The purpose of this questionnaire is to bring together all essential information’s that may enable
the researcher to complete his investigation concerning "Enhancing Teaching and Learning of MAPEH
in the School Division Office of Manila: Exploring Strategies, Challenges, and Impact on Student
Engagement and Holistic Development"
Kindly answer all items as honestly and as completely as you can. Rest assured that your identity
as respondent will be held in strict confidentiality.
Thank you so much. Please check the response that applies to you.
Directions: Please refer to the scale below and place a check [ / ] under the corresponding numerical
INDICATORS 5 4 3 2 1
1.1 The Use of Interactive Activities
Part 2. Availability of resources and materials in terms of; Adequate Resources, Materials and Equipment,
Availability of Musical Instruments, Art Supplies, Sports Equipment and Technological Tools.
Directions: Please refer to the scale below and place a check [ / ] under the corresponding numerical
INDICATORS 5 4 3 2 1
Directions: Please refer to the scale below and place a check [ / ] under the corresponding numerical
INDICATORS 5 4 3 2 1
Part 4. Impact of MAPEH instruction on student’s holistic development be described in terms of;
Physical aspects;ognitive aspects, Emotional aspects, Social aspects; and Creative aspects.
Directions: Please refer to the scale below and place a check [ / ] under the corresponding numerical
Directions: Please refer to the scale below and place a check [ / ] under the corresponding numerical
5.3 Enthusiasm
5.4 Motivation
1. How do your incorporate interactive and hands-on activities in MAPEH instruction to enhance
student engagement?
2. In what ways do teachers implement differentiated instruction in MAPEH to meet the diverse
needs of students?
4. What are some challenges faced by teachers in terms of limited availability of resources and
materials for MAPEH instruction, and how do they address these challenges?
5. How do you manage the limited class time allocated for comprehensive MAPEH instruction, and
what strategies do they use to maximize learning opportunities?
6. What types of professional development opportunities are available for MAPEH teachers to
enhance their instructional practices and subject knowledge?
8. What strategies do you use to incorporate real-world examples and applications in MAPEH
9. How do you foster a positive and inclusive learning environment in MAPEH classes?