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TBI Submit Project

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Resource for Graphic Design

Project Submission Guidelines

If you’re looking to submit your
design work, you’re in the right
place. The next six pages detail
the options available to you and

our submission requirements.
If you’re submitting multiple projects,
 For typeface submissions, please check
the branding for yourself or would like to out our Typeface guidelines. If you would
showcase your company in more detail, like to promote your own product or brand,
please consider our Interview guidelines. please refer to our Product guidelines.

Page 02

If we love your project, we will write and

publish an article about it on our website
for free. It will be displayed on our
homepage for a minimum of three days,
and exist within our chronological index
page forever; allowing your work

to be seen, searched for and saved. You
will also be added to our directory page,
which lists all of the creatives that have
been featured within our articles. For more
info on our processes, see pages 07-08.


Instagram Story, Twitter, Facebook

and LinkedIn Posts included*

*Most selected projects are also shared to our new Pinterest account. Page 03
Your Reach
Choosing one or more of the four paid add- 1 x Instagram Post
3 x Instagram Posts

ons to the right options will guarantee even One Instagram carousel post or reel* Three Instagram posts – usually two

more attention and recognition for your published on the same day as the carousel posts and one reel* – published

work by allowing it to reach significantly article about your project. over 5-7 days from the date of the article.

more designers, agencies and companies.

These options are only available for the

submissions we have already decided

to write and publish an article about.

It is not pay-to-play. For more info on

our processes, see page 07-08.

Yum Bun



Bao buns and brand strategy:

how How&How created Yum Bun’s

undeniably joyous identity system
Prices provided after submission

Landing Page Takeover

Newsletter Highlight

Ensure your project receives more views
 Guarantee a spot in the top section of our

Discounted combinations available by taking over our website’s landing page weekly newsletter, which is sent out every

for 24 hrs on the same day as the article. Monday to more than 6,500 subscribers.

*Most reels are also shared to our new TikTok account. Page 04
Submission Image Format and Size

We can use jpg, webp, png and mp4 files with a minimum
Project Description

Please provide as much information as possible about the

Requirements width of 2000px. Any image ratio is fine, however, please project, design concept, client and yourself (if we don’t know
provide at least one 3:2 image for the article cover image on you already). We will also ask you a series of questions to help
our website. Images should be sent through a download us find out more about the project, so if you don’t have
link, zip file or a link to the project online. If you are sharing anything prepared, that’s okay.
specific assets for Instagram, we prefer 4:5.

01 02
Contributor Credits
The Edit

Please let us know every little detail, from typefaces, papers We currently publish 12 articles per week, but receive hundreds

and suppliers to photographers, illustrators and animators. of submissions. This means that not every project we like can be
Most of the creatives, assets or companies involved in the featured in its own article. To make up for this, we publish five
projects we publish are added to our website’s directory page, projects at a time with our fortnightly article series called The Edit.
further helping their work get noticed. Projects chosen for this series are not those we like ‘less,’ but
usually those with less imagery or information available. The add-
ons from page 04 are not available, as it is an article-only feature.

03 04
Page 05
To share your project with

us, please email Layla at:

[email protected]
When submitting, please let us know if you 

are interested in any of the paid add-ons
from page 04 as we will usually prioritise
your project if selected. However, please
recognise that it is not pay-to-play, so they
do not guarantee you will be featured.

Page 06
The Process Behind a Submission is received at [email protected] One of our writers, Poppy or Harry, will write the article as
soon as possible; drawing upon the supplied information
Successful Submission Our Operations Director Layla replies to acknowledge that
 and the answers to our questions to create an original story.
it has been received, usually within a few days. She then Once the article has been written, it is moved to the ‘Review’
adds it to the ‘New’ column in our Notion planner, filling in column in Notion
all of the necessary details and links, ready for review. She
also saves the assets for the submission to the ‘New’ folder Elliott reviews the text, checking its accuracy, grammar

in our Google Drive and flow. Once the article is ready to go, it is moved to

the ‘Schedule’ column in Notion
Our Founder & Creative Director Elliott checks the
submission over in detail, and if successful, moves it to 
 Our Content Assistant Oli takes over to create the assets

the ‘Approved’ sections in Notion and Google Drive. He
 for the article and social media posts, utilising a series

then writes questions for the designer or studio behind the of processes and templates we have built in Figma,
project to make sure we have all of the information we need Photoshop and After Effects. Oli then builds the article in

to write the article and make it as insightful as possible. our website’s CMS, combining the assets with the article

Unsuccessful submissions are removed from the ’New’ text in an intuitive order. He also adds all of the credits to

column :( sorry! Some ‘Approved’ submissions are moved the article, linking them to our directory page if relevant, 

to the section for our series called The Edit (see page 05) and adds the necessary tags to allow the article to be found
via the options in our search page. Next, he schedules the
Layla replies if the submission has been successful, social media posts and writes the captions, using Later. 

sharing the questions written by Elliott and the prices of
 He also builds our weekly newsletter in Mailchimp, including
the paid add-on options that are available, as well as other the designers and studios that opted for the ‘Newsletter
small details or requests. The submission is then moved to Highlight’ add-on
the ‘Waiting’ column in Notion while, you guessed it, we
wait for a response Elliott runs though a final check on everything, and then
moves the submission to the ‘Done’ column in Notion
When the response is received, Layla adds all of the
additional information to the submission’s Notion page, To conclude the process, Layla, Poppy or Harry send

and moves it to the ‘In progress’ column.
out a preview and publish date for the feature via email.

Page 07
Frequently Asked How do you choose what to feature?

We currently publish 12 articles per week, with around eight

Do I need to pay to be featured?

No, if we love your project we will publish an article about it on

Questions of those being project features. We receive more than 200 our website for free. In order to maintain the consistency and
submissions in that time, so, it can be rather difficult to choose. quality of our curation, we select from our submissions without
However, we’ve built our platform and reputation on quality,
 any financial influence. Our platform is not pay-to-play. The paid
not quantity, so we have to be brutal and stick to our guns. Our add-ons are optional. However, we do usually prioritise features
selection process is based on a balance of intuition, taste and that have opted for paid add-ons, as we are a profit-making
variety. We generally do not choose projects to feature based
 business with salaries and bills to pay, after all. Furthermore,

on the reputation of the submitting studio or their client. it is not possible to pay to override our selection process.

Can I see the feature before it’s published?

Why should I pay for the add-ons?

Yes, Layla, Poppy or Harry will share a preview in advance of Since 2015, we have built a reputation as one of, if not the,

the feature being published. Feedback is always welcome and most respected platforms and resources for graphic design-
we love to collaborate to make the feature the best it can be. based content. Being featured has been described

as “notoriously difficult.” We have an audience of more than
650,000 individuals (see page 09) that look to us for our curation
and insights. Our features have helped designers and studios to
increase their reputation, grow their following, get new clients
and find new employees (see page 10).

We do not operate like a traditional media platform, you will

find no intrusive banner ads from big brands that mean nothing
How long does it take to be featured?
to us or you across our platforms. We value curation, quality and
From the date of the submission being received to it being consistency over everything else. We only work with designers,
published, two-three weeks is realistic. However, please let 
 studios and companies that we think can bring something to
us know if you have a date in mind that you’d like to align the our audience, and vice versa. Your choice to pay for the add-ons
feature with. We are more likely to be able to prioritise features not only extends the reach of your feature and access to the
that have opted for paid add-ons, but we’ll always do our best potential benefits mentioned above and on page 10, but
to match your timeline. supports our team, growth and continuous desire to improve.

Page 08
Our Audience
website page views per month
LinkedIn followers
email newsletter subscribers

606k Europe

North America



Instagram followers
United Kingdom

East Asia

Instagram impressions per week
Top audience locations

Male Female 18-34 35+ Desktop Mobile


Audience gender Audience age range Website traffic by device type

Page 09
Our Impact*

90% 70%
40% 60%
of featured designers and studios increased
 of featured designers and studios feel

their social media followers and website traffic. that they received industry recognition.

of featured designers and studios received

of featured designers and studios received

leads or commissions for paid client work. enquiries from creatives to join their team.

*Stats are based on a survey undertaken by 47 featured designers and studios in April 2023. Page 10
Testimonials “It really helped to boost our
social presence and also got us
a few leads on some new work.”

Ryan Vincent, Co-founder of Perth-

based design office Gesture Systems

“The interview we did had a big

impact. It’s also a great material

to send to potential clients!”

Carlos Kun, Co-founder of

Barcelona-based studio Twoo

Page 11
Thank you!
“The Brand
Identity is the
only design 

site I actually
care about.”
Garrett DeRossett, Co-founder of

New York-based agency Alright Studio

The Brand Identity Group Ltd

Company number: 10334580

7 Browne Close, Ashwellthorpe,

Norwich, Norfolk, NR16 1FG, UK


© 2015-2023 all rights reserved

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