150 min per week.
can occur with or without ventricular dilatation and/or systolic (29) All patients with cardiomyopathy should have an individualized
dysfunction, can be the sole clue to the diagnosis of a cardiomy- risk assessment for exercise prescription. Evaluation should be
opathy and can have prognostic significance that varies with guided by three principles: (i) preventing life-threatening arrhyth-
aetiology. mias during exercise; (ii) symptom management to allow sports;
(10) The aim of this multiparametric and systemic approach is to gen- and (iii) preventing sports-induced progression of the arrhythmo-
erate a phenotype-based aetiological diagnosis, interpreting avail- genic condition.
able data with a cardiomyopathy-oriented mindset that combines (30) Individuals who are genotype positive/phenotype negative or have
cardiological assessment with non-cardiac parameters. a mild cardiomyopathy phenotype and absence of symptoms or
(11) A multidisciplinary approach to patient care and appropriate tran- any risk factors, may be able to participate in competitive sports.
sition of care from paediatric to adult cardiomyopathy services is In some high-risk patients with HCM, ARVC, and NDLVC, high-
needed. intensity exercise and competitive sports should be discouraged.
(12) Genetic testing should be performed in patients with cardiomy- (31) Patients with high-risk genotypes or associated factors for ar-
opathy and may influence risk stratification and management. rhythmic or heart failure complications or severe LVOTO should
(13) Genetic counselling, including pre- and post-test counselling, and be referred for specialized investigations before undergoing elect-
psychological support are an essential aspect of the multidisciplin- ive NCS.
ary care of patients with cardiomyopathy and their relatives. (32) Identification and management of risk factors and concomitant
(14) Paediatric cardiomyopathies largely represent part of the same diseases is recommended as an integral part of the management
clinical spectrum as those seen in older adolescents and adults, of cardiomyopathy patients.
but infant-onset (in the first year of life) cardiomyopathies are of-
ten associated with severe phenotypes and a high rate of heart
failure-related morbidity and mortality.
15. Gaps in evidence
(15) Beyond the first year of life, genetic causes of childhood-onset Although there have been major advances in the genetics, diagnosis, and
cardiomyopathies are similar to those in adults. treatments of patients with cardiomyopathy over the last few years,
(16) Symptom management, identification, and prevention of there are a number of areas where robust evidence is still lacking and
disease-related complications (including SCD, heart failure, and deserve to be addressed in future clinical research.
stroke) are the cornerstone of management of all
cardiomyopathies. (1) Cardiomyopathy phenotypes.
(17) Cardiac myosin inhibitors (Mavacamten) should be considered in (2) Epidemiology:
patients with HCM and LVOTO who remain symptomatic des- (a) Prevalence of NDLVC phenotype (children and adults).
pite optimal medical therapy. (b) Systematic assessment of prevalence of cardiomyopathy phe-
(18) Validated SCD risk-prediction tools (HCM Risk-SCD and HCM notypes in childhood.
Risk-Kids) are the first step in sudden death prevention in patients (3) Integrated patient management:
with HCM. (a) Embedding of telemedicine into cardiomyopathy networks.
(19) Additional risk markers may be of use in patients with low or (4) Patient pathway:
intermediate risk, but there is a lack of robust data on the impact (a) Laboratory tests:
of these parameters on the personalized risk estimates generated (i) Studies on novel ‘omic’ biomarkers (proteomics, metabo-
by the risk-prediction tools. lomics, and transcriptomics) are needed to assess their
(20) Pharmacological treatment of DCM patients does not differ from potential value for diagnostic and prognostic purposes in
those recommended in chronic heart failure. cardiomyopathies.
(21) SCD risk of DCM and NDLVC patients varies depending on the (b) Multimodality imaging:
underlying cause and genetic subtype. (i) Advanced echocardiographic techniques, including speckle
(22) CMR findings play an important role in guiding ICD implantation tracking deformation imaging, are promising but lack ro-
for patients with DCM and NDLVC. bust validation in the setting of cardiomyopathies.
88 ESC Guidelines

(ii) A universally accepted, standardized method for the (b) Aetiology:

quantification of myocardial fibrosis by CMR is lacking. (i) Aetiology of gene-elusive disease.
(iii) CMR scans may be performed in patients with compat- (ii) The role of polygenic risk.
ible implantable devices, but the quality is limited by (iii) Interaction between comorbidity and disease outcomes.
artefacts. (iv) Genetic and environmental determinants of disease ex-
(iv) Artificial intelligence enhanced electrocardiography and pression in variant carriers.
imaging for cardiomyopathy evaluation has been proving (c) Symptom management:

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a novel tool to dramatically improve diagnosis and prog- (i) Optimal timing of LVOTO management and its impact on
nosis; further studies are needed for routine introduction disease progression.
in clinical practice. (ii) Prevention of AF and heart failure.
(v) Impact of CMR on screening in genotype-positive rela- (d) Sudden death prevention:
tives of individuals with cardiomyopathy and in (i) Impact of genetics (Mendelian and complex) on risk of
gene-elusive families. disease-related outcomes.
(c) Genetics: (ii) Improved prediction models that reduce residual risk and
(i) Penetrance is poorly characterized for most pathogenic prevent unnecessary ICD implantation.
variants. This is true both for variants found through cas- (iii) Refinement of risk-prediction models to include serial
cade screening of relatives of a patient with cardiomyop- data.
athy, and also for variants found in the wider population (iv) Role of LVOTO in risk prediction in children (apparent
who may have clinical sequencing for another indication discrepancy compared with adults).
or may choose to have genome sequencing as a screening (e) New therapies:
test. (i) Clinical utility of myosin inhibitors, other small molecules,
(ii) The benefits, harm, and costs of screening of and emerging genetic therapies.
cardiomyopathy-associated genes in individuals without (6) Dilated cardiomyopathy:
a personal or family history of cardiomyopathy is not (a) Genetic basis of familial DCM is still unknown in a high num-
known. ber of cases.
(d) General principles in management: (b) Detailed data about the specific clinical course in diverse gen-
(i) Management of RV failure remains largely etic and non-genetic DCM forms are not available.
non-evidence-based. (c) It is unknown if patients with DCM respond differently to
(ii) Large-scale studies are required to guide ventricular ar- pharmacological treatment according to underlying aetiology.
rhythmia management in patients with genetic (d) Optimized SCD prevention strategy remains unsolved. There
cardiomyopathies. are not data from prospective clinical trials in modern
(iii) Optimal rate control and AADs per subtype of cohorts with contemporary medical treatment. This gap is
cardiomyopathy. knowledge is particularly relevant for DCM patients with
(iv) The role of ICDs in patients with well tolerated VT. LVEF > 35%.
(v) All risk calculators are developed using baseline data. (e) Sport recommendations and utility of prophylactic pharma-
Therefore, the utility of their application during follow- cological therapy to prevent DCM onset in genetic carriers.
up visits of patients remains unclear and needs to be (7) Non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy:
studied. (a) Prevalence of disease.
(vi) Risk prediction in childhood cardiomyopathies other (b) Natural history and response to treatment.
than HCM remains empirical—multicentre approach (c) SCD prevention.
required to understand and develop SCD risk models (d) Sports recommendations.
in childhood. (8) Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy:
(vii) Lack of controlled studies on the effect of ablation in pa- (a) RCTs for therapies for the management of arrhythmias and
tients with AF and cardiomyopathy. heart failure are lacking.
(viii) Models to predict AF recurrence have not been vali- (b) Studies on the effect of exercise remain largely retrospective.
dated in cardiomyopathy patients. (c) Studies on the incidence and prognostication of heart failure
(ix) Lack of randomized studies assessing the efficacy of car- remain limited.
diac sympathetic denervation for the prevention of VT/ (d) Studies on the frequency and mode of clinical screening for
VF recurrences. asymptomatic family members are lacking.
(e) Approach to paediatric cardiomyopathies: (9) Restrictive cardiomyopathy:
(i) Lack of randomized studies or large registries addressing (a) SCD prevention.
the benefit and optimal dosing of drug therapy in paediat- (10) Syndromic and metabolic cardiomyopathies:
ric population. (a) Lack of randomized trials or large observational cohort stud-
(5) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: ies assessing the role of new target therapies addressing the
(a) Epidemiology: RAS/MAPK pathway (i.e trametinib).
(i) Imaging and genotype studies suggest a population preva- (b) There are few long-term outcome studies addressing ven-
lence of up to 1 in 200 of the population. However, tricular remodelling in RAS-HCM.
HER-based studies suggest a much lower number of 3– (c) HCM Risk-Kids has not been validated in paediatric patients
4/10 000. Further studies into the prevalence of clinically with RAS-HCM. Data regarding SCD risk stratification are
important diseases are necessary. lacking, although candidate risk factors have been identified.
ESC Guidelines 89

(d) Lack of studies addressing the optimal timing to start ERT in (12) Sports:
adolescents and adults with late-onset Pompe disease. (a) ‘Return to play’ for patients with low-risk cardiomyopathies
(e) Lack of standardized protocols to treat cross-reactive im- (and how to define low risk in relation to exercise).
munologic material-negative patients. (b) SCD risk and exercise recommendations in phenotype-
(f) Lack of standardization of clinical endpoints in ERT/chaper- negative gene carriers.
one therapy trials. (c) Role of exercise in disease expression and progression.
(g) Lack of head-to-head comparisons between agalsidase alpha (d) Large, adequately powered randomized prospective studies are

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and beta. necessary to provide evidence-based recommendations for op-
(h) Optimal time to begin treatment in asymptomatic female pa- timal exercise prescription without compromising safety.
tients with non-classic disease. (13) Reproductive issues:
(11) Amyloid: (a) Several cardiomyopathies lack specific outcome data regard-
(a) Further studies are needed to assess the efficacy and safety of ing pregnancy.
tafamidis in NYHA class III patients. (b) There is a lack of randomized trials on the use of AADs, heart
(b) SCD risk stratification and indications for ICD implantation failure drugs, and interventions during pregnancy.
should be carefully defined, taking into account the estimated (14) Non-cardiac interventions:
life expectancy, competitive non-cardiovascular mortality, (a) There is a lack specific outcome data regarding risks of non-
and the high rate of pulseless electrical activity. cardiac interventions.
(c) The need for drug therapy in patients with cardiac amyloid- (15) Management of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with
osis and subclinical cardiac involvement (i.e asymptomatic pa- cardiomyopathies:
tients, positive scintigraphy with negative ECHO) has not (a) There is a lack of data on the impact of comorbidities on
been clearly defined. penetrance, severity, and outcome of cardiomyopathies.

16. ‘What to do’ and ‘What not to do’ messages from the Guidelines

Recommendations Classa Levelb

Recommendations for the provision of service of multidisciplinary cardiomyopathy teams

It is recommended that all patients with cardiomyopathy and their relatives have access to multidisciplinary teams with expertise in the
diagnosis and management of cardiomyopathies.
Timely and adequate preparation for transition of care from paediatric to adult services, including joint consultations, is recommended in all
adolescents with cardiomyopathy.
Recommendations for diagnostic work-up in cardiomyopathies
It is recommended that all patients with suspected or established cardiomyopathy undergo systematic evaluation using a multiparametric
approach that includes clinical evaluation, pedigree analysis, ECG, Holter monitoring, laboratory tests, and multimodality imaging.
It is recommended that all patients with suspected cardiomyopathy undergo evaluation of family history and that a three- to four-generation
family tree is created to aid in diagnosis, provide clues to underlying aetiology, determine inheritance pattern, and identify at-risk relatives.
Recommendations for laboratory tests in the diagnosis of cardiomyopathies
Routine (first-level) laboratory tests are recommended in all patients with suspected or confirmed cardiomyopathy to evaluate aetiology,
assess disease severity, and aid in detection of extracardiac manifestations and assessment of secondary organ dysfunction.
Recommendation for echocardiographic evaluation in patients with cardiomyopathy
A comprehensive evaluation of cardiac dimensions and LV and RV systolic (global and regional) and LV diastolic function is recommended in all
patients with cardiomyopathy at initial evaluation, and during follow-up, to monitor disease progression and aid risk stratification and management.
Recommendations for cardiac magnetic resonance indication in patients with cardiomyopathy
Contrast-enhanced CMR is recommended in patients with cardiomyopathy at initial evaluation. I B
Recommendations for computed tomography and nuclear imaging
DPD/PYP/HMDP bone-tracer scintigraphy is recommended in patients with suspected ATTR-related cardiac amyloidosis to aid diagnosis. I B
Recommendations for genetic counselling and testing in cardiomyopathies

Genetic counselling
Genetic counselling, provided by an appropriately trained healthcare professional and including genetic education to inform decision-making
and psychosocial support, is recommended for families with an inherited or suspected inherited cardiomyopathy, regardless of whether I B
genetic testing is being considered.
90 ESC Guidelines

It is recommended that genetic testing for cardiomyopathy is performed with access to a multidisciplinary team, including those with
expertise in genetic testing methodology, sequence variant interpretation, and clinical application of genetic testing, typically in a specialized I B
cardiomyopathy service or in a network model with access to equivalent expertise.
Pre- and post-test genetic counselling is recommended in all individuals undergoing genetic testing for cardiomyopathy. I B
If pre-natal diagnostic testing is to be pursued by the family, it is recommended that this is performed early in pregnancy, to allow decisions
regarding continuation or co-ordination of pregnancy to be made.

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Index patients
Genetic testing is recommended in patients fulfilling diagnostic criteria for cardiomyopathy in cases where it enables diagnosis,
prognostication, therapeutic stratification, or reproductive management of the patient, or where it enables cascade genetic evaluation of I B
their relatives who would otherwise be enrolled into long-term surveillance.
Genetic testing is recommended for a deceased individual identified to have cardiomyopathy at post-mortem if a genetic diagnosis would
facilitate management of surviving relatives.
Family members
It is recommended that cascade genetic testing, with pre- and post-test counselling, is offered to adult at-risk relatives if a confident genetic
diagnosis (i.e. a P/LP variant) has been established in an individual with cardiomyopathy in the family (starting with first-degree relatives if available, I B
and cascading out sequentially).
Diagnostic genetic testing is not recommended in a phenotype-negative relative of a patient with cardiomyopathy in the absence of a
confident genetic diagnosis (i.e. a P/LP variant) in the family.
Recommendations for cardiac transplantation in patients with cardiomyopathy
Orthotopic cardiac transplantation is recommended for eligible cardiomyopathy patients with advanced heart failure (NYHA class III–IV) or
intractable ventricular arrhythmia refractory to medical/invasive/device therapy, and who do not have absolute contraindications.
Recommendations for management of atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter in patients with cardiomyopathy
Oral anticoagulation in order to reduce the risk of stroke and thromboembolic events is recommended in all patients with HCM or cardiac
amyloidosis and AF or atrial flutter (unless contraindicated).
Oral anticoagulation to reduce the risk of stroke and thrombo-embolic events is recommended in patients with DCM, NDLVC, or ARVC,
and AF or atrial flutter with a CHA2DS2-VASc score ≥2 in men or ≥3 in women.
Control of symptoms and heart failure
Atrial fibrillation catheter ablation is recommended for rhythm control after one failed or intolerant class I or III AAD to improve symptoms
of AF recurrences in patients with paroxysmal or persistent AF and cardiomyopathy.
Atrial fibrillation catheter ablation is recommended to reverse LV dysfunction in AF patients with cardiomyopathy when a
tachycardia-induced component is highly probable, independent of their symptom status.
Comorbidities and associated risk factor management
Modification of an unhealthy lifestyle and targeted therapy of intercurrent conditions is recommended to reduce AF burden and symptom
severity in patients with cardiomyopathy.
Recommendations for implantable cardioverter defibrillator in patients with cardiomyopathy

General recommendations
Implantation of a cardioverter defibrillator is only recommended in patients who have an expectation of good quality survival >1 year. I C
It is recommended that ICD implantation be guided by shared decision-making that:
• is evidence-based;
• considers a person’s individual preferences, beliefs, circumstances, and values; and
• ensures that the person understands the benefits, harm, and possible consequences of different treatment options.
It is recommended that prior to ICD implantation, patients are counselled on the risk of inappropriate shocks, implant complications, and
the social, occupational, and driving implications of the device.
It is not recommended to implant an ICD in patients with incessant ventricular arrhythmias until the ventricular arrhythmia is controlled. III C

Secondary prevention

Implantation of an ICD is recommended:

• in patients with HCM, DCM, and ARVC who have survived a cardiac arrest due to VT or VF, or who have spontaneous sustained
ventricular arrhythmia causing syncope or haemodynamic compromise in the absence of reversible causes.
• in patients with NDLVC and RCM who have survived a cardiac arrest due to VT or VF, or who have spontaneous sustained ventricular
arrhythmia causing syncope or haemodynamic compromise in the absence of reversible causes.
ESC Guidelines 91

Primary prevention
Comprehensive SCD risk stratification is recommended in all cardiomyopathy patients who have not suffered a previous cardiac arrest/
sustained ventricular arrhythmia at initial evaluation and at 1–2 year intervals, or whenever there is a change in clinical status.
The use of validated SCD algorithms/scores as aids to the shared decision-making when offering ICD implantation, where available is
recommended in patients with HCM.
Choice of ICD

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When an ICD is indicated, it is recommended to evaluate whether the patient could benefit from CRT. I A

Recommendations for routine follow-up of patients with cardiomyopathy

It is recommended that all clinically stable patients with cardiomyopathy undergo routine follow-up using a multiparametric approach that
includes ECG and echocardiography every 1–2 years.
Clinical evaluation with ECG and multimodality imaging is recommended in patients with cardiomyopathy whenever there is a substantial or
unexpected change in symptoms.
Recommendations for family screening and follow-up evaluation of relatives
Following cascade genetic testing, clinical evaluation using a multiparametric approach that includes ECG and cardiac imaging and long-term
follow-up is recommended in first-degree relatives who have the same disease-causing variant as the proband.
Following cascade genetic testing, it is recommended that first-degree relatives without a phenotype who do not have the same
disease-causing variant as the proband are discharged from further follow-up but advised to seek re-assessment if they develop symptoms I C
or when new clinically relevant data emerge in the family.
It is recommended that when no P/LP variant is identified in the proband or genetic testing is not performed, an initial clinical evaluation
using a multiparametric approach that includes ECG and cardiac imaging is performed in first-degree relatives.
Recommendations for psychological support in patients and family members with cardiomyopathies
It is recommended that psychological support by an appropriately trained health professional be offered to all individuals who have
experienced the premature sudden cardiac death of a family member with cardiomyopathy.
It is recommended that psychological support by an appropriately trained health professional be offered to all individuals with an inherited
cardiomyopathy who receive an implantable cardioverter defibrillator.
Recommendation for evaluation of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction
In all patients with HCM, at initial evaluation, transthoracic 2D and Doppler echocardiography are recommended, at rest and during Valsalva
manoeuvre in the sitting and semi-supine positions—and then on standing if no gradient is provoked—to detect LVOTO.
In symptomatic patients with HCM and a resting or provoked peak instantaneous LV outflow tract gradient <50 mmHg, 2D and Doppler
echocardiography during exercise in the standing, sitting (when possible), or semi-supine position are recommended to detect provocable I B
LVOTO and exercise-induced mitral regurgitation.
Recommendations for medical treatment of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction
Non-vasodilating beta-blockers, titrated to maximum tolerated dose, are recommended as first-line therapy to improve symptoms in
patients with resting or provoked LVOTO.
Verapamil or diltiazem, titrated to maximum tolerated dose, are recommended to improve symptoms in symptomatic patients with resting
or provoked LVOTO who are intolerant or have contraindications to beta-blockers.
Disopyramide, titrated to maximum tolerated dose, is recommended in addition to a beta-blocker (or, if this is not possible, with verapamil
or diltiazem) to improve symptoms in patients with resting or provoked LVOTO.
Recommendations for septal reduction therapy
It is recommended that SRT be performed by experienced operators working as part of a multidisciplinary team expert in the management
of HCM.
SRT to improve symptoms is recommended in patients with a resting or maximum provoked LVOT gradient of ≥50 mmHg who are in
NYHA/Ross functional class III–IV, despite maximum tolerated medical therapy.
Septal myectomy, rather than ASA, is recommended in children with an indication for SRT, as well as in adult patients with an indication for
SRT and other lesions requiring surgical intervention (e.g. mitral valve abnormalities).
Additional recommendations for prevention of sudden cardiac death in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Secondary prevention
Implantation of an ICD is recommended in patients who have survived a cardiac arrest due to VT or VF, or who have spontaneous sustained
VT with haemodynamic compromise.
92 ESC Guidelines

Primary prevention
The HCM Risk-SCD calculator is recommended as a method of estimating risk of sudden death at 5 years in patients aged ≥16 years for
primary prevention.
Validated paediatric-specific risk-prediction models (e.g. HCM Risk-Kids) are recommended as a method of estimating risk of sudden death
at 5 years in patients aged <16 years for primary prevention.
It is recommended that the 5-year risk of SCD be assessed at first evaluation and re-evaluated at 1–2 year intervals or whenever there is a

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change in clinical status.
Recommendations for an implantable cardioverter defibrillator in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy
Secondary prevention
An ICD is recommended to reduce the risk of sudden death and all-cause mortality in patients with DCM who have survived a cardiac arrest
or have recovered from a ventricular arrhythmia causing haemodynamic instability.
Recommendation for resting and ambulatory electrocardiogram monitoring in patients with non-dilated left ventricular
Ambulatory ECG monitoring is recommended in patients with NDLVC annually or when there is a change in clinical status, to aid in
management and risk stratification.
Recommendations for an implantable cardioverter defibrillator in patients with non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy
An ICD is recommended to reduce the risk of sudden death and all-cause mortality in patients with NDLVC who have survived a cardiac
arrest or have recovered from a ventricular arrhythmia causing haemodynamic instability.
Recommendation for resting and ambulatory electrocardiogram monitoring in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular
Annual ambulatory ECG monitoring is recommended in patients with ARVC to aid in diagnosis, management, and risk stratification. I C

Recommendations for the antiarrhythmic management of patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
Beta-blocker therapy is recommended in ARVC patients with VE, NSVT, and VT. I C
Recommendations for sudden cardiac death prevention in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
Secondary prevention
An ICD is recommended to reduce the risk of sudden death and all-cause mortality in patients with ARVC who have survived a cardiac
arrest or have recovered from a ventricular arrhythmia causing haemodynamic instability.
Recommendations for the management of patients with restrictive cardiomyopathy
It is recommended that multimodality imaging be used to differentiate RCM from HCM or DCM with restrictive physiology. I C
It is recommended that baseline cardiac and non-cardiac investigations are performed to assess involvement of the neuromuscular system
or other syndromic disorders.
Cardiac catheterization is recommended in all children with RCM to measure pulmonary artery pressures and PVR at diagnosis and at 6–12
monthly intervals to assess change in PVR.
ICD implantation is recommended to reduce the risk of sudden death and all-cause mortality in patients with RCM who have survived a
cardiac arrest or have recovered from a ventricular arrhythmia causing haemodynamic instability.
Exercise recommendations for cardiomyopathy patients
All cardiomyopathies
Regular low- to moderate-intensity exercise is recommended in all able individuals with cardiomyopathy. I C
An individualized risk assessment for exercise prescription is recommended in all patients with cardiomyopathy. I C
High-intensity exercise, including competitive sport, is not recommended in high-risk individuals and in individuals with left ventricular
outflow tract obstruction and exercise-induced complex ventricular arrhythmias.
Moderate- and/or high-intensity exercise, including competitive sport, is not recommended in individuals with ARVC. III B
High-intensity exercise, including competitive sport, is not recommended in symptomatic individuals, those with a left ventricular ejection
fraction ≤40%, exercise-induced arrhythmias, or pathogenic variants in LMNA or TMEM43.
Recommendations for reproductive issues in patients with cardiomyopathy
Pre-pregnancy risk assessment and counselling are recommended in all women using the mWHO classification of maternal risk. I C
ESC Guidelines 93

Counselling on safe and effective contraception is recommended in all women of fertile age and their partners. I C
Counselling on the risk of disease inheritance is recommended for all men and women before conception. I C
Vaginal delivery is recommended in most women with cardiomyopathies, unless there are obstetric indications for caesarean section, severe
heart failure (EF <30% or NYHA class III–IV), or severe outflow tract obstructions, or in women presenting in labour on oral anticoagulants.
It is recommended that medication be carefully reviewed for safety in advance of pregnancy and adjusted according to tolerability in

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Therapeutic anticoagulation with LMWH or VKAs according to the stage of pregnancy is recommended for patients with AF. I C
Recommendations for non-cardiac surgery in patients with cardiomyopathy
Peri-operative ECG monitoring is recommended for all patients with cardiomyopathy undergoing surgery. I C
In patients with cardiomyopathy and suspected or known HF scheduled for intermediate or high-risk NCS, it is recommended to
re-evaluate LV function with echocardiography (assessing LVOTO in HCM patients) and measurement of NT-proBNP/BNP levels, unless I B
this has recently been performed.
It is recommended that cardiomyopathy patients with high-risk genotypes or associated factors for arrhythmic or heart failure
complications or severe LVOTO be referred for additional specialized investigations to a cardiomyopathy unit before undergoing elective I C
In patients aged <65 years with a first-degree relative with a cardiomyopathy, it is recommended to perform an ECG and TTE before NCS,
regardless of symptoms.

© ESC 2023
Recommendation for management of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with cardiomyopathy
Identification and management of risk factors and concomitant diseases is recommended as an integral part of the management of
cardiomyopathy patients.

2D, two-dimensional; AAD, antiarrhythmic drug; AF, atrial fibrillation; ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; ASA, alcohol septal ablation; ATTR, transthyretin amyloidosis;
BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; CHA2DS2-VASc, congestive heart failure or left ventricular dysfunction, hypertension, age ≥75 (doubled), diabetes, stroke (doubled)-vascular disease, age 65–
74, sex category (female) (score); CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; CRT, cardiac resynchronization therapy; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; DPD,
3,3-diphosphono-1,2-propanodicarboxylic acid; ECG, electrocardiogram; EF, ejection fraction; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; HMDP, hydroxymethylene diphosphonate; ICD,
implantable cardioverter defibrillator; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin; LV, left ventricular; LVOT, left ventricular outflow tract; LVOTO, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction;
mWHO, modified World Health Organization; NCS, non-cardiac surgery; NDLVC, non-dilated left ventricular cardiomyopathy; NSVT, non-sustained ventricular tachycardia;
NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; NYHA, New York Heart Association; P/LP, pathogenic/likely pathogenic; PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance; PYP,
pyrophosphate; RCM, restrictive cardiomyopathy; RV, right ventricular; SCD, sudden cardiac death; SRT, septal reduction therapy; TTE, transthorasic echocardiogram; VE, ventricular
ectopic beats; VF, ventricular fibrillation; VKA, vitamin K antagonist; VT, ventricular tachycardia.
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.

17. Supplementary data Pavia, Italy; Roberto Barriales-Villa, Inherited Cardiovascular

Diseases Unit, Cardiology Service, Complexo Hospitalario
Supplementary material is available at European Heart Journal online. Universitario A Coruña (CHUAC), A Coruña, Spain, Instituto de
Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña (INIBIC), Servizo Galego de
Saúde (SERGAS), Universidade da Coruña, A Coruña, Spain, Centro
18. Data availability statement de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades
Cardiovasculares, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, A Coruña, Spain;
No new data were generated or analysed in support of this research.
Cristina Basso, Department of Cardiac, Thoracic, Vascular
Sciences and Public Health-University of Padua, Cardiovascular
Pathology Unit-Azienda Ospedaliera, Padua, Italy; Connie
19. Author information R. Bezzina, Amsterdam UMC location University of Amsterdam,
Author/Task Force Member Affiliations: Alexandros Department of experimental cardiology, Heart centre, Meibergdreef
Protonotarios, Centre for Heart Muscle Disease, UCL Institute of 9, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Amsterdam cardiovascular sciences,
Cardiovascular Science, London, United Kingdom, Inherited Heart failure and arrhythmias, Amsterdam, Netherlands, European
Cardiovascular Disease Unit, St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, Reference Networks for rare, low prevalence and complex diseases
United Kingdom; Juan R. Gimeno, Inherited Heart Diseases Unit of the heart, ERN GUARD-Heart; Elena Biagini, Cardiology,
(CSUR /ERN), Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca- IMIB- IRCCS, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna, Bologna, Italy,
Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain, European Reference Networks Cardiology, Centro di riferimento europeo delle malattie cardiovasco-
for rare, low prevalence and complex diseases of the heart, ERN lari, ERN GUARD-Heart, Bologna, Italy; Nico A. Blom, Paediatric
GUARD-Heart, European Commission 6, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Cardiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands,
Eloisa Arbustini, Centre For Inherited Cardiovascular Diseases, Paediatric Cardiology, Amsterdam University Medical Center,
IRCCS Foundation Policlinico San Matteo, Piazzale Golgi, 27100 Amsterdam, Netherlands; Rudolf A. de Boer, Erasmus Medical
94 ESC Guidelines

Center, Department of Cardiology, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Tim De Asteggiano (Italy), Zofia Bilinska (Poland), Damien Bonnet (France),
Winter (Belgium), ESC Patient Forum, Sophia Antipolis, France; Henning Bundgaard (Denmark), Nuno Miguel Cardim (Portugal),
Perry M. Elliott, UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science Jelena Čelutkienė (Lithuania), Maja Cikes (Croatia), Gaetano Maria
University College London, London, United Kingdom, De Ferrari (Italy), Veronica Dusi (Italy), Volkmar Falk (Germany),
St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, United Kingdom; Marcus Laurent Fauchier (France), Estelle Gandjbakhch (France), Tiina Heliö
Flather, Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, (Finland), Konstantinos Koskinas (Switzerland), Dipak Kotecha
Norwich, United Kingdom, Department of Cardiology, Norfolk and (United Kingdom), Ulf Landmesser (Germany), George Lazaros

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Norwich University Hospital, Norwich, United Kingdom; Pablo (Greece), Basil S. Lewis (Israel), Ales Linhart (Czechia), Maja-Lisa
Garcia-Pavia, Department of cardiology, Hospital Universitario Løchen (Norway), Benjamin Meder (Germany), Richard Mindham
Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda, IDIPHISA, CIBERCV, Madrid, Spain, (United Kingdom), James Moon (United Kingdom), Jens Cosedis
Centro Nacional de Invstigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC), Madrid, Nielsen (Denmark), Steffen Petersen (United Kingdom), Eva Prescott
Spain, European Reference Networks for rare, low prevalence and (Denmark), Mary N. Sheppard (United Kingdom), Gianfranco Sinagra
complex diseases of the heart, ERN GUARD-Heart, Madrid, Spain; (Italy), Marta Sitges (Spain), Jacob Tfelt-Hansen (Denmark), Rhian
Kristina H. Haugaa, Cardiology, Karolinska University Hospital, Touyz (Canada), Rogier Veltrop (Netherlands), Josef Veselka
Stockholm, Sweden, Cardiology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, (Czechia), Karim Wahbi (France), Arthur Wilde (Netherlands), and
Norway; Jodie Ingles, Centre for Population Genomics, Garvan Katja Zeppenfeld (Netherlands).
Institute of Medical Research, and UNSW Sydney, Sydney, Australia; ESC National Cardiac Societies actively involved in the review
Ruxandra Oana Jurcut, Expert Center for Rare Genetic process of the 2023 ESC Guidelines for the management of
Cardiovascular Diseases, Department of Cardiology, Emergency cardiomyopathies:
Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases “Prof.dr.C.C.Iliescu”, Bucharest, Algeria: Algerian Society of Cardiology, Brahim Kichou; Armenia:
Romania, Cardiology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Armenian Cardiologists Association, Hamayak Sisakian; Austria:
Davila”, Bucharest, Romania; Sabine Klaassen, Experimental and Austrian Society of Cardiology, Daniel Scherr; Belgium: Belgian
Clinical Research Center, A Cooperation Between the Max Delbrück Society of Cardiology, Bernhard Gerber; Bosnia and
Center and Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charité - Herzegovina: Association of Cardiologists of Bosnia and
Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member of Freie Universität Herzegovina, Alen Džubur; Bulgaria: Bulgarian Society of
Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Cardiology, Mariana Gospodinova; Croatia: Croatian Cardiac
Congenital Heart Disease - Pediatric Cardiology, Deutsches Society, Ivo Planinc; Cyprus: Cyprus Society of Cardiology, Hera
Herzzentrum der Charité (DHZC), Berlin, Germany, DZHK Heracleous Moustra; Czechia: Czech Society of Cardiology, David
(German Centre for Cardiovascular Research) partner site Berlin, Zemánek; Denmark: Danish Society of Cardiology, Morten Steen
Berlin, Germany; Giuseppe Limongelli, Translational Medical Kvistholm Jensen; Egypt: Egyptian Society of Cardiology, Ahmad
Sciences, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Naples, Italy, Samir; Estonia: Estonian Society of Cardiology, Kairit Palm;
Cardiology, Monaldi Hospital - AORN Colli, Naples, Italy, European Finland: Finnish Cardiac Society, Tiina Heliö; France: French
Reference Network for Rare, Low Prevalence, or Complex Diseases Society of Cardiology, Karim,Wahbi; Germany: German Cardiac
of the Heart (ERN GUARD-Heart); Bart Loeys, Center for medical Society, Eric Schulze-Bahr; Greece: Hellenic Society of Cardiology,
genetics, Antwerp university hospital/university of Antwerp, Vlachopoulos Haralambos; Hungary: Hungarian Society of
Antwerp, Belgium, Department of human genetics, Radboud university Cardiology Róbert Sepp; Iceland: Icelandic Society of Cardiology,
medical center, Nijmegen, Netherlands; Jens Mogensen, Berglind Aðalsteinsdóttir; Ireland: Irish Cardiac Society, Deirdre
Department of Cardiology, Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Ward; Israel: Israel Heart Society, Miry Blich; Italy: Italian
Denmark; Iacopo Olivotto, Meyer Children’s Hospital IRCCS, Federation of Cardiology, Gianfranco Sinagra; Kosovo (Republic
University of Florence, Florence, Italy; Antonis Pantazis, Royal of): Kosovo Society of Cardiology, Afrim Poniku; Kyrgyzstan:
Brompton, and Harefield Hospitals, London, United Kingdom; Kyrgyz Society of Cardiology, Olga Lunegova, Latvia: Latvian Society
Sanjay Sharma, St George’s, University of London, London, United of Cardiology, Ainars Rudzitis; Lebanon: Lebanese Society
Kingdom, St George’s University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, of Cardiology, Roland Kassab; Lithuania: Lithuanian Society of
London, United Kingdom; J. Peter van Tintelen, Department of Cardiology, Jūratė Barysienė; Luxembourg: Luxembourg Society of
Genetics, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; Cardiology, Steve Huijnen; Malta: Maltese Cardiac Society, Tiziana
and James S. Ware, National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial Felice; Moldova (Republic of): Moldavian Society of Cardiology,
College London, London, United Kingdom, MRC London Institute of Eleonora Vataman; Montenegro: Montenegro Society of
Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, Cardiology, Nikola Pavlovic; Morocco: Moroccan Society
Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS of Cardiology, Nawal Doghmi; Netherlands: Netherlands Society
Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom. of Cardiology, Folkert W. Asselbergs; North Macedonia: The
National Society of Cardiology of North Macedonia, Elizabeta
Srbinovska Kostovska; Norway: Norwegian Society of Cardiology,
Vibeke Marie Almaas; Poland: Polish Cardiac Society, Elżbieta
20. Appendix Katarzyna Biernacka; Portugal: Portuguese Society of Cardiology,
ESC Scientific Document Group Dulce Brito; Romania: Romanian Society of Cardiology, Monica
Includes Document Reviewers and ESC National Cardiac Societies. Rosca; San Marino: San Marino Society of Cardiology, Marco
Document Reviewers: Philippe Charron (CPG Review Zavatta; Serbia: Cardiology Society of Serbia, Arsen Ristic;
Co-ordinator) (France), Massimo Imazio (CPG Review Co-ordinator) Slovakia: Slovak Society of Cardiology, Eva Goncalvesová;
(Italy), Magdy Abdelhamid (Egypt), Victor Aboyans (France), Michael Slovenia: Slovenian Society of Cardiology, Matjaž Šinkovec; Spain:
Arad (Israel), Folkert W. Asselbergs (Netherlands), Riccardo Spanish Society of Cardiology, Victoria Cañadas-Godoy; Sweden:
ESC Guidelines 95

Swedish Society of Cardiology, Pyotr G. Platonov; Switzerland: Swiss 11. Rapezzi C, Aimo A, Barison A, Emdin M, Porcari A, Linhart A, et al. Restrictive cardio-
myopathy: definition and diagnosis. Eur Heart J 2022;43:4679–4693.
Society of Cardiology, Ardan M. Saguner; Syrian Arab Republic:
Syrian Cardiovascular Association, Ahmad Rasheed Al Saadi; 12. van Waning JI, Caliskan K, Michels M, Schinkel AFL, Hirsch A, Dalinghaus M, et al.
Tunisia: Tunisian Society of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, Cardiac phenotypes, genetics, and risks in familial noncompaction cardiomyopathy. J
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13. Sedaghat-Hamedani F, Haas J, Zhu F, Geier C, Kayvanpour E, Liss M, et al. Clinical gen-
Celik; Ukraine: Ukrainian Association of Cardiology, Elena Nesukay;
etics and outcome of left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy. Eur Heart J
and Uzbekistan: Association of Cardiologists of Uzbekistan, Timur 2017;38:3449–3460.

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