Question Bank - DIDACTIC - NCM 118

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NCM 118: Critical Care Nursing

Didactic | Quiz Question Bank for 1st Sem

Justice is defined as the fairness of distribution of resources.
Module 1 & 2 Quiz However, guidelines for a hierarchy of needs have been
● The student nurse places established, such as with organ transplantation. Nurses are
the sterile drape, then turns moved to areas of greatest need when shortages occur on the
to grab a packaged set of floors. No floor is left without staff, and another floor that had
sterile gloves from the table five staff will give up two to go help the floor that had no staff.
behind her.
The critical care nurse watches ● The student nurse places an
a student nurse prepare a unwrapped sterile 4x4 on When a client is confused, left
sterile field. Which of the the sterile drape alone with side rails down, and ● Battery
following actions, if performed ● The student nurses’ hands, the bed in a high position, the ● Negligence
by the student, needs once in the sterile gloves, do client falls and breaks a hip. ● Mandatory reporting
instructions? not go above her head or Which of the following legal ● Malpractice
below her waist issues has been broken by the
● The student nurse drops the nurse?
sterile gloves into the sterile
field before disposing of the
outer packaging.
Answer: Negligence

Answer: The student nurses places the sterile drape, then Knowing what to do to prevent injury is a part of the standards
turns to grab a packaged set of sterile gloves from the of care for nurses to follow. Safety guidelines dictate raising
table behind her. the side rails, staying with the client, lowering the bed, and
observing the client until the environment is safe. As a nurse,
The student nurse cannot turn her back on the sterile field or it these activities are known as basic safety measures that
is no longer considered sterile. prevent injuries, and to not perform them is not acting in a safe
manner. Negligence is conduct that falls below the standard of
● Catheter Associated Urinary care that protects others against unreasonable risk of harm.
Tract Infection (CAUTI)
Which of the following is the ● Surgical Site Infection
most common preventable ● Ventilator Associated ● Influencing treatment and
infection in bundles of care? Pneumonia (VAP) care of clients
● Central Line Associated ● Acquiring specific
Bloodstream Infection Which of the following is the knowledge, skills, and
Answer: process of Cultural attitudes
competence? ● Learning about vast cultures
The Medical ICU nurse cares ● Motivation and commitment
for a patient with AIDS who ● Airborne Precaution to caring
has acquired pneumocystis ● Contact Precaution
carinii pneumonia. Which of ● Droplet Precaution
the following precautions levels ● Standard Precaution Answer: Acquiring specific knowledge, skills, and
is appropriate for the patient? attitudes

Answer: Droplet Precaution ● Decisions must be made

quickly, often under stressful
Which of the following is an ● Fidelity Which of the following reasons Decision must be made

example of ethics such as the ● Autonomy is a healthcare issue often based on value systems
distribution of nurses to areas ● Justice becoming an ethical dilemma? ● A client legal rights coexist
of “most need” in the time of a ● Beneficence with a health professionals
nursing shortage? obligation
● The choices involved do not
appear to be clearly right or
Answer: Justice

4th Year | 1st Semester | NCM 118: Critical Care Nursing | Didactic | Fesarit, Karl M. 1
wrong infection, and the line is nontunneled. Peripherally inserted IV
lines such as PICC lines and midline catheters are associated
with a lower incidence of infection. Implanted ports are placed
Answer: A client legal rights coexist with a health under the skin and are the least likely central line to be
professionals obligation associated with catheter infection. Focus: Prioritization.

● Perform dipstick urinalysis ● Minimize lawsuit in the

for clients with risk factors Critical Care Unit
Which of the following is the for UTI Which of the following ● Provide holistic,
most effective action by the ● Limit the use of indwelling purposes in a multidisciplinary comprehensive care to client
student nurse to reduce the urinary catheter team should the nurse ● Assist nurse in performing
incidence of ● Teach assistive personnel consider working in a Critical patient care
hospital-associated urinary how to provide good Care Unit (CCU)? ● Replace the concept of
tract infections? perineal hygiene performing patient care
● Ensure that clients have
enough fluid intake Answer:

● A special mask (N95) should

A newly admitted client with be worn when working with
Answer: Limit the use of indwelling urinary catheter streptococcal pharyngitis the client
(tonsillitis) has been placed on ● Must maintain a spatial
droplet precaution. Which of distance of three (3) feet
Which of the following legal ● Special power of attorney the following statements ● The client can be placed in a
documents that describes the ● Advance directives indicates the best room with another client with
medical treatment would a ● Informed consent understanding of this type of measles (rubeola)
person want to refuse if unable ● Living will isolation? ● Gloves should only be worn
to make decisions? when giving direct care

Answer: Advance directives Answer: Must maintain a spatial distance of three (3) feet

Advance directives are legal documents that allow people to The most common forms of transmission of an organism in a
state what medical treatments they want or do not want in the client with tonsillitis are through coughing, sneezing, and
event that they are unable to make decisions or communicate talking. Droplets can travel no more than 3 ft so precautions
because of severe illness or injury. should be maintained when there is a possibility of entering
this distance. Option A: Client requires a private room. Option
B: An N95 mask is not required for this client. A face mask
● A client who has a midline instead can be used when dealing with the client. Option D:
IV catheter in the left Gloves, gowns, face masks and eye protection should be worn
antecubital fossa in giving direct care.
Student nurse caring for four A client with a peripherally

clients who are receiving IV inserted central catheter
infusions of normal saline. (PICC) line in the right upper ● Function as advanced
Which client is at the highest arm Which of the following practice nurse
risk for bloodstream infections? ● A client has non-tunneled professional criteria in critical ● Validate knowledge and
central line in the left central care allows a nurse to practice skills in critical care nursing
vein in the Critical Care Unit? ● Obtain an administrative
● A client with implanted port position
in the right subclavian vein ● Obtain in pay rise

Answer: A client has non-tunneled central line in the left Answer:

central vein
● Teaching self-control over
According to CDC guidelines, several factors increase the risk physiologic measures that
for infection for this client: central lines are associated with a relate to pain
higher infection risk, jugular vein lines are more prone to

4th Year | 1st Semester | NCM 118: Critical Care Nursing | Didactic | Fesarit, Karl M. 2
Which of the following ●Withdrawing positive ●
mechanisms will relieve pain reinforcement for behaviors
after teaching guided imagery? related to pain
●Producing a response that ●
relaxes muscle
● Focusing attention away
from the pain and onto ●


Which of the following major ● Social surroundings ●

components in communication ● Environmental surroundings
should the nurse consider in ● Materialistic surroundings
providing nursing care to build ● Physical surroundings ●
ties among people?


Which of the following ●

describes as a legal duty of the ● Battery
nurse to disclose abuse, ● Mandatory reporting

neglect, epidemics, or any ● Negligence
other communicable to ● Defamation
infectious diseases? ●


*missed* ●


*missed* ●


*missed* ●


*missed* ●


4th Year | 1st Semester | NCM 118: Critical Care Nursing | Didactic | Fesarit, Karl M. 3
4th Year | 1st Semester | NCM 118: Critical Care Nursing | Didactic | Fesarit, Karl M. 4

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