Operational Standards On Comprehensive Fire and Arson Investigation and Filing of Criminal Complaint Procedures

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As mandated by the provisions of Section 50, Rule VIII, Implementing Rules and Regulations of
Republic Act 6975, otherwise known as the Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of
1990, stipulates among others that the Bureau of Fire Protection shall have the power to investigate all
causes of fire and if necessary, file the proper complaint with the City or Provincial Prosecutor’s Office
which has jurisdiction over the case. The tasks and responsibility of the fire arson investigators are not
only limited in conducting exhaustive investigations and filing of complaints to the prosecutor’s office
but also includes the appearance and giving of testimonies before the court of law during legal

The criminal offense of Arson is punishable under the Revised Penal Code particularly Articles
320 to 326-B as amended by Presidential Decree 1613, 1744 and Section 10 of Republic Act 7659
(Heinous Crime Law). As provided by law it is the prosecution who has burden of proof and the quantum
of evidence is proof beyond reasonable doubt. Once proven, the maximum highest penalty for its
commission is life imprisonment under the present rule since the abolition of the death penalty law.
Arson is a classic heinous crime that requires skillful, scientific and systematic investigation procedure
thus, the respective chiefs of the investigation and intelligence offices of the BFP are joined closely
supervise the conduct of the investigation in order to attain effective and plausible results.

This BFP Standard Operating Procedure Nr. IID 2008 – 01 shall be known as: OPERATIONAL


To have a uniform and systematic procedures in the conduct of fire and arson investigation from
the BFP National Headquarters down to the lowest investigation and intelligence units, to include the
prompt submission of fire investigation reports.

A. To have a clear and explicable guidelines in conducting fire and arson investigation and the filing
of the necessary complaint documents before the office of the City/Provincial Prosecutor.
B. To ensure the quality and value of the investigation being conducted by all BFP fire and arson
investigators and to expedite the investigation process and disposition of fire and arson cases.


During the occurrence of a fire incident, the following initial actions should be assumed by the
fire arson investigator.

Section 1. – Upon the notification of a fire call or fire incident, the duty Fire Arson Investigator
(FAI) who has jurisdiction over the location of the fire incident shall mandatory to immediately respond
at the soonest possible time. The conduct of initial inquiry through interview and elicitation from all
available witnesses at the fire scene must be done instantaneously.

Section 2. – As soon as the area of origin or the focal point of the fire is ascertained, the FAI shall
make necessary coordination with BFP firefighting personnel to include the volunteer fire brigades to
exert diligent and careful efforts in the conduct of fire suppression operation in the identified AREA OF
ORIGIN to preserve the EVIDENTIAL VALUE and the focal point of the fire that might be destroyed due to
excessive flooding in the area.

Section 3. – The fire scene should be well protected and secured. Coordination with the local
police units or barangay personnel should be done in order to secure the fire scene from looters and
other persons who has intention of entering the burned premises, so as to avoid contamination of the
fire area.

Section 4. – In the event that the FAI discovered SUSPECTED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS /
suspected illegal or regulated chemicals, during the conduct of investigation of the burned premises, the
circumstances shall be immediately reported to proper office ( e.g: BFP Hazardous Materials Office, or
other law enforcement agency).

Section 5. – Once the Fire Ground Commander (FGC) declared “FIRE OUT” the FAI shall take
cognizance the responsibilities of PROTECTING and SECURING the whole fire scene by sealing / closing
the perimeter with barricade tape (Fire Lines). Posting of uniformed BFP personnel for security purposes
may also be carry out as deemed necessary.


The following are the mandatory duties of the Fire Arson Investigators conducting thorough
investigation on the fire scene:

Section 1. – Shall perform systematic scientific examinations and visual reconstruction of the fire
scene. This is also to include the COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION AND PROPER RECORDING of the fire area
by the use of photography, diagrammatic sketch and notes. The diagrammatic sketch should clearly
and other important details.

Section 2. – Conduct interview to all witnesses. The interview should be done in QUESTION AND
ANSWER FORM and shall be done under oath preferably by a person of authority whenever available, or
be administered by the concerned BFP officer with the rank of INSPECTOR and above. The authority of a
BFP officer to administer oath is pursuant to the provisions of Chapter III, Section 50 of R.A. 6975. All
witnesses to be conducted with a formal interview shall be FORMALLY INVITED to the fire station /
investigation office concerned in a form of INVITATION LETTER. (Please see attached Invitation Letter for
reference – Annex A)

Section 3. – Conduct THOROUGH ANALYSIS of the fire scene in order to identify the IGNITION
SOURCE, initial materials ignited and other factors which bring them together to produce a fire.
Examination of FIRE SPREAD and FIRE PATTERN which includes thermal effects on materials such as
charring, oxidation, consumption of combustibles, smoke and soot deposits, distortion, melting effect,
color change, changes of material structure and structural collapse, must be conducted.

Section 4. – Identify, recognize and collect physical evidence found at the fire scene that have
PROBATIVE VALUE on fire cause determination. Pieces of evidence to be collected shall be
photographed first and shall be collected in the presence of witnesses independent to the investigating
body. PROPER DOCUMENTATION, SEALING and PACKAGING of evidence recovered prior to submission
to Arson Laboratory Section (ALS) – BFP National Headquarters for laboratory examination shall be

The FAI shall strictly follow the instructions pertaining to evidence collection and handling as
(Memorandum Circular Nr. 2006-01 is hereto attached for reference – Annex B)

Section 5. – On the first phase of the investigation, the FAI shall prepare the LISTING OF
DOCUMENTS needed to be accomplished / submitted by the fire victim/s, building occupant/s and other
parties affected by fire. The required documents are as follows: (Please see attached standard letter for
these requirements for the fire victims – Annex C)

A. Affidavit of Loss pertaining to Fire Damage (itemized and duly notarized)

B. Sworn statement of loss submitted to insurance adjusters / companies
C. Latest complete inventory of stocks prior to the fire incident
D. Complete inventory of salvaged items after the fire incident
E. Complete copies of insurance policies to include co-insurances
F. Income Tax Return (ITR) for the last three (3) years
G. Financial statements for the last three (3) years
H. Balance sheets for the last three (3) years
I. Mayor’s permit and Business License
J. Occupancy permit
K. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) registration
L. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registration
M. Latest Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC)
N. Complete list of employees
O. Approved Floor, Building and Electrical Plans
P. Copy of lease contract agreement
Q. Land title / tax declaration

Section 5.1 – The above listed documents to be secured to the fire victim will vary based on the
TYPE OF UCCUPANCY or the INVOLVED STRUCTURE gutted by fire. Any other documents that may be
irrelevant based on type of occupancy may not be required. In addition, the FAI are also AUTHORIZE TO
REQUIRE any other pertinent documents, materials and items to the fire victims as determined by the
FAI concerned, that will give support to the conduct of investigation.

Section 6 – The FAI must inform all concerned persons, occupants and managements of the
burned premises that the fire scene is RESTRICTED TO ENTRY to any person until the investigation being
conducted by the BFP at the burned premises is COMPLETED and / or TERMINATED.

Any REMOVAL, RETRIEVAL of items stored at the scene of the fire, DEMOLITION,
RECONSTRUCTION and REHABILITATION of the fire scene is only allowed upon securing approval to the
investigating body through submission of a formal written request by the fire victim.

The said formal written request should contain specific purpose. It should be addressed to the
INVESTIGATOR handling the case. The concerned Chief of the Investigation and Intelligence Office,
together with his proper recommendation, shall endorse the subject letter request of the fire victim to
the concerned BFP HEAD OF OFFICE, who shall then issue the PROPERTY RECOVERY AND CLEARING
PERMIT (PRCP), to the requesting party. (Please see attached standard PRCP format for reference –
Annex D)

In such case that the fire incident is suspected to be INTENTIONAL in nature, issuance of PRCP is
temporarily RESTRICTED, until proven otherwise. If the fire incident is found to be intentional in nature
and case was already filed in the court of law, it will be the discretion of the court handling the case
whether to issue appropriate document in the clearing or demolition of the burned premises.

Section 7. – In such event that death results from a fire incident (FATAL FIRES), the concerned
FAI shall immediately sought the assistance of the Philippine National Police – Scene Of the Crime
Operation (PNP – SOCO), or any other legal / recognized group for lifting and autopsy of the cadaver /
body found at the fire / crime scene.

Section 8. – All conduct of follow-up investigation to the fire incident should be covered with
appropriate Letter / Mission Order signed by the respective BFP Head of Office. (Please see attached
standard form of Mission Order for reference – Annex E)

Section 9. – All FAI are also directed and mandated to perform any other task as deemed
essential to the development of case build-up and the exhaustive investigation being conducted.


A. Spot Investigation Report (SIR) – Shall be made and accomplished by the FAI concerned
during the actual response to a fire incident. The SIR should contain basic information about the fire
incident. (Please see attached standard SIR format for reference – Annex F)

All SIR must be submitted IMMEDIATELY (within 24 hours) to respective Fire Marshals with copy
furnished the OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION, thru fax message at the office of the
INVESTIGATION AND INTELLIGENCE DIVISION – BFP National Headquarters with Telephone / Fax
Number: (02) 911-7223, for immediate information and recording purposes.
The copy (original copy / photo copy) of the SIR of all fire incident transpired within the
respective Area Of Responsibility (AOR) shall be consolidate and be submitted thru proper CHANNEL.
consolidate SIR to the office of the IID – BFP National Headquarters in BI-MONTHLY basis (every 15th
and 30th day of the month) thru mail courier, for recording and proper disposition.

B. Progress Investigation Report (PIR) – Shall be made and accomplished by the FAI concerned
after the conduct of follow-up investigation was made. The PIR or any succeeding PIRs (2nd PIR) shall be
accomplished within 7 to 15 days. (Please see attached standard PIR format for reference –Annex G)

The copy (original copy / photo copy) of the PIR of all fire incident transpired within the
respective (AOR) shall be consolidate and be submitted thru proper CHANNEL. The respective OFFICE OF
THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR FOR FIRE PROTECTION shall then submit the consolidate PIR to the office of
the IID – BFP National Headquarters in BI-MONTHLY basis (every 15th and 30th day of the month) thru
mail courier, for recording and proper disposition.

C. Final Investigation Report (FIR) – Shall be made and accomplished by the FAI concerned
upon the completion of the exhaustive investigation. All completed FIR should be signed by the
concerned FAI and its respective Chief of the Investigation and Intelligence Office. (Please see attached
standard FIR format for reference – Annex H)

The FIR should be submitted the soonest time the case was resolved by the investigating office
handling the case. The maximum allowable time for the investigating body to submit the FIR shall be 30
to 45 DAYS commencing from the first day of investigation. On the given period, the FAI shall already
come up with a proper RESOLUTION or RECOMMENDATION about the case being investigated.

For the lower investigating units, the FIR shall be accomplished in five (5) complete copies for
distribution to:
1. Office of the Chief, BFP thru the office of the Investigation and Intelligence Division, BFP National
2. 2. Office of the Regional Director for Fire Protection;
3. 3. Office of the District / Provincial Fire Marshal;
4. 4. Office of the City / Municipal Fire Marshals.

The last copy (ORIGINAL or DOCUMENT ORIGINAL) shall remain in the possession of the FAI
concerned for his own personal copy and for future verification.

No UNDETERMINED cause should be reflected in any FIR.

D. Fire Incident Investigation Report (FIIR) – This kind of investigation report can only be made
in such circumstances that the investigation report cannot be completed for some reasons independent
to the will of the FAI. (Please see attached standard FIIR format for reference – Annex I)

FIIR can only be accomplished in fire cases with UNDETERMINED cause and this kind of case
should be considered as ON_PENDING INVESTIGATION, subject to REOPENING in circumstances that
relevant evidence and / or a witness shall surface in the future.
The copy (original copy / photo copy) of the FIIR of all fire incident transpired within the
respective AOR should also be consolidated and be submitted thru proper CHANNEL to the higher
headquarters in BI-MONTHLY basis (every 15th and 30th day of the Month) thru mail courier, for
recording and proper disposition.


Since fire incidents entails damages to property, the level of authority in conducting fire and
arson investigation and completion of FIR will be based on the degree or the amount and value of the
total (aggregated) damages incurred in a certain fire incident. These levels of authority are as follows:

A. Municipal Fire Marshal – Municipal Limit, LEVEL 1 – The municipal level, through its
MUNICIPAL INVESTIGATION AND INTELLIGENCE UNIT (MIIU) shall have the full responsibility and
power to investigate fire incidents with a total amount of damage not exceeding to Twenty Million
Pesos (Php 20,000,000.00).

B. City Fire Marshal – City Limit, LEVEL 2 – The city level, through its CITY INVESTIGATION AND
INTELLIGENCE SECTION (CIIS) shall have the full responsibility and power to investigate fire incidents
with a total amount of damage not exceeding to Thirty Million Pesos (Php 30,000,000.00).

C. District Fire Marshal – District Limit, LEVEL 3 – The district level, through its DISTRICT
INVESTIGATION AND INTELLIGENCE BRANCH (DIIB) shall have the full responsibility and power to
investigate fire incidents with a total damages amounting to above Thirty Million Pesos (Php
30,000,000.00), but not exceeding to Forty Million Pesos (Php 40,000,000.00). DIIB operatives can
assume the conduct of investigation on fire incidents with damages amounting to more than 20 Million
Pesos in Municipal Levels only within their respective jurisdictions.

D. Provincial Fire Marshal – Provincial Limit, LEVEL 3 – The provincial level, through its
power to investigate fire incidents with a total damages amounting to above Thirty Million Pesos (Php
30,000,000.00), but not exceeding to Forty Million Pesos (Php 40,000,000.00). PIIB operatives can
assume the conduct of investigation on fire incidents with damages amounting to more than 20 Million
Pesos in Municipal Levels only within their respective jurisdictions.

E. Regional Director for Fire Protection – Regional Limit, LEVEL 4 – The regional director for fire
protection level, through its REGIONAL INVESTIGATION AND INTELLIGENCE BRANCH (RIIB) shall have
the full responsibility and power to investigate fire incidents with a total damages amounting to above
Forty Million Pesos (Php 40,000,000.00), but not exceeding to Sixty Million Pesos (Php 60,000,000.00).

F. Chief, Bureau of Fire Protection – National, LEVEL 5 – The Chief, Bureau of Fire Protection,
through the office of the INVESTIGATION AND INTELLIGENCE DIVISION – BFP National Headquarters
(IID) shall have the full responsibility and power to investigate fire incidents with a total damages
amounting to above Sixty Million Pesos (Php 60,000,000.00). -


Section 1. – In determination of the total damages incurred in a certain fire incident, the copy of
the AFFIDAVIT OF LOSS (duly notarized and itemized) from the fire victim shall prevail. The amount of
damages to be determined with regards to the Level of Authority to Conduct Investigation shall be the
TOTAL AGGREGATED DAMAGES or the TOTAL SUM OF DAMAGES of all fire victims of the subject fire

Section 2. – The fire damage estimate made by the investigating team / FAI shall not be the full
basis for determination of jurisdictional level of investigation. Be it noted that Aggregate Damages refers
to the total damage of the whole area burned, which will be used to determine the Level of Authority to
Conduct Investigation. In such circumstances that the damage to property is apparently high or
evidently beyond the level of authority of the present investigating units, the case shall be turned-over
to higher investigating unit.

Section 3. – In circumstances that the property gutted by fire is currently insured in any
insurance company, all copy of the duly accomplished SWORN STATEMENT OF LOSS submitted to the
INSURANCE ADJUSTERS by the fire victim must also FORM PART and be ATTACHED together with the
AFFIDAVIT OF LOSS submitted by the fire victim to the BFP investigating body.

Section 4. – In connection with the Level of Authority to Conduct Investigation, the concerned
office handling the investigation of the fire incident shall issue FIRE CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE (FCC) to the
fire victim in lieu of the Final Investigation Report (FIR), for purposes of insurance claims and for other
lawful applications. FCC can only be issued to fire incidents which is ACCIDENTAL in nature. (Please see
attached two forms of FCC, for insurance and non-insurance purpose – Annex J)

In such case that any BUILDING PREMISES WITH MULTIPLE OCCUPANCIES were gutted by fire,
the FCC should only be issued to the concerned party where the FIRE ORIGINATED. Other occupants
AFFECTED by the fire incident shall be issued with FIRE INCIDENT CERTIFICATION (FIC) for their record
purposes and other legal use upon request. (Please see attached two forms of FCC, for insurance and
non-insurance purpose – Annex K)

Section 5. – Issuance of the copy of the FIR to any concerned party can only be allowed in
circumstances that RELEVANT LEGAL ISSUES and or QUESTIONABLE MATTERS may arise. The request for
FIR should be made in writing by the requesting party and should be addressed to respective Chiefs of
BFP Offices / Fire Marshals who handled the conduct of investigation on the fire incident for their
appropriate action.

Section 6. – All written request for a copy of the FIR should COPY FURNISHED the Chief, Bureau
of Fire Protection with attention to the office of the IID – BFP National Headquarters, for documentary


Once a fire incident could be determined by the investigating body to be beyond their Level of
Authority to Conduct Investigation, the Conduct of Investigation, the conduct of investigation should be
immediately turned-over to the proper office concerned in a form of ENDORSEMENT, together with the
SIR and or PIR, to include all pertinent documents / attachments. (Please see attached standard
Endorsement form for reference – Annex L)

Any other recognized investigating body of the government cannot INTERCEDE in the conduct of
fire and arson investigation without formal communication to the concerned office handling the
investigation. The intercession of any investigating body of the government should have LEGAL
AUTHORITY in order to be allowed to conduct LATERAL INVESTIGATION in the investigation being
conducted by the BFP. In case that a CONTROVERSY INVOLVED and / or CONCERNING TO CONFLICTING
ISSUES arises in the conduct of investigation, subject fire incident case shall be turned over to the NEXT
LEVEL OF INVESTIGATING BODY for appropriate action and disposition. However, lower investigating
units are fully encouraged to resolve fire cases that fall within their respective Level of Authority.

In case that a fire incident resulted to a GREAT NUMBERS OF FATALITY / MULTIPLE DEATHS
(death of 10 persons and above), or any other issues concerning to the death of the fire victims, the
investigation of the subject fire incident upon the approval of the Chief BFP, should be turned over to
the office of the IID – BFP National Headquarters for appropriate action.

Any other fire incidents shall be immediately turned over to the higher headquarters for
investigation and completion of the Final Investigation Report upon the written order and direction of
the Chief, Bureau of Fire Protection.


If a prima facie evidence of arson is established or the case is suspected to be INTENTIONAL in

nature, the FAI concerned with the guidance of their respective City / Municipal Fire Marshal, should
IMMEDIATELY file the appropriate charge to the prosecutors office who has jurisdiction over the case
and the same must also be reported to the IID, BFP National Headquarters for further appropriate
disposition and guidance. (Please see attached Complaint Sheet for reference – Annex M)

Whenever death results in any fire incident identified to be INTENTIONAL in nature, the MOTIVE
for the commission of arson must immediately established in order to ascertain whether a crime of
MURDER qualifies. Murder cases committed thru the burning of one’s property may be referred to the
Philippine National Police for proper disposition. However, the FAI should still pursue the filing of the
arson case.

The FAI can immediately effect arrest on any suspect/s once such person is / are POSITIVELY
IDENTIFIED by a complaint or witnesses to be the one who perpetrated the commission of the crime
during the course of actual investigation, most specifically during the event of the actual fire incident,
and in accordance with the law.

The following rights of the arrested suspect shall be observed by the FAI during CUSTODIAL
INVESTIGATION as embodied under the provisions of R.A. 7438. The suspect shall be apprised of his
constitutional rights in accordance to Section 12, Article III, 1987 Constitution, to wit:

a. Any person under investigation for the commission of an offense shall have the right to be
informed of his right to remain silent;

b. To have competent and independent counsel preferably of his own choice;

c. If the person cannot afford to the services of counsel, he must be provided with one;

d. These rights cannot be waived except in writing and in the presence of a counsel.
All suspects, once arrested / invited by the FAI and determined to have the probability to
commit the crime must immediately be INQUEST to the city / municipal prosecutor before the lapse of
thirty six (36) hours or the legal regulated period.

The following are the special / supplemental guidelines for FAI in conducting arson investigation
and filing of complaint procedures:

- Arson is established by proving the corpus delicti, usually in the form of CIRCUMSTANCIAL
EVIDENCE such as the criminal agency, meaning the substance used, like gasoline, kerosene, or other
combustible materials which caused the fire. It can also be in the form of electrical wires, mechanical,
chemical or electronic contrivance designed to start a fire; or ashes or traces of such objects which are
found in the ruins of the burned premises.

- If the crime of ARSON was employed by the offender as a means to kill the offended party, the
crime committed is MURDER. The burning of the property as the MEANS to kill the victim is what is
contemplated by the word “fire” under Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code which qualifies the crime
to MURDER. - When the burning of the property was done by the offender only to cause damage but the
ARSON resulted to the DEATH of the person, the crime committed is still ARSON because the death of
the victim is a mere CONSEQUENCE and not the INTENTION of the offender.

- There is no special complex crime of ARSON WITH HOMICIDE. What matters in resolving cases
involving arson is the CRIMINAL INTENT of the offender.

- When the burning of one’s property results from reckless imprudence and it leads to serious
physical injuries and / or damage to property of another, the penalty to be imposed shall not be for the
crime of arson under P.D. 1613 but rather, the penalty shall be based on Article 365 of the Revised Penal
Code as a felony committed by means of culpa – imprudence and negligence. (e.g. Reckless Imprudence
Resulted to Damage to Property / Reckless Imprudence Resulted to Serious Physical Injuries)


Section 1. – The respective Regional Directors for Fire Protection / District and Provincial Fire
Marshals / City and Municipal Fire Marshals shall supervise the proper implementation of this Standard
Operating Procedure to ensure that their subordinates will comply and respond effectively to the
requirements as stipulated in this Standard Operating Procedure.

Section 2. – City / Municipal Fire Marshals shall seek assistance from their respective District /
Provincial / Regional Investigation and Intelligence Offices or at the office of the Investigation and
Intelligence Division – BFP National Headquarters, if deemed needed.

Section 3. – As the highest fire and arson investigating agency of the Bureau of Fire Protection,
the Office of the Investigation and Intelligence Division – BFP National Headquarters shall have the
authority to monitor, evaluate, conduct of arbitrary verification to the fire cases and investigation
procedures conducted by the lower investigating units of the BFP. The aforementioned office may also
be sought to provide technical knowledge, assistance, suggestions and recommendations to lower
investigating units of the BFP.

All publications, memoranda and SOPs in which by any form or part found to be inconsistent
with this new Standard Operating Procedures are hereby rescinded.


All BFP personnel found violating any provision of this Standard Operating Procedure shall be
subjected to administrative action for neglect of duty / any other related charges (criminal), and if found
guilty, shall be immediately relieved from post.

Administrative sanctions shall be governed by the R.A. 6713, otherwise known as The Code of
Ethics and Professional Standards for Government Employees, other pertinent Civil Service Laws, Office
Rules, Regulations and Policies, without prejudice of filing criminal charges if evidence so warrants.


If for any reason, any part of this Standard Operating Procedure is declared as contrary to law,
the remainder hereof not affected shall continue to remain in force and effect.

SIGNED, this 18th day of September 2008 at the Bureau of Fire Protection National
Headquarters, Union Square Condominium, Nr. 145, 15th Avenue, Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines.


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