Per Dev 1 SEMD2

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Department of Education

Region IX, Zamboanga City

Division of Zamboanga City Schools
Landang Gua National High School
SY. 2023-2022

Daily Lesson Plan in Personal Development

School LANDANG GUA NATIONAL NHS Grade Level & Section

Teacher NELYN GRACE V. LEBITA Quarter/Sem Q1/1st SEM/D2W1

Learning Personal Development Teaching Dates & Duration 50 mins. /08-29-2023



Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of… himself/herself during middle
and late adolescence

Performance Standards the learners shall be able to.. conduct self-exploration and simple

Learning Competencies/Code The learners... 1.1 explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept
his/her strengths and limitations and dealing with others better 1.2 share
his/her unique characteristics, habits, and experiences 1.3 maintain a journal

Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners would be able to:

● Knowledge explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept his/her strengths and
limitations and dealing with others better

● Skills share his/her unique characteristics, habits, and experiences

● Attitude maintain a journal

II. CONTENT Knowing Oneself Understanding oneself during middle and late adolescence


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages None

2. Learner’s Materials pages None

3. Textbook pages None

4. Additional Materials from Learning perdev-copy-of-a-book.pdf
Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resources Visual aides, pictures, and articles, laptop and speaker.

C. Supplies, Equipment, Tools, etc.


Teacher’s Activity Students activity

A. Review/ Good morning/ afternoon class! How is your day so far? Good morning/ afternoon Ma’am. We
Introductory are fine
And, how about your vacation? Did you go for a travel,
Visiting your relatives, families, and friends?

Ok, I’m glad that we are here again, learning another lessons
and especially, meeting new friends, teachers, as well as the Yes Ma’am

Before we begin the class this morning/afternoon, let us ask
(One student lead the prayer)
the guidance of almighty God and let us enlighten our mind
to completely understand the lesson this morning. Would
you please lead the prayer?

I would like to request everyone to arrange your chair

Checking of attendance properly and make sure there are no trashes around you.

(Students will arrange their chairs

I think everyone is present. I’m so glad that everyone
and will pick up the trashes)
understands the reasons of coming to school regularly.

(Students starts the self -introduction

in by saying a short intro)

Collecting of Are you done with your assignments? Very good, it means
Assignments that you’re attentively listening to the lectures yesterday.
Keep it up! Yes Ma’am

Since, yesterday we didn’t finished the activities so let’s

Review continue today. Are you excited again? Great!

By the way, how’s your preparation going on? Ok, so you

have 2 days left.

We’re still working on it Ma’am

B. Activity/ Motivation “NAMETAG MATCH MAKERS”

If nametags are already provided, use them, or you can use

5" x 7" cards for nametags. Give the following directions:

a. Put your name in the center of your card.

b. In the upper left corner, write your four things that you
like to do.

c. In the upper right corner, write your four favorite singers

or singing groups.

d. In the lower left corner, write your four favorite movies.

e. In the lower right corner, write four adjectives that

describe you.

When everyone finishes, have them mingle as a group for a

few minutes. Without talking, they are to read the upper left
corner of the other group members' cards. When time is up,
they are to find one or two people who look most like them
Each student will mingle to the
and talk with them for a few minutes. When time is up, they other group and state the ff.
are to mingle again reading the upper right corner of the description in the nametag.
other group members' cards. Then, they have to find the one
or two people most like them and talk with them. Repeat
with the lower left corner and lower right corner
information. To make sure everyone mingles with several
people, you could implement a rule that no two people can
be in the same group more than once.

C. Analysis/Presenting Let’s move on to our activity so the same we have the group
examples of the A, B, C, & D groups
new lesson where
the concepts are
clarified Each group will decide what talents or role play you’ve like to
share in the class. The show for your preparation will be (Students group their selves into
presented on Friday so, you have extra days to practice at counting of alphabets)
your vacant time.

I’ll get an update with your preparation everyday so as to

know the progress.

D. Abstraction Discussion:

Big Question: How can understanding oneself pave the way

to self-acceptance and better relationship with others?

Topic 1: Self-Concept Inventory: Exploring One’s Strengths

and Limitations Introduction / Procedure / Reminders:

1. Self-disclosure for adolescents may not be easy because

of their tendency to be self-conscious and fear of being
judged or rejected. Teachers are strongly encouraged to set
the mood of acceptance and nonjudgmental atmosphere.

Imagine yourself looking into a mirror. What do you see? Do

you see your ideal self or your actual self? Your ideal self is
the self that you aspire to be. It is the one that you hope will
possess characteristics similar to that of a mentor or some
other worldly figure. Your actual self, however, is the one
that you actually see. It is the self that has characteristics
that you were nurtured or, in some cases, born to have. The
actual self and the ideal self are two broad categories of self-
concept. Self-concept refers to your awareness of yourself. It
is the construct that negotiates these two selves. In other
words, it connotes first the identification of the ideal self as
separate from others, and second, it encompasses all the
behaviors evaluated in the actual self that you engage in to
reach the ideal self

E. Valuing: Finding
Applications of
Concepts and Skills
in Daily Living
F. Generalization
Directions: Review the lesson on biases opinions and
unbiases opinions. Then write your reflection
in your English journal notebook by
completing the statements below.

I have learned that._________________________

I have realized that

I will apply

G. Assessment

Assess what you have learned!

Now that you are equipped with knowledge and skills in emphasizing Self-awareness take time to
answer the given questions below, follow the instruction as well.

Directions: Write your answers in your personal journal:

1. What have you discovered in yourself?
2. What are your core strengths?
3. What are the qualities you want to hone and improve on?

H. Additional Activities ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY:

for Application or Awesome! You have done a great job! Finally, you have improved how to stress a single
remediation if word when reading a sentences and be able to apply all your learnings not only in your
Needed English classes but also to other subject areas that are necessary for you to use. You have also
increased your vocabulary and have developed your reading comprehension skills. To achieve
your full potential, keep on reading, and practice these skills always.

Assignment: Each student should have the following materials for Personal Development: (a) a Journal
notebook where they shall write their reflections, assignments, answers to exercises, etc., (b) a large
brown or colored envelope or clear book where they shall store all the portfolio outputs, to be
submitted to their teacher at the end of each unit or as directed; and (c) several sheets of white paper
for drawings or other work assigned. Personalize their Journal notebooks



A.No.of learners who

learned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No.of learners who

require additional
activities for

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No.of
learners who have
caught up with the

D.No.of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G.What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:

Nelyn Grace V. Lebita Winelson P. Buenaflor
English Teacher OIC

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